5 - Module 2 Learner PoE Guide
5 - Module 2 Learner PoE Guide
5 - Module 2 Learner PoE Guide
Module 2:
Understanding ECD
SAQA ID 244484: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children; NQF Level 4,
8 Credits
SAQA ID 119471: Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes; NQF Level 4, 5 Credits
Table of Contents
The purpose of this guide is to provide the learners with information on the process and
requirements of successfully completing and submitting a Portfolio of Evidence for assessment
against the Unit Standards of this learning programme:
Assessment in Outcomes-Based Education is not only focused on what learners can do, but
intends to develop learners holistically. In other words, learners are also required to demonstrate
certain life-skills, which will not only enhance their learning, but will also ensure that these skills are
transferable to their private lives.
In Outcomes-Based Education and Training we use both formative and summative assessments:
Formative assessment refers to assessment that takes place during the process of
learning and teaching.
Summative assessment is assessment for making a judgement about achievement. This
is carried out when a learner is ready to be assessed at the end of a programme of
Results initially collected for formative assessment, can be used for summative assessment, thus
avoiding repetition.
Assessment Process
Plan 2:andprepare
report on
and recordfeedback
the assessment
to the learner
Step 1:
Plan and prepare for the assessment
Step 2:
Conduct and record the assessment
Step 4:
Review and report on the assessment
review the assessment process and report on it using either the: the assessment
o Assessor’s and Moderator’s Review of the Assessment process
(questionnaire); or Assessor’s and
o Group Assessor’ and Moderator’s Review of the Moderator’s Review
Assessment (questionnaire) of the Assessment
Group Assessor’s and
Training Provider needs to: Moderator’s Review
record the outcome of the assessment in the relevant quality of the Assessment
management system database/matrix Training Provider-specific
record and/or submit the assessment results to the NLRD QMS documents for:
(National Learner Records Database) of the relevant ETQA Record of
submit the specific number of learner portfolios for moderation, Assessment
as per the Training Provider QMS submitting the results
release the results of assessment to the relevant learner to the NLRD
stakeholders, e.g. HR, mentor, supervisor; agreed to by the moderation
learner learner assessment
manage any learner appeals against the assessment outcome, result release
according to the Appeals Policy and Procedure
All the documents or copies thereof, as prescribed previously,
must be kept on file as part of the learner Portfolio of Evidence.
Learner’s Portfolios of Evidence must be readily available for
internal and external moderation and verification by the
appropriate practitioners, until after the ETQA verification process
has taken place. The Portfolios of Evidence may then be kept
(storage) or returned to the learner according to the Training
Provider’s QMS policy.
Learner Learners will participate in the facilitated classroom training section of the learning
programme by participating in formative assessment class activities/exercises in the
Learner Workbook.
The learner needs to:
attend the learning/training session
participate in the learning and form part of syndicate group/small workgroup for
do research and prepare for participation during the training session
complete the assignments, activities and portfolio
Learners will complete and submit their individual Portfolios of Evidence, using the Learner
Portfolio of Evidence Guide to successfully create, gather and submit the required
evidence for assessment, by completing the following:
required administration documentation
completed Learner Workbook containing the formative assessment Class Activities
and Programme Reflection
individual assignments and practical workplace activities:
o Knowledge Questions
o Practical Workplace Activity
o Summative Project – supervisor confirmation of application of the
knowledge and skills in the workplace
o Assessment Activities Checklist – control checklist to ensure all required
evidence is submitted by the learner
Assessments are meant to be as clear and transparent as possible, therefore learners
should know:
the kinds of assessment activities that they would be asked to perform
the standard and level of performance expected
Moderator Internal moderators will be moderating assessment activities and supporting the
assessors. Their task will be to do the quality assurance of the assessment activities in an
ordered and structured way and develop the skills of assessors.
Moderation ensures that people who are being assessed are assessed in a consistent,
accurate and well-designed manner. It ensures that all assessors who assess a particular
Unit Standard or qualification are using comparable assessment methods and are making
similar and consistent judgements about the learners’ performance.
The moderator needs to be:
qualified as a moderator
registered as Constituent Moderator with the relevant SETA
experienced in the related field of assessment and moderation
The moderator will, according to the Quality Management System of the Training Provider:
Moderate 25% of all portfolios within two (2) weeks of assessment or as per the
requirements stated in the Training Provider QMS
Validate the quality of the judgements made. The judgement is either confirmed or
overturned on valid grounds.
Verifier The moderation system will in turn be quality assured by the ETQAs who will have
qualified verifiers in place to monitor moderation systems and support moderators. Some
larger organisations will prefer to appoint internal verifiers to take a systemic view of
internal assessment and moderation.
Training The Training Provider needs to ensure that qualified facilitators, assessors and moderators
Provider are employed or contracted to perform the required functions, using quality materials as is
required in the Training Provider quality management system.
The Training Provider also needs to provide for the appeals process. If the
learner/candidate is not happy about the process or findings of the assessment, he/she
can put in an appeal to have the assessment reviewed by the Training Provider. This will
ensure that candidates have a democratic right to overturn decisions that are not fair, not
properly motivated or simply not believed. The Training Provider and ETQA should ensure
that there is an appeals procedure in place, i.e. appeals against an assessment decision.
Learners should be secure in the knowledge that they can appeal against an unfair
Each Unit Standard indicates the requirements or standards of competence. These are written as
assessment criteria. In an outcome-based system learners need to meet ALL these requirements
before being deemed competent. However, SAQA has recommended that assessments be
weighted according to the purpose of the qualification toward which the learner is learning.
Assessments are therefore designed around the requirements that are stated in the assessment
criteria, and are therefore criterion-based. In a curriculum-based system, assessments were made
around the norm of a group and were therefore norm-referenced.
A criterion-based assessment can only be performed using evidence that has been generated by
the learner. Types of evidence include direct evidence, indirect evidence and historic evidence:
Direct – this is evidence that is collected directly by the assessor, for instance an assessor
finding out whether you can bake a cake will watch you while you do it.
Indirect – this is evidence that you have collected, signed off as authentic and submitted
for assessment, for instance, a video of you baking a cake.
Historic – this is evidence of your competence – as assessed by someone else. A
certificate of competence issued to you when you completed a course is an example of
historic evidence. Documents that you produced while doing a job (usually a few years ago)
could also be historic evidence.
Evidence has to meet certain criteria. These criteria are summarised as VARCCS:
V is for Valid: The Unit Standard or qualification being assessed must require evidence that
is submitted for assessment. Otherwise it is not important and cannot be used to find out
whether you are competent or not.
A is for Authentic: The evidence that you submit must be your own work. Group work
cannot be submitted as your own work because not only you worked on it.
R is for Reliable: The evidence must be from a reliable source. A certificate of competence
issued by a provider that is not accredited could be regarded as unreliable.
C is for Current: The evidence must demonstrate that your competence is current. It
doesn’t help that you were able to run a 12 km race five years ago – can you still do it
today? Currency is also related to the technology that is used to demonstrate competence.
It does not help that you are able to boil water using a pot on a stove when electric kettles
are the current method used to boil water.
S is for Sufficient: The Unit Standards have several assessment criteria that need to be
satisfied. The evidence must satisfy all the criteria or else it is not sufficient.
However, evidence is collected using some kind of instrument. These instruments take different
forms. Some instruments include questionnaires, interview schedules, simulations, role play,
observation checklists and products.
Dear Learner,
You have chosen to undergo assessment and as a result have been presented with this PoE
(Portfolio of Evidence). Please go through all sections of this PoE very carefully before submission
and make sure that you have included all the information and evidence requested. Please take
note of the following:
Unit Standard:
A copy of the Unit Standard has been included. The assessment has been designed in order to
meet all requirements as set by this Unit Standard.
Assessment Plan:
You can use the assessment plan to write down the dates on which you plan to meet specific
Declaration of Authenticity:
Please complete the Declaration of Authenticity to declare that the evidence that you submit in this
PoE is your own work, with the exception of those that you list in the section provided. Your
assessor will not be able to assess your portfolio if you have not read, completed and signed this
Assessment Instruments:
By completing the assessment instruments you will generate/gather the evidence required to meet
the outcomes of the Unit Standard(s). Please follow instructions carefully for both the formative
and summative assessments.
Please note that you are welcome to contact your facilitator/assessor at any stage should you have
any questions pertaining to the assessment.
Portfolio of Evidence
Please complete the following documents and submit as part of your Portfolio of Evidence:
Please provide the following information for SAQA National Learner Database. The following page
provides the information form codes:
Learner title
Equity code
Nationality code
Gender code
Province code
Cell phone
Contact Details
Company Name
Contact Person
Company (Supervisor)
Details Contact Person
Contact Number
Postal Address
Learner’s Designation
Date of Submission
Learner ID
Insert a certified copy of your Identify Document here:
Learner CV
Insert a copy of your full CV (Curriculum Vitae) here:
Learner Qualifications
Insert certified copies of relevant qualifications here:
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of ways of seeing the development of babies, toddlers and
young children.
Own views about the meaning and use of key terms are compared to the views of others, showing how such
views influence our ways of seeing and working with children.
Different ways of seeing the development of young children are compared to highlight key similarities and
differences in the theories.
Comparison should include at least two theories and own observations.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children
within each domain of development.
Stages in the development of children in each domain are described in line with existing theories.
Reference to existing theories is to be limited to key findings of theorists in relation to own observations of
child development.
Factors that enable the development of children in each domain are identified in line with relevant existing
Explanations of how gender, socio-economic background, age, environment and special needs impact on
the development of children in each domain are consistent with established theories or literature and the
principles of inclusion and anti-bias.
Descriptions are provided to show how development is shaped by socio-cultural influences.
Socio-cultural influence refers to beliefs, values and practices; inter-personal relationships; and relationships
with the environment.
Descriptions are provided to show how development within each domain is linked to and affected by
development in other domains.
Learners competent at this level will be able to deal with learning materials, to access and use useful
resources, to seek clarification and help when necessary, and apply a range of learning strategies. They do
this with an understanding of the features and processes of the workplace and occupations to which their
learning programmes refer.
Access, use and manage suitable learning resources.
Relevant learning resources are identified.
Resource centres, a wide range of media, internet, other people.
Learning resources are used effectively and managed through appropriate selection and cross-referencing
of information and acknowledgement of sources.
Formulate and use learning strategies.
Learning strategies are formulated by selection of specific tried techniques.
Group activities such as brainstorming, group analysis, peer and self-assessment, probing, mind maps, note
taking, memorising, key words, underlining, skimming and scanning
Information is summarized and used in the learning process.
Answers pertaining to relevant questions are synthesised and contextualised.
Checking understanding, clarifying meaning, getting information, confirming accuracy of information, using
appropriate information.
Texts are read/view for detail, interpreted, analysed and synthesised for a given context.
Verbal interaction is interpreted, analysed and synthesised for a given context.
Learning takes place through communicating with others in groups or as individuals.
Facilitators, other learners, colleagues
Manage occupational learning materials.
Occupational learning materials are organized and used for optimum learning.
Videos, internet, texts, handouts, text books, charts, maps, plans, diagrams, electronic texts
Layout, presentation and organisational features of learning materials are understood and used effectively.
Technical language/ terminology is engaged with and clarification sought if needed.
Conduct research and analyse and present findings.
Appropriate or relevant topic and scope is identified and defined.
Research steps are planned and sequenced appropriately.
Research techniques are applied.
Gathering information, reading/viewing, interviewing, observing, using appropriate electronic sources.
Information is sifted for relevance.
Information is classified, categorised and sorted.
Research findings are analysed and presented in the appropriate format.
Conclusions and recommendations are made in the appropriate format.
Reports, research papers, presentations
Lead and function in a team.
Active leading and participation takes place in group learning situations.
Meetings, site/field visits, excursions, discussions, activities, workshops.
Responsibilities in the team are taken up and group work conventions are applied in learning situations.
Turn taking, supervision, mentoring, and rotation of roles: conducting, chairing, recording, and reporting
Conflict management and negotiating techniques are practised in diverse contexts.
Team work results in meaningful products, outcomes or goals.
Reaching consensus, completed tasks, knowledge transfer
Reflect on how characteristics of the workplace and occupational context affect learning.
Environmental features, technological resources, communication resources, communication strategies, and
multilingual needs in relation to client or colleague interaction
Sector and organisation type is identified.
Sector/occupational focus: services, manufacturing, financial, educational, etc
Organisation type: Government, parastatal, heavy/light industry, large organisation, small business
Features of the occupational environment are described and discussed.
Ways in which these features affect learning processes and/or application of learning are described and
This document serves to orientate and prepare you in the assessment(s) that you are about to
embark in. It is a map that informs you of the steps involved in the assessment process and will
allow you to prepare for your assessment(s), helping to set you at ease, and give you the best
opportunity for success.
This document MUST be completed by the learner in the presence of the assessor/facilitator
conducting the pre-assessment process:
Learner ID
Assessor Full Name
Moderator Full Name
Please read the discussion points below. Tick yes to indicate that you have read and understand
the information provided. Please contact your facilitator or assessor if you do not understand or
need additional information on any of the points below:
2. I declare that the above mentioned points of the Pre-Assessment Document were
explained by the assessor/trainer.
3. I declare that I have received copies of the qualification, assessment plan, assessment
schedule and copies of the relevant policies and procedures pertaining to my assessment.
4. I have read the above and understood the contents thereof.
5. I was given the opportunity to clarify any issues relating to the assessment process and
my assessment plan.
6. I have requested this assessment in accordance with my own free will and without duress.
Assessment Plan
Use the assessment plan to write down the dates on which you plan to meet specific targets. This
document MUST be completed by the learner in the presence of the Assessor/Facilitator
conducting the pre-assessment process:
Learner ID Number
Facilitator Name
Declaration of Authenticity
This is my own work and has been completed by me, with the exception of:
(Detail any work that was not completed by yourself, i.e. group work, etc.)
Please list any references to resources used, e.g. books, websites, etc.
In signing this, I declare that all the evidence presented in this Portfolio of Evidence is true, valid
and my own work:
Learner signature
Witness name
Witness signature
Assessor signature
Appeals Procedure
Familiarise yourself with the appeals procedure and sign the document as requested. You will only use the
Appeals Form if you would like to appeal against the assessment decision.
The Training Provider acknowledges a learner’s right to appeal against or dispute any assessment decision.
You can appeal under the following circumstances:
I do not agree with my assessment decision – I feel I have provided sufficient evidence.
I was not briefed properly of the nature and requirements of assessment.
I was unfairly discriminated against.
My special needs for this assessment were not accommodated.
Stage 1:
Approach the workshop organiser to state your case for re-assessment within 14 working days of
being informed of the assessment decision. Complete and submit the Appeals Form within the 14
The Training Provider will respond to all appeals and disputes received within 14 working days.
The workshop organiser will consider the appeal and forward to the assessor if required.
The assessor will respond with either:
a clear explanation stating why the assessment decision is upheld combined with a re-
evaluation of the evidence
an amendment of the Learner’s Assessment Record, should this be appropriate
Stage 2:
Should the decision made by the assessor be unsatisfactory, the appeal will be forwarded to the
moderator for mediation and possible re-assessment.
Stage 3:
The Training Provider management will be approached as the next step, should the decision not be
accepted. A panel will be selected to administer the appeal.
The learner is invited to attend the proceedings held by the panel.
Stage 4:
Once all internal appeals and dispute systems have been exhausted, appeals and disputes can be
referred to the relevant ETQA for investigation.
I (name & surname) _____________________ hereby confirm that the above procedures have been
explained to me and I accept them.
Appeals Form
I do not agree with my assessment decision – I feel I have provided sufficient evidence.
I was not briefed properly of the nature and requirements of assessment.
I was unfairly discriminated against.
My special needs for this assessment were not accommodated.
The above decision has been explained to me and I accept the decision YES NO
Learner Signature Date
Stage 4: ETQA The appeal has been referred for investigation YES NO
Formative Assessment
“Formative Assessment refers to assessment that takes place during the process of learning and
(SAQA: Criteria and Guidelines for Assessment Policy Document, pg 26)
Please place the entire contents of your Learner Workbook here, so that it can be assessed as
your formative assessment:
During and after the initial training the learner will be required to complete a number of class
activities. These activities will be both individual and group activities (class activities - formative).
The activities are numbered and are to be included in the learner’s Portfolio of Evidence. These
activities will measure the progress of the learner through the programme. For authenticity reasons
these activities must be handwritten.
Learner Workbook
Please insert your entire Learner Workbook, with all the Class Activities here.
Ensure that all the Class Activities are completed, including the Reflection activity.
Summative Assessment
Please complete the following summative assessment activities and submit as part of your
Portfolio of Evidence:
Knowledge Questions
Practical Activities
Summative Project
You have to individually complete the summative assessment activities. The summative
assessment is conducted by means of a Knowledge Questionnaire and various integrated
assessment activities. Follow the summative assessment activity instructions to create the
evidence required for the Portfolio of Evidence.
Note: The Critical Cross-Field Outcomes are referenced in the following manner:
CCFO1- Identify and solve problems in which responses demonstrate that responsible decisions using critical and
creative thinking have been made.
CCFO2- Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation, community.
CCFO3- Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively.
CCFO4- Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information.
CCFO5- Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language skills in the modes of oral and/or written
CCFO6- Use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and
health of others.
CCFO7- Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem-solving
contexts do not exist in isolation.
CCFO8- Be culturally sensitive across a range of social contexts so that all actions and decisions made are
acceptable to all stakeholders with broad cultural backgrounds.
Knowledge Questions
Please answer the following knowledge questions related to the Unit Standard embedded
knowledge and assessment criteria and place it in your Portfolio of Evidence. Remember to
number the answers according to the question numbers, should you need to attach a document.
You have one (1) hour to complete this Knowledge Questionnaire individually based on the
theory that you covered in your Learner Guide and the formative assessments you completed in
your Learner Workbook.
2. Match the theorists with the theories: 244484 EEK1
244484 EEK2
3. Explain each of the following domains of development.
6. Why is summarising such an effective strategy for learning? List three (3)
119471 EEK1
more strategies that facilitate learning.
7. Define the concept of an occupational environment/workplace context in
your own words and describe how the ECD environment impacts on one 119471 EEK2
are learning.
Total / 50
Assessor Moderator
signature signature
Practical Activities
Individually complete the following activities to show your ability to integrate and apply your
knowledge and skills in the workplace.
Describe how your and colleagues’ views influence your ways of seeing and working with
the children in your ECD centre.
Suggest changes to the way the children are perceived and taught in line with the
development theories quoted.
Acknowledge your sources.
Presentation slides.
2. Reflection: Write a short report on the following: How characteristics of the workplace and
occupational context affect learning. Refer to your ECD centre and discuss the following in
your report:
Identify sector and organisation type (sector/occupational focus: services, manufacturing,
financial, educational, etc. Organisation type: Government, parastatal, heavy/light
industry, large organisation, small business).
Discuss how the features of your occupational environment affect your own learning
processes and/or application of learning.
Explore your education and career opportunities.
3. Request your supervisor to provide you with written feedback about how you completed
the tasks in this practical activity. Your supervisor needs to complete the feedback document
(below) by entering either Yes or No in the column provided and then provide comments to
substantiate his/her rating:
The following observations will have been done during the presentation.
Did the learner:
1. use learning resources effectively? Accurate
presentation content will be evidence of this.
Supervisor Name
Supervisor Designation
Remember: Provide workplace evidence to support your answers and show your ability to do
what is required of you in this activity.
Place your evidence after this page; mark it clearly for easy reference.
Your assessor will use the following rubrics when assessing your evidence:
Presentation Rubric
1 2 3 4 Total
Audience cannot Audience has Learner presents Learner presents
understand difficulty following information in information in
presentation presentation logical sequence logical, interesting
Organisation because there is no because learner which audience can sequence which
sequence of jumps around. follow. audience can follow.
Learner does not Learner is Learner is at ease Learner
have grasp of uncomfortable with and answers most demonstrates full
information; learner information and is questions with knowledge (more
Subject cannot answer able to answer explanations and than required) by
Knowledge questions about only rudimentary some elaboration. answering all class
subject. questions, but fails questions with
to elaborate. explanations and
Learner uses Learner Learner's visual Learner's visual
superfluous visual occasionally uses aids relate to the aids explain and
Visual Aids aids or no visual visual aids that presentation. reinforce the
aids. rarely support the presentation.
Learner's Presentation has Presentation has no Presentation has no
presentation has three misspellings more than two misspellings or
four or more and/or misspellings and/or grammatical errors.
Mechanics spelling errors grammatical grammatical errors.
and/or grammatical errors.
Learner makes no Learner Learner maintains Learner maintains
eye contact and occasionally uses eye contact most of eye contact with
Eye Contact only reads from eye contact, but the time but audience, seldom
notes. still reads mostly frequently returns to returning to notes.
from notes. notes.
Learner mumbles, Learner's voice is Learner's voice is Learner uses a
incorrectly low. Learner clear. Learner clear voice and
pronounces terms, incorrectly pronounces most correct, precise
Verbal and speaks too pronounces terms. words correctly. pronunciation of
Techniques quietly for audience Audience Most audience terms so that all
in the back of class members have members can hear audience members
to hear. difficulty hearing presentation. can hear
presentation. presentation.
Total Points:
A= 22-24 B= 20-22 C= 18-20 D= 16-18 F= 0-14
Please tick that you have submitted the following evidence as per the instructions above:
Submitted Name of my
Practical Activity 1
Yes/No document/Comments
Research and present to colleagues: How our ways of seeing the development of babies,
toddlers and young children impact on the way we teach and what needs to change
The presentation addresses the following:
1. Explains the development of babies, toddlers and
young children within each domain of development.
2. Provides descriptions to show how development
within each domain is linked to and affected by
development in other domains.
3. Identifies factors that enable the development of
children in each domain in line with relevant existing
4. Explains how gender, socio-economic background,
age, environment and special needs impact on the
development of the children in your ECD centre.
5. Provides descriptions to show how development is
shaped by the children’s socio-cultural influences.
6. Describes how your and colleagues’ views influence
your ways of seeing and working with the children in
your ECD centre.
7. Suggests changes to the way the children are
perceived and taught in line with the development
theories quoted.
8. Acknowledges sources.
9. Presentation slides.
Reflection - write a short report on the following: How characteristics of the workplace
and occupational context affect learning
The report addresses the following:
1. Identify sector and organisation type.
(Sector/occupational focus: services, manufacturing,
financial, educational, etc. Organisation type:
Government, parastatal, heavy/light industry, large
organisation, small business)
2. Discuss how the features of your occupational
environment affect your own learning processes
and/or application of learning.
Submitted Name of my
Practical Activity 1
Yes/No document/Comments
3. Explore your education and career opportunities.
Summative Project
Witness Testimony:
In the workplace, you need to show your ability to integrate what you have learnt.
This can be measured with the Specific Outcomes and the Critical Cross-Field
Outcomes of the Unit Standard.
Request your supervisor to complete the following form to show that you are able to integrate your
learning into everyday workplace application:
Supervisor Name:
Supervisor Signature:
Supervisor Designation:
Learner Signature:
Complete this individually. This Logbook has been included to record all the time spent on the assessment and other activities related to this skills
Time spent in class (training)
Time spent completing an activity should be signed off by a supervisor, mentor or witness where possible.
Time spent applying the new knowledge and skills
The Logbook should show that the learner has spent at least 130 hours in acquiring the required knowledge and skills of this programme:
o Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of ways of seeing the development of babies, toddlers and young children.
o Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children within each domain of development.
o Access, use and manage suitable learning resources.
o Formulate and use learning strategies.
o Manage occupational learning materials.
o Conduct research, analyse and present findings.
o Lead and function in a team.
o Reflect on how characteristics of the workplace and occupational context affect learning.
Learner Name
Skills Programme Module 2: Understanding ECD
SAQA ID 244484: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children; NQF Level 4, 8
Unit Standard(s) Credits
SAQA ID 119471: Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes; NQF Level 4, 5 Credits
Sign Off by
Number of Running Total
Activity Start Date Supervisor/Manager/Mentor/Witness
Hours No. of Hours
Name & Surname Relationship to Learner Signature
Sign Off by
Number of Running Total
Activity Start Date Supervisor/Manager/Mentor/Witness
Hours No. of Hours
Name & Surname Relationship to Learner Signature
Sign Off by
Number of Running Total
Activity Start Date Supervisor/Manager/Mentor/Witness
Hours No. of Hours
Name & Surname Relationship to Learner Signature
Assessor Moderator
Date Date
signature signature
You have to complete all the required activities that are guided by the Specific Outcomes and
Assessment criteria of the Unit Standard(s) in this skills programme:
Once you have completed all the assessment activities, request your supervisor to check that you
have completed all the required activities and that they have all been placed in your Portfolio of
Evidence, in the following order:
Did the learner provide
Reference: Comments/Feedback Yes No
the required evidence?
Class Activity 1
244484 EEK1
244484 EEK2
Class Activity 2 119471.6
119471 EEK1
119471 EEK2
Question 4 244484.1
Summative Project 1
Summative – Logbook
Learner Name:
Learner Signature:
Supervisor Name:
Supervisor Signature:
Supervisor Designation:
Assessor Signature
Moderator Signature
Term Definition/Explanation
A structured process for gathering evidence and making judgements about an individual's
performance in relation to registered, national standards.
A document that sets out what will be assessed, and what evidence needs to be
Assessment Guide
Assessment Plan A document used to plan the assessment process.
Assessment Process Incorporates all activities that form part of the assessment.
A training method in which an experienced individual guides the learner towards acquiring
specific skills.
Competent Learners are declared competent when they meet the outcomes of the Unit Standard.
The Education Training Quality Assurance Body is responsible for ensuring quality training
and development within a specific sector.
Refers to the assessment that takes place during the process of learning. The assessment
Formative Assessment provides an indication of how the learning is progressing. Additional training needs may be
identified during the process.
A learnership is a work-based approach to learning and gaining qualifications and includes
both structured work experience (practical) and structured learning (theory).
A multi-skilled individual who serves as a sponsor, teacher, coach, sounding board and
A process of review that confirms that processes that have been followed are valid,
consistent, fair and adequate.
The National Qualifications Framework provides a framework for nationally recognised
qualifications. Qualifications are assessed according to ten bands.
NYC Not Yet Competent
OBET Outcomes-based Education and Training
QMS Quality Management System
A group of Unit Standards that have been clustered together to make up a registered
Qualifications qualification. There are three types of qualifications on the NQF: certificates (120cr),
diplomas (240cr) and degree (360cr).
A process whereby learners are assessed and given credit for learning that has already
taken place within the workplace.
SAQA South African Qualifications Authority
SDA Skills Development Act
SDF Skills Development Facilitator
SETA Sector Education and Training Authority
SGB Standards Generating Bodies
Occupationally-based learning intervention that uses providers to train learners towards
Skills Programmes
the achievement of national Unit Standards.
SME Subject Matter Expert
Occurs at the end of the learning process. Evidence is gathered and an assessment is
Summative Assessment
made as to whether a learner has met requirements for competence.
Organisations or individuals that provide learning. These include technical colleges,
Training Providers distance education institutions, universities, private providers or company in-house training
A collection of knowledge, skills and attributes in which a candidate must prove
Unit Standards
competence (in a structured assessment) to gain credit on the NQF.
An assessment tool, which asks whether evidence is valid, authentic, current, consistent
and sufficient.