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Rise Against Hate vs. Bridgewater Township

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SOM-L-000397-22 04/08/2022 11:45:51 AM Pg 1 of 7 Trans ID: LCV20221413411


Megan Jeffery, Esq.
20 Brace Road, Suite 325
Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
Direct: 856-433-6225
[email protected]
Attorney for Plaintiff, Rise Against Hate.Org


Organization and a 501(c)(3) Public Charity; SOMERSET COUNTY
Civil Action
DOCKET NO. ________________________
DOYLE in official capacity as records VERIFIED COMPLAINT


Plaintiff, Rise Against Hate.Org (hereafter “Plaintiff”), a New Jersey Nonprofit

Corporation through its undersigned counsel, Law Offices of Eric A. Shore, hereby pleads:


1. This is an action alleging violation of the New Jersey Open Public Records Act

(OPRA), N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 to -18 and a violation of Plaintiff’s common law right to access to

public government records. Plaintiffs bring this action because the herein named Defendants have

unlawfully and improperly denied Plaintiff access to government records that are not exempt.

2. The Court has subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-6 and the

common law right of access.

3. Venue is properly laid in Somerset County pursuant to R. 4:3-2(a)(2). because

Defendant, Somerset County is a public entity located in Somerset County.

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4. Plaintiff is a non-profit organization, formed under the laws of the State of New

Jersey, which maintains an office at 12 Manor House Court, Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08003.

5. Plaintiff was and is currently recognized by the United States Internal Revenue

Service as a 501(c)(3) Public Charity.

6. Defendant, Bridgewater Township (hereafter “Township”), is a municipal public

entity formed and located within Somerset County, New Jersey.

7. Defendant, Linda Doyle, at all times pertinent hereto, was and is the Township’s

Clerk and Records Custodian.


8. Plaintiff’s purpose is to raise awareness about racism, civil rights, investigate racial

disparities, and provide public awareness in law.

9. Plaintiff has a key focus in New Jersey, and accomplishes its mission through many

facets, most important of which is by disseminating information, such as its investigation results

to citizens in towns such as Township, civil rights and discrimination training and support events

to citizens in towns and by keeping citizens in towns informed on current events that affect or

concern the civil rights of citizens who are members of historically marginalized communities.

10. Plaintiff also acts as a watch dog organization that monitors municipalities, such as

Township, to ensure that they, and their agents, employees, law enforcement and officials, are

honoring the civil rights of their residents.

11. Upon information and belief, Township has information concerning police officers’

names, salaries, ages, years of service, age and gender.

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12. Upon information and belief, Township maintains and/or has access to these


13. On or about February 24, 2022, with its mission in mind, Plaintiff submitted an

OPRA request to Township via electronic mail, a true and complete copy is e-filed as Exhibit A.

Plaintiff’s OPRA request asked for “Please provide police officers names employed by

Bridgewater police, salary, years of service, age, and gender at present date in a tab delimitated


14. Township provided salary information, without any other information. Exhibit B

Violation of OPRA, N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 to -18.

15. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates by way of reference each and every allegation

contained in the previous paragraphs as if fully set forth herein.

16. The records requested by Plaintiff are “government records” pursuant to N.J.S.A.


17. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1, all “government records” must be “readily

accessible” to the citizens of this State unless specifically exempt by law.

18. To date, Defendants’ have not made the requested documents available to Plaintiff

despite Plaintiff’s OPRA request, despite the request being for a specific record and being in a

narrow identifiable window of time.

19. As a result of Defendants’ wrongful and illicit denial of Plaintiff’s OPRA request,

Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer damages.

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WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment against Defendants that, Defendants

immediately produce complete and responsive records to Plaintiff’s OPRA Request(s); a

declaration by the Court that Defendants wrongfully denied Plaintiff’s OPRA Request; pursuant

to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-6, an award against Defendants for Plaintiff’s reasonable attorneys’ fees; an

award against Defendants to reimburse Plaintiff’s court costs, and pre and post judgement interest;

and any other relief that the Court deems just and equitable.


Violation of Plaintiff’s Common Law Right To Access Public Documents

20. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates by way of reference each and every allegation

contained in the previous paragraphs as if fully set forth herein.

21. The employment records are a public record, that are populated and filled out at

least in part by Township and its officials, officers, employees, and agents.

22. The records are a public record filed or accessible within Township’s office.

23. Plaintiff, as a New Jersey formed nonprofit and civil rights watch dog organization,

has a clear and undeniable interest in Township’s public records to accomplish Plaintiff’s mission

to combat gender disparities in law enforcement hiring and salaries, and help protect citizens’ civil

rights through the dissemination of information.

24. Township may have a minimal privacy interest in the non-disclosure of its these


25. Even if Township had an interest in non-disclosure law enforcement hiring records,

it is significantly outweighed by Plaintiff’s mission and the public’s interest in Plaintiff’s mission

and works.
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26. Despite Plaintiff’s request for Township’s documents to date, Defendants have not

produced all of the requested documents.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment against Defendants that, Defendants

immediately produce complete and responsive records to Plaintiff’s OPRA Request(s); a

declaration by the Court that Defendants wrongfully denied Plaintiff’s OPRA Request; pursuant

to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-6, an award against Defendants for Plaintiff’s reasonable attorneys’ fees; an

award against Defendants to reimburse Plaintiff’s court costs, and pre and post judgement interest;

and any other relief that the Court deems just and equitable.


Defendants are hereby requested to provide copies of any and all policies of insurance

which may provide coverage for the claims and causes of action contained in this complaint.


Plaintiff hereby designates Megan Jeffery of the Law Offices of Eric A. Shore as trial


By: Megan Jeffery

Attorney for Plaintiff, Rise Against Hate. Org
Dated: April 5, 2022


I, Megan Jeffery, Esq., hereby certify the following:

1. I am an attorney, licensed to practice law in the State of New Jersey and am

responsible for the above captioned matter.

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2. To the best of my knowledge and belief, this matter in controversy is not the subject

of any other action pending in any Court or of a pending arbitration proceeding, nor is any such

proceeding contemplated at this time.

3. I certify that confidential personal identifiers have been redacted from documents

now submitted to the court, and will be redacted from all documents submitted in the future in

accordance with Rule 1:38-7(b).

By: Megan Jeffery

Attorney for Plaintiff, Rise Against Hate. Org

Dated: April 5, 2022


I, Benjamin A. Shore, of full age, deposes and says:

1. I am the current Executive Director of Rise Against Hate. Org, the Plaintiff in this
2. I have read the Verified Complaint. The factual allegations in the Verified

Complaint are true. The said Verified Complaint is based on personal knowledge and is made in

truth and good faith and without collusion, for the causes set forth herein. As to any facts alleged

to be upon information and belief, I believe those facts to be true.

3. All documents attached to the Verified Complaint, if any, are true copies and have

not been redacted, changed, modified, adjusted or otherwise altered in any manner by me or my

agents unless so stated.

I certify that the foregoing statements made by me are true. I am aware that if any of the

foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment.

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Electronically Signed 2022-04-07 19:51:13 UTC -

/S/ _______________________
Nintex AssureSign® 8e40b4e7-6dcd-4b5c-9d65-ae700146d7a5

Dated: April 7, 2022 BENJAMIN A. SHORE

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