Motivaion in Work Place: Institute of Management Sciences University of Balochistan
Motivaion in Work Place: Institute of Management Sciences University of Balochistan
Motivaion in Work Place: Institute of Management Sciences University of Balochistan
M 10
“Reaching the goal and the way in which the goal is reached, is equally important as
knowing the goal.”
Motivation is the force that makes us do things: this is a result of our individual needs
being satisfied (or met) so that we have inspiration to complete the task. These needs vary
from person to person as everybody has their individual needs to motivate themselves.
Depending on how motivated we are, it may further determine the effort we put into our
work and therefore increase the standard of the output.
When we suggest factors that determine the motivation of employees in the workplace,
almost everyone would immediately think of a high salary. This answer is correct for the
reason that some employees will be motivated by money, but mostly wrong for the
reason that it does not satisfy others (to a lasting degree). This supports the statement that
human motivation is a personal characteristic, and not a one fits all option.
“There is an old saying you can take a horse to the water but you cannot force it to
drink; it will drink only if it's thirsty - so with people.”
Motivation can have an effect on the output of your business and concerns both quantity
and quality. See it this way: your business relies heavily on the efficiency of your
production staff to make sure that products are manufactured in numbers that meet
demand for the week. If these employees lack the motivation to produce completed
products to meet the demand, then you face a problem leading to disastrous
consequences. The number of scenarios is extreme but you get the general picture.
Your employees are your greatest asset and no matter how efficient your technology and
equipment may be, it is no match for the effectiveness and efficiency of your staff.
Many business managers today are not aware of the effects that motivation can (and
does) have on their business, and it is therefore important they learn and understand the
factors that determine positive motivation in the workplace. The size of your business is
irrelevant: whether you are trying to get the best out of fifty of your staff or just one,
everyone needs some form of motivation. Motivation is something that is approached
differently by different businesses and the responsibility of its integration lies with all
immediate supervisors of staff. However, it is the business owner who must initiate
motivation as a strategy to attain corporate goals.
Many people do not actually realize this, but the fact is that most human beings spend a
maximum number of waking hours at the workplace. This is one place that gives the
means for survival in the form of monetary returns. And in spite of this, there are various
situations and circumstances that occur at the workplace that lead one downhill - down
the path of de-motivation.
While there are managers to ensure staff motivation, it is vital for one to also ensure that
they experience motivation at the workplace.
For you to motivate your employees, you have to identify which approach to take: do you
offer a financial or non-financial incentive? This will depend on what factors motivate
the staff member but it may also be restricted by your company budget which cannot
compensate for any wage increases or bonuses and therefore non-financial incentives
have to be introduced. Poor pay may lead to staff being dissatisfied at work and therefore
any non-financial incentives will not be effective for motivation. It is therefore important
that you find the right balance between the two.
Increasing motivation through financial rewards is a method that is most common when
businesses rely on the quantity of the output of employees. For those employees involved
in production, you could issue a piece rate system where they are paid for each individual
product they produce. In which case, they would be motivated to produce as much as
possible in order to achieve a high pay: but ensure your quality control is effective to
ensure customer focused areas are not traded-off for quantity. You could also introduce a
commission payment scheme if your business relies on selling your product or services
through the means of personal sales (telephone, door-to-door, etc).
You may even introduce fringe benefits instead of increasing wages or salaries such as
company cars, private health, or interest-free loans from the business. These benefits are
often valued higher than wage increases and can be less expensive for the business to
Another financial incentive is the offer of a share of the company profits, say, 5%, which
is split between your employees. This incentive can influence team working in the
business but you may find that people benefit from other people's work if they do not pull
their own weight to help increase efficiency. It can therefore be said that profit sharing
does not encourage motivation in all employees although it is highly effective in
businesses with few employees. This is because they know that their performance will
make a difference and will be evidenced by an increase in the business profits.
Sometimes staff may only have motivation to get a task done quickly without care to the
quality of the outcome. In which case, you can introduce quality related bonus pay which
determines their salary. This salary will be up for review twice a year and reflects their
value in the business with respect to, for example, the standard they complete tasks as
well as personal sales records, achievements, and so on. This will give the employee the
motivation to complete tasks to a high standard and a desire to further excel in the future
in order to gain a higher salary: and of course, the feeling of achievement (priceless).
You may feel that money is not an effective motivator in your business although it may
have some effect in the short term: your employees may also see factors aside from
money as prime motivators. For whatever reason you decide that non-financial incentives
are more effective in your business, there are many forms in which they can be given.
You can increase motivation by giving employees more responsibility so that they feel
their contribution is more valuable to the business and that their role is of higher
importance. Further, you can promise the chance of promotion if they reach a certain
standard or target. We briefly introduced the process of appraisal which is a huge
motivator to employees. This is because they will be recognized for the value they add
(or do not add!) to the business by reviewing their progress and achievements over a
certain period.
The following are also motivators that can be introduced in your business. To some
degree they can also be seen as processes that reduce job dissatisfaction:
This involves expanding the job of an employee that has them doing more work of a
similar nature to what they already do. This may be allowing them to complete the whole
task instead of just part of it, for example, packaging the products as well as
manufacturing them. This process ideally removes the boredom out of the job by
eliminating the repetitiveness out of tasks and allowing them to complete the whole
process, further increasing their responsibility.
This involves allowing employees to change the nature of their job periodically. For
example, you may give the employee administration duties one week, marketing the
week after, and then back to their original job of sales the following week. This cycle will
then be on going. The purpose of this is that the employee, again, is satisfied by reduced
boredom and also motivated by the achievement of increased skills. The business owner
gains from cross-training and the potential for feed-back and improvement ideas.
Similar to job enlargement, you can enrich an employee's job by expanding their tasks to
give a higher level of responsibility in the nature of work they do. For example, they can
be given the responsibility of ordering materials and making delivery arrangements
instead of just manufacturing the products. This will not only expand their skills, but also
give them an increased challenge (responsibility).
Without motivation in the workplace, your business will suffer from the lack of
efficiency that your employees may fail to apply. This is because they have no incentive
to perform tasks to a high standard or complete them on time. It is therefore important
that you give them something to work for as a reward for their high level of performance,
all being essential to the success of your business.
Everyone is motivated by different things and a majority of these factors are not money
orientated: instead they react more effectively to incentives that offer personal
recognition and achievement. In which case, you should determine what motivates
individual people and further determine whether a financial or non-financial incentive is
the solution.
There is a fine line between factors that motivate people and factors that prevent job
dissatisfaction. In other words, some things do increase the level of efficiency in
employees by reducing job dissatisfaction but are not motivators themselves. This is
because your staff needs to eliminate unhappiness in their job before they can begin to be
motivated and this usually, and some say must, begin with an acceptable wage that they
can live on.