International Marketing Part 3
International Marketing Part 3
International Marketing Part 3
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Q: Which of the following approaches to global branding is suitable for companies where the
top executives have adequate brand knowledge and can formulate brand strategy?
1. Global brand manager
2. Business management team
3. Brand champion
4. Global brand team
Correct Answer 3
International Marketing
Q: In which of the following stages of product life cycle are promotional expenses at their
1. Introduction
2. Growth
3. Maturity
4. Saturation
Correct Answer 1
International Marketing
Q: Which of the following can be explained as the distortion of decision-making in matters of
economic significance?
1. Petty corruption
2. Head corruption
3. Base corruption
4. Grand corruption
Correct Answer 4
International Marketing
Q: Which of the following decisions is usually taken by the top management as they imply
the overall allocation of the company's resources?
1. Tactical
2. Operational
3. Strategic
4. Sales budgeting
Correct Answer 3
International Marketing
Q: Which of the following psychographic segments are "rooted to the past" and do not ever
want to change?
1. Strivers
2. Adapters
3. Traditional
4. Achievers
Correct Answer 3
International Marketing
Q: Which of the following refers to brands that are so strong that a customer will not even
consider using an alternative brand?
1. Strong brands
2. Powerful brands
3. Power brands
4. Influential brands
Correct Answer 3
International Marketing
Q: Which of the following usually provides information relating to environmental trends,
demand patterns, competition, and the distribution network?
1. External data
2. Internal data
3. Primary data
4. Secondary data
Correct Answer 1
International Marketing
Q: Which of the following is the primary role of labeling?
1. Attracting customers' attention
2. Making the product more convenient to carry
3. Providing information about the product
4. Differentiating the product from competitors' products
Correct Answer 3
International Marketing
Q: both buyers and sellers protect themselves against price and supply fluctuations?
1. Manufacturers
2. Distributors
3. Producers
4. Both b and c
Correct Answer 1
International Marketing
Q: For which of the following products does the buyer spend time and effort in planning and
making purchase decisions?
1. Specialty products
2. Shopping products
3. Convenience products
4. Unsought products
Correct Answer 3
International Marketing
Q: Who among the following developed the 'Five Forces Model' for structural analysis of
industry attractiveness to help managers analyze the business environment?
1. Michael J. Gelb
2. C. K. Prahalad
3. Richard B. Robinson
4. Michael E. Porter
Correct Answer 4
International Marketing
Q: Which of the following is readily available and cost effective?
1. Secondary data
2. External data
3. Primary data
4. Internal data
Correct Answer 3
International Marketing
Q: Which of the following entry modes into international market is more susceptible to
environmental uncertainties and involves high risk?
1. High control
2. Shared ownership
3. Low control
4. Licensing
Correct Answer 2
International Marketing
Q: Which of the following is a paid form of non-personal communication about an
organization or its product transmitted to a target audience through a mass/ broadcast
1. Personal selling
2. Sales promotion
3. Public relations
4. Advertising
Correct Answer 4
International Marketing
Q: Which of the following can be defined as the value determination process for a product or
a service?
1. Pricing
2. Valuation
3. Rating
4. Costing
Correct Answer 1
International Marketing
Q: Which of the following refers to a group of buyers in a market who are more conservative
than the innovators and the early adopters in making purchase decisions, but less
conservative than the late majority and laggards?
1. Early laggards
2. Early majority
3. Late minority
4. Late adopters
Correct Answer 2
International Marketing
Q: ...refers to the total market demand under optimal conditions.
1. Market share
2. Market value
3. Market performance
4. Product potential
Correct Answer 1
International Marketing
Q: ...usually sticks to a brand or product but buys other brands at times.
1. Hard-core loyal
2. Switchers
3. Soft-core loyal
4. Both a and c
Correct Answer 3
International Marketing
Q: Which of the following strategies select target markets where the firm is least vulnerable
to substitutes or where competitors are the weakest?
1. Differentiation strategy
2. Focus strategy
3. Cost leadership strategy
4. Promotion strategy
Correct Answer 3
International Marketing
Q: In...people tend to have many connections but of shorter duration or for some specific
1. High context cultures
2. Low context cultures
3. Feminine cultures
4. Masculine cultures
Correct Answer 1
International Marketing
Q: Which of the following strategies yields cost benefits and can easily secure economies of
1. Standardization strategy
2. Adoption strategy
3. Customization strategy
4. Differentiation strategy
Correct Answer 1
International Marketing
Q: In which of the entry strategies to international markets, do pharmaceutical companies
give the rights to use their method of producing a drug to a company in the host country for a
royalty fee?
1. Mergers and acquisitions
2. Franchising
3. Direct exporting
4. Licensing
Correct Answer 4
International Marketing
Q: In which of the following does a firm give different in-house brand names to different
types of merchandise?
1. Unbranded merchandise
2. Company name and individual brand names
3. Separate family names
4. Individual brand names
Correct Answer 4
International Marketing
Q: Because global firms do not have to develop a plan to address each and every local
situation, these firms do not have to be cognizant of social responsibility in these areas.
1. True
2. False