Detailed Lesson Plan in English 1

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Detailed Lesson Plan

in English 1

Time Frame: 45 minutes

Prepared by: Kathleen B. Borja

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, pupils are expected to:
1. Identify the names of different vegetables
2. Color the vegetables with appropriate color
3. Appreciate the importance of eating vegetables
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Identifying names and color of different vegetables
Materials: Visual materials, Coloring materials
III. Procedures
A. Preparation

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

“Good Morning Kids...” “Good Morning Teacher!”

“Let us pray first...” (One Student will lead the Prayer)

(Checking of Attendance) (Students will tell who’s absent for the day)

How are you kids? Are you ready for our next topic? “Yes ma’am”

Okay let’s proceed to our next topic

A. Motivation
Who among you have vegetable “raises hands”
Garden at home?
What are the vegetables that you have in your garden at (student’s answers)

Do you eat vegetables? “Yes teacher!”

B. Presentation
We are done with fruits let us now talk about names and
color of different vegetables
C. What is your favorite vegetables? (student’s answers)

I have here pictures of different kinds of vegetables.

(After showing the vegetables individually)

What is the color of cabbage? Carrot? Eggplant? Squash? “Student will answer: Green, Orange, Yellow”

(If error in identifying colors, immediately correct the pupils)

D. Generalization
Okay now class let us remember the different plants (students will answer)
and their colors. Can you give me again the color of
Carrot? How about eggplant? The pumpkin?

Okay class, always remember the colors and the name

of these vegetables
E. Application
Name the different vegetables that I will display and
give the correct color.
IV. Evaluation
I will group you into 3 and I will give each group an answer sheet.
You will use your coloring materials and give the appropriate color of each vegetables.
V. Assignment
Draw your favorite fruit and color it with appropriate color.

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