B.Sc.-Math - Sc. Computer Networks (CSPT-505) SEM-V (5024)

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Roll No. I I I ·1 I I I I I I I I
S. No. ofQuestion Paper 5024

Unique Paper Code 234561 D

Name of the Paper Computet: Networks (CSPT-505)

Name of the Course B.Sc./Math. Sc.

Semester v
Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediateZv on receipt of this question paper.)

Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any jive from remaining

seven questions. In all Six questions are to be attempted.

Marks are indicated against each question.

All parts of the questions must be done together.

1. Attempt all pmts :

(i) Identify any four components of data communication system. 2

(ii) A color image uses 32 bits to represent a pixel. What is the maximum number of different
colors that can be represented '? 2

(iii) Which layer in the TCP/IP model is the user support layer ? 1

(iv) Why do we need a DNS system when we can directly use an IP address ? 2

(v) Change the following IP addresses from binary notation to dotted decimal notation : ·

(a) 01111111 11110000 01100111 11111001

(b) 10101111 11000111 11111000 00011101. 4


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(vi) What kind of files types can FTP transfer ? 3

(vii) Which special port is provided to allow wireless keyboard to communicate with PC ? 1

(viii) Name the layers on which the following connecting devices operate :

(a) Bridge

(b) Router

(c) Gateway. 3

(ix) Why HTTP is called a stateless protocol ? 2

(x) Define acronyms :


! (a) CIDR

~ (b) ICANN

(c) TTL


(e) MTA. 5

2. (a) A light signal is travelling through a fiber. What is the delay in the signal if the length

of the fiber-optic cable is 50 m, I 00 m (assume a propagation speed of 2 x 108

m/sec and speed of light 3 x I 08 rn/sec ). 4

(b) List two responsibilities of the following layers of the internet model :

(i) Network Layer

(ii) Transport Layer

(iii) Application Layer. .6

( 3 ) 5024

3. (a) IdentifY the different categories of connecting devices mentioning the layer on which each

operates in a network. 5

(b) How does Stop and Wait protocol handles the situation to prevent the receiver being

overloaded ? Explain by drawing flow diagram. 5

4. (a) Even though circuit switched network is less efficient than datagram network, delay in

these networks are minimal. Explain why.

(b) An address space has a total of 1024 addresses. How many bits are needed to represent

an address ? 2

(c) In a block of addresses, we known the IP address of one host is What

are the first address, last address and total number of addresses in this block ? 3

5. (a) What are the advantages of Dynamic routing table over static routing table. 5

(b) Explain the role ofNVT and pseudoterminal driver in communication using TELNET with

diagram .. 5

6. (a) In Electronic mail, discuss the various task of the user agent in SMTP protocol. 5

(b) What is the purpose of firewall ? Explain packet filter firewall and proxy firewall. 5

7. Differentiate between the following : 5x2==10

(a) Horn antenna and dish antenna

(b) Multimode step index fiber fllld multimode graded index fiber

( 4 ) 5024
(c) Router and Bridge

(d) Fixed sized framing and variable sized framing

(e) FQDN and PQDN.

8. Write short notes on any two of the following : 2x5=10

(a) Private Network

(b) Hybrid Network

(c) Virtual Private Network

(d) Radio Waves


(e) NetworkSecurity Services.

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