A Supravital Cytodiagnostic Stain
A Supravital Cytodiagnostic Stain
A Supravital Cytodiagnostic Stain
A mixture of aqueous solutions of National fast blue, a copper-phthal- in their size and form.
ocyanine dye, and pyronin B, a red xanthene dye, when added to fresh uri- Modified techniques of ordinary
nary sediment, supravitally stains benign or malignant cells and the various light microscopy,2 phase-contrast mi¬
types of casts and their inclusions. The stain facilitates identification of the croscopy,'-' interference microsco¬
formed elements and particularly aids in the differentiation of polymorpho- py,"7 and fluorescence microscopy""
nuclear leukocytes from lymphocytes, histiocytes, plasma cells, and renal have offered but limited assistance in
tubular cells. A variable staining of casts and their inclusions has been ob- solving these problems and have not
served. Tumor cells may be recognized by nuclear abnormalities or, in case obviated the need for staining meth¬
of hyperchromatic tendency, by a very rapid and early uptake of dye preced- ods. Where a more detailed structural
ing that of the surrounding cells. analysis of cells becomes crucial, as in
The staining method is rapid and simple enough for routine urinalysis and the diagnosis of bladder tumors,1" of
screening procedures. tubular necrosis, or of rejection of
(JAMA 231:826-832, 1975) renal transplants,1112 staining of air-
dried and fixed sediments has re¬
mained the method of choice. Unfor¬
tunately, these laboratory procedures
EVALUATION of microscopic uri¬ dergo changes in size, structure, and not infrequently entail the loss of cel¬
nary findings rests on adequate rec¬ transparency that add to the already lular elements during preparation
ognition of cellular elements and existing cytodiagnostic uncertainties and are too time-consuming for rou¬
casts. This has always been a difficult created by the poor optical contrast tine use. In contrast, wet stains offer
task since the cells may originate between cells and the liquid medium. readily available results. Separate
from diverse tissues such as epithelial Thus, differentiation, particularly supravital stains have been devised
layers of the urinary and genital of the small cells (like those cast off for red blood cells (RBCs),12 for white
tracts, blood and connective tissue from renal tubules, the deeper muco- blood cells (WBCs),141s for tumor
sources, or tumors, and are likely to sal layers, or the prostate) from cells,1"17 and for casts.18 Some stains
show variable degrees of degenera¬ polymorphonuclear leukocytes, lym¬ that facilitate recognition of a larger
tion, viability, permeability, and den¬ phocytes, histiocytes, plasma cells, or range of formed elements have been
sity when shed into the urine. Subse¬ tumor cells, has remained a frustrat¬ used more widely,19-20 but "none has
quently, by being exposed for varying ing and largely unsolved problem in supplanted the direct examination of
periods of time to different os- ordinary light microscopy.1 Obviously, the unstained sediment for routine
molarities, to fluctuations of pH, and the same predicament exists in the use."21
to enzymatic, toxic, or possibly bacte¬ identification of cellular elements and It is safe to say, therefore, that
rial agents in the urine, they also un- their decomposition products that are there exists a need for a procedure
enmeshed in urinary casts. Finally, suitable for routine urinalysis that
From the departments of medicine and pa-
the casts themselves are often diffi¬ aids in the differentiation of cells, be¬
thology,Michael Reese Hospital and Medical cult to visualize on account of the nign or atypical, as well as in the rec¬
Center, Chicago. variable optical and chemical charac¬ ognition of casts and in the character¬
Reprint requests to Michael Reese Hospital teristics of the cast matrix—hyaline ization of their inclusions. This article
and Medical Center, 2900 S Ellis Ave, Chicago,
IL 60616 (Dr. Sternheimer). vs waxy casts—and the wide variety reports such a staining method.
Fig 4—Plasma cells (oil immersion). Fig 5.—Epithelial cell casts. Fungi. (Septic Fig 6.—Hyaline cast with enmeshed or
arthritis, diabetes mellitus, antibiotic attached tubular cells (original
therapy) (original magnification x400). magnification x400).
Fig 7—Cast containing tubular epithelial Fig 8.—Renal tubular cell cast. Nephrotic Fig 9.—Renal tubular cast. Nephrotic
cells. Renal amyloid (oil immersion). syndrome (oil immersion). syndrome (oil immersion).
Fig 10.—Squash preparation from Fig 11.—Epithelial cells. Note variable Fig 12.—Caudate transitional epithelial
prostate, obtained at autopsy, supravitally sizes and staining of nuclei (original cells. Note nuclear chromatin (oil
stained (original magnification x400). magnification x400). immersion).
Fig 13.—Bladder epithelial cells, obtained Fig 14.—Bladder epithelial cells, Fig 15.—Degenerative epithelial cell
by catheterization, following surgery of catheterized specimen (original inclusions; atypical transitional epithelial
ureteral stricture (original magnification magnification x400). cell (original magnification x400).
x 400).
Fig 19.—Variably stained casts. Late Fig 20.—Waxy cast. End-stage Fig 21 .—Hemoglobin cast, rust-brown;
pyelonephritis (original magnification pyelonephritis (original magnification angular cast with RBC: acute glomer-
x 400). X100). ulonephritis (original magnification X400).
Fig 22.—Red blood cell cast. Chronic Fig 23.—Oval fat body (oil immersion). Fig 24.—Bacteria (original magnification
glomerulonephritis (original magnification X400).
x 400).
Fig 25.—Suspected tumor cells, found in Fig 26.—Same patient, following cystos- Fig 27.—Tumor cells, RBCs, same patient
routine urine specimen (original copy: transitional cell carcinoma of blad¬ (oil immersion).
magnification x400). der. Tumor cells, RBCs (oil immersion).
Fig 28—Transitional cell carcinoma of Fig 29—Papillary transitional cell Fig 30.—Tumor cells, same patient (oil
bladder (original magnification x 400). carcinoma of bladder. "Tadpole" cell; immersion).
degenerative inclusion cells (oil
dye mixture to the sediment, leuko¬ the differentiation between mononu- and creatinine levels, oliguria, and
cytes may appear unstained and re¬ clear WBCs and the small round epi¬ symptoms suggesting tubular necro¬
sist permeation by either dye for a thelial cells derived either from renal sis. Conversely, in some instances, a
prolonged period. This is especially tubules or from the lining epithelia of marked increase in presumably renal
true for the oversized, swollen "glit¬ the remainder of the urinary tract. epithelial cells in the sediment pre¬
ter cells." When they begin to stain The size of these epithelial elements ceded the ensuing azotemia and
subsequently, the red dye always pre¬ varied not only by shrinking or swell¬ served as an early warning to the
cedes the blue and the blue will fol¬ ing with changing urine osmolarities clinician. The advantage of such rap¬
low after a varying interval, trans¬ but also in connection with fatty de¬ idly obtainable information for both
forming the red nuclear staining into generation or as a result of inflam¬ clinician and morphologist is obvious.
blue, while leaving the cytoplasm red. matory changes. Nevertheless, cer¬ Squash preparations were obtained
One reason for the delayed entry of tain distinguishing features were from autopsy material from kidney
the phthalocyanine dye may be its observed. cortex, medulla, and pelvis, as well
visible initial clumpy precipitation on as from ureters and urinary blad¬
the leukocytic cell surface, which is der, and supravitally stained with the
analogous to the precipitation ob¬ Lymphocytes, as a rule, appeared dye mixture for a direct comparison
served in Amoeba (Fig 1). comparatively smaller than renal of identically stained tissue and
In other instances, both nuclei and tubular cells or leukocytes and were sediment cells. Disregarding the
cytoplasm are immediately dyed by recognized by their densely blue nu¬ structural pattern of the cellular ar¬
pyronin only, and this appearance cleus surrounded by a small rim of rangements in the tissues, the differ¬
may remain unchanged for many cytoplasm. Small- and medium-sized entiation by morphological appear-
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