Recitation Question
Recitation Question
Recitation Question
Philippines is now dealing with a variety of societal problems that are affecting the
country's economy and development. The current situation in our country, which I recently
witnessed on television and read in media and on the internet, has outraged the conscience of
mankind, and it is very alarming. There are various problems that the Philippines is now
dealing with, which are discussed in the Trends and Issues in Social Studies class. My most
essential lesson and realization include social problems, sociological imagination, poverty and
population growth.
In the case of a social problem, I realized that it is an aspect of society that people are
concerned about and want to change. A social problem occurs as a result of people's differing
perspectives on what is considered to be correct. A social issue is not always a problem that
needs to be fixed; it can also be a topic that needs to be explored. Distinct groups, societies,
countries, and regions of the world may face different social difficulties. The reasons of social
problems are numerous. Inequalities in society cause social concerns. Diverse people and
societies may have different perspectives on a situation that leads to a social issue. There may
be debates on which social issue is the most essential and deserving of attention, or which
should be prioritized. And when it comes to resolving social issues, there are a range of
approaches. Political processes, non-profit organizations, community groups, and volunteerism
are examples of ways to engage the public in a social issue and reach a mutually acceptable
After the discussion in the Social Imagination, it was always on my mind in each
situation I encountered. It made me realize that sociological imagination aids us in evaluating
the truth of common sense in all situations, such as in school and in our daily lives. It helps us
in evaluating both opportunities and limitations in our life. As you manage the options,
opportunities, and barriers that we all face, you can use your sociological imagination to
improve your life. It could explain why you're encountering so many possibilities or barriers in
our path.
I discovered throughout the discussion about poverty that it is not just about money, but
also about access to services like as health care and education, as well as marginalization and
exclusion. I understand that we can assist others, but the government does not provide
assistance to all those who are poor. We must also secure our own safety, but if you truly want
to contribute, you can assist others in improving their lives. While during the discussion
in population expansion, I realized that we needed to bring population in line with available
resources. Because it is aligned and connected in poverty. As population grow the case of
poverty also increased. Because as the human population grows, so does the need for
resources like water, land, forests, and energy.
To sum up, I feel that understanding the current concerns is essential in assisting
individuals, families, and communities in improving their individual and collective well-being.
We, the future social workers, see ourselves as change agents, and we want to assist people
develop their skills and talents to use the resources available to them to enhance and better
their lives and communities. One of our primary goals is to promote the well-being and lives of
the most vulnerable groups, as well as to fight poverty, unemployment, domestic violence, and
underserved communities, by focusing on the person-in-environment and social justice models.