How To Create Your VISION For You and Your Life

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How to Create Your Vision for You and Your Life
Making Your Vision a Reality t: 07802 533555
Begin with the end in mind

Visualisation has been taught for centuries by the Masters and

the Great Teachers.

YOUR VISION is where You actively use your imagination to

create using pictures in your minds eye an idealised view of
what you want to happen in any particular area of your life.

So it’s like you are creating your own film on the screen- You
are both the Director and very importantly the actor- acting
out your dreams on the screen of life. As the actor you have
to FEEL what it’s like living Your Vision and FEEL INSPIRED
and ENERGISED by it. When viewing YOUR mental picture
of what you want, You imagine and FEEL that it is happening
right NOW, in the PRESENT

True Wealth Lies Within - Why is it important to have a vision?

You must close the eyes
What You See is what You get! Our thoughts create our
and waken in yourself that reality because we live in a Mental Universe. Our Visions

01 other vision, the birthright

are powerful thoughts in pictures which emit powerful
electromagnetic frequencies out into the Universe which 02
responds through the law of attraction and can’t help
of all, but which few turn delivering those visions back to You!

to use. Plotius As Einstein said “ Imagination is everything. It’s the preview of

life’s coming attractions”.

So Your LIFE at this moment is reflecting back to You the

Inner Vision you have of it. So if you do not like what You
see – it’s time to change Your Vision and create the VISION
you want – You have the choice to do so. What I have found
working with successful people is that they all have a clear
vision which they constantly refine.

They have listened to their INNER VOICE and are following

their SOUL purpose focusing on what they love and
seeing challenges as opportunities to GROWTH and
The Benefits of Having a VISION.

Visioning apart from being great fun has many benefits. Here
are a few:

• Gives focus , direction and purpose

• Help you to stay on track

• Keeps you transforming, evolving and growing. From

this your awareness shifts and then you attract new
experiences that evolve you and your vision

• Makes you think outside the box creating more possibilities

• Inspires the people you work with and your prospective

clients building loyalty

• Pushes you to do things you would not normally do building

You are already who You confidence

are Seeking to be! • Helps you prioritise on what’s important

Quick Exercise: Define Your Vision Now

03 04
When developing Your VISION You need to Imagine:

It is five years from now and you have marvelously created

your most desirable Practice.

Now in the space below describe it - as if you were able to

see it, realistically around you.

My vision is...
The essential elements of
creating a VISION

1.  Create a Vision around What You LOVE TO DO! Think

about what makes You come alive in Your life and in
what You do

2.  What is important to you in life? - These are Your values

- make sure Your Vision aligns with your values as then
you are more likely to have the why to make it happen.

3.  Create a Vision around Your TRUE PURPOSE - what

comes from Your Soul. This will bring True Fulfillment To
You and Your Life

4.  Put a time frame on Your Vision - 5 to 10 years is

normally the time frame. The bigger the Vision the
better - the Universe loves a BIG VISION!

5.  AIM HIGH Remember You are visualizing the best

possible outcome-make sure You stretch Your vision
- the Universe loves big Visions. Do not worry about

Remember the purpose the How Your Vision is going to be achieved - You
are focusing on the WHAT! When the WHAT is clear

of your vision is to inspire the How falls into place easily. Be Bold Brave and
Audacious with Your Vision - Your Vision is meant to

- give vitality and purpose challenge you which will make you more creative to
come up with the ideas and initiatives that will make
05 and celebrate your you realize Your Vision and make you grow as a human 06
being. Remember the purpose of your vision is to

brilliance and Light inspire - give vitality and purpose and celebrate your
brilliance and Light.

6.  Give as much DETAIL as possible - the more focused

the better. This will break it down into more manageable
chunks and will keep You steady on the path.

7.  NOT SET IN STONE - you need to refine Your Vision

as you journey through your life - keep in touch with
your feelings –they are your signposts on your path.
Reviewing Your vision every month would be beneficial.

8.  Condense Your Vision into ONE POWERFUL PHRASE

that reflects the essence of your vision. For example
JFK’s Vision was to put a man on the moon.

9.  PUTTING FEELING INTO IT! - feel what it is like to have

achieved your vision - live it now.


complete - how does it feel? What does it sound
like? – see and hear Your dream movie. What are You

11.  Describe Your Vision in the Present Tense - I AM…

12.  Create a VISION BOARD and find images - symbols

that reflect your vision and put it so you can see it
everyday where it will inspire you. The daily practice of
seeing your vision complete will keep you on track and
your unconscious mind focused to create the vision.
How do You create a Vision?

Go somewhere inspiring.

Find quiet time and Become really present in the now- one
way is to connect with the senses- really listen or put all you
focus into seeing- then ask and it shall be given to you

Ask your higher mind and your heart what is your purpose

Ask the universe to help you define your vision- ask for

You will receive intuitive thoughts in the days to come

Do something creative- art, music, theatre, go on a trip- take

a train ride

Look at what the world is presenting to you- Be OPEN

Sometimes You will see images or the majority of people think


Find the images and symbols that resonate with you from
magazines or the internet and create your vision board. Look
at the vision board everyday and keep imagining and feeling
what it is like to already having achieved your vision. Your
vision board will keep you on track and focused – keep the
images on the board until they materialise and as your vision
adapts so too will the images you put on your board.

Your vision will become

clear only when you look VISION Saboteurs

into your heart. Who looks There will be a part of you that will resist this change that
You want to create Its your ego personality that wants you
07 outside, dreams. Who to remain where you are as it feels vulnerable to any change. 08
Just acknowledge this- breathe deeply into any anxiety that

looks inside, awakens. the VISION process may bring up and let go.

As Helen Keller said “Life is a daring adventure or Nothing”

Carl Jung What have you got to lose? Once you shine the light to a new
you it is hard to go back.

LET GO of the outcome- if you strive too hard you will push it

Just see it all as a game and Stay LIGHT!

Be careful who you share your vision with as their negativity

could affect you and bring in doubts and fear. They will tell you
its unrealistic and not feasible

But this is limited thinking whereas we believe in possibility

thinking-rising above any conditioning that limits us. Also
having a vision is not about success or failure-its about you
living an inspired life and opening up to what is possible in life!

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest

fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not
our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who
am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually,
who are you not to be?

You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve
the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so
that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are
all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make
manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some
of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the
same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence
automatically liberates others.”

Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more powerful than

knowledge.” I believe this is true in many respects because
while knowledge allows you to see things as they are,
imagination allows you to see things as they could be.

When we become aware of what is possible, we begin to

realise that dreams can be achieved, that challenges can be
conquered, and that problems can be solved. In doing so we
open up a completely new set of avenues and possibilities,
which by itself is a tremendous source of passion and energy.

Life is a daring adventure Remember to enjoy the journey, be relaxed and don’t strive
too hard as you can push things away – stay calm and carry

or Nothing on!

Now get out there and create visions that mean something to
Helen Keller you and your practice. Visions that focus. Visions that come

09 alive. Visions that come true!

Let’s Make Your Vision Happen, Together!

One 2 One Vision Consultancy provides You with a

individualised session tailored exactly for You and Your needs.

You will leave inspired with an action plan to take forward

and implement which realises Your Vision for Your Work/

Together we analyse Your current Work - what’s working,

what do You love to do?

• We look at How You want to Evolve and Grow Your Work

• We look at Your Uniqueness and How we can translate it

and Your Values into Your Brand that not only Inspires you
but also the Hearts and Minds of Your Prospective clients

What You Visualise, • We define which clients you wish to attract and how your
marketing can attract your target clients.
You Materialise • You will learn how to market the “Sizzle of Your Work and
not the “sausage”
Marek Duchnowski
• We create a VISION for your Work that’s inspiring and

• We define the Goals needed to make Your Vision Happen

11 that are Practical and prioritised.

• We explore the potential of the Internet in getting your

message across and creating the kind of Work You want,
that gives you the wealth, freedom and deep fulfillment that
you are seeking!

• We Scope out Your website with You ensuring it has the

right inspiring design, navigation and key messages that
reflect Your Vision.

• We can Support You during the early stages to Make You

achieve your goals and stay on track with Your VISION and
help to refine it.

If this ignites a fire within you then this feedback means

“Go for it”!

Call VITAL on 0845 055 9667 and we can discuss the

best way to Create Your Vision and reflect it for Your

Shoot for the moon! Work/Business on the web!

Even if you miss,

you’ll still be among BE INSPIRED.
the stars.
Les Brown

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