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R. Saravanan, S/o. K. Rengachari, aged 46 years, residing at No.60, 3rd Cross, Tirupathi
Majestic Nagar, Hosur Town and Taluk, Krishnagiri District.
... Petitioner
1. G. Sanjeevi, S/o. Gopalan, Hindu, age not known, residing at NO. 2/691, Indira Nagar,
Avalapalli Road, Basthi Post, Hosur Town and Taluk, Krishnagiri District.
2. The Branch Manager, Shriram General Insurance Company Limited, having its office at
No. 10003/E, 8th Riico Industrial Area, Sitapura, Jaipur 302022, Rajastan State.
This claim petition, filed on 01.12.2018, coming before me for final hearing on
26.11.2021 in the presence of Tmt. K. Selvi, Counsel for the petitioner, and Thiru.
M.Jeevanandham, Counsel for the 2nd respondent, and 1st respondent remained exparte,
and having heard both sides, and perused the documents and evidence, and having stood
over till this day for consideration, this court delivered the following:-
The petition has been filed by the petitioner U/s. 166 of M.V.Act claiming a
compensation of Rs.40,00,000/- from the respondents for injuries sustained in road accident
on 11.09.2011.
as a Master Tech in Titan Company, Hosur and earning Rs.35,000/- per month, and on
11.09.2011, the petitioner was riding his motor cycle bearing Regn.No. TN 47 M 6617
along with his son by name Nitesh Kumar and his sister son by name N. Venkatesh, to go to
his house at Tirupathi Majestic on Hosur to Bagalur road, at 6.15 p.m., a Tempo bearing
Regn. No. KA 16 A 8109 belonging to the 1st respondent and insured with the 2nd
respondent company was driven by its driver cum owner by name G. Sanjeevi, came in
opposite side with high speed in a rash and negligent manner, without following any rules of
the road without sounding horn, without any signal, lost control and dashed front side of the
petitioner's motorcycle. The petitioner sustained grievous fracture in right hand, right hand
little finger, right hand knee joint and other multiple vital organs. Immediately the
petitioner was taken to the Amma Hospital, first aid was given to him, and as per advice of
the doctor he has taken to Srinivasa Gowda hospital, Hosur and admitted as a inpatient on
11.9.2011 to 14.9.2011. Due to the accident, he under gone great mental shock, pain and
suffering and loss of earning, and during the period, he spent Rs.50,000/- towards his
medical treatment, and he further need about Rs.3,00,000/- for further treatment. The Sub-
inspector of Police, Hudco P.S. have registered a case against the driver of the said Tempo
bearing Regn. No. KA 16 A 8109, in Cr.No. 426/2011, u/s. 279, 337 of IPC. The 1st
respondent is the owner of Tempo bearing Regn. No. KA 16 A 8109, and the 2nd
respondent is the insurer of the said Tempo. Hence, the 2nd respondent is bound to
indemnify the 1st respondents as per the condition of the policy. Even though the petitioner
dismissed with cost. This respondent denies all the allegations set out in the petition except
those that are specifically admitted. This respondent entitled to contest u/s. 170 of MV Act.
The present petitioner has lodged a false report by suppressing his negligence and also by
leveling allegations against the driver cum owner of the insured Tata Ace vehicle. There
was a delay of 20 days in lodging the said report. The alleged accident has occurred due to
negligence of the present petitioner, who was riding a motor bike at the time of alleged
accident and the same was hit by another unknown vehicle. No such accident was reported
to the insurance company by the 1st respondent owner cum driver in compliance of the
policy conditions. Impugned vehicle LMV Tata Ace vehicle was shown as offending
vehicle, by the present petitioner/ defacto complainant, with a view to entertain a claim and
to make wrongful gains without any truth and materials, since his motor bike was not
having insurance coverage, and also he was not having driving licence. Even the discharge
summary said to be issued by the Srinivasa Speciality hospital, Hosur there was no
reference of involvement of the impugned vehicle LMV Tata Ace vehicle. The impugned
vehicle was not sent for vehicle inspection to ensure the involvement, and also damage said
to be occurred for the said vehicle, and validity of the documents such as fitness and driving
licence of the driver. The petitioner was riding even without wearing a helmet along with
two pillion riders. Thus the petitioner has contributed negligence for the alleged accident.
The Tata Ace vehicle was not holding fitness certificate, and also driver was not holding
driving licence. The petitioner has no loss of earning capacity, loss of income and no loss of
future prospects. The claim of the compensation is very high, excessive and exaggerated.
which was caused due to rash and negligent driving of the first respondent’s Tempo bearing regn
No.KA-16-A-8109. The 1st respondent has not chosen to contest the case. Whereas, the 2nd
respondent has denied the manner of accident and projected a different case, that due to negligence
of petitiner, he was hit by unknown vehicle, and the 1 st respondent's vehicle was shown as offending
vehicle,for wrongful gains, and further the petitioner, had no driving licence, and was driving
without helmet with two pillion riders, which led to the accident. Though the involvement of the
Tempo bearing regn No.KA-16-A-8109 is disputed, the Ex.P-1 FIR prima facie shows the
involvement of the same. The complaint by the petitioner has been given on 30/09/2011 for the
incident on 11/09/2011. The Ex.P-3 shows that the petitioner was admitted on 11/09/2011 with
history of RTA between two-wheeler and four-wheeler. The delay of the 20 days to give complaint
is inordinate, but on that ground alone, the occurrence cannot be doubted, particularly as the 1 st
respondent not chosen to deny the involvement of his vehicle. In the cross of PW1, it is elicited that
the petitioner not aware of the criminal proceedings on his complaint. But the 2 nd respondent not
produced any material to to disbelieve the occurrence.. Now, first point for consideration before this
Tribunal is whether the accident has taken place due to the rash and negligent driving of the 1st
respondent's driver.
7. The PW1 has spoken to the manner of the accident, that when he was riding his two
wheeler, with the minor son and minor nephew, in a cautious manner,the Tempo bearing regn
No.KA-16-A-8109, coming from the opposite direction, in a rash and negligent manner, at high
speed,and dashed the front side of his bike, due to which he sustained grievous injuries.The PW1 in
cross-examination, stated that he has driving licence and produced the same for perusal. Neither the
1st respondent, nor any eyewitness to the occurrence have been examined, to disprove the
petitioner’s version. The evidence of PW1 remains uncontradicted. Therefore, this Tribunal is of
view that manner of accident as alleged by petitioner has been proved by petitioner, that it was due
to rash and negligent driving of the vehicle of the 1st respondent. This point is found accordingly.
POINT No.(ii) :-
standing in the name of the 1st respondent. The Ex.P-5 is the insurance policy of the impugned
vehicle, in the name of 1st respondent, showing that it was insured with the 2 nd respondent for the
period from 17-04-2011 to 16-04-2012. Hence 1st respondent is the owner /insured, and 2nd
respondent is insurer of Tempo bearing regn No.KA-16-A-8109. The 2 nd respondent not produced
any material to infer any violation of the terms of the policy. The petitioner produced the driving
license of the 1st respondent as Ex.P6, which was not disputed by the 2 nd respondent. This Tribunal
holds that there is no violation of terms and conditions of insurance policy of offending vehicle, and
hence the 1st respondent being the owner of the offending vehicle, the 2nd respondent being the
insurer of the offending vehicle are jointly and separately liable to pay compensation to the
petitioner and the 2nd respondent is bound to indemnify the 1st respondent. Hence the point for
POINT No.(iii) :-
discharge summary, the petitioner sustained injuries being crush injury to right ring finger, and hans
been treated with wound debridement with K-wire fixation done under local anaesthesia and
analgesics, antibiotics and supportive therapy. Petitioner has taken treatment as inpatient in
Srinivasa Speciality Hospital, from 11/09/2011 to 14/09/2011, thus taken treatment for 4 days. The
Medical Board upon examination of the petitioner has assessed partial permanent disability of
10. The petitioner alleges that he worked as Master Tech in Titan Company, Hosur and
earning Rs.35,000/- per month,. The Ex.P-7 is salary slip to show that his net pay was Rs.9,450/-
in August 2011.However he not produced any proof to show his present pay, to arrive at the loss of
earnings.He admits in cross that there was no break in service, but only that he has taken leave for
long period. Hence the compensation can be granted on percentage method. As per Ex.P-11, the
Location: HOSUR
Date: 2021.12.10 17:30:04 +0530
st=Tamil Nadu, c=IN
Location: HOSUR
Date: 2021.12.10 17:30:23 +0530