Times Leader 06-02-2011

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The Times Leader

WILKES-BARRE, PA timesleader.com THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 50¢


sentence Conahan
13 months
Shenandoah’s Matthew
Nestor had faced 57 to 71 gives up
months behind bars.


WILKES-BARRE – Rejecting
sentencing guidelines as being
“overly harsh,” a federal judge
on Wednesday sentenced a for-
mer Shenandoah police chief
convicted of falsifying a report
on a hate crime to 13 months in
prison – nearly four years less
than the minimum sentence State agency halted former judge’s monthly
pension payment of $8,072 in April 2009.
the guide- Edna Vivian, left, and Christine Mizenko of the Red Cross stand outside 63-67 Sullivan St. on Wednesday. The vol-
lines. unteers said helping fire victims is just part of what they do.

Always ready to go
trict Judge A. tmorgan@timesleader.com
Richard Ca- HARRISBURG – Former Luzerne County
puto said he Judge Michael Conahan has dropped his appeal
believed the of a state agency’s decision to deny him his
Nestor sentence im- pension benefits, according a state official.
posed on Robert Gentzel, spokesman for the State Em-
Matthew Red Cross volunteers were there to ployees’ Retirement System, said
Nestor was Conahan notified the agency in
assist fire victims on Monday
appropriate April that he was withdrawing
given the na- during dangerous storm. the appeal of the denial, as well
ture and cir- as his challenge of SERS’ deci-
cumstances sion to seek repayment of more
of the crime. By EDWARD LEWIS than $21,000 in benefits it says
Moyer He offered lit- elewis@timesleader.com Conahan improperly received.
tle other rea- WILKES-BARRE – Three American SERS halted Conahan’s Conahan
soning to support his decision Red Cross volunteers said they monthly pension payment of
to significantly depart from the wouldn’t hesitate again to work in the $8,072 in April 2009, two
guideline range, which called wee hours of the morning during a se- months after he and former
for a sentence of 57 to 71 vere thunderstorm with frequent light- Judge Mark Ciavarella originally
months. ning to help 15 city pleaded guilty to honest services
Federal judges typically sen- HOW TO tenants displaced fraud related to the Luzerne
tence defendants within the gui- HELP? by a fire. County corruption probe.
deline range, which is calculat- “It was nothing Since then, both men with-
Anyone interest-
ed by probation officials based ed in becoming a out of the ordinary. drew their pleas. Conahan re-en-
on the nature of the crime and Red Cross volun- This is what we tered a new guilty plea last year
numerous other factors. Judges teer can call do,” said Henry Ja- to a charge of racketeering con-
are not required to do so, how- 823-7161. blonski, 64, of Nan- spiracy. Ciavarella was convicted Conahan is
ever, as the guidelines are advi- ticoke, of Monday AIMEE DILGER/THE TIMES LEADER by a jury in February of 12 charg- also with-
sory. morning’s efforts. Christine Mizenko has been a volunteer for 17 years, and Edna Vivian has es, including racketeering, mon-
Nestor, the former police Jablonski, Christine Mizenko, 62, of helped out since 2004. ey laundering and tax evasion. drawing his
chief, was convicted in January Swoyersville, and Edna Vivian, of Both men had challenged the challenge of
of filing a false police report re- Wilkes-Barre, who declined to list her When they pulled up in their emer- care of the tenants during what he SERS determination that they SERS’ deci-
lating to the investigation into age, helped tenants who were forced gency response vehicle, a severe thun- called a “dangerous, wind-swept thun- were not entitled to their pen- sion to seek
the July 2008 death of Luis Ra- out of their apartments at 63-67 Sulli- derstorm moved through the area sions based on a state law that
mirez, an illegal immigrant who van St. when an adjacent vacant house drenching the volunteers and tenants. See VOLUNTEERS, Page 12A permits the denial of benefits to repayment of
was beaten to death by a group went up in flames at about 1 a.m. Mon- City Fire Chief Jay Delaney praised any person convicted of certain more than
of Shenandoah teenagers. day. the Red Cross volunteers for taking INSIDE: Bodies found in house ID’d, 12A. crimes related to their public of- $21,000 in
Nestor was among three She- fice.
nandoah officers charged in con- Conahan’s attorney, Philip Gel-
benefits it

Hooters on 8th-graders’ trip menu

nection with the Ramirez inves- so, declined to comment says Conahan
tigation. William Moyer, who Wednesday on Conahan’s rea- improperly
was convicted of lying to the sons for dropping his appeal. received.
FBI, was sentenced Wednesday Ciavarella continues to contest
to three months in prison for his SERS’ decision to deny him his
role in the case. The third de- Some Berwick Middle Schoolers es than its food. District Superintendent Wayne pension, which has been estimated at $5,156 a
fendant, Jason Hayes, was ac- The Berwick Middle School stu- Brookhart said that while he wish- month.
quitted of all charges.
had lunch at the establishment A hearing on his appeal was set for today, but
dents were visiting the National es the group’s coed chaperones had
The crux of the prosecution’s on a fieldtrip to Baltimore. Aquarium last week. chosen another restaurant, he has was postponed at the request of his attorney, Al
case against Nestor rested on Chaperones took them to various not received any complaints from Flora.
the fact that he had withheld the restaurants for lunch because the parents. Conahan’s decision to drop his appeal means
names of several of the suspect- The Associated Press group of 100 was too large for a sin- Hooters spokesman Mike the money he would have been paid will remain
ed assailants of Ramirez, includ- BERWICK — For one group of gle place. McNeil said the restaurant chain within the SERS retirement fund, Gentzel said.
ing Brandon Piekarsky and Der- eighth-graders from Berwick, a re- The Bloomsburg Press Enter- often hosts groups, including It also clears the way for SERS to take action to
rick Donchak, in his original po- cent field trip to Baltimore includ- prise reported on Tuesday that one sports teams and church organiza- collect $21,261 in benefits Conahan was paid from
ed lunch at Hooters — a restaurant group of 15 to 20 students ended up tions with teens and younger chil-
See SENTENCE, Page 12A better known for its busty waitress- at Hooters. dren. See CONAHAN, Page 12A

GOP can’t stomach Obama’s school nutrition program

Sophie Wilkin A NEWS: Local 3A
Mostly sunny, windy. Nation & World 5A
High 72. Low 53. Obituaries 8A
Details, Page 10B Editorial 11A Administration’s proposals House Appropriations Commit-
tee late Tuesday, also questions
B SPORTS: Scoreboard 2B are too costly and border on
a government proposal to curb
Baseball 3B a ‘nanny-state,’ say critics. marketing of unhealthy foods to
Business 8B
Stocks 9B
children and urges the Food and
Drug Administration to limit
C LIFE: Birthdays 4C By MARY CLARE JALONICK rules requiring calorie counts
TV/Movies 6C Associated Press be posted on menus.
Crossword 7C WASHINGTON — House Re- The overall spending bill
Funnies 8C publicans are pushing back would cut billions from USDA
D CLASSIFIED against Obama administration and FDA budgets, including for
efforts to promote healthier domestic feeding programs and
lunches, saying the Agriculture international food aid. The pan-
Department should rewrite el also cut some farm subsidies
rules it issued in January meant to cut spending.
to make school meals healthier. Republicans are concerned
They say the new rules are too about the cost of many of the AP FILE PHOTO
6 09815 10011 costly. Apple slices are among the choices students have under govern-
The bill, approved by the See LUNCHES, Page 12A ment nutrition guidelines signed into law in January.

PAGE 2A THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 ➛ timesleader.com THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

4 area men busted in N.H.
sion of heroin Wednesday.
Police said the arrest came as a
result of complaints from peo- DETAILS
DORRANCE TWP. – State ple living near a house at 852
police at Hazleton said 12 brass S. Franklin St. Butler was also
armed forces flag holders were wanted on probation violation, LOTTERY
stolen from veterans’ gravesites police said. Police allege the four drove were completed, Nicho- Before leaving building where the MIDDAY DRAWING
in the Emanuel Christian Cem- • The Motorworld automo- las told officer Russell Pennsylvania dealer lived failed be-
all the way to Concord on DAILY NUMBER 4-2-7
etery from Sunday to Tuesday. bile dealership Wednesday that he understood the cause the door was
Cemetery groundskeeper reported a man issued a check Monday to rob a drug dealer. warnings because he they stopped at locked, the affidavit BIG FOUR 3-3-1-0
Lonnie Rinehimer discovered then stopped payment on it. was a criminal justice a Kmart, where said. After hearing QUINTO 7-7-4-1-2
the theft. Police are investigating the major and that he want- Martin stole a noise below, the deal- TREASURE HUNT
reported issuance of a bad By JERRY LYNOTT ed to talk,” the affidavit package of er yelled from an up- 06-11-12-21-27
KINGSTON TWP. – A wom- check. jlynott@timesleader.com said. stairs apartment,
an was arraigned Wednesday in • Margaret Metzger of When Nicholas Sheffler was At first Sheffler said he stockings and “What’s good, mon-
Wilkes-Barre Central Court on North Washington Street said read his rights, it sounded familiar and his friends were en Mateo bought ey?” according to the DAILY NUMBER 9-7-5
charges she assaulted a taxi Wednesday that a Pennsylvania to the Pittston man, who was ar- route to Maine for a Me- red bandanas to affidavit. BIG FOUR 4-3-5-4
driver and resisted arrest. license plate YDP14 was stolen rested in Concord, N.H., Monday morial Day barbecue and
wear during the
Sheffler, Mateo and QUINTO 9-1-6-1-7
Josephine A. Zekas, 36, of from her vehicle. for carrying a loaded shotgun after that they tricked him in- Martin regrouped at CASH FIVE
Hemlock Street, Dallas, was • Francine Fargione of Paint- plans he and others made to rob a to helping in a robbery, robbery, the the car parked at a 08-19-30-31-43
charged with simple assault, ed Post, N.Y., said Wednesday drug dealer unraveled, police said. the affidavit said. He lat- affidavit said. nearby gas station
resisting arrest and harass- that a door knob was damaged Sheffler was one of four Luzerne er admitted his role as a where Hasan waited, POWERBALL
ment. She was released on at residence on Westminster County men arrested after they lookout and said he car- the affidavit said. 08-18-38-46-56
$5,000 unsecured bail. Street. drove nearly eight hours from ried two rolls of duct tape that All four went to the building on POWERBALL 31
According to the criminal • Copper pipes were stolen Wilkes-Barre on Monday to Con- were bought at a convenience the second visit and Mateo had a POWER PLAY 4
complaint: from a house in the 100 block cord for the attempted robbery, po- store to be used to bind the dealer shotgun and Martin carried a
Dave Carter told township of Carey Avenue on Tuesday. lice said. and any of his associates, the affi- handgun, but two men carrying HARRISBURG – One player
police he pulled off Memorial • Police said a man stole Jeremy Martin, 21, Edwin Ma- davit said. hammers ran toward them and matched all five winning
Highway into a parking lot two barbells that were unat- teo Jr., 22, and Joseph Hasan, 22, Sheffler said Mateo came up one of them asked Mateo, “What numbers drawn in Wednes-
when his fare, Zekas, started tended on a sidewalk in the all of Wilkes-Barre, and Sheffler with the plan he described as “fool- are you doing, E? Why does it have day’s “Pennsylvania Cash 5”
acting crazy and struck him area of 11 W. North St. on Tues- are being held in the Merrimack proof” and that “they would be to be like this, E?” the affidavit game and will receive
multiple times. day. County House of Corrections in rich” because the dealer Mateo said. $225,000.
Police said in the complaint • An electric razor was re- lieu of bail ranging from $100,000 dealt with before was a “hippie” Mateo set down the shotgun Lottery officials said 64
Zekas struggled with officers ported stolen from CVS Phar- to $125,000 on charges including who would neither put up any re- wrapped in a T-shirt and Sheffler players matched four num-
when she was arrested. macy, South Main Street, on conspiracy to commit robbery and sistance nor contact police, the af- picked it up as they fled the scene, bers and won $300 each
A preliminary hearing is Tuesday. attempted burglary. fidavit said. the affidavit said. and 2,464 players matched
scheduled on June 9 before • Police said Jason Kis- While being transported in a po- Before leaving Pennsylvania Police who responded to a call of three numbers and won $13
District Judge James Tupper in thardt, of White Haven, was lice cruiser Sheffler said he want- they stopped at a Kmart, where an attempted break-in first appre- each.
Kingston Township. charged with violating a pro- ed to speak to officer Joseph Rus- Martin stole a package of stock- hended Sheffler and Hasan and a
tection from abuse order after sell, according to an arrest affidavit ings and Mateo bought red banda- few hours later caught Mateo and
HAZLETON – A woman was a woman residing on Water filed Monday by the Concord Po- nas to wear during the robbery, the Martin, the affidavit said. Only
arraigned Wednesday in Street alleged he called her on lice Department. affidavit said. Mateo refused to provide a state-
Wilkes-Barre Central Court on Tuesday. “Once the (Miranda) warnings The first attempt to enter the ment, the affidavit said.
charges she entered a vacant • Tyrone Mason of North
building. Empire Court said Saturday
Jamie Lynn Bonner, 31, of morning that his flat-screen
North Wyoming Street, Hazle- television was stolen.
ton, was charged with burglary, • Lauren Loch, 24, of Catlin Aqua, Karen
criminal trespass and loitering Avenue, was charged with Billing, Dorothy
and prowling at night. She was public drunkenness after, po-
jailed at the Luzerne County lice said, she was intoxicated
Churnetski, Edward
Correctional Facility for lack of on North Washington Street Dugan, Sharon
$5,000 bail. early Saturday morning. Grohowski, Stanley
According to the criminal • Breanna Flynn, 19, of May- Lello, Regina
complaint: ock Street, will be charged Mackavage, Joseph
Police spotted Bonner on a with underage drinking. Police
Meikle, George Jr.
second-floor porch to a vacant said they responded to Mayock
building on North Wyoming Street and determined Flynn Shupp, Harold
Street at about 10:15 p.m. Tues- had consumed alcohol. Soyka, Helen
day. • Olanda Carter, 43, of Page 8A
Bonner told police she was South Welles Street, was
in the building buying heroin, charged with scattering trash
the complaint says. after a police officer said he
Police said in the complaint saw her throw a beer can in the
that Bonner ran away and was roadway near the intersection
captured in the area of Manhat- of East Northampton and
tan Court and Green Street. South Welles streets early WHO TO CONTACT
A preliminary hearing is Saturday morning. Missed Paper ........................829-5000
scheduled on June 8 before • Keno Johnson-Williams, Obituaries ..............................829-7224
District Judge Joseph Zola in 34, of Jones Street, was Advertising...............................829-7101
Hazleton. charged with public drunk- Classified Ads.........................829-7130
enness Friday night after police Newsroom ..............................829-7242
WILKES-BARRE – A wom- said he was intoxicated on Vice President/Executive Editor
an was arraigned Wednesday in Jones Street. Joe Butkiewicz ...............................970-7249
Wilkes-Barre Central Court on • David Cruz, 34, of South Asst. Managing Editor
charges she stole items from Franklin Street, will be charged Anne Woelfel...................................970-7232

the CVS Pharmacy on South with theft and receiving stolen Editorial Page Editor
Main Street. property after he was seen on a Mark Jones .....................................970-7305

Monica Auguste, 30, of Irv- surveillance video Thursday AIMEE DILGER/THE TIMES LEADER
Features Editor
ing Place, Wilkes-Barre, was removing a television from a Sandra Snyder................................970-7383

charged with retail theft. Bail

was set at $5,000 unsecured
property owned by Audi Man-
agement III on South Franklin
E rin Yanoshak, Kelsey Wolsieffer and Amanda Urbanski look at digital photos on a cam-
era before the graduation of the class of 2011 of Wilkes-Barre’s Holy Redeemer High
School on Wednesday night at Misericordia University. For a story, more photos and a list
Director, Interactive and New Media
Nick DeLorenzo ..............................970-7152
Photo Editor
bail. She remains jailed on Street.
unrelated charges. • Shanae Coleman of North of graduates, see a special 2011 graduation tab in July 9 editions of The Times Leader. Clark Van Orden ..............................970-7175

City police allege Auguste Sherman Street reported some- Community News .........................970-7245

took $129 worth of diapers, one broke into her apartment E-MAIL

Nanticoke eyes accounts’ interest rates

baby powder, lotion and butter between Friday and Monday News tips: tlnews@timesleader.com
Community News: people@timesleader.com
on April 13, according to the and stole a 32-inch television
criminal complaint. valued at $600.
A preliminary hearing is
scheduled on June 7 in Central PLAINS TWP. – Three peo- City has almost $3 million in vested in anything long-term, W H A T ’ S N E X T
Court. ple were charged with fighting
bank and has earned less than such as a certificate of depos- The next meeting will take place 7
inside the Mohegan Sun at it. p.m. July 6 at City Hall.
PLYMOUTH – Police arrest- Pocono Downs casino and $2,000, treasurer states. “Most of these accounts
ed a man they allege assaulted damaging a kiosk machine in have money in and money out,
his girlfriend. February. “ said Mayor Joseph Dougher- the properties’ market value
Richard Evans, 46, of Not- State police gaming enforce- By GERI GIBBONS ty. “Attempting to collect in- and that it was the city’s intent
tingham Street, Plymouth, was ment unit charged Thomas Times Leader Correspondent terest on these types of funds to sell them.
arraigned Wednesday in Matthew Perry, 21, of Dallas, NANTICOKE – Fiscal re- would be impossible.” In another matter, Council-
Wilkes-Barre Central Court on Andrew Wolak Jr., 22, of Oly-
charges of simple assault, dis- phant, and Jeremy Paradiso,
sponsibility and efficient use
of tax dollars were discussed
Wytoshek said he believed
that council should investi-
man Jim Litchkowski ex-
pressed interest in the pro-
orderly conduct and public 22, of Dracut, Mass, with crim- at Wednesday night’s City gate this matter further and he gress of the city’s Home Rule TRUST
drunkenness. He was jailed at inal mischief and disorderly Council meeting. planned to determine whether Charter Committee.
the Luzerne County Correc- conduct. The charges were “We have nearly $3 million better interest rates could be Linda Prushinski, a member The Times Leader strives to
tional Facility for lack of $3,000 filed with District Judge Diana in the bank,” said Albert Wy- made on the more than 30 ac- of that committee, said the correct errors, clarify stories
bail. Malast in Plains Township and toshek, city treasurer, “and I counts held by the city. group was in the process of de- and update them promptly.
According to the criminal mailed to the three people. am unclear as to what type of Resident Jim Samelski also ciding whether an additional Corrections will appear in this
complaint: State police said damage to accounts this money is in and brought up current real estate member would be added to spot. If you have information
Police found Nora Simoncav- the kiosk, if repaired, was why we don’t get more inter- owned by the city that is not City Council. to help us correct an inaccu-
age bleeding from her mouth $15,025 or replacement cost of est.” He noted the interest on generating any taxes. Prushinski said the commit- racy or cover an issue more
and Evans crouching near her $43,900, the criminal com- these accounts was under “Can we sell these proper- tee would be meeting Tuesday thoroughly, call the newsroom
at 829-7242.
on West Main Street at about plaint says. $2,000 a year. ties,” Samelski asked, “so that at City Hall.
10:10 p.m. Tuesday. Preliminary hearings are Holly Cirko, city administra- we can collect revenue from Mary Cheshinski, city clerk,
Evans was telling Simoncav- scheduled on June 28. tor, said many of the accounts them?” invited the public to the Relay
age “how sorry he was, and were earmarked for a specific Doughtery said research for Life event and bake sale to
how much he loved her,” the HANOVER TWP. – Town- purpose and could not be in- was currently being done on be held June 18-19 at City Hall.
complaint says. ship police reported the follow-
+(ISSN No. 0896-4084)
Simoncavage alleged they ing: USPS 499-710
were walking home from a bar • A woman was taken to a
when Evans punched her in the hospital after a two-vehicle MUNICIPAL BRIEFS ately after the 6:30 p.m.
work session.
If an appointment is needed,
call 570-693-0130 after 4 p.m. Issue No. 2011-153
face and grabbed her neck and crash on Lasley Avenue on Monday through Friday. Advertising
arm. Wednesday. WEST WYOMING – Robert kpelleschi@timesleader.com jbutkiewicz@timesleader.com
Police said Simoncavage was Police said Irene Radle, of DURYEA - The regular F. Connors, tax collector, WARRIOR RUN – Tax Jim McCabe – 829-5000
treated at Wilkes-Barre General Lawrence Street, Wilkes-Barre, monthly meeting of the Du- reminds residents that the Collector Mary Ann Brodgin- jmccabe@timesleader.com
Published daily by:
Hospital. was turning into Telerx Com- ryea Borough Sewer Author- county/municipal face peri- ski reminds residents that
A preliminary hearing is munication when her 2001 ity ( DBSA) will be at 7 p.m. od will end Monday. the end of the face period is Wilkes-Barre Publishing Company
15 N. Main St.
scheduled on June 7 before Dodge Neon was struck from Monday in the Municipal The tax office will be open June 14 for the 2011 county/ Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
District Judge Donald Whittak- behind by a 2001 Dodge Intrep- Building. 6 to 7 p.m. Monday. If mail- municipal property taxes. Periodicals postage paid at
Wilkes-Barre, PA and additional mailing offices
er in Nanticoke. id, driven by Jessica Caines, of ing payment, it must reach Collection during the pen-
Postmaster: Send address changes
Sively Street, Hanover Town- AVOCA – The regular the tax office by then. alty period is by appoint- to Times Leader, 15 N. Main St.,
WILKES-BARRE – City ship. monthly meeting of the bor- Taxpayers should return ment only by calling 825- Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711

police reported the following: A passenger in Radle’s vehi- ough council will be Thurs- the whole bill. If a receipt is 4043. Send both copies of Delivery Monday–Sunday $3.50 per week
Mailed Subscriptions Monday–Sunday
• Shaun Butler, 29, of Nanti- cle was taken to a hospital for day in the municipal build- requested, send a self-ad- tax bill when mailing in pay- $4.35 per week in PA
coke was charged with posses- treatment. ing, 752 Main St., immedi- dressed, stamped envelope. ments. $4.75 per week outside PA

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ timesleader.com THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 PAGE 3A

Police checked on Balester at family’s request 3 hours before relative found body I N B R I E F

Homicide victim stabbed in back

By EDWARD LEWIS stab wounds, Lu- ran pronounced him dead at 11:20 search warrant as investigators
elewis@timesleader.com zerne County Coro- p.m. worked quickly to preserve evidence
KINGSTON TWP. – Township po- ner John Corcoran Police found exterior and interior outside that may have been dissipat-
lice made a welfare check on Jonath- said after an autopsy lights turned on, including a ceiling ed by the rain.
an Balester about three hours before was performed on fan inside the house. Search warrants applied at night
family members found his body in- Saturday. State police obtained the rare require additional reasonable cause
side his North Lehigh Street home The search war- nighttime search warrant autho- for permission from a district judge
on Friday, according to a search war- Balester rant says the back of rized by District Judge Daniel to enter a property, according to the
rant affidavit. Balester’s shirt was O’Donnell of Sugarloaf Township at state’s crimes code. DON CAREY/THE TIMES LEADER
Police also found blood leading covered in blood and “there ap- 3 a.m. Saturday when they learned According to the search warrant St. Mary’s Assumption School in Pitt-
from the kitchen to where Balester peared to be multiple stab wounds Balester lived alone and no other affidavit: ston is scheduled to close June 15.
was found inside a bedroom, the to the victim’s back.” person could consent to search the Police checked their voice mail at PITTSTON
search warrant says. State police at Wyoming said Bal- house. Weather conditions also
Balester, 56, died from multiple ester was found at 10:38 p.m. Corco- played a factor in obtaining the See HOMICIDE, Page 4A
Mass for school set to close
St. Mary’s Assumption School in

Heat forces GETTING KINGSTON POOL READY Pittston will celebrate its 143 years of
service at a special Mass tonight. The
school, which is scheduled to close
June 15, is inviting graduates and oth-

workers out
ers with memories of the school to the
Mass, set to begin at 5:30 p.m. at St.
Mary’s Assumption Church on the
school grounds. That church closed in

of courthouse
March as part of the Scranton Diocese’s
consolidation plan.
Construction of the current St. Ma-
ry’s Assumption School building began
in 1924, but it was preceded by a wood-
With AC being worked on, employees en schoolhouse constructed in 1890,
allowed to leave, but are not paid and classes had been taught at the
unless using sick or vacation time. adjacent church since 1868.
The Mass will be followed by an
open house and reception 6:30 to 9:30
Luzerne County Courthouse employ-
ees are permitted to leave work until
temperatures are lowered in the build-
No left turns on Coal Street
ing, though they won’t get paid unless Because of work being done in the
they use vacation or sick time, officials center lane of Coal Street, the Penn-
said Wednesday. sylvania Department of Transportation
Temperatures exceeded 90 degrees in
is alerting motorists that no left turns
parts of the building Wednesday be-
cause the air-conditioning system is un- J eff Grodski and Thomas Missal, both of Kingston, sweep the Kingston Pool on Wednesday afternoon.
The facility will open June 11, at which time both boys will be lifeguards at the pool.
will be possible between Empire Court
and Wilkes-Barre Township Boulevard.
Motorists needing to turn onto a
der repair.
Contractors could not complete work side street or driveway should plan

Owner denies dog dangerous

on the air conditioning sooner because accordingly.
they’re replacing 12 air handlers that are The work will continue through the
used to both heat and cool the century- beginning of July.
old building. The heat had to be kept on Coal Street is being widened and the
entrance onto Wilkes-Barre Boulevard
until the end of April, which didn’t leave
is being realigned. Phase I of the $12
enough time to finish the work before
million project is expected to be com-
the air conditioning was needed, offi- Great Pyrenees from refuge has Polachek Gartley did not is- “All that does ville Road in Dallas, has
pleted next year.
cials said. sue a decision Wednesday. been incorporated as a
bitten 3 people; refuge operator
The Dangerous Dog Law is take away
Phase II of the project is not yet
Many departments nonprofit since 2004. It
appealing ruling. funded. It will connect Coal Street to
“The tem- worked without over- requires the owner or keep- money that rescues animals that
Union Street.
head lights Wednes- er of a dangerous dog to might otherwise be de-
peratures day to try to make confine it to an enclosure can be used to stroyed by other animal MOUNTAIN TOP
were not their workspaces cool- By MATT HUGHES and to restrain it with a care for other shelters. Some of the ani-
healthy er.
County District At-
Caleb, a 165-pound Great Pyrenees
muzzle and substantial
chain or leash whenever it is
animals.” mals may be adopted.
Bart said Caleb is not eli-
Kindergarten focus of rally
working torney Jackie Musto housed at Blue Chip Farms Animal outside the enclosure. Attorney Garry S. gible for adoption. A group of concerned citizens is
having a rally at 7 tonight to bring to
Carroll is allowing Refuge in Dallas Township, has bitten Bart’s attorney, Garry S. Taroli Taroli argued the Dan-
conditions workers to dress casu- three people. Taroli, said the no-kill shel- gerous Dog Law does not light the negative consequences of
at all.” ally when they’re not But Margaret Bart, owner of the ani- ter is already complying apply to Blue Chip Farms cutting full-time kindergarten in favor
in court. mal rescue, does not believe Caleb with those restrictions and is paying because the law provides an exemp- of half-day kindergarten to achieve
Paula Schnelly budget cuts in Crestwood and other
AFSCME union Some male workers should be declared dangerous. the medical bills for the bite victims, tion for farm dogs if the dog does not
school districts. The rally is at New
head wore polo shirts in- Bart appealed a March 31 decision but wishes to avoid a $500 annual fee leave the property to attack and if the
Life Community Church , 570 South
stead of ties and suit by District Judge James Tupper, Dal- required to register a dangerous dog farm is conspicuously posted alerting
jackets. Women were las, that found her guilty of dog bites/ with the state. visitors to the presence of a watch or Main Road, between Crossroads Bar
and Knights of Columbus.
allowed to wear capri pants and open- confine & isolation, a summary of- “All that does is take away money guard dog at all entrances and exits.
The meeting aims to objectively
toed shoes. fense, and which would declare Caleb that can be used to care for other ani- Bart testified the animal rescue oc-
review Crestwood’s progress with full-
Some court proceedings were moved a dangerous dog under the state’s Dan- mals,” Taroli said.
day kindergarten and the potential
to other county buildings. gerous Dog Law. Presiding Judge Tina Blue Chip Farms, located on Lock- See DOG, Page 4A
impact to children’s academic progress
Prothonotary Carolee Medico Ole-
of curtailing the program, organizers
nginski bought popsicles for her work-

Bee veteran headed to semifinals for a spell

ers and said papers in the office stuck to
What appears to be savings could
her skin in the heat. Workers were hes- potentially wind up costing the district
itant to leave because the office is short- hundreds of thousands of dollars, ac-
staffed and preparing for the upcoming cording to a press release. There also
switch to online access of her office re- South Abington Township’s Sukanya S C R I P P S N AT I O N A L
SPELLING BEE will be discussion on how cutting trans-
cords, she said.
Roy is competing in her third portation for kindergarten students
Union leaders measured the temper- Instead of being held in a downtown D.C. could be discriminatory.
ature from the basement to second floor Scripps National Spelling Bee. hotel where it has been for a number of
and got readings of 86 to 91 degrees, said years, the competition is being staged WILKES-BARRE
Paula Schnelly, head the American Fed- at a large hotel resort complex in subur-
eration of State, County and Municipal
Employees (AFSCME) union.
Times Leader Washington Bureau
ban Maryland, about 15 minutes outside
of Washington.
Organizing Center class set
The ultimate winner of the 2011 Scripps The Northeastern Pennsylvania
“The temperatures were not healthy NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. – Suka- National Spelling Bee will win an array
working conditions at all,” Schnelly nya (Sue) Roy is headed for today’s Organizing Center will have an orien-
of prizes, including $30,000 from the tation 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday for local
said. semifinals of the 2011 Scripps National main sponsor of the Bee, the E.W.
people who want to take part in its
County Engineer Joe Gibbons said 50 Spelling Bee – and hoping that the Scripps Co., as well as a $25,000 U.S.
savings bond from Merriam-Webster, the Media Program.
percent of the air conditioning should third time proves the charm for pro-
dictionary publisher. The event will at the Downtown Arts
be restored to the building next week, gressing even farther.
Cash prizes also are awarded to other Center, 47 N. Franklin St., side en-
but he is trying a stopgap measure to The 14-year-old South Abington finalists, including $12,500 for second trance. No experience is needed, nor is
cool the building today. Township resident handled the bright place and $7,500 for third place. a journalism background required.
Large industrial fans have been lights and pressure of the two rounds TIMES LEADER FILE PHOTO
Food will be served afterward.
moved into the building. Building and on the stage Wednesday, spelling both Sukanya Roy is competing in the The Organizing Center is a resident-
grounds workers will arrive early and her words correctly. Scripps National Spelling Bee. round (technically the second round led organization dedicated to providing
open as many windows as possible in Combined with her score on Tues- after Tuesday’s written-test first the community the means to develop
the building to draw in cooler air. The day’s 25-word written test, Roy quali- Leader. round) Roy walked to the microphone long-term solutions to human-rights
fans will be used to push warmer air out fied along with 40 other spellers for the Her first two trips resulted in 12th- Wednesday morning to face her first issues. This includes people struggling
through the second floor, Gibbons said. semifinal round. and 28th-place finishes, so this is her word of the day: croissant. with housing foreclosure, unemploy-
“We’re going to create a convection The day began with 275 spellers vy- third consecutive semifinals appear- The eighth-grade Abington Heights ment, lack of health care, access to
system inside the dome,” Gibbons said. ing to survive. ance. Middle School student asked for a defi- decent education and similar problems.
The work is part of a $2.2 million heat- Roy missed just one word on the “I am happy I made it,” Roy said after nition, said the word again, and then The Media Program exists to assist
ing and air-conditioning rehabilitation written test. Missing more than two Wednesday’s rounds were concluded did a little practice spelling by writing organizations and individuals in telling
primarily funded by federal stimulus words on the written test, and either of and the semifinalists announced. “I am on her hand. their own stories. Saturday’s orien-
money targeted for energy efficiency. the on-stage words, meant falling short just going to try my best.” She then calmly spelled “croissant” tation is to train “resident reporters,”
The system, when complete, will have of the semifinals. Roy said her experience has taught correctly, and walked back to her chair who will produce media that clarifies
computer-operated controls that auto- After winning The 2011 Times Lead- her it is important to “keep calm and to the applause of the crowd. the issues, documents the realities of
matically adjust air handlers to keep the er/Scripps Northeast Pennsylvania relax” during the semifinals, in the face There were only 38 words mis- daily life and acts as a tool to inspire
building at a preset temperature, reduc- Regional Spelling Bee earlier this year, of knowing there are “no second chanc- spelled by the 275 spellers during the and unite those who have a vested
ing electricity usage by an estimated 20 Roy is making her third trip to the na- es.” interest in change, said Mitch Trout-
percent, officials said. tional contest, courtesy of The Times The 214th speller in the first on-stage See ROY, Page 4A man, media program coordinator.

PAGE 4A THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 ➛ N E W S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

Changes are uncertain in

PA B U D G E T 2.3 percent more in revenue collected so far than estimated

Surplus grows amid fight over cuts wake of Pa. casino report
Two senators want to make They said they feel obligated to
By MARC LEVY spend more to ease proposed ing reason to hoard the surplus push for “reasonable reforms
Associated Press gaming investigative bureau
cuts in aid to public schools and while public schools and hospi- and more transparency” as long
HARRISBURG — Pennsylva- state-supported universities, tals suffer. into an independent agency. as gambling oversight concerns
nia state government had anoth- hospital care for the poor and In a public appearance Tues- and issues remain.
er better-than-expected revenue other areas. day before an audience of Phila- The House voted in February
collection month in May, and on House Democrats said the rev- delphia-area business leaders, The Associated Press
to put the investigative bureau
Wednesday it headed into the fi- enue collections mean the state Corbett acknowledged the com- HARRISBURG — Two state under the Attorney General’s
nal month of the fiscal year with government can put another $1 plaints over his spending plan, senators are vowing to intro- Office. That bill is currently
a nearly $540 million surplus as billion into the 2011-12 budget, but insisted it shouldn’t surprise duce legislation that would turn
pending before a Senate com-
the debate intensifies in the Cap- and they also expect June to de- anyone. the state Gaming Control
itol over the depth of spending liver strong revenue collections. “I campaigned on this,” he mittee.
Board’s bureau of investigations
cuts being sought by Gov. Tom “With only one month to go in said, according to a Philadelphia The jury said the gaming
and enforcement into an inde-
Corbett. the fiscal year, the governor and Inquirer report. “I believe every- board needs more experienced
pendent agency.
Legislative budget analysts many House Republicans would body wanted me to keep my employees and should limit how
Sen. Jane Orie, R-Allegheny,
said the state’s updated revenue rather stick their heads in the word, they just didn’t want me to many secret meetings it holds,
and Sen. John Rafferty, R-Mont-
collection figure through the end sand than acknowledge the fiscal AP FILE PHOTO keep my word as it pertained to among other suggestions, but
gomery, also want the Legisla-
of May was 2 percent, or about reality that’s as clear as the nose Gov. Tom Corbett’s no-new- them.” ture to adopt other reforms en- did not recommend criminal
$34 million, over the official esti- on my face,” House Minority taxes vow still stirring debate. Corbett has said a surplus dorsed last week by a Pitts- charges.
mate. That means the state has Leader Frank Dermody, D-Al- could be used to pay down debt burgh-based grand jury. A spokesman for the state At-
collected almost $24.3 billion legheny, said in a statement. Corbett has maintained the or kept in reserve in case of a torney General’s Office told the
The announcement by Orie
through 11 months, or 2.3 per- In the meantime, public state must spend no more than downturn in the economy that newspaper the grand jury report
and Rafferty is one sign that the
cent above the official estimate. school districts, particularly the the $27.3 billion that he pro- drags down state revenue collec- amounted to a “greatest hits” of
report that exposed shortcom-
However, the state continues state’s poorest, are preparing to posed in March, and he has said tions. what its investigation found.
ings in Pennsylvania’s casino li-
to face a projected multibillion- lay off staff, close school build- he opposes any tax increase. A spokesman for Senate Ma- The spokesman, Nils Frede-
dollar budget deficit in the fiscal ings, raise property taxes and Last week, the Republican- jority Leader Dominic Pileggi, R- censing process could get trac-
tion in the state Capitol. riksen, declined to say whether
year beginning July 1, largely be- eliminate programs, such as full- controlled House approved a Delaware, said Wednesday that another grand jury might be
cause of the disappearing federal day kindergarten, to absorb ap- $27.3 billion budget bill that the goal of the Republican major- The Scranton Times-Tribune
said Wednesday it wasn’t clear formed to consider bringing
stimulus money that temporari- proximately $1 billion, or more does not increase taxes and leav- ity is to deliver a fiscally respon-
who, or which institution, criminal charges, instead sug-
ly helped buttress the state’s re- than 10 percent, in proposed es nearly the entire surplus un- sible, on-time budget.
cession-wracked tax collections. state school aid cuts. touched. Every Democrat and “We are now involved in an in- might emerge to push for the gesting that other solutions
But with Corbett seeking $2.6 On Tuesday, Harrisburg’s two Republicans opposed it. depth, line-by-line review of the suggested changes to tighten might emanate from parties on
billion in spending cuts to bal- school board adopted a tempo- The bill is under consideration House-passed spending plan,” oversight of the state’s gambling the report’s distribution list.
ance the budget, May’s rosy reve- rary budget plan that would in the Senate, which reconvenes spokesman Erik Arneson said. industry. It was sent to the governor,
nue report adds fuel to argu- mean closing four school build- next week. Leaders of the Sen- “Among the items being re- Orie and Rafferty said their both legislative chambers, the
ments by Democrats — and ings and laying off more than 20 ate’s Republican majority have viewed in great detail are the bill would contain all 21 pro- state Supreme Court, the
even some Republican senators percent of its teachers, the Patri- clashed with Corbett over spend- line items related to education posed changes in the 102-page court’s disciplinary board and
— that the state can afford to ot-News of Harrisburg reported. ing, and say there’s no compell- funding and hospital funding.” report, made public May 24. any future grand juries.

a word. nouncer to use the word in a sentence. It turned out just fine for Roy on Wednes- 41 competitors who will take the stage
In the second round on stage Wednes- Scribbling it out on her hand first, Roy day, leaving her beaming when the semi- again this morning for the semifinals.
day, Roy received the word “execration,” then coolly spelled it out correctly. finals group was announced. Beginning with the semifinals, a mis-
meaning “the act of cursing or denounc- Roy said after her success at the start The national contest culminates to- spelled word means a speller is knocked
Continued from Page 3A
ing,” according to the Bee’s official Web- of the day Wednesday that she was “feel- night with the prime-time champion- out of the competition. The semifinals
first on-stage round, with each speller ster’s Third New International Dictio- ing pretty confident about getting to the ship finals live on ESPN. The opening round from10 a.m. to1p.m. today will be
getting a crack at one word. The per- nary, Unabridged. semis.” But once a speller reaches the two on-stage rounds, along with the on ESPN, as will the prime-time TV
formance in the second round was simi- She asked for the definition, the origin semifinals, “after that, so much is luck,” scores from the written test, helped win- championship finals from 8:30 p.m. to 10
larly sound, with just 33 spellers missing of the word (Latin), and asked the an- Roy added. “I will see how it turns out.” now the field of 275 spellers down to the p.m.

posted at the entrance and exit “My question is: What do you ing at the shelter; Sharyn Davis, wise informed of the presence of Taroli said he would wait for
to the property. do when you have someplace who said her mother, now de- a guard or watch dog. Gartley’s decision but indicated
Prosecutors argued the animal designated as a farm and then ceased, was bitten on the leg by After denying a prosecutor’s he may appeal if the earlier rul-
rescue does not meet the legal you place a no-kill shelter on top Caleb in July, and state Depart- motion to dismiss the appeal, ing is upheld.
Continued from Page 3A
definition of a farm in the state of that?” Polachek Gartley said. ment of Agriculture dog warden Polachek Gartley said she need- “This is the kind of issue that
cupies one-half acre of the 30- code: more than 10 acres used Prosecutors called four wit- Ellen Howarth. ed to review the statutes rele- typically has to go to an appel-
acre farm, which is primarily for agricultural purposes and an nesses: two high-school students All said they did not see signs vant to the case and did not issue late court, because it has to do
used for stabling horses, and anticipated annual income of who said they were bitten on the identifying Caleb as a guard or an immediate decision. She has with interpreting the statute,” he
that “beware of dog” signs were $2,000 or more. leg by the dog while volunteer- watch dog and were not other- 30 days to do so. said.

mugs and calendars. dence.
An officer went to Balester’s An officer stayed outside
house, opened the front and while family members went in-
rear doors, yelled inside and side and found Balester in a
Continued from Page 3A
got no response. bedroom, the search warrant
7:30 p.m. Friday that was left The officer noticed the exte- affidavit says.
by a family member at 5:48
p.m., asking them to check on
rior and interior lights and a
ceiling fan were turned on, and
It remained unknown what
Balester because he missed a
meeting. Police were told he
a Toyota parked in the rear of
the house.
property. An inventory return
receipt was not attached to the HOUSEHOLD GARAGE
had not missed a meeting in 30 Police notified the family search warrant. Washers, Dryers, Stoves, Tools, Ladders,
years. member that there was no re- Balester was last seen alive Refrigerators, Vacuum Cleaners. Snowblowers
Balester was a minority sponse from inside the home. Wednesday night, state police Pot & Pans, Beer or Soda Cans,
partner with Balester Optical, About three hours later, po- said.
Car Batteries,
a family business located in lice received a second phone Anyone with information
Cast Iron Tubs, Radiators, Lawnmowers
Wilkes-Barre, and owned AB- call from Balester’s family ask- about the investigation is Sewing Machines,
BA Advertising Products, ing an officer to meet them at asked to call state police at Coal Furnaces
which sold T-shirts, coffee the North Lehigh Street resi- Wyoming at 697-2000.
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THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ N A T I O N & W O R L D THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 PAGE 5A

41 die as Yemeni fighting spreads


Fighters from country’s largest tribal cratic reforms and Saleh’s ouster. The A tribesman loyal to
mostly peaceful protests gave way last Sheik Sadeq al-
coalition seize buildings in south and Ahmar, the head of
week to violence between Saleh’s securi-
northwest areas of capital. ty forces and fighters loyal to Sheik Sa- the powerful Hashid
deq al-Ahmar, head of the country’s tribe, is carried to a
largest tribal coalition. field hospital after
By AHMED AL-HAJ Saleh’s often violent attempts to being wounded in
Associated Press quash the protests have led the U.S. to clashes with Yemeni
forces, in Sanaa, on
AP PHOTO SANAA, Yemen — Government turn away from its one-time ally, once
Endeavour put out to pasture Wednesday. There
forces and tribal fighters exchanged gun considered a necessary partner in fight-
were growing signs
Space shuttle Endeavour is towed to and artillery fire in Yemen’s capital early ing Yemen’s active al-Qaida branch.
of disarray in Presi-
the Orbiter Processing Facility in Cape Wednesday, sending the crackle of gun- Secretary of State Hillary Rodham dent Saleh’s mil-
Canaveral, Fla., on Wednesday after fire and resounding booms over the city Clinton on Wednesday called Saleh’s re- itary.
it’s final mission, a 16-day mission to in fresh fighting that killed at least 41 fusal to step down “a source of great con-
the International Space Station. The people. The fighting spread to new ar- flict” that has caused violence. AP PHOTO
flight was the next to last for the shut- eas, with tribesmen from the powerful “We cannot expect this conflict to end
tle fleet. Hasid confederation seizing buildings in unless President Saleh and his govern- Presidential Guard, commanded by one to oust Saleh.
neighborhoods in the city’s south and ment move out of the way to permit the of Saleh’s sons, shelled the headquarters Opposition officers, speaking on con-
northwest. opposition and civil society to begin a of an army brigade responsible for dition of anonymity in line with army
The urban battles over the last week transition to political and economic re- guarding sensitive government institu- rules, said the armored brigade com-
Libyan crimes are alleged have posed a new threat to President Ali
Abdullah Saleh’s 33-year rule. For nearly
form,” she told reporters in Washington.
Fighting in Sanaa raged until 5 a.m.,
tions. Officers who have defected to the
opposition said the government sus-
mander, Brigadier-General Mohammed
Khalil, was neutral and without political

A United Nations panel said Wednes-

day that Libyan government forces
have committed crimes against human-
four months, thousands of Yemenis have
filled the streets daily, calling for demo-
then continued in bursts throughout the
day. Witnesses said units of the elite
pected the brigade commander was
about to join forces with the movement
affiliation but had apparently angered

ity and war crimes in a conflict it esti-

mates has killed between 10,000-15,000
The U.N. investigators said there is
evidence opposition forces also com-

U.S. unite
mitted “some acts which would consti-
tute war crimes.”
Meanwhile, in Washington, the
House postponed a vote on a resolu-

to pursue
tion demanding an end to U.S. involve-
ment in Libya amid fears that Demo-
crats and Republicans would unite in
backing the measure and hand Presi-
dent Barack Obama an embarrassing
foreign policy defeat.
The GOP leadership had scheduled a
vote Wednesday on the resolution by
Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, that
“directs the president to remove Unit- Joint team formed to hunt top
ed States armed forces from Libya ...
suspects in Pakistan in sign
not later than 15 days after the adop-
tion” of the measure. that frayed relations on mend.

‘Octomom’ doc punished

AP Intelligence Writer

The medical license of the Beverly WASHINGTON — The U.S.

Hills fertility doctor who assisted Na- and Pakistan are building a joint
dya Suleman in conceiving octuplets intelligence team to go after top
will be revoked next month, the Med- terroristsuspectsinsidePakistan,
ical Board of California announced the nations’ officials said, a fledg-
Wednesday. ling step to restoring trust blown
The panel ruled Dr. Michael Kam- on both sides by the killing of Osa-
rava “did not exercise sound judgment” AP PHOTO ma bin Laden by U.S. forces dur-
in the transfer of 12 embryos to Sule- Dozens of rank-and-file House Republicans leave the White House on Wednesday after their meeting with President Obama ing a secret raid last month.
man. Kamrava was accused by the regarding the debt ceiling. Second row, at left, is U.S. Rep. Lou Barletta, R-Hazleton. The move comes after Secreta-
attorney general’s office of being gross- ry of State Hillary Rodham Clin-

GOP, Obama talk spending cuts

ly negligent in his treatment of Sule- ton presented the Pakistanis with
man and two other female patients: a the U.S. list of most-wanted ter-
48-year-old who suffered complications rorism targets, officials said
after she became pregnant with qua- Wednesday.
druplets and a 42-year-old diagnosed The investigative team will be
with advanced ovarian cancer after made up mainly
receiving fertility treatments. Republicans say they presented Obama for trillions in spending cuts in ex- The session between Obama and of intelligence Targets are
change for any increase in the govern- House Republicans came on the heels of a officers from
president with specifics in effort to
both nations, ac- al-Qaida
The medical board rejected many of
ment’s ability to borrow. The White symbolic and lopsided vote the day be-
arguments submitted by Kamrava’s
lawyer, including the suggestion that
reach a debt-reduction deal. House had no immediate comment. fore against a GOP proposal to raise the cording to two No. 3 Ay-
“Any day Republicans and Democrats cap on the debt limit by $2.4 trillion. U.S. and one Pa-
kistani official. man al-
Suleman failed to follow through in are actually having a dialogue, this is a Democrats said the vote was aimed
terminating an excessive number of good thing,” said Republican Rep. Jeb more at giving tea party-backed Republi-
fetuses. By ANDREW TAYLOR It would draw in Zawahri,
Associated Press Hensarling of Texas. cans an opportunity to broadcast a “nay” part on any in-
WASHINGTON — Top House Repub-
According to the GOP official briefed vote against the administration’s position
and al-Qai-
NEW YORK on the meeting, House Speaker John that any increase in U.S. borrowing au-
licans said they pressed President Barack emerging from da oper-
Maids to get panic buttons Obama Wednesday for more leadership
and a detailed plan on budget cuts, with
Boehner and other leaders told Obama
that he hadn’t put a specific plan for
thority should be done as a stand-alone
measure uncomplicated by difficult the CIA’s analy-
sis of computer
spending cuts on the table. They brought spending cuts to programs like Medicare.
A luxurious New York City hotel one leading lawmaker accusing him of up a speech he gave at George Washing- A more painful vote to raise the debt ceil- and written files chief Atiya
where an Egyptian businessman is mischaracterizing a GOP Medicare pro- gathered by the Abdel Rah-
accused of sexually abusing a house- ton University in April in which he called ing looms for Republicans this summer.
posal at the center of a partisan divide for deficit reduction totaling $4 trillion In fact, Biden is leading talks on attach- Navy SEALs
keeper has agreed to equip all room over spending. through spending cuts, tax increases and ing spending cuts to the debt measure in who raided bin man.
attendants with panic buttons. The meeting at the White House came other measures. The Republicans said a advance of the Aug. 2 deadline set by the Laden’s hideout
The Wall Street Journal says the as the GOP sought to build pressure on speech isn’t a plan. Treasury Department. in Abbottabad,
agreement was reached between The as well as Pakistani intelligence
Pierre hotel and the New York Hotel & gleaned from interrogations of

Rep. Weiner dogged by lewd Internet pic

Motel Trades Council. those who frequented or lived
Pierre spokeswoman Nora Walsh near the bin Laden compound,
says the alarms will be made available the officials said.
as soon as a system can be put in place. The formation of the team
Mahmoud Abdel Salam Omar, an marks a return to the counterter-
executive and the former chairman of a
Combative N.Y. congressman denies ney and hired a private security company rorism cooperation that has led to
major Egyptian bank, is charged with to figure out how someone could pull off major takedowns of al-Qaida mil-
sexual abuse and forcible touching of a he sent the picture and claims he is
such a prank. itants.
housekeeper at the Manhattan hotel. the victim of a hacker. But he also couldn’t resist joining the Among the confidence-build-
He’s being held on $25,000 bail. parade of double entendres. ing measures was a visit by the
His lawyer, Liz Beal, told the court “I’m not sure I want to put national, fed- CIA to re-examine the bin Laden
her client “adamantly denies the charg- By ANDREW MIGA eral resources into trying to figure out compound last Friday. Pakistan
es against him.” Associated Press who posted a picture on Weiner’s web- also returned the tail section of
WASHINGTON — New York Rep. An- site, uh, whatever,” Weiner said. “I’m not the U.S. stealth Blackhawk heli-
thony Weiner denied Wednesday sending really sure it rises, no pun intended, to copter that broke off when the
Balloon boy video made a lewd photo from his Twitter account to
a 21-year-old woman, trying to calm a
that level.”
The photo was posted on Friday and
SEALs blew up the aircraft to de-
stroy its secret noise- and radar-
The former Colorado couple who media furor that has only increased by sent to a female college student in Seat- deadening technology.
told authorities their son floated away the day and wasn’t put to rest by the com- tle. It was quickly deleted, but a frenzy of The joint intelligence team will
in a helium balloon have made a video bative lawmaker’s latest comments. coverage and comment ensued on blogs, go after five top targets, including
saying they’ll auction off the inflatable Weiner also acknowledged he “can’t cable news outlets and other media. al-Qaida No. 3 Ayman al-Zawahri,
to raise money for Japanese earthquake say with certitude” that the photo of a The congressman who represents and al-Qaida operations chief Ati-
and tsunami relief. man’s bulging underpants wasn’t him. parts of Brooklyn and Queens on Tuesday ya Abdel Rahman, as well as Tali-
TMZ.com posted the video in which Weiner said Wednesday that he did not refused to answer reporters’ questions, ban leader like Mullah Omar, all of
Richard and Mayumi Heene say they’ll send the photo and that it was the work of even calling one a “jackass” for interrupt- AP PHOTO whom U.S. intelligence officials
work with California lawyer Perry a hacker. ing him. He insisted that he wanted to Rep. Anthony Weiner denies sending a believe are hiding in Pakistan, one
Rausher on the auction. Rausher con- He also said he had retained an attor- move on from the incident. lewd photo from his Twitter account. U.S. official said.
firmed to the Coloradoan he is working
with the Heenes.
The Heenes’ son wasn’t inside the Look in THE TIMES LEADER for today’s valuable inserts from these advertisers:
balloon when it floated away in 2009.
Mayumi Heene served 20 days in jail
for filing a false report. Richard Heene
served 30 days in jail for a felony count
of attempting to influence a public
St. Mary’s
Terms of their probation say they

can’t profit from their story until 2013. Some inserts, at the advertisers’ request, only appear in selected neighborhoods. If you would like to receive an insert that you do not currently receive, please call the advertiser.

● THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com


THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ N E W S THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 PAGE 7A

Man pleads POLICE BLOTTER valen, knocking him to the • Shawn Bralczyk of 120 Police said Andres Kotsaris, ter in Plains Township.
ground at about 12:17 p.m. Sambourne St. said someone 24, of West Hazleton, was Kotsaris and a passenger in
Vanvalen suffered a minor removed a 1969 Savage sin- southbound on Old Turnpike his vehicle were not injured.

not guilty
WILKES-BARRE – City injury to his lip and was gle-shot shotgun and an air- Road when his vehicle was • Police said they are in-
police reported the following: taken to the Department of conditioning unit from his struck by a vehicle driven by vestigating a fight involving
• An 83-year-old man was Veterans Affairs Medical Cen- residence sometime between Robert Serfass, 41, of Drums, several people at a reception
assaulted by an unknown ter in Plains Township. May 20 and 2:38 p.m. Tues- at about 5 p.m. at Sand Springs Golf Course

in killing male at the James F. Cona-

Center on Tuesday.
Police said George T. Van-
• Police said two boys
han Intermodal Transportation reported two men aimed a
small pistol at them and
demanded the contents from
day. Kotsaris was cited with
failure to yield the right of
BUTLER TWP. – Township way at a stop sign, police
police reported the following: said.
on Sunday.
Two people were injured,
including a 41-year-old man
from Ashley who was
By SHEENA DELAZIO valen, of Wilkes-Barre, could their pockets in the area of • Two people were taken Serfass and a passenger in knocked unconscious and
sdelazio@timesleader.com not remember the attack. A Columbus Avenue and Wilkes- to a hospital after a two- his vehicle, Brenda Heckman, taken to Geisinger Wyoming
WILKES-BARRE – A Hazleton review of surveillance cameras Barre Boulevard at 11 p.m. vehicle crash on Old Turnpike were taken to Geisinger Valley Medical Center in
man charged with his role in a Ja- showed a male striking Van- Monday. Road on Sunday. Wyoming Valley Medical Cen- Plains Township, police said.
nuary stabbing death pleaded
not guilty to related charges at a
formal arraignment Wednesday.
Angel Sanchez, 20, entered the


plea to charges of criminal hom-
icide, criminal conspiracy to
commit homicide, criminal at-
tempt to commit homicide, ag-
gravated assault and criminal
conspiracy to commit aggravat-

ed assault in the Jan. 16 death of
21-year-old Vladimir Ruiz.
Investigators say Sanchez and
another man, Rodolfo Hiraldo
Perez, 24, also of Hazleton, are
responsible for Ruiz’s death,

while a third man, Willis Gonza-
lez, 21, of Hazleton, is charged
with the shoot-
Assistant ing death of Ju-
District At- da Hope in the
same incident.

torney Daniel Gonzalez re-
Zola asked mains at large,
Luzerne Coun- police say.
ty Judge Assistant
District Attor-
David Lupas ney Daniel Zola
to consolidate asked Luzerne
Perez’s and County Judge
David Lupas to
Sanchez’s consolidate Pe-
cases. rez’s and San-
chez’s cases.
Lupas said
he will make a determination
and issue an order at a later date
that also schedules Sanchez for a
Sanchez is represented by at-
torney Demetrius Fannick.
According to court papers,
Sanchez and Perez were charged
with stabbing Ruiz after two dif-
ferent fights. Police said one
fight on Jan. 15 ended in Sanchez
getting the better of Ruiz.
The men were charged with
disorderly conduct. They then
were going to settle the dispute
with a handshake or a fair fight
without weapons.
The men met on Jan. 16, and a
fight erupted outside of Penn
Palace, a tavern on North Wyom-
ing and Green streets in Hazle-
ton, leaving Ruiz and Hope, 23,
Police say Hope was shot and
killed in the fight by Gonzalez.


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PAGE 8A THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 ➛ O B I T U A R I E S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

‘Gorgeous’ avoids death

GEORGE W. MEIKLE JR., of Regina O’Donnell Lello
Long Pond, Pa., died Tuesday
morning, May 31, 2011, at Geisin- May 30, 2011
ger Wyoming Valley Medical Cen-
ter, Plains Township. Born in Phi-
ladelphia, Pa., he was a son of the R egina O’Donnell Lello, 79, of
Dupont, passed away Monday,
late George and Rose Meikle. He May 30, 3011, in Hospice Care of the
was educated in Roslyn, Pa., VNA, Inpatient Unit, Heritage Convicted mobster will spend the govern- himself — in God’s time, not
schools. He was self employed as a House, Wilkes-Barre. ment — re- man’s.”
Born in Pittston on December 31,
life in jail after jury rebuffs
masonry contractor working in the counted a con- The jury indicated on their
Pocono region for 25 years. Survi- 1931, she was a daughter of the late call for death sentence. versation about verdict sheet that it didn’t buy
vors are a daughter, Melanie James and Kathryn Collins O’Don- the possibility prosecutors’ argument that Bas-
Walsh, Mountain Top; grandchil- nell.
of knocking off ciano posed a future threat. Ten
dren, James Walsh and Russell She was a member of Our Lady of
Mount Carmel Church, Pittston,
By TOM HAYS an assistant of the 12 jurors wrote their deci-
Meyer, at home; and a great-grand- Associated Press
and its Altar and Rosary Society. Basciano U.S. attorney sion also was based on the fact
daughter, Ava Daubert.
Funeral services will be held at She had been a past president of the NEW YORK — A combative, while the pros- that other mobsters who “have
12:30 p.m. Friday at the Desiderio PTA at the Ben Franklin Elemen- fashion-conscious mobster al- ecutor dined at his favorite Man- admitted to an equal or greater
Funeral Home Inc., 36 S. Mountain tary School, Dupont. ready serving a life prison term hattan eatery to avenge an on- number of serious crimes ... are
Blvd., Mountain Top. Interment Mrs. Lello was a graduate of St. dodged a death sentence on slaught of criminal cases not facing the death penalty.”
will be at the convenience of the John the Evangelist High School sionate care; to Rev. Joseph Adoni-
Wednesday for ordering a gan- brought against the family lead- Throughout the capital case,
family. Friends may pay their re- and attended Marywood University. zio and Rev. Paul McDonnell for
their spiritual comfort and support; gland hit while taking control of ership. Basciano was a colorful presence
spects from 11:30 a.m. until time of She had been employed by Luzerne
to the nursing staff of Hospice of the a once-fearsome crime family. “Let me kill this guy when he in the courtroom. He had won
service. Intermediate Unit No. 18 as a teach-
er’s aide. VNA and the Frank and Dorothea An anonymous jury deliberat- comes out of the restaurant,” Garaufis’ approval to wear a war-
In addition to her parents, she Henry Cancer Center at Geisinger ed less than two hours before re- Basciano said, according to Mas- drobe of five different suits —
KAREN AQUA, a daughter of was preceded in death by a sister, Wyoming Valley Medical Center for jecting the government’s long- sino, who by mob rules had to one for each day of the week —
Ruth Aqua and the late Dr. Her- Louise Johnson. their excellent care. shot bid to have Vincent “Vinny sign off on the killing. and always kept his full head of
man Aqua, passed away in Boston, Surviving are her husband of 50 A Mass of Christian Burial will Gorgeous” Basciano put to death The prosecutor, Greg Andres, gray hair carefully coiffed.
Mass., Monday, May 30, 2011. Ka- years, Clem Lello; sons, Nick and be held at 9:30 a.m. Saturday in Our and giving him another life sen- had “pretty much destroyed the He also gave regular pointers
ren, an award-winning independ- his wife, Diane, of Carlisle, Pa.; Jim- Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Pitt- tence at the penalty phase of his Bonanno family,” Massino testi- to his lawyers and even sparred
ent animator, is survived by her my, Philadelphia, Pa.; Joe and his ston. Those attending the Funeral
trial in federal court in Brooklyn. fied. with the judge at length over
husband Ken Field; sisters, Mar- wife, Alona, Wyoming; and Patrick Mass are asked to go directly to
The jury had previously found The government also sought whether he could introduce new
lene Aqua and Ellen (Dave Hart) and his wife, Karen, Dupont; grand- church on Saturday morning. Inter-
ment will be held in St. John the the former acting boss of the Bo- to convince jurors that life be- evidence while testifying on his
Aqua; brother, Hal (Risa) Aqua; children, Megan; Nicholas; Chris-
topher; Julia; Eugene and his wife, Evangelist Cemetery, Pittston. nanno crime family guilty last hind bars wouldn’t prevent Bas- own behalf.
and seven nieces and nephews.
A memorial service will be Abby; Brian; Patrick and Timothy; There will be no calling hours. month of murder, racketeering, ciano from trying to use visitors “I can’t properly defend my-
held in Boston. Shiva will be ob- as well as nieces and nephews, Funeral arrangements are en- conspiracy and other charges. to sneak orders to his under- self,” he complained in one rant
served at 7 p.m. today and Thurs- Becki Johnson, Paul Johnson, Mar- trusted to the Peter J. Adonizio Fu- Prosecutors said he had orches- world crew — a tactic he’d used before deciding not to take the
day at the home of Ruth Aqua, 130 ian McNevin, Lisa Morreale and neral Home, 802 Susquehanna Ave., trated the killing of mob associ- in the past. stand.
Gateway Dr., Apt. A, Edwardsville. Lenora Lello. West Pittston. ate Randolph Pizzolo. “Even with a life sentence, he Last year, the judge asked the
Contributions may be made to the The family would like to extend a Online condolences may be made Basciano, 51, cracked a slight will not be stopped,” Assistant Department of Justice to recon-
Ovarian Cancer Research Fund at special thank you to Dr. Gerald Gib- at www.peterjadoniziofuneral- smile and nodded at the jurors as U.S. Attorney Nicole Argentieri sider bringing a death penalty
DFCI, under the direction of Dr. bons for his devotion and compas- home.com.
they exited the courtroom. said in closing arguments. “His case — which at the time had
Ursula Matulonis, Dana Farber
Cancer Institute, 450 Brookline
Moments later, U.S. District mind will always be in the street. already cost taxpayers more
Ave., Boston, MA 02215-5450. Judge Nicholas Garaufis told de- ... The defendant has earned the than $3 million — against a de-
Condolences may be sent by visit- fense lawyers they could meet ultimate punishment.” fendant who was already serving
ing Karen’s obituary at www.ro-
Stanley John Grohowski privately with the jury and Bas-
ciano eagerly asked if he could
Defense attorney Richard Jas-
per argued the former owner of
life without parole for a 2007
conviction. The U.S. Attorney’s
May 31, 2011 tag along. The judge’s blunt re- the Hello Gorgeous hair salon office in Brooklyn also was defy-
sponse: “There’s not a chance in would pose no threat if impris- ing modern history: There’s
Pittston, passed away Tuesday,
May 31, 2011, at the Wilkes-Barre
S tanley John Grohowski, 70, of
Hanover Township, passed away
the world of that.”
Prosecutors used the unprece-
oned with other notorious gang-
sters and terrorists in the for-
been only one federal defendant
— convicted police killer Ronell
Tuesday, May 31, 2011, at his resi- dented testimony of former Bo- tress-like lockup in Florence, Co- Wilson — sentenced to death in
General Hospital. Born February dence.
4, 1948, he was a son of the late Jo- nanno boss Joseph Massino to lo., “the biggest, baddest house the city since 1954, and that de-
Born July 28, 1940, in Wilkes
seph P. and Frances Mackavage. A Barre, he was a son of the late Stan-
try to portray Basciano as a in the federal system,” where cision was overturned on appeal.
graduate of Pittston High School, ley J. and Rose Bozenko Grohowski. stone-cold killer who deserved “everybody is in lockdown.” But prosecutors decided to
he was employed by Techneglas, Stanley attended Hanover High death. Massino — the highest- He urged jurors to follow their press ahead anyway and show-
Pittston Township, prior to his re- School and later enlisted in the U.S. ranking member of the city’s five consciences and “suspend the case the straight-talking Massi-
tirement. Surviving are his wife of National Guard. He was employed long-standing Mafia families to work of death until Vincent Bas- no at the guilt and penalty phas-
37 years, the former Catherine for many years at Economy Ware- ever take the witness stand for ciano dies in a federal prison by es of the trial.
Stempien; daughter Jenell and house. He was also a member of the
husband, James Potter, West Teamsters Union 401, Wilkes-Barre,
Wyoming; sister, Margaret Dell
Phelapini, Florida; and an aunt,
and a Home Association Member
Post 350 American Legion, Nanti-
Dorothy Kae Billing Sharon O’Brien
Peg Carey, Pittston.
The funeral will be held from
coke. Zack; and Seth and Sean Haines; May 27, 2011 Dugan
Preceding him in death were his siblings, Rose Mushalla, New Jer-
the Kizis-Lokuta Funeral Home,
134 Church St., Pittston. Burial
will be at the convenience of the
wife, Barbara; and sister, Dorothy
sey; Francis Riley, Luzerne; Walter
Grohowski, Wilkes-Barre; and Lor- D orothy Kae Billing, 69, of New
Grove Street, Wilkes-Barre,
May 15, 2011
Surviving are his children, John rain Pelech, New Jersey; as well as died Friday, May 27, 2011, at Geis-
family. Friends may call from 5 to 7 Grohowski, Nanticoke; Todd Gro- inger Wyoming Valley Medical Cen-
his beloved pets, Auggie, Queenie
p.m. Friday at the funeral home. howski, Nanticoke; Tara Grohow- ter.
and Blackie.
ski, Hanover Township; and Eric Born in Wilkes-Barre, she was a
Memorial Service will be
Grohowski, Nanticoke; step-chil- daughter of the late William John
held at 11 a.m. Friday from the and Josephine Marie Marshall Bill-
dren, Paula Zack, Hanover Town- First United Methodist Church, ing.
Harold R. Shupp ship; Paul John Scrip, Askam; and
Suzanne Haines, Wisconsin; grand-
Main Street, Nanticoke, with the She was formerly employed as an
Rev. Andrea McDonald officiating. LPN at Home Health Care.
May 30, 2011 children, Deric, Amber and Trevor Arrangements are by the Earl W. Dorothy was preceded in death
Grohowski; Brittany Levandowski; Lohman Funeral Home Inc., 14 W. by her husband, Floyd Kenneth
H arold R. Shupp, 83, of New
Smyrna Beach, Fla., and
formerly of Dallas, passed away
Sierra Grohowski; Erica and Joey Green St., Nanticoke. Cole; and brother, William John Bill-
ing Jr.
Monday, May 30, 2011, in the Surviving are sons, John Zimmer-
ManorCare Health Services of man and wife, Gaby, Moulton, Ala., riah Zimmerman, Jennifer Zimmer-
James Zimmerman and wife, Philo- man, Robert Zimmerman, and Ste-
Camp Hill, Pa.
mena, Hughestown, Jason Cole, phen Zimmerman; and a sister,
Born in West Wyoming, he
was a son of the late George and
Sarah Phillips Shupp. He was
Painesville, Ohio, and Kenneth Cole
and companion, Lindsay, Wilkes-
Sandra Billing, Wilkes-Barre.
Funeral will be held at the conve-
S haron O’Brien Dugan, 59, of Pitt-
ston, died Sunday, May 15, 2011.
BALESTER – Jonathan, funeral Township. She was a daughter of Ruth Virginia
educated in the Dallas schools. Barre; daughter Lisa Bukoski and nience of the family from the Yeo-
10:30 a.m. today at the Desiderio MONTAGUE – Larry, relatives and Anderson O’Brien and the late Wil-
Mr. Shupp retired from the husband, Alan, Hunlock Creek; five sock Funeral Home, Plains Town-
Funeral Home Inc., 679 Carey friends may call 5 to 8 p.m. liam O’Brien.
U.S. Navy in 1965 after serving grandchildren, Kathleen Prest, Ma- ship.
Ave., Hanover Township. Friday at the Maher-Collins Fu- A memorial mass will be held at
his country for 30 years as an
BELARDI – Helen, funeral 9:30 a.m. neral Home, 360 N. Maple Ave., 10 a.m. Saturday in Our Lady of the
air traffic controller. He worked
today from the Victor M. Ferri Kingston. Eucharist Parish, 535 N. Main St.,
with the Pa. Bureau of Employ-
Funeral Home, 522 Fallon St., Old MOSKALUK – Randall, funeral 10 Pittston. Interment will be in St.
ment Security for 20 years and
FEMA for 10 years. Forge. Mass of Christian Burial at
10 a.m. in St. Mary of the Assump-
a.m. Friday from the Sweet Valley
Church of Christ, 5439 Main Rd.,
Edward L. Churnetski Catherine’s Cemetery, Moscow.
Friends may call from 5 to 7 p.m. Fri-
He was a member of the Or-
tion Church at Prince of Peace Sweet Valley. Friends may call 6 May 31, 2011 day at the Paul F. Leonard Funeral
ange United Methodist Church
Parish, West Grace and Lawrence to 9 p.m. today at the Curtis L.
and attended Corona United Home, 575 N. Main St., Pittston.
Streets, Old Forge. Swanson Funeral Home Inc.,
Methodist Church of New
Smyrna Beach, Fla. Harold was BERLEW – William Sr., funeral 10
a.m. today from the Harold C.
corner of routes 29 and 118, Pikes
E dward L. Churnetski, 86, of
Knoxville, Tenn., formerly of
the Wyoming Valley and Atlantic
Louisville, Ky., and Edward M.
Churnetski of Knoxville; brothers,
also a member of the American Frank Churnetski of Rochester,
Legion Post 17, Florida. He Snowdon Funeral Home Inc., 140 O’BORSKI – Gary Sr., funeral 11 a.m. Highlands, N.J., passed away Tues- N.Y., and Bernard Churnetski of An-
loved playing golf and taking N. Main St., Shavertown. Friday from the Clarke Piatt day evening, May 31, 2011, at his gola, N.Y.; as well as several nieces
visitors on rides on the beach. BURGESS – Mark, funeral 11 a.m. Funeral Home Inc., 6 Sunset Lake home.
today in the Metcalfe and Shaver and nephews.
Harold was a loving, proud Road, Hunlock Creek. Friends Ed retired from American Air- The Times Leader publish-
Funeral Home Inc., 504 Wyoming The family will receive friends
father, grandfather, great- may call 9 to 11 a.m. Friday. lines after 35 years of service as a
Ave., Wyoming. from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday at the Steg- es free obituaries, which
grandfather, brother and uncle PETRICK – Nancy, Memorial Mass freight agent. He was a parishioner
GLUSHEFSKI – Edward, calling of Saint John Neumann Catholic ura Funeral Home, 614 S. Hanover have a 27-line limit, and paid
(unk), and he will be greatly 9:30 a.m. Friday at St. Mary’s Our St., Nanticoke. A Mass will be held
missed by family and friends. hours 1 to 2 p.m. today at Davis- Lady Help of Christians Church, Church in Knoxville. obituaries, which can run
Dinelli Funeral Home, 170 E. Broad He was a loving husband, father at 10 a.m. Monday at St. Faustina
Preceding him in death were Dorrance Township. with a photograph. A funeral
St., Nanticoke. and grandfather. Ed was an avid Catholic Church, 1030 S. Hanover
his wife, the former Edith M. SAUER – Gloria, funeral Friday at 9 home representative can call
HOFFMAN – Roxanne, funeral 10:30 fisherman. St., Nanticoke, with Father James
Phillips; and his brother, Fred a.m. from the Mamary-Durkin
a.m. Saturday from the Clarke He is survived by his wife of 60 Nash celebrant. Interment will fol- the obituary desk at (570)
Shupp. Funeral Services, 59 Parrish St.,
Piatt Funeral Home Inc., 6 Sunset years, Mary Churnetski; son and low in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Hanov- 829-7224, send a fax to (570)
Surviving are children, Don- Wilkes-Barre. Mass of Christian
na Edwards and her husband, Lake Road, Hunlock Creek. daughter-in-law, Ed and Lisa Chur- er Township.
Burial at 9:30 a.m. in St. Aloysius
netski of Knoxville; grandchildren, The Stegura Funeral Home is 829-5537 or e-mail to tlo-
Thomas, of Camp Hill, Pa., and Friends may call at the funeral
Church. Friends may call 5 to 7 bits@timesleader.com. If you
Dale R. of New Smyrna Beach, home 7 to 9 p.m. Friday. Amber Pfister and husband Brad, of serving the Churnetski family.
p.m. today.
Fla.; grandchildren, Karen M. KLIMEK – Jennie, funeral 9:30 a.m. fax or e-mail, please call to
STANIORSKI – Margaret, service to
Rhinehart and her husband, Friday from the Corcoran Funeral confirm. Obituaries must be
honor her life and faith 11 a.m.
Charles, of Camp Hill, and Tho- Home Inc., 20 S. Main St., Plains
Saturday from St. James Luth- submitted by 9 p.m. Sunday
Township. Mass of Christian
mas Edwards, State College,
Pa.; great-grandchildren, Emma Burial at 10 a.m. in St. Francis
eran Church, Hobbie. Calling
hours will be 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at
Helen M. Soyka through Thursday and 7:30
May and Robby Rhinehart; sis- Church, Miners Mills. Friends may p.m. Friday and Saturday.
call 5 to 8 p.m. today. the Heller Funeral Home, Ne- June 1, 2011
ters, Elizabeth Cyphers, Dallas, scopeck, or at the church 10 to 11 Obituaries must be sent by a
and Doris Cyphers, Wyoming; KRAPF – Helene, funeral 9:30 a.m.
a.m. Saturday. funeral home or crematory,
as well as nieces and nephews.
Funeral services will be
today from Mamary-Durkin
Funeral Service, 59 Parrish St., THOMAS – Dianne, funeral 11 a.m.
Friday from the Yeosock Funeral
H elen M. Soyka, 95, formerly of
Exeter, passed away Wednes-
Hvasta and Susan Dennis; and
brothers, John, Michael and George or must name who is hand-
held at 11 a.m. Monday in Wilkes-Barre. Services at 10 a.m. day, June 1, 2011, in the Kingston Soyka. ling arrangements, with
at St Anthony’s Maronite Church, Home, 40 S. Main St., Plains Commons. Surviving are nieces and neph-
the Metcalfe and Shaver Funer- address and phone number.
Wilkes-Barre. Township. Friends may call 5 to 8 Born in Exeter, she was a daugh- ews.
al Home Inc., 504 Wyoming We discourage handwritten
LAZAROWICZ – Genevieve, Mass of p.m. today. ter of the late Michael and Elizabeth Funeral services will be held at
Ave., Wyoming, with the Rev.
Christian Burial 10:30 a.m. Sat- THOMAS – George Jr., Panihida 7 9 a.m. Saturday from the Metcalfe notices; they incur a $15
John Overman, of the Ebenezer Kucanski Soyka. She was a graduate
urday for Genevieve and her p.m. today at the George A. and Shaver Funeral Home Inc., 504 typing fee.
United Methodist Church of of Exeter High School, class of 1933,
husband, Peter, at Holy Spirit Strish Inc., Funeral Home, 105 N. Wyoming Ave., Wyoming, with a
Middletown, officiating. Inter- where she was the valedictorian of
Parish/St. Mary’s Church, Moca- Main St., Ashley. Friends may call Mass of Christian Burial at 9:30 a.m.
ment will be in the Memorial her class.
Shrine Cemetery, Carverton. naqua. 5 to 7 p.m. today at the funeral in St. John the Evangelist Church of
Helen resided in Exeter all of her
Friends may call from 4 to 7 MAKALA – Robert, funeral 10 a.m. Pittston. Interment will be in St.
life. For 37 years, she worked in vari-
p.m. Sunday in the funeral
Friday from the Bernard J. Pion-
tek Funeral Home Inc., 204 Main
WIVELL – Robert, funeral 10 a.m.
today from the Straub Kane ous dress shops in Pittston which
John the Baptist Cemetery, Exeter.
Friends may call from 8 to 9 a.m.
G en etti’s
In lieu of flowers, memorial St., Duryea. Mass at 10:30 a.m. in Funeral Home, 55 Park Ave., were The Joanly Shop, Nathan’s and Saturday in the funeral home. A fterFu nera lLu ncheons
St. Mary’s Polish National Cathol- Wilkes-Barre. Leeds.
contributions may be made to
She was a member of the former Sta rting a t$7.95 p erp erson
the Alzheimer’s Association, 57 ic Church, Duryea. Friends may YUDKOVITZ – Dorothy, friends may
N. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, call 6 to 8 p.m. today. Wake pay their respects 2 to 4 p.m. St. John the Baptist Church of Pitt- H otelBerea vem entR a tes
PA 18701-1309; or the American service at 7:30 p.m. today. Friday and Sunday. ston, now St. John the Evangelist
Heart Association, 613 Balti- MITCHELL – Lynn, memorial ser- ZAWIERUCHA – Peter, friends may Parish Community. Helen’s passion
more Drive, Ste. 3, Wilkes- vices 11 a.m. Saturday at the call 5 to 9 p.m. today at the Peter was her gardening.
Barre, PA 18702. Chapel of the Oak Lawn Ceme-
tery, 1250 S. Main St., Hanover
J. Adonizio Funeral Home, 802
Susquehanna Ave., West Pittston.
Preceding her in death were sis-
ters, Mary and Julia Soyka, Anna 825.6477

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ N E W S THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 PAGE 9A

Strong’s mental
Group gives State judge race votes recounted
OK to child
welfare bills
A group representing private
illness disputed
organizations that provide chil- Jury will determine whether determine if he
dren and youth services to mu- was faking his
nicipalities has stepped behind
murderer will face death
answers, Mar-
a package of juvenile justice penalty or life without parole. tell said, to
bills sponsored by state Sen. which the doc-
Lisa Baker, R-Lehman Town- tor felt Strong
ship, and supported by state By SHEENA DELAZIO was being hon-
Sen. John Yudichak, D-Ply- sdelazio@timesleader.com Strong est.
mouth Township, in response WILKES-BARRE – A forensic “(Strong) has
to the Luzerne County “kids DON CAREY/THE TIMES LEADER neuropsychologist conducted sev- no significant impairment in test-
for cash” scandal. eral tests on convicted murderer ing,” Martell said.
On Wednesday, the Youth
Luzerne County election officials conduct a recount Wednesday in the Democratic
primary race for Commonwealth Court judge. The state ordered a statewide recount James Strong in 1997, none of Local neurosurgeon David Se-
Services Alliance of Pennsylva- which showed brain damage or dor reviewed medical records and
nia announced its support of because of the closeness of the results. Pictured, left to right, are county Election Bu-
mental illnesses, the doctor testi- MRI scans of Strong, to which he
the legislative package, which reau Director Leonard Piazza, election workers David Bartusky, Wayne Manini and Keith fied Wednesday. testified there is nothing in
recently moved out of commit- Deleman, and observer Eric Graff. Daniel Martell testified as a re- Strong’s brain that would affect
tee and will be debated on floor
of the state legislature. buttal witness called by prosecu- his cognitive functioning.
The bills address problems tors in the fourth day of testimony Sedor testified a malformation

Chamber asks for loan restructure

with the state juvenile justice at a sentencing hearing for Strong, on Strong’s brain stem, likely
system exposed in the scandal, 59, who was convicted last week there from birth, according to oth-
in which ex-Luzerne County of first-degree murder in the Au- er testimony, is an entanglement
judges Mark Ciavarella and Mi- gust 1983 death of John Strock in of blood vessels.
chael Conahan were accused of Dorrance Township. Other white masses in Strong’s
incarcerating juveniles for Group wants commissioners said. Banks – not the county – are Strong’s attorneys completed brain, visible in MRI scans, Sedor
profit: The loans were given to the first in line to claim repayment calling witnesses Wednesday af- said, are areas of the brain that de-
to halt its payments on $7.5M chamber to buy land and proper- on some of the loans, they said.
• Senate Bill 815 requires le- ternoon. Attorneys are expected teriorate over time with aging, as
gal counsel be provided for a loan until chamber land sold. ty. The money came from the “The chamber owes a sizeable to wrap up testimony this morn- it would with any other person’s
child at every stage of a judicial county’s revolving loan fund, amount of money to the bank as ing before presenting their closing brain.
proceeding; which relies on loan repayments well as the county,” Urban said. arguments. “As we age, the appearance of
• Senate Bill 816 establishes By JENNIFER LEARN-ANDES and interest earnings to contin- Commissioner Chairwoman The jury that convicted Strong the brain changes,” Sedor said.
an Office of Victim Advocate to jandes@timesleader.com ue providing new loans to area Maryanne Petrilla said the of Strock’s murder then will be Prosecutors also called a Lu-
represent and advocate for the Luzerne County commission- businesses. The fund is current- chamber would have to present sent to deliberate whether Strong zerne County Correctional Facili-
interests of victims of juvenile ers have not decided if they’re ly valued at roughly $9 million. its proposal at a commissioner will face the death penalty or life ty medical records worker who
crime; going to grant the Greater County Commissioner Ste- work session to give the public in prison without parole. testified that in the 10 years
• Senate Bill 817 restricts Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Busi- phen A. Urban said he and other the opportunity to understand Martell testified he gave Strong Strong has been at the facility, he
the use of restraints on juve- ness and Industry’s request to county officials are determining and comment on the specifics dozens of different tests to deter- has complained only once of a
niles during court proceed- restructure roughly $7.5 million the value of chamber property before a decision is made by mine his IQ, memory function, headache.
ings; in outstanding loans. that would be used as collateral commissioners. learning ability, language skills Strong’s attorneys, over the
• Senate Bill 818 requires a The chamber asked commis- to ensure it would cover what’s Commissioners reluctantly and other areas. past few days, presented testimo-
court to publicly state the rea- owed to the county. gave the chamber a break on its
sioners in March to halt its loan Strong, Martell said, scored in ny that Strong suffered from se-
son for the disposition of a de- “I don’t want to see the county loans in May 2009, agreeing to
repayments to the county Com- the average range for a man of his vere chronic headaches his entire
linquent child on the record in stuck with unpaid loans down halt repayment until the end of
munity Development Office un- age with his level of education, on life.
open court. the road if the chamber defaults December 2010 because of the
til chamber-owned land was all the tests. Robert Johnson, a doctor of
“Youth Services Alliance of or cannot repay the money they economy. The chamber made a
sold. The chamber made it clear owe to the Community Develop- $2 million balloon payment at Martell said none of Strong’s criminal justice who specializes in
Pennsylvania believes this
the economic development or- ment Office,” Urban said. the end of last year and started scores was indicative of brain the prison life of inmates, and a
package of legislation is a com-
mon-sense approach to ensur- ganization was broke and Land that is posted as collater- repaying again in January. damage nor did any show he suf- professor at American University
ing the integrity of Pennsylva- wouldn’t be able to continue al may be worth less than origi- The chamber is current on its fers from a major mental illness. in Washington, D.C., testified
nia’s juvenile justice system,” paying without revenue from nally projected because of com- repayments, said county Com- Martell did say, however, that Strong has already adapted the
group President Judy Happ land sales, commissioners said. petition with other private de- munity Development Director Strong has anti-social personality mindset that he will spend the rest
said in a statement. Chamber President Todd Von- velopers, particularly ones that Andy Reilly. features. of his life in prison, and has had an
The Youth Services Alliance derheid said Wednesday he have secured tax-break incen- In addition to the $7.5 million Two doctors who testified “exemplary” stay at the county
of Pennsylvania describes itself hopes to reach a consensus with tives, said county Commission- in outstanding loans, the cham- Wednesday for defense attorneys prison.
as a nonprofit volunteer organi- county officials so the restruc- er Thomas Cooney. ber received $2.5 million from said Strong does, in fact, suffer Strong mentors other inmates,
zation representing private turing could be on this month’s County officials are also re- the revolving loan fund for the from brain damage and major takes advantage of programs avail-
children and youth providers commissioner meeting agenda. viewing the loan documents to downtown Wilkes-Barre theater mental illnesses. able and has even earned two col-
who deliver 80 percent of “We’re not asking for a dime of determine who would be first in and loft project in 2004. That Strong was also given tests to lege degrees, Johnson testified.
Pennsylvania’s services for forgiveness – just time, time to line to claim revenue from land loan will be forgiven if the pro-
abused, neglected and delin- meet the obligations, given the sales if the chamber defaults, ject creates at least 100 jobs and
quent children and youth. economic realities,” Vonderheid said Urban and Cooney. meets other conditions. FETCH’S Your Power Equipment
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● THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ S E R V I N G T H E P U B L I C T R U S T S I N C E 18 81 THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 PAGE 11A


Offer incentives
for consolidation
HEN GOV. TOM chasing, transportation and
Corbett visited the other costs outside the class-
downtrodden city room, yet there are few propos-
of Clairton earlier als that draw as much fire as
this spring, he said school dis- consolidation.
tricts across Pennsylvania, Mergers are beyond rare.
faced with dwindling financial When the Center Area and Mo-
resources, should start looking naca districts joined to form
into the possibility of consoli- the new Central Valley School
dations or mergers. District in 2009, it became the
Clairton’s superintendent, state’s first new district in a
Lucille Abellonio, quarter-century
took him up on the When it comes to and the state Edu-
suggestion and sent school district cation Depart-
letters to four neigh- ment said it was
boring school dis-
consolidation, it’s the first voluntary
tricts in which she clear that asking school district
asked to talk with nicely isn’t going merger ever. The
them about a merger. to be enough. state provided in-
Two of them, West centives to push it
Jefferson Hills and along, with then
South Allegheny, said no, and Gov. Ed Rendell committing
the other two, Elizabeth For- $500,000 and the expertise of
ward and West Mifflin Area, his education officials.
haven’t replied. If Gov. Corbett wants more
The Carlynton school dis- mergers, and he is right in
trict got a similar tepid re- seeking them, he’s going to MAIL BAG LETTERS FROM READERS
sponse in March, when its su- have to offer more than sug-
perintendent, Michael Panza, gestions to get school boards
sent a letter to three neighbors. to commit. Resident backs Barletta SEND US YOUR OPINION
yers who settled this case get $7.50? I
wonder, did they shop at Weis? Tell me,
Weis, are you going to run more of these
When it comes to school dis- His next step should be offer-
trict consolidation, it’s clear ing some sweeteners to get on banning camera use Letters to the editor must include the
writer’s name, address and daytime
phone number for verification. Letters
ads in the future so everyone concerned
has a chance to become aware of their
that asking nicely isn’t going to these vital talks moving, both

uch has been made in recent weeks should be no more than 250 words. We rights? Or, better yet, why not run some-
be enough. in Allegheny County and about Congressman Lou Barletta’s reserve the right to edit and limit writers
Merging some of the state’s across Pennsylvania. thing on television for our seniors?
decision not to allow personal cam- to one published letter every 30 days. Another question: Is it $7.50 per credit
500 districts could save big eras into town hall meetings. I agree with • E-mail: mailbag@timesleader.com
money in administration, pur-
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
• Fax: 570-829-5537 card user or per household?
the congressman’s decision for many rea- A word of advice to the public: Claim
• Mail: Mail Bag, The Times Leader, 15
sons. N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 1871 1 your $7.50. Imagine $7.50 times 2,000
First, many attendees of town hall meet- unclaimed customers. That’s a pretty pen-
QUOTE OF THE DAY ings do not want to appear in YouTube ny that Weis gets to keep in its pockets.
videos and online blogs. Random people
“The (Mobilizing Against with cameras can easily intimidate people
and anti-cronyism positions. They assure
people that the taxpayers of Luzerne Coun-
As you know, prices probably will keep
going up whether you claim this $7.50 or
Sanctuary Cities) Act will crack from attending these meetings. Second, by ty will never again be viewed as sheep that not. And it’s not because of gas. It’s be-
still allowing the news media to bring
down on cities whose elected cameras, the people of the region will get a
need a regular fleecing. Both agree that cause Weis presumably will pass the cost
the county’s large elderly population bears of this settlement on to you.
officials have willfully chosen to true perspective of what happened at the a disproportionate slice of the suffering. Where is the justice?
not enforce immigration policy by meeting, not a 30-second clip of some Both men, however, are compassionate, Rhonda Ramcallian
left-wing activist screaming at our con- in that they both agree that if possible Wilkes-Barre
withholding all federal funding from them as gressman. attrition, rather than layoffs, should be
long as their sanctuary policies are in place.” Barletta has gone out of his way to be
Commission’s license fees
employed as a means of reducing county
accessible to the public. Our former con- expenditures and paying down debt. Both
U.S. Rep. Lou Barletta gressman, Paul Kanjorski, wouldn’t even men agree in a fair workingman’s wage,
The freshman congressman, and Hazleton’s former mayor, this week
unveiled his federal legislation aimed at suppressing illegal immigration.
hold face-to-face town hall meetings with
the people.
but not at the expense of the homeowners,
many of whom are elderly and the least
within reasonable range
I commend Congressman Barletta for able to bear the brunt of further property fter reading the letter from George W.
the great job he is doing for our region, tax increases. Gross of Dallas (“Shooting enthusiast
STATE OPINION: NEW STANDARDS and for his accessibility and the accessibil- Neither of these men will ask you for says range permit no bargain,” May

Brighten future
ity of his office staff. I am proud to say he your hard-earned money to support their 14), I decided to look further into his com-
is my congressman. cause. They ask you only to spread word of ments.
Ryan Wasko their truly independent efforts to right the On the Pennsylvania Game Commis-

of solar industry
Scranton wrongs of the past in Luzerne County. sion’s website, I discovered additional
Tim Mullen licensing information that he had over-

Independent candidates
Kingston Township looked and might want to consider.
and Yes, a “range permit” is $30 annually;

Charlie Hatchko however, those people who have abused
seeking voters’ support
ITH Pennsylvania taic solar systems, which have a Jenkins Township
boasting the na- steep, up-front price tag. the privilege of using the Game Commis-
tion’s second large- The best way for state offi- sion ranges are responsible for the permit
Don’t judge a sci-fi movie
st number of solar- cials to spur solar to new ow that the dust has settled after the having to be instituted. It is sad to say, but
industry jobs, state officials heights would be to boost the taxpayer-funded primary contests, the “the thoughtlessness of a few causes the
would be foolish to let the sun
set on such a nascent but prom-
modest solar-energy standard –
now far lower than neighbor-
view of November’s Luzerne County
Council battlefield is clearer. Voters need simply on its strange title penalty for many.” The cost of maintaining
the ranges uses Commission funds that are
to be aware that at least two third-party needed elsewhere. With limited funding,

ising industry. But that could ing states, at only 0.5 percent – he previews for “Cowboys & Aliens”
happen due to a temporary mis- by 2021. But last year, that idea candidates will be hard at work gathering actually look pretty interesting. Appar- our Game and Fish commissions are rated
match between solar-energy fi- ran into strong opposition from the nearly 1,000 signatures required to ently, movies have come a long way among the top in the nation, and Penn-
nancing and market demand. Exelon and other utilities, coal appear on the General Election ballot. since “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.” sylvanians should be proud of the job they
The construction of more producers and business groups There is no air of sophistication, nor a long Titles do not make a movie. are doing.
than 4,000 solar projects has – and a certain Republican can- list of credentials, that follows these gen- A review of license costs lists a “senior”
Gregory M. Suda
been a roaring success, respon- didate for governor. tlemen. There is just a hard-nosed, dogged Nanticoke (older than 65) hunting license at only
sible for generating several Fortunately, a fellow Repub- determination to do right for the down- $13.70 annually. For George, that would be
trodden taxpayers of Luzerne County. only $27.40 for two senior licenses. This
Weis Markets settlement
thousand jobs at 600 solar busi- lican, state Rep. Chris Ross
nesses. Growing that industry from Chester County, unveiled Tim Mullen is an Army combat veteran would be a savings of $32.60 over the cost
from scratch, with state and a legislative proposal last week of the Iraq war who currently works as a of two annual range permits. Depending
federal aid, also boosted the
use of nonpolluting and renew-
that should be more to Gov.
Tom Corbett’s liking. Ross
registered nurse. Charlie “Bible Buck”
Hatchko is a retired truck driver/Teamster falls short for this writer on how many years George and his wife
feel they would desire to use the ranges,
warehouseman/prison guard. Both men

able energy. That will be partic- would accelerate the amount of was annoyed May 15 when I saw the there also is for his consideration a “senior
ularly helpful in meeting sum- solar energy utilities are re- have been taxpayers in Luzerne County fine print at the bottom of the Weis lifetime hunting” license for $51.70, renew-
mer’s peak demand. quired to purchase for the next most of their lives. Markets flier in an area newspaper. able each year at no cost.
Yet, the boom in solar pro- few years, but leave the overall Each leads the pack of contenders in his There was information about a class-action For those seniors who still hunt, there
jects has outpaced the amount standard at only 0.5 percent. own distinct area. Mr. Hatchko considers settlement in the amount of $7.50 for peo- also is a “senior combination hunting
of solar energy utilities are re- The Ross proposal amounts himself by far the most morally conserva- ple who used their credit cards at Weis- lifetime” license costing $101.50, which
quired to buy under the state’s to a tweak, but one that could tive candidate, which is a prerequisite for owned stores from 2006 to 2008. includes hunting, trapping, muzzleloader
alternative-energy rules. That be critical to maintaining the the cleanout of this ethics-challenged Weis would routinely display much of and archery; along with use of the ranges –
has depressed the value of so- state’s foothold in solar energy. county. Mr. Mullen bills himself as the the customer’s credit card number on its and with no annual renewal cost. For se-
lar-energy credits needed to most fiscally conservative candidate in a receipts, thus exposing this private in- niors, these are all excellent offerings.
The Philadelphia Inquirer county that has racked up a debt fast ap- formation. What did the court figure the One final thought: Individuals using the
provide a return on photovol-
proaching a half a billion dollars. Mr. cost of this blunder to be? Seven dollars ranges for target practice will in most
EDITORIAL BOARD Hatchko has vast experience with collec- and 50 cents per effected customer. cases pay more for the ammunition they
RICHARD L. CONNOR MARK E. JONES tive bargaining negotiations. Mr. Mullen You tell me, readers, what will $7.50 buy use in one outing than the cost of a permit
Editor and Publisher Editorial Page Editor takes a strong anti-public service union us? Not a loaf of bread and a gallon of for using the ranges all year.
JOSEPH BUTKIEWICZ PRASHANT SHITUT stance. milk! Is that justice? Andy Glowach
Vice President/Executive Editor President/Wilkes-Barre Publishing Co. Both men have rock-solid, anti-nepotism Answer me this, Weis: Did the big law- Kingston Township



PAGE 12A THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 ➛ N E W S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

Autopsy: 2 fire victims died from carbon monoxide

Coroner finds no signs of foul play in poisoning, police said. First reported at
gesting the two men to identify Moore through his fingerprints. cant for about four years and was known to
The victims were identified Wednesday died in the blaze at 73 Attempts are still being made to locate be inhabited by homeless people and drug
the deaths of Robert G. Klein, and 1:54
night as Robert G. Klein, and James Moore Sullivan St. in South and contact family of the men. Anyone addicts.
James Moore Jr., both 52. Jr., both 52. Klein had a last known address p.m. Wilkes-Barre. with information on family members is The fire spread to 67 Sullivan St., an
of Davis Place, Wilkes-Barre. Moore, origi- timesleader.com Police released the asked to contact the coroner’s office at 570 apartment attached to two other apart-
nally from the Bronx, N.Y., had a last names around 8:30 825-1664 or Detective Ron Foy at the ment units, displacing 15 tenants.
By EDWARD LEWIS known address of Helen Street, Plains p.m. after working Wilkes-Barre Police Department. Coroner John Corcoran said the fire de-
elewis@timesleader.com Township. Autopsies on the two men were throughout the day to positively identify Firefighters and an excavator operator partment, after the fire was extinguished,
WILKES-BARRE – Two men whose performed Wednesday by forensic patholo- the men. removing what remained of the burned received an anonymous phone call saying a
bodies were found inside a vacant Sullivan gist Dr. Gary Ross at Wilkes-Barre General Police said Klein was identified from evi- house found the two men’s bodies Tuesday person may be inside the house.
Street house destroyed by a fire early Mon- Hospital. Lisman said the autopsies re- dence gathered during the autopsy. The morning. The search for the cause of the blaze is
day morning died from carbon monoxide vealed no immediate signs of foul play, sug- state police crime lab in Wyoming was used Neighbors said the house had been va- on-going.

wanna and Luzerne counties. watching firefighters battle the nel,” Vivian said. “We talk to “She was scared and the hear- in 2009.
Mizenko said she was awak- blaze. them and see what their needs ing aid calmed her down,” Mizen- Mizenko has volunteered for
ened by Wrightson alerting her “We were lucky the landlord are.” ko said. “She was able to hear and 17 years and remembers being
about the fire and tenants requir- was on site helping us to identify “We made arrangements to get realize what was happening.” helped by the Red Cross during
Continued from Page 1A
ing assistance. She then called Ja- his tenants,” Mizenko said. “We hotel rooms,” Mizenko said. “This is what we are trained to Agnes. Vivian has been a Red
derstorm.” blonski and Vivian arriving at had them standing on the porch “Most of the tenants couldn’t get do. Nobody gets excited; we get Cross volunteer since 2004.
“They were amazing how they Sullivan Street around 3 a.m. of an apartment building nearby to their cars, so we called taxi there and help the clients to Wrightson said the local Red
performed and helped the ten- “As soon as we parked our and a man from another apart- cabs and they took them to the whatever they need,” Jablonski Cross chapter is always in need of
ants in heavy rain and lightning,” emergency response vehicle, we ment building opened up the lob- hotels. So they didn’t have to said. volunteers.
Delaney said. heard a big crack from lightning, by for us.” worry about transportation.” Jablonski, Mizenko and Vivian “In the past 12 months, we’ve
All the tenants were provided and I’m thinking to myself, ‘We From inside the lobby, Vivian An elderly woman from one of have all been deployed to assist responded to 160 structure fires
food and clothing and put up in parked under a tree,’ ” Mizenko said, basic information was taken the apartments escaped without victims of national disasters in in Lackawanna and Luzerne
hotels for at least three days that said. from the tenants to determine her hearing aid, Jablonski said. Florida and Louisiana. counties,” Wrightson said. “Our
could extend to six days under Her worries quickly trans- what their needs were. Mizenko said she spoke to Dela- Jablonski has been a volunteer goal is to make sure the client
certain circumstances, said Brian ferred to the tenants, including “Our main concern is to help ney, who assigned a firefighter to since 1972 when Tropical Storm knows they have support and to
Wrightson, Red Cross director several children, who were min- the clients, assure them that go into the elderly tenant’s apart- Agnes hit the region, and has know somebody is there for
for emergency services in Lacka- gling near their apartments there is light at the end of the tun- ment to find it. been more active since he retired them.”

ued to do so Wednesday.
He acknowledged he did not
identify all suspected assailants in
his original report filed on July 20,
Continued from Page 1A
2008, but said that was because he
lice report in an attempt to shield had not personally interviewed
them from charges. Nestor also those persons. He did identify
failed to reveal he had spoken to them in a subsequent report that
Piekarsky’s mother about the case. was filed on Aug. 2, 2008.
Piekarsky and Donchak were “When I authored my police re-
convicted in October of commit- port, I did not sit down with crimi-
ting a federal hate crime for their nal intent. I sat down to write a
role in Ramirez’s death. concise police report of
They were each sen- what I saw, what I did
tenced in February to nine and what I heard,” Nes-
years in prison. tor told Caputo. “If I had
Prosecutor Myesha to write the report again
Braden of the U.S. Depart- today, I would write it
ment of Justice’s civil the same way.”
rights division urged Ca- More on The length of Nestor’s DON CAREY PHOTOS/ THE TIMES LEADER
puto to sentence Nestor smartphone sentence came as some- Matthew Nestor, former Shenandoah police chief, enters the Fed- William Moyer, left, a former Shenandoah police officer, arrives for
within the guideline range what of a surprise as Ca- eral Courthouse in Wilkes-Barre on Wednesday for sentencing. sentencing Wednesday at the Federal Courthouse in Wilkes-Barre.
based on the seriousness puto, just minutes before
of the offense and to deter other imposing the sentence, had reject- prosecutors could seek a sentence Without that, the government maintains he is innocent and will the charges.
law enforcement officers from ed a challenge Nestor’s attorney, based on a charge of obstruction of could not seek a sentence based appeal his conviction to the Third “I did not lie to the FBI. I fully
committing similar crimes. Joseph Nahas, had filed that ques- justice, even though Nestor was on the obstruction charge, he said. Circuit Court of Appeals. cooperated with them,” Moyer
“As the chief of police he had an tioned the legal standard that was convicted only of filing a false re- Caputo rejected Nahas’ argu- “As all of us stand here today I said after the hearing. “I’ll do my
obligation to see that justice was utilized in calculating the guide- port. The obstruction charge car- ment, however, saying he believed think we can honestly say, ‘Where time. Hopefully, my lawyer can
done. He undermined the system line range. ried a much stiffer sentence. that Nestor’s omission of the was the evidence?’ ” Nahas said. clear my name with an appeal.”
by filing a false police report,” Bra- The government maintained Nahas has been highly critical of names of some of the assailants “In the end, I think Matthew will Nestor and Moyer had sought
den said. “Officers need to know Nestor should face a more signif- the government’s case against from the original report could either get a new trial or be found to remain free on bail pending res-
that if you fail to honor your oath icant sentence because he had fal- Nestor, calling it “nonsense.” He have hampered the federal investi- innocent of filing a false police re- olution of their appeals, but Capu-
... there will be punishment and sified the police report with the in- argued prosecutors had failed to gation. port. There was simply nothing to denied the request. He did al-
consequences.” tent of obstructing the federal in- show precisely how the allegedly Speaking after the hearing, Na- false in the report.” low them to remain free pending
Nestor has adamantly main- vestigation into Ramirez’s death. false report filed by Nestor ob- has said he believes Caputo’s sen- Moyer said he’s also confident their report date, which he set for
tained his innocence, and contin- Under federal law, that meant structed the federal investigation. tence was very fair, but Nestor that he will some day be cleared of June 29.

and other places whose primary
purpose is not to sell food be ex-
cluded from the rules.
The effort would dial back
Continued from Page 1A Continued from Page 1A
many of first lady Michelle Oba-
Feb. 12, 2009 – the date Obama administration propos- ma’s priorities in her “Let’s
he entered his original als, which they regard as over- Move” campaign to curb child-
guilty plea – to April regulation, said Chris Crawford, hood obesity and hunger.
30, 2009, the date a spokesman for the chairman of “This shows a very clear trend
SERS halted the bene- the Appropriations Commit- in trying to undermine some of
fits. SERS maintains tee’s agriculture subcommittee, the important gains in nutrition
Conahan was not entit- Jack Kingston, R-Ga., policy,” said Margo Wootan, di-
led to those benefits Crawford said the marketing rector of nutrition policy at the
based on the guilty guidelines, released last month, advocacy group Center for Sci-
plea. are “classic nanny-state overre- ence in the Public Interest.
The withdrawal of ach.” Though the guidelines, The overall spending bill
the appeal will have no which would restrict which would cut billions from USDA
impact on the $302,777 foods could be marketed to chil- and FDA budgets, including for
that Conahan with- dren, are voluntary, many com- domestic feeding programs and
drew from his pension panies are concerned that they international food aid. Even af-
January 2008, when he will be penalized if they don’t ter some of the money was re-
retired from the bench. follow them. The bill questions AP FILE PHOTO stored Tuesday, the bill would
The money consist- whether the Agriculture De- In Alaska, the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District has offered students healthier lunch choices still cut about $650 million —
ed of $208,964 in con- partment should spend money since 2005. or 10 percent — from the Wom-
tributions Conahan to be part of the marketing ef- en, Infants and Children pro-
made and $93,812 in in- fort. break.” so would limit kids to only one say potatoes are a low-cost food gram that feeds and educates
terest those contribu- “Our concern is those volun- The school lunch guidelines cup of starchy vegetables a that provides fiber and other nu- mothers and their children. It
tions had accrued. tary guidelines are back-door are the first major nutritional week, so schools couldn’t offer trients. would cut almost 12 percent of
SERS was not able to regulation,” he said, deploring overhaul of students’ meals in french fries every day. The Republican spending bill the Food and Drug Administra-
seek to recoup that the fact that kids can watch 15 years. Under the guidelines, The starchy vegetable propos- also encourages the FDA to lim- tion’s $2.5 billion budget,
money because the shows that depict sex and drugs schools would have to cut sodi- al has been criticized by conser- it new guidelines that require straining the agency’s efforts to
withdrawal was made on MTV, but “you cannot see an um in subsidized meals by more vatives who think it goes too far calories to be posted on menus implement a new food safety
prior to charges being advertisement for Tony the Ti- than half, use more whole grains and members of Congress who to restaurants, asking that gro- law signed by the president
filed against Conahan. ger during the commercial and serve low-fat milk. They al- represent potato-growers. They cery stores, convenience stores early this year.

Playing it up PHOTOS: VIDEO:

When it comes to new releases, Apple Old Forge Former cops
is notoriously cagey. They drop hints,
allow dribs and drabs of info to seep downs LT for sentenced in
out, whatever it takes to build sus- district title Wilkes-Barre
pense for any new product launch.


SPORTS timesleader.com




Yankees defeat Indians in pitchers duel

Mitchell hurls seven shutout frames; up a pair of walks through seven, they’ve hit me pretty well.
while notching five strikeouts. “I think the part that got me over
Pena delivers game-winning single.
The Yankees scored the game’s only
run off left-hander Tony Watson (2-3),
the hump today was being able to
throw my off-speed on any count. I PAUL SOKOLOSKI
By PETE CAVA the second of three Indianapolis pitch- was able to get out of some jams early, OPINION
For the Times Leader ers. and also in the seventh, late.”

1 0
Using their
INDIANAPOLIS – In a game that “All our guys that came in, and all Ramiro Pena went 2-for-4 for Scran-
seemed to have more zeroes than the their guys that came in, all of them ton/Wilkes-Barre and knocked in the
Battle of Midway, Scranton/Wilkes- YANKEES INDIANS pitched well today,” said Mitchell decisive run. But the shortstop’s big-
Barre and the host Indianapolis Indi- (4-3), the lanky Clemson product who gest contribution was his glovework.
ans traded blanks Wednesday after-
noon until the Yankees eked out an
eighth-inning run for a 1-0 triumph. .
In a tight duel with Indianapolis
southpaw Brian Burres, Yankee right-
hander D.J. Mitchell gave up five hits
has now won four of his last five deci-
sions after an 0-2 start.
Mitchell mixed up a fastball, change
The wiry Mexican helped Mitchell
wiggle out of a fix in the second after
the Indians loaded the bases on sin-
sticks to find
world of kicks
Scranton/Wilkes-Barre has now and a walk over seven innings while and curve to keep the Indians off-bal- gles by Andy Marte and Matt Hague, a
won 15 of 19 contests at Victory Field striking out five. ance. “They’re a good-hitting team,”
since 2007. Burres scattered three hits and gave he said. “I’ve faced them before, and See YANKEES, Page 6B

hey lied to Lauren Skudalski

Losing control
into the sport of lacrosse.

But they piqued her curiosity at
the same time.
“When I came to Sem, they ac-
tually told me it was like field hock-
ey,” Skudalski said. “It’s nothing

LL feature
like field hockey.”
Their final season playing this
intriguing sport turned out to be
unlike anything Wyoming Semi-
nary’s senior lacrosse players had

ever experienced before.
They won the District 2 title.
They won their first-ever play-in
game to the PIAA state tourna-
And once they reached state play,
the Blue Knights delivered a strong
PNC Field provides an interesting performance behind a spectacular
five-goal game from Ashley Hess.
challenge for two high-powered offenses.
That they didn’t defeat the Cocal-
ico Eagles in the first round of
By DEREK LEVARSE states ultimately didn’t matter.
dlevarse@timesleader.com The real meaning came from the
The numbers have been eye-popping. For enjoyable experience the Blue
Lake-Lehman, it was 174 runs in 14 regular- Knights gained from the sport, and
season games. For Holy Redeemer, it was the luster they brought to it at
120 runs in 15 games – all their school.
against Class 4A and 3A “We were all really excited,” Hess
UP NEXT opponents. said after Sem’s special season end-
District 2
Combined, the two ed Wednesday with a gritty 15-12
Class 2A teams have put up 56 defeat at the hands of Cocalico at
Baseball runs through three Nazareth High School’s Andrew Leh
Championship rounds of the district Stadium. “First time in history
Lake-Lehman playoffs. we’ve ever been here.
vs. Holy But that doesn’t mean “Big moment for us.”
today’s District 2 Class Actually, it was this group of
4:30 p.m. today
PNC Field, 2A championship game players who made the sport of la-
Moosic is guaranteed to be a crosse start to seem big at Sem.
high-scoring affair. Some of them, like Skudalski, are
“Obviously we’re just better known for winning titles
going to stress what we’ve been stressing all while playing field hockey. Others,
year long – the pitching and defense have like Hess, excel in sports that seem
got to be there,” Lake-Lehman coach Mark to fly under the radar in high
LeValley said. “We can’t go into a game, a school.
district final, expecting to score double-di- “I also play ice hockey,” said
git runs. Hess, who will continue her career
“We have to go in anticipating a 4-3 game, on the ice at Manhattanville Col-
a 3-2 game – rely on our pitching and defense lege next season. “I think right now
and have confidence in that to get us lacrosse is on the brink of an up-
swing, especially for Sem.”
See CLASS 2A, Page 4B Only because the Blue Knights of
2011 took their best swing at glory.
They didn’t have this chance

The PIAA only recently accepted
girls lacrosse as high school sport,
and Wyoming Seminary only gained

out to defend
acceptance to play as a PIAA squad
this season.
One year, one state playoff ap-
“When we joined the PIAA, that

D2-3A title
was a goal we had,” said Seminary
coach Catie Kersey, who’s coached
the sport at the school for nine
It wasn’t hard to see why the
Tigers face another strong Lackawanna Blue Knights met their mission.
“It was all the girls,” Kersey said,
Conference foe today in West Scranton.
tears of pride filling her eyes.
S. JOHN WILKIN/THE TIMES LEADER “They were really hard-working.
By DEREK LEVARSE Berwick’s Alex Lorson and Manheim Township’s Dani Engwall fight for control of the ball during a PIAA playoff These girls just battled.”
dlevarse@timesleader.com at Lake Lehman High School. To the very end.
The last two years have seen Tunkhan- With time running out on a sea-
nock work through as many high-pressure
situations as any other
team in the region.
Manheim Twp. punctures Berwick son that finished 13-4 overall, the
Blue Knights knew they faced an
insurmountable five-goal deficit.
District 2
Class 3A
The Tigers may have
even topped themselves
LEHMAN TWP. – Berwick had
spent nearly 23 hours playing soccer 4
“I told them to be
proud of what they
in to score 17 minutes into the second
half, giving Manheim Township a
But Ann Romanowski scored and
Skudalski found the net not long
on Tuesday to reach this season, yet allowed just eight accomplished,” Ber- fairly comfortable 2-0 lead. after, pulling Sem within 15-12 with
Baseball their second straight dis- goals. TOWNSHIP wick coach Paul Di- “They’re a good team. They made 2:30 left.
trict title game. But not even two minutes into Pippa said. “We had us run a lot,” DiPippa said. “Their The rest of the time ran out on
vs. West
Mike Healey’s two-
out, two run homer in
Wednesday’s PIAA girls soccer first-
round game, the Dawgs were behind.
a great season. We
need to build off of
passing made us run more than we’re
used to. (It’s) a different style of play.
the Blue Knights’ season, but not
on their fun.
7:30 p.m. today the bottom of the sev- And Manheim Township wasn’t this. That’s where “They sent balls into space and ran “We were playing to make a name
PNC Field, enth gave Tunkhannock done. we want to be – like that. We want to onto them, and we had a hard time for ourselves,” Skudalski said.
Moosic an incredible 5-4 win The Blue Streaks took control in play like that, spread the field and do covering that. There was a big differ- In the process, they set a stan-
over Abington Heights the second half with three more things they were doing. But I’m ence. And they had speed. We usually dard for future Blue Knights teams
to give the Tigers a shot at defending their scores, eliminating District 2 cham- proud of our girls.” see speed, but not crisp passing like to meet.
title. pion Berwick 4-0 at Lake-Lehman Manheim Township’s first goal that.” “More people (at Sem) are pick-
They face West Scranton for the District High School. would be considered a “cheapie” as Prior to the 2-0 deficit, Berwick ing up lacrosse sticks every day,”
2 Class 3A championship at 7:30 p.m. today District 3 sixth seed Manheim Jackie Poucel took advantage of a had a couple opportunities. Bella Jaf- Hess said.
at PNC Field in Moosic with hopes of win- Township (14-6-2) moved to Satur- Berwick defensive miscue to score fin led Caty Davenport down the mid- All because of a group that never
ning gold and returning to the state playoffs day’s quarterfinals and will play D11 from 4 yards out with 1:18 expired. dle, but Davenport’s 23-yarder sailed really put those sticks down, but
next week. runner-up Easton (19-5), a 3-2 winner The other three, though, demon- high. A few minutes later, Davenport used them to build a solid founda-
Seven Tunkhannock players who started over D3 fourth seed Trinity. strated how strong teams from out of made a short pass to Karleigh Hart- tion before passing them on.
last season’s district title game, a 4-1 win Berwick ended its season at 15-2-1, the area are despite misleading seed- man in front of the goal, but the
over Coughlin, are back this year – Rich taking home the Wyoming Valley ings. chance was broken up. Paul Sokoloski is a Times Leader sports
Conference Division 1-A and district Danni Engwall ran past a Berwick columnist. You may reach him at 970-7109 or
See CLASS 3A, Page 4B titles. defender on the left wing and angled See BERWICK, Page 4B email him at psokoloski@timesleader.com.

PAGE 2B THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 ➛ S P O R T S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

Friday, June 3
C A L E N D A R Game 1 — Mississippi State (34-23) vs. Southern
International League AMERICA’S LINE Mississippi (39-17), 3 p.m.
Game 2 — Austin Peay (33-22) at Georgia Tech CAMPS CLINICS
Today's Events North Division (40-19), 7 p.m.
W L Pct. GB At Alfred A. McKethan Stadium
H.S. BASEBALL Gainesville, Fla. Dallas Mountaineers Aquatic
District 2 Class 2A championship Lehigh Valley (Phillies) ........... 32 20 .615 —
Lake-Lehman vs. Holy Redeemer, 4:30 p.m., PNC Yankees ................................... 28 22 .560 3 By Roxy Roxborough Friday, June 3 Club’s (DMAC) Summer League
Game 1 — Jacksonville (36-22) vs. Miami (36-21),
Field Pawtucket (Red Sox) .............. 26 25 .510 51⁄2 Noon camp is an eight-week compet-
District 2 Class 3A championship Buffalo (Mets)........................... 24 29 .453 81⁄2
Tunkhannock vs. West Scranton, 7:30 p.m., PNC BOXING REPORT: In WBC middleweight title fight on June 4 in Los Angeles,
Game 2 — Manhattan (34-17) at Florida (45-16), 4 itive swim program that is held
Syracuse (Nationals)............... 22 28 .440 9 p.m.
Rochester (Twins) ................... 20 30 .400 11 California, Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. is -$220 vs. Sebastian Zbik at +$180. At Dick Howser Stadium from June 13 through Aug. 5.
District 2 Class 3A championship South Division Tallahassee, Fla. The swim program is open to
W L Pct. GB BASEBALL CARDS -$128 Giants Friday, June 3
Dallas vs. Valley View, 5 p.m., Mid Valley H.S.,
Throop Durham (Rays)......................... 30 22 .577 — Game 1 — Alabama (33-26) vs. UCF (38-21), Noon
ages 6 through college level. The
Favorite Odds Underdog D’BACKS -$125 Nationals
District 2 Class 2A championship Gwinnett (Braves) ................... 26 26 .500 4 Game 2 — Bethune-Cookman (36-23) at Florida cost is $190 for the beginner
Nanticoke vs. Elk Lake, 5 p.m., Marywood Universi- PADRES -$130 Astros State (42-17), 6 p.m.
ty, Scranton
Charlotte (White Sox) ............. 23 27 .460 6 American League
At Hawkins Field
group and $220 for intermediate
Norfolk (Orioles) ...................... 18 34 .346 12 NBA
Friday, June 3
West Division
INDIANS -$142 Rangers Nashville, Tenn. and advanced groups. For more
SENIOR LEGION BASEBALL Favorite Points Underdog
(5:45 p.m. unless noted) W L Pct. GB ROYALS -$115 Twins Friday, June 3 information and brochures visit
NBA Finals Game 1 — Troy (42-17) vs. Oklahoma State
Wilkes-Barre at Greater Pittston Columbus (Indians)................ 35 18 .660 — MARINERS -$120 Rays (35-23), 3 p.m. our website at www.dmacswim-
Hazleton at Nanticoke Louisville (Reds) .................... 30 23 .566 5 Game 2 — Belmont (36-24) at Vanderbilt (47-10), 8
Swoyersville at Old Forge Toledo (Tigers)....................... 25 29 .463 101⁄2 National League
HEAT 4.5 Mavericks
ming.org or contact Reo Chesh-
Plains at Mountain Top Indianapolis (Pirates) ............. 24 30 .444 111⁄2 METS -$120 Pirates At Reckling Park ire at 357-8631.
Tunkhannock at Back Mountain
Saturday, June 4
Wednesday's Games Houston King’s College will hold an in-
Yankees 1, Indianapolis 0 Friday, June 3
SENIOR LEGION BASEBALL Rochester 10, Toledo 9 Game 1 — California (31-20) vs. Baylor (29-26), 3 structional baseball camp
(5:45 p.m. unless noted)
Tunkhannock at Northwest, 2:30 p.m.
Durham 5, Columbus 4
Lehigh Valley 8, Gwinnett 0
p.m. staffed by King’s coaches and
Game 2 — Alcorn State (27-28) at Rice (41-19), 7
Sunday, June 5 Louisville 2, Syracuse 1 p.m. players from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30
SENIOR LEGION BASEBALL Norfolk at Pawtucket, late Boys
(5:45 p.m. unless noted) Buffalo at Charlotte, late Third Round H O C K E Y At Olsen Field
College Station, Texas
p.m. from June 27 through June
Old Forge at Greater Pittston
Hazleton at Wilkes-Barre
Today's Games Tristan Lamasine, France, def. Laurent Lokoli,
Friday, June 3 30 with July1 as a weather make
France, 6-4, 7-5.
Nanticoke at Northwest
Toledo at Rochester, 11:05 a.m.
Columbus at Durham, 7:05 p.m. Oriol Roca Batalla, Spain, def. Joao Pedro Sorgi NHL Playoffs Game 1 — Seton Hall (33-23) vs. Arizona (36-19), up day at King’s College Betzler
Plains at Swoyersville 1:35 p.m.
Norfolk at Pawtucket, 7:05 p.m. (10), Brazil, 6-1, 6-1.
Bjorn Fratangelo, United States, def. Joris De Loore
CONFERENCE FINALS Game 2 — Wright State (36-17) at Texas A&M Fields in Wilkes-Barre Township.
Lehigh Valley at Gwinnett, 7:05 p.m. EASTERN CONFERENCE
Yankees at Indianapolis, 7:05 p.m. (11), Belgium, 7-6 (1), 7-6 (8).
Boston 4, Tampa Bay 3
(42-18), 7:35 p.m. The main purpose of the camp is
Robin Kern, Germany, def. Lukas Vrnak, Czech At UFCU Disch-Falk Field
Syracuse at Louisville, 7:05 p.m.
Republic, 7-6 (4), 6-0. Saturday, May 14: Tampa Bay 5, Boston 2 Austin, Texas skill development and guided
Buffalo at Charlotte, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, May 17: Boston 6, Tampa Bay 5
W H A T ’ S O N T V Friday's Games Dominic Thiem (14), Austria, def. Filip Horansky (3),
Thursday, May 19: Boston 2, Tampa Bay 0 Friday, June 3 hands on instruction. The camp
Slovakia, 6-4, 6-1. Game 1 — Kent State (43-15) vs. Texas State
Columbus at Louisville, 7:05 p.m.
Oliver Golding (4), Britain, def. Marcos Giron, Unit- Saturday, May 21: Tampa Bay 5, Boston 3
(40-21), 2 p.m. is open to all area players ages 5
Toledo at Yankees, 7:05 p.m. Monday, May 23: Boston 3, Tampa Bay 1
COLLEGE SOFTBALL Norfolk at Rochester, 7:05 p.m. ed States, 6-3, 3-6, 6-2.
Wednesday, May 25: Tampa Bay 5, Boston 4 Game 2 — Princeton (23-22) at Texas (43-15), 7:30 through 12 and will feature small
Pawtucket at Durham, 7:05 p.m. Girls p.m.
1 p.m. Buffalo at Gwinnett, 7:05 p.m. Third Round
Friday, May 27: Boston 1, Tampa Bay 0
At Lupton Baseball Stadium group instruction, demonstra-
ESPN2 — World Series, game 1, California vs. Ala- WESTERN CONFERENCE
bama, at Oklahoma City
Lehigh Valley at Charlotte, 7:15 p.m. Anett Kontaveit, Estonia, def. Danka Kovinic (6),
Vancouver 4, San Jose 1 Fort Worth, Texas tions, instructional games and
Syracuse at Indianapolis, 7:15 p.m. Montenegro, 6-3, 3-6, 7-5.
3:30 p.m. Natalija Kostic (4), Serbia, def. Victoria Duval, Unit- Sunday, May 15: Vancouver 3, San Jose 2 Friday, June 3 hands on drills applicable to the
ESPN2 — World Series, game 2, Oklahoma State Eastern League ed States, 6-4, 4-6, 6-2. Wednesday, May 18: Vancouver 7, San Jose 3 Game 1 — Dallas Baptist (39-17) vs. Oklahoma
(41-17), 3 p.m. players skill level during the
vs. Baylor, at Oklahoma City Irina Khromacheva (2), Russia, def. Donna Vekic, Friday, May 20: San Jose 4, Vancouver 3
Eastern Division Game 2 — Oral Roberts (36-20) at TCU (42-17), 8
7 p.m. Croatia, 6-4, 6-2. Sunday, May 22: Vancouver 4, San Jose 2
p.m. morning and games during the
ESPN2 — World Series, game 3, Oklahoma vs. Ari- W L Pct. GB Monica Puig (5), Puerto Rico, def. Sofiya Kovalets, Tuesday, May 24: Vancouver 3, San Jose 2, 2OT
zona State, at Oklahoma City New Hampshire (Blue Jays) . 34 18 .654 — Ukraine, 4-6, 6-1, 6-1. STANLEY CUP FINALS At Packard Stadium afternoons.
9:30 p.m. Trenton (Yankees) ................. 32 20 .615 2 Caroline Garcia (3), France, def. Jana Cepelova, Boston vs. Vancouver Tempe, Ariz.
ESPN2 — World Series, game 4, Missouri vs. Flor- New Britain (Twins) ............... 29 22 .569 41⁄2 Slovakia, 7-6 (4), 6-4. Wednesday, June 1: Boston at Vancouver, 8 p.m. Friday, June 3
ida, at Oklahoma City Yulia Putintseva (7), Russia, def. Alison Van Uyt- Saturday, June 4: Boston at Vancouver, 8 p.m. Game 1 — Charlotte (42-14) vs. Arkansas (38-20), 5 GOLF
Reading (Phillies)................... 28 23 .549 5 ⁄2
vanck (11), Belgium, 3-6, 6-1, 6-2. Monday, June 6: Vancouver at Boston, 8 p.m.
GOLF Binghamton (Mets) ................ 16 34 .320 17
Junior Doubles Wednesday, June 8: Vancouver at Boston, 8 p.m. Game 2 — New Mexico (20-39) at Arizona State
Portland (Red Sox) ................ 15 36 .294 181⁄2
Boys x-Friday, June 10: Boston at Vancouver, 8 p.m. (39-16), 10 p.m. The 5th Annual G.A.R. Blue-Gray
9:30 a.m. Western Division
TGC — European PGA Tour, Wales Open, first Second Round
x-Monday, June 13: Vancouver at Boston, 8 p.m.
x-Wednesday, June 15: Boston at Vancouver, 8
At Goss Stadium Fund Golf Tournament will be
round, at Newport, Wales W L Pct. GB Andres Artunedo Martinavarr and Roberto Car- Corvallis, Ore.
Harrisburg (Nationals)............. 30 20 .600 — balles Baena (4), Spain, def. Kyle Edmund, Britain,
p.m. Friday, June 3 held on July 30 at the Wilkes-
12:30 p.m.
TGC — Nationwide Tour, Prince George’s County Altoona (Pirates) ...................... 27 25 .519 4 and Wayne Montgomery, South Africa, walkover. AHL Game 1 — Georgia (31-30) vs. Creighton (44-14), 4 Barre Golf Club in Laurel Run.
Open, first round, at College Park, Md. Bowie (Orioles) ........................ 25 28 .472 61⁄2 Maxim Dubarenco, Moldova, and Vladyslav Mana- p.m.
fov, Ukraine, def. Thiago Moura Monteiro and Bru- CALDER CUP FINALS Game 2 — UALR (24-32) at Oregon State (38-17), 9 Shotgun start at 8 a.m. Cost is
3 p.m. Erie (Tigers) ............................. 24 27 .471 6 ⁄2

TGC — PGA Tour, the Memorial Tournament, first Richmond (Giants) .................. 24 27 .471 61⁄2
no Sant’Anna (7), Brazil, 3-6, 7-5, 16-14 tiebreak. BEST OF 7 p.m. $85 and includes an outing at
round, at Dublin, Ohio Aslan Karatsev and Evgeny Karlovskiy, Russia, def. Houston 2, Binghamton 1 At Goodwin Field
Akron (Indians)......................... 25 29 .463 7 George Morgan, Britain, and Mate Pavic (2), Croa- Friday, May 27: Houston 3, Binghamton 1 Fullerton, Calif. the Catholic War Vets grove in
MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL Wednesday's Games tia, 4-6, 7-5, 12-10 tiebreak. Saturday, May 28: Binghamton 2, Houston 1, OT Friday, June 3 Ashley. Please register before
Trenton 7, Altoona 3 Bjorn Fratangelo and Alexios Halebian, United Wednesday, June 1: Houston 2, Binghamton 1 Game 1 — Kansas State (36-23) vs. Stanford
1 p.m. Reading 12, Akron 9 States, def. Luke Saville, Australia, and Joao Pedro Friday, June 3: Houston at Binghamton, 7:05 p.m. (32-20), 7 p.m. July 22. Contact 570-855-2543
MLB/SNY — Pittsburgh at N.Y. Mets Portland 18, New Britain 9 Sorgi (5), Brazil, 7-6 (4), 4-6, 10-7 tiebreak.
8 p.m. Erie 12, Binghamton 3 Girls
Saturday, June 4: Houston at Binghamton, 7:05
Game 2 — Illinois (28-25) at Cal State Fullerton for details.
MLB — Regional coverage, San Francisco at St. (40-15), 11 p.m.
Harrisburg 10, New Hampshire 8 Second Round x-Tuesday, June 7: Binghamton at Houston, 8:05
Louis or Minnesota at Kansas City Richmond at Bowie, late At Jackie Robinson Stadium
Irina Khromacheva, Russia, and Maryna Zanevska p.m.
Los Angeles
NBA BASKETBALL Today's Games (2), Ukraine, def. Ilka Csoregi, Romania, and Sofiya x-Thursday, June 9: Binghamton at Houston, 8:05
Friday, June 3
Bulletin Board items will not be
Akron at Reading, 9:35 a.m. Kovalets, Ukraine, 6-2, 6-0. p.m.
9 p.m. Portland at New Britain, 10:35 a.m. Ashleigh Barty, Australia, and Victoria Duval, Unit- Game 1 — UC Irvine (39-16) vs. Fresno State accepted over the telephone. Items
ABC — Playoffs, finals, game 2, Dallas at Miami Erie at Binghamton, 10:35 a.m. (40-14), 5 p.m.
New Hampshire at Harrisburg, 7 p.m.
ed States, def. Cristina Dinu, Romania, and Viktori-
Game 2 — San Francisco (31-23) at UCLA (33-22), may be faxed to 831-7319, emailed to
TENNIS ya Tomova, Bulgaria, 6-4, 6-4.
Richmond at Bowie, 7:05 p.m. Victoria Bosio, Argentina, and Patricia Iveth Ku 9 p.m. tlsports@timesleader.com or dropped
8 a.m. Altoona at Trenton, 7:05 p.m.
Friday's Games
Flores, Peru, def. Indy de Vroome, Netherlands, College Softball off at the Times Leader or mailed to
ESPN2 — French Open, women’s semifinals, at and Ganna Poznikhirenko (6), Ukraine, 6-7 (1), 6-2,
Portland at Altoona, 7 p.m. World Series Times Leader, c/o Sports, 15 N, Main
Binghamton at Akron, 7:05 p.m.
11-9 tiebreak.
Tang Hao Chen and Tian Ran, China, def. Chloe G O L F At ASA Hall of Fame Stadium
New Britain at Bowie, 7:05 p.m. Paquet and Charlene Seateun, France, 6-4, 6-0 Oklahoma City St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0250.
Harrisburg at Erie, 7:05 p.m.
Reading at Richmond, 7:05 p.m. PGA Tour Double Elimination
New Hampshire at Trenton, 7:05 p.m. Thursday, June 2
FedExCup Leaders Game 1 — California (44-11) vs. Alabama (51-9), 1 At Austin, Texas (ESPN2), Karim Mayfield vs.
Major League Baseball Through May 29 p.m. Steve Forbes, 10, welterweights; Fernando Guer-
T R A N S A C T I O N S B A S K E T B A L L Rank Player ............................... Points YTD Game 2 — Oklahoma State (42-18) vs. Baylor rero vs. Michael Medina, 10, middleweights.
All-Star Game Voting 1. Bubba Watson ...................... 1,383$2,948,790 (45-13), 3:30 p.m. June 18
At Chase Field, Phoenix 2. Luke Donald.......................... 1,354$3,344,867 Game 3 — Oklahoma (42-17) vs. Arizona State At Mendoza, Argentina, Jonathan Barros vs. Celes-
BASEBALL American League NBA 3. Mark Wilson .......................... 1,243$2,516,572 (55-6), 7 p.m. tino Caballero, 12, for Barros’ WBA featherweight ti-
As of June 1 4. Nick Watney .......................... 1,241$2,960,733 Game 4 — Missouri (52-8) vs. Florida (52-10), 9:30 tle; Juan Carlos Cano vs. Rudy Santiago Ruiz, 10,
American League featherweights.
BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Activated LHP Brian Ma- CATCHER — Russell Martin, Yankees, CONFERENCE FINALS 5. David Toms........................... 1,229$2,842,215 p.m.
843,459;Joe Mauer, Twins, 593,949;Alex Avila, Ti- (Best-of-7) 6. Phil Mickelson ...................... 1,190$2,362,152 At Guadalajara, Mexico (HBO), Saul Alvarez vs.
tusz from the 15-day DL. Designated UT Jake Fox Ryan Rhodes, 12, for Alvarez’s WBC junior middle-
for assignment. gers, 407,463;Carlos Santana, Indians, EASTERN CONFERENCE 7. K.J. Choi................................ 1,190$2,941,699
395,892;Yorvit Torrealba, Rangers, 337,737. 8. Martin Laird ........................... 1,129$2,314,996 weight title; Jason Litzau vs. Adrien Broner, 10, ju-
National League Miami 4, Chicago 1 nior lightweights; Jose Osorio vs. Alex Monterroza,
ST. LOUIS CARDINALS — Placed RHP Kyle FIRST BASE — Mark Teixeira, Yankees, Sunday, May 15: Chicago 103, Miami 82 9. Rory Sabbatini ...................... 1,100$2,150,431
827,247;Adrian Gonzalez, Red Sox, 10. Gary Woodland .................. 1,070$2,063,997 10, junior lightweights; Sergio Villanueva vs. Onalvi
McClellan on the 15-day DL. Recalled RHP Lance Wednesday, May 18: Miami 85, Chicago 75
Lynn from Memphis (PCL). 685,262;Miguel Cabrera, Tigers, 657,594;Mitch
Moreland, Rangers, 278,055;Adam Lind, Blue
Sunday, May 22: Miami 96, Chicago 85 11. Aaron Baddeley.................. 1,046$2,265,691
12. Jonathan Byrd..................... 1,034$2,142,248
S O C C E R Sierra, 10, featherweights.
June 24
Midwest League Tuesday, May 24: Miami 101, Chicago 93, OT
Jays, 256,782. Thursday, May 26: Miami 83, Chicago 80 13. Brandt Snedeker ................ 1,023$2,098,887 At Temecula, Calif. (ESPN2), John Molina vs. Rob-
Kevin Siegrist to Palm Beach (FSL). SECOND BASE — Robinson Cano, Yankees, WESTERN CONFERENCE 14. Matt Kuchar......................... 1,002$2,203,744 Major League Soccer ert Frankel, 10, lightweights; Michael Dallas Jr. vs.
Mauricio Herrera, 10, lightweights.
1,185,952;Dustin Pedroia, Red Sox, 586,361;Ian 15. Webb Simpson................... 956$1,870,758
Dallas 4, Oklahoma City 1
BASKETBALL Kinsler, Rangers, 502,012;Orlando Cabrera, Indi-
Tuesday, May 17: Dallas 121, Oklahoma City 112 16. Hunter Mahan..................... 952$2,008,402 EASTERN CONFERENCE
.................................................. W L T Pts GF GA
June 25
ans, 384,004;Ben Zobrist, Rays, 352,904. 17. Steve Marino ...................... 881$1,739,966 At Cologne, Germany, Felix Sturm vs. Matthew
National Basketball Association THIRD BASE — Alex Rodriguez, Yankees, Thursday, May 19: Oklahoma City 106, Dallas 100 Philadelphia ............................ 6 3 2 20 14 9 Macklin, 12, for Sturm’s WBA Super middleweight
Saturday, May 21: Dallas 93, Oklahoma City 87 18. Charl Schwartzel................ 850$1,833,554
HOUSTON ROCKETS — Named Kevin McHale 945,127;Adrian Beltre, Rangers, 755,551;Evan 19. Bill Haas .............................. 842$1,601,728 New York................................. 4 2 6 18 18 11 title.
coach. Longoria, Rays, 588,463;Kevin Youkilis, Red Sox, Monday, May 23: Dallas 112, Oklahoma City 105, Houston ................................... 3 4 6 15 17 15 At St. Louis (HBO), Tavoris Cloud vs. Yusaf Mack,
OT 20. Keegan Bradley.................. 842$1,767,548
TORONTO RAPTORS — Announced the contract 491,422;Maicer Izturis, Angels, 199,423. D.C........................................... 4 4 3 15 16 20 12, for Cloud’s IBF light heavyweight title; Bermane
option on coach Jay Triano will not be exercised and Wednesday, May 25: Dallas 100, Oklahoma City 96 21. Jhonattan Vegas ................ 816$1,499,350
SHORTSTOP — Derek Jeter, Yankees, 22. Jason Dufner ...................... 813$1,678,060 Columbus................................ 3 3 5 14 11 13 Stiverne vs. Ray Austin, 12, WBC heavyweight elim-
he will be retained as a special assistant to the pres- 931,410;Asdrubal Cabrera, Indians, 672,105;Elvis FINALS New England .......................... 3 5 4 13 10 15 inator; Devon Alexander vs. Lucas Matthysse, 12,
ident and general manager. 23. Jason Day ........................... 811$1,855,362
Andrus, Rangers, 560,309;Yunel Escobar, Blue (Best-of-7) Toronto FC.............................. 2 5 6 12 13 23 junior welterweights; Cornelius Bundrage vs. Se-
24. D.A. Points.......................... 802$1,605,506
Women's National Basketball Association Jays, 320,874;Erick Aybar, Angels, 215,991. Miami 1, Dallas 0 Chicago ................................... 1 4 6 9 15 19 chew Powell, 12, for Bundrage’s IBF junior middle-
25. Ryan Palmer ....................... 766$1,516,768 weight title; Guillermo Jones vs. Ryan Coyne, 12,
TULSA SHOCK — Waived F Rashanda McCants DESIGNATED HITTER — Michael Young, Rang- Tuesday, May 31: Miami 92, Dallas 84 Sporting Kansas City ............. 1 6 2 5 12 19
and G Darxia Morris. ers, 646,979;David Ortiz, Red Sox, 618,609;Jorge 26. Vijay Singh .......................... 743$1,485,390 for Jones’ WBA World cruiserweight title.
Thursday, June 2: Dallas at Miami, 9 p.m. 27. Spencer Levin .................... 741$1,502,068 WESTERN CONFERENCE
Posada, Yankees, 414,733;Travis Hafner, Indians, Sunday, June 5: Miami at Dallas, 8 p.m.
FOOTBALL 407,334;Johnny Damon, Rays, 353,340. Tuesday, June 7: Miami at Dallas, 9 p.m. 28. Dustin Johnson .................. 720$1,573,173 .................................................. W L T Pts GF GA
Los Angeles ............................ 8 2 5 29 20 12
OUTFIELD — Jose Bautista, Blue Jays, x-Thursday, June 9: Miami at Dallas, 9 p.m. 29. Brendan Steele .................. 684$1,333,319
National Football League 30. Justin Rose ......................... 680$1,342,182 FC Dallas ................................ 6 3 4 22 16 12
SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS — Named Michael 1,261,659;Curtis Granderson, Yankees, x-Sunday, June 12: Dallas at Miami, 8 p.m. Seattle...................................... 5 4 5 20 16 13
994,315;Josh Hamilton, Rangers, 748,240;Ichiro x-Tuesday, June 14: Dallas at Miami, 9 p.m. 31. Lucas Glover ...................... 671$1,339,837
Bracken video operations manager. 32. Tommy Gainey................... 650$1,263,237 Colorado.................................. 4 3 6 18 15 13
Canadian Football League Suzuki, Mariners, 674,406;Nelson Cruz, Rangers,
514,006;Jacoby Ellsbury, Red Sox, 494,721;Nick
33. Kevin Na.............................. 649$1,233,265 Portland ................................... 5 4 2 17 15 17 H O R S E R A C I N G
WINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS — Agreed to terms PLAYOFFS / INCLUDES GAMES OF TUESDAY, 34. Steve Stricker ..................... 621$1,339,234 Real Salt Lake ........................ 5 2 2 17 10 4
with WR Jade Etienne. Signed DB C.J. James and Swisher, Yankees, 465,984;Grady Sizemore, Indi-
MAY 31, 2011 Chivas USA ............................ 3 4 4 13 14 13
DB Leslie Majors. ans, 457,185;Carl Crawford, Red Sox, 440,626;Jeff
35. Charley Hoffman ................
36. Brian Gay.............................
596 $999,154
594 $980,446 San Jose.................................. 3 4 4 13 14 14 Pocono Downs Results
Francoeur, Royals, 407,517;Brett Gardner, Yan-
United Football League kees, 370,989;Shin-Soo Choo, Indians, ..................................................... G FG FTPTSAVG 37. J.B. Holmes ........................ 591$1,353,462 Vancouver ............................... 1 5 6 9 13 17 Wednesday Jun 01, 2011
UFL — Added LB Maurice Crum, LS Aaron King, 366,575;Sam Fuld, Rays, 310,520;J.D. Drew, Red Durant, OKC...............................17155140 487 28.6 38. Y.E. Yang ............................ 581$1,223,596 NOTE: Three points for victory, one point for tie. First - $6,100 Trot 1:56.2
OL Kevin Myers and LB Michael Tauiliili to Sacra- Sox, 307,684;B.J. Upton, Rays, 277,173. Nowitzki, DAL.............................16147142 453 28.3 39. Chris Kirk ............................ 527 $863,109 Wednesday's Games 3-Crushproof (Ma Kakaley) 8.40 3.20 2.40
mento’s roster. Rose, CHI ...................................16149111 434 27.1 40. Charlie Wi ........................... 523 $955,105 Vancouver at Chivas USA, late 4-Mitleh Hadeed (La Stalbaum) 8.20 4.00
National League
5-Fast Vacation (Jo Pavia Jr) 2.40
HOCKEY As of May 31 Howard, ORL ............................. 6 51 60 162 27.0
Anthony, NYK ............................ 4 33 29 104 26.0
41. Zach Johnson..................... 521$1,003,773 Friday's Games
D.C. United at Los Angeles, 11 p.m. EXACTA (3-4) $74.40
CATCHER — Buster Posey, Giants, 785,314;Brian 42. Fredrik Jacobson ............... 516 $786,179
National Hockey League James, MIA.................................16140109 414 25.9 43. Rickie Fowler...................... 503 $821,140 Saturday's Games TRIFECTA (3-4-5) $171.20
McCann, Braves, 633,987;Yadier Molina, Cardi- SUPERFECTA (3-4-5-2) $384.00
CHICAGO BLACKHAWKS — Added the title of nals, 595,576;Carlos Ruiz, Phillies, Westbrook, OKC .......................17135121 405 23.8 44. Bo Van Pelt ......................... 493 $982,888 Sporting Kansas City at Toronto FC, 7 p.m.
chief executive officer to team president John Wade, MIA..................................16131107 378 23.6 45. Charles Howell III............... 492 $906,530 Columbus at New York, 7:30 p.m. Second - $4,600 Pace 1:54.3
354,680;Ramon Hernandez, Reds, 350,771. 2-Five Star Gazer (Ma Kakaley) 5.80 3.00 2.20
McDonough. Re-signed general manager of minor FIRST BASE — Albert Pujols, Cardinals, Bryant, LAL.................................10 83 50 228 22.8 46. Adam Scott ......................... 492$1,156,153 Seattle FC at Chicago, 8:30 p.m.
league affiliations Mark Bernard, Rockford (AHL) Randolph, MEM .........................13100 87 289 22.2 New England at FC Dallas, 8:30 p.m. 3-Prairie Ganache (An McCarthy) 3.00 3.20
988,784;Joey Votto, Reds, 806,346;Prince Fielder, 47. John Senden ...................... 490 $730,955 6-Storm’in Jordan (An Miller) 3.40
coach Bill Peters and Rockford assistant coaches Brewers, 540,269;Ryan Howard, Phillies, Paul, NOR................................... 6 42 39 132 22.0 48. Brendon de Jonge ............. 487 $631,892 Philadelphia at Colorado, 9 p.m.
Ted Dent and Steve Poapst. Granger, IND .............................. 5 43 14 108 21.6 Vancouver at Real Salt Lake, 9 p.m. EXACTA (2-3) $11.40
521,220;Freddie Freeman, Braves, 200,886. 49. Robert Garrigus ................. 481 $939,164 TRIFECTA (2-3-6) $84.80
MONTREAL CANADIENS — Signed D Hal Gill to a SECOND BASE — Brandon Phillips, Reds, Aldridge, POR ............................ 6 53 19 125 20.8 50. J.J. Henry............................ 460 $689,518 Portland at Chivas USA, 10:30 p.m.
one-year contract. Houston at San Jose, 10:30 p.m. SUPERFECTA (2-3-6-7) $198.00
837,778;Rickie Weeks, Brewers, 562,071;Chase Pierce, BOS ............................... 9 68 30 187 20.8 51. Paul Goydos ....................... 460$1,087,356 DAILY DOUBLE (3-2) $21.20
NEW YORK RANGERS — Traded F Roman Horak Utley, Phillies, 561,585;Dan Uggla, Braves, Ginobili, SAN.............................. 5 31 32 103 20.6 52. Jimmy Walker..................... 458 $825,655 Wednesday, June 8
and two 2011 second-round draft picks to Calgary Scratched: Sharknfestedwaters
465,219;Freddy Sanchez, Giants, 347,713. Parker, SAN ............................... 6 43 31 118 19.7 53. Marc Leishman................... 457 $734,667 Real Salt Lake at Columbus, 7:30 p.m. Third - $9,500 Trot 1:56.3
for D Tim Erixon and a 2011 fifth-round draft pick. THIRD BASE — Placido Polanco, Phillies, Allen, BOS .................................. 9 57 24 170 18.9 Thursday, June 9
Signed Erixon to a three-year contract. 54. Jim Furyk ............................ 456 $769,757 1-Zooming (An Miller) 4.60 2.80 2.10
724,724;Chipper Jones, Braves, 540,168;Pablo Johnson, ATL.............................12 87 34 226 18.8 55. Stewart Cink ....................... 455 $772,182 Chicago at Sporting Kansas City, 10 p.m. 2-Search For Reality (La Stalbaum) 3.00 3.20
PHOENIX COYOTES — Signed RW Jordan Sandoval, Giants, 522,037;David Wright, Mets, Bosh, MIA ...................................16105 88 298 18.6
Szwarz and G Louis Domingue. 56. Ryan Moore ........................ 447 $868,035 Friday, June 10 9-Powerlifter (To Schadel) 5.00
500,200;Scott Rolen, Reds, 370,271. Terry, DAL ..................................16 93 52 272 17.0 57. Robert Allenby ................... 442 $782,412 New England at New York, 8:30 p.m. EXACTA (1-2) $15.80
WASHINGTON CAPITALS — Signed C Mattias SHORTSTOP — Troy Tulowitzki, Rockies,
Sjogren to a two-year contract. Deng, CHI...................................16 98 52 270 16.9 58. Ben Crane ........................... 440 $747,419 Saturday, June 11 TRIFECTA (1-2-9) $78.40
975,777;Jimmy Rollins, Phillies, 454,782;Jose Landry, NOR .............................. 6 31 33 95 15.8 59. Michael Bradley ................. 437 $806,115 Real Salt Lake at Philadelphia, 4 p.m. SUPERFECTA (1-2-9-5) $403.40
SOCCER Reyes, Mets, 408,699;Alex Gonzalez, Braves,
328,021;Stephen Drew, Diamondbacks, 303,811.
Brand, PHL ................................. 5 34 10 78 15.6 60. Pat Perez............................. 430 $813,542 San Jose at D.C. United, 7:30 p.m. Fourth - $8,500 Pace 1:55.2
Lawson, DEN ............................. 5 26 21 78 15.6 61. Chris Couch........................ 420 $698,739 Chivas USA at Houston, 8:30 p.m. 5-Someheartsomewhere (Ma Kakaley) 2.80 2.10
FIFA — Re-elected president Sepp Blatter to a four- OUTFIELD — Ryan Braun, Brewers, 971,809;Matt Ariza, NOR ................................. 6 35 16 93 15.5
year term. 61. Graeme McDowell ............. 420 $858,041 Toronto FC at Los Angeles, 10:30 p.m. 2.10
Holliday, Cardinals, 927,778;Lance Berkman, Car- Crawford, ATL ............................12 61 42 185 15.4 63. Ricky Barnes....................... 414 $727,070 Colorado at Portland, 10:30 p.m. 1-Tanzanite Hanover (Br Simpson) 10.20 4.00
COLLEGE dinals, 872,434;Andre Ethier, Dodgers, Wallace, POR ............................ 6 30 28 91 15.2 Vancouver at Seattle FC, 10:30 p.m. 3-Yes We Did (Ji Taggart Jr) 2.20
776,971;Matt Kemp, Dodgers, 549,215;Jason Hey- 64. Jeff Overton ........................ 409 $698,550
Conley, MEM .............................13 71 44 197 15.2 65. Johnson Wagner................ 405 $848,290 Sunday, June 12 EXACTA (5-1) $24.20
CONFERENCE CAROLINAS — Announced King ward, Braves, 484,291;Shane Victorino, Phillies, Smith, ATL..................................12 69 40 181 15.1 TRIFECTA (5-1-3) $49.80
(TN) and North Greenville have been accepted for 476,644;Carlos Beltran, Mets, 389,561;Alfonso 66. Jerry Kelly ........................... 403 $709,889 Chicago at Columbus, 4 p.m.
Gasol, MEM ...............................13 72 51 195 15.0 67. Geoff Ogilvy........................ 403 $788,927 Sporting Kansas City at FC Dallas, 7 p.m. SUPERFECTA (5-1-3-8) $103.40
membership. Soriano, Cubs, 354,231;Justin Upton, Diamond- Fifth - $9,500 Trot 1:57.0
Garnett, BOS ............................. 9 56 22 134 14.9 68. Brandt Jobe ........................ 403 $616,735
FORDHAM — Named Charlie McMillan football
equipment manager.
backs, 338,487;Carlos Gonzalez, Rockies,
337,728;Jay Bruce, Reds, 337,380;Raul Ibanez, Miller, POR ................................. 6 33 19 89 14.8 69. Hunter Haas ....................... 390 $693,727 Women's Professional Soccer 7-Cedar Dove (Ro Pierce) 2.20 2.10 2.20
Stoudemire, NYK....................... 4 21 16 58 14.5 70. Scott Verplank .................... 389 $743,868 2-Shacklesonmyfeet (Ja Johnson) 3.20 3.00
GARDNER-WEBB — Announed men’s basketball Phillies, 294,294;Drew Stubbs, Reds, W L T Pts GF GA 8-Otto (An Miller) 6.40
G Jarvis Davis is transferring from UCF. 292,907;Martin Prado, Braves, 284,558. Bynum, LAL................................10 57 30 144 14.4 71. Carl Pettersson .................. 380 $649,328 Western New York........ 6 0 1 19 18 7 EXACTA (7-2) $8.80
INDIANA — Named Whitney Thomas women’s as- Hilario, DEN ............................... 5 22 27 71 14.2 72. Matt Bettencourt................. 377 $598,069
Holiday, PHL .............................. 5 24 12 71 14.2 73. Sergio Garcia ..................... 374 $674,675 magicJack ...................... 4 1 0 11 9 4 TRIFECTA (7-2-8) $113.00
sistant basketball coach and Seth Tackett women’s SUPERFECTA (7-2-8-3) $241.80
basketball video coordinator. Rondo, BOS ............................... 9 51 24 126 14.0 74. Brian Davis.......................... 370 $501,976 Philadelphia ................... 2 2 2 8 9 8
Nelson, ORL............................... 6 31 11 79 13.2 75. Chad Campbell .................. 363 $514,527 Sky Blue FC ................... 2 3 1 7 8 8 PICK 3 (1-5-7) $16.00
MEMPHIS — Named Damon Stoudamire men’s Sixth - $9,500 Pace 1:54.3
assistant basketball coach. Gasol, LAL..................................10 47 36 131 13.1 76. Stuart Appleby.................... 350 $592,186 Boston............................. 2 5 1 7 10 12
NORTHWESTERN — Announced men’s basket- T E N N I S Harden, OKC .............................17 66 66 221 13.0 77. Troy Matteson..................... 348 $640,670 Atlanta............................. 1 6 1 4 5 20
6-Shark Ingested (Br Simpson) 5.00 2.80 2.60
9-Stop Payment (An McCarthy) 25.20 6.80
ball F Nikola Cerina has transferred from TCU. Matthews, POR .......................... 6 27 16 78 13.0 78. Greg Chalmers................... 345 $584,353 NOTE: Three points for victory, one point for tie. 4-Steuben Jumpinjack (An Napolitano) 6.20
SAINT FRANCIS (PA) — Announced the resigna- Duncan, SAN.............................. 6 33 10 76 12.7 79. Ryuji Imada......................... 333 $608,615
tion of women’s lacrosse coach Steph Marcon. French Open Boozer, CHI................................16 77 48 202 12.6 80. Kevin Streelman................. 329 $537,939
Saturday's Games
Sky Blue FC 2, Boston 1
EXACTA (6-9) $144.00
TRIFECTA (6-9-4) $1,318.20
SAN JOSE STATE — Named Klayton Adams tight At Stade Roland Garros Odom, LAL .................................10 45 27 121 12.1 81. Bill Lunde ............................ 314 $403,104 magicJack 4, Atlanta 0 SUPERFECTA (6-9-ALL-ALL) $58.00
ends coach and Kirk Doll special teams coordinator/ Paris Gallinari, DEN ............................ 5 19 15 60 12.0 82. Ian Poulter........................... 313 $523,201 Sunday's Games Seventh - $16,000 Trot 1:54.4
running backs coach. Martin, DEN................................ 5 24 11 59 11.8 83. Vaughn Taylor .................... 312 $301,553 Western New York 2, Philadelphia 1 2-Di Manggio (Ty Buter) 15.20 4.00 3.60
Surface: Clay-Outdoor Hill, SAN...................................... 6 20 26 70 11.7 84. Matt Jones........................... 308 $571,312 Friday, June 3 3-And Away We Go (An Miller) 3.60 2.40
Singles Felton, DEN................................ 5 18 18 58 11.6 85. Anthony Kim ....................... 305 $604,048 Sky Blue FC at Western New York, 7:30 p.m. 1-Monsignor Flan (Ma Kakaley) 2.10
Men Marion, DAL ...............................16 77 30 184 11.5 86. Nick O’Hern ........................ 304 $434,764 EXACTA (2-3) $47.20
Quarterfinals Saturday, June 4
F O O T B A L L Rafael Nadal (1), Spain, def. Robin Soderling (5),
Young, PHL ................................ 5 25 7 57 11.4
Iguodala, PHL ............................ 5 22 10 57 11.4
87. Alex Cejka...........................
88. Tim Clark.............................
302 $332,750
299 $571,000
Atlanta at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. TRIFECTA (2-3-1) $116.80
SUPERFECTA (2-3-1-7) $881.60
Sweden, 6-4, 6-1, 7-6 (3). FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE 89. Kevin Chappell ................... 296 $616,819 Sunday, June 5 Eighth - $13,000 Pace 1:53.0
Andy Murray (4), Britain, def. Juan Ignacio Chela, magicJack at Boston, 6 p.m.
Arena Football League Argentina, 7-6 (2), 7-5, 6-2.
................................................................ FGFGAPCT 90. Kyle Stanley........................ 291 $364,673 4-Sixteen Candles (Ty Buter) 5.40 3.20 2.60
Howard, ORL ........................................ 51 81.630 91. Billy Mayfair ........................ 291 $441,263 5-Cammi Place (La Stalbaum) 5.00 3.20
NATIONAL CONFERENCE Women Brand, PHL ............................................ 34 62.548 92. Trevor Immelman............... 290 $440,984 3-People Like Me (Ja Bartlett) 2.60
West Division Quarterfinals Paul, NOR.............................................. 42 77.545 93. Joe Ogilvie .......................... 288 $569,809 EXACTA (4-5) $19.20
................................................... W L T Pct PF PA Maria Sharapova (7), Russia, def. Andrea Petkovic Bynum, LAL........................................... 57 105.543 94. Tiger Woods ....................... 287 $571,363 TRIFECTA (4-5-3) $65.20
Arizona ..................................... 9 2 0.818 671 518 (15), Germany, 6-0, 6-3. Allen, BOS ............................................. 57 109.523 95. Tom Gillis ............................ 283 $575,207 SUPERFECTA (4-5-3-8) $241.80
Utah .......................................... 5 5 0.500 630 602
San Jose .................................. 5 6 0.455 639 634
Li Na (6), China, def. Victoria Azarenka (4), Belarus,
7-5, 6-2.
Gasol, MEM........................................... 72 141.511
Nowitzki, DAL........................................147 289.509
96. Roland Thatcher .................
97. Tim Herron..........................
282 $535,073
280 $409,676
B O X I N G Ninth - $13,000 Trot 1:56.1
5-Lukas Rossi (To Schadel) 22.80 9.60 3.40
Spokane ................................... 4 7 0.364 604 606 Doubles Roy, POR............................................... 22 44.500 98. Robert Karlsson ................. 280 $535,795 7-Sea Raven (Ro Pierce) 3.60 3.40
Central Division Men Lawson, DEN......................................... 26 52.500 99. William McGirt .................... 268 $270,127 Fight Schedule 8-Vivid Photo (Ro Hammer) 6.80
EXACTA (5-7) $141.80
................................................... W L T Pct PF PA Quarterfinals Miller, POR ............................................ 33 67.493 100. Blake Adams .................... 267 $258,066
Chicago .................................... 8 3 0.727 577 518 Bosh, MIA ..............................................105 217.484 June 3 TRIFECTA (5-7-8) $541.80
Bob and Mike Bryan (1), United States, def. Rohan At Tampa, Fla. (ESPN2), Yudel Johnson vs. Miguel SUPERFECTA (5-7-ALL-ALL) $509.20
Dallas........................................ 6 5 0.545 645 628 Bopanna, India, and Aisam-ul-Haq Qureshi (5), Pa- Martin, DEN........................................... 24 50.480
Kansas City.............................. 4 7 0.364 536 593 Duncan, SAN......................................... 33 69.478 Torres, 10, welterweights. PICK 4 (6-2-4-5 (4 Out of 4)) $1,297.60
kistan, 6-7 (2), 6-3, 7-6 (3). Scratched: Celebrity Feeling
Tulsa ......................................... 4 7 0.364 474 513 Women Hilario, DEN........................................... 22 46.478 June 4
At Parken Stadium, Copenhagen, Denmark (SHO), Tenth - $29,000 Pace 1:51.4
Iowa .......................................... 3 7 0.300 500 616 Semifinals Granger, IND ......................................... 43 90.478 4-Shanghai Lil (Ja Bartlett) 5.40 2.60 2.60
Rondo, BOS .......................................... 51 107.477 Mikkel Kessler vs. Mehdi Bouadla, 12, super mid-
AMERICAN CONFERENCE Andrea Hlavackova and Lucie Hradecka, Czech
South Division Republic, def. Vania King, United States, and Ya- Harden, OKC......................................... 66 139.475 N C A A dleweights.
At Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, N.J. (SHO), Carl
5-Mememe (La Stalbaum) 3.20 2.80
1-Hannah Isabel (Ma Kakaley) 2.40
................................................... W L T Pct PF PA roslava Shvedova (3), Kazakhstan, 6-3, 6-3. Matthews, POR ..................................... 27 57.474 EXACTA (4-5) $22.00
James, MIA............................................140 299.468 Froch vs. Glen Johnson, 12, for Froch’s WBC super
Jacksonville ............................. 9 1 0.900 637 436 Sania Mirza, India, and Elena Vesnina (7), Russia, College Baseball middleweight title;Zsolt Erdei vs. Dawid Kostecki, TRIFECTA (4-5-1) $234.40
Orlando..................................... 7 3 0.700 530 487 def. Liezel Huber and Lisa Raymond (4), United Marion, DAL .......................................... 77 166.464 10, light heavyweights. SUPERFECTA (4-5-1-2) $170.40
Georgia .................................... 6 5 0.545 614 589 States, 6-3, 2-6, 6-4. Terry, DAL ............................................. 93 201.463 Regionals Glance At Staples Center, Los Angeles (HBO), Sebastian Eleventh - $13,000 Trot 1:55.1
Tampa Bay ............................... 4 6 0.400 441 532 Mixed Parker, SAN........................................... 43 93.462 Double Elimination Zbik vs. Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., 12, for Zbik’s WBC 1-P J Clark (Ma Kakaley) 3.20 2.40 2.20
New Orleans ............................ 2 9 0.182 449 588 Semifinals Ibaka, OKC ............................................ 67 145.462 middleweight title;Vanes Martirosyan vs. Saul Ro- 3-Muscles To Spare (Br Simpson) 9.20 5.60
Wade, MIA.............................................131 284.461 At Davenport Field
Eastern Division Katarina Srebotnik, Slovenia, and Nenad Zimonjic man, 12, WBC junior middleweight eliminator;Mi- 9-Our Last Photo (An Miller) 4.80
Aldridge, POR ....................................... 53 115.461 Charlottesville, Va. EXACTA (1-3) $21.80
................................................... W L T Pct PF PA (1), Serbia, def. Nadia Petrova, Russia, and Jamie Friday, June 3
guel Angel Garcia vs. Miguel Beltran, 10, feather-
Cleveland ................................. 6 4 0.600 468 450 Murray, Britain, 7-6 (4), 7-6 (5). Pierce, BOS........................................... 68 148.459 weights. TRIFECTA (1-3-9) $202.40
Odom, LAL ............................................ 45 98.459 Game 1 — Navy (33-23-1) at Virginia (49-9), 1 p.m. SUPERFECTA (1-3-9-5) $2,697.40
Pittsburgh................................. 6 4 0.600 497 514 Casey Dellacqua, Australia, and Scott Lipsky, Unit- Game 2 — St. John’s (35-20) vs. East Carolina June 10
Philadelphia ............................. 4 7 0.364 587 614 ed States, def. Jarmila Gajdosova, Australia, and Landry, NOR.......................................... 31 68.456 At Roseland Ballroom, New York (ESPN2), Kenny Twelfth - $13,000 Pace 1:53.4
Durant, OKC ..........................................155 345.449 (39-19), 6 p.m. 2-Dance In The Wind (La Stalbaum) 12.80 8.40 5.80
Milwaukee ................................ 3 7 0.300 425 486 Thomaz Bellucci, Brazil, 7-6 (5), 2-6, 14-12 tie- Galarza vs. Irving Garcia, 10, welterweights;Tho-
break. Wallace, POR ....................................... 30 67.448 At Boshamer Stadium mas Dulorme vs. DeMarcus Corley, 10, welter- 1-Grngrasanhitimes (An McCarthy) 11.20 5.40
Thursday's Games Chapel Hill, N.C. 3-My Fanny (Ro Pierce) 8.00
Orlando 35, Milwaukee 30 Legends Doubles 3-POINT FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE weights.
.............................................................3FG3FGAPCT Friday, June 3 At Mendoza, Argentina, Jean Piero Perez vs. Juan EXACTA (2-1) $117.00
Friday's Games Round Robin TRIFECTA (2-1-3) $645.40
Turner, PHL ....................................... 4 5.800 Game 1 — James Madison (40-17) vs. Florida In- Carlos Reveco, 12, for the interim WBA World fly-
Philadelphia 70, New Orleans 49 Men ternational (40-18-1), 1 p.m. SUPERFECTA (2-1-ALL-ALL) $331.60
Iowa 50, Utah 48 Arnaud Boetsch and Cedric Pioline, France, def. Collison, IND ...................................... 4 6.667 weight title.
Allen, BOS.......................................... 32 56.571 Game 2 — Maine (32-22) at North Carolina (45-14), At Chumash Casino, Santa Ynez, Calif. (SHO), La- PICK 3 (4-1-2) $90.80
Saturday's Games Thomas Enqvist, Sweden, and Thomas Muster, 6 p.m. Thirteenth - $6,100 Trot 1:56.4
Austria, 5-7, 6-3, 10-7 tiebreak. Holiday, PHL ...................................... 11 21.524 teef Kayode vs. Matt Godfrey, 10, cruiserweight-
Kansas City 45, Spokane 42 Nowitzki, DAL .................................... 17 33.515 At Doug Kingsmore Stadium s;Chros Avalos vs. Khabir Suleymanov, 10, super 8-Walden (Jo Pavia Jr) 4.60 2.80 4.00
Pittsburgh 76, Dallas 75 Men 45 bantamweights. 1-Persistent Spur (To Schadel) 4.00 2.80
Arizona 63, Cleveland 42 Guy Forget and Henri Leconte, France, def. Man- Q. Richardson, ORL ......................... 5 10.500 Clemson, S.C.
Harrington, DEN ................................ 5 10.500 5-Diamond Stud (Da Ingraham) 3.80
Georgia 55, San Jose 49 sour Bahrami, Iran, and Mark Woodforde, Australia, Friday, June 3 June 11 EXACTA (8-1) $25.60
6-7 (5), 6-2, 10-8 tiebreak. Paul, NOR .......................................... 9 19.474 Game 1 — Coastal Carolina (41-18) vs. Connecticut At Roseland Ballroom, New York (SHO), Hector TRIFECTA (8-1-5) $89.80
Sunday's Games Gallinari, DEN .................................... 7 15.467 Sanchez vs. Vincent Arroyo, 10, junior welter-
Chicago 49, Tulsa 48 Pat Cash and Peter McNamara, Australia, def. Mi- (41-17-1), 3 p.m. SUPERFECTA (8-1-5-3) $3,698.40
kael Pernfors and Mats Wilander, Sweden, 6-2, 6-3. Jones, MIA ......................................... 17 37.459 Game 2 — Sacred Heart (34-21) at Clemson weights;Luis Del Valle vs. Dat Nguyen, 10, feather- Fourteenth - $8,500 Pace 1:54.0
Friday, June 3 Terry, DAL .......................................... 34 74.459 (41-18), 7 p.m. weights.
Milwaukee at Philadelphia, 7:05 p.m. Women 3-Oceans Motion (Ji Taggart Jr) 2.60 2.40 2.20
Lawson, DEN ..................................... 5 11.455 At Carolina Stadium At TBA, Mexico, Austin Trout vs. David Lopez, 12, 1-Bigtime Hanover (Ty Buter) 4.00 3.40
Jacksonville at New Orleans, 8 p.m. Lindsay Davenport, United States, and Martina Hin- for Trout’s WBA World light middleweight title.
gis, Switzerland, def. Gigi Fernandez, United Pierce, BOS ....................................... 21 47.447 Columbia, S.C. 5-Star Of India (Ro Pierce) 4.60
Saturday, June 4 Meeks, PHL ....................................... 8 18.444 June 17
Chicago at Kansas City, 2 p.m. States, and Natasha Zvereva, Belarus, 6-1, 6-3. Friday, June 3 EXACTA (3-1) $9.20
Martina Navratilova, United States, and Jana Novot- Green, BOS ....................................... 7 16.438 At Panama City, Panama, Anselmo Moreno vs. Lo- TRIFECTA (3-1-5) $30.80
Cleveland at Pittsburgh, 7:30 p.m. Game 1 — N.C. State (34-25) vs. Stetson (41-18), 1 renzo Parra, 12, for Moreno’s WBA Super World
na, Czech Republic, def. Magdalena Maleeva, Bul- Price, IND ........................................... 7 16.438 p.m. SUPERFECTA (3-1-5-8) $57.40
Tampa Bay at Georgia, 7:35 p.m. Smith, DEN ........................................ 9 21.429 bantamweight title; Gennady Golovkin vs. Kassim
Orlando at Iowa, 8:05 p.m. garia, and Nathalie Tauziat, France, 6-2, 6-3. Game 2 — Georgia Southern (36-24) at South Car- LATE DOUBLE (8-3) $10.00
Johnson, ATL..................................... 18 42.429 Ouma, 12, for Golovkin’s WBA World middleweight Scratched: I Luv It
San Jose at Dallas, 8:30 p.m. Junior Singles olina (45-14), 7 p.m. title.
Sha. Williams, NYK ........................... 6 14.429 At Russ Chandler Stadium Total Handle-$273,206
Arizona at Utah, 9 p.m.

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ M A J O R L E A G U E B A S E B A L L THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 PAGE 3B


National puts S TA N D I N G S


East Division
Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away
TRIPLES—Bourjos, Los Angeles, 6;Crisp, Oak-
land, 5;Granderson, New York, 5;RDavis, Toronto,
4;12 tied at 3.
HOME RUNS—Bautista, Toronto, 20;Granderson,
New York, 17;Teixeira, New York, 16;Ortiz, Boston,
Diamondbacks 6, Marlins 5
Coghln cf
Infante 2b
Morrsn lf
ab r h bi
5 0 2 0 RRorts 3b
4 0 0 0 KJhnsn 2b

4 1 1 0 J.Upton rf
ab r h bi
5 1 1 2
4 1 1 0
5 0 1 2

Nix on Phillies
New York ....................................... 31 23 .574 — — 7-3 W-4 17-13 14-10 13;Quentin, Chicago, 13;Konerko, Chicago,
12;Beltre, Texas, 11;MiCabrera, Detroit, 11;Cano, GSnchz 1b 4 0 0 0 S.Drew ss 4 1 3 0
Boston ............................................ 30 26 .536 2 — 5-5 L-4 16-13 14-13 Dobbs 3b 4 1 1 0 CYoung cf 4 1 2 1
Tampa Bay..................................... 29 26 .527 21⁄2 1
⁄2 4-6 L-1 14-16 15-10 New York, 11.
STOLEN BASES—Ellsbury, Boston, 19;Andrus, Stanton rf 4 1 3 3 Monter c 2 0 0 0
Toronto........................................... 28 27 .509 31⁄2 11⁄2 5-5 L-1 15-13 13-14 J.Buck c 4 1 2 1 Mirand 1b 3 0 0 0
Baltimore........................................ 25 29 .463 6 4 5-5 W-1 15-14 10-15 Texas, 17;Crisp, Oakland, 17;RDavis, Toronto,
15;Aybar, Los Angeles, 14;ISuzuki, Seattle, 14;Fuld, Bonifac ss 4 1 1 0 GParra lf 2 0 1 0
Central Division Tampa Bay, 13. Vazquz p 3 0 1 1 Blmqst ph-lf 1 1 1 0
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away PITCHING—Tomlin, Cleveland, 7-2;Lester, Bos- Choate p 0 0 0 0 DHdsn p 2 1 0 0
Cleveland ..................................... 32 20 .615 — — 5-5 W-1 19-6 13-14 ton, 7-2;10 tied at 6. Mujica p 0 0 0 0 Nady ph 1 0 0 1
Detroit ........................................... 28 26 .519 5 1 6-4 W-3 16-11 12-15 MDunn p 0 0 0 0 DHrndz p 0 0 0 0
Chicago ........................................ 27 31 .466 8 4 5-5 W-3 10-13 17-18 Cousins ph 1 0 0 0 Putz p 0 0 0 0
Kansas City.................................. 25 30 .455 81⁄2 41⁄2 3-7 W-2 19-14 6-16 Hensly p 0 0 0 0 Brrghs ph 1 0 0 0
Minnesota .................................... 17 36 .321 151⁄2 111⁄2 2-8 L-3 6-15 11-21 Badnhp p 0 0 0 0
The Associated Press (2-5), who hit Brandon Phillips West Division N L B O X E S Totals 37 511 5 Totals 34 610 6
Florida ................................ 031 000 001 — 5
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away
WASHINGTON — Laynce with two outs to bring up the Texas ............................................. 30 26 .536 — — 7-3 W-1 19-11 11-15
Nationals 2, Phillies 1
Arizona ............................... 000 003 111 — 6
Two outs when winning run scored.
Seattle ............................................ 28 27 .509 11⁄2 11⁄2 7-3 L-1 15-14 13-13
Nix hit a homer and made a NL’s Most Valuable Player. Los Angeles .................................. 29 29 .500 2 2 5-5 L-2 13-13 16-16 Philadelphia Washington
E—Dobbs (3), Mujica (1). DP—Florida 1. LOB—
Oakland.......................................... 27 30 .474 31⁄2 31⁄2 5-5 L-3 14-15 13-15 Florida 5, Arizona 7. 2B—Morrison (11), Dobbs (10),
game-saving catch, helping Nick Masset (1-3) pitched NATIONAL LEAGUE Polanc 3b
h bi
1 0
ab r h bi
Berndn cf-lf 4 1 2 0
Bonifacio (6), C.Young 2 (18). 3B—Stanton (2),
K.Johnson (2). HR—Stanton (12), J.Buck (6),
Washington Nationals starter out of a threat in the eighth. East Division Mayrry cf
Utley 2b
0 0
0 0
Dsmnd ss
Werth rf
3 0 0 0
4 0 1 1
R.Roberts (8). CS—Coghlan (5). S—Miranda.
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away IP H R ER BB SO
John Lannan beat the Philadel- Cordero pitched a perfect Philadelphia................................... 34 22 .607 — — 6-4 L-2 19-10 15-12 Howard 1b 4 1 2 0 L.Nix lf 4 1 1 1 Florida
Florida ............................................ 31 22 .585 11⁄2 — 6-4 W-1 14-12 17-10 BFrncs rf 2 0 0 0 Storen p 0 0 0 0
phia Phillies for the first time ninth, becoming the 22nd Atlanta ............................................ 30 26 .536 4 21⁄2 5-5 L-2 16-13 14-13 Ibanez lf 4 0 1 0 Morse 1b 3 0 1 0
Vazquez ...................
Choate H,6 ............... 1⁄3
6 6
New York ....................................... 25 29 .463 8 61⁄2 3-7 L-1 12-15 13-14 Ruiz c 4 0 0 0 Espinos 2b 2 0 0 0
in 14 tries, 2-1 on Wednesday. reliever to achieve 300 saves, Washington ................................... 24 31 .436 9 ⁄2
8 3-7 W-2 14-12 10-19 WValdz ss 2 0 0 0 WRams c 4 0 1 0
Mujica BS,1-1.......... 11⁄3
M.Dunn..................... 1⁄3
Rollins ph-ss 1 0 1 0 Cora 3b 1 0 0 0
Lannan (3-5) entered the tying Bruce Sutter at the mark. Central Division Oswalt p 1 0 0 0 HrstnJr 3b 1 0 0 0
Hensley L,0-2 .......... 1⁄3
Badenhop................. 1⁄3
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away DBrwn ph 1 0 0 0 Lannan p 2 0 0 0
game 0-10 with a 6.44 ERA St. Louis ......................................... 33 23 .589 — — 7-3 W-1 15-10 18-13 Stutes p 0 0 0 0 Coffey p 0 0 0 0
Milwaukee...................................... 30 25 .545 21⁄2 2 8-2 W-1 21-7 9-18 D.Hudson................. 7 10 4 4 0 3
against Philadelphia. On a Braves 4, Padres 3 Cincinnati ....................................... 28 28 .500 5 41⁄2 3-7 L-1 16-12 12-16
Bastrd p 0 0 0 0 Slaten p 0 0 0 0 Da.Hernandez ......... 1 0 0 0 0 3
Gload ph 1 0 0 0 Marqus ph 1 0 0 0 Putz W,1-1 BS,1-17 1 1 1 1 0 1
Pittsburgh ...................................... 25 28 .472 61⁄2 6 5-5 W-1 9-14 16-14
stifling day with temperatures ATLANTA — Tommy Han- Chicago.......................................... 23 31 .426 9 81⁄2 3-7 L-3 12-19 11-12
Clipprd p
Ankiel cf
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 Vazquez pitched to 1 batter in the 7th.
HBP—by Choate (Montero).
well into the 90s, Lannan son went six strong innings on Houston ......................................... 22 34 .393 11 101⁄2 6-4 W-3 11-17 11-17 Totals 31 1 5 0 Totals 29 2 6 2
Umpires—Home, Sam Holbrook;First, Gerry Da-
West Division Philadelphia....................... 010 000 000 — 1
pitched into the sixth inning, a sweltering night, Freddie W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Washington ....................... 101 000 00x — 2
vis;Second, Greg Gibson;Third, Todd Tichenor.
T—2:52. A—16,169 (48,633).
Arizona........................................... 30 25 .545 — — 8-2 L-1 17-11 13-14
allowing just an unearned run Freeman drove in two runs and San Francisco ............................... 29 25 .537 1
⁄2 21⁄2 4-6 L-1 13-8 16-17
E—Cora (2), Hairston Jr. (7). DP—Washington 1.
LOB—Philadelphia 9, Washington 8. 2B—Howard
Los Angeles .................................. 26 30 .464 41⁄2 61⁄2 5-5 W-3 15-15 11-15
and four hits to record his first Martin Prado homered, leading Colorado ........................................ 25 29 .463 41⁄2 61⁄2 2-8 L-3 13-15 12-14
(14), Morse (7), W.Ramos (8). HR—L.Nix (9). SB—
Mayberry (5). S—Oswalt, Desmond. N L L E A D E R S
victory in his last eight starts. the Atlanta Braves past San San Diego ...................................... 24 31 .436 6 8 5-5 W-4 9-20 15-11 IP H R ER BB SO
BATTING—Holliday, St. Louis, .342; Votto, Cincin-
Todd Coffey, Doug Slaten, Diego and preventing the Pa- AMERICAN LEAGUE
Tuesday's Games
Tuesday's Games
Oswalt L,3-3 ............ 5 6 2 2 2 3 nati, .338; Berkman, St. Louis, .338; JosReyes,
Stutes ....................... 2 0 0 0 0 2 New York, .335; Ethier, Los Angeles, .327; Polan-
Tyler Clippard and Drew dres from sweeping the series. Tampa Bay 5, Texas 4 Washington 10, Philadelphia 2 Bastardo ................... 1 0 0 0 1 1 co, Philadelphia, .319; Pence, Houston, .317.
Detroit 8, Minnesota 7 St. Louis 4, San Francisco 3 Washington RUNS—Braun, Milwaukee, 40; Bruce, Cincinnati,
Storen held the Phillies score- Hanson (6-4) allowed just Cleveland 6, Toronto 3 Milwaukee 7, Cincinnati 2 Lannan W,3-5 .......... 51⁄3 4 1 0 3 1 39; Stubbs, Cincinnati, 39; Votto, Cincinnati, 39;
Chicago White Sox 10, Boston 7 Pittsburgh 5, N.Y. Mets 1 Coffey H,1................ 1⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 Weeks, Milwaukee, 39; Bourn, Houston, 38; Ras-
less over the last 3 2-3 innings. three hits, giving up both runs Kansas City 7, L.A. Angels 3 San Diego 5, Atlanta 4 Slaten H,2 ................ 1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 mus, St. Louis, 36; JosReyes, New York, 36;
CYoung, Arizona, 36.
Storen earned his 10th save in on Kyle Phillips’ two-run N.Y. Yankees 10, Oakland 3
Seattle 3, Baltimore 2
Houston 7, Chicago Cubs 3
Florida 5, Arizona 2
Clippard H,12 ..........
Storen S,10-11........
1 RBI—Bruce, Cincinnati, 46; Pence, Houston, 43;
Fielder, Milwaukee, 42; Howard, Philadelphia, 42;
11 opportunities. homer in the second. Wednesday's Games
Texas 3, Tampa Bay 0
L.A. Dodgers 8, Colorado 2
Wednesday's Games
HBP—by Oswalt (Espinosa), by Lannan (Mayber-
ry). Braun, Milwaukee, 40; Kemp, Los Angeles, 40;
Umpires—Home, Jerry Layne;First, Bob Davidson- Berkman, St. Louis, 36.
Chicago White Sox 7, Boston 4 Washington 2, Philadelphia 1 HITS—JosReyes, New York, 76; Pence, Houston,
N.Y. Yankees 4, Oakland 2 Houston 3, Chicago Cubs 1 ;Second, Hunter Wendelstedt;Third, Brian Knight.
Astros 3, Cubs 1 Pirates 9, Mets 3 Baltimore 2, Seattle 1 Milwaukee at Cincinnati, 7:10 p.m. T—2:50. A—24,495 (41,506). 73; SCastro, Chicago, 71; Polanco, Philadelphia,
69; Votto, Cincinnati, 68; Prado, Atlanta, 67; GSan-
Kansas City 2, L.A. Angels 0 Pittsburgh at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m.
CHICAGO — Brett Myers NEW YORK — Kevin Cor- Minnesota at Detroit, 7:05 p.m. San Diego at Atlanta, 7:10 p.m.
chez, Florida, 65; Weeks, Milwaukee, 65.
DOUBLES—CYoung, Arizona, 18; Beltran, New
allowed one run over six in- reia became the first eight- Cleveland at Toronto, 7:07 p.m.
Thursday's Games
Florida at Arizona, 7:40 p.m.
San Francisco at St. Louis, 8:15 p.m.
Braves 4, Padres 3 York, 17; Pence, Houston, 17; JosReyes, New
York, 17; Coghlan, Florida, 16; CJones, Atlanta, 16;
nings, Michael Bourn hit a game winner in the majors and Texas (Bush 0-1) at Cleveland (C.Carrasco 4-2),
7:05 p.m.
Colorado at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m.
Thursday's Games
San Diego
ab r h bi
ab r h bi
Fielder, Milwaukee, 15; Headley, San Diego, 15;
Prado, Atlanta, 15; SSmith, Colorado, 15.
go-ahead two-run single in the the pesky Pittsburgh Pirates Minnesota (Swarzak 0-2) at Kansas City (O’Sullivan Pittsburgh (Maholm 2-7) at N.Y. Mets (Pelfrey 3-4), EPtrsn cf
Cnghm ph-rf
3 0 0 0 Schafer cf
1 0 0 0 Prado lf
4 0 1 0
4 2 2 1
TRIPLES—JosReyes, New York, 8; SCastro, Chi-
2-4), 8:10 p.m. 1:10 p.m. cago, 5; Fowler, Colorado, 5; Rasmus, St. Louis, 5;
seventh and the Astros beat scratched out five infield sin- Tampa Bay (Shields 5-3) at Seattle (F.Hernandez San Francisco (J.Sanchez 3-3) at St. Louis (Lynn Bartlett ss 3 0 0 0 C.Jones 3b 3 1 1 0 Victorino, Philadelphia, 5; Espinosa, Washington,
5-4), 10:10 p.m. 0-0), 8:15 p.m. Headly 3b 3 0 1 0 McCnn c 3 1 2 1 4; Barney, Chicago, 3; Bourn, Houston, 3; Braun,
the Cubs to finish off a three- gles in a five-run seventh in- Friday's Games Washington (Zimmermann 2-6) at Arizona (Duke Ludwck lf 4 0 0 0 Fremn 1b 4 0 2 2 Milwaukee, 3; Morgan, Milwaukee, 3.
Hawpe 1b 3 0 1 0 AlGnzlz ss 3 0 1 0
game sweep. ning to beat the New York Texas at Cleveland, 7:05 p.m.
Toronto at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m.
1-0), 9:40 p.m.
Houston (Norris 2-4) at San Diego (Stauffer 1-3), Luebke p 0 0 0 0 Uggla 2b 4 0 0 0
Grgrsn p 0 0 0 0 Mather rf 3 0 0 0
Myers (2-4) won his sixth Mets. Oakland at Boston, 7:10 p.m. 10:05 p.m.
Tekotte ph 1 0 0 0 Hanson p 2 0 0 0
straight decision against the Andrew McCutchen made a
Detroit at Chicago White Sox, 8:10 p.m.
Minnesota at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m.
Friday's Games
Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, 7:05 p.m.
Denorfi rf-cf 4 2 1 0 MaYng ph 1 0 0 0 T U E S D AY ’ S
N.Y. Yankees at L.A. Angels, 10:05 p.m. Atlanta at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m.
KPhlps c 4 1 2 2 OFlhrt p 0 0 0 0
Cubs, improving to 12-3 with a dazzling catch in deep right- Tampa Bay at Seattle, 10:10 p.m. L.A. Dodgers at Cincinnati, 7:10 p.m.
RJhnsn pr
Forsyth 2b
0 0 0 0 Venters p
4 0 1 0 Hinske ph
0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0
Milwaukee at Florida, 7:10 p.m.
2.12 ERA in his career against center and Correia (8-4) Chicago Cubs at St. Louis, 8:15 p.m.
Richrd p
Neshek p
2 0 0 0 Kimrel p
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 Yankees 10, Athletics 3
the Astros’ NL Central rivals. pitched six poised innings to Washington at Arizona, 9:40 p.m.
Houston at San Diego, 10:05 p.m.
Cantu 1b 0 0 0 1 New York
ab r h bi
ab r h bi
Totals 32 3 6 3 Totals 32 410 4
help the Pirates improve to Colorado at San Francisco, 10:15 p.m.
San Diego .......................... 020 000 100 — 3 Jeter ss 4 3 2 0 Crisp cf 5 1 1 0
Grndrs cf 5 2 3 4 DeJess rf 3 1 2 3
Reds 4, Brewers 3 17-14 on the road — matching Atlanta ................................ 201 001 00x — 4
Dickrsn lf 0 0 0 0 CJcksn 1b 4 0 0 0
E—Headley (7), McCann (3). DP—San Diego 1.
Teixeir 1b 4 1 1 0 Wlngh dh 4 0 0 0
CINCINNATI — Jay Bruce last season’s win total. Royals 2, Angels 0 LOB—San Diego 5, Atlanta 10. 2B—Prado (15),
AlRdrg 3b 4 1 3 3 Sweeny lf 4 0 1 0
A L B O X E S McCann (13), Freeman (12). HR—K.Phillips (2),
and Joey Votto hit two-run Los Angeles Kansas City Prado (8). SB—Bartlett (9), Headley (6). S—Schaf-
ph-3b 1 0 0 0 KSuzuk c 3 0 0 0
ab r h bi ab r h bi er. SF—Cantu.
homers during Cincinnati’s late Diamondbacks 6, Marlins 5 Yankees 4, Athletics 2 Aybar ss 4 0 3 0 Gordon lf 2 0 0 0 IP H R ER BB SO Cano 2b 4 1 1 2 Powell c 1 0 0 0
Abreu lf 4 0 1 0 MeCarr cf 4 0 0 0 San Diego Martin c 4 0 0 0 M.Ellis 2b 4 0 2 0
comeback, and Francisco Cor- PHOENIX — Justin Upton’s New York
ab r h bi
ab r h bi TrHntr rf 3 0 0 0 Hosmer 1b 4 0 2 0 Richard L,2-6........... 42⁄3 8 3 3 4 1 Cervelli c 1 0 0 0 Kzmnff 3b 3 0 1 0
Callasp 3b 4 0 0 0 Francr rf 4 1 2 0 Neshek ..................... 1 1 1 1 1 1 Swisher rf 4 0 1 0 AnLRc ss 3 1 2 0
dero got his 300th career save, bloop single to right field with Jeter ss 4 1 1 0 Crisp cf 3 0 2 0
Branyn dh 3 0 0 0 Butler dh 4 1 2 2 Luebke ..................... 11⁄3 0 0 0 0 2 AnJons dh 4 1 1 0
Grndrs cf 5 0 0 0 DeJess dh 4 1 2 0 Gregerson................ 1 1 0 0 0 0 Gardnr lf-cf 3 1 0 0
securing the Reds’ win over the two outs in the bottom of the Teixeir 1b 4 0 1 0 CJcksn 1b 3 0 0 0 MIzturs ph-dh 1 0 0 0 Aviles 3b
Trumo 1b 4 0 1 0 Getz 2b
3 0 1 0
2 0 0 0 Atlanta Totals 381012 9 Totals 34 3 9 3
AlRdrg dh 4 1 2 1 Wlngh lf 4 1 1 2 New York ......................... 201 223 000 — 10
Milwaukee Brewers. ninth drove in the winning run Cano 2b 3 1 1 0 Sweeny rf 4 0 0 0 Conger c
Amarst 2b
4 0 1 0 Treanr c
3 0 1 0 AEscor ss
2 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
Hanson W,6-4 .........
O’Flaherty H,9 .........
1 Oakland............................ 001 020 000 — 3
Swisher rf 3 1 1 3 KSuzuk c 4 0 0 0
The struggling Reds won for in the Arizona Diamondbacks’ Dickrsn rf 0 0 0 0 M.Ellis 2b 2 0 0 0 Bourjos cf 3 0 0 0 Venters H,12 ...........
Kimbrel S,16-20 ......
E—Al.Rodriguez (3), M.Ellis (2). DP—New York 2,
Totals 33 0 7 0 Totals 28 2 7 2 Oakland 1. LOB—New York 7, Oakland 7.
only the fourth time in their victory over the Florida Mar- Martin c
AnJons lf
3 0 0 0 Kzmnff 3b
2 0 0 0 Pnngtn ss
3 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 Los Angeles....................... 000 000 000 — 0 Umpires—Home, Brian Gorman;First, Tony Ran- 2B—M.Ellis (11). 3B—Crisp (4), An.LaRoche (1).
dazzo;Second, Dan Bellino;Third, Larry Vanover. HR—Granderson (17), Cano (11), DeJesus (5).
last 15 games, relying on their lins. Gardnr lf
ENunez 3b
1 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
Kansas City ....................... 000 000 002 — 2
One out when winning run scored.
T—2:52. A—21,452 (49,586). SB—Jeter (5), Granderson (8), Teixeira (1), Al.Ro-
driguez (3). CS—Swisher (2).
two best hitters — and their Willie Bloomquist led off the Totals 33 4 6 4 Totals 30 2 5 2 E—Aviles (6). DP—Los Angeles 2, Kansas City 2.
LOB—Los Angeles 7, Kansas City 5. 2B—Abreu Astros 3, Cubs 1 IP H R ER BB SO
New York ........................... 100 300 000 — 4 New York
reliable closer — to pull it out. ninth against Clay Hensley Oakland.............................. 200 000 000 — 2 (14). HR—Butler (4). SB—Aybar (14), Gordon (5). Houston Chicago F.Garcia W,4-4........ 7 9 3 3 2 5
S—Treanor. ab r h bi ab r h bi
Bruce hit his 17th homer in (0-2) with an infield single. DP—New York 2. LOB—New York 7, Oakland 4.
2B—Jeter (7), Al.Rodriguez (10), DeJesus (7). IP H R ER BB SO Bourn cf 5 0 2 2 Fukdm rf 4 1 1 1
Los Angeles
the seventh inning, ending Hensley struck out pinch-hitter 3B—Crisp (5). HR—Swisher (4), Willingham (10).
SB—Martin (6), Crisp (17). Chatwood ................. 72⁄3 5 0 0 2 2
Barmes ss
Pence rf
5 0 2 0 Barney 2b
4 0 1 0 SCastro ss
4 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
Anderson L,3-5 ....... 51⁄3 11 10 9 3 3
S.Downs L,3-2 ........ 2⁄3 2 2 0 1 0
Shaun Marcum’s shutout bid. Sean Burroughs then left with New York
Kansas City
Ca.Lee 1b
Wallac 1b
4 0 2 0 C.Pena 1b
0 0 0 0 ArRmr 3b
2 0 0 0
3 0 1 0
Ziegler ...................... 2⁄3 1 0 0 0 2
Wuertz ...................... 1 0 0 0 1 0
Votto added a two-run shot in what appeared to be a shoulder A.J.Burnett W,6-3 ... 7 3 2 2 3 5 F.Paulino ..................
G.Holland ................. 22⁄3
5 4
Kppngr 2b
Michals lf
4 1 2 0 K.Wood p
4 1 1 1 Marshll p
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Breslow .................... 1 0 0 0 0 1
Chamberlain H,11 .. 1 2 0 0 0 1 Devine ...................... 1 0 0 0 0 1
the eighth off Kameron Loe injury. Ma.Rivera S,14-17 . 1 0 0 0 0 1 Teaford.....................
L.Coleman ...............
CJhnsn 3b 4 1 1 0 Marml p 0 0 0 0 HBP—by Devine (Cano), by Anderson (Gardner).
Oakland Towles c 3 0 0 0 BSnydr ph 1 0 0 0 Umpires—Home, Derryl Cousins;First, Jim Joyce-
G.Gonzalez L,5-3 ... 61⁄3 5 4 4 4 4 Collins W,3-2 ........... 11⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Myers p 2 0 0 0 DeWitt lf 4 0 1 0
Teaford pitched to 1 batter in the 8th. ;Second, Ron Kulpa;Third, Jim Wolf.
Devine ...................... 2⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 AngSnc ph 1 0 0 0 Soto c 3 0 0 0 T—2:48. A—22,581 (35,067).
Fuentes .................... 1 1 0 0 0 1 L.Coleman pitched to 1 batter in the 8th. Escaln p 0 0 0 0 Colvin cf 2 0 0 0
AMERICAN LEAGUE ROUNDUP A.Bailey .................... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Umpires—Home, Gary Cederstrom;First, Lance DelRsr p 0 0 0 0 DDavis p 1 0 0 0 Orioles 2, Mariners 1
HBP—by G.Gonzalez (Jeter). Barksdale;Second, Alan Porter;Third, Fieldin Cul- MDwns ph 0 0 0 0 LeMahi 3b 1 0 0 0
breth. Melncn p 0 0 0 0 Baltimore Seattle
Umpires—Home, Jim Joyce;First, Ron Kulpa;Se- ab r h bi ab r h bi
T—2:40. A—12,022 (37,903). Totals 36 311 3 Totals 29 1 3 1

Yanks beat Athletics

cond, Jim Wolf;Third, Derryl Cousins. Pie rf 4 0 1 0 ISuzuki dh 4 0 2 0
T—2:37. A—25,469 (35,067). Houston.............................. 010 000 200 — 3 AdJons cf 4 1 3 1 Ryan ss 4 0 0 0
Tigers 4, Twins 2 Chicago.............................. 100 000 000 — 1
E—Keppinger (1). DP—Houston 1, Chicago 1.
Markks 1b
Wieters c
4 0 0 0 Smoak 1b
4 0 0 0 Olivo c
4 0 0 0
4 1 1 0
Orioles 2, Mariners 1 Minnesota Detroit LOB—Houston 8, Chicago 6. HR—Michaels (1), Scott dh 4 0 0 0 FGtrrz cf 4 0 0 0
Baltimore Seattle ab r h bi ab r h bi Fukudome (2). SB—Bourn 2 (22). S—D.Davis. Hardy ss 4 1 2 1 MWilsn rf 3 0 0 0
ab r h bi ab r h bi Span cf 5 0 1 0 Kelly lf 3 0 1 0 IP H R ER BB SO Reimld lf 3 0 1 0 JaWlsn 2b 3 0 2 1

for 10th straight time

Pie rf 4 0 1 0 ISuzuki dh 4 0 2 0 AJcksn Houston MrRynl 3b 3 0 0 0 LRdrgz 3b 3 0 0 0
AdJons cf 4 1 3 1 Ryan ss 4 0 0 0 ACasill ss 4 0 1 0 ph-cf 1 0 0 0 Myers W,2-4 ............ 6 3 1 1 2 3 Andino 2b 3 0 0 0 MSndrs lf 3 0 0 0
Markks 1b 4 0 0 0 Smoak 1b 4 0 0 0 Mornea 1b 3 0 0 0 Santiag 2b 3 1 1 0 Escalona H,2 ........... 2⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 2 7 2 Totals 32 1 5 1
Wieters c 4 0 0 0 Olivo c 4 1 1 0 Cuddyr 2b 4 0 1 0 Boesch rf 3 1 0 0 Del Rosario H,2....... 11⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Baltimore ............................ 010 000 010 — 2
Scott dh 4 0 0 0 FGtrrz cf 4 0 0 0 Thome dh 1 0 0 0 C.Wells rf 0 0 0 0 Melancon S,4-6 ....... 1 0 0 0 1 2 Seattle ................................ 010 000 000 — 1
Hardy ss 4 1 2 1 MWilsn rf 3 0 0 0 Plouffe ph-dh 2 0 0 0 MiCarr 1b 3 1 1 3 Chicago E—Mar.Reynolds (10). DP—Baltimore 1. LOB—
Reimld lf 3 0 1 0 JaWlsn 2b 3 0 2 1 Valenci 3b 3 0 1 0 VMrtnz dh 4 1 1 0 D.Davis L,0-4 .......... 61⁄3 8 3 3 0 5
K.Wood .................... 1⁄3 0 0 0 1 1 Baltimore 6, Seattle 4. HR—Ad.Jones (7), Hardy
MrRynl 3b 3 0 0 0 LRdrgz 3b 3 0 0 0 DYong lf 4 1 1 0 Dirks cf-lf 3 0 0 0 (3). SB—I.Suzuki (14). CS—Reimold (2).
Andino 2b 3 0 0 0 MSndrs lf 3 0 0 0 Repko rf 4 0 0 0 JhPerlt ss 4 0 2 0 Marshall ................... 11⁄3 2 0 0 0 2
The Associated Press drus had two RBIs and the Totals 33 2 7 2 Totals 32 1 5 1 Butera c 3 1 1 2 Avila c 3 0 1 1 Marmol ..................... 1 1 0 0 1 2
Tolbert ph 0 0 0 0 Inge 3b 3 0 0 0 HBP—by Escalona (Soto). WP—Myers. PB—Tow-
OAKLAND, Calif. — A.J. Texas Rangers beat the Tampa Baltimore ............................ 010 000 010 — 2
Totals 33 2 6 2 Totals 30 4 7 4 les. Matusz ...................... 52⁄3 4 1 1 0 3
Seattle ................................ 010 000 000 — 1 Ji.Johnson W,4-1.... 11⁄3 1 0 0 0 0
Burnett settled down after an Bay Rays. E—Mar.Reynolds (10). DP—Baltimore 1. LOB— Minnesota .......................... 000 000 200 — 2 Umpires—Home, Cory Blaser;First, Mike Winters-
;Second, Mike Everitt;Third, Chris Guccione.
Uehara H,6 .............. 1 0 0 0 0 1
Detroit................................. 013 000 00x — 4 Gregg S,9-12........... 1 0 0 0 0 1
early homer to snap an 11-start Lewis (5-5) struck out eight Baltimore 6, Seattle 4. HR—Ad.Jones (7), Hardy
(3). SB—I.Suzuki (14). CS—Reimold (2). E—D.Young (2). LOB—Minnesota 11, Detroit 6. T—2:49. A—31,340 (41,159). Seattle
HR—Butera (1), Mi.Cabrera (11). SB—Dirks (1).
winless streak on the road, and and walked two. Neftali Feliz Baltimore
CS—Jh.Peralta (2).
Pineda ......................
J.Wright L,1-2..........
Nick Swisher homered against allowed a leadoff single to Ben Matusz ...................... 52⁄3 4 1 1 0 3 IP H R ER BB SO Pirates 9, Mets 3 Pauley....................... 1 0 0 0 0 0
Ji.Johnson W,4-1.... 11⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 Minnesota HBP—by Pauley (Reimold).
his former team to help the Zobrist in the ninth before Uehara H,6 .............. 1 0 0 0 0 1 S.Baker L,2-4........... 6 7 4 4 3 5 Pittsburgh
ab r h bi
New York
ab r h bi
Umpires—Home, Bill Miller;First, James Hoye;Se-
Gregg S,9-12........... 1 0 0 0 0 1 James ....................... 2 0 0 0 1 1 cond, Phil Cuzzi;Third, Mike Muchlinski.
New York Yankees beat the wrapping up his 11th save and Seattle Detroit Tabata lf
JHrrsn 3b
5 0 0 1 Pagan cf
4 0 1 1 Turner 2b
4 0 1 0
4 1 1 1 T—2:33. A—18,036 (47,878).
Porcello W,5-3 ........ 62⁄3 6 2 2 3 4
Oakland Athletics for the 10th completing the shutout. Pineda ......................
J.Wright L,1-2..........
1 Schlereth.................. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Resop p 0 0 0 0 Beltran rf 4 1 2 0 Marlins 5, Diamondbacks 2
Alburquerque H,2 ... 1⁄3 0 0 0 1 1 GJones ph 0 0 0 1 Bay lf 4 0 0 0
straight time, 4-2 on Wednes- Pauley.......................
HBP—by Pauley (Reimold).
1 0 0 0 0 0
Benoit H,8 ................ 1 0 0 0 0 1 DMcCt p 0 0 0 0 DnMrp 1b 4 1 2 0 Florida
ab r h bi
ab r h bi
day. Royals 2, Angels 0 Umpires—Home, Bill Miller;First, James Hoye;Se- Valverde S,14-14.... 1 0 0 0 2 1 Moskos p
Ascanio p
0 0 0 0 RPauln c
0 0 0 0 Beato p
2 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 Coghln cf 4 0 0 0 RRorts 3b 3 0 0 0
cond, Phil Cuzzi;Third, Mike Muchlinski. Schlereth pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. Infante 2b 5 0 0 0 KJhnsn 2b 4 1 1 1
Derek Jeter got his 2,984th KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Billy T—2:33. A—18,036 (47,878). HBP—by Schlereth (Morneau). AMcCt cf
Walker 2b
5 1 3 0 OConnr p
4 2 2 0 Thayer p
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 Morrsn lf 4 1 1 1 J.Upton rf 4 1 2 1
Umpires—Home, Rob Drake;First, Gary Darling- GSnchz 1b 4 1 2 1 S.Drew ss 3 0 0 0
hit and Alex Rodriguez drove Butler hit a game-winning, ;Second, Bruce Dreckman;Third, Paul Emmel. Diaz rf
BrWod 3b
3 1 2 0 Pridie ph
2 1 1 1 Harris 3b
1 0 0 0
4 0 1 0 Dobbs 3b 4 1 1 0 CYoung cf 4 0 0 0
T—2:46. A—24,363 (41,255).
in a run for the Yankees, who two-run homer in the ninth Rangers 3, Rays 0 CSnydr c 3 2 1 1 RTejad ss 4 0 2 2 Stanton rf
J.Buck c
1 0
0 0
Monter c
Mirand 1b
4 0 0 0
4 0 1 0
Overay 1b 4 1 2 2 Capuan p 2 0 0 0
have their longest winning inning to give the Kansas City Texas Tampa Bay Indians 13, Blue Jays 9 Cedeno ss 3 1 0 0 Thole c 2 0 0 0 Bonifac ss 3 1 1 1 GParra lf 3 0 1 0
ab r h bi ab r h bi Correia p 2 0 0 0 AnSnch p 3 0 1 2 IKnndy p 1 0 0 0
streak against the A’s since Royals a victory over the Los Kinsler 2b 3 1 0 0 Jaso c 4 0 0 0 Cleveland Toronto Paul ph-rf 2 0 2 2 Cousins ph 1 0 0 0 Vasquz p 0 0 0 0
LNunez p 0 0 0 0 Brrghs ph 1 0 1 0
winning 14 in a row from 1956- Angeles Angels. Andrus ss
JHmltn lf
1 2
0 0
Zobrist 2b
Joyce rf
3 0 2 0
4 0 0 0 Brantly cf
h bi
2 1 YEscor ss
h bi
0 0
Totals 37 914 9 Totals 35 310 3
Pittsburgh .......................... 000 000 540 — 9 Heilmn p 0 0 0 0
57. Jeff Francoeur singled with MiYong dh 4 0 0 0 Longori 3b 4 0 0 0 ACarer ss
Choo rf
4 3
1 0
McCoy ss
CPttrsn lf
1 0
1 1
New York ........................... 000 200 010 — 3
Nady ph
Owings p
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
ABeltre 3b 4 1 1 0 Damon dh 4 0 1 0 DP—Pittsburgh 1, New York 2. LOB—Pittsburgh 6,
one out before Butler connect- N.Cruz rf 4 0 3 1 BUpton cf 3 0 0 0 T.Buck lf 5 2 3 0 Bautist rf 4 0 1 2 New York 7. 2B—Br.Wood (4), Beltran (17). HR— Totals 34 5 7 5 Totals
Patersn p 0 0 0 0
32 2 6 2
CSantn c 3 2 0 0 JRiver 1b 5 0 0 0
White Sox 7, Red Sox 4 ed off Scott Downs (3-2). The Napoli 1b 3 0 0 0 Fuld lf
2 0 1 0
GSizmr dh 5 0 2 3 Arencii c 5 1 1 0 Turner (2). SB—Tabata (14). CS—Walker (1), Pa- Florida ................................ 000 211 100 — 5
Marson gan (2). SF—G.Jones.
BOSTON — Paul Konerko ball hit behind the outfield Torreal c
Gentry cf
4 0 0 0 1b-ss
3 1 1 0 Brignc ss
3 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 ph-dh 1 0 0 0 A.Hill 2b 2 0 0 0
IP H R ER BB SO Arizona ............................... 100 000 010 — 2
E—Vasquez (1). LOB—Florida 6, Arizona 5.
hit a go-ahead single in the padding in left-center field and FLopez LaPort 1b
Hannhn 3b
Encrnc 3b
EThms dh
1 1 1 0
5 1 3 0
Correia W,8-4.......... 6 6 2 2 2 4 2B—Stanton (13). HR—Morrison (7), G.Sanchez
(9), K.Johnson (10), J.Upton (11). CS—R.Roberts
ph-1b 1 0 0 0 Resop H,5................ 1 0 0 0 0 2
seventh inning and a two-run bounced back into play, and Totals 33 3 6 3 Totals 30 0 5 0 Everett 2b 5 1 2 1 RDavis cf 4 2 2 4 D.McCutchen .......... 2⁄3 2 1 1 0 1 (3).
J.Nix 3b-2b 4 1 1 1 IP H R ER BB SO
homer in the ninth to lead the the umpires initially ruled it a Texas.................................. 000 010 020 — 3 Totals 46131811 Totals 39 911 8
Moskos..................... 1⁄3
Ascanio..................... 1
1 Florida
Tampa Bay......................... 000 000 000 — 0 Ani.Sanchez W,5-1. 8 6 2 2 1 8
Chicago White Sox to a win double before video showed it DP—Texas 1. LOB—Texas 5, Tampa Bay 5.
Cleveland......................... 408 001 000 — 13
Toronto ............................ 000 033 102 — 9
New York
Capuano L,3-6 ........ 6 8 5 5 1 2 L.Nunez S,19-20..... 1 0 0 0 0 0
2B—A.Beltre (13), Gentry (2), Zobrist (16). SB—
over the Boston Red Sox and a to be a home run. Kinsler (11), Andrus 2 (17), N.Cruz (2), Gentry (5), E—Everett (4), R.Perez (1), R.Davis (2), Y.Escobar Beato......................... 1 3 3 3 1 2 Arizona
I.Kennedy L,6-2 ...... 5 5 3 3 3 4
(5). DP—Cleveland 1, Toronto 1. LOB—Cleveland O’Connor ................. 0 2 1 1 1 0
sweep of their three-game Fuld (13). CS—Fuld (6).
IP H R ER BB SO 11, Toronto 7. 2B—Brantley (10), A.Cabrera 3 (14), Thayer ...................... 2 1 0 0 0 0 Vasquez ...................
Heilman ....................
series. Tigers 4, Twins 2 Texas G.Sizemore (13), Hannahan (8). 3B—E.Thames
(1), R.Davis (4), J.Nix (1). HR—LaPorta (7), R.Davis
Capuano pitched to 5 batters in the 7th.
Beato pitched to 3 batters in the 8th. Owings ..................... 1 0 0 0 0 0
C.Lewis W,5-5......... 8 4 0 0 2 8 Paterson ................... 1 0 0 0 0 0
Boston, which had just two DETROIT — Miguel Cabre- Feliz S,11-14 ........... 1 1 0 0 0 0 (1).
O’Connor pitched to 3 batters in the 8th.
HBP—by Beato (C.Snyder). HBP—by Ani.Sanchez (S.Drew), by I.Kennedy
Tampa Bay
hits in the last seven innings, ra hit a three-run homer in the Price L,6-5 ............... 8 5 3 3 1 8 Cleveland Umpires—Home, Kerwin Danley;First, Dana De- (Coghlan). WP—I.Kennedy 2.
Umpires—Home, Todd Tichenor;First, Sam Hol-
A.Russell.................. 1 1 0 0 0 0 Tomlin W,7-2 ........... 6 8 6 6 1 7 Muth;Second, Paul Nauert;Third, Doug Eddings.
lost its fourth straight game for third and Rick Porcello pitched HBP—by A.Russell (Napoli). WP—Feliz. PB—Tor- Durbin....................... 1 1 1 0 0 0 T—2:58. A—25,234 (41,800). brook;Second, Gerry Davis;Third, Greg Gibson.
T—2:29. A—17,571 (48,633).
Herrmann ................. 1 1 0 0 1 1
the first time since a six-game, into the seventh inning, lifting realba, Jaso.
Umpires—Home, Dale Scott;First, Dan Iassogna- R.Perez .................... 0 1 2 1 1 0 Reds 4, Brewers 3 Dodgers 8, Rockies 2
season-opening slide. the Detroit Tigers to a win ;Second, CB Bucknor;Third, Jerry Meals. Pestano ....................
1 0 0 0 1 2 Milwaukee Cincinnati Colorado Los Angeles
T—2:28. A—13,725 (34,078). ab r h bi ab r h bi
over the Minnesota Twins. Drabek L,3-4 ........... 2⁄3
Camp ........................ 12⁄3
Weeks 2b 4 1 2 1 Stubbs cf 4 0 0 0 EYong 2b
ab r h bi
4 0 1 0 Carroll ss
ab r h bi
3 2 1 0
Orioles 2, Mariners 1 Detroit swept the three- White Sox 7, Red Sox 4 Frasor ....................... 2⁄3 1 1 0 0 1
Morgan cf
Braun lf
2 0
0 1
BPhllps 2b
Votto 1b
3 1 0 0
4 2 3 2
Fowler cf 4 0 0 0 Blake 3b 3 2 2 3
Rzepczynski ............ 2 1 0 0 1 2 CGnzlz lf 4 0 0 0 Ethier rf 2 1 0 0
SEATTLE — Adam Jones game series and has won four Chicago
ab r h bi
ab r h bi
Janssen .................... 1 3 1 1 0 1
Fielder 1b
C.Hart rf
2 0
1 0
Bruce rf
Renteri ss
4 1 1 2
3 0 1 0
Tlwtzk ss 4 0 1 0 Kemp cf 4 1 2 4
Rauch ....................... 2 2 0 0 0 1 Helton 1b 4 0 0 0 Loney 1b 4 0 1 0
had three hits against his for- straight, while the Twins have Pierre lf 5 1 0 0 Ellsury cf 4 0 1 0 F.Francisco .............. 1 2 0 0 0 0
Lucroy c
YBtncr ss
0 0
2 1
FLewis lf
Cairo 3b
3 0 0 0
3 0 1 0
Wggntn rf 3 1 1 1 Sands lf 4 1 1 0
AlRmrz ss 5 3 3 1 Pedroia 2b 4 0 2 0 Nelson 3b 2 1 1 0 Navarr c 3 0 0 0
mer team, including the go- lost 10 of 12, falling to 17-37 for Quentin rf 5 0 2 1 AdGnzl 1b 3 0 1 0
R.Perez pitched to 3 batters in the 9th.
WP—Durbin, R.Perez, Rzepczynski.
Counsll 3b 3 0 0 0 Bray p 0 0 0 0 Belisle p 0 0 0 0 Miles 2b 4 0 1 1
Rios cf 0 0 0 0 Youkils 3b 4 0 0 0 Marcm p 3 0 0 0 Masset p 0 0 0 0
ahead homer into the upper the worst record in baseball. Konerk dh 4 1 3 3 Ortiz dh 4 2 2 1
Umpires—Home, Tim McClelland;First, D.J. Rey- Loe p 0 0 0 0 Corder p 0 0 0 0
Splrghs ph
Daley p
1 0 0 0 Lilly p
0 0 0 0 Gions ph
2 0 0 0
1 1 1 0
burn;Second, Marvin Hudson;Third, Ted Barrett. Hanign c 3 0 0 0
deck in the eighth inning, A.Dunn 1b
Lillirdg cf-rf
4 0 0 0 Crwfrd lf
5 1 2 2 Lowrie ss
4 1 1 0
4 1 1 1
T—3:12. A—15,397 (49,260). Leake p 1 0 0 0
MtRynl p
Street p
0 0 0 0 RDLRs p
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
leading the Baltimore Orioles Indians 13, Blue Jays 9 Vizquel 3b 4 0 1 0 Reddck rf 4 0 0 0 Heisey ph 1 0 0 0 Iannett c 3 0 0 0
RCastr c 3 1 0 0 Sltlmch c 4 0 1 2 Arrdnd p 0 0 0 0
to a victory over the Seattle TORONTO — Matt LaPorta Bckhm 2b 4 0 1 0 A L L E A D E R S Rolen 3b 1 0 0 0
Mrtnsn p
JHerrr 3b
0 0 0 1
2 0 1 0
Totals 39 712 7 Totals 35 4 9 4 Totals 33 3 9 3 Totals 30 4 6 4 Totals 31 2 5 2 Totals 30 8 9 8
Mariners. hit a three-run homer and Chicago.............................. 000 121 102 — 7 BATTING—Joyce, Tampa Bay, .361;Bautista, To- Milwaukee.......................... 200 100 000 — 3 Colorado ............................ 001 000 100 — 2
ronto, .360;MiYoung, Texas, .335;AdGonzalez,
Jones turned on a fastball Cleveland built a big lead from Boston ................................ 030 001 000 — 4
Boston, .329;HKendrick, Los Angeles, .322;Aybar,
Cincinnati ........................... 000 000 22x — 4
E—Y.Betancourt (6). DP—Cincinnati 2. LOB—Mil-
Los Angeles....................... 202 100 30x — 8
DP—Chicago 1. LOB—Chicago 8, Boston 5. DP—Colorado 3. LOB—Colorado 3, Los Angeles
from Jamey Wright (1-2) on the the very start, helping Josh 2B—Quentin (18), Lillibridge (3), Vizquel (5), Ortiz Los Angeles, .315;JhPeralta, Detroit, .314.
RUNS—Bautista, Toronto, 45;Granderson, New
waukee 5, Cincinnati 3. 2B—C.Hart (6), Cairo (4). 3. 2B—Tulowitzki (10), Nelson (1), Blake (3), Miles
(13), Lowrie (11). HR—Konerko (12), Lillibridge (6), 3B—Morgan (3). HR—Weeks (10), Votto (7), Bruce
inside corner of the plate and Tomlin and the Indians beat Ortiz (13). SB—Pierre (10). York, 44;MiCabrera, Detroit, 40;ACabrera, Cleve- (17). CS—Cairo (2).
(4). HR—Wigginton (5), Blake (3), Kemp (13). SB—
E.Young (3), Nelson (1). SF—Mortensen.
land, 37;Ellsbury, Boston, 36;Gordon, Kansas City, IP H R ER BB SO
hit a rocket into the second the Toronto Blue Jays 13-9 Chicago
36;AlRamirez, Chicago, 36. Milwaukee Colorado
RBI—AdGonzalez, Boston, 46;Konerko, Chicago,
level seating in left field to give Wednesday night. Floyd W,6-5 ............. 62⁄3
Sale H,3 ................... 11⁄3
0 44;Beltre, Texas, 43;Granderson, New York,
Marcum ....................
Loe L,2-5 BS,3-4.....
Mortensen L,1-3...... 4 5 5 5 4 0
Belisle....................... 2 1 0 0 0 2
Baltimore the lead. The Indians scored four S.Santos S,9-10...... 1 0 0 0 0 1 41;Bautista, Toronto, 40;MiCabrera, Detroit,
40;ACabrera, Cleveland, 39.
Cincinnati Daley ........................ 2⁄3 3 3 3 1 0
Boston Leake........................ 6 7 3 3 0 3 Mat.Reynolds........... 1 0 0 0 0 0
times while chasing Kyle Dra- Wakefield ................. 6 7 4 4 1 4 HITS—AdGonzalez, Boston, 76;MiYoung, Texas,
72;ACabrera, Cleveland, 67;Konerko, Chicago,
Arredondo ................ 11⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 Street ........................ 1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0
Rangers 3, Rays 0 Albers L,1-3 ............. 1⁄3 3 1 1 0 0 Bray........................... 1⁄3 2 0 0 0 0
bek in the first inning. LaPor- R.Hill ......................... 0 0 0 0 1 0 66;AlRamirez, Chicago, 66;Ellsbury, Boston, Masset W,1-3 .......... 1⁄3 0 0 0 0 1
Los Angeles
Lilly W,4-4 ................ 7 4 2 2 0 8
64;Span, Minnesota, 64. Cordero S,10-12 ..... 1 0 0 0 0 2
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – ta’s shot highlighted an eight- Bard........................... 12⁄3
Papelbon.................. 1
1 DOUBLES—Gordon, Kansas City, 18;Quentin, HBP—by Loe (B.Phillips), by Leake (Morgan).
R.De La Rosa.......... 2 1
Umpires—Home, Angel Hernandez;First, Angel
0 0 0 2

Colby Lewis scattered four hits run burst in the third that R.Hill pitched to 1 batter in the 7th.
HBP—by Wakefield (Konerko). WP—Albers. PB—
Chicago, 18;MiYoung, Texas, 18;Ellsbury, Boston,
17;AdGonzalez, Boston, 17;MiCabrera, Detroit,
Umpires—Home, Tim Timmons;First, Mark Carl-
son;Second, Jeff Kellogg;Third, Eric Cooper.
Campos;Second, Chad Fairchild;Third, Joe West.
T—2:38. A—31,473 (56,000).
over eight innings, Elvis An- made it 12-0. Saltalamacchia. 16;Zobrist, Tampa Bay, 16. T—2:43. A—22,213 (42,319).

PAGE 4B THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 ➛ S P O R T S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com


Wilkes-Barre lacrosse team is official Friday

By JOE SOPRANO The name for the indoor lacrosse Leighton, Wilkes-Barre Township may- chise. 2009.
jsoprano@timesleader.com team will not be announced at the press or Carl Kuren and NALL commissioner According to sources, the team and He got his start in professional sports
Wilkes-Barre will officially have a conference, however. Phil Evans. the arena are currently ironing out de- in 1982 as a ticket sales executive for
new professional sports team on Friday, What will be announced will be the According to the league’s Web site, tails of a five-year lease. the New York Cosmos of the North
but those fans wanting to race out and ownership group, headed by Easton ar- Wilkes-Barre will have the honor of be- The league will begin play in January American Soccer League. He has own-
buy a hat a shirt with the team’s new ea businessman Jim Jennings, and the ing league’s first team to be officially and crown a champion by the end of ed and operated three minor league bas-
logo will have to wait a bit longer. fact that the team will play at an 8-game announced. April, allowing players to play in Major ketball franchises – the Florida Beach
The area’s entry into the North Amer- home season at the Wilkes-Barre Town- Hershey and Reading were also ru- League Lacrosse. Dogs, the New Jersey Shorecats and the
ican Lacrosse League will be formally ship Arena. mored to be in contention to land Jennings has owned several teams Pennsylvania ValleyDawgs.
announced at a press conference at 2 Scheduled to appear at the press con- teams, while Orlando, Fla., seemed set and served as commissioner of the Na- He is currently president of Water-
p.m. Friday at Mohegan Sun Arena. ference are Wilkes-Barre mayor Tom to serve as the league’s flagship fran- tional Lacrosse League from 2000 to buck Media in Easton.

Record: 15-2 (No. 2 seed) Record: 15-3 (No. 4 seed) Continued from Page 1B Record: 11-7 (No. 7 seed)
WVC Division I West champions 2nd place, Lackawanna Division 1 3rd place, WVC Division I East
Coach: Gary Custer Coach: Paul McGloin through.” Coach: Chris Ritsick
For one thing, the venue could
Possible lineup Possible lineup have an impact. Squaring off at Possible lineup
Player ..........................(Playoff AVG) Player ..........................(Playoff AVG) Player ..........................(Playoff AVG)
PNC Field in Moosic will be fair-
1. Kyle Custer, cf .......................(.333) 1. Drew Pirritano, cf ................(.600) 1. Mark Malloy, cf .......................(.125)
ly alien to high school players 2. Dominick Policare, 2b.........(.375)
2. Ty Saylor, dh .........................(.100) 2. Tim Forsette, ss .....................(.1 1 1)
3. Mike Papi, ss..........................(.571) 3. Josh Schroeder, p ...............(.333) not accustomed to the size and 3. Steve Ruch, 3b.....................(.375)
4. Mike Healey, 1b....................(.500) 4. Tom Richards, c ..................(.429) dimensions of a pro stadium. 4. Christian Choman, 1b .........(.300)
5. Rich Condeelis, p..................(.571) 5. Will Fletcher, rf....................(.545) During the regular season, the 5. Ted Ritsick, p.......................(.000)
6. Wes Custer, c .......................(.286) 6. James Dunning, 1b .............(.500) Royals (11-7) hit 15 home runs as 6. Eric Ringsdorf, dh...............(.250)
7. Josh McClain, 3b...................(.143) 7. Dan Repshis, lf .....................(.375) a team while the Black Knights 7. Cody Tsevdos, lf ....................(.143)
8. Ryan Goodwin, lf ................(.250) 8. Mike Zaccheo, 3b ................(.222) 8. Dan Byorick, rf....................(.286)
(17-1) slammed 13. Redeemer’s 9. Adam Dunsmuir, ss .............(.333)
9. Jeremy Lee, rf ....................(.500) 9. Cory Nidoh, 2b....................(.000)
Alex Zaner, 2b
Christian Choman and Leh- Joel Peterlin, c
2011 schedule man’s Josh Everett have home-
2011 schedule Lackawanna League season red in each of their respective 2011 schedule
WVC season North Pocono..........................W, 5-4 team’s three playoff games so WVC season
at Berwick.................................L, 5-3 Abington Heights ....................W, 11-6 far. at Coughlin...............................L, 5-4
at Wyoming Area ....................W, 7-0 at Wallenpaupack....................W, 10-1 Crestwood................................W, 6-3
Continuing those streaks at Pittston Area ..........................W, 13-6
Dallas .......................................W, 9-0 at Scranton Prep.......................W, 11-1
PNC Field instead of Hollenback Nanticoke ...............................W, 10-0
Wyoming Valley West.............W, 5-3 Scranton..................................L, 12-10
at Coughlin..............................W, 15-3 at Honesdale ..........................W, 14-4
SUBMITTED PHOTO Park and Lake-Lehman High Hazleton Area ..........................L, 5-3
Nanticoke................................W, 15-0 Delaware Valley .....................W, 10-6 2010 Wyoming Valley Country Club Classic winners Eric Wil- School will be tougher. Berwick.....................................W, 11-0
at Hazleton Area ....................W, 4-0 at North Pocono ....................W, 12-6 liams, left, and John Olszewski “We’re still going to try and at Wyoming Area ...................W, 14-7
Pittston Area ...........................W, 4-3 at Abington Heights...............L, 15-8 play our game,” Redeemer at Wyoming Valley West........L, 10-0

WVCC tee times set

Crestwood.................................W, 12-1 Wallenpaupack ........................W, 4-3 Tunkhannock ..........................L, 10-9
coach Chris Ritsick said. “I think
at Holy Redeemer .................W, 10-9 Scranton Prep..........................W, 11-8 Coughlin..................................W, 14-0
playing at the bigger ballpark Dallas ........................................L, 6-4
Wyoming Area........................W, 13-9 at Scranton................................W, 7-1
Berwick .....................................W, 12-1 at Delaware Valley .................W, 8-0 may cut down a little bit on runs, at Nanticoke...........................W, 10-9
at Dallas....................................L, 6-5 Honesdale ...............................W, 8-6 being that it takes the home run at Crestwood..........................W, 10-5
at Wyoming Valley West .......W, 13-0 Division 1 title playoff ball out of things a bit.” at Hazleton Area .......................L, 2-1
District 2 tournament vs. Scranton .............................L, 6-0 HANOVER TOWNSHIP – Don Crossin On the other side of the coin, at Pittston Area .......................L, 13-11
9:00a.m.— Jack Wilk; Mike Wilk; Greg Ready;
Crestwood................................W, 6-3 District 2 tournament The Wyoming Valley Country Rob Lee the stadium can also be tough on District 2 tournament
Dallas ........................................W, 7-3 Honesdale ...............................W, 12-2 9:00a.m.— Geoff Dent; Dale Dent; George Rei- Lakeland...................................W, 9-7
Club Invitational will tee of Fri- miller; Joe Mantione outfielders, who have to deal at Meyers...................................W, 9-1
Abington Heights ...................W, 5-4 Berwick ......................................W, 3-1 9:10a.m.— David Owca; Dennis Owca; Pete Ols-
day with 18 holes of qualifying. zewski; Chad Rado with much more room for balls Dunmore ..................................W, 5-3
at Valley View..........................W, 7-4 9:10a.m.— Drew Mamary; Eric Plisko; Rick Berry;
The top 15 teams in the Tom Wasilewski to drop in, as well as the occa-
9:20a.m.— Ted Komoroski; Brandon Matthews;
stroke-play qualifying round Joe Weiscarger; John Gershey sional shot off the wall. LAKE-LEHMAN
9:20a.m.— Max Hritzik; Chet Blazick; Manny Mi-
will join defending champions halos; Gene Chiavacci Regardless, both starting BLACK KNIGHTS

the bottom of the sixth before Eric Williams and John Olszew- 12:10p.m.— Jerry Decker; Jim ThomasIii; Jim
Thomas; David Thomas pitchers – Tyler McGovern for Record: 17-1 (No. 1 seed)
ski in championship flight 12:10p.m.- - Rx Kempinski; Tom Kempinski; Jay WVC Division II champions
scoring four times for a 6-3 win. Burkhart; BobBurkhart the top-seeded Knights and Ted Coach: Mark LeValley
“I thought we took Crestwood when match play begins Satur- 12:20p.m.—Tom Gormen; Molly Gorman; Tom
Zabresky; George Fredmonski Ritsick for the No. 7 Royals –
a little bit lightly,” Custer said. day. 12:20p.m.—Lou Mastrini; Dan Cornali; Dino Ma-
zarki; Paul Tomek know that the opposing lineup Possible lineup
Continued from Page 1B The remaining golfers will be 12:30p.m.— Chris Schwartz; Chris W Schwartz;
“I thought we relaxed a little bit Marty Behm; Gary Krawetz will provide a tough challenge. Player ..........................(Playoff AVG)
Condeelis, Kyle Custer, Wes against Crestwood. But we were devided into flights and also 12:30p.m.—John Churnetski;WallyKuharchik;S-
“He’s very excited,” Chris Rit- 1. Ryan Murphy, lf ....................(.286)
Custer, Ryan Goodwin, Healey, mentally prepared (after that). I compete in match play. 12:40p.m.—Ed Nork; Steve Tokach; Tom Mastri- sick said of his ace. “He’s a three- 2. Josh Everett, 2b .................(.600)
ni; Mark Dingman
Listed below are the tee 3. Bryan Mathers, ss ...............(.375)
Mike Papi and Ty Saylor. think we’re in good shape now.” 12:40p.m.—Ned Delaney; Gene Caprio; Tom year starter and he’s always up
times for Friday’s action. Macneely; Paul Murphy 4. Tyler McGovern, p ..............(.444)
Healey struck out nine in a Like last season, the Tigers 7:30a.m.— John Reese; Wes Parker; Henry Gol-
12:50p.m.—Tony Pointek; Mike Pointek; Ken
Thoma; James Falzone
for big situations for us. Teddy 5. Zack Yursha, cf ...................(.250)
complete-game victory against seem to have found some magic dowski; Rick Cronauer
7:30a.m.— Marty Klein; Joe Skvarla; Joe Butcher;
12:50p.m.— Stan Kempinski; Gene Salko; Joe
Manoski; Ken Swiderski
always wants the ball. He 6. Adam Paulauskas, dh ........(.500)
the Crusaders, going 2-for-3 for the playoffs, playing some of Dan Novak
7:40a.m.— Jeff Bellas; Tom Lyons; Joe Werner;
1:00p.m.— John Leighton; Rich Crossin; Larry
Karnes; Floyd Bowen
doesn’t back down and he’s look- 7. Cole Barbacci, c ...................(.333)
with a double at the plate. Con- their best baseball of the year. Jeff Howanitz 1:00p.m.— Fran Fisher; Kevin Fisher; Ned Endler; ing forward to the opportunity 8. Curt Barbacci, 3b................(.333)
7:40a.m.— Dave Kachurak; Matt Kachurak; Harry Pat Endler
deelis doubled twice. “I think we’re at the top of the Gaughan; James Barrett 1:10p.m.— Christan Chwiej; Steve Chwiej; Joe this year.” 9. Troy Shurites, rf ..................(.333)
7:50a.m.— John Kempinski; Dan Kempinski; Joe Perugino; Fred Lombardo Scott Bean, 1b
“Maturity. I think that’s been ladder,” Custer said headed into Yozviak; Andrew Yoziak 1:10p.m.— Joe Beggs; Tony Genoble; Vince Tas- Though the teams play in sep-
7:50a.m.— Ray Lick; Sheldon Richards; Joe Patri- sitano; Chris Beggs
the key for us,” Tigers coach the semis. zi; Dave Coffee 1:20p.m.-- TomIskra; JimGardas; Mike Hirthler; arate divisions, the players are 2011 schedule
8:00a.m.— Dan Leco; Pat Wielgopolski; Bill Mike Hirthler Jr
Gary Custer said after beating Abington Heights proceeded Jones; John Davison 1:20p.m.— Paul Berdy; Tom Gill; Tom Steltzer; still familiar with one another. WVC season
8:00a.m.— Ron Hummer; Jim Sabatini; Brian D.L. Sadvary
Dallas in the district quarterfi- to give a serious scare to the Mcdermott; Art Rogo 1:30p.m.— Jason Moore; T.J. Cook; Matt Martin; The schools faced off in the 2009 Northwest...............................W, 14-4
8:10a.m.—Dave Bienias; Paul Skrip; Joe Marut; Frank DeGaetano
nals. Tigers, but the sixth-seeded Don Wolfe 1:30p.m.— Victor Swiderski; Joe Baranowski; district quarterfinals, won 7-3 by at Meyers..................................L, 12-2
Tunkhannock, the second Comets were in Class 4A just a 8:10a.m.— John Miller; Keith Kopec; Randy Cata-
lanotte; Brian Kersteter
Bob Selig; Rick Sutliff
the Knights. at Wyoming Seminary ..........W, 15-0
1:40p.m.— Dan Barnes; John Bobeck; Robert
seed in the 3A bracket these few years ago and had knocked 8:20a.m.— Steve Skiro; Art Brunn Jr; Frank Rostock; Kevin Barno Four current Lehman starters at Hanover Area ....................W, 14-4
Schiel; Frank Schiel Jr 1:40p.m.— John Konicki; Jamie Pearce; John Lis-
at MMI Prep ............................W, 12-0
past two seasons, is hopeful that off Pittston Area in the quarter- 8:20a.m.— Mark Jones; Rich Serafin; Kevin
Keyes, Keyes; Kevin Polifko
man; James Sheridan
1:50p.m.— Bob Birk; RonDovman;TonyGrabow-
– Bryan Mathers, Zack Yursha, West Side Tech.......................W, 18-4
the experience will pay off finals this past Friday. 8:30a.m.— Ron Drobenak; Brian Balutis; Joe
Wnorowski; Steve Shipierski
1:50p.m.— James Lentini; Daulton Lentini; Corey
Adam Paulauskas and Ryan GAR..........................................W, 13-0
against the No. 4 Invaders. Now Tunkhannock faces an- 8:30a.m.— Len Lulis; Alex Mclauchlin; Jack Dig-
wood; Jason Marks
Mitchell; Corey Mitchell Jr
2:00p.m.—Mark Soprano; John Callahan; RonSi-
Murphy – played in that game, Hanover Area ..........................W, 4-3
It took a bit of a wake-up call other team from the Lackawan- 8:40a.m.— Paul Murray; Dan Chaump; John Kot-
sko; Scott Safko
mon; BruceBrenner
2:00p.m.—Ed Brady; Neal Bukeavich; J.P. An-
along with three for the Royals – Meyers ......................................W, 11-4
in the playoff opener this time na League’s top division in West 8:40a.m.— James Scorey; Paul Kish; Fred Schiel; drejko; Jeff Andrejko Ritsick, Mark Malloy and Steve Wyoming Seminary ................W, 8-2
Dave Pieczynski 2:10p.m.—Frank Slucki; Frank SluckiIi; Len Butc-
around to get the Tigers (15-2) Scranton (15-3). The Invaders 8:50a.m.— John Olszewski; Eric Williams; Mike- zynski; Brian Marcinkowski Ruch. at GAR .....................................W, 19-2
Zapotoski; ScottFrancis 2:10p.m.—Mike Blazick; Mark Kopec; Mark Jaro- MMI Prep...................................W, 7-3
going. Hosting 15th-seeded beat Honesdale, Berwick and 8:50a.m.— John Muench; John Kotis; Mike Duda; len; Len Coleman “We know them,” LeValley
at West Side Tech ..................W, 14-5
Crestwood in the first round, No. 1 Valley View to reach the said. “We played them two years at Northwest...........................W, 23-1
the Tigers trailed heading into title game. ago. We’ve played these kids Division II title playoff

go out and get simple. When we from teeners and little league all vs. Meyers..................................W, 3-1
try to be too cute and too com- the way up. Choman and Ruch District 2 tournament
Carbondale .............................W, 13-0
Lawyer: Pacquiao settles defamation lawsuit Continued from Page 1B
plicated, if everybody’s not on
the same page, it doesn’t come
and Malloy and (Pat) Condo and
all those kids. … We’re familiar Mid Valley ................................W, 12-2
Hanover Area ..........................W, 8-3
off. By simple, play the ball the with them.”
LOS ANGELES — A lawyer dential terms. Yet, they served notice to way you’re facing (and) play the
for Manny Pacquiao says the Messages left with Schaefer Manheim Township, which was ball to feet.”
boxer has settled a defama-
tion lawsuit against other box-
and de La Hoya attorney Jef-
frey Spitz weren’t returned.
in control of the flow for the
most part but clinging to a one-
The Blue Streaks essentially
put away the game in the 64th Jim Calhoun remains mum on future at UConn
ing world figures who intim- Pacquiao’s boxing rival, goal advantage until Engwall minute using that tactic when
ated he used performance en- Floyd Mayweather Jr., and struck. Kaileen Delaney dropped a long DEDHAM, Mass. (AP) — Jim graduates of the high school
hancing drugs. Mayweather’s father and un- “That’s one of the things we pass to Leslie Henny breaking Calhoun says he still hasn’t decid- where he coached and taught
Attorney Daniel Petrocelli cle also were named in the told them, that this thing could down the middle. ed whether to return for a 26th that “the best years are ahead of
Manheim Twp.......................................... 1 3 — 4
said in a release Wednesday defamation suit, but Petrocel- turn around on one goal,” Man- Berwick ..................................................... 0 0 — 0
season as coach of the Connecti- you.” But he wouldn’t say how he
that Pacquiao settled with for- li said they aren’t included in heim Township coach Terry First half: 1. MT, Jackie Poucel (Claudia Gross-
man), 2nd min; Second half: 2. MT, Danni Eng-
cut men’s basketball team. would spend his own future.
mer boxer Oscar de La Hoya the settlement. Law said. “It could have defi- wall (Grossman), 57th; 3. MT, Leslie Henny (Kai- Less than two months after the Calhoun spoke Wednesday at
leen Delaney), 64th; 4. MT, Aubrie Christensen
and Richard Schaefer of Gold- Mayweather lawyer Mark nitely gone in their favor if they (Maddie Hayes), 72nd. Huskies won their third NCAA graduation ceremonies at Ded-
Shots: MT 16, BER 6; Saves: MT (Sierra
en Boy Promotions on confi- Tratos didn’t return a call. scored one. We just wanted to Shaub), BER 5 (Sarah Wilczynski); Corners: MT championship, Calhoun told ham High School.
5, BER 1.

Click: Mike Ditka speaks at annual Boy Scouts dinner


Adam Mahler, 10, of Nuangola with his dad Eric. Mike McMynne of Dunmore with his sons (from left) Bobby, 10, and Pictured (from left) Charlie Jones Jr. of Troop 154, Swoyersville,
Stephen, 14. and his dad Charlie Jones Sr.

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 PAGE 5B

110 Lost 548 Medical/Health 746 Garage Sales/ 746 Garage Sales/ 746 Garage Sales/ 746 Garage Sales/ 746 Garage Sales/ 746 Garage Sales/ 746 Garage Sales/ 950 Half Doubles
Estate Sales/ Estate Sales/ Estate Sales/ Estate Sales/ Estate Sales/ Estate Sales/ Estate Sales/
RESIDENTIAL Flea Markets Flea Markets Flea Markets Flea Markets Flea Markets Flea Markets Flea Markets
Looking for caring,
LOST - Cat. White
with orange ears,
and compassion-
ate people for
28 Institute Street
nose & tail, blue Alzheimer’s assist- 2-3 bedrooms, 1.5
eyes & friendly.
Honey Pot section
ed living facility.
SWOYERSVILLE bath, fridge &
stove provided,

of Nanticoke. Miss- hiring resident 6 FAMILY SALE washer/ dryer
ing since May 16. care aides part hookup & wall to
time for all shifts, wall carpet.
REWARD. Must be a high Saturday, June 4th $475/month plus
570-735-5069 school graduate, 9am-1pm security & utilities.
570-735-5905 COLLEGE MANOR 1223-1230 Household items,
experience pre- 570-472-2392
ferred. across from Miseri- Woodberry Dr. decorative items,
cordia University Saturday, June 4th decorations and
150 Special Notices NO PHONE CALLS
PLEASE. SATURDAY JUNE 4 8am-12pm much more!
953 Houses for Rent
Apply within. 8am Baby items, toys, 273 East Ridge St.

MONTY SAYS Keystone Household items, Lyndwood Section household items, 803 Aspen Drive Saturday June 4th
Garden crafts, holiday dec- 1105 Center Street etc. Laurel Lakes Village 9:00AM - 1:00PM 481 Church Street
oration, children’s Saturday June 4th Saturday June 4, Womens, mens & Saturday June 4th,
100 Narrows Rd clothing, toys, Step 9:00AM - 3:00PM 9:00AM - 2:00PM baby clothes, books 8:00-1:00pm
Route 11 2 swing set, Crafts, household Antique couch & household items Too Much To List.
items, tools, mirror, wing chair, & much more Don’t Miss This One
Longaberger, Pam-
pered Chef and microwave & more Pfalzgraff dishes,
much more! silverware, XMas

DALLAS MOUNTAIN TOP items, appliances

& much more
FULL TIME LARGE 76 Sycamore Dr


Saturday June 4 IN MESHOPPEN
Chris and Sean TECHNICIAN City Wide 8am to 2pm
are all business
the weekend
We need a reliable
professional who MOUNTAIN TOP
Ya r d S a l e
June 4 8am-2pm
HUGE BABY & 52 West 6th Street
Saturday June 4th
they love to hate will efficiently
Irelyn is gearing
up for the
screen patients for
their visit and per-
form patient testing
6 Marina Drive
Next to Grotto Pizza
194 Patriot’s Circle,
So Main St to
Rain date June 5
85+ Participants!
Brand name girl’s
Household, video
games, camping/
For lease, avail-
able immediately!
bedrooms, 2
Ideal candidate wil Saturday June 4th Nuangola Rd, Pick up list of clothes, gear, toys, bath rooms, USE
biggest summer be a friendly, calm 76 Country Club Rd 9:00AM - 1:00PM follow signs addresses & city double stroller, out-
hunting items. OF EXISTING
Something For APPLIANCES,
of her life. Rob- person who wil Saturday June 4th 2 bedroom sets, Sat 9am-4pm map at City Hall, door play set, plus
All Ages! washer/dryer hook
constantly strive to 8am-2pm sofa & love seat, (limited admittance) 15 East Ridge St women’s & men’s
bie is working on do accurate work leather sectional, 8pc Dining Room, Come Join Us!! - up, covered park-
Clothes, plants and clothes, HH items
his electrical Experience a plus lots more! coffee tables, Sofa, Loveseat, 81 Greystone Dr & much more ing, pets ok, ON
problems...I hope Extensive on the job Something for kitchen set, Heater, Chairs, SATURDAY, JUNE 4 ORANGE MYO BEACH AND

Daddy-0 doesn't
training will be pro-
everyone. No early
birds please.
pictures, Spode
Tables, Lamps,
Bedroom Furniture,
Baby & Toddler
$1100.00 FIRST
pull a Walker this Christmas tree Linens, Fans, Gas Clothes, Gear & AND LAST/ per
APPLY ONLINE: china, Franciscan Grill, Patio Toys!
week. Congrats www.icare desert rose, Table/chairs w/ month, plus utili-
to Cassie O. and specialists.com Johnson Brothers, umbrella, Lawn ties, SECURITY
Lefton, vintage tools, Curtains, /deposit. Call
her partner!!! SUBMIT RESUME: glassware, Pfaltzgraff Dishes, (570) 762-4471
Somebody up HR Dept. DRUMS Wedgwood & other Vacuums, Desk, 22 Pittston Ave
to set an appoint-
lamps & Buchan Shelves, Base ment or email
there likes her... 703 Rutter Ave.
stoneware. Curio, Microwave,
2293 W. 8th St. Saturday, June 4 BIOBOB@ME.COM.
Kingston, PA 18704
Fax: 570-287-2434 Baker’s Rack, MOUNTAIN TOP ORANGE UNITED
1280 Hallow Rd
8am - 1pm
310 Attorney Lenox, Precious
June 3rd & 4th
Friday & Saturday
Services 746 Moments, Pots & June 3rd & 4th 796 Wanted to Buy
Garage Sales/ Pans, DVDs, File
9 am to 2 pm
Refreshments &
7am-12 pm Merchandise ASUCCESSFULSALE
Joseph M. Blazosek
Estate Sales/ Cabinet, Wall Unit,
Rocker, Xmas, CDs
Flea Markets Glassware, Art- Selling Your
No junk yard sale. The Video
SOCIAL SECURITY Corner of Sand work, Pictures, Furniture?
Lots of Disney Game Store Doyouneedmorespace?
DISABILITY BENEFITS Spring and Fox Amish Fireplace,
Do it here in the
Princess clothing,
(2, 3, 4T), toys,
28 S. Main W.B.
Open Mon- Sat,
A yard or garage sale
WORKERS’ COMP Chest Freezer &
Free Consultation
Hollow Drives, Sand
Spring Golf Course More. Bow Creek Manor
Classifieds! household items, 12pm – 6pm in classified
25+ Years Experience Saturday June 4, 132 W. Union St. Saturday June 4th
570-829-7130 books, etc. By 570-822-9929 /
is the best way
570-655-4410 Helen & Ed’s tree
8:00AM - 3:00PM tocleanoutyourclosets!
8:00am - 1:00pm
Wide Variety of
Items For Sale.
Saturday, June 4
9 am to 1 pm Too Many Items To
List. Don’t Miss This
$$ CASH PAID $$ You’re in bussiness
Centenary UMC
Computers desks,
outdoor items,dvds
WEST PITTSTON VIDEO GAMES & with classified!
380 Trave furniture & more.
PLAINS Highest $$ Paid
Buying all video

At the Church
systems. PS1 &
Parsonage Xbox, Nintendo, Newly remodeled.
Erie 24 N. Main
Canal/Herkimer Atari, Coleco, 2 bedrooms, 1.5
Saturday June 4th 30+ FAMILY SALE baths, off street
Mine 6/18 Sega, Mattel,
9:00AM-12:30PM Saturday June 4 parking, fenced
Bronx Zoo 6/23 Gameboy,
Some items include 8 am to 3 pm Vectrex etc. yard, some pets
Culinary Inst/Van- 474-477 Strawberry
glass table top with Trinity Church DVD’s, VHS & okay, appliances
der Mansion 6/29 Lane Cul-de-sac 11 Skyview Drive
Knoebels 6/29 stools, many baby 220 Montgomery CDs & Pre 90’s included.
Sand Springs Bow Creek Estates Hilldale Section
Camden items, AC, fans, box Avenue toys, $800/month
486 Long Run Rd. Saturday, June 4th Saturday June 4,
Aquarium/Ferry 7/2 springs & mattress, More Vendors The Video + utilities & security
29 Stone Ridge Rd. 8:00AM to 2:00PM Brook Hollow 8:00AM - 2:00PM
Seneca Wine bed frames & more 57 Sharpe Street Welcome. $10 Game Store Call (570) 899-2665
Friday, 6/3, 8:30-1 Baby items, cloth- Development Wicker mirror,
Tasting 7/6 Saturday June 4th, Space. Must RSVP 1150 S. Main
Saturday, 6/4, 8-3 ing - all sizes, elec- (Crestwood household items,
Dome Train/Tioga Shopping for a 570-654-3261

Household, chil- 7:00AM - 12:00PM tronics, small appli- kids & adult clothes Scranton
Downs 7/9 Industrial Park)
new apartment?
dren's clothing, Tools, toddler ances, something lamps, jewelry Mon - Sat,
1-800-432-8069 Saturday, June 4th 12pm – 6pm
Classified lets toys, much more clothes, exercise for everyone! & much more
8 am to 1 pm 570-822-9929
equipment, patio
412 Autos for Sale you compare costs - furniture & more
Something for
without hassle everyone!!
or worry! 815 Dogs
Get moving
with classified!
WEST PITTSTON of Times Leader
readers read
GTRedCONVERTIBLE *2008 Pulse Research
with black
top. 6,500 miles.
3 females, 1 male.
Parents on

What Do
premises. Ready
One Owner. now. $300 each.
Excellent Condi- Corner of Exeter (570)704-9898
556 Charles Ave.

You Have
tion. $18,500 Ave & Warren St.
233 Smith Street Saturday, June 4 579 Stonehedge Pl 610 Park Ave
570-760-5833 First Presbyterian
Sat. 6/4 8am-2pm 8am - 3pm Fri. 6/3 10am-5pm, Field Crest 906 Homes for Sale

To Sell
Rigid radial arm Contents of large Sat. 6/4, 8am-noon Saturday June 4,
221 Hemlock Terr. Saturday, June 4th
saw $300, Vera lovely home
439 Motorcycles Baby/Nursery Bow Creek 8:00AM - 2:00PM 11 am to 5 pm
purses, Mary Kay, Antique sofa and Items, Boy/Girls Childrens toys,

Friday June 3 & Rain Or Shine
Singer Sewing chairs. 2 complete designer clothes clothes, maternity,
HONDA 2005 SHADOW Saturday June 4, Refreshments 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2
17 Dorchester Dr machine, Adiron- bedroom suites (6months-4T), toys, household items, bath single. 1st
8:00am-1:00pm Available
VLX600, White, Orchard View Terr. dack chair, dorm Hitchcock rocking books, puzzles, stroller, games, etc floor laundry. Many
Sat 6/4 8am-1pm chairs. Wicker furni- No Early Birds!
items, favors, household items...
10,000 miles
& new back tire. Girl/Boy Toddler
clothes & shoes,
jewelry & more! ture. 24 place set-
tings of Moritake N O E ARLY B IRDS P LEASE !
Treasures, Some SUGAR NOTCH WEST WYOMING extras. All new,
inside and out. Rent
$3,000 Antiques, Herbal to own. Owner
(570) 262-3697 or women’s clothes & China. Desert Rose financing available.
shoes, household 100 pieces Candle Plants, Interesting
(570) 542-7213 570-817-0601
items, Coal Stove Wick glassware Stuff!
Leave message Call 829-7130
451 Trucks/
Fireplace Insert,
Baby Gear including
Linens. Many deco-
rative items. Craft
with phone number to place your ad.
SUVs/Vans crib mattresses,
car seat, double
stroller & toys.
FORTY FORT supplies. Vintage
hats. Yard Canopy
Many garage items MOUNTAIN TOP ONL
D .


Too much to list - al
priced to sell!
MOUNTAINTOP 802 Woodland Rd timesleader.com


Saturday June 4
Curios, coffee/end
2 wheel drive YARD SALE!! tables, couch, 32” 862 West 8th St. HANDYMAN’S SPECIAL!

TV & stand, Friday June 3rd 3 bedroom, 1.5
84,000 191 E Center Hill Rd 9am-5pm bath, 2 walk-in
Recliner, Kinkade
original closets in master
Sat 6/4 9am-4pm
Furniture, house-
67 Hughes Street
KINGSTON lamps/picture, crib, Saturday June 4th
bedroom, spacious

miles Fri, 6/3 9am-3pm 58 Yorktown Road baby/toddler toys & 9am-3pm
hold items, numer- Walden Park Antiques, living room, dining
$5,900. Sat, 6/4 9am-1pm clothes, house- room and kitchen,
ous perennials, Honda Lawnmower Friday & Saturday wares and more. collectibles,
or best offer books, Antiques, Stihl 16” Chainsaw, 8:00AM - 4:00PM fishing lures, cement basement
floor, large fenced
570- electronics & much Ridgid Power Kids clothes (2T-14) SWEET VALLEY Tonka trucks,
in backyard with people cite the
824-3096 more! Everything Threader, Fishing toys, household Sat 6/4 8am-2pm Kyttle Pike household items outside deck. Off
must go! Lures new & old items & lots more. Huge Sale! Don’t
Don’t (off of Rt. 118) tools & more street parking and The Times
506 Administrative/ DALLAS
wooden, 2 man
Tree Stand, Camo
Ground Blind, Tools
miss this one!!
Name Brand
Clothing, house-
9+ FAMILIES storage garage.
Located in a nice
Leader as their
primary source
Clerica 556 Ford Avenue
& Tool Boxes, many
Young men’s
hold items, Selling As Is for for shopping
SECRETARY/ other items all in
good condition. designer clothes,
collectables. $50,000
Call (570) 855- information.
boys bike, doctor’s
scale, furniture &
household items
*2008 Pulse Research
Professional office,
Saturday, 8am-3pm 927 Vacation
Exeter. Two part-
35 Westminster Dr. LARKSVILLE Saturday June 4
What Do
no weekends.
Billing experience a
(New Goss Manor)
June 3 & 4
Englewood Terrace
from 8am-3pm
Tools, toys, models
TV’s, slot cars, You Have
To Sell
plus. Email resume: 9am-3pm & 1700/1800 Blocks desk, unusual
fangelellapsyd Boys toddler cloth- of Murray Street
@yahoo.com items, stereo’s, 46 East
ing, household &
63 Valley Stream The Village at trains, books,
yard items, Antique Neighborhood Trailer Park Hollenback Ave.
Mountain Top DVD’s, junior & Off North Main St
wicker chair, Friday & Saturday
542 Logistics/ beveled glass curio Yard & Garage 9:00AM - 4:30PM
Saturday, June 4 women’s clothes, Saturday June 4th
Furnished Lake-
8am - 1pm furniture, games, front property with
Transportation cabinet & more. Sale! Toys, jewelry, Furniture, Electron- lots & lots of stuff.
6AM - Til ?? boat slip. Beautiful
11 Michael Street household items, Plus Size Clothes, recently remodeled
ics, Baby items Multiple sales on purses, cds &
Saturday, June 4 Birchwood Estates nice gifts for 3 bedrooms, 2
tools, clothing, toys Kyttle Pike. MUCH,MUCH more
9am-3pm Saturday 10am-1pm Father’s Day bath house with
Something for & other items. Take EARLY BIRDS
Nuangola Rd to large deck over-
everyone! Every- WELCOME! looking the Lake.
thing is 1/2 price Burma Rd, to Patriot
Call Lou for details.
DALLAS or make me a Circle
Full time position.
reasonable offer.
Don't miss the SWOYERSVILLE
(610) 325-9715

941 Apartments/
Scott St. Location. HANOVER TOWNSHIP
great deals!
Load, unload and
deliver material in
NEPA region. MUST
have a CDL, pass
DOT physical etc
Position offers a ful
37 Huntsville Rd
benefit package
salary commensu-
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PAGE 6B THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 ➛ S P O R T S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com


Torres nets Nowitzski injury

winner for
Canucks takes spotlight
Raffi Torres scored with just By JAIME ARON
AP Sports Writer
18.5 seconds left in third
MIAMI — Brian Cardinal
period to lift Vancouver. took one look at Dirk Nowitzki’s
injured finger, turned to the Dal-
las Mavericks’ trainer and rec- NBA FINALS
By GREG BEACHAM ommended his treatment plan.
AP Sports Writer “Cut it at the knuckle,” Cardi- Miami 1, Dallas 0
VANCOUVER, British Colum- nal said, making a scissors mo- Tuesday : Miami 92, Dallas 84
tion with his right hand. “Like Thursday : Dallas at Miami, 9 p.m.
bia — Raffi Torres ended an ugly
Ronnie Lott.” Sunday: Miami at Dallas, 8 p.m.
Stanley Cup finals opener with a June 7: Miami at Dallas, 9 p.m.
dramatic flash of beauty for the Good thing “Dr.” Cardinal is a
x-June 9: Miami at Dallas, 9 p.m.
Vancouver Canucks. backup forward whose specialty x-June 12: Dallas at Miami, 8 p.m.
Torres scored on an exception- PETE G. WILCOX PHOTOS/THE TIMES LEADER
is comic relief. x-June 14: Dallas at Miami, 9 p.m.
al pass from Jannik Hansen with Nowitzki’s injury was more x-if necessary
Becky McCaffrey (far left) of Dallas takes a picture of Jim Shedlock of Plains (left) and Don Bro-
source of fun than concern All games on NBC
18.5 seconds to play, and the Ca- minski of Dallas with NFL Hall Of Famer and former Chicago Bears football coach Mike Ditka just
Wednesday, starting from the
nucks stunned the Boston Bruins prior to the start of the 28th Annual Distinguished Citizens Award Dinner hosted by the North-
moment he woke up. He expect-
1-0 Wednesday eastern Pennsylvania Council-Boy Scouts of America held at Genetti’s in Wilkes-Barre on strip the ball from Chris Bosh
ed the torn tendon at the tip of
night. Wednesday. with a little under 4 minutes left
his left middle finger to be sore
Roberto Lu- in the opener. He knew some-
and throbbing and it wasn’t ei-

Ditka lauds Scouts as ‘future’

ongo made 36 thing serious was wrong be-
saves in his third cause he couldn’t straighten the
So only the devilish teasers
shutout of the tip. The injury is known as a
were even considering a Lott-
postseason for “mallet finger” and generally
like amputation of his fingertip.
takes six to eight weeks to heal.
For The Times Leader
Nowitzki took the practice
court wearing a splint to keep
With only quick, courtside
treatment, Nowitzki managed
Tim Thomas the finger straight and figures to his 1 of 2 shots and all four
matched him WILKES-BARRE – Hall of it’ll be mostly a nuisance for the
0 until Torres —
the only Van-
Fame coach and NFL icon Mike
Ditka confessed when he accept-
next month or two. He and
shooting coach Holger Gesch-
free throws after the incident.
He was 6 of 16 while healthy.
BRUINS Because the problem is on No-
couver player ed an invitation to be the guest windner were planning their witzki’s non-shooting hand,
with previous fi- speaker at Genetti’s Hotel and own workout later Wednesday most of what he does will not be
nals experience Convention Center in his home to see which moves Nowitzki affected.
— slipped state, he had no idea what he had can and can’t make and to come But some of his game will be.
through the de- agreed to. up with ways to compensate, He likes to drive to his left,
fense for a beau- “I didn’t know what I was get- starting with Game 2 of the dribbling hard to get to his fa-
tiful goal that ting myself in to, but I said OK,” NBA finals against the Miami vorite shooting spots or taking
launched a wild celebration at the Hall of Famer said. “To be Heat on Thursday night. it all the way to the rim. It also
Rogers Arena. honest, I am really glad I did.” “Hey, (Rajon) Rondo played could affect him on defense;
“I thought we were going to Ditka spoke Wednesday night with one arm, so he might be don’t expect him to swipe down
play all night the way it was go- in front of a packed dining hall at able to play with nine fingers,” on the ball with the ferocity he
ing,” Luongo said. “It was an ex- the Northeastern Pennsylvania Geschwindner said, smiling. did on the play when he was in-
Nowitzki already is experi- jured.
citing way to start the series. It Council Boy Scouts of America’s
menting with different bandag- “I think once the game starts,
was such a close game. It could’ve 28th annual Distinguished Citi-
es. Trainer Casey Smith said, the adrenaline starts flowing, I
gone either way, a flip of the zens Award Dinner . Charles E. Mike Ditka was guest speaker at the Distinguished Citizens “We’re going to make it as small
coin.” Parente and Tim Speicher – both don’t think it will really slow me
Award Dinner hosted by the NE Pennsylvania Council-Boy as we can,” and indeed Nowitz- down much,” Nowitzki said.
Thomas stopped 33 shots for former scouts – received the two Scouts of America. ki’s wrap at the start of practice “I’m not really worried about it.”
the Bruins, who went scoreless awards being presented, handed was smaller than what he had at Maybe he should be.
on six power plays. Boston to them by Co-Chairmen Mat- a news conference a few min- Because Miami knows where

Boy Scouts honor Parente, Speicher

played outstanding defense until thew A. Cartwright, Esq. and utes before. He was down to a he’s hurting, and everyone
the NHL’s highest-scoring team Greg Collins. hard splint under the knuckle at knows how much Nowitzki
finally connected in the final min- The awards are given to honor the tip of his left middle finger, means to Dallas, it only makes
ute. those for their commitment to The Times Leader staff the coach held on by strips of white tape. sense that guys are going to
Game 2 is Saturday night in the betterment of Northeastern The Northeastern Pennsyl- who took The bandage looped around the swipe at his hands more than ev-
Vancouver. Pennsylvania, according to the vania Council-Boy Scouts of the time to knuckle and tip, leaving the nail er, knowing that even if they
Boston also killed six Canucks organizations website. The din- America honored two area participate and top exposed. don’t snatch the ball, they might
power plays in an outstanding de- ner helped raised over $162,000 businessmen as Distin- in this Nowitzki was hurt trying to rattle the splint.
fensive game led by captain Zde- that will go to towards operation guished Citizens at a dinner event. I
no Chara, but Torres’ goal ended coast of the Northeastern Penn- Wednesday night. know he

Shaq calling it quits

the 37-year-old Thomas’ shutout sylvania Council, as well as the Charles E. Parente, a Parente did this as a
streak at just under 129 minutes. Boys Scouts of America, accord- King’s College cum laude favor for
He hadn’t allowed a goal since ing to Cartwright. alumnus, is an investing part- me, but I also know that he
Game 6 of the Eastern Confer- Ditka used his opening com- ner in numerous business believes in scouting as a

after legendary run

ence finals, shutting out Tampa ments to talk about the bleak ventures including CP Media means of aiding in the forma-
Bay in Game 7. times in American society today LLC, owner and operator of tion of strong leaders.”
Ryan Kesler’s pass set up the fi- and its bright future in the Channel 56, WOLF-TV. He is Also honored was Thomas
nal-minute scoring sequence in a scouts. also chief executive officer (Tim) Speicher, president of
tense, tight-checking game fea- “We as Americans take for and investor in Pagnotti En- T-R Associates, a telecommu- By JIMMY GOLEN him greatly.
turing stellar defense and bad- granted our freedoms and liber- terprises Inc. nications equipment fabrica- AP Sports Writer We hope we
tempered play by both clubs. ties,” Ditka said. “To see these Parente had been involved tor which he founded in 1976. BOSTON — He was a prolific can find ways
Canucks forward Alex Bur- young men up here creating a as managing partner and Speicher earned degrees producer of rebounds and record to keep him in-
rows even appeared to bite the better system for better opportu- CEO of Parente, Randolph from Keystone College, the albums. And nicknames, too, as if volved in the
gloved finger of Boston’s Patrice nities throughout their lives is PC, certified public account- University of Scranton, Penn at 7-foot-1and 350 pounds he was game.”
Bergeron after the first-period special.” ants, and president and CEO State University and Harvard too big for the simple “Shaq” that O’Neal, 39,
buzzer, raising the possibility of a Speicher earned four degrees, of C-TEC Corp. Business School. made him an instantly recogniz- O’Neal retires fifth all-
suspension for the Canucks’ ram- including one from Harvard He and his wife, Mary, have “The most difficult part of able, one-name star in all of his time with
bunctious first-line wing. Business School, and is currently four children. this is thanking everyone endeavors. 28,596 points, 12th with 13,099
Both teams entered their first the president of T-R Associates, “I am very grateful for the who’s been a part of this jour- Shaquille O’Neal had more rebounds, and a .582 field goal
playoff meeting looking to end which he founded in 1976. His honor bestowed on us to- ney,” said Speicher. than 28,000 points and almost 4 percentage that is second only to
lengthy Stanley Cup droughts. company is a global supply ser- night,” said Parente. “I owe a Speicher and his wife, million Twitter followers. He ap- Artis Gilmore among players
Vancouver has never won the vice to oil exploration compa- personal debt of gratitude to Joann, have two children. peared in six NBA finals, three with more than 2,000 baskets.
NHL title in four decades of exist- nies, as well as a regional com- times as the MVP, and seven fea- His free throw percentage of .527
ence, losing its only two trips to puter hardware assembly and ture films, twice in a starring role. — well, now is not the time to
the finals in 1982 and 1994. Bos- network products distribution. A 15-time All-Star, four-time dwell on that.
ton has lost five straight finals “The most difficult part of this believes in scouting as a means of we don’t understand a lot,” he champion and the 2000 NBA “I’m a little bit sad,” said Heat
since winning in 1972. is thanking everyone who’s been aiding in the formation of strong added. Most Valuable Player, the 39- president Pat Riley, who also
After a full week off, the Ca- a part of this journey,” said leaders.” Only the second person in his- year-old O’Neal announced his coached O’Neal when he won a ti-
nucks came out with palpable en- Speicher. A former boy scout himself, tory to win a championship as a retirement on Twitter on tle in Miami and watched Ka-
ergy from a crowd that shook the He is also the Past Command- Ditka is well-known for his iconic player, assistant coach and head Wednesday after spending most reem Abdul-Jabbar, Patrick Ew-
arena violently enough to dis- er for the Ambrose Revels Amer- image as the head coach of the coach, Ditka also gave his opinon of his 19th season on the Boston ing and Alonzo Mourning when
lodge a bit of confetti left over ican legion Post #328. 1985 Super Bowl champion Chi- on the current NFL lockout and Celtics bench, in street clothes they retired. “It’s been an honor
from the Western Conference fi- Parente, a King’s College cago Bears. sarcastically wondered aloud as because of leg injuries. to be part of coaching great, great
nals onto the ice before the game. alum, is an investing partner, Recalling his days at Aliquippa to why a problem even existed. Along with a mid-afternoon players. And he will go down as
But the officials kept both whose business investments in- to his All-American career at the “It’s a power struggle. It’s tweet saying, “im retiring,” one of the greatest of all time.”
teams on a steady parade to the clude CP Media, owner and oper- University of Pittsburgh to head about egos,” he said. “I don’t O’Neal included a link to a16-sec- Appropriately, O’Neal’s retire-
penalty box in the first two peri- ator of Channel 56, WOLF-TV coach in the NFL, Ditka said to- knowwhattheycouldbefighting ond video of him saying, “We did ment became the No. 1 trending
ods, a big change from the and CEO of Pagnotti and Enter- day’s citizens need to adjust how about, it’s only $9 billion dollars.” it; 19 years, baby. Thank you very topic on the social networking
Bruins’ penalty-free Game 7 in prises, Inc. they think and act. Ditka concluded by saying much. That’s why I’m telling you site he embraced by early eve-
the Eastern Conference finals “I am very grateful for the hon- “Our freedoms and liberties there should be no question why first: I’m about to retire. Love ning, and his former teammates
against Tampa Bay. or bestowed on us tonight,” said don’t exist anywhere else in the the scouts will be successful in you. Talk to you soon.” and opponents took to Twitter to
The Bruins again were hurt by Parente. “I owe a personal debt of world,” said Ditka. “Living in the near future. An inveterate prankster who wish him luck.
their terrible power play, which gratitude to the coach who took America is not about holding “These kids work their butts gave himself a new nickname — “Shaq not only dominated the
managed just five goals in 61 the time to participate in this your hand out, it’s about raising off, its not complicated,” Ditka or several — in each of his six game of basketball but also dom-
chances in the Eastern Confer- event. I know he did this as a fa- the country up. said. “They got their heads NBA cities, O’Neal did not notify inated off the court w/ his big
ence playoffs. vorforme,butIalsoknowthathe “If we don’t understand that, screwed on right.” his latest team, leaving it wonder- personality. Hes 1 of the greatest
ing about his plans. He played entertainers,” Magic Johnson
just 37 games this season, the said. “Thank you Shaq for lead-

the fourth, with another boost when Durham and Lambo both greeted the left-hander with a first of a two-year deal at the vet- ing the Lakers to 3 titles. We
from Pena. Between singles by fouled out. double and advanced to third on eran’s minimum salary, making loved every minute of it!”
Alex Presley and Hague, Marte The Indians threatened again Luis Nunez’s single. When Aus- just three brief appearances after O’Neal spent three years at
lined a sharp drive that Pena in the seventh after Mitchell tin Krum bounced back to the Feb. 1. Louisiana State and was the big
Continued from Page 1B
snared with an acrobatic dive to fanned the first two batters. Tore- box, Nunez took second while “He’s a giant,” commissioner prize when the Orlando Magic
sacrifice bunt by Miles Durham, his right. gas then lined a double down the Brewer held up at third. David Stern said Wednesday at won the 1992 draft lottery and se-
and a walk to Andrew Lambo. “I was just trying to keep fo- left field line and took third on a Indianapolis closer Tom Wood the NBA finals in Miami. “He’s lected him first overall. He took
Mitchell then got Wyatt Tore- cused on the game, and keep my wild pitch, but Mitchell retired replaced Watson, and got Pena physically imposing; he has an them from the lottery to the play-
gas to bounce to Pena, who eye on the ball,” said Pena. “It Gorkys Hernandez on a fly to cen- on a grounder to first. But Brewer imposing smile. In the game, he offs in two years, and then led
stepped on second for the force was a good thing I made it.” ter for the final out. crossed home plate on the play to imposed his will, and he has done them to the NBA finals in his
and fired to first for a double play. The runners moved up on a In the eighth inning Watson end the deadlock. it for quite a long time. It’s been a third year before they were swept
Mitchell stranded two more in wild pitch, but were left stranded took over for Burres. Dan Brewer great run, and we’re going to miss by the Houston Rockets.

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ F R E N C H O P E N THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 PAGE 7B

Nadal advances Sharapova in semis

in bid for career slam
with strong win By HOWARD FENDRICH
AP Tennis Writer
PARIS — Everything came
so quickly for Maria Sharapova
of Italy, the de-
fending cham-
pion, will play
No. 11 Marion
Defending French Open At a glance at the start of her tennis career. Bartoli of
PARIS — A look at the French Wimbledon champion at age 17. France. They
champion moves closer to Open on Wednesday: Ranked No. 1 at 18. Second ma- won quarterfi-
showdown against Djokovic. Weather: Sunny and windy. jor title at 19, third at 20. Sharapova nals Tuesday.
High of 72 degrees.
Surgery on her right shoulder Bartoli is only
Attendance: 28,967.
Men’s Quarterfinal Results: in October 2008 put a halt to all the fourth Frenchwoman in the
By HOWARD FENDRICH No. 1 Rafael Nadal beat No. 5 of that. Getting her game back Open era, which began in 1968,
AP Tennis Writer Robin Soderling 6-4, 6-1, 7-6 in order required patience. And to get this far at Roland Garros.
PARIS — At last, Rafael Nadal (3); No. 4 Andy Murray beat with a 6-0, 6-3 victory over 15th- Both Sharapova and Li have
sounded satisfied. Juan Ignacio Chela 7-6 (2), 7-5, seeded Andrea Petkovic of Ger- are much more comfortable on
Then again, what could he pos- 6-2. many on Wednesday, Sharapo- hard courts than clay, where
Women’s Quarterfinal
sibly have complained about Results: No. 6 Li Na beat No. 4 va reached the French Open hard shots are slowed, and the
Wednesday? The five-time Victoria Azarenka 7-5, 6-2; No. semifinals, the first time she’s footing required can be rather
French Open champion reached 7 Maria Sharapova beat No. 15 made it that far at any Grand tricky. Back in 2007, the only
the semifinals and improved his Andrea Petkovic 6-0, 6-3. Slam tournament in more than other year Sharapova made it to
career record at Roland Garros to Stat of the Day: 13 — unforced three years. the French Open semifinals, she
43-1 with a clean-as-can-be 6-4, errors by Nadal against “There’s no doubt there’s famously described sometimes
Soderling, who made 41.
6-1, 7-6 (3) victory over the only Quote of the Day: “Even in
tough moments. I don’t think feeling like “a cow on ice” when
man he’s ever lost to there, two- practice, he plays well against without tough moments the first getting to the clay-court
time runner-up Robin Soderling. me, so I don’t expect him to AP PHOTO good ones would feel so good,” portion of the season.
“Today, I played better. Much play badly on Friday.” — Murray, Defending champion Rafael Nadal returns the ball to Robin Soder- the seventh-seeded Sharapova Before now, Li’s best per-
better, in my opinion,” Nadal looking ahead to his semifinal ling during their quarterfinal match of the French Open tennis said. “I have certainly put in a formance in Paris was getting
said. “It was nothing secret, noth- against Nadal. tournament at the Roland Garros stadium in Paris Wednesday. lot of work, and I was never hes- to the fourth round in 2009. She
On Court today: Li vs.
ing magic. ... I found a lot of solu- itant. I always tried to push my- lost to Sharapova, who’s won
Sharapova, No. 5 Francesca
tions.” Schiavone vs. No. 11 Marion It’s the 12th time in the history Sasha Vujacic, in the stands. “I’m self as much as I could.” five of their seven career meet-
After Nadal’s previous match, Bartoli in the women’s of the Open era, which began in really happy that it’s here.” The owner of titles from the ings.
he chided himself for not hitting semifinals. 1968, that the top four seeded Li, who became the first Chi- other three major tournaments, But Li was steady as can be
the ball with conviction and fret- men reached the semifinals at a nese player to reach any major fi- a championship at Roland Gar- against Azarenka, compiling
ted that his level of tennis wasn’t On Friday, the top-seeded Na- Grand Slam tournament — and nal at the Australian Open in Ja- ros would make Sharapova the nearly twice as many winners,
good enough to win the tourna- dal will take on No. 4 Andy Mur- first since the 2006 French Open. nuary, was a 7-5, 6-2 winner over 10th woman to complete a ca- 21-11.
ment a sixth time, which would ray, who became only the third In contrast, none of the top four No. 4 Victoria Azarenka. reer Grand Slam. “After I win the match, I was
tie Bjorn Borg’s record for the British man in the last 70 years to seeded players will participate in “So many people think I’m not In the semifinals Thursday, feeling, ’Wow! I can play semi in
most by a man in history. reach the French Open semifinals the women’s semifinals Thurs- so good (on a) clay court,” Li said, she’ll face No. 6 Li Na of China, Roland Garros,”’ Li said. “I nev-
Against Soderling, Nadal was by beating unseeded Juan Igna- day, when No. 5 Francesca Schia- “but I think now they should who advanced by beating No. 4 er think about that before. So
at his “King of Clay” best. cio Chela of Argentina 7-6 (2), vone of Italy, the defending cham- change a little bit.” Victoria Azarenka of Belarus many people think I’m not so
He scrambled along the base- 7-5, 6-2. Murray’s been playing pion, faces No. 11 Marion Bartoli No one ever has doubted Na- 7-5, 6-2. Li was the runner-up in good (on a) clay court, but I
line to dig out and get back shots with a torn tendon in his right an- of France, and No. 6 Li Na of Chi- dal’s proficiency on the slow, red January at the Australian Open, think now they should change a
that would be winners against kle since twisting it in the third na meets No. 7 Maria Sharapova surface. where she became the first Chi- little bit.”
most anyone else. He went from round, and he trailed Chela 4-1, of Russia. Since 2005, the year he won his nese tennis player to reach a Sharapova might say the
defense to offense in a blink, win- then 5-3, before saving two set For Sharapova, who had right first French Open title in his tour- Grand Slam final. same.
ning 14 of the first 19 points that points and turning the match shoulder surgery in October nament debut, Nadal is 198-8 on In the other women’s semifi-
lasted at least 10 strokes, accord- around. 2008, it’s her first major semifinal clay, including an 81-match un- nal, No. 5 Francesca Schiavone
ing to the AP’s tally. He made a “Just a really scrappy match,” in more than three years, and she beaten streak that ended in 2007.
hard-to-believe 13 unforced er- said Murray, who is 0-3 in Grand is bidding to complete a career The only blemish on his Roland
rors total; Soderling made 41. Na-
dal broke in each of the first two
games the 6-foot-4 Soderling
Slam finals. “I didn’t start partic-
ularly well and then got a little bit
better, started moving a bit bet-
Grand Slam. She won Wimble-
don in 2004, the U.S. Open in
2006, and the Australian Open in
Garros record remains a fourth-
round loss in 2009 to Soderling.
But Nadal beat the Swede in last
served, six times in all. ter, towards the end of the first 2008, but never has been to a final year’s final in straight sets and PA012959
“He played really good. It’s the set.” in Paris. was just as dominant Wednesday.
first match this tournament that
he played well all the time,” said
Toni Nadal, Rafael’s uncle and
The other men’s semifinal is
No. 2 Novak Djokovic, who is 41-0
in 2011 and has won 43 consecu-
“I put a lot of work in to be in
this stage of the Grand Slams,”
Sharapova said after beating No. FETCH’S THE BES T 18 Hole Public Golf Course
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coach. “Well, only in the third set tive matches overall, against No. 15 Andrea Petkovic of Germany Kielbassi & Meat Market RO O FIN G Junior Clinics, Ladies Clinics
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Retail anxiety A job market reading New claims for Diamond Food earnings DMND $72.64
unemployment benefits Diamond has been buying other $75
Gas prices kept rising for much of May. And food got Economists expect just a slight
65 ’10 ’11
more expensive. So as retailers announce sales figures dip in the latest count of people big-name snack makers, so $41.45
for last month, the concern is that consumers spent less who applied for unemployment investors will want to hear in its 55
on clothing and home items benefits for the first time. The fiscal third-quarter report 45
because they had to pay number has been fluctuating in
424k 419k whether it plans more acquisi- 35

more for the essentials. recent weeks, including a sur- tions. In April, Diamond agreed est.
estimate Operating
Adding to that concern: the prising increase in the week to buy the Pringles brand of
EPS $0.30 $0.48
Conference Board’s con- ended May 21. Investors will (-1%) snacks from Procter & Gamble.
sumer confidence survey be paying particularly close It bought the Kettle brand of 3Q ’10 3Q ’11
for May. It showed that attention to last week’s read- potato chips in 2009. The
people worried not only ing, because it comes a day company’s second-quarter earn- Price-to-earnings ratio: 44
Week ending Week ending based on past 12 months’ results
about higher prices, but before the Labor Department’s ings more than doubled from a
also the difficult job and report on how many jobs were May 21 May 28 year earlier, but earnings and Dividend: $0.18 Div. Yield: 0.2%
housing markets. created during May. Source: The Labor Department revenue fell short of forecasts. Source: FactSet


BUSINESS timesleader.com



Home price news has one bright spot

By ANDREW M. SEDER “While the economic recovery is still yearpricesdeclinedby2.74percentinApril sales figures: North Dakota (4.2 percent),
U.S. auto
aseder@timesleader.com fragile and one data point is not a trend, the compared to April 2010 and declined by Vermont (3.4percent), New York (3.2 per-
Home prices at the national, state and re-
gional levels declined yet again in April
when compared to figures from one year
month-over-month increase based on April
sales activity is a positive sign. This is the
first month-over-month increase in the HPI
since government support for home buying
5.41 percent in March compared to March
The local numbers weren’t as drastic as
those reported at the national level. Nation-
cent), Washington, D.C. (2.2 percent), Mis-
sissippi (1.4 percent), and Alaska (1 per-
cent). Pennsylvania ranked 22nd national-
ly, falling 4 percent.
loss $14B
However, there was one positive that was removed, and it provides reason for al home prices, including distressed sales, Excluding distressed sales, the five
came out of a report released Wednesday cautious optimism,” said Mark Fleming, declined by 7.5 percent in April compared states with the highest appreciation were: Associated Press
by CoreLogic, a Santa Ana, Calif.-based pro- chief economist for CoreLogic. to April 2010 after declining by 6.8 percent West Virginia (8.4 percent), South Carolina WASHINGTON — The Oba-
viderofinformation,analyticsandbusiness Home prices in the Scranton/Wilkes- in March compared to March 2010. Exclud- (6.1 percent), Hawaii (5.8 percent), Missis- ma administration said Wednes-
services. Home prices nationally increased Barre market, including distressed sales, ing distressed sales, year-over-year prices sippi (5 percent) and North Dakota (4.5 day that the government will lose
on a month-to-month basis by 0.7 percent declined by 6.92 percent in April compared declined by 0.5 percent in April compared percent). about $14 billion in taxpayer
between March and April, the first such in- to April 2010. A month earlier, home prices to April 2010 and by 1.6 percent in March Including distressed sales, the five states funds from the bailout of the U.S.
crease since the federal home-buyer tax declined by 6.74 percent compared to 2011 compared to March 2010. with the greatest depreciation were: Idaho auto industry, a third of the loss
credit expired in mid-2010. It halted a March 2010. Distressed sales include short Nationally, only five states and the Dis- (-15.2 percent), Michigan (-13.2 percent), officials had initially estimated.
streak of eight consecutive months of de- sales and real estate owned (REO) transac- trict of Columbia had positive home price Arizona (-11.9 percent), Rhode Island (-11.6 In a report from the president’s
clining sales prices. tions.Excludingdistressedsales,year-over- appreciations when including distressed percent) and Nevada (-11.4 percent). National Economic Council, offi-
cials said that figure is down from
the 60 percent the Treasury De-
partment originally estimated
I N B R I E F the government would lose after
its $80 billion bailout of Chrysler
Manufacturing pace slows and General Motors in 2009.
The report’s release coincides
U.S. manufacturing activity expand- with the administration’s efforts
ed in May at the slowest pace in 20 to tout the bailout’s role in the re-
months, the latest sign that the sharp vitalization of the U.S. auto in-
rise in energy prices is hampering dustry after last week’s announ-
economic growth. cement that Chrysler is repaying
The Institute for Supply Manage- $5.9 billion in U.S. loans and a
ment, a trade group of purchasing $1.7 billion loan from the Cana-
executives, says its index of manu- dian government. Those pay-
facturing activity fell to 53.5 percent in ments cover most of the federal
May from 60.4 in April. While that bailout money that saved the
marked the 22nd straight month of company after it nearly ran out of
growth, the decline was the biggest cash in and went through a gov-
since 1984. Any reading above 50 in- ernment-led bankruptcy.
dicates growth.
For President Barack Obama,
The index had topped 60 for the first
four months of the year. the auto industry comeback is
one of the few bright spots in an
otherwise sluggish economic re-
Penn National buying resort covery. What’s more, the auto in-
dustry has a big footprint in key
Penn National Gaming Inc. says it is
presidential battleground states
completing its acquisition of a Las
Vegas-area resort. like Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and
The Wyomissing-based casino oper- Missouri.
ator announced Wednesday that its General Motors Co., which al-
takeover of the M Resort in Henderson so went through bankruptcy, re-
follows its purchase in October 2010 of ceived a $49.5 billion U.S. bai-
outstanding debt from Bank of Scot- lout. The federal government has
land for $230.5 million, and requisite lowered its equity stake in the
regulatory approvals. AP PHOTO
company from 61 percent to 26.5
In a statement, company chief Peter Traders Sal Suarino, left, and Robert Degaetano work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange on Wednesday.
percent of GM after selling part
M. Carlino said he expects M Resort of the stake in November. Ford
Stocks took a dive on worrying reports on jobs and manufacturing.

Fears sink market

operating results will rise as the Las did not seek federal government
Vegas economy improves. assistance.
Penn National operates 26 facilities “In the last year, the Detroit
in 17 states and the Canadian province Three have all gained market
of Ontario. share, they have all added jobs
and they have all shown the abil-
TL reproduction honored By STAN CHOE and DAVID K. RANDALL WALL STREET dex had been as high as 61.4 in February.
ity to make money,” Ron Bloom,
Obama’s top adviser on manufac-
AP Business Writers Private employers added just 38,000 jobs
The Times Leader has earned a DOW S&P NASDAQ turing, said in reference to the
certificate from Specifications for NEW YORK — Fears that the economy 12,290.14 1,314.55 2,769.19 in May, down from 177,000 in April, ac-
—279.65 —30.65 —66.11 three U.S. car makers.
Newsprint Advertising Production, or isstallingsenttheDowJonesindustrialav- cording to payroll processor ADP. Analy- Bloom declined to say when
SNAP, for reproduction quality. It’s the erage down 280 points, erasing more than sts had expected180,000 new jobs. the government would sell its re-
only newspaper in Pennsylvania to aquarterofthestockmarket’sgainsforthe “It looks like this recovery has hit its sec- maining stake in GM. The com-
earn the designation this year and one year. Treasury bond yields fell to their low- ond‘softpatch,’whichforarecoverythatis pany’s stock price fluctuated be-
of only 20 newspapers nationally. est level since December as traders put a Treasury bond fell to 2.95 percent. Bond less than two years old is troubling,” said tween $29 and $39 over the last
The recognition signifies that The higher value on safer investments. yields fall when prices rise. Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist for
Times Leader’s print quality is up to two months. It was selling at
The Dow Jones industrial average drop- Doubts about the economy’s strength Capital Economics. $30.81 per share on Wednesday.
the SNAP specifications, which are the
top of the industry standards. ped 279.65 points, or 2.2 percent, to that built in May were compounded by The manufacturing and jobs reports, The administration’s decision
12,290.14. It was the biggest point drop since were weaker-than-expected reports on plus a decline in automobile sales in May, to promote the industry and the
June 4 of last year, and the largest percentage manufacturing and jobs. The Institute for led several economists to lower their ex- role of the bailouts came on the
Early Priuses recalled dropsinceAugust.TheS&Pindexlost30.65, Supply Management’s manufacturing in- pectations for the year. JP Morgan was same day the industry reported a
or 2.3 percent, to1,314.55. The Nasdaq com- dex fell to 53.5 in May from 60.4 in April. A among a handful of investment banks that falloff in May sales after an ag-
Toyota recalled 106,000 first-gener-
ation Prius hybrid cars globally on posite fell 66.11, or 2.3 percent, to 2,769.19. readingofmorethan50indicatestheman- revised down its estimate for GDP growth gressive performance earlier this
Wednesday for faulty steering caused The yield on the benchmark 10-year ufacturing industry is growing, but the in- in the second quarter to 2 percent. year.
by a nut that may come loose.
The single minor accident suspected
of being related to the problem was

Apple to announce iCloud service Monday; stay tuned for details

reported in the U.S., according to Toyo-
ta Motor Corp.
The latest recall from Toyota affects
48,000 Prius vehicles in Japan. It also
affects 58,000 vehicles sold abroad,
including 52,000 Prius cars sold from
2001 through 2003 in the U.S., compa-
ny spokesman Paul Nolasco said.
to new releases,
Apple is notoriously
sketchy in-
Conference in San Francisco, and
Apple founder Steve Jobs will be the
keynote speaker at the event.
Toyota says loose nuts in the electric- cagey. TECH TALK available, This development all seems to fol-
power steering can cause the vehicle, if It cleverly drops there’s no word low a pattern of following long-range
operated over a long time, to steer with hints, allows dribs ently purchased the iCloud domain, as to how trends – first build mobile, web-en-
too much force. and drabs of info to forcing Xcerion to redirect to the far much this will abled devices that are heavily depend-
The problem can be fixed by putting seep out, whatever it less catchy “cloudme.com.” all cost – simi- ent on the Internet to function. Then
in better nuts and will take about four
takes to build just the right amount of I wonder how much they paid for lar services develop a cloud-based infrastructure
hours, it said.
suspense for any new product launch. the domain? either charge a on which users can host and store
When it comes to its new iCloud Apple has also been hinting that it nominal fee or are content.
service, the same can be said. Will this intends to revitalize its MobileMe freely available. I expect Apple has a few interesting
be a major release? What does it en- service, which allows you to transfer In addition to this tricks up its sleeve in the coming year
tail? What does it mean for existing files and data to Apple mobile devices announcement, or two.
and new Apple customers? via the Internet. Apple is expected to Use your smartphone’s scan reader
$3.72 $3.94 $2.69 Well, we can immediately guess a In addition, the company has also offer more informa- on the QR code found in this column
few of the details here. formed partnerships with EMI, Uni- tion on upcoming releases for the to be directed to the Apple press re-
$4.06 iCloud was a primary URL of the versal, Sony Music and Warner – it iPhone and iPad, as well as updates lease on iCloud.
07/17/08 Xcerion corporation, developers of a already offers songs from these labels about the latest version of its desktop
product called iCloud, a cloud-based in iTunes, but it’s possible that the operating system, codenamed “Lion.” Nick DeLorenzo is director of Interactive
operating system. No, Apple has not agreements pertain to rights for host- These announcements will take and New Media for The Times Leader. Write
purchased Xcerion, but it has appar- ing or storing music online. place at the World Wide Developers’ him at ndelorenzo@timesleader.com.

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ T H E M A R K E T I N R E V I E W THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 PAGE 9B

S&P 500
q -30.65 NASDAQ
q -66.11 DOW
q -279.65 6-MO T-BILLS
q -.01 10-YR T-NOTE
q -.08 GOLD
Stocks of Local Interest
+6.50 EURO
q -.0004 CRUDE OIL
q -2.41

1,360 S&P 500 2,840 Nasdaq composite 52-WEEK YTD 52-WEEK YTD
1,320 Close: 1,314.55 2,780 Close: 2,769.19 HIGH LOW NAME TKR DIV LAST CHG %CHG HIGH LOW NAME TKR DIV LAST CHG %CHG
Change: -30.65 (-2.3%) Change: -66.11 (-2.3%) 96.00 64.13 AirProd APD 2.32 92.10 -2.99 +1.3 96.15 72.03 M&T Bk MTB 2.80 85.88 -2.42 -1.3
1,280 10 DAYS 2,720 10 DAYS 30.70 19.78 AmWtrWks AWK .88 29.61 -.40 +17.1 83.08 65.31 McDnlds MCD 2.44 80.98 -.56 +5.5
51.50 38.84 Amerigas APU 2.96 44.76 -.64 -8.3 24.98 19.27 NBT Bcp NBTB .80 21.08 -.91 -12.7
23.79 16.65 AquaAm WTR .62 22.16 -.61 -1.4 9.26 3.64 NexstarB NXST ... 6.84 -.06 +14.2
1,400 2,880 38.02 24.42 ArchDan ADM .64 31.11 -1.30 +3.4
299.60 183.70 AutoZone AZO ... 293.11 -.89 +7.5 65.19 49.43 PNC PNC 1.40 59.97 -2.45 -1.2
16.10 10.91 BkofAm BAC .04 11.24 -.50 -15.7 28.38 24.10 PPL Corp PPL 1.40 27.96 -.23 +6.2
1,360 32.50 23.78 BkNYMel BK .52 27.13 -.98 -10.2 17.72 11.98 PennMill PMIC ... 17.38 -.02 +31.4
2,800 17.49 6.08 BonTon BONT .20 10.19 -.44 -19.5 17.34 10.03 PenRE PEI .60 16.44 -.72 +13.1
50.00 29.12 CIGNA CI .04 49.18 -.71 +34.2 71.89 60.32 PepsiCo PEP 2.06 70.29 -.31 +7.6
1,320 39.50 26.84 CVS Care CVS .50 38.38 -.31 +10.4 71.75 42.94 PhilipMor PM 2.56 71.07 -.68 +21.4
2,720 68.77 49.47 CocaCola KO 1.88 66.76 -.05 +1.5 67.72 58.92 ProctGam PG 2.10 66.40 -.60 +3.2
27.16 16.76 Comcast CMCSA .45 24.44 -.80 +11.8
1,280 28.95 21.33 CmtyBkSy CBU .96 23.93 -1.15 -13.8 67.52 48.56 Prudentl PRU 1.15 60.77 -3.01 +3.5
42.50 22.33 CmtyHlt CYH ... 27.90 -.74 -25.3 17.11 10.05 SLM Cp SLM .40 16.57 -.37 +31.6
2,640 37.19 25.61 CoreMark CORE ... 34.83 -.91 -2.1 60.00 32.41 SLM pfB SLMpB 4.63 58.45 +.26 +33.4
1,240 13.63 4.97 Entercom ETM ... 8.38 -.89 -27.6 30.50 20.40 SoUnCo SUG .60 29.55 -.78 +22.8
21.02 7.71 FairchldS FCS ... 17.59 -.45 +12.7 13.46 7.06 Supvalu SVU .35 9.60 -.66 -.3
9.84 6.96 FrontierCm FTR .75 8.70 -.15 -10.6 54.94 39.56 TJX TJX .76 52.00 -1.02 +17.1
1,200 2,560 18.71 13.09 Genpact G .18 15.96 -.06 +5.0
D J F M A M D J F M A M 13.74 8.08 HarteHnk HHS .32 7.62 -.58 -40.3
33.53 24.90 UGI Corp UGI 1.04 32.71 -.07 +3.6
55.00 42.88 Heinz HNZ 1.92 53.72 -1.20 +8.6 38.95 25.79 VerizonCm VZ 1.95 36.27 -.66 +1.4
58.20 45.31 Hershey HSY 1.38 55.25 -.48 +17.2 57.90 47.77 WalMart WMT 1.46 54.30 -.92 +.7

StocksRecap DOW
t s
35.44 27.59
27.45 19.35


DOW Util.
Combined Stocks
Vol. (in mil.) 4,407 2,249 NYSE Comp. 8477.28 8275.60 8281.59 -195.69 -2.31% t t s +3.99% Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD
Pvs. Volume 4,103 2,402 AMEX Index 2438.84 2391.20 2393.55 -43.61 -1.79% s t s +8.39% ABB Ltd 26.27 -.63 +17.0 Clearwire 4.47 -.13 -13.2 Greif A 65.01 -1.11 +5.0 Meritage 23.98 -1.02 +8.0 ProUShEuro17.24 +.13 -15.1 TD Ameritr 20.28 -1.27 +6.8
Advanced 552 426 AEP Ind 29.35 -1.35 +13.1 CliffsNRs 87.91 -2.79 +12.7 GpoTMM 2.01 +.07 -19.6 Mesab 31.77 -.80 -17.5 ProgrssEn 47.22 -.40 +8.6 TE Connect36.59 -.24 +3.4
NASDAQ 2834.05 2767.63 2769.19 -66.11 -2.33% s t s +4.38% AES Corp 12.74 -.22 +4.6 Clorox 69.34 -1.14 +9.6 HCA Hld n 34.77 -.12 +12.1 MetLife 42.63 -1.47 -4.1 ProgsvCp 21.10 -.55 +6.2 TECO 18.87 -.33 +6.0
Declined 2530 2198 S&P 500 1345.20 1313.71 1314.55 -30.65 -2.28% t t s +4.53% AFLAC 46.64 -1.15 -17.3 Coach 62.38 -1.28 +12.8 HCP Inc 36.86 -1.08 +.2 MetroPCS 18.15 +.25 +43.7 ProLogis 15.89 -.67 +10.0 THQ 4.03 -.10 -33.5
New Highs 100 74 Wilshire 5000 14287.49 13944.29 13952.36 -335.13 -2.35% t t s +4.43% AGL Res 40.43 -.68 +12.8 CocaCE 29.05 +.16 +16.1 HSBC 51.41 -.95 +.7 MicronT 9.56 -.65 +19.1 ProUSR2K rs42.93+2.51 -14.6 TaiwSemi 13.68 +.02 +9.1
New Lows 37 73 AK Steel 14.52 -.78 -11.3 Coeur 26.29 -1.28 -3.8 Hallibrtn 49.03 -1.12 +20.1 Microsoft 24.43 -.58 -12.5 ProvFnH 7.62 -.09 +5.2 TalismE g 20.11 -.92 -9.4
Russell 2000 846.65 820.88 821.40 -26.90 -3.17% s t s +4.82% AMB Pr 35.64 -1.35 +12.4 ColgPal 86.91 -.62 +8.1 HanJS 15.17 +.09 +.5 MdsxWatr 17.95 -.81 -2.2 Prudentl 60.77 -3.01 +3.5 Target 48.56 -.97 -19.2
AMR 6.09 -.18 -21.8 Comc spcl 22.99 -.56 +11.0 HarbinElec 15.40 -1.08 -11.2 MitsuUFJ 4.60 +.03 -15.0 PSEG 32.90 -.60 +3.4 TataMotors 23.50 -.73 -19.9

ASM Intl 41.18 -1.02 +17.6 Comerica 34.51 -1.60 -18.3 HarleyD 35.98 -1.18 +3.8 MobileTele 20.06 -.21 -3.9 PubStrg 115.22 -3.12 +13.6 TeckRes g 50.35 -2.22 -18.6
AT&T Inc 31.17 -.39 +6.1 CmtyHlt 27.90 -.74 -25.3 HarrisCorp 48.08 -1.36 +6.1 Molycorp n 62.80 -3.63 +25.9 PulteGrp 8.04 -.40 +6.9 TelNorL 17.54 -.33 +19.3
AU Optron 8.08 -.07 -22.5 Compuwre 9.84 -.35 -15.7 Harsco 32.46 -1.05 +14.6 Monsanto 69.14 -1.90 -.7 PPrIT 6.71 ... +6.8 Teleflex 61.47 -.63 +14.2
AbtLab 51.92 -.33 +8.4 ConAgra 25.29 -.14 +12.0 HartfdFn 25.64 -1.01 -3.2 MonstrWw 14.36 -1.06 -39.2 Qlogic 15.91 -.27 -6.5 TelefEsp s 23.82 -.51 +4.4
AcadiaRlt 20.03 -.62 +9.8 ConnWtrSv 24.44 -.77 -12.3 HawaiiEl 24.37 -.46 +6.9 Moog A 40.92 -.13 +2.8 Qualcom 57.16 -1.44 +15.5 TelMexL 17.31 -.55 +7.2
Accenture 56.98 -.41 +17.5 ConocPhil 72.34 -.88 +6.2 HeclaM 8.14 -.35 -27.7 Moog B 41.19 ... +3.5 QuantaSvc 19.32 -.43 -3.0 Tellabs 4.52 -.05 -33.3
ActionSemi 2.21 -.01 +2.8 ConsolEngy49.96 -1.31 +2.5 HelmPayne 62.66 -.02 +29.2 MorgStan 23.13 -1.03 -15.0 QntmDSS 3.03 -.04 -18.5 Telvent 39.73 +5.28 +50.4
ActivsBliz 11.93 -.06 -4.1 ConEd 52.77 -.29 +6.5 HercOffsh 5.97 -.28 +71.6 Mosaic 68.59 -2.26 -10.2 QstDiag 58.18 -.24 +7.8 TempleInld 22.75 -.99 +7.1
AdamsEx 11.08 -.18 +3.2 ConsolWtr 9.08 -.56 -1.0 Hertz 15.62 -.53 +7.8 Move Inc 1.86 -.11 -27.6 QksilvRes 14.22 -.07 -3.5 TmpDrgn 30.84 -.20 +.3
AdobeSy 34.12 -.51 +10.9 ConvOrg h .19 +.02 -50.5 Hess 76.30 -2.73 -.3 Mylan 23.21 -.34 +9.8 Quidel 15.05 -.29 +4.2 TenetHlth 6.30 -.08 -5.8
AMD 8.37 -.31 +2.3 CooperTire 23.14 -1.02 -1.9 HewlettP 36.63 -.75 -13.0 NCR Corp 19.11 -.41 +24.3 RCM 5.49 +.14 +18.6 Tenneco 40.01 -1.74 -2.8
MasterCard’s future isn’t in occurred a year and a half ago, AEterna g 2.58 +.04 +50.0 CorinthC 3.99 +.13 -23.4 HomeDp 35.40 -.88 +1.0 NRG Egy 24.31 -.45 +24.4 RF MicD 6.04 -.26 -17.8 Teradyn 15.52 -.49 +10.5
plastic – it’s in tech. Eighty-five MASTERCARD but up until six months ago, it Aetna 43.21 -.47 +41.6 CornPdts 56.02 -.71 +21.8 HonwllIntl 57.53 -2.02 +8.2 NV Energy 15.54 -.23 +10.6 RPM 23.14 -.36 +4.7 Terex 27.90 -1.75 -10.1
CEO Affymetrix 6.28 +.19 +24.9 Corning 19.72 -.43 +2.1 Hospira 54.89 -.40 -1.4 NYSE Eur 35.49 -.92 +18.4 RadianGrp 4.55 -.43 -43.6 Tesoro 23.64 -.76 +27.5
percent of the world’s transac- hadn’t moved outside of Austra- Agilent 48.00 -1.87 +15.9 Covidien 54.80 -.20 +20.0 HostHotls 16.94 -.64 -5.2 Nabors 26.79 -1.10 +14.2 RadioShk 15.13 -.63 -18.2 TevaPhrm 50.00 -.90 -4.1
tions are still in cash. CEO Ajay AJAY BANGA lia. So just getting that rolled AkamaiT 33.19 -.75 -29.5 Cree Inc 42.09 -1.80 -36.1 HudsCity 8.71 -.42 -31.6 NBkGreece 1.38 +.03 -17.9 RaeSyst 2.26 +.02 +40.4 TexInst 33.95 -1.35 +4.5
AlcatelLuc 5.57 -.10 +88.2 CrownHold 39.57 -1.04 +18.5 HuntBnk 6.35 -.25 -7.6 NatFuGas 69.16 -2.88 +5.4 Raytheon 49.26 -1.12 +7.2 Textron 22.32 -.56 -5.6
Banga is pushing his company out, now into 20 markets, is the Alcoa 16.09 -.72 +4.5 CubistPh 36.87 -1.66 +72.3 Huntsmn 18.44 -.51 +18.1 NatGrid 48.94 -1.16 +10.3 Rdiff.cm 11.16 +.01 +111.0 ThermoFis 63.86 -1.59 +15.4
AlignTech 24.21 -.29 +23.9 Cummins 100.64 -4.60 -8.5 Hydrognc 5.24 -.07 +39.4 NOilVarco 71.54 -1.04 +6.4 RegalEnt 12.66 -.68 +7.8
to use innovative technology to stealing shamelessly. Allergan 81.47 -1.26 +18.6 CybrOpt 10.02 +.05 +17.3 Hyperdyn 4.44 -.31 -10.5 NatSemi 24.56 +.03 +78.5 RegionsFn 6.54 -.52 -6.6
ThomCrk g 10.61 -.25 -27.9
3M Co 91.44 -2.94 +6.0
get some of that business. He AlliBInco 7.88 +.04 -.6 DCT Indl 5.41 -.25 +1.9 INGPrRTr 6.19 +.05 +8.8 Neoprobe 4.93 -.55+139.3 ReneSola 6.87 -.55 -21.4 THorton g 45.70 -.86 +10.8
AlliantEgy 41.43 +.30 +12.7 DNP Selct 9.98 ... +9.2 ION Geoph 9.41 -.68 +11.0 NetLogicM 38.16 -.16 +21.5 Renren n 12.40 -.45 -31.1 TimeWarn 35.35 -1.08 +9.9
talked with The Associated Can you describe some of the AllosThera 2.17 -.03 -52.9 DR Horton 12.01 -.17 +.7 iShGold s 15.02 +.03 +8.1 NetApp 53.22 -1.55 -3.2 RepFBcp 2.48 +.03 +1.6 TiVo Inc 10.15 -.19 +17.6
Press about what MasterCard is technology you’re using? AllscriptH 20.02 -.09 +3.9 DTE 50.85 -.77 +12.2 iSAstla 26.10 -.62 +2.6 Netflix 267.26 -3.54 +52.1 RepubSvc 31.19 -.33 +4.5 TollBros 21.26 -.49 +11.9
Allstate 30.44 -.94 -4.5 Danaher s 52.44 -2.09 +11.2 iShBraz 73.65 -1.57 -4.8 NewAmHi 10.56 -.04 +6.0 RschMotn 40.30 -2.55 -30.7 TorDBk g 82.92 -3.22 +13.1
doing: We’re trying to do something AlphaNRs 53.40 -1.39 -11.0 Darden 50.00 -.65 +7.7 iShGer 26.39 -.76 +10.2 NJ Rscs 45.25 -.83 +5.0 Revlon 16.86 -.76 +71.3 Total SA 56.29 -1.30 +5.3
AlteraCp lf 46.74 -1.35 +31.4 DeanFds 13.42 -.46 +51.8 iSh HK 19.23 -.22 +1.6 NY CmtyB 15.84 -.36 -16.0 ReynAm s 39.49 -.29 +21.1
very interesting in India, based Altria 27.92 -.14 +13.4 Deere 82.76 -3.32 -.3 iShJapn 10.14 -.13 -7.1
Toyota 81.50 -1.79 +3.7
NY Times 7.71 -.31 -21.3 RioTinto 68.75 -1.37 -4.1 TrCda g 44.03 -.80 +15.7
MasterCard has had a staid on fingerprints. ... The govern- Amazon 192.40 -4.30 +6.9 Dell Inc 15.60 -.49 +15.1 iSh Kor 64.94 -1.07 +6.1 Newcastle 5.12 -.36 -23.6 RiteAid 1.06 +.01 +20.0 Transocn 67.50 -1.81 -2.9
Ameren 29.23 -.48 +3.7 DeltaAir 9.68 -.40 -23.2 iSMalas 14.85 -.23 +3.3 NewmtM 55.67 -.90 -9.4 Riverbed s 37.25 -.67 +5.9
reputation. Is it difficult to ment is recording the finger- AMovilL 51.79 -.91 -9.7 DenburyR 21.12 -.84 +10.6 iShMex 60.81 -1.55 -1.8 NewpkRes 9.23 -.48 +49.8 Rowan 38.15 -1.50 +9.3
Travelers 61.20 -.88 +9.9
TrimbleN 42.23 -1.46 +5.8
create a culture of innova- prints of 600 million people in AMovilA 52.01 -.57 -9.0 Dndreon 41.00 -1.39 +17.4 iSTaiwn 15.74 -.02 +.8 NewsCpA 17.65 -.69 +21.2 RoyDShllA 69.92 -1.51 +4.7 TrinaSolar 21.68 -1.27 -7.4
AmCapLtd 9.43 -.47 +24.7 DeutschBk 58.27 -1.48 +12.0 iShSilver 35.75 -1.85 +18.5 Nexen g 22.38 -.72 -2.3 SK Tlcm 18.27 +.58 -1.9
tion? rural India. Bank accounts will AEagleOut 12.90 -.36 -11.8 DevelDiv 13.88 -.61 -1.5 iShChina25 44.48 -.89 +3.2 NextEraEn 56.76 -.64 +9.2 SpdrDJIA 122.70 -2.80 +6.1
TriQuint 12.24 -.71 +4.7
AEP 38.02 -.18 +5.7 DevonE 82.77 -1.30 +5.4 iSSP500 132.33 -2.98 +4.8 TycoIntl 47.26 -2.09 +14.0
It’s always difficult to nurture be opened with the state banks AmExp 49.91 -1.69 +16.3 Diageo 84.21 -.88 +13.3 iShEMkts 47.66 -.87 0.0
NiSource 19.96 -.34 +13.3 SpdrGold 149.91 +.27 +8.1 Tyson 18.90 -.12 +9.8
NobleCorp 40.53 -1.34 +13.3 SP Mid 177.33 -5.25 +7.7 UBS AG 19.21 -.11 +16.6
innovation, even in a non-staid for those people. What they AmIntlGrp 28.05 -.45 -41.9 Diebold 32.32 -.73 +.8 iShB20 T 97.64 +1.31 +3.7 NokiaCp 6.69 -.33 -35.2 S&P500ETF131.87-3.03 +4.9 UDR 25.04 -1.02 +6.5
AmSupr 8.11 -2.58 -71.6 DirecTV A 49.66 -.60 +24.4 iShB7-10T 97.14 +.80 +3.5 NorflkSo 70.79 -2.52 +12.7 SpdrHome 18.41 -.49 +5.9
company. Even in a relatively wanted us to do was to prove AmWtrWks 29.61 -.40 +17.1 DrSCBr rs 36.31 +3.14 -22.5 iS Eafe 60.59 -1.47 +4.1 US Airwy 9.04 -.06 -9.7
NA Pall g 3.85 -.27 -44.5 SpdrKbwBk 23.93 -1.02 -7.6 US Gold 7.00 -.07 -13.3
prosperous company with a that we can authenticate and Ameriprise 58.82 -2.41 +2.2 DirFnBr rs 46.02 +4.00 -2.6 iShR2K 82.11 -2.73 +4.9 NoestUt 34.90 -.34 +9.5 SpdrLehHY 40.31 -.31 +1.5 USEC 3.98 -.20 -33.9
Ametek s 42.08 -1.41 +7.2 DrxEMBull 37.88 -2.11 -8.3 iShREst 61.03 -1.77 +9.1 NorthropG 63.75 -1.54 +8.5 SpdrRetl 52.57 -1.57 +8.7
degree of innovation built into clear transactions based on a Amgen 59.70 -.84 +8.7 DrxEBear rs15.12 +.94 -32.9 ITT Corp 56.23 -1.39 +7.9 NwstNG 44.46 -.71 -4.3 SpdrOGEx 58.88 -2.02 +11.6
UniSrcEn 37.17 -.72 +3.7
Amylin 14.04 +.15 -4.6 DrxFnBull 25.53 -2.69 -8.3 ITW 56.26 -1.06 +5.4 UnilevNV 32.32 -.34 +2.9
its DNA, it’s not easy to sustain. fingerprint, just as we authenti- Anadarko 77.13 -2.39 +1.3 DirxSCBull 80.52 -8.38 +11.2 Incyte 16.94 -.79 +2.3
Novartis 63.48 -1.04 +7.7 SpdrMetM 69.28 -2.54 +.7 UnionPac 100.86 -4.11 +8.8
Novlus 36.03 -.24 +11.5 SPX Cp 79.85 -3.06 +11.7
We have one group within the cate right now based on either AnalogDev 39.86 -1.31 +5.8 DirxEnBull 73.81 -5.33 +26.3 Inergy 35.37 -1.72 -9.9 Nucor 40.94 -1.40 -6.6 Safeway 23.16 -1.54 +3.0
Unisys 27.17 -.78 +4.9
Annaly 18.07 -.06 +.8 Discover 23.43 -.41 +26.4 Informat 58.30 -.36 +32.4 UtdContl 23.31 -.84 -2.1
company focusing is what I call the magnetic strip or a chip and Apache 121.02 -3.58 +1.5 DiscLab rs 2.49 +.04 -25.2 IngerRd 47.47 -2.43 +.8
NustarEn 63.17 -.28 -9.1 StJoe 21.00 -.73 -3.9 UtdMicro 2.68 -.04 -15.2
NuvFloat 12.60 +.02 +6.7 StJude 49.77 -.90 +16.4 UPS B 72.30 -1.19 -.4
growth-sustaining innovation, or PIN. But you can’t install those ApolloGrp 42.19 +1.08 +6.8 Disney 40.40 -1.23 +7.7 InglesMkts 17.05 -.75 -11.2 NvMAd 13.86 +.31 +6.0 Saks 11.06 -.25 +3.4
Apple Inc 345.51 -2.32 +7.1 DollarGen 31.81 -3.26 +3.7 IngrmM 18.26 -.75 -4.3 US Bancrp 24.70 -.90 -8.4
“stealing shamelessly.” ... If to find a way to get more youth machines in rural India. That will NvPA 13.95 +.11 +4.7 Salesforce 145.78 -6.48 +10.4
ApldMatl 13.08 -.70 -6.9 DomRescs 47.12 -.60 +10.3 Intel 22.00 -.51 +4.6 US NGs rs 11.76 -.04 -1.9
Nvidia 19.14 -.90 +24.3 SanDisk 45.11 -2.41 -9.5
Arbitron 41.33 -1.37 -.5 DonlleyRR 20.75 -.59 +18.8 IBM 166.56 -2.37 +13.5 US OilFd 39.52 -.98 +1.3
somebody did something in Sin- to use debit cards. We rede- cost too much. So what they’re OcciPet 103.68 -4.17 +5.7 SandRdge 11.12 -.20 +51.9
USSteel 43.96 -2.15 -24.8
ArcelorMit 32.34 -1.11 -15.2 Dover 63.76 -3.47 +9.1 Intl Coal 14.56 +.03 +88.1 OfficeDpt 4.05 -.16 -25.0 Sanofi 38.58 -1.03 +19.7
gapore and it worked well, signed the debit card product thinking of doing is installing a ArchCoal 28.82 -1.07 -17.8 DowChm 35.10 -1.03 +2.8 IntlGame 17.05 -.19 -3.6 OfficeMax 7.85 -.51 -55.6 SaraLee 19.27 -.28 +10.1
UtdTech 84.30 -3.47 +7.1
ArenaPhm 1.43 -.01 -16.9 DryShips 3.92 -.14 -28.7 IntPap 30.20 -1.02 +10.9 UtdhlthGp 48.35 -.60 +33.9
there’s no reason why it can’t with its package of features, fingerprint reader on cell- AriadP 8.18 -.50 +60.4 DuPont 51.57 -1.73 +3.4 Interpublic 11.51 -.42 +8.4
OilSvHT 149.74 -3.67 +6.6 SaulCntr 39.43 -.49 -16.7
UnumGrp 25.44 -.87 +5.0
OnSmcnd 10.79 -.43 +9.2 Schlmbrg 83.19 -2.53 -.4
work in at least 20 other coun- connecting it to music, and cre- phones. So you touch a finger, ArmourRsd 7.45 -.19 -4.6 DukeEngy 18.58 -.17 +4.3 Intersil 13.75 -.60 -10.0 OpkoHlth 3.56 -.20 -3.0 SchoolSp 14.65 -.73 +5.2
Vale SA 31.59 -.67 -8.6
ArubaNet 26.87 -1.55 +28.7 DukeRlty 14.54 -.50 +16.7 Invesco 23.50 -1.17 -2.3 Vale SA pf 28.29 -1.01 -6.4
tries. ated a whole new marketing it goes over the cellphone sys- AstraZen 51.63 -.77 +11.8 Dycom 16.00 -1.09 +8.5 ItauUnibH 22.35 -.47 -6.5
OplinkC 18.33 -.15 -.8 Schwab 17.11 -.90 0.0
ValenceT h 1.06 -.02 -36.9
Opnext 2.72 -.16 +54.5 SeadrillLtd 35.51 -.48 +4.7
approach with the Common- tem, reaches us, gets authenti- Atmel 14.62 -.40 +18.7 Dynegy 5.97 -.09 +6.2 JAlexandr 6.05 -.04 +15.2 OptimerPh 14.48 -.03 +28.0 SeagateT 16.32 -.48 +8.6 ValeroE 27.09 -.41 +17.2
ATMOS 32.90 -.45 +5.4 ETrade rs 14.99 -.82 -6.3 J&J Snack 49.81 -1.71 +3.3 Oracle 32.88 -1.34 +5.0 SealAir 23.84 -1.71 -6.3 ValpeyFsh 3.22 +.01 -5.0
Can you offer an example? wealth Bank of Australia. The cated and an approval is sent AutoData 54.42 -.69 +17.6 eBay 30.64 -.54 +10.1 JA Solar 5.84 -.19 -15.6 Orexigen 3.34 +.51 -58.7 SearsHldgs 68.34 -2.66 -7.3 ValVis A 7.12 -.12 +16.5
One of our best clients wanted results were dramatic. ... This back. AvagoTch 33.77 -.02 +18.9 EMC Cp 28.06 -.41 +22.5 JDS Uniph 19.18 -1.02 +32.4 OwensIll 30.99 -1.13 +.9 SemiHTr 34.77 -1.12 +6.9 VangREIT 60.88 -1.80 +10.0
AvanirPhm 4.39 -.12 +7.6 ENI 46.82 -1.02 +7.0 JPMorgCh 41.76 -1.48 -1.6 PDL Bio 6.53 -.11 +4.8 SempraEn 54.21 -.96 +3.3 VangEmg 48.40 -.71 +.5
AveryD 41.34 -1.00 -2.4 EOG Res 108.19 -.95 +18.4 Jabil 20.49 -1.09 +2.0 PECO pfA 73.05 +1.05 +4.4 Sequans n 16.95 -2.22+105.5 Verisign 34.52 -.50 +5.7
Avon 29.30 -.41 +.8 Eastgrp 45.35 -1.56 +7.2 JanusCap 9.75 -.58 -24.8 PICO Hld 28.45 -1.38 -10.5 ServiceCp 11.30 -.18 +37.0 Verisk 33.93 -.12 -.4
Eileen AJ Connelly, Elizabeth Gramling • AP BB&T Cp 25.95 -1.59 -1.3 EKodak 3.26 -.08 -39.2 JpnSmCap 8.38 -.14 -6.6 VertxPh 53.02 -.97 +51.4
PMC Sra 7.53 -.31 -12.3 ShandaGm 7.18 +.04 +11.7
BHP BillLt 93.17 -2.25 +.3 Eaton s 49.22 -2.45 -3.0 JetBlue 5.83 -.25 -11.9 PPG 86.76 -1.94 +3.2 ShawGrp 35.05 -1.48 +2.4 VestinRMII 1.78 -.10 +22.8
BJs Whls 49.80 -.62 +4.0 Ecolab 54.28 -.60 +7.7 JohnJn 66.48 -.81 +7.5 ViacomA 59.52 -.29 +29.8
Mutual Funds BP PLC 45.34 -.90
BP Pru 110.68 -1.79
ElPasoCp 20.63
Elan 9.56
-.41 +49.9
-.01 +66.8
JohnsnCtl 37.94
JosABnk s 49.51
-1.66 -.7
-7.59 +22.8
PPL Corp 27.96 -.23 +6.2
Paccar 47.63 -2.37 -16.9
Pacholder 10.16 -.13 +20.2
SiderurNac 13.89 -.35 -16.7
Siemens 129.52 -4.33 +4.2
SifyTech 5.72 +.05+153.1
ViacomB 50.63
VimpelCm 14.05
+.22 +27.8
-.03 -6.6
Baidu 132.47 -3.24 +37.2 EldorGld g 15.42 -.47 -17.0 JnprNtwk 32.97 -3.64 -10.7 VirgnMda h 32.21 -.41 +18.2
YTD YTD YTD YTD YTD YTD PallCorp 54.22 -1.88 +9.4 SilvWhtn g 35.93 -.82 -8.0
BakrHu 71.97 -1.96 +25.9 ElectArts 24.42 +.01 +49.1 KB Home 11.83 -.45 -12.3 VirnetX 29.25 +2.99 +97.0
ParkDrl 6.21 -.17 +35.9 SilvrcpM g 10.95 -.20 -14.7
Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn BallardPw 1.71 -.04 +14.0 EmersonEl 52.18 -2.37 -8.7 KLA Tnc 41.36 -1.74 +7.0 Visa 79.18 -1.88 +12.5
PatriotCoal 22.54 -.59 +16.4 Sina 120.00 +1.21 +74.4
BallyTech 39.32 -.09 -6.8 EnbrEPt s 30.12 -.59 -3.4 KT Corp 18.40 +.18 -11.5 VishayInt 15.41 -.46 +5.0
Alliance Bernstein Dodge & Cox GrowB m 44.64 -.96 +4.3 MFS Schwab InfPrtI 10.87 +.05 +5.2 PattUTI 30.50 -.83 +41.5 SiriusXM 2.27 -.08 +39.3
BcoBrades 19.36 -.56 -4.6 EnCana g 33.05 -1.05 +13.5 Kaydon 35.46 -.91 -12.9 Vivus 8.66 -.11 -7.6
BalShrB m 14.80 -.20 +6.9 Bal 73.93 -1.35 +5.8 Growth A m 46.70 -1.00 +4.6 MAInvA m 20.11 -.46 +5.1 1000Inv d 39.26 -.91 +5.6 InflaPro 13.59 +.07 +5.2 Paychex 31.56 -.74 +2.1 SkywksSol 24.56 -.91 -14.2
BcoSantSA 11.46 -.43 +7.6 EndvSilv g 9.88 -.41 +34.6 Kellogg 56.45 -.54 +10.5 VMware 95.92 -1.40 +7.9
CoreOppA m 12.57 -.25 +9.2 Income 13.60 +.04 +3.9 HY TF A m 9.88 +.02 +4.8 MAInvC m 19.45 -.44 +4.8 S&P500Sel d 20.62 -.47 +5.4 PeabdyE 59.27 -2.09 -7.4 Smucker 79.34 +.06 +20.9
InstIdxI 123.45 ... +7.8 BcoSBrasil 11.06 -.30 -18.7 Ener1 1.21 -.04 -68.1 KeyEngy 16.93 -.75 +30.4 Vodafone 26.46 -.59 +.1
American Beacon IntlStk 36.88 -.70 +3.3 Income A x 2.26 -.02 +6.9 TotRetA m 14.59 -.19 +4.4 Scout PennVaRs 25.45 -.42 -10.1 SnapOn 58.45 -1.87 +3.3
BkHawaii 46.03 -1.37 -2.5 Energen 61.12 -1.15 +26.6 Keycorp 8.18 -.29 -7.6 Vonage 4.69 -.08+109.4
LgCpVlInv 19.19 -.48 +3.6 Stock 114.07 -2.85 +6.2 Income C x 2.28 -.02 +6.6 ValueA m 23.97 -.54 +5.4 Interntl d 33.61 -.68 +3.8 InstPlus 123.46 ... +7.8 Penney 33.99 -1.44 +5.2 Sonus 3.10 -.14 +16.1
BkAtl A h .76 -.01 -33.9 Energizer 75.04 -2.01 +2.9 Kimco 18.66 -.85 +3.4 Vornado 95.19 -3.19 +14.2
LgCpVlIs 20.22 -.51 +3.7 Dreyfus IncomeAdv x 2.24 -.03 +6.6 ValueI 24.09 -.54 +5.5 InstTStPl 30.07 -.72 +5.8 Bar iPVix rs 22.63 +1.34 -39.8 EngyConv 1.38 -.02 -70.0 KindME 73.84 -.72 +5.1 PeopUtdF 12.99 -.36 -7.3 SouthnCo 39.68 -.40 +3.8
Selected PepcoHold 19.78 -.19 +8.4 SthnCopper33.18 -1.38 -31.9 WalMart 54.30 -.92 +.7
American Cent Apprecia 41.00 -.70 +7.3 NY TF A x 11.43 -.02 +4.0 Manning & Napier AmerShS b 43.00 -.98 +3.8 IntlExpIn d 17.27 -.21 +3.6 BarnesNob 18.79 -.83 +32.8 EngyTsfr 47.20 -.31 -8.9 Kinross g 15.75 +.03 -16.9
US Gov A x 6.84 ... +3.2 PeregrineP 2.05 -.08 -10.9 SwstAirl 11.59 -.24 -10.7 Walgrn 43.32 -.31 +11.2
EqIncInv 7.50 -.13 +4.4 EmgLead ... ... +1.9 WrldOppA 9.30 -.15 +8.0 American D 43.03 -.97 +3.9 IntlGr d 20.19 -.37 +4.4 BarrickG 47.28 -.48 -11.1 ENSCO 54.30 +.98 +1.7 KodiakO g 6.45 -.40 -2.3 WarnerMus 8.19 -.06 +45.5
TechGrA f 33.97 -.79 +4.6 FrankTemp-Mutual Baxter 58.70 -.82 +16.0 Entergy 67.38 -.77 -4.9 Kohls 52.92 -.32 -2.6 Petrohawk 25.92 -.55 +42.0 SwstnEngy 41.93 -1.84 +12.0
GrowthInv 27.04 -.62 +4.6 Merger Sequoia IntlGrAdm d 64.26 -1.20 +4.5 PetrbrsA 30.55 -.71 -10.6 SpectraEn 27.19 -.40 +8.8 WsteMInc 38.39 -.49 +4.1
IncGroA m 25.27 -.56 +5.7 Eaton Vance Beacon Z 13.07 -.19 +6.2 Merger m 16.26 -.02 +3.0 Sequoia 142.31 -2.85 +10.1 BerkHa A 115705 -3070 -3.9 EntPrPt 41.14 -.50 -1.1 KrispKrm 8.17 -.23 +17.0 WeathfIntl 19.32 -.45 -15.3
Discov A m 30.75 -.42 +5.3 IntlStkIdxAdm d27.28 -.47 +3.5 BerkH B 77.08 -1.99 -3.8 EnzoBio 3.83 -.17 -27.5 Kroger 23.90 -.92 +6.9 Petrobras 33.94 -.69 -10.3 SprintNex 5.83 -.02 +37.8
UltraInv 24.03 -.53 +6.1 HiIncOppA m 4.50 -.01 +6.0 Metropolitan West T Rowe Price PetRes 29.56 -.55 +9.4 SP Matls 38.51 -1.24 +.3 WellsFargo 26.94 -1.43 -13.1
American Funds HiIncOppB m 4.51 ... +5.7 Discov Z 31.15 -.42 +5.5 TotRetBdI 10.58 +.02 +4.0 IntlStkIdxI d 109.14 -1.89 +3.5 BestBuy 30.97 -.79 -9.7 EricsnTel 14.66 -.18 +27.1 Kulicke 11.66 -.49 +61.9 WendyArby 4.93 -.10 +6.7
QuestZ 18.67 -.21 +5.5 BlChpGr 39.92 -1.02 +4.7 BigLots 33.05 -.36 +8.5 Exelon 41.72 -.13 +.2 LDK Solar 7.10 -.49 -29.8 Pfizer 21.05 -.40 +20.2 SP HlthC 35.61 -.50 +13.0
AMCAPA m 19.83 -.40 +5.3 LrgCpValA m 18.52 -.46 +1.9 TotRtBd b 10.58 +.02 +3.8 CapApprec 21.43 -.34 +5.5 IntlVal d 32.84 -.61 +2.1 PhilipMor 71.07 -.68 +21.4 SP CnSt 31.98 -.33 +9.1 WernerEnt 24.21 -.87 +7.1
BalA m 18.66 -.29 +4.6 NatlMuniA m 9.05 +.02 +4.1 Shares A m 21.92 -.35 +6.2 BioRadA 122.87 -1.56 +18.3 Expedia 27.80 -.21 +10.8 LSI Corp 7.12 -.37 +18.9 WestellT 3.50 +.07 +7.0
Shares Z 22.11 -.35 +6.3 Morgan Stanley Instl DivGrow 24.19 -.54 +6.0 LTGradeAd 9.73 +.10 +6.7 PhlVH 66.35 +.38 +5.3 SP Consum39.52 -.92 +5.6
BondA m 12.44 +.03 +3.5 NatlMuniB m 9.05 +.02 +3.7 BioSante 3.05 -.08 +86.0 ExpScrip s 59.05 -.51 +9.3 LamResrch 46.39 -.61 -10.4 WDigital 35.26 -1.39 +4.0
IntlEqI d 14.49 -.25 +6.5 DivrSmCap d 17.48 -.52 +10.5 LTInvGr 9.73 +.10 +6.6 PimcoHiI 14.62 -.13 +15.0 SP Engy 75.27 -1.84 +10.3
CapIncBuA m 52.42 -.54 +6.0 PAMuniA m 8.75 ... +4.4 FrankTemp-Templeton Blackstone 16.90 -.34 +19.4 ExxonMbl 82.03 -1.44 +12.2 LancastrC 58.38 -2.26 +2.1 WstnRefin 16.71 -.72 +57.9
MdCpGrI 41.26 -.90 +10.5 EmMktStk d 35.34 -.51 +0.2 PimcoMuni 13.46 +.04 +6.7 SPDR Fncl 15.31 -.54 -4.0
CapWldBdA m21.18 +.02 +4.6 FMI Fgn A m 7.62 -.10 +9.2 LifeCon 16.91 -.16 +3.8 BlockHR 16.23 +.03 +36.3 F5 Netwks109.40 -4.18 -15.9 LVSands 41.97 +.43 -8.7 WstnUnion 20.23 -.33 +8.9
Natixis EqIndex d 35.52 -.82 +5.3 Boeing 75.35 -2.68 +15.5 Fastenal s 31.69 -1.50 +5.8 LawsnSft 11.12 -.01 +20.2 PinWst 44.48 -.78 +7.3 SP Inds 36.40 -1.23 +4.4
CpWldGrIA m 37.65 -.61 +5.8 LgCap 16.61 -.33 +6.4 GlBond A m 13.94 -.06 +4.5 EqtyInc 24.60 -.57 +4.2 LifeGro 23.11 -.43 +4.8 PitnyBw 23.47 -.42 -2.9 SP Tech 25.91 -.55 +2.9 WestgS rsh 2.25 +1.12 +19.2
InvBndY x 12.55 -.05 +5.7 BostonSci 7.03 -.15 -7.1 FedExCp 91.43 -2.21 -1.7 LennarA 18.55 -.43 -1.1
EurPacGrA m 43.26 -.62 +4.6 FPA GlBond C m 13.96 -.07 +4.2 FinSer 13.82 -.47 -2.5 PlumCrk 39.79 -.73 +6.2 SP Util 33.52 -.35 +7.0 Weyerh 20.72 -.82 +9.5
StratIncA m 15.53 -.06 +7.4 LifeMod 20.44 -.28 +4.4 BrigExp 29.36 -1.78 +7.8 FifthThird 12.34 -.72 -15.9 LeucNatl 34.45 -1.01 +18.1
FnInvA m 38.63 -.88 +5.6 Cres d 28.20 -.24 +5.3 GlBondAdv 13.90 -.07 +4.5 GrowStk 33.45 -.84 +4.0 Polo RL 121.45 -5.32 +9.5 StanBlkDk 70.45 -3.43 +5.4 WmsCos 30.70 -.69 +24.2
StratIncC m 15.61 -.07 +7.0 MidCapGr 20.47 -.55 +7.7 BrMySq 28.27 -.49 +6.8 Finisar 22.29 -1.73 -24.9 Level3 2.20 -.09+124.5
GrthAmA m 31.67 -.70 +4.0 NewInc m 10.92 +.01 +1.7 Growth A m 19.36 -.35 +8.8 HealthSci 36.06 -.57 +19.1 Polycom 57.57 +.16 +47.7 Staples 16.53 -.29 -27.4 Windstrm 13.21 -.24 -5.2
HiIncA m 11.56 ... +5.6 World A m 15.87 -.28 +6.9 Neuberger Berman MidCp 21.94 -.53 +8.0 Broadcom 35.11 -.87 -19.4 FstHorizon 10.06 -.45 -14.6 LibtyMIntA 17.93 -.28 +13.7
Fairholme Funds GenesisIs 49.59 -1.35 +7.9 HiYield d 6.96 -.01 +5.7 Popular 2.76 -.14 -12.1 StarScient 4.22 -.99+116.4 WiscEn s 31.01 -.26 +5.4
IncAmerA m 17.44 -.22 +6.4 Franklin Templeton BrcdeCm 6.67 ... +26.1 FstInRT 11.83 -.75 +35.0 LillyEli 37.94 -.54 +8.3
Fairhome d 31.93 -.89 -10.3 GenesisTr 51.34 -1.40 +7.8 IntlBnd d 10.37 ... +5.3 MidCpAdml 99.62 -2.43 +8.1 Potash s 54.72 -1.88 +6.0 Starbucks 35.98 -.81 +12.0 WT India 23.40 -.14 -11.3
IntBdAmA m 13.58 +.02 +2.1 FndAllA m 11.21 -.15 +7.2 BrkfldOP rt .01 -.01 -86.0 FstNiagara 13.85 -.36 -1.0 Limited 38.71 -1.25 +26.0
Federated SmCpGrInv 19.34 -.65 +8.2 IntlDisc d 46.09 -.39 +5.0 MidCpIst 22.01 -.53 +8.1 Buckeye 62.72 -.73 -6.1 FirstEngy 44.00 -.62 +18.9 LincNat 28.22 -1.13 +1.5 PwshDB 29.87 -.38 +8.4 StarwdHtl 58.68 -2.30 -3.5 Worthgtn 20.77 -1.06 +12.9
IntlGrInA m 32.99 -.55 +6.2 GE IntlGrInc d 14.23 -.24 +6.9 PS USDBull21.39 +.05 -5.8 StateStr 43.55 -2.22 -6.0 XL Grp 22.90 -.76 +4.9
InvCoAmA m 28.99 -.62 +3.4 KaufmanR m 5.68 -.12 +3.3 Northern MidCpSgl 31.44 -.76 +8.1 Buenavent 41.17 -2.95 -15.9 Flextrn 7.07 -.17 -9.9 LinearTch 33.54 -1.05 -3.0
S&SProg 41.91 -.97 +4.2 IntlStk d 14.83 -.24 +4.2 CA Inc 23.07 -.33 -5.6 Fonar 2.11 -.01 +61.9 LinkedIn n 77.45 -4.13 -17.8 PwShs QQQ57.09 -1.27 +4.8 Statoil ASA 25.27 -1.07 +6.3 XcelEngy 24.54 -.20 +4.2
MutualA m 26.55 -.51 +5.5 Fidelity HYFixInc d 7.51 ... +6.0 Morg 18.98 -.46 +5.3 Xerox 10.00 -.21 -13.2
GMO MMIntlEq d 10.14 -.17 +2.0 IntlStkAd m 14.78 -.23 +4.2 CB REllis 25.46 -.97 +24.3 FootLockr 24.32 -.62 +24.0 LizClaib 6.23 -.30 -13.0 Powrwav 3.59 -.19 +41.3 StlDynam 16.52 -.58 -9.7
NewEconA m 26.83 -.48 +5.9 AstMgr20 13.12 -.03 +3.1 MuHYAdml 10.29 +.02 +3.9 Xilinx 34.67 -1.01 +19.6
EmgMktsVI 15.09 -.19 +3.4 LatinAm d 53.45 -1.30 -5.8 CBS B 26.92 -1.03 +41.3 FordM 14.23 -.69 -15.2 LloydBkg 3.19 -.22 -22.4 Praxair 103.39 -2.45 +8.3 StillwtrM 19.21 -1.04 -10.0
NewPerspA m29.83 -.54 +4.2 AstMgr50 16.00 -.14 +4.1 Oakmark Yahoo 15.85 -.71 -4.7
IntItVlIV 23.20 -.42 +6.3 MediaTele 56.39 -.93 +9.0 MuInt 13.56 +.01 +3.8 CH Engy 53.08 -.87 +8.6 ForestOil 30.10 +.20 -20.7 LockhdM 75.76 -2.14 +8.4 PriceTR 59.52 -3.78 -7.8 Stryker 61.30 -1.10 +14.2
NwWrldA m 55.76 -.68 +2.1 Bal 19.03 -.22 +4.7 EqIncI 29.08 -.43 +4.8 Yamana g 12.66 -.19 -1.1
QuIII 21.51 -.32 +7.5 MidCapVa 25.04 -.50 +5.6 MuIntAdml 13.56 +.01 +3.8 CIT Grp 43.25 -1.08 -8.2 FortuneBr 64.16 -.57 +6.5 Lowes 23.72 -.42 -5.4 PrinFncl 30.02 -1.25 -7.8 SubPpne 52.19 -.58 -7.0
SmCpWldA m39.99 -.67 +2.9 BlChGrow 48.11 -1.03 +6.1 Intl I d 20.23 -.30 +4.2 Yandex n 32.25 -1.20 -17.0
QuVI 21.52 -.32 +7.6 MidCpGr 62.67 -1.64 +7.1 CMS Eng 19.64 -.30 +5.6 FMCG s 49.38 -2.26 -17.8 LyonBas A 42.28 -1.53 +22.9 PrUShS&P 20.99 +.91 -11.7 Suncor gs 40.22 -1.58 +5.0
TaxEBdAmA m12.06 +.02 +3.8 Canada d 59.62 -1.55 +2.5 Oakmark I d 43.74 -.95 +5.9 MuLTAdml 10.90 +.02 +4.0 YingliGrn 8.66 -.52 -12.3
Goldman Sachs NewAmGro 34.74 -.77 +5.3 CSS Inds 17.65 -.78 -14.4 FDelMnt 27.07 -.42 +8.5 MBIA 8.29 -.51 -30.9 PrUlShDow 17.62 +.74 -14.9 Sunoco 39.58 -.91 -1.8
USGovSecA m14.17 +.05 +2.7 CapApr 26.45 -.50 +4.4 Old Westbury MuLtdAdml 11.09 +.01 +1.8 YumBrnds 54.46 -.86 +11.0
GrOppIs 25.55 -.63 +4.9 NewAsia d 19.70 -.12 +2.7 CSX 76.30 -3.00 +18.1 FrontierCm 8.70 -.15 -10.6 MEMC 9.82 -.70 -12.8 ProUltQQQ 88.47 -3.98 +8.6 Suntech 7.78 -.34 -2.9
WAMutInvA m28.77 -.63 +6.3 CapInc d 9.78 -.07 +5.9 GlbSmMdCp 16.46 -.26 +6.4
HiYieldIs d 7.45 ... +5.4 NewEra 53.22 -1.50 +2.0 MuShtAdml 15.91 ... +0.9 Cadence 10.56 -.13 +27.8 FuelCell 1.77 -.13 -23.4 MFA Fncl 8.12 -.12 -.5 PrUShQQQ rs51.06+2.06 -12.2 SunTrst 26.32 -1.81 -10.8 Zagg 11.04 +.76 +44.9
Artio Global Contra 70.27 -1.47 +3.9
MidCapVaA m37.89 -.98 +5.5 Oppenheimer NewHoriz 36.91 -.89 +10.2 CalaStrTR 9.68 -.11 +4.5 FultonFncl 10.72 -.42 +3.7 MMT 6.92 +.03 +.3 ProUltSP 52.47 -2.52 +9.2 Supvalu 9.60 -.66 -.3 Zimmer 66.53 -1.23 +23.9
IntlEqI 30.73 -.30 +2.0 DiscEq 23.90 -.55 +6.1 PrecMtls d 26.65 -.55 -0.2
MidCpVaIs 38.22 -.98 +5.7 CapApA m 45.30 -1.07 +3.9 NewIncome 9.66 +.04 +3.3 Cameco g 28.17 +.11 -30.2 GT Solar 12.12 -.65 +32.8 MGIC 7.71 -.35 -24.3 ProUShL20 32.25 -.92 -12.9 Symantec 19.02 -.53 +13.6 ZionBcp 22.97 -.86 -5.2
IntlEqIII 12.70 -.14 +1.9 DivGrow 29.65 -.74 +4.3 Prmcp d 69.52 -1.60 +5.7
CapApB m 39.88 -.94 +3.6 R2015 12.45 -.17 +4.7 Cameron 45.96 -1.70 -9.4 GabDvInc 16.72 -.21 +8.9 MGM Rsts 14.51 -.56 -2.3 ProUSSP50015.97+1.00 -17.7 Synovus 2.30 -.08 -12.9 ZollMed 58.57 -2.24 +57.3
DivrIntl d 31.18 -.52 +3.4 Harbor
Artisan EmgMkt d 26.50 -.39 +0.6 DevMktA m 36.04 -.39 -1.2 R2025 12.64 -.22 +5.0 PrmcpAdml d 72.15 -1.67 +5.7 CampSp 34.44 -.31 -.9 GabelliET 6.12 -.05 +7.9 Macys 28.28 -.60 +11.8 ProUSSlv rs17.74 +1.65 -54.8 Sysco 31.75 -.46 +8.0 Zweig 3.43 ... +2.4
Intl d 23.02 -.42 +6.1 Bond 12.41 ... +3.3 DevMktY 35.69 -.38 -1.1 R2035 12.85 -.26 +5.1 ProSUltSilv187.12-20.08 +18.0 TCW Strat 5.48 -.02 +5.0 ZweigTl 3.46 -.01 -2.8
EqInc 46.19 -1.16 +4.6 CapApInst 38.95 -.97 +6.1 PrmcpCorI d 14.61 -.32 +6.1 CdnNRs gs 41.65 -1.96 -6.2 Gafisa SA 10.50 -.54 -27.7 Manulife g 16.92 -.93 -1.5
IntlVal d 28.51 -.37 +5.2 EqInc II 19.07 -.48 +4.8 GlobA m 64.83 -1.14 +7.4 Rtmt2010 16.04 -.18 +4.6 CapOne 52.75 -1.59 +23.9 GameStop 27.47 -.51 +20.1 MarathonO 52.65 -1.52 +42.2
IntlInstl d 64.45 -1.10 +6.4 GoldMinA m 46.48 -.84 -6.7 REITIdx d 20.20 -.62 +10.7
MdCpVal 22.59 ... +12.5 Rtmt2020 17.24 -.27 +4.9 CapsteadM 13.18 -.09 +4.7 Gannett 13.84 -.38 -8.3 MktVGold 57.07 -1.08 -7.2
36.16 -.94 +7.5
ExpMulNat d 22.66 -.49 +3.9
11.79 -.10 +4.4
11.97 -.20 +4.8
IntlInv m
63.77 -1.09 +6.3 IntlBondA m 6.71 -.01 +3.9
IntlBondY 6.71 -.01 +4.0
18.15 -.34
18.29 -.38
REITIdxAd d 86.22 -2.62
STBond 10.65 +.02
Carnival 37.17 -1.64
Caterpillar 101.24 -4.56
Gap 18.90
GenDynam 71.80
-.50 -14.2
-2.42 +1.2
MktVRus 37.77
MktV Agri 54.13
-.94 -.4
-1.35 +1.1
Foreign Exchange & Metals
Asset b 58.32 -1.45 +5.5 AdvHLSIA 20.13 -.31 +4.2 MainStrA m 33.10 -.73 +2.2 ShTmBond 4.87 ... +1.4 CedarF 19.90 -.75 +31.3 GenElec 19.13 -.51 +4.6 MarIntA 36.85 -.96 -11.3
FF2040 8.36 -.14 +4.8 STBondAdm 10.65 +.02 +1.9
Growth b 55.10 -1.20 +7.6 CapAprA m 34.68 -.85 +0.1 RocMuniA m 15.20 +.05 +2.4 SmCpStk 37.03 -1.09 +7.6 CelSci .60 +.01 -26.8 GenGrPr n 16.09 -.39 +3.9 MarshM 30.27 -.40 +10.7 CURRENCY CLOSE PVS. %CH. 6MO. 1YR.
Fidelity 34.09 -.84 +6.1 CapAprI 34.73 -.84 +0.3 STBondSgl 10.65 +.02 +1.9
SmCap b 26.15 -.58 +10.0 RochNtlMu m 6.74 +.02 +4.9 SmCpVal d 37.55 -1.15 +3.9 Celgene 59.91 -1.00 +1.3 GenMills s 39.22 -.55 +10.2 MarshIls 7.78 -.22 +12.4
FltRtHiIn d 9.86 -.01 +1.8 CpApHLSIA 43.63 -1.04 +3.0 STCor 10.81 +.01 +2.0 USD per British Pound 1.6360 -.0088 -.54% 1.5618 1.4658
StrIncA m 4.41 ... +5.4 SpecGrow 18.58 -.42 +5.0 Cemex 8.38 -.23 -18.6 GenMot n 30.23 -1.58 -18.0 MarvellT 15.72 -.52 -15.3
Bernstein Free2010 14.11 -.12 +4.2 DvGrHLSIA 20.56 -.46 +5.4
DiversMui 14.50 +.02 +3.0 Free2020 14.36 -.16 +4.5 PIMCO SpecInc 12.67 -.03 +4.2 STGradeAd 10.81 +.01 +2.0 CenterPnt 19.24 -.09 +22.4 GenOn En 3.92 -.07 +2.9 Masco 13.90 -.35 +9.8 Canadian Dollar .9748 +.0060 +.62% 1.0158 1.0505
TRBdHLSIA 11.30 +.03 +3.7 AllAssetI 12.64 -.03 +5.4 TaxFHiYld 10.53 +.04 +3.6 CVtPS 34.26 -.04 +56.7 Gentex 28.49 -.86 -3.6 MassMCp s17.09 +.08 +11.9
IntDur 14.06 +.05 +4.1 Free2025 12.01 -.16 +4.7 STsryAdml 10.78 +.01 +1.3
TxMIntl 15.93 -.31 +1.3 Free2030 14.36 -.21 +4.7 Hussman AllAuthIn 11.05 +.01 +5.2 Value 24.69 -.59 +5.8 CentAl 14.98 -1.16 -3.5 Genworth 10.63 -.48 -19.1 MasseyEn 65.14 -.86 +21.4 USD per Euro 1.4374 -.0004 -.03% 1.3132 1.2253
StratGrth d 12.39 +.13 +0.8 ValueAd b 24.43 -.58 +5.7 SelValu d 20.09 -.45 +7.1
GNMA 11.75 +.05 +3.9 ComRlRStI 9.63 -.07 +6.5 CntryLink 42.68 -.51 -7.6 Gerdau 10.66 -.37 -23.8 Mattel 26.14 -.26 +2.8 Japanese Yen 80.97 -.53 -.65% 84.20 91.24
BlackRock SmCapIdx 38.14 ... +9.8
GovtInc 10.64 +.04 +3.0 INVESCO DevLocMktI 11.03 -.04 +4.8 Templeton Checkpnt 17.43 -.68 -15.2 GeronCp 4.21 -.18 -18.9 MaximIntg 26.43 -.82 +11.9
EqDivA m 18.46 -.43 +5.8 Mexican Peso 11.6680 +.0991 +.85% 12.3750 12.9000
GrowCo 90.53 -2.23 +8.9 CharterA m 17.22 -.33 +6.5 DivIncInst 11.67 ... +4.5 InFEqSeS 21.38 -.33 +6.6 SmCpIdAdm 38.19 ... +9.8 Cheesecake30.75 -1.02 +.3 GileadSci 41.28 -.46 +13.9 McClatchy 2.86 -.16 -38.8
EqDivI 18.50 -.43 +5.9
GrowInc 19.12 -.42 +4.7 ComstockA m 16.47 -.39 +5.1 HiYldIs 9.51 ... +5.3 Third Avenue SmCpIdIst 38.19 ... +9.8 CheniereEn 10.79 -.92 +95.5 GlaxoSKln 42.43 -1.03 +8.2 McCorm 49.68 -.51 +6.8
GlobAlcA m 20.17 -.22 +3.9
GlobAlcC m 18.78 -.20 +3.5 HiInc d 9.17 -.01 +5.2 ConstellB m 21.70 -.52 +3.7 InvGrdIns 10.84 +.03 +5.7 Value d 52.56 -.77 +1.5 SmGthIdx 23.86 -.75 +8.9
ChesEng 30.39 -.95 +17.3 GlimchRt 10.00 -.24 +19.0 McDrmInt s 20.46 -.76 -1.1 METALS CLOSE PVS. %CH. 6MO. 1YR.
Indepndnc 25.58 -.65 +5.1 EqIncomeA m 8.90 -.15 +4.1 LowDrA m 10.52 -.01 +2.1 Chevron 102.49 -2.42 +12.3 GloblInd 5.83 -.44 -15.9 McDnlds 80.98 -.56 +5.5
GlobAlcI d 20.28 -.21 +4.0 Thornburg SmGthIst 23.92 -.75 +8.9 Copper 4.10 4.17 -1.69 +3.98 +35.32
IntBond 10.79 +.03 +3.6 GlobEqA m 11.56 -.20 +7.6 LowDrIs 10.52 -.01 +2.2 Chicos 14.64 -.44 +21.7 GluMobile 5.22 +.13+152.2 McGrwH 41.17 -1.30 +13.1
CGM RealRet 11.73 +.05 +5.2 IntlValA m 29.80 -.27 +6.4
IntMuniInc d 10.18 +.01 +3.2 GrowIncA m 19.95 -.46 +4.1 SmValIdx 16.65 -.50 +4.0 Chimera 3.84 -.07 -6.6 GoldFLtd 16.05 -.39 -11.5 MedcoHlth 60.21 +.35 -1.7 Gold 1542.40 1535.90 +0.42 +11.18 +26.36
Focus 31.19 -.96 -10.4 RealRtnA m 11.73 +.05 +5.1 IntlValI d 30.47 -.28 +6.6
IntlDisc d 33.85 -.60 +2.5 PacGrowB m 22.07 -.35 -1.1 Star 20.01 -.23 +4.9 ChurchDwt 82.00 -2.10 +18.8 Goldcrp g 49.46 -.61 +7.6 MediCo 18.49 -.62 +30.9
Mutual 27.26 -.56 -7.5
InvGrdBd 7.60 +.04 +4.2 TaxESecY 10.58 +.03 +4.1 ShtTermIs 9.91 ... +1.0 Tweedy Browne CIBER 5.86 -.24 +25.2 GoldmanS 136.17 -4.56 -19.0 Medtrnic 39.97 -.73 +7.8 Platinum 1823.90 1834.00 -0.55 +8.31 +17.64
Realty 29.19 -.90 +9.2 TotRetA m 11.06 ... +3.2 GlobVal d 24.98 -.08 +4.9 StratgcEq 20.20 -.52 +10.3 CienaCorp 25.48 -1.27 +21.0 Goodyear 16.88 -.85 +42.4 MelcoCrwn 11.81 +.59 +85.7
LatinAm d 57.81 -1.30 -2.1 Ivy
TgtRe2010 23.30 -.19 +4.4
Silver 37.69 38.30 -1.60 +32.76 +105.91
Calamos LevCoSt d 30.41 -.83 +7.0 AssetStrA m 25.85 -.46 +5.9 TotRetAdm b 11.06 ... +3.3 VALIC Co I Cisco 16.38 -.42 -19.0 Google 525.60 -3.42 -11.5 MentorGr 13.34 -.07 +11.2
GrowA m 56.23 -1.35 +5.3 LowPriStk d 41.36 -.72 +7.8 AssetStrC m 25.04 -.45 +5.5 TotRetC m 11.06 ... +2.9 StockIdx 26.10 -.61 +5.2 TgtRe2015 12.98 -.14 +4.5 Citigrp rs 39.65 -1.50 -16.2 Gramrcy 2.23 -.14 -3.5 Merck 36.25 -.50 +.6 Palladium 777.45 778.95 -0.19 +6.39 +72.23
Cohen & Steers Magellan 73.92 -1.71 +3.3 TotRetIs 11.06 ... +3.4 Vanguard TgtRe2020 23.11 -.30 +4.6
JPMorgan TotRetrnD b 11.06 ... +3.2
Realty 64.67 -1.96 +11.1 MidCap d 30.73 -.76 +6.5 CoreBondA m 11.65 +.04 +3.1 500Adml 121.49 -2.82 +5.4
Story Stocks
TotlRetnP 11.06 ... +3.3 TgtRe2030 22.73 -.38 +4.8
Columbia MuniInc d 12.55 +.03 +4.1 CoreBondSelect11.64+.03 +3.2 500Inv 121.47 -2.81 +5.3
AcornA m 30.89 -.77 +5.6 NewMktIn d 15.89 +.03 +3.9 Parnassus AssetA 25.64 -.60 +4.9 TgtRe2035 13.74 -.26 +5.0
HighYldSel d 8.34 ... +5.5
AcornIntZ 42.56 -.38 +4.0 OTC 59.89 -1.38 +9.0 EqIncInv 27.61 -.57 +5.2 BalIdxAdm 22.30 -.28 +4.9 TgtRe2040 22.56 -.43 +4.9
AcornZ 31.93 -.80 +5.8 Overseas d 33.69 -.59 +3.7
IntmdTFSl 10.99 +.02 +3.5
ShDurBndSel 11.02 +.01 +1.1 Permanent BalIdxIns 22.30 -.28 +4.9 TgtRe2045 14.17 -.27 +5.0
Fears of a stalling economy sent the Dow down manufacturing weakened more than expected in
DivrEqInA m 10.49 -.26 +4.2 Puritan 18.73 -.25 +4.9 USLCpCrPS 21.15 -.53 +2.3 Portfolio 48.61 -.29 +6.1 CAITAdml 10.97 +.02
CapOp d 34.87 -.81
+4.9 TgtRetInc 11.68 -.04 +4.1 280 points and erased more than a quarter of the April, and private employers added far fewer jobs
StLgCpGrZ 13.83 -.33 +9.7 RealInv d 28.36 -.87 +10.4 Pioneer
ValRestrZ 51.70 -1.42 +2.5 Series100Index 9.10 -.20 +4.1
OverseasJ d 48.24 -.91 -4.7 PioneerA m 42.28 -1.06 +3.4 CapOpAdml d80.56 -1.88 +4.9 Tgtet2025 13.21 -.20 +4.7 stock market’s gains for the year. Treasury yields in May than in April. The Dow fell 2.2 percent. The
ShTmBond 8.54 +.01 +1.6 CapVal 11.56 -.35 +4.9 TotBdAdml 10.80 +.04 +3.3
SmCapStk d 20.75 -.68 +5.9
PerkinsMCVJ 23.73 -.51 +5.1 Principal Convrt d 13.95 -.17 +4.8 fell to their lowest level since December as traders S&P index fell 2.3 percent. The Nasdaq fell 2.3
1YrFixInI 10.36 ... +0.6 TwentyJ 66.14 -1.33 +0.6 L/T2020I 12.27 -.19 +5.2 TotBdInst 10.80 +.04 +3.3
2YrGlbFII 10.21 ... +0.6 StratInc 11.38 +.01 +5.0
John Hancock SAMConGrB m13.70 -.26 +4.4
DevMktIdx d 10.52 -.20 +4.6
TotBdMkInv 10.80 +.04 +3.3 sought safety. Government reports showed that percent.
5YrGlbFII 11.21 +.03 +3.0 StratRRet d 9.96 -.05 +4.4 DivGr 15.37 -.29 +6.9
LifAg1 b 12.86 -.28 +4.7 Prudential Investmen
EmMkCrEqI 22.26 -.27 +0.5 TotalBd 10.99 +.04 +4.0
LifBa1 b 13.45 -.17 +4.7 2020FocA m 16.78 -.41 +5.6
EmMktIAdm d40.28 -.55
EnergyAdm d132.56-3.38
TotBdMkSig 10.80 +.04 +3.3 Dollar General DG Monster Worldwide MWW Sealed Air SEE
EmMktValI 35.82 -.46 -0.9 USBdIdxInv 11.58 +.06 +3.5 TotIntl d 16.31 -.28 +3.5
LifGr1 b 13.43 -.24 +4.6 BlendA m 18.19 -.47 +5.7
IntSmCapI 18.06 -.23 +5.0 Value 72.68 -1.95 +5.8
RegBankA m 14.10 -.54 -3.8 EqOppA m 14.80 -.36 +6.6
EnergyInv d 70.59 -1.80 +9.6 TotStIAdm 33.25 -.79 +5.8 Close: $31.81 -3.26 or -9.3% Close: $14.36 -1.06 or -6.9% Close: $23.84 -1.71 or -6.7%
USCorEq1I 11.63 -.29 +5.9 Fidelity Advisor ExplAdml 73.82 -2.05 +8.8
USCorEq2I 11.57 -.31 +5.7 NewInsA m 20.63 -.42 +3.5
SovInvA m 16.34 -.40 +4.3 HiYieldA m 5.63 +.01 +5.3 Explr 79.28 -2.20 +8.7 TotStIIns 33.25 -.80 +5.8 The discount store operator said The jobs board company’s stock fell The packaging company is spend-
TaxFBdA m 9.72 +.02 +3.8 IntlEqtyA m 6.55 -.10 +5.8 ExtdIdAdm 45.41 ... +10.0 TotStISig 32.09 -.77 +5.8 high gas prices had curbed custom- after a private-sector report showed ing about $2.9 billion in cash and
USLgCo 10.40 -.24 +5.4 NewInsI 20.84 -.43 +3.6 IntlValA m 21.73 -.38 +5.5
Keeley ExtdIdIst 45.41 ... +10.1 TotStIdx 33.23 -.80 +5.7
USLgValI 21.60 -.56 +7.6 StratIncA m 12.72 +.01 +5.0
SmCapVal m 26.18 -.91 +4.8 JenMidCapGrA m29.76-.68 +8.7 ExtndIdx 45.37 ... +10.0 ers’ desire to buy, and rising costs businesses created far fewer jobs in stock to acquire diversified manu-
USMicroI 14.38 -.46 +4.5 ValStratT m 27.53 -.73 +6.3 TxMIntlAdm d 12.11 -.23 +4.6
USSmValI 26.43 -.86 +3.4 Fidelity Select Lazard
JennGrA m 19.09 -.49 +5.8 FAWeUSIns d97.26 -1.75 +3.7 hurt its gross margins. May than in April. facturer Diversey Holdings.
NaturResA m 56.74 -1.64 -0.6 GNMA 10.99 +.04 +3.7 TxMSCAdm 28.89 -.89 +6.3
USSmallI 22.57 -.71 +5.7 Gold d 48.53 -.83 -5.0 EmgMkEqtI d 21.66 -.24 -0.6
SmallCoA m 21.90 -.62 +7.9 GNMAAdml 10.99 +.04 +3.7 USValue 10.89 -.26 +7.8 $40 $18 $28
DWS-Scudder Pharm d 13.84 -.23 +14.5 EmgMktEqO m22.03 -.25 -0.7
UtilityA m 11.09 -.17 +8.9 GlbEq 18.84 -.34 +5.5
EnhEMFIS d 10.80 +.02 +0.6 Fidelity Spartan Legg Mason/Western ValIdxIns 21.95 -.53 +6.2 35 26
ValueA m 15.61 -.37 +6.0 GrowthEq 11.34 -.28 +5.1
HlthCareS d 27.94 -.43 +14.7 500IdxAdvtg 46.68 -1.08 +5.4 CrPlBdIns 11.07 +.03 +4.3
Putnam GrowthIdx 33.12 -.74 +5.0
WellsI 22.76 -.09 +5.8 16
LAEqS d 49.40 -1.14 -7.0 500IdxInv 46.67 -1.09 +5.3 MgdMuniA m 15.50 +.04 +4.8 GrowIncA m 14.37 ... +6.3 GrthIdAdm 33.13 -.74 +5.1 WellsIAdm 55.14 -.22 +5.8 30 24
Davis ExtMktIdI d 40.24 -1.09 +6.8 Longleaf Partners GrowIncB m 14.10 ... +6.0 GrthIstId 33.13 -.74 +5.1 Welltn 32.49 -.43 +5.1
NYVentA m 35.62 -.82 +3.7 IntlIdxIn d 36.75 -.64 +4.8 LongPart 30.85 -.64 +9.2 IncomeA m 6.93 ... +5.0 HYCor d 5.86 ... +5.9 WelltnAdm 56.12 -.74 +5.2 25 14 22
NYVentC m 34.34 -.79 +3.4 TotMktIdAg d 38.40 -.91 +5.7 Loomis Sayles VoyagerA m 23.51 -.66 -0.8 HYCorAdml d 5.86 ... +5.9 M A M M A M M A M
NYVentY 36.02 -.83 +3.8 TotMktIdI d 38.39 -.92 +5.7 WndsIIAdm 48.44 -1.12 +6.3
BondI 14.95 -.05 +7.1 Royce HltCrAdml d 58.76 -.63 +14.6 52-week range 52-week range 52-week range
Delaware Invest First Eagle BondR b 14.90 -.05 +7.0 LowStkSer m 18.93 -.44 +3.7 HlthCare d 139.23 -1.49 +14.6 Wndsr 14.13 -.36 +4.6
DiverIncA m 9.41 +.02 +4.1 GlbA m 48.32 -.55 +4.2 Lord Abbett OpportInv d 12.28 -.41 +1.7 ITBondAdm 11.51 +.07 +4.8 WndsrAdml 47.70 -1.21 +4.6
$26.61 $35.09 $10.01 $25.90 $19.28 $28.77
Dimensional Investme OverseasA m 23.42 -.10 +3.4 AffiliatA m 11.85 -.34 +2.6 PAMutInv d 12.37 -.34 +6.2 ITGradeAd 10.09 +.04 +4.7
IntCorEqI 11.74 -.21 +4.5 FrankTemp-Franklin BondDebA m 8.09 -.01 +6.2 PremierInv d 21.95 -.51 +7.9 ITIGrade 10.09 +.04 +4.6
WndsrII 27.28 -.64 +6.3 Vol.: 7.9m (5.3x avg.) PE: 17.5 Vol.: 3.7m (1.0x avg.) PE: ... Vol.: 11.7m (10.6x avg.) PE: 16.6
IntlSCoI 18.02 -.19 +5.0 CA TF A x 6.81 -.02 +3.6 ShDurIncA m 4.63 ... +2.5 TotRetInv d 13.74 -.33 +4.5 ITrsyAdml 11.63 +.06 +3.7 Yacktman Mkt. Cap: $10.86 b Yield: ... Mkt. Cap: $1.86 b Yield: ... Mkt. Cap: $3.82 b Yield: 2.2%
IntlValuI 19.05 -.43 +3.9 Fed TF A x 11.66 -.02 +4.9 ShDurIncC m 4.66 ... +2.2 ValPlSvc m 14.00 -.43 +4.3 InfPrtAdm 26.69 +.13 +5.2 Yacktman d 17.96 -.25 +8.6

PAGE 10B THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 ➛ W E A T H E R THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

NATIONAL FORECAST: Light rain showers will be possible over portions of New England and north-

ern New York today due to an upper-level trough of low pressure. Showers and thunderstorms will be
much more significant from the northern Plains into the Midwest as a warm front moves through the
sunny, a regions. Showers will be scattered behind a cold front throughout much of the Northwest.
Mostly sunny, low

53° humidity T-storm

74° 79°
43° 50°


Mostly Sunny Partly Partly
sunny sunny, a sunny 72/56 76/53 A robust inva-
shower sion of much
79° 77° 80° 80° 60/49
cooler and drier
57° 55° 55° 55° 90/52 air will last all
day today and
into tonight. In
the process, a
The Poconos 99/73 96/76
Today’s high/ Syracuse Highs: 72-75. Lows: 42-44. Mostly sunny gusty wind will
Tonight’s low and breezy at times today. Mostly clear 94/74
peak at 30 mph,
65/43 tonight. and cumulus
61/49 87/74 87/77
clouds will blos-
Binghamton The Jersey Shore 67/44 som and deco-
66/41 Highs: 75-83. Lows: 53-57. Mostly sunny rate a blue sky
and not as warm today. Mostly clear City Yesterday Today Tomorrow City Yesterday Today Tomorrow this afternoon.
Towanda tonight.
71/39 Anchorage 55/50/.08 61/49/c 61/45/c Myrtle Beach 84/72/.00 86/71/s 85/71/t High tempera-
Scranton 73/43
Atlanta 92/73/.00 92/72/pc 92/72/pc Nashville 93/70/.00 94/70/pc 96/70/pc tures will be 20
72/43 The Finger Lakes Baltimore 97/73/.00 87/56/s 81/59/s New Orleans 97/75/.00 94/74/pc 92/73/pc degrees cooler
Wilkes-Barre Highs: 64-71. Lows: 37-46. Partly sunny Boston 81/64/.12 71/51/s 71/52/s Norfolk 93/71/.00 88/63/s 80/67/s
73/43 Buffalo 80/66/.00 65/46/s 72/56/s Oklahoma City 90/72/.00 93/71/s 92/69/s
than recent
today. Clear to partly cloudy tonight. days, and the
Charlotte 94/70/.00 94/69/pc 90/68/pc Omaha 84/54/.00 92/72/pc 92/68/pc
Pottsville New York City Chicago 81/59/.00 70/59/t 91/76/pc Orlando 83/69/.42 90/70/s 91/71/s lower humidity
State College 78/48
76/53 Cleveland 82/75/.00 68/53/s 75/69/pc Phoenix 93/73/.00 97/68/s 99/70/s will allow the
Brandywine Valley Dallas 94/76/.00 96/76/s 97/73/s Pittsburgh 84/75/.00 75/48/s 80/58/pc wash to dry in
Reading Denver 82/48/.00 90/52/s 78/51/s Portland, Ore. 60/51/.29 62/52/sh 68/51/pc
Harrisburg 85/50 Highs: 78-85. Lows: 54-56. Mostly sunny just minutes.
82/52 and pleasant today. Continued mostly Detroit 81/70/.00 72/56/pc 76/67/pc St. Louis 91/66/.00 90/75/pc 95/74/pc
Honolulu 84/76/.00 87/74/r 87/73/s Salt Lake City 75/56/.00 62/43/pc 65/47/pc Temperatures
Philadelphia clear tonight.
85/57 Houston 97/70/.00 94/74/pc 94/72/pc San Antonio 94/72/.00 96/71/s 96/72/s tonight will drop
Indianapolis 86/70/.00 85/66/pc 89/72/pc San Diego 68/58/.00 68/56/s 70/56/s into the 40s, but
Atlantic City Delmarva/Ocean City Las Vegas 85/69/.00 81/60/s 84/69/s San Francisco 62/51/.15 63/50/pc 61/53/pc frost is not
83/53 Highs: 80-87. Lows: 55-62. Mostly sunny Los Angeles 65/53/.00 69/55/s 72/56/s Seattle 59/50/.09 58/50/sh 65/49/pc
Miami 89/76/.00 87/77/pc 88/78/s Tampa 88/72/1.05 90/74/s 91/73/s expected to
and pleasant today. Mostly clear tonight.
Milwaukee 79/62/.00 56/53/pc 86/66/pc Tucson 101/67/.00 96/61/pc 97/63/s form. Friday will
Minneapolis 75/55/.00 75/69/t 89/63/pc Washington, DC 97/76/.00 87/59/s 84/61/s be one of the
ALMANAC Recorded at Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Int’l Airport top 10 best days
WORLD CITIES of 2011 under a
Temperatures Precipitation River Levels, from 12 p.m. yesterday. City Yesterday Today Tomorrow City Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Yesterday 89/70 Yesterday 0.00” Susquehanna Stage Chg. Fld. Stg Forecasts, graphs deep blue sky.
Average 75/53 Month to date 0.00” Wilkes-Barre 8.92 -2.37 22.0 and data ©2011 Amsterdam 66/45/.00 71/53/pc 76/54/s Mexico City 73/55/.00 82/57/t 81/55/t The start of the
Record High 93 in 1937 Normal month to date 0.13” Towanda 4.89 -2.07 21.0 Weather Central, LP Baghdad 118/84/.00 104/80/s 101/77/s Montreal 84/70/.00 56/44/pc 68/48/s
Beijing 91/68/.00 91/69/s 89/67/pc Moscow 81/52/.00 81/58/s 79/56/t
weekend looks
Record Low 36 in 2009 Year to date 21.36” Lehigh
Cooling Degree Days* Normal year to date 14.33” For more weather Berlin 68/55/.05 74/56/pc 77/54/pc Paris 70/45/.00 75/56/pc 79/57/pc very good, but
Bethlehem 2.86 0.54 16.0
Yesterday 15 Sun and Moon Delaware information go to: Buenos Aires 64/37/.00 64/44/pc 59/42/s Rio de Janeiro 77/64/.00 79/64/pc 80/67/t showers may
Month to date 15 Sunrise Sunset Port Jervis 5.05 -0.58 18.0 www.timesleader.com Dublin 66/52/.00 70/49/pc 70/53/sh Riyadh 109/79/.00 113/85/s 112/83/s show up on the
Year to date 94 Today 5:33a 8:31p Frankfurt 61/52/.11 76/53/pc 79/53/pc Rome 75/61/.00 79/58/t 81/59/t radar by Sunday.
Last year to date 99 Tomorrow 5:32a 8:31p First Full Last New National Weather Service Hong Kong 90/79/.00 88/76/pc 86/76/pc San Juan 87/77/.14 85/75/t 84/76/t
Normal year to date 44 Moonrise Moonset 607-729-1597 Jerusalem 81/55/.00 81/61/s 85/62/s Tokyo 63/54/.00 68/62/r 75/63/sh - Tom Clark
*Index of fuel consumption, how far the day’s Today 6:00a 9:29p London 70/45/.00 74/53/pc 73/55/pc Warsaw 84/61/.00 80/61/t 81/59/pc
mean temperature was above 65 degrees.
Tomorrow 6:58a 10:17p June 8 June 15 June 23 July 1 Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sn-snow, sf-snow flurries, i-ice.

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timesleader.com THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011

Mind your
Detroit Free Press
As Facebook becomes the
window to the Web for its more
than 500 million users world-
wide, the security of the social
network has never been a hotter
One recent example is Pam
Aughe of Clarkston, Mich., who
had her account hacked into by
a scammer who tried to bilk her
friends out of money.
While it can be hard to make a
Facebook account hack-proof,
there is certainly a lot you can
do to prevent a story like
Here are 10 Facebook settings
for you to check now.
1. Who can see what?
Your first stop should be your
privacy settings, which you can
get to under “Account” at the
top right of any page.
Here, make sure you’re using
a set of custom settings. Click
“Customize settings” under the
grid on that page to see who can
see which
Good passwords parts of your
include capital profile.
letters, punc- Unless you
tuation, num- use your
Facebook ac-
MCT PHOTOS bers and words
count as a
Typo sleuth Jeff Deck holds his typo-repair kit while Benjamin Herson notes a typo they found on 19th Street in Philadelphia. that can’t be public page,
found in the every option
By ART CAREY The Philadelphia Inquirer dictionary. should at
least be set
PHILADELPHIA — When Jeff Deck and Benjamin Herson, two word nerds and earnest agents of TEAL, the Typo to “Friends
Only.” From there, you can
Eradication Advancement League, visited Philadelphia recently, within 90 minutes Center City was the better for it, make each setting more specif-
orthographically speaking.• On 19th Street, at the Four Seasons Cleaners, they noticed the word cleaner’s uncalled-for ic, keeping your photos hidden
for certain people, for example.
apostrophe on the door of the establishment. • With permission from owner Mee Kim, Deck used his fingernail to peel 2. Place your friends in lists
off the superfluous apostrophe, a feat that would have made him beam triumphantly if he were inclined to beam. • A few To make the previous tip
more powerful, place your Face-
doors down, a sign in the window of All About Hair advertised “5 hairstylist.” Deck, carrying his trusty Typo Correction book friends in lists. If you begin
Kit (a makeup bag filled with correction fluid, permanent markers, chalk, and Sharpies in various colors), offered to to define lists such as Co-work-
ers, Best Friends, Employees,
pluralize the word with an “s,” but hairstylist Rita Riccelli declined. Students, etc., you can set each
of your settings to be visible or
“Somebody told us it was spelled dy-love saga and state-of-the-nation not visible to a whole list of peo-
wrong, but I’d rather you come back survey, it’s also an adventure thriller for ple.
when the boss is here,” Riccelli said. grammar fiends, copy editors and other To do this go to “Edit Friends”
She promised to bring it to his atten- enforcers of linguistic propriety. under the Account menu. Type
tion. “I wanted to make some positive dif- in a friend’s name and add it to a
On 18th Street, at the Wrap Shack ference in the world,” says Deck, ex- list.
kitchen and bar, among the specials on plaining his motivation for the trip. Then you can make sure that
a chalkboard out front Deck and Her- “How could I do that? What is my spe- only your best friends, for exam-
son spotted “chicken caeser.” cial skill? And the answer I came up ple, can see the photos you post.
“Would you mind if I fixed it?” Deck with is, I could spot typos wherever I Or you can make sure that your
politely asked manager Juana Quiroz, roamed. I’ve noticed them all my litera- students or employees don’t see
who consented and even offered chalk. te life.” your status updates.
Deck changed the last “e” to an “a.” Deck, 30, of Portsmouth, N.H., You also can add a friend to a
“Most people are hesitant to do recruited Herson, also 30, of Beaver- list as you accept their friend re-
something about typos,” he declared, ton, Ore. They had met years earlier at quest.
looking satisfied, “but the world is Dartmouth College and roomed to- 3. How secure is your pass-
more malleable than it might seem.” Jeff Deck and Benjamin Herson, both 30 and earnest agents of TEAL — gether when they worked in Washing- word?
Deck and Herson were in town not the Typo Eradication Advancement League — enter a dry-cleaning estab- ton, D.C. This is the front line to your
only searching for typos but also pro- lishment in Philadelphia to inquire about an errant apostrophe. The duo began their trip in New En- Facebook security and should
moting “The Great Typo Hunt: Two gland and journeyed south, before be taken seriously. Good pass-
Friends Changing the World, One Cor- 2008 during which Deck, Herson and inconsistencies, transpositions, sole- heading west, then up the West Coast words include capital letters,
rection at a Time.” (Crown Publishers, other TEAL disciples attempted to rid cisms and symptoms of “the creeping and across the upper Midwest back to punctuation, numbers and
$23.99). It chronicles a 10-week road America of typos, spellos, “prepos- menace of carelessness.” words that can’t be found in the
trip around America in the spring of trophes” and other egregious mistakes, Part classic road-trip narrative, bud- See TYPOS, Page 2C dictionary.
Resist using anything that
someone who knows you well
enough could guess (kids, pets,
phone numbers, etc.).

Long live stylish maxi dresses

If you think for any reason
that your account’s security has
been breached, change your
password immediately. Doing
By BONNIE BING so will end every active session
McClatchy Newspapers of Facebook for your account,
It’s true — fashion is cycli- locking out anyone else but you.
cal. Around and around styles “THERE’S A HINT OF SOPHISTICATION IN MAXI 4. Who can find you?
go. Facebook also allows you to
The names might change — dresses this season that I’m really drawn to, set what people see if they’re not
“hip huggers” became “low your friend. Under privacy set-
rise,” “warm-ups” turned into even the more casual ones.” tings, click “View Settings” un-
“activewear,” and “maxi dress- Brooke Greene Hebert, der the “Connecting on Face-
es” became “patio dresses” Owner of Pink Saloon clothing store book” setting at the top of the
then went back to “maxi page.
dresses.” Here, you can set what people
No matter what you call see when they search for you on
them, maxi dresses are a cool are selling well as the weather of prints and bright solids and Facebook.
look in warmer weather. warms and people think about details such as draping, asym- Pay special note to the bottom
“I love them because you summer. metrical necklines and hems option, which allows you to set
can wear them anywhere,” “There’s a hint of sophisti- make finding just the right who can see what you have
said Wynn Hukle, a fashion- cation in maxi dresses this maxi dress a fun search. “liked” on Facebook. Many
conscious teen who wasn’t season that I’m really drawn When Erin Duke of Aspen don’t realize that by default this
born when the first maxi dress to, even the more casual Boutique in Wichita, Kan., re- option is set to show everyone
craze hit in the ’70s. But she’s ones,” said Brooke Greene ceived an invitation that spec- on the Web what you like.
right. Hebert, owner of Pink Saloon ified “patio chic” for preferred Don’t want that future em-
These long dresses that clothing store. attire, she knew immediately ployer to know that you “like”
were once worn poolside or Halter styles, empire what she would wear. naps or skipping class? This is a
on the patio are showing up waists, straight columns and “I thought, ‘Ah, break out good thing to check.
everywhere today, from res- elongated A-lines are just a the maxi dress.’ They’re leng- 5. What does my profile look
taurants to casual gatherings few of the style options. A thening and flattering and, of like to Grandpa?
to nightclubs. huge variety of comfortable course, women love that,” she MCT PHOTO

Retailers say maxi dresses fabrics, an even larger choice said. A model dons a maxi dress of coral stretch cotton by Press. See FACEBOOK, Page 2C

PAGE 2C THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 ➛ L I F E THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

er summoned to court, charged

with defacing federal property
tution. They were also banned
from national parks for a year.
Continued from Page 1C Continued from Page 1C
The experience ended the
Even the most conscientious New England. practice of “stealth corrections”
Facebook user can miss a check Ontheirfirsttour,theyskipped and “covert alterations” and led
box or two, putting his or her en- Philadelphia but did stop in Lans- to the formulation of the “Third
tire weekend escapade on Face- downe, where they corrected Rule of Typo Hunting” (Don’t Be
book for Grandpa to see. signs in a supermarket offering a Jerk) and such corollaries as Al-
But the good news is that you “beefstake”tomatoesand“pome- ways Ask Permission and Be
can preview what your profile granite” juice. They fixed “bread Courteous and Deferential.
looks like to any of your friends, puding” in Rockville, Md., “sou- “It’s a universal truth that ev-
many of whom can see different veneir mugs” in Las Vegas, and eryone makes mistakes,” Deck
things depending on how ad- “dillettante chocolate” in Seattle. says, “and there are mistakes ev-
vanced you have set your priva- NearFlagstaff,Ariz.,theyspotted erywhere you go in the United
cy settings. a billboard urging “BRING States.” No region was more er-
In your privacy settings, click YOUR CAMERA’S.” That was ror-prone than others, but neigh-
“Customize Settings” then “Pre- enough to impel them to exit the borhoods with more small busi-
view My Profile.” highway and turn around. After nesses were “more likely to need
Here, you’ll be able to type in vaulting a barbed-wire fence, typo-eradication assistance.”
any friend’s name and see exact- they reached the offending bill- Tolerant of slang, lenient to-
ly what they see. Very handy. board, where Deck chalked out ward non-native users of English,
6. Browse Facebook securely the apostrophe. determined to amend the error
One of Facebook’s most vul- On the Canadian side of Niag- rather than shame the perpetra-
nerable features is that much of ara Falls, as the TEALsters were tor, they tried to steer a middle
your browsing is done without a whiting out the extraneous apos- course between the “grammar
secure connection to the web- trophe in “palm reading’s” hawks” and “grammar hippies.”
site. Hackers have exploited this (“probably the most common Telling patterns in spelling mis-
hole by accessing your personal type of mistake,” Herson says), takes, particularly “double-letter
information if you use Facebook two thugs approached and issues” (“dinning” instead of
on a public or unsecured WiFi warned, “Walk away now or you “dining,” “shiping” instead of
network. won’t be able to walk again.” “shipping”), have convinced
In your account settings, “That’s the only time we were them of the virtue of phonics-
choose Account Security. physically threatened,” Deck based reading instruction.
There’s a check box there to en- says. “Maybe they were part of The guerrilla grammarians of
able secure browsing whenever MCT ILLUSTRATION some apostrophe-preserving TEAL hope to inspire others to
possible. Check that. gang.” follow their lead. In the mean-
You’ll soon see that Facebook One of Facebook’s greatest security features is the ability to can be shared with apps that On the south rim of the Grand time: “Take a second look at your
will be using https:// instead of individually approve each computer or mobile device that logs your friends add. Click save. Canyon, they fixed two errors on text,” Herson exhorts. Proofread-
http://. That’s how you know 10. Who can post on your a sign about artwork on a faux ing something you’re about to
you’re more secure. into your account. wall? American Indian watchtower. share with the world is a matter
7. Who is logging in as you? The social network has be- The Park Service, which regard- not only of clarity of communica-
One of Facebook’s greatest se- come a veritable cesspool of ed the sign as historic, was not tion but also common courtesy.
curity features is the ability to over the years, each of us has from which you want your infor- spam. amused.TheTEALsterswerelat-
individually approve each com- amassed lists of applications mation yanked. Many of these spammy links THE TEXTILE CO.
puter or mobile device that logs that have access to our Face- 9. Even your friends’ apps are clickjacking schemes, which (A Division of Sew Be It Designs)
into your account. book information. know you, too spread by posting links on a www.stuckertours.com Window Treatments • Blinds
You can name each computer To see which apps currently This one is even scarier. On bunch of your friends’ walls. Shades • Bedding • Slip Covers
you use Facebook with (work, have access to your Facebook in- the same app privacy page, The only foolproof way to pre-
ESCAPE TO THE BEACH! Fabrics • Upholstery
home, laptop, iPhone, etc.).
To turn this on, go to your ac-
formation, go to your privacy
settings and click edit under
check out the subhead that says
“Info accessible through your
vent these links from gumming
up your own wall is to set it so
ATLANTIC CITY Custom Sewing & Interior Design
211 Warren St. • West Pittston
count settings, click on “Ac- “Apps and Websites” at the bot- friends.” no one can post directly on your BUS TRIP — JUNE 26-28 654-2910
count Security” and choose that tom left of the page. You may not know it, but any- wall. Friends can still comment HILTON ACCOM., $20 FOOD,
you want an e-mail or text mess- On the next page, click edit thing your friends can see on on your status messages, links $40 SLOTPLAY, SHOWBOAT

age when someone tries to log settings next to “Apps you use.” Facebook also can be seen by and photos, but won’t have the ON SUN., ONLY $179 pp
in from a computer that isn’t Here, you’ll see a list of all the any app that your friends add on ability to leave you a public
one you’ve approved. apps that have your information Facebook — including apps that note.
Here, you can also see all the on file. Many of them are used you have no idea were ever giv- To change this setting, head
open sessions of Facebook tied for convenience, such as inte- en access. to the customize settings area
to your account. Someone log- gration with the popular Insta- To disallow this, click on edit under privacy. Then uncheck
ging in from five states away? gram photo-sharing app or com- settings and uncheck all the box- the “Enable” box where it allows
Click “end activity” and they’ll menting services on news web- es that allow you to choose what friends to post on your wall.
be stopped in their tracks. sites. But there are certainly
8. Which apps know you?
As we have used Facebook
some you could lose.
Click the X next to any app ARMANDO $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ C O M M U N I T Y N E W S THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 PAGE 3C

HONOR ROLL terbaugh, Hailee E. Rhoades,

Justin Romanoski, Michael A.
Scott, Zackery W. Sherman,
REUNIONS luncheon, with orders off the
menu, will be served. No invita-
tions have been mailed. If attend-
Ralph F. Shulde, Desiree Sue ing, call Bill Hartzel at 570-675-
1277 before July 27.
West Side Career and Smith, Michael Stash, Tykia S.
Bishop Hoban High School
Class of 1951 will meet for a lun-
Technology Center Grade 1 1: Highest Honors:
Class of 1978 will hold a reunion 2 cheon at 12:30 p.m. on June 15 at
p.m. July 16 at the pavilion at Holy Costello’s, Gateway Shopping
Ryan J. Searles. High Hon- Trinity Russian Church, East Main
Elizabeth J. Ellis, administrative ors: Alicia Bevan, Felisha Center, 67 S. Wyoming Ave., Ed-
director, and Anthony Gua- Street, Wilkes-Barre. Cost is $30 wardsville. All classmates, spouses
Lynn Davenport, Hannah Lee and is BYOB. Money and reserva-
riglia, principal, West Side Smith, Stanley Sopata. Hon- and friends are invited. For reser-
Career and Technology tions are due by June 30. For vations, call Gil at 824-9425 or
ors: Brian C. Bonnerwith, more information contact Michelle
Center recently announced Nicole Rae Davenport, Sa- Marilyn at 288-3012.
the students that were Rogan at 823-0924 or mro-
mantha Jayne Edmonds, gan@hotmail.com, or Valerie
placed on the Honor Roll for
the fourth marking period.
Audre M. Edwards, Derrick J. Delaney at 407-1821 or fire- Jenkins Township High School
Eyerman, Emily A. Farver, hunt44@aol.com. Information is
Sarah C. Golembewski, Class of 1951 is planning its 60th
Grade 9: High Honors: Jessica also available on Facebook.
Amanda R. Hamilton, Joshua anniversary reunion. Contact
Vargo, Jestina Vasicak. Hon- information is being sought for
J. Huntsinger, Kelly A. Jones,
ors: Laura Baut, Jory D.
Brezinski, Christopher David Heather N. Kennedy, Stepha- Bishop O’Reilly High School Teresa Benkoski. Anyone with
information, call Eileen at 655-
Cragle, Nicholas Connor nie M. Ketcham, Elias F. Classes 1984-2004 are holding a 1555.
Granahan, Jeremy C. Har- Kocher, Shane Michael Koch- reunion meeting 7 p.m. June 25 at
mon, Paul T. Holena, Amber er, Samantha Lynn Mac- the Woodlands Inn and Resort.
D. Lewis, Alexandria E. McMa- Millan, Mark J. Macosky, The committee is asking at least John S. Fine High School,
nus, Brittany E. O’Connell, Shawn Ryan O’MalIey, Kassie one person from each of the 20 Nanticoke
Mitchel Edward Pointon,
Christine J. Richard, Allison
Rodriguez, Samantha J.
Savakinas, Kayla J. Walsh.
classes to attend the meeting.
Addresses are being sought for Class of 1972 will hold a meeting at W-B Academy marks Community Reading Day
Sands, Danielle J. Simon, the following classmates, Sharon 6 p.m. on Wednesday at Tommy-
Grade 12: Highest Honors: Pekar, Joann Kelley, Frank Joyce, boy’s Bar and Grill, 14 Market St., Mrs. Semcheski’s second-grade class at Wilkes-Barre Academy
Shannon Yavorchak. Garrett J. Hittle. High Hon- recently participated in Community Reading Day sponsored by the
John Jukas, Susan Stetten, Wendy Nanticoke, to begin planning for its
Grade 10: Highest Honors: ors: Nicole A. Dzubiak, Bran- Valderrama, Thomas O’Konski, 40th anniversary reunion. All Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Zbegner, assistant to
Emily C. Mansilla. High Hon- don J. Gibbon, David A. Christine O’Leary, Paul Blannard, classmates are welcome. Submit the chief executive officer of the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins,
ors: Kassandra L. Edmonds, Labar. Honors: Jacquelin C. Chris Kolejchick, Maura Mundy, classmate updates, including read the story of ‘Daisy the Dairy Cow.’ Zbegner presented the
Rebecca Kemp, Emilee A. Austin, Nicole O. Bencho, Christine O’Konski, Lay Kotz and address, email and phone in- book to the class after the reading and gave each child a gift from
Krasson, Melyssa Nicole Sharice Bidding, Marc W. Cindy Arana. Anyone with in- formation, to Diane K. Winters the Penguins. Some of the participants, from left, are Rhiannon
Laureano, Abraham C. O’Con- Denlinger, Katlyn Glycenfer, formation can contact Michael Bicjan at GNA72Re- Borchert, Cameron Krugel, Zbegner, Jillian Faith and Nathaniel
nell. Honors: Alton Baggett, Steeviemarie E. Holmes, Kopec at Luckymike76920@ya- union@gmail.com. May.
Melinda Champluvier, Can- Leslie A. Kerr, Stephen J. hoo.com.
dice Rose Denn, Katelynn Klebetz, Maureen P. Lund-
Deyo, Anthony DiMaria, strom, William J. Novick, E.L. Meyers High School
Brandon J. Goble, Nikki J. Jack R. Pierce Jr., Jasmiere G.A.R. Memorial High School Class of 1966 will meet 7 p.m. June
Higgins, Anthony J. Hoskins, L. Plath, Brooke A. Rowe, Class of 1950 will hold its 61st anni- 9 at The Barney Inn, Wilkes-Barre,
Mark Aaron Mesaris, Hayley
Alexandrea Novak, Edna
Rebecca Olson, Codi N. Pu-
Brittany L. Smith, Marissa A.
Solomon, Alexander M. Sud-
versary reunion 1 p.m. Aug. 3 at
Andy Perugino’s Restaurant, 258
Charles St., Luzerne. A Dutch-treat
to discuss plans for the 45th
anniversary reunion. All class-
mates welcome.
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PAGE 4C THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 ➛ C O M M U N I T Y N E W S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com


Carson A. Bealla Nizayah A. Taylor

Nizayah Anthony Taylor, son of
Carson Andrew Bealla, son of Tamra Shotwell and Tony Taylor,
Andrew and Donna Bealla, Hanover Township, is celebrating
Limerick, is celebrating his first his fourth birthday today, June
birthday today, June 2. Carson 2. Nizayah is a grandson of Ken
Shotwell, Luzerne, and Jana
is a grandson of Jack and Marie
Stefanovich and Shirley and Eric
Zelinka, Ashley, and the late
Taylor, all of Wilkes-Barre. He has
Andrew and Arline Bealla, twin sisters, Aaliyah Jaede and
Wilkes-Barre. Josslyn Olivia, 10 months. Wyoming Area students excel at physics competition
The advanced placement physics class from Wyoming Area recently participated in the eighth annual University of Scranton Kane Physics
Competition. The teams took the second- and third-place trophies and medals. Senior Eric Werbin was awarded first place and a $2,000
scholarship as the individual quiz component champion from a field of approximately 100 students. Class members, from left, first row, are
Samantha Scott, Brittany Spak, Caitlyn Vitale, Rachel Taylor, Kayla Bardzel, Karissa Calvitti, Alyssa Cajka and Maria Kelly. Second row: David
Pizano, adviser; Anthony Richards; Kevin Anderson; David Dorbad; Kevin Thornton; Josh Carey; Michael Tomaszewski; Devin Alder; and Ever-
al Eaton. Third row: Werbin, Matt Kolbeck, Andrew Ambruso, Trevor Skene, Dylan Smith, Linnae Homza, Mark Bugelholl and Xuan Kang.

Wyoming Area IN BRIEF

Catholic School MUHLENBURG/HUN-
JV forensic LOCK CREEK: Muhlen-
burg Christian Academy
team competes (MCA) is accepting in-
The junior varsity quiries for enrollment for
forensic team from the 2011-2012 school
Wyoming Area Ca- year.
tholic School recently MCA is a Christian
competed in the academy founded in 1975
regional forensic final that uses the Accelerated
competition at Gate Christian Education (for-
of Heaven School,
merly School of Tomor-
Dallas. Students who
row) curriculum. Classes
LCCC Nursing Forum members bowl for ‘Kids’ Sake’ achieved honorable
mention for oral are available from kin-
interpretations of dergarten to grade 12.
The Luzerne County Community College Nursing Forum recently their plays, from left, Kindergarten is a half
participated in the annual Bowl for Kids’ Sake Bowl-a-thon at Stan- first row: John Morris day, 9 a.m.-noon, and
ton Lanes, Wilkes-Barre, to support Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the and Charles Kulick. grades 1-12 are from 9
Bridge. At the event, from left, first row, are Tomislav Kucuk, Ha- Second row: Brenna
nover Township; Michael Keats, Wilkes-Barre; and Adam Davido- a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Satkowski, Marissa For more information,
witz, Shavertown. Second row: Peggy Sosnak, adviser, Nursing Moran and junior
Forum and associate professor, nursing; Anne Larson, Pittston or to schedule an in-
varsity coach Jo-
Township; Allison Bailey, Forty Fort, vice president, Nursing Forum; terview, contact the
sephine Toomey.
and Stephanie Scholfield, Scranton. school office at 256-3378.

County Community Col-
NAMES AND FACES ogy at Miser-
icordia Uni-
earned his
doctorate lege will hold registra-
versity’s an- degree in tion for its first summer
nual honors physical session courses from 9
Adrienne Elizabeth Zulkoski,
and awards therapy a.m.-7 p.m. today, Mon-
Courtdale, recently received the
ceremony. from Widen- day and Tuesday at the
Professor Kenneth J. Rockensies
Dorman was er Uni-
Award at Mi-
awarded the Dr. versity
registrar’s office. The
sericordia Dorman Tatjana Petry- Josephs during the first summer session
University’s runs from June 6-July 6.
chenko Award commencement on May 14.
annual honors Final exams will be held
which is pre- Josephs was also awarded a
and awards on July 7.
sented in rec- specialty focus track certif-
ognition of icate in sports physical ther- The college will hold
Zulkoski re-
outstanding apy from the Institute of registration for its inter-
ceived the
achievement in Physical Therapy Education. mediate summer session
award in recog-
biology. Las- Josephs earned a Bachelor of 9 a.m.-4 p.m. June 13-
Zulkoski nition of her
kowski re-
ceived the Stan
Science degree in exercise
science with a minor in geron- Holy Redeemer students named Diocesan Scholars June 17 and June 20 and
accomplishments in physics. The Laskowski Knapich Award tology from Slippery Rock 21 at the registrar’s of-
award is presented to a mathe- Four Holy Redeemer High School students were recently selected as
for demonstrating outstanding University in 2008. He is a Diocesan Scholars and will have the opportunity to take college-level fice. The intermediate
matical or natural sciences summer session runs
academic performance in the 2004 graduate of Wyoming courses at King’s College this summer. Students selected are juniors who
graduate for outstanding from June 20-Aug. 10.
biology and secondary educa- Valley West High School. have demonstrated maturity of character, academic excellence and lead-
achievement. Zulkoski earned
tion curriculum. Dorman gradu- Josephs is a grandson of Ted ership potential. The program is sponsored by the Diocese of Scranton. Final exams will be held
her bachelor’s degree May 21. Students may take college courses as electives during the summer, fall,
ated summa cum laude and and Felicia Granoski, Hazleton on Aug. 11.
Neil Dorman and Jennifer A. Laskowski graduated cum laude and Lake Wales, Fla. He has a and/or spring semesters, earning credits toward both high school and For more information
Laskowski, both of Larksville, on May 21. sister, Jillian. He has accepted college graduation. Diocesan Scholars, from left, first row: Allison Muth,
Wilkes-Barre, and Stephanie Amendola, Mountain Top. Second row: Anita call 740-0337 or 740-
recently received awards for a position in North Richland
Jeremy W. Josephs, son of Frank
Hills, Texas. Sirak, principal; Elsbeth Turcan, Exeter; Rachel Simon, Hughestown; and 0340, or 800-377-LCCC,
their accomplishments in biol-
and Sandra Josephs, Larksville, Robert Musso, director of guidance. ext. 7337 or 7340.

Children’s birthdays (ages 1-16) will be published free of charge CERTIFICATE
If your child’s photo and birthday
Photographs and information must name, age and birthday, parents’, We cannot return photos submitted require return because such photos can announcement is on this page, it will
be received two full weeks before your grandparents’ and great-grandparents’ for publication in community news, become damaged, or occasionally lost, automatically be entered into the
child’s birthday. names and their towns of residence, including birthday photos, occasions in the production process. “Happy Birthday Shopping Spree”
To ensure accurate publication, your any siblings and their ages. photos and all publicity photos. Send to: Times Leader Birthdays, 15 drawing for a $50 certificate. One
information must be typed or comput- Don’t forget to include a daytime Please do not submit precious or North Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711- winner will be announced on the first
er-generated. Include your child’s contact phone number. original professional photographs that 0250. of the month on this page.


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THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 PAGE 5C


●PAGE 6C THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 ➛ T E L E V I S I O N THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

Daily grid contains updated information

6:00 6:30 7:00

(PA) Parental advisory (N) New programming

7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

News World
Newswatc Inside Edi-
h 16
NBA 2011 NBA Finals Dallas Mavericks at Miami Heat. (N)
(Live) (CC)
3’s Com- 3’s Com- Good Good
Married... Married... All in the All in the Newswatc Seinfeld Mad Abt. Mad Abt. Free Removal. Call Anytime.
 pany pany Times Times
With With Family Family h 16 (TVPG) You You Highest Price Paid In Cash!

Evening The Insid- Entertain-
News er (N)
Big Bang Engage- CSI: Crime Scene In- The Mentalist “Red
Theory ment vestigation Moon” (CC) (TV14)
V&G 570-574-1275
News Nightly Wheel of Jeopardy!
Communi- 30 Rock The Office Parks/Rec Love Bites “Firsts” (N) News at Jay Leno Don’t just watch a movie, experience it!
< News Fortune (N)
ty (CC) (TV14) (CC) reat (CC) (TV14) 11
All Stadium Seating and Dolby Surround Sound
Extra (N) Family That ’70s Family
The Vampire Diaries Nikita “2.0” (CC) Entourage Curb En- TMZ (N) Old Chris-
F (TVPG) Guy (CC) Show Guy (CC)
(CC) (TV14) (TV14) thusiasm (TVPG) tine
PBS NewsHour (N) State of Pennsylvania
Rock, Pop and Doo Wop (My Music) (TVG) Northeast Business Nightly Charlie
L (CC) Journal Business Rose (N) THE EXPERIENCE
Judge Mathis (CC) The People’s Court
Without a Trace (CC) Without a Trace (CC) Hawaii Five-0 (CC) Honey- Name Is HANGOVER 2 D/BOX MOTION
The Office Two and The Office Two and
So You Think You Glee “Silly Love News First News Love-Ray- Love-Ray- THE HANGOVER 2 (XD3) (R) ON SELECT FEATURES
X (CC) Half Men (CC) Half Men
Can Dance (TVPG) Songs” (TV14) Ten 10:30 mond mond 11:35AM, 2:15PM, 4;55PM, 7:35PM,
Without a Trace “Deja Without a Trace (CC)
Criminal Minds “The Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) 10:15PM *Hangover 2 - R - 115 Min. (1:20), (2:00),
∞ Vu” (TVPG) (TVPG) Fight” (TV14) (TV14) (TV14) (TV14) 24 Cut Box • 12 Cut Box BRIDESMAIDS (DIGITAL) (R) (3:50), (4:30), 7:20, 7:30, 7:50, 9:50, 10:15,
News Evening Entertain- The Insid-
Big Bang Engage- CSI: Crime Scene In- The Mentalist “Red News Letterman 11:20AM, 1:00PM, 2:20PM, 3:55PM,
# News
Love-Ray- King of
ment er (N)
How I Met How I Met
ment vestigation Moon” (CC) (TV14)
Without a Trace (CC) Without a Trace (CC) King of Love-Ray- My 9 House of
French Bread Pizza 5:10PM, 6:45PM, 8:00PM, 10:00PM,
***Kung Fu Panda 2 in 3-D - PG - 100
) mond
Two and Two and
The Vampire Diaries Nikita “2.0” (CC)
Queens mond News Payne
PIX News at Ten Jodi Seinfeld Seinfeld
3 Slices Per Pack FAST FIVE (DIGITAL) (PG-13) Min. (1:30), (3:40), 7:30, 9:40
+ 11:10PM, 2:05PM, 5:15PM, 7:05PM, *Kung Fu Panda 2 - PG - 100 Min. (1:10),
Guy (CC) Guy (CC) Half Men Half Men
(CC) (TV14) (TV14) Applegate. (N) (TVPG) (TVPG) Since 1941, Nardone Bros. has been
bringing nutritious, high quality 8:10PM, 10:05PM
My Wife Two and Two and Family Without a Trace (CC) Without a Trace (CC) Phl17 Friends Family Entourage
THE HANGOVER 2 (DIGITAL) (R) (2:20), (3:20), (4:30), 7:10, 9:20
and Kids Half Men Half Men Guy (CC)
(TVPG) (TV14) News (TVPG) Guy (CC) products to you and your family.
The Bone Collector (5:30) (R, ‘99) ›› Den-
The Juror (R, ‘96) ›› Demi Moore. A hit man is sent to The Killing The police The Juror 12:15PM, 12:55PM, 1:35PM, 2:55PM, Pirates of the Caribbean 4 DBox Motion
AMC Visit our retail location to 3:35PM, 4:15PM, 5:35PM, 6:15PM,
zel Washington, Angelina Jolie. (CC)
sway a woman’s vote in a murder trial. regroup. (TV14) ›› Seating - PG13 - 150 Min. (1:15), (4:15),
Beach- Beach- Chicago Hope (CC)
Roller Boogie (PG, ‘79) › Linda Blair, Jim TBA The Ray Lucia Show (TVG) purchase our Pizza items. 6:55PM, 8:15PM, 8:55PM, 9:35PM,
7:15, 10:15
combers combers (TVPG) Bray, Beverly Garland. 10:55PM
Whale Wars: The Af- Life Uniqueness of
My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell
123 Hazle Street, Wilkes-Barre HOODWINKED TOO! HOOD VS. EVIL ***Pirates of the Caribbean 4 in 3D -
AP termath (TV14) feathers. (TVPG)
(CC) (TVPG) (CC) (TVPG) “Wildcat!” (TVPG) (CC) (TVPG) Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-3pm (3D) (PG) PG13 - 150 Min. (1:00), (1:15), (4:00),
The First 48 “Torn; The First 48 (CC)
The First 48 Shot in The First 48 (N) (CC) The First 48: Missing The First 48: Missing 11:45PM, 1:55PM, 4:05PM
ARTS Gun Crazy” (TV14) (TV14) the head. (TV14) (TVPG) Persons (TVPG) Persons (TVPG) KUNG FU PANDA 2 (3D) (PG)
(4:15), 7:00, 7:15, 10:00, 10:15
Mad Money (N) The Kudlow Report
Walt: The Man Behind the Myth Walt Dis- Nuclear Meltdown Mad Money 11:40AM, 12:50PM, 2:00PM, 3:10PM, *Pirates of the Caribbean 4 - PG13 - 150
(N) ney’s life and achievements.
Situation Room John King, USA (N)
In the Arena (N) Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 (N) (CC)
4:20PM, 5:30PM, 6:40PM, 7:50PM, Min. (1:30), (2:00), (4:30), (5:00), 7:30, 8:00,
9:00PM, 10:10PM 10:30
COM (TV14)
Scrubs Daily Colbert South South South Futurama Futurama Tosh.0 Daily Colbert
11:05AM, 12:10PM, 1:25PM, 2:35PM, Bridesmaids - R - 135 Min. (1:45), (4:30),
(TV14) Show Report Park Park Park (TV14) Show Report
SportsNite ’net IM- Phillies State- MLS Soccer Philadelphia Union at Toronto SportsNite (CC) Phillies ’net IM- 3:45PM, 5:00PM, 6:05PM, 7:15PM, 7:15, 10:00
CS 8:30PM, 9:30PM, 10:45PM
PACT Club. Union FC. From BMO Field in Toronto. Club. PACT **Priest - PG13 - 100 Min. 9:45 Only
Religion Come to Daily The Holy The World Over Ray- Crossing Live-Pas- Life on the Rock Defending Women of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON
CTV Me Mass Rosary mond Arroyo. the Goal sion (TVG) Life Grace STRANGER TIDES (3D) (PG-13) Thor - PG13 - 120 Min. (1:20), (3:50), 7:35,
Cash Cab Cash Cab Deadliest Catch (CC) Deadliest Catch (CC) Tornado Rampage Swords: Life on the Deadliest Catch (CC) 11:55AM, 12:20PM, 12:45PM, 3:15PM, 10:05
DSC (CC) (CC) (TV14) (TV14) 2011 (CC) (TVPG) Line (N) (CC) (TV14) 3:40PM, 4:00PM, 6:35PM, 7:00PM, ***Thor 3D - PG13 - 120 Min. (1:30),
Phineas Fish Wizards- Shake It Another Cinderella Story (PG, Suite Life (:05) Good Wizards- Wizards- 7:25PM, 9:55PM, 10:20PM
DSY and Ferb Hooks Place Up! (CC) ‘08) Selena Gomez, Drew Seeley, on Deck Shake It Luck Place Place PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON
(4:00), 7:05, 9:35
(TVG) (TVG) (TVG) Jane Lynch. (CC) Up! (CC) Charlie
STRANGER TIDES (DIGITAL) (PG-13) Fast Five - PG13 - 140 Min. (1:55), (4:50),
Bad Boys (4:30) (R, E! News (N) Sex and
Sex and Because I Said So (PG-13, ‘07) › Diane Chelsea E! News
E! ‘95) ››› the City
the City Keaton, Mandy Moore, Lauren Graham. Lately
11:00AM, 1:40PM, 2:25PM, 4:50PM, 7:35, 10:20
5:45PM, 8:20PM, 9:05PM Rio - PG - 100 Min. (1:10), (3:20)
SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) 2011 National Spelling Bee “Fi- Baseball Tonight (N) SportsCenter (N)
ESPN nals” From Maryland. (N) (Live) (CC) (Live) (CC) PRIEST (3D) (PG-13)
8:25PM, 10:40PM Something Borrowed - PG13 - 120 Min.
Football Interrup- College Softball NCAA World Series, Game 3 NCAA Up- College Softball NCAA World Series, Game 4 Football
ESPN2 Live tion -- Arizona State vs. Oklahoma. date -- Florida vs. Missouri. (N) (CC) Live RIO (3D) (G) 7:10 Only
Still Still America’s Funniest The Karate Kid (PG, ‘84) ›› Ralph Macchio, Elisabeth Shue. A The 700 Club (N) 11:50AM, 2:15PM, 4:40PM UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS
FAM Standing Standing Home Videos (CC) Japanese handyman teaches a teenager to defend himself. (CC) (TVG) SOMETHING BORROWED (DIGITAL) LA Phil Live: Dudamel conducts Brahms
Food Star The Next Food Network Star Iron Chef America All Star Grill-Off (N) 24 Hour Restaurant Chopped Grilling; (PG-13) Sunday June 5 - 5:00PM
FOOD (TVG) Battle (N) classic condiment. 1:30PM, 7:20PM All Showtimes Include Pre-Feature Content
Special Report With FOX Report With The O’Reilly Factor Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van The O’Reilly Factor THOR (3D) (PG-13) (Parenthesis Denotes Bargain Matinees)
Bret Baier (N) Shepard Smith (N) (CC) Susteren (CC) 12:25PM, 3:05PM, 5:50PM, 8:45PM Avoid the lines: Advance tickets available from Fandango.com
Little House on the Little House on the Little House on the Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Golden Golden THOR (DIGITAL) (PG-13)
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***$2.50 Additional Charge for 3D Attractions.***
No passes, rain checks, discount tickets accepted to these features
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Modern Modern Modern Marvels Larry the Cable Guy Gettysburg A new look at the Civil War. (CC) Modern Marvels (CC) 825.4444 • rctheatres.com
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Property Property Hunters House My First My First Selling NY Selling NY House Hunters House Hunters
H&G Virgins Virgins Int’l Hunters Place Place Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l
Unsolved Mysteries Pawn Pawn Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries How I Met How I Met
LIF (CC) (TV14) Stars Stars (CC) (TV14) (CC) (TV14) (CC) (TV14)
That ’70s That ’70s Disaster Disaster The Real World “Las America’s Best Dance America’s Best Dance (:01) Son Son of a
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iCarly iCarly iCarly Sponge- My Wife My Wife Hates Hates George George That ’70s That ’70s
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Queens Queens (TVPG) (TVPG) Chris Tucker, Hiroyuki Sanada. Guy (CC) Guy (CC)
Thunder Road (PG, ‘58) ›› Robert Godzilla, King of the Monsters Rodan (9:45) (‘57) ›› Kenji Ghidora, the Three-
TCM Mitchum, Gene Barry. (CC) (‘56) ›› Sawara, Akihiko Hirata. Headed Monster
Police Women of Police Women of Police Women of Police Women of NY Ink (N) (CC) Police Women of
TLC Broward County Broward County Broward County Broward County (N) (TV14) Broward County
Bones “Man in the Bones (CC) (TV14) Bones (CC) (TV14) Bones “The Hole in Bones (CC) (TV14) CSI: NY “Outside
TNT Mansion” (TV14) the Heart” (TV14) Man” (CC) (TV14)
Scooby- Hole in World of Advent. Regular MAD King of King of American American Family Family
TOON Doo the Wall Gumball Time Show (TVPG) the Hill the Hill Dad Dad Guy (CC) Guy (CC)
Bizarre Foods With Man v. Food “Miami” Man v. Man v. Man v. Man v. Off Limits “Los Ange- Bizarre Foods With
TRVL Andrew Zimmern (CC) (TVG) Food Food Food Food les” (CC) (TVG) Andrew Zimmern
Sanford & Sanford & Sanford & All in the All in the All in the Love-Ray- Love-Ray- Love-Ray- Love-Ray- (:12) Three’s Compa-
TVLD Son Son Son Family Family Family mond mond mond mond ny (TVPG)
NCIS A murder victim NCIS “In the Zone” NCIS “Judgment Day” NCIS “Judgment Day” NCIS “Outlaws and Law & Order: Special
USA in a taxi. (TVPG) (CC) (TV14) (CC) (TV14) (CC) (TV14) In-Laws” (TVPG) Victims Unit
Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live SNL Remembers Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (PG-13, ‘86) ››› Matthew Mob
VH-1 (CC) (TV14) (CC) (TV14) Chris Farley Broderick, Alan Ruck, Mia Sara. (CC) Wives
Charmed (CC) Charmed “The Devil’s My Fair Wedding With My Fair Wedding With My Fair Wedding With Amazing Wedding
WE (TVPG) Music” (TVPG) David Tutera David Tutera David Tutera Cakes (CC) (TVPG)
Dharma & Dharma & America’s Funniest Old Chris- Old Chris- How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine Scrubs Scrubs
WGN-A Greg Greg Home Videos (CC) tine tine (N) (CC) (TV14) (TV14)
Tarone I.N.N. Legislative Sweets Rehabilita- Beaten Chef Lou Storm Pol- Local News (N) Classified Topic A
WYLN Show News tion Path itics
S.W.A.T. (PG-13, ‘03) ›› Samuel L. Jack- Treme Aunt Mimi and Treme “Slip Away” Treme Hidalgo does a Real Sex The Best
HBO son, Colin Farrell. A Los Angeles SWAT team Davis’ record compa- Davis discovers new favor for a council- Xtra of Katie
must protect a criminal. (CC) ny. (TVMA) talent. (TVMA) man. (TVMA) Morgan
The Limits of Con- When It Was a Game Game of Thrones Our Family Wedding (PG-13, Knight Scott Pilgrim vs. the
HBO2 trol (5:00) (R, ‘09) III (CC) (TVPG) “You Win or You Die” ‘10) › America Ferrera, Forest and Day World (PG-13, ‘10)
›› (CC) (CC) (TVMA) Whitaker. (CC) ››› (CC)
Showtime (5:35) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (7:15) (PG, ‘09) ››› Terminator Salvation (PG-13, ‘09) ››
MAX (PG-13, ‘02) › Robert Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson. New dangers lurk for Christian Bale. Humanity fights back against
De Niro. Harry, Dumbledore and their friends. (CC) Skynet’s machine army. (CC)
Deceived (5:10) (PG- Drumline (PG-13, ‘02) ››› Nick Cannon, The Losers (PG-13, ‘10) ›› Jef- (:40) Femme Fatales The
MMAX 13, ‘91) ››› Goldie Zoe Saldana. Rivalry between two drummers frey Dean Morgan, Zoe Saldana, (CC) (TVMA) Trans-
Hawn. (CC) threatens a college band. (CC) Chris Evans. (CC) porter
Valentino: The Last Children of God (‘10) Johnny Scenarios Beyond Gay: The Politics of Pride Comedy Jam The
SHO Emperor (5:15) (PG- Ferro, Stephen Tyrone Williams. USA Pride (‘09) Ken Coolen. iTV Pre- Comics perform. (N) Reader
13, ‘08) ›› (CC) iTV Premiere. (CC) Shorts miere. (CC) (CC) (TVMA) ›››
Chicago (5:20) (PG-13, ‘02) Disney’s A Christmas Carol The Taking of Pelham 123 (R, ‘09) ›› Den- Did You Hear-Mor-
STARZ ››› Catherine Zeta-Jones. (7:20) (PG, ‘09) ›› (CC) zel Washington, John Travolta. (CC) gans?
Hardball Harlem Hostel (6:35) (‘10) Rafael No Good Deed (R, ‘02) ›› Samuel L. Jack- Nobel Son (R, ‘07) Alan Rickman, Bryan
TMC (4:45) › Sardina, Ramon Rodriguez. Pre- son, Milla Jovovich. Three bank robbers hold Greenberg, Shawn Hatosy. A prize-winning
miere. (CC) a policeman hostage. (CC) scientist’s son is kidnapped.

TV TALK 7 a.m. 28 ‘Today’ Scotty McCreery (N) (TVPG)

6 a.m. 22 ‘The Daily Buzz’ (TVG) and Lauren Alaina perform; 9 a.m. 53 ‘Dr. Phil’ Guests’ mates’
summer decorating; Greg Grun- appearances are not up to their
6 a.m. CNN ‘American Morning’ berg; summer shoes. (N)
(N) standards. (N) (TVPG)
8 a.m. 56 ‘Better’ (TVPG) 9 a.m. FNC ‘America’s Newsroom’
6 a.m. FNC ‘FOX and Friends’ (N) 9 a.m. 3 ‘The Dr. Oz Show’ An-
7 a.m. 3, 22 ‘The Early Show’ (N) swers to embarrassing ques- (N)
7 a.m. 56 ‘Morning News with tions; sea buckthorn. (N) (TVPG) 10 a.m. 16 ‘The Ellen DeGeneres
Webster and Nancy’ 9 a.m. 16 ‘Live With Regis and Show’ Anne Hathaway; Jerry
7 a.m. 16 ‘Good Morning America’ Kelly’ Ellen Barkin; Buddy Va- Weintraub; Gary Busey; singer
(N) lastro; Haley Reinhart performs. Robyn. (TVG)


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THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ D I V E R S I O N S THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 PAGE 7C

Father’s homework help gets a passing grade from Abby’s readers

Dear Abby: I’m and time to assist her, I see nothing come accustomed to the idea of future. It has prompted many valu-
writing regarding
the letter from “Not DEAR ABBY wrong with her asking for his help.
That’s not over-reliance on a parent.
sharing his attention.
If it’s something like a history class,
able and intriguing discussions, some
of which have helped us to under-
Fooled in Michigan” It’s choosing the best of one’s avail- editing assistance shouldn’t be a stand each other better as she transi-
(April 22), who ADVICE able options. problem. All good writers have edi- tions to adulthood. There’s nothing
expressed concern writing by herself — and incidentally, — Texas Teacher Who Knows tors to help with mechanics because “unhealthy” about an 18-to-22-year-
about her fiance’s completing in enough time to send after looking at a piece for too long, old college student asking her dad
daughter’s reliance Dear Teacher: Thank you for writ- you no longer see the errors. to help with a paper. What’s un-
them to a proofreader and await a
on him to proofread her college ing. I received a huge number of — Cyndi in Ohio healthy is a future stepmom taking
response. That suggests a more de-
papers. As a teacher, I know when I responses to that letter — from issue with it. It appears she has some
veloped sense of responsibility than is
assign a paper that the spelling and teachers, parents and students alike. underlying jealousy.
common among my students. Dear Abby: I’m a 43-year-old college
grammar will likely be checked by Read on: — Mom Graduating With Her Kid
I see no ethical dilemma here, and student. I always send my siblings
a computer or a person other than I find it disingenuous of “Not Fooled”
a student. Whether it’s the campus Dear Abby: The fiancee needs to my essays before I turn them in, not
to suggest otherwise. As for Kim- determine which class the papers just to proofread, but for their opin-
proofreading service or a parent is berly’s “unhealthy” reliance on her To receive a collection of Abby’s most
immaterial. Would “Fooled” have the are for before calling foul. If it’s a ions of my writing. I would bet this is memorable — and most frequently re-
dad, the aforementioned campus ser- composition class in which the stu- why the daughter sends her work to quested — poems and essays, send a busi-
same “ethical” objections if “Kim- vices are, in my experience, generally dent is graded on spelling and gram- her father. ness-sized, self-addressed envelope, plus
berly” were using the campus office staffed with underpaid undergradu- check or money order for $3.95 ($4.50 in
to provide the same service? mar, then no, Dad shouldn’t fix them, My daughter is still in high Canada) to: Dear Abby’s “Keepers,” P.O. Box
ates or overworked teaching assis- but he can advise. It’s called being a school, but I hope she continues to
What matters is the content of her tants. If her dad has the knowledge 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Postage
essays, which the girl is apparently parent, and “Not Fooled” better be- seek my opinion on her essays in the is included.)


ARIES (March 21-April 19). There you realize that you already
are no mistakes. You always do know what you’d like to see from
what you think the situation calls today’s scene.
for, knowing what you know and SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
using whatever resources are Your personality shimmers. Be
available to you at the time. sure to spend time around some-
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You one you want to know better.
have a tendency to discount The longer you do the more he
your abilities and build up the or she will get to know you and
abilities of another person. Put a like you.
stop to that today. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Brave Your internal reaction to what
people deal with problems. You others say about you or your
should count yourself among the work is strong, even if the mes-
bravest because you rush after sage you hear from them is
the thing that bothers you and rather mild. Imagine yourself
chase it down instead of running turning an invisible knob to quiet
away from it. the volume of your inner critic.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
have a sense of self-worth that Several people will vie for your
comes from early experiences. business, energy or time. Go with
There are fears and doubts the one who invests the most
that stem from the same period in the interaction. Note that
of time. whatever you get now, you will
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). There are no get more of the same from this

GOREN BRIDGE magic words that will persuade

another person to choose you
over the competition. But if you
person later.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
However potent your creative
WITH OMAR SHARIF & TANNAH HIRSCH can meet this person’s needs impulses may be, you cannot
better than any other, you will always drop everything to follow
get the opportunity to do so. them. If it is at all possible to do
PREVIOUS DAY’S SOLUTION VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). There that today, you won’t be sorry.
are so many reasons to be gen- The result could be life changing.
erous. It feels good, for starters. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (June 2).
And on a more pragmatic note, You’ve been known to make
if you ever part ways, you can do your own luck, and you’ll repeat
so knowing that you were always the trick this month as you
very good to the other person. meet new friends, find out
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’ll what people need and provide
soon be in a position to sell your solutions where you can. You’ll
idea. The most important part of be celebrated publicly now
this process comes long before and in October. A relationship
the pitch. Gather information solidifies in July. Family develop-
about who needs what you’re ments affect you in December.
presenting and why they need it. Capricorn and Scorpio people
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). When adore you. Your lucky numbers
you’re very honest with yourself, are: 50, 2, 11, 24 and 17.


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Dear Abby: PO Box 69440, Los Ange-
les, CA 90069
THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 F U N N I E S TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com















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St M t K
110 Lost 110 Lost 110 Lost 135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ 150 Special Notices
NORTHEAST PA TOP JOBS Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices
ALL LOST: Bird, green

The following companies are hiring: ALL JUNK CARS with blue head. Last Estate Notice LEGAL NOTICE
ADOPT: Adoring
Mom, Dad, Big

seen near Rice Twp.
JUNK Brother would like
Fire Hall. If found In Re: ESTATE OF Sealed bids will be to share a lifetime
Keystone Garden Estates 100 please call MARY U FARRELL received by the of hugs & kisses
DEADLINES Board Secretary of in our loving home
RELL, late of the Pittston Area with a newborn.
Anderson Material
110 Lost ŠFREE REMOVAL TRUCKS Duryea, Pennsylva-
nia (Died April 19, Saturday
School District for: Please Call
Lynda & Dennis
Handling Co. ASUCCESSFULSALE 2011). 12:30 on Friday REQUEST FOR 888-688-1422
LOST - i Phone 4 on ŠCA$H PAID WANTED INCLASSIFIED! Notice is hereby
Expenses Paid
May 23 at the Highest Prices given that Letters 4:00 pm on
Luzerne County
ON THE SPOT Doyouneedmorespace? Testamentary on Friday Specifications may Adoption is a
Courthouse. If found Paid!!! A yard or garage sale the above Estate be secured from choice you’ve

please call. made out of love.
have been granted the secretary’s
(570) 823-3490 FREE in classified on April 26, 2011 to
4:30 pm on office in the Pittston We dream of
is the best way Aloysius P. Urban. Friday Area Senior High giving your
Your company name will be listed on the front page REMOVAL tocleanoutyourclosets! School, 5 Stout St., newborn a safe,
of The Times Leader Classifieds the first day your ad All persons indebted Tuesday Yatesville, Pittston, secure lifetime of
appears on timesleader.com Northeast PA Top Jobs. Call V&G You’re in bussiness to the said estate 4:00 pm on Pennsylvania love. Please call
135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ with classified! are required to Monday Bids will be opened Theresa & Steve
For more information contact The Times Leader sales Public Notices Public Notices Anytime make payment and on June 16, 2011 at @ 1-877-801-7256
consultant in your area at 570-829-7130. or visit
135 Legals/ those having claims Wednesday 2:00 p.m. in the
288-8995 to present the same 4:00 pm on Board Room of the TheresaAndSteve
LEGAL NOTICE Public Notices without delay to the Tuesday Senior High School. .shutterfly.com
Let the Community
Executor named The Board of Direc-
135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ The Luzerne County Tax Claim Sales Know! ESTATE NOTICE above or to Eugene Thursday tors reserves the
Public Notices Public Notices Tax Claim Bureau Private Sale Place your Classified NOTICE IS HEREBY Daniel Lucas, right to reject any
Notice GIVEN that Letters 4:00 pm on
Ad TODAY! Esquire, 1425 Green Wednesday or all bids or to
570-829-7130 Testamentary have Ridge Street, Dun- accept or reject any
LEGAL NOTICE To James J. Sowa and Kathleen B. Sowa been granted to more, PA 18509. Friday item or items
or any other owner of said property locat- John David Roskos thereof.
The Board of Directors of the Pittston ed at 362 Swamp Road, Hunlock Town- and Donald Paul 4:00 pm on
Area School District will receive sealed ship, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, identi- Roskos, co-Execu- LUCAS, Attorney for BY ORDER OF THE
bids for: fied by Parcel Number 29-I5-00A-05F and tors of the Estate of the Estate Holidays BOARD
all persons having liens, taxes and munic- Freda S. Roskos,
YEARBOOK call for deadlines Wedding cake
ipal claims against said property. LOST - Cat. White
with orange ears,
deceased, late of
Kingston, Luzerne LINE UP DEBORAH A.
from tradition of
You may email
3 YEAR CONTRACT Notice is hereby given by Northeast Rev-
enue Service, LLC, as agent for the
nose & tail, blue
eyes & friendly.
County, Pennsylva-
nia, who died the
groom breaking
bread over the
Specifications may be secured from the
Secretary’s Office in the Pittston Area
Luzerne County Tax Claim Bureau, under
Section 613 of the Real Estate Tax Sale
Honey Pot section 30th day of March,
2011. All persons
IN CLASSIFIED! mpeznowski@
bride’s head to
symbolize his
of Nanticoke. Miss-
Looking for the right deal timesleader.com Looking for the right deal
Senior High School, 5 Stout St., Yatesville, Law of 1947 as amended, that Northeast ing since May 16. indebted to said dominance.
PA. Revenue Service, LLC, as agent for the Estate are request- on an automobile? on an automobile?
or fax to Turn to classified. bridezella.net
A Bid Bond or Certified Check, ten per- Luzerne County Tax Claim Bureau, intends 570-735-5069 ed to make pay- Turn to classified.
cent (10%) of highest total bid must to sell at a Private Sale the above refer- ment, and those 570-831-7312 It’s a showroom in print!
accompany bid.
Bids will be opened Thursday, June 16,
enced property to Leann B. Koons on
August 2, 2011. If anyone should object to
having claims or It’s a showroom in print!
Classified’s got or mail to
Classified’s got ALL
demands, to pres-
The Times Leader the directions!
2011 at 2:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the
Senior High School.
said sale, they may file a petition with the
Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas.
ent same without
delay to the Execu-
the directions! 15 N. Main Street LEGAL NOTICE JUNK
The Board reserves the right to reject tors: J. David Wilkes-Barre, PA NOTICE IS HEREBY
any or all bids or to accept or reject any Northeast Revenue Service, Lost Black Motor
Cycle Saddle Bag.
Roskos and Donald Need a Roommate? 18711 GIVEN, pursuant to
Act No. 93 of 1998,
item or items thereof. LLC, as agent for the Luzerne County Tax P. Roskos, 53
Place an ad and
Claim Bureau, Between Kingston
and Forty Fort on
Edgewater Lane, For additional
information or
that the Finance
Committee of West TRUCKS
By Order Of The Board
Deborah Rachilla Friday 5-27.Please
Dallas, PA 18612.
find one here! questions regard- Side Area Career
Sean Shamany, Director contact Charles at
Line up a place to live 570-829-7130 ing legal notices and Technology WANTED
in classified! you may call
Marti Peznowski
Center will hold a
special meeting on Highest Prices
at 570-970-7371 Monday, June 6,
412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale or 570-829-7130 2011, at 6:00 Paid!!!
P.M. in the library
Shopping for a
of the school, 75 FREE

Evans St., Pringle,
new apartment? PA for the purpose REMOVAL
Classified lets of reviewing the
Call V&G
tentative budget for
you compare costs - fiscal year 2012.
without hassle If you are a person Anytime

or worry! with a disability and
wish to attend this
Get moving public meeting and
with classified!
Meeting Notice
require an auxiliary
aid, service or other
accommodation to
Our Loss is Your Savings!
The Board of Direc- participate in the
tors of the Moun- proceedings,
taintop Area Joint please contact the
Sanitary Authority Administrative
have rescheduled Director’s office at
(570) 288-8493 to

Pick Out a Vehicle,

their regular month-
ly meeting of Sep- discuss how the
tember to be held school may best
on Tuesday, Sep- accommodate your
tember 6, 2011 at needs.

the Savings will be Worth It!

6:00PM. The meet-
ing will be held at Diane Sklanka, Chris and Sean
The Authority’s Secretary are all business
Administration the weekend
Building, 290 Morio 150 Special Notices they love to hate.
SALE HOURS Drive, Mountaintop,
Route 309 North MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 8:30-6:00 Township of Dor- Irelyn is gearing
Tamaqua SATURDAY 8:30-12:00
rance, County of
Luzerne, Pennsylva- ADOPT
Adoring couple
up for the
nia. biggest summer

SERVICE HOURS longs to share our
MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 8:30-5:00 Thomas G. Keiper lives and give of her life. Rob-
SATURDAY 8:30-12:00 Executive Director your newborn bie is working on
secure, endless
love. his electrical
GET THE WORD OUT Expenses paid problems...I hope
with a Classified Ad. Mindy and Rob
Daddy-0 doesn't
570-829-7130 888-736-7567
pull a Walker this
150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices week. Congrats

to Cassie O. and
her partner!!!
Somebody up
there likes her...

Area Businesses To Help Make

Your Event a Huge Success! Summer Diets
Dr John Brady
The Diet Kink

BIRTHDAY, BACHELOR & Doyouneedmorespace?

in classified

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Motorcycle? Air-
www.moonwalkguy.com 570-788-1259 570-343-9050 expires 6/6 gymboreeclasses.com plane? Whatever it
is, sell it with a
To Advertise Call Tara 570-970-7374 Classified ad.
PAGE 2D THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com
409 Autos under 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale
343-1959 Black with black CHEVROLET `03 Mach I, 40th

Pure silver metallic.
interior. Heated
1009 Penn Ave
Scranton 18509 V8, Auto, 1,300 Roof & mirror caps
seats. Back up &
Across from Scranton Prep miles, all options, in black. Tartan red 4 door sedan,
navigation sys-
tems. New tires &
brakes. Sunroof.
97,000 miles,
show room condi-
tion. Call for info. GINO’S JUNK
cloth / panther black
leather interior.
Chrome wheels
Sunroof, auto
570-592-4522 Asking $24,995 Black bonnet
Call Our Auto Credit
Garage kept. Many
Wanted: $5,390

Hot Line to get 570-592-4994 Serious inquiries stripes. Automatic.
Pre-approved for a extras! 46,000
only. 570-636-3151 Steptronic paddles.
360 Instruction & Car Loan! Miles.
Dual moon roofs,
800-825-1609 Asking $19,500. 1218 Main St.
Cockpit chrono
www.acmecarsales.net 570-825-8888 or
Cars & package, conven- Swoyersville, PA
08 CHEVY IMPALA LT 626-297-0155
ience, cold weather 570-718-6992
AVAILABLE K-3 CHEVY ‘99 Dove grey, alloys,
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BMW `93 325 IC Highest

Offered At Jenny grey leather interior, Low mileage, fully
S-10 PICKUP 570-301-3602
08 BUICK LACROSSE loaded, $10,999. Dynamic stability
Lynn Academy 3rd row seating,
131 E. Vaughn St
Kingston, PA 2WD, 5-speed
CXL, Silver/grey
leather, sunroof Convertible,
Metallic Green
rear A/C & heat,
4WD automatic with
Prices control.
front PONTIAC ‘07 VIBE
All Subjects 115,000 miles.
Exterior & Tan traction control, 5.3l
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FORD `05
Silver V6 auto Parking distance moonroof
570-814-1316 $3,295 07 DODGE CALIBER Interior, 5 Speed engine, moonroof, FREE PICKUP $11,880
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SXT,blue, 4 cyl auto Transmission,
Heated Seats. 2nd
rear DVD player.
TAURUS SE 288-8995 MAZDA `04 RX-8 Kardon sound sys-
DODGE `95 NEON 06 CHRYSLER 300 Bose stereo + many tem. Chrome line
Owner, 66k Miles. Hunter Green,
380 Travel White V6
Excellent Condition,
more options. Imm- Beige exterior/inte- 80,000 miles. interior. Mint condi-
Nicely Equipped! 06 PONTIAC G-6 aculate condition. rior, automatic win- tion. 17,000 miles.
Garage Kept, New brakes &
BOOK OF MORMON Automatic, white Silver, 4dr, auto 76,000 adult driven dows & lock, alloy Must Drive!
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On Broadway Only $999 black, auto, 4 cyl condition. $6,200 570-341-7822
available. Price ask for Joanne new rear tires. Kingston, PA
1-800-432-8069 (570) 301-7221 05JAGUAR X-TYPE (570) 606-1146
reduced $7,995 No accidents.
advertisinguy 3.0, hunter green, www.wyoming
@gmail.com tan leather (AWD)
or trade for SUV or
other. Beautiful / CHEVROLET `86 FORD `07 MUSTANG 1518 8th Street
Carverton, PA
$8,000 or best valleymotors.com
Fun Car. 63,000 highway offer. For more
White, 4 door, 4cyl. Near Francis information, call
570-388-6669 miles, silver, runs
66,000 miles
4x3 manual, 3 over- great, $11,500. Slocum St. Park (570) 332-4213 LINE UP
BMW ‘02 M3
04 NISSAN MAXIMA 1518 8th Street
CAMEO HOUSE SE 3.5 silver, auto drive, 350 engine negotiable.
HYUNDAI ‘03 Carverton, PA
BUS TOURS with aluminum 570-479-2482
04 MITSU GALLANT Near Francis
6/26 Brooklyn
gry, auto, 4cyl,55k
heads. LT-1 exhaust
system. White with FORD `90 MUSTANG GT ELANTRA Slocum St. Park IN CLASSIFIED!
Little Italy
7/24 Alexander
CRUISER GT, slvr,blk
lthr, auto, sunroof
red pearls. Custom
flames in flake. New
Must See. Sharp!
Black, new direc-
4 cylinder,
automatic, cd, C-240 PONTIAC ‘03 VIBE GT PONTIAC ‘69 FIREBIRD 400
1 owner. Loaded, automatic, 4 cylinder,
tires & hubs. 1
McQueen Exhibit @
Burg./tan lthr., owner. 61,000 origi-
tional tires, excel-
lent inside / outside,
Economy Car!
AC, heated leather 6-speed, cd,
sunroof, 1 owner.
Museum/14th St. nal miles. $8,500 seats, 4 door. Blue/white top &
Nav., 360 HP, AWD factory stock, very Call For Details! $4,700 Sharp Sharp Car!
Showroom/Highline (570) 359-3296 white interior.
01 AUDI A8 L clean, must see to 570-696-4377 Call 570-388-6535 $5,495
11/12 The Ask for Les Recent document-
OLDS ‘89
cashmere beige, appreciate. $8,000 Call For Details!
Chocolate Show Convertible. SMG ed frame-off
(570) 655-3420
tan lthr., nav., AWD
00 CADILLAC CATERA equipped. Brand
or best offer. Must
sell. 570-269-0042 HYUNDAI `04 MERCEDES-BENZ 570-696-4377 restoration. Over

CUTLASS SIERRA silver/blk leather, new wheels & tires. Leave Message
$31,000 invested.
will sell $21,500.
sunroof, 56K All service records.
72,000 miles. 00 NISSAN ALTIMA GXE Navigation, Harmon Red with black
V8, automatic, Blue, 5 speed
New Inspection Kardon, 6 disc
Blue/grey interior, hardtop/
AC Blows Cold leather, auto, 4cyl.
changer, back up
sensors, xenons,
51,267 miles,
Gold. Good condi-
tion Runs great.
manual, CD, Air,
factory alarm, convertible.
Erie Canal/Herkimer
Mine 6/18
S-430 slvr/blck
lthr., 64,000 miles
heated seats,
Only 77,000 miles,
(570) 760-0511
87,000 miles, R-
title, Recently
power windows &
locks. 38K. Accepting Offers
(570) 740-8900
2 door, 4 cylinder
sunroof, S
$7,500 negotiable. low miles. Great convertible,
Bronx Zoo 6/23 Fully Loaded inspected.
412 Autos for Sale 98 HONDA CIVIC EX, $4,490 black top, 6 speed
Call 570-540-6236
Culinary Inst/Vander
Mansion 6/29
2 dr, auto, silver
(570) 301-7221
$2,700. Call
(570) 814-6198 Job Seekers are MERCEDES-BENZ `05 MARSH MOTORS
manual transmis-
sion, carbon fiber
Knoebels 6/29
Camden ACURA `08 RDX TRUCKS, 4 X4’s
@gmail.com CORVETTE looking here!
Where's your ad? 240C 1218 Main St.
dash, leather interi-
or, front & rear
Aquarium/Ferry 7/2
Seneca Wine
Good Condition.
53,000 miles.
Blk/Blk leather, 3rd
seat, Navgtn, 4x4 Rare, Exclusive CONVERTIBLE 570-829-7130 and
ask for an employ-
4Matic, V6 - Gray,
77K highway miles,
Swoyersville, PA
trunk, fast & agile.
$18,000 or best
Silver beauty, 1
FORD ‘02
Tasting 7/6 AWD, Full Power, Excellent condition, Buy-Sell-Trade offer. Call
Dome Train/Tioga AM/FM, CD
07 DODGE NITRO SXT, Opportunity To Owner, Museum ment specialist dealer serviced. Sun 570-262-2478
Downs 7/9 garnet red, V6, 4x4 quality. 4,900
Changer, Blue Own... FOCUS WAGON roof, heated seats.
1-800-432-8069 Tooth, XM Radio,
06 DODGE GRAND miles, 6 speed. All
INFINITI `05 G35 $15,500. Call

CARAVAN ES, red, possible options
Leather Interior Low mileage, 570-288-3916
4dr, entrtnmt cntr, including Naviga- Sports Coupe. Black
& Sunroof
7 pass mini van
2002 BMW 745i tion, Power top.
New, paid $62,000
One owner
with slate leather.
Original owner. 69K
The Flagship of

(570) 814-8398 Slvr, 3rd seat, 4x4 miles. Fully
Call after 9:30 a.m. the Fleet Must sell $45,900

AUDI `02 A4
06 DODGE RAM 1500
SLT, Quad cab, slvr,
New - $87,000
Midnight Emerald
570-299-9370 equipped with navi-
gation, sunroof, etc. MERCEDES-BENZ `06
5.7 hemi, auto, 4x4
CHEVY `06 COLORADO Always maintained

1.8 Turbo, AWD, with beige leather
Automatic, white
with beige leather
SLT, silver, auto.,
V6, 4x4
interior. 61K miles.
Mint condition. Extended cab. Auto.
Power steering, a/c. 560 Pierce St.
by Infiniti dealer.
Very nice. $15,750. C-CLASS
Silver with leather
Loaded. Garage 570-339-1552
interior. 84,000 40k miles. 2 wheel Kingston, PA interior. Good condi-
06 JEEP LIBERTY Kept. Navigation After 4pm
Miles. Very Good drive. www.wyoming tion. 34,000 miles.
SPORT white, V6, Stunning,
Condition. $8,900
406 ATVs/Dune (570) 696-9809
(570) 690-4262
Must Sell!
$12,600, negotiable.
570-714-9924 JEEP `04 GRAND $15,000 Negotiable
(570) 885-5956
Buggies gold, tan, leather, $18,600 CHEROKEE LIMITED MERCEDES-BENZ `95
AUDI `02 A4
sunroof (AWD)
05 MAZDA TRIBUTE S, CHEVY `07 HHR 4WD, 6 cylinder
SUZUKI`09 3.0, V6, AWD green, auto, V6, Great on Gas. Man- auto. Moonroof.
SL 500
automatic, tiptronic
transmission. Fully
05 GMC SIERRA ‘26 FORD ual, 5 speed trans.
75K miles. New
Fully powered. New
brakes & tires. Convertible, with
Hunter green. 214
miles. Excellent
loaded, leather
interior. 92,000
X-Cab, blk, auto,
4x4 truck MODEL T
Panel Delivery
inspection. Bronze
with tan interior. Dri-
vetrain Warranty till FORD ‘02 MUSTANG
94,000 highway
miles. $11,500
(570) 822-6334
removable hard
top, dark Blue,
462 Auto
472 Auto Services

miles. Good condi- 05 MERCURY MOUNT- camel interior,
condition. 50” 100 point 4/12. $7,500. Call
AINEER PREMIUM, Summer Driving
Moose plow with tion. Asking $9,500. WHEEL COVERS
Silver, black leather, Concours quality 570-239-2746 Only, Garage Kept.
Call (570) 417-3395
manual lift included. restoration. Red with black `70’S spoked stain-
Asking $5,900 3rd seat, AWD Maroon with beige Very Good
with black fend- top. 6,500 miles. less steel wheel
(570) 299-0560
Silver, 4 door, 4x4 ers. Never Driven. CHEVY ‘00 One Owner. interior. All options. Condition, No
Accidents. Classy covers. Set of four LISPI TOWING
RT 309 W-B Twp. 04 CHEVY SUBURBAN 0 miles on Excellent Condi- 78,000 miles. Still
Car. Price 14” from Chrysler.
We pick up 822-0995
Collect cash, not dust! tion. $18,500 under warranty. excellent condition
Clean out your Near Wegman’s LS, pewter silver, restoration. Reduced!
570-822-7359 RARE! 570-760-5833 Received 60,000 $60. set. 868-6327
basement, garage 3rd seat, 4x4 2 door, 4 cylinder mile servicing. New $13,995
or attic and call the 07 Impala LS $8,995 04 FORD F-150 $40,000
$38,000 wing, low miles. tires. KBB Value or trade for
468 Auto Parts VITO’S
Classified depart- 09JEEP PATRIOT $12,995 Heritage, X-cab,
blk, auto, 4x4 $36,500 $4,390 FORD ‘05 EXPLORER $8,500. Asking only SUV or other.
ment today at 570-
08Taurus SEL $12,495
$7,900. A Must See!
08 RAM 1500 $12,495 (570) 457-0553
ER seafoam

04 BLAZER 4X4 $7,995 1218 Main St.
07 FORNEZA, 31K $7,995
grn/tan lthr., 4x4
04 NISSAN XTERRA SE 1954 MERCURY Swoyersville, PA
1/2 Ton, 4WD,
automatic, V6 KIA ‘08 RIO LX GINO’S
ATV, 125 CC. Brand
New Tomahawk mid
Full Notary Service
Tags & Title Transfers
blue, auto, 4x4
$15,992 Sedan, automatic,
low miles
`97 SL320 Like New
size 125cc 4 wheel- LS, white, V6, 4x4 $11,650
er. Only $995 takes
it away!. Call BMW `02 330 04 JEEP GRAND
83K miles. Beautiful
gold, 4 dr., V6, 4x4 100 point restora-
tion. $130,000
condition. Newly
03 DODGE RAM 1500
reg cab, red, auto, invested. 6.0
4 door sedan, all
power options 560 Pierce St. All Junk
Excellent condition,
re-done interior
leather & carpeting.
75K, 4x4
03 CHEVY 1500, V8,
Vortec engine.
300 miles on
Great on gas!
Kingston, PA
www.wyoming 560 Pierce St. Cars & Like New
$13,500. X-cab, white, 4x4 restoration. Cus- valleymotors.com Kingston, PA Blue, convertible, Trucks Batteries
200 hours. Priced
to sell. $6,500 or
570-313-3337 02 DODGE RAM 1500 tom paint by
Foose Automo- MARSH MOTORS 570-714-9924 www.wyoming 40th Anniversary
best offer. Call
BMW `03 530 I
Quad Cab, SLT,
Red auto 4x4 truck tive. Power win- 1218 Main St. valleymotors.com Model. 47,000 Wanted $20 & UP!
Keith 570-971-4520
Beige with tan
dows, a/c, and
much more!
Swoyersville, PA
HONDA `03 CR-V LX 570-714-9924 miles. Minor
repairs. $7,500 Highest Carry Out Price
Dark blue. Good or best offer.
409 Autos under
leather interior.
Heated seats, sun-
white, tan leather,
3rd seat, 4x4
Buy-Sell-Trade condition. Runs
great. 1 owner. Ask-
HYUNDAI ‘01 ACCENT Call 973-271-1030 Prices 288-8995
roof, 30 MPG high- 4 dr., 4 cyl., Paid In
02 MAZDA TRIBUTE $75,000
way. Garage kept. $71,000 ing $5,500 auto, $2,150
White, auto, 4x4 (570) 470-7177 CA$H
BUICK `96 REGAL Excellent condition
86,000 miles.
01 DODGE RAM 1500 $69,900
3.8, 102,000 Asking $11,500.
regular cab, 4x4,
with cap From an Exotic, HONDA `06 CIVIC EX 4 cyl., automatic
miles. Excellent
condition in &
(570) 788-4007 00 Chevy Blazer Private Collection 2 door, 5 speed, air,
power windows &
Current Inspection
Only 7,500 miles. All
white leather. Fully PICKUP &
2 door auto,
out. 3 months
warranty. $3,295. BMW `04 325i pewter silver,
76,000 miles 4x4
Call 570-650-0278 locks, sun roof, CD,
cruise & alloys.
on all vehicles
loaded. Excellent
condition. Garage
kept. $13,200 or
(570) 417-4731 or Excellent condition, 570-825-8253
00 FORD EXPEDITION best offer. Call
(570) 675-0655 XLT, gold, 3rd seat very well main- 570-301-3602 Like New
3.8 V6, 20 city/29 tained with service
records, remaining
LEXUS `06 LS 430 570-779-2489
Leave Message
CALL US! Tires
CADILLAC `94 Flairside, reg cap
highway. 42,000
miles. Last year Honda warranty.
19,900 one owner
pampered miles.
truck, 5 spd, 4x4
full size model.
CHEVY ‘05 65K, $10,500.
Impeccable crystal
YOUR CAR $15 & UP!
Excellent condition
in & out. Roadster
white finish with
saddle leather GRAND MARQUIS Like New
94,000 miles,
5 Speed. Like New!!
Green, green
cloth roof. Gold with
tan interior. $7,900. 4 door, 1 owner,
HONDA `07 CIVIC interior. Positively
none nicer.
4 door, V8, fully
loaded, moon roof,
automatic, front
wheel drive, 4
New Tires, tinted leather, AWD (570) 822-8001 82,000 miles.
EX. 34k miles.
excellent condition, $29,500. new tires & brakes. CA$H ON THE $POT, Batteries
windows, sun roof, See at Orloski’s Interior & exterior in Free Anytime
sunroof, alloys, a/c,
door, air condi- black leather
interior. Only cd, 1 owner, garage Wash & Lube
295 Mundy Street
excellent shape. 2 Pickup $20 & UP!
tioning, air bags, kept. $13,000. Call owners. Call 570-301-3602
57,000 Miles!!! 4 door. All leather. Selling your Wilkes-Barre, PA (570) 822-6334 or Carry Out Price
all power, cruise PRICE REDUCED TO 114,000 miles. Great Camper? 570-760-0612
18702 (570) 970-9351
control, leather $14,000!! To place your shape. $2,600. Call Place an ad and
472 Auto Services 288-8995
interior, $3,300.
For more info,
call (570) 762-3714 ad Call Toll Free
570-819-3140 or
find a new owner.
570-829-7130 Sport SI. Red, with LEXUS `98 LS 400
Excellent condition, MERCURY ‘03 WANTED
Sell your own home!
1-800-427-8649 CADILLAC `04
black interior, Cars & Full Size
CHRYSLER `02 garage kept, 1
SABLE Trucks. For prices... Place an ad HERE

75,000 miles. 6
owner. Must see. Lamoreaux Auto
speed, spoiler and 570-829-7130
Beige. Fully loaded
PT CRUISER body kit. Tinted win-
Low mileage, 90K.
Leather interior. All
power. GPS naviga-
V6, automatic,
59,000 miles,
All power options
Parts 477-2562

Inferno Red, flame Reduced $11,900

Excellent condition. (570) 714-0384 tion, moon roof, cd $5,990
design. Chrome
Runs great. New changer. Loaded.
wheels. 47,000
HONDAS $9,000 or best MARSH MOTORS
Don’t Keep Your Practice a Secret!
rotors, new brakes. miles, one owner.
Just serviced. offer. 570-706-6156 1218 Main St.
Looks and runs
108,000 miles. Ask- great. New inspec- ‘10 Accord LX. Swoyersville, PA 468 Auto Parts 468 Auto Parts
ing $8,000. (570) 7K miles. Black / tan
tion. $5,800
PriceReduced $19,595 LINCOLN`06 570-718-6992

Call (570) 472-1854 Buy-Sell-Trade
‘09 Accord EX. V6
14K, White / Leather

AWD, 6 cylinder, Sil-
PriceReduced $21,295
‘08 Accord LX
Fully loaded.
ver, 52,600 miles,
46,000 miles,
Clubman. Black &
$300 and Up
sunroof, heated Triple coated

To Place Your Ad
Warranty $17,995 Pearlized White. White. Sunroof. 30K
seats, Bose sound Low mileage, blue, ‘08 Civics Choose Showroom miles. Leather inte-
system, 6 CD 2 door, automatic.
$125 extra if driven,
from Two. Low condition. rior, fully loaded. 6
changer, satellite Excellent condition miles, Warranty. $18,900. speed. Excellent
radio, Onstar, park- $8,000 Starting at $14,495 condition. 40 MPG.
310 Attorney 310 Attorney 310 Attorney ing assist, remote
keyless entry, elec-
(570) 740-7446 MAFFEI AUTO
570-814-4926 or
(570) 654-2596 $19,950. Or best
pulled or pushed in.
Services Services Services SALES offer. Call
tronic keyless igni-

Divorce, Custody, Attorney
tion, & more!
$17,000 L B
570-288-6227 570-262-8811
NOBODY Pays More
457 Wanted to Buy 457 Wanted to Buy 457 Wanted to Buy
Support, PFA Keith Hunter
FREE Consultation.
570-881-2775 CONVERTIBLE Auto Auto Auto
CUSTODY Bankruptcies
Atty. Josianne Boat? Car? Truck?
Estates, DUI MAHLER, LOHIN Monday thru Saturday 6am-pm
Aboutanos Motorcycle? Air-
Wilkes-Barre plane? Whatever it Happy Trails!
We Buy Scrap Metal
570-208-1118 (570) 718-1118 is, sell it with a
Classified ad.
$$$$ ALL KINDS $$$$ Harry’s U Pull It
FREE CONSULT for all legal matters
Attorney Ron Wilson
570-822-2345 BANKRUPTCY CENTRAL CITY 56K Original Miles.
Radiant Red. Mint
Low Fees
Payment Plan! Joseph M. Blazosek
Free Consult
Payment Plans
MOTORS condition, new
paint, automatic,
Colleen Metroka 319 W. Main St.
570-592-4796 DUI-ARD (570) 970-9977
Plymouth, PA
new battery, tune
up, brakes, top.
(570) 223-2536
$3,900 OBO
$295 divorce295.com Stroudsburg
Atty. Kurlancheek Free Consultation
(In Mountain Top) Small quantities to 1,000’s of tons accepted DRIVE IN PRICES
25+ Years Experience HIGHEST PRICES PAID
800-324-9748 W-B
Free Bankruptcy
DISABILITY All Guaranteed CHRYSLER ‘06 FAST SETTLEMENTS Call for Details (570) 459-9901
Payment plans.
blazoseklaw.com Free Consultation.
Contact Atty. Sherry
Bumper to
Bumper For
Vehicles must be COMPLETE !!
Light green, 18,000
Carol Baltimore Line up a place to live Dalessandro
570-823-9006 30 Days miles, loaded, 570-819-3339 Plus Enter to Win $500.00 Cash!!
in classified! 570-779-3890
leather, wood trim,
$24,000. Your Scrap Metal is worth $$$ DRAWING TO BE HELD JUNE 30

leave message
Call Today! www.wegotused.com
TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 PAGE 3D
412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 415 Autos-Antique
& Classic
4 cylinder, auto, SPORT AWD CHEVROLET `69 NOVA
SS clone. 350

Find the
low miles, all Air, new tires & engine, 290 Horse-
power options brakes, 31,000 power. 10 bolt posi-
$6,990 1518 8th Street
miles, great rear. PowerGlide
Carverton, PA
condition. $11,995. transmission. Power
MARSH MOTORS 570-836-1673
Near Francis
Slocum St. Park disc brake kit. Over
$20,000 invested,
1218 Main St.
Swoyersville, PA TOYOTA `10 SATURN ‘05 ION Great running
sacrifice at
$7,500 Firm.
570-718-6992 Camry SE. 56,000 4 cylinder,
automatic, cd, condition. Red with Call 732-397-8030
Buy-Sell-Trade miles. Red, alloy (Wilkes-Barre)
cloth interior, power
wheels, black cloth 1 owner.
Extra Clean! door locks, power

GET THE WORD OUT interior. Will consid-
er trade. $14,200 $4,495 windows, power
with a Classified Ad.
(570) 793-9157 Call For Details!
570-696-4377 IMPREZA WAGON moon roof,
5 speed, just
serviced, 117k.
412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale
1 owner,
95,000 miles,
Asking $5,300
Immaculate, Two door hard top.
307 Motor. Needs

30+ MPG.
$4,995 VOLKSWAGEN `04 work. Comes with
additional 400 small
BEETLE block & many parts.
$3,500. Serious

CONVERTIBLE inquires only.
Low Blue. AM/FM cas- (570) 836-2574
57,000 miles, 5 5 door hatchback, sette. Air. Automat-
Only 8,600 miles
speed, all-wheel
drive, 4 door, anti- $15,892
ic. Power roof, win-
dows, locks & CHEVROLET `76
doors. Boot cover
lock brakes, air
conditioning, air for top. 22k. Excel-
bags, power locks, lent condition. Very Good
power windows, Garage kept. Condition!

DAMAGE power mirrors, Reduced Low miles!

cruise control, $14,000 $7500. FIRM
AM/FM radio, CD 560 Pierce St. 570-822-1976 570-905-7389

changer, rear Kingston, PA Leave Message Ask for Lee
defroster, new Blitz www.wyoming
Stainless Exhaust,
AEM Cold Air
570-714-9924 VOLVO `01 XC70
All wheel drive,
Blowoff Valve & Shopping for a
46,000 miles, bur-
gundy with tan CORVETTE L-48
new apartment?
Classified lets
leather, complete
dealer service histo-
All Corvette options,
all original, new

The Classified
(201) 704-8640 Good Year tires,
you compare costs - ry, 1 owner, detailed,
• We Accept All Call before
7:30 pm without hassle garage kept, estate. new mufflers, just
$9,100. tuned. 46,000 miles.
Insurance Companies or worry! $6,500 or best
Get moving offer 570-262-2845

section at
• State Of The Art Facilities with classified!
VOLVO ‘04 XC70 or 570-239-6969
• Expertly Trained Personnel Sudan, Automatic,
Air, Stereo, Runs &
TOYOTA `93 MR2 Cross Country,
All Wheel Drive CHEVY `68
T-top, 5 speed. $11,880
Looks Excellent.
25 mpg
$1,275 power antenna. 396 automatic,
(570) 299-0772 New tires. No rust. 400 transmission,
Wyoming Ave., Kingston Great condition. clean interior, runs
www.raycoeuro.com 412 Autos for Sale
$5,000 good, 71K, garage
(570) 708-0269 kept, custom
after 6:00PM paint, Fire Hawk
560 Pierce St. tires, Krager
Kingston, PA wheels, well
TOYOTA ‘07 CAMRY LE www.wyoming

4 cylinder sedan, valleymotors.com $23,900
automatic 570-714-9924 Negotiable
$16,855 570-693-2742

415 Autos-Antique
& Classic CHEVY`75 CAMARO
350 V8. Original

owner. Automatic

transmission. Rare -
560 Pierce St. tuxedo silver / black
Kingston, PA
Excellent condition,
vinyl top with black
naugahyde interior.
valleymotors.com $3,000 located in Never damaged.
Hazleton. $6,000. Call

Call 829-7130
570-454-1945 or 570-489-6937
TOYOTA ‘09 Looking for the right deal
to place your ad.
on an automobile?
moon roof,
Turn to classified.
It’s a showroom in print!
Silver / gray, 4 door
sedan. 6 cylinder
low miles. flathead, fluid drive.
See sales $17,945 Classified’s got 45,000 original
representative the directions! miles. Just like new!
REDUCED $15,000
for details
CHEVROLET `63 Call Jim:
560 Pierce St. 2 door hardtop.
Partial restoration.
Kingston, PA
All original parts.
415 Kidder Street valleymotors.com
Asking $4,000 or
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 best offer. Call
570-714-9924 Any Condition!
(570) 885-1119
570.822.8870 Courteous, Fast
steve@yourcarbank.com Professional Buyer.
www.wyomingvalleyautomart.com 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale Licensed & Bonded

FORD `52
V8, automatic,
8 passenger,
3rd seat, good
condition, 2nd
owner. $9,500.

A Benson Family Dealership FORD `66

Mustang Coupe.

Pearl white, pony
interior. Pristine
condition. 26K
miles. $17,000 or
best offer.
(570) 817-6768
Collect cash, not dust!
2003 CHEVY CORVETTE 2010 CHRYSLER 300 2005 JEEP LIBERTY 2011 KIA Clean out your
TOURING SPORT SORENTO basement, garage
or attic and call the
Classified depart-
ment today at 570-

Glass Top, Dealer Owned Since New, Hud, 5400 Miles,

Chrome Wheels,VelocityYellow Anniversary Edition
V6, 1 Owner, Leather Seating,
Priced For Fun
Just Traded, 1 Owner,
Only 54K Miles, 4x4
2 In Stock, AWD, 3rd Row Seating,
Alloy Wheels
31,995 $
18,995 $
11,995 $
4 door,
Convertible, 460
2009 TOYOTA TACOMA 2005 CHEVY 2006 PONTIAC 2005 CHEVY cu. engine, 67,000
EXT CAB 4X4 EQUINOX 4X4 TORRENT 4X4 TAHOE Z71 miles, 1 owner
since `69. Teal
green / white
leather, restorable,
$2,500 570-287-
5775 / 332-1048
6 Cyl, 5 Speed, Just Traded Beauty, Only 40K Miles, 4X4, Leather, Moonroof,
18K Local Trade Low Miles, Only... Just Traded Must See Hard To Find One Owner Unit
22,995 $
10,995 $
13,995 $
15,995 TOWN CAR
61,000 original
2011 CHEVY SILVERADO 2010 JEEP 2010 JEEP WRANGLER 2010 CHEVY HHR miles, garage kept,
1500 CREW CAB 4X4 COMMANDER 4X4 SOFT TOP 4X4 triple black, leather
interior, carriage
roof, factory wire
wheels, loaded,
excellent condition.
$5,500. Call
Save Thousands Over A New One, Chrome Wheels, One Owner, 25K Miles, One Owner, 4 Cyl, Mike 570-237-7660
Only... Stunning Stunning Great On Gas, Stunning
26,995 $
23,995 $
22,995 $
14,995 MAZDA `88 RX-7
1 owner, garage
2010 CHEVY 2010 HYUNDAI 2010 TOYOTA 2010 CHEVY kept, 65k original
AVEO ACCENT COROLLA TAHOE 4X4 miles, black with
grey leather interior,
all original & never
seen snow. $8,900.
Call 570-237-5119

Velocity Yellow, Sharp,

1 Owner, 25K Miles
One Owner, 4 Cyl,
Great On Gas, Only...
Great 4 Cyl Gas Car, Sharp Color,
Low Miles
Take The Whole Family,
12,995 $
12,995 $
16,995 $
31,995 `74 450 SE
2010 JEEP 2011 CHEVY 2010 DODGE DAKOTA 2010 CHEVY 2500 Interior perfect,
Runs great! New
tires, 68K original
$5,500 FIRM.
Only 13K One Owner Miles, 1 Owner 14K Miles, Only 12K Miles 3 In Stock, All Low Miles, Ask for Lee
4x4 Don’t Miss This One Priced For Action Your Choice
24,995 $
37,995 $
23,995 $
19,995 MERCEDES-BENZ `73
All Prices Plus Tax & Tags, Customer Must Qualify for All Rebates. See Salesperson for Details. See dealer for details. Some restrictions apply. Dealer may discontinue program at any time.
450SL with
removable hard top,
power windows, AM
HOURS: /FM radio with cas-
sette player, CD
Monday Thru Thursday player, automatic, 4
new tires. Cham-
8:00am - 8:00pm pagne exterior; Ital-
ian red leather inte-
Friday & Saturday rior inside. Garage
A Benson Family Dealership
8:00am - 5:00pm kept, excellent con-
dition. $31,000. Call
PAGE 4D THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

Front Wheel Drive, Auto., Air, Pwr.
Locks, Side Air Bags, 16” Steel
Wheels, Roof Rails, Pwr. Windows,
Keyless Entry with Remote, Safety
Canopy, Cargo Cover

FROM All Wheel Drive, XLT, Safety Canopy,
All Wheel Drive, Auto., APR APR CD, Side Impact Air Bags, Pwr.
Pwr. Locks, 16” Steel M M
Driver’s Seat, Auto., PW, PDL, Air,
Wheels, Pwr. Windows, S. S. Fog Lamps, Privacy Glass, Roof
Rack, Keyless Entry, 16” Alum. Wheels,
Air, Keyless Entry with Rear Cargo Convenience
Remote, Safety Canopy, Pkg., Sirius Satellite Radio,
Side Air Bags SYNC,


72 72
Mos. *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease Mos.
21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 6/30/11.


AU1202- Air, Pwr. Seat, Keyless AU1406- Digital Info, Moonroof, AU1255- Climate Control, Pwr. Leather
Entry w/Keypad, CD, Leather CD, Rear Wipers, Pwr. Leather Heated Seats, Moonroof, Navigation
Seats, Traction Control, ABS Seats, Rear Defogger, Roof Rack Sys., Reverse Camera, DVD Player, CD
CD, Fog Lights, Cruise,Keyless STARTING AT
AU1613- Cruise Control, AU1514- Pwr. Heated Leather Seats,
Tilt Wheel, AM/FM Radio, ABS, Cruise, CD, Memory Seat, OnStar, Entry, Pwr. Leather Seats, TO
Rear Defogger, Pwr. Locks Parking Sensors, Satellite Radio Roof Rack, 3rd Row Seat, ABS FROM

Most with CD, Traction Control, Keyless STARTING AT AU1531- CD, ABS, Traction
AU1390- Cruise, Leather, AU1670- Pwr. Leather Heated Seats, Entry, Tow Pkg., Cruise, Pwr. Leather
Moonroof, ABS, CD, Rear Moonroof, Keylss Entry, ABS, Rear Heated Seats,Moonroof, Running TO
Control, Heated Seats,
Defogger, Keyless Entry Defogger, 6 Disc CD, Satellite Radio Boards, 3rd Row Seat, Climate Control FROM Cruise Control, PL, PM, PW
STARTING AT AU9511 - Cruise Control,
Climate Control, 6 Disc CD, Prem Wheels,
AU1680- Air, Cruise, AU1660- Moonroof, Pwr. Leather Front Parking Sensors, Pwr. Liftgate, Keyless
CD, Keyless Entry, & Rear Heated Seats, 6 Disc CD, Entry ,Satellite Radio, Pwr. Leather Pwr. Seat, Keyless Entry, Fog
Rear Defogger, ABS Parking Sensors, OnStar, Cruise, ABS Heated Seats, Moonroof, Cruise, SYNC TOCHOOSEFROM Lights, AM/FM/CD, PL, PW

Most with Air, ABS,

STARTING AT AU1615- Air Conditioning, 20K MILES!
Keyless Entry, CD, TO Cruise Control, Keyless Entry, AU1577- Air, Pwr. Seat, ABS,
PW, Pwr. Locks
FROM AM/FM/CD, Traction Control Keyless Entry, CD, 3rd Row Seat
AU1603- Cruise, Keyless
AU1398- CD, OnStar, ABS, Fog Lights, Keyless STARTING AT
Most with Moonroof, Rear AC, Cruise,
Entry, Traction Control, Roof Rack, Rear
MOS. Pwr. Heated Seats, CD, Roof Rack, Rear AU1299- CD, ABS, Keyless
Entry, CD, ABS, Pwr. Defogger, Keyless Entry, Reverse Camera,
Leather Seats, Moonroof Wipers, Privacy Glass, Cruise, PDL, PW, PM DVD Player, Climate Control TOCHOOSEFROM Entry, Cruise, PL, PW, PM
2007 MILAN 63
AU1042- CD, Satellite Radio, Prem. Sound, ABS, Fog Lights, Keyless Entry, Traction Most with CD, Cruise, ABS, STARTING AT
AU1612- Digital Info, Cruise, Rear MOS.
AU9705- CD, ABS, Keyless Entry,
MOS. Control, Roof Rack, Pwr. Leather Heated Seats, Moonroof, Cruise, Navigation Sys.,
Defogger, Fog Lights, CD, Heated DVD Player, 3rd Row Seat, OnStar, Climate Keyless Entry, Running Boards,
Mirrors, Pwr. Seat, Keyless Entry Rear Defogger, Cruise, Roof Rack Control, Prem. Wheels, Touch Screen, Pwr. Liftgate Traction Control PM, PL, PW TOCHOOSEFROM
AU1114- CD, ABS, Keyless Entry, Traction Control, Tow Pkg., Roof Rack, Rear AC,
AU1623- Moonroof, Cruise, Moonroof, Pwr. Leather Heated/Cooled Seats, Climate
Most with CD, ABS, Keyless
AU1654- Cruise, CD, Rear Pwr. Leather Seats, Keyless Control, Cruise, Navigation Sys., Pwr. Liftgate, Running Entry, Cruise Control, Tow TO CHOOSE
Defogger, Moonroof, ABS Entry, ABS, Fog Lights, CD Boards, 3rd Row Seat, Touch Screen, Parking Sensors Pkg., PL, Pwr. Windows FROM

AU1571- Air, Pwr. Seat, ABS, AM/FM/CD, ABS, Keyless AU1642- Air, Cruise, Moonroof, AU1584- Air Conditioning,
Moonroof, Keyless Entry with TO Entry, Pwr. Door Locks, Pwr. ABS, CD, Security Sys., Keyless Pwr. Heated Seat, Keyless Entry,
Keypad, 6 Disc CD, Rear Spoiler CHOOSE
FROM Windows, Cruise Control Entry, Rear Defogger AM/FM/CD, Moonroof
AU1585- Moonroof, Pwr. Heat/Cool Leather AU1277 -Fog Lights, Keyless
AU1561- Moonroof, Dual Zone Climate Control, with Cruise, Privacy Glass, Keyless STARTING AT 8600 MILES!
Pwr. Heated Leather Seats, Digital Info, SYNC,
6 Disc CD, Fog LIghts, Traction Control, Rear
Entry, Traction Control, Side Airbags,
Some with Parking Sensors, 6 Disc
Seats, DVD Player, Navigation Sys., CD,
Reverse Camera, SYNC, Parking Sensors, 3rd
Entry, Traction Control,
Pwr. Seat, Cruise, Sliding
Spoiler, Keyless Entry w/Keypad CD, Moonroof, Heated Seats, ABS Seat, Running Boards, Rear Heated Seats Rear Window, ABS, CD MILES!
*Tax and tags extra. Security Deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles. First months
payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. See salesperson for details. All payments subject to credit approval by the primary lending source, Tier 0 rate.
Special APR financing cannot be combined with Ford cash rebate. “BUY FOR” prices are based on 72 month at $18.30 per month per $1000 financed with $2,500 down (cash or trade). Photos of
vehicles are for illustration purposes only. Coccia Ford is not responsible for any typographical errors. No Security Deposit Necessary. See dealer for details. Sale ends JUNE 30, 2011.

CALL NOW 823-8888


Overlooking Mohegan Sun

577 East Main St., Plains
Just Minutes from Scranton or W-B VISIT US AT WWW.COCCIACARS.COM
TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 PAGE 5D
415 Autos-Antique 439 Motorcycles 439 Motorcycles 442 RVs & Campers 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/
& Classic SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans
420 SEL DAVIDSON metal gray. MP3
player. $3,000.
35 ft. Well kept. On
campground on the
4 Door Crew Cab EX. Silver. Loaded. 1
Silver with red
Electra Glide, Ultra
Classic, many
Great first motorcy-
cle. 570-696-1156
Susquehanna River
near great fishing.
LTZ. 4 wheel drive.
Excellent condition,
low mileage.
owner, very clean,
meticulously main- 4x4, stick shift, soft
177,102 miles, auto-
leather interior. chrome acces- Attached 12X22” tained. 123,000 top. Red exterior,
$35,500. Call 1518 8th Street 1518 8th Street matic, four wheel
Every option. sories, 13k miles, carpeted room. highway miles. well maintained,
570-655-2689 Carverton, PA Carverton, PA drive, 4 door, anti-
Garage kept, show- Metallic Emerald Brick heater, $6,995 garage kept. 11,500
Near Francis Near Francis lock brakes, air con-
room condition. Green. Garage 570-646-3334 or
covered by metal Slocum St. Park Slocum St. Park miles, one owner.
$7,000. 570-762-3294 ditioning, air bags,
kept, like new roof with large
‘97 F-150 4X4
AC, CD player, power locks, power
(570) 417-9200 condition. Includes breezeway. Shed & Custom Van. 67K
cruise control. windows, power
Harley cover.
many extras includ- miles. Interior has
Tow package with mirrors, power
$12,900 ed. Call for more oak wood trim, car- 4.2L V6, AC cargo carrier. seats, cruise con-
570-718-6769 information. peting, storage Automatic, CD Economical Excellent condition. trol, AM/FM radio,

CONDITION (570) 237-7076 areas, TV, rear seat
convertible to dou-
Tool Box
Like New!
Work Truck!
Call 570-822-9680
cassette player, CD
changer, leather
SUNLITE CAMPER ble bed, curtains. $8,995 Call For Details! interior, sun roof,
This model only SCREAMING EAGLE
Pipes, White 22 ft. 3 rear bunks,
center bathroom,
Seats 7. Power win-
dows & seats. Cus-
Call For Details!
JEEP ‘05 GRAND rear defroster, rear
windshield wiper,
walls,Garage Kept. tom lighting on ceil-
produced in 1967
V-ROD& Black. 6K Miles $5,200 kitchen, sofa bed. ing. New exhaust CHEROKEE LAREDO new Passed inspec-
tion, new battery.
& 1968. All (570) 430-0357 Air, Fully self con- system. New rear
original 45,000 Orange tained. Sleeps 6. 4WD, automatic, $2,500
Used as a show tires. Recently V6, Low Miles (570) 868-1100
miles, Color New tires, fridge
bike. Never abused. inspected. Excellent $14,880 Call after 2:00 p.m.
Burgundy, cloth awning. $4500. condition. $4,200 or
& vinyl interior, 480 miles. Excellent 215-322-9845 1518 8th Street
best offer. Call Special Edition.
condition. Asking
350 rocket
engine, 2nd $20,000 or best GS 750 Let the Community 570-655-0530
Carverton, PA
Near Francis
Maroon, Fully
loaded. Leather
owner. Fender
skirts, always
garaged. Trophy
offer. Call
Needs work.
or best offer
Place your Classified
Slocum St. Park

‘97 F-250 4X4
seats. TV/DVD,
navigation, sun roof 15’ CUBE VAN
Cab over, 4 cylinder
Ad TODAY! plus many other
winner at shows.
Serious inquiries
HARLEY DAVIDSON `01 570-822-2508 570-829-7130
extras. 3rd seat .
Only 1,900 Miles.
560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA
diesel engine.
Rebuilt automatic
Road King 19,000
only, $7,500.
miles, new tires, lots
of extra chrome.
97& GSXRWhite,
600 Rear
4 door, 4WD
clean, low miles. Ready To Work!
87,000 miles
Clean Work Truck!
Brand New.
Asking $37,000
transmission. Very
good rubber. All
around good
Like New. $12,900. $6,290 ONLY 69K!!! (570) 328-0850 570-714-9924
smoked wind bedroom, Walk Call For Details! condition inside
PONTIAC `68 Call 570-639-1989
or 570-760-1023
screen. Great bike,
runs great. Helmet
thru bathroom.
Center kitchen + MARSH MOTORS
1218 Main St.
Auto, vinyl seats,
easy to clean,
runs 110%, new
HYUNDAI `05 LEXUS `06 GX 470
& out. Well

400 engine. 2
100th Anniversary
& kevlar
$2995. Call for info
dinette bed. Front
extra large living
room + sofa bed.
Swoyersville, PA
oil, Just serviced!
You gotta see it.
Ready to work.
$6,195 or
(570) 881-5011 Big View windows. Buy-Sell-Trade SUPER CLEAN!!! 61,000 miles, auto- best offer
barrel carburetor. Edition Deuce.
Air, awning, sleeps $4,999 matic, four wheel Call 570-650-3500
Yellow with black Garage kept. 1
roof and white wall
tires. Black interior.
owner. 1900 miles.
Tons of chrome.
TRIUMPH ‘02 SPEED 6, very clean, will
deliver. Located in
Call Mark
Low mileage,
63,500 miles,
drive, 4 door, anti-
lock brakes, air con-
Ask for Carmen

$4,995. Call $38,000 invested. A

TRIPLE 955 CC Benton, Pa. $4,900. automatic, all-wheel ditioning, air bags,
(570) 696-3513 must see. Asking
7,000 miles. Very
TRAILBLAZER LTZ DODGE `04 drive, 4 door,
anti-lock brakes,
power locks, power

$18,000. OBO windows, cruise Cypress Pearl with
PONTIAC 1937 570-706-6156 fast. Needs nothing.
Blue, never 451 Trucks/
4WD, V6, leather,
auto, moonroof
RAM 1500
air conditioning, air
bags, power locks,
control, AM/FM
radio, cassette play-
ivory leather interi-
or. Well maintained, 95,000 miles, well
Fully restored near dropped. Excellent $13,620 power windows, er, CD player, key-
Too many extras to garage kept. All maintained. Excell-
original. New paint, condition. $4,200 power mirrors, less entry, sun/
list. Low Mileage. service records. ent overall condi-
new interior, new Negotiable. power seats, all moon roof, rear
tion. Keyless entry,
(570) 970-0564 $10,000 power, cruise Brand new tires.
wiring, custom tint- defroster, rear built in baby seat,
(570)709-2125 control, AM/FM All options including
ed glass, new motor windshield wiper, dual climate con-
& transmission. YAMAHA `04 V-STAR RENDEZVOUS CX
radio, CD changer, new towing pack-
premium audio

DODGE `05 package, rear trol. Rear air. Seats

Spare motor & keyless entry, age, auto start. 7. Recent inspec-
1100 Custom. 5800 climate control,
trans. 16” wide HARD TO FIND!! 560 Pierce St. leather interior, sun/ $10,000 tion & tires. KBB
miles, light bar, adjustable suspen-
Kingston, PA
white walls car in AWD, Fully moon roof, rear (570) 762-4543 over $6300. Asking
cobra exhaust, sion, towing pack-
excellent condition loaded, 1 owner, www.wyoming defroster, rear $5,000 firm. Call
windshield, many
windshield wiper, age, rear spoiler,
in storage for 2 extras, must sell. 20,000 miles. valleymotors.com Tan 54,000 miles, (570) 417-9884
tinted windows. Lexus bug guard.
years. $14,000 or $4,900. Call Small 6 cylinder. 570-714-9924 excellent condition.
$12,500. DUMP TRUCK 42,750 miles.
best offer. Serious
inquiries ONLY.
570-301-3433 New tires. Like
new, inside &
570-817-9644t (570) 362-0938 Refurbished, rebuilt $28,950
Call 570-574-1923 883 cubic inch
YAMAHA `97 VIRAGO out. $14,900. Call CHEVY ‘04 engine, transmis- (570) 237-1082 4WD, automatic
motor, Paco rigid (570) 540-0975
FORD `04 FREESTAR sion replaced. Moon Roof

VW CLASSIC `72 frame, extended &

raked. Low miles.
750cc. 8,000 miles,
saddlebags, wind- SUBURBAN LT
4WD, automatic,
DODGE `10 Automatic, front
wheel drive, 4 door,
Rear-end removed
and relubed. Brand
new 10’ dump. PA

KARMANN GHIA $6,000 or best

offer.(973) 271-1030
shield, back rest,
Black & Pearl,
Excellent Condition.
CHEVR0LET`02 Z-71 package,
leather, moonroof,
Only 17k miles.
anti-lock brakes, air
bags, power locks,
state inspected.
$12,900/best offer.
Vehicle. Family
owned, garage
$2,499. Call after 4.
EXPRESS rear ent, 3rd seat
Fully loaded.
Excellent condi-
power seats, cruise
570-594-1496 1518 8th Street
Carverton, PA
kept, good shape. ‘03 DYNA WIDE GLIDE 570-823-9376 tion. Factory & control, AM/FM Slocum St. Park
560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA
Needs some Golden Anniversary. VAN extended war-
radio, CD player,
interior work, new
seats, needs
Silver/Black. New
Tires. Extras. Excel- Matted black finish.
Loaded. Low
miles. Excellent
ranty. $17,995
(570) 690-2806
rear defroster, rear
windshield wiper,
MAZDA ‘04 www.wyoming
carburetor work.
Only 58,000 miles.
lent Condition.
19,000 miles
Mint condition. New
tires, inspected,
$18,900 560 Pierce St.
tinted windows,
new starter, just
1518 8th Street TRIBUTE LX 570-714-9924
Carverton, PA Automatic, V6
Asking $5,000.
Serious inquiries
fully serviced &
ready to ride. Wind-
570-674-3901 Kingston, PA DODGE `94 inspected, $3,900.
Near Francis
Slocum St. Park
Sunroof, CD
1 owner TOYOTA `06
only! Call
shield & sissy bar.
Low miles & garage
kept. $4800. or best
CHEVROLET `05 valleymotors.com
570-714-9924 2 wheel drive,
Call after 4:30 p.m.
JEEP ‘99
Extra Clean!
$5,995 TACOMA
Automatic, V6, TRD,
V-ROD VRSCA 138,000 miles, Call For Details!
WANTED: PONTIAC Blue pearl, offer. 570-762-5158 some rust, 570-696-4377 Sport Package,
4x4, 45K miles,
excellent condition, Extended cab, 6 cylinder,
YAMAHA ‘1975 80
$2,000.00 Excellent condition.
`78 FIREBIRD 3,100 miles, factory automatic. Black Call 693-1262 automatic,
sunroof, CD MAZDA ‘08 TRIBUTE $18,900

alarm with extras. with grey leather after 5:00 PM
Antique. Very good Excellent runner! (973) 906-9311
Formula 400 $11,200. interior. Heated Utility, 4WD
condition. Must see. $4,995
Berkshire Green, or best offer. seats. 59,000 Low miles, $18,655
Originally purchased
at Bradley-Lawless
Tony 570-237-1631
Low milage. Road
title. Asking $1,260 miles. New Michelin
tires. $16,500
front wheel drive,
all power options with cap. 1 owner,
Seating capacity for
7 plus 2 wheel
Call For Details!
570-696-4377 TOYOTA ‘08 MATRIX
Call (570) 825-5810 chairs. 140,000 1 Owner
in Scranton. Car
was last seen in HARLEY DAVIDSON Leave Message (570) 477-3297 $7,690 garage kept, very
good condition.
miles. Great condi-

tion. Asking $7,000.
area. Finder’s fee ‘10 SPORTSTER 1200 YAMAHA` 08 R1 MARSH MOTORS Many extras includ-
ing lift & back seat.
For more details,
Call 570-589-9181
78,500 miles, 6
cylinder automatic,
paid if car is found 1218 Main St.
A MUST SEE! 29 MPG gas. 560 Pierce St.
hard & soft tops.
and purchased. Call
John with any info
(570) 760-3440
Custom Paint.
Only driven under BEAUTIFUL BIKE
Perfect condition.
Black/Grey. 18,000
Swoyersville, PA
or best offer
Well maintained.
Many new parts.
Kingston, PA
10 miles!! Comes miles. Well Buy-Sell-Trade (570) 868-0944 valleymotors.com 560 Pierce St.
3700 miles, new Adult driven only.

421 Boats &

with remaining
warranty. Asking rear tire, undertail
equipped. Includes
On-Star, tow pack-
DODGE `97 RAM FORD `06 Kelly Blue Book
$10,400, Asking
570-714-9924 Kingston, PA
$8,600 or best kit, cover. Price age, roof rack, CHEVY ‘07 1500 LARAMIE MARK 3
offer. For info, negotiable $7,600 running boards, 570-704-8730 MERCEDES BENZ ‘06
call 570-864-2543
or 215-379-1375
570-852-9072 remote starter,
extended warranty. TRAILBLAZER LT 82,000 miles, auto- 78,400 miles, auto-

matic, chrome step
V, 12’, dilly trailer, 2
trolling motors, 442 RVs & Campers $16,000
(570) 825-7251
On-Star, Leather.
Satellite Radio. up and mirrors &
matic, four wheel
drive, 4 door, anti- JEEP `00 WRANGLER 4Matic, 3rd row,
marine battery, $14,990 leather interior. lock brakes, air 78,500 miles, 6 power tailgate
oars, vests, boat
cover, anchors.
Good Condition.
Drums Area.
bags, power locks,
air cylinder automat-
ic, hard & soft
$800. 825-3955
power windows, tops. Well main-
tained. Many

LS power mirrors, ’97 MIDROOF

with slideout & sun power seats, new parts. Adult 475 CAT & 10
1,200 CC, Black,
Low Miles, New
room built on. Set
up on permanent
16,000 miles, auto- 560 Pierce St.
DODGE `99 CARAVAN cruise control, AM/
FM radio, CD
driven only. Kelly
Blue Book
speed transmission.
Tires and Brakes, SE. 2 sliding doors.
matic, all-wheel Kingston, PA changer, DVD play- $10,400, Asking 560 Pierce St.

Lots of Chrome and site in Wapwallopen. Very clean. Runs
drive, 4 door, anti- www.wyoming er, keyless entry, $8,800. Kingston, PA FREIGHTLINER
Extras. Well main- Comes with many great. 107k miles.
lock brakes, air con- leather interior, 570-704-8730 www.wyoming ’99 CONDO
tained. 2 Harley extras. $7,000. valleymotors.com $2,500. Call
ditioning, air bags, 570-714-9924 570-709-5677 or moon roof, rear valleymotors.com 430 Detroit, Super
Fiberglass Helmets included. (570) 829-1419 or
boat with
Looks & runs great! (570) 991-2135
power locks, power
windows, power
570-819-3140 defroster,
windshield wiper.
JEEP `02 GRAND 570-714-9924 10 transmission.
Asking $15,000.
trailer. Out- mirrors, cruise con- $16,000
board propul-
(570) 654-8520
EQUIPMENT/BOBCAT trol, AM/FM radio, (570) 954-5462 ‘88 FRUEHAUF 45’
with sides. All
sion. Includes: HARLEY DAVIDSON TRAILER Sirius radio, On-Star,
cassette player, CD
Call after 9 a.m.
`99 ML 320 aluminum, spread
2 motors
Erinmade, 2006 NIGHTTRAIN
Brand new 2010
tandem axle, 4
entry, rear
de- DODGE `99 FORD `97 DIESEL Sunroof, new tires,
axle. $6,500.


#35 of 50 Made
wheel electric
brakes, 20’ long
froster, rear wind-
shield wiper, tinted DAKOTA SPORT
4 X 4, extended
Cummins engine,
8-L. 49,049
115,930 miles
$7,200 OBO
2 storage trailers.
PRICE total, 7 x 16 wood windows.
VOLVO `08 XC90
$10,000 in acces- cab, 117,000 miles. 33,000 (570)760-0511
REDUCED! sories including a deck, fold up ramps REDUCED PRICE
with knees, remov- $16,500. miles, new gross wt. 6,649
$2,400 custom made seat.
Exotic paint set,
Alien Spider Candy
able fenders for
oversized loads,
(570) 954-9333
Call after 9:00 a.m.
$9,500 OR
inspection, just
serviced, oil, trans
light wt. $19,500
Must see!
Triple black, eco-
nomical 6 cylinder. MERCURY ‘09 MILAN Fully loaded, moon
roof, leather, heat-
flushed, new fluid (570) 829-5886 4x4 select drive. 4 cylinder, ed seats, electric
570-417-3940 Blue. Excellent con- powder coat paint JUST REDUCED!
dition. All Documen- for rust protection,
transfer case &
axels, cooling sys-
CD, remote door
opener, power win-
automatic, locks, excellent
condition. New
To place your tation. 1,400 Asking
$25,000 or best
2 5/16 hitch
coupler, tongue SILVERADO 1500
WINTER! Don’t pay
tem flushed. FORD `99 E250 dows & locks,
Only 9,800 miles
$18,875,880 tires, new brakes
ad call...829-7130 offer. Call jack, side pockets, Extended Cab V71 dealer prices! White
Call 693-1262
Wheelchair Van cruise, tilt wheel.
108k highway miles.
and rotors. 52,000
miles highway
brake away switch, with grey interior. 78,250 miles. Fully
STARCRAFT ‘80 570-876-4034
battery, 7 pole
RV plugs, title &
Package 4x4. Bed-
liner. V-8. Red. Looks and runs like
it just came off the
after 5:00 PM serviced, new bat-
tery, tires & rods.
Garage kept. Super
clean inside and out.
$26,500/ best offer.


Remote start.
16’ DEEP V more!! Priced for Seats 6 or 3 wheel- No rust. Sale price 570-417-2010 till 5
6,300 miles lot. Four Door, 4
ARLEY DAVIDSON ‘80 quick sale. $2,995 chairs. Braun Millen- $6,895. Scranton.
$26,000 wheel drive, 84,900
‘90 Evinrude out- 386-334-7448 miles, new tires, nium lift with
board 70hp with tilt riding FLH. (570) 639-2539
Wilkes-Barre tow package, anti remote. Walk up 560 Pierce St. Ford, GMC,
King of the High-
& trim— ‘92 EZ lock brakes, driver Good condition. door. Front & rear Kingston, PA International-Prices
loader trailer. With
‘00 Tracker Series
way! Mint origi-
nal unrestored FLAGSTAFF `08 and passenger
airbags, power
Runs great. High
miles. Asking
A/C. Power locks &
windows. Excellent Blue/grey, new
starting at $2,295.

Box Truck, Cab &
60lbs foot pedal, 2
downriggers, stor-
antique show
winner. Factory CLASSIC with Western plow.
windows, power
mirrors, power
(570) 239-3950
condition. $7,500.
rebuilt engine with
warranty, new
570-714-9924 Chassis available.
Call U-haul
ages, gallon tanks, spot lights, wide Super Lite Fifth locks, rear window tires & brakes,
4WD, Automatic. 570-822-5536
2 fish finders and
more. MUST SEE.
white tires,
biggest Harley
Wheel. LCD/DVD
flat screen TV, fire- Loaded with
options. Bedliner.
defroster and
wiper, privacy tint, FORD ‘05
4,000 miles.
$5,900 or MINI ‘08 LINEUP
built. Only place, heated mat-
Make Best Offer.
Call 866-320-6368 28,000 original
miles! Never
tress, ceiling fan,
Hide-a-Bed sofa,
55,000 miles.
$9,200. Call
air conditioner,
cruise control. CD,
best offer.
after 5pm. keyless entry and 2 door, automatic,
needs inspec- outside speakers & (570) 868-6503 Extended cab,
427 Commercial tion, permanent grill, 2 sliders,
much more.
6 cylinder. Auto-
leather, sky roof,
boost cd, fogs INCLASSIFIED!
aluminum wheels, matic, RWD
Trucks &
$8,500 water purifier,
$19,945 Doyouneedmorespace?
Equipment 570-905-9348 awning, microwave A yard or garage sale
oven, tinted safety MARSH MOTORS in classified
CHEVY ‘08 3500
glass windows,
raised panel fridge 1518 8th Street
1218 Main St.
Swoyersville, PA
JEEP `03 LIBERTY is the best way
HARLEY DAVIDSON & many acces- Carverton, PA SPORT. Rare. 5 tocleanoutyourclosets!
HD DUMP TRUCK sories & options.
Excellent condition,
Near Francis
Slocum St. Park DODGE ‘02 570-718-6992
speed. 23 MPG.
102K highway miles.
560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA
You’re in bussiness
2WD, automatic.
Only 12,000 miles.
CLASSIC $22,500.
570-868-6986 CHEVY ‘00 ASTRO 1518 8th Street CARAVAN Silver with black
interior. Immaculate
with classified!
condition, inside and
Vehicle in like
new condition.
Garage kept,
NEWMAR 36’ CARGO VAN Carverton, PA
Near Francis
Ice Cold Air out. Garage kept. 570-714-9924 457 Wanted to Buy
GMC `99
2 tone blue. No rust, mainte-
$19,000. Automatic, V6 Slocum St. Park $4,295
17,600 miles.
Clean Work Van! CHRYSLER ‘00
nance records
included. 4wd, all ALL
5th wheel, 2 large $3,995 power. $6,900 or
10 yards, 4 ton limit,
Lehman area.
(570) 760-5937
slides, new
condition, loaded
Call For Details!
TOWN & COUNTRY best offer, trades
will be considered. VERY GOOD CONDITION! JUNK
Automatic, V6
very good condi- with accessories. CD, Leather Call 570-575-0518 29,500 miles. 2-
tion. Asking $3,900
HONDA 2005 SHADOW Ford Dually diesel
CHEVY `04 EXPRESS Very Nice Van! Champagne 4X4 drive option, 4
Also, E-350. Cheap
VLX600, White, truck with hitch $3,995 1518 8th Street exterior,
JEEP `06 door crew cab,
sharp silver color
For more info, call also available. Call For Details! Carverton, PA leather interior,
10,000 miles with chrome step
& new back tire. 570-455-6796 570-696-4377 Near Francis power windows
Series. 6.0 Litre V8. & locks, 4 wheel runners, premium
FORD ‘99 E350
$3,000 ROCKING CHAIR Heavy Duty version.
Slocum St. Park
drive. $4,850. rims, good tires, WANTED
FORD ‘96 F-250 4X4
(570) 262-3697 or Lockers, V-8. Heat-
solid wood, high Excellent cargo van. Call for ed leather. All bedliner, V-6, 3.7
(570) 542-7213 Highest Prices
back with carved 85K miles. Excellent Silver. Only 83K Automatic, V8 condition and power. Navigation, liter. Purchases at
flowers on back, $26,900. Dealer
KAWASAKI condition. $8,700 miles. All wheel Sharp,clean Truck! known issues. Satellite, Blue tooth,
Triton V8. 2 speed $45. Custom cush- 570-829-4548 or drive, 4.0L V6. All $3,995 570-362-4080 3rd row, More. would sell for Paid In Cash!!!
ions with mallard Power. A/C. Loaded. $18,875.
boom; 92,000miles; 570-417-5991 Call For Details! 69,000
$9999 or best price. ducks on fabric, Must Sell. 570-696-4377 highway miles. Asking $17,500 FREE
Great condition. Call
570-675-3384 or
250 cc, blue, like
new, under 1,000
$20. 4’ long wood
sofa table, $40. CHEVY `05 EQUINOX PRICE REDUCED
$10,500 or best GMC `99 TRUCK
$14,900. Call
(570) 855-3657
(570) 545-6057
FORD `04
570-868-5275/ LT (premium pack-
570574-7002 offer. Call
miles. Great starter Call V&G
LEXUS `96 LX 450
570-301-8515 age), 3.4L, 47,000
bike. $2,800 Seri- 570-417-7937
GMC `01 3500 CUBE ous inquiries only.
Call 570-331-4777 SUNLINE `06 SOLARIS
miles. All wheel
drive, power moon-
roof, windows, locks DODGE `00 RAM EXPLORER
SUV, V6, 4x4, 2 wheel drive Full time 4WD, Pearl
56,000 miles,
Travel Trailer. 29’, & seats. Leather automatic, 84,000
white with like new all-wheel drive, 288-8995
mint condition, 1 leather ivory interi- 4 door, air condi-
interior, 6 cd chang- 85,000 miles original or. Silver trim.
15 ft.L X 8 ft.W X
6 ft.H, auto, A/C, NINJA 500R. 3300
slide out a/c-heat. er, rear folding
4X4, V8 automatic.
Black Beauty.
miles Garage kept. Excel-
tioning, all power,
CD player, leather
It's that time again!
Stove, microwave,
5.7 V8, 10,000 miles. Orange. fridge, shower
seats, keyless entry,
onstar, roof rack,
New tires & brakes.
Garage kept.
Must sell. $5,900.
lent condition. interior, tinted Rent out your
GVW, dual rear tires Garage kept. His & Fully loaded. Lea- 84,000 miles, Ask- windows, custom
& pull out loading hers helmets. Must
inside & out. Many
more extras.
running boards,
ther interior. Many
$8,700 or best offer ing $10,750 wheels, $13,000 apartment
garage kept. (570) 883-2754
ramp. Asking
sell. $2400
Reduced. $13,500. $14,750.
extras. Must see. 570- 570-654-3076 or
Call 570-829-8753 with the Classifieds
Call 570-842-6735 Excellent condition. 824-3096 Before 5:00 p.m.
(570) 864-0858 570-825-3711 570-362-1910
(570) 970-9351 570-829-7130
PAGE 6D THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com
509 Building/ 533 Installation/ 542 Logistics/ 548 Medical/Health 610 Business 708 Antiques & 712 Baby Items 732 Exercise 744 Furniture &
Construction/ Maintenance/ Transportation Opportunities Collectibles Equipment Accessories
Skilled Trades Repair RESIDENTIAL STROLLER excellent
condition with bas-
Coughlin H.S. 1926, ket, hood & cup
distribution compa-
Looking for caring,
Inside Church Hill
Mall, high traffic
1928, 1932, 1937,
1940, 1961, 1963,
holder. $15.
BOW GYM $200.
570-814-4056 CHEST made from
wood antique radio
Full time. Hourly.
ny seeks Full-Time
(40 plus hours per
and compassionate
people for
area. Established 15
years. RENT IS
1942, 1943, 1944,
1949. G.A.R. H.S. 716 Building
with 80 lbs plastic
cabinet, 2 doors 5’
high $60. Antique
Foreman & laborers week) drivers. Valid Alzheimer’s assist- FREE. Serious 1934, 1935, 1936, weights with bar toy carpet loom,
Salary based on with experience in Class A CDL, mini- ed living facility. We inquiries call 1937, 1945, 1946, Materials and preacher wooded 2’x1’x1’
503 Accounting/ experience. Must installing trees, mum 5 years all- are currently hiring 570-582-5208 1951, 1955, 1956, attachment. $50. $30. 570-639-2780
be able to work flex- BATHROOM SINK
Finance ible schedule. Seri-
shrubs, pavers and season driving resident care aides 1957, 1961, 1965,
SET: Gerber white
CHAIR rocks &
walls. Valid PA experience, clean part time for all 1966, 1970, 1980,
ous inquiries only. 630 Money To Loan
Driver’s License a driving record, and 1985, 2005, 2006. porcelain bathroom swivels, love seat,
Call 570-822-6282 shifts, Must be a
must. Compensa- no DUIs are a must. Meyers H.S. 1935, sink with mirror and pink color, good
to schedule high school gradu- “We can erase
tion based on Flatbed experience 1936, 1937, 1938, medicine cabinet. condition. both $50.
interview. ate, experience your bad credit - Matching set. $80.
experience. Call helpful. Drivers are 570-655-2154
570-779-4346 assigned dedicated
preferred. 100% GUARAN- 1942, 1943, 1944,
570-331-8183 736 Firewood
1945, 1946, 1960,
LINE UP weekly runs and
TEED.” Attorneys
for the Federal 1974, 1975, 1976, BAY WINDOW - FIREWOOD, 5 truck-
CHAIR small over-
stuffed parlor or
regional travel
Sundance Vacations A GREAT DEAL... 536 IT/Software including some
Apply within. Trade Commission 1977. Kingston H.S.
1938, 1939, 1940,
Anderson center loads. Cut, must be bedroom chair, pink
is one of the fastest Development Keystone say they’ve never Bay Window. $100. split. Poplar and & white stripe, good
growing travel com- IN CLASSIFIED! overnights in sleep-
er. Positions require Garden Estates seen a legitimate 1944, 1948, 1949.
Plymouth H.S. 1930,
570-825-5847 Maple. $75. condition $10. China

panies!! Come be a 100 Narrows Rd credit repair opera- (570) 388-2388 breakfront, 4 door
part of the excite- Looking for the right deal some moderate to
Route 11 tion. No one can 1931, 1932, 1933, CONCRETE PATIO $400. 3 pink ban-
ment!! We are cur- on an automobile? heavy lifting, good
Larksville, PA 18651 legally remove 1938, 1943, 1944, PAVERS. Most
744 Furniture & quet tablecloths 1
communication 1959, 1960. blocks are 6 1/8” x 6
Turn to classified.
rently seeking a accurate and timely white banquet table
Business Analyst skills, attention to Hanover H.S. 1951, 1/8” x 2 1/2. There is Accessories
for our Accounting
It’s a showroom in print! detail, commitment, information from
1952, 1953, 1954, at least 225+ square
cloth, 4 matching
your credit report. napkins $5. all.
Department. The Classified’s got punctuality. Posi-
It’s a process that 1960. West Pittston feet of pavers. ASSORTED FURNI-
PRM, Inc. is looking tions include com- H.S. Annual 1925, TURE: 2 end tables,
ideal candidate will the directions! for a qualified web petitive compensa- starts with you and
1926, 1927, 1928,
Pavers removed for
glass on black
be extremely profi- involves time and a pool in backyard. COFFEE TABLE, vin-
cient with Excel.
Experience with
522 Education/
designer to work
20-40 hours at their
tion and benefits
package. Please FULL TIME conscious effort to
pay your debts.
1931, 1932, 1959.
Luzerne H.S. 1951,
$375. 474-9766 metallic frame. $20;
Black leather living
tage 1950’s/1960’s ,
blonde wood finish,
Training Old Forge, PA office. send resume to: 1952, 1956, 1957, DOOR. 36”x80” room chair. Great
Finance & Account-
ing is preferred.
Qualifications are as c/o Times Leader TECHNICIAN Learn about manag-
ing credit and debt 1959. Berwick H.S. solid wood, 6 panel. condition. $20;
rectangular, 36”L x
20”W x 16”H, excel-
follows: Box 2540 1952, 1953, 1956, Exterior or interior. Kitchen or backyard lent $30. MIRROR,
Primary responsibili- We need a reliable at ftc. gov/credit. A
ty includes loan 15 N. Main Street 1957, 1958, 1960, Natural oak finish, solit wood table with Victoria style, ele-
- Program Wilkes-Barre, PA professional who message from The right or left with
portfolio analysis. 1967, 1968, 1969 green metallic gant with burnished
ASSISTANT Knowledge 18711-0250 will efficiently Times Leader and hardware. $200.
Candidate must be ,1970. Lehman H.S. frame $15; Futon in gold gilding, meas-
screen patients for the FTC. Call 570-735-8730
detail oriented and 1973, 1974, 1976, decent shape. Can ures 38” L x 30” W,
· Adobe their visit and per- or 570-332-8094 be used as sofa or
1978, 1980. Nanti- excellent condition,
able to multi-task. form patient testing.
Dreamweaver coke Area H.S. bed. Can include $40 call 709-3146
Competitive Pay Ideal candidate will GUTTERS One 22’,
(Must) 1976, 2008. Dallas cushion if wanted
Travel Benefits, be a friendly, calm and one 28’ also
H.S. 1966, 1967, $25; Twin size COMPUTER DESK,
Health Insurance Applications are person who will one 10’ spout, all
· Adobe Photoshop 1968. Bishop Hoban portable bed frame. corner, excellent
401k, paid vacation being accepted for constantly strive to hardware included
(Must) H.S. 1972, 1973, Folds up and rolls condition, gray/light
two (2) Middle do accurate work. paid $220 sell for oak color $70.
1974, 1975. West anywhere. $39. Eric
School Assistant Looking for a Experience a plus. $180 or best offer.
Principal positions in
· Adobe Fireworks
(Plus) company you Extensive on the job 700 Side Central
609-433-5660 570-868-6018
Catholic H.S. 1965 - (Wilkes-Barre)
the Hazleton Area
School District. The can retire with? training will be pro- MERCHANDISE 1974, 1980, 1981. SINK TOP 37”X22”,
COUCH & Loveseat,
· Adobe Flash (Plus) vided. Westmoreland H.S. BEDROOM SET- light beige with blue
positions are full- Opal, NEW $25. Broyhill 5 piece oak & pink stripe,
Looking for 1952, 1953 - 1954 570-675-3328
time, 12 month per- · Adobe Illustrator APPLY ONLINE: 702 Air G.A.R. H.S. 1972, includes bed, 2 matching pillows,
manent positions in (Plus) more home/ www.icare night stands, dress- excellent condition.
grades K to 8. family time? specialists.com
Conditioners 1973, 1974, 1975,
720 Cemetery er, armoire + extras! $375. TABLE - 41”
Please call Pennsylvania Ele- 1976 Pittston H.S.
- Must have both PC Wilkeswood apts, round white top
877-808-1158 mentary or Principal and Mac We offer SUBMIT RESUME:
AIR CONDITIONER! 1936, 1951, 1954, Plots/Lots Wilkes-Barre. $800 with wood trim, 4
or email K – 12 certification is Haier 8000 BTU. 1963 Pittston Hospi-
knowledge. top pay and HR Dept. Works perfect! tal School of Nurs- 570-905-7521 chairs, yellow seats,
resume to required, along with CEMETERY
benefits 703 Rutter Ave. Used for only 2 ing, J.O.Y. of 1957, wicker like, excel-
hr@sundance 10 years of suc- PLOTS FOR SALE BUFFET Thomasville
- Must have Kingston, PA 18704 months last sum- 1959 West Pittston lent condition
vacations.com cessful teaching Weekly home (4) Four plots, all mahogany, 3 draw-
experience with Fax: 570-287-2434 mer. Comes with H.S. 1950, 1954, $300. ENTERTAIN-
experience. Candi- time and much together. Crestlawn ers, a silver drawer,
Find Your Ideal HTML / CSS remote. $125. 1955, 1956, 1960 MENT Unit, oak with
dates must have more Section of Memorial side cabinets for glass doors, shelves
Employee! Place an
knowledge of PA - Skills with setting
551 Other 570-237-6001 Hazleton H.S. 1938, Shrine Cemetery in dishes, $450. & drawer. $75.
ad and end the 1939, 1940, 1941, Kingston Twp. $600 WICKER DRESSER,
Academic Stan- up hosting For more AIR CONDITIONER, (570) 287-2610
search! 3 summer 1942, 1943, 1945, each. Willing to with matching mir-
dards and data- accounts, FTP of details, Whirlpool, 6000
570-829-7130 openings at YMCA 1948, 1949, 1950, split. For info, call ror, night table, DESK brown, very
driven instruction, files, developing BTU, Energy Effi-
ask for an employ- teacher supervision please call Camp Kresge 1953, 1954, 1955, (570) 388-2773 white $350. Both sturdy, 2 drawers,
ment specialist web pages from 800-628-7807 cient. $70. 1956, 1957, 1959,
and evaluation, stu- excellent condition. excellent condition,

506 Administrative/
dent assessment
and discipline and
scratch, adapting
web design tem- and ask for
NURSE (570) 868-6018
1960, 1961, 1962,
1964 Hazle Twp H.S. CEMETERY PLOTS 570-592-4559 $40. 570-472-1646
plates, creating web Must be a currently Plymouth National
1951, 1952
Clerical strong interpersonal design from certified RN, weekly window, 5,000 BTU
570-825-4721 Cemetery in 533 Installation/ 533 Installation/
skills. Experience positions available. with remote control. Wyoming. 6 Plots.
scratch, ability to Maintenance/ Maintenance/
working with a modify Word Press On-site housing $75. 570-675-0248 $450 each. Call
diverse student templates, create required. Kids come 710 Appliances 570-825-3666 Repair Repair
population is pre- to camp for free,
and modify monthly 708 Antiques &
ferred. Applicants email newsletters, weekly salary $475/ APPLIANCE
should send a letter overall general week. Openings PA RT S E T C . CEMETERY PLOTS
Part Time
of interest, resume,
standard applica-
tion, copies of cer-
webmaster duties
to make minor or TRUCK DRIVER
Full time position.
start June 19, 2011
through July 29, 2011 ANNIVERSARY
BOOK of St. Mary;s
Used appliances.
Parts for all brands.
223 George Ave.
(3) together.
Maple Lawn
Customer Service major changes to Church Parish Pub. Wilkes-Barre Section of
tificate and Act 34,
151 and 114 clear-
websites. Wilkes-Barre
Scott St. Location. CAMP COOK in 1974, Two copies
$20. each. Also one
570-820-8162 Dennison
Previous food serv-
organizational and
multitasking skills. A
ances along with
three (3) recom-
- Ability to spot and
improve an existing
Load, unload and
deliver material in ice experience (50-
200 people). On-
of the most interest-
ing books ever pub-
Whirlpool built-in.
Section ML.
$550 each.
Field Service Technician
strong attention to mendation letters to poorly optimized NEPA region. MUST White , 6 months Opening in our Pittston, PA office. Responsibili-
Mr. Samuel A. Maro- have a CDL, pass site housing avail- lished. Richard 610-939-0194
detail, extensive website, and make old, like brand new. ties: installation & servicing of a wide range of
data entry, & a good lo, Superintendent, DOT physical etc. able, weekly salary Nixon’s Secret files,
the necessary SEO Many features.
phone personality Hazleton Area Position offers a full $350/week. Position hundreds of letters
$350. Frigidaire
material handling & industrial door equipment.
improvements and
are required. Gen-
eral hours are Mon-
School District, 1515
West 23rd Street,
make an optimized
SEO friendly web-
benefit package,
salary commensu-
starts June 13, 2011
through August 26,
& notes he wrote
during his term in
MEMORIAL SHRINE Skills/experience: mechanical trouble shooting,
welding, metal fabricating, diagnosing basic con-
day-Friday 9:00am– Hazleton, PA 18202. site. rate with experi-
2011. office over 600
pages $10. Call Jim
White, uses stan- CEMETERY trol circuits, understanding basic wire schemat-
2:00pm but candi-
dates must be flexi-
Deadline for appli-
cations is Friday, - Must be able to Apply in person: FACILITIES & PROPERTY 570-655-9474
dard outlet. $75.
6 Plots Available
May be Separated
ics. Competitive benefits package and wage.
Send resume to:
ble enough to cover June 24, 2011. take direction but 700 Scott St Previous mainte- ANTIQUE ice cream Rose Lawn Section
for vacations & HASD is an EOE also be self suffi- Wilkes-Barre, PA nance and grounds scoop wooden han- $450 each
Human Resources Department
business meetings. cient and take initia- 18705 experience, House- dle, over 100 years 570-654-1596 223 Wohlsen Way, Lancaster, PA 17603
Starting wage will No Phone Calls! keeping & mowing.
reflect experience.
533 Installation/ tive at the same
Salary range $8-$10
old. $35. 779-9464 ssmith@amhco.com
Apply at Maintenance/
TRUCK DRIVER /hour. Position avail-
able now through
OAKLAWN CEMETERY Fax: (717)393-4247
Leggett & Platt Inc. Repair - Balance needed of Full time, able to end of September
4 grave sites,
Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V
1655 Sans Souci having a creative drive a 20’ truck, fabulous location.
Parkway, Wilkes- artistic eye, but also middle of October. Purchased 20
7 year clean driving
Barre, PA 18706.
(570) 824-6622
FULL TIME PAINTERS have speed for high
production output.
record, able to do All inquiries please years ago.
2 lots - $1,200
566 Sales/Business 566 Sales/Business
physical work and contact: GENE’S Development Development
Opportunity/Equal & BODY TECHNICIANS Please provide
lift 60 lbs., PA driver
medical card, motor
Mike McElhinney,
570-823-2191 x 152
4 lots - $2,200
Access/Affirmative Full Time position examples of web vehicle report, flexi- mack.mcelhinney@
Action Employer available for a
sites you have com-
pleted as well as the
ble hours, $9/hour
plus incentive on
Resumes and appli-
$ ANTIQUES BUYING $ 60 Day Warranty
SECRETARY/ Technician. Salary
time frame that it
took you to com-
pounds collected.
Apply at:
cations accepted at
Old Toys, model kits,
Bikes, dolls, old gun
Mining Items, trains divided. Near
Professional office,
with experience.
Benefit package
plete the project.
(Example –
U’SAgain Recycling
486 S. Empire St.
Family YMCA
40 W. Northampton
& Musical Instruments,
Hess. 474-9544
each. Call
Valley Chevrolet is seeking
available. www.abcdefg.com Wilkes-Barre St. Wilkes Barre,
Exeter. Two part- Please call = 40 hours) 570-270-2670 PA 18701 COLLECTIBLE Sea-
Shopping Center 570-675-9991 individuals who are self-starters,
time positions, some Bonner Collision Kingston, PA team-oriented and driven.
gram’s Mirror( great
evening hours, at 714-0584 or Health benefits after
548 Medical/Health condition) 1908 (570) 819-1966 726 Clothing (No experience necessary)
no weekends. apply in person at: 90 days, paid vaca- Stanley Cup $50. or
Billing experience a 157 John St. tion, fitness mem- COAT - Ladies Black
plus. Email resume: Kingston, PA bership, etc...salary
best offer. Call Mark
at 570-301-3484 or
12”x12” Persian Lamb with We Offer:
fangelellapsyd 18704 commiserate with Allison at 631-6635 nonstick. Smoke fur on collar. $50. • Salary & Commission • Benefits
@yahoo.com experience. free. New in box. 570-313-5213
COMIC BOOKS - $15. 570-655-2154 • 401k Plan • 5 Day Work Week
548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health HATS- Vintage Hats
Please Send Gen 13-1, X-files, • Huge New & Used Inventory
Resume And
Examples To:
Spiderman & many
others, $1 each.
the range GE
some furs in original
boxes assorted
Apply in person to:
KINGSTON / SCRANTON Program 570-829-2411 Spacemaker, white
$25. 570-696-4020
styles call for more
detail $40. Blake Gagliardi, Sales Manager
Rick Merrick, Sales Manager
Management Doyouneedmorespace? 570-208-3888
538 Janitorial/
FULL TIME A yard or garage sale

JACKETS: black
Cleaning Kenmore, almond,
CUSTOMER RELATIONS in classified 21.6 cu. ft. with ice boys size 14, gen-
uine Italian stone
maker & filtered


is the best way
water $275.
$25. each 868-6018
1-2 days per week. ous professional PURSES (2) Vera
Duties include 3 people needed to You’re in bussiness
who will be consci- Bradley assorted
CAREER OPPORTUNITIES! cleaning, errands, &
laundry in our Plains
entious in register-
assist manager.
Duties will include with classified!
15 cubic ft, frost purses $15. each.
601 Kidder Street, Wilkes-Barre
ing and helping pa- recruiting, training & free. Top freezer. 570-693-2612
home. Experienced. tients begin and NEON SIGN - Elec- 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health
We Are Growing & References required complete their visit.
marketing. Will train. tric, Camel sign, 30 Westinghouse. Like
Send resume to Call Mr. Scott years old, $150. New. $125. Call
Seeking Compassionate If you consistently $1.00 (30)
PO Box 1676 (570)288-4532 570-829-2411 (570) 823-2505
strive to do high Call 823-4941
RNs, LPNs & CNAs Plains, PA 18705 quality work effi-
PHONOGRAPH: STOVE Sunbeam, The Meadows Nursing
ciently while provid- electric, white, good 730 Computer and Rehabilitation Center
Physical Therapist & PTAs
Realistic with 8
ing friendly service, 569 Security/ shape $100.
To Care For Our Residents
track and speakers. Equipment & Positions Available
we want you to Protective Services Includes records & 570-696-3604
Part Time become part of our Software
Full Time, Part Time & Per Diem (5-9 days bi-week-
ly) with benefits
tapes. $30
WASHER & electric
dryer, Kenmore, DESK. Computer
Opportunities Available
Amazing Pay Rates, Benefits & Perform day-to-day
Immediate openings
for ACT 235 Armed
78’S, 45’S From
less than one year
old! Excellent Condi-
Desk $50. Call 735-
8730 or 332-8094
Shift Differentials housekeeping and specialists.com Security Guards in 40’S, 50’S, 60’S & tion! Moving. Call for 7-3 Shift, Full Time with benefits
cleaning functions in the Pittston and 70’S. $1 each. details. $400. SCANNER: Cannon
F916000 $25
a long term care SUBMIT RESUME: Pocono areas. (570) 829-2411 570-287-0148
For More Information facility. Must be will- HR Dept. Full or Part Time. 570-331-0815
Or ing to work every RECORDS: a vari- WASHER/GAS
703 Rutter Ave. Call (800) 916-7501.
ety of old 78 DRYER Maytag, TOWER: HP Dual Part Time and Per Diem
To Schedule an Interview other weekend and Kingston, PA 18704 www.LegionSecurity very good condition. core tower-flat
every other holiday. Fax: 570-287-2434 Services.com records albums.
$30. or best offer. $275. for both $150. panel monitor. CNA’s can apply on line at:
Contact 877-339-6999 x1 each. 570-814-7485 Excellent condition. https://home.eease.com/recruit/?id=296360
Or Come Visit Our Beautiful Facility
Individualized orien- Shopping for a 570-333-5263
Windows 7. Deliv-
tation program.
395 Middle Road, Nanticoke PA new apartment? WASHINGTON WASHER: Kenmore ery. $155, 905-2985
Competitive front load $200. * Individualized orientation program.
Wilkes-Barre Area starting rates Classified lets QUARTERS 1934-D,
good condition, 3.3 * Competitive starting rates
1938-P-1940-D $55. 732 Exercise
Vacation, Holiday you compare costs - 570-287-4135 cu. ft. white. * Vacation, Holiday and Personal Days
and Personal Days
without hassle 570-825-7867 Equipment * Tuition Reimbursement
554 Production/ 554 Production/ or worry! 600 * Health insurance and Pension Plan

Reimbursement Why Spend EXERCISE BENCH:
Operations Operations Health insurance Get moving
FINANCIAL Hundreds on dumbbell exercise * Child Day Care on premises
and Pension Plan with classified! New or Used bench for sale. Very
Child Day Care on Appliances? sturdy and thick all Meadows Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
PART TIME INTAKE / 610 Business Most problems
with your appli-
around, like new. 55 West Center Hill Road, Dallas PA 18612
Email - Meadowshr@hotmail.com
Apply on line at: Opportunities $30. Call Eric
https://home.eease. MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST of Times Leader
ances are usually
simple and inex-
609-433-5660 e.o.e.
com/recruit/ This position is for BEER DISTRIBUTOR pensive to fix!
or Email –
an outpatient sub-
stance abuse pro-
License available readers read Save your hard
earned money, Let
with option to lease
gram. Responsibili- building or sold the Classified us take a look at it 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health
Albright Precision Inc.
ties include coordi-
nating admissions &
section. first!
30 years in
Meadows follow through with *2008 Pulse Research the business.
API, is a world class precision metal fabricator Nursing & patients initial needs
using the latest technology to manufacture a Looking for the right deal East Main
wide variety of Steel Fabricated Products Center
Fax resume to on an automobile? Appliances
570-822-5147 570-735-8271
Turn to classified.
What Do
55 West Center Nanticoke
We are currently seeking to fill or email at apabon@
Hill Road
minersmedical.com It’s a showroom in print!
the following positions: Dallas PA 18612 Classified’s got
PERSONAL CARE AIDES You Have 712 Baby Items
Full Time AND Part Time the directions!
To Sell
in the Classifieds! 7-3 & 11-7 FABRICATER born swing $50.
570-829-7130 H.S. DIPLOMA OR Willing to train. Will Childcraft crib $75. Oakwood Terrace a licensed personal care community specializing in
Qualified candidates will possess sound

GED REQUIRED sell stock or equip- Childcraft oak 4 all types of memory care is seeking a caring individual with leadership
mechanical aptitude, Experience with ment seperately.
AP 100 US, CNC Programing Software, 542 Logistics/
PART TIME DIETARY For more info, call
(570) 823-0245
drawer chest $100.
Oak dresser combo
abilities to fill the position of LPN Supervisor. Position is Full Time in
the evening. Hours are 2:30pm-11:00pm. Duties include administering
Amada Punch Press & Turrets a plus, Please apply in person changing table
high attention to detail . Riverview Ridge $100. Newborn-12 medication, treatments, supervising resident attendants, and communi-
Pay commensurate with experience,
CDL Class B
300 Courtright St.
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Business For Sale
month clothing - girl
$5. each. Toddler
cating with physicians and families. Must be 21 years of age and have
a valid nursing license. Must have updated CPR and First Aid Certifica-
Must have 5 years
Paid Vacation, Health Benefits ,IRA. license with tanker 18702 bumper for bed.
experience in land-
$10. 570-825-0569 tion. We offer a competitive starting wage, comprehensive benefit pack-
Interested Parties may send their resume to endorsements.
Clean record. Many Looking for the right deal
scape design,
retaining walls and
Call 829-7130 age and attendance bonus after training.
dcalicchio@albrightprecisioninc.com shifts available.
on an automobile? all aspects of paver to place your ad. BABY TOYS, $15.
tODDLER TOYS $15. Applicants can email cover letter & resume along with salary history to
Or by mail Some shifts local & work. Includes GRACO CAR SEAT janines@oakwoodterraceinc.com or call 570-451-3171 ext 102
Albright Precision Inc some overnight
stay away from
Turn to classified. dump truck, mini
excavator, 2 skid-
$20. 570-868-0481
D .
PO Box 3479; Scranton, PA 18505 home. Lodging and It’s a showroom in print! sters, trailer & 2 DRESSING TABLE Please visit out website at www.oakwoodterraceinc.com
per diem included. Jenny Lind $10.
Or apply online @
Competitive salary. Classified’s got snow plows. Seri-
ous inquiries only. timesleader.com Baby toys from $1. Oakwood Terrace is an Equal Opportunity Employer
www.albrightprecisoninc.com Call 610-310-3606 the directions! 570-233-6880 570-331-0815
TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 PAGE 7D
744 Furniture & 752 Landscaping & 758 Miscellaneous 758 Miscellaneous 774 Restaurant 790 Swimming 810 Cats 845 Pet Supplies 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale
Accessories Gardening Equipment Pools/Hot Tubs
Scion 16” steel 5 lug
wheels. Total of 4. RESTAURANT
12 weeks & up.
wire, with plastic
tray bottom. BEAR CREEK DALLAS
17 Roosevelt Street
drop down top 3 $550. Craftsman
ITEMS Intex Easy Set Shots, neutered,
drawers, pecan fin- 42” 18 H.P. New Brand new. $180 EQUIPMENT 24”x18”. $30. Call
ish, excellent condi-
tion $100.
blades, excellent
condition. 472-3888
4 new Blizzak snow
tires LM25V, 205/
570-287-1642 8x12 walk in
Swimming Pool 15’ X
42” used 1 season, VALLEY CAT RESCUE 570-814-9574
13 Hedge Road
cooler $2300; in box, ladder, skim- 824-4172, 9-9 only.
$100 LINE UP 8x8x10 walk mer, pump, hoses,
20 year old Con-
temporary in
DINETTE/KITCHEN Craftsman, electric assorted, balls, new A GREAT DEAL... in freezer $3800; filter, cover, tarp,
vacuum / poles,
Cats - Free to good
home. Urgent. All
prime location. 3
golf pull cart. 2 Pot- Pizza oven with bedrooms, 2.5
SET rattan 5 piece.
42” round tile top
start 875 Series. 21”
cut EZ walk, vary tery barn pink lamps IN CLASSIFIED! stones $2000; algaecide, car- colors - very love- baths, large
& decorative shade Looking for the right deal Stainless steel tridge, chlorine, PH, able. Good with kitchen, unfin-
table + 4 swivel arm speed, asking $175. people & pets.
$35. Picture, medi- on an automobile? kitchen hood $25 firm. ished basement,
chairs, padded 570-855-8764 (570) 460-3539 Wonderful country
seats. Very well um oak frame 3’x5’ Turn to classified. $3000; Stainless 570-709-1915 900 hardwood floors cottage style
made, excellent LINEUP of Botanical garden
It’s a showroom in print!
steel pizza oven
hood $4000;
1st floor and features elegant
condition. Delivery print $60. Girl’s
Classified’s got 796 Wanted to Buy months old. All attached 2 car decor. Living room
possible asking ASUCCESSFULSALE bleached oak pic- bread pan rack
Merchandise shots, rabies tags. FOR SALE garage. Total & dining room with
ture frame, young the directions! $100; 2 soup electric.
$125. 868-6327
INCLASSIFIED! girl on bench, warmers for $100;
1 black male, 1
hardwoods, Modern
CENTER with Toshi-
Doyouneedmorespace? 11/1’x2’ $45. Assort-
ed size Victorian hat
760 Monuments & 2 door sandwich
prep table $500.
BUYING SPORT CARDS orange/ white male
1 female calico, 906 Homes for Sale (570) 472-9660
cook's kitchen with
pleasant breakfast
A yard or garage sale Lots Pay Cash for orange, white, gray area, 2 story family
ba 27” TV. Excellent boxes, pink, 6 total All equipment is baseball, football, Having trouble
in classified CALL 477-1415 room with fireplace,
condition $350. $3. each. 3 assort- sold as is. For basketball, hockey paying your mort-
or 472-2002 1st Floor office, 4
570-474-5277 is the best way ed sizes pottery GRAVE LOT more info, call & non-sports. Sets, gage? Falling bedrooms, 2 full
Cost $600. Will sell
You’re in bussiness
floor jugs, vine &
grape, motif $45.
Near baby land at
Memorial Shine in
570-847-0873 singles & wax.
behind on your
payments? You VILLAGE
333 Beaupland
and 2 half baths.
Master bedroom
Girl’s 10 speed bile Shots & Wormed may get mail from
for $250. with classified! $50. IPOD radio/ $400. Call 776 Sporting Goods Health guarantee people who promise 10-1770 with walk in closet,
570-235-1389 Buying Toy Cars whirlpool, double
MOWER Toro Per- alarm combo $30. 570-287-6327 Family raised. $450. to forestall your
BACKBOARD, & Trucks from vanities. Finished
sonal Pace, Model 570-498-0977 (570) 922-1706 foreclosure for a fee lower level family
HOME MEDIC com- Basketball, fiber- the 1950’s.
20197, 2010 version, in advance. Report room. Gas heat,
plete with wax, liner 762 Musical
bag sand extra box
blade stop safety GARAGE SALE glass with rim and DINKY, CORGI, KITTENS FREE them to the Federal central a/c.
system, self propel, net. $20. SMITH-MILLER, 1 male dark gray
of wax. $25.
superior EZ lift bag,
LEFTOVER Instruments WEIGHTLIFTING MATCHBOX, with blue eyes, 1
Trade Commission, $369,900
570-288-5628 ITEMS the nation’s con- MLS# 11-164
premium Honda BASS AMPLIFIER. BARBELL, 60 lbs in TONKA. Also male black & white, sumer protection
Fancy dining room, weights, incline buying German 1 female calico. Call Cathy
KITCHEN SET. GCV 160 engine Bass guitar amplifi- agency. Call 1-877- (570) 696-5422
retails for over 8 chairs, hutch, bench. $25. COTS, & Japanese Ready to go June
Wood, oval, brown table $400. Oak gun er, 15watts. very FTC-HELP or click
table, good shape. $625. Asking $400. portable, barely two camping cots. wind-up toys. 5th to indoor homes on ftc.gov. A mes- Living room has
570-654-9058 cabinet, holds 6 $25. 570-824-0591 Larry - Mt. Top only. 570-762-1015 awesome woodland
$75. 570-970-6651 $50. Marcy weight even used $35. sage from The
ask for Bob Casio piano key- 570-474-9202 Times Leader and views and you will
LAMPS (2) grey machine, 205 lb. BASKETBALL KITTENS Free enjoy the steam/
olympic weights board. 76 keys, mul- HOOP; Great condi- 2 left both male the FTC.
metal & black. $25 MOWER; Murray SILVER & GOLD sauna. Lake and
$250. Weight bench tiple sounds & tion, asking $90. 570-239-7344 Smith Hourigan
each. 570-740-1246 riding lawn tractor BUYING tennis rights avail-
65 lb weights, tones, $140. Both Call 570-331-8183 Group
12.5 hp 40” cut, new Silver or gold coins, able with Associa-
excellent condition. KITTENS FREE to 570-696-1195
AFFORDABLE battery, runs good preacher bar,
570-824-1114 BOW: Bear Grizzly silver flatware sets good home, now 4 tion membership.
industrial commer- dumbbells $50. Full
MATTRESS SALE Recurve Bow - & pieces, gold jew- weeks, ready June (membership
We Beat All cial engine $450. size bed complete PIANO console with optional). Minutes
$150. Onkyo sur- never used, 55#, elry, broken jewelry, 19. 4 females, 1
Competitors Prices! after 3pm 655-3197 bench ,just tuned, boullion, antique sil- from the Pocono's
round sound sys- KR91491, unstrung male. 570-814-7485
Mattress Guy can deliver. $400. $175. 388-4095 ver & gold chains, and 2 hours to
Patrick & Deb’s tem, 7 speakers
Twin sets: $149
Full sets: $169
Lawn Care $50. Portable sump
Call 570-474-6362
earrings, watches,
To place your Philadelphia or New
York. $310,000
Queen sets: $189
All New
See our ad under
Call An Expert
pumb. Best offers.
PIANO: Kimbell
console, tuned and
3 woods, 2-Hybrids,
7 irons, putter, bag
Visit Jack-O’s at
Merchant Village,
ad call...829-7130 Maria Huggler
1162 Landscape & in great condition. KITTENS FREE to PROPERTIES
American Made $60. 570-655-4815 Pittston.
Garden GARAGE SALE comes with cush- loving homes, litter 16 Hazleton St 570-587-7000
Old Wal-Mart Store
Peter’s Lawncare LEFTOVER ioned bench. $400. PING PONG TABLE, Booth 162 trained & loveable, Conveniently
TABLE: 6 chairs.
Table is light green
See our ad under
Call an Expert
Power Wheels Dora
570-328-3428 or
10 weeks old.
located to Rt. 309
and 81. Off street
parking in front and
BLAKESLEE Estate like 6.35
acre setting in
1165 Lawn Care Jeep 6v battery BASSMAN 60 Northwoods. 5,000
chairs are dark $30. Baby Einstein Looking for that rear. Two-story, 3
Combo. 15” speak- The Video sq. ft. in all. Classic
green $125.00. RIDING MOWER and Fisher Price er good condition.
special place Game Store 815 Dogs bedroom, modern
brick home features
570-288-5628 Scott’s 42” cut, activity mats $5. called home? kitchen, Pergo
$159. Marshall 28 S. Main W.B. flooring in living Summit Pointe
17hp, engine runs each. Fisher Price Classified will address Builders attention
PATIO SET - 36 in. JMD102 Tube Open Mon- Sat, room and dining
but needs work. aquarium crib toy to detail at every
diameter table and
$400 or best offer. $5. Bottle/baby food
Combo Amp with Your needs. 12pm – 6pm room, modern bath,
4 chairs, wooden, Footswitch. 100 570-822-9929 / turn. 2 story family
570-855-0390 warmer $5. Open the door low gas utility bills.
room with accent
foldable. Like New. Watts, 2x12 570-941-9908 MLS#10-3703 .
$50. 570-824-0591 570-814-8298 Celestion speakers.
with classified! windows & fire
754 Machinery & $675 call Rick 283- POOL TABLE $$ CASH PAID $$ Price reduced to
37 Chestnut Road place, modern
Equipment GENERATOR: 2552 or rick@ American Heritage
Call Maribeth Jones (Old Farm Estates) maple kitchen with

green 3 piece patio wyomingvalley.net 7’ oak & slate Bil- Custom built solid cherry finish, den
bar set - has 2 swiv- Household Genera- at 696-6565
liard table with blue brick 4 bedroom, with Oak built-ins,
el stools. Very good tor, Briggs & Strat- VIOLIN Doreli Model cloth, includes wall SYSTEMS 3.5 baths Colonial impressive oak
FUTON - Oak with
HAULMARK ‘07 ton, new in box, 7kw
home standby,
79 + more, new con-
dition- barely used.
rack, 4 cues &
bridge. Excellent
Highest $$ Paid
style home with an
open floor plan on
entry. Elegant
master with

complete with man-
futon cover. Excel-
lent condition. $150 TRAILER 6’X14’ ual transfer switch,
Includes: soft case,
brazil wood bow
must move $899.
buyer Buying all video
games &
1+ acre lot in the
Poconos. A few of
whirlpool overlook-
ing wooded lot.
(570) 868-0220
Like new with
electric brakes,
runs on LP or natu-
ral gas, call after
5:00 pm $1850.
with horse hair &
rosin, instruction
570-474-2206 systems. PS1 & 2,
Xbox, Nintendo, ENHANCE
AVOCA the amenities
include central A/C.
Formal living room,
4 bedrooms, 5
new tires and book & violin main- TENT: sears, sleeps Atari, Coleco, 2 Master bedrooms baths. 4 car garage
pieces to include: reinforced tongue. (570) 388-4095 tenance DVD. $99. 3-4 people with 2 YOUR PET & 2,500 sq. ft.
Sega, Mattel, each with bath
table, 6 reclining $2700. 570-947-6531 lockers $50. CLASSIFIED barn/shop for car
GLASS DOOR. 4 Gameboy, room and fireplace,
chairs with cush- 570-239-5457 hydroslide for boat enthusiasts or
way glass door for Vectrex etc. AD ONLINE ultramodern
ions, 2 ottomans, tubing great condi- other use.
side table. Asking bath tub. $25 766 Office tion $60.
DVD’s, VHS & CDs kitchen, hardwood
756 Medical 570-331-8183 & Pre 90’s toys, floors throughout,
price is $75. Call Equipment 570-208-3888
The Video Call 829-7130 cathedral ceiling Call Kevin
Terry 570-823-9467 Equipment GOLF BALLS: “7 570-696-1195 or
TRAMPOLINE FREE Game Store and 2 car garage.
after 5:pm dozen, used , $10. FILE CABINET desk- Place your pet ad 570-696-5420
with safety guard. 1150 S. Main 912 Vine Street MLS #11-653
POWER CHAIR - 1 unopened 16oz top, 15”x18”, holds and provide us your
chairs/cushions, like Jazzy Select, doggie dooley hanging folders,$15. 570-406-3661 Scranton
Mon - Sat,
email address STATELY 3500+
S.F., 9 room, 2.5
$500 digester & 1 opened 570-655-2154 570-466-3338
a bronze brownish 12pm – 6pm Bath, home with
frame with a nice 570-829-2411 3/4 full, $5. for both
PRINTER: Epson 778 Stereos/ 570-822-9929
This will create a
newer vinyl siding,
glass top with a hint 1 14lb bowling ball Accessories seller account
workforce 500 online and login vinyl windows and
of green to the tem- with brunswick bag
pered glass. $165. Drive Medical -
$10. 1 brunswick
printer, new in box
5 features, print/ RECORD VITO’S information will be architectural shin-
gled roof, 2 Car
Cash or Paypal.
Odyssey 4-Wheel,
Blue, Front Basket,
bowling bag, $5.
New Keson 100’
nylon coated mea-
retail $89 will sell
mus Model Lab-
emailed to you from
“The World of Pets
Detached Garage
and plenty of
For Sale By Estate.
for $35. 819-4951 1000 semi-automat- paved, Off-Street
Recliners - Two. with battery, used sureing tape, $10.” Unleashed” 1920’s Bungalow.
ic belt drive. Little
less than 1 hour. New casement Parking. Are you a Kitchen, full bath,
Good working con- use. $25. cash.
Paid $1399. $1200. replacement win- 768 Personal You can then use professional looking dining room, living
dition. Great for a
basement area, rec (570) 388-4095 dow with screen,
Wanted: your account to for an in-home
office? Do you
room, family room
room or cottage. crank out, 29 1/2” x enhance your online & breakfast room
FREE 570-970-0372
Invacare, perfect 21 1/4” $40. CAMERA: Video,
780 Televisions/ Junk ad. Post up to 6 have a college-age
student, who would
1st floor. 2 bed-
570-822-0519 Accessories captioned photos rooms & 1 full bath
STOOLS 2 padded
all steel with padded
condition. $200.
570-735-8730 or GRINDER: meat &
VHS JVC complete
with case & extras,
Cars & of your pet treasure some pri-
vacy? Do you have
2nd floor. Gas heat,
Expand your text to fireplace, large lot,
backs. $15.
332-8094 vegetable grinder.
Made by EBERLE.
used once for wed-
ding, new condition,
neer Model DV-
400V. Remote &
Trucks include more a large family or do
you just enjoy
large front porch,
information, include Public sewer &
758 Miscellaneous Heavy duty. Still in paid $800. sell for
$1900 or best offer.
HDMI cable included Highest your contact space? This could private well.
TABLE SET: 3 piece; orIginal box. $15. $50. SAMSUNG 37” be the home for
fruit wood finish: 1 AIR CONDITIONER - 570-288-5628 570-779-9464
Prices information such
as e-mail, address you! Truly versatile, NEW LISTING!
Breezeway from
oversized 1 car
coffee table 36 X 36 the second floor Desirable
glass top. 1 end
Kenmore 8,000 BTU
Items in Garage for
#LN37B650T1FXZA. Paid!! phone number and garage. Unique &
with remote. $80.
Sale, $.45-$45. or
770 Photo 2 years old $300. or website. contains a master upscale Dallas private at road end.
table 24 X 24 glass 570-885-2222 Both perfect condi- FREE bedroom with tiled neighborhood.
$900 for all. Moving. Equipment Sold as is.
top. 1 end table 24 X tion. 570-905-7521 4 piece bath, ( jet- Attention to detail
570-735-1589 $128,000
24 Octagon shape, AUTO SEAT COV- ted tub and sepa- at every turn in this
CAMERA Minolta PICKUP Call for showing.
lighted bottom curio ERS, sheep skin, TELEVISION: GE. rate tiled, stand up 5000+SF home on
XG-M 35 MM SLR (757) 350-1245
with glass door.
$100. 570-472-3641
bucket style,
cleaned sell both with 50 MM F1.7
28” works good,
needs remote $90.
288-8995 shower). This is
not a drive-by. Call
three floors.
Oversized cherry Collect cash, not dust!
$75. 570-779-9464 lens, owners manu-
Blue Nose Pits
570-740-1246 for appointment. kitchen with granite Clean out your
TV ARMOIRE, 2 mis- MOTORCYCLE: Bat- al, in original box,
tery powered elec- Pat McHale island and upgrad- basement, garage
sion style TV excellent condition TELEVISIONS: 2 570-613-9080 ed appliances. Tray
BARREL, tric motorcycle 3 females, 1 male. or attic and call the
armories to hold up
to 36” TV. $50 each. wooden.
53 gallon.
hardly used holds
up to 130lbs, only
in Wilkes-Barre $45.
TV’s, color. 19” &
25”. 25” Polaroid JEWELRY Parents on
premises. Ready
ceiling, crown and
panel moldings, Classified depart-
DESK & chair, $20. works very well, family room with ment today at 570-
BOOKSHELF, white, Excellent $140. Porch swing CAMERAS: Kodak now. $300 each.
with remote. $20.
(570)704-9898 vaulted ceiling and 829-7130!
scalloped. $20. condition $195. hangs from chains Easy Share Camera 609-433-5660 gas fireplace. First
570-657-1887 570-876-3830 good condition with yellow case. 3x (Wilkes-Barre)
$125. Call after 3
pm (570) 881-4180
optical lens, silver,
good condition, TV 19” color with
floor den/library, 5
bedrooms, 5 baths,
High Point Acres
TAINMENT CENTEr. BEDLINER: 89 screen not remote, very good AKC shots, wormed finished lower level,
New Listing
60W X 52H X 19D.
TV space 32W X
Chevy S10 truck
bedliner, standard
Radio Shack 200
scratched, takes 2
double A batteries.
$25. Call Bruce
www.mountain REDUCED! 1 year new 20x42
Oasis in-ground
pool, 3-car garage
34H. Storage on cab $30. 2000 channel, excellent $25. Sony Cyber- hauskennels.com
Chevy Cavalier LS condition. $75. Firm. on a 1+/- acre lot.
bottom and side. Shot camera. Pink,
784 Tools 570-746-1689 MLS#11-1067
Adjustable shelves, rear trunk spoiler, 570-371-3367 7.2 pixels, good
black $10. Four $599,000.
glass door on front
stereo storage. barrel carb running PUMPS 3 air quality condition with bat-
tery charger $60.
$100. 570-472-3641 from Chevy motor
$50. 3 suitcases in
pumps with tri-
pods, environmental 570-592-1386
Werner 16 ft 4 sec-
tion folding alu- WILKESBARREGOLD AKC. Black & Tan
Regular & long coat

Say it HERE
in the Classifieds!
excellent shape
$40. 570-740-1246
HP Photosmart 7.2
minum $45. Shop
Vac wet-dry Sears (570)991-7448 guardianangel
4 bedroom, 2 ½
bath colonial. Fire-
for summer $35.
MegaPixel w/2Gig Craftsman with all $900 each. Call
570-829-7130 BRIDAL ITEMS wed- VCR JVC like new Memory. Takes stills attachments $40. 570-379-2419 314 Packer St. place in family room.
ding gown size 14 with remote $25. Charcoal grill kettle Newly remodeled 3 Bright & Sunny sun-
beaded & sequence 570-740-1392
and video. Used
1092 Highway 315 Blvd bedroom home with Shopping for a room. Very large,
750 Jewelry bodice & train $65.
item sold as is. $49 type 24in diameter.
(Plaza 315)
Grand Opening!
1st floor master, 1.5 new apartment? level, landscaped
Call Rick 283-2552 $10. 570-690-8469 Chihuahuas, Poms,
RELIGIOUS ITEMS - 315N .3 miles after baths, detached lot. 2 car garage.
BRACELET: Chamilia Wedding candle
Hand made Motorwold
garage, all new sid-
Classified lets Gas Heat. $265,000
with tea light insert
authentic bangle
$3. Size 7 flower girl Rosaries, $5. Pope 772 Pools & Spas 786 Toys & Games Mon-Sat
Beagles, Shih Tzus,
ing , windows, shin- you compare costs - Besecker Realty
style bracelet with 7 Bostons, Maltese,
charms. All pur- dress $35 matching John Paul II Memori-
10am - 8pm
Rotties, Yorkies, gles, water heater, without hassle 570-675-3611
blia. 570-829-2411 POOL 21’ round x Closed Sundays kitchen and bath-
accessories $10. or worry!
chased at studio M 56” deep, new liner, Pool, hockey, bas- Westies, Labs,
570-331-0815 Highest Cash Pay rooms. A must
designs in Kingston SAFE DEPOSIT BOX new cover, new ketball, etc. Approx- Huskies & more!
see house! For Get moving
$200. 406-5350 CANES & WALKING Yale, 18”x13”. $100. pump, new filter imate 4 X 6 - $45. Outs Guaranteed 570-453-6900 or
more info and pho- with classified!
STICKS. NEW 570-825-5847 complete with deck. 570-868-6018 570-389-7877
We Pay At Least tos visit: www.atlas
752 Landscaping &
BATCH! Different
sizes and shapes.
DVD ‘63 boxed set.
$975. or best offer.
Fisher Price Cadillac
78% of the London
Fix Market Price ITALIAN CANE CORSO realtyinc.com
Made from the roots 6 Classic Episodes Mastiff Puppies MLS 11-73
POOL FILTERS Intex, Escalade with for All Gold Jewelry
of Slippery Maple Registered and Call Tom
1st Choice Trees. Over 20
with Patrick Mac- (disposable) $7. charger. Excellent
ready to go! Parents 570-262-7716
Nee and Honor condition. $150.
Landscaping available at $4 Blackman. $25
each. 696-4020
Visit us at on premises. Blue &
See our ad in the each. 735-2081. WilkesBarreGold.com blue fawn.
Rick 570-283-2552 POOL: above Nice 2 bedroom
Call an Expert sec- SCOOTER Disney Or email us at Vet Checked
CEDAR CHEST, $75, ground, 15ft round ranch in Great
tion under Category TOASTER OVEN Princess with 3 wilkesbarregold@ 570-617-4880
Floor Lamp, $25, 4 years old. Hay- Neighborhood!
1165 - Lawn Care white, Hamilton wheels, age 3 years yahoo.com
ward filter. $500.
BAGGER Craftsman
Pine shelf
Swag, grapes &
$5. Beach $10. WATER
570-592-3862 to 6 years. $10.
2 black males $175.
Do you need more space?
A yard or garage sale
152 Pine Drive
Bright & Open floor
Large Living Room,
sunny eat-in kitchen
6 Bushel 2 bin hard wine bottles $5. good condition $30. SOLAR COVER for & oversized bath.
bagger for 42” deck 570-693-2612 CEILING FAN, brown pool size 18x36, can TOY PONY, beautiful Golden retriever/lab in classified plan - 4 year old Perfect place to
Originally $300. sell plays HI O SILVER male $275. Yellow is the best way two story home set start out or down-
CROCKS two 5 gal- with light fixture. be cut to smaller
$75. 570-472-3888 lab $275. Wormed on 2.26 private size to.
lon for $15. each. excellent condition siZe, small cut one cost $199 sacrifice
to clean out your closets! ares - Fabulous
$40. Overland $62,900
BITTO 570-824-6770 $15. 570-472-1646 side. $35. 779-9464 You’re in bussiness modern kitchen MLS# 10-4624
Express battery
LAWN SERVICE CURTAINS white TOASTER OVEN/ VACUUM Hayward operated train, 20 800 SHIH-TZU PUPPIES with classified! with stainless steel Five Mountains

BREAD MAKER Ultra Pool vacuum. racks $25. Easel appliances. 4 bed- Realty
See Our Ad In The lace, Priscilla 64”
long $3. pair. Twin combination by Used one season. chalkboard $5. PETS & ANIMALS Parents on premises
Shots Current.
rooms, 2.5 baths. 570-542-2141
Call An Expert Toastmaster, digital New $ 500., asking Detailed moldings &
yellow bedspread boys small bike $5.
Section 1162 $550 - Shih-Tzus hardwood floors.
control, like new. $ 200. 388-6937 570-675-3328
$3. 570-474-5653
Originally. $130. 810 Cats 570-401-1838 Walk out basement
See Our Ad Under
DISHES 3 sets, $10
asking $35.
774 Restaurant games, 2 con- BEAGLE about 1
year old, black &
#1162 JARS pints & quarts, Equipment trollers and 2 steer-
white, brown face
Moving, Must Sell. MLS# 11-901
570-899-5759 $1.25 & $1.50 per TRAILER home- ing wheels. $200. 5 months old. Very Call Geri
made construction RESTAURANT CONSOLE - white, loveable, house smart & loveable. 570-696-0888
dozen. About 10
FREE DIRT FILL trailer converts to for Wii games. $20. trained, not Shots & warmed. 570-696-3801
dozens. 823-4941 EQUIPMENT
come and pick it up. FIREPLACE: electric
boat trailer holds up
to 1 ton $175.
Bev Air 2 door
refrigerator/ sand-
570-657-1887 neutered, named
Oreo. FREE to good
No fleas. Hypoaller-
genic. Paper/Out-
2360 Laurel Run Rd.
Very well main-
Hard to find rich fireplace with 570-825-3955 XBOX-360. Guitar home includes side trained. A bun-
wich prep table, tained Log home
black soil. Screen or remote. Height 45” hero guitar $10. about 1 week of dle of joy! $400 firm PRICE REDUCED!

Find a
VACUUM Electrolux Model SP48-12, and serene proper-
rake it to make top Width 48” white in XBOX 360 cordless food, kennel, toys & 570-436-5083 19 Circle Drive
upright, like new, $1300. For details ty awaits you. This
soil. 1,000’s of triax- color, not used. $70. racing wheel & ped- bones. 855-9475 Spacious floor plan

excellent condition Call 570-498-3616 als $20.
home features 3
ial truck loads avail- 570-655-3512 bedrooms, including - Hardwood floors
able. 189 Foote $100. 822-9855 RESTAURANT 570-693-2612 CAT & KITTENS 840 Pet Services a very spacious throughout -
FREE! Homes

Avenue, Duryea FOOTBALL BED- Recently remodeled
VACUUM portable EQUIPMENT 22x12 master bed-
DING full size urgently needed. kitchen & master
includes bedspread, Pronto 2 in 1 Elec- SOMERSET TURN 788 Stereo/TV/ They love people, room. Open floor
bath - Sunroom
trolux with charger OVER MACHINE - Electronics animals & kids. Will plan allows for
Keller’s Lawn Care blanket & drapes,
& stand $20. 570- model SPM45, Hunlock Creek, PA
great entertaining. at heated -
See our ad under excellent condition. transport. Now accepting Overlooking a
735-8730 or 570- $500; ALSO, Bunn STEREO SYSTEM. 570-299-7146 Stone fireplace in timesleader.com
Call An Expert Asking $200. Call spring appoint- beautiful waterfall.
332-8094 Pour Over Coffee Sharp stereo sys- keeping with the
1162 Landscape & Pat 570-262-4582 ments. Full service $237,000
Machine, Model # tem in sleek royal CAT FREE to good rustic theme. Full
Garden WASHER: Whirlpool salon. In home MLS# 10-4354
GARAGE SALE STF15, $225 blue &d silver. Fea- home, approximate walk-out basement
Duet front load For more info, call grooming - call for Call Geri
Lawn Maintenance tures a 5 disc CD 3 years old. Grey gives the potential
See our ad under
LEFT OVER washer. Whirlpool 570-498-3616 changer & remote. tiger stripe.
rate. Mention this
for more living 570-696-0888
ITEMS Duet front dryer. ad for 10%. 570-696-3801
Call An Expert Comes with 2 570-450-5647 space. 17x15 deck
1165 Lawn Care AIR CLEANER Ionic
pro $30. Roomba
Both white, electric.
Only 2 years old.
speakers & 1 sub-
woofer. $80.
CAT: Black Female
We’re on Facebook! overlooks the
woods. $219,000
LAWN MOWER: Sweeper $10. Shark Great condition. Somerset Dough Longhair, 7 years
Craftsman, rear sweeper $10. Picnic Water & Energy Sheeter, Model
free to good home. 845 Pet Supplies
MLS #10-2433 Motorcycle for sale?
Call Tracy Zarola
bag, high rear basket $20. GE ici- Saving. $275 Each CAR-100. Only TV 25” color, Spayed and vacci- 570-574-6465 ONLY
D . Let them see it here
1 available. $1,500 nations up to date.
wheels, excellent cle lights, 4 new or both for $550 . or remote, good condi-
BIRD CAGES: small 570-696-0723 in the Classifieds!
condition $135.
boxes $12.
best offer.
Call 570-825-7867
Call for more info
tion. $20
$10. Large $20.
570-288-4852 LEWITH & FREEMAN timesleader.com
PAGE 8D THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com
906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale

45 Main St.
For Sale By Owner
3 bedrooms, 1 3/4
bath, Tudor home.
New central air, built
in heated pool with
new liner, hardwood
and tile throughout, PRICE REDUCED!! 151 Fort Street Large windows Entertaining is a New construction,
new 4 season room. 96 Main St. 66 East Grove St., Recently remodeled 2 story in good “must” in this 3 bedroom, 2 bath 290 Reynolds St.
Must see! Asking Updated inside and condition with 3 accent this bright Very roomy 2 story
Time to purchase 3 bedroom home, 2 spacious 2 bed- waterfront com- tan brick ranch on
$249,900 Call out, 3 unit home in your first home! baths, all new bedrooms, 1 full pound! Spacious 1 acre. Features Own this home for on lovely street in
570-696-0695 move in condition. Why keep paying amenities, lots of bath, eat-in room, 2 bath room sizes accom- include pella Kingston. 4 bed-
570-371-8556 Live in one apart- kitchen, 2 car townhouse in a less than $400 a rooms, 3 baths,
rent, this ½ double closet space, nice modate family and windows, oak hard- month! Large 3
ment and the other is a great starter corner lot with off garage, fenced quiet setting of friends in this five wood floors, car- wood burning fire-
DALLAS 2 can pay the mort-
gage. Modern
home! Nice size
rooms, eat-in
street parking,
garage, new car-
yard & new
gas heat.
Hanover Township.
Motivated sellers!
bedroom, 3500SF
beauty. Old world
peted bedrooms,
tiled kitchen &
bedroom home with
formal dining room,
place in living room.
Large eat-in kitchen
kitchens and baths. kitchen, 1st floor pet, windows & MLS # 10-4324 charm includes baths, maple off street parking as well as formal
Large 2nd floor $59,900 All reasonable dining room. Freshly
laundry, attic pull door. Gas heat. living room with kitchen cabinets, and large yard. For
apartment has 3 Call Ruth at offers considered. painted, carpets
down for storage, $129,900.00 knotty pine walls, hanstone counter- more information
bedrooms, large some replacement Call (570) 852-9142 570-696-1195 or $98,000 beamed ceilings tops, propane fire- cleaned and numer-
and photos, log
eat in kitchen, and windows & a 570-696-5411 MLS# 10-2685 and a gas stone place, walk up attic, ous updates makes
onto www.atlas
1.5 baths and laun-
dry room. 1st floor
fenced in yard.
Take a look &
LINE UP Call Arlene Warunek
fireplace Dining
room includes two
tray ceiling in living
room & attached
this move-in ready!
Call for your
units have 1 bed-
room and 1 bath. 2
make your offer! A GREAT DEAL... built-in corner 2 car garage.
private showing.
MLS #11-364
$24,800 cupboards and $279,900
This Deck House
offers post and
car garage and 4 MLS#10-3582 IN CLASSIFIED! SMITH HOURIGAN GROUP sitting area with MLS# 10-4527 Call Charles PRICE REDUCED!
off street parking ATLAS $157,900
beam construction Jill Jones Looking for the right deal stone fireplace Five Mountains

spaces. For more 570-696-6550 Game room with Realty REALTY,INC. Mary Ellen Belchick
and unique proper- info and photos, go on an automobile? Smith Hourigan mahogany flooring, 570-542-2141 570-829-6200 570-696-6566
ty! Nestled on 2 to www.atlas Turn to classified. Group Five bedrooms, Walter Belchick


acres, this 3-4 realtyinc.com (570) 696-1195 570-696-2600 x301
bedroom home MLS 11-1447
It’s a showroom in print! including fabulous
views of the lake in
features custom $129,000 Classified’s got HARDING the spacious mas-
hickory kitchen with
garland range,
Call Terry
570-885-3041 or
Looking to buy a the directions! ter and fifth bed- REDUCED!
granite topped home? room (presently an
Angie office). Lush gar-
island, mahogany Place an ad here
floored dining room,
2 fireplaces, Florida
and let the
sellers know!
76 Dana St.
Great starter home
dens with perenni-
als and annuals. 84’
of lakefront with
room with hot tub, 570-829-7130 in nice neighbor- 21 Rowe Street
deck with DCS grill, hood. 2 story, 2 two-story boat-
Meticulously Main- house! “Low taxes”.
oversized 2 car bedroom, 1 bath. tained Bilevel Awesome Kingston
garage, car port Dining room, living MLS#11-1083

DURYEA features remodeled 310 Lockville Rd. $850,000. Cape on a great

and all with in a room, kitchen.Large
mile of Rt 309!
Blueberry Hill.
fenced yard. Car
port & detached 2
kitchen with stain-
less steel appli- SERENITY Call Maribeth Jones
570-696-6565 1717 River Road
street! Close to
schools, library,
3 bedroom ranch. ances and corian Enjoy the serenity shopping, etc.
Contact Judy Rice car garage. of country living in Compact 2 story
Large lot with pool. countertop; 1.75 Newer gas furnace
570-714-9230 $79,900 this beautiful 2 home with 3 bed-
Lease To Buy. For Baths, 3 bedrooms and water heater.
MLS# 11-1221 Call (570) 954-4074 story home on 2.23 rooms, 1st floor
more details, call. and family room, all Replacement win-
or (570) 906-7614 acres surrounded bath with laundry,
Reduced 327,500. in mint condition. dows, hardwood
by nature the prop- large kitchen. Park-
(570) 655-8118 New Garage Doors. flooring, recently
ing in rear with
Gas Heat. Fenced erty has it’s own remodeled kitchen
alley access.
DURYEA 9 Laurel Street
Ranch with newer
92 W. Pettebone St. Rear Yard and 2 car
attached garage.
private driveway.
Great entertaining Ridge Ave
MLS 11-99
with subway tiled
backsplash. Alarm
Looking for the right deal roof, newer win-
This is not a drive- inside & out! 3 car
Call Colleen
system for your
by! MLS # 10-4644 garage plus 2 car protection and
on an automobile? dows, 100 amp detached. A MUST 570-237-0415
Call for Details. much more. MLS 46 Zerby Ave
Turn to classified. service, & main- Pat McHale SEE! MLS#11-831 #11-1577 Sunday 1pm-3pm
It’s a showroom in print! tained furnace. Cur- 570-613-9080 $279,900 $159,900. Lease with option
rently rented, this
Classified’s got property would
call Nancy Call Pat Busch to buy, completely
570-237-0752 (570) 885-4165
the directions! make a nice invest- remodeled, mint,
turn key condition,
DRUMS Doyouneedmorespace?
ment. MLS# 11-1108
$30,000 A Single family 2 3 bedrooms, 1.5
Let the tenant
Call Stacey L story home with 3 Modern 2 story A yard or garage sale baths, large
help with your
mortgage, Double
Lauer Mobile:
bedrooms, bath,
walk out basement,
275 Phillips Street Job Seekers are
home on 1 acre.
Duplex. Excellent
starter home,
in classified
is the best way
closets, with
hardwoods, carpet
& tile floors, new
with a three
bedroom and two
has been complete- looking here! retirement home, tocleanoutyourclosets! kitchen and baths,
ly gutted & insulat- Where's your ad? or investment gas heat, shed,
bedroom unit, vinyl
ed. New dry wall, 570-829-7130 and property Public You’re in bussiness large yard.
exterior, some
new wiring, electri- ask for an employ- sewer,deep well. with classified! $134,000, seller
updates, separate $109,000 will pay closing
37 Ironmaster Road
utilities and off
cal service, plumb-
ing, new roof, cen-
ment specialist
Negotiable JENKINS TWP. costs, $5000 down

street parking. 570-287-5775 121 W. Vaughn St. and monthly
Beautiful Bi-Level tral air. Hardwood 2 W Sunrise Dr.
$89,500 or 570-332-1048 Well cared for 3 payments are
home in very good floor refinished. 17 ONEONTA HILL $995/month.
MLS# 11-1597 bedroom, 1 bath

“move-in condition” Detached garage. FOR SALE BY home on nice WALSH
surrounded by the All work inspected street. Brand new REAL ESTATE
OWNER 570-654-1490
natural decorating and approved by Year Round Home! drywall and trim in
of Sleepy Hollow front 2 rooms. Vinyl
code officials. Spectacular View!
Estates features Appliances Included Low Taxes! windows, gas heat
2500 sq. ft. Home (570) 348-1761 Asking $135,000. and newer 200
features brick front amp electric serv-
MLS# 10-2409
with vinyl siding, LINEUP Call Theresa
Well maintained
bi-level continually
ice. Great location
with park just a few
oversize one car
built in garage, large
cared for by the
original owners.
doors away!
MLS 11-1380
164 First Street
rear deck, large INCLASSIFIED! All Brick ranch – 5 CENTRAL Well kept 2 Upgraded kitchen $105,000
cleared lot, public
sewers, private
Doyouneedmorespace? Rooms and bath,
featuring hardwood
bedroom ranch with
new kitchen, fenced
169 Rock St.
3 bedroom, 2 story
with granite counter
tops and breakfast
Mark R. Mason
570-331-0982 DRASTIC
A yard or garage sale (570) 822-1133 yard, one car home with many bar. Four bedrooms CROSSIN REAL
well. Modern
in classified
flooring and finished
rooms on base-
garage. Lots of off street updates including and two baths. ESTATE REDUCTION!!!!!
kitchen with appli- $79,900 parking, close to newer furnace and
ment. Economical Grotto. Raised Large veranda over 570-288-0770
ances, dining area, is the best way Gas Heat.
MLS #11-638
ranch with 2 car
some new win- the garage. Lower
living room, 2 full
baths and 1/2 bath,
a fantastic sound
You’re in bussiness
Car port and Pri-
vate rear yard. GREAT DEAL!
Call Tracy Zarola
garage, 3 Bed-
rooms, 1 bath, living
dows. Large con-
crete front and rear
porches, large pri-
level recreation
room with fireplace KINGSTON
MLS # 10-4363 room, kitchen, large and wet bar. 27’ x
system. Lower level
has entry door to
with classified! PRICE REDUCED
TO: $134,900.00 NEW PRICE LEWITH & FREEMAN porch with lake view
& bar. $142,500.
vate yard. For more
info and photos visit
10’ 3-season
room…. A great
the garage and also
to the side patio. DURYEA Call Pat McHale
Looking for that
special place
us at: www.atlas
MLS 11-1786
place to entertain.
Motivated sellers!
Come and tour this
Home features gas
forced air, also cen-
called home? IN JUNE $89,900 lovely home 543
Call Charlie in a great
tral air ducts are Classified will address Directions Left @
570-829-6200 neighborhood!
Your needs. Grotto @ Stop sign Ave.
already to install. make left, then MLS#11-1031 129 S. Dawes Ave. Stately 5 bedroom
many features Open the door $239,500 4 bedroom, 1 bath,
quick right onto home in prestigious
MLS#11-860 with classified! Oneonta Hill, 3rd Mary Ellen Belchick large enclosed neighborhood.
$214,000 House on right. 696-6566 porch with brick Yearning to be
Call John Vacendak 1509 Wyoming Ave.
HANOVER TWP. CALL Dave @ fireplace. Full con- restored to its origi-
REDUCED!! Freshly painted and 570-417-6661 crete basement nal splendor. Porch,
570-823-4290 with 9ft ceiling. Lots
Three bedroom insulated, immacu- rec room, sun room
ranch home, late and sitting on of storage, 2 car and inground pool.
completely reno- almost half an acre garage on double Huge Reduction
vated (tile, hard- this 3 bedroom 1.5 lot in a very desir- $145,000
wood, granite, bath home can be able neighborhood. Call Jay Crossin
carpet, roof, yours. Features Close to schools Ext. 23
see www. Stainless appli- include a modern and park and recre- Crossin Real
180 First Street kitchen, central ation. Walking dis-
capitol- ances) two Estate
Vinyl sided ranch A/C. laundry room, tance to downtown
realestate.com baths, Dining 570-288-0770
home, on large office and free Wilkes-Barre. Great
room, Living 8 Diamond Ave.
for additional yard, with carport
room, Family standing fireplace. family neighbor-
photos and off street park- Loads of space in 97 Center Street
Room, Laundry, All appliances hood. Carpet
this modernized tra-
Garage, office,
ing. Eat in Kitchen, included. Just move 9A Queen Of Peace Rd Vinyl sided, this 6 allowance will be
DUPONT rec room, utility
room, lot is 75 x
with wood cabi-
netry, large living
room, 3 bedrooms
right in! For more
details and photos
ditional home. 3rd
floor is a large bed-
room with walk-in
Beautiful setting
located just a short
room home has
cottage cuteness, a
150. Over 2,500 visit: www.atlas walk from the lake! deep lot, paved off 23 Mead St. MLS #11-1434
and 1 bath. closet. Modern street parking and
sq ft of living realtyinc.com Enjoy your summer Newly remodeled 2 Call Tom
MLS # 10-4365 kitchen, family room a detached 1 car
space, finished MLS 11-604 at the Beach Club story on a corner 570-262-7716
PRICE REDUCED addition, deck over- garage. Owner is
basement. $177,900 or on your sun lot with fenced in
$134,900 looking large corner willing to contribute
$159,900. Call Kim porch! This home yard and 2 car
Call Pat McHale lot. Not just a $1,500 to your clos-
Call Jim 570-466-3338 offers a brick fire- garage. 4 bed-
570-613-9080 starter home but a ing costs. Priced at
570-212-2222 place, finished rooms, 1 bath, Rutter Ave.
home to stay $73,900, with 5%
lower level with 1,660 sq. ft. For End Unit Townhouse
in and grow! For down, borrowing more information Let the Community
Single family home more informaton wood burner, 2-car Owner Relocating.
garage, mature $70,205, for 30 and photos visit Know! 1st floor open plan
for sale in quiet and photos visit years @ 5% interest
landscaping www.atlas Place your Classified with LR, dining area
neighborhood- www.atlas
FORTY FORT accenting the rate would make realtyinc.com & kitchen, plus
realtyinc.com Ad TODAY!
Beautiful 2400 Sq. your monthly princi- $89,900
Ft. with 6 bedroom, MLS #11-622 rolling lawn with 570-829-7130 powder room.
Small ranch home. 2 3+/- acres of land, pal and interest MLS 10-3684 Lower level finished
2 full baths, 2 story 3 Bennett Street $122,900 payment $376.88 Call Bill
home, fully air con- bedroom, full base- Call Colleen this will be your pri- with 3rd BR, laun-
ment, new roof. vate retreat! with taxes and 570-362-4158 dry room & storage
ditioned, oil & gas 570-237-0415 insurance, monthly
heat, renovated Large carport. Very MLS#11-1755 area. 2 BRs & 2
low utility bills. 1 mile $193,000 payment would be baths on the 2nd
kitchen, full unfin- approximately
ished basement, 2 from Route 81. Ask- Bob Cook floor. MLS # 11-1267
ing $40,000. Call 570-696-6555 or $533. Why rent, $299,500
enclosed porches, 122-124 Short St.
Nick 570-702-4077 570-262-2665 when you can have Call Ruth 570-696-
15 x 20 deck with Very nice double-
your own home? 1195 / 570-696-5411
power awning block in
cover – generous
size lot, off street
Edwardsville on a
quiet street and out
Call Pat McHale
of the flood zone. Large 4 Bedroom
parking, first floor
washer & dryer. Good income prop- in a great
erty for an investor neighborhood with 167 N. Dawes Ave.
All appliances
or live in one side
and rent the other
original architectur-
al details, hardwood
Move in condition 2
story home. 3 bed- SMITH HOURIGAN GROUP
Lovely lake living. Find Something? rooms, 2 baths,
to help pay the
mortgage! Make
floors, inground Welcome to the Lose Something? hardwood floors, To place your
best of 2 worlds.
Call 570-421-0587
or Rodite@enter.net your appointment
pool and hot tub.
REDUCE PRICE #1: The amenities
Get it back where it ceramic throughout. ad Call Toll Free
Finished lower level,
use “Dupont Home” today!
MLS #11-438 $169,500 Reduced! of lakefront prop- belongs
with a Lost/Found ad!
250 Susquehan- security system 1-800-427-8649
in email subject Bi-Level. 1,750 sq ft. 581-583 erties - fishing,
MLS# 10-338 nock Drive MLS 11-1673
line. PRICE REDUCED! 3 bedrooms, 2 Plymouth St. boating and a 2 570-829-7130 Immaculate Cape
$66,000 $159,900
CROSS VALLEY baths, 1 car garage. Perfect for owner story boat house Cod home features
Call Tom
Mary Ellen Belchick
New carpeting, occupied. Well (one of only 30 on 1st floor master
570-696-6566 REALTY paint, etc. Large lot. maintained, bright &
the lake); suite with office and
Walter Belchick (570) 763-0090 Asking $109,500. spacious two family. #2: The serenity 3/4 bath. 2nd floor
Deremer Realty Each identical unit and privacy of has 2 large bed-
x301 570-477-1149 has Approx. (1300 tiered stone patios rooms with walk in
sq ft.) with 3 bed- and lush gardens closets and adjoin-
HANOVER TWP. rooms, bath, large
living & dining
surrounding this
classic 3,500 sq ft
ing bath. 1st floor
laundry and 1/2 KINGSTON
rooms & eat in lake home perched bath, modern
kitchen. Clean neu- high above Pole kitchen with bam-

623 Hooven St.

EDWARDSVILLE tral décor with wall
to wall carpet
throughout. Newer
306, Lakeside
Drive. The views Main Road
Country Living
boo floors, living
room with stone
8 Circle Drive
are spectacular fireplace. 2 tier
Picture perfect 2 roof & tilt-in win- from our 5 bed- At It’s Best. Only one lucky fami-
story with 3 bed- Well Maintained deck overlooks
dows. Each side room home with 2 above ground pool, ly will be able to
rooms, 1 1/2 mod- NEW LISTING! has a full attic & farmhouse on 6+ make this home
871 EXETER AVE. stone fireplaces & ready for summer
ern baths, brand basement with hardwood floors acres. Garage, their own! Beautiful-
new kitchen with Architecturally stream. Easy fun! For more infor-
*3 bedroom/1 bath/ washer & dryer throughout. Call mation and photos, ly kept Ranch with
center island and attractive design 1250 sq ft hook-ups. Gas access to Route 11. 2 car garage, new
built to accommo- for an appointment. please visit 177 Third Ave.
stainless steel *Corner double lot/ heat. 581 side has a We also welcome Affordable at bath, partially fin-
stove, dishwasher date a busy corner REDUCED TO www.atlas Neat as a pin! 3
fencing private fenced rear realtors. $799,000 realtyinc.com ished basement, 3
and microwave. location. Great $159,500 bedroom, 2.5
*Detached garage + yard & was rented 570-639-2423 MLS #11-657 season room,
Tiger wood hard- 145 Short Street building will lend Call Jim baths, end unit
2 car paved parking for $695 Month & $299,000 almost 1 acre in
wood flooring NEW PRICE ON itself to most retail Towne & Country townhome with nice
*Hardwood floors/

now vacant . 583 Call Colleen fenced yard. Bright Dallas School Dis-
throughout the first THIS RANCH, with users, used car lot, replacement side rents for $600 Real Estate Co. trict. Home Warran-
floor. New carpet- new kitchen, 3 bed- mini mart, restau- 570-735-8932 or 570-237-0415 Spacious kitchen,
windows Month with a long cy included. For
ing on 2nd floor, all rooms and a fin- rant. Call for your 570-542-5708 main level family
*GasHeat/hot water
Clean out your
time tenant. room, deck w/ more information
3 bedrooms have ished basement, appointment! *Full concrete Separate utilities. and photos visit our
retractable awning.
Find Your Ideal
closets. Walk up which nearly dou- Pat Silvi 283-9100 basement/walk-out $98,750 website at
attic, gas heat, 2 bles the amount of x21 MLS#11-803 Gas heat/central
*Not a drive-by
basement, garage
MLS# 11-1293 air, pull down attic www.atlas
car detached
garage. For addi-
tion information and
living space.
$99,900.00 Addi-
tional lot available
Sale price $150,000
Lease price
Call for appointment
Employee! Place an Job Seekers are for storage and 1
car garage. Very
MLS #11-370

looking here!
MLS# 10-4598
or attic and call the
photos, email:
with 6 garage
stalls. Call for
Call Vieve Zaroda
(570) 474-6307 Boat? Car? Truck? ad and end the affordable town-
home in great cen- Call Charlie
MLS 11-1413
details on separate
lot and garage.
Ext. 2772
Motorcycle? Air-
Classified depart- search! Where's your ad? tral location!
MLS 11-1282
VM 101

plane? Whatever it 570-829-7130 and

$145,210 MLS# 10-3931
Call Lu-Ann Pat McHale Need a Roommate? 570-829-7130 Mark R. Mason
570-602-9280 (570) 613-9080
Place an ad and is, sell it with a ment today at 570- ask for an employ- ask for an employ-
Classified ad. ESTATE Sell your own home!
find one here!
Smith Hourigan
570-474-6307 570-829-7130 ment specialist ment specialist Place an ad HERE
TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 PAGE 9D
906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale

19 Academy St
1610 Westminster Rd
460 S. Mtn

Brand new ranch Larkmount Manor Townhouse with

5 Fairfield Drive 50 yards from lake. 107 Falcon Drive. New Listing! Peaceful living with 182 BROAD STREET DRASTIC 5 rooms, 2 bed-
Don’t travel to a Double lot, 3 bed- Wonderful location. Cape Cod with 3 easy drive to town. Meticulous 2 Story, REDUCTION rooms, 1.5 baths.
resort. Live in your room, two bath, Four bedroom, 1 1/2 NEW LISTING! bedrooms, 1 full and Beautifully main- 2 Bedroom – Gorgeous estate Kitchen, stove,
vacation destination laundry room. Full bath rancher with Charming two-story 2 half baths, run tained 3Bedroom Redone from Top to like property with refrigerator &
in the 3 bedroom, basement, with brick front and home with hard- porch, 2 car garage Ranch on 1.5 acres, Bottom – Cottage log home plus 2 dishwasher, wall
2.5 bath home with insulation & aluminum siding. wood and pine plus car port awaits 2 car garage, gas Cute- With New story garage on 1 to wall carpeting,
gourmet kitchen sheetrock. Corner lot. Sunken floors, modern a new owners fireplace, hard- kitchen, state of the acres with many
and fabulous views. kitchen and baths, touch. Situated on art appliances, covered patio,
New well living room. First woods, large outdoor features.
Enjoy the heated in- floor family room. formal living room 1.94 acres within deck... Lots to see. hardwood floors assigned parking
MLS#:09-4746 Garage. For more
ground pool with $143,900 12 x 16 three sea- and dining room, 3 walking distance of Call today for a pri- and swirled ceiling. info and photos space, convenient
cabana, built-in Call John Nicodem son porch, shed. bedrooms, gas school and .02 vate showing. BUY or RENT visit: www.atlas location.
BBQ and fire pit in Garage. Extras! heat, separate SUNDAY JUNE 5 miles of interstate MLS 10-3480 WITH OPTION. REDUCED PRICE
Classic 1:00PM-3:00PM realtyinc.com
this private, Properties $189,900. 330SF of office 81 this is an ideal $138,700 Call for details. MLS# 11-319 $55,000
tranquil setting. For MLS # 11-1899. space. Detached Large well cared location ONLY Five Mountains Pat McHale MLS# 10-1062
570-718-4959 for home! 4 bed- $300,000
more info and pho- Ask for Bob Kopec garage and carport, $59,900!!! Realty 570-613-9080 Call Charles Call Kathie
rooms, lots of
tos visit: www.atlas LINEUP Humford Realty, updated windows,
storage. Enjoy
Anne Marie Chopick 570-542-2141 (570) 288-6654
MLS 11-1686
roof and furnace.
Zoned business
your summer in
your own 18x36,
INCLASSIFIED! In-ground, Solar
Call Keri Shopping for a MLS#11-1010
Heated Pool,
570-885-5082 Doyouneedmorespace?
A yard or garage sale
new apartment?
Classified lets
Call Maribeth Jones
complete with
diving board and MOUNTAIN TOP PITTSTON PLAINS 1057 Shickshinny
Valley Road
in classified you compare costs - slide. Pool house Ranch. Newly
is the best way without hassle with bar and room constructed. 2,100
or worry! for a poker table!
tocleanoutyourclosets! Large L-shaped
sq ft. 3 bedrooms.
You’re in bussiness Get moving 2.5 baths. Jacuzzi
deck. Don't worry tub. Gas Heat,
with classified! with classified! about the price of 101 Main Street.
LINE UP gas, enjoy a stay-
Central Air. 2 car
garage. Land-
scaping & Drive- BREAKFAST. Totally
NEW LISTING! long! Family room way completed updated spacious 2
404 N. Main Street
IN CLASSIFIED! with gas fireplace.
4 zone, efficient,
aprox 5/23
story with extra
large living room, 4
NEW PRICE 20 Nittany Lane
Cozy 3 bedroom,
1.5 bath completely
Two story located
Looking for the right deal gas hot water, 570-868-5900 suites, family room
on Main Street fea-
Convenience! Loca-
remodeled Ranch
and screen porch tion! Easy Living!
on an automobile? baseboard heat.
Hardwood floors. conveniently locat-
tures 6 Rooms, 3 This home has it all.
home. Features
Turn to classified.
It’s a showroom in print!
Huge eat-in
kitchen with large,
2982 Blytheburn Rd
ed on Main St.
Noxen. $195,000.
Bedrooms and Full
Bath on 2nd Floor.
Newer Furnace,
3 floors of living
space w/hardwood

room, living room, 3
floors and gas fire-
Classified’s got movable island. OLDER SINGLE ERA BRADY
Hot Water Heater place in living room.
baths, cedar closet
Large, private ASSOCIATES
7 Hickorywood Dr.
Year round lake Stunning view of the directions! yard. Replace-
and Circuit breaker Open floor plan,
plus built in garage.
house. New roof, BY OWNER Electric Service. New windows, new
Wonderful 4 bed- the Wyoming Valley ment windows. lower level family
gutters, siding, 4 bedrooms, over This home is in roof, new vinyl sid-
room Ranch with architecturally built Home warranty room w/laundry and
doors, windows, on pristine 1 acre sized living room MOVE IN CONDI- ing, new plumbing &
sweeping views of included. 3/4 bath. 3 bed-
kitchen, bathroom, lot…grape vines, with fireplace and TION and reason- electric, new coal
the valley. Master $224,000 rooms w/2 full
appliances, heating large picture win- ably priced at furnace and new
bedroom with walk-
in closet and bath,
& cooling system,
carport & Decks.
fruit trees, fish
pond, raised gar-
MLS# 11-382
Call Michael Pinko
dows, large finished
attic, 1.5 baths, on
738 PARDEESVILLE RD $47,900.00.
MLS #11-1074
baths on upper
level. Deck and
electric heat. Front
& rear porches. Has
dens, contemporary patio for outdoor
ultra modern eat-in
kitchen with granite
2 bedrooms, one
bath, deeded lake
home with Great
room fireplace,
(570) 899-3865 a 3/4 acre lot, 2 car
detached garage & CORNER LOT Call Pat McHale
living! 2 zone heat,
central a/c, inter-
a well but can use
public water, public
counters and cherry access with shared wrap around drive- sewer. $135,000
cabinets with large beamed ceilings, com and stereo
dock. hardwood flooring way. Walking dis- MLS# 11-1087
island and stainless plus central vac
MLS: 09-4484 and much more! tance to lake, golf Five Mountains
steel appliances. 2 2002 ranch with system, 2 car
$97,000 MLS#11-1079 course close by, 30 Realty
car garage, full Smith Hourigan garage. What more
Call John Nicodem $325,000. brick and vinyl minutes to Poconos 570-542-2141
unfinished base- Group could you want?
Classic exterior, oak and easy access to
ment with Properties
Call Maribeth Jones
kitchen, two
570-474-6307 Route 80 & 309. Doyouneedmorespace? For more info and SCRANTON
696-6565 photos visit:
walk-out to yard. 570-718-4959 $149,900 A yard or garage sale
For more informa- bedrooms, ready www.atlas
Call (570) 371-1492 in classified realtyinc.com
tion and photos visit to finished base-
Single family built
www.atlas ment, garage and 461 Ice Harvest Dr. Collect cash, not dust! in 2005. 2.5 baths, is the best way MLS #11-782
realtyinc.com off street parking. Rice Township Clean out your two story with tocleanoutyourclosets! Call Colleen
MLS #10-4060 $139,900 basement, garage attached garage. You’re in bussiness
Call Colleen MESHOPPEN
Novak Road
Looking For Offers!
MLS# 10-4194
or attic and call the
Classified depart-
Oil furnace with
central air. 90 x with classified!

ment today at 570- 140 corner lot.
829-7130! Kitchen with cen- 103 Arnold Avenue
ter cooking island,
(570) 348-1761 3
bedrooms, 1 1/2
dining room,
raised ceiling with
glass door entry &
PLAINS Cape Cod with 1st
floor master bed-
111 Falcon Drive
Gorgeous bath single. 1st floor hardwood floor. room, 3 season
Brand new since customized 4 bed- Carpeting thru out porch, attached
2004, 3 bedrooms, laundry. Many

Find the
room, 4 bath home extras. All new, home. Tiled garage. MLS#
2 baths, central air, kitchen and bath. 10-1069
2 car garage, shed, Lovely nearly com- on a huge 5.7 acre inside and out. Rent
Kitchen appli- Reduced $81,900

6 car driveway. pleted renovated lot in the exclusive to own. Owner
financing available. ances included. New on the Market. call Nancy
Roof, kitchen, fur- Victorian farmhouse ice lakes. Price to 570-237-0752
nace, a/c unit and sits high on 7.81 570-817-0601 NICELY PRICED 2 bedroom brick &

sell at $499,000 Leave message
master bath all acres featuring $219,900 aluminum ranch
MLS# 11-1487 with phone number with formal living
replaced. Modern panoramic pastoral (570) 233-1993
Call Laura 466-9186 room, eat in 433 N. Main St,
views, high ceilings,
kitchen with granite
island, tile floors, original woodwork, for a showing. kitchen, sunroom, 1 REDUCED! Large
9 Main Street
gutted, rewired,
The Classified CROSS VALLEY 1/2 baths, 1 car home in advanced
maple cabinets.
2-3 bedroom, 1 full
Fireplace in family insulated and sheet- section at garage and Central stage of remodel Looking to buy a
bath home on large timesleader.com REALTY air. MLS#11-1583 ready for drywall home?
fenced lot. 1 car room, large closets, rocked, newer roof,
modern baths. vinyl siding, kitchen (570) 763-0090 $129,900 and your choice of Place an ad here
detached garage, Call Ruth extras to be and let the
living room, dining Stamped concrete and baths. Lots of
patio. For more potential with TLC. 570-696-1195 or installed. Studded sellers know!
room, eat in kitchen 570-696-5411 out for vaulted
information and Elk Lake School Dis- 570-829-7130
and newly added master suite with 2
14x16 deck. Washer, photos visit trict. $175,000
dryer & fridge incl-
uded. New water
MLS# 11-525 Call
570-696-2468 330 State Street
tub/shower and 2
more bedrooms,
heater and windows MLS #11-1166 Very spacious 107 Johnson St.
throughout.Full walk $279,900 Call 829-7130 3 story home 4 bedroom Ranch
even an upstairs
Call Tom to place your ad. SMITH HOURIGAN GROUP laundry planned!
out basement. with nice size home with hard- Large foyer &
Hardwood floors in
every room. Many
updates, a must
D .
rooms & many
recent updates.
$2,000 seller
wood floors, large
room sizes, gas
heat and central air,
PITTSTON TWP. kitchen, formal Din-
ing Room. Ready
for new furnace/
see! $89,000. Enjoy the beauty in assist available. garage and carport. water heater. Can
timesleader.com this beautiful 2-
(570) 898-2581 PRICE REDUCED Nice home, corner lights, outlets
story on approxi- $93,000 lot, large unfinished already placed!
mately one acre in 1738 Sumner Ave N
906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale Laurel Lakes! Hard-
MLS# 09-3712 basement. For Large lot with room MultiFamily...Duplex
Call Lynda more information for garage/deck/ (Up & Down). In
wood floors, tile (570) 696-5418 and photos visit pool. MLS# 10-4611
and granite kitchen, need of TLC.
www.atlas $99,900 MLS# 11-730
OFFICENTERS - Pierce St., Kingston
4 bedrooms and 3 realtyinc.com Call Amy Lowthert
baths – including a $ 33,000
MLS 11-1209 at (570)406-7815 Jill Shaver Hunter
spacious master $129,900 120 Parnell St.
bath with Jacuzzi Classic Ranch in COLDWELL BANKER Office: (570) 328-
Call Charlie 0306 for more
and separate show- Smith Hourigan 570-829-6200 great location. 3 RUNDLE REAL ESTATE
er. This 10-room bedroom, 3 baths, information today!
home has a great 570-696-1195 high quality Line up a place to live
layout, including a throughout. 3 sea- in classified!
lower level with
recreation room
and an additional
son porch over
looking private rear
yard. Owners says PLAINS
room for a den or
office. Call us today
8PM PITTSTON sell and lowers
price to
594 N. Main Street
Beautifully redone 3
to arrange your pri- $219,900. For bedroom, 2 bath
vate showing! more information ranch. New roof,
MLS#11-1216 and photos please carpeting, paint &
$329,500 visit our website at stainless appli-
www.atlas ances. Gas heat,
Mary Ellen Belchick
696-6566 realtyinc.com central air, garage,
Walter Belchick MLS #10-2817 screened in back
25 West Call Charlie for porch. Large fenced
Professional Office Rentals 696-2600 ext. 301
Washington St. your private in back yard & more
Move right into this showing. $139,900. Call
Full Service Leases • Custom Design • Renovations • Various Size Suites Available 150 Carroll St.
very nice 3 bed- Modern 3 bedroom VM 101
Medical, Legal, Commercial • Utilities • Parking • Janitorial room 1 bath home.
home with large
Full Time Maintenance Staff Available Lots of natural yard, off street
woodwork and a parking with car-
Looking for that
For Rental Information Call: 1-570-287-1161 special place
called home?
beautiful stained
glass window.
port, 1st floor laun-
dry, new flooring,

Classified will address

Kitchen appliances
and wall to wall car-
peting approxi-
great condition.
Move right in! For
more info and pho-
PITTSTON TWP. 341 Lincoln St. N,
Investment proper-
ty, double with very
Your needs.
CELEBRATING 113 YEARS OF SERVICE 1898-2011 Open the door
mately 1 year old.
Home also has a
tos please visit:
www.atlas PRICE REDUCED nice size back yard.
Access to off street
837 Wyoming Ave., with classified! one car detached
MLS 11-1685
parking from rear
alley. MLS# 11-1116
Spacious 2 story
Kingston MOUNTAIN TOP $83,900
MLS 11-347
$89,900 with old world WOW! $26,000
Call Colleen charm, hardwood Call Stacey L Lauer
288-1401 BUTLER TWP.
109 North St.
Call John
570-237-0415 floors, wood stair-
case, stained glass
Today for an
Antonik & Associ- windows and more. appointment.

26 CRISMAN STREET, ates, Inc. Amenities include a


FORTY FORT 570-735-7494


This 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath


2-story features living room

Looking for the right deal Be the first occu-

with gas fireplace; dining

room with bow window; eat-in on an automobile? pants of this newly
Formal Dining
kitchen; enclosed porch. ‘’Mit- constructed Ranch
subishi’’ wall air-conditioning
Turn to classified. home on a low traf- Room, eat in
It’s a showroom in print! kitchen, 1st floor
units on 1st & 2nd floor. Pri- fic street. All you
laundry, den, 3 bed-
vate drive. Classified’s got could ask for is
JOE MOORE $104,900
4 bedroom ranch
with large updat-
the directions!
already here, 3
bedrooms, 2 baths,
rooms, 1.5 baths,
partially finished SCRANTON
attic & a 1 car
ed kitchen, open
floor plan, living
room with fire- With 1876 sq. ft of
PITTSTON hardwood and tile
floors with granite
and stainless steel
garage all on a 100’
x 200’ lot.
FORTY FORT $69,900
Attractive, well-kept 4 bed- place, hardwood living space this 4 kitchen, gas fire-
room & 2 bath Colonial. 1st floors in living bedroom, 1.75 bath place, central air, 2 100% FINANCING
floor-living room; dining room; room, bedrooms 2 story is a great car garage and AVAILABLE.
family room; breakfast room; and kitchen. buy. 1st floor rear patio and full Anne Marie Chopick
modern, open kitchen w/ Updated bath. includes a Front basement. For GEORGE T. BELL
hardwood flooring; heated Sunroom over- room, Living room, more information REAL ESTATE
sunroom. Lower level- Rec. looks state game Dining room, Kit, 3/4 and photos, log 570-288-6654
room.; full bath; laundry. 570-760-6769 416 Prospect Ave
lands. Walk out bath & laundry onto www.atlas NEW ON THE MARKET!
Nicely landscaped. Great rear room. A tiered rear realtyinc.com
lower level, easily
yard. MLS#11-1145.
JOE MOORE $165,500 finished-only
needs carpet. This
deck leads into the
fenced back yard.
151 Broad Street
Stately 1900+
MLS #10-3676
PLAINS TWP MultiFamily...4 UNIT
for investors!
is a must see! Off street parking square foot, two- Call Colleen
549 CHARLES AVENUE, story home with 4 MLS# 11-1217
$159,500 for 2+ cars in the 570-237-0415 WOW! $ 25,000
KINGSTON MLS# 11-1349 rear off alley. Priced bedrooms, 1.75
A quality home in a superior location! baths and 2 car, Call Jill Shaver
Features: large living room; formal Call Michael Pinko to sell. $30,900 Hunter Office :
dining room with parquet flooring; oak (570) 899-3865 Anne Marie Chopick detached garage.
FEATURES -NEW (570) 328-0306
kitchen with breakfast area; 1st floor 570-760-6769
master bedroom and bath suite; bed- GEORGE T. BELL kitchen with maple

Find Your Ideal

room/sitting room; knotty pine den;
REAL ESTATE cabinetry, NEW
half-bath. 2nd floor: 2 bedrooms and bath 1st floor, NEW
bath. Finished room in lower level with 570-288-6654 For Sale By Owner
new carpeting and wetbar. Central air. furnace, FRESH
Plains Township
2-car garage. In-ground concrete pool
with jacuzzi. MLS#10-1633
JOE MOORE $324,900
Smith Hourigan
Group Collect cash, not dust! Paint. Hardwood
flooring on 1st floor
Employee! Place an Mill Creek Acres
4 Lan Creek Rd
Clean out your MLS #10-2922
A great buy @ ad and end the
Close to Mohegan
Sun & Geisinger, 4
Collect cash, not dust! Find Your Ideal
Clean out your basement, garage $129,900.
Call Pat for an
Bedrooms, 3 Baths,
Fireplace, 2 Car
Garage. Excellent Employee! Place an
or attic and call the
FORTY FORT appointment.
basement, garage Condition. All Appli-
ad and end the
Well-kept, 3 bedroom, 1.5
bath home with modern kitch- ances Included.
en; ceramic bath. 3-season or attic and call the Classified depart- Large yard.
Go To search!
ask for an employ-
sunporch. Finished room on
Classified depart- 570-829-7130
ment today at 570-
lower level. Fenced yard www.plainsre.com
MLS#10-3571 Motorcycle for sale? for details.
ment today at 570- ask for an employ-
ment specialist
JOE MOORE $124,900 Let them see it here Asking $219,900
829-7130! 829-7130! in the Classifieds!
Call 570-817-1228
for showing ment specialist
PAGE 10D THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com
906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 909 Income & 909 Income & 909 Income &
Commercial Commercial Commercial
26 Wesland Avenue
Duplex. 3 bedroom,
kitchen, living room,
2nd floor, 4 room
apt. Partially fin-
ished attic. Off
street parking.
$109,900. Call
(570) 459-0554
138 Wakefield Road Nice 3 bedroom 89 Simpson St.,
Inviting contempo-
rary with breathtak-
Immaculate 2 story
home in nice area WEST PITTSTON Ranch home in
good condition.
29 Amber Lane
Remodeled 2 bed-
room Ranch home
This well kept 3
bedroom, 1.5 bath
ing sunsets fea- with kitchen, living Hardwood floors, home offers an 423 E. Church St.
with new carpeting, 116 Amber Lane 25 St. Mary’s St. 47 N. Thomas St. Great 2 family in
tures an open floor room, dining room, family room & office open living room/ 3,443 sq. ft. Well maintained
large sun porch, Very nice Bi-level move in condition
plan, ultra kitchen, family room, laundry in basement. dining room floor masonry commer- duplex in a nice
new roof. Move home with 2-3 bed- on both sides, Sep-
hardwoods & 3/4 bath on 1st $124,900 plan. Master bed- cial building with area of Kingston.
right in! For more rooms, open floor arate utilities, 6
throughout, two- floor. 4 Bedrooms, MLS #11-169 room with its own warehouse/office 2nd floor unit is
info and photos plan, built in rooms each. 3 car
sided gas FP, spa- full bath & walk-in Call Toni Ranieli office area. Plenty and 2 apartments occupied. New
please visit: garage, driveway, detached garage in
like master bath, closet on 2nd floor. 570-237-1032 of closets in addi- with separate elec- roof, new heating
www.atlas on corner lot. super neighbor-
very generous Plus new roof, 2 tier 570-288-1444 tion to the walk-up tric and heat. Per- system, brand new
realtyinc.com Lower level family hood. Walking dis-
room sizes, 5 bed- deck, 2 car garage, attic for storage! fect for contractors in ground pool
MLS 11-749 room with pellet tance to college.
rooms, 4 baths, fin- paved driveway & 210 Susquehanna Off-street parking, or anyone with stor- recently installed.
$89,900 stove. Move in For more info and
ished walk-out above ground pool. Avenue large deck over- age needs. For Laundry hook-up for
Call Colleen condition home. photos visit:
lower level. MLS 11-1526 Well cared for 3 looking the fenced more information both units in base-
570-237-0415 For more informa- www.atlas
$583,000 $230,000 bedroom, 1.5 bath, rear yard. Just and photos log onto ment. Newer roof
tion and photos visit realtyinc.com
MLS #11-952
Call Tracy Zarola
Five Mountains
modern kitchen,
sunroom, 1st floor
WEST WYOMING move right in!
and exterior
recently painted.
MLS 11-1608
570-574-6465 570-542-2141 Jill Jones 696-6550
laundry. Updated
TOY TOWN SECTION $95,000 Reduced to MLS 11-1199 Call Tom
electric, replace- MLS 10-4538 $89,000 $144,500
LEWITH & FREEMAN ment windows, gas
heat, off street
148 Stites Street Call Colleen
MLS #10-3872
Call Charlie
Jay A. Crossin
570 Grassy Pond Rd CHARMING
Job Seekers are
looking here!
parking. Beautifully
landscaped proper- BUNGALOW WILKES-BARRE 570-829-6200
VM 101
Ext. 23
Where's your ad? ty with pond and
fish, storage shed,
570-829-7130 and
ask for an employ-
ment specialist
river view, no flood
insurance required.
On corner lot with
For additional info 2 bedrooms, 1 bath,
and photos view walk up attic & full
SHAVERTOWN our site at heated basement,
Pioneer Avenue
New Listing
Nice Country Bi-
Level on 9.55 acres
hardwood floors
with three season DALLAS
with 3 bedrooms, MLS 11-1641 room. Freshly paint-
$134,900 ed & move in condi- 35 Murray St.
1.5 baths, kitchen, Large well kept 6
living room, family Call Lu-Ann tion. 570-446-3254 Centrally located
570-602-9280 bedroom home in this charming 3
room, office & laun-
WILKES-BARRE quiet neighborhood. bedroom, 1 Bath 2 1011-1015 Oak St
dry room. Plus Off street parking, 530 Dennison Ave. Available 2 buildings
attached oversized story, with hard-
74 S. Thomas St.
2 car garage with
workshop, rear
good size back
yard. Owner very
wood floors, eat in
kitchen, fenced REDUCED Well kept duplex
located on a nice
on site. #1011 is a 2
story office building
motivated to sell. yard. Is an ideal Great 3 bedroom with approximately
deck & 3 sheds. MLS 10-3668 Cape Cod with Commercial space street. 2 bedrooms 3800 square feet.
MLS 11-1094 starter home. Good
4 bedroom cape $79,900 potential at $24,900 charm & character, for lease. $10/sq. ft. in each unit. All win- #1015 is a single
cod with 2 bed- $229,900 Call Don Crossin 1 3/4 baths, nice Physician's office dows replaced, story building with
Five Mountains 242 Damon Street Anne Marie Chopick
rooms and bath on 570-288-0770 570-760-6769 yard. MLS# ready to occupy screened in porch- approximately 3000
1st floor, and 2 bed- Realty CROSSIN REAL 10-342 $139,900 approx 7500 sq. ft. es for both apart- square feet.
570-542-2141 GEORGE T. BELL
rooms and ¾ bath ESTATE REAL ESTATE call Nancy Various suites up to ments, 2 car $489,000
on 2nd floor. 1 car 570-237-0752 garage in rear. Can MLS# 11-445
570-288-0770 570-288-6654 20,000 sq. ft. also
garage. Stone front. INVESTMENT! www.atlasrealtyinc available. State of be converted back Call Pat Guzzy
Gas heat. Large lot.
Besecker Realty
123 S. Main St.,
Great downtown
WILKES-BARRE WILKES-BARRE the art amenities.
Ample parking.
to a single
family home.
MLS 11-1544

Contact Judy Rice

570-675-3611 opportunity for 714-9230 $99,000
investor! Ideal for MLS# 10-4102 Jay A. Crossin
17 Main Road
Newly remodeled
four bedroom home
student housing!
First floor tenant is WYOMING
Ext. 23
in West Pittston. a successful CROSSIN REAL
New kitchen and restaurant with a ESTATE
baths, new carpet lease. Plus 4 large, 570-288-0770
2 bedroom apart-
171 Oliver St. 570-586-1111
Very well main-
and flooring, many ments on the sec- Centrally located,
tained 2 story
home. 3 bedrooms
original features
including hardwood
ond and third floors.
Off-street parking
39 W. Chestnut St.
Lots of room in this
single with 3 floors
this triplex is fully
occupied and has 2 PITTSTON
and a bath with gas floors, nice yard & for 3 cars. bedrooms in each
two car garage. MLS#11-829 of living space. 3 unit. Nicely main-
heat. Front room bedrooms, 1 bath
was former store $132,500 $154,900 tained with one long Price Reduced!
Lovely Country set- Ted Poggi 283-9100 with hardwood term tenant on 3rd
ting for the cute Bi- front which would MLS# 10-1675 floors throughout, 104 5TH ST.
make a nice size ext. 25 floor and off street Great location to
Level on 5.34 acres.
family room/den! CROSS VALLEY natural woodwork, parking. An annual invest in with this
Property features 4 all windows have income of $17,520
Bedrooms, 1.75 Many possibilities REALTY been replaced, duplex, you can
MLS 11-1451 (570) 763-0090 makes it an attrac- have a tenant help 622 Donnelly St.
baths, living room, laundry/pantry off of tive buy. MLS 11-825 Highly visible office
kitchen, family room $74,000 kitchen. 4x10 entry with your mortgage Double Block in building w/ample off
& laundry room.
Plus 2 car attached
Mark R. Mason
foyer, space for 2
additional bed-
Anne Marie Chopick
or just collect the
rents. 2 bedrooms
in each unit. Semi-
good condition.
Great investment
street parking.
Executive office on
118 Glendale Road
Well established 8
garage, 30' X 35' CROSSIN REAL rooms on the 3rd property. Come 1st level. Potential unit Mobile Home
ESTATE 570-288-6654 modern kitchens take a look. Park (Glen Meadow
detached garage floor. Roof is new. 570-760-6769 for 2 tenants in
and 14' X 28' shed. 570-288-0770 MLS 11-325 and baths. Both $96,000 lower level. Mobile Home Park)
units have access MLS# 10-2668 in quiet country like
MLS 11-1335 Jay A. Crossin PRICE REDUCED
$229,000 570-288-0770 to the basement for Call Karen $424,000 location, zoned
Five Mountains Ext. 23 storage. First floor Coldwell Banker MLS #11-995 commercial and
Realty CROSSIN REAL has gas fireplace, Rundle Real Estate Call Tracy Zarola located right off
570-542-2141 ESTATE ductless A/C units 570-474-2340 570-574-6465 Interstate 81. Con-
and laundry area. venient to shopping
570-288-0770 570-696-0723
Large garage with
First floor apart-
156 Sherman Street
HANDYMAN SPE- LINE UP workshop area.
A yard or garage sale LEWITH & FREEMAN center, movie the-
ater. Great income
ment for rent – 5 CIAL. Extra Large HANDYMAN’S SPECIAL! Take a look and
in classified opportunity! Park is
Rooms, 2 Bed- duplex with 7 bed- A GREAT DEAL... 3 bedroom, 1.5
bath, 2 walk-in
bring your offers!
MLS#11-1038 is the best way MOOSIC priced to sell.
Owner financing is
rooms, 1 Bath –
Heat, water and
rooms, 2 baths, fire-
place, screened IN CLASSIFIED! closets in master $99,900
Jill Jones tocleanoutyourclosets! available with a
327 Shoemaker St sewer included. Looking for the right deal bedroom, spacious substantial down
Very nice 2-story Great location, con-
porch, full basement
and 2 car garage on living room, dining 696-6550 You’re in bussiness payment. For more
with large front venient to restau- double lot in Wilkes-
on an automobile? room and kitchen, with classified! details and photos
porch, level back Turn to classified. cement basement visit www.atlas
rants, the bank, Barre City. $59,500
yard and off-street groceries…..Call for ERA BRADY It’s a showroom in print! floor, large fenced realtyinc.com
Completely parking. Three bed- details and appoint- in backyard with MLS 11-1530
remodeled 3 bed- rooms and one full ment. MLS# 10-
ASSOCIATES Classified’s got outside deck. Off 138-148 Welles St.
room, 1.75 bath
brick & aluminum
bath (remodeled in 4680 Pat McHale the directions! street parking and
storage garage. YATESVILLE Call Kim
2007). Kitchen with 570-613-9080 530 Rocky Glen Rd.
ranch on over 4
acres with Pond.
New stainless steel
center island and
laminate floors in
Located in a nice
Selling As Is for
PRICE REDUCED Industrial property
in a convenient
both kitchen and location! Many pos-
appliances, 2 car dining room Base- $50,000
attached and 1 car sibilities for busi-
ment is partially fin- Call (570) 855-9875 ness, 3,000 sq ft of
built-in garage, ished, including
paved driveway,
open front porch,
space. 1,000 sq ft
3 season room,
rear patio, brick
be finished for addi-
Be part of the
of office space.
Perfect for tractor/ PITTSTON
New hot water
fireplace & property
goes to a stream
heater in 2010 and INCLASSIFIED! Welles Street
Revitalization! 2
trailer repair stor-
age, repo car, boat
2 Buildings.
12 Reid st.
in the back.
updated electric in
2004. A GREAT
Doyouneedmorespace? 18 Caitlin Ave.
Large home in quiet
Well maintained Spacious Bi-level
buildings with or RV storage. 220 4 Car garage.
offices & ware- ft of road frontage,
$190,000 BUY AT A GREAT A yard or garage sale neighborhood close home on a double home in semi-pri-
house/garage perfect for car
Prime location with
MLS# 10-4716 over 6,000 sf.
Five Mountains
PRICE! Call us in classified to schools with lot, on a lovely resi- vate location with
private back yard. 3
areas. Zoned M-1. sales on 2 plus 3 New furnaces in
today to arrange fenced yard, 2 dential street. Walk
Realty your private show- is the best way small storage to the River Com- season room. Gas
Office space for
lease. Call agent for
acres. Close to 81,
turnpike and air-
last 2 years.
Nice duplex, was
570-542-2141 ing! MLS#11-1337 tocleanoutyourclosets! sheds. Large deck mon Park. Close to
originally a single
fireplace in lower
level family room. 4
more details. 138- port. MLS# 11-847
New roof in ‘08.
Separate utilities.
$99,900 in back. 3 bed- schools. 1st floor
You’re in bussiness
SPRING BROOK TWP Mary Ellen Belchick
696-6566 with classified!
rooms, 2.5 baths.
For more info and
bedroom and ½
bath. 2nd floor 2 or
family home & can
easily be a single
again. Additional
bedrooms, garage.
For more informtion
142 Approx 9784
sq. ft. & 144-146
approx 5,800 sq ft.
$ 499,900
Call Brenda Suder
Close to churches,
parks & town.
Walter Belchick photos visit: 3 bedrooms and a and photos visit Fully rented -
696-2600 ext. 301 WEST PITTSTON www.atlas
full bath. Although
not currently fin-
off street access
by rear alley of
Contact Judy Rice
gross income
over $25,000!!
322 SALEM ST. property. Seller 714-9230
MLS 11-1391 ished, the base- MLS 10-4740 $169,000 OBO
assist available. MLS# 11-4293 570-563-1261
$109,900 ment is heated and $159,900
Call Bill can be finished for $44,900 Call Charlie
570-362-4158 additional living Call Kathy B @
570-474-6307 or
SWOYERSVILLE space. Call for your VM 101
private showing. 570-715-7747 Township Blvd.
6 Williams St.
Great value for the
price on quiet
street which is
MaryEllen Belchick
1017-1019 Centre St.
closed to all main
roads is a must
Great 1/2 double
located in nice
West Pittston loca-
WILKES-BARRE 696-6566 or Walter
Belchick 696-2600
see. Also comes
with home tion. 3 bedrooms,
new carpet. Vertical
Shopping for a
MLS 10-3210
$157,900 Immaculate 2 story,
blinds with all appli-
ances. Screened in
new apartment?
Ideal location
Thomas Bourgeois stone & vinyl. Large porch and yard. For you compare costs - between Wilkes-
lot on cul-de-sac.
3 bedrooms, 2 1/2
baths. Detached
more information
and photos visit
WILKES-BARRE without hassle
or worry!
S. Mountain Blvd.
Best location in
Barre & Scranton.
Ample parking with
PROPERTIES Mountaintop. 7,700 room for additional
570-842-9988 oversized 2 car realtyinc.com Get moving sq. ft. building with
garage with loft. 186 Old RIver Road spaces. Perfect for
MLS#10-1535 250’ frontage.
with classified! medical or profes-
SWEET VALLEY Tile, hardwood, $59,000 Off street parking
and single car Currently an sional offices. Con-
granite, central air. Charlie VM 101 automotive
laundry/pantry & garage with a tact agent to show.
shared driveway. center. Building is Contact Judy Rice
large family room adaptable
with built in bar & This 4 bedroom, 570-714-9230
one bath home in a to many uses. MLS# 10-1110
fireplace on 1st $595,000
floor. $276,900. convenient location- 73 Richard Street 61 Pittston Ave. SUNDAY JUNE 5
just needs Call Dave
570-288-3256 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath Stately brick Ranch 570-474-6307
570-406-2462 a little TLC. Traditional in Very in private location. Spacious well
438 Tripp St MLS 11-1552 Good Condition. Large room sizes, maintained double SMITH HOURIGAN GROUP
101 Lakeview Drive TRUCKSVILLE $47,000
Michelle T. Boice
Open Layout. Off
Street Parking, Yard
fireplace, central
A/C. Includes
home with 4 bed-
rooms on each PLAINS
Lovely lake commu- & Shed. Many extra lot. For more
CROSSIN REAL Updates. INVESTMENT! information and side. 1017 side is
nity features com-
munity lake rights & ESTATE Asking $47,900 133-135 Old River Rd photos visit owner occupied
pavilion. Cozy home 570-288-0770 Call 570-762-1537 Designed and con- www.atlas with ductless AC,
with native stone for showing structed as a 4-unit realtyinc.com oil or coal heat, GET THE WORD OUT
It's that time again! apartment building. MLS #10-3512 with a Classified Ad.
fireplace, rocking modern living
chair front porch
and newer kitchen.
Rent out your
apartment WILKES-BARRE Solid brick and
masonry exterior.
rooms, kitchen &
baths. Fenced in
MLS# 11-1353.
$74,900! Call Tracy 172 S PRING G ARDEN S T.
with the Classifieds
84 Madison Street Each apartment
contains 1300+/-SF
of living space with
Call Charlie
VM 101
back yard with
shed. Great oppor-
NANTICOKE 107-109 E. Carey St.
570-696-2468 NEW ON THE
MARKET! Cozy up
in this lovely cape
WILKES-BARRE 6 rooms, 2 bed-
rooms and one
tunity to live in 1017
& pay your mort-
High traffic, high
potential location
with enough space
cod. Charming inte- bath. Full concrete gage with 1019
basement and off- for 2 second floor
rior, nice size deck, rental property apartments. Large
fenced rear yard, street parking for 6
$99,952 front windows for
shed, rec room in
basement, utility
1:00PM-3:00PM Nice duplex.
cars. MLS#11-1232
$124,900 NEAR HARVEYS LAKE MLS# 11-1229
Call Stanley
showroom display.
Basement & sub-
room, & workshop. Completely remod- Ted Poggi
Renovated 2nd 283-9100 ext.25 (570) 817-0111 30 W. Noble St. basement for
Attic is also partially eled home with floor. Great invest- additional storage
finished w/pull everything new.
Coldwell Banker Great investment

ment or convert Rundle Real Estate property with a or workspace.
down & many pos- New kitchen, baths, back to single.
sibilities to add bedrooms, tile 570-474-2340 great profit. VInyl PRICE REDUCED
191 Andover St. 3 bedroom, 1 bath sided 6 unit building $110,000
more space. Paved floors, hardwoods, Lovely single family
driveway & parking
for 6 cars, this is
granite countertops,
all new stainless
3 bedroom home
with lots of space.
on 1st Floor.
2 bedroom, 1 bath
2nd floor. Detached LINEUP LINEUP with 2 bedrooms
each. Gas heat.
MLS# 10-1919
Call Stanley
Newer roof. Off
IN CLASSIFIED! not just a driveby.
MLS# 11-1363
steel appliances,
refrigerator, stove,
Finished 3rd floor,
balcony porch off of
Well maintained, 4
ASUCCESSFULSALE street parking.
Tentants pay all
(570) 817-0111
Coldwell Banker

$ 109,900
call Stacey L Lauer
Mobile: 570-262-
microwave, dish-
washer, free stand-
ing shower, tub for
2nd floor bedroom,
gas hot air heat,
MLS# 11-1095
Call Jeff Cook INCLASSIFIED! bedroom,
1 1/2
eat-in INCLASSIFIED! utilities.
Rundle Real Estate
central air and
A yard or garage sale 1158 for an appoint- two, huge deck, much more.
Realty World
Bank Capital Doyouneedmorespace? kitchen, spacious
living room, front &
Doyouneedmorespace? MLS# 11-1554
Call Florence PLAINS
in classified
ment today!! large yard, excellent Must see! 570-235-1183 A yard or garage sale back porches on A yard or garage sale 570-715-7737
neighborhood MLS 11-59
Find homes for
1.58 acres.
is the best way
$154,900 (835.00 /
30years/ 5%)
Jay A. Crossin
in classified $123,800. Call 15 South River St.
570-654-1490 your kittens! is the best way Jeannie Brady is the best way For Sale By Owner
tocleanoutyourclosets! 570-288-0770
Ext. 23
4,536 sq. ft., high

You’re in bussiness CROSSIN REAL Place an ad here! ASSOCIATES traffic area, across
ESTATE You’re in bussiness 570-836-3848
You’re in bussiness Smith Hourigan from Rite-Aid, gas

with classified! 570-288-0770 570-829-7130 with classified!

Say it HERE
in the Classifieds!
570-829-7130 with classified!
heat. For more info,
call 570-820-5953
TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 PAGE 11D


909 Income &
Commercial nS

e Ln
The listed Garage Sales below can F.M. Kirby Park

St a

Properties m
r St ton Scott B ow

B Rive g
PLAINS TWP. be located on our new, Mi irchinteractive
r S St
in St

LAND! Garage Sale map at timesleader.com.t N

Create your route and print out
2 acres of commer-

St nS

ar St
cial land. 165 front

W er


your own turn-by-turn r R directions
t o

Ch ison
feet. Driveway
iv S g t


access permit and e lin in Coall
Riv C k ash

lot drainage in


place. WIll build to
to each local sale.Old onwell ad F S W Street
Street Park

em S

suit tenant or avail-
Add to route SPONSORED BY:
able for land lease. St

t 140 S Grant Street,

For more informa-


Eli d t
Blv nS
tion and photos visit



www.atlas za e St to


be rr

Wo t

eS -Ba ve cock NF
Lo th St t

MLS 11-17 A e
Carey Av ck od S rn s A nS
ha St t u lvd lke r k an5 nt a

Price Negotiable o i a a g
Ha rt S b iaB Hill St W P SH Gr Lo n

Call Charlie m n S e

Ho no t va R Ln

rto ve syl High St

VM 101


n ilk




Centenary UMC Englewood Terrace

& 1700/1800 Blocks
of Murray Street
FURNITURE Neighborhood
SALE Yard & Garage
112 Kossack St.
Saturday June 4
556 Charles Ave.
Sale! Saturday, June 4 8am-2pm
At the Church Corner of Sand 8am - 3pm 273 East Ridge St. Antiques, household
REDUCED PRICE! Parsonage Spring and Fox Saturday, June 4 Contents of large, 194 Patriot’s Circle, 803 Aspen Drive Saturday June 4th goods, furniture for 862 West 8th St.
Start your own house and patio, Friday June 3rd
24 N. Main Hollow Drives, Sand 9am-3pm lovely home. VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT Laurel Lakes Village 9:00AM - 1:00PM
business in the tools and much 9am-5pm
Saturday June 4th Spring Golf Course Antique sofa and So Main St to Saturday June 4, Womens, mens &
heart of Sweet more Saturday June 4th
9:00AM-12:30PM Saturday June 4, chairs. 2 complete Nuangola Rd, 9:00AM - 2:00PM baby clothes, books
Valley! Showroom, 9am-3pm
Some items include 8:00AM - 3:00PM bedroom suites. follow signs Antique couch & household items
fireplace, pole Antiques,
glass table top with Wide Variety of Hitchcock rocking Sat 9am-4pm mirror, wing chair, & much more
building, storage collectibles,
stools, many baby Items For Sale. chairs. Wicker furni- (limited admittance) Pfalzgraff dishes,
building, paved fishing lures,
items, AC, fans, box Computers desks, ture. 24 place set- 8pc Dining Room, silverware, XMas
parking, fenced Tonka trucks,
rear, well & septic.
Prime location, high
springs & mattress,
bed frames & more
outdoor items,dvds
furniture & more. HANOVER TOWNSHIP tings of Moritake
China. Desert Rose.
Sofa, Loveseat,
Heater, Chairs,
items, appliances
& much more SWOYERSVILLE
household items
tools & more
100 pieces Candle Tables, Lamps,
traffic area. Lot
next door is going DRUMS Wick glassware.
Linens. Many deco-
Bedroom Furniture,
Linens, Fans, Gas WILKES-BARRE
with the property. rative items. Craft Grill, Patio
NOW LISTED AT supplies. Vintage Table/chairs w/
$115,000 hats. Yard Canopy. umbrella, Lawn
MLS# 08-3297
Five Mountains
DALLAS Many garage items.
Too much to list - all
priced to sell!
tools, Curtains,
Pfaltzgraff Dishes,
Vacuums, Desk,
MOUNTAIN TOP Hanover Section
570-542-2141 1012 Sively Street Shelves, Base 198 Oak St
Friday & Saturday Saturday, June 4 461 SLOCUM ST.
Curio, Microwave,
331 Holden St
Sand Springs
486 Long Run Rd.
9:00AM - 3:00PM
Books, baskets,
jewelry, typewriters,
Baker’s Rack,
Lenox, Precious
Rain Date - June 5
8am - ?
(In Back Yard)
Saturday, June 4th
7:00AM - 1:00PM
Moments, Pots & 2 family. Craft Items
10-847 29 Stone Ridge Rd.
Friday, 6/3, 8:30-1
tools, Hot Wheels, Pans, DVDs, File
The One You’ve
Been Waiting For. 2 FAMILY
collectibles & more. Cabinet, Wall Unit,
Saturday, 6/4, 8-3 Jewelry, clothes,
17 Dorchester Dr Household, chil-
dren's clothing,
Rocker, Xmas, CDs,
Glassware, Art- 81 Greystone Dr
collectibles. Too
Many Items To List!
Saturday, June 4th
Orchard View Terr. work, Pictures, SATURDAY, JUNE 4
Sat 6/4 8am-1pm toys, much more 8am-1pm
Amish Fireplace, 8am-1pm
Girl/Boy Toddler Chest Freezer & Weston Lane in
Baby & Toddler
clothes & shoes,
women’s clothes &
More. Clothes, Gear &
NANTICOKE East End section of

Many possibilities
shoes, household
127 Lyndwood Ave
City Wide (between New
Grant and New
items, Coal Stove
for this building. 40 +
parking spaces, 5
Fireplace Insert,
Baby Gear including DUPONT 556 Ford Avenue
Hancock Street)

offices, 3 baths and crib mattresses, Young men’s June 4 8am-2pm

warehouse. Rain date June 5
car seat, double designer clothes,
$425,000 stroller & toys. boys bike, doctor’s 8am-2pm
Maria Huggler scale, furniture & MOUNTAIN TOP 85+ Participants!
DALLAS household items
Saturday, 8am-3pm
Pick up list of
addresses & city
map at City Hall, WILKES-BARRE
HUGE 15 East Ridge St

191 E Center Hill Rd 233 Smith Street

Sat. 6/4 8am-2pm
8:00-4:00 ORANGE 481 Church Street
Saturday June 4th,
Sat 6/4 9am-4pm Directions:
Rigid radial arm
Furniture, house- Off West End 474-477 Strawberry 8:00-1:00pm
hold items, numer- saw $300, Vera Road Near Carey Lane Cul-de-sac Too Much To List.
purses, Mary Kay, Bow Creek Manor Don’t Miss This One
ous perennials, Ave. Bridge Bow Creek Estates
Singer Sewing Saturday June 4th
books, Antiques, Entire contents of Saturday, June 4th
electronics & much
more! Everything
machine, Adiron-
dack chair, dorm
nice home &
garage. Lots of
8:00AM to 2:00PM
Baby items, cloth-
8:00am - 1:00pm
Too Many Items To SWOYERSVILLE 46 East
Hollenback Ave.
items, favors, List. Don’t Miss This 76 Sycamore Dr Off North Main St
must go! vintage toys, Hess ing - all sizes, elec- Off Main St. Saturday June 4th
jewelry & more! trucks, vintage tronics, small appli-
379-381 Sixth St. Saturday June 4 6AM - Til ??
Perfect first home DALLAS childrens books, ances, something 2293 W. 8th St. 8am to 2pm Plus Size Clothes,


for you with one small antique for everyone! purses, cds &
side paying most of mahogany tables, MUCH,MUCH more.
your mortgage. oak drop leaf table, 629 Tioga Ave EARLY BIRDS
June 3rd & 4th
cedar wardrobe, Saturday June 4,
Would also make a 9 am to 2 pm WELCOME!
kitchen set, gun 8:00am-12:00pm
nice investment Refreshments &
with all separate cabinet, old bottles, Mens, womens & WILKES-BARRE
Welsh cookies
utilities and nice lots of modern kids clothes, Brand name girl’s
35 Arlington Road
rents. Large fenced
yard, priced to sell.
decoys, fishing
items, holiday
items, religious
collectibles, WWF
memorabilia. MOUNTAIN TOP clothes, gear, toys,
double stroller, out-
door play set, plus
Don’t wait too long. 35 Westminster Dr.
Call today to items, loads of women’s & men’s
(New Goss Manor) garage items, clothes, HH items &
schedule a tour. June 3 & 4 basement items, much more
MLS 11-1453
Mark R. Mason
Boys toddler cloth-
1999 Ford F350
pickup truck & Brook Hollow
ing, household & much more! KINGSTON 61, 67, & 77
570-331-0982 Development
yard items, Antique Sale by Cook & S. Hancock St.
CROSS REAL (Crestwood
wicker chair,
beveled glass curio SATURDAY, JUNE 4TH Cook Estate
Liquidators 579 Stonehedge Pl
Industrial Park)
Saturday, June 4th
Saturday, June 4
9 am to 3 pm
cabinet & more.
9:00-4:30 www.cookand Fri. 6/3 10am-5pm, 8 am to 1 pm Children's items,

WILKES-BARRE Directions:
Off Wyoming Ave
Sat. 6/4, 8am-noon
Items, Boy/Girls
Something for
collectables &
much more!!
Entire contents of designer clothes
nice home.Including 11 Skyview Drive
(6months-4T), toys, Hilldale Section
beautiful mahogany Street Sale books, puzzles, 1280 Hallow Rd
DALLAS dining room set, 571 Meadowland Saturday June 4,
household items... Friday & Saturday
mahogany drop Ave & Others 8:00AM - 2:00PM
June 3rd & 4th
N O E ARLY B IRDS P LEASE ! Wicker mirror,
front desk, cedar
Saturday, June 4th
7am-12 pm
chest, mahogany household items,
lamp tables, nice
Broyhill bedroom
8:00AM - 3:00PM
Organ, dining room kids & adult clothes,
lamps, jewelry
table nook, Fridge/ No junk yard sale.
78 Park Avenue set, PA House end freezer, dishes, & much more Lots of Disney
STATELY 3 UNIT. tables, nice pair sheets, boys Princess clothing,
5000 + sq. ft. wing back chairs, clothes (INF-14) (2, 3, 4T), toys,
Owner’s unit has 3
finished living levels
porcelain, china
sets, glassware,
women’s & men’s
clothes, toys, PS2 & MOUNTAIN TOP household items,
books, etc. By
with Victorian fea- 37 Huntsville Rd kitchenware, games, wrestlers. Helen & Ed’s tree
tures, apartments Friday, June 3 lamps & records, farm.
are turnkey with
appliances and
2pm - 8pm
Saturday, June 4
1993 Chrysler
Concorde and
Lyndwood Section
1105 Center Street LARKSVILLE 221 Hemlock Terr.
Bow Creek
there is a separate 8am - 3pm much more! Saturday June 4th Look for signs on
Vintage household CREDIT CARDS Friday June 3 &
w/d unit for tenant 9:00AM - 3:00PM Saturday June 4, Old River Road &
use. Owner did not items, home decor, ACCEPTED! Crafts, household side streets
kid’s toys & books, Sale by Cook & 8:00am-1:00pm
skimp on quality. items, tools, No Early Birds! Sat, Jun-4 8am-?
Must be seen to boy’s clothes. Multi- Cook Estate microwave & more
58 Yorktown Road Attic/Basement
MLS 11-225
ple families, quite a
mix of great stuff!
Walden Park
Friday & Saturday
Treasures, Some
Antiques, Herbal WILKES-BARRE
Ask for Holly
DALLAS liquidators.com
11 Michael Street
8:00AM - 4:00PM
Kids clothes (2T-14)
Plants, Interesting
Stuff! 610 Park Ave
Birchwood Estates toys, household Field Crest
MELONE REAL Saturday June 4, Saturday June 4
items & lots more.
ESTATE Saturday 10am-1pm 8 am to 3 pm
Something for 8:00AM - 2:00PM
570-821-7022 Childrens toys, Trinity Church
everyone! Every- 220 Montgomery
clothes, maternity,
Looking for that thing is 1/2 price Avenue
special place
called home?
FORTY FORT or make me a
reasonable offer.
Don't miss the MOUNTAINTOP
household items,
stroller, games, etc. More Vendors
Welcome. $10 Our Lady of
Hope Church
Classified will address
6 Marina Drive great deals!
570-654-3261 (Lower Level)
Your needs. Next to Grotto Pizza 40 Park Ave
Open the door across from Miseri-
cordia University
Saturday June 4th
9:00AM - 1:00PM
MOUNTAIN TOP Wednesday June 1,
Thursday June 2,
with classified! SATURDAY JUNE 4 2 bedroom sets, & Friday June 3,

8am sofa & love seat, 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Household items, leather sectional, Friday Is Bag Day
crafts, holiday dec-
819 North
Washington St. oration, children’s
clothing, toys, Step
67 Hughes Street
Fri, 6/3 9am-3pm
coffee tables,
2 swing set, Sat, 6/4 9am-1pm
Longaberger, Pam-
pered Chef and
Honda Lawnmower,
Stihl 16” Chainsaw,
pictures, Spode
Christmas tree 63 Valley Stream
Trailer Park
Sat 6/4 8am-2pm
Huge Sale! Don’t
802 Woodland Rd
Saturday June 4
FLEA MARKET & 28 Institute Street
china, Franciscan
much more! Ridgid Power 1223-1230 Friday & Saturday miss this one!! 8-3
Threader, Fishing
desert rose,
Johnson Brothers, Woodberry Dr. 9:00AM - 4:30PM Name Brand Curios, coffee/end STRAWBERRY
DALLAS Lures new & old
wooden, 2 man
Lefton, vintage Saturday, June 4th
Toys, jewelry,
household items,
Clothing, house-
hold items,
tables, couch, 32”
TV & stand,
LARGE Tree Stand, Camo
Ground Blind, Tools
Wedgwood & other Baby items, toys,
household items,
nice gifts for
Father’s Day
collectables. Recliner, Kinkade
lamps/picture, crib,
FESTIVAL Saturday, June 4th
2020 Sq. Ft, lamps & Buchan 9am-1pm
baby/toddler toys &
Commercial build- & Tool Boxes, many stoneware. etc. Corner of Exeter
clothes, house- Household items,
ing on corner lot other items all in Ave & Warren St.
MOUNTAIN TOP wares and more. decorative items,
with parking. Prime good condition. First Presbyterian decorations and
location. Lower SWEET VALLEY Church
much more!
level street Kyttle Pike Saturday, June 4th
entrance. Close to (off of Rt. 118) 11 am to 5 pm
major highways. MOUNTAIN TOP 9+ FAMILIES
Rain Or Shine
$147,000 KINGSTON
MLS# 10-3225
Call Jeff Cook
Realty World
76 Country Club Rd.
Saturday June 4th The Village at WEST WYOMING WYOMING
Bank Capital 8am-2pm Mountain Top
Clothes, plants and 464 S. Mtn. Blvd. Saturday, June 4
570-235-1183 Sat 9AM - 5PM
lots more! 8am - 1pm
Annual Yard Sale on Junior & other
LINEUP Something for
everyone. No early Seminary Place
Saturday June 4
family clothing and
much more!
Furniture, Electron-
ics, Baby items,
birds please. tools, clothing, toys
ASUCCESSFULSALE 9:00AM -2:00PM 76 Forest Road Saturday June 4

YATESVILLE Saturday, June 4 & other items. Take from 8am-3pm


Game, Everything
57 Sharpe Street
Saturday June 4th,
Nursery Furniture,
Nuangola Rd to
Burma Rd, to Patriot
Tools, toys, models,
TV’s, slot cars,
from A-Z 7:00AM - 12:00PM Circle
Household items, desk, unusual 296 Tripp St.
52 West 6th Street
Doyouneedmorespace? Selling a Business?
Tools, toddler
clothes, exercise
lawn furniture,
Selling a Business? items, stereo’s, Saturday June 4th
10 AM TO 3 PM Saturday June 4th
A yard or garage sale jewelry, and more. trains, books,

in classified
Reach more poten- equipment, patio
furniture & more
Selling your
Reach more poten- DVD’s, junior &
women’s clothes,
Household, video
tial buyers with an Motorcycle for sale? tial buyers with an games, camping/
is the best way ad in the classified Let them see it here
ad in the classified
furniture, games,
lots & lots of stuff. EVERYONE! hunting items.
tocleanoutyourclosets! Place an ad and
Multiple sales on Something For

You’re in bussiness
132 W. Union St.
Saturday, June 4
section! in the Classifieds! 22 Pittston Ave
Saturday, June 4 find a new owner. section! Kyttle Pike. All Ages!

with classified! 9 am to 1 pm 570-829-7130 570-829-7130 8am - 1pm 570-829-7130 570-829-7130 To place your
ad call...829-7130 in classified! Line up a place to live
in classified!
PAGE 12D THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com
909 Income & 912 Lots & Acreage 912 Lots & Acreage 912 Lots & Acreage 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/
Commercial Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished


14 West Sixth St.
June 4!
Harford Ave.
3 large 1 bedroom
apts, 3 kitchens
Lee Park
Available June 15
44 E. Walnut St.
Must Be Seen! E.Light,
Deluxe 1 bedroom,
2nd floor apartment.
Spacious 1 bed- Private home, 2nd bright, 1st Large bedroom &
Lender Owned 4 buildable residen- with appliances, 3 floor, 2 bedrooms, LUZERNE. Modern,
room, 1st floor floor duplex. Out- living areas, wall to
Land/Farm Build- tial lots for sale indi- baths. Apts. have elevator, carpet- made beautiful, 4
apartment. Large standing neighbor- wall carpet. Includes
ings - $69,900! vidually or take all access to one ed, Security
basement. Washer/ hood, 2 bedroom, 1 rooms complete, all appliances +
Less than 3 hrs NY 4! Buyer to confirm another. No lease. system. Garage.
dryer hookup. bath, expansive appliances include washer / dryer. All
City. Gorgeous set- water and sewer $795 for all 3 apts Extra storage &
Garbage fees apartment. All new built-ins, laundry, electric. Must see.
ting, views, with zoning officer. ($265 per apt.) cable TV included.
included. $515/ kitchen with appli- colonial kitchen, $425 + utilities, first/
stonewalls! FREE Directions: R. on Convenient to all Laundry facilities.
Industrial Site. Rail month + utilities. 1st ances. Extra stor- courtyard, parking last. No pets.
CLOSING COSTS! E. Franklin, R. on colleges and gas Heat & hot water
served with all & last + security. age available. $650 570-735-0525
888-793-7762 Lawn to L. on drilling areas. furnished. Fine 1 car. 2 YEAR
No pets. + utilities. No pets,
Former upholestry utilities. KOZ for free info packet! Harford. Call for more info neighborhood. LEASE $595 + utili-
approved. For more 570-954-1992 no smoking. Lease/
shop. 1st floor in www.NewYork $22,500 per lot 570-696-1866 Convenient to bus ties, EMPLOYMENT/
information and application
need of a lot of LandandLakes.com Mark Mason
Looking for the right deal 570-954-2111 & stores. No VERIFICATION First floor, 3 rooms

TLC. 2nd floor photos visit 570-331-0982 pets. References. plus bath with
PITTSTON on an automobile?
www.atlas leave message APPLICATION
apartment in good CROSSIN REAL Security. Lease. shower. Refrigera-
condition & rented realtyinc.com ESTATE New furnished 3 Turn to classified. No smokers AMERICA REALTY tor, stove, ceiling
19 Ziegler Road 570-288-1422
with no lease. Stor- $2,395,000 570-288-0770
age area. Off street MLS#10-669 Picture sunrise over
room apartment It’s a showroom in print! please. $840. fans, carpeting,
Includes water, sep- 570-287-0900 heat, hot water,
parking available.
Call Charlie the mountain.
Ready to build, resi-
dential lot. Secluded
1 Kidder & Walnut
tic & most of the
heat. No smoking &
Classified’s got
the directions!
72 E. W alnut St.
2nd floor, located in LUZERNE
1 bedroom, wall to
sewer & garbage
included. No pets
Contact Judy Rice no pets. $750/ quiet neighborhood. or smoking.
MLS# 11-572
entrance road from
Route 502. Priced
month. + security, JENKINS TWP./PITTSTON Kitchen, living wall, off-street
parking, coin
$465 + security.
references. Could room, dining room, Call (570) 814-2229
to sell! Under-
be unfurnished. Call 2nd floor, newly sun room, bath- laundry, water,

ground telephone renovated, 2 bed- sewer & garbage
JENKINS TOWNSHIP and electric service
(570) 954-1200
rooms, carpet, nice
room. 2 large and 1
small bedrooms, included. $495/
New Section in
Highland Hills,
in place. Make this
the site of your
future home.
DALLAS yard, easy parking.
Small Pets okay.
lots of closets, built
in linen, built in EXECUTIVE STYLE month + security
& lease. HUD
accepted. Call
Spacious 2 bed-
room apartment.

1 bedroom, 1 bath, Wall to wall carpet,
Charles Place
Four 1+ acre lots
$55,000 Buildable 1.5 acre
2nd floor, appox.
800 sq. ft., walk in
Heat, Water includ-
ed. $650/month.
hutch, hardwood
and carpeted
floors, fireplace,
LIVING 570-687-6216 or
coin operated laun-
dry on premises,
Credit check & ref- 2nd floor
PRICE REDUCED! available. Call Ron Skrzysowski lot in Wilkes-Barre closet, laundry Garbage & sewer
storage room, yard, apartment
696-6551 Township. Utilities room, deck & yard. erences required. included. $600/mo.
570-498-9244 Cell (917) 753-8192 w/d hookup and
available. Lot is Off street parking. in beautiful + security. Credit
new stove. Heat
located in a $575 + utilities. 1 historical home. Cozy 1 bedroom,
check & references
LINE UP residential area. year lease, credit
and hot water incl.
Available May 1. 1 2 bedrooms, 1 2nd floor. Kitchen, required. Call
A GREAT DEAL... MLS 11-583
check & references
required. Call
yr. lease + security
bathroom, dining
room, living
living area. New
flooring, private
Monica Lessard

Call Judy Rice (570) 675-4597 entrance, yard
570-406-1411 room, all appli-
570-714-9230 access. Off street
Looking for the right deal
ances provided,
38 & 40 Laurel St parking. $440/mo.
on an automobile? 2 blocks off River including Water & trash
285 Wyoming Ave. St. 50’W X 100’D. 2 bedroom. Utilities, AVAILABLE NOW! washer/dryer, included. Security 570-287-1196
First floor currently
Turn to classified. Nice Location. electric & gas by 2nd Floor, 1 Bed, off-street park- & 1 year lease. Ext. 3182
used as a shop, It’s a showroom in print! Utilities in place. tenant. $480/month 1 Bath, modern ing, plenty of No pets. Call
could be offices,
etc. Prime location,
Classified’s got
the directions!
A yard or garage sale
+ 1 month security
deposit. No pets
kitchen, living room,
washer & dryer.
(570) 760-5573
77 S. Main Street
corner lot, full base-
ment. 2nd floor is 3
MOUNTAIN TOP Shopping for a in classified DALLAS TWP
Carriage house
apartment, com-
Next to the Post
Office, off street 570-709-2481
LUZERNE 2 bedroom, 2nd floor.
$385 + utilities. No
bedroom apartment new apartment? is the best way pletely remodeled, parking, $500 + Efficiency.
plus 3 car garage
and parking for Classified lets tocleanoutyourclosets! CONDO FOR LEASE: five large rooms
with 2-bedrooms,
utilities, water &
sewer included, 1 KINGSTON New carpet
pets. 570-655-2313
or 570-654-6737
6 cars. For more you compare costs - You’re in bussiness $1,800. 2 bedroom/ Rutter Ave.
bath with separate year lease, security Lease & security.
information and
photos go to
without hassle
or worry!
with classified!
2 Bath. Call Us to
discuss our great
Amenity & Mainte-
tub and shower.
1300SF. 1-car
& references. No
Pets. No Smoking.
1 bedroom 1st
floor, large living
Available June 15
Call after 6 p.m.
Efficiency apart-
www.atlas garage in private Call 570-822-9821 room, neutral 570-220-6533
realtyinc.com Get moving 915 Manufactured nance program!
location. Central decor. Gas heat, ment - bedroom,
Call 570-674-5278 Collect cash, not dust! bath & kitchen. No
with classified! Homes water included. Off
MLS #10-4339 A/C. MLS#11-895
Clean out your street parking. No pets. Available 6/15.
$172,400 Dallas, Pa. $1,000/Month $425/month + 1
Call Charlie
VM 101
Ted Poggi
basement, garage
or attic and call the
pets. $420 plus
security & lease.
1 Bedroom apart- month security. Call
APARTMENTS ments for elderly,
Laurel Run & San
Souci Parks, Like
220 Lake St. 283-9100 x25 Classified depart- 570-793-6294 disabled. Rents
4C Liberty St.
Diamond in the LAND FOR SALE
46+/- Acres
new, several to
Housing for the
elderly & mobility
ment today at 570-
based on 30% of
ADJ gross income. PLAINS
rough - Over 23 choose from, impaired; all utilities Handicap Accessi- 2 BEDROOM, 2nd
Hanover Twp., Financing &Warranty,
acres of land wait-
ing to be improved $89,000 facebook.com/
included. Federally
KINGSTON ble. Equal Housing floor, off street

subsidized program. Opportunity. TTY711 parking, large living
10+/- Acres MobileOne.Sales
by energetic devel-
oper. Lots are level
& nestled at the
Hanover Twp.,
Call (570)250-2890
Extremely low
income persons
encouraged to
2 bedroom. $675/
11 Holiday Drive
or 570-474-5010
This institution is an
equal opportunity
space. $425/mo +
utilities. No pets or
smoking. Call
28+/- Acres Kingston
INCLASSIFIED! end of quiet street.
Liberty St. is a right Fairview Twp., 927 Vacation apply. Income less
than $11,900.
month. Includes gas
heat. Security & ref-
“A Place To provider &
$85,000 Call Home”
Doyouneedmorespace? off 309 south at 570-675-6936, erences required
Januzzi's Pizza. 32+/- Acres Spacious 1, 2 & 3
No pets. Call Bring Rover or Kitty
A yard or garage sale Land is at end Wilkes-Barre Twp 8 am-4 pm, Mon-Fri.
EQUAL HOUSING 570-288-4200 & move right into Bedroom Apts Great Location
in classified of street. OPPORTUNITY your choice of a 1 3 Bedroom
WOODBRYN 1st floor, 2 bedroom

REDUCED! Townhomes large eat-in kitchen,
is the best way $199,900
Call Jill Hiscox 61+/- Acres HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE or 2 bedroom apt.
Off street parking, Gas heat included 1 & 2 Bedroom. living room, tiled
tocleanoutyourclosets! Nuangola
570-690-3327 3 bedroom. Off coin laundry, great FREE No pets. bath, wall to wall,

$118,000 street parking. Rents based AC, parking. $465
You’re in bussiness location. $450- 24hr on-site Gym
with classified! LEWITH & FREEMAN JUST SOLD!
40+/- Acres Furnished Lakefront
Large completely
remodeled 2 bed-
Freshly painted,
new carpet. Water
$600/mo + security,
heat & electric.
Community Room
Swimming Pool
on income start
at $405 & $440.
+ utilities. Call
570-696-3801 Newport Twp. property with boat room styled town- & Sewer included. Call 570-262-1577 Maintenance FREE Handicap
912 Lots & Acreage
NEWPORT TOWNSHIP See additional Land
slip. Beautiful
recently remodeled
house. Stove &
fridge included.
No pets. Washer
dryer hookup. New
Controlled Access Accessible.
Equal Housing PLYMOUTH
Need a Roommate?
Patio/Balcony 1 bedroom efficien-
for Sale at
2L - 1 mile
OTS 3 bedrooms, 2 bath Private interior bathroom / kitchen. and much more... Opportunity.
South of L.C.C.C. www. earth house with large attic & basement 1st month & security Call 570-474-5010 cy, 1st floor. All utili-
Call Today
Residential devel-
opment, under-
deck overlooking
the Lake. Call Lou
access. Washer/
dryer hookup. Nice
required. $650
570-574-8673 Place an ad and or stop by
for a tour!
This institution is an
ties including laun-
dry room. On Main

find one here!

June 4th! ground utilities for details. yard. $650. No equal opportunity Street at bus stop.
GET THE WORD OUT Now Offering $400/month. Call
5 to 14 acre parcels including gas. Find Your Ideal (610) 325-9715 pets. Call
with a Classified Ad. Move In Specials
provider and
1 - Frontage 120’x employer. (570) 704-8134
- opening price Employee! Place an 570-479-6722
$24,900! Less than 265’ deep $38,000. 570-829-7130 570-288-9019
ad and end the 930 Wanted to Buy
3 hrs NY City! No
closing costs! Prime
buildable acreage!
2 - Frontage 210’x
158’deep $38,000
Call 570-714-1296
search! Real Estate EXETER
Call 888-481-1373
ask for an employ-
Say it HERE
NOW for free info!

in the Classifieds!
570-829-7130 ment specialist 2 bedrooms, central
Any Situation air, gas heat, off
street parking. $625
551 Other 551 Other 551 Other
570-956-2385 /per month, plus
security deposit.

Earn Extra Cash

Looking for that
special place
called home?

It’s Your
Classified will address

For Just A Few Your needs.

Open the door
with classified!

Hours A Day. EXETER

938 Apartments/
Furnished 222 Schooley Ave.
Exeter, PA
HARVEY’S LAKE Accepting applica-

News Source.
tions for 1 bedroom
1 bedroom, fur- apartments. Quality
nished, LAKE 1 bedroom apart-
FRONT apartments. ments for ages 62
Wall to wall, appli- and older. Income
ances, lake rights, limits apply. Rent
off street parking. only $437 month.
No Pets. Lease, * Utilities Included
security & * Laundry Facilities
(No Collections) references. * On Site
570-639-5920 Management

Available routes:
*Private parking
WILKES-BARRE Call for appointment
FULLY FURNISHED 570-654-5733
Monday - Friday
West Pittston 1 BEDROOM APT.
ŠShort or long term
8am-11am. Equal
Housing Opportunity

$760 Monthly Profit + Tips ŠExcellent

Neighborhood FORTY FORT
183 daily papers / 186 Sunday papers ŠPriv. Tenant Parking
Š$750 includes all
1st floor,2 bedroom,
Exeter Ave., Ann St., Clear Spring Ct. utilities. No pets. off street parking,
(570) 822-9697
Ledgeview Dr., Susquehanna Ave., York Ave. large living room
with eat in kitchen,
941 Apartments/ garbage & sewer

Kingston Unfurnished
included. $650 +
utilities & security.
Call (570) 760-2362
$850 Monthly Profit + Tips ASHLEY
212 daily papers / 252 Sunday papers 1st floor, 1 bedroom,
off street parking,
2 bedrooms, wash-
First Ave., Second Ave., Third Ave., N. Dawes Ave., water, sewer &
garbage, storage
er, dryer, fridge,
stove, yard. $450.
Pierce St., Reynolds Ave., Winola Ave. room, washer/dryer 1st & last. Details
hook up. call 570-468-9943
$485/month + gas,
Wilkes-Barre North electric, security &
3029 South Main St
$800 Monthly Profit + Tips Call (570) 823-6060
Very large 1st floor,

185 daily papers / 209 Sunday papers ASHLEY

1st floor, 2 bedroom,
3 bedrooms, wall
to wall carpet,
Coal St., Custer St., N. Empire St., N. Grant St., laundry room. Off central air, eat in
kitchen with appli-
Logan St., New Market St. street parking.
Water / sewer & ances. Off street
garbage included. parking. Washer
Swoyersville Large yard. First,
last & security
required. $600.
/dryer hookup.
Heat & cooking
$720 Monthly Profit + Tips 570-735-8730 or
gas included. Ten-
ant pays electric &
168 daily papers / 187 Sunday papers
Read it every Friday in The Times Leader.
water. $750 +

Bigelow St., Dennison St., Hughes St., Lackawanna Ave. ASHLEY

Available June 15
security. No Pets.
Call 570-814-1356

Modern 2nd floor 2
bedroom apart- HANOVER TOWNSHIP
ment. Off street Great location, 1

$840 Monthly Profit + Tips parking. Washer bedroom apartment

dryer hookup. Appli- in residential area,
ances. Bus stop at all utilities included.
189 daily papers / 211 Sunday papers the door. $550 / $600/month
month. Call + security.
Main St., Chestnut St., Oliver St., Bennett St.,
Charles St., Kelly St.
570-954-1992 908-482-0335

Brand new, clean 2 West End Road
To find a route near you and start bedrooms. Washer/
dryer hook-up. No
TWO Clean & bright
3 bedroom apart-
earning extra cash, call Rosemary at ments. Heat, water,

Pets. $550 + utili-

garbage & sewer

ties. 570-868-6020

570-829-7107 AVOCA
3 rooms, wall to wall
included with appli-
ances. Off street
parking. No pets,
non smoking, not
carpeting, appli-
ances, coin-op laun-
dry, off street park-
section 8 approved.
References, securi-
ty, first and last
ing, security. No
pets. $410/month
months rent.
(570) 655-1606 570-852-0252
TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 PAGE 13D
941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 944 Commercial 944 Commercial 950 Half Doubles 953 Houses for Rent 953 Houses for Rent
Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Properties Properties
WILKES-BARRE SOUTH A 3 bedroom single


family home for rent
WILKES-BARRE / WILKES-BARRE WILKES-BARRE Wilkes-Barre Beautiful, clean 1/2
double in a quiet
in Wilkes-Barre. Sin-
Nice, recently reno-
Š2 bedroom
gle bath. New range

vated 1st floor 1 One bedroom single, neighborhood. 3 & refrigerator. New
bedroom. Stove & Efficiency 1 & 2 executive apart- exceptional bedrooms, 1.5 wall to wall down-
Fridge included. bedrooms. Includes FOR RENT! ment. Beautiful, Š1 bedroom, 620 Market St. baths, full base- stairs. Washer/dryer
$500 + electric &
garbage. Lease,
all utilities, parking,
laundry. No pets.
425 South Franklin
Street. For lease.
fully furnished, TV
and all appli-
water included
Š2 bedroom,
Newly Renovated
Prime Space. OFFICE SPACE ment, fenced
yard, 3 porches.
New insulation &
in 3 bedrooms,
1 bathroom, with
hook up. Fenced
Yard. Private Drive-
From $390. ances included. water included partially finished way.
security, references Available immedi- 1,250 sq. ft.,
Call for appointment Lease, security Conveniently Š3 bedroom energy efficient win- basement & $625/month + secu-
ately, washer/dryer Near Kingston
and application. & references. located. single family dows. Washer/ 1-car garage. rity & utilities. Pet =
on premises, no Corners. Great Main St.
570-417-0088 570-970-0847 570-826-1688 exceptional Dryer hookup, dish- Ready Now, double security.
pets. We have stu- location for retail or 12,000 sq. ft. build-
Duryea washer $650 + utili- $795/per month, 570-388-2683
dio, 1, 2 bedroom ing in downtown
SHAVERTOWN LINEUP business office. ties.
apts. On site park- Š2 bedroom, $750/security
location. Ware-
ing. Fridge, stove affordable, water Easy Access and
house with light
Available June 1st. deposit. Looking for that
Modern, 2nd floor, 2
bedroom apt., yard, ASUCCESSFULSALE provided. We have a PARSONS SECTION included
parking. Call Cliff manufacturing.
Call (570)441-1132
special place
1ST FLOOR, 1 bed- 570-760-3427 called home?
24/7 security cam- Building with some
off street parking.
INCLASSIFIED! room apartment, off Š2 bedroom,
era presence and all office space. Entire Classified will address
Security & refer-
ences. $560 + utili- Doyouneedmorespace?
doors are electroni-
cally locked. $450-
street parking.
Water & re-cycling
large, water
included KINGSTON building for lease or
will sub-divide.
3 bedroom, central
air, baseboard hot 1,200s/f with base-
Your needs.
ties. 570-574-2588
A yard or garage sale 650/per month, included. Call Tom Pittston Wyoming Ave
MLS #10-1074 water, all modern ment & yard. Hard- Open the door
ŠLarge 1 Commercial Spaces
water & sewer paid, at 570-760-2785 with classified!
Call Charlie
in classified One month/security bedroom water Available. High
appliances, includ-
ing washer/dryer,
wood floors, 3 bed-
rooms. Sewer &
Beautiful 1st floor, 2 is the best way deposit. Call (570) LINE UP included
Traffic Area. 500 sf
& 1,100 sf. Call Mark
VM 101 off street parking water included. 956 Miscellaneous
793-6377 after
1/2 bedroom. Stove tocleanoutyourclosets! 10:00 a.m. to set an A GREAT DEAL... Š3 bedroom half 570-696-1600 $850/month Security & refer-
and fridge. Large
kitchen, on-site
laundry room. Off
You’re in bussiness
with classified!
email shlomo_voola
Old Forge
+ utilities
Call (570) 760-4483
ences required.
Call (570) 498-1510
Š2 bedroom
street parking. $600 @yahoo.com. Looking for the right deal exceptional STATE APPROVED 953 Houses for Rent
+ Cooking Gas &
Electric, security, WILKES-BARRE wilkesliving.com
on an automobile? water included FOR SCHOOL,
lease & background 3 BED/1.5 BATHS
WILKES-BARRE Turn to classified. McDermott &
OFFICE SPACE. Scenic & tranquil

check. Call HEAT, WATER,
Charming, Victorian
It’s a showroom in print! Real Estate FOR LEASE setting for 3 bed-
room, 2 bath home
570-417-0088 SEWER & TRASH Classified’s got
INCLUDED, 2 bedroom 3rd floor Inc. Property Garage for Rent. located on private
for appointment apartment. Partially the directions! Management
secure building, available immedi- Clean car storage drive. Hardwood
furnished. 34 West only, $65/month
washer/ dryer ately, 3200 sq ft floors with area
on-site,wood Ross St. View at (direct line) square feet, Call 570-696-3915 rugs, large kitchen, Townhouse
1 bedroom efficien- floors, yard, houpthouse.com Mon-Fri. 8-7pm On Main Street dishwasher, stove, Brand New!
cy apartment. No parking. $825. Most utilities includ-
SECURE BUILDINGS Sat. 8-noon Luzerne, off-street 950 Half Doubles fridge & office area. 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2
pets. $310 + utilities.
Call 570-333-5499
(570) 899-8034 ed with rent. His-
toric building is non 1 & 2 bedroom parking, forced air
3 BEDROOM HOME 2nd floor bonus
room. Laundry
baths, hardwood

apartments. furnace, central air, floors, 1st floor
Need a Roommate? smoking and pet Call (570) 288-5404 hookup in base- laundry room &
Place an ad and free. Base rent: Laundry facility. Off

street parking avail- after 8:00 a.m. to 3 bedroom 1/2 dou- ment, enclosed granite counter
find one here! $700. Security & Ref-
570-829-7130 able. Starting at set an appointment ble, gas heat, wash- porches (front heat- tops. No Pets.
erences required. or email ed). Sewer, water & MLS#11-1214
Call Vince: $440. 570-332-5723 er & dryer included, BOX 97D
morgancorp@ off-street parking, outside lawn main- $1,500/month

941 Apartments/ 570-762-1453 epix.net. LOTT ROAD tenance included. Call Geri
$700/per month,

$1,250 + security, 570-696-0888
Unfurnished Need to rent that plus security. Call MESHOPPEN, PA.
Vacation property? WYOMING MEDICAL OFFICE (570) 299-7103 For lease, avail-
lease & background
check. Available


Availabe Immediatly able immediately!
Place an ad and
Clean 1 bedroom,
get started!
Suite for lease in
modern building in KINGSTON 3 bedrooms, 2
in Mid July.
Crestwood Schools
2nd floor. Washer/ bath rooms, USE
dryer hookup. 570-829-7130 Deluxe 1 & 2 bed- Avoca. Designed 3 bedrooms, living
570-678-5850 WILKES-BARRE
$500/mo. + utilities
& security. Call
1 B edroom Sta rting WILKES-BARRE Š1 & 2 bedrooms
room. Wall to Wall
carpet. Some utili-
ties by tenant. No
for 2 physicans.
2,800 sq ft, 6 exam
rooms, large recep-
room, dining room,
kitchen, washer/
dryer hook up. No
(570) 947-8073 Clean, 2 bedroom, ŠLaundry facility
- up, covered park-
West Pittston, Pa. a t $675.00 2nd floor duplex. ŠStove, fridge pets. Non-smoking.
Elderly community.
tion area, break-
room/kitchen, file
pets, no smoking.
Fenced yard & off-
ing, pets ok, ON
Stove, hookups, ŠSecure building MYO BEACH AND 1200 sq. ft., seating
GARDEN VILLAGE • Includes gas heat, Quiet, safe. Off room, 2 restrooms, street parking. plus sunroom.
parking, yard. No ŠCommunity THE SUSQUEHAN- for 70 people,
APARTMENTS street parking. Call lab area, 2 private Excellent location, Newly painted.
w ater,sew er & trash pets/no smoking. Rooms. NA RIVER, kitchen facilities, 2
221 Fremont St. 570-693-2850 offices. Excellent $700 + utilities, Clean. All appli-
$475 + utilities. ŠElevator $1100.00 FIRST parking lots, avail-
Housing for the
• C onvenient to allm ajor Call 570-868-4444 Š2 fully handicap condition. Close to lease & security.
AND LAST/ per ances + garbage
able $50/week plus
elderly & mobility
accessible apts. Shopping for a I-81. 50+ parking Available June 1st
month, plus utili- included. $625/per
impaired; all utilities highw ays & public new apartment? spots available. 570-283-1180 month, plus utilities $25 for heat/air
also available ties, SECURITY conditioning. Also
included. Federally 570-954-7950
subsidized transportation
/deposit. Call
(570) 762-4471
& security
973-670-8945 Worship Service
program. Extremely • Fitness center & pool EAST END Call Christy you compare costs - Doyouneedmorespace? to set an appoint-
area, capacity for

low income persons Large 1/2 double 200 people, sound
encouraged to • P atio/B alconies 4 Rooms, 570-417-0088 without hassle A yard or garage sale with 3 bedrooms, ment or email system, piano and
2 Bedrooms, Wall or worry! in classified BIOBOB@ME.COM.
apply. Income less
than $11,900.
• P et friendly* to Wall carpet, WILKES-BARRE Get moving is the best way
living room, dining
room (with red car-
Lexington Village
8 am-4 pm,
• O nline rentalpaym ents
• Flexible lease term s
stove and
West River St.
Large 2, 3, & 4 with classified! tocleanoutyourclosets!
pet throughout)
eat-in kitchen with ASHLEY
“The Patch”
Nanticoke, PA
Many ranch style
morning negotiable
$75/week plus $25
Monday-Friday. $525.00/month + bedroom apart- You’re in bussiness additional pantry homes. 2 bedrooms for heat/air condi-
EQUAL HOUSING M ond a y - Frid a y 9 -5
security. 944 Commercial area. 1 bath. Large 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 tioning. Unity Center
OPPORTUNITY Heat Included.
ments. Heat & hot
water included. Bal- Properties with classified! fenced yard. Gas/ baths. Large private 2 Free Months With
A 2 Year Lease for Spirtual Living,
HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE Sa turd a y 1 0-2 No pets. cony. Off street hot water base- yard. Off street
$795 + electric 140 South Grant
parking, quiet neigh-
Call 570-823-2214 board heat. All utili- Street.
WILKES-BARRE 822-27 1 1 after 1 p.m.
parking. Washer
dyer hookup. Pets ties by tenant. No borhood, no pets.
Washer / dryer
SQUARE FOOT RE 570-639-0878
w w w .liv ea tw ilk esw ood .com
* Restrictions Ap p ly WILKES-BARRE
OK. $855 - $950.
Call 570-237-0124
smokers, no pets.
$650 + security. hookup. $850 / MANAGEMENT 962 Rooms
Mayflower LAFAYETTE GARDENS Call Steven month + utilities & 866-873-0478

references. Avail-
OFFICE (570) 561-5245
Apartments CEDAR
113 Edison St. West River Street FOR LEASE
able Immediately.
978-771-5012 KINGSTON HOUSE
Quiet neighborhood. Several 1 bedroom
Nice, clean

2 bedroom apart- apartments avail- 3 bedroom, 1 bath furnished room,
570.822.3968 ments available for
immediate occu-
able. Hardwood
flooring & appli- Hazleton St.
414 Front Street
available immedi-
half double, Freshly
cleaned & painted.
Charming country
farm house. 3 bed-
NANTICOKE starting at $315.
Efficiency at $435
Apartment pancy. Heat & hot ately, 1800 square month furnished
- Light & bright ances included. Modern office for Tenant pays all utili- room, 2 bath on 4.3
water included. $625 Heat, water, sewer feet, Move in con- with all utilities
open floor plans lease only. Visible
- All major
Homes Call Aileen at
& trash also includ- from Rt309 & I-81
dition. New car- ties including sewer. acres. Newly
remodeled. Full 418 Front Street
included. Off
peting. Reception $550 plus security. street parking.
Ask About Our ed. Walking dis- with easy access to
area, conference basement and attic. For lease, available
appliances included tance to Wilkes Uni- both. Adaptable to Call (570) 332-5723 570-718-0331
immediately, 4
- Pets welcome* Holiday Specials! WILKES-BARRE versity. Pet Friendly. many uses. Tenant
room, kitchen, and
3 offices, Located
Large barn and
out buildings. bedrooms, 2 bath-
- Close to everything $250 Off 1st Months Rent,
Available June 1. pays utilities. Horses welcome. rooms, refrigerator 965 Roommate
- 24 hour emergency & $250 Off Security LODGE Starting at $600.
Contact Judy Rice
on main street in
Hanover Section, $950/month
and stove provid-
ed, washer/dryer Wanted
maintenance off-street parking,
Deposit With Good Credit. Formerly The 714-9230 hookup, off-street
forced air furnace,
- Short term
leases available 1 bedroom starting @ $690
Travel Lodge
497 Kidder St.,
MLS# 11-851
central air, or
NANTICOKE DALLAS parking, pets ok,
Large home MOCANAQUA
Find the
$950/per month

3/4 bedroom home, across street from
Call TODAY For
Rooms Starting
Call 570-760-3551
to set an
2-3 bedrooms, 1.5
bath, fridge & stove
gas heat, all appli-
ances included.
park. Section 8
approved, $850/
at: Professional male
AVAILABILITY!! ‹ Washer & Dryer appointment provided, washer/
$1,050 + utilities. per month, water seeking profes-
Daily $44.99 + dryer hookup & wall
‹ Central Air Call (570) 406-6044 and sewer paid, sional female to
www.mayflower tax Center City WB
OFFICE SPACE to wall carpet.

‹ Fitness Center $850/security share house. Only
crossing.com ‹ Swimming Pool
Weekly $189.99
+ tax
Are you paying
18 Pierce St
Kingston, PA
$475/month plus
security & utilities.
DALLAS deposit. Call
$250/ month. All
utilities included.
‹ Easy Access to for appointment Beautiful home 5
Certain Restrictions
Apply* I-81
WiFi, HBO The Classified
too much for your
current office, but
Available Immedi-
ately, Off street HOUSE FOR RENT rooms + 2 bed-
Mon – Fri. 9 –5 570-823-8881
section at dread the incon-
venience of mov-
parking. Security
required. 3 room
NANTICOKE Idetown Road, For
lease, available
Let the Community
rooms. Rec base-
ment, carpeted.
44 Eagle Court BarreLodge.com timesleader.com ing? We can help! Suite $300/month, June 1st, 2 bed- Place your Classified No pets, neat per-
Wilkes-Barre, PA We not only offer includes utilities. rooms, 1 bathroom, Ad TODAY! son wanted, age
18706 (Off Route 309) less expensive 570-690-0564 refrigerator & stove 570-829-7130 unimportant.
570-823-8400 WILKES-BARRE NORTH provided, washer/ 570-762-8202
rent, but we will 570-823-7564
9 E. Chestnut St. also help you dryer on premises,
941 Apartments/
1 bedroom, wall
/wall carpet, fresh
paint. Eat-in kitchen,
move to our mod-
ern office space in
the Luzerne Bank
PITTSTON off-street parking,
pets - landlord
1 bedroom,
screened porch,
971 Vacation &
Resort Properties
washer/dryer hook-
stove & fridge Building on Public $800/per month up. $450/month.
55 Loomis St


included. Front
porch & shared
Call 829-7130
to place your ad.
Square. Rents
include heat, cen-
3 bedroom, wall
to wall carpet,
plus utilities & $800
security deposit.
(570) 639-0967 to
Garbage & sewer
paid. Call
Boca Raton
backyard. Heat & tral air, utilities, full basement & 570-362-0581 Beautiful 5 room
Immediate Occupancy!! hot water included. trash removal, attic. Stove,
set an
appointment or
ask for Ron home with Pool.
Tenant pays electric and nightly clean- fridge & water &
D .
email hillbillys Fully furnished. On
$500/month +
ing - all without a
sneaky CAM
garbage includ-
ed. No pets.
327@aol.com. canal lot. $600
weekly. If interest-
security. Call timesleader.com charge. Access SINGLE HOME COM-
61 E. Northampton St.
$630+ security ed, write to:
(570)814-1356 parking at the the 328 Kennedy Blvd. 570-814-1356 PLETELY REMODELED
intermodal garage Modern medical River St. New roof, 120 Wagner St.
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 via our covered Lovely 4 bedroom siding, gutters, win- Moosic, PA 18507
space, labor &
• Affordable Senior Apartments
• Income Eligibility Required
944 Commercial
944 Commercial
bridge. 300SF to
5000SF available.
industry approved,
ADA throughout, 2 NANTICOKE home nestled on 2
acres of land in a
quiet, private set-
dows, kitchen,
hardwood floors on
We can remodel doctor offices plus first floor, finished
• Utilities Included! • Low cable rates;
• New appliances; laundry on site;
to suit. Brokers
protected. Call
4 exam rooms, xray
and reception and
GREAT LOCATION ting. 2 story deck,
above ground pool,
basement, laundry
facilities, off street
Lake front apart-
ment & home for
large yard, private rent. Furnished.
• Activities!
Jeff Pyros at breakrooms. Could parking, single
570-822-8577 drive. Oil heat. garage. 3 bed- Weekly rentals.
be used for any
• Curb side Public Transportation WILKES-BARRE business purpose. 260 E. Green Street
Washer and dryer
included. $975 +
rooms, full bath first 570-639-5041
Please call 570-825-8594 PROVINCIAL TOWER - S. MAIN COMMERCIAL Will remodel to suit. For lease, available floor, 1/2 bath sec- for details.
security, utilities & ond floor. Security
For lease immediately, 3 bed-
TDD/TTY 800-654-5984 Great Commercial Store Front, 422 North Main $2,200/MO. rooms, 2 bath-
references. Water deposit required.
& Inside Suites Available Street, Pittston Also available for rooms, refrigerator
and Sewer included. No Pets. 974 Wanted to Rent
sale and stove provided,
Call 570-675-7529 570-498-8588 Real Estate
Steps from New Intermodal Hub
MLS #11-751 washer/dryer hook

& Public Parking
Starting at $650
Call Charlie
up, off-street park-
ing, pets ok, Refer- PLAINS TOWNSHIP
Walking Distance to
Middle Aged
VM 101 ences credit and
utilities included
FREE RENT - Call For Details Today!
background check
required. Need REALTY RENTALS the Casino!! 2 bed-
room, 1 bath, living
room, kitchen, off
Professional looking
to rent Dock at
Harvey’s Lake.
security deposit, BEAUTIFUL HOMES
$650/per month, street parking. Call (570)760-6277
The good life... Regions Best 570-829-1573 Flexible commer- water and sewer
FOR RENT, CHECK $600/month +
AVAILABILITY. utilities, security &
close at hand Address cial/office space on paid, $650/security
• 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. • 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Apts.
Main Street.
Includes 4 separate
PITTSTON deposit. Call
(570)760-3551 to
references. Call
Classic Properties
• Total Air-Conditioning • Total Air-Conditioning offices, large room set an appointment LEASES, SAME Nikki Callahan
962 Rooms 962 Rooms which could be used 718-4959 Ext. 1306
• Washer & Dryer • Gas Heat & HW Included RENT. EMPLOY-
as a conference Lease Space
• Community Building • Swim Club, Heated Pools MENT/APPLICATION
room and a rest- Available, Light REQUIRED, START-
• Spa & Pools • Hi-Tech Fitness Center room. Very high West Green Street,
manufacturing, ING AT $850 +
• Hi-Tech Fitness Center • Shopping Shuttle
Bear Creek Township MONARCH RENTALS
Casino Countryside Inn

traffic area. Locat- 3 bedroom, semi


• Tennis & Basketball Courts • Full -Size Washer & Dryer ed in a strip mall modern kitchen and UTILITIES & UP.
• Private Entrances that is fully occu- office, includes bath, w/w carpet, 570-288-1422 3 bedrooms,
• Private Entrances Rooms starting at pied. Parking avail- all utilities with washer/dryer all appliances

Monday - Friday 9-5
Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Monday - Friday 9-5
Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday - Friday 9am - 5pm Daily $39.99 + tax able. For more free parking. hookup, basement, Looking for the right deal provided.
Saturday 9-1
Saturday 9am - 1pm Saturday 9-1
Saturday 9am - 1pm
details and pictures, I will save yard, gas heat. on an automobile? Call 570-822-7039
680 Wildflower Drive 200 Gateway Drive
Weekly $169.99 + tax visit www.atlasreal- you money! No Pets. Turn to classified.
Plains, PA 18702 Edwardsville, PA 18704
tyinc.com. MLS 11-
1832. $750/month +
+ utilities, security It’s a showroom in print! WILKES-BARRE
Classified’s got
822-4444 288-6300
Riverside Dr.
Call Kim at
& lease
Call 570-256-3461 the directions! Stately brick, 4 Sell it in The
www.EastMountainApt.com www.GatewayManorApt.com WiFi 570-466-3338. bedroom, 2 bath &
Times Leader

email:EMA@The ManorGroup.com email:GA@The ManorGroup.com

HBO PLYMOUTH HANOVER TWP. 2 half bath home.
Hardwood floors,
PLAINS TWP Nice location. 2 bedroom home, spacious rooms,
OFF RTE. 315
Large 3 bedrooms,
1 bath, lots of
hardwood floors,
central air, fireplace,
beautiful patio,
all appliances
PRIME APARTMENTS STILL AVAILABLE! www.casinocountrysideinn.com new paint, garage.
storage. Sewer included. $1,600/
info@casinocountrysideinn.com 1200 & 700 SF
included. $575/mo.
1st & last. Call
$550/ month + utili-
ties. No pets. Call
month + utilities.
141 Old Newport Rd., Newport Twp. Rte. 315
570-760-1513 570-332-8922 (570) 332-2477 570-696-3801
971 Vacation & 971 Vacation & 2,000 SF Call Margy
Affordable, Accessible 1, 2 & 3
Bedroom Apartments
Resort Properties Resort Properties Office / Retail
Next to Gymboree
4,500 SF Office 315 PLAZA WILKES-BARRE
133 Garden Ave.
2 bedroom home.

Showroom, 1750 & 3200 SF 1/2 double, 6 All appliances,

Income Eligibility* Required. Warehouse Retail / Office rooms. $600/plus $600/month.
Rents: $455-$656 plus electric Loading Dock Space Available utilities. No pets. NO PETS. Security
4 Acres touching 570-829-1206 570-824-3721 and lease. Call
(*Maximum Incomes vary according to household size) I81 will build to suit. 570-762-6792
• High Efficiency Heat/Air Conditioning
• Newer Appliances • Laundry Rooms NEED A VACATION?
Call 570-829-1206

2 Half Doubles
Both located in nice
• Community Room • Private Parking
KINGSTON PLAINS TWP neighborhoods. Off
Come relax and enjoy LAIRD STREET
1200 sq. ft. Zoned street parking.
• Rent Includes Water, Sewer & Refuse great fishing & tranquility
for repairs & COMPLEX, easy Large back yards. Living room, dining remodeled. Call 829-7130
at it’s finest. 2 bedrooms, 1.5
For more info or to apply, please call: Housekeeping cottages
$500 per month
interstate access.
Lease 132,500 s.,f.,
No pets. Security &
all utilities by ten-
room, kitchen, gas
heat, heated base- baths, off street to place an ad.
570-733-2010 on the water with all the (570) 814-8876 12 loading docks, 30 ant. 3 bedrooms, ment, stove, fridge, parking, fenced
amenities of home. ft ceilings, sprinkler, 1 bath, huge attic. sewer garbage yard, some pets
TDD: 800-654-5984 (315) 375-8962 Wanna make your acres of parking. $625/month. Also, included. No pets. , okay, appliances ONLY
Great, Convenient car go fast? Place Offices available. Adorable 2 bed- $600/per month, + included.
www.blacklake4fish.com call 570-655-9732 utilities security & $800/month
Location! an ad in Classified! room. $550/month
daveroll@blacklakemarine.com + utilities & security

570-766-1881 lease. timesleader.com

Apply Today! 570-829-7130. 570-639-5608 Call (570) 899-2665
PAGE 14D THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

OWN 1006 A/C &
1024 Building &
1078 Dry Wall 1132 Handyman
1162 Landscaping/
1189 Miscellaneous
1213 Paving &

Shedlarski Construction Hanging & finishing,
Call Johnnie
Need help with a
Home improvement
specialist, Licensed,
design ceilings.
Free estimates.
project or small
jobs done?
Residential &
Heat Pumps &
Central Air
insured, PA
Licensed & Insured.
Evenings & week- Shrub Trimming &
Mulching. Junk
& 3 Generations
of Experience.

Save $$$ On ends. References. Celebrating 76
Your Cooling Bills
Free Estimates
baths, vinyl
siding & railings, MIRRA DRYWALL 570-855-3823 Removal. Free Est.
(570) 855-2409 or
GINO’S Years of Pride
& Tradition!
Licensed & Insured
windows & doors,
Hanging & Finishing
Drywall Repair DO IT ALL HANDYMAN (570) 675-3517
Wanted: Licensed and
additions, garages, Textured Ceilings Painting, drywall, BITTO
all phases of home Licensed & Insured plumbing & all types LANDSCAPING & Junk Call Today
STRISH A/C Free Estimates of home repairs, LAWN SERVICE For Your

Ductless / Central 570-287-4067 (570) 675-3378 also office cleaning Over 25 years Cars & Free Estimate
available. experience, 570-474-6329
Air Conditioning
Free Estimates 1039 Chimney 1084 Electrical
570-829-5318 landscape designs,
retaining walls,
Trucks Lic.# PA021520
Licensed & Insured
570-332-0715 Service The Handier pavers, patios, Highest Mountain Top
DNF ELECTRIC Man decks, walkways, PAVING & SEAL
Affordable & We fix everything! ponds, lighting,
Reasonable Rates
1012 Alterations/ A-1
Rebuild & Repair No Job Too Small. Plumbing, seeding, mulch, etc Paid!! Patching, Sealing,
Free Estimates.
Tailoring Chimneys. All Licensed & insured. Electrical &
570-288-5177 FREE PICKUP Licensed Bonded
types of Masonry. Free estimates. Carpentry. Insured
Pattern Making, Liners Installed, 570-574-6213 Retired Mr. Fix It. 570-868-8375
Grading, Markers Brick & Block, 570-574-7195 Emergencies EARTHTONES HARDSCAPE
Freelance service Roofs & Gutters. Paver patios, walk-
can make patterns 23/7 ways, retaining 1249 Remodeling &
from your specs or Insured All Phases walls. Pressure 1195 Movers Repairs
samples and trans- 570-735-2257 Electrical work Washing. Creative,
mit patterns and No Job Reliable & Honest.
markers worldwide. 1135 Hauling & 570-899-5759
Too Small. Moving Helpers
Any Lines - Fast Residential & Call for Free Quote.
Service CHRIS MOLESKY Commercial KELLER’S LAWN CARE We make moving easy.
C L E Ahauling,
NING Mowing, mulching, BDMhelpers.com
APPAREL SERVICES” New, repair, rebuild, Licensed-Insured


Spring cleanup, 570-852-9243
liners installed. PA032422 cleaning attics, cellar, gravel & trimming.
For more Inspections. Con-
information contact crete & metal caps.
(570) 602-7840 garage, one piece or Commercial 1204 Painting &
whole Estate, also & Residential.
John Vezzuto at Licensed & Insured Wallpaper
GO TO “CLASSIFIED ADS” GETZIE ELECTRIC available 10 & 20 yard 570-332-7016 D & D
570-441-4140 570-328-6257 dumpsters.655-0695 REMODELING
skyhawk36@ Licensed & Insured. MOWING, TRIMMING A & N PAINTING
COZY HEARTH 100 & 200 amp 592-1813or287-8302 From decks and
verizon.net EDGING, SHRUBS Airplane Quality at kitchens to roofs,
CHIMNEY service upgrades.

AAA CLEANING & HEDGES. Submarine Prices! and baths, etc.
Chimney Cleaning, No job too small!
1015 Appliance Rebuilding, Repair, 570-947-2818 A1 GENERAL HAULING LAWN CARE. Interior/Exterior, WE DO
Cleaning attics, FULLY INSURED pressure washing, IT ALL!!!!!!!
Service Stainless Steel Lin- CALL & SAVE 10% decks & siding.


ing, Parging, Stuc- OFF LAST BILL
Demolitions, Roofing Commercial/Resi- ALL OF YOUR

Licensed, Insured, & Tree Removal. dential. Over 17 INTERIOR AND
Free Estimates 570-814-0327
No job too small. Free Est. 779-0918 or years experience! EXTERIOR
Licensed & Insured
542-5821; 814-8299 Free estimates. REMODELING
570-829-4077 Patrick & Deb’s
Licensed & Insured
A.S.A.P Hauling
PRICES 1042 Cleaning & SLEBODA ELECTRIC Estate Cleanouts,
Landscaping, basic
Sales, service, handy man, house
supplies. Maintainence Master electrician Attics, Cellars, cleaning & help A + C LASSICAL YOU’VE TRIED
Licensed & Insured Garages, Fire & THE REST NOW
Over 30 years moving. We even Int./Ext. Experts!
Residential / Bucket truck to 40’ Flood Damage. CALL THE
experience do inside painting. Aluminum, Wood
Commercial 868-4469 Free Estimates, BEST!!!
570-709-7222 Any salvageable & Deck Staining
Cleaning by Lisa. Same Day items can be picked
Pet Sitting also Free Estimates
LEN HOSEY available. Call Today!
1093 Excavating Service! up for free. 1252 Roofing &
Appliance Service 570-822-4582 Free estimates. Licensed-Insured
570-690-4640 or 30 Years Siding
Washer/Dryer 570-696-4792 EXCAVATING & MODULAR HOMES Call 570-793-4232
Whirlpool, Maytag,
Tree Planting Available
ACTION HAULING Or 570-793-4773 Experience
Locally Owned J&F ROOFING
1054 Concrete & You Call Today, QUALITY LAWN SPECIALISTS
Kitchenaid & Roper Driveways, Sinced 1990
Job Gets Done & LANDSCAPE All types of roofing.
287-7973 Masonry concrete pads & all The Same Day!! Spring Clean Ups, 570-283-5714 Repairs & Installation
types of Excavating! Cleaning Houses, Mulching, Grass 25 Years Experience
1024 Building & BGD CONCRETE (570) 332-0077 Garages, Yards, etc
All Phases of Cutting,Fertilization, A.B.C. Professional Licensed / Insured
Remodeling Concrete Work
Call Mike, Tree & Shrub Painting Free Estimates
Small Jobs Welcome 1105 Floor Covering 570-826-1883 Maintenance & 36 Yrs Experience Reliable Service
ALL OLDER HOMES Installation We Specialize In 570-855-4259
Free Estimates Installation Experienced, New Construction
570-239-9178 J.R.V. ROOFING
825-4268. Affordable, Reliable Residential
Remodel / Repair
Masonry, stucco,
CARPET REPAIR & Free Estimates
(570) 592-4847
Repaints 570-824-6381
Roof Repairs & New
D. Pugh Comm./Industrial
& concrete
Concrete INSTALLATION Rainbow
All Insurance
Roofs. Shingle, Slate,
Hot Built Up, Rubber,
All phases of Vinyl & wood. Landscaping Gutters & Chimney
Building or Certified, Insured. Apartments
masonry & & Lawn Service Repairs. Year Round.

570-283-1341 Spring & Fall
Remodeling? concrete. Small Spray,Brush, Rolls Licensed/Insured
jobs welcome. Cleanups. Trimming, ŠFREE EstimatesŠ
MCGINLEY FLOORS LLC mulching, complete WallpaperRemoval
Senior discount, Wood, Laminate & Cabinet Refinish-
landscape installa-
Jim Harden
Free estimates Ceramic tion. Lic. & Insured. ing
Licensed & Insured 570-895-4350 Call 570-674-2418 Drywall/Finishing 570-288-6709
288-1701/655-3505 Cleanups/Cleanouts Power Washing New Roofs &
Look for the PADDY@MCGINLEYFLOORS.COM   JOHN’S   Repairs, Shingles,
Large or Small Jobs Deck Specialist
BIA symbol DEMPSKI MASONRY “Picture Perfect” Rubber, Slate,
of quality & CONCRETE 1129 Gutter (570) 814-4631 LANDSCAPING FREE ESTIMATES Gutters, Chimney
All Phases
For information Licensed & Insured Repair & Cleaning Bobcat : Grading Larry Neer Repairs. Credit
Excavator : Digging 570-606-9638 Cards accepted.
on BIA No job too small.
call 287-3331
Free Estimates.
PA#067136- Fully
Shrub/Tree Trimming,
Install or Removal AMERICA PAINTING
dempskimasonry.com “Be safe, not sorry.” Interior/Exterior.
or go to Licensed & Insured. Edging/Mulch/Stone 20 years experi-
We install custom ence. Insured.
www.bianepa.com Lawns, Tilling & more

Our online system will let you place seamless rain

Mister “V”
Hauling / Removal Senior Discount
Constr uction
All types of gutters & leaf ALL KINDS OF Handyman, all types. 570-855-0387
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DAVE JOHNSON protection systems.
concrete, HAULING & JUNK
Announcements, Automotive Listings,g JASON SIMMS PAINTING
Fencing / Deck Wash Roof Specialist
Expert Bathroom masonry and CALL US TODAY ABOUT
Blinds/Closets & more! Specializing In
Remodeling, Whole stucco OUR 10% OFF WHOLE REMOVAL Reasonable & Reliable Interior/Exterior All Types of
House Renovations, HOUSE DISCOUNT!
Licensed/Insured Estate Cleanouts Roofs, Siding,
Merchandise, Pets & Animals, Real Interior & Exterior 570-561-2328  570-735-1883  Power Washing
Free Estimates TREE/SHRUB Free Estimates Chimneys
Carpentry. Kitchens 570-451-0701 REMOVAL
REMOVAL & Roof Repairs
and Basements gmdmasonry.com GUTTERS CLEANED & REPAIRED Free Estimates 1165 Lawn Care 20 Yrs. Experience
Low Prices
Estate and Garage Sales. Licensed &Insured Insured
Window Cleaning. 24 HOUR Free Estimates
570-819-0681 (570) 947-2777
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