Hyundai Robot
Hyundai Robot
Hyundai Robot
- HX130
- HX165 / HX165S
- HX200 / HX200S
The information presented in the manual is the property of HHI.
Any copy or even partial is not allowed without prior written authorization from
It may not be provided to the third party, nor used for any other purposes.
1. Safety
1. Safety ........................................................................................... 1-1
1.1. Introduction ............................................................................................ 1-2
1.2. Relevant Safety Regulations ................................................................. 1-4
1.3. Safety Training....................................................................................... 1-4
1.4. Safety Related Nameplate..................................................................... 1-5
1.4.1. Safety Marking.................................................................................... 1-5
1.4.2. Safety Nameplate ...............................................................................1-6
1.5. Definition of Safety Functions ................................................................ 1-7
1.6. Installation ............................................................................................. 1-8
1.6.1. Safety Fence....................................................................................... 1-8
1.6.2. Placement of Robot & Peripheral Equipment.................................... 1-10
1.6.3. Installing the Robot ........................................................................... 1-12
1.6.4. Space for Robot Installation .............................................................. 1-14
1.7. Safety Operation for Robot Handling ................................................... 1-15
1.7.1. Safety Precautions for Robot Handling............................................. 1-15
1.7.2. Safety Precautions for Operating Test.............................................. 1-18
1.7.3. Safety Precautions for Automatic Operation..................................... 1-19
1.8. Safety Precautions for Access to Safety Fence ................................... 1-20
1.9. Safety Precautions for Maintenance and Repair.................................. 1-21
1.9.1. Safety Precautions for Hi4/Hi4a Controller Maintenance and Repair1-21
1.9.2. Safety Precautions for Robot System & Manipulator Maintenanace. 1-22
1.9.3. Necessary Actions after Maintenance and Repair ............................ 1-23
1.10. Safety Functions ................................................................................ 1-24
1.10.1. Operating a Safety Circuit............................................................... 1-24
1.10.2. Emergency stop.............................................................................. 1-26
1.10.3. Operating Speed............................................................................. 1-29
1.10.4. Connecting the Safety Devices....................................................... 1-29
1.10.5. Restricting the working Envelope.................................................... 1-30
1.10.6. Monitoring Function ........................................................................ 1-30
1.11. Safety Related to End Effectors......................................................... 1-31
1.11.1. Gripper ............................................................................................ 1-31
1.11.2. Tool / Workpiece..............................................................................1-32
1.11.3. Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems ................................................. 1-32
1.12. Liabilities ............................................................................................ 1-33
2. Specificatons
2. Specifications.............................................................................. 2-1
2.1. Robot Machinery Part ............................................................................ 2-2
2.2. Location of Robot Identification Plate .................................................... 2-3
2.3. Basic Specifications............................................................................... 2-4
3. Instructions
3. Instructions ................................................................................. 3-1
3.1. Robot Component Name ....................................................................... 3-2
3.2. Location of Safety Nameplate................................................................ 3-4
3.3. How to operate ...................................................................................... 3-6
3.3.1. Using Crane........................................................................................ 3-6
3.4. How to Install ......................................................................................... 3-8
3.4.1. Operating Conditions .......................................................................... 3-8
3.4.2. Installating the Robot Manipulator ...................................................... 3-9
3.4.3. Accuracy of Installation Surface........................................................ 3-10
3.4.4. Dimension of Installation Surface ..................................................... 3-11
3.5. Allowable Load of Wrist Axis................................................................ 3-12
3.5.1. Permitted load torque estimation ...................................................... 3-12
3.5.2. Permitted inertia moment estimation ................................................ 3-15
3.5.3. Example of permitted torque and inertia moment calculation ........... 3-17
3.6. Recommended Standy Posture ........................................................... 3-22
4. Inspection
4. Inspection .................................................................................... 4-1
4.1. Inspection Item and Period .................................................................... 4-2
4.2. Inspection Item and Period .................................................................... 4-3
4.3. Inspection of Main External Bolts........................................................... 4-5
4.4. Inspection of Wrist Backlash.................................................................. 4-8
4.5. Inspection Internal Wiring ...................................................................... 4-9
4.5.1. The Conditions of Safety Inspection ................................................... 4-9
4.5.2. Inspection Part.................................................................................. 4-10
5. Maintenance
5. Maintenance ................................................................................ 5-1
5.1. Grease Replenishment/Replacement .................................................... 5-2
5.1.1. S-Axis Reduction Gear ....................................................................... 5-3
5.1.2. H-Axis Reduction Gear ....................................................................... 5-5
5.1.3. V-Axis Reduction Gear ....................................................................... 5-7
5.1.4. R2-Axis Reduction Gear ..................................................................... 5-9
5.1.5. B-Axis Reduction Gear ..................................................................... 5-11
5.1.6. R1-Axis Reduction Gear ................................................................... 5-13
5.1.7. Bearing Joint Parts ........................................................................... 5-14
5.1.8. A1 Frame - Gear Box........................................................................ 5-15
5.1.9. Wrist - Gear Box ............................................................................... 5-16
5.2. Battery Replacement ........................................................................... 5-17
5.2.1. Instructions for Battery Storage......................................................... 5-19
5.3. Internal Wiring...................................................................................... 5-20
5.3.1. Wiring Connection Diagram .............................................................. 5-21
6. Trobleshooting
6. Trobleshooting ............................................................................ 6-1
6.1. Troubleshooting Procedure ................................................................... 6-2
6.2. Trouble Symptoms and Possible Causes .............................................. 6-3
6.3. Diagnostics and Resolutions for Major Parts Failure ............................. 6-4
6.3.1. Fulcrum Bearings................................................................................6-4
6.3.2. Reduction Gear................................................................................... 6-5
6.3.3. Brakes ................................................................................................ 6-7
6.3.4. Motor .................................................................................................. 6-8
6.3.5. Encoder .............................................................................................. 6-9
6.4. Motor Replacement ............................................................................. 6-10
6.4.1. Necessary Tools and Parts ............................................................... 6-13
6.4.2. How to Replace Motor ...................................................................... 6-14
6.5. Encoder Zero Setting........................................................................... 6-17
6.5.1. Zero Setting ...................................................................................... 6-18
6.5.2. Encoder Reset .................................................................................. 6-19
6.5.3. Confirming the Reset ........................................................................ 6-21
6.5.4. Encoder Calibration(Data input) and Selection ................................. 6-22
7. Recommended
7. Recommended Spare
Spare PartsParts
........................................................ 7-1
8. Internal
8. Internal Wiring
Wiring Diagram
Diagram.............................................................. 8-1
8.1. Manipulator Configuration...................................................................... 8-2
8.2. Wiring Diagram ...................................................................................... 8-3
9. Decommissioning
9. Decommissioning ....................................................................... 9-1
ListList of Figures
of Figures
Fig 1.1 Recommended Size for Fence and Gate Hole (Square Gate)......... 1-8
Fig 1.2 Recommended Size for Fence and Gate Hole (Slot Gate) .............. 1-8
Fig 1.3 Placement of Peripheral Equipment and Operator ........................ 1-10
Fig 1.4 Space for robot installation............................................................. 1-14
Fig 1.5 Robot’s Safety Circuit .................................................................... 1-24
Fig 1.6 Emergency Stop ............................................................................ 1-27
Fig 1.7 Emergency Stop Connection of External System .......................... 1-28
FIg 2.1 Robot Machinery Part ...................................................................... 2-2
Fig 2.2 The location of identification plate.................................................... 2-3
Fig 2.3 Robot Dimension and Working Envelope : [HX200] ........................ 2-6
Fig 2.4 Robot Dimension and Working Envelope : [HX130/165].................. 2-7
Fig 2.5 Robot Dimension and Working Envelope : [165S/200S].................. 2-8
Fig 2.6 Robot Dimension and Axis [HX130/165/200] ................................... 2-9
Fig 2.7 Robot Dimension and Axis [165S/200S] ........................................ 2-10
Fig 2.8 Details of Wrist Axis Attachment Surface : [HX200/200S]...............2-11
Fig 2.9 Details of Wrist Axis Attachment Surface : [HX130/165/165S]........2-11
FIg 2.10 Details of Upper 1st ARM Attachment Surface ............................ 2-12
Fig 2.11 Application Wiring and Inspection Wiring Diagram....................... 2-13
Fig 2.12 Details of Application Connector .................................................. 2-14
Fig 3.1 Name of Robot Components: [HX130/165/200]............................... 3-2
Fig 3.2 Name of Robot Components : [HX165S/200S]................................ 3-3
Fig 3.3 Location of Safety Nameplate: [HX130/165/200] ............................. 3-4
Fig 3.4 Location of Safety Nameplate: [HX165S/200S] ............................... 3-5
Fig 3.5 How to Transport: Using crane [HX130/165/200]............................. 3-6
Fig 3.6 How to Transport : Using crane [HX165S/200S].............................. 3-7
Fig 3.7 Accuracy of Installation surface ..................................................... 3-10
Fig 3.8 Dimension of Robot Installation ......................................................3-11
Fig 3.9 Wrist Axis Torque Mapping : [HX165-04] ....................................... 3-13
Fig 3.10 Wrist Axis Torque Mapping:[HX200]............................................. 3-13
Fig 3.11 Wrist Axis Load Condition:[HX165-04] ......................................... 3-15
Fig 3.12 HX165-04 2-D load model ........................................................... 3-17
Fig 3.13 HX165-04 3-D load model 2-D shape.......................................... 3-19
Fig 3.14 HX165-04 3-D load model 3-D shape.......................................... 3-20
Fig 3.15 Recommended Standby Posture ................................................. 3-22
Fig 4.1 Inspection Part for Main Bolts [HX130/165/200] .............................. 4-6
FIg 4.2 Inspection Parts of Main Bolts [HX165S] ......................................... 4-7
Fig 4.3 Abnormal Backlash Inspecting Directions ........................................ 4-8
Fig 4.4 Cable Inspection Parts................................................................... 4-10
Fig 5.1 Explains of internal wiring .............................................................. 5-21
Fig 5.2 Wiring connection diagram ............................................................ 5-22
Fig 6.1 How to prevent dropping of ARM Axis H & V : (HX130/165/200) ....6-11
Fig 6.2 How to prevent dropping of ARM Axis H & V : (HX165S/200S) ..... 6-12
Fig 6.3 Axis S motor assembly .................................................................. 6-15
Fig 6.4 Axis H & V motor assembly............................................................ 6-16
Fig 6.5 Wrist axis motor assembly ............................................................. 6-16
Fig 6.6 Encoder Reset Connector.............................................................. 6-20
Fig 8.1 Manipulator Configuration................................................................ 8-2
Fig 8.2 Motor and Brake wiring connection No.1 ......................................... 8-3
Fig 8.3 Motor and Brake wiring connection No.2 ......................................... 8-4
Fig 8.4 Encoder wiring Connection No.1 ..................................................... 8-5
Fig 8.5 Encoder Wiring Connection No.2..................................................... 8-6
Fig 8.6 Encoder Wiring Connection No.3..................................................... 8-7
Fig 8.7 Application Wiring Connection No.1................................................. 8-8
Fig 8.8 Application Wiring Connection No.2................................................. 8-9
Fig 8.9 Application Wiring Connection No.3............................................... 8-10
ListList of Tables
of Tables
Table 1-1 Safety marking ............................................................................. 1-5
Table 1-2 State of robot stop...................................................................... 1-17
Table 2-1 Basic Specifications for Models.................................................... 2-4
Table 3-1 Allowable Load Torque ............................................................... 3-14
Table 3-2 Allowable Moment of Inertia ....................................................... 3-16
Table 4-1 Inspection Schedule..................................................................... 4-2
Table 4-2 Inspection Items and Periods....................................................... 4-3
Table 4-3 Inspection part for main bolts ....................................................... 4-5
Table 6-1 Trouble phenomenon and cause.................................................. 6-3
Table 6-2 Motor Weight.............................................................................. 6-10
Table 6-3 Necessary Tools......................................................................... 6-13
Table 6-4 Necessary parts ......................................................................... 6-13
Table 6-5 Reset connectors corresponding to axes ................................... 6-19
Table 6-6 Data range after resetting .......................................................... 6-22
Table 7-1 Spare Parts ListⅠ ........................................................................ 7-2
Table 7-2 Spare Parts ListⅡ ........................................................................ 7-4
Table 7-3 Spare Parts List Ⅲ ...................................................................... 7-5
Table 7-4 Spare Parts List Ⅳ ...................................................................... 7-6
Table 7-5 Spare Parts List Ⅴ ...................................................................... 7-7
Table 9-1 Materials of each part................................................................... 9-2
1. Safety
1. Safety
1. Safety HX130/HX165/HX165S/HX200/HX200S
1.1. Introduction
The main purpose of this chapter is to describe the safety precautions for users and
operators who repair and manipulate the industrial robot.
This manual describes safety precautions for robot manipulator and controller, in
comply with the requirement of ANSI/RIA R15.06-1999, Standard for Safety,
Industrial Robots, and qualified with safety regulations. The technical description and
installation method of robot system is presented in detail at the specifications
regarding installation of robot manipulator and controller.
Every operator, who installs, replaces, adjusts, manipulates, maintains, and repairs,
must read thoroughly and fully understand the manipulation and maintenance
manual, in particular, the special attention must be paid to the WARNING symbol, the
most important marking related to the safety.
This company is planning and carrying out the relevant training such as maintenance,
repair, and manipulation for the above operations, so robot users make sure that
robot operators should get the relevant training. And make sure that the robot
handling work should be carried out only by the operators who completed this
training course.
The Users of HR and HX industrial robots have a responsibility under the safety
relavant regulations valid in the country where the robot is installed, and a
responsibility to properly design, install, and operate the safety devices to protect
The dangerous zone of robot system, that is the working range in which the robot,
tool, and peripheral equipment are operated, must be safeguarded to prevent
workers or objects from entering the zone. If a person or object should nevertheless
enters the dangerous zone, make sure that the robot system is immediately shut
down by emergency stop system. The operators of robot system have a
responsibility to take all necessary steps to make correct installation, examination
and operation of the relevant safety devices.
This manual is provided for the utilization of HR and HX Series Manipulator models
and Hi4/Hi4a controller.
Valid application and invalid environment of HR and HX Series robots are as follows.
1. Safety
It is applied to the 6-axis industrial robot used by installing on the surface of wall or
plane (axes addable). It is also appropriate for controlling operation in the dotted
section or consecutive section.
Major application is
Spot welding
Application such as Sealing
MIG/MAG welding
For the other use than the above emergency application, make a contact with our
company to consult on the robot use and possible applications.
Invalid environment
Our robot must not be used in a highly explosive environment and the areas
contaminated by oil, flammable materials or chemical materials. (Prohibited to be
installed and manipulated.)
1. Safety
For the purpose of effective safety instructions, the following safety symbols are used
in this manual.
Symbols Descrptions
All of these plates, labels, symbols and marks constitute safety-relevant parts of the
robot and the control panel. They must remain attached to the robot manipulator and
control panel at their clearly visible positions all the time for the safety and their full
The painted markings on the floor and signs indicating dangerous zones must be
clearly distinguished in form, color, and style from other markings on the machine
near the robot system or inside the plant facilities where the robot system is installed.
1. Safety
1.6. Installation
1.6.1. Safety Fence
Install safety fence against the possible collision between the robot and workers, so
that no worker may approach the robot .When operators or other personnel enter the
robot's working envelope by accident, it may cause an accident. Install the safety
fence to stop the robot when one, who intends to replace for TIP DRESSING or TIP
replacement, or to inspect welding equipment, opens the fence gate and approaches
the equipment during operation.
1.5m (60") Min
0.3m (12") Max
Fig 1.1 Recommended Size for Fence and Gate Hole (Square Gate)
1.5m (60") Min
0.3m (12") Max
4.9cm(1.875") Max
Fig 1.2 Recommended Size for Fence and Gate Hole (Slot Gate)
① Install the safety fence to cover the robot’s working envelope and to secure
enough space for teaching and maintenance working. The safety fence
should also be firmly installed so that it is hardly accessible and removable.
1. Safety
② The safety fence should be a fixed type in principle, using harmless materials
that do not have any broken surface or projecting part.
③ Install the safety fence with an entrance gate, and register the safety plug at
the gate so that it does not open unless pulling the plug out. Interlock the
robot to be MOTORS OFF when the safety plug is pulled out., or wire the
robot to be MOTORS OFF when the safety fence is open. (Refer to “11.
Various Signal Connections”, Hi4/Hi4a Controller Manual)
④ When intending to operate the robot with the safety plug pulled out, wire the
robot as a low-speed play mode. (Refer to “11. Various Signal Connections”,
Hi4/Hi4a Controller Manual)
⑥ If the safety fence is not installed, install other devices substituting for the
safety plug in the whole place within the robot’s working envelope, such as
photoelectric switch and mat switch. These devices may stop the robot
automatically when a person enters the working envelope.
(1) Make sure that the power supply is off before operating, when connecting the
primary power of controller or peripheral equipment. There is a possible
danger of electric shock because the high voltage such as 220V and 440V is
used as its primary power.
(2) Post a sign [No enter during operation] up the safety fence gate, and inform
the operators of its purport.
Interlocked Barrier Guard
(3) Arrange such devices as controller, interlock panel, and other manipulation
panels to be handled outside of the safety fence.
(4) When installing operation stand, install the emergency stop button on the
stand. Make sure that the stand stops in an emergency wherever the robot is
1. Safety
(5) Make sure that the robot manipulator and the wiring and piping of controller,
interlock panel, and timer should not be placed in the way of operator's
working range so that they would not be directly stepped on by FORK and
LIFT. There is a possible danger of accident if the workers are affected by
electricity or the wiring is down.
(6) Place the controller, interlock panel, and handling stand within the sight of
robotic performance. It may cause a serious accident to operate the robot
while the operator is working, or the robot is malfunctioning in an invisible
(7) Restrict the robot's working envelope by using soft limits and mechanical
stopper if the necessary working envelope is narrower than the holding
workable envelope. It is possible to stop the robot in advance when it moves
beyond its normal working envelope due to an abnormal condition. (Refer to
the 『Robot Manipulator Maintenance Manual』.)
(8) Welding spatters directly on the operator or around him may cause burning or
fire. Install such devices as a glare shield or a cover in the full sight of
robot's working envelope.
(9) Make sure that the device indicating the robot's running condition whether
automatic or manual mode must be noticeable even in the far distance. In the
case of automatic start-up, warning with a buzzer or warning lamp is also
(10) Make sure that there is no projecting part in the robot's peripheral equipment.
Cover it, if necessary. It usually may cause an accident if the operator comes
in touch with it. And it may lead a serious accident if the operator is
astonished at the sudden movement of robot, and conducts it.
(11) Don't make the system designed to allow the workers to carry the Work in
and out using their hands through the safety fence. It could be a cause of
accident associated with compressing or amputating.
(1) Design and install the robot system properly in compliance with laws,
regulations, and safety requirements valid in the country where the robot
system is installed.
(2) All the workers for the robot system must have the complete knowledge on
the information specified in the application and supplementary manual, and
proficiently operate and handle the industrial robot.
(3) Installation workers of robot must follow the safety instructions and apply
them to the installation when they face any safety problems.
(4) System provider must ensure that all the circuits utilizing safety functions
perfectly perform in a safe way.
(5) Install main power supply to be disconnected from outside of the robot’s
working envelope.
(6) System provider must ensure that all the circuits utilizing emergency stop
function perfectly perform in a safe way.
(7) For the immediate emergency stop, install emergency stop button within the
accessible distance for the operator.
(2) Avoid such places for installing which is directly exposed to the sun,
extremely humid, contaminated by oil or chemicals, and containing a large
amount of metal powder and explosive gas.
1. Safety
(4) Secure sufficient space for the easier disassembly and maintenance.
(5) Install safety fence with a gate, and prohibit any person from entering the
robot's working envelope.
(8) Take a special measure if the robot is installed in a place of abundant dust
such as metal powder in the air.
(9) Install the robot not to transmit welding electric current. (In other word,
insulate SPOT GUN with/from the robot’s wrist.)
(10) Grounding is very critical in preventing electric shock and malfunction caused
by noise, and thus install as following instructions.
① Install an exclusive grounding terminal using class 3 or higher. (For the
input voltage of 400V of higher, use special class 3 or higher.)
② Connect grounding line into the grounding bus-bar inside of the control
③ In case of direct grounding on the floor by anchoring, two-point grounding
both by robot manipulator and by controller can produce a “ground loop”
and contrariwise cause abnormal operation. In this case, connect the
grounding line to the base of robot manipulator and disconnect the
second grounding point to the controller. If the robot vibrates even after
stopping, double-check the grounding status because the possible main
causes could be an incomplete grounding or “ground loop” .
④ In the use of internal transgun(GUN), there is a possible danger of
dropping because the primary power cable is directly connected to the
spot gun. In this case, directly connect the grounding line to the base of
robot manipulator in order to prevent any electric shock and protect the
control panel, but do not connect it to the controller.
Eyebolts ( M16)
W ri eRope
T e
h Wei ght foH 4
i (approx.)
Model Appr ox. wei ght(k g)
Hi4- 000
0 260kg
Hi4- 0000-CP 17
0 kg
Hi4- 000
2 200kg
Hi4- 000
3 260kg
Hi4- 000
4 200kg
Hi4- 000
5 17
0 kg
Hi4- 000
6 260kg
M anufa ct ure dby
Di s co n n ec t a nd l oc ko ut ma n
i s Hy un d- DONG,
ai Hea vy In du s rt ie7 s
DONG- KU,UL S AN CIT Y ,6 8 -2 9
Co., L td .
p o we r be fo re s erv ci e. T le
: 8 2 -5 -2 2 0
8 -2 5 -2 2 0
3- 9
3 -7 9 2 0
Ho me p a g e :www.h h
Ma d
e in Ko e
r a
i .o
c .k r
Bat ter e
i s fo r dat abackup ar ei nstal e
ld n
i si de
o f bot hcont rol el r a ndm ani pulat or.
B att er e
i s must be r eplace di never y 2 year s
regar dl ess of o perat i onhou rs .
CAU TI ON N ext dat ef or r p
el acem enti s
Hi gh Vo tl a ge
- Hig hvolt agecan ca sue n
i j ury or death.
- The r obot syste m must b esw ti chedto" OFF" e
bf oreexchange
m ain tenance andrepair .
B att er y t ype: ERC6( Li thi um Bat te ry , 3. 6V)
- Aft er t ur ning OF Ft he power sup lpy,w ait tal a
est 3m n
i utes.
B att er y M aker : H tiac hi Maxwe ,l Ltd.
- To preve nt anyone ni adver t entl y tur ningON thepower supply
dur n
i gm aint enance, put p
u awar inngsignsuchas
"D ON OT TURN O NT HE POW ER" at pr m i ary
ON power supply andH 4 i cont rol e
l r and
r elat ed cont rol er.
- T hem ai nsw ti chon t herobot con
t rol cabinet
mus t besw ti ched to "O FF" n
ad secur edwit h
Lock the cast er of cont r ol cabinet u nless
apadl ock to pr event unauthori ze
d pe
r sons fr om
i t needs t o bem oved.
swi tc hi ng ti onaga
i n.
- Car eful yl e
r a dt he oper ati onm anual and
t he safet ym anual bef or ei nstal a
i n and
usi ngap plci a o
ti n. PF1 PF2 P F3 PF4 PF5
- Do not ent er t hew orki ng a
r nge of t he
Ro bot system under oper at o i n.
- Bef ore cabl esconne ctn i g, checkt hat CON T I ACC
t heS /N i si denti cal on the cont o rl e
( r c On
and on the ma nipul ator . TOOL CIR
If t he S/N i sdi f er ent, r obot m ayb e
oper ated abno m r all .y. JOG O
. SW
LFT RH T FWD Rx + Rx -
( S+
) S
( -) R
( 2+
) (R
2 -)
FW D ( H)+ R y+ Ry -
( -) B WD (B
+) ( B-
UP D WN Rz + Rz -
+) ( V-
) R
( 1+
) (R
1 -)
D R . S ET
( NO)
f1 7 8 9 ( YE
N Pos e MOD Ch/Va
r /F n
? f2 REC CM D
CD 1 2 3 MAN
0 H s
i t or y
When installing, be sure to make it easier to perform the maintenance when opening
the Hi4/Hi4a Controller door. Secure the available space. The controller power in the
above Figure could change depending on the kind of controller.
1. Safety
(1) Do not handle the robot other than such personnel as operators handling the
robot and other possible operators and supervisors who were designated as
whom duly trained in an approved robotic training course and become familiar
enough with the proper operation of the safety and robotic functions.
(3) Perform the work in pairs. One person must be ready to press the emergency
stop button in an emergency while the other must perform his work quickly
but carefully within the robot’s working envelope. Always check the escape
route before working.
(4) Make sure that there is no one in the working envelope when the power
source is on.
(9) Operators must pull the safety plug out, and enter the safety fence with the
(10) Do not use any devices causing noise in and around the teaching area.
(11) Handle the teaching pendant button, while checking the teaching point with
your naked eyes, and do not handle it just relying on your sense.
(12) Do not work with your back against the robot, and always pay attention to the
robot's movement.
(13) In teaching, check and examine carefully under your feet. In particular, in
high teaching for more than 2M, secure a safe zone on which you may step
before teaching.
(15) Write out the operating rules proper to working details and installing location
regarding the operation and handling method for the robot, and the
necessary actions for robot's any failure. In addition, it is recommended to
operate the robot in accordance with the operating rules.
1. Safety
1 ON X
(Minor failure, Pause switch)
Emergency stop
2 (Major failure, Emergency stop switch, Safety OFF O
Input signal standby of peripheral equipment
3 ON X
4 Playback Completion ON X
5 Standby ON X
Though the access during a pause is shown in the table as『×』, allow
the access to robot with the same precautions as teaching work if the
entrance is open to take actions for minor failures(i.e. malfunction
caused by failure in arc, nozzle contact and weldment detection).
(17) Clean up any split oil, tools, and impurities in the safety fence after
completing robotic operation. Accidents such as conduction may occur in the
working envelope contaminated by oil, or scattered tools on its floor. Make a
habit of organizing and cleaning things up.
(1) Before handling, check the stop buttons and signal functions to stop the robot
such as emergency stop button or stop button. And then, check the
abnormality - detective movements. Above all, it is the most critical to check
all the stop signals. It would be the most important to stop the robot when any
possible accidents are predicted.
(3) In case of operating test, it is hard to predict what problems would happen.
Do not enter the safety fence during operating test. Unexpected accidents are
likely to occur because of its low reliability.
1. Safety
(2) Be sure to check if any operators are inside of the safety fence when starting
the automatic operation. Operating without checking the presence of
operators may cause a personal injury.
(3) Before starting the automatic operation, check and confirm that the program
number, step number, mode, and starting selection are in the possible state
for automatic operation. If starting with the other programs or steps selected,
the robot could move in an unpredicted way, and lead to an accident.
(4) Before starting the automatic operation, check if the robot is properly located
to get started. Check whether the program number or step number is identical
with the location of robot. Even if it's all identical, accidents are still possible to
occur due to an abnormal movement when the robot is differently located..
(5) Be prepared to immediately press the emergency stop button when starting
the automatic operation. Immediately press the emergency stop button in
case of robot's unexpected movements or emergency.
(7) When any abnormality is detected from the robot, immediately stop and take
proper actions on it. Using the robot before any proper actions taken may
cause an interruption of produce as well as serious failure leading to a very
serious personal injury.
(8) When checking the robot’s movement after the proper actions taken for the
abnormality, do not operate the robot with operators inside of the safety fence.
Unexpected accidents are possibly to occur because its low reliability may
cause another abnormality.
Read carefully and be aware of the follows when entering the working envelope.
(1) Do not enter the working envelope other than teaching person.
(3) Operation set-up mode of controller must be a manual mode in the control
(4) Always wear the approved working suite.(Do not wear a loose clothes as
you please)
(6) Do not leave innerwear such as underwear, shirts, or necktie out of the
working suite.
(7) Do not wear personal accessories such as big earrings, rings, or necklaces.
(8) Make sure to wear safety shoes, helmet, and goggles and if necessary, wear
other self-protective outfit such as safety gloves.
(9) Make sure that the emergency stop circuit is working correctly and in its
proper function, turns MOTORS OFF when pressing the emergency stop
button in the control panel and teaching pendant before handling the robot.
(10) Make your posture face-to-face with the robot manipulator when performing
your work.
(12) Be prepared for emergency exit or safe place considering that the robot may
unexpectedly rush at you.
1. Safety
(2) Perform your work following the maintenance procedures for controller.
(3) Perform your maintenance and repair in a safe way by securing emergency
exit or safe place.
(4) Before the daily maintenance, repair, or changing parts, be sure to power
down. In addition, post a warning sign [Do Not Input Power] up the primary
power so that other operators may not input power by accident..
(6) Be sure to power down when opening the Hi4/Hi4a controller door.
(7) Before performing, wait for three minutes after power down.
(8) Do not touch the heat sink and regeneration resistor of servo amp because
they generate an intense heat.
(9) After completing maintenance, Be sure to close the door completely after
checking if tools or other things are still remained in the Hi4/Hi4a controller.
(1) Refer to the safety precautions for Hi4/Hi4a controller maintenance and
(2) Perform your maintenance and repair for the robot system and manipulator,
following the indicated procedures.
(3) Be sure to disconnect the primary power of controller. Post the warning sign
[Do not input power] up the primary power to prevent other workers from
connecting the power.
(4) Make sure that the Arm is fixed and immovable before maintenance and
repair since dropping or moving of the robot's Arm may cause a danger
during maintenance and repair. (Refer to the 『Robot manipulator
maintenance manual』.)
1. Safety
(2) After maintenance is completed, carefully check that no tools are left around
or inside of the controller and manipulator. Make sure that the door is firmly
(3) Do not turn on the power if any problems or critical failures are detected.
(4) Be sure that there is no one within the working envelope, and that you are in
a safe place before turning on the power
Auto1 Auto2
LS Limit switch
ASG AUTO Mode Safeguard
Computer GSG General Safeguard
Commands TP EN Enabling device in T/P
EM Emergency stop switch
The safety control circuit of operation is based on dual safety electric circuit in which
the controller and MOTORS ON mode are operated inteactively. In order to be in
MOTORS ON mode, the safety circuit consisted of several swtiches must be all
connected. MOTORS ON mode indicates that drive power is supplied to the motors.
If one of the contactors is disconnected, the robot will always return to MOTORS
OFF mode.
1. Safety
MOTORS OFF mode indicates that drive power is removed from the robot's motors
and the brakes are applied. The status of the switches is displayed on the teach
pendant. (Refer to the I/O monitoring screen of "SERVICE" menu, 『Hi4/Hi4a
controller operation manual』.)
Safety circuit
The emergency stop buttons on the controller panel and on the teaching pendant and
external emergency stop buttons are included in the safety circuit of operation. Users
may install the safety devices (safety plug, safety stop device for safe place) which
are operated in the AUTO mode. In a manual mode, the signals of these safety
devices are ignored. You can connect the general safety stop devices that is active in
all operating modes. No one can enter the working envelope in an automatic
operation mode due to the unconditional operation of the safety devices (door, safety
mat, safety plug etc.). These signals are also generated in a manual mode, but the
controller will keep the robot operating while ignoring the robot's teaching. In this
case, maximum speed of robot is restricted to 250mm/s. Thus, the purpose of this
safety stop function is to secure the safe area around the manipulator while one
approaches the robot for maintenance and teaching.
When the robot is stopped by a limit switch, it can be moved from the position by
jogging it with the operation key on the teaching pendant. (Refer to “constant setting”,
『Hi4/Hi4a controller operation manual』.)
For the emergency stop, the following two methods can operated simultaneously.
(Emergency stop for control panel and teach pendant is basic)
1. Safety
(1) Emergency stop for control panel and teach pendant (Basic)
The emergency stop switch is on the control panel and teach pendant of the
stop switch
M1(0V) Emergency Stop Switch
※ Emergency Stop Switch
M1(0V) TBEXT:2 M1
P1(24V) TBEXT:4 P1
※ When using the emergency stop of the external system, connect the Terminal No.
1 (ES1) & No. 2 (M1,0V Common) or No. 3 (ES2) & No. 4 (P1,24V Common) of
the terminal block of BD461 to the external emergency stop line, and you must
open JP1 or JP2.
At this time, the emergency stop must be connected to be Normal On and it must
be check for proper operation during test run.
1. Safety
External safety devices such as light beams, light curtains, safety plug, and safety
mats which can be adapted by the system builder execute interlocking the controller
by way of connecting with safety circuit within the controller. These devices are used
for safety device during execution of normal program in an automatic mode.
1. Safety
(2) When any end effectors or devices are installed on the robot arm, use the
required size and piece of bolt, and securely fasten as per the required torque
using torque wrench. Do not use the bolt which has rust or dirt on its
(3) End effector must be designed and manufactured not to exceed the maximum
allowable load at the wrist of robot. Even though power or air supply stops,
the gripped workpiece must not be dropped from the gripper. In order to
remove any risks and problems which may cause personal injury and/or
physical damage, the sharp edge and projecting part of end effector must be
made dull and smooth.
(1) It must be possible to replace tools such as milling cutters in a safe manner.
Make sure that safety devices are working correctly until the cutters stop
(2) Since residual energy of pneumatic and hydraulic systems can be still
remaining even after the robot stops, particular care and attention must be
paid by users. Internal pressure of equipment must be removed whenever
starting the repair work for pneumatic and hydraulic systems.
1. Safety
1.12. Liabilities
The robot system has been built in accordance with the latest technical standards
and approved safety rules. Nevertheless, the serious accidents such as death or
personal injury still may take place due to the collision between the robot system and
peripheral equipment.
The robot system must be used by operator who has a full technical knowledge on its
designated use and also pay his close attention to the possible dangers and risks
involved in its operation. The use of robot system is subject to compliance with these
operating instructions and the operation and maintenance manual supplied together
with the robot system. The safety related functions of robot system must not be used
for any purposes other than safety.
When you use the robot system for any other or additional purposes than its
designated usage, you must review whether it is valid in accordance with design
criteria. The manufacturers cannot take any responsibility for any damage or loss
which resulted from such misuse or improper use. The users shall have the full
responsibility for the risks caused by such misuse or improper use. When you use
and operate the robot system for its designated use, you must have a good
command of all the information contained at these operating instructions as well as
the maintenance manual.
The robot system may not be put into operation until it is ensured that the functional
machine or plant) into which the robot system has been integrated conforms to the
specifications of the EC directives 89/392 EWG dated 14 June 1989 and 91/368
EWG dated 20 June 1991.
The following harmonized standards in particular were taken into account with regard
to the safety of the robot system.
IEC 204-1,10.7
ISO 11161,3.4
ISO 10218(EN 775),6.4.3
ISO 10218(EN 775),3.2.17
ISO 10218(EN 775),3.2.8
ISO 10218(EN 775),3.2.7
Users must take the full responsibility for any accident caused by their negligence or
non-observance of these instructions. The manufacturer will not take any liabilities
and responsibilities for any damages or losses caused by the misuse or malfunction
of such equipment which is not included in the contract between manufacturer and
user and provided by user, or such equipment which is installed around the robot
system arbitrarily by the user. User must take the full liabilities and responsibilities for
any risks and damages caused by such equipment.
2. Specifications
2. Specifications
2. Specifications HX130/HX165/HX165S/HX200/HX200S
HX165 * - *
Specification No.
Robot TYPE
Rated Payload
Series Name
2. Specifications
Item Specification
Construction Articulated
Degree of freedom 6
V +1.05~-2.36 rad (+60°~ -135°)
Max. downward
R2 Rotation 2 ±6.283 rad (±360°)
±6.283 rad
R1 Rotation 1 ← ← ← ←
2. Specifications
Item Specification
2. Specifications
2. Specifications
2. Specifications
Attach peripheral equipment to the upper side of the 1st ARM, or to only one side of
upper axis V. When attaching, be sure to the center position of gravity should be
located within the range marked as ▦.
2. Specifications
[Note] Max air pressure of air connection : 5bar (5.1 kgf/cm2 ,72.5 psi)
<CNR10A> <CNR10B>
- CNR10A : 0.3sq * 20pcs
- CNR10B : 0.3sq * 20pcs
- CNR20A : 2.0sq * ETFE Line 11 pcs
- CNR30A : 0.3sp * 5P
② CONNECTOR TYPE(Receptacle)
- CNR10A : MS3102B24-28S (for Signal)
- CNR10B : MS3102B24-28SX (for Signal - Option)
- CNR20A : MS3102B20-11S (for Power - Option)
- CNR30A : MS3102B20-29S (for Signal - Option)
- CNR10A : MS3106B24-28P
- CNR10B : MS3106B24-28PX
- CNR20A : MS3106B20-11P
- CNR30A : MS3106B20-29P
2. Specifications
In case of possible collision between the robot and peripheral equipment, the working
envelope must be limited mechanically and by means of software.
Following instructions explain how to install switches or additional stoppers for setting
the working envelope of main axes. This is an optional part.
3. Instructions
3. Instructions
3. Instructions HX130/HX165/HX165S/HX200/HX200S
3. Instructions
서보모터 분해시
ARM낙하 주의
WARNING - 밸런스 스프링 절대
분해하지 마십시오.
- 밸런스 스프링 절대 - 분해시 스프링 탄성력으로
분해하지 마십시오. 중대한 안전사고를 초래
- 분해시 스프링 탄성력으로 할수 있습니다.
중대한 안전사고를 초래
할수 있습니다.
서보모터 분해시
ARM낙하 주의
3. Instructions
서보모터 분해시
ARM낙하 주의
ARM낙하 주의
서보모터 분해시
- 밸런스 스프링 절대분해 - 밸런스 스프링 절대분해
분해하지 마십시오. 분해하지 마십시오.
- 분해시 스프링 탄성력으로 - 분해시 스프링 탄성력으로
중대한 안전사고를 초래 중대한 안전사고를 초래
할수 있읍니다 할수 있읍니다
Do not enter
Do not enter
robot work area.
CAUTION robot work area.
서보모터 분해시
ARM낙하 주의
3. Instructions
The following lifting instructions are valid for a "naked" robot. If additional equipment
is put on the robot, the center of gravity may change and make lifting dangerous.
※ Use wire rope in its length of 2.5m(4EA). Insert a protective hose to prevent
damage of painting at the parts contacted with robot body. Refer to Figures for the
proper location of protective hose..
The installation shall be made by qualified installation personnel and should conform
to all national and local codes.
When unpacking the robot, check if it has been damaged during transporting or
unpacking. In addition, strictly keep the following installation instructions because
installation method and foundation are very important to maintain a good robot
3. Instructions
■ Cautions
3. Instructions
The load, which will be applied to the mechanical interface of robot's wrist axis, is
restricted by allowable weight, allowable load torque and allowable moment of inertia.
Step 1
Calculate the location of the weight center from the B axis rotation center (LX,
L Y , L Z)
LX: Location of weight center in X axis
LY: Location of weight center in Y axis
LZ: Location of weight center in Z axis
Step 2
Check the location from the center of B and R1 axis to the weight center
based on the torque map.
2 2
LB = L X , LR1 = LY + LZ
Length in B axis (LB) ≤ 0.606 m
Length in R1 axis (LR1) ≤ 0.303 m
LX: Location of the weight center in X axis direction from the B axis rotation
LY: Location of the weight center in Y axis direction from the B axis rotation
LZ: Location of the weight center in Z axis direction from the B axis rotation
LB : Length from B axis rotation center to weight center
LR1 : Length from R1 axis rotation center to weight center
3. Instructions
3. Instructions
Step 1
Calculate the inertia moment value of the load at each wrist axis center (Ja4,
Ja5, Ja6)
Ja4- Inertia moment from R2 axis rotation center
Ja5- Inertia moment from B axis rotation center
Ja6- Inertia moment from R1 axis rotation center
Step 2
Check if the inertia moment value of the static load based on the inertia map
is within the limited range.
3. Instructions
Base zero
M – Load weight
Jxx – Inertia moment in X direction from weight center of load
Jyy – Inertia moment in Y direction from weight center of load
Jzz – Inertia moment in Z direction from weight center of load
Ja4- Inertia moment from R2 axis rotation center
Ja5- Inertia moment from B axis rotation center
Ja6- Inertia moment from R1 axis rotation center
☞ Load condition: Stainless steel with length and width of 300mm and thickness of
200mm (Mass 141.3kg)
③ Conclusion
It is safe because the weight, torque and inertia moment all satisfy the limited
3. Instructions
The weight center location for the total load from the B axis rotation center LX=
527.3mm, LY= 0mm, LZ= -226.5mm
If you apply the B and R1 axis length limit in the torque map, it is shown as
LX1, LY1, LZ1 – Weight center location of block m1 from B axis rotation center
LX2, LY2, LZ2 - Weight center location of block m2 from B axis rotation center
LX3, LY3, LZ3 - Weight center location of block m3 from B axis rotation center
Jxx1, Jyy1, Jzz1 – Inertia moment by x, y and z axis from the weight center of block m1
Jxx2, Jyy2, Jzz2 – Inertia moment by x, y and z axis from the weight center of block m2
Jxx3, Jyy3, Jzz3 – Inertia moment by x, y and z axis from the weight center of block m3
z 400
z 300
m2 x 160
200 m3 x
3. Instructions
Ex) Calculating the inertia moment by axis from the weight center of block m1
1 2 2 1
J xx1 = ⋅ m1 ⋅ ( y1 + z1 ) = × 15.5 × (0.32 + 0.32 ) = 0.232
12 12
1 2 2 1
J yy1 = ⋅ m1 ⋅ ( z1 + x1 ) = × 15.5 × (0.32 + 0.06 2 ) = 0.121
12 12
1 2 2 1
J zz1 = ⋅ m1 ⋅ ( x1 + y1 ) = × 15.5 × (0.06 2 + 0.32 ) = 0.121
12 12
{ 2 2
} { 2 2
} { 2 2
= m1 ⋅ ( LX 1 + LZ 1 ) + J yy1 + m2 ⋅ ( LX 2 + LZ 2 ) + J yy 2 + m3 ⋅ ( LX 3 + LZ 3 ) + J yy 3 }
= {15.5(0.245 2 ) + 0.121} + {107 .9(0.45 2 + 0.25 2 ) + 2.346} + {41.3(0.835 2 + 0.25 2 ) + 0.398}
= 63.8 ≤ 64.7 kgm 2
{ 2 2
} { 2 2
} { 2 2
= m1 ⋅ ( LY 1 + LZ 1 ) + J xx1 + m2 ⋅ ( LY 2 + LZ 2 ) + J xx 2 + m3 ⋅ ( LY 3 + LZ 3 ) + J xx 3 }
= {15.5(0 2 ) + 0.232} + {107 .9(0.25 2 ) + 1.799} + {41.3(0.25 2 ) + 0.398}
= 11.8 ≤ 17.6kgm 2
If the tool is positioned as the figure below, the load on H and V-axes may be
In case that the posture shown below might not be attained due to the limited space
and time caused by peripheral equipment or cycle times, then contact our company.
4. Inspection
4. Inspection
4. Inspection HX130/HX165/HX165S/HX200/HX200S
This chapter provides the instructions for regular inspection and overhaul necessary
for the prolonged lifetime of robot performance.
The inspection periods have been reviewed for SPOT Welding. In case of high
precision work such as handling, it is recommended to inspect at the half intervals of
that period as shown in [Table 4-1].
Daily Inspection
4. Inspection
Examine paint
3 ○ Main bolts marking with naked
Check if the
Check the ON-OFF emergency
4 ○ function of limit stop lamp is on
Switch/ Dog
switch when the limit
switch is ON.
Check the abnormal
5 ○ Motor
Check the abnormal
Check the ON/OFF
operation of brake
release switch When the
Note) Turn the brake release
switch off in a switch is OFF,
6 ○ Brake
second because the ARM of End
ARM of working axis Effect will not
may be dropped be dropped.
when the brake
release switch is on
Inspection Intervals
Inspection Inspection
No. Standards Remark
3 1 Items method
mothns year
Axix S, H, V
Axis R2, B, R1
there is any
diversion by rotating should not feel
10 ○ Diversion each axis to the right diversion by
and reverse touch
4. Inspection
9 Link attachment
4. Inspection
4. Inspection
5. Maintenance
5. Maintenance
5. Maintenance HX130/HX165/HX165S/HX200/HX200S
If greasing is performed incorrectly, the internal pressure of the grease bath
may suddenly increase, possibly causing damage to the seal, which would
in turn lead to grease leakage and abnormal operation. When performing
greasing, therefore, observe the following cautions.
① Before starting to grease, remove the plug from the grease outlet.
② Whenever possible, avoid using a compressed-air pump, powered by the
factory air supply. If the use of a compressed-air pump is unavoidable, restrict
the greasing pressure less than 7bar(7kgf/cm2)
③ Use grease only of the specified type. If not, may damage the reducer or lead
to other problems.
④ After greasing, confirm that no grease is leaking from the grease outlet and
that the grease bath is not pressurized, then re-attach the plug in the grease
⑤ To prevent accidents caused by slipping, completely remove any excess
grease from the floor or robot.
⑥ When an ambient temperature is more than 40℃, be sure to shorten the
period of replenishment in half.
Lubrication Cycle
5. Maintenance
If grease is added without removing the outlet plug, the grease will go
inside the motor and may damage it. It is absolutely necessary to
remove the plug.
■ Grease Replenishment
■ Grease Replacement
③ The grease replacement is complete when new grease appears in the outlet
port. The new grease can be distinguished from the old one by color.
④ Move the S-Axis for a few minutes to eject the old grease and then add
grease until the new grease appears in the outlet port
⑤ Wipe the outlet port with a cloth and attach the plug with seal tape.
5. Maintenance
If grease is added without removing the outlet plug, it cause damage
to the seal of reducer and grease will go inside the motor and may
damage it. It is absolutely necessary to remove the plug.
■ Grease Replenishment
① Make the H-Axis Arm vertical for ground.(H:90°-Floor Type, H:0°-Shelf Type )
② Remove the grease outlet plug.
③ Inject the grease into the grease inlet using a grease gun.
④ Wipe the outlet port with a cloth and attach the plug with seal tape.
■ Grease Replacement
① Make the H-Axis Arm vertical for ground.(H:90°-Floor Type, H:0°-Shelf Type )
② Remove the grease outlet plug.
③ Inject the grease into the grease inlet using a grease gun.
④ The grease replacement is complete when new grease appears in the outlet
port. The new grease can be distinguished from the old one by color.
⑤ Move the H-Axis for a few minutes to eject the old grease and then add
grease until the new grease appears in the outlet port.
⑥ Wipe the outlet port with a cloth and attach the plug with seal tape.
5. Maintenance
If grease is added without removing the outlet plug, it cause damage
to the seal of reducer and grease will go inside the motor and may
damage it. It is absolutely necessary to remove the plug.
■ Grease Replenishment
④ Wipe the outlet port with a cloth and attach the plug with seal tape.
■ Grease Replacement
① Make the V-Axis Arm horizontall for ground. (V:0°-Floor Type, V:-90°-Shelf
Type )
② Remove the grease outlet plug.
③ Inject the grease into the grease inlet using a grease gun.
④ The grease replacement is complete when new grease appears in the outlet
port. The new grease can be distinguished from the old one by color.
⑤ Move the V-Axis for a few minutes to eject the old grease and then add
grease until the new grease appears in the outlet port.
⑥ Wipe the outlet port with a cloth and attach the plug with seal tape.
5. Maintenance
Do not inject excessive grease. The excessive grease would cause
an abnormal operation.
■ Grease Replenishment
⑤ Wipe the outlet port with a cloth and reinstall the inlet/outlet plugs with seal
■ Grease Replacement
⑤ The grease replacement is complete when new grease appears in the outlet
port. The new grease can be distinguished from the old one by color.
⑥ Wipe the outlet port with a cloth and reinstall the inlet/outlet plug with seal
5. Maintenance
Do not inject excessive grease. The excessive grease would cause
an abnormal operation.
■ Grease Replenishment
① Prepare a grease nipple A-PT1/8 and then Make the R2-Axis 0°degree.
② Remove the grease inlet plug and install grease nipple A-PT1/8.
③ Make the R2-Axis -90°degree and then Remove the grease outlet plug.
④ Inject the grease into the grease inlet using a grease gun.
⑤ Wipe the outlet port with a cloth and reinstall the inlet/outlet plugs with seal
■ Grease Replacement
① Prepare a grease nipple A-PT1/8 and then Make the R2-Axis 0°degree.
② Remove the grease inlet plug and install grease nipple A-PT1/8.
③ Make the R2-Axis -90°degree and then Remove the grease outlet plug.
④ Inject the grease into the grease inlet using a grease gun.
⑤ The grease replacement is complete when new grease appears in the outlet
port. The new grease can be distinguished from the old one by color.
⑥ Wipe the outlet port with a cloth and reinstall the inlet/outletplug with seal
5. Maintenance
There is no grease outlet. Do not inject excessive grease. The
excessive grease would cause an abnormal operation.
■ Grease Replenishment
① Prepare a grease nipple A-PT1/8 and then Make the R2-Axis 90°degree.
② Remove the grease inlet plug and install grease nipple A-PT1/8.
③ Inject the grease into the grease inlet using a grease gun.
④ Wipe the outlet port with a cloth and reinstall the inlet/outlet plugs with seal
■ Grease Replenishment
5. Maintenance
■ Grease Replenishment
■ Grease Replenishment
5. Maintenance
① Keep the power on. Press the Emergency Stop button to prohibit the robot
Replacing the batteries with the power supply turned off causes all current
position data to be lost. Therefore, zeroing will be required again.
Do not dipose the batteries. Dispose of the battery with industrial waste
acoording to the laws and other rules in the country where the controller is
Do not recharge the batteries, otherwise batteries may result in exploding
or everheating.
Do not use any batteries other than the recommended one.
Change the batteries only with the specified one.
Do not short positive and negative terminals of battery.
Do not expose batteries to high temperature or flame
5. Maintenance
① Do not keep the batteries at a high temperature and humidity. Keep it in the
well-ventilating place without dew condensation.
② Keep it in a normal temperature, at relatively constant temperature(20±15℃)
and at relative humidity of less than 70%.
③ Check the battery storage every six months, and manage them with
Continuous operation
Operating speed
Inspect on a regular basis,every three months and check any damage on the cables
or cable protect spring. If any damage, replace it.
Replace the cable every 16,000 operating hours regardless of working condition.
As all the wires are flexible type, do not use any wires other than
specified one.
Wiring replacement must be done by unit.
Do not use any Cable, protective spring, and Hose that have external
damage as they may cause future problems.
When purchasing robot cables, make inquiry of our service office about
wiring type.
Specify the length of wiring for connecting the robot with the controller.
5. Maintenance
CN HX165-J2-MB1-A
HX165 - J2 - MB1 - A
6. Trobleshooting
6. Trobleshooting
6. Trobleshooting HX130/HX165/HX165S/HX200/HX200S
6. Trobleshooting
Overload [Note1] ○ ○ ○ ○
Displacement ○ ○ ○
Abnormal deviation ○ ○
Overheating ○ ○ ○ ○
Vibration, abnormal sound and overloads are observed when a fulcrum bearing is
damaged. When the Nut holding bearings becomes loose, bearing play occurs. It
may damage the bearings.
① Shake the 1st ARM and 2nd ARM back and forth to check if bearing
exhibits any play. (In case of using a chain block, check the bearings for
the play, with the 1st ARM and 2nd ARM posture maintaining and without
any overload to the reduction gear.
② Check to see if the robot touched other peripheral equipment before the
① Replace the bearing. A Chain Block is needed to lift and hang the robot
ARM. Contact our service office for any difficulties..
6. Trobleshooting
When turning [ON][OFF] the brake release switch of axis H and axis V, be sure to
take necessary precautions to prevent the ARM from dropping, and then switch the
brake release [ON][OFF]..
① Check out any vibration, abnormal sound or overheating of the reduction
gear when the robot is in operation.
② Check out any play and abrasion in the reduction gear. And check if any
abnormality is felt by hand when shaking 1st ARM back and forth with the
brake release switch of axis S [ON].
③ Check if peripheral equipment has been contacted with the robot before
the abnormality.
(Damage may occur to the reduction gear due to the contacting impact.)
① Replace the reduction gear. A chain block is needed to lift and hang the
robot ARM. Contact our service office for any difficulties.
When turning [ON][OFF] the brake release switch, be sure to take necessary
precautions to prevent the ARM from dropping, and then switch the brake release
① Check out any vibration, abnormal sound, or overheating of the reduction
gear when the robot is in operation.
② Check out any play in the reduction gear by shaking the End Effector
(such as spot gun and hand devices, etc.) back and forth.
③ Turn motors off , with the brake release switch [ON], and check that the
axis can be rotated by hand. If not, the reduction gear is in bad condition.
④ Check if peripheral equipment has been contacted with the robot before
the abnormality.
(Damage may occur to the reduction gear due to the contacting impact )
① Replace the reduction gear.
② Replace the entire wrist section.
(The replacement of entire wrist should be a quick and reliable resolution
as it takes time and necessary equipment for reduction gear replacement)
6. Trobleshooting
6.3.3. Brakes
In case of brakes failure, each axis possibly drops with the motors [OFF]. Or, in
reverse, brakes possibly operate even with the motors [ON]. The latter causes
overload and noise.
When intending to operate the entire robot without the motors [ON], operate it with
the brake release switch [ON]. Before turning the switch [ON], take necessary
precautions to prevent the ARM from dropping as the robot ARM will drop by gravity.
① Check if the brake can be heard in operation, by turning the brake release
switch [ON] [OFF] alternately with the motors[OFF]. If not heard, the vrake
cable may be broken. (When operating the brake release switch
[ON][OFF], be careful of ARM dropping. The brake release switch is
located on the panel in the controller cabinet door.)
① If cables turn out to be good condition, replace the motor.
6.3.4. Motor
Motor failure causes abnormal operation of robot such as staggering at stop, irregular
twitching and noise in operation. Besides, It may cause overheating and abnormal
Check the reduction gear and fulcrum bearing as well in order to determine which
part causes the abnormality. It is because that similar phenomenon is observed when
the reduction gear is damaged.
① Check for overheating and abnormal sound. .
① Replace the motor.
6. Trobleshooting
6.3.5. Encoder
Position offset, malfunction, and out of control movement as well as staggering at
stop, irregular twitching may occur when the Encoder is in bad condition. This case
has nothing to do with such phenomena as mechanical abnormal sound, overheating,
and vibration
① Check for any encoder data failure.
② Use reference pins and blocks to check the positional data is correct at
pin position.
③ Check for any irregular variations in the encoder data when moving each
robot axis.
④ Replace the servo amp board, BD440 to check errors.
① If cabling turns out to be in good condition withouth any damage, replace
the encoder.
② If there is no error after replacing the servo amp board BD440, replace the
servo amp board.
In case of contacting the motor right after it stops, ensure the motor temperature.
Motor weights are listed as follows. Be careful when dealing with the motor.
HX130/HX165/165S/200/200S 27 kg 10.7 kg
6. Trobleshooting
In this work, there is a part performed with the motor [ON]. Therefore, perform the
work in pairs. An observer must always be ready to activate an emergency stop. The
other perform the work quickly and carefully. An escape route should be determined
before starting work.
After replacing axis H or V, ensure that M20 bolt for supporting ARM has been
removed before operating the robot.
6. Trobleshooting
(3) In case of main axes(S, H, V) : Refer to [Fig 6.1] and [Fig 6.2].
Insert a supporting bolt to prevent ARM dropping.
In case of wrist axes (R2, B, R1) : Set the origin by using SACLES.
(4) Turn the main power[OFF] with the controller power [OFF].
(6) Remove attachment bolts of motor and pull the motor out of robot. When
removing motors of axis H or V, be sure not to damage the lip of oil seal due
to the gear attached to the axis of motor.
(7) Detach the gear from the motor shaft. not give excessive impact to the motor
(8) Assemble the gear after lightly applying grease to the shaft.
The bolt used to attach the gear to the shaft should be cleaned and removed
of grease before using. Apply loctite 243 to the screw part of the bolt, and
then tighten it using a torque wrench in a regular torque. , Besides, slowly
tighten the bolt in a symmetrical order.
(9) Assemble the motor on the robot after applying a small amount of grease to
the lip of oil seal and applying a moderate amount of grease to the teeth of
gear. When assembly the main axis motor, be sure not to damage the lip of
oil seal.
(11) When repalcing the axis H or V, replenish the grease as the amount as it
6. Trobleshooting
Before encoder correction, check motor connections, with motors [ON], while
pressing the Enable switch for 2~3 seconds.
(13) Perform the encoder calibration about the axis whose motor is replaced.
Refer to the chapter [Encoder Calibration] in the controller operating
(14) Remove M20 bolt, a supporting bolt for preventing possible dropping of axis
H or V.
6. Trobleshooting
Level and Block is adopted as the position setting method for each axis. The origin
must be set in order of axis 4, 5, and 6 considering axis interference of the wrist due
to its structural characteristic.
In this work, there is a part performing in the state of motor [ON]. Therefore, this
work must be performed in pairs. One must always be ready to activate an
emergency stop. The other must perform the work quickly but carefully.
An escape route should be determined before starting work.
① Put the controller into TEACH mode and select [MOTORS ON]. If you cannot
select MOTOR On due to abnormality, set the origin position of the robot by
using the brake release switch.
② Move respective axes to the basic posture, then set them by the scale mark.
6. Trobleshooting
① Turn the controller power [ON] for 3 minutes, and then turn it [OFF].
② Take off the rear cover of the robot. (Check the batteries/encoder backup
batteries are well conneceted.)
④ After connecting the reset connector(CNRST1∼6) of the axis to reset with the
plug located in the cover of the rear robot for 5 seconds, pull the reset plug
out. (Reset connectors of the respective axis should be connected for the
reset work only. Besides, there is usually no connection in the reset
6. Trobleshooting
The number of pulses per revolution of the currently used encoder data is 8192bit
irrespective of the robot model. The current value of encoder displays what is added
by compensation value to the actual encoder value. In other word, the difference
between the current value of encoder and the absolute compensation value of
encoder is real encoder value.
After reset, the actual encoder value is classified as what it becomes less than 1
revolution and as what it becomes less than minus 1 revolution depending on the
robot model. Follow the procedure below to confirm the encoder has been
successfully reset.
① Connect the encoder connectors of motors and turn controller power on.
Select 『Encoder Calibration』in a constant setting mode, and select
『Encoder Calibration (Input Value)』at the next display. The encoder
calibration value for each axis is displayed in left-side and the present
encoder value in right-side.
② Move the cursor to the encoder calibration value of axis that were reset, and
press 『0』.
③ Confirm that the present encoder value is within the range of 0~8192. If not,
reset the encoder again.
After connecting the motor, the following errors may occur according to the discharge
of electricity of the encoder internal capacitor.
In this case, turn controller power on for more than 10 minutes, and reset encoder.
And then, turn controller power 『OFF』once again, and power 『ON』. It will be
restored to normal condition.
(1) Press [SET] key after moving the revolving bar into the desired location to set
by using [↓][↑] keys, and the following message is displayed.
(2) Move the robot to the position that the origin pin becomes [ON] with axis
operating button, and press [REC] key.
In case of encoder DATA compensation after replacing motor, check if the motor
power is on with the power 『ON』.
7. Recommended Spare Parts
Spare Parts
7. Recommended Spare Parts HX130/HX165/HX165S/HX200/HX200S
The recommended spare parts for robot are as follows. Please check robot serial
number and manufacturing date when purchasing, and contact our serive office.
A : Regular maintenance parts(what is replaced regularly)
B : Essential spare parts (what is of high frequency)
C : Essential component parts
D: Machine parts
AC servo Common use for
Motor Axis S, H, and V
TS4923N8030E230 ★
C Reduction 1EA 1EA Axis S
gear RV320C-35.61 ★
RV RV320E-185 HX200/165S
C Reduction 1EA 1EA Axis H
gear RV320E-171 HX165
RV320E-141 HX130
RV320E-219.46 HX200
C Reduction RV320E-190.09 HX165 1EA 1EA Axis V
RV320E-185(PIN) HX165S
RV320E-141 HX130
C HHI 1EA 1EA Axis R2
7. Recommended Spare Parts
RV110F-65 HX165
F2CS-A35Mup-89 HX165S
F2CS-A35Mup-59 HX130
RV110E-111 HX200
C Reduction RV70F-93.85 HX165 1EA 1EA Axis B
F2CS-A35-89 HX165S
F2CS-A35-59 HX130
RV80E-101 HX200
C Reduction RV40E-81 HX165 1EA 1EA Axis R1
F2CS-A35Mup-89 HX165S
F2CS-A35Mup-59 HX130
Teijin seiki
RV Reduction
Grease ★ 16kg/CAN
Shell Reduction gear,
Grease ★ 16kg/CAN Gear and
Alvania 0769 Bearing of each
Encoder Battery HHI Replace every
2 years,
A ★ 3EA 3EA
regardless of
HX130?LB*-A,*:1~6 operating hours
C Wrist ass'y 1EA 1EA
R11-290400-01 HX165
R11-187014-02 HX165S
Cable from BJ1
HHI to main axis
Axis S Wiring
C 1EA 1EA motor and
R11-290501-01 ★ right/left side of
R11-290502-00 HX200S
7. Recommended Spare Parts
1 EA 1EA
D Ball bearing 6017ZZ HX165/200/200S
Support center shaft
6017DDU HX165/200/200S 1 EA 1 EA in A2
Taper Roller
D 32014XJ HX130/165S 2EA 2EA
HHI Joint lower and
Taper Roller
D 4 EA 4 EA upper Link of axis V
Bearing 32009XJ ★ in A2
Wrist holder
D Oil-Seal AE3932A9 HX200/200S 1 EA 1 EA cast-iron (holder) in
AE3842A0 HX165/130/165S
AE3527E0 HX130/165S
D Oil-Seal 1 EA 1 EA Motor Base in S1
AC4451F2 ★
Case surface of axis
D O-ring G190 HX200/200S 1 EA 1 EA
B reduction gear
ARP568-263 HX130/165S
Case surface of axis
D O-ring ARP568-263 HX200/200S 1 EA 1 EA
R1 reduction gear
ARP568-258 HX165
AS568-042 HX200/200S
Bearing housing in
D O-ring 1 EA 1 EA
S75 HX165
AS568A-041 HX130/165S
Assemble surface of
D O-ring 1 EA 1 EA
frame and pipe in A1
AS568A-169 ★
Case of Axis R2
D O-ring 190*3 HX165/200/200S
reduction gear in A1
S150 HX130/165S
7. Recommended Spare Parts
G135 HX130
G150 HX165S/200S
Balance spring
D O-ring 2 EA 2 EA
ASS’Y in A2
P40 HX165S/200
P55 HX165S/200S
S140 HX165/200
8. Internal Wiring Diagram
8. Internal Wiring Diagram HX130/HX165/HX165S/HX200/HX200S
Internal wiring is shown in a connection diagram per unit, and thus utilize it to inspect
and replace the wiring.
8. Internal Wiring Diagram
8. Internal Wiring Diagram
8. Internal Wiring Diagram
8. Internal Wiring Diagram
9. Decommissioning
9. Decommissioning
9. Decommissioning HX130/HX165/HX165S/HX200/HX200S
The robot is made up of several materials as shown in [Table 9-1]. Some of them
should be properly arranged and sealed up to eliminate any bad influence on the
human body or environment.
Cast Iron Base body, A2 frame, Upper arm, Link, Hinge etc.
Steel A1 pipe
Head Office
1, Jeonha-Dong, Dong-Gu, Ulsan, Korea
TEL : 82-52-230-7901 Ex 11 / FAX : 82-52-230-7900
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TEL : 82-2-746-4711 Ex 5 / FAX : 82-2-746-4720
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TEL : 82-31-205-4713 / FAX : 82-31-205-3200
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TEL : 82-53-746-6232 Ex 3 / FAX : 82-53-746-6231
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TEL : 82-62-363-5272 / FAX : 82-62-363-5273
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TEL : 052-230-7901~11 / FAX : 052-230-7900
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TEL: 02-746-4711~5 / FAX : 02-746-4720
수원 사무소
경기도 용인시 기흥읍 영덕리 537-3 번지
TEL: 031-205-4713 / FAX : 031-205-3200
대구 사무소
대구광역시 수성구 범어 2 동 223-5 번지
TEL : 053-746-6232~3 / FAX : 053-746-6231
천안 사무소
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광주광역시 서구 농성동 415-2 번지
TEL : 062-363-5272 / FAX : 062-363-5273