Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

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At the end of the discussion the students should be able to:
a. Identify linear text and non-linear text;
b. Shows interest in the lesson through participating actively in class discussion;
c. Illustrate the difference of linear text from non-linear text.


a. Topic: Linear Text and Non-Linear Text
b. References:
c. Instructional Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Newspapers, Books, Charts,
Map, Globe, pictures
d. Values Integration: Showing interest in the lesson discussion.

A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Attendance
 Checking of assignments
 Review
 Motivation

B. Lesson Proper/Developmental Activities

Activity “4 PICS. 1 WORD”
 The teacher will show a set of pictures, and the students will identify the
correct word that match each set of pictures.

Activity Illustration:



C. Analysis
 What do we call these things in the activity?
 Observe and compare the graph and flowchart from textbooks and poems.
And share your observation to the class. (In terms of reading; which is
easy to read and time allocated in each)
 What do you think is our lesson for today?

D. Abstraction
 Setting of Objectives
 The teacher will discuss about the Linear Text and Non-linear Text.
 Unlocking of Difficulties
Linear - progressing from one stage to another in a single series of
steps; sequential.
Non-linear - used to describe a process, series of events, etc. in
which one thing does not clearly or directly follow from another.

What is Linear Text?

Linear text refers to traditional text that needs to be read from beginning to the end.
Here, the reader makes sense of the text according to
the grammatical and syntactic arrangement of the words. Moreover, this type of text
has an order or sequence; it’s typically the author of the text who decides the order of
the text, or its reading path. Generally, texts printed on paper are considered as linear
texts. Novels, poems, short stories, letters, educational texts, all those texts we read
from the beginning to the end, are linear texts.

What is Nonlinear Text?

Nonlinear text is the opposite of linear text. As its name suggests, it is nonlinear and
non-sequential. In other words, the readers do not have to go through the text in a
sequential manner in order to make sense of the text. This type of text has many
reading paths since it’s the readers who decide the sequence of reading, not the
author of the text.


 What is a linear text and non-linear text?
 Who can illustrate the differences of linear text from non-linear text?
 Who can give examples of linear and non-linear text?

E. Application
 The teacher will administer a 5-item pen and paper quiz. (Quiz will be
administered by the teacher by showing different objects in the class).
Directions: Identification. Identify if the object/thing is an example of Linear
Text or Non-Linear Text. Write only Linear Text or Non-Linear Text in your
paper. Write your answers in a ¼ sheet of paper. Answers Only.

1. 3. 5.

2. 4.

Answer Key:
1. Linear Text 3. Linear Text 5. Non-Linear Text
2. Non-Linear Text 4. Non-Linear Text

IV. EVALUATION “Venn Collage”
 The students will be group into four.
 They are going to collect pictures within the school. Pictures that are
examples of linear and non-linear text.
 After which, they will make a Venn diagram of it. Take note on the
comparison sides will be the collage pictures while on the similarity side
will be elaborated texts.
 Each group will be given enough time to finish their activity and will be
graded accordingly base on the rubric posted.
 Highest points will be 20.

Concept Each section of the Each section of Each section Each section of
Arrangement diagram contains the diagram of the diagram the diagram
four facts easily contains three contains two contains very few
identified. facts easily facts that are facts that are not
identified. somewhat easily identified.
Primary Student exhibits Student Student Student shows
Source mastery of the illustrates displays a little or no
Content material as affirmer limited understanding with
evidenced by understanding of understanding the details
attention to detail. most of the with some pertinent to
similarities and details subject matter.
differences pertinent to
brainstormed the subject
Creativity All of the graphics Most of the Only a few None of the
or objects used in graphics or graphics or graphics or
the collage reflect a objects used in objects reflect objects reflects
degree of student the collage student student creativity.
creativity in their reflect student creativity, but
display creativity in their the ideas
display were typical
rather than
Design Graphics are cut to 1-2 graphics are 3-4 graphics Graphics are not
an appropriate lacking in design are lacking in an appropriate
size, shape and or placement. design or size shape. Glue
are arranged There maybe a placement. marks evident.
neatly. Care has few smudges or Too much Most of the
been taken to glue marks. background is background is
balance the showing. showing. It
pictures across the There are appears little
area. Items are noticeable attention was
glued neatly and smudges or given to designing
securely glue marks the collage

 Find any sample of non-linear text and transcode it into linear text. It must
be written in a ½ sheet of paper and will be pass tomorrow in our class

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