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Date: 08-05-2018 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks

Time: 9:00 – 12:00

Section – A Answer all questions:- 10 x 2 = 20

1. Mention the scope of Management Accounting.
2. What do you mean by Management Information System?
3. Why do we prepare Fund Flow Statement?
4. Give meaning of Working Capital.
5. Give the formula of Current Ratio.
6. What is Ratio Analysis?
7. Mention the application of marginal costing.
8. Illustrate the Break- Even Point.
9. How is budget prepared?
10. What is the need to prepare Variance Analysis?

Section – B Answer any FIVE questions:- 8 x 5 = 40

11. Discuss the uses of Fund Flow Statements.

12. Explain the advantages of disadvantages of Management Accounting.
13. Distinguish between Standard Costing and Budgeting
14. Discuss the application of Marginal Costing in decision making.
15. The standard material and standard cost per kg. of material required for the production of
One unit of product A is as follows:
Material – 5 Kgs. Standard Price - Rs.5 per kg.
The actual production and related material data are as follows:
400 units of Product A
Material used 2,200 kgs.
Price of Material Rs.4.50 per kg.
Calculate (1) Material Cost Variance (2) Material Usage Variance
(3) Material Price Variance

16. From the following details, calculate funds from operations:

Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
Salaries 10,000 Discount on issue of debentures 1,000
Rent 2,000 Provision for bad debts 2,000
Refund of tax 10,000 Transfer to general reserve 4,000
Profit on sale of building 1,000 Preliminary expenses written off 5,000
Depreciation on plant 7,000 Goodwill written off 4,000
Loss on sale of plant 3,000 Proposed dividend 5,000
Closing balance of P& L A/c 40,000 Dividend received 2,000
Opening balance of P & L A/c 15,000 Provision for tax 5,000

17. Assuming that the cost structure and selling prices remain the same in periods I and II find out : (i)
P / V ratio . (ii) B. E. Sales .(iii) Profit when sakes are Rs. 1,00,000 .(iv) Sales required to earn a profit of Rs.
20,000 .(vi)Margin of safety in Iind period
Period Sales (Rs.) Profit(Rs.)
I 1,20,000 9,000
II 1,40,000 13,000

18. From the following particulars pertaining to assets and liabilities of a company calculate (1)
Current ratio (2) Liquid ratio (3) Proprietory ratio (4) Debt-Equity ratio (5) Capital Gearing
Rs. Assets Rs.

5,000 Equity shares of

Rs. 100 each 5,00,000 Land and Building 6,00,000
2,000 8% Preference Plant and Machinery 5,00,000
shares of Rs. 100 each 2,00,000 Stock 2,40,000
4,000 9% Debentures Debtors 2,00,000
of Rs. 100 each 4,00,000 Cash and bank 55,000
Reserves 3,00,000 Pre-paid expenses 5,000
Creditors 1,50,000
Bank overdraft 50,000 ------------
16,00,000 16,00,000

Section – C Answer any TWO questions:- 2 x 20 = 40

19. From the particulars given below prepare a Cash Budget for the month June 1999:
a. Expected sales:
April 99 – Rs.2,00,000; May – Rs.2,20,000;
June – Rs.1,90,000.
Credit allowed to customers is two months and 50% of the sales of every month is on cash
b. Estimated purchses:
May 99 – Rs.1,20,000; June – 1,10,000
40% of the purchase of every month is on cash basis and the balance is
payable next month.
c. Rs.2,000 is payable as rent every month.
d. Time lag in payment of overhead is ½ month.
Overhead : For May Rs.12,000; For June Rs.11,000
e. Depreciation for the year is Rs.12,000.
f. Interest receivable on investment during June and Dec. Rs. 3,000 each.
g. Tax payable during April 99 Rs.10,000.
h. Estimated Cash Balance as on 1-6-99 is Rs.42,500.

20. .From the following information, prepare a Balance Sheet. Show the Workings.
1. Working capital Rs.75,000
2. Reserves and surplus 1,00,000
3. Bank overdraft 60,000
4. Current ratio 1.75
5. Liquid ratio 1.15
6. Fixed assets to proprietors’ funds 0.75
7. Long – term liabilities Nil
21. Following information has been made available from the cost records of United Automobiles
Ltd. Manufacturing spare parts.
Direct Materials Per Unit
X Rs. 8
Y 6
Direct Wages

X 24 hours at 25 paise per hour

Y 16 hours at 25 paise per hour

Variable overheads 150% of wages
Fixed overheads Rs. 750
Selling price
X Rs. 25
Y 20
The directors want to be acquainted with the desirability of adopting any
one of the following alternative sales mixes in the budget for the next period.
(a) 250 units of X and 250 units of Y (b) 400 units of Y only. (c) 400 units of X
(b) and 100 units of Y (d) 150 units of X and 350 units of Y.
State which of the alternative sales mixes you would recommend to the management?
15. 22. From the following the Balance sheet prepare a Fund Flow Statement for 2015.
Balance Sheets of Sree Ganesh Ltd., as on 31st March
Liabilities 2014 (Rs.) 2015 Assets 2014((Rs.) 2015(Rs.)
Share capital 6,00,000 6,00,000 Fixed Assets 10,00,000 11,20,000
Reserves 50,000 1,80,000 Less : Depreciation 3,70,000 4,60,000
Profit and Loss account 40,000 65,000 6,30,000 6,60,000
Debentures 3,00,000 2,50,000 Stock 2,40,000 3,70,000
Creditors for goods 1,70,000 1,60,000 Book debts 2,50,000 2,30,000
Provision for Income tax 60,000 80,000 Cash in hand and at 80,000 60,000
Preliminary Expenses 20,000 15,000
12,20,000 13,35,000 12,20,000 13,35,000


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