Support Material Learning Activity 1: Practice

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Learning activity 1

You will practice more about health problems, safety giving advice and describe


A. Write one health problem that could be associated with the body part.

1. Head. Headache
2. Ear. Earache
3. Tooth. Toothache
4. Back. Backache
5. Stomach. stomachache
6. Throat. Sore throat

B. Match the definitions in column A with the words in column B. Number 1 is

an example.

Column A Column B
1. Stretched or torn tissue limiting Safety.
the movement of a joint. 3
2. An accepted principle that Fever.
states what you are allowed or 5
not to do.
3. The condition of not being in Advice.
danger. 4
4. An opinion that someone offers Rule.
you about what you should do in 2
a particular situation.
5. A condition in which the body’s Injury.
temperature is higher than 7
6. A bad or unpleasant physical Sprain.
feeling that you want to stop. 1
7. Physical harm or damage done Pain.
to a living thing. 6

C. Read the following situations and give an advice for each one.

1. I have a boyfriend who is cheating

on me. What should I do?

2. My son plays computer games all

night! I don’t know what to do.

3. My mother doesn’t want me to get

a piercing. What should I do?

4. I broke my sister’s favorite CD.

She’ll get really angry when she
finds out. What should I do?

5. I don’t like my job, but I need the

money. What should I do?

D. Look at the table below. Put a cross under the correct column. Then make
sentences as in the example.

Police officers … Must Mustn’t

Reinforce the local laws. X

Work in shifts.

Take bribes.

Protect people.

Abuse their power.

Help in emergencies.
Example: Police officers must reinforce the local laws.

1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________


Take a look at the following picture. Based on the picture, write rules about
home safety.

Fuente: SENA

You have to cover plugs when they are not in use…
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