Social Contract Theory Activity
Social Contract Theory Activity
Social Contract Theory Activity
Social Contract
For John Locke, those 3 For Hobbes, because For Rousseau, life is
natural rights are going of monarch exist, and fair for everyone. As
to exist in the state of people are under long as we employ
nature that the right of control. It believes the general Will, we
life, liberty and property people are going to
is easier to be enforce set aside personal
live in peace without preferences, we look
by the government
rights. They’re under to the common
because people have
given their express
control of the good, we look for
consent which be bound monarch yet there is the benefit for
by the contract. These peace, they’ve been everyone and set
people signed on the controlled human aside our personal
dotted line are going to nature is harnessed. interest, our life will
be held without social
be okay.
State of Nature