Transit Oriented Development For Developing City - A Case of Pune
Transit Oriented Development For Developing City - A Case of Pune
Transit Oriented Development For Developing City - A Case of Pune
Urbanization has been increased in last few decades. Cities are growing very fast, in terms of
population as well as size, spreading beyond municipal areas . More and more towns and
villages are now getting converted into cities. More than half of World population lives in
city areas. As rapid growth of population has put pressure on city structural system. Rapid
growth has affected many problems in city area for e.g. traffic jams, load on infrastructure,
pollution, lack of spaces etc. As it also affected the city life, so to improve city life one of the
solution is transit oriented development (TOD).
TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT defined as per various authors,
1. Calthorpe (1993)- Mixed-use community within an average 2,000-foot walking distance of
a transit stop and a core commercial area that mixes residential, retail, office, open space, and
public uses in a walkable environment, making it convenient for residents and employees to
travel by transit, bicycle, foot or car.
2.Cervero et al. (2004) -TODs a tool for promoting smart growth, leveraging economic
development, and catering for shifting housing market demands and lifestyle preferences.
3.Still (2002) A mixed-use community that encourages people to live near transit services and
to decrease their dependence on driving
4.Maryland Department of Transportation -A place of relatively higher density that includes
a mixture of residential, employment, shopping and civic uses and types located within an
easy walk of a bus or rail transit center.
5.Bernick and Cervero (1997)- A compact, mixed-use community, centred on a transit station
that, by design, invites residents, workers, and shoppers to drive their cars less and ride mass
transit more.
TOD zone: - It is the area a {. e*g/ 500 M. around the proposed /Metro station boundary as
will be delineated by Pune Municipal Corporation with the approval of the State Government.
This distance of 500 M. may be relaxed up to 30 % by the Municipal Commissioner where
any reservation, / amenity space within such distance is utilized for the purpose of
transportation as prescribed in regulation no.2l(5) {Definition as per 2019.03.08_tod_37_(1 AA)}
In urban planning, TOD is a type of urban development idea that increases the
amount of residential, business and commercial spaces within walking distance of public
transport. Due to rapid urbanization and the growth in population, various modes of urban
planning are being implemented. These measures are taken to reduce the load on urban
infrastructure and transportation.
What does TOD aim?
• The primary aim of TOD is to make cities more live able by connecting place of work to
place of residence of inhabitants, by planning accessible, dense and diverse urban places
around transit, supported by walkable and cycle friendly neighbourhoods and well-designed
public realm. This will go a long way in encouraging, inducing and enhancing an increase in
public transit ridership. It makes it possible to live a stress-free life without complete
dependence on car for fulfilling mobility, basic services and everyday needs. This would in
turn improve livability and quality of life.
1. LAP-for-Transit_illustrated-handbook
Published by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
(MoHUA) Town and Country Planning Organisation
(TCPO) CEPT University
2. A Study of Transit Oriented Development in Indian Context
Arati Siddharth Petkar a , Sneha Sunil Hamand a , a Town and Country Planning Section,
Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Pune, India.
Pare Engineering Corp. 8 Blackstone Valley Place Lincoln, RI 02865
4. Application of the concept of transit oriented development to a suburban neighborhood.
Aditya V Sohonia , Mariam Thomasa , K V Krishna Raob,*
5. Transit oriented development in india: a critical review of policy measures
Ar. Deepshikha jain dr. Ekta singh
Publisher: Dr. Ramesh S, Dr. Ratnakar D. B.
7. Smart Growth And Transit Oriented Development: Financing And Execution Challenges
In India
Alok Kumar Mishra and Shibani Mishra