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Draft BC Pool Design Guidelines September 2010

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BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design

Draft for Discussion

Discussion Document on Creation of

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design

Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport

Population Health and Wellness Division
Health Protection Branch
September 2010

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

The BC Pool Regulation, BC Reg. 296/2010 replaces the existing
Swimming Pool, Spray Pool and Wading Pool Regulation, B.C. Reg.
289/72, and the Pool Exemption Regulation, B.C. Reg. 256/98. The
regulation came into effect on October 8, 2010. The regulation
modernizes the requirements for the design, construction, alterations to,
and operation of swimming and bathing facilities offered for use by the

The new regulation is a shift from a prescriptive to an outcome based regulation, and the
draft Design Guidelines document is to assist operators and regulators in interpreting the
BC Pools Regulation with respect to the design of pools. These standards represent
generally accepted minimum standards of safe practices.

The draft guidelines were developed with input from British Columbia’s Health
Authorities, BC Parks and Recreation Association, The Lifesaving Society, The
Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors, The Architects Institute of BC, and the
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC.

Where there is a discrepancy between the BC Pool Regulation and these guidelines, the
Pool Regulation shall prevail.

The design guidelines may be reviewed and updated from time to time. Please visit (site
- TBD) for updates.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion


POOL DESIGN/CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS......................................................4

Deck and Walkway Design...................................................................................4
Reduced Walkways..............................................................................................5
Surfaces and Other Deck Considerations.............................................................6
Depth Markings....................................................................................................9
Ground Fault Interrupters...................................................................................11
Lifeguard Stands................................................................................................12
Pool Enclosure / Fences, Decorative Rocks and Landscaping...........................13
Pool Basin..........................................................................................................18
Steps, Stairs and Ladders..................................................................................21
Diving Boards and Platforms..............................................................................22
Handrails and Guardrails....................................................................................23
Change Rooms, Plumbing Fixtures and Other Considerations...........................25
Temperature of Shower Water............................................................................29
Spectator Seating...............................................................................................30
Air Quality, Humidity, HVAC Systems.................................................................31
A. CIRCULATION SYSTEM...................................................................................32
Cross Connection Control...................................................................................32
General Circulation Requirements, including Water Quality...............................33
Gutters and Skimmers........................................................................................36
Main Drain..........................................................................................................38
Suction Hazards.................................................................................................39
Entrapment Hazards...........................................................................................41
Maximum Bathing Load......................................................................................42
Surge Capacity...................................................................................................43
Measurement of Circulation, Automatic Disinfection and Chemical Feed...........44
Gas Chlorination.................................................................................................45
Other Disinfectants and Considerations..............................................................46
Mechanical Rooms, Equipment Rooms and Chemical Storage Areas................47
Wave Pools........................................................................................................49
Play Equipment..................................................................................................50
Pool Slides..........................................................................................................51
Waterslide Landing Pools...................................................................................52
Wading and Spray Pools – General Requirements.............................................53
Winter Hazards...................................................................................................55
Swimming Pool Data Sheet................................................................................56

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion


Deck and Walkway Design

Pools must have sufficient room surrounding them, designed and maintained in a
manner to allow for patrons, including those with disabilities, to pass safely and allow for
staff and emergency workers access to all areas of the pool. There should be sufficient
room for an ambulance gurney to pass easily.


A continuous apron or walkway should extend completely around the pool and provide:

(a) a minimum walkway width of 1.22 m (4 feet) beyond the gutter system:
• Internal pool walls or walls that divide pools into one or more sections that
are not intended for walking on may be allowed to be less than four feet wide.
Consideration should be given to capping such dividing walls with such a finish
that discourages patrons form standing or walking on these surfaces (i.e.
decorative rocks, etc.).
• Where the pool incorporates features adjacent to the pool (slides, columns,
play features) that obstruct access to the pool at that point, four foot wide deck
should extend around such obstruction, provided adequate emergency access
can be attained.

(b) drainage away from the pool edge in a manner that will not create muddy, hazardous
or objectionable conditions with the pool enclosure;

(c) when required, drains, should be at least 10 cm (4”) in diameter or perimeter trench
drains and covered with a grating have openings that do not cause toe entrapment
(approx. 8mm (3/8”));

(d) drains spaced at not more than 7.62 m (25 feet) so that no more than 37.2 m2
(400 square feet) of apron area is tributary to any one drain; and

(e) drainage systems designed in accordance with good engineering practice;

(f) decorative features may be used to guide foot traffic.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Reduced Walkways

As per previous section, pools must have sufficient room surrounding them, designed
and maintained in a manner to allow for patrons, including those with disabilities, to pass
safely and allow for staff and emergency workers access to all areas of the pool. In
some cases this may be reduced without significantly increasing risk.


For hot tubs and therapeutic pools, pools less than 10 m2 (100 square feet ) in area may
have a reduced walkway width of 60 cm (2 feet) for up to 75% of the pool perimeter. The
access to the pool shall be from a walkway 120 cm (4 feet) or greater in width.

In such a case, there is no reason for 2 people to need to pass on one side of the pool,
but still allows for cleaning and maintenance.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Surfaces and Other Deck Considerations

Due to the wet environment of a pool, slip and falls can cause injury. Slip resistant
surfaces can help reduce this risk.


In North America, the tile industry uses the ASTM Standard C1028-96 (Standard Test
Method for Determining the Static Coefficient of Friction of Ceramic Tile and Other Like
Surfaces by the Horizontal Dynamometer Pull-Meter Method). The ASTM C1028 test
method for measuring the coefficient of friction (wet) is based on either a rubber or
leather sample.

The ASTM C1028 is a TEST METHOD and not a safety standard. The interpretation of
the test results are found in Standard 69-5 of the Ceramic Tile Institute (Tile Manual, CTI
of America, 1991), for skid resistance.

“tile must achieve a wet and dry value of not less than 0.60. When
coefficient of friction values are lower (.20, .30 or .40) it indicates the
surface is more slippery. When coefficient of friction values are higher
(.60, .70 or .80) it indicates the surface is more slip-resistant.”

These tests are not performed on bare wet feet; therefore there is an element of
subjectivity in determining which tiles will provide an adequate non-slip surface upon

Other slip resistance test methods from Germany and Australia provide a wet barefoot
rating (e.g.: DIN 51097 Slipperiness Classification; Standards Australia & CSIRO
Handbook HB 197 An Introductory Guide to the Slip Resistance of Pedestrian Surface

These wet barefoot ratings are not “absolute”. For example, the Standards Australia
HB:197 recommends swimming pool surrounds receive a “B” slip resistant surface,
however some facilities have found unsatisfactory performance from their B surface in
regards to the number of slip-related accidents. The Royal Life Saving Society of
Australia has published under their Guidelines for Safe Pool Operation Manual a
complete section on Facility Design. This includes specific recommendation that
Category “C” tiles only should be used for:
• Pool concourses.
• Pool edges, stairs, ramps, beach entries.
• Shallow end floors (where bathers can stand) of competition & lap pools.
• Toddlers & learners pool floors.

The selection of tiles requires the designer to consider the suitability of the tile for the

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion



Floors in dressing rooms, shower stalls, toilet areas, pool basins, decks, and other
walking areas, including stairs, should be:

a) made of durable material which:

(i) is impervious to moisture;
(ii) is designed to minimize bacterial growth; and
(iii) allows for thorough cleaning; and

b) retains a texture which is non-slip (slip-resistant) and causes no discomfort to

bare feet; and

c) designed to:
(i) slope to drain with a minimum uniform slope of 2% and a 4% maximum
(ii) except for wheelchair (accessible) ramps;
(iii) be free of tripping hazards such as uneven surfaces or changes in
elevation; and
(iv) be free from physical hazards that could cause injury to bare feet.


Tiles proposed for all pool areas should be:

a) slip-resistant and have a surface which is not conducive to slipping under contact
of bare feet; and

b) designated by the manufacturer as suitable for walking surfaces in wet areas or

for use in pool areas (natatoriums).

Test results for one or more of the above methods of determining slip-resistance should
be provided with the application.

Consider using smaller tile sizes, i.e. less than 10 cm x 10 cm (4” x 4”) to help reduce
slip hazard as smaller tiles (which by their nature create a greater density of grout lines)
provide more slip resistance, than a larger tile with similar coefficients of friction.

Consider submitting a 1 m x 1 m mock-up of tile for review by health authority for

appropriateness if manufacturer’s slip resistance data is not available.

Further consideration may be given to:

a) wheelchair access to pool and change room facilities;

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

b) storage space for mobility aids near pool entrance, i.e., areas where walkers, canes
and wheelchairs can be stored without creating a trip hazard for other while those
who own them are in the pool;

c) seating areas along long stretches of walk ways for those who may tire easily when
walking long distances;

d) use of contrasting colors or textures should be limited to the edges of stairs, ledges,
drops offs etc. Use of contrasts on the floors / deck surfaces may pose challenges
for those with impaired cognition or limited vision and can lead to a misstep and loss
of balance.

Hose bibs

Hose bibs should be provided in sufficient in number to allow for cleaning throughout the
pool area.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Depth Markings

Diving into shallow water can result in spinal injury, head, brain or other traumatic injury
and may result in death. A non-swimmer jumping or falling into deep water may result in
drowning. Clear depth markings at poolside help increase patron’s awareness of these

Depth markings should be visible by swimmers in the pool, as this allows those with
limited swimming ability to make themselves aware that they may be moving into deeper

As there are many visitors to BC pools from the United States, it is prudent to ensure
that markings are both in metric and imperial measurements to ensure they are readily
understood by all.


Depth marks for swimming pools should:

a) indicate the depth of water in both imperial and metric units of measurement;

b) be located above the water surface on the pool wall and on the walkway at the pool
edge. For deck level pools, depth markers may be located overhead or on another

c) be located at maximum and minimum depth, at 30 cm (1 foot) depth increments

between the shallow depth and the point of break inclusive, and at other intermediate
points spaced at not more than 7.62 m (25 foot) intervals measured peripherally;

d) be in Arabic numerals of 10 cm (4”) minimum height; and

e) be a colour contrasting with background.

Depth markings may be omitted for hot tubs under 10 square meters in surface area
where the intent of the regulation is met by other signage, such as “no diving” signs.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion


Sufficient lighting is essential to ensure patrons are able to move safely throughout the
facility, staff can provide adequate supervision of bathers, first aid to be performed, and
that cleaning and maintenance can be performed.

Lighting should be sufficient to illuminate all portions of the swimming pool, including the
pool basin and apron to ensure that all areas of the pool basin and apron are clearly
visible to patrons, the operator, the lifeguards and supervisory personnel. Underwater
lights may be used to help achieve this.


For indoor pools and pools used at night, a complete system of artificial lighting is to be
provided, supplying and maintaining at least 200 Lux (15 foot candles) of illumination at
all points 76 cm (30”) above the water surface, the deck, and in areas of the change
rooms used by bathers.

Illumination drawings should be submitted at the time of application. Once the

construction is complete, the illumination levels should be confirmed and signed-off by
the project electrical engineer.


Illuminating Engineering Society, IESNA RP 6.01 - Sports and Recreational Area

Lighting, (2001).

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Ground Fault Interrupters

Reduce risk of injury due to electrocution from underwater lighting or other electrical


All electrical devices including ground fault circuit interrupters should be installed in all
swimming pools in accordance with the BC Electrical Code. Existing pools that are
unable to comply with this requirement are to discontinue the use of underwater lighting
by physically severing the circuits.

Operators should test ground fault interrupters at least monthly, and rectify any problems
that are found immediately.

Extension cords must not be used in the pool area if they are run from plugs that are not
designed to be used in wet areas.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Lifeguard Stands

Consultation with the pool industry, including life guarding agencies has suggested that
lifeguard stands are seldom used and are useful only under certain circumstances, and
therefore are not required by regulation.


The need for lifeguard chairs or stands should be based on factors such as facility
design, bather load, patron age and activity. The important outcome is that the pool is
under complete and vigilant surveillance at all times. Whether that is best done from the
pool deck, a lifeguard chair/stand or a combination is a matter of best judgment from an
experienced lifeguard, supervisor and/or pool manager at that facility.

Where they are installed, the number, location and use should be included in the pool
safety plan. Lifeguard chairs or stands may be secured to the pool deck, or moveable
chairs or stands may be used. Lifeguard stands and chairs must be manufactured by
reputable pool equipment companies.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Pool Enclosure / Fences, Decorative Rocks and Landscaping

Fences or other appropriate barriers around pools designed to restrict access by

unauthorized users reduce the likelihood of inadvertent drowning, as well as
contamination of water by foreign materials. In the case of a spray pool or wading pool
that is drained when not in use and supervised, this does not need to apply.

Landscaping within the pool enclosure should be designed and installed for proper
drainage as soil can contain bacteria, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa which could
contaminate the pool water if allowed to drain on the pool deck.

Design features, such as decorative rocks, are often included in part of a pool design.
The height and location of the decorative rocks may present a safety hazard. The
material used to fabricate the rocks should be fabricated from material that does not
encourage bacterial growth.



The following should be considered in the design and installation of a fence of barrier:

a) the outside of the pool fence should be 1.5 m (5 feet) high all the way around the
perimeter of the pool area so that inhibits access by young children to the pool area;

b) the design of the pool fence should be non-climbable with no indents or

• Avoid fence details that could create a climbing hazard.
• Avoid decorative fences and walls that provide toe and finger holds.

c) the bottom of the pool fence should be less than 10 cm (4”) above the ground all
the way around the pool so that a small child cannot get under it; (xref WA
Figure (f) - below);

d) the vertical or near vertical pickets should be less than 10 cm (4”) apart so that a
small child cannot slip between than; (xref: WA Figure (c) - below);

e) all horizontal or near horizontal fence rails should be more than 115 cm (45”)
(WA)] apart so that a small child cannot step from one rail to another; (xref WA
Figure (d) - below);

f) the pool fence should be 1.5m (5 ft) away from any objects that could help a
small child climb over the fence (e.g. BBQs, trees, rocks, shrubs, deckchairs);
• See Figure 25 (AU) – Acceptable installation; Figure 26 (AU) – Unacceptable
installation; Length of the Radius of the Quadrant is equal to the fence height or
distance to the nearest climbable object.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

• Avoid locating pool barriers so close to uphill slopes that a person could step or
jump onto or over the pool barrier.

Direct access to the pool is prevented from all buildings including rental units (hotel
room, townhouses etc.). Private courtyards cannot be open to the pool deck: either the
pool area is fenced or each courtyard is equipped with a fence and gate (self-closing,

Solid Barriers

A solid barrier, such as brick, concrete or manufactured rock faces, may be considered
in lieu of a fence. No indentations or protrusions shall be present, other than normal
construction tolerances and masonry joints. The Brick Industry Association has
established a maximum tolerance of ¼” from plumb in 10 feet. This tolerance may be
applied to fabricated rock walls.

Hedges, Bushes and Plantings

Hedges, or other plant materials, do not constitute a fence or solid barrier; and are not
acceptable in lieu of a fence.


Pool fence gates should:

a) be self-closing, self-latching; and in some cases, lockable;

b) have a latch operating mechanism at least 1.5 m (60”) above the ground.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Where entry gate latches are not at 60” above the floor/deck:
• Door and gate latches should be provided with continually locked, key carded or
other equivalent access control system when latches are less than 60” from the floor.
• When doors and gates are constructed of materials that may allow children to
reach through the fence, a solid material at least 18” in radius should protect the
latch. See Figure 031.2 (WA).

Conflicts with Other Codes, By-Laws and Legislation

The Pool Regulations may conflict with other agency requirements. Building/Fire
departments should be consulted as part of the design process and before any changes
are made. Alternative fire exits may be required per local building department or fire

Other Considerations

a) Fencing structures that provide flexible opening should be evaluated to ensure

the dimensions do not exceed standards when light forces are applied to the barrier
(such as a child could exert);
(i) for example: Tempered glass that flexes on its supports, allowing for
entrapment of arms and legs between glass sheet and support structure or
planters etc. (opening exceeds 4” when flexed).

b) Other factors influencing the height of a fence or barrier which should be

considered are:
(i) any local by-laws should be consulted to ensure that the minimum local
requirements are met;
(ii) the majority of local by-laws recommend a fence height of 1.5 or 1.8 meters
for backyard (residential) pools. This height may be enforced by the local
building department for commercial pools;
(iii) where the pool area is located:
• Near a (public) pedestrian walkway or thoroughfare.
• Near a road or parking lot.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

• Adjacent to a bar, restaurant, patio etc.

a fence height 1.5 m or greater should be considered.

(iv) where the pool is located in an area that is only accessible through one or
more buildings, within a complex such as a courtyard servicing a multi-tower
high rise complex, then a fence height compliant will the BC Building Code
(1.2 m) may be considered. All doors that access the courtyard should be
equipped with acceptable self-closing and self-latching mechanisms on the


BC Building Code (2006).

Canadian Standards Association - Children’s Playspaces and Equipment Z614.07,

March 2007.

Adapted from

Office of Environmental Health and Safety, Water Recreation Program, Washington

State Department of Health, Guidelines for Swimming Pools, Wading Pools, and Spas
Barrier Design, May 2006(http://www.doh.wa.gov/ehp/wr/guidance-barrierdesign.pdf).

Department of Infrastructure and Planning, Building Codes Queensland, Pool fencing

guidelines - Interpreting swimming pool fence requirements, Third edition, March 2008

• The drawings have been extracted from existing documents for discussion
purposes. If these illustrations are to be used, permission should be obtained to use
them and/or new illustrations should be prepared.
• Web pages current as of August, 2010.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Decorative Rocks

A decorative rock feature may be built at a swim pool or spa pool facility, if the following
conditions are met:

a) If located adjacent to shallow swimming pool water, it should be set back from
the edge of the pool at a distance noted in the table below:

Height of Feature Above

Pool Water Level
30 cm (12”) or less Setback of 1.2 m (4 feet) or more from
pool edge; except at pools that are
continuously lifeguarded. Five percent
of deck perimeter may have feature
provided up to pool edge.
Greater than 12 inches and less Setback of 2.4 m (8 feet) or more from
than 30 inches pool edge.
Greater than or equal to 30 Setback of 4.6 m (15 feet) or more
inches from pool edge.

Exceptions may be made for lifeguarded pools.

b) If located at or adjacent to deep swimming pool water levels, it will be considered

a diving platform and the adjacent pool area must conform to diving envelope design
specified in this document;

c) The design has a nonslip surface without sharp or cutting edges in any areas that
provide a potential foothold, stepping or standing access;

d) The surface can be easily cleaned and maintained; and

e) It slopes to drain water away from the pool.


Chapter 246-260 WAC: Water recreation facilities.


Landscaping should be designed to drain away from the pool deck.

No soil or water from the planters or landscaped areas shall be permitted to discharge
onto the deck area.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Pool Basin

The pool basin should be designed to reduce risk of injury to users, and reduce risk of
bacterial growth in the pool by being easy to clean.


Pool Basin Structure

A pool basin should be structurally sound and essentially watertight; constructed of

durable, impervious material which will provide a finish free from cracks and open joints.

Slope of Pool Floor

The pool floor should have a uniform slope not greater than:

a) 1:12 where the water depth is less than 1.52 m (5 feet);

b) 1: 2 where the water depth is greater than 1.52 m (5 feet).

Wading pools and spray pools shall have a floor with a maximum slope of 1 in 15 and a
minimum of 1 in 50.

Pool Basin Finish and Surface

A swimming pool basin should have a:

a) smooth bottom surface where the water depth is more than 1.52 m (5 feet); and

b) slip-resistant surface which causes no discomfort to bare feet on the walls and on
the bottom surfaces where the water depth is less than 1.52 m (5 feet); and

c) hot tub walls should have smooth vertical surfaces on the walls to promote ease
of cleaning;

d) final finish which is white or light in colour, or otherwise does not obscure steps,
changes in depth, underwater patrons, objects or debris:
• “Light in colour” would generally be considered to be having a
Light Reflectance Value (LRV) of at least 60%.
• Light Reflectance Value (LRV) is measured using the ASTM
C609 - 07 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Light Reflectance Value
and Small Color Differences Between Pieces of Ceramic Tile.
• Not all manufacturers have LRV data for their tiles. In these
situations, the tiles may be compared to the LRV of an equivalent paint colour.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Other Considerations

a) Where tiles are used in the pool basin, equivalent light reflectance values may be
difficult to ascertain, and samples of tiles should be submitted to the health authority
for review prior to ordering;

b) If a proposed pool basin colour is other than white, or a tile with a measured LRV
of greater than 60%, submission of a sample of the proposed colour may be required
for approval;

c) If the pool basin incorporates a number of different colours, designs or patterns,

then a drawing of the pool floor area with the proposed colours, designs or patterns
indicated may be required to be submitted for approval;

d) Designs or patterns on the pool basin floor must not be of size and shape which
could be mistaken for a body;

e) A small percentage of the pool bottom can be darker than light reflectance value
of 60% - i.e. lane lines, accents on patterns, noses of stairs etc, provided that it will
not unreasonably interfere with visibility of patrons in the water;

f) If there is question as to whether a final finish color, or pattern of colors is

acceptable, a 150 mm (6”) diameter black disk at the deepest point of the pool or spa
should be clearly and immediately seen by an observer standing on the pool deck at
a point closest to the disk.

Wall Fittings and Lifelines

Wall fittings and any other necessary fittings should be installed so that a lifeline can be
placed at the 1.5 m (5 foot) depth to designate the boundary between the swimming area
and the diving area of the pool.

Alternatively, a 10 cm (4”) wide marking strip of contrasting colour should be placed down
the sides and across the floor of the pool at the 1.52 m (5 foot) depth to designate the
boundary between the 2 areas. Both wall fittings and lifelines may be installed.

Lifts and Hoists

Hoists for people with mobility impairments, where used, should be removed when not in
use, or designed in such a way that they do not to project in the pool and pose a hazard
to swimmers. A 1.2 m (4 foot) deck is required around the lift or hoist.

Drop Offs and Projections

There should be no abrupt drop off or submerged projection in a pool other than properly
marked stairs, safety ledges, seats or benches.

Underwater ledges may be provided on vertical walls at the deep end of a swimming
pool. It should be a maximum of 15 cm (6”) wide and at least 122 cm (48”) below the

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

water surface. The nose of the ledge should be rounded and marked in a contrasting

Seats and benches may be installed in a pool basin. Seats and benches should have a
slip-resistant surface and the edges shall be marked in a contrasting colour. The
location of the seats and benches should not be inside a waterslide landing area or in
other high-use locations which could cause a safety hazard to bathers.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Steps, Stairs and Ladders

By their nature, pools are wet and slippery environments, designing to reduce the risk of
slip and fall injuries is important. The design of stairs, steps and ladders are a critical
area in this regard.


Steps and Ladders

Steps or ladders should:

a) be provided at the shallow end of the pool if the vertical distance from the bottom
of the pool to the deck or walkway exceeds 122 cm (2 feet);

b) be provided at the deep portion of the swimming pool, and, if the pool is over
10 m (30 feet) wide at the deep end, such steps or ladders should be installed on
each side;

c) be installed so as not to interfere with competitive events; and

d) have at least 4 rungs when placed in water depths greater than 1.5 m (5 feet).

Ladder Construction

Swimming pool ladders should be corrosion resistant and should be equipped with
slip-resistant treads at least 7.5 cm (3”) wide and 33 cm (13”) long.

Steps and Stairs

Steps or stairs leading into a pool should:

a) be of slip-resistant design;

b) have a minimum tread depth of 30.5 cm (12”) and a maximum rise or height of
25.5 cm (10”). Hot tubs of surface area less than 10 square meters may have a
maximum rise of 320 mm and minimum tread of 230 mm;

c) have the nose marked in a contrasting colour; and

d) be provided with suitable handrails on both sides to allow safe use of the steps or
stairs. Hand rails should not be more than 75 cm (2.5 feet) apart.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Diving Boards and Platforms

To reduce the risk of serious injury, diving boards and platforms need to have
consideration given to adequate height above the board to the ceiling, consideration
given to protection of patrons from slips and falls when accessing the diving board or
platform, and landing pools underneath the boards or platforms need to have adequate
depth of water.


Requirements for Diving

Pools of the type wherein diving is permitted should have adequate clearances and
depth of water for safe diving. The Federation Internationale de Natation Amateur (FINA
- http://www.fina.org/ ) standards should be followed for clearances and water depths for
springboards, diving platforms and starter blocks.


Diving boards and steps leading to diving boards are to have a slip resistant surface.
There should be at least 4 feet of clear deck space surrounding all diving equipment,
including stairs and ladders.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Handrails and Guardrails

By their nature, pools are wet and slippery environments, design to reduce the risk of
slip and fall injuries is important. The design of handrails and guardrails are a critical
area in this regard, and should provide safety for both children and adult. Handrails
should be located so that they do not present a potential entrapment hazard below the
water lever.


When designing guardrails and handrails, consideration should be given to:

a) ensuring handrails on diving boards (i.e. 1 m, 3 m, and 5 m) are in

accordance with the BC building code for dimensions and structural capacity;

b) ensuring vertical rails on guardrails for diving platforms are installed to

prevent swimmers from falling and becoming entrapped, or Plexiglas or netting may
be used to temporarily upgrade older facilities to prevent falls;

c) ensuring handrails serve all treads, and extensions are the top of the
stairs, however handrail extensions over the water may not be necessary.

Where a piece of equipment is designed to be used by those under the age of 12,
additional considerations should be given:

a) the size of the handrails should be of reduced diameter to accommodate

smaller hands;

b) additional guard rails should be provided to prevent falling or becoming


c) designers may have reference to CSA Standards for guidance.

Guardrails In Other Areas

Consideration should also be given to:

a) installing handrails or grab bars in strategic locations where falls are

most likely to occur, i.e., on both sides of any stairs or ramps (Ministry of Health
Injury Prevention);

b) ensuring railings and underwater exercise bars are between 3.8 cm

(1.5”) and 9 cm (3.5”) from walls to reduce risk of entrapment; or the rails are inset
into the wall.


BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Canadian Standards Association, CAN/CSA-Z614-M98 – Children’s Playspaces and


Americans with Disabilities Association, ADA ACCESSIBILITY GUIDELINES

FOR BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES, available on-line at:

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Change Rooms, Plumbing Fixtures and Other Considerations

Change rooms are an integral part of any facility and may provide opportunities to
reduce or spread disease such as athlete’s foot and other infections. High bather load
and limited change room space may lead to overcrowding and sanitation changes in the
change areas.

Adequate numbers of plumbing fixtures provide patrons an opportunity to use them

rather than soiling the pool.

The following provides guidance as to the design in order to ease in maintenance and
cleaning to prevent transmission of disease.


General Design Considerations

a) Change rooms should be divided into 2 parts, with entrances and exits
screened with partitions to break line of sight;

b) Change rooms, toilets and showers should be arranged so that bathers

pass from the toilet or dressing room area through the shower area and thence
directly to the pool area; there should be a minimum occasion for patrons in bare feet
and those in street shoes to walk in the same area;

c) Change rooms and toilet spaces should be ventilated to minimize


d) Lockers and cubby holes, if supplied for use at pools for storage of
bathers' clothing, should be well ventilated, raised at least 10 cm (4”) off the floor and
readily cleanable;

e) Privacy screens should be off sufficient height off the ground to allow

f) Floors in change rooms, shower rooms, toilet areas, pool basins and
aprons and other paved areas, including stairs, should:
• Be made of durable material which is impervious to moisture.
• Retain a texture which is slip-resistant to bare wet feet.
• Cause no discomfort to bare feet.
• Have a minimum uniform slope to drains of 2 cm per meter (1/4” per foot).

g) Walls and partitions should be of smooth, durable, impervious material,

free from cracks or open joints;

h) Junctions between walls and floors should be coved to facilitate easy


BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

i) Hose bibs of not less than ¾” pipe size should be available to enable
thorough hosing down of all walks and floors and appurtenances used by bathers.
Hoses should be a maximum length of 23 m (75 feet) and be recessed where
possible or located away from traffic areas to avoid injury.

Minimum Change Room Surface Area (Floor Space)

a) The overall change room area for the facility is the sum of the change
room areas in the male, female and universal change areas. The change room area
excludes gang showers, washrooms, halls, exits and entrances;

b) The minimum change room area required for each bather should be at
least 0.32 m2/bather;

c) Change rooms may be omitted in certain situations such as the

apartment or condominium pools where users have access to these facilities nearby,
however a toilet, hand basin and shower shall be provided conveniently near the

Universal Change Area (Family Change Room, Changing Villages)

Mixed gender change areas may be provided in addition to separate gender change
areas. These areas may be fully cubicled or have a mixture of cubicles and enclosed

a) To ensure privacy in the universal change area:

• cubicles in the universal change area should be designed to avoid any
gaps between partitions and walls, and partitions and cubicle doors.
• partition and door height of the cubicle should be a minimum of
2.2 m(7’3”) to prevent those standing on the change area benches from seeing
over the partition.
• partition and doors should be sufficiently low to the ground,
approximately 10 cm (4”), to prevent anyone from looking under the partition or

b) Equivalency credit for plumbing fixtures in the universal change room:

• The maximum equivalency for general (non-gender specific) plumbing
fixtures within the universal change room is counted as a maximum of one type
of fixture per gender.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Plumbing Fixtures

Fixtures (water closets, showers, lavatories) shall be provided for each gender assuming
that the bather load is equally divided between males and females, unless the proportion
of each expected can be determined with reasonable accuracy (reference
BCBC 2006).

Required Water Water Showers Lavatories

Number of Closets Closets Male and Female Male and Female
Fixtures Male Female
1 1-60 1-40 1-40 1-100
2 61-120 41-80 41-80 101-200
3 121-180 81-120 81-120 201-300
4 181-240 121-160 121-160 301-400
5 241-300 161-200 161-200 401-500
6 301-360 201-240 201-240 501-600
7 361-560 241-440 241-440 601-800
8 561-760 441-640 441-640 801-1000
9 761-960 641-840 641-840 1001-1200
10 961-1060 841-1040 841-1040 1201-1400
11 1061-1260 1041-1240 1041-1240 1401-1600
11 plus 1 for 11 plus 1 for 11 plus 1 for each 11 plus 1 for each
each each additional increment additional increment
additional additional of 200 males in of 200 males in
increment of increment of excess of 1240; excess of 1600;
200 females 200 females 11 plus 1 for each 11 plus 1 for each
in excess of in excess of additional increment additional increment
1260 1240 of 200 females in of 200 females in
excess of 1240 excess of 1600

NEW: Urinals are permitted to be substituted for two thirds of the number of water
closets required for males, except if only 2 water closets are required for males, one
urinal is permitted to be substituted for one of the water closets. (ref. BCBC

Accessible Ammenities

Where accessible water closets, urinals, lavatories, or showers are provided for each
gender, the fixture count will be included in the overall gender-fixture count on a 1:1
basis. The accessible amentities are to be designed in accordance with the
requirements set out in the BC Building Code (current edition).

Drinking Water

There should be at least one drinking fountain for each 250 bathers or portion thereof, to
be located in the pool area.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Plumbing Fixtures, Change Rooms and Maximum Bather Load

The overall change areas for the swimming pools will be considered in the assessment
of the bather load for the facility at the submission stage. Where the available change
room area is limited, the maximum bather load for the facility (under Section X) may
need to be restricted. The maximum bather load (under Section X) may need to be
restricted based on number of available plumbing fixtures.

Facility Bather Load will be based on an evaluation of the following criteria:

a) maximum bather load based on pool area;

b) fixture count – bather load based on number of fixtures stipulated;

c) change room area – available change room space, expressed as

m /bather.


Geraint, John, and Campbell, Kit. Chapter 8, Handbook of Sports and Recreational
Building Design, Volume 3: Swimming Pools and Ice Rinks, Butterworth-Heinemann
College 2nd edition, 1996.

Sports Council, Guidance Notes – Changing and Related Amenities in Public Indoor
Swimming Pools, November 1994.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Temperature of Shower Water

Scalds and burns from excessive temperatures of tap water are preventable injuries.
Adequate measures are to be taken so that water from showers and taps does not
cause scalds.

The regulation requires that hot water provided in pool facilities does not exceed 49° C
(120° F). However, temperatures at shower heads may be preferable at a lower
temperature, in the range of 90° F (32° C) and 110° F (43° C).


Thermostatic tempering or mixing valves should, be installed to prevent scalding of


In the event that manual valves are used, each should be suitably marked to differentiate
between the hot and cold supply.

Regardless of the controls used, the water temperatures at the shower head are
recommended to be between 90° F (32° C) and 110° F (43° C), and must never be
above 49° C (120° F).

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Spectator Seating

A place where non-bathing spectators can observe bathers may be provided outside the
pool deck area to avoid having these people track unnecessary dirt and bacteria into the
pool area.

Spectator seating should allow for at least 1.2 m (4 feet) between the edge of the pool
and the seating. Where approved by the health officer, pre-fabricated seating must be
installed and maintained according to manufacturer’s specifications.

Consideration should be given to designing spectator seating so that those not

swimming may be excluded from the swimming area.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Air Quality, Humidity, HVAC Systems

The temperature and humidity of indoor air can influence bacterial and fungal growth,
cause excessive condensation. Poor air exchange can result in undesirable
accumulation of odors and disinfection by-products in the air. Design considerations can
help mitigate these issues.


a) Air exchange be adequate to protect public health and to prevent the accumulations
of condensation, odours or hazardous or toxic substances;

b) A minimum of 4-6 air changes per hour occur;

c) Regular air handling unit maintenance is performed by qualified personnel to ensure

optimum operation.

Humidity in the pool area is maintained at between 50% and 60%.

HVAC units are maintained and filters are checked and replaced according to
manufacturer’s specifications.

Facilities should be designed so that they do not create a “confined space” as defined by
WorkSafe BC Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, as this may prevent most
workers from entering such space.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Cross Connection Control

Cross-connections, are defined as actual or potential connections between a potable

and non-potable water supply, and constitute a serious public health hazard. There are
numerous, well-documented cases where cross-connections have been responsible for
contamination of community drinking water systems leading to outbreaks of disease.
Cross-connections between swimming pools and potable water systems can be
eliminated by careful design.


The water in a swimming pool should be separated:

a) from any potable water supply by an approved backflow preventer to

ensure that the water in the pool system does not flow back into the potable water

b) from any other pool’s circulation system.

The pool filter backwash pipe should discharge to waste through an air gap (air break)
that is at least twice the inside diameter of the backwash pipe.

Notwithstanding any of the above, the pool must comply with any other requirements of
the Drinking Water Protection Act.

Other Suggestions/Comments

The water supply into the equipment room should be equipped with a Reduced Pressure
Backflow Prevention Assembly. The AWWA Canadian Cross Connection Control
Manual (Edition #1, 2007), Section IV, Table I assigns swimming pools a “Moderate”
hazard rating. The Table further notes that: where a higher hazard exists (due to toxicity
or health hazard) additional area protection with an RP assembly is required. The
potential for a health hazard exists should there be a fecal accident in the pool basin;
this increased the hazard rating for this application, therefore an RPBA is strongly


AWWA (Canadian Sections), AWWA Canadian Cross Connection Control Manual,

Edition #1, Revised August 2008.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

General Circulation Requirements, including Water Quality

Good engineering practice and design of the pool with resulting lower maintenance and
greater efficiency.


Water Quality

Water quality used in pools must be acceptable to the health officer. The health officer
may require potable water as defined in the Drinking Water Protection
Act be used in a pool, including a wading pool or spray pool.

Water Circulation

All swimming pools, except flow through pools, should be designed to circulate water
continuously. The design flow rate for pools should be as follows:

a) public pools should have a maximum turnover period of 6 hours (rate of

4 or more per 24 hour day);

b) commercial pools should have a maximum turnover period of 12 hours

(rate of 2 or more per 24 hr day);

c) despite a & b above, a pool should have a maximum turnover period of

2 hours (rate of 12 or more per 24 hour day) if it:
• Is designed for play or leisure.
• Is equipped to generate moving water features such as waves,
rapid currents, vortices, sprays or water jets.
• Has a maximum water depth of 122 cm (48”) or less.

d) hot tubs or other therapeutic pools should have a maximum turnover

period of 30 minutes (rate of 48 or more per 24 hour day).

Flow Through Pools

Flow through pools should have water added continuously at the design flow rate. The
quality of water added must be approved by the health officer and maintained to meet
requirements of the regulations.

Multiple Pools

All pools should be on separate and independent circulation systems. This prevents
cross contamination between pools, reduces likelihood of rapid water level fluctuations
when bather load sin adjacent pools suddenly changes, and allows individual pools to be
closed for maintenance or other reasons without effecting the operation of other pools in
the complex.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Where water from one pool is used to fill another, water quality should be checked to
verify that it fits within parameters of the regulation.

Water Velocity

Maximum velocity of water through the drains of any of the circulation systems should be
46 cm/second (1 1/2 feet per second).


Pumps should be either self priming or located below the level of the pool. The pump
should be protected from objects that may damage it.


All piping should be designed to minimize friction losses and to carry the required
quantity of water at a velocity not to exceed:

a) 3 m/s (10 feet per second) in supply pipes, and

b) 1.82 m/s (6 feet per second) in return pipes.

Piping should be of nontoxic material, resistant to corrosion, able to withstand operating

pressures and installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Labeling of Pipes

Pipes should be labeled as to their direction of flow and their function in the circulation

Pool Inlets

Pool inlet fittings should be:

a) submerged at least 60 cm (24”) below the average operating level and;

b) located to produce, in so far as possible, a uniform circulation of water

and maintain a uniform disinfectant concentration throughout the entire pool;

c) be spaced at least 1.5 m (5 feet) away from any skimmer.

Inlet fittings should:

a) be of a type whereby the rate of flow through each can be adjusted;


b) when placed in the pool wall, spaced not more than 9 m (30 feet) apart
measured peripherally or one fitting for each 45 460 L (10 000 imperial gallons ) of
pool volume, whichever is more.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

When pool sidewalls are more than 13.4 m (44 feet) apart, floor inlets should be used. If
floor inlets are used:

a) the number of inlet fittings should be at least equal to the number of wall
inlets required; and

b) arranged to carry surface water to the gutters or skimmers.

If the pool water depth is less than 61 cm (24”), the inlet fittings must be placed as near
to the pool floor as possible.

Pool inlet fitting shall be installed under a moveable floor to allow for circulation of water.

Vacuum Cleaning System

Where automatic vacuum cleaners are installed, the system should be provided capable
of cleaning the entire swimming pool floor. When the vacuum cleaning system is an
integral part of the circulation system, connections should be located in the walls of the
swimming pool at least 8” below the water level.

An acceptable cap, or cover may be required for the suction fitting to the vacuum
cleaning system.

Where the vacuum cleaning system is an on-deck pump, the outlet should go to the
circulation system or to waste, unless fecal matter is being vacuumed, where it should
go only to waste.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Gutters and Skimmers

The surface layer of water tends to accumulate a large proportion of oils, dirt and
bacteria. Gutters and skimmers remove the top layer of water from the pool and send it
to the circulation system for treatment.



Subject to the section on “Surface skimming devices”, overflow gutters should extend
along the entire perimeter of any pool having a surface area of more than 167 m2
(1 800 square feet).

Gutters may be omitted at:

a) steps;

b) recessed ladders;

c) at pool wall sections located between the gutter in the floor at beach—
like edges and the point on the pool wall where the water reaches 91 cm (36”).

Gutter Drains

Gutter drains should be provided at intervals of not more than 4.6 m (15 feet) and should
be at least 5 cm (2”) in diameter.

Surface Skimming Devices

Surface skimming devices may be used in place of gutters to remove surface water from
a pool if the pool:

a) has a surface area of 167 m2 (1 800 square feet) or less; or

b) is described by the “Skimmers” section.

If the above applies to a pool, the number of surface skimming devices the pool must
have is the greater of:

a) the number of these devices calculated at the rate of one device for each 42 m2
(450 square feet) of pool surface area or portion thereof; and

b) the number of these devices calculated at the rate of one device for each
115-180 liters/minute (25 to 40 imperial gallons a minute) of design flow rate.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Each surface skimming device must have a means to regulate the flow of water through
it and must be positioned to remove surface water from the pool. Skimmers should have
valves separate from the rest of the circulation system in the mechanical room.

Equalizer lines which terminate in the pool basin are considered a suction hazard and
are not permitted. Equalizer lines may instead be connected to the main drain.


Subject to the above section on “Surface skimming devices”, if a pool is designed:

a) to imitate a beach-like edge;

b) to have a continuous gutter flush with the pool floor extending the entire
length of the waterline formed at the beach—like edge; and

c) to have the section of pool deck adjacent to the gutter referred to in

paragraph (b) confine waves of water from the pool that may travel beyond the gutter
and return the water to the gutter;

then gutters may be omitted where otherwise required, provided that:

a) the water depth in the area where the gutters are omitted does not
exceed 36”;

b) skimmers are provided in lieu of gutters and the skimmers conform with
the section above; and

c) a sufficient number of skimmers should be provided so that the

theoretical turnover period of the water in the area to which the skimmers relate is
less than one hour measured by a rate of flow indicator connected to the skimming

Overflow Gutters

Overflow gutters should be designed:

a) to rapidly remove surface water at a rate equal to or

greater than the design flow rate and to avoid the gutters becoming flooded;

b) so that the opening into the gutter beneath the coping or deck is not
less than 10 cm (4”) and the interior of the gutter is not less than 7.6 cm (3”) wide
and 7.6 cm (3”) deep;

c) to prevent entrance or entrapment of bathers' arms or legs and

designed with easy access for cleaning;

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

d) to serve as a handhold so that their edges or lips are rounded and not
thicker than 6.35 cm (2 ½”) for the top 5.1 cm (2”); and

e) to have a bull nose at the edge of the pool to allow patron to grab the

Main Drain

The main drain provides for water circulation in the deeper part of the pool, removal of
water to the circulation system for filtration and allows for emptying of the pool. A poorly
or inadequately designed, installed, or maintained main drain is can be a potential
suction hazard (see section on suction hazards).


Pool Main Drain

The pool main drain should:

a) be at the deepest point in the pool to permit the pool to be completely and easily

b) have more than one drain to help prevent a suction hazard;

c) have each opening covered by a grating which is not readily removable by bathers;

d) have openings in the gratings so that the maximum velocity of the water passing the
grate will not exceed 46 cm/s (1 1/2 feet per second) at design flow rate.

Pool Main Drain Piping

The pool main drain piping should:

a) be separately valved from the gutters or skimmers and discharge into the circulation
pump suction, surge tank or an approved drain;

b) have a capacity equal to 100% of the design flow rate.

Hydrostatic Relief Valve Requirement

Pools not designed to resist hydraulic uplift should be provided with a hydrostatic relief

Balance Between Skimmers and Main Drain

When pool is in operation – it is recommended that up to 75% of water flow should go

through skimmers to increase cleaning action on the surface of the water and reduce
suction risk at main drain.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Drain Connection to Circulation System

All overflow gutters and main drains should be connected to a circulation system through
a properly designed surge tank.

Suction Hazards

The Virginia Graeme Baker (VGB) Pool and Spa Safety Act that has been adopted in the
United States has resulted in many drain covers that used to be available in Canada
being no longer available. Locating exact retrofits may be difficult and some
modifications of pools may be required.

While the VGB is not law in BC, we support the efforts to reduce suction hazards.

There are a number of VGB compliant drain covers on the market, but it is important to
note that compliance with the VGB requirements does not ensure compliance with the
Swimming Pools Regulation.

When considering new or replacement drain covers, bear in mind that:

a) flow rates through any drain may not exceed 1.5 feet per second;

b) drain covers should be of a low profile design;

c) drain covers should not have sharp corners, in order to reduce

opportunities for injuries.

Please check with your local public health engineer to ensure the drain covers you are
considering are acceptable for the intended use of your pool.

Poorly designed or malfunctioning outlets (where water leaves pool basin) can cause
suction strong enough to entrap body parts or hair, causing a bather’s head to be held
under water, serious injury and or death.

Drowning deaths have also occurred after the body or a limb has been held against a
drain by suction of the circulation pump. This may occur in a spa, swimming pool or
wading pool. A well documented incident of this nature was the 1994 drowning of a
Victoria, BC lifeguard who became trapped against a water intake. The U.S. Consumer
Product Safety Commission reports of 74 incidents of body part entrapment (including
13 deaths) between 1990 and 2004. Any open drain or flat grating that the body can
cover completely, combined with a plumbing layout that allows a build-up of suction if the
drain is blocked, presents this hazard.

In addition to hair and body entrapment resulting in drowning, there have been reports of
incidents in which the suction from the pool or spa drain has pulled intestines out of the
body. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports 2 incidents of
evisceration/disembowelment 1990 and 2004.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Attention has become focused on preventing accidents from occurring. Strategies

should address five areas:

1. pool design
2. pool maintenance
3. training of pool personnel
4. emergency procedures
5. public awareness

This section of the guidelines addresses pool design aspects, and other aspects are
covered within the pool operation guidelines.


Care must be taken to ensure that all outlet and discharge pipes are adequately guarded
to prevent a suction situation, such that a person cannot easily extricate themselves.

a) Main drains of pools should also have an air line which will relieve the
suction should the intake become blocked;

b) Where a pump exceeds 2 HP, the drain fitting shall be equipped with an
air line which will relieve the suction should the intake become blocked;

c) Pool designs should reduce the possibility that all suction openings can
be covered up simultaneously so as to create a vacuum;

d) New pools must not be designed with equalization fittings which

terminate in the pool basin;

e) All skimmer equalizer lines should be routed through main drain rather
than to pool basin;

f) Skimmer equalizer lines should be rendered inoperable in existing


g) Piping related to pool operation should be properly identified through a

standard system of colour coding, flow directional arrows and function labeling.


Guidelines for Entrapment Hazards: Making Pools and Spas Safer, U.S. Consumer
Product Safety Commission, March 2005. Washington, D.C. 20207

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Entrapment Hazards

Entrapment is any condition that impedes withdrawal of a body or body part that has
penetrated an opening. While suction may be a major cause of entrapment, there are
other situations where a person may become trapped and unable to free him or herself
resulting in risk of injury, strangulation or drowning. This may occur where younger
children may not have the necessary cognitive ability or motor skills to extricate
themselves, especially if scared or panicked.

Examples of features that may pose a risk of this include:

• Moveable bulkheads.
• Movable floors.
• Play equipment.
• Water features.
• Portable stairs.
• Lifts.
• Skimmers in lazy rivers may trap hands.
• Exits of slides/water slides.

Much of this risk can be eliminated through careful design. Equipment proposed for use
in pools should be designed to minimize entrapment hazards. The equipment should be
installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Equipment should be
used only for the purpose for which is designed


CSA standard on Children’s Playspaces and Equipment CAN/CSA-Z614

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Handbook for Public Playground Safety
ASTM Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specifications for Playground
Equipment for Public Use, F1487.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Maximum Bathing Load

The human body will displace a volume of water upon entry into the pool basin. The
maximum bathing load must be determined to calculate the surge capacity for the pool.


Imperial: Maximum Bathing Load = (D/27) + (S/10)

Where D = area of swimming pool in square feet where the water depth is more than
5 feet, and
Where S = area of swimming pool in square feet where the water depth is less than
5 feet.

Pool depths of less than 2 feet shall not be considered in the calculations.

Metric: Maximum Bathing Load = (D/2.5) + (S/0.93)

Where D = area of swimming pool in square meters where the water depth is more than
1.5 m, and
Where S = area of swimming pool in square meters where the water depth is less than
1.5 m.

Pool depths of less than 60 cm shall not be considered in the calculations.

Alternatively, bather load for hot tubs may be determined at a rate of 30 cm (1 foot) of
seating per person.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Surge Capacity

Surge capacity in a pool is achieved through free-board in skimmer pools. In gutter

pools, the gutter, transit piping and the surge tank all contribute to the volume of surge
capacity in the pool. Surge capacity increases the pools ability to maintain a steady
water level in response to sudden changes in pool use. This ensures that gutters,
skimmers, and other water intakes remains below the surface to the water to prevent
loss of effective filtration, or other circulation problems.


The surge capacity of pools should be designed for the maximum bathing load.

Gutter Piping

For deck-level pools (as compared to gutter pools with substantial in-pool freeboard), a
minimum of 0.057 m3 (2 feet3) of surge capacity per bather, within the surge tank, should
be provided for each bather (based on the maximum bathing load).

It is preferable to have 0.084 m3 (3 feet3) of surge per bather when all gutters, piping and
surge tanks are considered.

Surge Tank

A surge tank, should be installed and have a working capacity of at least 0.057 m3
(2 feet3) per bather, based on the maximum bathing load. This working capacity is
exclusive of pipe or channel capacity required for recirculation rates.

All suction pipes in surge tanks should be fitted with a “T” to reduce risk of a suction

Any surge tank access hatches accessible to bathers should be equipped with a locking
mechanism to prevent opening the hatch without the use of a key or specialized tool.

To reduce risk to workers, open surge tanks should be designed to reduce the risk of
accidental entry. For more information on this aspect of surge tank design, contact

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Measurement of Circulation, Automatic Disinfection and Chemical Feed

Measuring devices may be necessary to evaluate operation of pumps, filters, turnover

period, disinfection rates, and other aspects of pool operation.


Rate of Flow Indicator

A rate of flow indicator located for easy viewing and calibrated in either litres per minute
or gallons per minute should be provided and maintained for each pool to show the rate
of pool water circulation. It should provide at least 90% accuracy and be capable of flows
measuring from 50 to 150% of the design flow rate.

Where a hydro air system is in place, a rate of flow indictor should be located on the
hydro air circulation system.

Rate of flow indicators should be installed on all pool pumps, including water feature
pumps and waterslide pumps.

All flow meters must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.
The required number of pipe lengths of straight pipe must be provided.

Disinfection Equipment

Automatic disinfection equipment should be installed in all swimming pools and should
have sufficient capacity to feed into the circulation system, based on the design flow
rate, up to 3 mg/L of chlorine or equivalent at indoor pools and 8 mg/L of chlorine or
equivalent at outdoor pools, based upon the design flow rate.

Hot tubs should be able to feed into the circulation system, based on the design flow
rate, up to 5 ppm chlorine, and outdoor hot tubs should be able to feed up to 8 mg/L

Other Chemicals

Automatic feeders that add other chemicals should be sized to provide an appropriate
rate of feed for the demand of the facility.

Automatic feed of chlorine products chat are combined with cyanuric acid should be
avoided in indoor pools as it can lead to excess cyanuric acid in pool water leading to
reduction in effectiveness of disinfection.


All Pool (and Filter Room) equipment & components to be NSF or CSA approved.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Gas Chlorination

Many pools use chlorine gas as a disinfectant. When used as intended this provides an
effective disinfectant, however a chlorine gas leak is can cause serious injury or death.
Measures must be taken to ensure chlorine gas is stored and used safely.


Protection of workers from chlorine gas falls under the jurisdiction of the WorkSafe BC.
As chlorine leaks can lead to immediate danger for those working with it, attention
should be paid to WorkSafe BC requirements. Work Safe BC’s Chlorine Safe Work
Practice Manual can be found at www.worksafebc.com.

Chlorine room should be located so that chlorine gas, if released, will not flow into the
pool are or building ventilation systems.

Chlorinator and related equipment are designed to cease operations in conjunction with
shutdown of circulation pumps.

Otherwise room should be designed in accordance with WorkSafe BC requirements.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Other Disinfectants and Considerations

Chlorination is the primary form of disinfection for pool water. All pools must maintain
acceptable chlorine residual.

Other supplemental forms of disinfection or water treatment may be used to improve

water quality, reduce the formation of disinfection by-products and reduce chlorine
consumption. Reduction in the formation of disinfection by-products can improve indoor
air quality within the pool area.

Protection of workers from chemical hazards falls under the jurisdiction of the WorkSafe
BC, and designs must give consideration to their requirements. Further information on
WorkSafe BC requirements can be found at www.worksafebc.com.



Ozone may be used as a supplemental form of disinfection or water treatment.

Ozone systems should be designed and installed in accordance with manufacturer’s

specifications, and conform to WorkSafe BC requirements as found in the Ozone Safe
Practices Manual (BK 47) – current edition.

UV Devices

UV treatment may be used as a supplemental form of disinfection or water treatment.

UV devices should:

a) be equipped with medium pressure UV lamps;

b) certified to NSF Standard 50: Pool, Spa and Recreational Water Products; and

c) provide a minimum of 60 mJ/cm2 at end of lamp life.

For large flow devices evaluated in accordance with other approved verification
protocols may be considered.


WorkSafe BC: Ozone Safe Practices Manual, (available on WorkSafe BC website)

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Mechanical Rooms, Equipment Rooms and Chemical Storage Areas


Equipment Rooms

Equipment rooms should be designed to:

a) permit equipment to be easily installed and inspected;

b) allow equipment to be mounted above floor level;

c) of sufficient size (height and floor area) to allow for manufacturers

recommended maintenance. Other clearances should be provided as prescribed by
the manufacturer for dismantling the tank and removing components or contents and
for working space adequate to perform routine operations;

d) allow sufficient space for safe storage of auxiliary equipment.

Chemical Storage

Section 5.24 – Incompatible Substances of the Occupational Health and Safety

Regulation states:

Substances which are incompatible must not be stored in a manner that

would allow them to mix in the event of container leakage, breakage or
other such circumstance.

Space should also be provided for storage of chemicals and auxiliary equipment:

a) Chemicals should be stored in a cool, dry place, adequate ventilation,

secure against entry from unauthorized persons, separate from equipment room;

b) In rooms with fixed ceilings, the minimum room height should be 2.13 m
(7 feet);

c) Holding tanks, containing incompatible chemicals used for pool water

treatment should either be located in separate rooms or separate areas of the
equipment room.

If located adjacent to each other, the tanks should be separated by concrete enclosures
surrounding each tank. Each enclosure is built to contain 110% of the contents of each
tank. That way, if one of the tanks splits, the contents have no opportunity to enter the
storage area of the other. The walls of the enclosure must be higher than the tanks.

Piping containing incompatible chemicals should also be kept separate.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Protection of workers from chemical hazards falls under the jurisdiction of the WorkSafe
BC, and designs must give consideration to their requirements. Further information on
WorkSafe BC requirements can be found at www.worksafebc.com.


Filtration is an essential part of the circulation system as it removes dirt, oils and bacteria
from the water that assist in maintaining desirable and safe water quality.


All Pool (and Filter Room) equipment & components to be NSF or CSA approved.

Filter Piping

The filter piping arrangement should be as simple as possible to accomplish the filtration
and backwashing or cleaning.

The pool filter backwash pipe should discharge to waste through an air gap (air break)
that is at least twice the inside diameter of the backwash pipe.

Filter Units

The filter units should be:

a) capable of operating at continuous design flow rate; and

b) equipped with such pressure, vacuum or compound gauges as are

required to indicate the condition of the filter.

In vacuum type filter installations where the circulating pump is 2 horsepower or more,
an adequate automatic high vacuum shut off should be provided to prevent damage to
the pump by cavitation.

Sand Filters

Filter size should be designed for a maximum flow rate of approximately 500 L/min/m2
(12.5 Igpm/ft2 or 15 USgpm/ft2) of filter area.

Diatomaceous Earth Filters

Should be designed for a maximum flow rate of approximately 50 L/min/m2 (1.25 Igpm/ft2
or 1.5 USgpm/ft2) of filter area.

Cartridge Filters

Cartridge type filters are not suitable for Public or Commercial Pool Use.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Wave Pools

Wave pools present unique situations and hazards. Designs should limit access to
areas near the wave generator to reduce risk of entrapment or injury. Injury can also
occur where waves may cause a person to loose balance and fall.


Wave pools should:

a) have a warning mechanism providing an audible and visual warning

prior to waves being generated to allow bathers an opportunity to leave the pool or
move to shallower water;

b) have wave chamber bars be constructed of stainless steel or similar

acceptable material Consideration may be given to the use of rotating wave chamber
bars to help reduce the risk of entrapment;

c) where there is a wave chamber in a pool basin, a rope, lane line, or

other measures located 1.5 m from the wave chamber bars to discourage public
access to wave chamber bars to prevent entrapment;

d) have guard rails on decks at the deep end around wave chambers wall
shall extend 1 m beyond the wave generator and may be extended until the free
board is more than 500 mm at mean water level;

e) have air blowers contained in a separate room that is constructed of

acoustic limiting material;

f) have regular inspections of wave chamber bars for structural integrity,

document inspections and store records for seven years. (operational requirement).

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Play Equipment

Play equipment has become a popular part of contemporary recreation facilities.

Previous regulation provided very little guidance on design of play equipment. While
each piece of play equipment must be evaluated on its own merit, the following provides
a guide as to basic requirements for play equipment.


Rope Swings

The design and location of rope swings must take into consideration both safety and
structural concerns.

a) Any installation of a rope swing must be certified by a structural

engineer. When a rope swing is in use, it can create considerable torsional stress on
beams above, and the effect of the swing must be considered on the structure of the

b) Injuries occur when the rope swing is not placed over an area of the
water sufficient to prevent adult sized individuals form striking the bottom of the
swimming pool. Design of these swings should consider trajectory, the pool slope,
and potential impact with side of the pool, walls and deck.

Other Play Equipment

There are infinite variations on play equipment that may be proposed. Examples include:
zip lines, rolling logs, climbing nets etc. Play equipment should be designed so that it:
a) has no hard edges or unnecessary protrusions;
b) does not pose an entrapment risk to patrons;
c) is constructed of materials which are easily cleanable, impervious to
water and unlikely promote bacterial growth;

d) does not exert excessive water pressure;

e) is unlikely to result in injury from falling from it.

Be evaluated prior to patron use for hazards, and appropriate adjustments made to
make it safe for use. These adjustments may include:
a) developing procedures/rules for proper and safe use ;
b) staff training in regard to procedures/rule for use and their enforcement;
c) signage;
d) public education on proper use;

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

e) modification of equipment.

Pool Slides


As with any other aspect of pool design, Slides or other pieces of play equipment must
meet the health officer’s approval of the design and location prior to installation and use.


Slide design and location should take into consideration:

a) the size of the individual who will use the slide;

b) their trajectory upon sliding in the water;

c) the depth of the water, including slope of the pool basin floor;

d) proximity of pool sides.

Slides should be installed and maintained according to manufacturer’s specifications.

Small Water Slides

Other sliding devices - Flow rider

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Waterslide Landing Pools

Water slides are regulated under the Safety Standards Act -- Elevating Devices Safety
Regulation by the BC Safety Authority, unless it is exempted pursuant to Section 18(2)
of the EDSR.

The CSA Standard Z267-00 is used as a reference in conjunction with this regulation.

Construction and water quality in the following types of slides may, however, be
evaluated against this standard and the pool regulation:

a) water slide landing pools;

b) water slides less than 3m (10 feet) high;

c) water slides less than 30m (100 feet) long;

d) water slides with a slope of less than 0.1;

e) or water slides with rider velocity less than or equal to 3.6 m/sec.

Water slide circulation systems fall under the jurisdiction of the regulation with respect to
suction and entrapment hazards.

The following should be considered in the design of water slides:

a) the bottom of the slide should be visible from the slider’s entry point at
the top of the slide. The use of cameras or controlled access may be considered in
achieving this objective;

b) where 2 deceleration flumes are side by side, there should be at least 4

feet of deck space between flumes so that bathers may exit the pool here in an


Canadian Standards Association, CAN/CSA-Z267-00 (R2004) Safety Code for

Amusement Rides and Devices.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Wading and Spray Pools - General Requirements

Wading pools and spray pools are used almost exclusively by children who represent a
vulnerable portion of our population. Special considerations for these facilities are

Spray pools that collect water and re-circulate it have been associated with
communicable disease outbreaks. New spray pools should only be considered where a
continuous supply of fresh potable water is used for spraying. Or Water treatment


Wading pools and spray pools should:

a) be made of durable material which is impervious to moisture and retains a

texture which is slip-resistant and causes no discomfort to bare wet feet;

b) be free of obstructions;

c) have a floor with a maximum slope of 1 in 15 and a minimum of 1 in 50, (note

see slopes section);

d) be entirely surrounded by a walkway at least 1.20m (4 feet wide) which falls

away from the pool or basin edge at a uniform slope of not less than 1 in 50; and

e) have a fence or other barrier with controlled access surrounding the pool and the
walkways to prevent the easy access of non-users and pets. This does not apply to
spray pools, or a wading pool that is drained and left empty overnight.

Wading Pool Filling

A wading pool shall be either filled with potable water each day it is used, drained before
dark and left empty overnight or, as an alternate, the entire volume of the wading pool
re-circulated through an approved filter in 2 hours or less, in which case a security fence
and lockable gate is to be provided.

New wading pools should only be considered where circulation and disinfection is used.
A re-circulating wading pool may be drained and left empty overnight.

Water Quality

Wading pools and re-circulating spray pools must meet the water quality requirements in
the regulation. Alternatively, new spray pools may give consideration to using a
continuous supply of fresh potable water for spraying.

The health officer may require potable water as defined in the Drinking Water Protection
Act be used in a pool, including a wading pool or spray pool.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion


Fittings in wading pools using circulation systems shall be located to produce uniform
circulation of water throughout the pool.

Fittings must be secured to provide protection from suction and pressure hazards

No Cross Connections

There shall be no cross connections between a wading pool or spray pool and any
potable water supply, the water circulation system of any swimming pool or any sewer.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Winter Hazards

Outdoor pools operated in cold climates are subject to unique hazards such as ice
formation on decks, steps and ladders, waterslides may be subject to freezing of water
in the slide which may be sharp enough to seriously cut a person.


All pools which will be operating such that there is a possibility of water freezing on the
deck or edge of the pool must provide an effective method of heating the deck, access
walkways and stairs to prevent the formation of ice and maintain it in a ice-free condition.

Consideration should be given to preventing the formation of ice on waterslides of other

structures in the design.

Pools that are shut down in the winter may require special design consideration and
maintenance procedures to prevent damage to the pool during winter.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Swimming Pool Data Sheets

To apply for a construction permit a person must submit to a health officer (HO) an application in the form
required by HO. Unless otherwise specified by the HO, the following may be used:

Swimming Pool Data Sheet

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Swimming Pool Data Sheet

NAME OF POOL: Address of Pool (Civic):

Indoor: Outdoor:
City or Town:
Owners (Legal Corporate) Name and address: Designer:

Prof. Eng. Arch.

Address of Designer:

Pool Area: Deck Area: sq.ft Water Min. Max.

sq.ft Depth: ft. ft.
Maximum Bathing Shallow (S) Deep (D) Total:
Pool Volume: IGal. Pool Basin Colour:
Turnover: hrs. at design flow rate of

Re-circulating Pump - Make & Model: Flow Igpm. at ft.

Hydro-Air Pump – Make & Model: Flow Igpm. at ft.
Other Pumps (Spray Feature, Waterslide Pumps etc…) – Make & Model: Flow Igpm. at ft.
Flow Igpm. at ft.
Flow Igpm. at ft.
Flow Igpm. at ft.
FILTERS: Sand D.E. Pressure Vacuum Gravity NSF Approved: Yes No
Filter Make and Model: Number of filters: Number of elements:

Surface area (ea. Filter): Total area (all filters):

sq. ft. sq. ft.

Surface area (ea. Element): Total area (all elements):

sq. ft. sq. ft.

Rate of Filtration: 2
Igpm / ft. (≤12.5 Igpm / sq. Rate of Backwash: Igpm /
ft.) sq. ft.

Total Filter Capacity (Rate of filtration x total area)


GAUGES: Pressure Vacuum Thermometers Nos.

Flow Make & Model: Range to
Indic Igpm

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

Backwash Pump - Make & Model: Flow IGPM at ft.

Backwash rate per filter

DISINFECTION: Hypochlorite Chlorine Gas Other:

Make and Model: Capacity
lbs. / 24 hr.
Point of Injection: Filter Infl. Filter Effl.
Maximum dosing rate: ppm.

FEEDERS: Chemical Slurry Chemicals used:

Make and Model: Make & Model:

Capacity: Capacity:
Injection point: Injection point:
POOL INLETS: Type: Size: Total No. at ft.
Depth below water level in. (inlets must be deeper than 24 in. or nearest pool floor if water depth is ≤
24 in.)
(floor inlets must be used if pool sidewalls are more than 44 ft apart)
MAIN DRAIN: Make and Model: No.
(minimum 2 drains
required for all pools)
Size of free opening Velocity through grate opening ft. /
sq. in. sec.
(for Whirlpool, if separate
from main drain):

Size of free opening Velocity through grate opening ft. /

sq. in. sec.

Expand and List all drains if more than one pump draws from more than two drains in spaces that follow, use additional
page if req.
DRAIN: Make and Model: No.

Size of free opening Velocity through grate opening ft. /

sq. in. sec.
DRAIN: Make and Model: No.

Size of free opening Velocity through grate opening ft. /

sq. in. sec.
DRAIN: Make and Model: No.

Size of free opening Velocity through grate opening ft. /

sq. in. sec.

BC Guidelines for Safe Swimming Pool Design
Draft for Discussion

OVERFLOW: Gutter Rollout Deck level Other

Number of drains at ft. Size
spacing in.

Skimmers – Make and Model: NSF Approved: Yes No

No. of skimmers: Max. overflow capacity: Normal flow through overflows:
at sq. ft. Ig Ig
pm pm
MAKE-UP WATER SOURCE: Public Private Size of make-up line

Control: Manual Air Gapped Yes No

Backflow preventer: Yes No Make and Model:
Filter backwash must be separated from the sewer or drainage system by an air gap with a distance of twice the
diameter of the largest discharge pipe.
WATER PIPING: Copper Galv. Plastic Other:
Max. velocity: return piping (from pool) ft. Supply piping (to pool)
/ sec. ft. / sec.

Expand to include pipes on any additional circulation systems in spaces that follow, use additional page if req.:
PIPING: Copper Galv. Plastic Other:
Max. velocity: return piping (from pool) ft. Supply piping (to pool)
/ sec. ft. / sec.

PIPING: Copper Galv. Plastic Other:

Max. velocity: return piping (from pool) ft. Supply piping (to pool)
/ sec. ft. / sec.

The foregoing data is a true statement of facts pertaining to this pool as it is to be constructed.

Signature and Seal (Design Engineer or Architect): Date:


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