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Shaped Charge Ammunition

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9 JUNE 1947

This publication is RESTRICTED and shall be safeguarded in accordance

with the security provisions of U.S. Navy Regulations, 1920, Article 76.


9 June 1947.

1. Ordnance Pamphlet 1720 contains a summary of pertinent information con­
cerning all shaped charge items developed under the coordination of the Joint
Army-Navy-N.D.R.C. Shaped Charge Committee and now in use by the U. S. Navy
or the U. S. Army. It also contains detailed information on utilizing shaped charges
for opening explosive-filled ordnance.
2. This publication supersedes OP 1203 and OP 1647, copies of which should be
destroyed in accordance with security regulations.
3. This publication is RESTRICTED and shall be safeguarded in accordance with
security provisions of U. S. Navy Regulations, 1920, Article 76 or U. S. Army
Regulations, 380-5, 15 August 1946.

G. F. Hussey, Jr.,
Nice Admiral, U. S. Navy,
Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance.



Chapter Page
1. Introduction..................................................................................................... 1
2. Standard Ordnance Shaped Charges:
Rifle Grenade, AT, M9A1 ................................................................... 4
Rocket, HE, AT, 2.36-inch, M6A5.................................................... 5
Shell, HE, AT, 75-mnt, M66............................................................... 6
Shell, HE, AT, 105-mm, M67............................................................ 6
Shell, HE, AT, 57-tnm, M307 ............................................................ 7
Shell, HE, AT, 75-mrn, M310............................................................ 8
Shaped Charge, 15-lb. M2A3.............................................................. 8
Shaped Charge, 40-lb. M3..................................................................... 10
Cable Cutter Ml........................................ 11
Cavity Charge Container Mark 1 Mod 0........................................... 12
Cavity Charge Container Mark 2 Mod 0........................................... 13
Cavity’ Charge Container Mark 3 Mod 0........................................... 14
Cavity Charge Container Mark 4 Mod 0........................................... 14
Demolition Charge Mark 22 Mod 0.................................................. 15
Cable and Chain Cutter Mark 1 Mod 1............................................... 16
3. Opening Explosive Filled Ordnance By Means of Shaped Charges:
Use of Cylindrical Charges.............................................. 18
Use of Linear and Curvilinear Charges for Sectioning Thin Skinned
Ordnance......................................................................................... 20
Use of Linear and Curvilinear Charges for Sectioning Thick Cased
Ordnance.............................................................................. 23
Use of Curvilinear Charges for Cutting Steel Pipe and Welded Steel
Tubing .......................................................................................... • 27
Use of Linked Linear Cavity Charges for Sectioning Explosive
Filled Ordnance............................. 27
Linear Cavity Charge Calculator........................................................ 30


Chapter 1


Although much has been written concerning shaped Physical Data

charges, adequate coordination of this material has
The term “shaped charge” as used in this report is
not been effected and as a result, many different
restricted to those items of explosive filled ordnance
sources must be scrutinized to determine what has
which upon detonation produce a high speed pene­
been accomplished in the field. This accomplish­
trating or cutting jet. This jet supplies a directional
ment can best be judged by the various shaped charge
damaging action to the weapons and therefore
items which were actually placed in service in the
prompts its use in many applications. The accom­
recent war. The first section of this report gives a
panying blast and fragmentation incidental to the
brief description and limited design details of shaped
primary purpose of the shaped charge jet exist in
charge munitions which saw service during the war.
magnitude depending on usual considerations of the
These items can be classified according to use in four
explosive and container compositions, weights and
main divisions:
dimensions, and their damaging action must also be
1. Shaped charge projectiles which provide armor
piercing characteristics in low velocity weapons
(HE, AT Shells, Rockets, etc.). In an ordinary or fragmentation charge the ex­
2. Shaped charges for demolition of resistant panding detonation wave proceeds outward from the
targets (Shaped Charges M2A3 and M3). point of detonation producing stresses on all portions
3. Shaped (cavity) charges to dispose of muni­ of the enclosing case. The casing bursts into frag­
tions by causing detonation of the high explosive ments under the action of these enormous forces. In
filling (Cavity Charges Mk 1, M2, etc.). a shaped charge, however, a portion of the case is in
4. Special shaped charges to cut highly resistant the form of a regular cavity (usually a cone, hemi­
materials as required (cable cutters, etc.). sphere, or V-shaped groove) so that the detonation
The second section of this report gives additional wave fronts impinging simultaneously over that por­
information on the disposal of explosive filled ord­ tion of the case will cause compression toward the
nance by means of shaped charges. Although many center of the cavity. Under the influence of this high
of the items mentioned in this section are not stand­ velocity compression, the portion of the case forming
ard items of issue, this information was added as the cavity and known as the liner acts very much like
being of special interest to the Ordnance Disposal a fluid, and part of it literally squirts forward in a
Units of the U.S. Navy and Army. narrow jet away from the advancing detonation wave.
This report makes no attempt to explain mathe­ The front of this jet is composed of a large number
matical concepts of the theory of shaped charge effect. of small particles moving at speeds of 20,000 to
Neither does it mention the many items of foreign 30,000 feet per second. This is followed by slower
ordnance utilizing this principle nor the shaped moving particles, the residue of the highly com­
charge items still under development in this country. pressed liner (or slug), and fragments torn from the
It is hoped to expand this short report at a later date skirt of the liner. Penetration is achieved when the
to include all this material. high velocity jet particles impinge upon the target
During the war, the development of shaped charges somewhat in the manner that a stream of machine
in this country was carried on under the cognizance gun bullets entering the same hole would penetrate
of the Joint Army-Navy-N.D.R.C. Shaped Charge an earth bunker. The slug plays no role in penetra­
Committee. This work is now being continued under tion.
a joint Army-Navy committee. The design of a shaped charge is complicated by


the intricate interdependence of any factors including HBX-1, and PTX-2. For extemporized field charges
the fabrication of the case and shaped charge liner as the plastic explosive, Composition C-3, gives good
well as the ballistics, fuzing, and loading of the item. results.
In most applications the design for maximum jet While the dimensions of the explosive container
efficiency must be compromised by considerations in­ are usually restricted by other factors, optimum per­
volving one or more of these other factors, which may formance will be obtained when the diameter of the
substantially reduce the performance. explosive is equal to or only slightly greater than the
The maximum efficiency of a shaped charge (as diameter of the liner. Increasing the explosive diam­
measured by depth of penetration) is further con­ eter beyond the diameter of the liner actually tends
trolled by a series of specific design factors which are to decrease performance in some cases. The length
discussed below: of the explosive charge from the lowest point where
1. Symmetry of the charge about a central axis the explosive contacts the liner to the point of initia­
(or central plane in the case of linear charges) is of tion should be as great as possible up to a maximum
utmost importance. This should include physical and of three or four charge diameters. Increasing the
metallurgical uniformity of the shaped charge liner, length beyond this will result in only slightly in­
physical and chemical uniformity of the explosive, creased penetration.
and symmetry of detonation. 5. Standoff is the term used to define the free air
2. Shaped charge liners have been fabricated in space between the base of the shaped charge liner and
many shapes and of a great variety of materials and the target. This space is necessary to allow forma­
the choice of material and shape depends upon the tion of the jet and any hindering material in this
individual application. For deep penetration of solid space will markedly reduce penetration. In shaped
targets, copper liners give maximum performance charges with conical liners, standoff for optimum per­
with liners of mild steel and high copper alloys giving formance increases with increasing apex angle. The
good results. Most work in this country has been optimum standoff for similar liners of different mate­
done with conical liners of uniform wall thickness rials may vary over a considerable range.
and having apex angles of 30 to 60 degrees. When
6. Confinement of the explosive other than the
liners of this type are used in an artillery shell the
confinement offered by the shaped charge liner is
penetration is reduced as much as 50% because of
usually determined by other factors especially in shells
the high rotational velocities. Although hemispher­
where the projectile must be designed to withstand
ical liners show less degradation due to rotation their
high forces of inertia. Although confinement in­
penetration is less than that of conical liners. For
creases the penetration of the jet in some cases, the
this reason, conical liners are used in most applica­
increase is slight and where weight is a factor most
shaped charge items have only light confinement.
3. Scaling laws. For maximum performance with
The data concerning each charge have been ob­
conical liners of a given base diameter, optimum liner
tained from the official drawings. Average dimen­
thickness and optimum standoff increase with increas­
sions and weights are given and are subject to plus
ing angle of liner.
or minus tolerances. All dimensions are given in
With conical liners of varying base diameters, pene­
inches, all weights in pounds unless noted. The data
tration increases directly as the diameter. In fact,
as shown in the table accompanying the description
this linear scaling law has been found to be so gen­
of each item include the following:
eral that it has been used to a great extent. As a
result other quantitative shaped charge data are usu­ 1. Container thickness and material. Where the
ally given as percentages of this diameter. container varies in thickness, the figure given is that
measured at a point just above the base of the shaped
4. High Explosive filler. Only those explosives
which combine a high rate of detonation with a high charge liner.
detonation pressure are applicable for use in shaped 2. Liner material.
charges. No one explosive can be said to be the best 3. Liner shape.
for all applications but those rated among the best 4. Liner apex angle.
are the castable explosives, Composition P>, Pentolite, 5. Liner base width (D), measured at the point


where the inner sides of the liner (extended) meet 13. Booster. Type and weight of main explosive
the plane of the base. inThe fuze booster.
6. Liner height (H). Conical liners are always 14. Maximum dimensions of the explosive head
rounded at the apex because of manufacturing con­ including any built-in standoff.
siderations. The measurement, H, is the manufac­ 15. Maximum dimensions of the assembled item
tured height, r ready for firing and including assembled propellant
7. Liner thickness (T), measured perpendicular container.
to the surface. 16. Weight of assembled item.
8. Standoff (S). This distance is the length of 17. Weight of packed item or items where two or
the legs of demolition shaped charges or the length more are packed in one shipping container.
of the hollow below the liner base in the front of the
18. Volume in cubic feet (referred to as the cubic),
shaped charge shells, grenades, and rockets. When
of packed item or items.
these latter items impact on a target the actual stand­
19. Number of items per box.
off is less than the figure given because of the crush-
20. Assembly drawing number. Many items re­
up of the hollow nose which takes place before the
quire more than one drawing for a complete set. The
fuze functions. The ratio S/D is also given.
Army Ordnance or Navy, Bureau of Ordnance, draw­
9. Type of explosive filling. Only the main filling
ing listed contains the view of the assembled item as
surrounding the liner is given. Some types of shaped
well as the numbers of other related drawings.
charges require a composite loading. This is espe­
cially true where the explosive must be drilled to The penetration results given in this report are
receive a booster or for other manufacturing reasons. accurate only so far as the particular test conditions
In such cases the more sensitive explosive surround­ are reproducible. In each instance the results were
ing the liner is “topped off” by a less sensitive explo­ ob ained from firing records and represent the average
sive than can be drilled with safety. of a large number of rounds. It should be noted how­
10. Explosive weight. This includes the entire ever, that even under closely controlled conditions,
explosive charge but does not include the weight of variations in penetration of plus or minus ten percent
explosive in the fuze or booster where these items are obtained from apparently similar charges and this
are required. variation may be even greater in service munitions.
11. Largest diameter of explosive filling (d) and The whole problem of testing shaped charges is
extremely complicated and' it is difficult to say what
the ratio the criterion for maximum performance should be.
12. Length of explosive column (L) from the Present performance values include the thickness of
lowest point the explosive contacts the liner to the target perforated by the shaped charge jet, the depth
point of detonation of the main charge measured the jet will penetrate in a target too thick to be per­
parallel to the axis of the liner. This may be the forated, or the amount of damage produced after the
base of the fuze booster, the base of the detonator or jet perforates a target. As shaped charge munitions
detonator well where a well is provided. The ratio are used in attacking a wide variety of targets, no
L/I) is also given. one type of test gives all the information desirable.

Chapter 2


Rifle, Grenade, AT, M9A1 (Figure 1} the high explosive charge detonates on impact with
the face of the target and it is only the resulting jet
Container ... 0.062 sheet steel
that is effective in defeating the object under attack.
Liner material ........ Mild Steel
Assuming the jet penetrates the target, damage will
Liner shape . Cone
be caused by (1) the spray of lethal fragments from
Interior angle
the jet and those spalled from the back of the target,
D ................ 1.625
(2) the jet penetrating and detonating munitions, or
H............................................................................... 1.84
(3) the jet or hot fragments setting fire to combus­
T; T/D.................................................. 0.036; 0.022
tibles. In addition to this, the charge container
S; S/D........................................................... 2.44; 1.5
explodes into lethal fragments on the outside of the
Explosive............................... 50/50 pentolite
target but any damage resulting from these must be
Exp. Wt.................................................................... 0.25
considered of a purely secondary nature.
d; d/D....................................................... 1.665; 1.02
L; L,/D........................................................... 3.2; 1.97
Booster............................................ 1.8 grams tetryl
Dimension of head...................................2.17 dia. x 6
Dimension of round.......................... 2.17 dia. x 11.25
Assembled wt.......................................................... 1%
Wt. ]>acked................................ 33,5
Cubic ..................................................................... 1.13
No. per box............................................................ 10
Army Ordnance Drawing Number.............. 82-0-67
Anti-tank Rifle Grenade, the M9A1, was developed
by the Army Ordnance Department to improve the
functioning characteristics of the Rifle Grenade M9.
The M9 was the first shaped charge item placed in BOOSTER
service by the forces of the United States. The
M9A1 resulted in improved penetration and con­ PRIMER
sistent detonation. CREEP SPRING
A grenade launcher must lie attached to the riffle -STRIKER
and the grenade slipped on the launcher preparatory SAFETY PIN
to firing. A Rifle Grenade Cartridge, M3 or M6,
figure 1, is used to propel the grenade to distances up
to 365 yards depending upon the angle of fire and
other considerations. To increase the range still fur­
ther the Auxiliary Grenade Cartridge M7 may also
be employed.
Firing records indicate that the M9A1 impacting
on 3}4-inch armor plate at an angle of 23° will pene­
trate the plate about 80% of the time. In these tests
the hole diameters averaged 0.65 inches at the front
and 0.18 inches at the back of the plate. It should be
noted that in using shaped charges to attack a target, Figure 1—Rifle Grenade, AT, M9AJ.


Rocket, HE, AT, 2.36-inch, M6A5 (Figure 2) Cubic ....................................................................... 1.4

No. per box.......................................................... 8
Container ... 0.093 sheet steel
Army Ordnance Drawing No.......................... 82-6-3
Liner material . ............... Copper
Liner shape .. .......... .. Cone The 2.36-inch, high explosive anti-tank rocket is
Interior angle 42° the ammunition for the famous “Bazooka” developed
I) .................. 2.0 by the Army Ordnance Department. Originally de­
2.52 signed as a grenade for the caliber .50 machine gun
T; T/ D................ ... 0.059:0.026 but later fitted with a rocket motor, this round first
S: S/D.................. .......... 4.0; 1.78 saw service in the North African campaign where it
Explosive............ . 50/50 pentolite won instant approval.
Exp. Wt................. ...................... 0.5 The earlier designs of this rocket have been con­
d; d/D.................. .................. 2.06 stantly improved and the present model, the M6A5,
L; L/D................ ........ 4.25; 1.89 more nearly resembles a “laboratory' model” than
Booster ................ .28 grains tetryl any other shaped charge service munition. Actuai
Dimension of head ..2.32 dia. x 8.8 proving ground tests indicate that the M6A5 can
Dimension of round 2.36 dia. x 19.5 consistently penetrate 4% to 5 inches of armor plate
Assembled wt..................................... 3.38 set at 30° to the angle of impact. This is equivalent
\V t. packed............................................................ 53 to a perpendicular penetration of 5% t° 5^4




SOU 18



Figure 2—Rocket, HE, AT, 2.36—inch, M6A5.

915S49 0—30----- 2 RESTRICTED 5


inches. These tests were conducted with standard

rounds fired at a velocity of 275 ft/sec. Standard
Base Detonating Fuze M401 incorporated in round
was used to initiate detonation of the explosive head.
Static tests using a standoff of \'/2 inches give a
penetration of six to seven inches of armor plate.
The reasons for the reduced penetrations of shaped
charge munitions in actual use are now under investi­
gation in order to increase the penetrations of stand­
ard rounds and to design more efficient shaped
charges in the future.

Shell, HE, AT, 75-mm, M66 (Figure 3)

Container........................................ 0.4 steel forging
Liner material............................................ Mild steel
Liner shape........................................................... Cone
Interior angle ....................................................... 42°
D ........................................................................... 2.375
H ........................................................................... 2.83
T; T/D.....................................................0.09; 0.038
S; S/D....................................................... 6.25; 2.63
Explosive............................................ 50/50 pentolite
Exp. wt........................................................................ 1.0
d; d/D............................................................ 2.375; 1
L; L/D ........................................................ 5.25; 2.2
Booster ........................................ Tetryl—20 grams
Dimension of head.............................. 2.95 dia. x 15.6
Dimension of round.......................... 3.0 dia. x 23.5
Assembled wt...................................................... 16.25 Figure 3—Shell, HE, AT, 75—mm, M66.
Wt. packed ............................................................. 46
Cubic..................................................................... 1.04
No. per box................................................................. 2 due to air resistance. Where the A.P. is able to
Army Ordnance Drawing No....................... 75-1-141 pass through the target before detonating, the lethal
effect may be much greater than in the case of an
The 75-mm Anti-tank Shell M66 was designed by HE, AT projectile where the detonation occurs out­
the Army Ordnance Department to give armor pierc­ side and only the jet penetrates the target.
ing characteristics to a low velocity projectile. This
shell is fitted with the Base Detonating Fuze M62A1
Shell, HE, AT, 105-mm, M67 (Figure 4)
which is assembled in the round.
Fired from the 75-mm howitzer with a muzzle Container .... 0.4 steel forging
velocity of 1000 feet per second, this shell will pene­ Liner material ........ Mild steel
trate 3£fj inches of armor. As the penetration de­ Liner shape........................................................... Cone
pends upon shaped charge effect rather than velocity, Interior angle...........................................................42°
this penetration is applicable at any range up to the D ............................................................................... 3.25
limit of the howitzer. By comparison a standard H.............................................................................. 3.95
armor piercing projectile fired from a 75-mm gun T; T/D......................'............................. 0.106; 0.037
with a muzzle velocity of 2030 feet per second will S: S/D.........................................................8.82; 2.7
penetrate 3.1 inches of homogeneous plate at 1000 Explosive.......................................... 50/50 pentolite
yards and this penetration falls off at increased Exp. wt....................................................................... 3.0
ranges because of the decreasing velocity of the shell d ; d/D.............................................................. 3.27; 1


Figure 4—Shell, HE, AT, 105-mm, M67.

L; L/D ........................................................ .7.25; 2.2

Booster.......................................... Tetryl—20 grams
Dimension of head............................. 4.16 dia. x 19.5
Dimension of round.......................... 4.25 dia. x 31.1
Assembled wt......................................................... 36.81
Wt. packed............................................................. 109.5
Cubic ....................................................................... 1.8
Np. per box.................................................................. 2
Army Ordnance Drawing No...................... 75-1-161
The 105-mm, M67, was designed for the 105-mm Figure 5—Shell, HE, AT, 57-mm, M307.
howitzer to provide a shell with armor piercing char­
acteristics for that low velocity weapon. This shell
Shell, HE, AT, 57—mm, M307 (Figure 5)
is similar in all respects except size to the 75-mm,
M66, and like that round contains a Base Deto­ Container.......................................... 0.18 steel forging
nating Fuze M62A1. Proving ground tests indicate Liner material................................................... Copper
that when fired with a muzzle velocity of 1250 feet Liner shape............................................. Hemisphere
per second, this shell will penetrate 4.7 inches of Interior angle
armor. Indicating how seriously shaped charges are D............ ................... 1.58
affected by high rotational speeds and other consid­ H............ .................. 0.83
erations, this same shell when detonated statically T; T/D . . ..0. 048; 0.03
will penetrate 8 to 10 inches of armor. Overcoming S; S/D . .......... 4.0; 2.53
the loss of efficiency at high rotational velocities pre­ Explosive 50/50 pentolite
sents one of the main problems in the future of shaped Exp. wt. . .................. 0.39
charge development. d; d/D . ........ 1.89; 1.2


L; L/D......................................................... 2.75; 1.74

Booster................................................ 6 grams, tetryl
Dimension of head............................ 2.24 dia. x 8.25
Dimension of round........................ 2.25 dia. x 18.78
Assembled wt..............................................................5.3
Wt. packed................................................................. 45
Cubic....................................................................... 1.1
No. per box.............................................. 4
Army Ordnance Drawing No....................... 75-1-215

The 57-mm HE, AT, M307, was developed to pro­

vide a shell with armor piercing characteristics for
the 57-mm recoilless rifle. This shell contains a
hemispherical liner of copper and is the only shaped
charged munition standardized in this country that
contains a hemispherical liner. The hemispherical
liner was used because it was believed to be less
affected by rotation than a conical liner and because
the apex of the conical liner would be too close to the
point of detonation in this small shell.
This round is also unique in that it contains an
instantaneous Nose Fuze M90 which, on impact,
causes a small shaped charge jet to be shot down the
central tube initiating the main booster charge.
Fired with a velocity of 1230 ft/sec., this round
will penetrate 2% to 3 inches of homogeneous armor.

Shell, HE, AT, 75-mm, M310 (Figure 6)

Container...........................................0.4 steel forging

Liner material............................................ Mild steel
Figure 6—Shell, HE, AT, 75—mm, M310.
Liner shape...................................... Cone
Interior angle.................................. 42°
The 75-mm HE, AT, M310, was designed for the
75-mm recoilless rifle to provide a low velocity shell
H ........................................................................ . 2.83
T;T/D........................................................ 0.09;0.038 with armor piercing characteristics for that weapon.
The design of the hollow charge projectile of this
S; S/D......................................................... 6.25 ; 2.63
shell is similar in every respect to that of the 75-mm
Explosive........................................... 50/50 pentolite
M66 and its armor piercing characteristics are the
Exp. wt........................................................................ 1.0
same as those given for the M66.
d; d/D.......................................................... 2.375; 1
L;L/D.......................................................... 5.25; 2.2
Booster.............................................. 20 grams tetryl Shaped Charge 15-lb. M2A3 (Figure 7)
Dimension of head.............................2.95 dia. x 15.6 Container........ 0.096 molded fibre
Dimension of round............................ 4,25 dia. x 29 Liner material . High density glass
Assembled wt. ....................................................... 20.54 Liner shape ... ....................... Cone
Wt. packed.................................................................79 Interior angle . ........................ 60°
Cubic ...................................................................... L8 D .................... ........................ 5.1
No. per box........ ........................................................ 2 H .................... ........................ 4.5
Army Ordnance Drawing No..................... 75-1-222 T; T/D .......... .......... 0.36; 0.071




Figure 7—Shaped Charge, 15-ib., M2A3.

S; S/D...........................................................5.5; 1.1 mite to complete the demolition of the concrete.

Explosive............................................ 50/50 pentolite Filling the jet hole with a secondary explosive mate­
Exp. wt...................................................................... 11.5 rial required that the hole should not contain a hot
d; d/D ............................................................ 6.8; 1.3 slug as sometimes happens when metal is used as a
L; L/D........................................................ 7.35; 1.44 cavity liner. The high density glass cone used as a
Booster................................................................... none liner in the M2A3 forms a friable slug which, can
Dimension of head.......................... 7.0 dia. x 12.0 be easily raked from the jet hole leaving that hole
Dimension of charge........................ 7.72 dia. x 16.43 cool and safe for inserting secondary explosives. The
Assembled wt...................................................... 14.71 glass cone has a further'advantage of producing a
Wt. packed......................................................... 57.75 hole with a greater volume (although slightly less
Cubic ..................................................................... 2.64 depth) than a similar steel cone.
No. per box........................................................ — 2 The Charge M2A3 may contain one of two differ­
Army Ordnance Drawing No...................... 82-0-120 ent types of loading. Because of a scarcity of Com­
position B when this charge was developed, 50/50
The Shaped Charge M2A3 was developed by the pentolite was standardized as the filler. Charges
Army Ordnance Department for the Corps of Engi­ 'manufactured towards the end of the war contain
neers. The original specification for this item called the more powerful (and cheaper) Composition B.
for a 15-pound charge that would drill a hole “as These later charges contain a case, 50/50 pentolite
deep and having as large a diameter as possible” in booster as Composition B cannot be reliably initiated
reinforced concrete. The hole thus formed was to with primacord or a blasting cap of less strength
be subsequently filled with plastic explosive or dyna­ than the Corps of Engineers Special Blasting Cap.


The Charge M2A3 may be expected to perforate D ............................................................................ 9.2

completely a three foot wall of reinforced concrete H ........................................................................... 7.35
or penetrate 30 inches in concrete of greater thick­ T; T/D.......................................................0.15; 0.016
ness. The jet hole will taper from four inches at the S; S/D........................................................ 14.1; 1.5
top (below the crater formed by the blast) to about Explosive.......................................... 50/50 pentolite
two inches at the bottom. Exp. wt..................................................................... 29.5
Although this charge contains no metal parts (with d; d/D......................................................... 9.5; 1.03
the exception of the closing cap and detonator well), L; L/D......................................................... 11.5; 1.25
it is advisable that personnel should be under cover Booster................................................................... none
and at least 100 yards away from the detonation. Dimension of head................................ 9.5 dia. x 15.5
When using this or any other shaped charge the Dimension of charge ....................... 10.8 dia. x 29.55
hollow bottom should always be directed towards Assembled wt........... ............................................ 43.5
the target to be attacked. Wt. packed ................ 65
Cubic ....................................................................... 2.6
Shaped Charge 40-lb. M3 (Figure 8) No. per box....................................................... 1
Army Ordnance Drawing No...................... 82-0-122
Container........................................ 0.024 sheet steel
Liner material................................ ............Mild steel
Liner shape ........................................................ Cone
Interior angle..................................................... 60° £031: .062 .—CLOSING CAP
Z z-N0.18 USS GA (0418)


29.5 LB. 50-50 PENTOLITE
WELD . vx. (booster)

N&24 USS GA.




o "125


' steel,i*xi*x£)
SET AT 120*


Figure 8—Shaped Charge, 40-lb., M3.


The Shaped Charge M3 was developed by the Dimension of round........................... 7% x 6% zx 3^

Army Ordnance Department for the Corps of Engi­ Assembled wt..............................................................4.9
neers. This charge is designed to perforate a five- Wt. packed............................................................... 15
foot thick, reinforced concrete pillbox. The resulting Cubic ....................................................................... 0.5
hole is large enough to allow entrance of a bangalore No. per box...................... 1
torpedo for further demolition. In massive concrete Army Ordnance Drawing No....................... 82-0-126
this charge will produce a hole about 4% to 5 feet
deep tapering in size from 6 inches at the mouth to
1% inches at the bottom.
Like the Shaped Charge M2A3, the M3 may be
found with one of two types of loading; 50/50 pento­
lite or Composition B with a pentolite booster.
In using the Shaped Charge M3 all personnel
should be under cover and at least 100 yards away
from the point of detonation.

Cable Cutter Ml (Figure 9)

Container .... .... Fiberboard
Liner material .............. Brass
Liner shape .. Section of tube
Interior angle Section of circle
D.................... .................... 0.53
H.......................... .................... 0.10
T; T/D................ .... 0.032; 0.064
S; S/D................ Approx. 0.75, 1.5
Explosive ............ . 55/45 pentolite
Exp. wt................. .................... 0.06
d; d/D................ .......... 0.625; 1.2
L; L/D................ ................. 0.9; 1.8
Booster................ . 55/45 pentolite
Dimension of head . .7% x6>^ x 3^4 Figure 9a—Cable Cutter Ml.

Figure 9b—Cross Section of Cable Cutter Ml.


The Cable Cutter Ml was developed by the Army

Ordnance Department for the Army Air Forces.
This is a specialized item to be used as an emer­
gency cutter for the towing cable in a glider pick-up
system. In this system a cable dangles below a tow­
ing plane flying low over a grounded glider. By
means of a special rig, this dangling cable is made
fast to a rope attached to the nose of the glider and
the glider is lifted aloft after a short take-off run.
While this run is being made the towing cable is
rapidly paid out from a drum in the plane. This
drum is braked as the glider begins to move and the
whole system gradually reaches equilibrium. The
cutter is used only should an emergency arise making
it necessary to cut the plane from the glider.
In the development of the Cable Cutter Ml, the
requirements stated that a ^-inch steel cable moving
at speeds up to 150 miles per hour must be cut and
that there must be no flying fragments to damage the
aluminum skin of the plane.
The cutter as developed contains the minimum
amount of explosive necessary to cut the moving
cable as required. In service the entire explosive
assembly is placed in a shielding steel box below the
plane and just over the free running cable. This box
stops all fragments which might damage the plane.

Cavity Charge Container Mark 1 Mod 0

Figure 10—Cavity Charge Container Mark 1 Mod 0.
(Figure 10)
Container.......................................... 0.01 Terne plate
Liner material............................................... Mild steel The Cavity Charge Container Mark 1 Mod 0
Liner shape........................................................ Cone (which when filled with plastic explosive becomes the
Interior angle...........................................................42° Cavity Charge Mark 1 Mod 0) was developed by
D................................................................................ 2.0 the Navy, Bureau of Ordnance, for the disposal of
H.............................................................................. 2.52 explosive filled projectiles. If a Mark 1 charge is
T; T/D.................................................. 0.062; 0.031 detonated so that the jet penetrates a projectile just
S; S/D................................................................. 3; 1.5 forward of the rotating- band, the projectile is ex­
Explosive........................................... Plastic explosive pected to detonate. The Mark 1 may be used on any
Exp. wt..................................................................... 0.67 sized projectile up through the 16-inch A.P.
d; d/D........................................................... 2.25; 1.12 This cavity charge utilized the available steel liner
L; L/D........................................................ 3.5; 1.75 of the 2.36-inch HE, AT rocket (described else­
Booster ................................................................ none where). When used for demolition purposes it will
Dimension of head.................................... 2.25 dia. x 7 penetrate 3.2 inches of homogeneous armor or 12
Dimension of round...............................2.25 dia. x 7 inches of reinforced concrete.
Assembled wt.......................................................... 1-0 To use, this and similar cavity containers must be
Wt. packed.............................................................. 50 packed with a plastic explosive such as Composition
Cubic .............................................................. L83 C-3. The explosive should be tamped in place with
No. per box................................................ 100 empty a wooden paddle. The tamping should be carefully
Bureau of Ordnance Drawing No................... 422108 done to avoid cavities which would be detrimental to


Figue 11—Cavity Charge Container Mark 2 Mod 0. Figure 12—Cavity Charge Container Mark 3 Mod 0.

the action of the jet. A Corps of Engineers Special T; T/D.......................................................0.03; 0.03

Blasting Cap inserted approximately ^-inch into the S; S/D.............................................................. 8.0; 8
center of the top of the explosive charge and with its Explosive........................................... Plastic explosive
axis in line with the axis of the container will, when Exp. wt..............................................................0.6 oz.
detonated, initiate the charge. d; d/D .............................................................. 1.0; 1
When disposing of explosive filled ordnance by L; L/D...................................................... 0.87; 0.87
means of the Cavity Charge Mark 1 Mod 0 all per­ Booster .............................................................. None
sonnel should be under cover as the projectile will Dimension of head............................... 1.0 dia. x 9.25
probably detonate “high order.” Dimension of round............................. 1.0 dia. x 9.25
Assembled wt........................................................... 0.25
Wt. packed ............................................................ 20
Cavity Charge Container Mark 2 Mod 0 Cubic ...................................................................... 0.4
(Figure 11) No. per box................................................ 50 empty
Container .... 0.01 Terne plate Bureau of Ordnance Drawing No................... 422394
Liner material ........ Mild steel
Liner shape........................................................... Cone The Cavity Charge Mark 2 Mod 0, was designed
Interior angle ........................................................ 80° by the Navy, Bureau of Ordnance, to open thin-
D ............................................................................ 1.0 skinned, explosive-filled ordnance by initiating low
H ............................................................................. 0.5 order detonation of the material attacked.

915349 0—50------3 RESTRICTED 13


To ready the charge for use it should be filled with The Cavity Charge Mark 3 Mod 0 was developed
Composition C-3 (as noted for the Cavity Charge by the Navy, Bureau of Ordnance, to initiate low
Container Mark 1 Mod 0) and a Corps of Engineers order detonation of explosive-filled ordnance where
Special Blasting Cap should be inserted %- to Cl­ the material is buried beneath mud or sand.
inch into the center of the top of the explosive iwith The container must be filled with plastic explosive
its axis in line with the axis of the container. and prior to use a Corps of Engineers Special Blast­
A standoff distance of eight inches, provided by ing Cap should be inserted approximately jHs-inch
the three wire legs shown in figure 11, is recom­ into the center of the top of the explosive filling with
mended as the one most likely to give consistent low its axis in line with the axis of the container.
order detonation of thin-skinned explosive filled The charge has been successfully used to initiate
ordnance. Due to this large variation from the low order detonation of explosive-filled ordnance
optimum standoff distance of two inches, the jet will buried under one foot of hard packed earth. As
not always penetrate the explosive covering. If the there is always a possibility of initiating high order
material fails to initiate "low order” after the first detonation of the materiel attacked, proper safety
shot, the recommended procedure is to make a second precautions should be maintained.
shot at a different spot using the same standoff dis­
tance. If this, too, fails the standoff distance should Cavity Charge Container Mark 4 Mod 0
be lessened by two inches on each successive shot (Figure 13)
until the ordnance is opened. Container........................................ 0.026 Sheet steel
Although designed to open thin-skinned ordnance Liner material.......................... .................. Mild steel
with a low order detonation of the explosive filling, Liner shape ..;........................ ... Wedge (double)
there is a possibility that the explosive will detonate Interior angle........................................................... 80°
"high order” and precautions should be made to have D............................................. Di = 1.5; D3 = 0.625
all personnel under cover when using this charge as H............................................. Hi = 1.375; H,. = 1.0
indicated. Making two shots at one place on thin- T....................... Ti = 0.052; T2 = 0.026
skinned ordnance increases the probability of high S................................................. S, = 0.87; S2 = 0.5
order detonation. Explosive........................................ Plastic explosive
Exp. wt........................................................ 0.67 (each)
Cavity Charge Container Mark 3 Mod 0 d................................................... dt = 1.5; d3 = 0.6
(Figure 12) L................................................ L, = 1.4; L2 = 1.0
Booster............................................ Plastic explosive
Container.................. ....................... 0.01 Terne plate Dimension of head.......................... 1.5 x 2.3 x 16.7
Liner material............................................ Mild steel Dimension of round........................ 1.5 x 2.3 x 16.7
Liner shape ........ Cone
Bureau of Ordnance Drawing No................. 562377
Interior angle ......... 80°
I) ............................................................................ 3.0 The Cavity Charge Mark 4 Mod 0 was developed
H .........’................................................................... 1.5 by the Navy, Bureau of Ordnance, as a means of
T; T/D...................................................... 0.09; 0.03 opening 5 in./38 A.A. common projectiles for subse­
S; S/D.............................................................. 6.0; 2 quent disposal of the explosive filling.
Explosive........................................ Plastic explosive The containers are used in pairs as shown in
Exp. wt.................................................................... 1.3 figures 13 and 33. They are held in place on the
d; d/D.............................................................. 3.0; 1 projectile by a bracket which supports the charges
L; L/D........................................................ 3.62; 3.6 at their center of gravity. Each container is filled
Booster .............................................................. None with approximately of a pound of plastic explosive.
Dimension of head ............................ 3.0 dia. x 10.0 An additional ounce of plastic explosive is formed
Dimension of round............................ 3.0 dia. x 10.0 into the boosters around two Corps of Engineers
Assembled wt. .................. 1.75 Special Blasting Caps, one being placed at the center
Wt. packed.................................................................25 of the length of each charge. The caps should be so
Cubic .................................................................... 2.25 placed that their ends are against, and not inserted
No. per box................................................ 50 empty into the main filling. The two caps should be con­
Bureau of Ordnance Drawing No................... 422394 nected in a series circuit.


Figure 13—Cavity Charge Container Mark 4 Mod 0. Figure 14—Demolition Charge Mark 22 Mod 0.

The projectile will be cut in half by the jets from

the two linear cavity charges when these charges are
detonated. The projectile fuzes are thrown intact
from the casing while the top half of the sectioned
projectile may be tossed a distance of up to 1C0 feet.
In using the charge, proper safety precautions should
be maintained to protect personnel in event the pro­
jectile detonates “high order” or if one or both of
the fuzes should explode after being thrown from the

Demolition Charge Mark 22 Mod 0 (Figures

14, 15, and 16) Figure 15—Demolition Charge Mark 22 Mod 0
Placed on ’/t-inch Steel Plate Supported on
Container ... 0.036 Steel
Surface of Water.
Liner material . Mild steel
Liner shape..................................................... Wedge
Interior angle................... 80°
D................................................................................ 0.5
H............................................................................ 0.35
T: T/D.................... 0.025; 0.05
S: S/D.................................................... 0.375; 0.75
Explosive........................................... Plastic explosive
Exp. wt...................................................................... 1.25
d: d/D............................................................ 0.5; 1.0
L; L/D...........................................................0.94; 1.9
Dimension of head 1.3 x 10 x 20
Dimension of round 1.3 x 10 x 20
Assembled wt...................................................... —
Wt. packed......................................................... —
Cubic................................................................... — Figure 16—’/»-inch Steel Plate Showing Rectan­
No. per box....................................................... — gular Hole Cut by Demolition Charge Mark 22
Bureau of Ordnance Drawing No.................. 398961 Mod 0.


The Demolition Charge Mark 22 Mod 0 was de­

veloped by the Navy, Bureau of Ordnance, as a
method of quickly scuttling explosive filled, drone
boats by cutting a 10-inch by 20-inch hole through
the %-inch bottom plate. Detonation is achieved by
any remote control device initiating two Corps of
Engineers Special Blasting Caps inserted in the det­
onator wells provided.
The charge container is furnished empty and must
be loaded with approximately 1% pounds of plastic
explosive prior to use. A plate is provided to cover
the explosive although this is not necessary to insure
correct functioning of the charge. This charge may
be used for cutting through mild steel plate up to
%-inch thick. The watertight standoff sleeve allows
the charge to function under water.

Cable and Chain Cutter Mark 1 Mod 1

(Figures 17 and 18)
Container.................................................. 0.031 Steel
Liner material.............................................Mikl steel
Liner shape.............................................. “U” wedge
Interior angle........................................................... 80°
D .......................................................................... 1.10
H .......................................................................... 0.70
T; T/D.................................................... 0.06; 0.055
S; S/D.............................................. 0.5 (watertight)
Explosive .......................................... Plastic
Exp. wt........................................................................2.0
d; d/D.......................................................... 1.25; 1.1
L;L/D.............................................................. —
Booster............................................................... —
Dimension of head......... ................................ —
Dimension of round.........................1% x 6% x 15%
Assembled wt..........................................2.5 (empty)
Wt. packed............................................................. 125
Cubic ...................................................................... 7.5 Figure 17—Cable and Chain Cutter Mark 1 Mod 1.
No. per box............................................................... 25
Bureau of Ordnance Drawing No................. 439200

The Cable and Chain cutter Mark 1 Mod 1, was vided with a means to attach it securely to the cable
developed by the Navy, Bureau of Ordnance, for the or chain in a quick and easy manner.
use of U.S. Naval Combat Demolition Units (Under­ The horseshoe shaped container of the Mark 1
water Demolition Teams). Basic requirements stated Mod 1 is filled with approximately two pounds of
that the charge should be capable of cutting cable, plastic explosive prior to use. A Corps of Engineers
chain, or similar material which might be employed Special Blasting Cap is inserted in the detonator well
as an obstacle to landing craft. Cutting must be and held in place by means of a plastic adaptor. In
positive either in air or under water. An addi­ use, the scissor-action handles are squeezed thus
tional requirement demanded that- the cutter he pro- opening the clamping jaw of the cutter and allowing


Figure 18—Two-inch Steel Cable and I’A-inch Steel Anchor Chain Cut by Demolition of Cutter.

the open ends to be slipped over the chain or cable which can be placed between the open jaws. A
at the point where the cut is to be made. Releasing watertight compartment between the cavity liner and
the handle locks the cutter in place. the target allows the charge to be used under water.
The charge is capable of cutting two-inch steel If this cutter is used out of water, all personnel should
cable, 1%-inch steel anchor chain, or other material be under cover to avoid flying fragments.

Chapter 3


Use of Cylindrical Charges of detonation may be expected in the remaining 20

Bombs. The U.S. Navy Cavity Charge Mk 2 percent of the attacks. In the event of failure of
Mod 0 described earlier has been successfully used the charge to initiate low-order detonation, successive
to initiate low-order detonations of various types of attack should be made at a point on the bomb 90°
explosive filled bombs. Unless otherwise specified, removed from the previous shot.
a standoff distance of eight inches was used. The Figures 19, 20, 21, and 22 indicate various methods
Cavity Charge Mk 2 Mod 0 was .fired into the mid­ of using the Cavity Charge Mk 2 Mod 0.
section of the bombs in all tests. In the majority of A.A. Projectiles. The application of the Cavity
cases in which the charge was used, sections of the Charge Mk 2 Mod 0 to 8 in./55 A.A. common pro­
case split out by the low-order detonation of the jectiles is shown in figure 23. Due to the thickness
explosive filling were thrown in a direction opposite of the sidewalls of the projectiles, the standoff dis­
to that from which the cavity charge attack was tance used was near optimum. Low-order detona­
made. Sections as large as one-third of the bomb tions of the projectiles may be expected to result from
cases have been, thrown nearly 300 yards by these 80 percent of the attacks on these projectiles. The
low-order detonations. remaining 20 percent of the attacks will consist
In 80 percent of the attacks on bombs low-order mainly of penetration of the projectile without initia­
detonations may be expected. High-order detona­ tion of detonation, with possibly a few high-order
tions and failure of the charge to initiate any type detonations.

(a) Cavity Charge Mk 2 Mod 0 directed for attack of

250-kg. German G.P. Bomb.
(a) Cavity Charge Mk 2 Mod 0 directed for attack.

(b) 250-kg. German G.P. bomb opened by low order

(b) Bomb opened by low order detonation of explosive filling detonation initiated by attack of Cavity Charge Mk 2 Mod 0.
initiated by attack of Cavity Charge Mk 2 Mod 0. The section The bomb case is ripped open and the explosive filling is
torn from the case was blown approximately 200 yards. broken up and scattered.
Figure 19—U.S. 500-pound G.P. Bomb AN—M63. Figure 20—250-kg. German G.P. Bomb.


(a) Cavity Charge Mk 2 Mod 0 directed from standoff of

four inches for attack on butterfly bomb. High order
detonation of the fuzed butterfly bomb was obtained.

(a) Cavity Charge Mk 2 Mod 0 directed for attack on

20 th. U.S. fragmentation bomb fitted with unarmed fuze.

(b) Cavity Charge Mk 2 Mod 0 directed from standoff

of eight inches for attack on buried butterfly bomb
(indicated by pointer). High order detonation of the
fuzed butterfly bomb was obtained.
Figure 22—German Butterfly Bomb.

(b) 20-1b. U.S. fragmentation bomb after attack by Cavity

Charge Mk 2 Mod 0. Some of the explosive filling still
remains in the case which is attached to the tail fins.
Figure 21—20-lb. U.S. Fragmentation Bomb.

Jtt those cases where penetration of the projectiles

is obtained without initiation of low-order detonation,
a second attempt may be made by directing the jet
(a) Cavity Charge Mk 2 Mod 0 placed four inches forward
from a second Cavity Charge Mk 2 Mod 0 into the of the rotating band of U.S. 8 in./55 A.A. Common Projectile.
hole made in the projectile by the first attack. If A standoff distance of two inches is used for the cavity
charge. The projectile is fitted with unarmed fuzes.
this procedure is followed, however, the probability
of high-order detonation of the projectile is increased
The disposal of A.A. common projectiles by means
of linear cavity charges is believed to be a more
satisfactory method than attack by the Cavity Charge
Mk 2 Mod 0. due to the fact that larger openings are
provided in the projectile cases with less penetration
into the explosive by a concentrated jet thus reducing (b) Results of attack on the 8-in./55 A.A. common projectile
considerably the probability of high-order detona­ by the Cavity Charge Mk 2. Sections of the projectile
recovered, including the nose and base fuzes, are shown
tions. See Cavity Charge Container Mk 4 Mod 0 for in the picture.
further information. Figure 23—U.S. 8-in./55 A.A. Common Projectile.


Figure 24—U.S. Navy Cavity Charge Mk 3 Mod 0

Directed for Attack of Buried Ordnance. A Stand­
off Distance of Four Inches Is Used.

Figure 26—Curvilinear Cavity Charge Form Used in

Special Applications of Linear Cavity Charges.

The successful sectioning of thin-cased ordnance

depends upon cutting completely through the ord­
nance case and to a sufficient depth into the explosive
filling to obtain sufficient shearing action to separate
the explosive. For heavy cases, such as high-
capacity projectiles and armor-piercing projectiles,
Figure 25—U.S. 7.2-inch Barrage Rocket Head it is not always necessary to cut completely through
(Hedgehog) Opened by Low Order Detonation the case to obtain sectioning. Sufficient shearing
initiated by Jet from Cavity Charge Mk 3 Mod 0. action to separate the uncut portion of these cases is
The Cast TNT Filled “Hedgehog” Was Buried Under often obtained with the larger cavity charges re­
One Foot of Mud When Attacked. quired for opening of this type of ordnance. The
selection of the cavity charge to be used for the sec­
Buried Ordnance. The Cavity Charge Mk 3 tioning operation depends, therefore, primarily on
Mod 0 has been applied to the disposal of buried the material and the thickness of the ordnance case.
ordnance as illustrated in figures 24 and 25. High- Ordnance fitted with heavy internal tubes to receive
order detonations have resulted in a few instances. boosters or initiating mechanisms is difficult to sec­
tion by means of cavity charges because of the re­
Use of Linear and Curvilinear Charges for sistance to shearing of the internal tubes.
Sectioning Thin Skinned Ordnance Linear cavity charges with cavity linings of 12O'J
This section describes the use of charges which are apex angle as shown in figure 26 have been preferred
fabricated in the form of continuous troughs. For a for sectioning of thin-cased explosive filled ordnance.
discussion of linked linear charges see page 27. This is due to the increased ease in manufacture over


linear cavity charge with an 80° apex angle. Charges

of this type have been used for sectioning of cases
varying in thickness from 0.060-inch through 0.30-
inch thick steel.
Cavity charges with cavity linings of 80° apex
angle have been used for sectioning of ordnance cases
thicker than 0.30-inch steel, where the necessarily
larger charge increases the ease of manufacture and
(a) Cavity charge placed for sectioning.
Sectioning German G Type Mine

The sectioning charge is placed just forward of the

unit compartment of the mine, figure 27.

Charge width........ .................................... in.
Apex angle of liner..................................... 120°
Height of sides........................................... 0.6 in.
Standoff distance........ ..................... % in.
Radius of curvature............................ 13pz in.
The curvilinear cavity charges used to section the
hexanite filled %-inch thick case of the German G
type mine arc rolled from 0.021-inch thick sheet brass
as shown in figure 26. (b) Cavity charge as seen from unit compartment or tail
Two of these forms when packed with a total end of the mine. Note the standoff provided by wire legs.
weight of approximately 475 grams of plastic explo­
sive (Composition C-3) constituted the sectioning

Sectioning U.S. Depth Bomb AN—Mk 49

Data: 8-in. Main

section charge
Charge width ............ ¥s in.
% in-
Height of sides.......... 0.6 in. 0.42 in.
Material of liner........ Mild steel Mild steel
Thickness of liner.... 0.011 in. 0.016 in.
Apex angle of liner.. .. 120° 120°
(c) Blasting cap placed in booster of approximately 10 gr.
Standoff distance .... % in. % in. of Composition C-3. The blasting cap does not extend
Radius of curvature.. 9.35 in. 9.35 in. into the charge proper.
Total weight of explosive filling, approximately
175 grams.
The U.S. Depth Bomb AN-Mk 49 consists of a
%-inch thick welded steel case with an 8-inch thick­
steel reinforcing band placed to strengthen the bomb
case where the suspension lugs are secured. The
depth bomb shown in figure 28 is approximately 17J4 (d) The section cut from the mine case has been thrown
inches in diameter and is filled with approximately approximately 10 feet.
480 pounds of torpex. Figure 27—German G Ground-Sea Mine.


(a) A standoff of one inch is tired for this charge due

to an erroneous assumption as to the thickness of the case
(a) The curvilinear cavity charge is placed on the nose
of U.S. Depth Bomb AN-Mk 49.

(b) The case is not cut completely at the bottom due to

the large standoff used. A second curvilinear cavity charge
is placed on the depth charge for the second cut (figure 30).
(b) Note the large section incorporated to cut through the Figure 29—British Depth Charge Mk 7 Mod 0 Cut
%-inch thick reinforcing band and the placement' of the
blasting cap. by First Curvilinear Cavity Charge.

Sectioning British Depth Charge Mk 7 Mod 0

Material of liner................................... Mild steel
Thickness of liner..................................0.011 in.
Charge width...................................... 0.250 in.
Height of sides........................................ 0.42 in.
Apex angle of liner.................................... 120°
Standoff distance...................................... in.
Radius of curvature................................ 9.25 in.
Weight of Composition C-3 filling, approxi­
(c) Sectioned by the curvilinear cavity charge. mately 150 grams.
Figure 28—U.S. Depth Bomb AN-Mk 49. The British Depth Charge Mk 7 Mod 0 was sec­
tioned to obtain evidence of segregation in the amatol
The curvilinear cavity charge used to section this filling and to obtain samples of the explosive filling
depth bomb contained an 8-inch section which was for experimental purposes.
made heavier than the remainder of the charge due Difficulty was encountered in sectioning of this
to the presence of the reinforcing band. depth charge because of the central booster tube run-


Figure 31—Linear Cavity Charge.

(a) The case of the depth bomb has been split along the Use of Linear and Curvilinear Charges for
weld. The cut section has been peeled back making the Sectioning Thick Cased Ordnapce
explosive that has been chipped loose easily removed.
Disposal of U.S. 100-lb. G.P. Bomb AN-M30

The linear cavity charge illustrated in figure 31

was developed for the opening and disposal of the
U.S. 100-lb. G.P. Bomb AN-M30.
This charge, when filled with approximately 9.6
ounces of plastic explosive (Composition C-3) and
detonated longitudinally on the U.S. 100-lb. G.P.
Bomb AN—M30, results in opening the bomb suffi­
ciently for easy disposal of the explosive filling bv
burning. The bomb fuzes drop from the cut bombs.
See figure 32.
Detonation of this charge is initiated by means of a
Corps of Engineers Special Plasting Cap inserted
•%-inch into a booster of 10 grams of plastic explo­
sive added to the top of the charge.
The l}4-inch standoff used for this charge is in
excess of optimum for the charge width. This stand­
off is used to reduce the cutting effect of the charge
at the center of the bomb case, which is considerably
thinner than either the nose or tail.

Disposal of 5 in./38 A.A. Projectile

(b) Depth charge opened by curvilinear cavity charges. The use of the Cavity Container Mk 4 for section­
Loosened section of the explosive has been removed.
ing the 5 in./38 A.A. Projectile is described on page
Figure 30—British Depth Charge Mk 7 Mod 0
14. Figure 33 pictures the operation.
Opened by Second Cut of Curvilinear Cavity
6- and 8-inch A.P. Projectiles
ning longitudinally through it. Consequently it was
necessary to make two separate cuts on the charge, The bases have been cut from 6- and 8-inch A.P.
figures 29 and 30, to facilitate removal of explosive projectiles by the detonation of one curvilinear cavity
samples. charge circumscribing the projectile at the rotating


(a) Cross section of one of the charges in position.

(a) Note the placement of the detonator in the booster of

Composition C-3. The bomb is fuzed with unarmed luzes.

(b) Linear cavity charges ready for detonation.

(b) Note that Nose Fuze AN-M-103 has been rendered safe
by the ejection of the striker, The Tail Fuze AN-M100A
has been dropped unharmed from the opened bomb.
Figure 32—U.S. 100-lb. G.P. Bomb Opened by
Detonation of Linear Cavity Charge Placed Longi­
tudinally on Top of Bomb.

ba nil. Figure 35. The charge used was made to the

following specifications:
Material of liner...................................Mild steel
Charge width............................................ 1J4 in
Thickness of liner................................ 0.062 in.
Apex angle of liner........................................ 80°
Height of sides............................................ 1)4 in.
Standoff distance......................................... ?4
Radius of curvature (6 in. A.P.)............. 3)4 in. (c) Projectile opened by the detonation.
Radius of curvature (8 in. A.P.)............ 4)4 in. Figure 33—S-in./38 A.A. Common Projectile.


fa) Curvilinear cavity charge placed arpund rotating band.

Figure 34—Curvilinear Charge Used to Section 6-

inch A.P. Projectile. Half of Charge Is Shown.

Two of these forms when filled with Composition

C-3 contained a total weight of approximately 1)4
pounds of explosive (6-inch A.P.).
Detonation of the explosive charge was initiated by
means of a Corps of Engineers Special Blasting Cap
inserted into a 10-gratn booster in the center of the
The cavity charge forms used for this work arc
(b) Base cut from projectile by curvilinear cavity charge.
made by rolling 0.062-inch thick strips of sheet metal
into the appropriate conical sections and welding two Figure 35—6-inch A.P. Projectile.
of these sections together. The appropriate side
pieces and standoff legs are welded onto the resulting ment at an angle of 45° in the attempt to lift the
liners to complete the cavity charge forms. The section cut from the mine and throw it outwards.
welded sections are annealed and all superfluous The specifications of the cavity charge frame are:
material ground off. These forms are made in two 10-in. sides 4-in. sides'
semicircular pieces to facilitate placing the charges Material of liner........ Brass Mild steel
around the projectiles. The two sections are joined Charge length .......... 10 in. 4 in.
together by means of cotter pins, as shown in figure Charge width ............ 0 4 in. 0.8 in
34. Apex angle of liner... 120° 120°
Thickness of liner .... 0.021 in. 0.021 in.
Entering Unit Compartment of German C Type Explosive filling wt... 47.5 grams 60 grams
Mine by Rectangular Frame of Linear Cavity Standoff distance .... in. Ya, in.
The charges when detonated cut a rectangular hole
A rectangular frame of linear cavity charges was in the unit compartment of the mine case, blasting
prepared to cut a 10- by 4-inch section from the unit the cut section into the unit compartment.
compartment of a German C type mine case. Figure It is believed that a charge of this type built to
36. The 10-inch sides of this frame were curved to extend one-half of the way around the unit compart­
fit the contour of the mine case. The 4-inch sides ment would throw the cut section away from the
were directed to cut the sidewall of the unit compart- mine.


(a) Rectangular frame of linear cavity charges placed on

unit compartment of German C Type Mine Case. Note
two detonators wired in series for initiating detonation of
the explosive filling of the charges. (a) Joint made between two sections of the cavity charge.
The need for this type of joint could have been avoided
by more care in the manufacture of the cavity charge form.

(b) Rectangular bole cut in unit compartment.

Figure 36—German C Type Mine Case Opened by
(b) Tail door and portion of unit compartment cut from
a Rectangular Frame of Cavity Charges. mine case. Note the cut made when the two sections of
the cavity charge overlapped.

Figure 37—German C Type Mine Sectioned by

Entering Unit Compartment of German C Type Curvilinear Charge.
Mine by Curvilinear Cavity Charge

The tail door was cut from the unit compartment Charge width ............................................. 0.4 in.
of a German C type mine by means of curvilinear
Height of sides............................................ 0.5 in.
cavity charge placed around the unit compartment of
Thickness of liner.................................. 0.021 in.
the mine case. The specifications in this application
Apex angle of liner.................................... 120°
Standoff distance......................................... 44 in­
Material of liner...................................... Brass Weight of Composition C-l filling .. 375 grams


(a) Curvilinear cavity charge in position.

Figure 39—Standoff Penetration Curve for a 0.4

inch Wide Linear Cavity Charge Fitted with a Mild
Steel Cavity Lining Fired Into a Massive Mild Steel
(b) The welded seam was left uncut. Note distortion of
tubing due to blast pressure. Target.

Figure 38—8-inch Diameter Welded Steel Tubing.

Apex angle of liner . ... 80° 80°
Height of sides .... % in. 0.4 in.
The application of this charge to cutting of the tail Standoff distance . . ¥* in. % in-
door from the unit compartment of the German C Radius of curvature 4% in. 4^ in.
type mine case is illustrated in figure 37.
The cuts produced were clean and sharp, but the
pipe and tubing were distorted somewhat at the
Use of Curvilinear Charges for Cuffing Steel edges by blast pressure from the cutting charges.
Pipe and Welded Steel Tubing Figure 38. This distortion was reduced to a mini­
mum when the pipe or tubing was filled with water.
Curvilinear cavity charges made to the following
specifications have been used for the cutting of steel
Use of Linked Linear Cavity Charges for
pipe and welded steel tubing.
Sectioning Explosive Filled Ordnance
Charge far Charge for
Cutting Steel Cutting Steel Linear cavity charges linked together to form a
Pipe In. Tubing In. continuous linked linear cavity charge have been suc­
Thick, 8-In. T hick, 8-ln.
Diameter) Diameter) cessfully used to section explosive filled ordnance.
Material of liner ........... Mikl steel Mikl steel The length of each link comprising such a charge is
Charge Width.............. in. in. determined by the diameter and the wall thickness
Thickness of liner........ 0.021 in. 0.C09 in. of the ordnance to be sectioned.


Under optimum conditions linear cavity charges

can be expected to penetrate to a depth equal to 80
percent of the width of the cavity lining in mild steel
targets massive enough to withstand the attack and
to a depth equal to one charge width in mild steel
targets where the depth of target is no greater than
the width of charge. Variations in standoff distance
from optimum result in somewhat reduced penetra­
The decrease in penetration resulting from varia­
tion in standoff distance due to cutting on a curved
Figure 40—Schematic of Linear Cavity Charge
surface with straight links must be overcome by
Consisting of Links 0.4 inch Wide and Three Inches
using charges slightly larger than would be required
Long for Cutting An Ordnance Case Eight Inches in
for sectioning by means of curvilinear cavity charges.
The length of the individual link is then determined
by the variation in standoff for the selected charge
width beyond which penetration of the ordnance case
will not be obtained.
The selection of the linear cavity charge to be used
for sectioning by means of linked charges is best
illustrated by considering a specific example. Figure
39 shows the standoff penetration curve for a 0.4-inch
wide linear cavity charge fitted with a mild steel
cavity lining fired into a massive mild steel target. Figure 41—Schematic of Linear Cavity Charge
Consisting of Links 0.4 inch Wide and Three Inches
Optimum penetration for this charge is approxi­
Long for Cutting An Ordnance Case 26 Inches in
mately %o inch at a standoff of % inch. The hori­
zontal line drawn across the curve near the maximum
represents a reduction of penetration of approxi­
mately 10 percent. As shown this indicates that the
charge would be expected to penetrate a %-inch
Figure 41 represents schematically a linked linear
thick mild steel plate at standoffs varied from approxi­
cavity charge consisting of links 0.4 inch wide and
mately inch through inch. This is noted as
three inches in length applied to the cutting of an
the effective range.
ordnance case 26 inches in diameter. The maximum
The length of the link that could be successfully
and minimum standoff distances as shown in figure
used to section %-inch thick steel ordnance cases
41 are well within the range of permissible variation
would then be determined by the length of charge
in standoff.
that would maintain a standoff of J's inch or less
Ordnance cases %-inch thick and 26 inches in
with a minimum standoff of inch within the
diameter could be cut using links longer than three
curvature of the ordnance case. Figure 40 illustrates
inches in length. When applied to cutting of sur­
schematically a linked linear cavity charge consisting
faces of large radii of curvature, reduction in pene­
of links 0.4-inch wide and three inches long applied
tration may be encountered at the joints between
to cutting of an ordnance case eight inches in
links. In the manufacture of linked linear cavity
charges it is important that the base of the cavity
The maximum standoff distance as shown in figure lining of adjoining links maintain as close contact as
40 is slightly greater than inch. Consequently possible. This is best accomplished by joining the
this charge would be expected to leave uncut portions links together by means of wires soldered at the base
of the case if used on J4“'nch thick cases smaller than of the links. Standoff distance is best maintained by
eight inches in diameter. means of standoff legs at the center of the links.


Figure 42—Sectioning of U.S. Depth Bomb AN—Mk (a) The charges are linked together by means of cotter
pin joints incorporated in the standoff legs placed for
49. The Charges Are Linked Together by Means sectioning of the bomb.
of Coffer Pin Joints Incorporated in the Standoff

When linked linear cavity charges are applied to

cutting on curved surfaces, gaps will necessarily
appear between the explosive filling of individual
links. Best results are obtained when these gaps are
filled with plastic explosive.
Applications of linked linear cavity charges to sec­
tioning of explosive filled ordnance are illustrated in
figures 42 and 43.
(b) Sectioned by the detonation of the linked linear
cavity charges.
U.S. Depth Bomb AN—Mk49 (Figure 42)
Figure 43—250-kg. German G.P. Bomb.
The U.S. Depth Bomb AN-Mk49 has been suc­
cessfully sectioned by means of linked linear cavity
charges made to the following specifications: 250 K.G. German G.P. Bomb (Figure 43)

Length of links............................................... 6 in. The linked linear cavity charges used in sectioning
Width of charge Ji in­ of this bomb were made to the following specifica­
Material of liner................................... Mild. steel tions :
Thickness of liner.................................. 0.011 in.
Apex angle of liner.................................... 120° Length of links............................................... 3 in.
Height of sides......................................... 0.42 in. Material of liner................................ Mild steel
Standoff distance.............................................. in- Width of liner........................................... in.
Thickness of liner.................................... 0.016 in.
The sides of the links were cut at the midpoint to Apex angle of liner.........................................80’
permit bending to produce the effect of using linked Height of sides............................................. % in.
charges three inches in length. Standoff distance (maximum) ........................ in.



80° L 120’ L.
S O.l 02 04 0.4 0.5 0 8 0.7 °|8 S 9 01 01 0) 0.4 °,5 04 07 0.8 00 ' 0 14 U 1.3 1.4 M I4t n $
J. 1 1 .1 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 l 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 l 1 t 1 ■ 11
1 ’ r r qw«qI ‘T i vMTrri ----------------- U! r rrrN ' IN ■ in "ppm un'in-------------------------------------
w 01 015 02 0) 04 0$ W J 91 02 01 04 00 07 00 90 ,'o 1J 14 14 1.4 18 W
>8 0.7 0 8 08 -0 1.5 2
®» ois C2 03 0.4 OS 00 0.7(1 J 0.9 1.0
rl 1 1 r 1 I
W ?
I :
. 1
1 1

1 1
°,5 04 07 08 01
1 1111 11111111
’j® 14 UJ Rod
th nfrn rnilnnnr. r u 1'11 1 1 1 1 i i i i i i |
H » 6 65 7 76 » SS 4 55 1
> i.i t 2 1.3 1.4 1.5 M 0 0.5 0.0 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.01 M
i i ri 1 i111 mr 1 ' 1 1 I 1 | 1 | 1 | I | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
T i ! 8 ! | I ! 8 ! I I 1 5 ! s | ! T e
T OW 0« 004 0010 0017 0Ql« 0070 0 £
• o o o e» <p oooo

(b) Face View.

(c) Enlarged view of face section.

Figure 44—Linear .Cavity Charge Calculator. Hairline Is Set for Computing Specifications for Charge
Required for Cutting 0.8 inch Into a IVi-inch Thick Target of Mild Steel.

Linear Cavity Charge Calculator scales for cavity linings of both 80° and 120° apex
angles, as follows:
The linear cavity charge calculator, figure 44, was
S = Standoff distance.
developed from information derived in a fundamental
W (black) = Width of charge.
investigation of linear cavity charges of plastic ex­ W (red) = Desired depth of cut into massive
plosive conducted by the Ordnance Investigation targets.
Laboratory. It was designed to assist mine and bomb H = Height of plastic explosive used in charge
disposal personnel in the preparation and use of (Composition C-3)
linear cavity charges. T = Thickness of mild steel required for cavity
The face of the calculator contains five different lining.


The back of the calculator includes instructions for Problem 3

the use of the calculator, penetration equivalents for
It is desired to section a torpex filled torpedo war­
cavity charges in various target materials, a rule in head. The warhead is constructed of %-inch thick
inches, and a table of decimal equivalents. brass.
The use of the calculator is illustrated by the fol­
Solution: Referring to the penetration equiva­
lowing examples: lents on the back of the calculator, it is seen that a
penetration of 1 inch in mild steel is equivalent to a
penetration of 14 inches in brass. To determine the
Problem 1
thickness of mild steel equivalent to % inch of brass
It is desired to make a cut 0.8-inch deep in a mild for purposes of computing the size of charge neces­
steel plate lj4-inches deep, using the minimum quan­ sary to section the warhead, the following proportion
tity of plastic explosive. may be set up:
Solution: Since linear cavity charges of plastic _ 0.125
explosive fitted with cavity lining of 80° apex angle “ X
are efficient cutting charges and the target plate is Where X = required depth of cut in mild steel.
massive enough to withstand the attack without
spalling, the hairline is set to 0.8 on the red W scale From which X =
for the 80° angle. The required charge specifications X = 0.090 in. (approx.)
are then read from the rule as follows: A curvilinear cavity charge fitted with straight­
Charge width.................... 1 in. (black W scale). sided cavity lining of 80° apex angle approximately
Height of explosive (H) ...................... 1.2 in. 0.10 inch wide would be required to section the war­
Thickness of liner (T)........................ 0.040 in. head. Such a charge would be exceedingly difficult
Optimum standoff distance (S)............ 0.6 in. to manufacture. By using a cavity charge fitted with
a cavity lining of 120° a somewhat larger charge
A linear cavity charge made to these specifications could be used, and penetration could be reduced by
may be expected to penetrate to a depth of 0.8 inch increasing the standoff.
into the given target plate. Curvilinear cavity charges %-inch wide, fitted
with cavity linings of 120° apex angle have been
successfully' used for sectioning of thin-cased explo­
Problem 2 sive filled ordnance. A charge of this type is easily
made and can be effectively used at relatively large
It is desired to section a 1,000-lb. general-purpose
standoff distances.
bomb having a minimum wall thickness of 0.4 inch
Since the width of the required charge is known,
by' means of a curvilinear cavity' charge.
the hairline of the slide is set on % inch (0.250) on
Solution: Since the 0.4-inch thick bomb case is
the black W scale on the rule under the 120° angle.
not sufficiently thick to withstand attack from a cavity
The corresponding charge specifications are read
charge without spalling, a cavity charge 0.4-inch
from the rule as follows .*
wide if fitted with a cavity lining of 80° a]>ex angle,
would be expected to accomplish the desired section­ Standoff distance (S) .......................... 0.24 in.
ing. Since the width of the required charge is known, Height of sides (H) .............................. 0.42 in.
the hairline is set on 0.4 inch on the black W scale Thickness of liner (T) .................... 0.0075 in.
of the rule, and the following charge specifications Since a somewhat reduced cutting effect is desired,
are read from the rule: the standoff distance used for the charge will be
Height of explosive (H)...................... 0.875 in. approximately' doubled, resulting in using a standoff
Thickness of liner (T)........................ 0.016 in. of % inch (0.50 inch).
Optimum standoff distance (S).......... 0.275 in. Since 0.0075-inch thick mild steel is not as readily
available as 0.011-inch thick mild steel, the latter
A curvilinear cavity charge made to the above may be substituted for the former in making up the
specifications would be expected to section the bomb. charge.


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