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Configuring IPTables For Snort Inline

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Configuring IPTABLES for Snort-Inline

Tim Slighter

January 23, 2003

Brief background on Snort-Inline

Snort-Inline is more or less a snort binary that can be configured to receive specific
input from IPTABLES. The key syntax used with IPTABLES is “QUEUE”. “QUEUE”
instructs IPTABLES to pass any matching protocol traffic to the ip_queue module.
Snort-Inline processes the matching traffic that has been passed to ip_queue and
determines response based upon the configuration file (snort.conf) and rules files.
This document is for instructions on how to get Snort-Inline working with IPTABLES.
First assuming the user has working knowledge of Redhat, IPTABLES and Snort,
this procedure has been tested with Redhat 7.3 Kernel 2.4.18-3. Lets break this
paper down into logical sections:

Determining what packages and RPM's are required

Obtaining all required packages and RPM's
Configuring and compiling required RPM's and source code
Configuring your rc.firewall script
Configuring and compiling Snort-Inline
Test run your new project
Understanding and working with the results
Security considerations

Please note that the rc.firewall script has been provided by Rob McMillen
<mailto:[email protected]> through the generosity of Honeynet.org
(http://www.honeynet.org/papers/honeynet). The rc.firewall script provided in this paper
has been edited in order to work with Snort-Inline and IPTABLES for a functional
Intrusion Response System.

Determining what packages and RPM's are required

First and foremost, a normal build of snort MUST currently be on the system.
Preferably Snort-1.9.0 should be on the system and it MUST be built and running
with “./configure” “make” and “make install” as well as the testing phase to ensure
functionality “snort –I eth0 –T” For the scope and purpose of this document,
rc.firewall will be run in "Nat" mode. Snort-Inline will also be required for this
implementation. Honeynet.org provides a Snort-Inline startup script that is very
useful. If anyone is interested in running in “Bridge” mode, please visit the
Honetnet.org website for tools and scripts.

Obtaining all required packages and RPM's

Unless the source RPM for IPTABLES has been previously built into the kernel, the
standard IPTABLES RPM will not work correctly with Snort-Inline. The required
RPM can be obtained from Netfilter.org @ http://www.netfilter.org/downloads.html -
1.2.7a. Locate the file iptables-1.2.7a.tar.bz2 and download it. Different iptables
builds work for different Redhat releases. Based on best information available,
iptables-1.2.7a works for Redhat 7.3 and 8.0, iptables-1.2.6a works with Redhat 7.2.
Snort-Inline can be located and downloaded from the Snort.org site @
http://www.snort.org/dl/contrib/patches/inline/ as file "snort-inline.tgz". Or simply go to
http://www.snort.org/ and click on "downloads" - "contrib" - "patches" - "inline". The
Honeynet provided startup script as well as other tools for Snort-Inline are available
at http://www.honeynet.org/papers/honeynet/tools/. Make sure to grab the snort-inline
startup script!

Configuring and compiling required RPM's and source code

Unpack the iptables-1.2.7a.tar.bz2 using bunzip2 and change into the newly created
directory. Refer to the INSTALL file to correctly install the new IPTABLES source
code. In the event that this file is not found, use the brief instructions below to
compile the IPTABLES source code:


1) Next, make the package.

% make KERNEL_DIR=<<where-you-built-your-kernel>>

2) Finally, you need to install the shared libraries, and the binary:
# make install KERNEL_DIR=<<where-you-built-your-kernel>>

If you are a developer, you can install the headers, development libraries
and associated development man pages, with:
# make install-devel

That's it! Make sure to issue ALL of the above build statements or there will be
issues to contend with down the road.
The KERNEL_DIR variable should most likely be /usr/src/linux-2.4. In the event
there are issues compiling this source code, refer to the Netfilter.org website for

Configuring your rc.firewall script

Configuring the rc.firewall script is fairly straight forward but can be edited to meet
any requirements. The main entries that need to edited are briefly shown below:
Use this mode unless your system is operating as a router for other systems with
address translation

This value will be the same that Snort-Inline will be running on. Commonly "eth0" is
the value

This must be set to "YES" for snort-inline to work


The rc.firewall script also contains entries taking advantage of “-j LOG” for
IPTABLES. Log level 6 defaults to “info” and will appear in /var/log/messages
according to the –log-prefix that is used. If these LOG entries do not appear in the
/var/log/messages file, check /etc/syslog.conf to ensure that *.info is present and
logging to /var/log/messages This script will hopefully be available on the Snort
website. For the time being, the script is available at the end of the document.

Configuring and compiling Snort-Inline

Tar xzf the "snort-inline.tgz" file and change into the "snort-inline" directory. Issue
the command "./configure --enable-inline" in order to build for inline. Follow this with
a "make" and "make install". In order to simplify the process run the configure script
as "./configure --prefix=/usr/local/snort --enable-inline" or there will be some minor
editing waiting for you later on. In the event that configure was run without the --
prefix, issue a "cp -R snort-inline /usr/local/snort" and cd to /usr/local/snort/etc and
begin edits on the snort.conf file. Much like the original snort, edit this file according
to the vars, preprocessors and rules that meet your requirements. This process
should be simple enough to not require any further documentation. The next step is
to alter all of the rules files. cd to ../rules and either open and edit each rules file that
will be used or take advantage of sed and some programming skills to perform a
"global" search and replace on the all of the rules files. For the purpose of this
document, the proper editing of one rules file will provide a sound starting point. For
example, vi the scan.rules files and issue the following command ":1,%s/alert/drop/g"
and enter and this should globally replace all occurrences of "alert" with "drop". Do
the same to each rules file that will be used as specified in the snort.conf file.
Providing that the snort-inline startup script was downloaded from Honeynet.org, "cp"
this file to /etc/init.d and edit it according to where the directories and binaries are
located. Ensure that ALL instances of eth* are changed to reflect the interface that
snort-inline will be running on. The bottom line of the script should look something
close to what is shown below:
$SNORT -D -d -c /usr/local/snort/etc/snort.conf -Q -i eth0 -l $DIR/$DATE
However, to avoid any confusion, the simplest form to run the snort-inline binary
should be:

/usr/local/bin/snort-inline –D –d –c /usr/local/snort/etc/snort.conf –Q –i eth0

This will send everything to the standard “alert” file in /var/log/snort but will provide
easier reading and troubleshooting.

Important note: Snort-inline generates its own unique binary. This binary will either
be located in the snort-inline directory or in the “bin” directory specified with “prefix”
when building snort-inline. This specific binary must be used when running snort-
inline and not the binary provided by the normal snort build or snort-inline will NOT
run. To avoid confusion and simplify the process, locate the snort binary in the
snort-inline directory in the “/src” directory and copy it to the same area as the
normal snort binary with a different name “cp /snort-inline/src/snort
/usr/local/bin/snort-inline”. As always, prior to running this issue a "mkdir
/var/log/snort". The first time running snort-inline may generate an error and the
program will stop. A quick easy workaround to get rid of this problem is to edit the
snort-inline startup script and place the following entry at the top of the file
"/sbin/modprobe ip_queue". Finally, copy the script to a location where snort-inline
can be started automatically "cp snort-inline.sh /etc/init.d/snort" and chmod +x to
make it executable.

Test run your new project

With the snort-inline script configured according to requirements and the rc.firewall in
place with a chmod +x in /etc/init.d. Start the rc.firewall script issuing
"/etc/init.d/rc.firewall". Uncomment the "set -x" line in the rc.firewall script for verbose
debugging if there are problems. Follow this by starting the snort-inline script
"/etc/init.d/snort". Issue a ps -ef to ensure that snort-inline is running as anticipated.
Check for a new $DATE directory created in /var/log/snort that will be created when
snort-inline initializes.

Understanding and working with the results

Find a hub or switch and connect the system running snort-inline on the same
network with a system that can run nmap and other pen-test oriented tools. Initially,
running nmap -sF -sX -sN -sS and -sT scans will most likely return results that are
picked up by the stream4 preprocessor and the scans may NOT be blocked.
However, scans such as –sU will be picked up by snort rules and will be blocked.
Run your own tests according to events that are not picked up by stream4 or other
preprocessors that do match snort rules and successful “drops” should take place.
Continue running the scans and timeouts will start taking place. For our testing
purposes, the snort.conf file was edited so that the preprocessor stream4 and
preprocessor stream4_reassemble was commented out. Under those conditions,
stream4 would not be present to detect scans and the rules would be forced to pick
up all scans. Conduct other tests that are known to fire alerts on snort signatures and
observe the results. In our lab, the success rate for snort-inline responding with a
"drop" was around 80% when scanning a single host. When enough scans were
conducted to generate timeouts, subsequent success rates were over 90%.
Conduct tests in accordance with what would normally take place from an external
scan on your environment.

Security considerations

In order to further secure a snort-inline system, edit the rc.firewall script or create
your IPTABLES that enhances restrictions on the INPUT table, such that the INPUT
table becomes IPTABLES -P INPUT DROP. Originally setting the INPUT table to
ACCEPT allows all traffic to pass through primarily for testing purposes. Feel free to
edit the rc.firewall script to meet the needs of your organization.

rc.firewall script

# rc.firewall, ver 0.6 - 5 Jan 2003
# http://www.honeynet.org/papers/honeynet/tools/
# Rob McMillen <[email protected]>
# This scripts has been borrowed from honeynet.org and customized for
strict control of IPTABLES in conjunction with Snort-Inline
# This scripts has been redesigned for use with IPTABLES and Snort_Inline
specifically. Use IPTABLES to specify
# what traffic is analysed, logged, or QUEUED. The primary method to
deploy a working and successful IPTABLES
# is by placing allowed hosts, services, traffic etc at the beginning of
the chain, followed by -j LOG and finally -j QUEUE
# This will vary according to environment and requirements for each
organization. Make note that anything used with -j QUEUE
# will pass everything in that IPTABLES rule to Snort-Inline. Providing
that all snort rules have "drop" in place of "alert"
# the specific traffic will ONLY be blocked providing it meets any of the
criteria in any of the snort rules. In many situations
# it would be recommendable to place -j QUEUE at the top of the IPTABLES
chain but run the risk of the traffic being dropped
# since it will not match any criteria in the IPTABLES chain or Snort-
Inline. Use your own judgement according to the requirements
# of your organization.
# This utility will not work with a standard IPTABLES RPM, one must compile
the source RPM or the best solution would be to download
# the most recent source from Netfilter.org. The Tarball from Netfilter
contains INSTALL and README files on how to recompile your
# new IPTABLES into the kernel. Providing that works well for you, then
you should be able to proceed with this script with no issues.
#### If you want to see all the commands or which command is giving your
# problems, remove the comment below.
#set -x



# The MODE variable tells the script to #setup a bridge HoneyWall

# or a NATing HoneyWall.

### IPTables script can be used with the Snort-Inline filter

### You can find the current release at
### http://www.snort.org/dl/contrib/patches/inline/
QUEUE="yes" # This must be set to "yes" or Snort-Inline will not
work as anticipated







# First, confirm that IPChains is NOT running. If
# it is running, clear the IPChains rules, remove the kernel
# module, and warn the end user.

/sbin/lsmod | grep ipchain


if [ "$IPCHAINS" = 0 ]; then
echo ""
echo "Dooh, IPChains is currently running! IPTables is required by"
echo "the rc.firewall script. IPChains will be unloaded to allow"
echo "IPTables to run. It is recommened that you permanently"
echo "disable IPChains in the /etc/rc.d startup scripts and enable"
echo "IPTables instead."
ipchains -F
rmmod ipchains

# Flush rules

# Load all required IPTables modules

### Needed to initially load modules

/sbin/depmod -a

### Add iptables target LOG.


### Add iptables QUEUE support (Experimental)

if test $QUEUE = "yes"
# Insert kernel mod
$MODPROBE ip_queue

# check to see if it worked, if not exit with error

$LSMOD | grep ip_queue

if [ "$IPQUEUE" = 1 ]; then
echo ""
echo "It appears you do not have the ip_queue kernel module compiled"
echo "for your kernel. This module is required for Snort-Inline and"
echo "QUEUE capabilities. You either have to disable QUEUE, or
echo "the ip_queue kernel module for your kernel. This module is part"
echo "of the kernel source."

echo "Enabling Snort-Inline capabilities, make sure Snort-Inline is"

echo "running in -Q mode, or all outbound traffic will be blocked"
####IPTABLES ENTRIES###########

# Set up the new policy on the IPTABLES INPUT chain. Use ACCEPT first to
make sure that everything works and then lock this down later

# Allow all Traffic on your loopback interface

$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i lo -p all -j ACCEPT

# Start off on the INPUT table and allow anything back in that was
originated from your system (Use this when IPTABLES -P is DROP)
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $LAN_IFACE -p all -m state --state

# USE these lines below if you need to log every protocol that is coming
into your system. This can be disk and resource intensive!!

### Inbound TCP

$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $LAN_IFACE -p tcp -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-
level 6 --log-prefix "INBOUND TCP: "
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $LAN_IFACE -p tcp -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT

### Inbound UDP

$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $LAN_IFACE -p udp -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-
level 6 --log-prefix "INBOUND UDP: "
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $LAN_IFACE -p udp -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT

### Inbound ICMP

$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $LAN_IFACE -p icmp -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-
level 6 --log-prefix "INBOUND ICMP: "
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $LAN_IFACE -p icmp -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT

### Inbound anything else

$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $LAN_IFACE -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-level 6
--log-prefix "INBOUND OTHER: "

# This might be a good time to pass all incoming traffic over to Snort

# After all of this hard work...make sure that all of the IPTABLES entries
are saved
if [ $MODE = "nat" ]
/sbin/iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables

For a very easy and good starting point, use the following as your first
firewall script:

# Load all required IPTables modules

### Needed to initially load modules

/sbin/depmod -a

### Add iptables target LOG.

$MODPROBE ip_queue

### Add iptables QUEUE support (Experimental)

if test $QUEUE = "yes"
# Insert kernel mod
$MODPROBE ip_queue

# check to see if it worked, if not exit with error

$LSMOD | grep ip_queue

if [ "$IPQUEUE" = 1 ]; then
echo ""
echo "It appears you do not have the ip_queue kernel module compiled"
echo "for your kernel. This module is required for Snort-Inline and"
echo "QUEUE capabilities. You either have to disable QUEUE, or
echo "the ip_queue kernel module for your kernel. This module is part"
echo "of the kernel source."

echo "Enabling Snort-Inline capabilities, make sure Snort-Inline is"

echo "running in -Q mode, or all outbound traffic will be blocked"

####IPTABLES ENTRIES###########

# Set up the new policy on the IPTABLES INPUT chain. Use ACCEPT first to
make sure that everything works and then lock this down later
# Allow all Traffic on your loopback interface
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i lo -p all -j ACCEPT

# Start off on the INPUT table and allow anything back in that was
originated from your system (Use this when IPTABLES -P is DROP)
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $LAN_IFACE -p all -m state --state

# Pass all incoming traffic to ip_queue so that snort-inline will pick this up



*** Remember to use the snort-inline binary instead of the snort binary ***

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