Freeman Et Al The Condor 2019
Freeman Et Al The Condor 2019
Freeman Et Al The Condor 2019
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A detailed understanding of species’ responses to global climate change provides an informative baseline for designing
conservation strategies to optimize protection of biodiversity. However, such information is either limited or not avail-
able for many tropical species, making it difficult to incorporate climate change into conservation planning for most
tropical species. Here, we used correlative ecological niche models to assess potential distributional responses of 3 range-
restricted West African birds, Timneh Parrot (Pscittacus erithracus timneh), Ballman’s Malimbe (Malimbus ballmanni), and
White-necked Rockfowl (Picathartes gymnocephalus), to global climate change. We used primary biodiversity occurrence
records for each species obtained from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, eBird, and VertNet; for environmental
data, we used climatic variables for the present and future, the latter characterized by 2 IPCC representative concen-
tration pathways (4.5, 8.5) future emissions scenarios and 27 general circulation models for a 2050 time horizon. We
found broad present-day potential distributions with respect to climate for all 3 species. Future potential distributions for
Ballman’s Malimbe and White-necked Rockfowl tended to be stable and closely similar to their present-day distributions;
by contrast, we found marked climate change–driven potential range loss across the range of Timneh Parrot. Our results
suggest that impacts of climate change on the present distributions of West African birds will in some cases be minimal,
but that individual species may respond differently to future conditions. Thus, to optimize conservation of these species,
and of bird diversity in general, we recommend that regional-to-national species conservation action plans incorporate
climate change adaptation strategies for individual species; ecological niche models could provide an informative base-
line information for this planning and prioritization.
Keywords: African birds, bird distribution, climate change, conservation, ecological niche modeling, Malimbus
ballmanni, Picathartes gymnocephalus, Psittacus erithacus timneh, Psittacus timneh
Effets des changements climatiques sur le potentiel de répartition de trois espèces d’oiseaux d’Afrique de
l’Ouest ayant une aire de répartition restreinte
Une compréhension détaillée des réponses des espèces aux changements climatiques fournit une base de référence
informative pour concevoir des stratégies de conservation afin d’optimiser la protection de la biodiversité. Cependant,
ces informations sont soit limitées, soit non disponibles pour plusieurs espèces tropicales, rendant difficile d’incorporer
les changements climatiques dans la planification de la conservation pour la plupart des espèces tropicales. Nous
avons utilisé des modèles de niche écologique corrélés pour évaluer les réponses potentielles de répartition face aux
changements climatiques de trois oiseaux d’Afrique de l’Ouest à l’aire de répartition restreinte, soit Pscittacus erithracus
timneh, Malimbus ballmanni et Picathartes gymnocephalus. Pour chaque espèce, nous avons utilisé des mentions de
biodiversité primaire provenant du Système mondial d’informations sur la biodiversité, d’eBird et de VertNet; pour
les données environnementales, nous avons utilisé des variables climatiques actuelles et futures, ces dernières étant
caractérisées par deux profils représentatifs d’évolution de concentration (4.5, 8.5) du GIEC et 27 modèles de circulation
générale jusqu’à l’horizon 2050. Nous avons trouvé de grandes répartitions potentielles actuelles relativement au climat
pour les trois espèces. Les répartitions potentielles futures pour M. ballmanni et P. gymnocephalus avaient tendance à
être stables et très similaires aux répartitions actuelles; au contraire, nous avons constaté une diminution potentielle
marquée de l’aire de répartition de P. erithracus timneh due aux changements climatiques. Nos résultats suggèrent que
les impacts des changements climatiques sur les répartitions actuelles d’oiseaux d’Afrique de l’Ouest seront dans certains
cas minimaux, mais que des espèces pourraient répondre différemment aux conditions futures. Ainsi, afin d’optimiser la
conservation de ces espèces et de la diversité aviaire en général, nous recommandons que les plans d’action régionaux
et nationaux pour la conservation des espèces incluent des stratégies d’adaptation aux changements climatiques pour
des espèces individuelles; les modèles de niche écologique pourraient fournir une base de référence informative pour
cette planification et l’établissement des priorités.
Copyright © American Ornithological Society 2019. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail: [email protected].
2 Effects of climate change on range-restricted African birds B. Freeman, J. Sunnarborg, and A. T. Peterson
Mots-clés: changements climatiques, conservation, la distribution des oiseaux, modélisation de la niche écologique,
Malimbus ballmanni, Oiseaux africains, Picathartes gymnocephalus, Psittacus erithacus timneh, Psittacus timneh
Ballman’s Malimbe is an Upper Guinea forest endemic, low and high emissions scenarios for greenhouse gases.
classified as Endangered by IUCN due to population de- The GCMs represent independent simulations of global
clines as a result of habitat loss and fragmentation (Field climate processes, and thus allow understanding of un-
1979, Gatter and Gardner 1993, Freeman et al. 2018a, certainty in future climate patterns. We used these 2 RCPs
models (Pearson et al. 2007, Shcheglovitova and Anderson precipitation, temperature seasonality, and mean tempera-
2013), and a number of replicates in each model equal to ture of the coldest quarter as the environmental variables
the number of occurrences. most important for Timneh Parrot (Supplemental Material
To optimize model complexity for all 3 species, we assessed Table 1, Supplemental Material Figures 1–3), whereas
range-restricted species. In this study, we noted data limi- the predictive ability of our models and generate more data
tations for each of our study species; however, the ap- for these species. For instance, since it was first described
proaches adopted in this study are robust to relatively small by Gatter and Gardner (1993), Ballman’s Malimbe is known
samples (Pearson et al. 2007, Shcheglovitova and Anderson as endemic to Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Côte
2013). Pearson et al. (2007), for example, using similar ap- d’Ivoire. Our models identified the possibility of an exten-
proaches with only 6 occurrence records, successfully de- sion of the species’ range in southern Ghana, such that sur-
veloped detailed predictions of distributions of geckos in veys in those regions can target this species. Indeed, the
Madagascar. Like Pearson et al. (2007), our results provide Nimba Flycatcher (Melaenornis annamarulae), long be-
a baseline with which to inform future survey planning lieved endemic to Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Côte
across the region, which is in itself an opportunity to test d’Ivoire, was recently discovered in Atewa Range Forest
Reserve in southern Ghana (Demey and Hester 2008). distributions with respect to climate variables for all 3 spe-
Many Upper Guinea forest species of diverse taxonomic cies, although their landscape-level responses to land cover
groups (e.g., birds, plants, mammals) show similar distri- considerably reduce their actual distributions. A similar
butional patterns. pattern has been observed in other studies looking at vul-
This study provides a first regional-to-local assessment of nerability to climate change of mammals, birds, and am-
impacts of global climate change on distributions of range- phibians of the region (Carr et al. 2014, Baker et al. 2015).
restricted, globally threatened West African birds at fine For example, compared to other taxonomic groups (am-
spatial resolution. We found broad present-day potential phibians and mammals), Carr et al. (2014) found birds
to have a low overall sensitivity to climate change in the be exacerbated by future climate change. This outcome is
region, but high sensitivity to forest cover. This low sen- likely if efforts are not made to reduce rates of forest loss
sitivity could explain the minimal climate change–driven in the region, as primary forests are irreplaceable for trop-
range loss and broader future potential distributions that ical species (Gibson et al. 2011). Moreover, West Africa has
we observed for Ballman’s Malimbe and White-necked been predicted to experience unprecedented departures
Rockfowl. In agreement with Carr et al. (2014), our results from its present/historical climate range as early as 2030s,
suggest that forest cover and its reduction are probably about 2 decades earlier then the global average (Mora et al.
much more significant drivers of bird species’ range loss 2013). As such, if forests are not protected, their destruc-
in this region (Figure 4). What is not clear yet, however, is tion could coincide with dramatic changes in the region’s
whether current threats to the ranges of these species will climate.
On the other hand, we noted marked climate change– conservation efforts in the region should not only focus
driven future potential range loss across the range of on protecting individual habitat fragments suitable to
Timneh Parrot, with no areas of range gain. Our future these species but also prioritize creating corridors for
projections anticipate that the species’ range will be al- connectivity between suitable habitats (Freeman et al.
most entirely restricted to Liberia by 2050 (Figures 1 and 2018b). Knowledge of dispersal abilities of these spe-
2). Interestingly, Carr et al. (2014) found Grey Parrot to cies is limited, although Timneh Parrots have been
be one of few bird species sensitive to climate change in observed to travel long distances in search of food re-
the region. This finding is troubling for a species that is sources in southeastern Liberia (Freeman et al. 2018a).
already under massive pressure from overexploitation for Ballman’s Malimbe and White-necked Rockfowl are
the pet trade and habitat loss (CITES 2013) Projected im- more specialized and probably less vagile forest dwellers
pacts of climate change on this species, together with on- less likely to use other habitats.
going threats to its habitat and pressure from the pet trade, Of the 3 species assessed in this study, only White-
should provide increased incentive for conservation focus necked Rockfowl has a regional species conservation
on this species. For all species, we emphasize that areas action plan, although it has yet to be implemented
presenting a combination of high suitability and low uncer- (Thompson et al. 2004). Hence, to optimize conserva-
tainty (see graphics in Figure 3) should be survey priorities. tion of the 3 species, we recommend that regional and
In addition to authenticating models, data on the ecology, national species conservation action plans incorporating
habitat requirements, life history strategies, and threats af- climate change adaptation strategies and an implemen-
fecting each species would inform conservation decisions tation roadmap be developed for each species. Our
(e.g., Behl and Benkman 2018). models should provide informative baseline information
Particularly, Timneh Parrots should be given urgent for planning and prioritization.
attention given the predicted high risk impacts of cli-
mate change on the distribution potential of the taxon.
Furthermore, note that the colonization of uninhab- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ited suitable areas predicted in these models depends We are thankful to members of the KUENM group, particu-
on the dispersal abilities of each species and opportun- larly Marlon Cobos, who developed the KUENM R package
ities (e.g., suitable corridors) available to them. As such, used in this study.
Funding statement: B.F. was funded with a Conservation CITES (2013). Strengthening capacity for monitoring and regu-
International/Global Environment Facility (GEF-5810) grant. lation of international trade of African Grey Parrot. Report
Author contributions: J.S., A.T.P., and B.F. conceived the pro- prepared by BirdLife Africa Partnership Secretariat, Geneva,
ject idea and composed the manuscript. J.S. and B.F. conducted Switzerland.
IPBES (2018). Assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem Peterson, A. T., M. A. Ortega-Huerta, J. Bartley, V. Sánchez-Cordero,
services for Africa. Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform J. Soberón, R. H. Buddemeier, and D. R. Stockwell (2002). Future
on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. projections for Mexican faunas under global climate change
net/assessment-reports/africa scenarios. Nature 416:626.