Middle Earth Landform

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Middle Earth, the continent where the action of The Lord takes place of the Rings and

The Hobbit, is set in the world of Arda. Share space with another continent called Aman
and both are separated by an ocean.
Like any continent, it has geographical features that are to know and know how to place.

Below are the most important and which you must learn.


Misty Mountains: is a mountain range in Middle-earth that marks the eastern edge of
Eriador and western edge of Rhovanion, the Roughlands. It is the longest of all the
mountain ranges in Middle-earth.

Gray Mountains: mountain range located north of the Black Forest. From its southern
slopes rises the Río Gris, one of the sources of the Anduin, and the Forest River, another
important waterway in northern Rhovanion. The mountains are rich in minerals,
especially gold.

Iron Hills: they are an important group of hills located to the northeast of the Lonely
Mountain and south of the mountain chain of the Lonely Mountains. Gray and are rich
in iron. They constitute the basin of the Red River (Carnen), which it is born on its
southern slopes, and overturns its waters towards the south.

Solitary Mountain: it is an isolated elevation located to the northeast of Rhovanion,

south of the Gray Mountains.

Mordor: volcanic region that is made up of three types of terrain volcanic: Gorgoroth
Plateau, Lithlad Plains (Ash Plain) in the Nurn area, and the huge mountain walls formed
by two great ridges which meet at an angle to the northwest, and which give Mordor
the form of, more or less, a square open on the eastern side. The wall northern rocky
area is the Ered Lithui (or Ash Mountains) and the western one composed of the inner
Morgai and the outer Ephel Dúath (or Shadow Mountains), a double mountain range
with the outer and inner face separated from each other by faults

The Shire: it is a region of low elevations, these being no higher than hills. Among the
main ones are:
- Distant Hills: also called Distant Quebradas, they are located between the Hills of the
Tower, to the west, and the Quebradas Blancas, to the east.

- Quebradas Blancas: also called Lomas Blancas, they are located in the West Ridge, east
of the Far Hills and where found Cavada Grande.

- Hills of Scary: they are located in the Cuaderna de Este and extend
from the Baranduin River to near the border with the Cuaderna del Norte.

- Green Hills: they extend from the Cuaderna del Oeste, passing through the South one and
ending in the East one, entering the Cerrado Forest.
Belegaer (Great Sea): is the ocean located in the west of Middle-earth and that for many
ages separated her from Haman.
Baranduin: rises from Lake Nenuial. Run in a southwesterly direction, between the Shire
and the Old Forest, until reaching the sea at the southern end of the Blue Mountains.
Carnen: it is located in the north of Middle Earth and together with al Celduin an
important river system as a means of communication and trade of the Rhovanion region.
It is born in the Iron Hills and pours its waters south to join the Celduin and together
they flow into the Sea of Rhûn.
Sea of Rhûn: it is a large inland and endorheic sea located to the east of the Middle Earth.
It is located northeast of Mordor and east of Rhovanion. Is fed by multiple rivers, but
mainly by the Celduin (the Rapid River) and the meat.
Celduin: rises from the slopes of the Solitary Mountain. He dumped his waters in the
Long Lake after crossing a gorge between two groups of hills and ran southeast again,
from the falls where the lake emptied.
Anduin: is a great river that runs through Middle-earth from its source south of the Gray
Mountains to its mouth, in the Bay of Belfalas, to the Great Sea of the Belegaer. It is the
longest river in the northwest of the Middle Earth
Lorien Forest: It is a forest located in Middle-earth near the Misty Mountains. The trees
are tall and leafy, characterized by do not let the sun's rays pass through, creating an
undergrowth rich in ferns.
Black Forest: extends, from north to south, parallel to the Mountains Cloudy and with
the Gray Mountains as its head. The vegetation is similar to that of the Lorien Forest.
Fangorn Forest: It is located in the extreme southeast of the Mountains Cloudy;
surrounded by two rivers that are born from its entrails on the slopes eastern parts of
the great mountain range: the Entaguas to the south, and the Limclaro to the North. It
also has as its eastern limit, the plateau of El Páramo and the Anduin river.


1. Put the geographical features mentioned in the next silent map. You can help yourself
with a map of Middle Earth consulting on the Internet.
2. Find other landforms in Middle-earth and comment on them briefly

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