GAS IMU Reference Booklet

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Residential Gas Meters ........................................................1

American Diaphragm Gas Meters/ 221.................................3
Rockwell Diaphragm Gas Meters/ 222.................................5
Actaris Diaphragm Gas Meters/ 223....................................7
224 Industrial Gas Meters......................................................9
Roots and Romet Meters/ Installing the Harness................12
Romet Meters.......................................................................14
Romet Meter: Wire Color Code............................................16
Roots Meter..........................................................................23
Roots Meter: Wire Color Code.............................................25
Squared Face Roots Meter..................................................27
Large Diaphragm Gas Meters.............................................39
Consider all parts needed for the job:

1. 221/222 IMU
- IMU and IMU cover
- 4 index-cover long screws
- 2 small index screws
- Service magnet
- 3 tamper seals
2. 223 IMU
- IMU and IMU cover
- 3 small index-cover screws
- 2 long index screws
- 2 tamper seals

The intended purpose of this guide is to provide a clear Consider tools necessary for the job. While understanding
comprehension on how to install smart IMUs to residential that basic tools such as (1.) Phillips head and (2.) Flat head
meters. All information is subject to change if newer screw drivers are needed to remove the original screws
information is provided in order to update procedure. from the residential meters, specialized tools are required
for job installation. These tools include:
A few steps to consider when approaching residential 3. Torque Screw Driver, set at the specific torque setting of
meters: each meter.
• Be sure to be in full PPE. 4. Scraper tool
• Spray! Especially at the couplings, valves, and fittings to 5. 221 alignment screws
detect leaks. 6. 222 alignment screws and cones
• Be sure to check for stray voltage using the volt protector. 7. 223 alignment bar and wriggler gauge
• Check for gas leaks before entering an area with the gas 8. Awl tool
sniffing detector.
• Recognize corrosion, unsafe conditions, safety concerns
including but not limited to clear access issues. If unsure of any piece of information always contact a
• Adhere to the proper procedures of each meter according supervisor.
to their installation process.
• Remember to place a service magnet on the face of the
meter before installing IMUs.

1 2
American Diaphragm Gas Meters

1. Follow Profield procedure leading up to installation.

2. Be sure to have recorded the current meter reading.
3. Inspect the IMU for damage.
4. Activate IMU and connect the battery cable.
6. Confirm blinking LED light. If activation fails, repeat
process with the service magnet over the top of the unit.
7. Remove the old index cover and index from the meter.
8. Remove old gasket material from the face of the meter
using the scraper tool.
9. Attach original index to IMU. Be mindful of torque
Type: Residential
10. Confirm the wriggler engages the IMU drive shaft of the
CFH: 250
index by gently moving the 1/2 foot dial.
IMU: 221-020001
11. **Attach the tamper magnet to the meter face.
12. Utilize alignment screws.
This is a very common type of residential meter. The lower
13. Confirm the wriggler engages with the IMU drive shaft of
portion of these meters looks like a box with rounded edges,
the meter by gently moving the 1/2 foot dial.
slightly fatter at the bottom.
14. Attach IMU to the mater face with the four appropriate
screws. Be mindful of torque settings.
15. Make sure gasket is flush.
16. Install the tamper seals.
17. Follow through with remaining Profield procedures.

• Be sure to install the tamper magnet on the face of the
meter before attaching the IMU.
• Make sure the upper edge of the gasket curve is flat along
TOOLS the top of the IMU after attaching the index cover to the
• Torque screwdriver meter.
• Alignment screws
Torque Settings
• 5 in lbs for the index screws
• 8 in lbs for the long index-cover screws
3 4
Rockwell Diaphragm Gas Meters

1. Follow Profield procedure leading up to installation.

2. Be sure to have recorded the current meter reading.
3. Inspect the IMU for damage.
4. Activate IMU and connect the battery cable.
6. Confirm blinking LED light. If activation fails, repeat
process with the service magnet over the top of the unit.
7. Remove the old index cover and index from the meter.
8. Remove old gasket material from the face of the meter
using the scraper tool.
9. Attach original index to IMU. Be mindful of torque
10. Confirm the wriggler engages the IMU drive shaft of the
Type: Residential
index by gently moving the 1/2 foot dial.
CFH: 275
11. **Attach the tamper magnet to the meter face.
IMU: 222-030001
12. Utilize alignment screws.
13. Attach IMU to the meter face with alignment screws in
The lower portion of this type of meter has a distinctive
tapered shape. The index is located in the middle of the
14. Confirm the wriggler engages with the IMU drive shaft of
the meter by gently moving the 1/2 foot dial.
15. Tighten alignment cones to the upper left and bottom
right screw holes on the cover.
16. Put in the four appropriate screws. Be mindful of torque
17. Make sure gasket is flush.
18. Install the tamper seals.
19. Follow through with remaining Profield procedures.

Tools Note
• Torque screwdriver with #2 Phillips bit • The top side of the gasket is curved upwards. Make sure
• Alignment pins and alignment cones the gasket maintains this curve after attaching the index
Torque Settings: cover to the meter.
• 7.5 in lbs for the index screws
• 8 in lbs for the long index-cover screws
5 6
Actaris Diaphragm Gas Meters

1. Follow Profield procedure leading up to installation.

2. Be sure to have recorded the current meter reading.
3. Inspect the IMU for damage.
4. Activate IMU and connect the battery cable.
6. Confirm blinking LED light. If activation fails, repeat
process with the service magnet over the top of the unit.
7. Remove the old index cover and index from the meter.
8. Remove old gasket material from the face of the meter
using the scraper tool.
9. Use the wriggler gauge to check the size of the wriggler
at the meter.
Type: Residential 10. Attach the IMU and index to the meter using the
CFH: 175, 250 alignment bar diagonally to the meter. Be mindful of torque
IMU: 223-010001 settings.
11. Slide the index cover over the index onto the meter face.
The front surface of the meter head is slanted, which is why Also, Make sure the gasket is flush.
this meter is also called the “slant-face Sprague”. The lower 12. Screw in the three index-cover screws, be mindful of
portion has a distinctive round shape. torque settings.
13. Install the tamper seals.
14. Follow through with remaining Profield procedures.

• Replace all 223 (Actaris) Brass Index/Odometer Style
Index with New Index.

• Alignment pins
• Torque screwdriver
• Alignment bar and wriggler gauge Odometer-style index

Torque Settings:
• 9 in lbs for the index screws The image above is an example of an old odometer style
• 9 in lbs for the index-cover screws meter to be replaced.
7 8
224 Industrial Gas Meters
Fig. 1

The intended purpose of this guide is to provide a clear

comprehension on how to install smart IMUs to industrial
224 meters. All information is subject to change if newer
information is provided in order to update procedure.

A few steps to consider when approaching 224 meters:

• Be sure to be in full PPE.
• Spray! Especially at the couplings, valves, and fittings to
detect leaks.
• Be sure to check for stray voltage using the volt protector.
• Check for gas leaks before entering an area with the gas
sniffing detector.
• Recognize corrosion, unsafe conditions, safety concerns
including but not limited to clear access issues.
• If the meter bar is set too low on top of the index, escalate
the job.
Fig. 2
• If a rotary meter is missing a connecting harness (or wire
MAGNET >>>>>

cable) from it’s pin connector (see image Fig.1), escalate

the job. Unless a cable is provided then it can be installed. WIRE COMPONENTS

The harnesses are also to be replaced from a six wire to a TOP

four wire harness on ROMET meters.
• Consider activating the IMU before cutting any wires, BATTERY
some IMUs will not communicate. This will save time if it
fails. If it does fail after multiple tries, escalate the job.


• Remove 4 screws from the IMU cover. Connect battery TOP

once green ACTIVATE IMU button is pushed (the screen
after scanning the serial number). The light will blink once
and stall. Once DISCOVERY starts light should blink and
successfully start syncing.
** If there is a need to re-connect, swipe a magnet on the
top of IMU box (arrows indicate direction; where the battery
is placed is the bottom of the box) (see image Fig. 2).
9 10
MATERIALS: (Rotary Meters)
Consider all parts needed for the job:
When approaching a rotary meter remember to secure and
1. Mounting Plate: survey the site before starting on the job. Be sure to spray
-2 screws valves, fittings, couplings, etc. for leaks.
-2 bolts
-2 tamper seals Installing the Harness
-1 small duct clamp
2. IMU When approaching a rotary meter, and there is no harness
-2 tamper seals (cable) attached, an installer can equip one to the meter.
-3 lever nuts
3. Direct Mount Enclosure**
-4 specific long screws for its appropriate meter
-2 short screws for mounting index
-2 washers
-2 bolts
-4 tamper seals
-2 lever nuts
-2 extra screws (?)
-May include 1 cable seal
**Only for diaphragm meters
Consider tools necessary for the job. While understanding
The pins on the male end of the harness will attach itself to
that basic tools such as (1.) Phillips head and (2.) Flat
the female part of the meter. The pins have a corresponding
head screw drivers are needed to remove the original
letter, such as what is shown in the images below, which will
screws from the 224, specialized tools are required for job
match up to each other.
installation. These tools include:
3. Torque Screw Driver, set at 5 lbs.
4. Industrial Torque Screw Driver, set at 14 lbs.
- (4a) Wrench bit and F A
-(4b) bit adapter attaches to torque. B
5. 11 in 1, nut driver bit E
6. Wire Cutter

If unsure of any piece of information always contact a

11 12

A ROMET meter is a rotary meter. The index read is found

on top (see image below). The drive rate depends on the
number of dials.

In a ROMET and 16M ROOTS meter, use a four wire

harness and follow the correct color code for wiring the IMU.
Six wire harnesses are to be replaced at every opportunity.

Once pins are in place twist until seal is securely locked on.

13 14
Drive Rate:
• For 5 dial indexes the rate is 10. 4 WIRE
• For 6 dial indexes the rate is 100 Use the red or blue and green wires from the ROMET
(Unless there is a label showing a different pulse value) meters cable.
The image below is an example of a 5 dial index read.
Therefore, the drive rate for this meter would be set at 10.



T E M P . C O M P.
21 2 8 8
x100 = CU. FT


• Connect red or blue wire (ROMET) to black wire (IMU)
• Connect green wire (ROMET) to red wire (IMU)

Here is an example:
Be mindful that the harnesses, or cables, for a ROMET
meter can be installed if there is none present. Also, six wire
harnesses are to be replaced with 4 wire harnesses.

There are the 3 types of wiring that may be faced out on

the field:

• 2 WIRE (least common)

• 4 WIRE
• 6 WIRE (to be replaced with 4 wire)

15 16
Use the blue and green wires from the ROMET meters Very rarely are these encountered in the field, however
cable. if encountered use the black and white wires from the
ROMET meters cable.
• Connect black wire (ROMET) to black wire (IMU)
• Connect white wire (ROMET) to red wire (IMU)


The following images will provide a general guide on the

procedure of installing a smart IMU to a ROMET meter.

+ Approaching the meter, notice there is already an older

version IMU installed. The harness will be cut off nearest to
the old IMU box and the duct clamp will be reused.

• Connect blue wire (ROMET) to black wire (IMU)

• Connect green wire (ROMET) to red wire (IMU)
• Connect green wire (ROMET) to black wire (IMU)
• Connect blue wire (ROMET) to red wire (IMU)

The blue and green wires from a 6 wire ROMET cable are


**The wiring information is subject to change but is
presented here for knowledge purposes only.
**It is recommended to activate IMU before cutting any

17 18
+ Remove 4 screws from box and connect battery once + Only the red or blue and green wire will be used.
green ACTIVATE IMU button is pushed. The light will blink + Strip wires and attach them to the lever nuts according to
once and stall. Once DISCOVERY starts light should blink the proper color code (see ROMET METER : WIRE COLOR
and successfully start syncing. CODE)

+ This is a 4 wire ROMET cable. + Reapply cover in accordance to the direction of the
arrows. The torque screw driver set at 5 lbs. is used here.
+ Attach IMU to the two bottom holes of the mounting plate
with the screws and bolts.

+ Notice the section in the middle sticking outward from

where the IMU will rest.

19 20

+ Fasten the plate and IMU with the duct clamp to the
nearest fitting pole. The 11 in 1 will be used here to tighten
the duct clamp (see bottom image). It can be tricky to find a
fitting spot, go with what is nearest and what makes sense.

+ In this case, the new IMU is kept in the same position as

the previous one. If the IMU requires to be on its side make
sure the water seal is on the bottom to prevent liquid from

++ An important step to remember is that the water seal is

secure. The industrial torque with the wrench bit at 14 lbs.
will be used here.

21 22
There are 2 types of ROOTS meters: 16M ROOTS meter
and SQUARE FACED ROOTS meter. Each have their own
wire color code, however 16M ROOTS is the most common
found in the field.

Drive Rate FOR 16M METER:

• For 5 dial indexes the rate is 10.
• For 6 dial indexes the rate is 100
• For 5 dial indexes the rate is 50.
• For 6 dial indexes the rate is 500
(Unless there is a label showing a different pulse value)

Put in your 4 tamper seals. Bare in mind a close-up of the

IMU similar to the image above will be taken after the NIC
screen in the tablet.


A ROOTS meter is another type of rotary meter. The index

read is found on top of it’s encasing (see image below). The
drive rate depends on the number of dials as well as the
type of ROOTS meter.

An example of a 16M ROOTS meter. Notice there is a plate

labelling the meter type.

23 24


On a 16M ROOTS meter (the most common) the black and

white wire will be used.

- Connect black wire (ROOTS) to black wire (IMU)

- Connect white wire (ROOTS) to red wire (IMU)

25 26
Squared Face Roots Meters that are less frequent on the
field. The wiring on these matters are as follows: The following images will provide a general guide on the
procedure of installing a smart IMU to a ROOTS meter.

+ Approaching the meter notice there is already an older

version IMU installed. In some cases there maybe one
or two harnesses, as long as the harnesses are present
proceed with install. The harness will be cut off nearest to
the old IMU box and the duct clamp will be reused.
**It is recommended to activate IMU before cutting any

+ Remove 4 screws from box and connect battery once

green ACTIVATE IMU button is pushed. The light will blink
once and stall. Once DISCOVERY starts light should blink
and successfully start syncing.

- Connect brown wire (ROOTS) to red wire (IMU)

- Connect green wire (ROOTS) to black wire (IMU)

+ The meter reading is found on top of the meters encasing

in this case the meter read is 24732 and the drive rate is 50.
27 28
+ Only the black and white wire will be used.
+ Cut the cable closest to the old IMU.

+ This is a 6 wire 16M ROOTS (one of the wires is


+ Strip wires and attach them to the lever nuts according to

the proper color code (see ROOTS METER : WIRE COLOR

29 30

+ Attach IMU to the two bottom holes of the mounting plate

+ Secure the lever nuts with the attached zip tie. with the screws and bolts.
+ Secure cable and tighten the water seal with the industrial Notice the section in the middle sticking outward from where
torque set at 14. the IMU will rest.
+ Reapply cover in accordance to the direction of the

+ Attach IMU to the two bottom holes of the mounting plate

with the screws and bolts.
+ The torque screw driver at 5 lbs is used here.

31 32
+ Be sure that the bracket is sticking outward so that the
duct clamp can easily fit through.

The IMU completed and assembled.

+ Use the 11 in 1 to detach the duct clamp from it’s old IMU.
+ Fasten the plate and IMU with the duct clamp to the
nearest fitting pole. The 11 in 1 will be used here to tighten
the duct clamp.
+ It can be tricky to find a fitting spot, go with what is
nearest and what makes sense. In this case, the new IMU is
kept in the same position as the previous one.

33 34
The screen shown on Profield asks for a picture of a close
up of the IMU with it’s seals in place. It is the second picture
after the IMU activation.

Installation complete.

35 36
Below are the different size ROOTS meters that may be
encountered on the field. The installation process is the
same as on a 16M ROOTS meter. The pictures simply
represent the different size #M ROOTS meters that may be
encountered on the field.

37 38

There are several classifications of diaphragm meters. The

most common are the American diaphragm meters. The
indexes are detachable and can be found on top. The drive
rate is 10.


No Image

Classification of Diaphragm Meters

Each diaphragm meter has a corresponding screw set that

is labelled with a serial number.

39 40

The following images will provide a general guide on the

procedure of installing a smart IMU to an AMERICAN

+Approaching the meter be sure to inspect and secure

the surrounding are. Make sure to inspect the meter for + The materials required for the job include a direct mount
any leaks, also if the meter bar is set too low or if there is enclosure which will be connected to the IMU box.
a regulator installed on the meter, these instances would
require to be escalated. + Remove 4 screws from box and connect battery once
green ACTIVATE IMU button is pushed. The light will blink
once and stall. Once DISCOVERY starts light should blink
and successfully start syncing.
***It is recommended to activate IMU before cutting any

41 42
The color code for a Diaphragm meter are as follows: + Remove the index piece from the previous enclosure lid.

- Connect black wire (DIRECT MOUNT ENCLOSURE) to

black wire (IMU)
- Connect white wire (DIRECT MOUNT ENCLOSURE) to
white wire (IMU)
- Connect red wire (DIRECT MOUNT ENCLOSURE) to red
wire (IMU)

+ Fasten the index piece to the new enclosure lid using the
given materials found in the screw set. It should include:
-2 short screws for mounting index
-2 washers
-2 bolts

43 44
+ After the index has been secured to the enclosure lid put
the original blue cover back on top and seat the enclosure
on top of the meter drive wriggler. Notice that the cover has
a clear window that indicates which way it should go.

+ Once enclosure has been securely placed on the meter,

Fasten the IMU box to wherever it can rest upright with the
water seal properly tightened and the tamper seals in place.

+ To secure the index and enclosure on top of the meter,

use the Filister head screws as indicated by serial number
220-020022 on the box it comes in. Be sure to align the
meter wriggler with the enclosures rotor gear found on the
45 46
+ When the mount does not come off as presented in the
image below, a certain type of screw will be used to seat the
index to the entire enclosure.

+ The above image shows the completed installation of the

large diaphragm meter.

+ Use the Filister head screws as indicated by serial

number 220-020024 to secure this base to the enclosure on
top of the meter. Be sure to put in tamper seals.

47 48

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