Obe Syllabus Genpsy
Obe Syllabus Genpsy
Obe Syllabus Genpsy
Lesson 1: Human Cultural Variation, Social Differences, Social Change and Political Identities
December 10 Lesson 15: Human Dignity, Rights and the Common Good
Desired Learning Course Content/ Subject Matter Textbooks/ References Teaching and Assessment of Resource Time
Outcome Learning Tasks Materials Table
Human Cultural Variation, *Aguilar, Maria Virginia Lecture Reflection Laptop
Social Differences, Social G., et. al.,Society, Reports Papers Projector
Change and Political Identities Culture, and Politics: An Group Group Marker
At the end of the Origin and Dynamics of Introductory Text for Presentations Presentations Manila
course, the students Culture, Society and Political Senior High School. Games- Worksheets paper
must have: Identities Scavenger Exercises nd Colored
* Acquired ideas Social, Political and Cultural *Atienza, Maria Ela Hunt, Pinoy Activities Paper
about human Change et.al, Understanding Henyo, Discussions Pencil
cultures, agency, Intersections of Anthropology, CULTURE, SOCIETY, & Charades Crayons
society and politics. Sociology and Political Science POLITICS for Senior Role Playing Prizes
*Recognized cultural Subjects of Inquiry and Goals of High School, C&E Poster Making
relativism and social Anthropology, Sociology and Debate
inclusiveness to Political Science Brainstorming
overcome prejudices. Anthropological and Publishing, Inc, 2016. Art
*Developed social Sociological Perspectives on Film showing
and cultural Culture and Society *San Juan, Wilfredo and
competence to guide Society and Culture as Complex Ma. Luz Centeno,
their interactions Whole Understanding Culture,
with groups, Aspects of Culture and Society Society and Politics (A
communities, Holistic Appreciation of Conceptual Experiential
networks and Cultures and Societies Approach) K-12, Books
institutions. Cultural Relativism and Atbp. Publishing Corp.
Ethnocentrism 2017.
Tangible and Intangible
Biological and Cultural
Evolution of Humans
Socialization and
Social Goals
Human Dignity, Rights and the
Common Good
Suggested Readings and Aguilar, Maria Virginia G., et. al.,Society, Culture, and Politics: An Introductory Text for Senior High
References School.
Atienza, Maria Ela et.al, Understanding CULTURE, SOCIETY, & POLITICS for Senior High School,
C&E Publishing, Inc, 2016.
San Juan, Wilfredo and Ma. Luz Centeno, Understanding Culture, Society and Politics (A Conceptual
Experiential Approach) K-12, Books Atbp. Publishing Corp. 2017.
Course Requirements Attendance and Participation 15%
Students are expected to promptly come to class and actively engage in class discussions.
Students will develop and write short integrative essays in response to the topics and group discussions.
The word limit is 150-200 words. Each student will post a single essay each week.
Make a short film, documentatry or presentation about a contemporary issue or phenomenon that you
observe in your society. Be creative in your presentation. It must be between 15-20 minutes only. (The
shorter, the better)
Content and Storytelling 30%
Creativity and Originality 30%
Engagement 20%
Technical Quality 20%
Due on December 10. To be presentated in class.