VAT-Exempt Transactions
VAT-Exempt Transactions
VAT-Exempt Transactions
1) Subject to the provisions of Subsection (2) hereof, the following transactions shall be
exempt from the value-added tax.
A. Sale or importation of agricultural and marine food products in their original state,
livestock and poultry of a kind generally used as, or yielding or producing foods for
human consumption; and breeding stock and genetic materials therefor.
Products classified under this paragraph shall be considered in their original state even if
they have undergone the simple processes of preparation or preservation for the market,
such as freezing, drying, salting, broiling, roasting, smoking or stripping. Polished and/or
husked rice, corn grits, raw cane sugar and molasses, ordinary salt, and copra shall be
considered in their original state;
B. Sale or importation of fertilizers; seeds, seedlings and fingerlings; fish, prawn, livestock
and poultry feeds, including ingredients, whether locally produced or imported, used in
the manufacture of finished feeds (except specialty feeds for race horses, fighting cocks,
aquarium fish, zoo animals and other animals generally considered as pets);
F. Services by agricultural contract growers and milling for others of palay into rice, corn
into grits and sugar cane into raw sugar;
G. Medical, dental, hospital and veterinary services except those rendered by professionals;
K. Transactions which are exempt under international agreements to which the Philippines
is a signatory or under special laws, except those under Presidential Decree No. 529;
P. Sale of real properties not primarily held for sale to customers or held for lease in the
ordinary course of trade or business or real property utilized for low-cost and socialized
housing as defined by Republic Act No. 7279, otherwise known as the Urban
Development and Housing Act of 1992, and other related laws, residential lot valued at
One million five hundred thousand pesos (PhP1,500,000) and below, house and lot, and
other residential dwellings valued at Two million five hundred thousand pesos
(PhP2,500,000) and below: Provided, That beginning January 1, 2021, the VAT exemption
shall only apply to sale of real properties not primarily held for sale to customers or held
for lease in the ordinary course of trade or business, sale of real property utilized for
socialized housing as defined by Republic Act No. 7279, sale of house and lot, and other
residential dwellings with selling price of not more than Two million pesos
(PhP2,000,000): Provided, further, That every three (3) years thereafter, the amount
herein stated shall be adjusted to its present value using the Consumer Price Index, as
published by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA);
Q. Lease of a residential unit with a monthly rental not exceeding Fifteen thousand pesos
R. Sale, importation, printing or publication of books and any newspaper, magazine, review
or bulletin which appears at regular intervals with fixed prices or subscription and sale
and which is not devoted principally to the publication of paid advertisements;
T. Sale, importation or lease of passenger or cargo vessels and aircraft, including engine,
equipment and spare parts thereof for domestic or international transport operations;
W. Sale or lease of goods and services to senior citizens and persons with disability, as
provided under Republic Act Nos. 9994 (Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010) and
10754 (An Act Expanding the Benefits and Privileges of Persons With Disability),
Y. Association dues, membership fees, and other assessments and charges collected by
homeowners associations and condominium corporations;
BB. Sale or lease of goods or properties or the performance of services other than the
transactions mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, the gross annual sales and/or
receipts do not exceed the amount of Three million pesos (PhP3,000,000).
(2) A VAT-registered person may elect that Subsection (1) not apply to its sale of goods
or properties or services: Provided, that an election made under this subsection shall be
irrevocable for a period of three (3) years from the quarter the election was made.
Food products
Polished or husked Rice
• Bangus Chicken
Corn grits Pigs
• Tilapia
Raw cane sugar, Goats
Crustaceans, such Ducks
molasses Sheep
as Geese
Ordinary salt Cows
• Prawns, shrimps Turkey
Copra Bulls
• Crabs, lobster
Mongo Rabbits
• Mussels, clams
Apple, chico, papaya
• Trout, eels
Eggplant, horse radish
o Not exempt: marinated fish, iodized salt, Mang Inasal, canned goods, etc.
Not exempt
o Specialty feeds
o Herbicides, insecticides and pesticides
Agricultural contract growers and millers for others of rice, corn and sugar
persons producing for others poultry, livestock or other agricultural and marine food
products in their original state.
Agricultural cooperatives are also exempt on their importation of
(G) Medical, dental, hospital and veterinary services except those rendered by
(AA) Sale of drugs and medicines prescribed for diabetes, high cholesterol, and
hypertension beginning January 1, 2019.
Medical, dental, hospital and veterinary services, including laboratory
Medical Practitioner’s Fees
Billed by hospital VAT-able
Paid directly to practitioner
Billed by hospital
Purchased from pharmacy/drugstore
Generally, medicines are subject to VAT. However, the following are exempt:
Adjacent lots sold to the same buyer within 12 months shall be treated as one sale.
Socialized housing refers to housing programs and projects covering houses and lots
or home lots only undertaken by the Government or the private sector for the
underprivileged and homeless citizens
Modes of Transportation
Passenger I
Water or sea Vessels
Air Aircraft
International carriers
(R) Sale, importation, printing or publication of books and any newspaper, magazine,
review or bulletin which appears at regular intervals with fixed prices or subscription and
sale and which is not devoted principally to the publication of paid advertisements;
Exempt transactions
sale, importation, printing or publication
covers printed matters in hard copy and does not apply to electronic
copies of the said books.
Any newspaper, magazine, review or bulletin
appears at regular intervals with fixed prices or subscription and sale and
not devoted principally to the publication of paid advertisements
NIRC Sec 109 Exempt Transactions
(C) Importation of personal and household effects belonging to the residents of the
Philippines returning from abroad and non-resident citizens coming to resettle in the
Philippines: Provided, That such goods are exempt from customs duties under the Tariff
and Customs Code of the Philippines;
(D) Importation of professional instruments and implements, tools of trade, occupation
or employment, wearing apparel, domestic animals, and personal and household effects
belonging to persons coming to settle in the Philippines or Filipinos or their families and
descendants who are now residents or citizens of other countries, such parties
hereinafter referred to as overseas Filipinos, in quantities and of the class suitable to the
profession, rank or position of the persons importing said items, for their own use and
not for barter or sale, accompanying such persons, or arriving within a reasonable time:
Provided, That the Bureau of Customs may, upon the production of satisfactory evidence
that such persons are actually coming to settle in the Philippines and that the goods are
brought from their former place of abode, exempt such goods from payment of duties
and taxes: Provided, further, That vehicles, vessels, aircrafts, machineries and other similar
goods for use in manufacture, shall not fall within this classification and shall therefore
be subject to duties, taxes and other charges;
belonging to
residents returning from abroad, or
non-residents coming to resettle in the Philippines
reasonable quantity
provided exempt from customs duties
belonging to
persons coming to settle in the Philippines, or
overseas Filipinos or their families who are now residents or citizens of
other countries
accompanying such persons or arriving within reasonable time
in quantities and class suitable to the profession, rank or position of the persons
for their own use and not for barter or sale
excluding goods for use in manufacture
provided exempt from customs duties
Export Sales
Not-VAT-registered = exempt
VAT-registered = zero-rated VAT
Registration VAT
Taxation Exempt
Output VAT 0 0
VAT Payable
(Refundable or 0 (120)
applies to both registered small-scale miners and accredited gold traders (under R.A.
sales of gold to BSP by accredited gold traders shall be presumed to have been
purchased from small-scale miners
Educational services
(Y) Association dues, membership fees, and other assessments and charges collected
by homeowners associations and condominium corporations.
Dues, fees, assessments and charges collected on a purely reimbursement basis.
Sale or lease of goods and services to senior citizens and persons with disability
Only for
Not for kiddie meal, wines and cigars
any foreign business entity formed, organized, and existing under any laws other than
those of the Philippines whose purpose is to supervise, coordinate and communicate
center to its affiliates, subsidiaries, and branches in the Asia-Pacific Region and other
foreign markets. An RHQ cannot derive income in the Philippines. The parent company
of the RHQ office may market and sell products to other companies except for the RHQ
office in the Philippines.
Performs supervisory, communications and Performs qualifying services to its head office,
coordinating centers for their affiliates, subsidiaries affiliates, subsidiaries or branches in the Asia-
or branches in the Asia-Pacific region Pacific region
Not allowed to derive income from the Philippines Allowed to derive income in the Philippines
Exempt from local taxes, fees and charges Exempt from local taxes, fees and charges
An ROHQ is allowed to derive income from the qualifying services it renders in the Philippines,
which could be any of the following:
Percentage Taxpayers
Common carriers
Proprietors, lessees and operators of amusement places
Life insurance companies
Foreign insurance company agents
Government franchise grantees
Racetrack owners with regards to winnings in horse races
Overseas communications telecommunication companies
Banks and financial intermediaries
Brokers of stocks traded in the local stock exchange
Value-Added Tax
Value-Added Tax (VAT) is a tax on consumption levied on the sale, barter, exchange or
lease of goods or properties and services in the Philippines and on importation of goods
into the Philippines. It is an indirect tax, which may be shifted or passed on to the buyer,
transferee or lessee of goods, properties or services.
Tax on consumption
Indirect tax
Privilege tax
Ad-valorem tax
Proportional tax
Illustration 1:
Maria sold a burger to Pedro for P100, plus P12 VAT.
Pedro sold the burger to Juan for P200, plus P24 VAT.
Any person or entity who, in the course of his trade or business, sells, barters,
exchanges, leases goods or properties and renders services subject to VAT, if
the aggregate amount of actual gross sales or receipts exceed Three Million
Pesos (Php3,000,000.00) (For radio or TV franchise grantees, the VAT
threshold is P10 million.)
A person required to register as VAT taxpayer but failed to register
Any person, whether or not made in the course of his trade or business, who
imports goods
Illustration 2:
Goods bought for P100 and sold for P120.
Non-VAT Percentage tax payable (P120 x 3%) P3.60
Value-added tax payable:
Output VAT (P120 x 12%) P14.40
Input VAT (P100 x 12%) (12.00)
Value-added tax payable (P20 x 12%) P2.40
Illustration 3:
Goods bought for P100 and sold for P100.
Non-VAT Percentage tax payable (P100 x 3%) P3.00
Value-added tax payable:
Output VAT (P100 x 12%) P12.00
Input VAT (P100 x 12%) (12.00)
Value-added tax payable (P0 x 12%) P0.00
Output VAT
1. Actual Sales/Receipts
2. Transaction Deemed Sales*
3. Zero-Rated Sales/Receipts
4. Exempt Sales/Receipts
1. Real properties held primarily for sale to customers or held for lease in the ordinary
course of business
2. The right or the privilege to use patent, copyright, design or model, plan, secret formula
or process, goodwill, trademark, trade brand or other like property or right
3. The right or privilege to use any industrial, commercial or scientific equipment
4. The right or the privilege to use motion picture films, film tapes and discs, and
5. Radio, television, satellite transmission and cable television time
Gross selling price means the total amount of money or its equivalent which the purchaser
pays or is obligated to pay to the seller in consideration of the sale, barter or exchange of the
goods or properties, excluding VAT. The excise tax,if any, on such goods or properties shall
form part of the gross selling price.
Exchange of services – the performance of all kinds of services in the Philippines for others for
a fee, remuneration or consideration, whether in kind or in cash, including those performed or
rendered by construction contractors, stock and real estate brokers, lessors or property, persons
engaged in warehousing, milling, manufacturing, hotels and restaurant services, dealers in
securities, lending investors, transportation contractors, sellers of electricity, franchise grantees,
non-life insurance companies, lessors of goods or properties and other similar services
regardless of whether or not the performance thereof calls for the exercise of use of the physical
or mental faculties.
Gross receipts means the total amount of money or its equivalent representing the contract
price, compensation, service fee, rental or royalty, including the amount charged for materials
supplied with the services and deposits and advanced payments actually or constructively
received during the taxable quarter for the services performed or to be performed for another
person, excluding value-added tax.
Constructive receipt occurs when the money or consideration or its equivalent is placed at the
control of the person who rendered the service without restrictions by the payor.
Company A: Seller of goods
Sale of goods: P500,000
Collection: P300,000
Computation of VAT:
Zero-Rated Sales:
The following sales of goods and services by VAT-registered persons shall be subject to zero
percent (0%) rate:
Domestic Carriers
Passengers Cargoes
Land 3% CCT
Passengers Cargoes
Sea or air
Domestic VAT
0% VAT 0% VAT
International Exempt
International Carriers
Passengers Cargoes
Sea or air
Registration VAT
Taxation Exempt
Output VAT 0 0
o Refunded, or
o Claimed as input tax on domestic sales, or
o Claimed as tax credit against any other NIRC tax
Input VAT
Illustration 1:
Company A imported goods for its business operations goods costing P1 million. The
computation of the VAT on importation is as follows:
Purchase price P 1,000,000
Illustration 2:
Company B has hired a foreign company to assist in installing a high technology equipment in
its laboratory. The agreed contract price is P500,000.
Capital goods - goods or properties with estimated useful life (EUL) of more than 1 year
and are treated as depreciable assets under our tax code.
For capital goods with total purchase price during the month not exceeding P1 million,
the total input VAT is recognized as input VAT during the month of acquisition.
For capital goods with total price during the month exceeding P1 million, spread the
total input VAT over EUL not exceeding 60 months
Allocation allowed only until Dec 31, 2021. Thereafter, outright during the month of
If the EUL is 6 years, the input VAT shall be allocated equally over the period of 5 years
or 60 months. The monthly input VAT to be recognized is P10,000.
Applicable to
o Processors of sardines, mackerel and milk and
o Manufacturers of cooking oil, packed instant noodles and refined sugar
4% of primary coopcultural products which are used in the production
The presumptive input VAT is P40,000 and the total input VAT is P136,000. The VAT payable is
Transitional Input Tax
Applicable to taxpayers who becomes liable to VAT, and those who elect to be VAT-
2% or actual VAT, whichever is higher
Company C
Value 2% TIT
Goods with VAT P 12,000
100,000 2,000
Goods without
100,000 2,000
Total P 12,000 P 4,000
Company D
Value 2% TIT
Goods with VAT P 12,000
100,000 2,000
Goods without
800,000 16,000
Total P 12,000
900,000 18,000
P1,000,00 P120,00
Output tax 12%
0 0
VAT Due 0
Exercise Problems
1. The taxpayers had the following sales last year. Indicate whether the taxpayer is
subject to VAT, Non-VAT or Exempt. Assume the taxpayers are of independent
Gross VAT- Non-VAT
Receipts Registered Registered
John P 100,000
Peter 1,000,000
Joe 2,000,000
Mary 3,000,001
2. Determine the business tax applicable to each case of rental of real property:
4. A product has been sold to a senior citizen for P672.00 including VAT. How much will
the senior citizen pay?
6. Luigi is a registered broker of stocks listed and traded in the local stock exchange. He
is not engaged in dealing securities. Yesterday, he sold 20,000 shares of AssetPro
Knowledge Corporation for P8.00 per share. The shares have a par value of P6.00 and
were previously purchased for P7.00.
7. Miss Keem Chu, a TV and films artist, had the following data for the 2nd quarter of the
curre8t year. Assume that the amounts are exclusive of tax.
Required: Compute for the value-added tax payable of Ms. Keem Chu.
8. Mr. Tax operates two separate lines of business: Panganan, a VAT-registered
restaurant, and Lambingan Videoke Bar. In the taxable period, the businesses had the
follow data, exclusive of VAT:
Pangana Lambinga
n n
Cash sales P 550,000 P 300,000 P 850,000
Credit card sales 150,000 200,000 350,000
Sales on
100,000 50,000 150,000
P 800,000 P 550,000
9. iTransporter Services is engaged in the land transport services from Ilocos Norte to
any point in the Philippines. It also has its own ferry boat which transport cargoes and
passengers. During the month, it had the following gross receipts, excluding taxes:
a. Compute for the business taxes payable if the land transport services are for cargoes.
b. Compute for the business taxes payable if the land transport services are for
1. The taxpayers had the following sales last year. Indicate whether the taxpayer is
subject to VAT, Non-VAT or Exempt. Assumed the taxpayers are independent of
2. Determine the business tax applicable to each case of rental of real property:
a: P300.00 x 12% = P36.00
b: P420.00 x 3/28 = P45.00
c: P580.00 x 3/28 = P62.14
4. A product has been sold to a senior citizen for P672.00 including VAT. How much will
the senior citizen pay?
a. P600,000 x 3% = P18,000
b. P600,000 x 18% = P108,000
c. P600,000 x 18% = P108,000
d. P600,000 x 15% = P90,000
e. P600,000 x 10% = P60,000
f. P300,000 x 12% = P36,000
g. P600,000 x 12% = P72,000
6. Luigi is a registered broker of stocks listed and traded in the local stock exchange. He
is not engaged in dealing securities. Yesterday, he sold 20,000 shares of AssetPro
Knowledge Corporation for P8.00 per share. The shares have a par value of P6.00 and
were previously purchased for P7.00.
7. Miss Keem Chu, a TV and films artist, had the following data for the 2nd quarter of the
curre8t year. Assume that the amounts are exclusive of tax.
Required: Compute for the value-added tax payable of Ms. Keem Chu.
Talent fees - Output VAT 4,800,000 12% 576,000
Purchase of TV and film wardrobes 1,500,000 12% 180,000
Promotion expenses for TV and film activities 150,000 12% 18,000
Allocated Rent (P500,000 x 4.8/6.0) 400000 12% 48,000
VAT Payable 330,000
Pangana Lambinga
n n
Cash sales P 550,000 P 300,000 P 850,000
Credit card sales 150,000 200,000 350,000
Sales on
100,000 50,000 150,000
P 800,000 P 550,000
Sales P 700,000 P 500,000
Expenses (600,000 x 70%) 420,000
Tax Base 280,000 500,000
Tax Rate 12% 18%
Tax Due P 33,600 P 90,000
9. iTranposter Services is engaged in the land transport services of cargoes from Ilocos
Norte to any point in the Philippine. It also has its own ferry boat which transport
cargoes and passengers. During the month, it had the following gross receipts,
excluding taxes:
a. Compute for the business taxes payable if the land transport services are for cargoes.
b. Compute for the business taxes payable if the land transport services are for
Output VAT
Land transport of cargoes P1,500,000
Ferry boat services 1,600,000
Total gross receipts 12% P 372,000
Input VAT
VAT expenses P 700,000
Other expenses (P900,000 x 70%) 630,000
Total VAT payments 12% 159,600
VAT Payable P 212,400
Output VAT
Ferry boat services 1,600,000
Total gross receipts 12% P 192,000
Input VAT
VAT expenses P 700,000
Other expenses (P900,000 x 70%) 630,000
Total VAT payments 12%
Allocation to VAT Sales 16/31
Allocated VAT payments P 686,452 12% 82,374
P 109,626
PT Payable Land transport of passengers P1,500,000 3% 45,000