Very Important XPS - Thermal Insulation Boards
Very Important XPS - Thermal Insulation Boards
Very Important XPS - Thermal Insulation Boards
Heat penetrating through walls and roofs forms a great amount that needs to be minimized by
cooling systems, hence the importance of Thermal Insulation
• Reduce the consumption of electrical energy up to 40% during the cooling process inside
the building.
• Increases the level of comfort for the inhabitants in a building as it provides a cooler
• The usage of AC is minimized and so are the loads of AC cables and ducts.
• This helps to reduce the cost of power consumption and electromechanical item's initial
• Protects the building materials from the constant fluctuations in temperature.
• Protects furniture inside the buildings
• Reduces environment pollution and the heat transmitted into the buildings.
• Reduces the level of energy consumption, which helps to minimize the problems caused
by excessive loads of generators and the distribution networks and reduces its initial cost.
• Thermally Insulated buildings have less noise pollution from the AC's and chiller rooms as
also from the noise penetrating from outside.
Extruded Polystyrene Insulation (XPS) helps keep homes warm in winter, and cool in
summer. Homes are more comfortable, and utility costs are lower.
XPS Thermal Insulation Boards can save up to 40% off your electricity Bill
Our Plant is designed to produce XPS Thermal Insulation Boards by extrusion from
polystyrene with different:
Densities ranging from 32 to 50 Kg/m2
This means that we can supply insulation boards to all building industries, please see chart
XPS - Benefits
Most notably, the thermal insulating properties of XPS provide both energy-efficiency and
environmental benefits.
Resistance to Water penetration: XPS has a structure that consists of small sizes
closed cells and a outer skin of foam. This allows it to remain dry in high humidity
and cold temperatures areas.
Chemical Resistance: XPS has excellent resistance to acids, basis cold bitumen &
silicon oils.
Installation: XPS sheeting can be worked with any conventional tooling. Sheeting is
glued together by either a hot bitumen or an adhesive.
Storage: When outdoor storage is demanded sheeting should be protected from UVL,
by covering with sheeting.
Compressive Strength: Excelled strength for structural applications involving
continuous high compressive loads, non-uniform loads of high temperatures.
Chemical Resistance: XPS has excellent resistance to acids, basis cold bitumen
& silicon oils.
Installation: XPS sheeting can be worked with any conventional tooling. Sheeting
is glued together by either a hot bitumen or an adhesive.
Thermal Conductivity
@ 10º C (50F) mean ASTM C-177 0.029 W/mK
Temperature 0.21 Btuin/ft².hr.F
5 Years aged @ ASTM C-518 0.032 W/mK
24 º C (75F) mean 0.22 Btuin/ft².hr.F
Compressive strength @ DIN 53421 300 KPa
10% def ASTM D-1621-73 43 psi
Water vapour resistance DIN 52615 100-200 µ
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