Parker GSFE 2021 Product Catalogue

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Gas Separation and Filtration Division EMEA

Parker Gas Separation and Filtration EMEA offer a range of For over 50 years, Parker GSFE have remained instrumental
filtration and separation solutions that are designed to meet in the development of both the international standards for
the needs of global customers through a dedicated focus on key compressed air and filter testing, and continue to work closely
market sectors. on new standards with governing bodies such as the British
Compressed Air Society (BCAS), the International Standards
Operating from manufacturing sites in the UK, Italy, the Organisation (ISO), PNEUROP, and the USA Compressed Air and
Netherlands and the Czech Republic, the division designs, Gas Institute (CAGI).
develops, manufactures and markets compressed air/gas
filters and dryers, process chillers and coolers, condensate Parker GSFE’s goal is to dominate our chosen markets, aiming
management products, breathing air purifiers, nitrogen, to be the number one choice supplier of compressed air / gas
hydrogen and zero air on-site gas generators for many diverse treatment products and on-site gas generators.
markets, industries and applications where compressed air and
gas purity, product quality, technological excellence and global Achieving this, by recruiting the best teams, and by passionately
customer support are paramount. developing our people, technology and products to help us
exceed our customers’ expectations, bringing new products,
Parker Gas Separation and Filtration EMEA products and services and solutions to the market. We believe in, and strive
systems deliver a unique combination of innovation and to maintain, close relationships with our customers, making
excellence in the most demanding applications, helping us their global partner of choice for compressed air and gas
engineers to maximise the productivity and profitability of their treatment products and services.
manufacturing and process operations and with a focus on
delivering real and lasting value to every customer.

GSFE Compressed Air and Gas Treatment Manufacturing Locations

Gateshead, UK Etten Leur, The Netherlands

GSFE Division Headquarters Membranes & Modules
CAGT Business Unit Business Unit

• Filter Elements • Gas Membranes & Modules

• Compressed Air Filters
• Adsorption Dryers
• Breathing Air Purifiers Chomutov, Czech Republic
• Carbon Dioxide Incident Protection
• Filter Elements

Gas Business Unit

• Industrial & Analytical Gas Generators
Padova, Italy
Hiross Business Unit
• Adsorption Dryers
• Refrigeration Dryers
• Chillers
• Aftercoolers
• Filter Elements
• Compressed Air Filters
• Condensate Drains

GSFE Compressed Air and Gas Treatment Technology Brands

domnick hunter Hiross Zander



– ISO Compressed Air Quality Standards 4
(20 BAR TO 350 BAR)
– IP50 - 50 Bar Compressed Air Filter 68
– Product Application Information 6
– GH - 350 Bar Compressed Air Filter 70
– Product Selection Criteria 8
– HDK-MT - 350 Bar Compressed Air Dryer 72
– OIL-X Liquid Separator 10
– SFH Liquid Separators (Carbon Steel) 12
– OIL-X Coalescing & Dry Particulate Filters 14
– BAC-4015 74
– OIL-X Coalescing, Dry Particulate & Oil Vapour 16
Reduction Filters (Carbon Steel) – BSP-MT 1-8 76

– OIL-X Point Of Use Oil Vapour Reduction Filter 18 – BSP-MT 10-95 78

– OIL-X OVR Plant Scale Oil Vapour Reduction 20 – BAM 10-70 80

– OIL-X Combination Filter 22

– Hyperfilter Coalescing, Dry Particulate 24
& Oil Vapour Reduction Filters Oil/Water Separators
– OIL-X 0003G Micro Filter 26 – ES2000 Series - Product Selection 82
– OIL-X Filter Accessories 27 – ES2000 Series 86
– ES2000 Series Maintenance Kits 87
Adsorption – HDF & ED Level Sensing 88
– PMD Miniature 28
– KA-MT Small Flow Heatless 32 Aftercoolers
– CDAS Medium Flow Heatless 34 – Hypercool Air Cooled 90-91
– OFAS Medium Flow Heatless 36 – Hypercool Water Cooled 90-91
– FBP Medium Flow Heatless 38 Production Process Water Chillers
– CDAS HL ATEX Medium Flow Heatless 40 – Hyperchill Plus 92
– MX Large Flow Heatless 42 – Hyperchill Plus (50Hz) - Selection Information 94
– MX ATEX Pneumatic Heatless 44 – Hyperchill Plus (60Hz UL) - Selection Information 97
– Flow Control Device - MX Multibank 46 – Hyperchill Plus - Kits and Accessories 99
– K-MT Large Flow Heatless 52 – Hyperchill 100
– KA-MT Large Flow Heatless 54 – Hyperchill (50Hz) - Selection Information 102
– KE-MT Large Flow Heatless 56 – Hyperchill (60Hz UL) - Selection Information 105
– MXLE Large Flow Heatless Low Energy 58 – Hyperchill Laser 106
– WVM Large Flow Vacuum Low Energy 60
– ATT Low Energy 62
– SPS Direct Expansion 64
– PSE Direct Expansion 66



Pressure Swing Adsorption – Product Application Information 148

– Product Application Information 108 – PCO2 Quality Incident Protection Systems 150

– NITROSource 114
– NITROSource Compact 116
– Biogas Dehumidification Systems 152
Membrane Modules
– Hyperfilter BioEnergy 154
– SmartFluxx SA604 118
– Hypersep BioEnergy 155
– SmartFluxx SA708 119
– Hypercool BioEnergy 155
– SmartFluxx SA1508 120
– Hyperdrain BioEnergy 155
– SmartFluxx SA1508SS 121
– HiFluxx TT304 125 Parker domnick hunter
– HiFluxx ST504 126 – OIL-X EVOLUTION / OIL-Xplus Advantage 156
– HiFluxx ST604 127 – PCO2 MK1 157
– HiFluxx DT604 128 – SE and ES Oil / Water Separator 157
– HiFluxx TT604 129 Parker Zander
– HiFluxx ST606 130 – G / GL / GL Plus / LV 158
– HiFluxx TT606 131
– HiFluxx ST608 132
Parker Worldwide Contacts 160
– HiFluxx ST6010 133
– HiFluxx ST1506 134
– HiFluxx DT1506-8 135
– HiFluxx ST1508 136
– HiFluxx DT1508 137
– HiFluxx DT1508SS 138
– HiFluxx ST15020-1 139
– HiFluxx ST1508SS 140
– EnOxy 304 141
– EnOxy 604 142
– EnOxy 606 143
– EnOxy 608 144
– EnOxy 6010 145
– Membrane Temperature 146
Correction Factors
– Typical Membrane 147

ISO Compressed Air Quality Standards

Specifying air quality (purity) in accordance

with ISO8573-1:2010, the international standard for
compressed air quality
ISO8573-1 is the primary document used from the ISO8573 series as it is this document which specifies the
amount of contamination allowed in each cubic metre of compressed air.

ISO8573-1 lists the main contaminants as solid particulate, water and oil. The purity levels for each contaminant are shown separately
in tabular form, however for ease of use, here all three contaminants are combined into one easy to use table.

Solid Particulate Water Oil

ISO8573- Total Oil
1:2010 Maximum number of particulates per m³ Mass Vapour (aerosol, liquid
CLASS Concentration Pressure Liquid g/m³ and vapour)
mg/m³ Dewpoint
0.1 - 0.5 micron 0.5 - 1 micron 1 - 5 micron mg/m³
0 As specified by the equipment user or supplier and more stringent than Class 1
1 ≤ 20,000 ≤ 400 ≤ 10 - ≤ -70°C - 0.01
2 ≤ 400,000 ≤ 6,000 ≤ 100 - ≤ -40°C - 0.1
3 - ≤ 90,000 ≤ 1,000 - ≤ -20°C - 1
4 - - ≤ 10,000 - ≤ +3°C - 5
5 - - ≤ 100,000 - ≤ +7°C - -
6 - - - ≤5 ≤ +10°C - -
7 - - - 5 - 10 - ≤ 0.5 -
8 - - - - - 0.5 - 5 -
9 - - - - - 5 - 10 -
X - - - > 10 - > 10 > 10

Specifying air purity in accordance with ISO8573-1:2010 Class 0

ISO8573-1:2010 Class 0 does not mean zero contamination

When specifying the purity of air required, the standard Class 0 does not mean oil-free compressed air
must always be referenced, followed by the purity class
A Class 0 compressor does not guarantee oil-free
selected for each contaminant (a different purity class can
be selected for each contaminant if required). compressed air
Class 0 does not solely refer to oil contamination
An example of how to write an air quality specification is
shown below: A Class 0 specification must be ‘cleaner’ than the Class 1
specification for the contaminant chosen
ISO8573-1:2010 Class 1:2:1
The contamination levels stated for a Class 0 specification
ISO8573-1:2010 refers to the standard document and its must also be within the measurement capabilities of the test
revision, the three digits refer to the purity classifications equipment and test methods shown in ISO8573 Pt 2 to Pt 9
selected for solid particulate, water and total oil. Selecting
a air purity class of 1:2:1 would specify the following air The Class 0 specification must clearly state which
quality when operating at the standard’s reference contaminant the Class 0 claim refers to
conditions: i.e. “Solid Particulate”, “Water” or “Total Oil (aerosol, liquid
& vapour)”
Class 1 Particulate
Class 0 requires the user or the equipment supplier to show a
In each cubic metre of compressed air, the particulate
count should not exceed 20,000 particles in the 0.1 - 0.5 contamination level as part of a written specification
micron size range, 400 particles in the 0.5 - 1 micron size Example of a correctly written Class 0 specification
range and 10 particles in the 1 - 5 micron size range. “When preceded by OIL-X Grade AO General Purpose &
Class 2 Water Grade AA High Efficiency Coalescing Filters, OIL-X OVR
A pressure dewpoint (PDP) of -40°C or better is required Grade Adsorption Filters provide a delivered air quality in
and no liquid water is allowed. accordance with ISO8573-1:2010 Class 0 (≤0.003 mg/m³) for
total oil (oil aerosol & oil vapour)”
Class 1 Oil
The agreed Class 0 specification must be written on all
In each cubic metre of compressed air, not more than
0.01mg of oil is allowed. This is a total level for liquid oil, documentation to be in accordance with the standard
oil aerosol and oil vapour. Stating Class 0 without an accompanying contaminant
specification is meaningless and not in accordance with the


Selecting Parker purification equipment to comply with

ISO8573-1:2010 air quality standard
­­­Simple guidelines for the selection of purification equipment
1. Purification equipment is installed to provide air quality, therefore you must first of all identify the quality of compressed air
required for the compressed air leaving the compressor room and for each point of use on the compressed air system.

2. The air quality required at each point of use may differ dependent upon the application.

3. Using the quality classifications shown in ISO8573-1 will allow easy selection of purification equipment.

4. ISO8573-1:2010 is the latest edition of the standard, however some facilities may still be operating on older revisions.

5. Specifying air quality as ISO8573-1, ISO8573-1:1991 or ISO8573-1:2001 refers to the previous editions of the standard and may
result in a different quality of delivered compressed air.

6. Ensure any ISO8573-1 air purity classifications are written in full and include the revision year to allow for correct product

7. Remember - Oil-free compressor installations require the same filtration considerations as oil lubricated compressor

Solid Particulate Water Oil

CLASS Total Oil
Wet Particulate Dry Particulate Vapour
(aerosol, liquid and vapour)

0 - - - OIL-X Grade AO + AA + OVR

OIL-X Grade AO + AA + OVR

1 OIL-X Grade AO + AA OIL-X Grade AO (M) + AA (M) Dryer sized for -70°C PDP
OIL-X Grade AO + AA +ACS

2 OIL-X Grade AO OIL-X Grade AO (M) Dryer sized for -40°C PDP OIL-X Grade AO + AA

3 OIL-X Grade AO OIL-X Grade AO (M) Dryer sized for -20°C PDP OIL-X Grade AO

4 OIL-X Grade AO OIL-X Grade AO (M) Dryer sized for +3°C PDP OIL-X Grade AO

5 OIL-X Grade AO OIL-X Grade AO (M) Dryer sized for +7°C PDP -

6 - - Dryer sized for +10°C PDP -

For further information relating to ISO Compressed Air Quality Standards please refer to our white paper ‘Introduction to
ISO Compressed Air Quality Standards’. Available at
Compressed Air Filters and Dryers

Cost effective system design

To achieve the stringent air quality levels required for today’s modern production facilities, a careful approach to
system design, commissioning and operation must be employed.
Treatment at one point alone is not enough and it is highly any contamination remaining in the distribution system, but
recommended that the compressed air is treated in the also with specific attention on the quality of air required by each
compressor room to a level that will provide general purpose application. This approach to system design ensures that air is
air to the site and also protect the distribution piping. Point of not ‘over treated’ and provides the most cost effective solution
use purification should also be employed, not only to remove to high quality compressed air.



ISO8573-1:2010 Class 2:2:-*
ISO8573-1:2010 Class 2.2.0 AO
* Oil Classification dependent upon
≤-40°C (≤-40°F) PDP (M) contamination already in piping


AO AA ISO8573-1:2010 Class 1:2:0
(M) (M)


(M) (M)


ISO8573-1:2010 Class 2:5:-*
(M) * Oil Classification dependent upon
contamination already in piping


ISO8573-1:2010 Class 1:2:0



Typical Applications
Direct contact / in-direct contact applications in food manufacturing / beverage bottling / pharmaceutical manufacturing / dairies / breweries / wineries /
distilleries (In accordance with BCAS Best Practice Guideline 102 Food & Beverage Grade Compressed Air).




ISO 8573-1:2010 Class 1:1:2
ISO 8573-1:2010 Class 2.1.2 -70°C (-100°F) PDP
ISO 8573-1:2010 Class 1:2:2
ISO 8573-1:2010 Class 2.2.2 -40°C (-40°F) PDP
ISO 8573-1:2010 Class 1:3:2
ISO 8573-1:2010 Class 2.3.2 -20°C (-4°F) PDP AA

(M) ISO 8573-1:2010 Class 1:1:0
ISO 8573-1:2010 Class 1:2:0
AO AA ISO 8573-1:2010 Class 1:3:0
(M) (M)


AO AA ISO 8573-1:2010 Class 1:3:0

Typical Oil-Free Air Applications

Blow Moulding of Plastics e.g. P.E.T. Bottles Decompression chambers Air bearings
Electronics Manufacturing Cosmetic production Pipeline purging
CDA systems for electronics manufacturing Medical air Measuring equipment
Film processing Dental air Blanketing
Critical instrumentation Lasers and optics Modified Atmosphere Packaging
Advanced pneumatics Robotics Pre-treatment for on-site gas generation
Air blast circuit breakers Spray painting



ISO 8573-1:2010 Class 2:5:2


ISO 8573-1:2010 Class 1:5:0
(M) (M)

ISO 8573-1:2010 Class 2:2:0
INSTALLATION. Oil Free Air System

Typical General Purpose Applications

General ring main protection Forging Temperature control systems
Pre-filtration to point of use adsorption air dryers General industrial assembly Blow guns
Plant automation (no external piping) Gauging equipment
Air logistics Air conveying (non food) Raw material mixing
Pneumatic tools Air motors­ Sand / bead blasting
General instrumentation Workshop (tools)
Metal stamping Garage (tyre filling)
Compressed Air Filters and Dryers

Selecting the right purification products for your compressed

air system
To achieve the degree of air quality specified by ISO8573-1, a careful approach to system design, commissioning
and operation must be adopted.

Parker recommends that compressed air is treated:

• Prior to entry into the distribution system
• At critical usage points and applications
This ensures that contamination already in the distribution system is removed.

Purification equipment should be installed where the air is at the lowest possible
temperature (i.e. downstream of after-coolers and air receivers). Point-of-use
purification equipment should be installed as close as possible to the application.

In order to correctly size purification equipment, there are a number of primary operating parameters that must be obtained
from the users site. These are:

• The MAXIMUM compressed air flow rate into the filters / dryer
• The MINIMUM operating pressure into the filters / dryer
• The MAXIMUM operating temperature into the filters / dryer
• The MAXIMUM ambient air temperature where the equipment is to be installed
• The required dewpoint (dryers)

Individually, each of the primary operating parameters can influence product sizing however collectively they can have a
major impact on product sizing and performance.

With the primary operating parameters, basic product selections can be made, however additional information may also be
required to finalise product selection. Secondary parameters include:

• Minimum operating temperature

• Preferred pipe connections
• Available electrical supply (voltage / phase / frequency)
• Customers preference regarding drains, controllers or other options


Why is MAXIMUM Flow Rate Important?

Filtration: As compressed air flow rates increase, contamination levels increase and a larger
filtration surface area is required to ensure adequate filtration performance, low pressure drop
and 12 month lifetime of filter elements.
Dryers: As compressed air flow rates increase, the amount of water vapour the dryer must
remove also increases.
Adsorption dryers must be sized on the highest flow rate to ensure the desiccant bed is large
enough to provide the correct contact time and dewpoint.
Refrigeration dryers must be sized to ensure the heat exchanger is large enough and has
enough cooling capacity.

Why is MINIMUM Inlet Pressure Important?

Dryers: As pressure decreases, the volume of compressed air increases, as does the
water vapour content, therefore the amount of water vapour the dryer must remove
also increases. Dryers must be sized for minimum inlet pressure to account for the
increased amount of water vapour present.

Why is MAXIMUM Inlet Temperature Important?

Dryers: As the temperature of the compressed air increases, so does the water vapour
content, therefore the amount of water vapour the dryer must remove also increases.
Dryers must be sized for maximum inlet temperature to account for the increased
amount of water vapour present.

Why is MAXIMUM Ambient Temperature Important?

Refrigeration & Tandem Technology Dryers: Air cooled refrigeration & Tandem Technology
dryers use ambient air for heat exchange.
The lower the ambient air temperature, the better the heat exchange process
Poor ventilation and / or high ambient air temperatures will result in loss of dewpoint.

Why Correct a Dryer for Dewpoint?

Adsorption Dryers: Dewpoint is derived from contact time between the air and the
desiccant material, lower dewpoint's typically require the dryer to be de-rated to
provide more contact time.
Refrigeration Dryers: The size of the heat exchangers affects the cooling capacity, too
little cooling capacity results in poor dewpoint.

Frequently Asked Questions: High / Low Temperatures

High Temperatures
Maximum temperature (inlet & ambient) for dryers is 50°C or 122°F. For temperatures above this
it is more cost effective to install an after-cooler than oversize a dryer. Also as a dryer increases
in size, so does the volume of purge required to regenerate the dryer. Fitting an after-cooler is
also more cost effective in terms of energy consumption.
Low Temperatures
Freezing water causes damage to a dryer therefore as the temperature approaches
freezing, the dryer and ancillaries need protection. Sub-zero temperatures also affect the function
of seals and electronics.
• Always keep purification equipment under shelter and out of cold wind /
direct air blasts
• Trace heat & insulate anywhere where moisture is present i.e. Inlet filtration /
drain lines / Inlet valves / columns / exhaust valves
Compressed Air Filters

OIL-X Liquid Separators 100

Separation Performance
Liquid96Reduction % Versus Flow Differential Pressure Versus Flow

Differential Pressure (mbar)

93 WS010
97 WS015 & WS020
96 WS025 & WS030
95 WS035, WS040 & WS045
90 WS055
94 WS010 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
93 WS015 & WS020 WS010
WS025 & WS030 WS015 & WS020
WS035, WS040 & WS045 WS025 & WS030
91 WS055 WS035, WS040 & WS045
90 10090
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
% Rated Flow % Rated Flow

Technical Data
Minimum Operating Maximum Minimum Operating Maximum Operating
Filtration Pressure Operating Pressure Temperature Temperature
Water Separator Models
bar g psi g bar g psi g ºC ºF ºC ºF
P010A FX - P055J FX 1 15 16 232 2 35 80 176
P060K FX 1 15 16 232 2 35 66 150

Flow Rates Separator Coding Example

Pipe Pipe Drain Incident
Model L/S m³/min m³/hr cfm Grade Model Size Thread Option Monitor
Size Option
WSP010A FX 1/4" 10 0.6 36 21 P&3
digit Letter
WSP010B FX 3/8 " 10 0.6 36 21 code denotes G = BSPP
WS denotes pipe N = NPT F = Float X = None
WSP010C FX 1/2" 10 0.6 36 21 filter
housing size
WSP015C FX 1/2" 40 2.4 144 85 size
WSP020D FX 3/4" 40 2.4 144 85 Example code
WSP025D FX 3/4" 110 6.6 396 233 WS P010 A G F X
WSP025E FX 1" 110 6.6 396 233
WSP030G FX 11/2" 110 6.6 396 233
WSP035G FX 11/2" 350 21 1260 742
WSP040H FX 2" 350 21 1260 742
WSP045I FX 21/2" 350 21 1260 742
WSP050I FX 21/2" 800 48 2880 1695
WSP055J FX 3" 800 48 2880 1695
WSP060K FX 4" 1000 60 3600 2119
Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

To correctly select a separator model, the flow rate of the separator must be adjusted for the minimum operating (inlet) pressure at the point of installation.
1. Obtain the minimum operating (inlet) pressure and maximum compressed air flow rate at the inlet of the filter.
2. Select the correction factor for minimum inlet pressure from the CFMIP table (always round down e.g. for 5.3 bar, use 5 bar correction factor)
3. Calculate the minimum filtration capacity. Minimum Filtration Capacity = Compressed Air Flow Rate x CFMIP
4. Using the minimum filtration capacity, select a filter model from the flow rate tables above (filter selected must have a flow rate equal to or
greater than the minimum filtration capacity).

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum bar g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Pressure psi g 15 29 44 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232

Correction Factor 4.00 2.63 2.00 1.59 1.33 1.14 1.00 0.94 0.89 0.85 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.73 0.71 0.68



010 - 030 035 - 060

Weights & Dimensions

Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) Weight
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
010A 180 7.09 76 2.99 65 2.56 0.80 1.76
010B 180 7.09 76 2.99 65 2.56 0.79 1.75
010C 180 7.09 76 2.99 65 2.56 0.78 1.72
015C 238 9.37 89 3.5 84 3.31 1.08 2.39
020D 238 9.37 89 3.5 84 3.31 1.35 2.98
025D 277 10.9 120 4.72 115 4.53 2.64 5.83
025E 277 10.9 120 4.72 115 4.53 2.64 5.83
030G 277 10.9 120 4.72 115 4.53 2.54 5.61
035G 440 17.32 164 6.46 157 6.18 6.69 14.74
040H 440 17.32 164 6.46 157 6.18 6.46 14.23
045I 440 17.32 164 6.46 157 6.18 6.28 13.85
050I 516 20.31 192 7.56 183 7.20 10.80 23.81
055J 516 20.31 192 7.56 183 7.20 10.83 23.89
060K 847 33.3 420 16.54 282 11.10 44.50 98.11

Parker Catalogue Numbers (BSPP Models)

Catalogue Number
Water Separator


Compressed Air Filters

SFH Liquid Separators (Carbon Steel)

Technical Data
Minimum Operating Maximum Operating Minimum Operating Maximum Operating
Filtration Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature
Water Separator Models
bar g psi g bar g psi g ºC ºF ºC ºF
SFH SFH029N - SFH209N 1 15 16 232 2 35 60 140

Flow Rates Separator Coding Example

Pipe Size Example code
Model L/S m³/min m³/hr cfm
Inlet Outlet SFH067N
SFH029 DN80 DN80 490 29.4 1764 1038
SFH030 DN100 DN80 500 30.0 1800 1059
SFH037 DN100 DN100 610 36.6 2196 1293
SFH038 DN125 DN100 633 38.0 2280 1342
SFH066 DN125 DN125 1093 65.6 3936 2317
SFH067 DN150 DN125 1117 67.0 4020 2366
SFH088 DN150 DN150 1473 88.4 5304 3122
SFH089 DN200 DN150 1483 89.0 5340 3143
SFH097 DN200 DN200 1618 97.1 5826 3429
SFH142 DN250 DN200 2365 141.9 8514 5011
SFH180 DN300 DN200 2992 179.5 10770 6339
SFH209 DN350 DN200 3485 209.1 12546 7385

Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

To correctly select a separator model, the flow rate of the separator must be adjusted for the minimum operating (inlet) pressure at the point of installation.
1. Obtain the minimum operating (inlet) pressure and maximum compressed air flow rate at the inlet of the filter.
2. Select the correction factor for minimum inlet pressure from the CFMIP table (always round down e.g. for 5.3 bar, use 5 bar correction factor)
3. Calculate the minimum filtration capacity. Minimum Filtration Capacity = Compressed Air Flow Rate x CFMIP
4. Using the minimum filtration capacity, select a filter model from the flow rate tables above (filter selected must have a flow rate equal to or greater than
the minimum filtration capacity).

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

bar g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Inlet Pressure
psi g 15 29 44 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232

Correction Factor 4.00 2.63 2.00 1.59 1.33 1.14 1.00 0.94 0.89 0.85 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.73 0.71 0.68


SFH029 - SFH038 = ½" BSP

SFH066 - SFH209 = 1" BSP

Weights & Dimensions

Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) Weight
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
SFH029 720 28.3 400 15.7 200 7.9 28 62
SFH030 720 28.3 400 15.7 200 7.9 29 64
SFH037 880 34.6 460 18.1 230 9.1 48 106
SFH038 880 34.6 460 18.1 230 9.1 49 108
SFH066 980 38.6 550 21.7 260 10.2 55 121
SFH067 980 38.6 550 21.7 260 10.2 56 123
SFH088 1060 41.7 570 22.4 290 11.4 82 180
SFH089 1060 41.7 570 22.4 290 11.4 85 187
SFH097 1160 45.7 660 26.0 320 12.6 126 277
SFH142 1255 49.4 680 26.8 351 13.8 148 326
SFH180 1455 57.3 750 29.5 390 15.4 160 352
SFH209 1655 65.2 830 32.7 430 16.9 205 451

Parker Catalogue Numbers

Catalogue Number
Water Separator

SFH029 SFH029N
SFH030 SFH030N
SFH037 SFH037N
SFH038 SFH038N
SFH066 SFH066N
SFH067 SFH067N
SFH088 SFH088N
SFH089 SFH089N
SFH097 SFH097N
SFH142 SFH142N
SFH180 SFH180N
SFH209 SFH209N

Compressed Air Filters

OIL-X Coalescing & Dry Particulate Filters

Filtration Performance
Particle Reduction Max. Remaining Initial Dry Initial Saturated Change Precede with
Filtration Filtration
Filter Type (inc water & oil Oil Content Differential Differential Element Filtration
Grade Efficiency
aerosols) at 21°C (70°F) Pressure Pressure Every Grade

Coalescing & Dry 0.5 mg/m³ <70 mbar <125 mbar WS

AO Down to 1 micron 99.925% 12 months
Particulate 0.5 ppm(w) (1 psi) (1.8 psi) (for bulk liquid)

Coalescing & Dry Down to 0.01 0.01 mg/m³ <70 mbar <125 mbar
AA 99.9999% 12 months AO
Particulate micron 0.01 ppm(w) (1 psi) (1.8 psi)

Technical Data
Minimum Operating Maximum Operating Minimum Operating Maximum Operating
Filtration Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature
Filter Models
bar g psi g bar g psi g ºC ºF ºC ºF
P010 - P055 (Float Drain) 1 15 16 232 2 35 80 176
P010 - P055 (Manual Drain) 1 15 20 290 2 35 80 176
P060 (Float Drain) 1 15 16 232 2 35 66 150
P060 (Manual Drain) 1 15 20 290 2 35 100 212

Flow Rates Filter Coding Example

Pipe Drain Incident
Pipe Replacement Grade Model Thread Monitor
Model L/S m³/min m³/hr cfm No. Size Option Option
Size Element
3 digit Letter
Grade P010A I ¼" 10 0.6 36 21 P010 Grade 1 code denotes G = BSPP F = Float I = Indicator
AO denotes pipe N = NPT M = Manual X = None
Grade P010B I " 10 0.6 36 21 P010 Grade 1 filter
housing size
Grade P010C I ½" 10 0.6 36 21 P010 Grade 1 size
Example code
Grade P015C I ½" 20 1.2 72 42 P015 Grade 1
AO P010 A G F I
Grade P020C I ½" 30 1.8 108 64 P020 Grade 1
Grade P020D I ¾" 30 1.8 108 64 P020 Grade 1
Grade P025D I ¾" 60 3.6 216 127 P025 Grade 1
Grade P025E I 1" 60 3.6 216 127 P025 Grade 1
Grade P030G I 1½" 110 6.6 396 233 P030 Grade 1
Grade P035G X 1½" 160 9.6 576 339 P035 Grade 1
Grade P040H X 2" 220 13.2 792 466 P040 Grade 1
Grade P045I X 2½" 330 19.8 1188 699 P045 Grade 1
Grade P050I X 2½" 430 25.9 1548 911 P050 Grade 1
Grade P055I X 2½" 620 37.3 2232 1314 P055 Grade 1
Grade P055J X 3" 620 37.3 2232 1314 P055 Grade 1
Grade P060K X 4" 1000 60 3600 2119 P060 Grade 3
Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

To correctly select a filter model, the flow rate of the filter must be adjusted for the minimum operating (inlet) pressure at the point of installation.
1. Obtain the minimum operating (inlet) pressure and maximum compressed air flow rate at the inlet of the filter.
2. Select the correction factor for minimum inlet pressure from the CFMIP table (always round down e.g. for 5.3 bar, use 5 bar correction factor)
3. Calculate the minimum filtration capacity. Minimum Filtration Capacity = Compressed Air Flow Rate x CFMIP
4. Using the minimum filtration capacity, select a filter model from the flow rate tables above (filter selected must have a flow rate equal to or
greater than the minimum filtration capacity).

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum Inlet bar g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Pressure psi g 15 29 44 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232 248 263 277 290
Correction Factor 2.65 1.87 1.53 1.32 1.18 1.08 1.00 0.94 0.88 0.84 0.80 0.76 0.73 0.71 0.68 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.61 0.59
When ordering a filter for pressures above 16 bar g (232 psi g), use a manual drain. Replace F with M in product code.
e.g. AOP015BGFI becomes AOP015BGMI. Models 150 - 500 are not suitable for pressures above 16 bar g (232 psi g).




010 - 030 035 - 060

Weights & Dimensions

Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) Weight
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
010A 180 7.09 76 2.99 65 2.56 0.84 1.86
010B 180 7.09 76 2.99 65 2.56 0.84 1.84
010C 180 7.09 76 2.99 65 2.56 0.82 1.81
015C 238 9.37 89 3.5 84 3.31 1.16 2.55
020C 238 9.37 89 3.5 84 3.31 1.17 2.58
020D 238 9.37 89 3.5 84 3.31 1.44 3.19
025D 277 10.9 120 4.72 115 4.53 2.14 4.71
025E 277 10.9 120 4.72 115 4.53 2.69 5.92
030G 367 14.45 120 4.72 115 4.53 3.04 6.7
035G 440 17.32 164 6.46 157 6.18 6.9 15.21
040H 532 20.94 164 6.46 157 6.18 7.3 16.09
045I 532 20.94 164 6.46 157 6.18 7.1 15.65
050I 654 25.75 192 7.56 183 7.2 10.3 22.71
055I 844 33.23 192 7.56 183 7.2 15.9 33.05
055J 844 33.23 192 7.56 183 7.2 15.3 33.73
060K 847 33.3 420 16.54 282 11.1 44.5 98.11

Parker Catalogue Numbers (BSPP Models)

Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
Model General Purpose General Purpose High Efficiency High Efficiency
Coalescing Filters Dry Particulate Filters Coalescing Filters Dry Particulate Filters
Compressed Air Filters

OIL-X Coalescing / Dry Particulate / Oil Vapour Reduction

Filters (Carbon Steel)
Filtration Performance
Particle Reduction Max. Remaining Initial Dry Initial Saturated Change Precede with
Filtration Filter Filtration
(inc water & oil Oil Content Differential Differential Element Filtration
Grade Type Efficiency
aerosols) at 21°C (70°F) Pressure Pressure Every Grade

Coalescing & 0.5 mg/m³ <70 mbar <125 mbar WS (for bulk
AO Down to 1 micron 99.925% 12 months
Dry Particulate 0.5 ppm(w) (1 psi) (1.8 psi) liquid)

Coalescing & Down to 0.01 mg/m³ <70 mbar <125 mbar

AA 99.9999% 12 months AO
Dry Particulate 0.01 micron 0.01 ppm(w) (1 psi) (1.8 psi)

When oil
Oil Vapour 0.003 mg/m³ <140 mbar
ACS N/A N/A N/A vapour is AO+AA
Reduction 0.003 ppm(w) (2 psi)
Important Note:
Using the same filter housings as their coalescing and dry particulate counterparts in the OIL-X range, Grade ACS filter elements differ in that they utilise a
deep wrapped bed of carbon cloth to adsorb oil vapour.
It is important to note, in-line adsorption filter elements have a different life span compared to coalescing and dry particulate filters and require more
frequent element changes. Should a 12 month service period be required, Parker OIL-X Grade OVR oil vapour reduction filters are recommended.

Technical Data
Minimum Operating Maximum Operating Minimum Operating Maximum Operating
Filtration Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature
Filter Models
bar g psi g bar g psi g ºC ºF ºC ºF
065 - 095 (Electronic Drain) 1 15 16 232 2 35 60 140
065 - 095 (Manual Drain) 1 15 16 232 2 35 100 212
ACS 065 - 095 (Manual Drain) 1 15 16 232 2 35 50 122

Flow Rates Filter Coding Example

Pipe Replacement Grade Model
Model L/S m³/min m³/hr cfm No. Size Option
Size Element Option

065ND X DN80 620 37.2 2232 1312 200 Grade 1
3 digit

Grade 070OD X DN100 1240 74.4 4464 2625 200 Grade 2 code Letter
AO denotes denotes D = Din E = Electronic I = Indicator
075PD X DN150 1860 111.6 6696 3938 200 Grade 3 AA filter pipe Flange M = Manual X = None
housing size
080PD X DN150 2480 148.8 8928 5251 200 Grade 4 size

Grade 085QD X DN200 3720 223.2 13392 7877 200 Grade 6

Grade 090RD X DN250 6200 372 22320 13129 200 Grade 10 Example code

Grade 095SD X DN300 8680 520.8 31248 18380 200 Grade 14 AO 090 P D E X

= Replace with drain type - E (electronic) or M (manual)

Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

To correctly select a filter model, the flow rate of the filter must be adjusted for the minimum operating (inlet) pressure at the point of installation.
1. Obtain the minimum operating (inlet) pressure and maximum compressed air flow rate at the inlet of the filter.
2. Select the correction factor for minimum inlet pressure from the CFMIP table (always round down e.g. for 5.3 bar, use 5 bar correction factor)
3. Calculate the minimum filtration capacity. Minimum Filtration Capacity = Compressed Air Flow Rate x CFMIP
4. Using the minimum filtration capacity, select a filter model from the flow rate tables above (filter selected must have a flow rate equal to or
greater than the minimum filtration capacity).

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum bar g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Pressure psi g 15 29 44 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232

Correction Factor 2.65 1.87 1.53 1.32 1.18 1.08 1.00 0.94 0.88 0.84 0.80 0.76 0.73 0.71 0.68 0.66




Weight & Dimensions

Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) Weight
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
065ND 1065 42 440 17.3 340 13.4 70 154
070OD 1152 45.4 500 19.7 405 16 97 214
075PD 1256 49.5 600 23.6 520 20.5 148 326
080PD 1332 52.4 650 25.6 580 22.8 187 412
085QD 1415 55.7 750 29.5 640 25.2 240 529
090RD 1603 63.1 1000 39.4 840 33 470 1036
095SD 1706 67.2 1050 41.3 910 35.8 580 1279

Parker Catalogue Numbers (No DPI)

Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
Model General Purpose General Purpose High Efficiency High Efficiency Oil Vapour Reduction
Coalescing Filters Dry Particulate Filters Coalescing Filters Dry Particulate Filters Filters

Parker Catalogue Numbers (With DPI)

Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
Model General Purpose General Purpose High Efficiency High Efficiency
Coalescing Filters Dry Particulate Filters Coalescing Filters Dry Particulate Filters

Compressed Air Filters

OIL-X Point Of Use Oil Vapour Reduction Filters

Filtration Performance
Particle Reduction Max. Remaining Initial Dry Initial Saturated Change Precede with
Filtration Filter Filtration
(inc water & oil Oil Content Differential Differential Element Filtration
Grade Type Efficiency
aerosols) at 21°C (70°F) Pressure Pressure Every Grade

When oil
Oil Vapour 0.003 mg/m³ <140 mbar
ACS N/A N/A N/A vapour is AO+AA
Reduction 0.003 ppm(w) (2 psi)

Technical Data
Minimum Operating Maximum Operating Minimum Operating Maximum Operating
Filtration Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature
Filter Models
bar g psi g bar g psi g ºC ºF ºC ºF
P010 - P055 (Manual Drain) 1 15 20 290 2 35 50 122
P060 (Manual Drain) 1 15 20 290 2 35 50 122

Flow Rates Filter Coding Example

Pipe Replacement Pipe Drain Incident
Model L/S m³/min m³/hr cfm No. Grade Model Size Thread Option Monitor
Size Element Option

ACSP010A MX ¼" 10 0.6 36 21 P010ACS 1 P&3

ACSP010B MX 3/8
" 10 0.6 36 21 P010ACS 1 code Letter
ACS denotes denotes GN==BSPP
NPT M = Manual X = None
ACSP010C MX ½" 10 0.6 36 21 P010ACS 1 filter pipe size
ACSP015C MX ½" 20 1.2 72 42 P015ACS 1
ACSP020C MX ½" 30 1.8 108 64 P020ACS 1 Example code

ACSP020D MX ¾" 30 1.8 108 64 P020ACS 1 ACS P010 A G M X

ACSP025D MX ¾" 60 3.6 216 127 P025ACS 1

ACSP025E MX 1" 60 3.6 216 127 P025ACS 1
ACSP030G MX 1½" 110 6.6 396 233 P030ACS 1
ACSP035G MX 1½" 160 9.6 576 339 P035ACS 1
ACSP040H MX 2" 220 13.2 792 466 P040ACS 1
ACSP045I MX 2½" 330 19.8 1188 699 P045ACS 1
ACSP050I MX 2½" 430 25.9 1548 911 P050ACS 1
ACSP055I MX 2½" 620 37.3 2232 1314 P055ACS 1
ACSP055J MX 3" 620 37.3 2232 1314 P055ACS 1
ACSP060K MX 4" 1000 60 3600 2119 P060ACS 3

Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

To correctly select a filter model, the flow rate of the filter must be adjusted for the minimum operating (inlet) pressure at the point of installation.
1. Obtain the minimum operating (inlet) pressure and maximum compressed air flow rate at the inlet of the filter.
2. Select the correction factor for minimum inlet pressure from the CFMIP table (always round down e.g. for 5.3 bar, use 5 bar correction factor)
3. Calculate the minimum filtration capacity. Minimum Filtration Capacity = Compressed Air Flow Rate x CFMIP
4. Using the minimum filtration capacity, select a filter model from the flow rate tables above (filter selected must have a flow rate equal to or greater than
the minimum filtration capacity).

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum bar g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Pressure psi g 15 29 44 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232 248 263 277 290

Correction Factor 2.65 1.87 1.53 1.32 1.18 1.08 1.00 0.94 0.88 0.84 0.80 0.76 0.73 0.71 0.68 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.61 0.59




010 - 030 040 - 060

Weights & Dimensions

Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) Weight
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
010A 180 7.09 76 2.99 65 2. 56 0.84 1.86
010B 180 7.09 76 2.99 65 2. 56 0.84 1.84
010C 180 7.09 76 2.99 65 2. 56 0.82 1.81
015C 238 9.37 89 3.5 84 3.31 1.16 2.55
020C 238 9.37 89 3.5 84 3.31 1.17 2.58
020D 238 9.37 89 3.5 84 3.31 1.44 3.19
025D 277 10.9 120 4.72 115 4.53 2.14 4.71
025E 277 10.9 120 4.72 115 4.53 2.69 5.92
030G 367 14.45 120 4.72 115 4.53 3.04 6.70
035G 440 20.9 164 6.46 157 6.18 6.90 15.21
040H 532 24.5 164 6.46 157 6.18 7.30 16.09
045I 532 24.5 164 6.46 157 6.18 7.10 15.65
050I 654 29.3 192 7.56 183 7.20 10.30 22.71
055I 844 36.8 192 7.56 183 7.20 15.90 33.05
055J 844 36.8 192 7.56 183 7.20 15.30 33.73
060K 847 33.3 420 16.54 282 11.10 44.50 98.11

Parker Catalogue Numbers (BSPP Models)

Catalogue Number
Oil Vapour Reduction Filters


Compressed Air Filters

OIL-X OVR Plant Scale Oil Vapour Reduction

Filtration Performance
Particle Initial
Max. Initial Dry Precede
Filtration Filter Removal Filtration Saturated Adsorbent
Remaining Differential with
Grade Type (inc Water & Efficiency Differential Life
Oil Content* Pressure Grade
Oil Aerosols) Pressure

Oil Vapour ≤ 0.003 mg/m3 <350 mbar

OVR N/A N/A N/A *12 months AO + AA
Reduction ≤ 0.003 ppm (w) <5 psi
*At system operating temperature and when corrected to match system conditions.

Technical Data
Minimum Operating Maximum Operating Minimum Operating Maximum Operating
Filtration Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature
Filter Models
bar g psi g bar g psi g ºC ºF ºC ºF
OVR 300H XX - 550I XX 1 15 16 232 2 35 50 122

Flow Rates
Replacement No.
Model Pipe Size L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
Cartridge Required

OVR300H XX 2" 87 5.2 314 185 300OVR 1

OVR350H XX 2" 177 10.6 637 375 350OVR 1
OVR400H XX 2" 354 21.2 1274 750 400OVR 1
OVR450I XX 2½" 531 31.9 1911 1125 450OVR 1
OVR500I XX 2½" 708 42.5 2549 1500 500OVR 1
OVR550I XX 2½" 885 53.1 3186 1875 550OVR 1
2 x OVR550I XX 2½" 1770 106.2 6371 3750 550OVR 2
3 x OVR550I XX 2½" 2655 159.3 9557 5625 550OVR 3
4 x OVR550I XX 2½" 3540 212.4 12743 7500 550OVR 4
5 x OVR550I XX 2½" 4424 265.5 15928 9375 550OVR 5

Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors shown on the right.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

1. System Information Required for OVR Sizing & Selection
• Minimum pressure at the inlet of the OVR • Compressor type (oil lubricated or oil free)
• Maximum inlet temperature at the inlet of the OVR (highest summer inlet temp) • Maximum compressed air flow rate
• Dewpoint of the compressed air (is the OVR to be • Oil vapour concentration expected at the inlet of the OVR
installed before or after a dryer) (default is 0.05 mg/m³)

2. Select Correction Factors

• For minimum inlet pressure, select a correction factor from the CFMIP table that corresponds to the minimum inlet pressure of the compressed
air system, remembering to always round down e.g. for 5.3 bar g use the 5 bar g correction factor.
• For maximum inlet temperature there are two tables, one for use with an oil lubricated compressor, the other for oil free compressor. Select a
correction factor from the CFMIT table for the relevant compressor type, remembering to always round up e.g. for 37°C use the 40°C
correction factor.
• For pressure dewpoint, select a correction factor from the CFID table.
• For oil vapour concentration, select a correction factor from the CFIV table, remembering to always round up e.g. for 3.25g/m³ use the correction
factor for 4mg/m3.

3. Calculate Minimum Filtration capacity

• Minimum Filtration Capacity = Compressed Air Flow x CFMIT x CFMIP x CFID x CFIV.
• Using the minimum filtration capacity, select an OVR model from the flow rate tables. The OVR model selected must have a flow rate equal to
or greater than the minimum filtration capacity.
• If the minimum filtration capacity exceeds the maximum values of the models shown within the tables, please contact Parker for advice regarding
larger multi-banked units.



OVR 300 OVR 350 - OVR 550

Correction Factors Maximum Inlet Temperature (CFMIT)

Oil Lubricated Compressors Oil-Free Compressors
°C °F Correction Factor °C °F Correction Factor
25 77 1.00 25 77 1.00
30 86 1.00 30 86 1.00
35 95 1.00 35 95 1.00
40 104 1.25 40 104 1.02
45 113 1.55 45 113 1.04
50 122 1.90 50 122 1.05

Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure (CFMIP)

Minimum bar g 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Inlet Pressure psi g 44 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232
Correction Factor 2.00 1.60 1.33 1.14 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Correction Factor Correction Factor

Dewpoint (CFID) Inlet Vapour Content (CFIV)
Correction Inlet Vapour
Installation 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Factor Concentration mg/m3
After Dryer 1.00
Correction Factor 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 40 60 80 100
Before Dryer 4.00

Weight & Dimensions

Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) Weight
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
OVR300 792 31.2 245 9.6 230 9.1 28.5 62.8
OVR350 1009 39.7 590 23.2 550 21.7 62.5 137.8
OVR400 1009 39.7 735 28.9 550 21.7 71.5 157.6
OVR450 1009 39.7 888 35.0 550 21.7 92.8 204.6
OVR500 1009 39.7 1065 41.9 550 21.7 100.6 221.8
OVR550 1009 39.7 1234 48.6 550 21.7 122.0 269.0

Parker Catalogue Numbers

Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
Plant Scale Oil Vapour Reduction (BSPP) Plant Scale Oil Vapour Reduction (NPT)


Compressed Air Filters

OIL-X Combination Filters

Filtration Performance
Particle Reduction Max. Remaining Initial Dry Initial Saturated Precede with
Filtration Filter Filtration Change
(inc water & oil Oil Content Differential Differential Filtration
Grade Type Efficiency Element Every
aerosols) at 21°C (70°F) Pressure Pressure Grade
Aerosols Element
High Efficiency 0.01 mg/m³ 12 Months
Coalescing 0.01 ppm(w)
Down to <618 mbar <773 mbar
AC & N/A Oil Vapour AO
0.01 micron (9 psi) (11 psi)
Oil Vapour Vapour Reduction
Reduction 0.003 mg/m³ Element
0.003 ppm(w) When oil vapour
is detected

Technical Data
Minimum Operating Maximum Operating Minimum Operating Maximum Operating
Filtration Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature
Filter Models
bar g psi g bar g psi g ºC ºF ºC ºF
010 - 030 (Float Drain) 1 15 16 232 2 35 30 86
010 - 030 (Manual Drain) 1 15 20 290 2 35 30 86

Flow Rates Filter Coding Example

Pipe Grade Model
Pipe Thread Drain Monitor
Model L/S m³/min m³/hr cfm Replacement Elements Size Option
Size Option
AC010A FX 1/4" 6 0.4 22 13 010AA 010AC 3 digit
code Letter G= F=
AC010B FX 3
/8" 6 0.4 22 13 010AA 010AC AC denotes denotes BSPP Float X = None
filter pipe N= M=
AC010C FX 1/2" 6 0.4 22 13 010AA 010AC housing size NPT Manual
AC015B FX 3
/8" 13 0.8 46 27 015AA 015AC
Example code
AC015C FX ½" 13 0.8 46 27 015AA 015AC
AC 010 A G F X
AC020C FX ½" 25 1.5 90 53 020AA 020AC
AC020D FX 3/4" 25 1.5 90 53 020AA 020AC
AC020E FX 1" 25 1.5 90 53 020AA 020AC
AC025D FX 3/4" 40 2.4 143 84 025AA 025AC
AC025E FX 2" 65 3.9 231 136 025AA 025AC
AC030E FX 1" 85 5.1 305 180 030AA 030AC
AC030F FX 11/4" 85 5.1 305 180 030AA 030AC
AC030F FX 11/2" 85 5.1 305 180 030AA 030AC
Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water
vapour pressure. For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

To correctly select a filter model, the flow rate of the filter must be adjusted for the minimum operating (inlet) pressure at the point of installation.
1. Obtain the minimum operating (inlet) pressure and maximum compressed air flow rate at the inlet of the filter.
2. Select the correction factor for minimum inlet pressure from the CFMIP table (always round down e.g. for 5.3 bar, use 5 bar correction factor)
3. Calculate the minimum filtration capacity. Minimum Filtration Capacity = Compressed Air Flow Rate x CFMIP
4. Using the minimum filtration capacity, select a filter model from the flow rate tables above (filter selected must have a flow rate equal to or greater than the
minimum filtration capacity).

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum bar g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Pressure psi g 15 29 44 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232 248 263 277 290

Correction Factor 2.65 1.87 1.53 1.32 1.18 1.08 1.00 0.94 0.88 0.84 0.80 0.76 0.73 0.71 0.68 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.61 0.59

When ordering a filter for pressures above 16 bar g (232 psi g), use a manual drain. Replace F with M in product code. e.g. AC015BGFX becomes AC015BGMX.



Weight & Dimensions

Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) Weight
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
AC010A 311 12.3 76 3.0 65 2.6 0.8 1.8
AC010B 311 12.3 76 3.0 65 2.6 0.8 1.8
AC010C 311 12.3 76 3.0 65 2.6 0.8 1.8
AC015B 474 18.7 97 3.8 84 3.3 1.6 3.5
AC015C 474 18.7 97 3.8 84 3.3 1.6 3.5
AC020C 474 18.7 97 3.8 84 3.3 1.4 3.2
AC020D 474 18.7 97 3.8 84 3.3 1.4 3.2
AC020E 474 18.7 97 3.8 84 3.3 1.4 3.2
AC025D 554 21.8 129 5.1 115 4.5 3.5 7.8
AC025E 554 21.8 129 5.1 115 4.5 3.4 7.6
AC030E 733 28.9 129 5.1 115 4.5 4.1 9.0
AC030F 733 28.9 129 5.1 115 4.5 4.1 9.0
AC030F 733 28.9 129 5.1 115 4.5 4.1 9.0

Parker Catalogue Numbers

(BSPP Models)
Catalogue Number
Model Double Stage Oil Vapour
Reduction Filers

Compressed Air Filters

Hyperfilter Die-cast Aluminium Filters

Filtration Performance
Particle Reduction Max. Remaining Initial Dry Initial Saturated Precede with
Filtration Filter Filtration Change
(inc water & oil Oil Content Differential Differential Filtration
Grade Type Efficiency Element Every
aerosols) at 21°C (70°F) Pressure Pressure Grade

Coalescing & Dry <70 mbar <140 mbar WS (for bulk

Q Down to 3 micron N/A N/A 12 months
Particulate (<1 psi) (<2 psi) liquid)

Coalescing & Dry 0.6 mg/m³ <70 mbar <140 mbar

P Down to 1 micron 99.9% 12 months Q
Particulate 0.5 ppm(w) (<1 psi) (<2 psi)

Coalescing & Dry Down to 0.01 0.01 mg/m³ <100 mbar <200 mbar
S 99.9999% 12 months P
Particulate micron 0.01 ppm(w) (<1.45 psi) (<3 psi)

Dry Particulate
<70 mbar
D downstream of Down to 3 micron N/A 99.9% N/A 12 months -
(<1 psi)
adsorption dryer

0.003 mg/m³
<350 mbar When oil vapour
C Adsorption N/A 0.003 ppm(w) of N/A N/A P+S
(<5 psi) is detected
Oil Vapour

Technical Data
Minimum Operating Maximum Operating Minimum Operating Maximum Operating
Filtration Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature
Filter Models
bar g psi g bar g psi g ºC ºF ºC ºF
Q/P/S/D HFN005 - HFN370 1 15 16 232 2 35 65 149
C HFN005 - HFN370 1 15 16 232 2 35 50 122

Flow Rates Filter Coding Example

Pipe Replacement
Model L/S m³/min m³/hr cfm No. Grade Part Number
Size Element
HFN005 Grade WD 1/4" 8.8 0.5 31.8 18 Grade 005-ELZ 1 Q HFN018QWD
HFN010 Grade WD 3
/8" 16.7 1.0 60 35 Grade 010-ELZ 1 P HFN018PWD
HFN018 Grade WD 1/2" 30.0 1.8 108 63 Grade 022-ELZ 1 S HFN018SWD
HFN022 Grade WD 1/2" 36.7 2.2 132 77 Grade 022-ELZ 1 D HFN018DWD
HFN030 Grade WD 1/2" 50.0 3.0 180 106 Grade 030-ELZ 1 C HFN018CWD
HFN045 Grade WD 3/4" 75.0 4.5 270 159 Grade 045-ELZ 1
HFN062 Grade WD 3/4” 103.3 6.2 372 219 Grade 072-ELZ 1
HFN072 Grade WD 1" 120.0 7.2 432 254 Grade 072-ELZ 1
HFN122 Grade WD 11/2" 203.3 12.2 732 430 Grade 122-ELZ 1
HFN135 Grade WD 11/2" 225.0 13.5 810 477 Grade 135-ELZ 1
HFN175 Grade WD 2" 291.7 17.5 1050 618 Grade 175-ELZ 1
HFN205 Grade WD 21/2" 341.7 20.5 1230 724 Grade 205-ELZ 1
HFN300 Grade WD 21/2" 500.0 30.0 1800 1059 Grade 300-ELZ 1
HFN370 Grade WD 3" 611.1 37.0 2220 1295.0 Grade 370-ELZ 1
Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water
vapour pressure. For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

To correctly select a filter model, the flow rate of the filter must be adjusted for the minimum operating (inlet) pressure at the point of installation.
1. Obtain the minimum operating (inlet) pressure and maximum compressed air flow rate at the inlet of the filter.
2. Select the correction factor for minimum inlet pressure from the CFMIP table (always round down e.g. for 5.3 bar, use 5 bar correction factor)
3. Calculate the minimum filtration capacity. Minimum Filtration Capacity = Compressed Air Flow Rate x CFMIP
4. Using the minimum filtration capacity, select a filter model from the flow rate tables above (filter selected must have a flow rate equal to or greater than the
minimum filtration capacity).

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum bar g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Pressure psi g 15 29 44 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232

Correction Factor 2.65 1.87 1.53 1.32 1.18 1.08 1.00 0.94 0.88 0.84 0.80 0.76 0.73 0.71 0.68 0.66


HFN005-205 HFN300-370


Filtration Tested In Accordance With

Filtration Grade Q P S D C

Coalescing & Coalescing & Coalescing &

Filter Type Dry Particulate Adsorption
Dry Particulate Dry Particulate Dry Particulate

Test Methods Used ISO8573-2 ISO8573-2 ISO8573-2 N/A N/A


ISO12500-1 Inlet
Not Tested to Not Tested to Not Tested to N/A N/A
Challenge Concentration
ISO 12500-1 ISO 12500-1 ISO 12500-1

Weight & Dimensions

Height (H) Width (W) Weight
mm ins mm ins kg lbs
HFN005 168 6.6 69 2.7 0.6 1.3
HFN010 267 10.5 89 3.5 1.2 2.6
HFN018 267 10.5 89 3.5 1.2 2.6
HFN022 267 10.5 89 3.5 1.2 2.6
HFN030 367 14.4 109 4.3 2.4 5.3
HFN045 367 14.4 109 4.3 2.4 5.3
HFN062 514 20.2 109 4.3 3.0 6.6
HFN072 514 20.2 109 4.3 3.0 6.6
HFN122 550 21.6 150 5.9 5.2 11.5
HFN135 550 21.6 150 5.9 5.2 11.5
HFN175 928 36.5 150 5.9 6.5 14.3
HFN205 928 36.5 150 5.9 6.6 14.5
HFN300 733 28.8 188 7.4 13.5 29.8
HFN370 933 36.7 188 7.4 16.0 35.3

Compressed Air Filters

0003G Micro Filters

Filtration Performance
Particle Reduction Max Remaining Initial Dry Initial Saturated Change Precede with
Filtration Filter Filtration
(inc water & oil Oil Content Differential Differential Element Filtration
Grade Type Efficiency
aerosols) at 21°C (70°F) Pressure Pressure Every Grade

Coalescing & 0.5 mg/m³ <70 mbar <140 mbar

AO Down to 1 micron 99.925% 12 months -
Dry Particulate 0.5 ppm(w) (<1 psi) (<2 psi)

Coalescing & Down to 0.01 0.01 mg/m³ <140 mbar <200 mbar
AA 99.9999% 12 months AO
Dry Particulate micron 0.01 ppm(w) (<1.5 psi) (<3 psi)

When oil
Oil Vapour 0.003 mg/m³ <140 mbar
ACS N/A N/A N/A vapour is AO+AA
Reduction 0.003 ppm(w) (<1.5 psi)

Important Note:
Using the same filter housings as their coalescing and dry particulate counterparts, Grade ACS filter elements differ in that they utilise a wrapped bed
of carbon cloth to adsorb oil vapour. It is important to note, in-line adsorption filter elements have a different life span compared to coalescing and dry
particulate filters and require more frequent element changes.

Technical Data
Minimum Operating Maximum Operating Minimum Operating Maximum Operating
Filtration Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature
Filter Models
bar g psi g bar g psi g ºC ºF ºC ºF
AO/AA 0003G 1 14.5 10 145 2 35 50 122
ACS 0003G 1 14.5 10 145 2 35 30 86

Flow Rates
Model L/S m³/min m³/hr cfm Replacement Element No.

AO-0003G 8mm Push In 3 0.18 11 6 K003AO 1

AA-0003G 8mm Push In 3 0.18 11 6 K003AA 1
ACS-0003G 8mm Push In 3 0.18 11 6 K003ACS 1
All models include a manual / constant bleed drain
Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure. For flows at other pressures,
apply the correction factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

To correctly select a filter model, the flow rate of the filter must be adjusted for the minimum operating (inlet) pressure at the point of installation.
1. Obtain the minimum operating (inlet) pressure and maximum compressed air flow rate at the inlet of the filter.
2. Select the correction factor for minimum inlet pressure from the CFMIP table (always round down e.g. for 5.3 bar, use 5 bar correction factor)
3. Calculate the minimum filtration capacity. Minimum Filtration Capacity = Compressed Air Flow Rate x CFP
4. Using the minimum filtration capacity, select a filter model from the flow rate tables above (filter selected must have a flow rate equal to or greater than the
minimum filtration capacity).

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum bar g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pressure psi g 15 29 44 58 73 87 100 116 131 145

Correction Factor 2.65 1.87 1.53 1.32 1.18 1.08 1.00 0.94 0.88 0.84


Weight & Dimensions

Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) Weight
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
0003G 89 3.5 58 2.3 56 2.2 0.1 0.2

Parker Catalogue Numbers

Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
Model General Purpose General Purpose
Coalescing Filters Dry Particulate Filters
0003G AO-0003G AA-0003G

OIL-X Filter Accessories

Filter Wall Mount Brackets
(for single filters) Automatic Float and Manual Drains
Part Number Filter Model / Number of Part Number Description
MBK1-1 010 x 1 PD15NO Float Auto 010-055
MBK2-1 015-020 x 1 Manual Drain 010-055
MBK3-1 025-030 x 1 (Maximum Operating Pressure 20 bar g)

MBK4-1 035-045 x 1 HDF120A Float Auto 060

MBK5-1 050-055 x 1 605006470 Manual Drain 060

Filter Wall Mount Brackets

(for 2 or 3 in series) Zero Loss ED Electronic Drains
Part Number Filter Model / Number of Part Number Filter Model
MBK1-2 010 x 2 and x 3 ED3002-G230 010 to 030
MBK2-2 015-020 x 2 and x 3 ED3004-G230 035 to 055
MBK3-2 025 - 030 x 2 and x 3 ED3007-G230 60
MBK4-2 035 - 045 x 2 and x 3 MK-G15-G10I ED3002 Mounting kit G1/2
MBK5-2 050 - 055 x 2 and x 3 MK-G25-G15 ED3004-3100 Mounting kit G1/2
Unless stated otherwise all differential pressure monitors, gauges and drains have a maximum operating pressure of 16 bar g.

Tie Rods
(for 2 or 3 in series)
Part Number Filter Model / Number of
TRK1-2 010 x 2 and x 3
TRK3-2 015 to 020 x 2 and x 3
TRK2-2 025 to 030 x 2 and x 3
TRK4-2 035 to 045 x 2 and x 3
TRK5-2 050 to 055 x 2 and x 3 27
Compressed Air Dryers

PMD Miniature Regenerative Adsorption Dryer

Dryer Performance
(Standard) ISO8573-1:2010
Dryer Models
°C °F
PMD -40 -40 Class 2 for Water Vapour

Technical Data
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Electrical Electrical Level
Dryer Models Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Supply Supply Connection
bar psi bar (Standard) (Optional)
psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
g g g
230V 1ph 115V 1ph
PMD 4 58 9 130 5 41 45 113 50 122 6 mm Push In <75
50/60Hz 50/60Hz

Flow Rates
Inlet Flow Rate
Dryer model Connection Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with
L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour
pressure. For flows at other pressures, apply the correction
PMD 6 mm Push In 0.06 0.0035 0.21 0.12 factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer)
ambient temperature, minimum inlet pressure and maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table
above with a flow rate equal to or above the MDC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFIT x CFAT x CFMIP

CFIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

°C 25 30 35 40 45
Maximum Inlet Temperature
°F 77 86 95 104 113
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.04 1.14

CFAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

Maximum Ambient °C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9
Minimum Inlet Pressure
psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131
Correction Factor 1.60 1.33 1.14 1.00 0.89 0.80


Weights & Dimensions

Dryer Models Weight
Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
PMD 122 4.8 184 7.24 112 4.41 2.2 4.85

Included Filtration
Dryer Inlet
Dryer Models
High Efficiency Filter
PMD AA-0003G

Parker Catalogue Numbers

Model Catalogue Number
PMD 608750000

Compressed Air Dryers

K-MT Small Flow Heatless Adsorption Dryers

Dryer Performance
Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010
Dryer Models (Standard) Classification (Option 1) Classification (Option 2) Classification
°C °F (Standard) °C °F (Option 1) °C °F (Option 2)

K-MT 1 - 8 -40 -40 Class 2.2.2 -70 -100 Class 2.1.2 -25 -13 Class 2.3.2

ISO8573-1 Classifications when used with Parker domnick hunter OIL-X pre / post filtration

Technical Data
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
Electrical Electrical Noise
Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Thread
Dryer Models Supply Supply Level
Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Type
(Standard) (Optional)
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
115V 1ph
230V 1ph
K-MT 1 - 8 4 58 16 232 5 41 50 122 50 122 50/60Hz BSPP 65-86
or 24V DC

Flow Rates
Pipe Size Inlet Flow Rate
BSPP L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
K-MT 1 1/4 2 0.13 8 5
K-MT 2 1/4 4 0.25 15 9
K-MT 3 1/4 7 0.42 25 15
K-MT 4 1/4 10 0.58 35 21
Inlet flow rate relating to 1 bar(a) and 20 °C;
K-MT 6 1/2 16 0.93 56 33 relating to the suction performance of the
compressor, compression at 7 bar(g) and
K-MT 7 1/2 20 1.2 72 42
35 °C dryer inlet temperature, at 25 °C ambient
K-MT 8 1/2 24 1.43 86 51 temperature, 60 % relative humidity.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer)
ambient temperature, minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table
above with a flow rate equal to or above the MDC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFIT x CFAT x CFMIP x CFOD

CFIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

°C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Maximum Inlet Temperature
°F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 0.94 0.95 1.00 1.15 1.22 1.28

CFAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

°C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Maximum Ambient Temperature
°F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Minimum Inlet Pressure
psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232
Correction Factor 1.60 1.33 1.12 1.00 0.88 0.79 0.76 0.74 0.67 0.62 0.59 0.56 0.53

CFOD - Correction Factor Outlet Dewpoint

°C -25 -40 -70
Outlet Dewpoint
°F -13 -40 -100
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 2.00



Weights & Dimensions

Model Weight
Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
K-MT 1 434 17 345 14 210 8 11.5 25
K-MT 2 609 24 345 14 210 8 15.5 34
K-MT 3 859 34 345 14 210 8 20.0 44
K-MT 4 1109 44 345 14 210 8 25.0 55
K-MT 6 1164 55 446 18 300 12 48.0 106
Included Filtration
K-MT 7 1389 55 446 18 300 12 56.5 125
K-MT 8 1589 63 446 18 300 12 62.5 138

Included Filtration
Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet
High Efficiency
Model General Purpose Oil Vapour
High Efficiency Dry Particulate
Dry Particulate Reduction Filter
Filter Filter Included in standard scope of supply
Filter (Option)
(Option) Prefilter (AA) including float drain and
K-MT 1 AAP010AGFI AOP010AGMI ACSP010AGMX AAP010AGMI differential pressure gauge.
Afterfilter (AO) including manual drain and
differential pressure gauge.
K-MT 4 AAP010AGFI AOP010AGMI ACSP010AGMX AAP010AGMI Oil vapour reduction filter (ACS)
K-MT 6 AAP015CGFI AOP015CGMI ACSP015CGMX AAP015CGMI Delivered separately
High efficiency dry particulate filter (AA) including
manual drain and differential pressure gauge.
K-MT 8 AAP020DGFI AOP020DGMI ACSP020DGMX AAP020DGMI Delivered separately

Parker Catalogue Numbers


For Dryer Catalogue Number Catalogue Number

Model No Dewpoint Sensor With Dewpoint Sensor

K-MT 1 K1/16D3-G230M K1/16D3-G230MT

K-MT 2 K2/16D3-G230M K2/16D3-G230MT
K-MT 3 K3/16D3-G230M K3/16D3-G230MT
K-MT 4 K4/16D3-G230M K4/16D3-G230MT
K-MT 6 K6/16D3-G230M K6/16D3-G230MT
K-MT 7 K7/16D3-G230M K7/16D3-G230MT
K-MT 8 K8/16D3-G230M K8/16D3-G230MT
Compressed Air Dryers

KA-MT Small Flow Heatless Adsorption Dryers

Dryer Performance
Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010
Dryer Models (Standard) Classification (Option 1) Classification (Option 2) Classification
°C °F (Standard) °C °F (Option 1) °C °F (Option 2)

KA-MT 1 - 8 -40 -40 Class 2.2.1 -70 -100 Class 2.1.1 -25 -13 Class 2.3.1

Technische Daten
Minimaler Maximaler
Minimale Be- Maximale Maximale Ge-
Betriebs- triebstempe- Betriebstem- Umgebungs- Stromver-
Betriebs- Strom-
Gewinde- räusch-
Trocknermodelle druck druck ratur peratur temperatur sorgung versorgung pegel
(Standard) (optional)
bar ü psi g bar ü psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
230 V 115 V 1-ph.
KA-MT 1 - 8 4 58 16 232 5 41 50 122 50 122 1-ph. 50/60 Hz BSPP 65 - 86
50/60 Hz oder 24 V DC

Flow Rates
Pipe Size Inlet Flow Rate
BSPP L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
KA-MT 1 1/4 2 0.13 8 5
KA-MT 2 1/4 4 0.25 15 9
KA-MT 3 1/4 7 0.42 25 15
KA-MT 4 1/4 10 0.58 35 21
Inlet flow rate relating to 1 bar(a) and 20 °C;
KA-MT 6 1/2 16 0.93 56 33 relating to the suction performance of the
KA-MT 7 1/2 20 1.2 72 42 compressor, compression at 7 bar(g) and
35 °C dryer inlet temperature, at 25 °C ambient
KA-MT 8 3/4 24 1.43 86 51 temperature, 60 % relative humidity.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer)
ambient temperature, minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table
above with a flow rate equal to or above the MDC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFIT x CFAT x CFMIP x CFOD

CFIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

°C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Maximum Inlet Temperature
°F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 0.94 0.95 1.00 1.15 1.22 1.28

CFAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

°C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Maximum Ambient Temperature
°F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Minimum Inlet Pressure
psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232
Correction Factor 1.60 1.33 1.12 1.00 0.88 0.79 0.76 0.74 0.67 0.62 0.59 0.56 0.53

CFOD - Correction Factor Outlet Dewpoint

°C -25 -40 -70
Outlet Dewpoint
°F -13 -40 -100
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 2.00



Weights & Dimensions

Model Weight
Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
KA-MT 1 434 17 486 19 210 8 15 33
KA-MT 2 609 24 477 19 210 8 20 44
KA-MT 3 859 34 577 23 210 8 28 62
KA-MT 4 1109 44 577 23 210 8 35 77
KA-MT 6 1164 55 692 27 300 12 68 150
KA-MT 7 1389 55 692 27 300 12 81 179
KA-MT 8 1589 63 692 27 300 12 92 203

Included Filtration
Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet
Model General Purpose High Efficiency Dry
High Efficiency
Dry Particulate Particulate Filter
Filter (Option)
KA-MT 3 AAP010AGFI AOP010AGMI AAP010AGMI Included in standard scope of supply:
Prefilter (AA) including float drain.
KA-MT 4 AAP010AGFI AOP010AGMI AAP010AGMI Afterfilter (AO) including manual drain.
KA-MT 6 AAP015CGFI AOP015CGMI AAP015CGMI Optional: (Delivered separately):
Oil vapour reduction filter (ACS)
High efficiency dry particulate filter (AA)
KA-MT 8 AAP020DGFI AOP020DGMI AAP020DGMI including manual drain

Parker Catalogue Numbers


For Dryer Catalogue Number Catalogue Number

Model No Dewpoint Sensor With Dewpoint Sensor

KA-MT 1 K1/16DA3-G230M K1/16DA3-G230MT

KA-MT 2 K2/16DA3-G230M K2/16DA3-G230MT
KA-MT 3 K3/16DA3-G230M K3/16DA3-G230MT
KA-MT 4 K4/16DA3-G230M K4/16DA3-G230MT
KA-MT 6 K6/16DA3-G230M K6/16DA3-G230MT
KA-MT 7 K7/16DA3-G230M K7/16DA3-G230MT
KA-MT 8 K8/16DA3-G230M K8/16DA3-G230MT

Compressed Air Dryers

CDAS Medium Flow Heatless Adsorption Dryers

Dryer Performance
Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010
Dryer Models (Standard) Classification (Option 1) Classification (Option 2) Classification
°C °F (Standard) °C °F (Option 1) °C °F (Option 2)

CDAS HL -40 -40 Class 2.2.2 -70 -100 Class 2.1.2 -20 -4 Class 2.3.2
ISO8573-1 Classifications when used with OIL-X pre / post filtration

Technical Data
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
Electrical Electrical Noise
Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Thread
Dryer Models Supply Supply Level
Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Type
(Standard) (Optional)
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
85 - 265V BSPP
CDAS HL 050 - 085 4 58 16 232 5 41 50 122 55 131 24V DC <75
1ph 50/60Hz or NPT

Flow Rates
Pipe Size Inlet Flow Rate
Model BSPP or
NPT L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
CDAS HL 050 1/2" 15 0.92 55 32
CDAS HL 055 1/2" 19 1.17 70 41
CDAS HL 060 1/2" 25 1.50 90 53
CDAS HL 065 1/2" 31 1.84 110 65
CDAS HL 070 3/4" 42 2.51 150 88
CDAS HL 075 1" 51 3.09 185 109 Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with
CDAS HL 080 1" 61 3.67 220 129 reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors shown
CDAS HL 085 11/2" 83 5.01 300 177 below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer) ambient
temperature, minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table above with a
flow rate equal to or above the MDC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFMIT x CFMAT x CFMIP x CFOD

CFMIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

Maximum Inlet °C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.04 1.14 1.37

CFMAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

Maximum Ambient °C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum Inlet bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Pressure psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232
Correction Factor 1.60 1.33 1.14 1.00 0.89 0.80 0.73 0.67 0.62 0.57 0.53 0.50 0.47

CFOD - Correction Factor Outlet Dewpoint

°C -20 -40 -70
Outlet Dewpoint
°F -4 -40 -100
Correction Factor 0.91 1.00 2.00



Weights & Dimensions

Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
CDAS HL 050 1133 45 559 22 490 19 76 168
CDAS HL 055 1313 52 559 22 490 19 84 185
CDAS HL 060 1510 59 559 22 490 19 93 205
CDAS HL 065 1660 65 559 22 490 19 100 220
CDAS HL 070 2020 80 559 22 490 19 120 265
CDAS HL 075 1595 63 559 22 682 27 165 364
CDAS HL 080 1745 69 559 22 682 27 180 397
CDAS HL 085 2105 83 559 22 682 27 210 463

Included Filtration
Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet

Pipe Size General Purpose High Efficiency

Model General Purpose High Efficiency Oil Vapour
BSPP or NPT Dry Particulate Dry Particulate
Pre-filter Filter Reduction Filter
Filter Filter

CDAS HL 050 1/2" AOP015C AAP015C - AOP015C -

CDAS HL 055 1/2" AOP015C AAP015C - AOP015C -
CDAS HL 060 1/2" AOP020C AAP020C - AOP020C -
CDAS HL 065 1/2" AOP020C AAP020C - AOP020C -
CDAS HL 070 3/4" AOP025D AAP025D - AOP025D -
CDAS HL 075 1" AOP025E AAP025E - AOP025E -
CDAS HL 080 1" AOP025E AAP025E - AOP025E -
CDAS HL 085 11/2" AOP030G AAP030G - AOP030G -

Parker Catalogue Numbers

Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
Model -20°C PDP / -40°C PDP -70°C PDP -20°C PDP / -40°C PDP -70°C PDP

Compressed Air Dryers

OFAS Medium Flow Heatless Adsorption Dryers

Dryer Performance
Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010
Dryer Models (Standard) Classification (Option 1) Classification (Option 2) Classification
°C °F (Standard) °C °F (Option 1) °C °F (Option 2)

OFAS HL -40 -40 Class 1.2.0 -70 -100 Class 2.1.0 -20 -4 Class 2.3.0

ISO8573-1 Classifications when used with OIL-X pre / post filtration

Technical Data
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
Electrical Electrical Noise
Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Thread
Dryer Models Supply Supply Level
Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Type
(Standard) (Optional)
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
85 - 265V
OFAS HL 050 - 085 4 58 16 232 5 41 50 122 55 131 1ph 24V DC <75

Flow Rates
Pipe Size Inlet Flow Rate
BSPP or NPT L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
OFAS HL 050 1/2" 15 0.92 55 32
OFAS HL 055 1/2" 19 1.17 70 41
OFAS HL 060 1/2" 25 1.50 90 53
OFAS HL 065 1/2" 31 1.84 110 65
OFAS HL 070 3/4" 42 2.51 150 88
OFAS HL 075 1" 51 3.09 185 109 Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with
OFAS HL 080 1" 61 3.67 220 129 reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour
pressure. For flows at other pressures, apply the correction
OFAS HL 085 11/2" 83 5.01 300 177 factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer) ambient
temperature, minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table above with a
flow rate equal to or above the MDC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFMIT x CFMAT x CFMIP x CFOD

CFMIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

Maximum Inlet °C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.04 1.14 1.37

CFMAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

Maximum Ambient °C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum Inlet bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Pressure psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232
Correction Factor 1.60 1.33 1.14 1.00 0.89 0.80 0.73 0.67 0.62 0.57 0.53 0.50 0.47

CFOD - Correction Factor Outlet Dewpoint

°C -20 -40 -70
Outlet Dewpoint
°F -4 -40 -100
Correction Factor 0.91 1.00 2.00



Weights & Dimensions

Model Weight
Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
OFAS HL 050 1133 45 559 22 512 20.2 90 198
OFAS HL 055 1313 52 559 22 512 20.2 97 214
OFAS HL 060 1510 59 559 22 496 19.5 106 234
OFAS HL 065 1660 65 559 22 496 19.5 112 247
OFAS HL 070 2020 80 559 22 496 19.5 132 291
OFAS HL 075 1595 63 559 22 682 27 184 406
OFAS HL 080 1745 69 559 22 682 27 196 432
OFAS HL 085 2105 83 559 22 682 27 232 511

Included Filtration
Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet

Pipe Size General Purpose High Efficiency

Model General Purpose High Efficiency Oil Vapour
BSPP or NPT Dry Particulate Dry Particulate
Pre-filter Filter Reduction Filter
Filter Filter

OFAS HL 050 1/2" AOP015C AAP015C Included AOP015C -

OFAS HL 055 1/2" AOP015C AAP015C Included AOP015C -
OFAS HL 060 1/2" AOP020C AAP020C Included AOP020C -
OFAS HL 065 1/2" AOP020C AAP020C Included AOP020C -
OFAS HL 070 3/4" AOP025D AAP025D Included AOP025D -
OFAS HL 075 1" AOP025E AAP025E Included AOP025E -
OFAS HL 080 1" AOP025E AAP025E Included AOP025E -
OFAS HL 085 11/2" AOP030G AAP030G Included AOP030G -

Parker Catalogue Numbers

Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
Model -20°C PDP / -40°C PDP -70°C PDP -20°C PDP / -40°C PDP -70°C PDP

Compressed Air Dryers

FBP Medium Flow Heatless Adsorption Dryers

Dryer Performance
Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010
Dryer Models (Standard) Classification (Option 1) Classification (Option 2) Classification
°C °F (Standard) °C °F (Option 1) °C °F (Option 2)

FBP HL -40 -40 Class 2.2.0 -70 -100 Class 2.1.0 -20 -4 Class 2.3.0
ISO8573-1 Classifications when used with OIL-X pre / post filtration

Technical Data
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
Electrical Electrical Noise
Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Thread
Dryer Models Supply Supply Level
Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Type
(Standard) (Optional)
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
85 - 265V
FBP HL 050 - 085 4 58 16 232 5 41 50 122 55 131 1ph 24V DC <75

Flow Rates
Pipe Size Inlet Flow Rate
Model BSPP or
NPT L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
FBP HL 050 1/2" 15 0.92 55 32
FBP HL 055 1/2" 19 1.17 70 41
FBP HL 060 1/2" 25 1.50 90 53
FBP HL 065 1/2" 31 1.84 110 65
FBP HL 070 3/4" 42 2.51 150 88
FBP HL 075 1" 51 3.09 185 109 Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with
reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure.
FBP HL 080 1" 61 3.67 220 129
For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors shown
FBP HL 085 11/2" 83 5.01 300 177 below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer) ambient
temperature, minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table above with a
flow rate equal to or above the MDC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFMIT x CFMAT x CFMIP x CFOD

CFMIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

Maximum Inlet °C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.04 1.14 1.37

CFMAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

Maximum Ambient °C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum Inlet bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Pressure psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232
Correction Factor 1.60 1.33 1.14 1.00 0.89 0.80 0.73 0.67 0.62 0.57 0.53 0.50 0.47

CFOD - Correction Factor Outlet Dewpoint

°C -20 -40 -70
Outlet Dewpoint
°F -4 -40 -100
Correction Factor 0.91 1.00 2.00



Weights & Dimensions

Model Weight
Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
FBP HL 050 1133 45 559 22 512 20.2 91 201
FBP HL 055 1313 52 559 22 512 20.2 98 216
FBP HL 060 1510 59 559 22 496 19.5 108 238
FBP HL 065 1660 65 559 22 496 19.5 114 251
FBP HL 070 2020 80 630 24.8 496 19.5 136 300
FBP HL 075 1595 63 630 24.8 682 27 184 406
FBP HL 080 1745 69 630 24.8 682 27 196 432
FBP HL 085 2105 83 630 24.8 682 27 232 511

Included Filtration
Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet

Pipe Size General Purpose High Efficiency

Model General Purpose High Efficiency Oil Vapour
BSPP or NPT Dry Particulate Dry Particulate
Pre-filter Filter Reduction Filter
Filter Filter

FBP HL 050 1/2" AOP015C AAP015C Included AOP015C AAP015C

FBP HL 055 1/2" AOP015C AAP015C Included AOP015C AAP015C
FBP HL 060 1/2" AOP020C AAP020C Included AOP020C AAP020C
FBP HL 065 1/2" AOP020C AAP020C Included AOP020C AAP020C
FBP HL 070 3/4" AOP025D AAP025D Included AOP025D AAP025D
FBP HL 075 1" AOP025E AAP025E Included AOP025E AAP025E
FBP HL 080 1" AOP025E AAP025E Included AOP025E AAP025E
FBP HL 085 11/2" AOP030G AAP030G Included AOP030G AAP030G

Parker Catalogue Numbers

Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
Model -20°C PDP / -40°C PDP -70°C PDP
FBP HL 050 FBPHL050-40G16AE FBPHL050-70G16AE
FBP HL 055 FBPHL055-40G16AE FBPHL055-70G16AE
FBP HL 060 FBPHL060-40G16AE FBPHL060-70G16AE
FBP HL 065 FBPHL065-40G16AE FBPHL065-70G16AE
FBP HL 070 FBPHL070-40G16AE FBPHL070-70G16AE
FBP HL 075 FBPHL075-40G16AE FBPHL075-70G16AE
FBP HL 080 FBPHL080-40G16AE FBPHL080-70G16AE
FBP HL 085 FBPHL085-40G16AE FBPHL085-70G16AE

Compressed Air Dryers

CDAS HL ATEX Medium Flow Heatless Adsorption Dryers

Dryer Performance
Dewpoint (Standard) ISO8573-1:2010
Dryer Models Classification
°C °F (Standard)

CDAS HL ATEX -40 -40 Class 2.2.2

ISO8573-1 Classifications when used with OIL-X pre / post filtration

Technical Data
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Thread
Dryer Models Electrical Supply Level
Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Type
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
Not Applicable - Fully BSPP or
CDAS HL ATEX 4 58 16 232 5 41 50 122 55 131 <75
Pneumatic Operation NPT

Flow Rates
Pipe Size Inlet Flow Rate
Model BSPP or
NPT L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
CDAS HL 050 ATEX 1/2" 15 0.92 55 32
CDAS HL 055 ATEX 1/2" 19 1.17 70 41
CDAS HL 060 ATEX 1/2" 25 1.50 90 53
CDAS HL 065 ATEX 1/2" 31 1.84 110 65
CDAS HL 070 ATEX 3/4" 42 2.51 150 88
CDAS HL 075 ATEX 1" 51 3.09 185 109 Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with
reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure.
CDAS HL 080 ATEX 1" 61 3.67 220 129
For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors shown
CDAS HL 085 ATEX 11/2" 83 5.01 300 177 below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer) ambient
temperature, minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table above with a
flow rate equal to or above the MDC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFMIT x CFMAT x CFMIP x CFOD

CFMIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

Maximum Inlet °C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.04 1.14 1.37

CFMAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

Maximum Ambient °C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum Inlet bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Pressure psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232
Correction Factor 1.60 1.33 1.14 1.00 0.89 0.80 0.73 0.67 0.62 0.57 0.53 0.50 0.47

CFOD - Correction Factor Outlet Dewpoint

°C -20 -40 -70
Outlet Dewpoint
°F -4 -40 -100
Correction Factor 0.91 1.00 2.00



Weights & Dimensions

Model Weight
Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
CDAS HL 050 ATEX 1133 45 559 22 490 19 76 168
CDAS HL 055 ATEX 1313 52 559 22 490 19 84 185
CDAS HL 060 ATEX 1510 59 559 22 490 19 93 205
CDAS HL 065 ATEX 1660 65 559 22 490 19 100 220
CDAS HL 070 ATEX 2020 80 559 22 490 19 120 265
CDAS HL 075 ATEX 1595 63 559 22 682 27 165 364
CDAS HL 080 ATEX 1745 69 559 22 682 27 180 397
CDAS HL 085 ATEX 2105 83 559 22 682 27 210 463

Included Filtration
Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet

Pipe Size General Purpose High Efficiency

Model General Purpose High Efficiency Oil Vapour
BSPP or NPT Dry Particulate Dry Particulate
Pre-filter Filter Reduction Filter
Filter Filter

CDAS HL 050 ATEX 1/2" AOP015C AAP015C - AOP015C -

CDAS HL 055 ATEX 1/2" AOP015C AAP015C - AOP015C -
CDAS HL 060 ATEX 1/2" AOP020C AAP020C - AOP020C -
CDAS HL 065 ATEX 1/2" AOP020C AAP020C - AOP020C -
CDAS HL 070 ATEX 3/4" AOP025D AAP025D - AOP025D -
CDAS HL 075 ATEX 1" AOP025E AAP025E - AOP025E -
CDAS HL 080 ATEX 1" AOP025E AAP025E - AOP025E -
CDAS HL 085 ATEX 11/2" AOP030G AAP030G - AOP030G -

Parker Catalogue Numbers

Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
Model -20°C PDP / -40°C PDP -70°C PDP

Compressed Air Dryers

MX Large Flow Heatless Adsorption Dryers

Dryer Performance
Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010
Dryer Models (Standard) Classification (Option 1) Classification (Option 2) Classification
°C °F (Standard) °C °F (Option 1) °C °F (Option 2)

MXS DS -40 -40 Class 2.2.2 -70 -100 Class 2.1.2 -20 -4 Class 2.3.2
ISO8573-1 Classifications when used with OIL-X pre / post filtration

Technical Data
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
Electrical Electrical Noise
Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Thread
Dryer Models Supply Supply Level
Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Type
(Standard) (Optional)
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
85 - 265V
4 58 13 190 5 41 50 122 55 131 1ph N/A <75

Flow Rates (Single Banks) Flow Rates (Multi-Banked)

Pipe Inlet Flow Rate Pipe Inlet Flow Rate
Model Model
Size L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm Size L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
MXS102CDS 2" 113 6.81 408 240 2 x MXS105DS 2½" 708 43 2550 1500
MXS103CDS 2" 170 10.22 612 360 2 x MXS106DS 2½" 850 51 3060 1800
MXS103DS 2" 213 12.75 765 450 2 x MXS107DS 2½" 992 60 3570 2100
MXS104DS 2½" 283 17 1020 600 2 x MXS108DS 2½" 1133 68 4080 2400
MXS105DS 2½" 354 21 1275 750 3 x MXS106DS 2½" 1275 77 4590 2700
MXS106DS 2½" 425 26 1530 900 3 x MXS107DS 2½" 1488 89 5355 3150
MXS107DS 2½" 496 30 1785 1050 3 x MXS108DS 2½" 1700 102 6120 3600
MXS108DS 2½" 567 34 2040 1200 For Higher Flow Capacities - Contact Parker

Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer) ambient temperature,
minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table above with a flow
rate equal to or above the MDC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFMIT x CFMAT x CFMIP x CFOD

CFMIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

Maximum Inlet °C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.04 1.14 1.37

CFMAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

Maximum Ambient °C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum Inlet bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Pressure psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189
Correction Factor 1.60 1.33 1.14 1.00 0.89 0.80 0.73 0.67 0.62 0.57

CFOD - Correction Factor Outlet Dewpoint

°C -20 -40 -70
Outlet Dewpoint
°F -4 -40 -100
Correction Factor 0.91 1.00 1.43


Weights & Dimensions

Model Weight
Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
MXS102CDS 1647 64.8 687 27.0 550 21.7 235 518
MXS103CDS 1647 64.8 856 33.7 550 21.7 316 696
MXS103DS 1892 74.5 856 33.7 550 21.7 355 782
MXS104DS 1892 74.5 1025 40.3 550 21.7 450 992
MXS105DS 1892 74.5 1194 47.0 550 21.7 543 1197
MXS106DS 1892 74.5 1363 53.6 550 21.7 637 1404
MXS107DS 1892 74.5 1532 60.3 550 21.7 731 1611
MXS108DS 1892 74.5 1701 67.0 550 21.7 825 1818

Recommended Filtration
Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet

Pipe Size General Purpose High Efficiency

Model General Purpose High Efficiency Oil Vapour
BSPP or NPT Dry Particulate Dry Particulate
Pre-filter Filter Reduction Filter
Filter Filter

MXS102CDS 2" AOP040H AAP040H AOP040H -

MXS103CDS 2" AOP040H AAP040H AOP040H -
Technically ‘Oil Free Air’
MXS103DS 2" AOP040H AAP040H AOP040H -
to ISO8573-1:2010
MXS104DS 2½" AOP045I AAP045I Class 0 (<0.003 mg/m3) AOP045I -
for total oil can be
MXS105DS 2½" AOP050I AAP050I easily achieved by AOP050I -
selecting an optional
MXS106DS 2½" AOP050I AAP050I AOP050I -
OIL-X OVR grade filter.
MXS107DS 2½" AOP055I AAP055I AOP055I -
MXS108DS 2½" AOP055I AAP055I AOP055I -

Parker Catalogue Numbers

Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Dryer catalogue number does not include filtration -
-20°C PDP / -40°C PDP -70°C PDP Please order filters separately

MXS102CDS MXS102CDS-40BP MXS102CDS-70BP Important Notes Regarding the Ordering of MX dryers

MXS103CDS MXS103CDS-40BP MXS103CDS-70BP Please note that when ordering MXS heatless dryers, the following
MXS103DS MXS103DS-40BP MXS103DS-70BP items must also be ordered separately.


• Dryer Model
• Inlet / Outlet Flange kit (BSPP or NPT)
• Pre / Post Filtration (Grades AO / AA/ AO)
• FCD (Flow Control Device) - only required for multi-bank
MXS107DS MXS107DS-40BP MXS107DS-70BP installations
MXS108DS MXS108DS-40BP MXS108DS-70BP • QRV - Part Number 608203833 for operation 9 bar g

Compressed Air Dryers

MX ATEX Pneumatic Heatless Adsorption Dryers

Dryer Performance
Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010
Dryer Models (Standard) Classification (Option 1) Classification (Option 2) Classification
°C °F (Standard) °C °F (Option 1) °C °F (Option 2)
ISO8573-1 Classifications when used with Parker domnick hunter OIL-X pre / post filtration
MXS DS -40 -40 Class 2.2.2 -70 -100 Class 2.1.2 -20 -4 Class 2.3.2

ISO8573-1 Classifications when used with OIL-X pre / post filtration

Technical Data
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
Electrical Electrical Noise
Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Thread
Dryer Models Supply Supply Level
Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Type
(Standard) (Optional)
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
MXS102CDS - Not Applicable - Fully
4 58 13 190 5 41 50 122 55 131 BSPP <75
MXS108DS Pneumatic Operation

Flow Rates
Inlet Flow Rate
Model Pipe Size
L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
MXP102c 2" 113 6.81 408 240
MXP103c 2" 170 10.22 612 360
MXP103 2" 213 12.75 765 450
MXP104 2½" 283 17 1020 600
MXP105 2½" 354 21 1275 750
MXP106 2½" 425 26 1530 900 Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with
MXP107 2½" 496 30 1785 1050 reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors shown
MXP108 2½" 567 34 2040 1200 below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer) ambient temperature,
minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table above with a flow
rate equal to or above the MDC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFMIT x CFMAT x CFMIP x CFOD

CFMIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

Maximum Inlet °C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.04 1.14 1.37

CFMAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

Maximum Ambient °C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum Inlet bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Pressure psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189
Correction Factor 1.60 1.33 1.14 1.00 0.89 0.80 0.73 0.67 0.62 0.57

CFOD - Correction Factor Outlet Dewpoint

°C -20 -40 -70
Outlet Dewpoint
°F -4 -40 -100
Correction Factor 0.91 1.00 1.43



Weights & Dimensions

Model Weight
Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
MX102C 1647 64.8 687 27.0 550 21.7 235 518
MX103C 1647 64.8 856 33.7 550 21.7 316 696
MX103 1892 74.5 856 33.7 550 21.7 355 782
MX104 1892 74.5 1025 40.3 550 21.7 450 992
MX105 1892 74.5 1194 47.0 550 21.7 543 1197
MX106 1892 74.5 1363 53.6 550 21.7 637 1404
MX107 1892 74.5 1532 60.3 550 21.7 731 1611
MX108 1892 74.5 1701 67.0 550 21.7 825 1818

Recommended Filtration
Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet

Pipe Size General Purpose High Efficiency

Model General Purpose High Efficiency Oil Vapour
BSPP Dry Particulate Dry Particulate
Pre-filter Filter Reduction Filter
Filter Filter


MXP104 21/2" AOP045IGFX AAP045IGFX - AOP045IGMX -
MXP105 21/2" AOP050IGFX AAP050IGFX - AOP050IGMX -
MXP106 21/2" AOP050IGFX AAP050IGFX - AOP050IGMX -
MXP107 21/2" AOP055IGFX AAP055IGFX - AOP055IGMX -
MXP108 21/2" AOP055IGFX AAP055IGFX - AOP055IGMX -

Parker Catalogue Numbers

Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Dryer catalogue number does not include filtration -
-20°C PDP / -40°C PDP -70°C PDP Please order filters separately

MXP102c MXP102C-40-ATEX MXP102C-70-ATEX Important Notes Regarding the Ordering of MX dryers

MXP103c MXP103C-40-ATEX MXP103C-70-ATEX Please note that when ordering MXP heatless dryers, the following
MXP103 MXP103-40-ATEX MXP103-70-ATEX items must also be ordered separately.

MXP104 MXP104-40-ATEX MXP104-70-ATEX • Dryer Model

MXP105 MXP105-40-ATEX MXP105-70-ATEX
• Inlet / Outlet Flange kit (BSPP or NPT)
• Pre / Post Filtration (Grades AO / AA/ AO)
MXP106 MXP106-40-ATEX MXP106-70-ATEX
• FCD (Flow Control Device) - only required for multi-bank
MXP107 MXP107-40-ATEX MXP107-70-ATEX
MXP108 MXP108-40-ATEX MXP108-70-ATEX • QRV - Part Number 608203833 for operation 9 bar g

Compressed Air Dryers

A unique advantage of modular aluminium dryers is the ability to access the full cross sectional area of the drying columns and fill the
desiccant material with a snowstorm filler, a device which provides maximum packing density of the desiccant material. Snowstorm filling
the desiccant material provides a low and equal resistance to the air flow which allows multiple drying chambers to be used without
preferential flow and provides a consistent outlet dewpoint with less desiccant and in a smaller, more compact and lightweight dryer.
Another advantage of snowstorm filling is that it also allows multiple dryer banks to be used without preferential flow because each
individual dryer will have an equal pressure drop. This is a feature unique to modular dryers and is known as multi-banking.

Flow Control Device (FCD)

Compressed air will flow down a uniform pipe at a constant velocity. For a fixed compressed air flow
rate, reducing the diameter of the pipe will increase the speed of the compressed air. Changing pipe
diameter can therefore be used as a means to control compressed air flow rate, which is the purpose
of an FCD (Flow Control Device).
If the pipe diameter is reduced far enough, the air velocity will increase until it reaches its maximum,
the speed of sound (hence the FCD’s common name of ‘Sonic Nozzle’).
Although not needed for every application, FCDs can be used to prevent significant overflow of a
desiccant dryer and help maintain a constant outlet dewpoint. They are also commonly used on
multi-bank installations (two or more modular aluminium dryers connected in parallel) to prevent
preferential flow if piping is unbalanced.
FCDs are installed in the outlet of a dryer and are sized so the maximum
flow rate of the device is above the outlet flow rate of the dryer.
Below 100% of the dryers outlet capacity, they have minimal impact on
differential pressure (dP) or flow.
Above 100% of the dryers rated outlet capacity, an increasingly higher
differential pressure will be generated by the FCD.
This will allow a small dryer overflow to occur satisfying temporary
system demand, however if demand were to increase, the line pressure
downstream of the FCD will start to fall indicating to the user the dryer is
being overflowed.
All precautions should be taken from the initial sizing of the dryer to the
installation and operation to ensure the dryer is not overflowed.
It is recommended that FCDs are fitted to the outlet of each modular
dryer when installed in a multi-bank configuration.
MXS & MXLE dryers utilise the same FCDs but have different outlet flow
FCD max flow rate is therefore equivalent to approximately 105% of the
outlet flow rate for an MXLE dryer and 125% of the outlet flow rate for an
MX dryer.

Benefits of Fitting a Flow Control Device:

• Prevents preferential or significant overflow of the dryer
• Helps to maintain a constant outlet pressure dewpoint
• Indicates by high pressure drop when system demand
exceeds rated capacity

Flanged Connection Kits for MX Dryers

MX dryers do not include an inlet / outlet connection. When ordering
an MX dryer the flanged connection kit must be ordered in addition
to the dryer and must match the connection sizes of the inlet & outlet

When more than one dryer is installed (multi-bank installation), a

Flow Control Device (FCD) is also required. The FCD will fit inside the
outlet flange. Please order the appropriate inlet / outlet connection
kit from the list below and FCD from the tables on the following
608620077 thread connection kit (outlet flange on left)

The MX102c – MX103 dryers have 2" connections

608620076 FCD threaded connection 2" BSPP
608620078 FCD threaded connection 2" NPT

The MX104 – MX108 dryers have 2.5" connections

608620077 FCD threaded connection 2½" BSPP
608620079 FCD threaded connection 2½" NPT

MX Dryer Flow Control Device Flange

(Sonic Nozzle)

Flow Control Device (FCD) Product Selection

For MXS Heatless and MXLE Heatless Low Energy Dryers
To size FCDs correctly, the following information is required:
• Dryer Model
• Dewpoint dryer has been sized to deliver
• Minimum Inlet pressure
• Maximum Inlet Temperature

Sizing Example - MXS

The customer orders 2 x MXS108 and requires BSPP connections. The site parameters are an inlet temperature of 35°C, inlet pressure
of 7 bar g, and a pressure dewpoint of -40°C. The FCD is 608620053, and the correct flange kit is 608620077.

Sizing Example - MXLE

The customer orders 3 x MXLE108 dryers. The site parameters are a maximum inlet temperature of 40°C, minimum inlet pressure of 9
bar g, and a pressure dewpoint of -70°C. The FCD required for each dryer is 608620044.

Compressed Air Dryers

Flow Control Device (FCD) Product Selection

For MXS Heatless Dryers & MXLE Heatless Low Energy Dryers
35°C Inlet Temperature -20°C PDP
Pressure 102c 103c 103 104 105 106 107 108
4 bar 608620009 608620014 608620017 608620021 608620043 608620046 608620049 608620052
5 bar 608620010 608620015 608620018 608620022 608620044 608620048 608620051 608620054
6 bar 608620011 608620015 608620018 608620023 608620045 608620048 608620052 608620055
7 bar 608620011 608620016 608620019 608620023 608620045 608620049 608620052 608620056
8 bar 608620011 608620016 608620019 608620024 608620046 608620050 608620053 608620056
9 bar 608620011 608620016 608620020 608620024 608620046 608620050 608620053 608620057
10 bar 608620012 608620017 608620020 608620024 608620047 608620050 608620054 608620057
11 bar 608620012 608620017 608620020 608620025 608620047 608620051 608620054 608620057
12 bar 608620012 608620017 608620020 608620025 608620047 608620051 608620054 Contact Parker
13 bar 608620012 608620017 608620020 608620025 608620047 608620051 608620054 Contact Parker

35°C Inlet Temperature -40°C PDP

Pressure 102c 103c 103 104 105 106 107 108
4 bar 608620008 608620012 608620015 608620019 608620040 608620044 608620047 608620049
5 bar 608620009 608620013 608620016 608620020 608620042 608620045 608620048 608620051
6 bar 608620009 608620014 608620017 608620021 608620043 608620046 608620049 608620052
7 bar 608620010 608620014 608620017 608620022 608620043 608620047 608620050 608620053
8 bar 608620010 608620015 608620018 608620022 608620044 608620047 608620050 608620053
9 bar 608620010 608620015 608620018 608620022 608620044 608620048 608620051 608620054
10 bar 608620010 608620015 608620018 608620023 608620044 608620048 608620051 608620054
11 bar 608620011 608620015 608620018 608620023 608620045 608620048 608620052 608620055
12 bar 608620011 608620015 608620019 608620023 608620045 608620049 608620052 608620055
13 bar 608620011 608620016 608620019 608620023 608620045 608620049 608620052 608620055

35°C Inlet Temperature -70°C PDP

Pressure 102c 103c 103 104 105 106 107 108
4 bar 608620008 608620012 608620015 608620019 608620040 608620044 608620047 608620049
5 bar 608620009 608620013 608620016 608620020 608620042 608620045 608620048 608620051
6 bar 608620009 608620014 608620017 608620021 608620043 608620046 608620049 608620052
7 bar 608620010 608620014 608620017 608620022 608620043 608620047 608620050 608620053
8 bar 608620010 608620015 608620018 608620022 608620044 608620047 608620050 608620053
9 bar 608620010 608620015 608620018 608620022 608620044 608620048 608620051 608620054
10 bar 608620010 608620015 608620018 608620023 608620044 608620048 608620051 608620054
11 bar 608620011 608620015 608620018 608620023 608620045 608620048 608620052 608620055
12 bar 608620011 608620015 608620019 608620023 608620045 608620049 608620052 608620055
13 bar 608620011 608620016 608620019 608620023 608620045 608620049 608620052 608620055


40°C Inlet Temperature -20°C PDP

Pressure 102c 103c 103 104 105 106 107 108
4 bar 608620009 608620014 608620016 608620021 608620042 608620046 608620049 608620051
5 bar 608620010 608620014 608620017 608620022 608620043 608620047 608620050 608620053
6 bar 608620010 608620015 608620018 608620022 608620044 608620048 608620051 608620054
7 bar 608620011 608620015 608620018 608620023 608620045 608620048 608620052 608620055
8 bar 608620011 608620016 608620019 608620023 608620045 608620049 608620052 608620055
9 bar 608620011 608620016 608620019 608620024 608620046 608620049 608620053 608620056
10 bar 608620011 608620016 608620019 608620024 608620046 608620050 608620053 608620056
11 bar 608620011 608620016 608620020 608620024 608620046 608620050 608620053 608620057
12 bar 608620012 608620017 608620020 608620024 608620047 608620050 608620054 608620057
13 bar 608620011 608620017 608620020 608620025 608620047 608620050 608620054 608620057

40°C Inlet Temperature -40°C PDP

Pressure 102c 103c 103 104 105 106 107 108
4 bar 608620008 608620012 608620015 608620018 608620040 608620043 608620046 608620048
5 bar 608620009 608620013 608620016 608620020 608620042 608620044 608620047 608620050
6 bar 608620009 608620013 608620016 608620020 608620043 608620045 608620048 608620051
7 bar 608620009 608620014 608620017 608620021 608620043 608620046 608620059 608620052
8 bar 608620010 608620014 608620017 608620021 608620044 608620047 608620050 608620053
9 bar 608620010 608620015 608620017 608620022 608620044 608620047 608620050 608620053
10 bar 608620010 608620015 608620018 608620022 608620044 608620047 608620051 608620054
11 bar 608620010 608620015 608620018 608620022 608620045 608620048 608620051 608620054
12 bar 608620010 608620015 608620018 608620023 608620045 608620048 608620051 608620054
13 bar 608620010 608620015 608620018 608620023 608620045 608620048 608620051 608620054

40°C Inlet Temperature -70°C PDP

Pressure 102c 103c 103 104 105 106 107 108
4 bar 608620003 608620006 608620008 608620011 608620032 608620034 608620036 608620038
5 bar 608620004 608620007 608620009 608620013 608620033 608620036 608620038 608620040
6 bar 608620005 608620008 608620010 608620014 608620034 608620037 608620039 608620042
7 bar 608620005 608620009 608620011 608620014 608620035 608620038 608620040 608620043
8 bar 608620006 608620009 608620012 608620015 608620036 608620039 608620041 608620043
9 bar 608620006 608620010 608620012 608620015 608620036 608620039 608620042 608620044
10 bar 608620006 608620010 608620012 608620016 608620037 608620040 608620042 608620045
11 bar 608620006 608620010 608620012 608620016 608620037 608620040 608620043 608620045
12 bar 608620006 608620010 608620013 608620016 608620037 608620040 608620043 608620045
13 bar 608620007 608620010 608620013 608620016 608620038 608620041 608620043 608620046

Compressed Air Dryers

Flow Control Device (FCD) Product Selection

For MXS Heatless Dryers & MXLE Heatless Low Energy Dryers
45°C Inlet Temperature -20°C PDP
Pressure 102c 103c 103 104 105 106 107 108
4 bar 608620008 608620012 608620015 608620019 608620040 608620043 608620046 608620049
5 bar 608620009 608620013 608620016 608620020 608620041 608620044 608620047 608620050
6 bar 608620009 608620014 608620016 608620021 608620042 608620045 608620049 608620051
7 bar 608620009 608620014 608620017 608620021 608620043 608620046 608620049 608620052
8 bar 608620010 608620014 608620017 608620022 608620043 608620047 608620050 608620053
9 bar 608620010 608620015 608620018 608620022 608620044 608620047 608620050 608620053
10 bar 608620010 608620015 608620018 608620022 608620044 608620048 608620051 608620054
11 bar 608620010 608620015 608620018 608620022 608620044 608620048 608620051 608620054
12 bar 608620010 608620015 608620018 608620023 608620045 608620048 608620051 608620054
13 bar 608620011 608620015 608620018 608620023 608620045 608620048 608620051 608620054

45°C Inlet Temperature -40°C PDP

Pressure 102c 103c 103 104 105 106 107 108
4 bar 608620007 608620010 608620013 608620016 608620038 608620041 608620043 608620046
5 bar 608620007 608620011 608620014 608620018 608620039 608620042 608620045 608620047
6 bar 608620008 608620012 608620015 608620019 608620040 608620043 608620046 608620049
7 bar 608620008 608620013 608620015 608620019 608620041 608620044 608620047 608620050
8 bar 608620009 608620013 608620016 608620020 608620041 608620045 608620047 608620050
9 bar 608620009 608620013 608620016 608620020 608620042 608620045 608620048 608620051
10 bar 608620009 608620013 608620016 608620020 608620042 608620045 608620048 608620051
11 bar 608620009 608620014 608620016 608620021 608620042 608620046 608620049 608620052
12 bar 608620009 608620014 608620017 608620021 608620042 608620046 608620049 608620052
13 bar 608620009 608620014 608620017 608620021 608620043 608620046 608620049 608620052

45°C Inlet Temperature -70°C PDP

Pressure 102c 103c 103 104 105 106 107 108
4 bar 608620002 608620005 608620007 608620009 608620029 608620032 608620033 608620035
5 bar 608620003 608620006 608620008 608620011 608620031 608620034 608620036 608620038
6 bar 608620004 608620007 608620009 608620012 608620033 608620035 608620037 608620039
7 bar 608620004 608620008 608620010 608620013 608620034 608620036 608620038 608620040
8 bar 608620005 608620008 608620010 608620013 608620034 608620037 608620039 608620041
9 bar 608620005 608620008 608620011 608620014 608620035 608620037 608620040 608620042
10 bar 608620005 608620009 608620011 608620014 608620035 608620038 608620040 608620042
11 bar 608620005 608620009 608620011 608620015 608620036 608620038 608620041 608620043
12 bar 608620006 608620009 608620011 608620015 608620036 608620039 608620041 608620043
13 bar 608620006 608620009 608620012 608620015 608620036 608620039 608620041 608620044


50°C Inlet Temperature -20°C PDP

Pressure 102c 103c 103 104 105 106 107 108
4 bar 608620005 608620009 608620011 608620015 608620036 608620038 608620041 608620043
5 bar 608620006 608620010 608620012 608620026 608620037 608620040 608620043 608620045
6 bar 608620007 608620011 608620013 608620017 608620038 608620041 608620044 608620046
7 bar 608620007 608620011 608620014 608620018 608620039 608620042 608620045 608620047
8 bar 608620008 608620012 608620014 608620018 608620040 608620043 608620045 608620048
9 bar 608620008 608620012 608620015 608620019 608620040 608620043 608620046 608620049
10 bar 608620008 608620012 608620015 608620019 608620040 608620043 608620046 608620049
11 bar 608620008 608620012 608620015 608620019 608620041 608620044 608620047 608620049
12 bar 608620008 608620013 608620015 608620019 608620041 608620044 608620047 608620050
13 bar 608620008 608620013 608620016 608620020 608620041 608620044 608620047 608620050

50°C Inlet Temperature -40°C PDP

Pressure 102c 103c 103 104 105 106 107 108
4 bar 608620004 608620007 608620010 608620013 608620033 608620036 608620038 608620040
5 bar 608620005 608620009 608620011 608620014 608620035 608620038 608620040 608620042
6 bar 608620006 608620009 608620012 608620015 608620036 608620039 608620041 608620044
7 bar 608620006 608620010 608620012 608620016 608620037 608620040 608620042 608620045
8 bar 608620007 608620010 608620013 608620016 608620038 608620040 608620043 608620046
9 bar 608620007 608620011 608620013 608620017 608620038 608620041 608620044 608620046
10 bar 608620007 608620011 608620013 608620017 608620038 608620041 608620044 608620047
11 bar 608620007 608620011 608620014 608620017 608620039 608620042 608620044 608620047
12 bar 608620007 608620011 608620014 608620018 608620039 608620042 608620045 608620047
13 bar 608620007 608620012 608620014 608620018 608620039 608620042 608620045 608620048

50°C Inlet Temperature -70°C PDP

Pressure MX 102c MX 103c MX 103 MX 104 MX 105 MX 106 MX 107 MX 108

4 bar 608620001 608620002 608620003 608620005 608620028 608620027 608620028 608620030

5 bar 608620001 608620003 608620005 608620007 608620028 608620029 608620031 608620033
6 bar 608620002 608620004 608620006 608620009 608620029 608620031 608620033 608620035
7 bar 608620002 608620005 608620007 608620010 608620030 608620032 608620034 608620036
8 bar 608620003 608620006 608620008 608620010 608620031 608620033 608620035 608620037
9 bar 608620003 608620006 608620008 608620011 608620031 608620034 608620036 608620038
10 bar 608620003 608620006 608620008 608620011 608620032 608620034 608620036 608620038
11 bar 608620004 608620007 608620009 608620012 608620032 608620035 608620037 608620039
12 bar 608620004 608620007 608620009 608620012 608620033 608620035 608620037 608620039
13 bar 608620004 608620007 608620009 608620012 608620033 608620035 608620038 608620040

Compressed Air Dryers

K-MT Large Flow Heatless Adsorption Dryers

Dryer Performance
Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010
Dryer Models (Standard) Classification (Option 1) Classification (Option 2) Classification
°C °F (Standard) °C °F (Option 1) °C °F (Option 2)

K-MT 10 - 95 -40 -40 Class 2.2.2 -70 -100 Class 2.1.2 -25 -13 Class 2.3.2

ISO8573-1 Classifications when used with Parker domnick hunter OIL-X pre / post filtration

Technical Data
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
Electrical Electrical Noise
Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Thread
Dryer Models Supply Supply Level
Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Type
(Standard) (Optional)
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
115V 1ph
230V 1ph
K-MT 10 - 95 4 58 16 232 5 41 50 122 50 122 50/60Hz BSPP 65-86
or 24V DC

Flow Rates
Pipe Size Inlet Flow Rate
BSPP L/s m3/min m3/h cfm
K-MT 10 1" 30 1,8 105 62
K-MT 15 1" 40 2,4 145 85
K-MT 20 1" 56 3,3 200 118
K-MT 25 1½" 70 4,3 255 150
K-MT 35 1½" 97 5,8 350 206
K-MT 45 1½" 117 7 420 247
Inlet flow rate relating to 1 bar(a) and 20 °C;
K-MT 60 2" 172 10,3 620 365 relating to the suction performance of the
K-MT 75 2" 208 12,5 750 441 compressor, compression at 7 bar(g) and
35 °C dryer inlet temperature, at 25 °C ambient
K-MT 95 2½" 261 15,7 940 553
temperature, 60 % relative humidity.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer)
ambient temperature, minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table
above with a flow rate equal to or above the MDC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFIT x CFAT x CFMIP x CFOD

CFIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

°C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Maximum Inlet Temperature
°F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 0.94 0.95 1.00 1.15 1.22 1.28

CFAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

°C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Maximum Ambient Temperature
°F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Minimum Inlet Pressure
psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232
Correction Factor 1.60 1.33 1.12 1.00 0.88 0.79 0.76 0.74 0.67 0.62 0.59 0.56 0.53

CFOD - Correction Factor Outlet Dewpoint

°C -25 -40 -70
Outlet Dewpoint
°F -13 -40 -100
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 2.00


Weights & Dimensions

Model Weight
Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
K-MT 10 1411 56 814 32 466 18 120 264
K-MT 15 1740 69 814 32 466 18 138 304
K-MT 20 1515 60 645 25 466 18 143 315
K-MT 25 1735 68 623 25 506 20 173 381
K-MT 35 1783 70 778 31 534 21 210 463
K-MT 45 1808 71 807 Included
32 Filtration
555 22 249 549
K-MT 60 1847 73 857 34 607 24 277 610
K-MT 75 1980 78 952 37 628 25 408 899
K-MT 95 2001 79 998 39 658 26 510 1125

Included Filteration
Included in standard scope of supply:
Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet Prefilter (AA) including float drain.
General Purpose Oil Vapour High Efficiency Dry Afterfilter (AO) including manual drain.
Model High Efficiency
Dry Particulate Reduction Filter Particulate Filter Optional: (Delivered separately):
Filter Oil vapour reduction filter (ACS)
Filter (Option) (Option)
K-MT 10 AAP025EGFI AOP025EGMI ACSP025EGMX AAP025EGMI High efficiency dry particulate filter (AA)
including manual drain
K-MT 10 to K-MT 35:
K-MT 25 AAP030GGFI AOP030GGMI ACSP030GGMX AAP030GGMI Differential pressure gauge included in
K-MT 35 AAP030GGFI AOP030GGMI ACSP030GGMX AAP030GGMI standard scope of supply
All filters supplied without DPI or DPG
Can be retrofitted during installation,
K-MT 75 AAP040HGFX AOP040HGMX ACSP040HGMX AAP040HGMX indicator supplied separately.
K-MT 95 AAP045IGFX AOP045IGMX ACSP045IGMX AAP045IGMX Not included in standard scope of supply.

Parker Catalogue Numbers 230V/1ph/50Hz-60Hz

For Dryer Catalogue Number Catalogue Number

Model No Dewpoint Sensor With Dewpoint Sensor

K-MT 10 K10/16D3-G230M K10/16D3-G230MT

K-MT 15 K15/16D3-G230M K15/16D3-G230MT
K-MT 20 K20/16D3-G230M K20/16D3-G230MT
K-MT 25 K25/16D3-G230M K25/16D3-G230MT
K-MT 35 K35/16D3-G230M K35/16D3-G230MT
K-MT 45 K45/16D3-G230M K45/16D3-G230MT
K-MT 60 K60/16D3-G230M K60/16D3-G230MT
K-MT 75 K75/16D3-G230M K75/16D3-G230MT
K-MT 95 K95/16D3-G230M K95/16D3-G230MT 53
Compressed Air Dryers

KA-MT Large Flow Heatless Adsorption Dryers

Dryer Performance
Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010
Dryer Models (Standard) Classification (Option 1) Classification (Option 2) Classification
°C °F (Standard) °C °F (Option 1) °C °F (Option 2)

KA-MT 10 - 95 -40 -40 Class 2.2.1 -70 -100 Class 2.1.1 -25 -13 Class 2.3.1

ISO8573-1 Classifications when used with Parker domnick hunter OIL-X pre / post filtration

Technical Data
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
Electrical Electrical Noise
Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Thread
Dryer Models Supply Supply Level
Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Type
(Standard) (Optional)
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
115V 1ph
230V 1ph
KA-MT 10 - 95 4 58 16 232 5 41 50 122 50 122 50/60Hz BSPP 65-86
or 24V DC

Flow Rates
Pipe Size Inlet Flow Rate
BSPP L/s m3/min m3/h cfm
KA-MT 10 1" 30 1.8 105 62
KA-MT 15 1" 40 2.4 145 85
KA-MT 20 1" 56 3.3 200 118
KA-MT 25 1½" 70 4.3 255 150
KA-MT 35 1½" 97 5.8 350 206
KA-MT 45 1½" 117 7 420 247
Inlet flow rate relating to 1 bar(a) and 20 °C;
KA-MT 60 2" 172 10.3 620 365 relating to the suction performance of the
KA-MT 75 2" 208 12.5 750 441 compressor, compression at 7 bar(g) and
35 °C dryer inlet temperature, at 25 °C ambient
KA-MT 95 2½" 261 15.7 940 553
temperature, 60 % relative humidity.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer)
ambient temperature, minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table
above with a flow rate equal to or above the MDC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFIT x CFAT x CFMIP x CFOD

CFIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

°C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Maximum Inlet Temperature
°F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 0.94 0.95 1.00 1.15 1.22 1.28

CFAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

°C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Maximum Ambient Temperature
°F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Minimum Inlet Pressure
psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232
Correction Factor 1.60 1.33 1.12 1.00 0.88 0.79 0.76 0.74 0.67 0.62 0.59 0.56 0.53

CFOD - Correction Factor Outlet Dewpoint

°C -25 -40 -70
Outlet Dewpoint
°F -13 -40 -100

54 Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 2.00


Weights & Dimensions

Model Weight
Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
KA-MT 10 1411 56 1118 44 466 18 161 6.3
KA-MT 15 1739 68 1118 44 466 18 193 7.6
KA-MT 20 1515 60 949 37 466 18 193 7.6
KA-MT 25 1735 68 926 36 506 20 234 9.2
KA-MT 35 1783 70 1213 47 534 21 283 11.1
KA-MT 45 1808 71 1245 49 555 22 334 13.1
KA-MT 60 1859 73 1292 51 607 24 428 16.9
KA-MT 75 1980 78 1447 57 628 25 555 21.9
KA-MT 95 2001 79 1493 59 658 26 698 27.5

Included Filtration Included in standard scope of supply:

Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet Prefilter (AA) including float drain.
Afterfilter (AO) including manual drain.
Model High Efficiency Dry
General Purpose Dry Optional: (Delivered separately):
High Efficiency Filter Particulate Filter
Particulate Filter Oil vapour reduction filter (ACS)
KA-MT 10 AAP025EGFI AOP025EGMI AAP025EGMI High efficiency dry particulate filter (AA)
including manual drain
KA-MT 10 to KA-MT 35:
KA-MT 25 AAP030GGFI AOP030GGMI AAP030GGMI Differential pressure gauge included in standard
KA-MT 35 AAP030GGFI AOP030GGMI AAP030GGMI scope of supply
All filters supplied without DPI or DPG
KA-MT 60 AAP040HGFX AOP040HGMX AAP040HGMX Can be retrofitted during installation, indicator
KA-MT 75 AAP040HGFX AOP040HGMX AAP040HGMX supplied separately.
Not included in standard scope of supply.

Parker Catalogue Numbers 230V/1ph/50Hz-60Hz

For Dryer Catalogue Number Catalogue Number

Model No Dewpoint Sensor With Dewpoint Sensor

KA-MT 10 K10/16DA3-G230M K10/16DA3-G230MT

KA-MT 15 K15/16DA3-G230M K15/16DA3-G230MT
KA-MT 20 K20/16DA3-G230M K20/16DA3-G230MT
KA-MT 25 K25/16DA3-G230M K25/16DA3-G230MT
KA-MT 35 K35/16DA3-G230M K35/16DA3-G230MT
KA-MT 45 K45/16DA3-G230M K45/16DA3-G230MT
KA-MT 60 K60/16DA3-G230M K60/16DA3-G230MT
KA-MT 75 K75/16DA3-G230M K75/16DA3-G230MT
KA-MT 95 K95/16DA3-G230M K95/16DA3-G230MT
Compressed Air Dryers

KE-MT Large Flow Heatless Adsorption Dryers

Dryer Performance
Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010
Dryer Models (Standard) Classification (Option 1) Classification (Option 2) Classification
°C °F (Standard) °C °F (Option 1) °C °F (Option 2)

KE-MT 250 - 600 -40 -40 Class 2.2.2 -70 -100 Class 2.1.2 -25 -13 Class 2.3.2

ISO8573-1 Classifications when used with OIL-X pre / post filtration

Technical Data
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
Electrical Electrical Noise
Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Thread
Dryer Models Supply Supply Level
Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Type
(Standard) (Optional)
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
230V 1ph 115V / 1ph
KE-MT 250 - 600 4 58 10 145 5 41 50 122 50 122 Flange 65-95
50Hz/60Hz 50/60Hz

Flow Rates
Inlet Flow Rate
Model Pipe Size
L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
KE-MT 250 DN 80 695 42 2500 1472
KE-MT 300 DN 80 833 50 3000 1766
KE-MT 380 DN 100 1056 63 3800 2237 Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with reference
to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure. For flows at
KE-MT 500 DN 100 1347 81 4850 2855
other pressures, apply the correction factors shown below.
KE-MT 600 DN 125 1695 102 6100 3590 Dryers for smaller flows are available on request.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer) ambient temperature,
minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table above with a flow
rate equal to or above the MDC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFMIT x CFMAT x CFMIP x CFOD

CFMIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

Maximum Inlet °C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 0.94 0.95 1.00 1.15 1.22 1.28

CFMAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

Maximum Ambient °C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum Inlet bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pressure psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145
Correction Factor 1.60 1.33 1.12 1.00 0.88 0.79 0.76

CFOD - Correction Factor Outlet Dewpoint

°C -25 -40 -70
Outlet Dewpoint
°F -13 -40 -100
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 2.00



Weights & Dimensions

Model Weight
Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
KE-MT 250 2210 87.0 1530 60.2 1040 41.0 1075 2370
KE-MT 300 2255 88.8 1600 63.0 1094 43.0 1500 3307
KE-MT 380 2390 94.0 1875 73.8 1198 47.2 1990 4388
KE-MT 500 2660 104.7 1904 75.0 1251 49.3 2410 5314
KE-MT 600 2816 110.8 2155 84.8 1304 51.3 2700 5954

Recommended Filtration
Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet

Pipe Size General Purpose General Purpose High Efficiency

Model High Efficiency Oil Vapour
Din Flange Pre-filter* Dry Particulate Dry Particulate
Filter Reduction Filter
(Option) Filter Filter

KE-MT 250 DN 80 AO070OD AA070OD - AO070OD -

KE-MT 300 DN 80 AO070OD AA070OD - AO070OD -
KE-MT 380 DN 100 AO070OD AA070OD - AO070OD -
KE-MT 500 DN 100 AO075PD AA075PD - AO075PD -
KE-MT 600 DN 125 AO075PD AA075PD - AO075PD -

* prefilter and afterfilter are not included in scope of supply and must be ordered separately.
The filtration is mandatory to maintain trouble-free dryer operation.

Parker Catalogue Numbers

Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
No Dewpoint Control With Dewpoint Control

KE-MT250 K250/10D1-F230M K250/10D1-F230MT

KE-MT300 K300/10D1-F230M K300/10D1-F230MT
KE-MT380 K380/10D1-F230M K380/10D1-F230MT
KE-MT500 K500/10D1-F230M K500/10D1-F230MT
KE-MT600 K600/10D1-F230M K600/10D1-F230MT

Compressed Air Dryers

MXLE Large Flow Heatless Low Energy Adsorption Dryers

Dryer Performance
Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010
Dryer Models (Standard) Classification (Option 1) Classification (Option 2) Classification
°C °F (Standard) °C °F (Option 1) °C °F (Option 2)

MXLE -40 -40 Class 2.2.2 -70 -100 Class 2.1.2 -20 -4 Class 2.3.2
ISO8573-1 Classifications when used with OIL-X pre / post filtration

Technical Data
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
Electrical Electrical Noise
Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Thread
Dryer Models Supply Supply Level
Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Type
(Standard) (Optional)
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
400V 460V
MXLE 102C -
5 73 13 190 5 41 50 122 55 131 +/-10% +/-10% BSPP <75
MXLE 108
3PH 50Hz 3PH 60Hz

Flow Rates Vacuum Pump Part Number & kW

Inlet Flow Rate Vacuum Pump Pump kW Vacuum Pump Pump kW
Model Pipe Size
L/s m /min
m /hr3
cfm 50Hz 50HZ 60Hz 60Hz

MXLE 102C 2" 113 6.81 408 240 MXLEP2C-E 3 MXLEP2C-E-60 4.8
MXLE 103C 2" 170 10.22 612 360 MXLEP3C-E 3 MXLEP3C-E-60 4.8
MXLE 103 2" 213 12.75 765 450 MXLEP3-E 4 MXLEP3-E-60 6.5
MXLE 104 2½" 283 17 1020 600 MXLEP4-E 5.5 MXLEP4-E-60 9
MXLE 105 2½" 354 21 1275 750 MXLEP5-E 5.5 MXLEP5-E-60 9
MXLE 106 2½" 425 26 1530 900 MXLEP6-E 8 MXLEP6-E-60 13
MXLE 107 2½" 496 30 1785 1050 MXLEP7-E 9.5 MXLEP7-E-60 15.5
MXLE 108 2½" 567 34 2040 1200 MXLEP8-E 9.5 MXLEP8-E-60 15.5
For Higher Flow Capacities - Contact Parker Dryer & vacuum pump to be ordered separately.
Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer) ambient temperature,
minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table above with a flow
rate equal to or above the MDC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFMIT x CFMAT x CFMIP x CFOD

CFMIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

Maximum Inlet °C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.04 1.14 1.37

CFMAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

Maximum Ambient °C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum Inlet bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Pressure psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189
Correction Factor 1.60 1.33 1.14 1.00 0.89 0.80 0.73 0.67 0.62 0.57

CFOD - Correction Factor Outlet Dewpoint

°C -20 -40 -70
Outlet Dewpoint
°F -4 -40 -100
Correction Factor 0.91 1.00 1.43


Weights & Dimensions

Dimensions (Dryer Only)
Weight (Dryer Only)
Model Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
MXLE 102C 1647 64.8 793 31.5 550 21.7 265 583
MXLE 103C 1647 64.8 962 37.9 550 21.7 346 761
MXLE 103 1892 74.5 962 37.9 550 21.7 385 847
MXLE 104 1892 74.5 1131 44.6 550 21.7 480 1056
MXLE 105 1892 74.5 1300 51.2 550 21.7 573 1261
MXLE 106 1892 74.5 1469 57.9 550 21.7 667 1467
MXLE 107 1892 74.5 1641 64.6 550 21.7 761 1674
MXLE 108 1892 74.5 1807 71.2 550 21.7 855 1881

Included Filtration
Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet

Pipe Size General Purpose High Efficiency

Model General Purpose High Efficiency Oil Vapour
BSPP Dry Particulate Dry Particulate
Pre-filter Filter Reduction Filter
Filter Filter

MXLE 102C 2" AOP040H AAP040H - AOP040H -

MXLE 103C 2" AOP040H AAP040H - AOP040H -
MXLE 103 2" AOP040H AAP040H - AOP040H -
MXLE 104 2½" AOP045I AAP045I - AOP045I -
MXLE 105 2½" AOP050I AAP050I - AOP050I -
MXLE 106 2½" AOP050I AAP050I - AOP050I -
MXLE 107 2½" AOP055I AAP055I - AOP055I -
MXLE 108 2½" AOP055I AAP055I - AOP055I -

Parker Catalogue Numbers

Catalogue Number
Catalogue Number 50Hz Vacuum Pump 60Hz Vacuum Pump Dryer Upgrade Kit
Model -20°C PDP /
-70°C PDP Part Numbers Part Numbers Part Numbers
Compressed Air Dryers

WVM Large Flow Vacuum Low Energy Adsorption Dryers

Generation 5
Dryer Performance
Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010
Dryer (Standard) (Option 1) (Option 2)
Classification Classification Classification
°C °F (Standard) °C °F (Option 1) °C °F (Option 2)

WVM -40 -40 Class 2.2.2 -70 -100 Class 2.1.2 -20 -4 Class 2.3.2
ISO8573-1 Classifications when used with Parker domnick hunter OIL-X pre / post filtration

Technical Data
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
Electrical Electrical Noise
Dryer Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient
Supply Supply Connection Level
Models Pressure Pressure* Temperature Temperature Temperature
(Standard) (Optional)
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
400V 3ph
WVM 4 58 11 145 5 41 40 104 40 104 50Hz
On request Flanged 80-85

*For higher operating pressure please contact Parker GSFE Division

Flow Rates
Pipe Inlet Flow Rate Average
Size L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm Power kW
WVM 45 DN 50 125 7.5 450 265 3.6
WVM 60 DN 50 169 10.2 610 359 5.3
WVM 80 DN 50 222 13.4 800 471 6.8
WVM 125 DN 80 325 19.5 1170 689 9.5
WVM 155 DN 80 408 24.5 1470 865 12.8
WVM 210 DN 80 569 34.2 2050 1207 16.8
WVM 310 DN 100 847 50.9 3050 1795 25.4 Inlet flow rate relating to 1 bar(a) and 20 °C;
WVM 370 DN 100 1028 61.8 3700 2178 30.8 relating to the suction performance of the
compressor, compression at 7 bar(g) and
WVM 520 DN 150 1403 84.3 5050 2972 41.8
35 °C dryer inlet temperature, at 25 °C ambient
WVM 615 DN 150 1681 101.0 6050 3561 52.6 temperature, 60 % relative humidity.
WVM 750 DN 150 2028 121.9 7300 4297 59.5 Dryers for higher flows are available on request.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum inlet temperature, maximum ambient temperature, minimum
inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table above with
a flow rate equal to or above the MDC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFMIT x CFMAT x CFMIP x CFOD

CFMIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

°C 25 30 35 40
Maximum Inlet Temperature
°F 77 86 95 104
Correction Factor 0.80 0.91 1.00 1.80

CFAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

Maximum Ambient °C 20 25 30 35 40
Temperature °F 68 77 86 95 104
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
25% rel. hum. at 40°C; 37% rel. hum. at 35°C; 50% rel. hum. at 30°C; 70% rel. hum. at 25°C; 90% rel. hum. at 20°C
For higher ambient temperature and/or higher relative humidity please contact Parker GSFE Division.

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Minimum Inlet Pressure
psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160
Correction Factor 2.00 1.39 1.18 1.00 0.99 0.87 0.79 0.56

CFOD - Correction Factor Outlet Dewpoint

°C -20 -25 -40 -70
Outlet Dewpoint
°F -4 -13 -40 -100 * Selection for Dewpoint -70°C -
60 Correction Factor 0.95 0.95 1.00 * Please Contact Parker GSFE Division


Weights & Dimensions

Dimensions (Dryer Only) Weight
Model Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) (Dryer Only)

mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs

WVM 45 2029 80 1222 48 1219 48 730 1609
WVM 60 2029 80 1222 48 1219 48 760 1676
WVM 80 2379 94 1222 48 1219 48 860 1896
WVM 125 2151 85 1692 67 1412 56 1290 2844
WVM 155 2301 91 1692 67 1412 56 1400 3086
WVM 210 2751 108 1692 67 1462 58 1810 3990
WVM 310 2692 106 2115 83 1702 67 2540 5600
WVM 370 2992 118 2115 83 1702 67 2830 6239
WVM 520 3210 126 2582 102 1910 75 4205 9270
WVM 615 3460 136 2582 102 1910 75 4635 10218
WVM 750 3450 137 2782 110 2010 79 5280 11640

Required Filtration
Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet
Model Dryer Connection Oil Vapour General Purpose Dry
High Efficiency Filter Reduction Filter Particulate Filter
on request
WVM 310 DN 100 AA070ODEX AO070ODMX
WVM 370 DN 100 AA070ODEX AO070ODMX
WVM 520 DN 150 AA075PDEX AO075PDMX
WVM 615 DN 150 AA075PDEX AO075PDMX
WVM 750 DN 150 AA080PDEX AO080PDMX

Parker Catalogue Numbers

Model Catalogue Number Model Catalogue Number
WVM 45 W45/11VM5-F400CT WVM 310 W310/11VM5-F400CT
WVM 60 W60/11VM5-F400CT WVM 370 W370/11VM5-F400CT
WVM 80 W80/11VM5-F400CT WVM 520 W520/11VM5-F400CT
WVM 125 W125/11VM5-F400CT WVM 615 W615/11VM5-F400CT
WVM 155 W155/11VM5-F400CT WVM 750 W750/11VM5-F400CT
WVM 210 W210/11VM5-F400CT

Compressed Air Dryers

ATT Low Energy Hybrid Dryers

Dryer Performance
Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint ISO8573-1:2010
Dryer Models (Standard) Classification (Option 1) Classification (Option 2) Classification
°C °F (Standard) °C °F (Option 1) °C °F (Option 2)

ATT -40 -40 Class 2.2.2 -70 -100 Class 2.1.2 -20 -4 Class 2.3.2
ISO8573-1 Classifications when used with OIL-X pre / post filtration

Technical Data
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
Electrical Electrical Noise
Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Thread
Dryer Models Supply Supply Level
Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Type
(Standard) (Optional)
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
230V 1ph
ATT 040 2 29 16 232 5 41 65 149 50 122 N/A BSPP <75
230V 1ph
ATT 060 - 090 2 29 12 174 5 41 65 149 50 122 N/A BSPP <75
400V 3ph
ATT 090 - 140 2 29 12 174 5 41 65 149 50 122 N/A BSPP <75
400V 3ph
ATT 260 - 340 4 58 12 174 5 41 65 149 50 122 N/A BSPP <75

Flow Rates
Pipe Inlet Flow Rate Average
Size L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm Power kW
ATT 040 1" 67 4 240 141 1.3
ATT 060 11/2" 100 6 360 212 1.27
ATT 090 11/2" 150 9 540 318 1.94 Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g)
(102 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a),
ATT 140 2" 233 14 840 494 2.01 0% relative water vapour pressure.
ATT 260 21/2" 433 26 1560 918 4.02
For flows at other pressures, apply the correction
ATT 340 21/2" 567 34 2040 1200 5.17 factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer) ambient temperature,
minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation.
To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table above with a flow
rate equal to or above the MDC.
Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFMIT x CFMAT x CFMIP x CFOD

CFMIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

Maximum Inlet °C 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122 131 140 149
Correction Factor 040 - 340 0.82 0.82 1.00 1.23 1.45 1.69 1.92 2.17 2.50

CFMAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

Maximum Ambient °C 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 68 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 040 - 060 0.95 1.00 1.06 1.14 1.23 1.33 1.47
Correction Factor 090 - 340 0.94 1.00 1.05 1.11 1.20 1.30 1.39

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum Inlet bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Pressure psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232
Correction Factor 040 1.61 1.33 1.15 1.00 0.93 0.83 0.78 0.75 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65 0.63
Correction Factor 060 - 340 1.61 1.33 1.15 1.00 0.93 0.83 0.78 0.75 0.71 N/A N/A N/A N/A

CFOD - Correction Factor Outlet Dewpoint

°C -20 -40 -70
Outlet Dewpoint
°F -4 -40 -100
Correction Factor 1 1 1


Weights & Dimensions

Dimensions (Dryer Only) Weight
Model Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) (Dryer Only)

mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs

ATT 040 1064 41.9 706 27.8 1246 49.1 200 441
ATT 060 1214 47.8 806 31.7 1416 55.7 295 650
ATT 090 1214 47.8 806 31.7 1416 55.7 335 739
ATT 140 1586 62.4 1007 39.6 1345 53.0 490 1080
ATT 260 1720 67.7 1007 39.6 2535 99.8 880 1940
ATT 340 1720 67.7 1007 39.6 2535 99.8 950 2094

Included Filtration
Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet

Pipe Size General High Efficiency

Model General Purpose High Efficiency Oil Vapour
BSPP Purpose Dry Dry Particulate
Pre-filter Filter Reduction Filter
Particulate Filter Filter

ATT 040 1" AOP030G AAP030G - AOP030G -

ATT 060 11/2" AOP030G AAP030G - AOP030G -
ATT 090 11/2" AOP035G AAP035G - AOP035G -
ATT 140 2" AOP045I AAP045I - AOP045I -
ATT 260 21/2" AOP055J AAP055J - AOP055J -
ATT 340 21/2" AOP055J AAP055J - AOP055J -

Parker Catalogue Numbers

Catalogue Number
Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
Model With By-Pass &
Standard With By-Pass With Touchscreen
ATT 040 ATT040-A23015016TI - - -
ATT 060 ATT060-A23015012TI ATT060-A23015012TITB - -
ATT 090 ATT090-A23015012TI ATT090-A23015012TITB - -
ATT 140 ATT140-A40035012EI ATT140-A40035012EITB ATT140-A40035012EITS ATT140-A40035012EITBTS
ATT 260 ATT260-A40035012EI ATT260-A40035012EITB ATT260-A40035012EITS ATT260-A40035012EITBTS
ATT 340 ATT340-A40035012EI ATT340-A40035012EITB ATT340-A40035012EITS ATT340-A40035012EITBTS

Compressed Air Dryers

SPS Direct Expansion Refrigeration Dryers

Dryer Performance
Dryer Dewpoint (Standard) Dewpoint (Option 1) Dewpoint (Option 2)
Models °C °F °C °F °C °F
SPS +3 +37 +7 +45 +10 +50

Technical Data
Min Max Min Max Max
Electrical Electrical Noise
Dryer Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Thread
Supply Supply Level
Models Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Connections
(Standard) (Optional)
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
SPS 004-062 16 232 230V 1ph
2 29 5 41 65 149 50 122 50Hz / N/A BSPP <75
SPS 080-100 14 203 60Hz

Flow Rates
Pipe Inlet Flow Rate 50 Hz 50Hz Inlet Flow Rate 60Hz 60Hz
Size L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm kW L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm kW
SPS 004 ½" 7 0.4 24 14 0.13 8 0.47 28 16 0.16
SPS 007 ½" 12 0.7 42 25 0.14 13 0.78 47 28 0.17
SPS 009 ½" 15 0.9 54 32 0.15 17 1.00 60 35 0.19 Stated flows are for operation
SPS 014 ¾" 23 1.4 84 49 0.15 27 1.60 96 57 0.18 at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with
reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0%
SPS 018 ¾" 30 1.8 108 64 0.16 34 2.07 124 73 0.20
relative water vapour pressure,
SPS 026 1" 43 2.6 156 92 0.29 49 2.93 176 104 0.36 25 °C cooling air temperature,
SPS 032 1" 53 3.2 192 113 0.30 61 3.63 218 128 0.37 35 °C air inlet temperature and
+3°C pressure dewpoint. All
SPS 040 1" 67 4.0 240 141 0.31 76 4.53 272 160 0.38
models supplied with low GWP
SPS 052 1 ½" 87 5.2 312 184 0.46 100 6.02 361 212 0.56 refrigerant R513A.
SPS 062 1 ½" 103 6.2 372 219 0.57 119 7.15 429 253 0.69
For flows at other conditions,
SPS 080 1 ½" 133 8.0 480 282 0.73 154 9.25 555 327 0.90
apply the correction factors
SPS 100 1 ½" 167 10.0 600 353 0.74 191 11.48 689 406 0.91 shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer)
ambient temperature, minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table
above with a flow rate equal to or above the MDC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFIT x CFAT x CFMIP x CFOD

CFIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

Maximum Inlet °C 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122 131 140 149
50Hz 0.83 0.83 1.00 1.30 1.61 2.00 2.33 2.38 2.50
Correction Factor
60Hz 0.85 0.85 1.00 1.32 1.61 2.04 2.56 2.63 2.78
CFAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature
Maximum Ambient °C 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 68 77 86 95 104 113 122
50Hz 0.93 1.00 1.02 1.09 1.15 1.22 1.28
Correction Factor
60Hz 0.96 1.00 1.06 1.11 1.18 1.25 1.33
CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure
Minimum Inlet bar g 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Pressure psi g 44 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232
50Hz 1.35 1.23 1.11 1.06 1.00 0.93 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.79 0.77 0.75 0.73 0.71
Correction Factor
60Hz 1.45 1.23 1.11 1.06 1.00 0.93 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.79 0.77 0.75 0.73 0.71

CFOD - Correction Factor Outlet Dewpoint

°C +3 +5 +7
Outlet Dewpoint
°F +37 +41 +45
50Hz 1.00 0.78 0.70
Correction Factor
64 60Hz 1.00 0.79 0.72


Weights & Dimensions Recommended Filtration

Dimensions Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet
Model Weight
Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) General Purpose High Efficiency
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs Pre-Filter Post Filter

SPS 004 520 20.5 300 11.8 400 15.7 24 53 AOP010C AAP010C
SPS 007 520 20.5 300 11.8 400 15.7 24 53 AOP015C AAP015C
SPS 009 520 20.5 300 11.8 400 15.7 25 55 AOP015C AAP015C
SPS 014 580 22.8 330 13.0 550 21.7 35 77 AOP020D AAP020D
SPS 018 580 25.6 330 13.0 550 21.7 36 79 AOP020D AAP020D
SPS 026 650 25.6 400 15.7 630 24.8 46 101 AOP025E AAP025E
SPS 032 650 25.6 400 15.7 630 24.8 46 101 AOP025E AAP025E
SPS 040 650 25.6 400 15.7 630 24.8 47 104 AOP025E AAP025E
SPS 052 650 25.6 400 15.7 630 24.8 53 117 AOP030G AAP030G
SPS 062 650 25.6 400 15.7 630 24.8 55 121 AOP030G AAP030G
SPS 080 840 33.1 450 17.7 780 30.7 80 176 AOP035G AAP035G
SPS 100 840 33.1 450 17.7 780 30.7 80 176 AOP035G AAP035G

Parker Catalogue Numbers

Catalogue Number
Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
Model With Electronic Drain &
With Timed Drain With Electronic Drain With External Float Drain
Energy Saving
SPS 004 SPS004-A2301DF16TIS SPS004-A2301DF16EXS - SPS004-A2301DF16FHS
SPS 007 SPS007-A2301DF16TIS SPS007-A2301DF16EXS - SPS007-A2301DF16FHS
SPS 009 SPS009-A2301DF16TIS SPS009-A2301DF16EXS - SPS009-A2301DF16FHS
SPS 014 SPS014-A2301DF16TIS SPS014-A2301DF16EXS - SPS014-A2301DF16FHS
SPS 018 SPS018-A2301DF16TIS SPS018-A2301DF16EXS - SPS018-A2301DF16FHS
SPS 026 SPS026-A2301DF16TIS SPS026-A2301DF16EXS SPS026-A2301DF16EXSES SPS026-A2301DF16FHS
SPS 032 SPS032-A2301DF16TIS SPS032-A2301DF16EXS SPS032-A2301DF16EXSES SPS032-A2301DF16FHS
SPS 040 SPS040-A2301DF16TIS SPS040-A2301DF16EXS SPS040-A2301DF16EXSES SPS040-A2301DF16FHS
SPS 052 SPS052-A2301DF16TIS SPS052-A2301DF16EXS SPS052-A2301DF16EXSES SPS052-A2301DF16FHS
SPS 062 SPS062-A2301DF16TIS SPS062-A2301DF16EXS SPS062-A2301DF16EXSES SPS062-A2301DF16FHS
SPS 080 SPS080-A2301DF14TIS SPS080-A2301DF14EXS SPS080-A2301DF14EXSES SPS080-A2301DF14FHS
SPS 100 SPS100-A2301DF14TIS SPS100-A2301DF14EXS SPS100-A2301DF14EXSES SPS100-A2301DF14FHS

Compressed Air Dryers

PSE Direct Expansion Refrigeration Dryers

Dryer Performance
Dryer Dewpoint (Standard) Dewpoint (Option 1) Dewpoint (Option 2)
Models °C °F °C °F °C °F
PSE +3 +37 +7 +45 +10 +50

Technical Data
Min Max Min Max Max
Electrical Electrical Noise
Dryer Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Thread
Supply Supply Level
Models Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Connections
(Standard) (Optional)
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
PSE 400V 3ph 50Hz / BSPP & DIN
2 29 14 203 5 41 65 149 50 122 N/A <75
120 - 1800 460V 3ph 60Hz Flange

Flow Rates
Inlet Flow Rate at 50Hz Absorbed Inlet Flow Rate at 60Hz Absorbed
Pipe Power Power
Model at 50Hz at 60Hz
Size L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
kW kW
PSE 120 2" 200 12 720 424 1.32 215 13 773 455 1.7
PSE 140 2" 233 14 840 494 1.32 252 15 907 534 1.7
PSE 180 2" 300 18 1080 636 1.51 323 19 1163 685 1.9
PSE 220 2 1/2” 367 22 1320 777 1.79 399 24 1435 845 2.2 Stated flows are for
operation at 7 bar (g)
PSE 260 2 1/2” 433 26 1560 918 2.05 474 28 1708 1005 2.5
(102 psi g) with refer-
PSE 300 2 1/2” 500 30 1800 1059 2.62 539 32 1941 1142 3.3 ence to 20°C, 1 bar (a),
PSE 350 2 1/2” 583 35 2100 1236 3.22 624 37 2247 1323 4.0 0% relative water vapour
pressure, 25 °C cooling
PSE 460 DN100 767 46 2760 1625 3.22 835 50 3005 1769 3.9
air temperature, 35 °C
PSE 520 DN100 867 52 3120 1836 4.55 941 56 3386 1993 5.6 air inlet temperature and
PSE 630 DN100 1050 63 3780 2225 4.55 1172 70 4219 2483 5.6 +3°C pressure dewpoint.
All models supplied with
PSE 750 DN150 1250 75 4500 2649 6.52 1381 83 4970 2925 8.0
low GWP refrigerant
PSE 900 DN150 1500 90 5400 3178 9.05 1655 99 5957 3506 11.0 R513A.
PSE 1200 DN150 2000 120 7200 4238 9.05 2210 133 7956 4683 11.0
PSE 1500 DN200 2500 150 9000 5297 11.15 2760 166 9935 5848 13.6 For flows at other condi-
tions, apply the correction
PSE 1800 DN200 3000 180 10800 6357 13.45 3281 197 11812 6952 16.4 factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer)
ambient temperature, minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table
above with a flow rate equal to or above the MDC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFIT x CFAT x CFMIP x CFOD

CFIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

Maximum Inlet °C 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Temperature °F 86 95 104 113 122 131 140 149
Correction Factor - 50Hz & 60Hz 0.81 1.00 1.23 1.49 1.82 2.44 2.63 2.94

CFAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

Maximum Ambient °C 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 68 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor - 50Hz & 60Hz 0.97 1.00 1.04 1.08 1.14 1.22 1.39

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum Inlet bar g 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Pressure psi g 44 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203
Correction Factor - 50Hz & 60Hz 1.45 1.25 1.14 1.04 1.00 0.96 0.93 0.91 0.88 0.87 0.85 0.85

CFOD - Correction Factor Outlet Dewpoint

°C +3 +5 +7 +10
Outlet Dewpoint
°F +37 +41 +45 +50
Correction Factor - 50Hz & 60Hz 1.00 0.90 0.81 0.69


Weights & Dimensions Recommended Filtration

Dimensions Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet
Model Weight
Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) General Purpose High Efficiency
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs Pre-Filter Post Filter

PSE 120 1365 53.7 703 27.7 1150 45.3 205 452 AOP040H AAP040H
PSE 140 1365 53.7 703 27.7 1150 45.3 205 452 AOP040H AAP040H
PSE 180 1365 53.7 703 27.7 1150 45.3 210 463 AOP045I AAP045I
PSE 220 1410 55.5 703 27.7 1151 45.3 260 573 AOP050I AAP050I
PSE 260 1410 55.5 703 27.7 1151 45.3 262 578 AOP055I AAP055I
PSE 300 1410 55.5 703 27.7 1151 45.3 264 582 AOP055I AAP055I
PSE 350 1410 55.5 703 27.7 1151 45.3 270 595 AOP055I AAP055I
PSE 460 2055 80.9 973 38.3 1287 50.7 380 838 AO070O AO070O
PSE 520 2055 80.9 973 38.3 1287 50.7 380 838 AO070O AA070O
PSE 630 2055 80.9 973 38.3 1287 50.7 420 926 AO070O AA070O
PSE 750 2055 80.9 1205 47.4 1974 77.7 730 1609 AO075P AA075P
PSE 900 2055 80.9 1205 47.4 1974 77.7 770 1698 AO075P AA075P
PSE 1200 2055 80.9 1205 47.4 1974 77.7 850 1874 AO080P AA080P
PSE 1500 2040 80.3 1517 59.7 2529 99.6 1070 2359 AO085Q AA085Q
PSE 1800 2040 80.3 1517 59.7 2529 99.6 1210 2668 AO085Q AA085Q

Parker Catalogue Numbers

Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
Air Cooled Water Cooled

PSE 120 PSE120-A4X03DF14EI -

PSE 140 PSE140-A4X03DF14EI -
PSE 180 PSE180-A4X03DF14EI -
PSE 1200 PSE1200-A4X03DF14EITS PSE1200-W4X03DF14EITS
PSE 1500 PSE1500-A4X03DF14EITS PSE1500-W4X03DF14EITS
PSE 1800 PSE1800-A4X03DF14EITS PSE1800-W4X03DF14EITS

Compressed Air Filters and Dryers (20 bar to 350 bar)

IP50 - 50 Bar Compressed Air Filters

Filtration Performance
Particle Reduction Maximum Remaining Initial Dry Initial Saturated Change Precede with
Filtration Filter Filtration
(inc water & oil Oil Content Differential Differential Element Filtration
Grade Type Efficiency
aerosols) at 21°C (70°F) Pressure Pressure Every Grade

Liquid Oil & <70 mbar

WS N/A N/A >90% N/A N/A N/A
Water (<1 psi)

Coalescing & 0.5 mg/m³ <70 mbar <140 mbar

AO Down to 1 micron 99.925% 12 months WS
Dry Particulate 0.5 ppm(w) (<1 psi) (<2 psi)

Coalescing & Down to 0.01 0.01 mg/m³ <140 mbar <200 mbar
AA 99.9999% 12 months AO
Dry Particulate micron 0.01 ppm(w) (<1.5 psi) (<3 psi)

When oil
Oil Vapour 0.003 mg/m³ <140 mbar
ACS N/A N/A N/A vapour is A0+AA
Reduction 0.003 ppm(w) (<1.5 psi)

Important Note:
Using the same filter housings as their coalescing and dry particulate counterparts in the OIL-X IP50 range, Grade ACS filter elements differ in that
they utilise a deep wrapped bed of carbon cloth to adsorb oil vapour. It is important to note, in-line adsorption filter elements have a different life span
compared to coalescing and dry particulate filters and require more frequent element changes.

Technical Data
Minimum Operating Maximum Operating Minimum Operating Maximum Operating
Filtration Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature
Filter Models
bar g psi g bar g psi g ºC ºF ºC ºF
AO/AA IP50 010 - IP50 070 20 290 50 725 2 35 100 212
ACS IP50 010 - IP50 070 20 290 50 725 2 35 30 86

Flow Rates Filter Coding Example

Pipe Replacement Pipe Drain Incident
Model L/S m³/min m³/hr cfm No. Grade Model Size Thread Option Monitor
Size Element Option

Grade IP50 010AG X 1/4" 30 1.8 108 64 K009 Grade 1

Grade IP50 020BG X 3/8" 45 2.7 162 95 K009 Grade 1 WS
AO Cde denotes Letter G= F = Automatic
filter housing denotes X = None
AA BSPP M = Manual
Grade IP50 030CG X 1/2" 95 5.7 342 201 K030 Grade 1 ACS
size pipe size

Grade IP50 040DG X 3/4" 145 8.7 522 307 K030 Grade 1
Grade IP50 050EG X 1" 285 17.1 1026 604 K145 Grade 1 Example code

Grade IP50 060GG X 11/2" 465 27.9 1674 985 K145 Grade 1 AO IP50 010 A G F X

Grade IP50 070HG X 2" 965 57.9 3473 2044 K220 Grade 1
= Replace with drain type - F (Automatic) for WS water separator and AO & AA coalescing filters or M (manual) for AO & AA dry particulate and ACS oil vapour reduction filters.

Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure. For flows at other pressures,
apply the correction factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

To correctly select a filter model, the flow rate of the filter must be adjusted for the minimum operating (inlet) pressure at the point of installation.
1. Obtain the minimum operating (inlet) pressure and maximum compressed air flow rate at the inlet of the filter.
2. Select the correction factor for minimum inlet pressure from the table (always round down e.g. for 33 bar, use 30 bar correction factor)
3. Calculate the minimum filtration capacity. Minimum Filtration Capacity = Compressed Air Flow Rate x CFMIP
4. Using the minimum filtration capacity, select a filter model from the flow rate tables above (filter selected must have a flow rate equal to or greater than
the minimum filtration capacity).

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum bar g 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Pressure psi g 290 362 435 507 580 652 725

Correction Factor 2.43 1.96 1.65 1.42 1.24 1.11 1.00


58 mm
100 mm (2.3")

Weight & Dimensions

Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) Weight
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
IP50 010 175 6.9 78 3.1 68 2.7 1.3 2.9
IP50 020 175 6.9 78 3.1 68 2.7 1.3 2.9
IP50 030 245 9.6 89 3.5 84 3.3 2.0 4.4
IP50 040 245 9.6 89 3.5 84 3.3 2.0 4.4
IP50 050 423 16.6 122 4.8 116 4.6 5.0 11.0
IP50 060 423 16.6 122 4.8 116 4.6 5.0 11.0
IP50 070 480 18.9 170 6.7 162 6.4 10.0 22.0

Parker Catalogue Numbers

Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
Model General Purpose General Purpose High Efficiency High Efficiency Oil Vapour Reduction
Coalescing Filters Dry Particulate Filters Coalescing Filters Dry Particulate Filters Filters
IP50 010 AOIP50-010-AGFX AOIP50-010-AGMX AAIP50-010-AGFX AAIP50-010-AGMX ACSIP50-010-AGMX
IP50 020 AOIP50-020-BGFX AOIP50-020-BGMX AAIP50-020-BGFX AAIP50-020-BGMX ACSIP50-020-BGMX
IP50 030 AOIP50-030-CGFX AOIP50-030-CGMX AAIP50-030-CGFX AAIP50-030-CGMX ACSIP50-030-CGMX
IP50 040 AOIP50-040-DGFX AOIP50-040-DGMX AAIP50-040-DGFX AAIP50-040-DGMX ACSIP50-040-DGMX
IP50 050 AOIP50-050-EGFX AOIP50-050-EGMX AAIP50-050-EGFX AAIP50-050-EGMX ACSIP50-050-EGMX
IP50 060 AOIP50-060-GGFX AOIP50-060-GGMX AAIP50-060-GGFX AAIP50-060-GGMX ACSIP50-060-GGMX
IP50 070 AOIP50-070-HGFX AOIP50-070-HGMX AAIP50-070-HGFX AAIP50-070-HGMX ACSIP50-070-HGMX

Compressed Air Filters and Dryers (20 bar to 350 bar)

GH - 350 Bar Compressed Air Filters

Filtration Performance
Particle Max Remaining Initial Dry Initial Saturated Change Precede with
Filtration Filter Reduction Filtration
Oil Content Differential Differential Element Filtration
Grade Type (inc water & oil Efficiency
at 21°C (70°F) Pressure Pressure Every Grade
12 months
Down to <300 mbar <350 mbar
V Dry Particulate N/A >90% or 6000 N/A
3 micron (<4.35 psi) (<5 psi)
12 months
Coalescing & Down to 0.5 mg/m³ <300 mbar <370 mbar
ZP 99.925% or 6000 N/A
Dry Particulate 1 micron 0.5 ppm(w) (<4.35 psi) (<5.4 psi)
12 months
Coalescing & Down to 0.01 0.01 mg/m³ <300 mbar <400 mbar
XP 99.9999% or 6000 ZP
Dry Particulate micron 0.01 ppm(w) (<4.35 psi) (<5.8 psi)
When oil
Oil Vapour 0.003 mg/m³ <300 mbar
A N/A N/A N/A vapour is ZP+XP
Reduction 0.003 ppm(w) (<4.35 psi)

Important Note:
Using the same filter housings as their coalescing and dry particulate counterparts, Grade A filter elements differ in that they utilise a bed of activated
carbon to adsorb oil vapour. It is important to note, in-line adsorption filter elements have a different life span compared to coalescing and dry particulate
filters and require more frequent element changes.

Technical Data
Minimum Operating Maximum Operating Minimum Operating Maximum Operating
Filtration Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature
Filter Models
bar g psi g bar g psi g ºC ºF ºC ºF
V/ZP/XP GH3/350 - GH13/350 50 725 350 5076 2 35 80 176
A GH3/350 - GH13/350 50 725 350 5076 2 35 50 122

Flow Rates Filter Coding Example

Pipe Replacement
Model L/S m³/min m³/hr cfm No. Grade Model
Size Element

GH3/350 Grade 1/2" 101 6.1 365 215 1050 Grade 1 XP GH3/350XP
GH5/350 Grade 1/2" 139 8.4 501 295 1070 Grade 1
GH7/350 Grade 1/2" 215 12.9 776 457 1140 Grade 1
GH9/350 Grade 1/2" 287 17.3 1035 609 2010 Grade 1
GH11/350 Grade 1" 514 30.9 1852 1090 2020 Grade 1
GH12/350 Grade 11/2" 782 46.9 2816 1657 2030 Grade 1
GH13/350 Grade 11/2" 1184 71.0 4261 2508 2050 Grade 1

Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative
water vapour pressure. For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

To correctly select a filter model, the flow rate of the filter must be adjusted for the minimum operating (inlet) pressure at the point of installation.
1. Obtain the minimum operating (inlet) pressure and maximum compressed air flow rate at the inlet of the filter.
2. Select the correction factor for minimum inlet pressure from the CFMIP table (always round down e.g. for 155 bar, use 150 bar correction factor)
3. Calculate the minimum filtration capacity. Minimum Filtration Capacity = Compressed Air Flow Rate x CFMIP
4. Using the minimum filtration capacity, select a filter model from the flow rate tables above (filter selected must have a flow rate equal to or greater than the
minimum filtration capacity).

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum bar g 50 60 70 80 90 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350
Pressure psi g 725 870 1015 1160 1305 1450 1813 2175 2538 2901 3263 3626 3989 4351 4714 5076

Correction Factor 2.65 2.42 2.24 2.09 1.97 1.87 1.67 1.53 1.41 1.32 1.25 1.18 1.13 1.08 1.04 1.00


123 mm

Weights & Dimensions

Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) Weight
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
GH3/350 355 14.0 80 3.1 80 3.1 2.8 6.2

GH5/350 355 14.0 80 3.1 80 3.1 2.8 6.2

GH7/350 420 16.5 80 3.1 80 3.1 3.4 7.5

GH9/350 455 17.9 116 4.6 116 4.6 18.2 40.1

GH11/350 540 21.3 116 4.6 116 4.6 21.9 48.3

GH12/350 655 25.8 125 4.9 125 4.9 28.3 62.4

GH13/350 910 35.8 125 4.9 125 4.9 39.2 86.4

Parker Catalogue Numbers

Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
Model 3 Micron General Purpose High Efficiency Oil Vapour Reduction
Pre-Filters Filters Filters Filters
GH3/350 GH3/350V GH3/350ZP GH3/350XP GH3/350A
GH5/350 GH5/350V GH5/350ZP GH5/350XP GH5/350A
GH7/350 GH7/350V GH7/350ZP GH7/350XP GH7/350A
GH9/350 GH9/350V GH9/350ZP GH9/350XP GH9/350A
GH11/350 GH11/350V GH11/350ZP GH11/350XP GH11/350A
GH12/350 GH12/350V GH12/350ZP GH12/350XP GH12/350A
GH13/350 GH13/350V GH13/350ZP GH13/350XP GH13/350A

Compressed Air Filters and Dryers (20 bar to 350 bar)

HDK-MT - 350 Bar Compressed Air Dryers

Dryer Performance
Dryer Dewpoint (Standard) ISO8573-1:2010 Dewpoint (Option 1) ISO8573-1:2010
Models Classification (Standard) Classification (Option 1)
°C °F °C °F
HDK-MT 15 - 70 -40 -40 Class 2.2.2 -20 -4 Class 2.3.2

Technical Data
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
Electrical Electrical Noise
Dryer Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Thread
Supply Supply Level
Models Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Type
(Standard) (Optional)
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
230V 1ph 115V 1ph 95-
HDK-MT 15 - 70 100 1450 350 5076 5 41 55 131 50 122 BSPP
50/60Hz 50/60Hz 115

Flow Rates
Pipe Size Inlet Flow Rate
BSPP L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
HDK-MT 15/350 G½ 56 3.3 200 118
HDK-MT 20/350 G½ 83 5.0 300 177
HDK-MT 25/350 G½ 111 6.7 400 235
HDK-MT 30/350 G½ 139 8.4 500 294
HDK-MT 40/350 G¾ 217 13 780 459 Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with
HDK-MT 50/350 G¾ 261 16 940 553 reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors
HDK-MT 70/350 G¾ 328 20 1180 695 shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer) ambient
temperature, minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow rate table above with a
flow rate equal to or above the MDC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFIT x CFAT x CFMIP x CFOD

CFMIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

Maximum Inlet °C 30 35 40 45 50 55
Temperature °F 86 95 104 113 122 131
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.32 1.68 2.15 2.8

CFMAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

Maximum Ambient °C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature °F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum Inlet bar g 100 150 200 250 300 350
Pressure psi g 1450 2175 2900 3625 4351 5076
CFOD - Correction Factor Outlet3.57
Correction Factor
Dewpoint 2.33 1.75 1.41 1.16 1.00

CFOD - Correction Factor Outlet Dewpoint

°C -20 -40 -70
Outlet Dewpoint
°F -4 -40 -100
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 N/A



Weights & Dimensions

Pipe Size Weight
Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
Model BSPP
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
HDK-MT 15/350 G½ 1050 41.3 700 27.6 370 14.6 190 86
HDK-MT 20/350 G½ 1250 49.2 700 27.6 370 14.6 220 100
HDK-MT 25/350 G½ 1450 57.1 700 27.6 370 14.6 250 114
HDK-MT 30/350 G½ 1650 65.0 700 27.6 370 14.6 280 127
HDK-MT 40/350 G¾ 1650 65.0 770 30.3 370 14.6 310 141
HDK-MT 50/350 G¾ 1850 72.8 770 30.3 450 17.7 340 155
HDK-MT 70/350 G¾ 2075 81.7 770 30.3 450 17.7 380 173

Required Filtration Included Filtration

Dryer Inlet Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet

Pipe Size General Purpose High Efficiency

Model General Purpose High Efficiency Oil Vapour
BSPP or NPT Dry Particulate Dry Particulate
Pre-filter Filter Reduction Filter
Filter Filter

HDK-MT 15/350 G½ GH7/350ZP GH7/350XP - GH7/350ZP/VV -

HDK-MT 20/350 G½ GH7/350ZP GH7/350XP - GH7/350ZP/VV -
HDK-MT 25/350 G½ GH7/350ZP GH7/350XP - GH7/350ZP/VV -
HDK-MT 30/350 G½ GH7/350ZP GH7/350XP - GH7/350ZP/VV -
HDK-MT 40/350 G¾ GH9/350ZP GH9/350XP - GH9/350ZP/VV -
HDK-MT 50/350 G¾ GH9/350ZP GH9/350XP - GH9/350ZP/VV -
HDK-MT 70/350 G¾ GH9/350ZP GH9/350XP - GH9/350ZP/VV -

Compressed Breathing Air Purification

BAC-4015 Breathable Compressed Air Purifier

(Standard) ISO8573-1:2010 Classification
°C °F
BAC-4015 -40 -40 Class 1.2.1

Technical Data
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
Electrical Noise
Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Thread
Model Supply Level
Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Type
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
BAC-4015 4 58 8.5 123 5 41 30 86 55 131 BSPP <75

Flow Rates
Pipe Size Inlet Flow Rate Regeneration Air Requirement
Inlet Outlet L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
BAC-4015 G½ G¼ 11 0.68 41 24 2.36 0.14 8.5 5
Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other conditions, apply the correction factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, breathing air purifiers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, minimum inlet pressure, and
maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a breathing air purifier, first calculate the MPC (Minimum Purification Capacity) using the formula below then select a breathing air
purifier from the flow rate table above with a flow rate equal to or above the MPC.

Minimum Purification Capacity = System Flow x CFMIT x CFMIP

CFMIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

Maximum Inlet °C 25 30
Temperature °F 77 86
Correction Factor 1.00 1.20

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum Inlet bar g 4 5 6 7 8 8.5
Pressure psi g 58 73 87 100 116 123
Correction Factor 1.60 1.33 1.14 1.00 0.89 0.84



Weights & Dimensions

Pipe Size Dimensions
Model BSPP Weight
Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
Inlet Outlet mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
BAC-4015 G½ G¼ 752 29.6 515 20.3 272 10.7 40 88.2

Included Filtration
Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet
Model General Purpose Oil Vapour Reduction General Purpose Dry High Efficiency Dry
High Efficiency Filter
Pre-filter Filter Particulate Filter Particulate Filter

BAC-4015 • • •

General Purpose High Efficiency

General Purpose High Efficiency Oil Vapour
Filtration Performance Dry Particulate Dry Particulate
Pre-filter Filter Reduction Filter
Filter Filter
Filtration Grade - Grade AA AC - Grade AA

Filtration Type - Coalescing Adsorption - Coalescing

Particle Reduction Down to 0.01 Down to 0.01
- N/A -
(inc water & oil aerosols) micron micron
Maximum Remaining Oil Aerosol ≤0.01 mg/m3
- N/A - N/A
Content at 21oC (≤0.01 ppm(w))
Maximum Remaining Oil Vapour ≤0.003 mg/m3
- N/A - N/A
Content at System Temperature (≤0.003 ppm(w))
Filtration Efficiency - 99.9999% N/A - 99.9999%

Quality Assurance / IP Rating / Pressure Vessel Approvals

Development / Manufacture ISO 9001 / ISO 14001
Ingress Protection Rating IP55 Indoor Use Only
EU Pressure vessel approved for fluid group 2 in accordance with the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU
USA Approval to ASME VIII Div. 1 not required
AUS Approval to AS1210 not required
GUS TR (formerly GOST-R)
For use with compressed air only

Compressed Breathing Air Purification

BSP-MT 1-8 Breathable Compressed Air Purifier

(Standard) ISO8573-1:2010 Classification
°C °F
BSP-MT 1-8 -40 -40 Class 2.2.1

Technical Data
Minimum MaximumMinimum Maximum Maximum
Electrical Electrical Electrical Noise
Operating Operating
Operating Operating Ambient Thread Level
Models Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Supply
Pressure Supply Supply
(Standard) (Option) (Option)
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
230V / 1ph 115V / 1ph
BSP-MT 1-8 4 58 16 232 5 41 50 122 50 122 24V DC BSPP <75
/ 50~60Hz / 50~60Hz

Flow Rates
Flow Rate
Model Pipe Size
L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
BSP-MT 1 G¼ 4 0.22 13 8
BSP-MT 2 G¼ 7 0.40 24 14
BSP-MT 3 G¼ 11 0.67 40 24
BSP-MT 4 G¼ 16 0.94 56 33
BSP-MT 6 G½ 25 1.50 90 53
BSP-MT 7 G½ 32 1.94 116 68
BSP-MT 8 G½ 39 2.32 139 82
Stated flows are for operation at 13 bar (g) (189 psi g), 35°C (95°F) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a),
0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other conditions, apply the correction factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum
(summer) ambient temperature, minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a dryer, first calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the flow
rate table above with a flow rate equal to or above the MDC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFIT x CFAT x CFMIP

CFIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

°C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Maximum Inlet Temperature
°F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 0,95 0.97 1.00 1.20 1.30 1.35

CFAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

°C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Maximum Ambient Temperature
°F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Minimum Inlet Pressure
psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232
Correction Factor 2.60 2.24 1.93 1.68 1.46 1.37 1.32 1.29 1.18 1.00 0.95 0.82 0.77



Weights & Dimensions

Model Weight
Pipe Size Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
BSP-MT 1 G¼ 430 17 575 22.68 216 8.5 16.5 36.4
BSP-MT 2 G¼ 605 23.8 575 22.6 216 8.5 21.5 47.4
BSP-MT 3 G¼ 855 33.7 575 22.6 216 8.5 29.0 63.9
BSP-MT 4 G¼ 1105 43.5 575 22.6 216 8.5 36.0 79.4
BSP-MT 6 G½ 1233 48.5 748 29.4 300 11.8 75.0 165.4
BSP-MT 7 G½ 1458 57.4 748 29.4 300 11.8 85.0 187.4
BSP-MT 8 G½ 1658 65.3 748 29.4 300 11.8 97.0 213.9

Included Filtration
Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet
Models General Purpose High Efficiency General Purpose Dry
Pre-filter Filter Particulate Filter
BSP-MT 1-8 • • •

General Purpose High Efficiency General Purpose Dry

Filtration Performance
Pre-filter Filter Particulate Filter

Filtration Grade AO AA AO

Filtration Type Coalescing Coalescing Dry Particulate

Particle Reduction Down to 0.01
Down to 1 micron Down to 1 micron
(inc water & oil aerosols) micron
Maximum Remaining Oil Aerosol ≤0.5 mg/m3 ≤0.01 mg/m3
Content at 21oC (≤0.5 ppm(w)) (≤0.01 ppm(w))
Maximum Remaining Oil Vapour
Content at System Temperature
Filtration Efficiency 99.925% 99.9999% 99.925%

Quality Assurance / IP Rating / Pressure Vessel Approvals

Development / Manufacture ISO 9001 / ISO 14001
Ingress Protection Rating IP65 Indoor Use Only
EU Pressure vessel approved for fluid group 2 in accordance with the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU
USA Approval to ASME VIII Div. 1 not required
AUS Approval to AS1210 not required
RUSSIA TR (formerly GOST-R)
For use with compressed air only

Compressed Breathing Air Purification

BSP-MT 10-95 Breathable Compressed Air Purifier

Dryer Performance
(Standard) ISO8573-1:2010 Classification
°C °F
BSP-MT 10-95 -40 -40 Class 2.2.1

Technical Data
Minimum MaximumMinimum Maximum Maximum
Electrical Electrical Electrical Noise
Operating Operating
Operating Operating Ambient Thread Level
Models Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Supply
Pressure Supply Supply
(Standard) (Option) (Option)
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
230V / 1ph 115V / 1ph
BSP-MT 10-95 4 58 16 232 5 41 50 122 50 122 24V DC BSPP <75
/ 50~60Hz / 50~60Hz

Flow Rates
Flow Rate
Model Pipe Size
L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
BSP-MT 10 G1 44 2.64 158 93
BSP-MT 15 G1 58 3.51 210 124
BSP-MT 20 G1 76 4.58 274 161
BSP-MT 25 G1½ 103 6.20 371 218
BSP-MT 35 G1½ 134 8.08 484 285
BSP-MT 45 G1½ 164 9.84 589 347
BSP-MT 60 G2 233 14.01 839 494
BSP-MT 75 G2 314 18.85 1129 665
BSP-MT 95 G2½ 381 22.90 1371 807
Stated flows are for operation at 13 bar (g) (189 psi g), 35°C (95°F) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a),
0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other conditions, apply the correction factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, breathing air purifiers must be sized for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, minimum inlet pressure and
maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a breathing air purifier, first calculate the MPC (Minimum Purification Capacity) using the formula below then select a breathing air
purifier from the flow rate table above with a flow rate equal to or above the MPC.

Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFIT x CFAT x CFMIP

CFIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

°C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Maximum Inlet Temperature
°F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 0,95 0.97 1.00 1.20 1.30 1.35

CFAT - Correction Factor Maximum Ambient Temperature

°C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Maximum Ambient Temperature
°F 77 86 95 104 113 122
Correction Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Minimum Inlet Pressure
psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232
Correction Factor 2.60 2.24 1.93 1.68 1.46 1.37 1.32 1.29 1.18 1.00 0.95 0.82 0.77



Weights & Dimensions

Model Weight
Pipe Size Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
BSP-MT 10 G1 1420 6.5 1300 51.2 490 19.3 164 361.6
BSP-MT 15 G1 1750 7.8 1300 51.2 490 19.3 197 434.4
BSP-MT 20 G1 1530 7.7 1100 43.3 490 19.3 196 432.2
BSP-MT 25 G1½ 1760 9.3 1100 43.3 530 20.9 237 522.6
BSP-MT 35 G1½ 1810 11.3 1390 54.7 585 23 286 630.6
BSP-MT 45 G1½ 1820 13.4 1455 57.3 605 23.8 341 751.9
BSP-MT 60 G2 1870 17.1 1515 59.6 635 25 435 959.2
BSP-MT 75 G2 2000 22.1 1665 65.6 635 25 562 1239.2
BSP-MT 95 G2½ 2020 27.8 1715 67.5 670 26.4 705 1554.5

Included Filtration
Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet
Models General Purpose High Efficiency General Purpose Dry
Pre-filter Filter Particulate Filter
BSP-MT 10-95 • • •

General Purpose High Efficiency General Purpose Dry

Filtration Performance
Pre-filter Filter Particulate Filter

Filtration Grade AO AA AO

Filtration Type Coalescing Coalescing Dry Particulate

Particle Reduction Down to 0.01
Down to 1 micron Down to 1 micron
(inc water & oil aerosols) micron
Maximum Remaining Oil Aerosol ≤0.5 mg/m 3
≤0.01 mg/m 3
Content at 21oC (≤0.5 ppm(w)) (≤0.01 ppm(w))
Maximum Remaining Oil Vapour
Content at System Temperature
Filtration Efficiency 99.925% 99.9999% 99.925%

Quality Assurance / IP Rating / Pressure Vessel Approvals

Development / Manufacture ISO 9001 / ISO 14001
Ingress Protection Rating IP65 Indoor Use Only
Pressure vessel approved for fluid group 2 in accordance with the Pressure
Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU
USA Approval to ASME VIII Div. 1 not required
AUS Approval to AS1210 not required
RUSSIA TR (formerly GOST-R)
For use with compressed air only
Compressed Breathing Air Purification

BAM 10-70 Breathable Compressed Air Purifier

Dryer Performance
(Standard) ISO8573-1:2010 Classification
°C °F
BAM -40 -40 Class 1.2.1

Technical Data
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
Electrical Noise
Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Thread
Models Supply Level
Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Type
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB(A)
85 - 265V BSPP or
BAM10 - BAM70 4 58 13 190 5 41 35 95 55 131 <75
1ph 50/60Hz NPT

Flow Rates
Inlet Flow Rate Regeneration Air Requirement
Model Pipe Size
L/s m /min
m /hr
cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
BAM10 G2 113 6.81 408 240 22.6 1.36 82 48
BAM20 G2 170 10.22 612 360 34.0 2.04 122 72
BAM30 G2 213 12.78 795 450 42.6 2.60 159 90
BAM40 G2 283 17 1020 600 56.6 3.40 204 120
BAM50 G2½ 354 21 1275 750 70.8 4.20 255 150
BAM70 G2½ 496 30 1785 1050 99.2 6.00 357 210
Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar (g) (102 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other conditions, apply the correction factors shown below.

Product Selection & Correction Factors

For correct operation, breathing air purifiers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, minimum inlet pressure and
maximum flow rate of the installation.

To select a breathing air purifier, first calculate the MPC (Minimum Purification Capacity) using the formula below then select a breathing air
purifier from the flow rate table above with a flow rate equal to or above the MPC.

Minimum Purification Capacity = System Flow x CFMIT x CFMIP

CFIT - Correction Factor Maximum Inlet Temperature

Maximum Inlet °C 25 30 35
Temperature °F 77 86 95
Correction Factor 1.00 1.20 1.00

CFMIP - Correction Factor Minimum Inlet Pressure

Minimum Inlet bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Pressure psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189
Correction Factor 1.60 1.33 1.14 1.00 0.89 0.80 0.73 0.67 0.62 0.57



Weights & Dimensions

Model Pipe Size Weight
Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
BAM10 G2 1797 70.7 1260 49.6 1655 65.2 600 1322
BAM20 G2 1797 70.7 1260 49.6 1655 65.2 700 1543
BAM30 G2 2042 80.4 1260 49.6 1655 65.2 800 1763
BAM40 G2½ 2042 80.4 1260 49.6 1655 65.2 900 1984
BAM50 G2½ 2042 80.4 1260 49.6 1950 76.8 1100 2425
BAM70 G2½ 2042 80.4 1260 49.6 1950 76.8 1400 3086

Included Filtration
Dryer Inlet Dryer Outlet
Pipe Size
Models General Purpose High Efficiency Oil Vapour General Purpose Dry High Efficiency Dry
Pre-filter Filter Reduction Filter Particulate Filter Particulate Filter
BAM10 - BAM70 G2 • • • • •

General Purpose High Efficiency

General Purpose High Efficiency Oil Vapour
Filtration Performance Dry Particulate Dry Particulate
Pre-filter Filter Reduction Filter
Filter Filter

Filtration Grade Grade AO Grade AA OVR Grade AO Grade AA

Filtration Type Coalescing Coalescing Adsorption Dry Particulate Coalescing

Particle Reduction Down to 0.01 Down to 0.01
Down to 1 micron N/A Down to 1 micron
(inc water & oil aerosols) micron micron
Maximum Remaining Oil Aerosol ≤0.5 mg/m3 ≤0.01 mg/m3
Content at 21oC (≤0.5 ppm(w)) (≤0.01 ppm(w))
Maximum Remaining Oil Vapour ≤0.003 mg/m3
Content at System Temperature (≤0.003 ppm(w))
Filtration Efficiency 99.925% 99.9999% N/A 99.925% 99.9999%

Quality Assurance / IP Rating / Pressure Vessel Approvals

Development / Manufacture ISO 9001 / ISO 14001
Ingress Protection Rating IP55 Indoor Use Only
EU Pressure vessel approved for fluid group 2 in accordance with the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU
USA Approval to ASME VIII Div. 1 not required
AUS Approval to AS1210 not required
GUS TR (formerly GOST-R)
For use with compressed air only

Condensate Management

ES2000 Series Oil / Water Separators

Product Selection
Correct selection is critical for the operation of oil/water Drain Types
separators. Increased condensate flow through an oil/water
The condensate should be removed from the compressed
separator reduces settlement time in the main tank, increases
air system using a drainage method that does not cause
oil carryover to the carbon stage & reduces contact time with the
emulsification of the condensate and is appropriate for the unit.
carbon. The overall effect of incorrect sizing is poor outlet water
Usual methods include :
quality, reduced carbon filter life and the potential for overflowing.
• Level Operated Electronic Drain
Capacities shown in this catalogue assume installation in two
of the worlds major climatic conditions. Should the oil/water • Float Drain
separator be installed in conditions other than those shown,
please contact your local Parker outlet or approved distributor/ • Timed Solenoid Drain*
agent for correct sizing. Parker recommends the use of the ED3000 Series range of
condensate drains. Manual and Thermodynamic Disc trap drains
must not be used with the ES2000 Series oil/water separators.
Oil Types *If the use of timed solenoid drains is unavoidable, steps must be taken to reduce the
To simplify the selection, lubricant classifications have been split air loss as this has an emulsifying effect on the condensate.
into three bands depending upon their ability to separate within a
static type oil/water separator.
Refrigeration Dryers
A refrigeration dryer installed in a compressed air system
Band A: Turbine Oil, Additive Free Oil can significantly increase the condensate produced. The oil/
Band B: Mineral water separator must be sized appropriately to treat the extra
condensate produced. Flow capacities within this literature are
Poly alpha olefins (PAO) shown both with and without a refrigeration dryer installed.
Trimethylolpropane Ester (TMP),
Pentaerythrityl Ester (PE)
Band C: Diesters, Triesters,
Polyoxyalkylene glycol (PAG)
Inseparable using static Separation
Techniques: Automatic transmission fluid (ATF)

Important Note:
Additives blended into the lubricants to prevent bacterial growth, rusting, corrosion, and to promote emulsification,
such as detergents etc., can have an impact on the separating process. Static oil/water separators are unable to separate stable
emulsions or oils that are miscible in water. Additionally, these units will not totally separate lubricants containing: Emulsifying
Agents; Glycol additives; or Polyglycol based coolants.


Climate Condition 1 - Outlet quality: <20mg/l oil in water

System Conditions
Ambient Temperature at Compressor Inlet: 25°C (77°F) Refrigeration Dryer Dewpoint If Fitted: 3°C
Relative Humidity: 65% Minimum System Temperature If Refrigeration Dryer Is Not Fitted: 30°C (86°F)
Compressor Discharge Temperature: 35°C (95°F) System Pressure: 7 bar g (102 psi g) Outlet quality: <20mg/l oil in water

Oil Type
No Refrigeration Dryer
Installed in System Band A Band B Band C
Turbine, Additive Free Mineral, PAO, TMP, PE Diesters, Triesters, PAG
Compressor Type Model L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
ES2100 36.9 2.2 133 78 30.8 1.9 111 66 25.6 1.5 92 54
ES2150 58.6 3.5 211 124 50.0 3 180 106 40.6 2.4 146 86
ES2200 90.3 5.4 325 191 76.7 4.6 276 163 62.5 3.7 225 132
Rotary Screw,
ES2300 126.7 7.6 456 268 106.4 6.4 383 225 87.5 5.3 315 185
ES2400 253.4 15.2 912 537 212.8 12.8 766 451 175.0 10.5 630 371
ES2500 501.4 30.1 1805 1062 425.0 25.5 1530 900 346.4 20.8 1247 734
ES2600 997.6 59.9 3591 2114 849.2 51 3057 1800 689.5 41.4 2482 1461

Oil Type
Refrigeration Dryer
Installed in System Band A Band B Band C
Turbine, Additive Free Mineral, PAO, TMP, PE Diesters, Triesters, PAG
Compressor Type Model L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
ES2100 27.8 1.7 100 59 23.3 1.4 84 49 19.2 1.2 69 41
ES2150 43.9 2.6 158 93 37.5 2.3 135 80 30.6 1.8 110 65
ES2200 67.8 4.1 244 144 57.8 3.5 208 122 46.9 2.8 169 99
Rotary Screw,
ES2300 95.3 5.7 343 202 80.0 4.8 288 169 65.8 3.9 237 139
ES2400 190.3 11.4 685 403 159.7 9.6 575 339 131.7 7.9 474 279
ES2500 377.0 22.6 1357 798 319.2 19.2 1149 677 260.6 15.6 938 552
ES2600 749.8 45 2699 1589 638.4 38.3 2298 1352 518.1 31.1 1865 1098

Climate Condition 2 - Outlet quality: <20mg/l oil in water

System Conditions
Ambient Temperature at Compressor Inlet: 35°C (95°F) Refrigeration Dryer Dewpoint If Fitted: 3°C
Relative Humidity: 85% Minimum System Temperature If Refrigeration Dryer Is Not Fitted: 40°C (104°F)
Compressor Discharge Temperature: 45°C (113°F) System Pressure: 7 bar g (102 psi g) Outlet quality: <20mg/l oil in water

Oil Type
No Refrigeration Dryer
Installed in System Band A Band B Band C
Turbine, Additive Free Mineral, PAO, TMP, PE Diesters, Triesters, PAG
Compressor Type Model L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
ES2100 13.9 0.8 50 30 11.7 0.7 42 25 9.7 0.6 35 21
ES2150 22.2 1.3 80 47 18.9 1.1 68 40 15.6 0.9 56 33
ES2200 34.2 2.1 123 73 29.2 1.7 105 62 23.6 1.4 85 50
Rotary Screw,
ES2300 48.1 2.9 173 102 40.3 2.4 145 85 33.1 2 119 70
ES2400 96.1 5.8 346 204 80.6 4.8 290 171 66.4 4 239 141
ES2500 190.0 11.4 684 403 161.1 9.7 580 341 131.4 7.9 473 278
ES2600 378.4 22.7 1362 801 322.0 19.3 1159 682 261.4 15.7 941 554

Oil Type
Refrigeration Dryer
Installed in System Band A Band B Band C
Turbine, Additive Free Mineral, PAO, TMP, PE Diesters, Triesters, PAG
Compressor Type Model L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
ES2100 11.4 0.7 41 24 9.4 0.6 34 20 7.8 0.5 28 17
ES2150 17.8 1.1 64 38 15.3 0.9 55 32 12.5 0.7 45 26
ES2200 27.5 1.7 99 59 23.6 1.4 85 50 19.2 1.1 69 40
Rotary Screw,
ES2300 38.9 2.3 140 82 32.5 2 117 69 26.7 1.6 96 57
ES2400 77.5 4.7 279 164 65.0 3.9 234 138 53.6 3.2 193 114
ES2500 153.3 9.2 552 325 130.0 7.8 468 275 106.1 6.4 382 225
ES2600 305.3 18.3 1099 647 260.0 15.6 936 551 210.9 12.7 759 447

For systems using 1 or 2 stage piston/reciprocating compressors multiply compressor flow by 1.4 and select a separator from screw
compressor flow rates shown, ensuring due consideration is given to oil type. For sizing at conditions other than those shown,
please contact Parker for correct product selection.

Condensate Management

Climate Condition 1 - Outlet quality: <10mg/l oil in water

System Conditions
Ambient Temperature at Compressor Inlet: 25°C (77°F) Refrigeration Dryer Dewpoint If Fitted: 3°C
Relative Humidity: 65% Minimum System Temperature If Refrigeration Dryer Is Not Fitted: 30°C (86°F)
Compressor Discharge Temperature: 35°C (95°F) System Pressure: 7 bar g (102 psi g) Outlet quality: <10mg/l oil in water

Oil Type
No Refrigeration Dryer
Installed in System Band A Band B Band C
Turbine, Additive Free Mineral, PAO, TMP, PE Diesters, Triesters, PAG
Compressor Type Model L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
ES2100 20.6 1.2 74 43 17.2 1 62 36 14.2 0.9 51 30
ES2150 32.5 2 117 69 27.8 1.7 100 59 22.5 1.4 81 48
ES2200 50.3 3 181 106 42.5 2.6 153 90 34.7 2.1 125 73
Rotary Screw,
ES2300 70.3 4.2 253 149 59.2 3.5 213 125 48.6 2.9 175 103
ES2400 140.8 8.4 507 298 118.1 7.1 425 250 97.2 5.8 350 206
ES2500 278.6 16.7 1003 590 236.1 14.2 850 500 192.5 11.6 693 408
ES2600 554.2 33.3 1995 1174 472.0 28.3 1699 1000 383.1 23 1379 812

Oil Type
Refrigeration Dryer
Installed in System Band A Band B Band C
Turbine, Additive Free Mineral, PAO, TMP, PE Diesters, Triesters, PAG
Compressor Type Model L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
ES2100 15.6 0.9 56 33 13.1 0.8 47 27 10.6 0.6 38 23
ES2150 24.4 1.5 88 52 20.8 1.3 75 44 16.9 1 61 36
ES2200 37.8 2.3 136 80 31.9 1.9 115 68 26.1 1.6 94 55
Rotary Screw,
ES2300 52.8 3.2 190 112 44.4 2.7 160 94 36.7 2.2 132 77
ES2400 105.8 6.3 381 224 88.9 5.3 320 188 73.1 4.4 263 155
ES2500 209.5 12.6 754 444 177.5 10.6 639 376 144.7 8.7 521 307
ES2600 416.4 25 1499 883 354.8 21.3 1277 751 287.8 17.3 1036 610

Climate Condition 2 - Outlet quality: <10mg/l oil in water

System Conditions
Ambient Temperature at Compressor Inlet: 35°C (95°F) Refrigeration Dryer Dewpoint If Fitted: 3°C
Relative Humidity: 85% Minimum System Temperature If Refrigeration Dryer Is Not Fitted: 40°C (104°F)
Compressor Discharge Temperature: 45°C (113°F) System Pressure: 7 bar g (102 psi g) Outlet quality: <10mg/l oil in water

Oil Type
No Refrigeration Dryer
Installed in System Band A Band B Band C
Turbine, Additive Free Mineral, PAO, TMP, PE Diesters, Triesters, PAG
Compressor Type Model L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
ES2100 7.8 0.5 28 16 6.4 0.4 23 14 5.3 0.3 19 11
ES2150 12.2 0.7 44 26 10.6 0.6 38 22 8.6 0.5 31 18
ES2200 18.9 1.1 68 40 16.1 1 58 34 13.1 0.8 47 28
Rotary Screw,
ES2300 26.7 1.6 96 57 22.5 1.3 81 47 18.3 1.1 66 39
ES2400 53.3 3.2 192 113 44.7 2.7 161 95 36.9 2.2 133 78
ES2500 105.6 6.3 380 224 89.5 5.4 322 190 73.1 4.4 263 155
ES2600 210.0 12.6 756 445 178.9 10.7 644 379 145.3 8.7 523 308

Oil Type
Refrigeration Dryer
Installed in System Band A Band B Band C
Turbine, Additive Free Mineral, PAO, TMP, PE Diesters, Triesters, PAG
Compressor Type Model L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
ES2100 6.4 0.4 23 13 5.3 0.3 19 11 4.4 0.3 16 9
ES2150 10.0 0.6 36 21 8.6 0.5 31 18 6.9 0.4 25 15
ES2200 15.3 0.9 55 33 13.1 0.8 47 28 10.6 0.6 38 22
Rotary Screw,
ES2300 21.7 1.3 78 46 18.1 1.1 65 38 15.0 0.9 54 32
ES2400 43.1 2.6 155 91 36.1 2.2 130 77 29.7 1.8 107 63
ES2500 85.3 5.1 307 181 72.2 4.3 260 153 58.9 3.5 212 125
ES2600 169.7 10.2 611 359 144.5 8.7 520 306 117.2 7 422 248

For systems using 1 or 2 stage piston/reciprocating compressors multiply compressor flow by 1.4 and select a separator from screw
compressor flow rates shown, ensuring due consideration is given to oil type. For sizing at conditions other than those shown,
please contact Parker for correct product selection.


Climate Condition 1 - Outlet quality: <5mg/l oil in water

System Conditions
Ambient Temperature at Compressor Inlet: 25°C (77°F) Refrigeration Dryer Dewpoint If Fitted: 3°C
Relative Humidity: 65% Minimum System Temperature If Refrigeration Dryer Is Not Fitted: 30°C (86°F)
Compressor Discharge Temperature: 35°C (95°F) System Pressure: 7 bar g (102 psi g) Outlet quality: <5mg/l oil in water

Oil Type
No Refrigeration Dryer
Installed in System Band A Band B Band C
Turbine, Additive Free Mineral, PAO, TMP, PE Diesters, Triesters, PAG
Compressor Type Model L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
ES2100 10.3 0.6 37 22 8.6 0.5 31 18 7.2 0.4 26 15
ES2150 16.4 1 59 34 13.9 0.8 50 29 11.4 0.7 41 24
ES2200 25.0 1.5 90 53 21.4 1.3 77 45 17.2 1 62 37
Rotary Screw,
ES2300 35.3 2.1 127 75 29.4 1.8 106 63 24.4 1.5 88 52
ES2400 70.3 4.2 253 149 59.2 3.5 213 125 48.6 2.9 175 103
ES2500 139.2 8.4 501 295 118.1 7.1 425 250 96.4 5.8 347 204
ES2600 277.2 16.6 998 587 235.9 14.2 849 500 191.4 11.5 689 406

Oil Type
Refrigeration Dryer
Installed in System Band A Band B Band C
Turbine, Additive Free Mineral, PAO, TMP, PE Diesters, Triesters, PAG
Compressor Type Model L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
ES2100 7.8 0.5 28 16 6.4 0.4 23 14 5.3 0.3 19 11
ES2150 12.2 0.7 44 26 10.6 0.6 38 22 8.6 0.5 31 18
ES2200 18.9 1.1 68 40 16.1 1 58 34 13.1 0.8 47 28
Rotary Screw,
ES2300 26.4 1.6 95 56 22.2 1.3 80 47 18.3 1.1 66 39
ES2400 52.8 3.2 190 112 44.4 2.7 160 94 36.7 2.2 132 77
ES2500 104.7 6.3 377 222 88.6 5.3 319 188 72.2 4.3 260 153
ES2600 208.4 12.5 750 441 177.2 10.6 638 376 143.9 8.6 518 305

Climate Condition 2 - Outlet quality: <5mg/l oil in water

System Conditions
Ambient Temperature at Compressor Inlet: 35°C (95°F) Refrigeration Dryer Dewpoint If Fitted: 3°C
Relative Humidity: 85% Minimum System Temperature If Refrigeration Dryer Is Not Fitted: 40°C (104°F)
Compressor Discharge Temperature: 45°C (113°F) System Pressure: 7 bar g (102 psi g) Outlet quality: <5mg/l oil in water

Oil Type
No Refrigeration Dryer
Installed in System Band A Band B Band C
Turbine, Additive Free Mineral, PAO, TMP, PE Diesters, Triesters, PAG
Compressor Type Model L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
ES2100 3.9 0.2 14 8 3.3 0.2 12 7 2.8 0.2 10 6
ES2150 6.1 0.4 22 13 5.3 0.3 19 11 4.2 0.3 15 9
ES2200 9.4 0.6 34 20 8.1 0.5 29 17 6.7 0.4 24 14
Rotary Screw,
ES2300 13.3 0.8 48 28 11.1 0.7 40 24 9.2 0.6 33 20
ES2400 26.7 1.6 96 57 22.5 1.3 81 47 18.3 1.1 66 39
ES2500 52.8 3.2 190 112 44.7 2.7 161 95 36.4 2.2 131 77
ES2600 105.0 6.3 378 223 89.5 5.4 322 190 72.5 4.4 261 154

Oil Type
Refrigeration Dryer
Installed in System Band A Band B Band C
Turbine, Additive Free Mineral, PAO, TMP, PE Diesters, Triesters, PAG
Compressor Type Model L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm
ES2100 3.1 0.2 11 7 2.5 0.2 9 6 2.2 0.1 8 5
ES2150 5.0 0.3 18 11 4.2 0.3 15 9 3.3 0.2 12 7
ES2200 7.8 0.5 28 16 6.4 0.4 23 14 5.3 0.3 19 11
Rotary Screw,
ES2300 10.8 0.6 39 23 9.2 0.5 33 19 7.5 0.4 27 16
ES2400 21.7 1.3 78 46 18.1 1.1 65 38 15.0 0.9 54 32
ES2500 42.5 2.6 153 90 36.1 2.2 130 77 29.4 1.8 106 62
ES2600 84.7 5.1 305 180 72.2 4.3 260 153 58.6 3.5 211 124

For systems using 1 or 2 stage piston/reciprocating compressors multiply compressor flow by 1.4 and select a separator from screw
compressor flow rates shown, ensuring due consideration is given to oil type. For sizing at conditions other than those shown,
please contact Parker for correct product selection.

Condensate Management

ES2000 Series Oil / Water Separators

Separator Performance
Separator Service
Separator Models Residual Oil in Water Content (Outlet)
Type Period

Each Separator model is sizeable to deliver a residual oil in water level of: When oil in
<20mg/L water levels
ES2100 - ES2600 Static
<10mg/L exceed allowed
<5mg/L levels

Technical Data
Model ES2100 ES2150 ES2200 ES2300 ES2400 ES2500 ES2600

1 x 1/2" 1 x 1/2" 1 x 1/2" 1 x 1/2" 1 x 1/2" 1 x 1/2" 1 x 1/2"

Inlet Connections
1 x 1/4" 1 x 1/4" 1 x 1/4" 3 x 1/4" 3 x 1/4" 3 x 1/4" 3 x 1/4"
Outlet Hose Connections 19mm (3/4") 25mm (1") 19mm (3/4") 25mm (1") 25mm (1") 25mm (1") 25mm (1")
N/A 60 litres 75 litres 125 litres 185 litres 355 litres 485 litres
Settlement Tank Capacity
N/A 16 US G 20 US G 33 US G 49 US G 94 US G 128 US G
Max. Pressure 16 bar g (232 psi g)
Min/ Max °C 5 to 35 5 to 35 5 to 35 5 to 35 5 to 35 5 to 35 5 to 35
Temperature °F 41 to 95 41 to 95 41 to 95 41 to 95 41 to 95 41 to 95 41 to 95
Material (Re-cyclable) Polyethylene



ES2100 ES2150 to ES2600

Weights and Dimensions

Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
Model Empty Full
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs kg lbs
ES2100 842 33.1 250 9.8 315 12.4 6 13 24.5 154
ES2150 810 31.9 350 13.8 430 16.9 10 22 78.5 173
ES2200 805 31.7 350 13.8 450 17.7 12 26 93.5 206
ES2300 1195 47.0 500 19.7 800 31.5 27 59 159 350
ES2400 1195 47.0 650 26.6 800 31.5 36 79 217 477
ES2500 1535 60.4 700 27.6 985 38.8 70 154 400 880
ES2600 1535 60.4 1000 39.4 1010 39.8 97 214 550 1210

Parker Catalogue Numbers Maintenance Kits Service Kits - Vent Filter

Model Catalogue Number Model Part Number Model Part Number

ES2100 ES2100-TI ES2100-TI 1 ESMK1 ES2100-TI ESVF1

ES2150 ES2150-TI ES2150-TI 1 ESMK1 ES2150-TI ESVF1
ES2200 ES2200-TI ES2200-TI 1 ESMK1 ES2200-TI ESVF1
ES2300 ES2300-TI ES2300-TI 1 ESMK2 ES2300-TI ESVF2
ES2400 ES2400-TI ES2400-TI 2 ESMK2 ES2400-TI ESVF2
ES2500 ES2500-TI ES2500-TI 1 ESMK3 ES2500-TI ESVF2
ES2600 ES2600-TI ES2600-TI 2 ESMK3 ES2600-TI ESVF2

Condensate Management

HDF & ED Level Sensing Condensate Drains

Technical Data
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
Drain Type Drain Models Operating Pressure Operating Pressure Operating Temperature Operating Temperature

bar g psi g bar g psi g ºC ºF ºC ºF

External Float HDF120 - 220 1 15 16 232 2 35 60 140
Electronic Level Sensing ED3002 - ED3100 1 15 16 232 2 35 60 140
Electronic Level Sensing ED4100 16 232 50 725 2 35 50 122

Flow Rates - Zero Air Loss External Float Drains

Compressed Air Flow Rate Electrical
Model Size
Inlet Outlet L/S m³/min m³/hr cfm
HDF120-A 1/2" 1/2" 1500 90 5400 3178 -
HDF180-A 1" 1/2" 1667 100 6000 3532 -
HDF220-A 1" 1/2" 4167 251 15000 8829 -
External float drain (with built-in air vent)

HDF120 1/2" 1/2" 1500 90 5400 3178 -

HDF180 1" 1/2" 1667 100 6000 3532 -
HDF220 1" 1/2" 4167 251 15000 8829 -
External float drain (without air vent)

HDF220BE 1" 1/2" 1806 109 6500 3826 -

External float drains BioEnergy

Flow Rates - Zero Air Loss Electronic Level Sensing Drains

Pipe Compressed Air Flow Rate Compressed Air Flow Rate Compressed Air Flow Rate
Size (Aftercooler / Air Receiver) (Refrigeration Dryer) (Filter) Electrical
Inlet Outlet L/S m³/min m³/hr cfm L/S m³/min m³/hr cfm L/S m³/min m³/hr cfm
ED3002-G230 1 x G½ G3/8 - - - - - - - - 200 12 720 424 230/1/50-60
ED3004-G230 1 x G½ G3/8 67 4 240 141 133 8 480 283 667 40 2400 1413 230/1/50-60
ED3007-G230 2 x G½ G3/8 117 7 420 247 233 14 840 494 1167 70 4200 2472 230/1/50-60
ED3030-G230 2 x G½ G3/8 500 30 1800 1059 1000 60 3600 2119 5000 301 18000 10595 230/1/50-60
ED3100-G230 2 x G½ G3/8 1667 100 6000 3532 3334 200 12000 7063 16668 1002 60000 35316 230/1/50-60
230V/1PH/50-60Hz - 16 bar g (232 psi g)

ED3007-G24D 2 x G½ G3/8 117 7 420 247 233 14 840 494 1167 70 4200 2472 24V DC
ED3030-G24D 2 x G½ G3/8 500 30 1800 1059 1000 60 3600 2119 5000 301 18000 10595 24V DC
ED3100-G24D 2 x G½ G3/8 1667 100 6000 3532 3334 200 12000 7063 16668 1002 60000 35316 24V DC
24V DC - 16 bar g (232 psi g)

ED4100/50-G230 G½ G¼ 1667 100 6000 3532 3334 200 12000 7063 16668 1002 60000 35316 230/1/50-60
230V/1PH/50-60Hz - 50 bar g (725 psi g)

ED4100/50-G24D G½ G¼ 1667 100 6000 3532 3334 200 12000 7063 16668 1002 60000 35316 24V DC
24V DC - 50 bar g (725 psi g)

Stated flows are for operation at max operating pressure shown above, ambient air 25°C (77°F) / 60% RH, compressor discharge temperature 35°C (95°F),
refrigeration dryer pressure dewpoint +3°C, with reference to 20°C, 1 bar (a), 0% relative water vapour pressure. . Refrgeration dryer and filter flow rates
assume adequate condensate drainge upstream.


HDF 120 - 180 ED 3002 - 4100


HDF 220



Weight & Dimensions

Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) Weight
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
HDF120 111 4.4 156 6.1 108 4.3 0.9 2.0
HDF180 111 4.4 156 6.1 108 4.3 0.9 2.0
HDF220 111 4.4 266 10.5 108 4.3 1.9 4.2
HDF220BE 111 4.4 266 10.5 108 4.3 1.9 4.2
ED3002 146 5.7 110 4.3 67 2.6 0.5 1.1
ED3004 139 5.5 101 4.0 67 2.6 0.6 1.3
ED3007 164 6.5 122 4.8 67 2.6 1 2.2
ED3030 164 6.5 137 5.4 67 2.6 1 2.2
ED3100 164 6.5 197 7.8 67 2.6 2 4.4
ED4100 115 4.5 178 7.0 87 3.4 1.9 4.2

Parker Catalogue Numbers (HDF Drains)

Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
BSPP / 16 bar g BSPP/ 16 bar g + Vent NPT / 16 bar g + Vent



Parker Catalogue Numbers (ED Drains)

Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
230V, 50-60 Hz / 16 bar g 24V DC / 16 bar g

ED3002 ED3002-G230 -
ED3004 ED3004-G230 -
ED3007 ED3007-G230 ED3007-G24D
ED3030 ED3030-G230 ED3030-G24D
ED3100 ED3100-G230 ED3100-G24D

Thermal and Power Management

Hypercool Air and Water Cooled Aftercoolers

Technical Data - Hypercool Air Cooled

Pressure drop Noise
Maximum Electrical Adsorbed
Flow Rate Pipe at nominal Level
Model Operating Pressure Supply Current
Conn. conditions at 10 m

m³/h m³/min bar g psi g (V/ph/Hz) (A) (kPa) dB(A)

ADS004 210 3.5 16 232 1½" 230/1/50 0.36 14 44.1

ADT006 360 6 16 232 1½" 400/3/50 0.29 22 54.2

ADT009 540 9 16 232 2" 400/3/50 0.52 13 58.5

ADT028 1680 28 16 232 DN 80 400/3/50 2.70 15 70.3

ADT038 2160 36 16 232 DN 100 400/3/50 2.70 16 70.3

ADT064 3840 64 16 232 DN 150 400/3/50 5.40 26 73.0

Performances refer to models in standard materials, operating with clean cooler, with air at FAD 20°C / 1 bar A, and at the following working conditions: air
suction 25°C/60 % RH, 7 bar g working pressure, 120°C compressed air inlet temperature, temperature approach between air outlet and cooling air of ca.
10°C. The performance of models with non standard materials may differ from those quoted above.

Technical Data - Hypercool Water Cooled

Maximum Pipe
Flow Rate
Model Operating Pressure Conn.

m³/h m³/min bar g psi g Air Water

Standard Version
WFN009 540 9 16 232 2" ¾"

WFN027 1620 27 12 174 DN100 1¼"

WFN050 3000 50 12 174 DN125 1¼"

WFN090 5400 90 12 174 DN200 1¼"

Removable Tube-Bundle
WRN007 420 7 16 232 DN 50 ½"

WRN016 960 16 16 232 DN 80 ¾"

WRN028 1680 28 12 174 DN 100 1"

WRN050 3000 50 12 174 DN 125 1¼"

WRN090 5400 90 12 174 DN 200 1¼"

WRN130 7800 130 10 145 DN 250 1½"

WRN170 10200 170 10 145 DN 300 2"

WRN250 15000 250 10 145 DN 350 DN 65

WRN350 21000 350 10 145 DN 450 DN 80

WRN450 27000 450 10 145 DN 500 DN 100

WRN550 33000 550 10 145 DN 600 DN 100

Performances refer to clean cooler conditions with air at FAD 20°C / 1 bar A, and at the following working conditions: air suction 25°C / 60%RH,
7 bar g working pressure, 120°C compressed air inlet temperature, temperature approach between air outlet and water inlet of ca. 10°C. Maximum
air inlet temperature: 200°C (for higher temperatures and other gases contact Parker Sales Companies).


ADS0004 / ADT028-038 W
ADT006-009 W W1


D W 1


Weights and Dimensions - Hypercool Air Cooled

Height (H) Width (W) Width (W1) Depth Weight
mm ins mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs

ADS004 1140 44.9 715 28.1 550 21.7 303 11.9 37 81

ADT006 1315 51.8 855 33.7 690 27.2 455 17.9 58 128
ADT009 1315 51.8 1173 46.2 936 36.9 480 18.9 70 154
ADT028 1906 75.0 2054 80.9 1480 58.3 628 24.7 181 398
ADT038 1975 77.8 2263 89.1 1580 62.2 590 23.2 211 464
ADT064 2239 88.1 3650 143.7 2870 113.0 677 26.7 429 944

09-016 (with Hypersep STH* separator) 028-550 (with Hypersep SFH* separator)



½" BSP *Hypersep liquid separator

(*) sold separately.

Weights and Dimensions - Hypercool Water Cooled

A B C D Weight
mm ins mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs

Standard Version
WFN009 1020 40.2 105 4.1 - - 1191 46.9 10.5 23
WFN027 900 35.4 115 4.5 54 2.1 1221 48.1 18 40
WFN050 1300 51.2 100 3.9 58 2.3 1963 77.3 71 156
WFN090 1300 51.2 100 3.9 65 2.6 1990 78.3 121 266

Removable Tube-Bundle
WRN007 1050 41.3 72 2.8 77 3.0 1257 49.5 20 44
WRN016 1300 51.2 122 4.8 92 3.6 1563 61.5 37 81
WRN028 1300 51.2 122 4.8 55 2.2 1703 67.0 54 119
WRN050 1300 51.2 123 4.8 58 2.3 1853 73.0 71 156
WRN090 1300 51.2 117 4.6 65 2.6 1873 73.7 161 354
WRN130 1300 51.2 116 4.6 71 2.8 1983 78.1 194 427
WRN170 1300 51.2 116 4.6 71 2.8 2053 80.8 244 537
WRN250 1500 59.1 196.5 7.7 71 2.8 2503 98.5 351 772
WRN350 1500 59.1 148.5 5.8 75 3.0 2703 106.4 400 880
WRN450 1500 59.1 199.5 7.9 78 3.1 3436 135.3 609 1340
WRN550 1515 59.6 200 7.9 83 3.3 3606 142.0 931 2048
Thermal and Power Management

Hyperchill Plus Industrial Water Chiller

Technical Data
Model ICEP 002-W 003-W 005-W 007-W 010-W 014-W 020-W 024-W 030-W 040-W 050-W 060-W
Cooling capacity 1
kW 1.7 3.3 5.2 7.8 10.8 14.6 20.3 23.6 29.7 40.6 49.0 58.3
Compressor abs. power 1
kW 0.7 1.3 1.4 1.7 2.5 3.2 4.4 5.4 5.7 7.5 10.0 12.3
SEPR3 4.58 4.50 5.00 5.00 5.22 5.30 5.02 5.02 5.00 5.13 5.12 5.11
Power supply 230/1/50 400/3/50
Protection index 33 54
Refrigerant R407c

Type hermetic pistons scroll
Compressors / circuit 1/1
Max.abs. power1
kW 0.7 1.3 1.5 2.4 3.8 4.4 5.7 6.6 8.3 11.4 14.9 17.3

Axial Fans
Quantity n.° 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
Max. abs. power1 fan kW 0.07 0.12 0.12 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.45 0.69 0.69 0.69
Air flow m3/h 430 1295 1295 3437 3437 4337 6878 6159 9437 16029 15215 16875

Water Cooled Version

Condenser water flow m3/h N.A. 1.5 2.1 2.5 2.9 3.9 5.1 5.9
Condenser connections in N.A. ¾" ¾" ¾" 1" 1¼" 1¼" 1¼"

Pump P30
Max.abs.power kW 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.2 2.2 2.2
Water flow (nom./max)1 m3/h 0.3/1.9 0.6/1.9 0.9/1.9 1.3/4.8 1.8/4.8 2.5/6 3.4/9.6 4.9/9.6 5.1/9.6 6.9/18 8.4/18 10.1/18
Head pressure (nom./max)1 m H2O 35/5 33/5 26/5 30/12.8 29/12.8 29/21 29/17.3 28/17.3 26/17.3 29/23.1 27/23.1 25/23.1

Weights & Dimensions

Width mm 520 755 755 756 756 756 756 756 756 856 856 856
Depth mm 500 535 535 806 806 806 1206 1206 1206 1956 1956 1956
Height mm 550 801 801 1405 1405 1405 1405 1405 1405 1680 1680 1680
Connections in/out in ½" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" 1" 1" 1" 1½" 1½" 1½"
Tank capacity l 15 15 22.5 65 65 65 100 100 130 250 250 250
Weight (axial) kg 40 80 85 160 165 175 220 230 250 450 470 510
Weight (water cooled) kg n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 175 220 230 250 450 470 510

Noise level
Sound pressure (axial)2 dB(A) 52 52 52 53 53 50 50 50 51 52 52 53

1) At water in/out temperature 20/15°C, glycol 0%, either 25°C ambient temperature (air-cooled models) or 25°C condenser water inlet temperature with
35°C condensing temperature (water-cooled models).
2) Referred to axial fan version in free field conditions at a distance of 10 m from until, measured on condenser side, 1m from ground.
3) Value calculated in accordance with the European regulation (EU) 2016/2281 with regards to Ecodesign requirements for high temperature process

As the manufacturer of process chillers delivering water at a design temperature of 15°C, Parker Hannifin Manufacturing s.r.l.,
Gas Separation and Filtration Division EMEA, declares that Parker chillers are exempt from Ecodesign EU regulation 2016/2281.



ICEP 002 ICEP 003-005


ICEP 007-010-014 ICEP 020-030 ICEP 040-060

Correction Factors

A) Ambient Temperature °C 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Correction Factor (f1) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1 0.94 0.89 0.84 0.80

B) Water Outlet Temperature °C 5 10 15 20 25

Correction Factor (f2) 0.76 0.87 1 1.04 1.04

C) Glycol (by weight) % 0 10 20 30 40

Correction Factor (f3) 1 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96

D) Condenser Water Inlet Temp. °C 20 25 30 35 40

Correction Factor (f4) 1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0.85

To obtain the required cooling capacity, multiply the value at nominal conditions by the above correction factors (i.e. cooling
capacity = Pxf1xf2xf3xf4, where P is the cooling capacity at the water outlet temperature of 15°C). Hyperchill Plus, in its standard
configuration, can operate up to ambient temperatures of max. 48°C and min. 5°C and water temperatures of max. 30°C inlet and
min. 0°C outlet. The above correction factors are approximative: for a precise selection, always refer to the software selection

Thermal and Power Management

Hyperchill Plus Industrial Water Chiller (50Hz)

Part Number Breakdown / Product Key

Product Code

Power Supply

Low Ambient
Water Temp.
Water Tank

Low Water
be Cooled



Fluid to


Fill Kit

ICEP 002 - W A S P1 T C FS LW A 0 P
003 W T P3 0 0 L1 00 0 1 S
005 T P5 L2 2 D
007 B 00 00 3 C
010 C D3 1
W = Water S= T = With Tank LW = Low Water
020 230V/1Ph/50Hz
0 = Without 00 = NoLow
024 T= Tank Water
030 400V/3Ph/50Hz

A = Air Axial P1 = Single C = Close A = With
050 Pump 1.5 bar Control Antifreeze
W = Water +/- 0.5°C
060 P2 = Single 0 = Without
T = Tropicalised 0 = Without Antifreeze
Pump 3 bar
B = BioEnergy & Close Control
P5 = Single
Aggressive Pump 5 bar Without Fill Kit
Ambients FS = Fan Speed
ICEP = 00 = No Pump Ambient Manual
Hyperchill C = High Head Control (Low Fill Kit
Plus Pressure Fans D3 = Dual Pump Ambient -10°C)
3 bar Ambient Automatic
L1 = Low Fill Kit
Ambient -10°C
(Fan Step Pressurised Fill Kit
P = Harting Plug For
L2 = Low
Ambient -20°C
S = Siemens Electrical
00 = No Low
D = Differential Dynamic
Set Point
C = Control Panel Cover
1 = Manual External
No Character = No
Options Selected











Open Circuit ● ● ● Available with ambient manual fill kit fitted

Closed Circuit ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Air Cooled with Axial Fans ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Air Cooled with High Head

● ● ●
Pressure Fan For Air Channeling

Water Cooled ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Hyperchill Plus Industrial Water Chiller (50Hz)

Standard Part Numbers - Air Cooled with Axial Fans
Hyperchill Plus Air Cooled with axial fans (non ferrous open hydraulic circuit with tank and 3 bar pump)
ICEP002-W ICEP002-WASP3T0000001
ICEP003-W ICEP003-WASP3T0000001
ICEP005-W ICEP005-WASP3T0000001
Hyperchill Plus Air Cooled with axial fans (non ferrous pressurized closed hydraulic circuit with tank and 3 bar pump)
ICEP005-W ICEP005-WASP3T0000000
ICEP007-W ICEP007-WATP3T0000000
ICEP010-W ICEP010-WATP3T0000000
ICEP014-W ICEP014-WATP3T0000000
ICEP020-W ICEP020-WATP3T0L10000
ICEP024-W ICEP024-WATP3T0L10000
ICEP030-W ICEP030-WATP3T0L10000
ICEP040-W ICEP040-WATP3T0L10000
ICEP050-W ICEP050-WATP3T0L10000
ICEP060-W ICEP060-WATP3T0L10000

Options & Standard Features - Air Cooled with Axial Fans












Differential pressure switch standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard

MODBUS standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard

Eyebolts standard standard standard standard standard standard

Non ferrous hydraulic circuit with

standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard
water tank and 3 bar pump

Low ambient -10°C

standard standard standard standard standard standard
with fan step control

No tank ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
No tank & no pump ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
No pump ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
P50 (5 bar pump) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
P15 (1.5 bar pump) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Dual pump P30 (3 bar pump) ● ● ●
Harting plug ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Close control (+/- 0.5°C) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Low water -10°C ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Low ambient -10°C with fan

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
speed control

Low ambient -20°C with fan speed

control, cranckase heater and ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
electrical panel heater
Antifreeze heating ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

BioEnergy & aggressive ambients

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Tropicalization (53°C) ● ● ● ● ●
Differential dynamic set point ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Thermal and Power Management

Hyperchill Plus Industrial Water Chiller (50Hz)

Standard Part Numbers - Standard Part Numbers -
Air Cooled with High Head Pressure Fan For Water Cooled
Air Channeling
Hyperchill Plus Air Cooled with high head pressure fans for Hyperchill Plus Water Cooled
air channeling (non ferrous pressurized closed hydraulic (non ferrous pressurized closed hydraulic circuit
circuit with tank and 3 bar pump) with tank and 3 bar pump)
ICEP014-W ICEP014-WWTP3T0000000
ICEP020-W ICEP020-WWTP3T0000000
ICEP024-W ICEP024-WWTP3T0000000
ICEP030-W ICEP030-WWTP3T0000000
ICEP040-W ICEP040-WCTP3T0L10000 ICEP040-W ICEP040-WWTP3T0000000
ICEP050-W ICEP050-WCTP3T0L10000 ICEP050-W ICEP050-WWTP3T0000000
ICEP060-W ICEP060-WWTP3T0000000 ICEP060-W ICEP060-WWTP3T0000000

Options & Standard Features - Options & Standard Features -

Air Cooled with High Head Pressure Fan For Water Cooled
Air Channeling









Differential pressure switch standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard

MODBUS standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard

Non ferrous hydraulic

circuit with water tank standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard
and 3 bar pump

Low ambient -10°C with fan

standard standard standard
step control

No tank ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
No tank & no pump ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
No pump ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
P50 (5 bar pump) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
P15 (1.5 bar pump) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Dual pump P30 (3 bar pump) ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Harting plug ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Close control (+/- 0.5°C) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Low water -10°C ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Antifreeze heating ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Differential dynamic set point ● ● ●


Hyperchill Plus Industrial Water Chiller (60Hz UL*)

*ICEP002: UL Compliant / ICEP003-024: UL Listed

Part Number Breakdown / Product Key

Product Code

Power Supply

Low Ambient
Water Temp.
Water Tank

Low Water
be Cooled



Fluid to


Fill Kit

ICEP 002 - W A F P1 T C FS 00 A 0 P
003 W G P3 0 0 L1 0 1 D
005 B P5 L2 2 C
007 00 00 3 1
W = Water F= T = With Tank 00 = No Low
014 230V/1Ph/60Hz Water
0 = Without
020 G= Tank
024 460V/3Ph/60Hz

A = Air Axial P1 = Single C = Close A = With

Pump 1.5 bar Control Antifreeze
W = Water +/- 0.5°C
P2 = Single 0 = Without
B = Air Axial 0 = Without Antifreeze
Pump 3 bar
Bioenergy Close Control
P5 = Single
Pump 5 bar Without Fill Kit
ICEP = FS = Fan Speed Ambient Manual
00 = No Pump Control (Low
Hyperchill Fill Kit
Plus Ambient -10°C)
Ambient Automatic
L1 = Low Fill Kit
Ambient -10°C
(Fan Step Pressurised Fill Kit
P = Harting Plug For
L2 = Low
Ambient -20°C
D = Differential Dynamic
00 = No Low
Set Point
C = Control Panel Cover
1 = Manual External
No Character = No
Options Selected








Available with ambient

Open Circuit ● ● ●
manual fill kit fitted

Closed Circuit ● ● ● ● ● ●

Water Cooled ● ● ●

Thermal and Power Management

Hyperchill Plus Industrial Water Chiller (60Hz UL*)

Standard Part Numbers - Air Cooled with Axial Fans
Hyperchill Plus Air Cooled with axial fans (non ferrous open hydraulic circuit with tank and 3 bar pump)
ICEP002-W ICEP002-WAFP3T0000001
ICEP003-W ICEP003-WAFP3T0000001
ICEP005-W ICEP005-WAFP3T0000001
Hyperchill Plus Air Cooled with axial fans (non ferrous pressurized closed hydraulic circuit with tank and 3 bar pump)
ICEP005-W ICEP005-WAFP3T0000000
ICEP007-W ICEP007-WAGP3T0000000
ICEP010-W ICEP010-WAGP3T0000000
ICEP014-W ICEP014-WAGP3T0000000
ICEP020-W ICEP020-WAGP3T0L10000
ICEP024-W ICEP024-WAGP3T0L10000

Options & Standard Features - Air Cooled with Axial Fans







Differential pressure switch standard standard standard ICEP007-W
standard standard standard standard standard

MODBUS standard standard standard standard standard

Eyebolts standard standard standard standard standard standard

Non ferrous hydraulic circuit with water

standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard
tank and 3 bar pump

Low ambient -10°C

standard standard
with fan step control

No tank ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
No tank & no pump ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
No pump ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
P50 (5 bar pump) ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
P15 (1.5 bar pump) ● ● ● ● ●
Harting plug for signals ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Close control (+/- 0.5°C) ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Low water -10°C ● ● ● ● ●

Low ambient -10°C with fan

● ● ● ● ●
speed control

Low ambient -20°C with fan speed

control, cranckase heater and electrical ● ● ● ● ●
panel heater

BioEnergy & aggressive ambients

● ● ● ● ●

Differential dynamic set point ● ● ● ● ●


Hyperchill Plus - Kits and Accessories

Available Kits and Accessories

ICEP020 - ICEP030

ICEP040 - ICEP060
ICEP007 - ICEP014


Fill kit - ambient manual***
Non-ferrous ambient manual kits, 398H785314 398H785314 398H785314
for water filling in any installation.

Fill kit - ambient automatic***

Non-ferrous ambient automatic kits, 398H785316 398H785316 398H785316
for water filling in any installation.

Fill kit - pressurised automatic

with expansion tank***
Non-ferrous pressurized, automatic kits, 398H785312 398H785304 398H785304 398H785304
with expansion tank. For water filling
in any installation.

Remote control - base

Base version for remote ON/OFF 398H785009 398H785009 398H785009 398H785010 398H785010 398H785010
and general alarm monitoring.

Remote control - advanced

Advanced version for 398H785307 398H785307 398H785307
complete remote unit monitoring.

398H785302 398H785301 398H785301 398H785301
For ease of transport.

Control panel cover*** 398H785303 398H785303 398H785303

Manual external bypass***

Non-ferrous, externally adjustable
398H785305 398H785305 398H785305 398H785306 398H785317
allowing the correct flow through
the system to be set.

***From model ICEP007: ambient manual and automatic fill kit, pressurised automatic fill kit, control panel cover, manual external
bypass can be supplied already installed or loose.

Fill Kit - Ambient Fill Kit - Pressurised

Thermal and Power Management

Hyperchill Industrial Process Chiller

Technical Data
Model ICE 076 090 116 150 183 230 310 360
Cooling capacity 1
kW 76.0 90.2 115.5 149.2 182.3 228 309 360
Compressor abs. power 1
kW 15.4 20.3 24.9 30.8 40.1 51.4 65 82
SEPR3 5.39 5.04 5.08 5.35 5.04 5.02 5.51 5.73

Power supply 400/3/50 no neutral

Protection index 54
Refrigerant R407C

Type Hermetic scroll
Compressors/circuits 2/2 4/2
Max abs. power - 1 comp. kW 11.1 13.7 16.8 11.1 13.7 16.8 23.3 28.7

Axial Fans
Quantity n° 3 2 3 4
Max abs. power - 1 fan kW 0.78 0.78 0.78 2 2 2 2 2
Air flow m3/h 25500 25000 26400 47000 46000 66000 88000 88000

Centrifugal Fans
Quantity N° 3 3
Max abs. power - 1 fan kW 1.5 1.5 1.5 3 3 3
Air flow m3/h 25500 25000 26400 47000 46000 66000
Head pressure Pa 100 100 100 180 180 130

Water Cooled Version

Condenser water flow m3/h 11.1 11.5 16.6 19.2 31.0 33.0
Condensers connections in 1¼" 1¼" 1¼" 1 ¼" 1¼" 1½"

Pump P30
Max abs.power kW 2.5 2.7 2.7 4.5 4.5 4.5 8.4 8.4
Water flow (nom/max)1 m3/h 13/31 15/27 20/27 25/50 30/50 39/50 53/90 62/90
Head pressure (nom/min)1 m H2O 23/13 28/16 25/16 34/20 32/20 26/20 26/19 23/19

Weights & Dimensions

Width mm 898 898 898 1287 1287 1287 1500 1500
Depth mm 2200 2200 2200 3000 3000 3260 4200 4200
Height mm 1984 1984 1984 2298 2298 2298 2240 2240
Connections in/out in 2" 2" 2" 2½" 2½" 2½" 4" 4"
Tank capacity l 500 500 500 1000 1000 1000 400 400
Weight (axial) kg 800 900 1000 1500 1800 2100 2900 3100
Weight (centrif.) kg 950 1050 1150 1700 2000 2300
Weight (water cooled) kg 800 900 1000 1500 1800 2100

Noise level
Sound pressure (axial)2 dB(A) 58 58 58 62 62 64 65 65

1) At water in/out temperature 20/15°C, glycol 0%, either 25°C ambient temperature (air-cooled models) or 25°C condenser water inlet temperature with
35°C condensing temperature (water-cooled models).
2) Referred to axial fan version in free field conditions at a distance of 10 m from until, measured on condenser side, 1m from ground.
3) Value calculated in accordance with the European regulation (EU) 2016/2281 with regards to Ecodesign requirements for high temperature process

As the manufacturer of process chillers delivering water at a design temperature of 15°C, Parker Hannifin Manufacturing s.r.l.,
Gas Separation and Filtration Division EMEA, declares that Parker chillers are exempt from Ecodesign EU regulation 2016/2281.

ICE076-116 ICE230




ICE150 - 183 ICE310-360

Correction Factors
A) Ambient Temperature
°C 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
(Air Cooled Models)

Correction Factor (f1) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1 0.95 0.89 0.83 0.77

B) Water Outlet Temperature °C 5 10 15 20 25

Correction Factor (f2) 0.72 0.86 1 1 1

C) Glycol % 0 10 20 30 40 50

Correction Factor (f3) 1 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.94

D) Condenser Water Inlet Temp.

°C 20 25 30 35 40
(Water Cooled Models)

Correction Factor (f4) 1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0.85

To obtain the required cooling capacity multiply the value at nominal conditions by the above correction factors (i.e. cooling capacity
= Pxf1xf2xf3xf4, where P is the cooling capacity at conditions (1)). Hyperchill, in its standard configuration, can operate up to
ambient temperatures of max 45°C and min. 5°C and water temperatures of max 30°C inlet and min. 0°C outlet. The above correction
factors are approximative: for a precise selection always refer to the software selection programme.

Thermal and Power Management

Hyperchill Industrial Process Chiller (50Hz)

Part Number Breakdown / Product Key

Product Code

Power Supply

Low Ambient
Water Temp.

Low Water




ICE 076 A 400350 1P15 FF C L1 LW A

090 W 1P30 NF 0 L2 00 0
116 C 2P30 F0 00
150 B 1P50
183 0000
C = Close
230 Control
400350 = +/- 0.5°C LW = Low Water
310 400V/3Ph/50Hz
0 = Without 00 = No Low
360 Close Control Water

ICE = A = Air Axial 1P15 = Single FF = With Tank L1 = Low A = With

Hyperchill Pump 1.5 bar Ambient -10°C Antifreeze
W = Water NF = Non
(Fan Step
1P30 = Single Ferrous 0 = Without
C = Centrifugal Control)
Pump 3 bar Antifreeze
0 = Without
B = BioEnergy & L2 = Low
2P30 = Dual Tank
Aggressive Ambient -20°C
Pump 3 bar
Ambients 00 = No Low
P5 = Single
Pump 5 bar
000 = No Pump









Air Cooled with Axial Fans ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Air Cooled with Centrifugal Fan

● ● ● ● ● ●
For Air Channeling

Water Cooled ● ● ● ● ● ●


Hyperchill Industrial Process Chiller (50Hz)

Standard Part Numbers - Air Cooled with Axial Fans
Hyperchill Air Cooled with axial fans

ICE076 ICE076A4003501P30FF000000

ICE090 ICE090A4003501P30FF000000

ICE116 ICE116A4003501P30FF000000

ICE150 ICE150A4003501P30FF000000

ICE183 ICE183A4003501P30FF000000

ICE230 ICE230A4003501P30FF000000

ICE310 ICE310A4003501P30F00LA000

ICE360 ICE360A4003501P30F00LA000

Options & Standard Features - Air Cooled with Axial Fans








Water tank standard standard standard standard standard standard ● ●
Without tank standard standard
P30 (3 bar pump) standard standard standard standard standard standard ● ●
No pump ● ● ● ● ● ● standard standard
P50 (5 bar pump) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
P15 (1.5 bar pump) ● ● ● ● ● ● on request on request
Dual pump P30 (3 bar pump) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Close control (+/- 0.5°C) ● ● ● ● ● ●
Low water -10°C ● ● ● ● ● ● on request on request

Low ambient -10°C with

● ● ● ● ● ● standard standard
fan step control

Low ambient -20°C with fan

speed control, cranckase heater ● ● ● ● ● ● on request on request
and electrical panel heater
Antifreeze heating ● ● ● ● ● ● on request on request

BioEnergy & aggressive ambients

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Non ferrous hydraulic circuit ● ● ● ● ● ●

MODBUS on request on request on request on request on request on request on request on request

Thermal and Power Management

Hyperchill Industrial Process Chiller (50Hz)

Standard Part Numbers - Standard Part Numbers -
Air Cooled with Centrifugal Fans Water Cooled
Hyperchill Air Cooled with centrifugal fans Hyperchill Water Cooled
ICE076 ICE076C4003501P30FF000000 ICE076 ICE076W4003501P30FF000000
ICE090 ICE090C4003501P30FF000000 ICE090 ICE090W4003501P30FF000000
ICE116 ICE116C4003501P30FF000000 ICE116 ICE116W4003501P30FF000000
ICE150 ICE150C4003501P30FF000000 ICE150 ICE150W4003501P30FF000000
ICE183 ICE183C4003501P30FF000000 ICE183 ICE183W4003501P30FF000000
ICE230 ICE230C4003501P30FF000000 ICE230 ICE230W4003501P30FF000000

Options & Standard Features - Options & Standard Features -

Air Cooled with Centrifugal Fans Water Cooled











Water tank standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard

P30 (3 bar pump) standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard

No pump ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
P50 (5 bar pump) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
P15 (1.5 bar pump) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Dual pump P30 (3 bar pump) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Close control (+/- 0.5°C) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Low water -10°C ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Low ambient -10°C with

● ● ● ● ● ●
fan step control

Antifreeze heating ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Non ferrous hydraulic circuit ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Hyperchill Available Kits and Accessories

ICE076 - ICE090 ICE150 - ICE230

ICE310 ICE360
PCW080 - PCW330 PCW420 - PCW650

Fill kit - ambient manual 398H785054 398H785053

Fill kit - ambient automatic 398H785051 398H785052

Fill kit - pressurised automatic

398H785055 398H785055
with expansion tank

Remote control - base 398H785010 398H785010 398H785010 398H785010

Remote control - advanced 398H785011 398H785011 398H785011 398H785011

Control panel cover 398H785089 398H785089 398H785089 398H785089

Manual external bypass on request on request


Hyperchill Industrial Water Chiller (60Hz UL)

Part Number Breakdown / Product Key

Product Code

Power Supply

Low Ambient
Water Temp.

Low Water




PCW 080 A 460360 1P30 FF C LA LW 0

110 B 1P50 NF 0 L2 00 M
130 0000 00
460360 = C = Close LW = Low Water
210 460V/3Ph/60Hz Control 00 = No Low
260 +/- 0.5°C Water
330 Standard
PCW = 510 A = Air Axial 1P30 = Single FF = With Tank LA = Low 0 = No options
Hyperchill Pump 3 bar Ambient -10°C
650 B = BioEnergy & NF = Non M = Modbus
60Hz (Fan Step
Aggressive P5 = Single Ferrous
Ambients Pump 5 bar
L2 = Low
000 = No Pump
Ambient -20°C
00 = No Low
Standard Part Numbers - Air Cooled with Axial Fans
Hyperchill Air Cooled with axial fans
PCW080 PCW080A4603601P30FF000000
PCW110 PCW110A4603601P30FF000000
PCW130 PCW130A4603601P30FF000000
PCW160 PCW160A4603601P30FF000000
PCW210 PCW210A4603601P30FF000000
PCW260 PCW260A4603601P30FF000000
PCW330 PCW330A4603601P30FF000000
PCW420 PCW420A4603601P30FF000000
PCW510 PCW510A4603601P30FF000000
PCW650 PCW650A4603601P30FF000000

Options & Standard Features - Air Cooled with Axial Fans











Water tank standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard
P30 (3 bar pump) standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard
No pump ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
P50 (5 bar pump) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
P15 (1.5 bar pump) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Close control (+/- 0.5°C) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Low water -10°C ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Low ambient -10°C with
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
fan step control

Low ambient -20°C with fan

speed control, cranckase heater ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
and electrical panel heater

BioEnergy & aggressive ambients

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Non ferrous hydraulic circuit ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
MODBUS ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Thermal and Power Management

Hyperchill Laser Industrial Process Chiller

Technical Data Pump P30

Model HLS 076 090 116 Max abs.power kW 2.5 2.7 2.7
Cooling capacity 1
kW 76.0 90.2 115.5 Water flow (nom/max) 1
m /h
13/31 15/27 20/27
Compressor abs. power 1
kW 15.4 20.3 24.9 Head pressure (nom/min)1 m H2O 23/13 28/16 25/16
Cooling capacity2 kW 67.1 79.9 103.3
Pump P50
Compressor abs. power2 kW 18.7 24.2 29.9
Max abs.power kW 4.5 4.5 4.5
Power supply 400/3/50 no neutral Water flow (nom/max) 1
m /h
13.1/27 15.5/27 19.8/27
Head pressure (nom/min)1 m H2O 30/18 28/18 25/18
Protection index 54
Refrigerant R407C Weights & Dimensions
Width mm 898 898 898
Depth mm 2200 2200 2200
Type Hermetic scroll
Height mm 1984 1984 1984
Compressors/circuits 2/2
Connections in/out in 2" 2" 2"
Max abs. power1 comp. kW 11.1 13.7 16.8
Tank capacity l 300 300 300
Axial fans Weight (axial) kg 750 870 960
Quantity n° 3
Noise level
Max abs. power1 fan kW 0.78 0.78 0.78
Sound pressure (axial)3 dB(A) 58 58 58
Air flow m3/h 25500 25000 26400

1) At water inlet/outlet temperature = 20/15°C, glycol 0 %, ambient temperature 25°C.

2) At water inlet/outlet temperature = 25/20°C, glycol 0 %, ambient temperature 35°C.
3) Referred to free field conditions at a distance of 10m from unit, measured on condenser side, 1m from ground.

As the manufacturer of process chillers delivering water at a design temperature of 15°C, Parker Hannifin Manufacturing s.r.l.,
Gas Separation and Filtration Division EMEA, declares that Parker chillers are exempt from Ecodesign EU regulation 2016/2281.

Correction Factors
A) Ambient Temperature °C 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Correction Factor (f1) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1 0.95 0.89 0.83 0.77

B) Water Outlet Temperature °C 5 10 15 20 25

Correction Factor (f2) 0.72 0.88 1 1 1

C) Glycol (by weight) % 0 10 20 30

Correction Factor (f3) 1 0.99 0.98 0.97

To obtain the required cooling capacity multiply the value at nominal conditions by the above correction factors (i.e. cooling capacity
= Pxf1xf2xf3, where P is the cooling capacity at conditions (1). Hyperchill Laser, in its standard configuration, can operate up to
ambient temperatures of max 48 °C for ICEP models, 45°C for HLS models and min 5 °C and water temperatures of max 30 °C inlet
and min. 0°C outlet. The above correction factors are approximative: for a precise selection always refer to the software selection




Part Number Breakdown / Product Key

Product Code

Power Supply

Low Ambient
Water Temp.

Low Water




HLS 076 A 400350 1P30 SS C LA 00 A

090 1P50 0
116 0000

400350 = C = Close 00 = No Low

400V/3Ph/50Hz Control Water
+/- 0.5°C

HLS = A = Air Cooled 1P30 = Single SS = Stainless LA = Low A = Antifreeze

Hyperchill Laser Pump 3 bar Steel With Tank Ambient -10°C
0 = No
(Fan Step
P5 = Single Antifreeze
Pump 5 bar
000 = No Pump

Standard Part Numbers - Air Cooled with Axial Fans

Hyperchill Laser Air Cooled with axial fans, non ferrous hydraulic circuit,
close control, low ambient temperature -10°C, manual fill kit.
HLS076 HLS076A4003501P30SSCLA000
HLS090 HLS090A4003501P30SSCLA000
HLS116 HLS116A4003501P30SSCLA000

Options & Standard Features - Hyperchill Laser

Air Cooled with Axial Fans Available Kits and Accessories





Close control (+/- 0.5°C) standard standard standard Fill kit ambient manual standard standard standard
P30 (3 bar pump) standard standard standard Remote control base 398H785010 398H785010 398H785010
Low ambient -10°C standard standard standard
Closed circuit 398H785011 398H785011 398H785011
Stainless steel with tank standard standard standard
Control panel cover 398H785089 398H785089 398H785089
Antifreeze heating ● ● ●
No pump ● ● ● Hydraulic bypass on request on request on request

P50 (5 bar pump) ● ● ● Automatic check valves on request on request on request

Sizing andNitrogen
Industrial Selection
- Thermal
and Power Management

Industrial Nitrogen Gas Applications

There are thousands of applications for industrial gases. Nitrogen is generally used for three main functions:
• It prevents microbial growth or acts as a filler gas in food applications
• It prevents slow oxidization of products such as chemicals and metals during processing or heating
• It prevents rapid oxidization of products that are flammable or explosive

Pharmaceutical the beam is generated), to the cutting head, is free of contamination

that could otherwise affect the power or alter the shape of the
Whether in primary or secondary pharmaceutical product beam.
manufacture or as a centralised QA laboratory supply; within
research establishments or universities and colleges, Parker can Laser Sintering
offer a solution to suit the critical demands of this industry sector. Laser sintering or rapid prototyping uses a laser to form a solid
3D structure within a plastic powder material. Complex shapes
For blanketing of pharmaceutical product ingredients and pressure and patterns can be constructed and modelled with ease. Nitrogen
transfer within reactor vessels, to micronising powders to prevent is used to blanket and prevent oxidisation of the powder material
oxidisation or explosion, Parker nitrogen generators can cut costs, while it melts and solidifies to shape under the heat generated by
reduce risk and improve productivity. the laser beam.
Centralised laboratory systems remove the need to have high Laser Ablation
pressure cylinders within the working environment and the Nitrogen is used to expel fumes and blanket delicate electronic
possibility of running out of gas during a QA analysis procedure. circuits where a laser beam is used to erode pathways on micro
Parker nitrogen gas generators are typically used for analytical printed circuit boards.
equipment such as LC/MS, GC, reaction blanketing within fume
cupboards, solvent evaporation, ICP, ELSD, NMR and circular Laser Eye Surgery
dichroism. Nitrogen is used as a beam purge and pneumatics gas on Eximer
laser machines which are used in the corrective treatment of
eyesight defects.
Food and Beverage
Most food products start to deteriorate from the moment they are Heat Treatment
harvested or prepared for packaging, being under attack from a
multitude of spoilage mechanisms. By flushing, storing and/or Nitrogen gas is commonly used to exclude oxygen from heat
packing with nitrogen, oxygen that many of these micro-organisms treatment furnaces and ovens. Parker can supply nitrogen gas
need in order to survive and multiply, is removed and the spoilage generation systems to replace expensive bulk vessel liquid supplies
process is significantly reduced. for many heat treatment processes.

Prepared salads and vegetables, fresh chilled ready meals, meat, Typical applications include:
poultry, fish, dairy produce (including cheese), breads, coffee as • Belt furnaces
well as snack foods such as potato chips and nuts can all benefit • Batch furnaces
from ‘modified atmosphere packaging’ (or MAP as it is often
referred to). By using nitrogen gas from a Parker generator, the • Vacuum ovens
product shelf life is increased and the appearance and quite often • Brazing
taste, is also improved. • Carburising
Nitrogen is also used for ‘controlled atmosphere storage’ of fresh • Tempering
fruits and vegetables, sparging and blanketing food oils as well as • Annealing
bulk powders, cereals and liquid ingredients. • Gas quenching
Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and ingredients can suffer • Neutral hardening
similar spoilage mechanisms to food, however one of the most • Normalising
significant threats to product quality is oxidisation which adversely
affects product taste. Beer and wine can absorb unwanted • Sintering
dissolved oxygen throughout the production process. Oxygen can
also reduce the effectiveness of natural or added vitamin C which Fire Prevention and Archive Protection
maybe used in fruit juices.
From the preservation of treasures for the generations after us, to
Nitrogen gas generators provide an ideal cost effective solution for preventing essential data destruction due to fire, Parker nitrogen
all of the processes involved in beverage production. generators provide a unique solution.
Oxygen depleted air can be pumped into buildings that house
Lasers treasures and archives or computer stored data to help prevent
Laser Cutting total loss caused by fire. Museum pieces, paintings, artefacts,
By far the largest use of nitrogen gas within this industry sector is furniture and valuable fabrics can all be protected.
for laser cutting. Nitrogen gas is used as an ‘assist gas’ to prevent In general, only a modest reduction in normal ambient oxygen
oxidisation or discolouration and to blow away the molten material levels is enough to prevent fire. At 16% oxygen content, archives
from the cut edge. are protected whilst intermittent human exposure to these levels
It is also used in certain types of laser cutting machine as a ‘purge will have no adverse effects.
gas’ to ensure the laser beam guide path from the resonator (where


What Nitrogen Quality Do I Need?

Traditional gas companies generally provide gas that is of high purity regardless of whether the application or process needs it. This is as
a result of the ASU manufacturing process. Typically cylinder and liquid nitrogen has a maximum remaining oxygen content of between
5ppm to 20ppm v/v.
The majority of applications do not need such high purity gas and the benefit of using a higher oxygen content Parker generated gas is that
less energy is used to produce it, so the unit gas cost will be more competitive.
For example using nitrogen with a maximum remaining oxygen content of 5% uses 5 times less energy to generate than with a maximum
remaining oxygen content of 10ppm.
Providing customers with ultra-high purity nitrogen in all instances is an unnecessary waste of money and energy.

What do we mean by ‘purity’?

By purity Parker means the maximum remaining oxygen content in the output nitrogen gas. Parker nitrogen technology when combined
with Parker compressed air pre-treatment, guarantees the nitrogen gas to be commercially sterile, oil-free, dry and particulate free.
(Within the specifications defined in the product information data contained in this catalogue.)

The maximum remaining oxygen content required will vary with every application.
Maximum cost and energy savings = maximum oxygen level permissible

High Purity Mid Purity Low Purity

10 ppm to 1000ppm 0.1% to 1% (99.9% to 99%) 1% to 5% (99% to 95%)
(99.999% to 99.9%)
Food MAP Brazing Fire prevention Pigging
Laser cutting 0.1% to 1% 0.5% 5% 5%
50ppm to 500ppm Food processing Injection molding Explosion prevention Autoclaves
Heat treatment 0.1% to 1% 0.5% to 1% 2% to 5% 5%
10ppm to 1000ppm Beer dispense Wire annealing Pressure testing Laser sintering
Electronics soldering 0.5% 0.5% 5% 2%
50ppm to 500ppm Wine blanketing Aluminium sparging Gas seal blanketing Dry boxes
Pharmaceutical 0.5% 0.5% 5% 2%
10ppm to 5000ppm Oil sparging Chemical blanketing
0.5% 1% to 5%

Typical PSA Installations Nitrogen Buffer Vessel

Nitrogen Storage

Layout for standard

industrial applications Air Receiver


Nitrogen Gas Generator

Dry Air System
Compressed Air
Industrial Nitrogen Gas Generation

Nitrogen Gas Generation - Typical PSA Installations

Nitrogen Storage
Layout for standard
industrial applications Nitrogen Buffer Vessel

Air Receiver


NITROSource Compact
PSA Nitrogen
Gas Generator

K-MT Heatless
Air Dryer Nitrogen
Compressed Air

Layout for food and pharmaceutical Nitrogen Storage Sterile Gas Filter
applications with sterile gas filtration
Nitrogen Buffer Vessel

Air Receiver


Nitrogen Gas Generator

FBP HL Oil-Free
Air System
Compressed Air


Layout for intermediate pressure Low Pressure High Pressure

40 barg applications Nitrogen Storage Coalescing Filters

Nitrogen Buffer Vessel

Air Receiver


40 barg
Nitrogen Storage
40 barg Booster

Nitrogen Gas Generator

Compressed Air
Dry Air System

Layout for high pressure Low Pressure High Pressure

350 barg applications Nitrogen Storage Coalescing Filters

Nitrogen Buffer Vessel

Air Receiver


High Pressure
Manifold Cylinder Pack

High Pressure Booster

Nitrogen Gas Generator
Dry Air System Compressed Air

Industrial Nitrogen Gas Generation

Nitrogen Gas Generation - Typical Multi-bank Installations

Unlike traditional designs, NITROSource PSA models can be multi-banked to provide extra nitrogen capacity
should demand increase in the future. There is no need to replace the generator with a larger unit, additional
capacity can be covered by simply adding extra bank(s).

2 x NITROSource with individual

compressed air treatment (2 x OFAS)
OFAS required for ambient conditions >35°C

Compressed Air

4 x NITROSource with individual

compressed air treatment (4 x CDAS)

Compressed Air


4 x NITROSource with joint

compressed air treatment (1 x PSE and 1 x OVR)

Compressed Air

5 x NITROSource with joint

compressed air treatment (1 x MX)

Compressed Air

Industrial Nitrogen Gas Generation

NITROSource PSA Nitrogen Gas Generator

Technical Data
Nitrogen Flow Rates m3/hr vs Purity (Oxygen Content)

Model Parts Per Million (ppm) Percent (%)

5 10 50 100 250 500 0.10 0.40 0.50 1 2 3 4 5

N2-20P 3.5 4.5 6.7 8.0 9.7 11.1 12.4 16.7 17.7 21.3 25.3 29.8 30.9 33.7
N2-25P 5.3 6.8 10.1 12.0 14.6 16.7 18.6 25.1 26.6 32.0 38.0 44.7 46.4 50.6
N2-35P 7.0 9.0 13.4 16.0 19.4 22.2 24.8 33.4 35.4 42.6 50.6 59.6 61.8 67.4
N2-45P 8.8 11.3 16.8 20.0 24.3 27.8 31.0 41.8 44.3 53.3 63.3 74.5 77.3 84.3
N2-55P 10.5 13.5 20.1 24.0 29.1 33.3 37.2 50.1 53.1 63.9 75.9 89.4 92.7 101.1
N2-60P 11.6 15.0 22.3 26.6 32.3 36.9 41.2 55.5 58.9 70.8 84.1 99.1 102.7 112.1
N2-65P 13.3 17.1 25.5 30.4 36.9 42.2 47.1 63.5 67.3 80.9 96.1 113.2 117.4 128.1
N2-75P 14.5 18.6 27.7 33.1 40.2 46.0 51.3 69.1 73.3 88.2 104.7 123.4 127.9 139.5
N2-80P 16.1 20.7 30.8 36.8 44.6 51.1 57.0 76.8 81.4 98.0 116.4 137.1 142.1 155.0
Performance data is based on 7 bar g air inlet pressure and 20°C - 25°C ambient temperature. Consult Parker for performance under
specific conditions.
m3 reference standard 20°C, 1013 millibar(a), 0% relative water vapour pressure.

Inlet Parameters Electrical Parameters

ISO 8573-1: 2010 Class 2.2.2 Generator Supply 100 - 240 +/- 10% Vac 50/60Hz
Inlet Air Quality (2.2.1 with high oil vapour content)
Generator Power 55 W
3.15 A (Anti Surge (T), 250v,
Inlet Air Pressure Range 5 - 13 bar g (72.5 - 217 psi g) Fuse 5 x 20mm HBC, Breaking Capacity 1500A
@ 250v, IEC 60127, UL R/C Fuse)

Environmental Parameters Port Connections

Ambient Temperature 5 - 50°C (41 - 122°F) Air Inlet G1

Humidity 50% @ 40°C (80% @ MAX @ 31°C) N2 Outlet to Buffer G1

N2 Inlet from Buffer G½
IP Rating IP20 / NEMA 1
N2 Outlet G½
Pollution Degree 2
Installation Category II
Altitude < 2000 m (6562 ft)
Noise <80 dB (A)

Part Number Breakdown / Product Key Buffer Vessel Sizes

Technology (EST)
Flow @ 5 bar g

Energy Saving
Product Code


Model Size (litres)

O2 Purity

N2-20P 250

N2-25P 500
N2 - 20 P X L N
25 A M Y N2-35P 500
35 B H
N2-45P 750
N = Does Not
60 Include EST N2-55P 750
55 X = Ultra High Purity Y = Includes EST
N2-60P 750
65 (≤10ppm)
L = Low Flow
75 A = High Purity (ppm) (0-60 m³/hr) N2-65P 1000
80 B = Low Purity (%) M = Medium Flow
(60-120 m³/hr) N2-75P 1000
N2 = P = Pressure Swing H = High Flow
NITROSource Adsorption (PSA) (120-300 m³/hr) N2-80P 1000


Weights and Dimensions

Unpacked Packed
Model Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) Weight Height Width Depth Weight
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
N2-20P 881 34.7 299 658 1090 42.9 398.4 876
N2-25P 1050 41.3 384 845 1260 49.6 495.4 1090
729 28.7
N2-35P 1219 48.0 469 1032 1430 56.3 580.4 1277
N2-45P 1388 54.6 553 1217 1600 63.0 686.4 1510
N2-55P 1894 74.6 550 21.7 1557 61.3 638 1404 2000 78.7 1770 69.7 782.4 1721
N2-60P 1726 68.0 722 1588 1935 76.2 897.4 1974
N2-65P 1895 74.6 807 1775 832 32.8 2100 82.7 997.4 2194
N2-75P 2064 81.3 892 1962 2275 89.6 1093.4 2405
N2-80P 2233 87.9 976 2147 2445 96.3 1186.4 2610

Preventative Maintenance Kits

High Purity Generators (ppm) Low Purity Generators (%)
Model Without EST With EST Without EST With EST
(Model Nos. N2XXPAXN) (Model Nos. N2XXPAXY) (Model Nos. N2XXPBXN) (Model Nos. N2XXPBXY)
Kit Part M12.NONEST.0001 M12.EST.0001 M12.NONEST.0001 M12.EST.0001
Numbers M24.PPM.0002 M24.PPM.0002 M24.PCT.0002 M24.PCT.0002
M36.STD.0001 M36.STD.0001 M36.STD.0001 M36.STD.0001
M60.STD.0001 M60.STD.0001 M60.STD.0001 M60.STD.0001

Kit Contents
Part Number Description / Service Interval Contents

M12.NONEST.0001 12 Month Non EST Service Kit Exhaust Silencer

(Every 12 Months) P025AO Dust Filter Element
M12.EST.0001 12 Month EST Service Kit Exhaust Silencer
(Every 12 Months) P025AO Dust Filter Element
In-Line Filter
M24.PPM.0002 24 Month PPM Service Kit PPM Cell c/w Wiring
(Every 24 Months)
M24.PCT.0002 24 Month Percentage Service Kit % Cell c/w Wiring
(Every 24 Months)
M36.STD.0001 36 Month Standard Service Kit 8 Bank Solenoid Valve
(Every 36 Months)

M60.STD.0001 60 Month Standard Service Kit 40 x 25mm Stroke Cylinders (x6)

(Every 24 Months) Over Moulded Valve Discs and Guides (x6)
50 x 100mm Stroke Cylinders (x2)
Valve Discs (x2 Sets)
Valve Bonnets (x2)
Assorted O-Rings
Fixing Screws
Industrial Nitrogen Gas Generation

NITROSource Compact PSA Nitrogen Gas Generator

Please contact Parker for NITROSource Compact performance data or visit

Inlet Parameters Electrical Parameters

ISO 8573-1: 2010 Class 2.2.2 Generator Supply 100 - 240 +/- 10% Vac 50/60Hz
Inlet Air Quality (2.2.1 with high oil vapour content)
Generator Power 55 W
3.15 A (Anti Surge (T), 250v,
Inlet Air Pressure Range 6 - 10 bar g (87 - 145 psi g) Fuse 5 x 20mm HBC, Breaking Capacity 1500A
@ 250v, IEC 60127, UL R/C Fuse)

Environmental Parameters Port Connections

Ambient Temperature 5 - 50°C (41 - 122°F) Air Inlet G1

Humidity 50% @ 40°C (80% @ MAX @ 31°C) N2 Outlet to Buffer G1

N2 Inlet from Buffer G½
IP Rating IP20 / NEMA 1
N2 Outlet G½
Pollution Degree 2
Installation Category II
Altitude < 2000 m (6562 ft)
Noise <80 dB (A)

Model Units 10PPM 50PPM 100PPM 250PPM 500PPM 0.1% 0.5% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5%
m3/hr 0.81 1.24 1.54 1.77 2.09 2.48 3.69 4.39 6.11 7.73 9.13 10.29
cfm 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.2 2.6 3.6 4.5 5.4 6.1
m3/hr 1.73 2.38 2.94 3.52 4.21 4.96 7.58 9.12 12.95 15.89 18.38 20.57
cfm 1.0 1.4 1.7 2.1 2.5 2.9 4.5 5.4 7.6 9.4 10.8 12.1
m3/hr 2.41 3.91 4.46 5.66 6.50 7.59 11.06 13.32 18.64 22.68 26.06 29.04
cfm 1.4 2.3 2.6 3.3 3.8 4.5 6.5 7.8 11.0 13.3 15.3 17.1
m3/hr 3.38 5.01 5.89 7.35 8.68 10.24 14.86 18.01 24.02 29.33 33.93 37.81
cfm 2.0 2.9 3.5 4.3 5.1 6.0 8.7 10.6 14.1 17.3 20.0 22.3
Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar g (100 psi g / 0.7 MPa g) with reference to 25 °C

Part Number Breakdown / Product Key

Design Pressure

Outlet Version
Product Code

Flow Control

O2 Purity

N2C - 2 N C A L N
4 B A
8 C = Constant N=
No Analyser
A = Analyser
N2C = NITROSource N = Non Equalising A = High Purity (ppm)
B = Low Purity (%)

L = Low Pressure
(6 - 10 bar g)



Weights and Dimensions

Unpacked Packed
Model Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) Weight Height Width Depth Weight
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
N2C-2 471 19 98 216 174 383
N2C-4 640 26 145 320 221 487
1034 41 450 18 1490 59 612 24 950 38
N2C-6 809 33 196 432 272 597
N2C-8 977 38 249 549 303 668

Preventative Maintenance Kits

Part Number Description / Service Interval Contents

606280162 12 Month MIST–X Silencer Kit MIST–X 150 Silencer

(Every 12 Months)
P010AO 12 Month Filter Element Kit P001AO Dust Filter Element
(Every 12 Months)
M24.PPM.0002 24 Month PPM Service Kit PPM Cell c/w Wiring
(Every 24 Months)
M24.PCT.0002 24 Month Percentage Service Kit % Cell c/w Wiring
(Every 24 Months)
606510003 24 Month Valve Overhaul Kit - Air Inlet Valves (x2)
Generator With Analyser (Every 24 Months) Exhaust Valves (x2)
Outlet Valves (x2)
606510005 24 Month Valve Overhaul Kit - Air Inlet Valves (x2)
Generator Without Analyser (Every 24 Months) Exhaust Valves (x2)
Outlet Valve

Industrial Nitrogen Gas Generation - Membrane Modules

SmartFluxx SA604


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Typical Nitrogen1) flow rate Typical Feed-air consumption at nitrogen flow rate
Purity % in m3/hr2) (SCFM) Purity % in m3/hr2) (SCFM)
99.5 99.0 98.0 97.0 96.0 95.0 99.5 99.0 98.0 97.0 96.0 95.0
4 bar g 0.20 0.32 0.50 0.73 0.84 1.04 4 bar g 1.9 1.8 1.9 2.3 2.3 2.5
(58 psi g) (0.12) (0.19) (0.29) (0.43) (0.49) (0.61) (58 psi g) (1.1) (1.1) (1.1) (1.4) (1.4) (1.5)
5 bar g 0.28 0.46 0.73 0.92 1.17 1.54 5 bar g 2.2 2.3 2.6 2.7 3.0 3.6
(72.5 psi g) (0.16) (0.27) (0.43) (0.54) (0.69) (0.91) (72.5 psi g) (1.3) (1.4) (1.5) (1.6) (1.8) (2.1)
6 bar g 0.44 0.60 0.92 1.20 1.53 1.75 6 bar g 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.4 3.9 4.0
(87 psi g) (0.21) (0.35) (0.54) (0.71) (0.9) (1.03) (87 psi g) (1.5) (1.6) (1.9) (2) (2.3) (2.4)
7 bar g 0.44 0.71 1.16 1.49 1.90 2.10 7 bar g 3.0 3.3 3.9 4.2 4.8 4.7
(101.5 psi g) (0.26) (0.42) (0.68) (0.88) (1.12) (1.24) (101.5 psi g) (1.8) (1.9) (2.3) (2.5) (2.8) (2.8)
8 bar g 0.54 0.85 1.31 1.75 2.17 2.60 8 bar g 3.5 3.8 4.4 4.9 5.4 5.8
(116 psi g) (0.32) (0.5) (0.77) (0.77) (1.28) (1.53) (116 psi g) (2.1) (2.2) (2.6) (2.9) (3.2) (3.4)
9 bar g 0.59 0.97 1.54 2.08 2.50 3.00 9 bar g 3.7 4.3 5.1 5.8 6.3 6.7
(130.5 psi g) (0.35) (0.57) (0.91) (1.22) (1.47) (1.77) (130.5 psi g) (2.2) (2.5) (3) (3.4) (3.7) (3.9)
10 bar g 0.67 1.11 1.78 2.29 2.80 3.40 10 bar g 4.1 4.8 5.9 6.3 7.0 7.5
(145 psi g) (0.39) (0.65) (1.05) (1.35) (1.65) (2) (145 psi g) (2.4) (2.8) (3.5) (3.7) (4.1) (4.4)
11 bar g 0.73 1.25 1.95 2.57 3.20 3.90 11 bar g 4.4 5.3 6.3 7.1 7.9 8.5
(159.5 psi g) (0.43) (0.74) (1.15) (1.51) (1.88) (2.3) (159.5 psi g) (2.6) (3.1) (3.7) (4.2) (4.6) (5)
12 bar g 0.79 1.39 2.17 2.80 3.40 4.20 12 bar g 4.6 5.9 7.0 7.7 8.4 9.3
(174 psi g) (0.46) (0.82) (1.28) (1.65) (2) (2.47) (174 psi g) (2.7) (3.5) (4.1) (4.5) (4.9) (5.5)
13 bar g 0.89 1.49 2.40 3.10 3.80 4.80 13 bar g 5.5 6.4 7.9 8.7 9.5 10.7
(188.5 psi g) (0.52) (0.88) (1.41) (1.82) (2.24) (2.83) (188.5 psi g) (3.2) (3.8) (4.6) (5.1) (5.6) (6.3)
Maximum pressure drop <0.1 bar.
Values between brackets are indicative imperial values
1) The above data represents the typical performance of a single membrane module. Actual performance can vary depending on factors such as feed air pressure and temperature. Please

contact your Parker go to person for actual performance information to meet your application’s requirements.
2) m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013 mbar(a) and 20°C.

For higher purities please contact Parker

Ambient Conditions Material

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C (+36°F to 122°F) Housing Steel
Ambient pressure atmospheric Tube Aluminum
Air quality clean air without contaminants Coating (housing) ESPC to RAL 7039 (Quartz Grey)
Coating (tube) none
Feed-air Conditions
Maximum operating pressure 13.0 bar g (190 psi g)
Services on Request
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C to +50°C (+36°F to 122°F) 3D model CAD STEP file

Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m (<0.01 ppm (w))


Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off

Weight, Dimensions and Connections
758 x 80 x 63 mm
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) Dimensions H x W x D
(29.84" x 3.15" x 2.48")
Weight 3.2 kg (7.05 lb)
Flow Rate Corrections Connection feed-air G3/8 female to ISO 228
Nitrogen flow rate at feed-air Connection nitrogen enriched air G3/8 female to ISO 228
Use bulletin S3.1.240*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Connection oxygen enriched air
Feed-air consumption at feed-air G3/8 female to ISO 228
Use bulletin S3.1.240* at atmospheric pressure
temperatures other than 20ºC
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent Revision
Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.344

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.

SmartFluxx SA708


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Typical Nitrogen1) flow rate Typical Feed-air consumption at nitrogen flow rate
Purity % in m3/hr2) (SCFM) Purity % in m3/hr2) (SCFM)
99.5 99 98 97 96 95 93 90 99.5 99 98 97 96 95 93 90
4 bar g 0.90 1.44 2.20 2.91 3.63 4.36 4 bar g 7.5 8.6 9.0 9.5 10.4 11.2
(58 psi g) (0,53) (0,85) (1,3) (1,71) (2,14) (2,57) (58 psi g) (4,4) (5,1) (5,3) (5,6) (6,1) (6,6)
5 bar g 1.3 2.06 3.09 4.05 5.10 6.15 5 bar g 10.1 11.5 11.7 12.6 14.0 15.2
(72.5 psi g) (0,77) (1,21) (1,82) (2,38) (3) (3,62) (72.5 psi g) (6) (6,7) (6,9) (7,4) (8,2) (8,9)
6 bar g 1.71 2.67 3.99 5.18 6.56 7.94 11.3 18.2 6 bar g 12.3 13.8 14.2 15.3 17.1 18.8 22.6 29.9
(87 psi g) (1) (1,57) (2,35) (3,05) (3,86) (4,67) (6,62) (10,7) (87 psi g) (7,2) (8,1) (8,4) (9) (10,1) (11,1) (13,3) (17,6)
7 bar g 2.11 3.27 4.90 6.46 8.12 9.78 13.8 22.1 7 bar g 14.7 16.2 17.1 18.7 20.8 22.7 27.1 36.0
(101.5 psi g) (1,24) (1,93) (2,89) (3,8) (4,78) (5,76) (8,1) (13) (101.5 psi g) (8,6) (9,6) (10) (11) (12,2) (13,4) (16) (21,2)
8 bar g 2.50 3.87 5.82 7.73 9.67 11.6 16.4 26.6 8 bar g 16.5 18.5 19.7 21.9 24.4 26.5 31.8 42.8
(116 psi g) (1,47) (2,28) (3,42) (4,55) (5,69) (6,84) (9,63) (15,7) (116 psi g) (9,7) (10,9) (11,6) (12,9) (14,4) (15,6) (18,7) (25,2)
9 bar g 2.81 4.46 6.77 9.03 11.27 13.5 19.0 30.8 9 bar g 18.5 21.1 22.7 25.6 28.3 30.6 36.8 49.4
(130.5 psi g) (1,66) (2,62) (3,98) (5,32) (6,63) (7,95) (11,2) (18,1) (130.5 psi g) (10,9) (12,4) (13,4) (15,1) (16,7) (18) (21,6) (29,1)
10 bar g 3.12 4.94 7.64 10.3 12.9 15.4 21.7 35.6 10 bar g 20.4 23.2 25.5 29.2 32.1 34.8 42.0 57.2
(145 psi g) (1,84) (2,91) (4,5) (6,08) (7,57) (9,06) (12,8) (21) (145 psi g) (12) (13,7) (15) (17,2) (18,9) (20,5) (24,7) (33,7)
11 bar g 3.41 5.46 8.49 11.5 14.5 17.3 11 bar g 22.1 25.5 28.3 32.4 36.1 39.0
(159.5 psi g) (2) (3,21) (5) (6,78) (8,51) (10,2) (159.5 psi g) (13) (15) (16,6) (19,1) (21,2) (23)
12 bar g 3.68 5.96 9.32 12.5 15.9 19.1 12 bar g 24.1 27.9 31.3 35.5 39.8 43.3
(174 psi g) (2,16) (3,51) (5,49) (7,38) (9,35) (11,2) (174 psi g) (14,2) (16,4) (18,4) (20,9) (23,4) (25,5)
13 bar g 3.93 6.45 10.1 13.6 17.1 20.9 13 bar g 25.9 30.9 34.3 38.8 43.2 47.8
(188.5 psi g) (2,32) (3,8) (5,92) (7,98) (10,1) (12,3) (188.5 psi g) (15,3) (18,2) (20,2) (22,8) (25,5) (28,1)
Maximum pressure drop at Purity <0.2 bar
Values between brackets are indicative of imperial values
1) The above data represents the typical performance of a single membrane module. Actual performance can vary depending on factors such as feed air pressure and temperature. Please

contact your Parker go to person for actual performance information to meet your application’s requirements.
m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20°C.
For purities >99.5% please contact Parker

Ambient Conditions Mechanical Design Housing

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C (+36°F to 122°F) Design pressure 15 bar g4) (217 psi g)4)
Ambient pressure atmospheric Design temperature 65ºC4) (149ºF)4)
Air quality clean air without contaminants 4 Membrane ambient and operating conditions are lower

Feed-air Conditions
Housing Aluminum
Maximum operating pressure 13.0 bar g (190 psi g)
ESPC to RAL 7039 (Quartz Grey)
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +50°C (+36°F to 122°F) Coating
Dry Film Thickness: 60 micron
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3 (<0.01 ppm (w))
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off Services on Request
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) 3D model CAD STEP file

Flow Rate Corrections Weight, Dimensions and Connections

Nitrogen flow rate at feed-air Dimensions H x Ø D 782 x 114 mm (30.79" x 4.49")
Use bulletin S3.1.240*
temperatures other than 20ºC Weight 5.5 kg (12.1 lb)
Feed-air consumption at feed-air Connection feed-air G¾ female to ISO 228
Use bulletin S3.1.240*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Connection nitrogen enriched air G¾ female to ISO 228
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent Revision
Connection oxygen enriched air at
G1 female to ISO 228
atmospheric pressure enriched air
Note Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.383
Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.
Industrial Nitrogen Gas Generation - Membrane Modules

SmartFluxx SA1508


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Typical Nitrogen1) flow rate Typical Feed-air consumption at nitrogen flow rate
Purity % in m3/hr2) (SCFM) Purity % in m3/hr2) (SCFM)
99.5 99.0 98.0 97.0 96.0 95.0 99.5 99.0 98.0 97.0 96.0 95.0
4 bar g 2.8 4.0 5.7 7.1 9.5 10.9 4 bar g 21 21 22 22 26 27
(58 psi g) (1.6) (2.4) (3.4) (4.2) (5.6) (6.4) (58 psi g) (12) (12) (13) (13) (15) (16)
5 bar g 3.7 5.3 7.9 10.2 12.8 15.2 5 bar g 24 26 29 31 34 36
(72.5 psi g) (2.2) (3.1) (4.6) (6) (7.5) (8.9) (72.5 psi g) (14) (15) (17) (18) (20) (21)
6 bar g 4.7 7.0 10.2 13.0 15.7 20.5 6 bar g 29 33 36 38 41 48
(87 psi g) (2.8) (4.1) (6) (7.7) (9.2) (12.1) (87 psi g) (17) (19) (21) (22) (24) (28)
7 bar g 6.1 8.5 12.3 16.5 19.5 24.3 7 bar g 36 38 41 48 50 56
(101.5 psi g) (3.6) (5) (7.2) (9.7) (11.5) (14.3) (101.5 psi g) (21) (22) (24) (28) (29) (33)
8 bar g 6.9 9.7 14.3 20.2 23.3 28.1 8 bar g 38 42 47 56 58 63
(116 psi g) (4.1) (5.7) (8.4) (11.9) (13.7) (16.5) (116 psi g) (22) (25) (28) (33) (34) (37)
9 bar g 7.8 11.1 17.0 22.2 27.0 32.2 9 bar g 44 48 55 62 67 72
(130.5 psi g) (4.6) (6.5) (10) (13.1) (15.9) (19) (130.5 psi g) (26) (28) (32) (36) (39) (42)
10 bar g 8.6 12.6 18.5 24.2 30.2 37.4 10 bar g 50 56 61 68 75 84
(145 psi g) (5.1) (7.4) (10.9) (14.2) (17.8) (22) (145 psi g) (29) (33) (36) (40) (44) (49)
11 bar g 9.6 14.2 20.7 27.3 33.0 41.0 11 bar g 51 60 66 74 80 91
(159.5 psi g) (5.7) (8.4) (12.2) (16.1) (19.4) (24.1) (159.5 psi g) (30) (35) (39) (44) (47) (54)
12 bar g 10.5 15.2 22.9 29.5 36.6 45.6 12 bar g 57 65 76 83 92 103
(174 psi g) (6.2) (8.9) (13.5) (17.4) (21.5) (26.8) (174 psi g) (34) (38) (45) (49) (54) (61)
13 bar g 11.3 16.3 24.9 32.0 39.5 48.8 13 bar g 66 72 85 92 101 113
(188.5 psi g) (6.7) (9.6) (14.7) (18.8) (23.2) (28.7) (188.5 psi) (39) (42) (50) (54) (59) (67)
Maximum pressure drop at Purity <0.2 bar
Values between brackets are indicative of imperial values
1) The above data represents the typical performance of a single membrane module.
Actual performance can vary depending on factors such as feed air pressure and
Mechanical Design Housing
temperature. Please contact your Parker go to person for actual performance information Design pressure 15 bar g4) (217 psi g)4)
to meet your application’s requirements.
2) m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013 mbar(a) and 20°C
Design temperature 65ºC4) (149ºF)4)
For purities >99.5% please contact Parker
Membrane ambient and operating conditions are lower

Ambient Conditions Material

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C (+36°F to 122°F) Housing Aluminum
Ambient pressure atmospheric ESPC to RAL 7039 (Quartz Grey)
Air quality clean air without contaminants Dry Film Thickness: 60 micron

Feed-air Conditions Services on Request

Maximum operating pressure 13.0 bar g (190 psi g) Material certificates EN10204-3.1 on housing material
(for Stainless Steel only)
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +50°C (+36°F to 122°F)
3D model CAD STEP file
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3 (<0.01 ppm (w))
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off
Weight, Dimensions and Connections
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing)
Dimensions H x Ø D 1655 x 114 mm (65.12" x 4.49")
Flow Rate Corrections 6.8 kg (15 lb)
Connection feed-air G¾ female to ISO 228
Nitrogen flow rate at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.240* Connection nitrogen enriched air G¾ female to ISO 228
temperatures other than 20ºC
Feed-air consumption at feed-air Connection oxygen enriched air
Use bulletin S3.1.240* G1 female to ISO 228
temperatures other than 20ºC at atmospheric pressure
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent revision Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.330

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.

SmartFluxx SA1508SS


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure
Typical Nitrogen1) flow rate Typical Feed-air consumption at nitrogen flow rate
Purity % in m3/hr2) (SCFM) Purity % in m3/hr2) (SCFM)
99.5 99.0 98.0 97.0 96.0 95.0 99.5 99.0 98.0 97.0 96.0 95.0
4 bar g 2.8 4.0 5.7 7.1 9.5 10.9 4 bar g 21 21 22 22 26 27
(58 psi g) (1.6) (2.4) (3.4) (4.2) (5.6) (6.4) (58 psi g) (12) (12) (13) (13) (15) (16)
5 bar g 3.7 5.3 7.9 10.2 12.8 15.2 5 bar g 24 26 29 31 34 36
(72.5 psi g) (2.2) (3.1) (4.6) (6) (7.5) (8.9) (72.5 psi g) (14) (15) (17) (18) (20) (21)
6 bar g 4.7 7.0 10.2 13.0 15.7 20.5 6 bar g 29 33 36 38 41 48
(87 psi g) (2.8) (4.1) (6) (7.7) (9.2) (12.1) (87 psi g) (17) (19) (21) (22) (24) (28)
7 bar g 6.1 8.5 12.3 16.5 19.5 24.3 7 bar g 36 38 41 48 50 56
(101.5 psi g) (3.6) (5) (7.2) (9.7) (11.5) (14.3) (101.5 psi g) (21( (22) (24) (28) (29) (33)
8 bar g 6.9 9.7 14.3 20.2 23.3 28.1 8 bar g 38 42 47 56 58 63
(116 psi g) (4.1) (5.7) (8.4) (11.9) (13.7) (16.5) (116 psi g) (22) (25) (28 (33) (34) (37)
9 bar g 7.8 11.1 17.0 22.2 27.0 32.2 9 bar g 44 48 55 62 67 72
(130.5 psi g) (4.6) (6.5) (10) (13.1) (15.9) (19) (130.5 psi g) (26) (28) (32) (36) (39) (42)
10 bar g 8.6 12.6 18.5 24.2 30.2 37.4 10 bar g 50 56 61 68 75 84
(145 psi g) (5.1) (7.4) (10.9) (14.2) (17.8) (22) (145 psi g) (29) (33) (36) (40) (75) (44)
11 bar g 9.6 14.2 20.7 27.3 33.0 41.0 11 bar g 51 60 66 74 80 91
(159.5 psi g) (5.7) (8.4) (12.2) (16.1) (19.4) (24.1) (159.5 psi g) (30) (35) (39) (44) (47) (54)
12 bar g 10.5 15.2 22.9 29.5 36.6 45.6 12 bar g 57 65 76 83 92 103
(174 psi g) (6.2) (8.9) (13.5) (17.4) (21.5) (26.8) (174 psi g) (34) (38) (45) (49) (54) (61)
13 bar g 11.3 16.3 24.9 32.0 39.5 48.8 13 bar g 66 72 85 92 101 113
(188.5 psi g) (6.7) (9.6) (14.7) (18.8) (23.2) (28.7) (188.5 psi g) (39) (42) (50) (54) (59) (67)
Maximum pressure drop at Purity <0.2 bar
Values between brackets are indicative of imperial values
1) The above data represents the typical performance of a single membrane module. Actual

performance can vary depending on factors such as feed air pressure and temperature.
Mechanical Design Housing
Please contact your Parker go to person for actual performance information to meet your Design pressure 15 bar g4) (217 psi g)4)
application’s requirements.
2) m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013 mbar(a) and 20°C Design temperature 65ºC4) (149ºF)4)
For purities >99.5% please contact Parker 4)
Membrane operating limits are lower

Ambient Conditions Material

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C (+36°F to 122°F) Housing Stainless Steel
Ambient pressure atmospheric Coating None
Air quality clean air without contaminants

Feed-air Conditions Services on Request

Maximum operating pressure 13.0 bar g (190 psi g) Material certificates EN10204-3.1 on housing material
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C to +50°C (+36°F to 122°F) (for Stainless Steel only)
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3 (<0.01 ppm (w)) 3D model CAD STEP file
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing)
Weight, Dimensions and Connections
Dimensions H x Ø D 1654 x 114 mm (65.12" x 4.49")
Weight 18 kg (40 lb)
Flow Rate Corrections
Connection feed-air G¾ female to ISO 228
Nitrogen flow rate at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.240* Connection nitrogen enriched air G¾ female to ISO 228
temperatures other than 20ºC
Feed-air consumption at feed-air Connection oxygen enriched air at
Use bulletin S3.1.240* G1 female to ISO 228
temperatures other than 20ºC atmospheric pressure
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent revision Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.330

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.
Industrial Nitrogen Gas Generation - Membrane Modules

SmartFluxx SA15020


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Typical Nitrogen1) flow rate Typical Feed-air consumption at

Purity % in m3/hr2) (SCFM) Purity % nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr2) (SCFM)
99.5 99.0 98.0 97.0 96.0 95.0 99.5 99.0 98.0 97.0 96.0 95.0
4 bar g 17 25 36 47 57 70 4 bar g 127 126 135 145 155 169
(58 psi g) (10) (15) (21) (28) (34) (41) (58 psi g) (75) (74) (79) (85) (91) (99)
5 bar g 23 33 49 66 82 93 5 bar g 144 155 171 194 216 218
(72.5 psi g) (14) (19) (29) (39) (48) (55) (72.5 psi g) (85) (91) (101) (114) (127) (128)
6 bar g 29 43 63 83 102 120 6 bar g 170 191 214 239 261 276
(87 psi g) (17) (25) (37) (49) (60) (71) (87 psi g) (100) (112) (126) (141) (154) (162)
7 bar g 37 53 78 100 125 154 7 bar g 202 223 258 281 315 348
(101.5 psi g) (22) (31) (46) (59) (74) (91) (101.5 psi g) (119) (131) (152) (165) (185) (205)
8 bar g 44 62 90 117 144 178 8 bar g 232 255 293 323 361 399
(116 psi g) (26) (36) (53) (69) (85) (105) (116 psi g) (137) (150) (172) (190) (212) (235)
9 bar g 49 72 103 133 165 216 9 bar g 264 298 335 369 413 485
(130.5 psi g) (29) (42) (61) (78) (97) (127) (130.5 psi g) (155) (175) (197) (217) (243) (285)
Maximum pressure drop at Purity: ≤0.2 bar
Values between brackets are indicative imperial values”

The above data represents the typical performance of a single membrane module. Actual performance can vary depending on factors such as feed air pressure and temperature.

Please contact your Parker go to person for actual performance information to meet your application’s requirements.
m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013 mbar(a) and 20°C

For higher purities please contact Parker

Ambient Conditions Mechanical Design Housing

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C (+36°F to 122°F) Design pressure 14 bar g4) (203 psi g)4)
Ambient pressure atmospheric Design temperature 65ºC4) (149ºF)4)
Air quality clean air without contaminants 4) Membrane operating limits are lower

Operating Conditions Feed-air Material

Maximum operating pressure 9.0 bar g (130.5 psi g) Housing Aluminum

Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C to +50°C (+36°F to 122°F) ESPC to RAL 7039 (Quartz Grey)
Dry Film Thickness: 60 micron
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3 (<0.01 ppm (w))
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) Services Available on Request
3D model CAD STEP file

Flow Rate Corrections Weight, Dimensions and Connections

Nitrogen flow rate at feed-air Dimensions H x Ø D 1740 x 280 mm (68.50" x 11.02")
Use bulletin S3.1.2403)
temperatures other than 20ºC Weight 46 kg (102 lb)
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.2403) Connection feed-air G2½ female to ISO 228
temperatures other than 20ºC
3) Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent revision Connection nitrogen enriched air G2½ female to ISO 228
Connection oxygen enriched air
100mm (3.94") OD
at atmospheric pressure
Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.339

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.

HiFluxx ST304


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure
Minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2 Feed-air consumption at minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2
Purity %1 Purity %
99 98 97 96 95 99 98 97 96 95
4 bar g 0.15 0.27 0.39 0.50 0.62 4 bar g 1.16 1.29 1.43 1.54 1.69
5 bar g 0.19 0.34 0.48 0.62 0.78 5 bar g 1.44 1.61 1.78 1.92 2.11
6 bar g 0.25 0.45 0.62 0.80 0.98 6 bar g 1.73 1.98 2.18 2.39 2.65
7 bar g 0.29 0.52 0.73 0.93 1.14 7 bar g 2.02 2.31 2.55 2.79 3.09
8 bar g 0.33 0.60 0.83 1.06 1.31 8 bar g 2.31 2.64 2.91 3.19 3.53
9 bar g 0.39 0.70 0.95 1.23 1.52 9 bar g 2.70 3.06 3.33 3.69 4.10
10 bar g 0.41 0.75 1.04 1.33 1.64 10 bar g 2.89 3.30 3.64 3.99 4.42

Maximum pressure drop <0.3 bar.

Maximum nitrogen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 30%
1. Parker membranes separate oxygen from pressurised air. The composition of the product is determined by measuring the residual oxygen content. The nitrogen content is calculated by subtracting
the residual oxygen content from 100 %. Air is composed of nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9 %), Argon (0.9 %), CO2 (0.03 %), and some trace inert gases. Therefore it should be born in mind that the
value that is normally called the nitrogen content actually is the inert gas content.
2. m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20 °C

Ambient Conditions Material

Ambient temperature +2°C to +45°C Housing Aluminum
Ambient pressure atmospheric
Air quality clean air without contaminants
Services on Request
3D model CAD STEP file
Feed-air Conditions
Maximum operating pressure 10.0 bar g
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +45°C
Weight, Dimensions and Connections
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m 3 Dimensions H x W x D 386 x 80 x 63 mm

Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off Weight 2.3 kg

Connection inlet / outlet G 3/8 female
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing)
Vent G3/8 female
Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.348
Flow Rate Corrections
Nitrogen flow rate at feed
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
* version number may vary, make sure to use the most recent version

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.
Industrial Nitrogen Gas Generation - Membrane Modules

HiFluxx DT304


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure
Minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr2 Feed-air consumption at minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2
Purity %1 Purity %
99.5 99 98 97 96 95 99.5 99 98 97 96 95
4 bar g 0.29 0.47 0.75 1.00 1.26 1.55 4 bar g 2.56 2.78 3.16 3.41 3.77 4.03
5 bar g 0.36 0.59 0.94 1.25 1.57 1.94 5 bar g 3.20 3.47 3.95 4.26 4.72 5.04
6 bar g 0.47 0.75 1.19 1.61 2.00 2.43 6 bar g 3.93 4.29 4.89 5.30 5.80 6.32
7 bar g 0.55 0.88 1.39 1.87 2.33 2.84 7 bar g 4.58 5.00 5.70 6.18 6.76 7.37
8 bar g 0.62 1.00 1.59 2.14 2.67 3.24 8 bar g 5.24 5.72 6.52 7.06 7.73 8.43
9 bar g 0.71 1.14 1.79 2.44 3.03 3.68 9 bar g 5.93 6.53 7.33 8.05 8.78 9.57
10 bar g 0.78 1.25 1.99 2.68 3.33 4.05 10 bar g 6.55 7.14 8.15 8.83 9.66 10.5
Maximum pressure drop <0.8 bar.
Maximum nitrogen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 10%
1. Parker membranes separate oxygen from pressurised air. The composition of the product is determined by measuring the residual oxygen content. The nitrogen content is calculated by subtracting
the residual oxygen content from 100 %. Air is composed of nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9 %), Argon (0.9 %), CO2 (0.03 %), and some trace inert gases. Therefore it should be born in mind that the
value that is normally called the nitrogen content actually is the inert gas content.
2. m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20 °C

Ambient Conditions Material

Ambient temperature +2°C to +45°C Housing Aluminum
Ambient pressure atmospheric
Air quality clean air without contaminants
Services on Request
3D model CAD STEP file
Feed-air Conditions
Maximum operating pressure 10.0 bar g Weight, Dimensions and Connections
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +45°C
Dimensions H x W x D 386 x 145 x 63 mm
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3
Weight 4.0 kg
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off
Connection inlet / outlet G3/8 female
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing)
Vent G3/8 female
Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.349
Flow Rate Corrections
Nitrogen flow rate at feed
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
* version number may vary, make sure to use the most recent version

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.

HiFluxx TT304


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2 Feed-air consumption at minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2
Purity %1 Purity %
99.5 99 98 97 96 95 99.5 99 98 97 96 95
4 bar g 0.50 0.74 1.13 1.49 1.79 2.28 4 bar g 3.82 4.17 4.63 5.06 5.37 5.92
5 bar g 0.62 0.93 1.41 1.86 2.24 2.85 5 bar g 4.78 5.21 5.79 6.33 6.71 7.40
6 bar g 0.77 1.17 1.78 2.36 2.93 3.55 6 bar g 5.93 6.46 7.12 7.78 8.48 9.23
7 bar g 0.90 1.37 2.08 2.75 3.41 4.14 7 bar g 6.92 7.53 8.30 9.07 9.90 10.8
8 bar g 1.03 1.57 2.37 3.14 3.90 4.73 8 bar g 7.91 8.61 9.49 10.4 11.3 12.3
9 bar g 1.16 1.73 2.66 3.54 4.45 5.39 9 bar g 9.01 9.71 10.9 11.7 12.9 14.0
10 bar g 1.28 1.96 2.97 3.93 4.88 5.92 10 bar g 10.0 11.0 12.2 13.0 14.1 15.4
Maximum pressure drop <0.8 bar.
Maximum nitrogen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 10%
1. Parker membranes separate oxygen from pressurised air. The composition of the product is determined by measuring the residual oxygen content. The nitrogen content is calculated by subtracting
the residual oxygen content from 100 %. Air is composed of nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9 %), Argon (0.9 %), CO2 (0.03 %), and some trace inert gases. Therefore it should be born in mind that
the value that is normally called the nitrogen content actually is the inert gas content.
2. m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20 °C

Ambient Conditions Material

Ambient temperature +2°C to +45°C Housing Aluminum
Ambient pressure atmospheric
Air quality clean air without contaminants
Services on Request
3D model CAD STEP file
Feed-air Conditions
Maximum operating pressure 10.0 bar g
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +45°C
Weight, Dimensions and Connections
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3 Dimensions H x W x D 388 x 200 x 63 mm

Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off Weight 5.7 kg

Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) Connection inlet / outlet G3/8 female
Vent G3/8 female
Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.352
Flow Rate Corrections
Nitrogen flow rate at feed
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent Revision

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.
Industrial Nitrogen Gas Generation - Membrane Modules

HiFluxx ST504


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2 Feed-air consumption at minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2
Purity %1 Purity %1
99 98 97 96 95 99 98 97 96 95
4 bar g 0.20 0.33 0.47 0.61 0.75 4 bar g 1.57 1.70 1.84 2.01 2.17
5 bar g 0.27 0.46 0.65 0.84 1.03 5 bar g 1.94 2.12 2.37 2.63 2.82
6 bar g 0.36 0.60 0.83 1.07 1.31 6 bar g 2.38 2.56 3.00 3.31 3.53
7 bar g 0.41 0.71 1.01 1.29 1.57 7 bar g 2.78 3.06 3.54 3.81 4.17
8 bar g 0.48 0.83 1.18 1.52 1.86 8 bar g 3.24 3.55 4.13 4.45 4.91
9 bar g 0.55 0.95 1.35 1.75 2.14 9 bar g 3.73 4.06 4.72 5.12 5.66
10 bar g 0.62 1.07 1.52 1.96 2.39 10 bar g 4.23 4.60 5.33 5.77 6.35
Maximum pressure drop <0.3 bar.
Maximum nitrogen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 30%.
1. Parker membranes separate oxygen from pressurised air. The composition of the product is determined by measuring the residual oxygen content. The nitrogen content is calculated by subtracting
the residual oxygen content from 100 %. Air is composed of nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9 %), Argon (0.9 %), CO2 (0.03 %), and some trace inert gases. Therefore it should be born in mind that the
value that is normally called the nitrogen content actually is the inert gas content.
2. m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20 °C

Ambient Conditions Material

Ambient temperature +2°C to +45°C Housing Steel
Ambient pressure atmospheric Tube Aluminum
Air quality clean air without contaminants Coating (housing) ESPC to RAL 7035 (Light Grey)
Coating (tube) None

Feed-air Conditions Services Available on Request

Maximum operating pressure 10.0 bar g 3D model CAD STEP file
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C to +45°C Test Report
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m 3

Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off

Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) Weight, Dimensions and Connections
Dimensions H x W x D 520 x 80 x 63 mm
Weight 2.6 kg
Connection feed-air G3/8 female to ISO 228
Flow Rate Corrections
Connection nitrogen enriched air G3/8 female to ISO 228
Nitrogen flow rate at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.059* Connection oxygen enriched
temperatures other than 20ºC G3/8 female to ISO 228
Feed-air consumption at feed-air air at atmospheric pressure
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.380
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent Revision

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.

HiFluxx ST604


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2 Feed-air consumption at minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2
Purity %1 Purity %1
99 98 97 96 95 99 98 97 96 95
4 bar g 0.39 0.65 0.88 1.11 1.40 4 bar g 2.47 2.80 3.09 3.34 3.63
5 bar g 0.48 0.81 1.10 1.39 1.74 5 bar g 3.08 3.50 3.86 4.17 4.53
6 bar g 0.61 1.05 1.42 1.80 2.19 6 bar g 3.81 4.39 4.83 5.21 5.70
7 bar g 0.72 1.22 1.66 2.10 2.56 7 bar g 4.44 5.12 5.64 6.08 6.65
8 bar g 0.82 1.39 1.90 2.40 2.92 8 bar g 5.08 5.86 6.44 6.95 7.60
9 bar g 0.93 1.61 2.19 2.77 3.39 9 bar g 5.86 6.74 7.46 8.04 8.82
10 bar g 1.02 1.74 2.37 3.00 3.65 10 bar g 6.45 7.32 8.06 8.69 9.50
Maximum pressure drop <0.3 bar.
Maximum nitrogen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 30%
1. Parker membranes separate oxygen from pressurised air. The composition of the product is determined by measuring the residual oxygen content. The nitrogen content is calculated by subtracting
the residual oxygen content from 100 %. Air is composed of nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9 %), Argon (0.9 %), CO2 (0.03 %), and some trace inert gases. Therefore it should be born in mind that the
value that is normally called the nitrogen content actually is the inert gas content.
2. m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20 °C

Ambient Conditions Material

Ambient temperature +2°C to +45°C Housing Aluminum
Ambient pressure atmospheric
Air quality clean air without contaminants
Services on Request
3D model CAD STEP file
Feed-air Conditions
Maximum operating pressure 10.0 bar g
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +45°C Weight, Dimensions and Connections
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m 3 Dimensions H x W x D 757 x 80 x 63 mm
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off Weight 3.2 kg
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) Connection inlet / outlet G3/8 female
Vent G3/8 female
Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.344
Flow Rate Corrections
Nitrogen flow rate at feed
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent Revision

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.
Industrial Nitrogen Gas Generation - Membrane Modules

HiFluxx DT604


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2 Feed-air consumption at minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2
Purity %1 Purity %
99.5 99 98 97 96 95 99.5 99 98 97 96 95
4 bar g 0.76 1.13 1.69 2.23 2.76 3.36 4 bar g 5.79 6.21 6.95 7.57 8.02 8.72
5 bar g 0.95 1.41 2.12 2.78 3.46 4.19 5 bar g 7.24 7.77 8.69 9.46 10.0 10.9
6 bar g 1.19 1.77 2.67 3.35 4.37 5.27 6 bar g 8.94 9.56 10.7 11.4 12.7 13.7
7 bar g 1.39 2.07 3.11 3.91 5.09 6.15 7 bar g 10.4 11.2 12.5 13.3 14.8 16.0
8 bar g 1.59 2.36 3.56 4.46 5.82 7.03 8 bar g 11.9 12.7 14.2 15.2 16.9 18.3
9 bar g 1.75 2.63 4.03 5.30 6.60 8.00 9 bar g 13.3 14.5 16.1 18.0 19.1 20.8
10 bar g 1.99 2.95 4.45 5.58 7.28 8.79 10 bar g 15.1 16.2 17.8 19.0 21.1 22.9
Maximum pressure drop <0.8 bar.
Maximum nitrogen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 10%
1. Parker membranes separate oxygen from pressurised air. The composition of the product is determined by measuring the residual oxygen content. The nitrogen content is calculated by subtracting
the residual oxygen content from 100 %. Air is composed of nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9 %), Argon (0.9 %), CO2 (0.03 %), and some trace inert gases. Therefore it should be born in mind that the
value that is normally called the nitrogen content actually is the inert gas content.
2. m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20 °C

Ambient Conditions Material

Ambient temperature +2°C to +45°C Housing Aluminum
Ambient pressure atmospheric
Air quality clean air without contaminants
Services on Request
Material certificates EN10204-3.1 on housing material
Feed-air Conditions (for Stainless Steel only)

Maximum operating pressure 10.0 bar g 3D model CAD STEP file

Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +45°C

Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3 Weight, Dimensions and Connections
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off Dimensions H x W x D 758 x 145 x 63 mm
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) Weight 6.0 kg
Connection inlet / outlet G3/8 female
Vent G3/8 female
Flow Rate Corrections Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.350
Nitrogen flow rate at feed
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent Revision

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.

HiFluxx TT604


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2 Feed-air consumption at minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2
Purity %1 Purity %
99.5 99 98 97 96 95 99.5 99 98 97 96 95
4 bar g 1.05 1.55 2.32 3.06 3.75 4.49 4 bar g 8.21 8.68 9.51 10.4 11.2 12.1
5 bar g 1.32 1.94 2.90 3.83 4.69 5.62 5 bar g 10.3 10.8 11.9 13.0 14.1 15.2
6 bar g 1.62 2.41 3.64 4.82 6.02 7.20 6 bar g 12.5 13.5 14.9 16.4 17.4 18.7
7 bar g 1.89 2.81 4.25 5.62 7.02 8.40 7 bar g 14.6 15.8 17.4 19.1 20.4 21.8
8 bar g 2.16 3.22 4.85 6.42 8.02 9.60 8 bar g 16.7 18.0 19.9 21.8 23.3 25.0
9 bar g 2.41 3.60 5.54 7.23 8.97 11.1 9 bar g 19.3 20.5 22.7 24.6 26.9 28.8
10 bar g 2.71 4.02 6.07 8.03 10.0 12.0 10 bar g 21.6 22.9 24.9 27.3 30.1 31.2
Maximum pressure drop <0.8 bar.
Maximum nitrogen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 10%
1. Parker membranes separate oxygen from pressurised air. The composition of the product is determined by measuring the residual oxygen content. The nitrogen content is calculated by subtracting
the residual oxygen content from 100 %. Air is composed of nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9 %), Argon (0.9 %), CO2 (0.03 %), and some trace inert gases. Therefore it should be born in mind that the
value that is normally called the nitrogen content actually is the inert gas content.
2. m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20 °C

Ambient Conditions Material

Ambient temperature +2°C to +45°C Housing Aluminum
Ambient pressure atmospheric
Air quality clean air without contaminants
Services on Request
3D model CAD STEP file
Feed-air Conditions
Maximum operating pressure 10.0 bar g
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +45°C
Weight, Dimensions and Connections
Dimensions H x W x D 758 x 200 x 63 mm
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3
Weight 8.3 kg
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off
Connection inlet / outlet G3/8 female
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing)
Vent G3/8 female
Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.353
Flow Rate Corrections
Nitrogen flow rate at feed
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent Revision

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.
Industrial Nitrogen Gas Generation - Membrane Modules

HiFluxx ST606


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2 Feed-air consumption at minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2
Purity %1 Purity %
99 98 97 96 95 99 98 97 96 95
4 bar g 0.77 1.25 1.71 2.13 2.63 4 bar g 4.85 5.37 5.99 6.39 6.83
5 bar g 0.96 1.56 2.14 2.66 3.28 5 bar g 6.07 6.72 7.49 7.99 8.54
6 bar g 1.20 1.98 2.70 3.41 4.19 6 bar g 7.45 8.52 9.44 10.24 10.9
7 bar g 1.40 2.31 3.15 3.98 4.89 7 bar g 8.69 9.94 11.0 11.9 12.7
8 bar g 1.60 2.64 3.60 4.55 5.59 8 bar g 9.93 11.4 12.6 13.6 14.5
9 bar g 1.80 3.00 4.08 5.17 6.41 9 bar g 11.3 12.9 14.3 15.5 16.7
10 bar g 2.00 3.30 4.49 5.69 6.99 10 bar g 12.6 14.2 15.7 17.1 18.2
11 bar g 2.10 3.56 4.87 6.18 7.61 11 bar g 14.5 16.0 17.5 19.2 20.5
12 bar g 2.20 3.82 5.24 6.68 8.23 12 bar g 15.2 17.2 18.9 20.7 22.2
Maximum pressure drop <0.3 bar.
Maximum nitrogen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 30%
1. Parker membranes separate oxygen from pressurised air. The composition of the product is determined by measuring the residual oxygen content. The nitrogen content is calculated by subtracting
the residual oxygen content from 100 %. Air is composed of nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9 %), Argon (0.9 %), CO2 (0.03 %), and some trace inert gases. Therefore it should be born in mind that the
value that is normally called the nitrogen content actually is the inert gas content.
2. m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20 °C

Ambient Conditions Material

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C Connection block Aluminium
Ambient pressure atmospheric Tube PVC
Air quality clean air without contaminants

Feed-air Conditions Services on Request

Maximum operating pressure 13.0 bar g 3D model CAD STEP file
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +50°C
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off Weight, Dimensions and Connections
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) Dimensions H x W x D 751 x 110 x 84 mm
Weight 6.4 kg
Connection inlet / outlet G1/2 female
Flow Rate Corrections
Vent G1/2 female
Nitrogen flow rate at feed
Use bulletin S3.1.059* Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.345
temperatures other than 20ºC
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent Revision

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.

HiFluxx TT606


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2 Feed-air consumption at minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2
Purity %1 Purity %
99.5 99 98 97 96 95 99.5 99 98 97 96 95
4 bar g 1.90 2.74 4.12 5.40 6.70 8.07 4 bar g 15.0 15.9 17.7 18.9 20.1 21.8
5 bar g 2.38 3.42 5.15 6.75 8.38 10.1 5 bar g 18.8 19.9 22.1 23.6 25.1 27.2
6 bar g 2.93 4.34 6.53 8.64 10.6 12.8 6 bar g 22.9 24.7 26.8 29.4 31.9 33.4
7 bar g 3.42 5.06 7.62 10.1 12.4 15.0 7 bar g 26.7 28.8 31.2 34.3 37.3 39.0
8 bar g 3.91 5.78 8.71 11.5 14.2 17.1 8 bar g 30.5 33.0 35.7 39.2 42.6 44.5
9 bar g 4.48 6.63 10.1 13.3 16.4 19.5 9 bar g 35.0 37.8 41.2 45.1 49.3 52.6
10 bar g 4.89 7.23 10.9 14.4 17.7 21.4 10 bar g 38.2 41.2 44.6 49.0 53.2 57.8
11 bar g 5.27 7.88 12.0 15.8 19.7 23.8 11 bar g 44.8 47.3 51.6 55.4 61.0 64.3
12 bar g 5.65 8.54 13.1 17.2 21.6 26.2 12 bar g 48.0 51.2 56.5 60.3 66.9 70.7
Maximum pressure drop <0.8 bar.
Maximum nitrogen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 10%
1. Parker membranes separate oxygen from pressurised air. The composition of the product is determined by measuring the residual oxygen content. The nitrogen content is calculated by subtracting
the residual oxygen content from 100 %. Air is composed of nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9 %), Argon (0.9 %), CO2 (0.03 %), and some trace inert gases. Therefore it should be born in mind that the
value that is normally called the nitrogen content actually is the inert gas content.
2. m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20 °C

Ambient Conditions Material

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C Connection block Aluminum
Ambient pressure atmospheric Tube PVC
Air quality clean air without contaminants

Feed-air Conditions Services on Request

Maximum operating pressure 13.0 bar g 3D model CAD STEP file
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +50°C
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off Weight, Dimensions and Connections
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) Dimensions H x W x D 751 x 270 x 83 mm
Weight 15 kg
Connection inlet / outlet G1/2 female
Flow Rate Corrections Vent G1/2 female
Nitrogen flow rate at feed
Use bulletin S3.1.059* Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.354
temperatures other than 20ºC
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent Revision

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.
Industrial Nitrogen Gas Generation - Membrane Modules

HiFluxx ST608


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2 Feed-air consumption at minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2
Purity %1 Purity %
99 98 97 96 95 99 98 97 96 95
4 bar g 1.34 2.25 3.07 3.87 4.82 4 bar g 9.08 10.1 11.1 12.0 13.0
5 bar g 1.67 2.81 3.84 4.84 6.02 5 bar g 11.4 12.7 13.8 15.0 16.3
6 bar g 2.14 3.72 4.99 6.48 7.91 6 bar g 14.1 16.0 17.5 19.5 20.6
7 bar g 2.49 4.34 5.82 7.56 9.23 7 bar g 16.5 18.7 20.4 22.7 24.0
8 bar g 2.85 4.96 6.65 8.65 10.6 8 bar g 18.8 21.3 23.3 25.9 27.4
9 bar g 3.36 5.81 7.85 10.0 12.2 9 bar g 21.8 25.0 27.5 30.0 31.8
10 bar g 3.56 6.21 8.32 10.8 13.2 10 bar g 23.2 26.7 29.1 32.4 34.3
11 bar g 4.01 6.96 9.46 12.2 14.9 11 bar g 27.7 31.3 34.1 36.5 40.2
12 bar g 4.46 7.71 10.6 13.5 16.6 12 bar g 30.8 34.7 38.2 40.6 44.9
Maximum pressure drop <0.3 bar.
Maximum nitrogen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 30%
1. Parker membranes separate oxygen from pressurised air. The composition of the product is determined by measuring the residual oxygen content. The nitrogen content is calculated by subtracting
the residual oxygen content from 100 %. Air is composed of nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9 %), Argon (0.9 %), CO2 (0.03 %), and some trace inert gases. Therefore it should be born in mind that the
value that is normally called the nitrogen content actually is the inert gas content.
2. m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20 °C

Ambient Conditions Material

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C Housing Aluminum
Ambient pressure atmospheric
Air quality clean air without contaminants
Services on Request
3D model CAD STEP file
Feed-air Conditions
Maximum operating pressure 13.0 bar g
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +50°C Weight, Dimensions and Connections
Dimensions H x Ø D 736 x 114 mm
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m 3

Weight 5.3 kg
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off
Connection inlet / outlet G3/4 female
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing)
Vent G1 female
Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.346

Flow Rate Corrections

Nitrogen flow rate at feed
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent Revision

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.

HiFluxx ST6010


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2 Feed-air consumption at minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2
Purity %1 Purity %
99 98 97 96 95 99 98 97 96 95
4 bar g 2.21 3.61 4.92 6.28 7.76 4 bar g 14.4 16.3 17.7 19.5 21.0
5 bar g 2.76 4.52 6.15 7.85 9.70 5 bar g 17.9 20.3 22.1 24.3 26.2
6 bar g 3.39 5.92 8.02 10.2 12.8 6 bar g 22.4 25.4 28.1 30.7 33.3
7 bar g 3.96 6.90 9.35 12.0 14.9 7 bar g 26 .1 29.7 32.7 35.9 38.8
8 bar g 4.52 7.89 10.7 13.7 17.1 8 bar g 29.9 33.9 37.4 41.0 44.4
9 bar g 5.39 9.01 12.3 15.7 19.2 9 bar g 35.1 39.6 43.0 47.0 51.9
10 bar g 5.66 9.86 13.4 17.1 21.3 10 bar g 36.8 43.4 46.8 51.2 57.6
11 bar g 6.24 10.8 14.8 18.9 23.6 11 bar g 43.7 49.7 54.7 58.7 63.6
12 bar g 6.83 11.7 16.2 20.8 25.8 12 bar g 47.8 54.0 60.0 64.5 69.6
Maximum pressure drop <0.3 bar.
Maximum nitrogen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 30%
1. Parker membranes separate oxygen from pressurised air. The composition of the product is determined by measuring the residual oxygen content. The nitrogen content is calculated by subtracting
the residual oxygen content from 100 %. Air is composed of nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9 %), Argon (0.9 %), CO2 (0.03 %), and some trace inert gases. Therefore it should be born in mind that the
value that is normally called the nitrogen content actually is the inert gas content.
2. m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20 °C

Ambient Conditions Mechanical Design Housing

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C Design pressure 15 bar g
Ambient pressure atmospheric Design temperature 50°C
Air quality clean air without contaminants membrane operating limits are lower

Feed-air Conditions Material

Maximum operating pressure 13.0 bar g 3
Housing Aluminum
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +50°C 3
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off Services on Request
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) 3D model CAD STEP file
3. combinationof high operating pressure and high operating temperature
can reduce the life time expectancy of the membrane module

Flow Rate Corrections Weight, Dimensions and Connections

Nitrogen flow rate at feed Dimensions H x Ø D 736 x 139 mm
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Weight 8.1 kg
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.059* Connection inlet / outlet G1 female
temperatures other than 20ºC
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent Revision Vent G1 female
Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.347

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.
Industrial Nitrogen Gas Generation - Membrane Modules

HiFluxx ST1506


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2 Feed-air consumption at minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2
Purity %1 Purity %
99.5 99 98 97 96 95 99.5 99 98 97 96 95
4 bar g 1.06 1.45 2.29 3.17 4.05 5.02 4 bar g 8.98 9.15 9.84 11.1 12.1 13.0
5 bar g 1.56 2.15 3.38 4.68 5.98 7.41 5 bar g 13.3 13.5 14.5 16.4 17.9 19.3
6 bar g 2.04 2.81 4.42 6.12 7.82 9.69 6 bar g 17.3 17.7 19.0 21.4 23.5 25.2
7 bar g 2.40 3.30 5.20 7.20 9.20 11.4 7 bar g 20.4 20.8 22.4 25.2 27.6 29.6
8 bar g 2.88 3.96 6.24 8.64 11.0 13.7 8 bar g 24.5 24.9 26.8 30.2 33.1 35.6
9 bar g 3.36 4.62 7.28 10.1 12.9 16.0 9 bar g 28.6 29.1 31.3 35.3 38.6 41.5
10 bar g 3.84 5.28 8.32 11.5 14.7 18.2 10 bar g 32.6 33.3 35.8 40.3 44.2 47.4
11 bar g 4.32 5.94 9.36 13.0 16.6 20.5 11 bar g 36.7 37.4 40.2 45.4 49.7 53.4
12 bar g 4.80 6.60 10.4 14.4 18.4 22.8 12 bar g 40.8 41.6 44.7 50.4 55.2 59.3
13 bar g 5.04 6.93 10.9 15.1 19.3 23.9 13 bar g 42.8 43.7 47.0 52.9 58.0 62.2
Maximum pressure drop <0.3 bar.
Maximum nitrogen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 30%
1. Parker membranes separate oxygen from pressurised air. The composition of the product is determined by measuring the residual oxygen content. The nitrogen content is calculated by subtracting
the residual oxygen content from 100 %. Air is composed of nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9 %), Argon (0.9 %), CO2 (0.03 %), and some trace inert gases. Therefore it should be born in mind that the
value that is normally called the nitrogen content actually is the inert gas content.
2. m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20 °C

Ambient Conditions Mechanical Design Housing

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C Design pressure 15 bar g
Ambient pressure atmospheric Design temperature 65ºC
Air quality clean air without contaminants membrane operating limits are lower

Feed-air Conditions Material

Maximum operating pressure 13.0 bar g Housing Aluminum
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +50°C
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3 Services on Request
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off Material certificates EN10204-3.1 on housing material
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) (for Stainless Steel only)
3D model CAD STEP file

Flow Rate Corrections Weight, Dimensions and Connections

Nitrogen flow rate at feed Dimensions H x Ø D 1655 x 100 mm
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Weight 5.7 kg
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.059* Connection inlet / outlet G3/4 female
temperatures other than 20ºC
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent Revision Vent G1 female
Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.334

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.

HiFluxx DT1506-8


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2 Feed-air consumption at minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr2
Purity %1 Purity %
99.5 99 98 97 96 95 99.5 99 98 97 96 95
4 bar g 2.31 3.63 6.25 8.58 10.9 13.2 4 bar g 19.6 22.9 26.9 30.0 32.6 34.3
5 bar g 3.41 5.36 9.23 12.7 16.1 19.5 5 bar g 29.0 33.8 39.7 44.4 48.2 50.7
6 bar g 4.46 7.01 12.1 16.6 21.0 25.5 6 bar g 37.9 44.2 51.9 58.0 63.0 66.3
7 bar g 5.25 8.25 14.2 19.5 24.7 30.0 7 bar g 44.6 52.0 61.1 68.3 74.1 78.0
8 bar g 6.30 9.90 17.0 23.4 29.6 36.0 8 bar g 53.6 62.4 73.3 81.9 88.9 93.6
9 bar g 7.35 11.6 19.9 27.3 34.6 42.0 9 bar g 62.5 72.8 85.5 95.6 104 109
10 bar g 8.40 13.2 22.7 31.2 39.5 48.0 10 bar g 71.4 83.2 97.7 109 119 125
11 bar g 9.45 14.9 25.6 35.1 44.5 54.0 11 bar g 80.3 93.6 110 123 133 140
12 bar g 10.5 16.5 28.4 39.0 49.4 60.0 12 bar g 89.3 104 122 137 148 156
13 bar g 11.0 17.3 29.8 41.0 51.9 63.0 13 bar g 93.7 109 128 143 156 164
Maximum pressure drop <0.8 bar.
Maximum nitrogen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 10%
1. Parker membranes separate oxygen from pressurised air. The composition of the product is determined by measuring the residual oxygen content. The nitrogen content is calculated by subtracting
the residual oxygen content from 100 %. Air is composed of nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9 %), Argon (0.9 %), CO2 (0.03 %), and some trace inert gases. Therefore it should be born in mind that the
value that is normally called the nitrogen content actually is the inert gas content.
2. m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20 °C

Ambient Conditions Mechanical Design Housing

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C Design pressure 13 bar g
Ambient pressure atmospheric Design temperature 50ºC
Air quality clean air without contaminants membrane operating limits are lower

Feed-air Conditions Material

Maximum operating pressure 13.0 bar g Housing Aluminum
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +50°C
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3 Services on Request
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off Material certificates EN10204-3.1 on housing material
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) (for Stainless Steel only)
3D model CAD STEP file

Flow Rate Corrections

Nitrogen flow rate at feed
temperatures other than 20ºC
Use bulletin S3.1.059* Weight, Dimensions and Connections
Feed-air consumption at feed-air Model 4 - 8 bar g 9 - 13 bar g
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Dimensions H x W x D
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent Revision 1705 x 296 x 208 1732 x 296 x 208
Weight 15 kg 15 kg
Connection inlet / outlet G3/4 female G3/4 female
Vent G1 female 2 x G1 female
Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.356 Refer to K3.1.357

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.
Industrial Nitrogen Gas Generation - Membrane Modules

HiFluxx ST1508


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Feed-air consumption at minimum

Minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2
Purity %1 Purity % nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2
99.5 99 98 97 96 95 99.5 99 98 97 96 95
4 bar g 2.07 2.95 4.84 6.60 8.8 11.0 4 bar g 17.6 18.6 20.8 23.1 26.4 28.6
5 bar g 3.06 4.36 7.15 9.75 13.0 16.3 5 bar g 26.0 27.4 30.7 34.1 39.0 42.3
6 bar g 4.00 5.70 9.35 12.8 17.0 21.3 6 bar g 34.0 35.9 40.2 44.6 51.0 55.3
7 bar g 4.70 6.70 11.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 7 bar g 40.0 42.2 47.3 52.5 60.0 65.0
8 bar g 5.17 7.37 12.1 16.5 22.0 27.5 8 bar g 43.9 46.4 52.0 57.8 66.0 71.5
9 bar g 6.11 8.71 14.3 19.5 26.0 32.5 9 bar g 51.9 54.9 61.5 68.3 78.0 84.5
10 bar g 6.58 9.38 15.4 21.0 28.0 35.0 10 bar g 55.9 59.1 66.2 73.5 84.0 91.0
11 bar g 7.52 10.7 17.6 24.0 32.0 40.0 11 bar g 63.9 67.5 75.7 84.0 96.0 104
12 bar g 7.99 11.4 18.7 25.5 34.0 42.5 12 bar g 67.9 71.8 80.4 89.3 102.0 111
13 bar g 8.46 12.1 19.8 27.0 36.0 45.0 13 bar g 71.9 76.0 85.1 94.5 108.0 117
Maximum pressure drop <0.3 bar.
Maximum nitrogen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 30%
1. Parker membranes separate oxygen from pressurised air. The composition of the product is determined by measuring the residual oxygen content. The nitrogen content is calculated by subtracting
the residual oxygen content from 100 %. Air is composed of nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9 %), Argon (0.9 %), CO2 (0.03 %), and some trace inert gases. Therefore it should be born in mind that the
value that is normally called the nitrogen content actually is the inert gas content.
2. m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20 °C

Ambient Conditions Mechanical Design Housing

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C Design pressure 15 bar g
Ambient pressure atmospheric Design temperature 65ºC
Air quality clean air without contaminants membrane operating limits are lower

Feed-air Conditions
Housing Aluminum
Maximum operating pressure 13.0 bar g
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +50°C
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3
Services on Request
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off Material certificates EN10204-3.1 on housing material
(for Stainless Steel only)
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing)
3D model CAD STEP file

Flow Rate Corrections Weight, Dimensions and Connections

Nitrogen flow rate at feed Dimensions H x Ø D 1655 x 114 mm
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Weight 6.8 kg
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.059* Connection inlet / outlet G3/4 female
temperatures other than 20ºC
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent Revision Vent G1 female
Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.330

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.

HiFluxx DT1508


Performance data
Minimum nitrogen1 flow rate Feed-air consumption at minimum nitrogen flow
Nitrogen Nitrogen
in m3/hr 2 (CFM)2 rate in m3/hr 2 (CFM)2
Purity % Purity %
99.5 99 98 97 96 95 99.5 99 98 97 96 95
4 bar g 3.08 4.84 8.36 11.4 14.5 17.6 4 bar g 26.2 30.5 35.9 40.0 43.6 45.8
(58 psi g) (1.81) (2.85) (4.92) (6.71) (8.53) (10.4) (58 psi g) (15.4) (18) (21.1) (23.5) (25.7) (27)
5 bar g 4.55 7.15 12.4 16.9 21.5 26.0 5 bar g 38.7 45.0 53.1 59.2 64.4 67.6
(72.5 psi g) (2.68) (4.21) (7.3) (9.95) (12.7) (15.3) (72.5 psi g) (22.8) (26.5) (31.3) (34.8) (37.9) (39.8)
6 bar g 5.95 9.35 16.2 22.1 28.1 34.0 6 bar g 50.6 58.9 69.4 77.4 84.2 88.4
(87 psi g) (3.5) (5.5) (9.53) (13) (16.5) (20) (87 psi g) (29.8) (34.7) (40.8) (45.6) (49.6) (52)
7 bar g 7.00 11.0 19.0 26.0 33.0 40.0 7 bar g 59.5 69.3 81.7 91.0 99.0 104
(101.5 psi g) (4.12) (6.47) (11.2) (15.3) (19.4) (23.5) (101.5 psi g) (35) (40.8) (48.1) (53.6) (58.3) (61.2)
8 bar g 8.40 13.2 22.8 31.2 39.6 48.0 8 bar g 71.4 83.2 98.0 109 119 125
(116 psi g) (4.94) (7.77) (13.4) (18.4) (23.3) (28.3) (116 psi g) (42) (49) (57.7) (64.2) (70) (73.6)
9 bar g 9.80 15.4 26.6 36.4 46.2 56.0 9 bar g 83.3 97.0 114 127 139 146
(130.5 psi g) (5.77) (9.06) (15.7) (21.4) (27.2) (33) (130.5 psi g) (49) (57.1) (67.1) (74.7) (81.8) (85.9)
10 bar g 11.2 17.6 30.4 41.6 52.8 64.0 10 bar g 95.2 111 131 146 158 166
(145 psi g) (6.59) (10.4) (17.9) (24.5) (31.1) (37.7) (145 psi g) (56) (65.3) (77.1) (85.9) (93) (97.7)
11 bar g 12.6 19.8 34.2 46.8 59.4 72.0 11 bar g 107 125 147 164 178 187
(159.5 psi g) (7.42) (11.7) (20.1) (27.5) (35) (42.4) (159.5 psi g) (63) (73.6) (86.5) (96.5) (105) (110)
12 bar g 14.0 22.0 38.0 52.0 66.0 80.0 12 bar g 119 139 163 182 198 208
(174 psi g) (8.24) (12.9) (22.4) (30.6) (38.8) (47.1) (174 psi g) (70) (81.8) (95.9) (107) (117) (122)
13 bar g 14.7 23.1 39.9 54.6 69.3 84.0 13 bar g 125 146 172 191 208 218
(188.5 psi g) (8.65) (13.6) (23.5) (32.1) (40.8) (49.4) (188.5 psi g) (73.6) (85.9) (101) (112) (122) (128)
Maximum pressure drop <0.8 bar (12 psi) Parker membranes separate oxygen from pressurised air. The composition of the product is determined by measuring the residual
Maximum nitrogen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 10%. oxygen content. The nitrogen content is calculated by s ubtracting the residual oxygen content from 100%. Air is composed of nitrogen
Values between brackets are indicative imperial values (78.1%), oxygen (20.9 %), Argon (0.9 %), CO2 (0.03 %), and some trace inert gases. Therefore it should be born in mind that the value
that is normally called the nitrogen content actually is the inert gas content.
2. m3/hr (CFM) refers to conditions at 1013 mbar(a) (14.7 psi a) and 20°C (68°F).

Ambient Conditions Mechanical Design Housing

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C (+36°F to +122°F) Design pressure 13 bar g (189 psi g)
Ambient pressure atmospheric Design temperature 50°C (122°F)
Air quality clean air without contaminants
Feed-air Conditions Housing Aluminum
Maximum operating pressure 13.0 bar g (189 psi g)
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C to +50°C (+36°F to +122°F) Services on Request
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3 (<0.01 ppm (w)) Material certificates EN10204-3.1 on housing material
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off (for Stainless Steel only)
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) 3D model CAD STEP file

Flow Rate Corrections Weight, Dimensions and Connections

Nitrogen flow rate at feed 4 - 8 bar g 9 - 13 bar g
Use bulletin S3.1.059* Model
(58 - 116 psi g) (117 - 190 psi g)
temperatures other than 20°C (68°F)
Feed-air consumption at feed-air Dimensions H x W x D
1705 x 296 x 201 mm 1705 x 296 x 145 mm
Use bulletin S3.1.059* (67.1" x 11.7" x 7.9") (67.1" x 11.7" x 5.7")
temperatures other than 20°C (68°F)
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent Revision Weight 16 kg (35.3 lb) 16 kg (35.3 lb)

Connection inlet / outlet G¾ female to ISO 228 G¾ female to ISO 228

Vent G1 female to ISO 228 2 x G1 female to ISO 228

Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.335 Refer to K3.1.336

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.
Industrial Nitrogen Gas Generation - Membrane Modules

HiFluxx DT1508SS


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr 2 Feed-air consumption at minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr2
Purity %1 Purity %
99.5 99 98 97 96 95 99.5 99 98 97 96 95
4 bar g 3.08 4.84 8.36 11.4 14.5 17.6 4 bar g 26.2 30.5 35.9 40.0 43.6 45.8
5 bar g 4.55 7.15 12.4 16.9 21.5 26.0 5 bar g 38.7 45.0 53.1 59.2 64.4 67.6
6 bar g 5.95 9.35 16.2 22.1 28.1 34.0 6 bar g 50.6 58.9 69.4 77.4 84.2 88.4
7 bar g 7.00 11.0 19.0 26.0 33.0 40.0 7 bar g 59.5 69.3 81.7 91.0 99.0 104
8 bar g 8.40 13.2 22.8 31.2 39.6 48.0 8 bar g 71.4 83.2 98.0 109 119 125
9 bar g 9.80 15.4 26.6 36.4 46.2 56.0 9 bar g 83.3 97.0 114 127 139 146
10 bar g 11.2 17.6 30.4 41.6 52.8 64.0 10 bar g 95.2 111 131 146 158 166
11 bar g 12.6 19.8 34.2 46.8 59.4 72.0 11 bar g 107 125 147 164 178 187
12 bar g 14.0 22.0 38.0 52.0 66.0 80.0 12 bar g 119 139 163 182 198 208
13 bar g 14.7 23.1 39.9 54.6 69.3 84.0 13 bar g 125 146 172 191 208 218
Maximum pressure drop <0.8 bar.
Maximum nitrogen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 10%
1. Parker membranes separate oxygen from pressurised air. The composition of the product is determined by measuring the residual oxygen content. The nitrogen content is calculated by subtracting
the residual oxygen content from 100 %. Air is composed of nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9 %), Argon (0.9 %), CO2 (0.03 %), and some trace inert gases. Therefore it should be born in mind that the
value that is normally called the nitrogen content actually is the inert gas content.
2. m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20 °C

Ambient Conditions Mechanical Design Housing

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C Design pressure 15 bar g
Ambient pressure atmospheric Design temperature 65ºC
Air quality clean air without contaminants membrane operating limits are lower

Feed-air Conditions Material

Maximum operating pressure 13.0 bar g Housing Stainless Steel
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +50°C
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3 Services on Request
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off
Material certificates EN10204-3.1 on housing material
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) (for Stainless Steel only)
3D model CAD STEP file
Flow Rate Corrections
Nitrogen flow rate at feed
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC Weight, Dimensions and Connections
Feed-air consumption at feed-air Model
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Dimensions H x W x D (mm) 1734 x 296 x 145
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent Revision
Weight 39 kg
Connection inlet / outlet G3/4 female
Vent 2 x G1 female
Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.362

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.

HiFluxx ST15020-1


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Typical nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr2 Feed-air consumption at typical nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr2
Purity %1 Purity %
99 98 97 96 95 99 98 97 96 95
4 bar g 24.0 39.0 53.0 71.0 89.0 4 bar g 161 175 191 220 239
5 bar g 35.0 58.0 78.0 105 131 5 bar g 238 259 283 324 353
6 bar g 46.0 75.0 103 137 171 6 bar g 289 324 359 411 445
7 bar g 54.0 89.0 121 161 201 7 bar g 340 381 423 483 523
8 bar g 59.0 97.0 133 177 221 8 bar g 374 419 465 531 576
Maximum pressure drop <0.3 bar.
1. Parker membranes separate oxygen from pressurised air. The composition of the product is determined by measuring the residual oxygen content. The nitrogen content is calculated by subtracting
the residual oxygen content from 100 %. Air is composed of nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9 %), Argon (0.9 %), CO2 (0.03 %), and some trace inert gases. Therefore it should be born in mind that the
value that is normally called the nitrogen content actually is the inert gas content.
2. m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20 °C

Above tables reflect nominal flow rates. The nitrogen output of each
individual module can vary +/- 15%. For selection purposes, calculation Example:
should be done based on nominal conditions without taking the variation Your project requires 1515 Nm3/hr nitrogen at 8 bar g inlet pressure,
into account. When ordering modules, it is necessary that the total modules 95% purity and 20°C inlet temperature. You will need 7 modules.
needed for each individual project are clearly mentioned per order-line on Parker will ensure a minimum total product flow of 1515 Nm3/hr.
the order-intake-form. Parker will assure that the total output flow rate However, individual module performance can still vary +/-15%. The
(sum of the individual selected membranes flow rates) will be minimum the compressor should be selected on a total air consumption of 7 x 576 =
total nominal flow rate. The compressor selection can be done on the total 4032 Nm3/hr.
calculated nominal flow rate without taking any variation into account.

Ambient Conditions Mechanical Design Housing

Ambient tempera ture +2°C to +50°C Design pressure 14 bar g
Ambient pressure atmospheric Design temperature 65ºC
Air quality clean air without contaminants membrane operating limits are lower

Feed-air Conditions Material

Maximum operating pressure 9.0 bar g Housing Aluminum
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +50°C
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3 Services on Request
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off 3D model CAD STEP file
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing)

Flow Rate Corrections Weight, Dimensions and Connections

Nitrogen flow rate at feed Dimensions H x Ø D 1740 x 280 mm
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Weight 46 kg
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.059* Connection inlet / outlet G21/2 female
temperatures other than 20ºC
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent Revision
Vent 100 mm OD
Dimensional drawing K3.1.339*

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.
Industrial Nitrogen Gas Generation - Membrane Modules

HiFluxx ST1508SS


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure
Minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr2 Feed-air consumption at minimum nitrogen flow rate in m3/hr2
Purity %1 Purity %
99.5 99 98 97 96 95 99.5 99 98 97 96 95
4 bar g 2.07 2.95 4.84 6.60 8.8 11.0 4 bar g 17.6 18.6 20.8 23.1 26.4 28.6
5 bar g 3.06 4.36 7.15 9.75 13.0 16.3 5 bar g 26.0 27.4 30.7 34.1 39.0 42.3
6 bar g 4.00 5.70 9.35 12.8 17.0 21.3 6 bar g 34.0 35.9 40.2 44.6 51.0 55.3
7 bar g 4.70 6.70 11.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 7 bar g 40.0 42.2 47.3 52.5 60.0 65.0
8 bar g 5.17 7.37 12.1 16.5 22.0 27.5 8 bar g 43.9 46.4 52.0 57.8 66.0 71.5
9 bar g 6.11 8.71 14.3 19.5 26.0 32.5 9 bar g 51.9 54.9 61.5 68.3 78.0 84.5
10 bar g 6.58 9.38 15.4 21.0 28.0 35.0 10 bar g 55.9 59.1 66.2 73.5 84.0 91.0
11 bar g 7.52 10.7 17.6 24.0 32.0 40.0 11 bar g 63.9 67.5 75.7 84.0 96.0 104
12 bar g 7.99 11.4 18.7 25.5 34.0 42.5 12 bar g 67.9 71.8 80.4 89.3 102.0 111
13 bar g 8.46 12.1 19.8 27.0 36.0 45.0 13 bar g 71.9 76.0 85.1 94.5 108.0 117
Maximum pressure drop <0.3 bar.
Maximum nitrogen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 30%
1. Parker membranes separate oxygen from pressurised air. The composition of the product is determined by measuring the residual oxygen content. The nitrogen content is calculated by
subtracting the residual oxygen content from 100 %. Air is composed of nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9 %), Argon (0.9 %), CO2 (0.03 %), and some trace inert gases. Therefore it should be
born in mind that the value that is normally called the nitrogen content actually is the inert gas content.
2. m3/hr refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20°C

Ambient Conditions Mechanical Design Housing

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C Design pressure 15 bar g
Ambient pressure atmospheric Design temperature 65ºC
Air quality clean air without contaminants membrane operating limits are lower

Feed-air Conditions Material

Maximum operating pressure 13.0 bar g Housing Stainless Steel
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +50°C
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3 Services on Request
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off Material certificates EN10204-3.1 on housing material
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) (for Stainless Steel only)
3D model CAD STEP file
Flow Rate Corrections
Weight, Dimensions and Connections
Nitrogen flow rate at feed
Use bulletin S3.1.059* Dimensions H x Ø D 1654 x 114 mm
temperatures other than 20ºC
Feed-air consumption at feed-air Weight 18 kg
Use bulletin S3.1.059*
temperatures other than 20ºC Connection inlet / outlet G¾ female
* Revision number may vary, make sure to use the most recent Revision Vent G1 female
Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.358

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.

EnOxy 304


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Oxygen Minimum enriched oxygen flow rate in l/min 1) Oxygen Feed-air consumption at minimum enriched oxygen flow rate in l/min 1)
purity % 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 purity % 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
4 bar g 16.9 17.3 17.7 18.1 18.4 18.8 - 4 bar g 24.5 28.4 33.4 41.3 54.2 77.1 -
5 bar g 21.5 22 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 5 bar g 31.2 35.5 41.1 49.5 61.7 80.6 139
6 bar g 26.3 26.9 27.5 28.1 28.7 29.3 29.9 6 bar g 38.1 43.3 50.2 58.1 72.8 92.2 138
7 bar g 31.1 31.9 32.6 33.3 34.0 34.7 35.4 7 bar g 45.1 51.2 59.5 68.8 83.1 104 149
8 bar g 36.1 37.0 37.8 38.6 39.4 40.2 41.1 8 bar g 52.4 59.4 69.0 79.9 96.5 120 166
9 bar g 41.3 42.2 43.1 44.1 45.0 45.9 46.9 9 bar g 59.8 67.8 78.8 91.2 111 137 187
10 bar g 46.5 47.5 48.6 49.7 50.7 51.8 52.8 10 bar g 67.4 76.6 88.8 103 125 158 219
Enriched oxygen flow exits at atmospheric pressure
Maximum pressure drop over nitrogen enriched flow <0.3 bar.
Maximum enriched oxygen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 30%
1. l/min refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20°C

Ambient Conditions Material

Ambient temperature +2°C to +45°C Housing Steel
Ambient pressure atmospheric Tube Aluminium
Air quality clean air without contaminants Coating (housing) ESPC to Ral 7035 (Light Grey)
Coating (tube) None

Feed-air Conditions Weight, Dimensions and Connections

Maximum operating pressure 10.0 bar g Dimensions H x W x D 386 x 80 x 63 mm
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +45°C Weight 2.3 kg
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3 Connection feed-air G3/8” female to ISO 228
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off Connection nitrogen enriched air G3/8” female to ISO 228
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) Connection oxygen enriched
G3/8” female to ISO 228
air at atmospheric pressure
Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.348

Flow Rate Corrections

Oxygen flow rate at feed
Use bulletin S3.1.085*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.085*
temperatures other than 20ºC
* version number may vary, make sure to use the most recent version.

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.
Industrial Nitrogen Gas Generation - Membrane Modules

EnOxy 604


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Oxygen Minimum enriched oxygen flow rate in l/min 1) Oxygen Feed-air consumption at minimum enriched oxygen flow rate in l/min
purity % 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 purity % 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
4 bar g 35.7 36.6 37.4 38.2 39.0 39.8 - 4 bar g 49.3 57.2 67.3 83.2 109 155 -
5 bar g 45.5 46.6 47.6 48.6 49.7 50.7 51.7 5 bar g 62.8 71.6 82.8 99.7 124 162 279
6 bar g 55.6 56.8 58.1 59.3 60.6 61.9 63.1 6 bar g 76.7 87.1 101 117 147 186 278
7 bar g 65.9 67.4 68.9 70.4 71.8 73.3 74.8 7 bar g 90.9 103 120 139 167 209 299
8 bar g 76.4 78.1 79.9 81.6 83.4 85.1 86.8 8 bar g 105 120 139 161 194 243 334
9 bar g 87.2 89.2 91.2 93.2 95.2 97.2 99.1 9 bar g 120 136 159 184 223 277 377
10 bar g 98.3 101 103 105 107 109 112 10 bar g 136 154 179 208 252 318 441
11 bar g 110 112 115 117 120 122 125 11 bar g 152 172 201 233 287 366 525
12 bar g 121 124 127 130 132 135 138 12 bar g 169 191 222 259 321 419 624
Enriched oxygen flow exits at atmospheric pressure
Maximum pressure drop over nitrogen enriched flow <0.3 bar.
Maximum enriched oxygen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 30%
1. l/min refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20°C

Ambient Conditions Material

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C Housing Steel
Ambient pressure atmospheric Tube Aluminium
Air quality clean air without contaminants Coating (housing) ESPC to Ral 7035 (Light Grey)
Coating (tube) None

Feed-air Conditions Weight, Dimensions and Connections

Maximum operating pressure 13.0 bar g Dimensions H x W x D 757 x 80 x 63 mm
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +50°C Weight 3.2 kg
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3 Connection feed-air G3/8” female to ISO 228
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off Connection nitrogen enriched air G3/8” female to ISO 228
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) Connection oxygen enriched
G3/8” female to ISO 228
air at atmospheric pressure
Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.344

Flow Rate Corrections

Oxygen flow rate at feed
Use bulletin S3.1.085*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.085*
temperatures other than 20ºC
* version number may vary, make sure to use the most recent version

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.

EnOxy 606


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Oxygen Minimum enriched oxygen flow rate in l/min 1) Oxygen Feed-air consumption at minimum enriched oxygen flow rate in l/min 1)
purity % 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 purity % 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
4 bar g 69.2 70.8 72.3 74.0 75.5 77.2 - 4 bar g 95.6 111 130 161 212 301 -
5 bar g 88.2 90.2 92.2 94.2 96.2 98.2 100 5 bar g 122 139 160 193 241 314 541
6 bar g 108 110 113 115 118 120 122 6 bar g 149 169 196 227 284 360 538
7 bar g 128 131 133 136 139 142 145 7 bar g 176 200 232 269 324 405 580
8 bar g 148 151 155 158 162 165 168 8 bar g 204 232 269 312 376 470 648
9 bar g 168 173 177 180 185 188 192 9 bar g 233 264 307 356 431 536 730
10 bar g 190 195 198 203 208 212 217 10 bar g 263 299 347 403 488 615 855
11 bar g 212 217 222 227 232 237 242 11 bar g 295 334 389 452 556 710 1018
12 bar g 235 240 245 252 257 262 267 12 bar g 327 371 430 502 623 811 1208
Enriched oxygen flow exits at atmospheric pressure
Maximum pressure drop over nitrogen enriched flow <0.3 bar.
Maximum enriched oxygen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 30%
1. l/min refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20°C

Ambient Conditions Material

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C Housing Steel
Ambient pressure atmospheric Tube PVC
Air quality clean air without contaminants Coating (housing) ESPC to RAL 7035 (Light Grey)
Coating Tube None

Feed-air Conditions Weight, Dimensions and Connections

Maximum operating pressure 13.0 bar g Dimensions H x W x D 751 x 110 x 84 mm
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +50°C Weight 6.4 kg
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3 Connection feed-air G1/2” female to ISO 228
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off Connection nitrogen enriched air G1/2” female to ISO 228
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) Connection oxygen enriched
G1/2” female to ISO 228
air at atmospheric pressure
Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.345
Flow Rate Corrections
Oxygen flow rate at feed
Use bulletin S3.1.085*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.085*
temperatures other than 20ºC
*version number may vary, make sure to use the most recent version

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.
Industrial Nitrogen Gas Generation - Membrane Modules

EnOxy 608


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Oxygen Minimum enriched oxygen flow rate in l/min 1) Oxygen Feed-air consumption at minimum enriched oxygen flow rate in l/min 1)
purity % 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 purity % 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
4 bar g 128 131 134 137 140 143 - 4 bar g 177 206 242 299 392 557 -
5 bar g 163 167 170 174 178 181 185 5 bar g 225 256 296 357 444 580 998
6 bar g 199 203 207 212 216 221 225 6 bar g 274 311 361 417 523 662 991
7 bar g 235 240 246 251 256 261 267 7 bar g 324 368 427 494 597 745 1066
8 bar g 273 279 285 291 297 303 309 8 bar g 376 426 495 573 692 864 1190
9 bar g 311 318 325 332 339 346 353 9 bar g 429 487 565 654 793 985 1340
10 bar g 351 358 366 374 382 390 397 10 bar g 484 550 637 741 897 1130 1569
11 bar g 391 400 408 417 426 435 443 11 bar g 543 615 715 830 1022 1304 1869
12 bar g 432 442 452 461 471 481 490 12 bar g 601 682 791 923 1145 1490 2219
Enriched oxygen flow exits at atmospheric pressure
Maximum pressure drop over nitrogen enriched flow <0.3 bar.
Maximum enriched oxygen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 30%
1. l/min refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20°C

Ambient Conditions Material

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C Housing Aluminum
Ambient pressure atmospheric
Air quality clean air without contaminants

Feed-air Conditions Weight, Dimensions and Connections

Maximum operating pressure 13.0 bar g Dimensions H x ø D 736 x 114 mm
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +50°C Weight 5.3 kg
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3 Connection feed-air G3/4” female to ISO 228
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off Connection nitrogen enriched air G3/4” female to ISO 228
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) Connection oxygen enriched
G1” female to ISO 228
air at atmospheric pressure
Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.346
Flow Rate Corrections
Oxygen flow rate at feed
Use bulletin S3.1.085*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.085*
temperatures other than 20ºC
* version number may vary, make sure to use the most recent version

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.

EnOxy 6010


Performance data
Performance data is based on 20°C feed-air temperature and 1013 mbar ambient pressure

Oxygen Minimum enriched oxygen flow rate in l/min 1) Oxygen Feed-air consumption at minimum enriched oxygen flow rate in l/min 1)
purity % 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 purity % 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
4 bar g 250 256 262 268 274 280 - 4 bar g 345 401 472 585 768 1093 -
5 bar g 318 325 333 341 348 356 364 5 bar g 438 500 579 698 871 1139 1964
6 bar g 387 396 406 415 425 434 443 6 bar g 534 608 706 818 1027 1302 1950
7 bar g 458 470 481 492 503 514 525 7 bar g 633 718 836 969 1172 1465 2101
8 bar g 532 545 558 571 584 596 609 8 bar g 734 833 970 1124 1360 1700 2346
9 bar g 607 622 637 652 666 681 696 9 bar g 838 952 1108 1284 1559 1941 2644
10 bar g 685 701 718 735 751 768 784 10 bar g 945 1076 1249 1455 1765 2227 3097
11 bar g 764 783 801 820 838 857 875 11 bar g 1062 1204 1402 1632 2012 2571 3691
12 bar g 846 866 887 907 928 948 969 12 bar g 1176 1336 1552 1814 2254 2939 4385
Enriched oxygen flow exits at atmospheric pressure
Maximum pressure drop over nitrogen enriched flow <0.3 bar
Maximum enriched oxygen flow rate = minimum flow rate + 30%
1) l/min refers to conditions at 1013mbar(a) and 20°C

Ambient Conditions Material

Ambient temperature +2°C to +50°C Housing Aluminum
Ambient pressure atmospheric
Air quality clean air without contaminants

Feed-air Conditions Weight, Dimensions and Connections

Maximum operating pressure 13.0 bar g 2) Dimensions H x ø D 736 x 139 mm
Min. / Max. operating temperature +2°C / +50°C 2)
Weight 8.1 kg
Maximum oil vapour content <0.01 mg/m3 Connection feed-air G 1” female to ISO 228
Particles filtered at 0.01 µm cut off Connection nitrogen enriched air G 1” female to ISO 228
Relative humidity <100% (non condensing) Connection oxygen enriched
G 1” female to ISO 228
2 air at atmospheric pressure
combination of high operating pressure and high operating temperature can reduce the
life time expectancy of the membrane module. Dimensional drawing Refer to K3.1.347

Flow Rate Corrections

Oxygen flow rate at feed
Use bulletin S3.1.085*
temperatures other than 20ºC
Feed-air consumption at feed-air
Use bulletin S3.1.085*
temperatures other than 20ºC
* version number may vary, make sure to use the most recent version

Parker membrane systems produce both nitrogen and oxygen enriched air. Nitrogen enriched air can cause suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes
increased fire hazards. The oxygen enriched air is available at ambient pressure and pressure build-up of enriched oxygen at the outlet must be
prevented, otherwise a serious (reversible) decrease in performance will result. The nitrogen enriched air produced should be treated as pressurised air.
Membrane Temperature Correction Factors

Membrane Temperature Correction Factors

Temperature has influence on the performance of the Parker membranes. As the temperature changes so does the membrane
performance. As a consequence the capacity and feed-air factor differ from the ones at nominal temperature (20ºC).

Hereafter are the tables with correction factors for temperatures differing from 20ºC for the HiFluxx membrane modules.

Table 1 Table 2
Nitrogen flow rate correction factor for HiFluxx Feed-Air consumption correction factor for
Temperature at various product concentrations1) Temperature HiFluxx at various product concentrations1)
99.5 % 99 % 98 % 97 % 96 % 95 % 99.5 % 99 % 98 % 97 % 96 % 95 %
5ºC (41°F) 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 5ºC (41°F) 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
10ºC (50°F) 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 10ºC (50°F) 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
30°C (86°F) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 30°C (86°F) 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
40ºC (104°F) 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 40ºC (104°F) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
50ºC (122°F) 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 50ºC (122°F) 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3

Sizing conditions
Inlet pressure 7 barg
Nitrogen purity 97%
Feed-air temperature 50ºC
N2 correction factor 1.1 (table 1)
Feed-air correction factor 1.3 (table 2) Corrected Nitrogen Flow Calculation at 50ºC and 97%
Module HiFluxx ST1508 Corrected nitrogen flow: 15 m3/hr x 1.1 = 16.5 m3/hr
N2 flow rate HiFluxx ST1508 15 m3/hr (at 20ºC)
Corrected Feed-Air Calculation at 50ºC and 97%
Feed-air consumption HiFluxx ST1508 52.5 m3/hr (at 20ºC) Corrected feed-air flow: 52.5 m3/hr x 1.3 = 68.3 m3/hr
These numbers are indicative and may vary by +/- 0.1

Table 1
Nitrogen flow rate correction factor for SmartFluxx (SA) at various product concentrations
99.5 % 99 % 98 % 97 % 96 % 95 %
20°C (68°F) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
30°C (86°F) 1.00 1.03 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05
40ºC (104°F) 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10
50ºC (122°F) 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.10 1.15 1.15
60ºC (140°F) 0.95 1.03 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.20

Table 2
Feed-Air consumption correction factor for SmartFluxx (SA) at various product concentrations
99.5 % 99 % 98 % 97 % 96 % 95 %
20°C (68°F) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
30°C (86°F) 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10
40ºC (104°F) 1.25 1.20 1.15 1.15 1.10 1.10
50ºC (122°F) 1.35 1.30 1.25 1.20 1.15 1.15
60ºC (140°F) 1.60 1.60 1.55 1.55 1.50 1.50


Table 1 Table 2
Oxygen flow rate correction factor for Feed-Air consumption correction factor for
Temperature EnOxy at various product concentrations1) Temperature EnOxy at various product concentrations1)
28 % 30 % 32 % 34 % 36 % 38 % 40 % 28 % 30 % 32 % 34 % 36 % 38 % 40 %
5ºC (41°F) 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 5ºC (41°F) 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76
10ºC (50°F) 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 10ºC (50°F) 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84
15ºC (59°F) 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 15ºC (59°F) 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91
25ºC (77°F) 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 25ºC (77°F) 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09
30°C (86°F) 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 30°C (86°F) 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19
35ºC (95°F) 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 35ºC (95°F) 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30
40ºC (104°F) 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 * 40ºC (104°F) 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 *
45ºC (113°F) 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 * 45ºC (113°F) 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 *
50ºC (122°F) 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 * * 50ºC (122°F) 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 * *
These numbers are indicative
*) No enriched oxygen can be generated at this temperature / oxygen% combination

Sizing conditions
Inlet pressure 7 barg
Nitrogen purity 34%
Feed-air temperature 30ºC
N2 correction factor 1.19 (table 1)
Feed-air correction factor 1.25 (table 2) Corrected Nitrogen Flow Calculation at 30ºC and 34%
Module EnOxy 608 Corrected oxygen flow: 251 l/hr x 1.19 = 298.7 l/hr
N2 flow rate HiFluxx ST1508 251 l/hr (at 20ºC
Corrected Feed-Air Calculation at 30ºC and 34%
Feed-air consumption HiFluxx ST1508 494 l/hr (at 20ºC) Corrected feed-air flow: 494 l/hr x 1.25 = 617.5 l /hr

Typical Membrane Module Installation (excluding vales and controls)

Carbon Dioxide Quality Incident Protection

PCO2 Carbon Dioxide Quality Incident Protection Systems

From production plant to fountain / post mix and beer dispense,
guaranteed CO2 purity is assured.
The PCO2 Carbon Dioxide Quality Incident Protection System from Parker offers a comprehensive solution to preserve and guarantee the
quality of gaseous carbon dioxide used in the sparkling beverage industry.
Using multi-layer gas adsorbent technology, the PCO2 range includes models for plant scale protection, as well as smaller variants for
fountain / post mix and beer dispense applications respectively.
Operating as a vapour absorber to remove a wide range of potentially harmful carbon dioxide impurities, the system guarantees the gas
quality to remain within industry and company guidelines, therefore preventing detrimental consequences to the finished beverage and to
the producers reputation.

PCO2 quality incident production systems for production plant

The system for the production plant environment offers in-line quality incident protection against peak levels of trace impurities which may
be present in beverage-grade carbon dioxide.

Typical production plant application


Liquid CO2
storage tank

CO2 delivery

Liquid to gas PCO2 multi-stage

evaporator CO2 filtration system


ISBT Quality Guidelines for Carbon Dioxide

The International Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT) is the only organisation whose sole interest is the technical and scientific
aspects of soft drinks and beverages.

The ISBT is a highly respected body which is dedicated to the promotion, development and dissemination of knowledge relating to the art
and science of beverage technology.

The quality guidelines and analytical procedure bibliography has been developed by the ISBT to provide guidance for manufacturers of
carbonated beverages and suppliers of carbon dioxide to the carbonated beverage industries about key characteristics for the quality and
purity of carbon dioxide when used as a direct food additive in beverages.

The following table lists the voluntary quality standards taken from the document with relation to CO2 quality.

Voluntary quality standards as listed in the ISBT Quality Guidelines

Parameter Guideline Rationale†

Purity: 99.9 % v/v min. Process

Moisture: 20 ppm v/v max. Process

Oxygen: 30 ppm v/v max. Sensory

Carbon Monoxide: 10 ppm v/v max. Process

Ammonia 2.5 ppm v/v max. Process

Nitric Oxide / Nitrogen Dioxide: 2.5 ppm v/v max. (each) Regulatory

Non-volatile Residue: 10 ppm w/w max. Sensory

Non-volatile Organic Residue: 5 ppm w/w max. Sensory

Phosphine: To pass test (0.3 ppm v/v max.) Regulatory

Total Volatile Hydrocarbons: 50 ppm v/v max. including 20 ppm v/v max.
(as Methane) as total non-methane hydrocarbons

Acetaldehyde: 0.2 ppm v/v max. Sensory

Aromatic Hydrocarbon Content: 20 ppb v/v max. Regulatory

Total Sulphur Content* (as S):

0.1 ppm v/v max. Sensory
(*Total sulphur-containing impurities excluding sulphur dioxide)

Sulphur Dioxide 1 ppm v/v max. Sensory

Odour of Solid CO2 (snow): No foreign odour Sensory

Appearance in water: No colour or turbidity Sensory

Odour and taste in water: No foreign odour or taste Sensory

Source: ISBT CO2 quality & analytical procedure bibliography, 2019.

Rationale definitions:
Sensory: Any attribute that negatively impacts the taste, appearance or odour of beverage.
Process: Any attribute that defines a key parameter in a controlled process and an important consideration in the beverage industry.
Regulatory: Any attribute whose limit is set by governing regulatory agencies.

Carbon Dioxide Quality Incident Protection

PCO2 Carbon Dioxide Quality Incident Protection Systems

For the sparkling beverage industry
Technical Data
Max Min Max
Flow Rate Operating Operating Operating
Port Quantity Pressure Temperature Temperature Inlet
Size* Required CO2 Quality**
Kg/h Lb/h bar g psi g ºC ºF ºC ºF

PCO2-400 1" 181 400 1 20.7 300 -20 -4 40 104

PCO2-800 1½" 363 800 1 24.1 350 -20 -4 40 104

PCO2-1600 1½" 726 1600 1 24.1 350 -20 -4 40 104

PCO2-2400 1½" 1089 2400 1 24.1 350 -20 -4 40 104

PCO2-3200 1½" 1451 3200 1 24.1 350 -20 -4 40 104

ISBT Beverage
Grade CO2
PCO2-4000 1½" 1814 4000 1 24.1 350 -20 -4 40 104

PCO2-4800 1½" 2177 4800 1 24.1 350 -20 -4 40 104

PCO2-3200 Duplex* 1½" 2903 6400 2 24.1 350 -20 -4 40 104

PCO2-4000 Duplex* 1½" 3628 8000 2 24.1 350 -20 -4 40 104

PCO2-4800 Duplex* 1½" 4354 9600 2 24.1 350 -20 -4 40 104

*Duplex systems are installed in parallel to double the flow.

**PCO2 CO2 Systems are for gaseous CO2 only.
All systems are rated at a maximum operating pressure of 24.1 bar g / 350 psi g.
PCO2-400 is rated at 20.7 Bar g / 300 psi g.

Correction Factors
bar g 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Inlet Pressure
psi g 44 58 73 87 102 116 130 145 160 174 189
Correction factor 0.19 0.23 0.28 0.33 0.38 0.42 0.47 0.52 0.57 0.61 0.66

bar g 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Inlet Pressure
psi g 203 218 232 247 261 275 290 304 319 333 348
Correction factor 0.71 0.76 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1 1 1 1 1

Stage 1
0.01 micron particle filtration
Removal of non-volatile organic residue (NVOR) and
other contaminants down to 0.01 ppm
Stage 2
Removal of water vapour and partial removal of
Stage 3
Primary removal of aromatic hydrocarbons (Benzene,
Toluene etc and Acetaldehyde)
Stage 4
Removal of sulphur compounds (COS, H2S, DMS etc)
Stage 5
0.01 micron particle filtration
Stage 6*
Point of use VBACE sterile gas membrane. Hi Flow
Tetpor II

* Optional - Sterilizing Grade: consult Parker for

operational use




PCO2-400 PCO2-800 to PCO2-4800

Weights and Dimensions

Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) Clearance** Weight
mm ins mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs

PCO2-400 1035 40.8 564 22.2 350 13.7 680 27 75 165

PCO2-800 1060.7 41.8 632 24.9 450 17.7 680 27 84 185

PCO2-1600 1060.7 41.8 801 31.5 450 17.7 680 27 128 282

PCO2-2400 1060.7 41.8 970 39.4 450 17.7 680 27 172 379

PCO2-3200 1060.7 41.8 1139 44.8 450 17.7 680 27 217 478

PCO2-4000 1060.7 41.8 1308 51.5 450 17.7 680 27 260 573

PCO2-4800 1060.7 41.8 1477 58.1 450 17.7 680 27 304 670

*All systems are supplied as NPT with stainless steel adapters 'NPT to BSP' as standard.
** Clearance required for the removal and servicing of cartridges.

Preventative Maintenance Kits - Required Every 8000 Hrs (12 months)

Model Part Number Contents

1 x Desiccant Cartridge, 2 x Outlet Block O-Rings,

PCO2-400 MK-PCO2-400 1
2 x P020-AA Filter Elements, 2 x Filter Bowl O-Rings

2 x Desiccant Cartridges, 2 x Outlet Block O-Rings,

PCO2-800 MK-PCO2-800 1
2 x IP50-AA Filter Elements, 2 x Filter Bowl O-Rings

4 x Desiccant Cartridges, 2 x Outlet Block O-Rings,

PCO2-1600 MK-PCO2-1600 1
2 x IP50-AA Filter Elements, 2 x Filter Bowl O-Rings

6 x Desiccant Cartridges, 2 x Outlet Block O-Rings,

PCO2-2400 MK-PCO2-2400 1
With OIL-X filter elements
2 x IP50-AA Filter Elements, 2 x Filter Bowl O-Rings
(PCO2-400 Models only)
8 x Desiccant Cartridges, 2 x Outlet Block O-Rings,
PCO2-3200 MK-PCO2-3200 1
2 x IP50-AA Filter Elements, 2 x Filter Bowl O-Rings

10 x Desiccant Cartridges, 2 x Outlet Block O-Rings,

PCO2-4000 MK-PCO2-4000 1
2 x IP50-AA Filter Elements, 2 x Filter Bowl O-Rings

12 x Desiccant Cartridges, 2 x Outlet Block O-Rings,

PCO2-4800 MK-PCO2-4800 1
2 x IP50-AA Filter Elements, 2 x Filter Bowl O-Rings

PCO2-3200 16 x Desiccant Cartridges, 4 x Outlet Block O-Rings,

MK-PCO2-6400 1
(Duplex) 4 x IP50-AA Filter Elements, 4 x Filter Bowl O-Rings

PCO2-4000 20 x Desiccant Cartridges, 4 x Outlet Block O-Rings,

MK-PCO2-8000 1
(Duplex) 4 x IP50-AA Filter Elements, 4 x Filter Bowl O-Rings
With OIL-X IP50 filter elements
(PCO2-800 to PCO2-4800 Models)
PCO2-4800 24 x Desiccant Cartridges, 4 x Outlet Block O-Rings,
MK-PCO2-9600 1
(Duplex) 4 x IP50-AA Filter Elements, 4 x Filter Bowl O-Rings


Biogas Dehumidification Systems

Installed on a hot galvanized steel frame (skid), a water chiller (Hyperchill BioEnergy), cooler (Hypercool BioEnergy) and a centrifugal
separator (Hypersep BioEnergy) are the key components of the Biogas Dehumidification System: they have been specifically designed for
biogas applications and provide safe, reliable operation in harsh environments typically found at AD and landfill biogas production sites.

The standard biogas dehumidification package includes water connections between Hyperchill and Hypercool, water isolating valves, a
water expansion tank and a counter flange kit with gaskets for the system's connection to the customer's piping.

Standard Skid Package

Hyperchill BioEnergy Hypercool BioEnergy Hypersep BioEnergy
(ICE series) (WFB Series) (CSB Series)
• Chiller Output 5 – 360 kW • High cooling efficiency with low pressure • Cyclonic separator optimized for biogas
• Special coating for corrosive environment drop design applications
• Pump & tank installed in casing • Material: Parts in contact with biogas are • High separation efficiency with
• Microprocessor controlled AISI304 or AISI316L, parts not in contact very low pressure drop
with biogas are AISI304
• Ambient range -20°C to +45°C • Material: Parts in
• Compliant scroll refrigerant compressor • Maximum working pressure: 0.5 barg contact with biogas
are AISI304 or AISI316L
• IP54 protection as standard
• Maximum working
pressure: 0.5 barg

Optional Additions to Standard Skid Package

The standard Biogas Dehumidification System can be extended to include additional components such as a particulate filter, condensate
drain and / or energy-saving, 'Gas2Gas’ recuperator.

Hyperfilter BioEnergy Gas2Gas Recuperator BioEnergy Hyperdrain BioEnergy

(FFB) (RBB) (HDF220BE)
• Particle removal: 5 or 20 µm • Free-cools incoming biogas to reduce chiller • Designed to work with dirty condensate and
cooling load for low pressure operation
• Filtration efficiency 99.999%
• Free-heats outgoing biogas to reduce • No electrical wiring
• Differential pressure relative humidity thus eliminating the need
2 mbar for auxiliary heating • No gas loss
• Material: AISI304 or • High thermal transfer efficiency with very • Parts in contact with condensate are
AISI316L, with additional low pressure drop stainless steel and reinforced polyamide,
pickling and passivation body treated with special Hiroshield
treatment • Material: AISI304 or AISI316L, treatment for optimal operation in harsh
with additional pickling and passivation environments
• Maximum working treatment
pressure: 0.5 barg




Biogas Dehumidification System

Biogas Gas Gas Condensate Weight*
Model Flow Rate Inlet Outlet Removed A B C D*
(m3/h) Conns. Conns. (kg/h)
mm ins mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
skd60-007 60 DN80 DN50 3.1 2500 98.4 1700 66.9 1615 63.6 1640 64.6 558 1228
skd105-010 105 DN80 DN50 5.3 2500 98.4 1700 66.9 1615 63.6 1640 64.6 638 1404
skd165-014 165 DN125 DN80 8.4 2500 98.4 1700 66.9 1615 63.6 1635 64.4 690 1518
skd265-024 265 DN125 DN80 13.5 2500 98.4 1700 66.9 1615 63.6 1635 64.4 795 1749
skd240-030 240 DN125 DN80 12.8 3300 129.9 1800 70.9 1615 63.6 1695 66.7 880 1936
skd360-040 360 DN200 DN125 19.2 3300 129.9 1800 70.9 1890 74.4 1975 77.8 941 2070
skd510-060 510 DN200 DN125 27.2 3300 129.9 1800 70.9 1890 74.4 1975 77.8 1166 2565
skd720-076 720 DN200 DN125 38.4 3350 131.9 2200 86.6 2214 87.2 1995 78.5 1451 3192
skd1110-116 1110 DN300 DN200 59.2 3350 131.9 2200 86.6 2214 87.2 2102 82.8 1732 3810
skd1620-116 1350 DN300 DN200 71.6 3350 131.9 2200 86.6 2214 87.2 2102 82.8 1788 3934
Performances refer to operation with clean cooler and separator, gas flow rate at 20°C (68°F) /1 barA. Nominal working conditions: 60% CH4,
40% CO2, gas inlet temperature 40°C (104°F) saturated, refrigerant inlet water temperature 1°C (34°F), ambient temperature 35°C (95°F), gas outlet
temperature at nominal conditions 8°C (46°F) (from model skd60-007 to model skd265-024) and 4°C (39°F} (from model skd240-030 to model skd1620-116).
Average pressure drop without filter 11 mbar +/-2 for all models. average pressure drops with filter 14 mbar +/- 2 for all models.
*Data refers to skid without filter.

Biogas Dehumidification System with ‘Gas2Gas’ Recuperator

Biogas Gas Gas Condensate Weight*
Model Flow Rate Inlet Outlet Removed A B C D*
(m3/h) Conns. Conns. (kg/h)
mm ins mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
skd60-007-R 60 DN80 DN40 3.1 3750 147.6 1700 66.9 1615 63.6 1982 78.0 703 1547
skd105-010-R 105 DN80 DN40 5.4 3750 147.6 1700 66.9 1625 64.0 1982 78.0 711 1564
skd165-014-R 165 DN125 DN50 8.5 3750 147.6 1700 66.9 1615 63.6 2040 80.3 772 1698
skd265-024-R 265 DN125 DN50 13.5 3750 147.6 1700 66.9 1615 63.6 2040 80.3 785 1727
skd240-030-R 240 DN125 DN50 12.8 4900 192.9 1800 70.9 1615 63.6 2100 82.7 1089 2396
skd360-040-R 360 DN200 DN100 19.3 4900 192.9 1800 70.9 1890 74.4 2567 101.1 1264 2781
skd510-060-R 510 DN200 DN100 27.3 4900 192.9 1800 70.9 1890 74.4 2567 101.1 1391 3060
skd720-076-R 720 DN200 DN100 38.5 5382 211.9 2200 86.6 2214 87.2 2587 101.9 1887 4151
skd1110-116-R 1110 DN350 DN150 59.4 5382 211.9 2200 86.6 2214 87.2 2878 113.3 2394 5267
skd1620-116-R 1350 DN350 DN150 68.5 5382 211.9 2200 86.6 2214 87.2 2878 113.3 2450 5390
Performances refer to operation with clean cooler and separator, gas flow rate at 20°C (68°F) /1 barA. Nominal working conditions: 55% CH4,
45% CO2, gas inlet temperature 50°C (40°C (104°F) saturated), gas inlet pressure 75 mbarg, refrigerant inlet water temperature 1°C (34°F), ambient
temperature 35°C (95°F), gas dew point at nominal conditions 8°C (46°F) (from model skd60-007 to model skd265-024) and 4°C (39°F) (from model skd240-
030 to model skd1620-116), gas outlet relative humidity below 50%.
*Data refers to skid without filter.


BioEnergy Products
For information relating to Hyperchill BioEnergy water chillers please refer to page 96 of this catalogue.

Hyperfilter BioEnergy
Area of Application
Standard Filter Biogas, Landfill Gas and Natural Gas
Max. Operating Pressure 0.5 bar g (7.25 psi g)
Operating Temperature -10°C (14°F) up to 100°C (212°F)

Performance Data
Removal Pollutants, foams, particulate and separation of residual moisture
Flow Direction From outside to inside
Particle Removal Size 5 µm / 20 µm
Filtration Efficiency 99.999%
Differential Pressure. Dry 2 mbar

Materials of Construction - Housing

Housing Body Stainless steel: parts in contact with biogas in AISI304 or AISI316L. not in contact in AISI304
Surface Treatment Pickling and passivation
Gaskets Mineral fibers with NBR binder

Materials of Construction - Element

End Caps Stainless steel
Inner Core Perforated stainless steel
Filter Medium 260g antistatic polyester spunbonded
Sealing Epoxy resin
Gaskets Neoprene
A stainless steel grounding wire is mounted underneath the top ring alongside the filter medium

Technical Data
Gas Flow* Connections Filter Elements
L/S m3/min m3/h cfm In Out Quantity
FFB105 29 1.8 105 62 DN50 DN80 1
FFB265 74 4.4 265 156 DN80 DN125 1
FFB720 200 12.0 720 424 DN125 DN200 1
FFB1110 308 18.5 1110 653 DN200 DN300 1
FFB3180 695 41.7 2500 1472 DN300 DN450 1

Weights & Dimensions

Model A B C D
mm ins mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
FFB105 440 17.3 1454 57.2 1330 52.4 420 16.5 32 70
FFB265 440 17.3 1424 56.1 1300 51.2 390 15.4 35 77
FFB720 625 24.6 1838 72.4 1595 62.8 545 21.5 99 218
FFB1110 633 24.9 1883 74.1 1650 65.0 600 23.6 108 238
FFB3180 1000 39.4 2208 86.9 1805 71.1 696 27.4 255 561

*Nominal working conditions: gas inlet temperature 40°C (104°F), atmospheric pressure, 60%CH4, 40%CO2, pressure drop 3 mbar.
FFB Filters can work at higher gas flow rates with an increase in pressure drop (refer to Parker).


Hyperfilter BioEnergy Hypersep BioEnergy

A CSB105 CSB265 to CSB3180


Hyperdrain BioEnergy HyperCool BioEnergy



Hypersep BioEnergy
Technical Data / Weights & Dimensions
Gas Flow Connections Weight
Model A B C D
L/s m3/h m3/min cfm In Out mm ins mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
CSB105 29 105 1.8 62 DN80 DN50 365.5 14.4 635.5 25.0 375.8 14.8 535.5 21.1 14 31
CSB265 74 265 4.4 156 DN125 DN80 460 18.1 1425 56.1 1038 40.9 1300 51.2 30 66
CSB720 200 720 12.0 424 DN200 DN125 570 22.4 1765 69.5 1293 50.9 1595 62.8 54 119
CSB1620 450 1620 27.0 954 DN300 DN200 638 25.1 1747.5 68.8 1156 45.5 1525 60.0 88 194
CSB3180 883 3180 53.0 1872 DN450 DN300 833 32.8 2113 83.2 1264 49.8 1805 71.1 153 337

Hypercool BioEnergy
Technical Data / Weights & Dimensions
Gas Flow Connections Weight
Model A B C
L/s m3/h m3/min cfm Gas Water mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
WFB60 17 60 1.0 35 DN80 ¾" 1490 58.7 65.5 2.6 89 3.5 16 35
WFB105 29 105 1.8 62 DN80 ¾" 1490 58.7 65.5 2.6 89 3.5 19 42
WFB165 46 165 2.8 97 DN125 1" 1490 58.7 100.5 4.0 140 5.5 30 66
WFB265 74 265 4.4 156 DN125 1" 1490 58.7 100.5 4.0 140 5.5 38 84
WFB240 67 240 4.0 141 DN125 1" 1990 78.3 100.5 4.0 140 5.5 48 106
WFB360 100 360 6.0 212 DN200 1¼" 1990 78.3 120.5 4.7 219 8.6 85 187
WFB510 142 510 8.5 300 DN200 1¼" 1990 78.3 120.5 4.7 219 8.6 102 224
WFB720 200 720 12.0 424 DN200 1¼" 1990 78.3 120.5 4.7 219 8.6 124 273
WFB1110 308 1110 18.5 653 DN300 2" 1990 78.3 144.5 5.7 324 12.8 196 431
WFB1620 450 1620 27.0 954 DN300 2" 1990 78.3 144.5 5.7 324 12.8 252 554
WFB2380 661 2380 39.7 1401 DN450 2½" 1990 78.3 179.5 7.1 457 18.0 405 891
WFB3180 883 3180 53.0 1872 DN450 2½" 1990 78.3 179.5 7.1 457 18.0 490 1078
Performances refer to models operating with gas flow rate at FAD 20°C (68°F) / 1 barA.
Nominal working conditions: gas inlet conditions 40°C (104°F) saturated 60%CH4 , 40%CO2, water inlet temperature 1°C (34°F), gas outlet temperature 8°C
(46°F) for models WFB60, WFB105, WFB165, WFB265, 4°C (39°F) for all other models. pressure drop 1.2 kPa with separator.

Hyperdrain BioEnergy
Technical Data / Weights & Dimensions
Maximum Dimensions
Materials of Construction Gas Flow Conns. Weight
Model Pressure A B C
Housing Float Lever L/s m3/h m3/min cfm in out bar g psi g mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs
Polyamide/ Polyamide/
HDF220BE Alumininium 2 6.5 108 4 1" ½" 1 14.5 266 10.5 111 4.4 108 4.3 1.9 4
st. steel st. steel

Replacement Filter Elements and Maintenanace Kits

Replacement Filter Elements and Maintenance Kits

For Legacy Parker domnick hunter Products


Elements Combination Elements Advantage Elements
Filter Model Replacement Element Filter Model Replacement Elements Filter Model Replacement Element

AO005 005AO 010AA AO-0003G K003AO

010AC AO-0009G K009AO
AO010 010AO
015AA AO-0017G K017AO
AO015 015AO AC015
015AC AO-0030G K030AO
AO020 020AO
AC020 AO-0058G K058AO
AO025 025AO 020AC
AO-0080G K145AO
AO030 030AO 025AA
AC025D AO-0125G K145AO
AO035 035AO 025DAC
AO-0145G K145AO
AO040 040AO AC025E AO-0205G K220AO
AO045 045AO AO-0220G K220AO
AC030 AO-0330G K330AO
AO050 050AO 030AC
AO055 055AO AO-0405G K430AO
AO-0430G K430AO
AO060 060AO requires 3 per filter
AO-0620G K620AO
AA005 005AA
AO-1000G K330AO requires 3 per filter
AA010 010AA
AA-0003G K003AA
AA015 015AA
AA-0017G K017AA
AA025 025AA
OVR Maintenance Kits AA-0030G K030AA
AA030 030AA Model Maintenance Kit No. Required AA-0058G K058AA
AA035 035AA OVR100E 100OVR 1 AA-0080G K145AA

AA040 040AA OVR150H 100OVR 2 AA-0125G K145AA

OVR200H 100OVR 4 AA-0145G K145AA

AA045 045AA
AA-0205G K220AA
AA050 050AA OVR250J 100OVR 6
AA-0220G K220AA
AA055 055AA
AA-0330G K330AA
AA060 060AA requires 3 per filter
AA-0405G K430AA
ACS005 005ACS AA-0430G K430AA
ACS010 010ACS AA-0620G K620AA
ACS015 015ACS AA-1000G K330AA requires 3 per filter
ACS020 020ACS OIL-Xplus ACS-0009G K009ACS

ACS025 025ACS Combination Elements ACS-0017G K017ACS

ACS-0030G K030ACS
ACS030 030ACS Filter Model Replacement Elements
ACS-0058G K058ACS
ACS035 035ACS K009AA
AC-0006G ACS-0080G K145ACS
ACS040 040ACS K006AC
ACS-0125G K145ACS
ACS045 045ACS K017AA
AC-0013G ACS-0145G K145ACS
ACS050 050ACS ACS-0205G K220ACS
ACS055 055ACS AC-0025G ACS-0220G K220ACS
ACS060 060ACS requires 3 per filter K058AA ACS-0330G K330ACS
K040AC ACS-0405G K430ACS
K145AA ACS-0430G K430ACS
K065AC ACS-0620G K620ACS
K145AA K330ACS
AC-0085G ACS-1000G
K085AC requires 3 per filter


PCO2 MKI SE and ES Oil / Water

Maintenance Kits Separator Maintenance Kits
Product Type Model Filter Type Maintenance Kit Model Quantity Required Part Number
Maxi PCO2 PCO2-1- 20 (300) OIL-Xplus MAKPCO2-1-20 SE2010 1 ESMK1
Maxi PCO2 PCO2-2-20 (300) OIL-Xplus MAKPC02-2-20 SE2015 1 ESMK1
Maxi PCO2 PCO2-3-20 (300) OIL-Xplus MAKPC02-3-20 SE2030/SE2030P 2 ESMK1
Maxi PCO2 MPlus 4000 20 (300) OIL-Xplus MAK-MPLUS4000-20 ES36 1 ESMK1
Maxi PCO2 MPlus 6000 20 (300) OIL-Xplus MAK-MPLUS6000-20 ES90 1 ESMK1
Maxi PCO2 MPlus 8000 20 (300) OIL-Xplus MAK-MPLUS8000-20 ES125 1 ESMK2
Maxi PCO2 MPlus 10000 20 (300) OIL-Xplus MAK-MPLUS10000-20 ES250 2 ESMK2
Mplus PCO2 PCO2-0-20 (300) OIL-X EVOLUTION MAKEPC02-0-20 ES500 1 ESMK3
Mplus PCO2 PCO2-1-20 (300) OIL-X EVOLUTION MAKEPC02-1-20 ES1000 2 ESMK3
Mplus PCO2 PCO2-2-20 (300) OIL-X EVOLUTION MAKEPC02-2-20

Mplus PCO2 PCO2-3-20 (300) OIL-X EVOLUTION MAKEPC02-3-20

Mplus PCO2 MPlus 4000 20 (300) OIL-X EVOLUTION MAKE-MPLUS4000-20

Mplus PCO2 MPlus 6000 20 (300) OIL-X EVOLUTION MAKE-MPLUS6000-20

Mplus PCO2 MPlus 8000 20 (300) OIL-X EVOLUTION MAKE-MPLUS8000-20

Mplus PCO2 MPlus 10000 20 (300) OIL-X EVOLUTION MAKE-MPLUS10000-20

Maxi PCO2 PCO2-0-24 (350) OIL-Xplus MAKPCO2-0-24

Maxi PCO2 PCO2-1-24 (350) OIL-Xplus MAKPCO2-1-24

Maxi PCO2 PCO2-2-24 (350) OIL-Xplus MAKPC02-2-24

Maxi PCO2 PCO2-3-24 (350) OIL-Xplus MAKPC02-3-24

Maxi PCO2 MPlus 4000 24 (350) OIL-Xplus MAK-MPLUS4000-24

Maxi PCO2 MPlus 6000 24 (350) OIL-Xplus MAK-MPLUS6000-24

Maxi PCO2 MPlus 8000 24 (350) OIL-Xplus MAK-MPLUS8000-24

Maxi PCO2 MPlus 10000 24 (350) OIL-Xplus MAK-MPLUS10000-20

Replacement Filter Elements and Maintenanace Kits

Replacement Filter Elements

For Legacy Parker Zander Products

GL and GL Plus LV Series

G Elements Elements Paint Compatible
Filter Model Replacement Element Filter Model Replacement Element Filter Model Part Number
GH2A 1030A GL2A / GL2AP CP1008A G2A/LV 1030A/LV
GH2V 1030ZP
GH2XP 1030XP
G2ZP 1030ZP
G3A 1050A GL2XL / GL2XLP CP1008XL G3A/LV 1050A/LV
G3V 1050ZP GL3A / GL3AP CP2010A G3XPDH/LV 1050XP/LV
G3XP 1050XP
G3ZP 1050ZP
G5A 1070A
G5XP 1070XP GL7A / GL7AP CP2020A G5ZPDH/LV 1070ZP/LV
G5ZP 1070ZP
GL7VL CP2020ZL G7A/LV 1140A/LV
G7A 1140A
G7V 1140ZP
G7ZP 1140ZP GL9A / GL9AP CP3025A G9A/LV 2010A/LV
G9A 2010A
G9V 2010ZP
G9XP 2010XP
G11A 2020A GL11A / GL11AP CP3040A
G11V 2020ZP
G11XP 2020XP
G11ZP 2020ZP
G12A 2030A GL11XL / GL11XLP CP3040XL
G12V 2030ZP GL12A / GL12AP CP4040A
G12XP 2030XP
G12ZP 2030ZP
G13A 2050A
G13V 2050ZP GL12XL / GL12XLP CP4040XL
G13XP 2050XP GL13A / GL13AP CP4050A
G13ZP 2050ZP
G14A 3050A
G14V 3050ZP
G14XP 3050XP GL13XL / GL13XLP CP4050XL
G14ZP 3050ZP GL14A / GL14AP CP4065A
G17A 5060A
G17V 5060ZP
G17XP 5060XP
G17ZP 5060ZP GL14XL / GL14XLP CP4065XL
G18A 3075A GL17A / GL17AP CP5065A
G18V 3075ZP
G18XP 3075XP
G18ZP 3075ZP
G19A 5075A GL17XL / GL17XLP CP5065XL
G19V 5075ZP GL19A / GL19AP CP5080A
G19XP 5075XP
G19ZP 5075ZP


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