Chalmers Formula Sailing
Chalmers Formula Sailing
Chalmers Formula Sailing
Acerbi, Tommaso
Andersson, Rasmus
Eriksson, Eric
Granli, Simon
Jacobs, Eike
Rita, Francisco
Sahlberg, Robert
Werner, Emanuel
Chalmers Formula Sailing
High Performance Skiff
Marine Design Project 2017
The 1001VELAcup is a sail race between European universities that takes place annually in
Italy. The current report addresses the design and construction of a high performance sailing
skiff to allow Chalmers University of Technology to participate in the race. The design is
regulated by the Class Rule R3 and the current skiff is mainly inspired by the Olympic class
According to the class rules, the hull shall have a content of natural material of at least 70%.
This is achieved by using a sandwich material with a balsa core and a composite from flax (linen)
fibres, and an epoxy resin based on the shell of cashew nuts. Since there are no restrictions in
draft or height of mast, this skiff has a relatively high mast and deep centreboard. All parts
of the design are based on analyses of the race area in Mondello, outside of Palermo, in Sicily.
Thus, the team chose to not use hydrofoils on the centreboard and rudder. The sail area is
maximised according to the class rules.
The work is carried out by eight students on the master program Naval Architecture and Ocean
Engineering with supervision from teachers and experts from the industry.
Preface and Acknowledgement
The Marine Design Project, MMA 151, is a mandatory 15 credits course within the master
program Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. The
course is organised by the Department of M2, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences at Chalmers.
The objective of this project is to design and build a high performance racing skiff in order to
compete in the upcoming 1001VELAcup 2018. Furthermore the participants have to manage
the public relation work in addition to the whole process.
The project members would like thank and acknowledge the help, funding, expertise and sup-
port of the following:
To Lars Larsson, Adam Persson, John Mcveagh, Per Wretlind, Henrik Ottoson, Per
Hogström and Rolf Eliasson, thank you for the guidance, knowledge and expertise through-
out the duration of the project.
To Per Hogström and Lars Larsson, thank you for providing us the opportunity to work
with such a unique project and for providing us with Ritsalen. This project would have
been significantly more difficult without it.
To our sponsors and partners in the project: Seldén Mast, North Sails, SSPA, the ITH
project supported by the EU regional fund, Chalmers Foundation "Fond för högskolans
bästa" and Area of Advanced Materials at Chalmers.
To SSPA, for general support and SNIC (Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing)
for computing resources
To our classmates, working alongside us and providing the good atmosphere and com-
Project Members
Executive Summary
The following section is a brief outline of the work accomplished in the project. The mission
profile, main particulars for the skiff and a general overview of its rig and sail set up are presented
in this section.
Mission Profile
The mission of this project is to design and build a high performance racing skiff in order to
participate in the 1001VELAcup. The regatta will take place in the bay of Mondello, Italy, at
the end of September 2018.
Main Particulars
The dimensions of the skiff are set by the competition regulations as well as performance and
structural optimisation. Since the goal is to finish in 1st place in the competition the focus has
been on performance and hence the looks of the skiff are purely a result of that.
List of Abbreviations
Abbrevation - Description
List of Varables
IxBS [m4 ] Moment of inertia of the cross section of the bowsprit
I49er [m4 ] Moment of inertia of the water-plane of the 49er©
IW P [m4 ] Moment of inertia of the water-plane area
kDY N [−] Dynamic factor
L [m] Length
l [m] Distance on racks
LBS [m] Length of the bowsprit that is unsupported
LCF [m] Longitudinal Center Flotation
LCG [m] Longitudinal Center of Gravity
LOA [m] Length over all
LW L [m] Length of Water Line
mcrew [kg] Mass of the crew
mtot [kg] Total mass
Mx [N m] Moment in x-direction
My [N m] Moment in y-direction
Mz [N m] Moment in z-direction
P [N ] Point load applied at the racks
PBS [N ] Point load applied at the tip of the bowsprit
pDY N [N/m2 ] Dynamic pressure
pf w [N/m2 ] Flat water pressure
p0 [N/m2 ] Uniform pressure
ρBS [m] Density of the material composing the bowsprit
R1 [N ] Reaction force on the centreline
R2 [N ] Reaction force at the gunwale
rBS [m] radius of the bowsprit’s cross section
Re [−] Reynolds number
Rex [−] Reynolds number at distance x from the stagnation point
RM [N m] Righting moment
RM˜ [N m] Righting moment approximation
RMR [N m] Righting moment from the crew on the racks
RM˜ R [N m] Righting moment approximation from the crew on the racks
RMT [N m] Righting moment from the crew in the trapeze
RM˜ T [N m] Righting moment approximation from the crew in trapeze
σBS [P a] Stress at a bowsprit section
σu [P a] Ultimate stress
S12,max [M P a] Maximum shear stress in the XY-/LT-plane
S12,min [M P a] Minimum shear stress in the XY-/LT-plane
SL,max [M P a] Maximum stress in the longitudinal direction
SL,min [M P a] Minimum stress in the longitudinal direction
SL [M P a] Stress in the longitudinal direction
SLT,max [M P a] Maximum stress in the longitudinal-transverse plane
SLT [M P a] Stress in the longitudinal-transverse plane
ST,max [M P a] Maximum stress in the transverse direction
ST,min [M P a] Minimum stress in the transverse direction
ST [M P a] Stress in the transverse direction
ST V [M P a] Stress in the transverse-vertical plane
SV [M P a] Stress in the vertical direction
SV L [M P a] Stress in the vertical-longitudinal plane
SF [−] Safety factor
T [m] Draft
t [m] Thickness of the boundary layer
tBS [m] Thickness of the bowsprit
Tmax, canoe body [m] Maximum draft of canoe body
Tmax [m] Maximum draft
TK [−] Draft of the centreboard
T CG [m] Transverse centre of gravity
T CGcrew [m] Transverse centre of gravity of crew
TR [−] Taper ratio
TWA [◦ ] True wind angle
TWS [m/s] True wind speed
U∗ [m/s] Friction velocity
U∞ [m/s] Freestream velocity
U2,max [mm] Maximum deflection in the transverse direction
U2,no17 [mm] Deflection in the transverse direction of layup No. 17
U2,no18 [mm] Deflection in the transverse direction of layup No. 18
U3,i [mm] Deflection of node i in the vertical direction
U3,max [mm] Maximum deflection in the vertical direction
U3,no17 [mm] Deflection in the vertical direction of layup No. 17
U3,no18 [mm] Deflection in the vertical direction of layup No. 18
U1 [mm] Maximum deflection of 1st model
U2 [mm] Maximum deflection of 2nd model
U3 [mm] Maximum deflection of 3rd model
V [m/s] Speed
V CG [m] Vertical Centre of Gravity
xLOA [m] X-position of the maximum beam
y [mm] Distance to the nearest wall
y+ [−] Non-dimensional distance from the wall
zB [m] Z-position of centre of buoyancy
zG [m] Z-position of centre of gravity
zCE [m] Vertical centre of effort of the sails
zCLR [m] Vertical centre of effort of the appendages
α [◦ ] Leeway angle
∆ [kg] Displacement
∆S [m] Cell spacing
µ [kg/(m · s)] Dynamic viscosity of the fluid
ν [m2 /s] Kinematic viscosity of the fluid
νLT [M P a] Poisson’s ratio in the longitudinal-transverse plane
νT V [M P a] Poisson’s ratio in the transverse-vertical plane
νV L [M P a] Poisson’s ratio in the vertical-longitudinal plane
ρ [kg/m3 ] Density
τwall [M P a] Wall shear stresses
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Preface and Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Mission Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Main Particulars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
List of Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
List of Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
1 Introduction 1
2 1001VELAcup 3
2.1 Class Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 The Race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 Design basis 7
3.1 Wind Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 References for Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2.1 Hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2.2 Rig and Sails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2.3 Appendages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2.4 Racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.3 Overall Design Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4 Theory 17
4.1 Computer-Aided Design (CAD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.1.1 Hull Fairing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.2 Computional Fluid Dynamics (CFD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.2.1 Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.2.2 Governing Equations Solved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.2.3 Turbulence Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.2.4 Numerical Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.2.5 Grid Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.2.6 Aerodynamic Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.2.7 CFD Analysis Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.3 Finite Element Method (FEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.3.1 Prestudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.3.2 Hull Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.3.3 Centreboard and Rudder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.3.4 The Sandwich Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.3.5 FEM Analysis Set Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.4 Velocity Prediction Program (VPP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.4.1 Input and output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.4.2 Solved equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.4.3 Centreboard and Rudder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.4.4 Sail Set Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5 Design process 47
5.1 Hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.1.1 Hull Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.1.2 Hull Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.1.3 Hull Design Optimisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.1.4 Final Hull Geometry and Hydrodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5.1.5 Deck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.1.6 Structural Hull Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.2 Sail and Rig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.2.1 Sail Set Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.2.2 Rig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5.3 Appendages and Racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.3.1 Centreboard and rudder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.3.2 Racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
7 Building process 99
7.1 Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.2 Planking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
7.2.1 Planking the hull and deck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
7.2.2 Planking the internal structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
7.3 Lamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
7.3.1 Laminating the hull and deck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
7.3.2 Laminating the internal structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
7.4 Further Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
7.4.1 Rudder and Centreboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
7.4.2 Racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
7.4.3 Bowsprit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
References 111
Appendix A - Drawings I
Appendix C - Rules IX
List of Figures
List of Figures
B.1 Max beam position vs resistance. Red stars mark measured data; Blue line is
the fitted resistance curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII
B.2 Max draft position vs resistance. Red stars mark measured data; Blue line is the
fitted resistance curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII
List of Tables
3.1 Mean values and Weibull distribution fit for inspected wind statistics data . . . . 7
3.2 Mean values and Weibull distribution fit for different time steps . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3 Important dimensions of the 49er© . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.4 Important dimensions of Federica (DeSantis, 2016) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.5 Comparison of rudder areas and lead for different skiff classes . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.1 The simulated speeds for each hull in the CFD-simulations converted from knots
to metres per second. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.2 Location of the centre of gravity (CoG) for each speed scaled from the 49er©. . . 48
5.3 Beam fom moment of inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.4 Resistance Comparison Between Transonic Hull© and Scaled 49er© Hull . . . . . 51
5.5 Positions for the maximum beam variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.6 Resistance vs beam position comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5.7 Scale factors to compare which hull to choose for maximum beam position variation 54
5.8 Ranked and scaled comparison between the beam position to evaluate where to
place the maximum beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.9 Positions for the maximum draft position variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.10 Resistance vs draft position comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
5.11 Scale factors to compare which hull to choose for draft variation . . . . . . . . . 56
5.12 Ranked and scaled comparison between the beam position to evaluate where to
place the maximum draft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
5.13 Final hull dimensions for the skiff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5.14 Final drag along x-axis for the canoe body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5.15 Drag along x-axis for hull LED3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.16 Maximum stress for varying core thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.17 Variation of the sandwich skin laminates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.18 Deck layup analysis with 8 mm core thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.19 Deck layup analysis with 10 mm core thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.20 Deck layup analysis with 12 mm core thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.21 Comparison between models with and without flange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.22 Different concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
5.23 Systematic variations within different Sail Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
5.24 Systematic variations with an centreboard AR = 7.69 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5.25 Constants assumed for subsequent computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.26 Variables used for subsequent computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.27 Results from the Matlab computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.28 Leeway angle for different TWS at VMG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.29 Forces to dimension against . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
List of Tables
5.30 Material data for Aluminium EN-AW 6082 T6 taken from Alutrade (2017b) ans
Alutrade (2017a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
5.31 Dimensions for the aft support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
5.32 Dimensions for the bow support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
5.33 Dimensions for the beam rack between the support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
5.34 Dimensions of all the parts of the rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
1 Introduction
This project aims at designing and building a high performance racing skiff, the report starts
by explaining the competition context of the project and presenting the class rules that serve
as a starting point for the design. The respective design basis follows, being further developed
in the design method section. Fundamental theory is also presented in order to explain the
main theoretical topics and assumptions that guide all the different sub-groups and their work.
Finally the design process can be described without any additional restrictions. In that section,
as well as the rest of the report, the process is described in terms of the different components
of the boat, namely the hull, sail and rig, and appendages. The subsequent sections deal with
the resulting design and its layout, and the last one with the building process.
The project is inserted in three main contexts. Firstly, it is a mandatory 15 credits course for
the Masters Program of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering at Chalmers. The course is
organized by the department M2, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences. Secondly, it is inserted in
the context of Chalmers Sports and Technology, which is where advanced sport-related research
takes place involving engineers, researchers and students with the athletes and coaches, as well
as the enterprise and governing bodies. In this context, one important objective is to improve
the performance alongside safety for the athletes, which are, in this case, sailors. Finally, the
last context this project is included in is the 1001VELAcup 2018, in which the built boat will
be raced against competitors from other universities. This competition is the element linking
all these contexts, being what justifies the building of the boat rather than just its design, as
well as the need for connection with athletes to sail it in the future. These athletes are to whom
the authors turn to for practical advice about several practical usages that are fundamental in
the design process and yet are very difficult to realize if based only on a theoretical analysis.
Naturally with several different contexts come several different goals. First it is intended to gain
valuable knowledge and experience in designing yachts, and all it comprises in all the different
areas of the utmost relevance to Naval Architecture. Furthermore, in the context of Chalmers
Sports and Technology and the 1001VELAcup, the authors gain additional knowledge in the
operation and practical matters of sailing, its equipment, and in boat building.
1 Introduction
2 1001VELAcup
Born in 2005 from the minds of the Italian yacht designers Massimo Paperini and Paolo Processi,
the 1001VELAcup was brought to the university departments of Naval Architecture, Architec-
ture and Engineering of all Europe, the concept of a Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate
(CDIO),(CDIO, 2017), project similar to the world famous Formula Student, (Imeche, 2017).
It is therefore a project aiming towards the unification and stimulation of academic, as well as
research and innovation purposes. Further aim of the project is the formation of new profes-
sional profiles in the naval architecture world, through the concept design and further building
process of a high performance racing skiff.
The foundation of the project is the Class Rule R3 (A. 1001VELAcup, 2017), kept simple in its
interpretation and minimalistic in order to leave wide margins to the design process. Such rules
are mainly aimed to limit the dimensions of the hulls and the total sail area. The strength of
the class rule lays however in the limitations that concern the materials used for the building
process. It is indeed required that a large portion of the materials used for the hull are of
sustainable, either animal or vegetable, derivation, while the mast, or at least its matrix, is
expected to be realized in extruded aluminum.
The mobilisation of students and universities toward the applied research of new composite
materials applicable to nautical purposes has been without a doubt one of the main results
achieved by the competition. Other relevant factor achieved has been the direct implication
of realities outside the university walls. Collaboration between students, professors and other
experts from the industry made it possible over the years to carry out focused researches in
different branches of the yacht design and develop bilateral partnerships that benefit both the
academic and the professional worlds. The most important achievement of the competition is
however to be identified in the empowerment of students in relation to a real problem, aiming
far beyond obtaining a grade or passing an exam and closing that gap between concept design
and final product that defines unfortunately too often academic projects.
The competition has seen over the years the rise of innovative concepts and the constant growing
interest among Italian and other European universities, a signal perhaps that it is ready to
2 1001VELAcup
The trophy 1001VELAcup is held every year in Italy during the last week of September. The
2018 edition will be held for the second time in the bay of Mondello in Palermo. A map of the
bay can be appreciated in Figure 2.1.
Historically, the trophy consisted of an open sea regatta distributed in nine races, each consisting
of four legs, over three days of total competition. A sketch of the regatta field, as published in
the Istruzioni di Regata (1001VELAcup, 2017) is shown in Figure 2.2.
Since the 2017 edition, a Midwinter Indoor Race has been introduced with the aim of evaluating
the hulls only on their technical features. The skiff named LED, realised by the students of the
Universita’ degli Studi di Palermo, graduated as champion of the first edition of the Midwinter
Indoor Race. Hosted by the Universita’ di Napoli Federico II, the indoor competition sees the
participant hulls towed at the speeds of 2, 4 and 6 kn and judged based on the total resistance,
with and without appendages, wave generation pattern in calm water, and the seakeeping
properties in head waves.
2 1001VELAcup
Figure 2.2: 2017 Regatta track, wind from left side of figure
2 1001VELAcup
3 Design basis
In this chapter, a prestudy is presented. In this prestudy, all of the skiff’s parts that are designed
are covered, alongside with an investigation of the wind statistics at the race site. Investigation
of similar skiffs, both commercial and those participating in the 1001VELAcup in previous
years are also presented. The limitations and the overall design features of the project are also
identified and stated in the last part of this chapter.
When designing a hull for a competition, it is good practise to optimise it for the racing con-
ditions, therefore, considering where the race will take place, in this case Mondello, Italy. The
design can then be optimised for the expected wind speed. The data needed is thus primar-
ily the mean wind speed together with its statistical distribution. The data is collected from
two different sources, Windguru (Windguru, 2017) and Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e
la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA) (R.M.N., 2017), focusing on those data corresponding to the
second half of September. Time period and time frequency of the data extrapolated are differ-
ent for the different sources. Windguru provides data since 2004 to present day with 3 hours
time spans, while ISPRA provides acceptable data from 2009 to 2014 with a time frequency
of 10 minutes. Both data sheets are consequently resumed in order to focus only at the hours
during which the race takes place, therefore only data between 11 am and 5 pm are taken into
Analysis of the data provides a mean wind speed at the location of 3.84 m/s from Windguru
and 3.37 m/s from ISPRA. A histogram is thus created to see how the data is distributed.
Figure 3.1a and 3.1b show that trends for the data available well fit a Weibull probability
distribution. Hence, the expected value and variance are finally evaluated, and both probability
density function (PDF) plots are presented in Figure 3.2a and 3.2b. In Table 3.1 below the
expected value and variance are presented.
Table 3.1: Mean values and Weibull distribution fit for inspected wind statistics data
Further and more detailed investigations focusing on three different consecutive time steps
within which each single race will take place. Such division is needed in order to get a more de-
tailed analyse of the wind conditions during the different races per day as well as to furthermore
decide on the final sail set up. Results obtained from these latter inspections are presented in
Table 3.2 highlighting mean value, standard variation and variance of the data. For each time
step, probability density functions are plotted in Figure 3.3a to 3.3c.
3 Design basis
Table 3.2: Mean values and Weibull distribution fit for different time steps
3 Design basis
(a) 8-11 am time step data (b) 11-14 am time step data
Figure 3.3: Weibull probability density functions for different time steps
To avoid starting from a clean sheet, it is decided to start the design process with some ref-
erences. The overall reference skiff used in this project is the 49er©. The 49er© is a high
performance sailing dinghy which was designed in the 1990’s (Bethwaite, 2010). However, some
other references are used as well for the hull shape and the appendages.
3.2.1 Hull
When starting the design process for the hull shape, it was decided to start from a couple
of reference hulls. This section presents the two hull shapes that are used as references and
explains why they were chosen.
3 Design basis
3 Design basis
the water that is leaving the flat and rather horizontal bottom. Thus there will be very small
waves generated, but they will practically not cause any negative interference between the bow
and the stern waves. Most hulls have a wave resistance hump at a Froude number of 0.4-0.5,
this is caused by a wave crest in the bow and a wave trough at the stern. Since the stern wave of
a transonic hull© is very small, this effect will be very small. Because of this a transonic hull©
will not have a specific "hull speed" for which the created wave system that is most favourable.
Furthermore, since in principle this shape allows the hull to pierce the waves, it translates
in sailing with very small pitch, and is therefore almost free from slamming problems in the
The rig and sails are one of the most important parts of a racing skiff. Both can be adjusted
iterative over and over again. However, to start designing, a basis needs to be defined. This
is done by using well known references, among other things. The following sections contain
descriptions of references used for the rig and sail design process. Rig
The rig reference is the traditional 49er© rig, see Figure 3.4. It contains a 8.3 m high mast made
out of carbon fibre as its boom. The rig has two spreaders for the lower and upper shrouds
each. These shrouds are attached at the hull shortly behind the mast used for pretensioning the
rig. The forestay goes on top of the bowsprit system attachment. Two trapezes are mounted on
top of the upper shrouds pulled back to the racks. They are used for provision of the righting
moment via hiking. Bowsprit
Using a third additional sail requires a bowsprit separating the sails that are set. The 49er©
serves as inspiration not only for the sail and rig design, but also for the bowsprit. Furthermore,
some opponent’s dinghies are also taken as a reference for the design of this component. Both
systems can be seen in the following Figures 3.6a and 3.6b.
As shown in the figures, both bowsprits are retractable, meaning that they can be pulled inside
the skiff when not in use. Therefore both references have installed a system connected to the
sail setting. A reinforcement at the bow prevents the bowsprit of falling out as well as taking
the bending force of the sail and serving as an attachment for the forestay. The material of the
bowsprits is usually carbon fibre. Apart from a small piece sticking out in the bow, the length
of the bowsprit is smaller than the distance between forestay and mast attachment.
3 Design basis Sails
For the sails, the 49er© is used as the main reference as well. The current 49er©model, Section
3.4, has a total upwind sail area of 21.2 m2 . This area is divided into a main sail area of
16.1 m2 and a jib sail area of 5.1 m2 . For the downwind course, the 49er©has an additional
38 m2 gennaker to hoist giving it a total of 59.2 m2 .
The main sail is shaped rectangular providing as much sail area up in the top part as possible
using the uninterrupted wind. Furthermore, managing the twist of the main sail is easier. The
sails itself are made out of Mylar and fully battened.
Opponent skiffs from the previous years of 1001VELAcup are also used as references, where it
is common to use 55 % for the main sail and 45 % for the gennaker, and trying to have the
CE (center of effort) as high as possible (DeSantis, 2016). One of the opponents sail plan is
presented in Table 3.4.
3.2.3 Appendages
The design of the appendages, the centreboard and rudder, is based on comparisons between the
appendages of other fast sailing dinghies and skiffs. The recommendations in Larsson, Eliasson,
and Orych (2014) are also evaluated. A comparison between different common wing sections is
also implemented.
3 Design basis
For the design of the appendages, the most relevant comparison between different skiffs is the
planform area of the centreboard in relation to the upwind sail area. According to Larsson et
al. (2014), the centreboard planform area should be between 3 % and 3.5 % of the upwind sail
area. For the 49er©, this area ratio was found to be
where the centreboard area is measured in a CAD file of a 49er©, (Creative, 2012). Furthermore,
this file is used to measure the 49ers© centreboard draft of 1.1 m as well as the 49er’s© rudder
area of 0.2 m2 . Since the recommendations in Larsson et al. (2014) are mainly for keel boats
and not for high performance sailing dinghies, it is more reasonable to use the same centreboard
to upwind sail area ratio as the 49er© rather than the one in Larsson et al. (2014).
The lead, the distance between the sail centre of effort and the centreboard centre of effort as
a percentage of the length of water line (LWL), is investigated. For the design of the of the
rudder the recommendations in Larsson et al. (2014) are disregarded for the same reason as
above. Instead, the properties of several high performance skiffs are investigated and a decision
based on this is made. The results from the study are presented in Table 3.5.
Table 3.5: Comparison of rudder areas and lead for different skiff classes
49er© 67 13
29er© 43 8
470© 43 4
505© 45 2
International 14© 60 7
Musto skiff© 68 9
3 Design basis
3.2.4 Racks
To maximise the righting moment created by the sailors, in order to carry as much sail as
possible during the races, it is preferred to have the centre of gravity (CoG) as far out from the
centre line as possible. Since it is preferable to have a slender hull, it will most likely not be the
maximum allowed width, so the racks will be used to move the sailors centre of gravity as far
out as possible.
To have some background of how the racks should look like inspiration is taken from the 49er©,
since it is the main reference skiff. The racks on the 49er© are built like wings, which means
that the space between the hull and the outer part of the racks is covered with material, see
Figure 3.7a. Another dinghy that is used as inspiration is the International 14 footer. It has
racks made out of tubes of carbon fibre which makes them light and moves the centre of gravity
far out from the centre line. Finally inspiration is taken from the already existing boats in the
1001VELAcup. These racks are more similar to the International 14 footer, they are made out
of aluminium profiles that give the racks, see Figure 3.7b.
(a) 49er©, picture taken by Kaupp (2007) (b) Previous competitor in 1001VELAcup, pic-
ture taken by Persson (2017)
The authors of the project have decided to not go for hydrofoil nor wing sail. It would have
been a great advantage to use hydrofoil since the resistance drops to a minimum due to uplifting
of the hull out of the water. Had this been the group’s choice, the hull would have been shaped
based on different criteria, such as lifting up as fast as possible. Nevertheless, the hydrofoiling
option was disregarded based on the ruling concerning the sailors, as it is very unusual to
have two sailors on a hydrofoiling skiff. It would have been difficult to find sailors who would
do it properly and even then it would have required a disproportionate amount of practice.
Consequently, this would add too much uncertainty to the results of the race, due to factors
that are external to the design team.
Similarly, it would have been a great advantage to use a wing sail since the efficiency of such is
much better compared to a normal sail. Yet this option was also disregarded since the students
would have had to construct the wing sail by themselves without having the possibility to
purchase it from an external company. The handling of a wing sail requires a lot of training.
Therefore, more uncertainty would have been introduced due to alien factors to the design team.
3 Design basis
Besides the uncertainties added and the eventual absence of backup hulls during the competition,
there are also severe time constraints that limit the group’s focus, not allowing for proper design
of more complicated concepts. Most of all, since this is the first design for Chalmers University
of Technology, the aim is to achieve a good position in the race as a way to assure the continuity
of this project in the future years.
3 Design basis
4 Theory
In this chapter, the basic theory for the methods that are used is explained in deeper detail.
The sections focus on the different softwares used and the assumptions made while using them.
The softwares are, Rhinoceros 3D for CAD, STAR-CCM+ for CFD, Abaqus for FEM, and a
VPP-program modified specifically for this project, used for velocity prediction.
The CAD-software used throughout the whole project is Rhinoceros 3D (McNeel, 2017). It is
a software based on NURBS mathematical model, which is suitable for designing a boat hull
since it can create complex curves and surfaces. The following sections will explain the theory
behind the designing procedure.
Fairing of the hull surfaces is a very important aspect of the modelling process that has to
be regarded throughout the whole process. This is of particular importance at the bottom
and freeboard. The fairing process constitutes a good practice of surface modelling, being a
requirement for having high quality surfaces (Henry P. Moreton, 1992). It consists in smoothing
the mesh through a proportional grid of control points that do not cross paths between each
other, except if strictly demanded by an irregular or unusual shape. The global trend of the
control points’ coordinates should also match the trend of the desired surface, except when
demanded by extreme shapes, that, for example, need trimming. The goal with this is to
obtain surfaces that are as smooth as possible in order to improve the results of subsequent
computations, i.e. to have computational results that are as smooth as possible.
There are no objective criteria to measure smoothness or fairness, and furthermore, it is highly
dependent on the application. Yet, a principle that should be followed in this particular ap-
plication of yacht design is that the surfaces should result as simple as possible without any
unnecessary details or oscillations. This means they should have the minimum number of con-
trol points that are not so restrictive as to inhibit the desired hull shape, but are just enough to
achieve it. They should allow for a similarly smooth and relatively easy further manipulation.
Adding to all of this, the aesthetics of the hull will also be greatly improved as a result. During
the design of the hull, fairness of several key lines and surfaces has always to be made. These
are explained in the following sections.
The keel line extends over the length of the hull, and should assume a curvature close to that
depicted by the blue line in Figure 4.1.
As seen in the Figure 4.1, the curvature decreases to very small values near the stern. This
is important since a more convex curvature induces a low pressure that sucks the stern down,
therefore it increases resistance as the Froude number is increased.
4 Theory
Figure 4.1: Keel line curvature graph for final hull model Waterline
The waterline extends for almost the full length of the boat. It should also be smooth all the
way along its length, to ensure there are no bumps on the hull surface and in order to minimise
the disturbance of the flow around the boat. The curvature graph of such line shall assume a
clear trend as well as absence of sign changes. Furthermore, the curvature will naturally increase
very significantly near the aft due to the geometry of the hull. This is evidenced in Figure 4.2.
Figure 4.2: Water line curvature graph for final hull model
The same reasoning and principles mentioned for the keel and waterline apply for the chine line
as well. In this case, the line shall have no curvature along a certain percentage of the length,
this is from where the beam becomes constant. The chine line is presented in Figure 4.3.
4 Theory
Figure 4.3: Chine line curvature graph for final hull model
Practical CFD computations are carried out with the aim of predicting hull resistance with an
acceptable accuracy. Such accuracy is only achievable if turbulence models, wall functions, mesh
and evaluation times are appropriately considered. The tool used to carry out such evaluations
is STAR-CCM+ (CD-Adapco, 2017) and in the following sections theoretical support to the
solver set up will be presented.
4.2.1 Resistance
According to the theory of ship resistance initially developed by William Froude, the total
resistance of a hull proceeding at the water surface can be defined as the sum of a viscous
and a wave component. The former derives from the combined effect of the wetted surface,
the surface smoothness, the length and the speed, expressed in terms of tangential stresses
and viscous pressure resistance. The latter is instead caused by the distribution of pressure
developing around the hull when in motion and weighs on the total resistance, for a planing
boat with Froude number of 1.4, at most 44 %. For a containership with Froude number of
0.22 the wave components insists instead on at most 17.5 % of the total resistance (Larsson &
Raven, 2010). Such values for the distribution of the total resistance can be taken as maximum
and minimum references for the skiff under inspection in the project, which is computed for
boat speeds ranging between 3 and 15 kn.
As water flows along the hull, friction slows the water molecules and creates a layer that is
carried along with the hull itself. This initially thin layer, called the boundary layer, gradually
increases in thickness evolving from a laminar condition to a turbulent one and eventually breaks
into eddies near the stern. As the hull furrows through the water, the flow has to travel around
it. The local velocity of the water differs from the one characterising the undisturbed flow and
will be slowed at the bow and at the stern, but increased along the main part of the hull causing
an increase in friction.
Moving along the water surface, a hull will force fluid particles to move from their equilibrium
positions thus creating waves that radiate in two different patterns. The first, and most relevant,
4 Theory
is the transverse pattern. The second pattern is the divergent waves that fans out from the hull.
The resistance component generated by the energy removed from the wave system, which can
be found in the wake, is thus called wave breaking resistance. The remaining portion of wave
energy is instead radiated away from the hull and responsible for the so called wave pattern
Practical CFD computations can almost always be considered satisfactory when details about
the time-averaged properties of the flow are obtained. At the heart of most these CFD ap-
proaches is the modelling of informations and effects of the turbulent fluctuations. The treat-
ment of such events can be carried out with procedures based on the Reynolds-Averaged-Navier-
Stokes (RANS) equations, which represents time-averaged equations of motion for fluid flow.
Assuming that a fluid behaves as a continuum, the Navier-Stokes equations allow to describe
fluid flows. However, these equations are inherently unsteady and nearly impossible to solve
unless multiple average solutions, solved numerically through discretization in space and possibly
time, at a series of time steps are used. As stated in Versteeg and Malalasekera (2007), the
decomposition of the Navier-Stokes equations, bringing to the definition of the RANS, is based
on the assumption that, introducing a set of unknowns called Reynolds Stresses, the time-
dependent turbulent velocity fluctuations can be separated from the mean flow velocity. Such
unknowns are then functions of the velocity fluctuations and require the implementation of a
turbulence model to solve them.
Unsteady RANS for transient flow is a straightforward variant of the RANS in which, while still
solving for the mean velocity separately from the turbulent velocity, a transient term is present
in the momentum equation and retained during computation. This means that turbulence time
scales are removed from the Navier-Stokes equations through the averaging procedure, while
larger time scales are resolved. The development of unsteady RANS methods within the ship
hydrodynamics evaluations unlocks extensions to applications for seakeeping and manoeuvring,
as presented in (Wilson, Carrica, & Stern, 2006) in addition to the already covered resistance
and propulsion evaluations. Nevertheless, the effects of turbulence on the mean flow have to be
described, since the time-averaging operation on the momentum equations discard all the detail
connected to the state of the flow in the instantaneous fluctuations.
CFD breaks a fluid domain into discrete cells to then solve in each one of them the conservation
laws. The accuracy of these simulations are strictly bonded to the grid generated.
Throughout the project both a normal k − ω turbulence model and the Shear Stress Transport
SST-Menter expansion are considered in place of the more commonly used k − because of the
high interest in the evaluation of close to wall features.
There are multiple reasons supporting such choice. According to (Versteeg & Malalasekera,
2007) the most important however can be found in the improved behaviour of k−ω when dealing
with wall effects, unconfined flows and curved boundary layers. The further implementation
of SST-Menter model allows to take into account properly the behaviour of the free-stream,
quality of the k − model, without falling into errors dictated by sensitivity as it would happen
to a normal k − ω. Therefore, the turbulence model chosen for the calculations is capable of
predicting, in a numerically stable way, both the near-wall and the far field behaviours of the
Another reason that guides the choice of the model is the under-prediction of separation provided
4 Theory
The first step to process a CFD problem is the definition of the region of interest. Evaluation of
encountered resistance of a skiff has to deal with both air and water, therefore the modelling of
an eulerian multiphase computational domain is needed. Furthermore, as there is a change in
physical properties, problems may derive along the interface between the two fluids considered.
Subsequent mesh refinements are therefore needed in such region.
4 Theory
U∗ y
y+ = (4.1)
where y represents the distance to the nearest wall, ν the local kinematic viscosity of the fluid
and U∗ , defined according to Equation (4.2), and being τwall the wall shear stresses and ρ the
density of the fluid, represents the friction velocity at the nearest wall
U∗ = (4.2)
y + is thus used to define the proper size of a mesh for a specific flow pattern. The importance
of this element concerns wall functions and the definition of the velocity profile, divided in four
4 Theory
different regions according to the value of y + : viscous sublayer, buffer layer, logarithmic region
and wake region.
The first cell spacing, ∆S, on a flat-plate boundary is evaluated via the resolution of the following
algebraic system:
ρU∞ x
Rex = (4.3)
Cf = 1/7
Cf ρU∞ 2
τwall = (4.5)
U∗ = (4.6)
∆S = (4.7)
U∗ ρ
where Rex represents the Reynolds number at distance x from the stagnation point, U∞ the
freestream velocity and Cf skin friction coefficient.
Finally, knowing the Reynolds number, it is then possible to evaluate half of the total thickness
of the boundary layer, of the total thickness of the prism layer for the entire length of the hull,
according to the Equation (4.8). Such choice can be considered on the safe side an provide
results accurate enough since the velocity gradient in the outer part of the boundary layer is
very small.
t= (4.8)
4 Theory
Fundamentally, a mesh is defined valid if it respects the main concepts of classification and
topological compatibility. Further features defining a valid mesh must be the geometric trian-
gulation, the property of unique mappability, parametric intersection and geometrical similarity.
Once a valid mesh is generated, the attention has to move toward its quality, as a still valid
mesh can guide to entirely wrong results if the quality is too low or the physics models in use
are not properly assumed. Definition of an accurate mesh is then crucial to obtain valid results.
From such point of view, the given problem requires mesh refinements perpendicular to the wall
boundaries in order to properly capture the boundary layer and predict the frictional resistance.
4 Theory
Unfortunately no universal rule exists when it comes to determining whether the total number
of cells forming a mesh is good enough. As mentioned earlier in this section, rule of thumbs can
be followed considering the characteristic dimension of the geometry analysed and derive from
it the dimensions for the first cell’s height. An other validation can be found when comparing
the generated mesh with one created for similar purposes and geometries
The computational domain in which the skiff is analyzed presents two different phases. It is
therefore necessary for completeness of investigation to evaluate the influence of different deck
shapes on the total resistance encountered by the skiff when sailing. In these evaluations, the
height of the freeboard and the geometry of the transom play major roles. Due to time limita-
tions such properties have not been properly analyzed with iterative investigations. Bethwaite
(2008) Higher Performance Sailing is instead taken as reference when shaping the transom.
According to Bethwaite,
"when wind flows away from a surface such as a vertical transom, the effect is like a filter
pump; the core of dead air behind the transom is dragged downwind by the viscous drag of
the surrounding moving air, the pressure decreases, and the pressure difference between the
undiminished pressure on the windward face and the reduced pressure on the leeward face shows
up as drag" (Bethwaite, 2008).
An inward sloped transom would therefore allow air to smoothly reach the water level without
generating sudden pressure differences. Additionally, the hull is shaped as a solid brick, hence
with no open top, such that the wind will only hit the windward end and sides of the brick and
gently tug the leeward faces backwards.
4 Theory
The interface between the two fluids is the most sensitive portion of the domain and easiest to
lead to numerical errors if not properly defined. A mesh refinement in such region is therefore
needed and defined between 15 cm above and 10 cm below the waterline
During the process, a value of y + = 30 is assumed. This value expresses the transition between
the buffer layer, where neither the linear law nor the log law are valid, and the logarithmic
region. The choice for a high y + wall treatment determines a logarithmic law for the near-wall
boundary layer and therefore a more accurate prediction of the behaviour of the flow in such
region. As a direct consequence, the chosen value eliminates numerical ventilation errors up to
speeds of 12 kn, while for higher speed the errors are considerably reduced but not completely
The first cell height, together with the total thickness of the boundary layer and therefore the
total number of cells generated, result different for each simulation. It is intuitive to under-
stand that, since cell height and total thickness of the prism layer depend on the flow velocity
and Reynolds number, their values will result different each time the ship speed is modified.
Reference values for these elements are presented in Table 4.2 while details of the grids at the
front and aft section can be appreciated in Figures 4.7a to 4.8b.
Speed [kn] First cell height [m] Total thickness prism layer [m] Number of cells
Finally, an implicit unsteady solver is chosen with a time step of 0.01 seconds over a total time
span of 10 seconds. The solver is needed in order to assure the convergence of the computations.
It has been noticed that for the chosen time span the solutions can be assumed stable, oscillating
around a constant mean value with relatively small range. Therefore a longer evaluation time,
as was initially set, resulted not needed; moreover the computational time deriving from that
would drastically increase.
4 Theory
4 Theory
4 Theory
The structural work within the project has a wide scope. It concerns the choice of construction
materials, finite element analysis, structural stiffening, construction method and more. The
process of reaching a final result is tedious, and depends on many variables. The following
sections describe the process of the structural work from the beginning to the current state.
4.3.1 Prestudy
Initially, a prestudy was performed. The study was divided into three parts where every part
was needed to produce a final hull. Firstly, material options for the hull structure was studied
with the aim of finding suitable materials for the hull plating, hull stiffening structure and deck.
Secondly, studies were performed with the intent of finding a suitable methodology to assess
the loads acting on the hull structure. These loads include the loads from the rig as well as
hydrodynamic loads acting on the hull. Lastly, studies on methodologies to assess the material
and load interaction in the hull structure using FEM-software were conducted.
In the prestudy, the hull structure was divided into three components: hull plating, internal
stiffening structure and deck plating. The reason for the division is to identify specific character-
istics for each component and thereby be able to adapt the material choice and design for each
component according to their characteristics, while still considering how the components will
interact with each other and how the material will affect this interaction. The material choice
and the design of all hull components is significantly limited in the 1001VELAcup regulations
that states: "the hull and racks should be made of wood or materials of vegetable and/or animal
origin, expressed in weight, not lower than 70 %". This rule and its effects on the design and
construction process will be covered in more detail further on in the report. Deck
The deck serves as the closing surface of the top part of the hull as well as contributing to overall
hull stiffness. It is also the part of the boat where components such as deck hardware, mast,
forestay, shrouds and mainsheet are attached to the hull. The material in the deck will therefore
4 Theory
have to be able to withstand large local point loads at the attachment points of rigging elements,
as well as the weight of the sailors during operation and the global bending moment. Making
use of the sandwich structure in the deck to achieve low weight and high bending stiffness is
desired. However to deal with the local point loads from the rigging, a sandwich structure in
the deck would possibly require reinforcement of the core in these areas, to be able to handle
the out of plane loading. FE-analysis is required to determine the design and location of these
The appendages, centreboard and rudder, are structurally designed with the same design phi-
losophy as the hull, which is to create a strong but light structure. The difference is that there
are no restrictions in construction materials for the centreboard and rudder, as opposed to the
hull’s limit of 70 % organic origin. This rule opens up new alternatives regarding the choice
of material. Since the structures of the appendages are supposed to be light and strong, a
sandwich structure may be favourable in this case as well. A material stronger than flax, such
as a composite laminate made from carbon or glass fibre, will most likely be used to achieve a
low weight and withstand the relatively high local loads.
The rudder is mainly affected by the hydrodynamic forces when travelling through the water,
whereas the centreboard needs to be dimensioned for the worst load case which is when the
crew is standing on the centreboard tip in order to tilt the skiff upright after it has capsized.
This load case will naturally cause a large bending moment at the base of the centreboard.
Early in the project, it was apparent that the final choice of construction material would stand
between marine plywood in a cold moulded configuration, and a sandwich structure using
organic constituents. Using plywood has the benefit of low cost and relatively easy building
process with a rigid cross-section suitable for attaching hardware relatively easy. It will however
make the hull heavier than necessary. A sandwich laminate using a lightweight core on the other
hand has the benefit of low total weight together with high flexibility regarding the hull shape.
The main reason for using a sandwich laminate is the ability to adapt the laminate layup
according to the stresses in a specific load case, as opposed to using an isotropic material for
Based on these arguments, as well as the information found in the prestudy, it is concluded that
a sandwich structure would be the most beneficial, and also the most interesting to build. In
this section the procedure of choosing material for the core and the skins of the sandwich will
be described. The sandwich material consists of a weaker core covered by stiffer outer skins on
both sides of the core. The skins act as the load carrying element for global bending and axial
loads while the core is supposed to carry the major part of shearing loads as well as keeping the
two skins separated. The distance between the skins is a key element of a sandwich structure
since the distance increases the moment of inertia and strength of the sandwich section. The
principle is similar to that of a common I-beam.
The benefit of the sandwich structure is, as mentioned previously, its low weight to stiffness
ratio in the bending load configuration. The main drawback of the sandwich structure is its
limited ability to carry out of plane loads, especially compressive out of plane loads. Since the
sandwich structure consists of different materials in the skins and core, alternatives for both of
these had to be investigated.
4 Theory
The R3 class rules limits the use of classical sandwich materials such as glass and carbon fibre
for the skins and divinycell foam or (most) honeycombs, as the material for the hull and deck.
This made it necessary to look for organic materials that are also readily available for purchase.
4 Theory
The main drawback of placing the grains parallel to the skins of the sandwich is the loss of
ability of the sandwich to carry concentrated out of plane loads, e.g. concentrated rig loads or
crew stepping on the deck. This however mainly concerns the deck structure. It was reasoned
that, if necessary, the grains could be placed perpendicular on the deck or in certain areas of the
deck and keep the grains parallel to the longship direction in the rest of the hull. This idea was
later discarded because no supplier of end grain balsa could be found in Europe. To determine
whether the grains should be placed parallel or perpendicular on the deck, further analysis of
loads and strength would be required through FE-simulations. Through this reasoning it was
decided that the core material of the sandwich would be balsa wood. The properties of the
balsa wood used in calculations are presented in Table 4.3 (Newaz, Mayeed, & Rasul, 2016)
Where L denotes the property of the material in the fibre direction, T denotes the property
of the material across the fibres in the transverse direction and V the property of the material
across the fibres in the vertical direction. Combining these notations (LT, TV and VL) will give
the properties of the material in all three planes. These notations will be applied to describe the
properties of all non-isotropic materials in this project i.e flax epoxy laminate and balsa wood.
For compatibility with FE-software used in this project stress is denoted by S in this project.
4 Theory
bio-based products made from high amounts of renewable resources including Cashew Nutshell
Liquid (Cardolite, 2017). This specific property of the epoxy is of special interest to the project
due to the 1001VELAcup rules that demand a high level of bio-based construction components.
The finite element analysis (FEA) was carried out in the FE-software Abaqus CAE. The geome-
try to be analysed, i.e. the hull surfaces and stiffener geometry, was imported into the software
as a 2D shell structure. Since the hull structure can be considered to consist of thin plates, plane
stress can be assumed which allows for the FE-analysis to be performed on 2D-shells. After
importing the geometry, it was assigned material properties, based on the conclusions drawn
in Section 4.3.4. These properties, specifically the composite layup and balsa fibre directions,
were varied systematically to evaluate the most efficient construction in terms of strength versus
weight, with the goal of reaching the lightest possible structure while still being able to handle
the applied loads.
A mesh is then generated, shown in Figure 4.10, for the structure, where the goal is to min-
imise the number of distorted elements, with sufficient resolution to obtain reasonable results.
The mesh element geometry is of the quad-dominated type with a nominal element size of 30
millimetres. This size was chosen based on the shape of the internal structure, in order to cover
smaller details such as stiffener beams.
4 Theory
and once with solid elements. The same composite layup, a sandwich structure with skins made
of flax/epoxy laminate and a core made of balsa wood, is assigned to both plates.
In this layup, c010 denotes the balsa core of thickness 10 mm with the fibres aligned to the
0-direction. The boundary condition simply supported along two edges and a uniform pressure
of p0 = 0.001 MPa, are applied in both models. Finally, the models are meshed with quadratic
elements with a size of approximately 30 × 30 mm. In the solid model, 3 elements are stacked
through the thickness. One element each for the skins and one element for the core.
Below, the results of the computations can be seen in Figure 4.11a for the S4R shell elements
and Figure 4.11b for the S8CR solid elements. Comparing the plots of the shear stresses in the
figures, it can be seen that similar stress distributions are achieved. A minor modelling mistake
caused the coordinate system in one of the models to be reversed, why one the plots is shown
upside down. As for the magnitudes of the shear stress, the following results are obtained for
the shell elements and the solid elements respectively.
According to these results, using the shell elements will give larger shear stresses in the core
whilst the stress distribution will be roughly the same. It was therefore decided that S4R
elements are to be applied in the FE-simulations of the hull structure. The S4R elements
will give somewhat conservative results whilst significantly reducing modelling complexity and
computation time, therefore it is considered to be an economic and reliable option.
4 Theory
3.086L2W L
kDY N = where 1.2 ≤ kDY N ≤ 2.4 (4.9)
The final hull pressure, including dynamic factors, is calculated to be pDY N = 0.00255 MPa.
This should be interpreted as the sum of the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressures given
in the CFD simulations, multiplied with the dynamic coefficient kDY N . This means that the
final result includes the hydrostatic pressure and the hydrodynamic pressure, with the dynamic
coefficient also taken into account. This pressure is applied to the entire wetted surface of the
hull in the FE simulations. This can be considered as a conservative assumption since it can
be reasoned that hydrodynamic pressure from slamming and waves will not be acting on the
entire wetted surface at a given instance. On the other hand, from slamming, the craft could
take air at a wave crest, completely leaving the water surface, and thereafter land flat on the
water surface again. In that case, the hydrodynamic pressure would in fact act on the entire
wetted surface. Without further investigations, it is impossible to evaluate if such an event may
or may not occur. It was therefore decided to let the hydrodynamic pressure act on the entire
wetted surface and thereby, at least to some extent, design against such an event.
When performing FE-simulations, two load cases were considered. The first being the case
4 Theory
when the crew is hiking in the trapeze as in Figure 4.12b, and the second when the crew is
positioned on the rack without trapeze. The two load cases will hereafter be referred to as "crew
in trapeze" and "crew on racks" respectively. In both cases, the same hydrodynamic pressure,
as calculated in Equation (4.10), is acting on the hull bottom. All forces from the sails, the rig
and crew need to be transferred to the hull structure. The internal stiffening structure and hull
plating need to be designed with this in mind.
Rigging loads are calculated by assuming that the rigging forces and moments are in inter-
nal equilibrium at all times with one exception: the righting moment from the crew, that is
countered by heeling moment that derives from the wind force in the sails.
To determine the loads acting on the hull from the rig, expertise from external resources is
utilised. The mast manufacturer and supplier of rigging in this project, Seldén Mast, provided
estimated loads from the rig designs that were sent to them. The results from Seldén Mast rig
load calculations were then balanced to fulfil the above assumption concerning force equilibrium,
still with the above mentioned exception.
To accomplish this equilibrium, further simplifications are made. The first being that all forces
engage at the same z-coordinate, that is all forces engage on a flat deck. In reality, the deck will
have a slight camber giving slightly different vertical coordinates (z-coordinate) to the rigging
loads. In the load case crew on racks, reaction forces at the rack supports are assumed to be
evenly distributed between all four supports. To properly evaluate the reaction forces at the
racks, the position of the crew on the racks and more detailed specification on the rack design
need to be known, see Section 5.3.2. It was decided that evenly distributed reaction forces
would be a sufficient approximation at the moment and that a more careful evaluation of the
hull and rack interaction at the supports would take place when more was known about the
The two load cases are tabulated in Tables 4.5 and 4.6.
Table 4.5: Load case crew on racks
4 Theory
One should note that in the trapeze load case, see Table 4.6, the weight of the sailors is carried
by the trapeze itself which allows for the racks and the shrouds to be unloaded. This is the
ideal case. In reality, the racks will carry some of the crew’s weight since the crew needs to
transfer some of their body weight to the racks to be able to keep their balance in the trapeze.
In these calculations, this is neglected and the racks are assumed to be unloaded in the trapeze
load case.
As for the crew on racks load case, see Table 4.5, the opposite is true. The trapeze is unloaded
because the crew is disengaged from it and the racks and shrouds will have to carry the weight
of the crew.
Another point to note is that, in FE-simulations and other calculations, force components of the
trapeze load in Table 4.6 is to be added to the mast step force components, since the trapeze is
attached directly to the mast the load from the trapeze has to be countered by the mast step. As
an example the z-component of the mast step should be: Fz,mast step = 5511 + 1560 = 7071 N,
in the FE-simulations.
The sum of moments around the x-axis, Mx makes up the total righting moment, RM . From
Table 4.5 and 4.6 this is found as:
Because the righting moment from the hull is negligible compared to the righting moment from
the crew due to the low water plane area moment of inertia and the small heeling angles the
craft operates with, it can be approximated with Equation (4.11).
g = mc y cos θ (4.11)
In Equation (4.11), mc is the mass of the crew, y is lever arm from the centre line to the centre
of mass of the crew and θ is the angle from the water surface which the crew is hiking with.
Setting these to mc = 150 kg, θ = 0◦ and yR = 1.05 m and yT = 2.05 m for the racks and
trapeze loadcase respectively the following is obtained with Equation (4.11).
It can be seen that this approximation fairs quite well with the righting moments calculated
4 Theory
in Table 4.5 and 4.6. This indicates that the loads in the load cases are a sufficiently accurate
estimation of reality. It was decided to proceed with loads the crew in rack and crew in trapeze
load cases in the FE-simulations.
A Velocity Prediction Program (VPP) is used to determine the performance of sailing boats by
using the properties of hull, rig, sails, and appendages. It calculates the boat speed for different
wind speeds and heading angles by solving force and momentum equations. The VPP used in
this project, originally created by Professor Kai Graf at the University of Applied Sciences in
Kiel, is modified to model the skiff’s properties.
4 Theory
The input to the VPP is specified in an input file and defines the main properties of the skiff.
The input is divided into three different parts, the aerodynamic properties, the hydrodynamic
properties, and the geometric properties. The aerodynamic properties are defined as sail co-
efficients, used to determine the forces from the sails. The hydrodynamic properties are the
resistance curve of the hull for different speeds and the lift and drag curves for the centre-
board and rudder. The geometric properties are the main particulars of the hull, sails, and
appendages. The input file also specifies which wind speeds and which wind angles that should
be considered by the VPP.
The VPP calculates the boat speed, leeway angle, the lever arm of the crew (T CGcrew ), and
necessary depowering of the sails. The results are presented in a polar plot with the radius as
speed and the angle as the true wind angle. One curve per considered wind speed is plotted.
The calculated leeway angles, T CGcrew , and depowering of sails are presented in a table for all
considered wind speed and wind angles.
There are three equations considered in the VPP, a force equilibrium in the x-direction, which
is defined as the direction of motion. A force equilibrium in the y- direction, which is defined as
the horizontal direction perpendicular to the x- axis, the z-axis is defined upwards. The third
equation is a moment equilibrium around the x-axis. The equations are shown in Equation
(4.12). The forces are assumed to be in equilibrium which means that there are no accelerations
of the hull in the considered directions. It is assumed that the heeling angle can be set to zero,
which will result in the best performance of the skiff.
Fx = Fx,aero − Fx,hydro = 0
Fy = Fy,aero − Fy,hydro = 0 (4.12)
Mx = Fy,aero · (zCE + zCLR ) − mcrew · g · T CGcrew = 0
In Equation (4.12), Fx,aero and Fy,aero are the resultant forces from the sails in the x and y
direction respectively. These forces depends on the apparent wind speed (AWS), apparent wind
angle (AWA), the leeway angle (α), and the lift and drag coefficients of the sails. The lift and
drag coefficients depends on the type of sails and the AWA. The methods used to calculate the
forces from the sails are are explained further in Section 4.4.4.
4 Theory
𝑇𝐶𝐺𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑤 𝐹𝑦,ℎ𝑦𝑑𝑟𝑜
𝑚𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑤 · 𝑔
(a) Driving and resistance forces
(b) Heeling and righting forces
Figure 4.12: Simplification of forces acting on the skiff considered in the VPP
Figure 4.12a and 4.12b are simplified as the leeway angle is not taken into account, all lateral
forces in both Figure 4.12a and 4.12b therefore have a force component perpendicular to the
plane of the paper.
The forces Fx,hydro and Fy,hydro are the hydrodynamic fores on the skiff. Fx,hydro consists of
three parts, the resistance of the hull, the resistance of the centreboard and the resistance of the
rudder. The resistance of the hull depends on the speed and the shape of the hull, how this force
is obtained is explained in Section 4.2. The resistance of the centreboard and rudder depends
on the speed of the hull, the leeway angle, the area and aspect ratio, and the lift and drag
coefficients of the centreboard and rudder respectively. Since there is no speed or acceleration
in the y-direction, the forces in this direction will be caused by the speed of the skiff and the
leeway angle. Fy,hydro will have three components, caused by the hull, the centreboard, and the
rudder. The force due to the hull will be small compared to the other two. The forces on the
centreboard and rudder are explained more thoroughly in Section 4.4.3.
The moment equation in Equation (4.12) is calculated in the vertical centre of effort of the
appendages, (zCLR ). Since there is no force from the hull in the transverse direction, the
heeling moment will only be caused by the side force from the sails, and the righting moment
will be created by the crew hiking in the trapezes. zCE , is the vertical centre of effort of the
sails, zCLR is the vertical centre of effort of the appendages, mcrew is the mass of the crew,
g is the earth gravitational constant and T CGcrew is the transverse centre of gravity of the
crew. If the heeling moment is larger than the maximum righting moment created by the crew,
the VPP will start to depower the sails. Depowering of the sails can be done in two ways, by
twisting the sails and by flattening the sails. The VPP will start depowering by twisting the
4 Theory
sails. Twisting of the sails is implemented in the VPP as a factor that decreases the lift and
lowers the centre of effort. The twisting factor can lower the centre of effort by maximum 25%.
If the sails need to be depowered more, the VPP will start flattening the sails. Flattening of the
sails is implemented as a factor that effects the lift coefficients of the sails. It can vary between
1, where there is no influence on the lift, and 0, where there is no lift at all, This also decreases
the induced drag according to Equation (4.17).
The purpose of the centreboard is to create a counter force to the side force generated by the
sails. This side force is created by the speed of the hull, creating an angle of attack for the flow
over the centreboard. The rudder’s main purpose is to create a moment that is used to turn the
boat when steering. The rudder also supports some of the side force and is thereby unloading
the centreboard. The forces on a foil, like a rudder or centreboard, are governed by Equations
FL = V 2 ρACL,3D
2 (4.13)
1 2
FD = V ρA(CD,2D + CDI )
The lift, FL and drag, FD , depend on the speed of the foil, V , the planform area, A, density of
the water, ρ, and the coefficients CL,3D , CD,2D , and CDI . These coefficients depend on several
factors, such as Reynolds number, wing section, and angle of attack. Planform
When designing the planform for a centreboard and a rudder, the aspect ratio (AR), is one of
the most important parameters. The lift coefficient, CL,3D , and the induced drag coefficient,
CDI , are both affected by the aspect ratio according to Equation (4.16) and (4.17). The aspect
ratio is the ratio between the draft, TK , and the mean chord, C̄, and can be written as
AR = = (4.14)
C̄ A
Where TK is the draft of the centreboard or rudder and C̄ is the mean chord.
C1 + C2
C̄ = (4.15)
When AR is increased the lift coefficient, CL,3D , is increased according to Equation (4.16),
where CL,2D,1◦ is the two dimensional lift coefficient for the wing section for a angle of attack
of one degree, and α is the leeway angle, approximately 2◦ to 3◦ in this case.
CL,3D = ·α (4.16)
The drag coefficient, CDI , is decreased with higher AR, as shown in Equation (4.17), but also
increased with higher lift coefficient.
CL,3D 2
CDI = (4.17)
π · AR
4 Theory
To maximise the performance, the CL,3D should be as large as possible and the CDI should be
as low as possible. In practice, this means that the draft of the centreboard should be as high
as possible, but as mentioned in Section 4.3.3, it is restricted due to structural reasons.
The tip shape of the centreboard and the rudder is not as important as the aspect ratio, but it
is still something that is investigated. A v-shaped tip is the best shape overall, in comparison
with a round, square and bulb tip (Larsson et al., 2014). By having a v-shaped tip, the AR will
be lowered by 19 %. Although the v-shaped tip has an AR that is 19% lower, the benefits of
the shape are bigger than the disadvantages (Larsson et al., 2014).
4 Theory
the 6 series profiles, both the 6 series profiles have a bucket shape while the 4 digit series have
a does not have that.
V ·L
Re = (4.18)
The Reynolds number effects the lift and drag coefficients of a foil. The Reynolds number is
calculated according to Equation (4.18) and for a foil like a centreboard or rudder on a skiff
designed for speeds around 3.5m/s the Reynolds number will be between 5 · 105 and 106 . In
this range, the changes in properties can be considered small. The graphs presented in Figure
4.14, 4.15, and 4.16 are calculated for a Reynolds number of 8 · 105 using XFOIL 6.99.
Drag coefficient C D
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Angle of attack [°]
In Figure 4.14, all three profiles have a maximum thickness of 12 % of the cord length. The
effect of location of maximum thickness is important, and is visualised in Figure 4.14. Studying
the blue and red line, where the the red line has the location of maximum thickness more aft,
the resistance at small angles of attack is lower but the drag bucket is slightly more narrow and
steep than for the blue line.
The location of maximum thickness has effect on the shape of the drag bucket, although the
effect of changes in thickness are more significant than the effect of location. A large thickness
will cause a wider but but more shallow bucket than a thinner profile, which will have a more
narrow but deeper drag bucket, see Figure 4.15. A location of maximum thickness more aft
will cause a slight decrease in resistance for small angles of attack, although the bucket shape
will be more extreme so the drag at large angles of attack will be larger than for a section with
maximum thickness located more forward.
4 Theory
Drag coefficient C D
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Angle of attack [°]
The purpose of the centreboard and rudder is to generate lift. The lift coefficients of symmetric
NACA profiles do not differ much from each other and the connection between lift and angle
of attack is highly linear for small angles of attack. The proportionality coefficient, CL,2D,1◦ ,
can therefore be approximated as the two dimensional lift coefficient for one degree, and can
approximately be stated as 0.1 for symmetric NACA profiles. Figure 4.16 shows that CL,2D,1◦
should be between 0.08 and 0.1 for all five wing sections, and that the relationship between lift
coefficient and angle of attack is linear. This means that for the design of the centreboard and
rudder, the lift will be approximately equal independent of the wing section while the drag of
the appendages to a large extent can be optimised by choosing the right wing section.
Lift coefficient C L
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Angle of attack [°]
4 Theory
(Larsson et al., 2014), the sails can be considered wings in the same way as as the appendages,
but with very low thickness. The presence of a jib in front of the main sail effects the flow over
the main sail and thus also the force on the sails. With the presence of a jib, the main sail
will be unloaded, compared to a case with no jib. The opposite is true for the jib. With the
presence of a mainsail, the jib will be more loaded than without a main sail. Overall, the force
from the sails are much larger with the presence of a jib.
AW S = (T W S · cos (T W A) + V · cos (α))2 + (T W S · sin (T W A) − V · sin (α))2
T W S · sin T W A − V · sin (α) (4.19)
AW A = arctan
T W S · cos (T W A)V · cos (α)
The forces from a sail can, as mentioned earlier, be calculated using classical wing theory,
according to Equation (4.13). The obtained forces, FL and FD , are orthogonal where FL is
perpendicular and FD is parallel to the wind acting on the sail, this is shown in Figure 4.17
where the x axis is the longitudinal direction of the skiff and the y axis is the transverse direction.
𝐴𝑊𝐴 + 𝛼
𝑥 𝑦
𝐴𝑊𝐴 + 𝛼 𝐹𝑥,𝐿
𝐴𝑊𝐴 + 𝛼
𝐹𝑥,𝐷 𝐹𝑦,𝐷
The resulting forces of FL and FD , in the x and y direction, will give Fx,aero and Fyaero , for
each sail in Equation (4.12), are obtained using the calculated FL , FD , and using the apparent
wind angle (AWA), calculated in Equation (4.19), and leeway angle α, according to Equation
4 Theory
The coefficients used for force calculations of the sails in this project are the coefficients used by
the Offshore Racing Congress (2016) (ORC). These sail coefficients are used in the ORC VPP
software to calculate handicaps for racing yachts. The ORC uses different sets of coefficients
depending on the type of sail. The sail coefficients depend only on the angle of attack of the
sails. The sail coefficient used in this project are displayed in Figure 4.18a and 4.18b.
CL vs CD vs
1.6 1.4
Main sail
Main sail
1.4 Jib
1.2 Jib
Drag coefficient C D0
Lift coefficient C L
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
-0.2 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Angle of attack [°] Angle of attack [°]
Figure 4.18: Lift and Drag coefficients as a function of the angle of attack α
5 Design process
In this chapter, the design process of all the components of the skiff are covered. The knowledge
and theory behind this chapter is based on the previous Chapters 3 and 4.
5.1 Hull
In the design process of the hull, modelling of the geometry and CFD simulations are done
simultaneously in order to get updates for improvements and obtain an optimised hull for
desired speeds. When the design of the outer hull shape is decided, the internal structures are
designed. This process is presented in the following sections.
To obtain the best hull design, meaning a hull with a low resistance, all design changes have to
be compared. This is done using CFD-software. To obtain good results, the simulations need
to run in the same way. Therefore the same range of speeds for the hulls need to be evaluated
while maintaining same displacement. The trim of the hull needs to be set for each iteration.
All the simulations are run for just half of the hull, to save computational time. See Section 4.2
for further information and how to set up the simulations. Having just half of the hull analysed
makes it needed to correct the results for the total geometry.
5 Design process
Table 5.1: The simulated speeds for each hull in the CFD-simulations converted from knots to
metres per second.
3 1.5433
6 3.087
9 4.630
12 6.173
15 7.7167
This data is derived from resistance tests carried out on a full scale 49er© in a towingtank test
(Persson, n.d.). The positions of the centre of gravity for the simulations are set according to
Table 5.2.
Table 5.2: Location of the centre of gravity (CoG) for each speed scaled from the 49er©.
1 1386.1
2 1718.2
3 1976.2
4 2172.7
5 2320.0
6 2428.9
7 2509.8
8 2572.0
9 2623.9
10 2673.2
11 2726.5
12 2789.7
13 2867.7
14 2964.6
15 3083.5
16 3226.8
17 3395.9
18 3591.3
19 3812.8
20 4059.1
The values in Table 5.2 are used in the first evaluation to find the optimal hull with the lowest
To obtain a starting point for designing the hull, some concepts have to be analysed. Here the
two concepts that have been analysed are presented, the transonic hull© and the scaled 49er©
5 Design process
hull, respectively.
When creating the models of the two concepts, some properties need to kept constant. These
are so that the hull is not changed too much making comparisons through the CFD-simulations
invalid. These properties are,
• General hull shape
• Moment of inertia of the water-plane around the symmetry axis
• The displacement of 250 kg
The moment of inertia of the water-plane and the displacement are both taken from a 49er©
Rhino 3D model. Furthermore, a weight of 150 kg was assumed to simulate the weight of the
crew, and a weight of 25 kg for the estimated weight of the rig. These values are also the
references stated in the rules as they are the weights to be added in the real test in the tank
to simulate both the crew and the rig. Therefore, by assuming 250 kg of total weight, the
estimated weight of just the hull is left to be 75 kg.
GM = + zB − z G (5.1)
Therefore, the maximum beam is defined by making use of the first constraint, along with a
reference value for the water-plane moment of inertia. The used reference value is the moment
of inertia of the water-plane of the 49er© hull, assumed to have a satisfactory stability and
manoeuvrability. With this, the following equation arises by equalling the water-plane moment
of inertia of a triangular section with respect to the longitudinal axis (solved for the beam) to
the desired moment of inertia (from the 49er©), see Equation (5.2). From Equation (5.2) the
beam can be solved for, see Equation (5.3). The values that are used in these equations can be
seen in Table 5.3
· B 3 = I49er (5.2)
48 · I49er
B= (5.3)
Thirdly, the total displacement of the skiff assumes a first value decided based on previously
built skiffs, average weight of appendages, rig and assumed weight of the sailors (∆ = 250 kg).
Therefore, given the value for both the length, beam and the desired displacement, and con-
sidering the first constraint again, the draft is already fully determined through an iterative
process until the desired displacement is met. The final obtained value is then Tmax = 0.266 m.
5 Design process
After computing these values, the obtained transonic hull© is depicted in Figure 5.1.
5 Design process
First, a decision on which of the two concepts, among the transonic hull© and the scaled 49er©
hull, should be further investigated and optimised has to be taken. Hydrodynamic computations
provide as a result that the transonic hull© should be disregarded. This is because of its higher
resistances for all speeds when compared to the scaled 49er©, see Table 5.4 for the difference.
It must be noted the fact that the high resistance achieved by the transonic hull© is probably
due to its sharp edges that cause a large separation. Smoother edges between sides and bottom
would have probably determined a drop in terms of resistance. Such aspect has not however
been considered and the scaled 49er© hull was chosen for further optimisation.
Table 5.4: Resistance Comparison Between Transonic Hull© and Scaled 49er© Hull
3 15.32 8.29
6 79.81 60.71
10 261.79 140.60
15 688.697 337.80
The scaled 49er© hull is optimised adjusting its hull lines until an overall satisfactory shape is
obtained. This means that the overall dimensions and main curvature are set. When the major
hull lines are decided, the work continues optimising the hull with smaller changes. This means
that the hull is faired to get a smooth hull shape.
When the first model of the scaled 49er© is created, a flared freeboard characterises the hull.
This is a feature that is later removed to minimise the weight. Making the freeboard vertical
creates a clear transition between the bottom and the freeboard. This makes the water non-
slipping along the hull. As can be seen in Figures 5.3a and 5.3b the straight freeboard gives a
spray out from the chine, creating lift and decreasing the resistance. This feature is brought
within the following optimisation of the hull.
Unlike a displacement vessel, a racing skiff has to adapt and is affected by the conditions
surrounding it. Design optimisation for a single speed is therefore limiting in the performance
possibilities of the hull and a compromise between not-so-optimal solutions must be achieved.
It is verified for the present skiff, through its sailing conditions, that the most likely speeds to be
5 Design process
reached range between 3 and 12 kn, corresponding to Froude numbers between 0.23 and 0.91.
Wind statistics report guides toward a most probable ship speed around 6/7 kn and results for
such event are therefore be considered as more relevant in the decision process.
Main rule to be followed when positioning the maximum beam and draft is that both the
buttocks and the waterlines should be as straight as possible. Very straight aftbody is most
desired higher the speed is. This configuration helps reducing the low pressure caused by convex
lines that will otherwise lead to undesired trimming conditions by the stern and an increased
resistance. Similar higher resistance is experienced in case low pressure acts on the side of the
hull, causing wave troughs that also increase the resistance.
Geometrically, a hull for high speeds has to be designed positioning the maximum beam at the
stern and the maximum draft as far forward as possible. An optimum design for low speeds
would instead call for more curved lines such that the hull would taper off gradually towards the
aft. A compromise between the position of maximum beam and maximum draft has therefore
to be found.
% of LOA
xLOA 70 75 80 82 87 89 93 97
5 Design process
Figure 5.4: Max Beam position vs resistance. Red stars mark measured data; Blue line is the
fitted resistance curve
5 Design process
Aim of the computations is to determine a geometry that presents as low resistance as possible
and their results are plotted in Figures 5.4a to 5.4c. Main focus in the post-processing of the
results obtained is put on the range of speeds between 3 and 9 kn, while the higher speeds,
12 and 15 kn, are computed almost excusively in order to provide sufficient data to the VPP.
At speeds of 3 kn the optimal position of maximum beam is suggested to be placed between
80 and 90 % of LOA. Higher speeds suggest instead to move the position of maximum beam
toward the stern, reaching values in the range 85 − 95 % for speeds of 6 kn and even further for
9 kn. Furthermore, considering the fact that 6 kn of speed is the one most probably achieved
by the skiff, computations for speeds of 5 and 7 kn are also carried out. Choice for these two
speeds also gives the opportunity to carry out a validation comparison with other data. Such
comparison is presented in Section The results of the computations for the full range
of speeds are presented in Table 5.6.
Speed [kn] 3 5 6 7 9 12 15
Position in %
of LOA for Resistance [N]
max beam
80 19.12 67.84 115.04 149.98 231.78 345.98 431.68
87 19.04 67.42 114.76 149.62 237.54 348.38 434.7
93 18.94 68.14 115.68 150.28 236.18 348.1 433.4
From Table 5.6 it is hard to evaluate which beam position to choose. Therefore all the values
have to be compared in some way. This is done by ranking all of the position based on resistance
for each speeds. There after the rankings are scaled by a factor depending on how probable
each boat speed is. The scale factor is chosen according to Table 5.7.
Table 5.7: Scale factors to compare which hull to choose for maximum beam position variation
3 0.16
5 0.23
6 0.23
7 0.23
9 0.15
12 0.00
15 0.00
The scale factors in Table 5.7 are set so they mostly privilege speeds around 7 kn, since this is
the design speed according to the VPP. Then 5 kn and 6 kn are speeds that also need to be
designed for. Therefore 5, 6 and 7 kn have the main influences on the final decision. Then the
rest is spread out equally between 3 and 9 kn since these speeds are equally probable for the
skiff to reach. For the higher speeds, 12 and 15 kn, it is not seen reasonable to take these into
consideration since the skiff is designed for speeds around 7 kn. To see the result for the scaled
ranking, see Table 5.8.
As can be seen in Table 5.8 the maximum beam position should be placed at 87 % of LOA from
the bow. After this position it should have a parallel aft body. This gives that aft of 4002 mm
5 Design process
Speed [kn] 3 5 6 7 9 12 15
Position in % Scale
SF · rank
of LOA for Factor 0.16 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.15 0 0
max beam (SF)
80 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 2.01
87 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 1.46
93 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 2.53
% of LOA
xLOA 12 17 22 27 32
By analysing Figures 5.5a to 5.5c, which are for speeds of 3, 6 and 9 kn, an interval for which
position that should be chosen is derived. For speeds of 12 kn and 15 kn see Appendix 8.2.5.
For 6 kn the preferred position of maximum draft is somewhere between 16 − 20 % of LOA,
according to the curve. For low speeds of 3 kn it is around 28 − 32 % and for 9 kn it is almost
the same as for 6 kn, around 18 − 22 %. One thing to take in mind when doing this analysis
is that this is for the curve which is interpolated between the measured data. Therefore Table
5.10 is created to compare all the measured data whit each other. However, this table is just
for the normal simulated speeds, without 5 and 7 kn.
Since Table 5.10 just shows the resistance values, a new table is created to compare the ranking
between the hulls with a scale factor. The scales factors can be seen in Table 5.11. The factors
is chosen according to that the 6 kn is the one that is closest to the design speed of 7 kn why
it has a quite big scale factor. For 3 kn and 9 kn there are still speeds that should be taken
into account, why they have smaller values. Again the scale factors for higher speeds are set to
zero, since such will not be reached.
According to Table 5.11 the scale factors are added to the ranking of comparison of the resistance
for draft position. Table 5.12 is created to give the results.
According to Table 5.12 the maximum draft should be positioned at 27% of the LOA from the
bow. This means that the maximum draft should be placed 1242 mm aft of the bow.
5 Design process
Speed [kn] 3 6 9 12 15
Position in %
of LOA for Resistance [N]
max draft
12 20.3 114.42 238.1 350.76 429.96
17 19.66 113.74 242.88 363.1 428.02
22 19.04 114.76 237.54 348.38 434.7
37 18.74 114.52 237.72 347.36 440.08
32 18.8 116.12 243.58 292.66 404.24
Table 5.11: Scale factors to compare which hull to choose for draft variation
3 0.25
6 0.50
9 0.25
12 0.00
15 0.00
Table 5.12: Ranked and scaled comparison between the beam position to evaluate where to
place the maximum draft
Speed [kn] 3 6 9 12 15
Position in % Scale
SF · rank
of LOA for Factor 0.25 0.50 0.25 0 0
max beam (SF)
12 5 2 3 3 2 3.0
17 4 1 4 5 5 2.5
22 3 5 2 2 3 3.75
27 1 3 1 1 4 2.0
32 2 4 5 4 1 3.75
5 Design process
Figure 5.5: Max Draft position vs resistance. Red stars mark measured data; Blue line is the
fitted resistance curve.
5 Design process
From the optimisation of the hull design, the shape of the canoe body is determined. By this its
main dimensions are set from an optimal point of view. All the main dimensions are presented
in Table 5.13. Drawings for the final design of the hull shape are detailed in Appendix 8.2.5.
For the final canoe body the resistance is presented in Table 5.14. Also a resistance curve is
created, see Figure 5.6.
Table 5.14: Final drag along x-axis for the canoe body
3 19.52
5 69.62
6 114.22
7 151.32
9 233.80
12 348.65
15 431.56
5 Design process
The resistance curve will further on be used in the VPP to get how the hull will perform in
different conditions, see Section for performance according to the VPP.
From the CFD-simulations the wave pattern of the canoes body is simulated. This is not
taken into account when doing the optimisation since only the total resistance is taken into
consideration. However, the generated waves are one component in the resistance, so it will in
someway be taken into account but not specifically be optimised for. The final wave pattern
for 6 kn can be seen in Figure 5.7.
Being the first year that Chalmers University of Technology is taking part in a project of
this kind, no direct reference hulls nor computational results were available. Validation of the
results obtained comes from the comparison with the results presented by Mancuso, Pitarresi,
and Tumino (2017). In this paper, results for the CFD evaluations carried out on LED3 are
presented. The skiff chosen as reference was built with the same purpose of the one treated in
this text. Another fact in favour of this choice is that the reference skiff graduated champion of
the first Midwinter Indoor Race in February 2017. Table 5.15 presents a comparison between
the obtained computational results for resistance, for three different speeds and no appendages
attached, by LED3 and the ongoing project, CTH1. This comparison is not carried out on the
final design, it is made for when the position of the maximum beam is decided to see that the
results is reasonable.
Most importantly the comparison validates the modelled setup for the solver. Furthermore,
the results obtained can be considered quite satisfying. With exception made for the speed of
5knots, the hull here under discussion is shown to perform better than last year’s best skiff.
5 Design process
5 67.9 69.62
6 115.1 114.22
7 168.2 151.32
5.1.5 Deck
When designing the deck, several parameters have to be considered. Such parameters are ease
of movement for sailors on the deck, aerodynamics, water on deck and stiffness given by deck
shape. Three different designs are discussed, one with a v-shaped deck downwards, a straight
deck and one with a slightly upwards cambered deck.
For the v-shaped deck the main feature with this design is that is make the movement for the
sailors easily. The angle should follow the racks in this case to make get this easy movement.
The disadvantage for this design is that there are risk for collecting water in the middle of the
V, as well as the structure will be weaker by this solution. By this reason, it will not be chosen.
Next design concept is the straight deck. This is some mix between the two other options and
does not give any specific advantage or disadvantage. This is why this is not chosen since both
of the other concept has bigger advantages that can be used.
The last design is the slightly upwards cambered deck. This has it advantages in giving stiffness
to the structural performance, see Section for more information about it. Also the feature
that the water not will be collected on the hull is something that is preferred as well as there
are no big problems with the movement. One problem that can occur further on in the project
when designing the deck layout is that there is no place under the freeboard to collect thing in.
Like the gennaker sock. This does not seem as a big problem and with all advantages for this
design this is chosen.
The structural design of the hull can be divided into three steps. Design of the hull plating
sandwich, design of the deck sandwich and design of the internal stiffening structure. In this
section the design of each of these components will be explained. Structural analysis is performed
in the FEM-software Abaqus. Details on the set up of the FE-model, elements used, boundary
conditions applied and load cases considered are found in Section 4.3.5.
[−60 60 c0x ]S
5 Design process
By varying the core thickness in the FE-model while applying the trapeze load case described
in Section 4.3.5, the influence of core thickness on deflection and stress levels in the model could
be evaluated. The evaluation is presented in Table 5.16.
In Table 5.16, the stress global maximum is shown for each stress component where index L
denotes the fibre direction and T is the transverse direction relative to the fibres. Index LT
denotes the shear stress. Maximum deflection for the third (vertical) direction recorded at the
mast step, is presented as well. From these values it can be concluded that core thickness
will not have a significant influence on stress levels in the sandwich structure. It is seen that
the core thickness will be the governing factor for the deflection of the structure. Thus it is
concluded that increasing core thickness will primarily add stiffness to the structure. It should
be mentioned that when these values were recorded the design of stiffening structures and deck
laminate layup were still at the conceptual level meaning the numbers are not representative for
the stress levels or deflection of the final design. The design of the internal stiffening structure
is covered in detail in Section
A previous FE-analysis conducted on a similar boat participating in the 1001VELAcup showed
a deflection of 10 mm, recorded at the mast step (Mancuso et al., 2017). The boat in question
utilises cork as the core material, a flax/epoxy laminate in the skins and marine plywood as
the material of the internal stiffening structure. The core thickness is not mentioned. Another
boat that previously participated in the 1001VELAcup was built with an end-grain balsa core
thickness of 6.5 mm covered with flax/epoxy laminate (Castegnaro et al., 2017). In both
these cases, the structural design, performance of material and load cases considered in design
may vary from this project. However, the numbers mentioned in these reference studies are
considered to be appropriate to serve as guidelines when choosing core thickness in this project.
The core thickness chosen in this project is 8 mm. Increasing the thickness to 10 mm will
result in an increase of 20 % of the core weight while only reducing the maximum defection
with roughly 13 %. Since the deflections seen in Table 5.16 are already low compared to the
reference studies it was reasoned that, if necessary, reducing the deflection could be done in a
more weight efficient manner further on in the design work. Core thicknesses below 8 mm are
deemed to fragile to handle in the building process intended for this project, where long thin
strips of balsa is cut and attached to a male template. More details on the building process are
found in Section 7. It should be pointed out that the method intended in this project is different
than the one described in (Castegnaro et al., 2017) where the authors employed vacuum bag
moulding in a female mould with 6.5 mm end grain balsa in the core of the sandwich.
To decide which layup to use in the laminate of the skins, a total of 20 layup options are
investigated. The results of this investigation are presented in Table 5.17. In the investigation,
5 nodes of interest are chosen in the FE-model. The locations of these are shown in Figure 5.8.
For each layup tested the deflection of these nodes is measured. Stress levels are overall low for
each layup. The effects of varying layups on the stress distribution and stress magnitudes in
the hull were not analysed. The philosophy behind this is similar to when the thickness of the
core was decided. A thorough analysis of stress is instead performed in Section
5 Design process
The trapeze load case is considered the worst case scenario for the hull plating, since it induces
the largest deflection and stress magnitudes, which is also why it is the only load case analysed
in this section. A core thickness of 8 mm was already decided earlier in this section. The
thickness of each ply is 0.21 mm according to flax/epoxy laminate properties in Table 4.4.
The nodes that are investigated are chosen based on if they are located at a critical location
or if the magnitude of deflection in a certain area is large. Deflection at the location of the
fore stay and the mast step (nodes #1236 & #1182) in the vertical direction are two of the
largest deflections on the hull. It is important that the hull layup is stiff enough to keep these
deflections under control. Furthermore, node #7896 belongs to the hull plate where bulkheads
are located furthest apart from each other in the conceptual design of the stiffening structure.
Lastly, node #3216 belongs to the aft most hull plate. In the keel, this plate has the largest
lateral deflection. At node #498 the largest deflection in the transverse direction occurs. The
hull plating collapses inwards at this location. This node is chosen to be examined to evaluate
the effect of hull layup on the transverse stiffness of the hull.
In Table 5.17 the layup chosen for the hull plating in this project is layup no. 17. The deck
plating is designed to give as large stiffness as possible to the keel plates while adding as little
weight as possible. In Table 5.17 the two most promising layups are layup no. 17 and 18.
Observing the difference in deflection of node #7896 for layup no. 17 (U3,no17 = −0.25mm) &
layup no. 18 (U3,no18 = −0.49mm), the choice of layup no. 17 over layup no. 18 is motivated
by the philosophy that hull plating should contribute more to stiffness in the vertical direction
at the keel than in the transverse direction at the side plating. The transverse deflection of node
#498 is U2,no17 = 1.91mm for layup no. 17 and U2,no18 = 1.27mm for layup no. 18. Side plating
stiffness will to a large extent be given later in design by the deck and bulkheads. Further, it
should be mentioned that the possibility to add a bulkhead at the location of node #498 to
reduce the transverse deflection at this point is possible, see design of stiffening structure sec Other differences in deflection between layup no. 17 & 18 are considered to be so small
that they are negligible. Adding more plies improves the stiffness of the hull plating while at the
same time adding on to the total weight. In layup no. 17 four plies are stacked on the outside
laminate. Four plies is assumed to be the maximum number of plies that can be handled during
construction. In the inside laminate, three plies are stacked. There is also a possibility to add
an extra 90 degree ply on the inside of the hull to improve the hulls transverse stiffness if found
necessary in later analysis.
Table 5.17: Variation of the sandwich skin laminates
Outside ply no. 8 mm Inside ply no. U3,i [mm] U2,max [mm] Mass [kg]
0 1 2 3 Core 4 5 6 7 #1236 #1182 #7896 #3216 #498 Of the plates
Layup no.
1 - 0 60 -60 0 -60 60 0 - 4.75 -2.56 -0.53 2.33 1.40 10.30
2 - 0 30 -30 0 -30 30 0 - 4.71 -2.79 -0.22 2.38 2.11 10.30
3 - 0 45 -45 0 -45 45 0 - 4.69 -2.68 -0.40 2.34 1.71 10.30
4 0 0 60 -60 0 -60 60 0 - 4.27 -2.54 -0.48 2.14 1.35 11.25
5 0 0 30 -30 0 -30 30 0 - 4.32 -2.70 -0.24 2.21 1.95 11.25
6 - 0 0 90 0 90 0 0 - 4.83 -2.78 -0.38 2.38 1.50 10.30
7 - 0 30 90 0 90 30 0 - 4.78 -2.72 -0.53 2.35 1.37 10.30
8 0 0 60 -60 0 -60 60 0 0 3.91 -2.45 -0.45 1.99 1.29 12.21
9 - -60 60 0 0 0 60 -60 - 4.73 -2.63 -0.54 2.32 1.33 10.30
10 - 60 -60 0 0 0 -60 60 - 4.73 -2.63 -0.54 2.32 1.33 10.30
11 0 60 -60 0 0 0 -60 60 - 4.25 -2.53 -0.49 2.13 2.13 11.25
12 0 30 -30 0 0 0 -30 30 - 4.31 -2.70 -0.25 2.21 1.92 11.25
13 0 60 -60 0 0 0 -60 60 0 3.89 -2.44 -0.45 1.98 1.24 12.21
14 0 30 -30 0 0 0 -30 30 0 3.98 -2.61 -0.26 2.07 1.79 12.21
15 - 30 -30 0 0 0 -30 30 - 4.70 -2.79 -0.23 2.37 2.08 10.30
16 0 30 -30 0 0 0 -30 30 - 4.31 -2.70 -0.25 2.21 1.92 11.25
17 30 -30 0 0 0 0 -30 30 - 4.30 -2.69 -0.25 2.21 1.91 11.25
18 60 -60 0 0 0 0 -60 60 - 4.25 -2.52 -0.49 2.13 1.27 11.25
19 30 60 0 0 0 0 -60 60 - 4.50 -2.68 -0.54 2.24 1.52 11.25
20 0 0 30 60 0 0 60 30 - 4.52 -2.69 -0.53 2.25 1.57 11.25
5 Design process
#1182 Mast step
#7896 Largest plate in keel
#3216 Aftmost plate
#498 Side bow plate
5 Design process
In this project layup no. 3 in Table 5.18 is chosen. This means that a core thickness of 8
mm in the core of the deck is used. The gain in stiffness with core thicknesses above 8 mm is
considered too small in relation to the weight added to viable. Decreasing the core thickness
from 8 mm is not considered, since 8 mm is the minimum thickness assumed to be manageable
during construction. A maximum of four plies in each laminate is considered, for the same
The deck is subjected to the largest risk for concentrated chock loads, such as tools being
dropped on the deck, during rigging. Four plies are placed in the outside laminate to provide
as much protection against concentrated shock loads as possible. On the inside laminate three
plies are stacked (layer 5,6 and 7) and the eighth layer is reserved if it is found in later design
work that additional plies are needed. Also a fifth layer on the outside is reserved for this reason.
It should be noted that if a fifth layer on the outside is added it could reduce the possibility to
laminate the deck properly, since as already stated four layers are assumed to be the maximum
manageable amount of layers during lamination.
Table 5.18: Deck layup analysis with 8 mm core thickness
5 Design process
5 Design process
Table 5.19: Deck layup analysis with 10 mm core thickness
5 Design process
5 Design process
A possibility that is also implemented in the final design is to add flanges on the edge of the
holes, as shown in Figure 5.11a where a bulkhead with a flange around the edge of the hole is
shown to compare with Figure 5.11b where a bulkhead without flange is shown. This flange is
mainly a result of the building process, but has been shown to contribute to the overall hull
stiffness in FE-simulations.
5 Design process
The flange would be achieved by wrapping the laminates on the outside and inside of the core
around the edge of the stiffener core template. Between the two laminate skins fibres will be
placed along the edge of the hole for additional reinforcement. This is visualised in Figure 5.12,
where the green lines symbolise the laminate on the inside and outside of the core, that is shown
in grey. The fibres running along the edge of the hole are shown as orange cross-hairs.
To evaluate the flange contribution to stiffness versus its contribution to weight, two simple
models are compared in Abaqus. The models are shown in Figure 5.13a and 5.13b. Both consist
of a plate with dimensions 600 × 600 mm which is the approximate space between bulkheads.
In both cases the plates are modelled with a web of height 60 mm. Both models have identical
laminate layup, load, boundary conditions and mesh applied. The load is the hydrodynamic
pressure in Equation (4.10) acting on the entire plate surface. Both plates are simply supported
along two edges and clamped along the other two. S4R shell elements with a approximate size
of 10 × 10 mm is applied in both models. The only difference is that the model in Figure 5.13b
is modelled with a flange of width 15 mm on the web.
5 Design process
The layup of the plates is layup no. 17 in Table 5.17. The web is modelled with the following
layup, where 0◦ corresponds to the long edge of the web.
[45 − 45 90 c908 ]S
c908 indicates that the fibres of the core are parallel to the short edge of the web and that it
has the thickness 8 mm. In Figure 5.13b, again with the long edge of the web as a reference.
The flange is modelled with the following laminate layup.
[45 − 45 90 0]S
The first three plies are extensions of the web laminates and the fourth is the fibres that are
supposed to give the flange its stiffness. The deflection plots in Figures 5.14a and 5.14b are
achieved with FE-simulation.
In Table 5.21 below, deflection and mass data are compared between the two models.
It can be seen that vertical deflection increases with 40 % when the flange is removed and that
transverse deflection is increased with 33 % while the weight only reduces with roughly 1 %. The
flange adds some complexity to the structure and requires extra work in the building process.
5 Design process
Still the benefits of adding this laminate flange is considered large enough for the additional
construction time to be invested in them. It was decided that the bulkheads and stringers will
be built with a flange along the edges of the holes with a width of around 25 mm. The width
may vary on some stiffening components since 25 mm of flange width will not fit at all locations
inside the hull.
As for the final layup of the stiffeners, only one was tested at first. The following layup was the
one that was analysed.
[45 − 45 0]S
This layup was chosen based on the wish to keep the fibres of at least one ply more or less
perpendicular to the hull surface around the whole circumference of the stiffeners in order to
make use of the fibres’ strength along their length. The layup turned out to give good results
already in the first FE-analysis. Since the building process was about to start, no further
investigations were made.
Figure 5.16 shows how the internal stiffening structure deforms under the trapeze load case.
The figure clearly shows how the mast step causes the stringer and how (from the bow) 2nd,
5 Design process
3rd and 4th bulkheads below it to deform a lot more than the other bulkheads. Except for the
transom which is deformed by the main sheet force.
Figure 5.16: Deformation of hull magnified 50:1 for hull-with-trapeze load case. Hull plating
and deck are hidden
Figure 5.17 shows how the elements around the node associated to the forestay force are dis-
torted. The distortion is possibly caused by a local buckling mode in this area, due to the
forestay force being associated to a single node. When evaluating the deflection at this point
this large distortion has to be taken into mind. Choosing a node belonging to an element just
aft of the elements heavily distorted by the forestay force, will yield a more realistic deflection.
The same reasoning can be applied when evaluating deflection at other points where a large
force is associated to a single node, such as the locations of the mast step and the main sheet.
Figure 5.17: Distortion of elements at forestay magnified 50:1 for hull-with-trapeze load case
Considering the stress levels, they are analysed by plotting: stress along fibre direction SL ,
stress across fibre direction ST and the shear stress SLT , through the thickness of the sandwich.
An example of how this is performed is shown in Figures 5.18 to 5.22.
In Figure 5.18 the element of interest is marked with a red arrow. The element is situated
in close proximity to the mast step force. An element not directly associated with the single
node in which the mast step force is applied is chosen, with the same reasoning as above. The
5 Design process
Figure 5.18: Bulkhead element for which stress is plotted in Figure (5.19)
element in question is positioned in a critical area. Since the stress is high at the 2nd (from the
bow) bulkhead due to the mast step it is an example of an element where special attention is
Figure 5.19 shows stress through the thickness of the sandwich. The stress varies in the sandwich
skin through the plies of the laminate as the fibre direction changes, giving the characteristic
stress-thickness graph of a laminate. Stress appears to stay more or less constant through the
thickness of the core and the plies, which was not expected.
When comparing the results to already solved examples in (ABAQUS/Explicit, 2017), where
analysis of sandwich structure in a sail yacht is performed, it is shown that strain varies through
the core and that the strain stays constant through the thickness of the plies, but varies between
plies as the fibre direction changes. To verify that the same behaviour is achieved in this project
a plot of the strain through the thickness of the sandwich is produced, shown in Figure 5.20
The figure shows that the strain varies through the thickness of the core. This complies with the
example analysis found in (ABAQUS/Explicit, 2017). In Figure 5.21 another element considered
critical is marked with a red arrow. This element belongs to the hull and is located directly
below the area of the mast step.
5 Design process
Figure 5.21: Hull element for which stress is plotted in Figure (5.22)
Figure 5.22 shows the stress plotted through the thickness of the sandwich for the element in
Figure 5.21. It can be concluded that the behaviour noted previously in Figure 5.19 is repeated
for the core. As for the plies the stress varies through the thickness of each ply. An explanation
could be that the element in question is subjected to more pronounced bending in contrast to
the bulkhead element that is subjected to compression from the mast step.
Similar analysis are performed on several elements throughout the model where considered
necessary, making sure that stress levels are at an acceptable level. One has to take into consid-
eration that certain areas, such as the mast step and the forestay, will be reinforced to be able to
handle the loads in these areas. The stress and deflections presented here are calculated without
these extra reinforcements, and therefore, may not represent the final structure exactly. How-
ever, the bulkheads and stringers have to be defined before the extra reinforcement is designed.
After analysing several elements in a similar manner as previously shown, and modifying the
internal stiffening structure, the final design of the internal stiffening structure is decided. 2D
drawings of the structural hull design is produced and the building process can be initiated,
even though the design work of extra reinforcements still remains.
5 Design process
When designing the sail and rig, there are many different aspects that must be considered.
According to the class rules (A. 1001VELAcup, 2017), there are no limitations of either mast
height or draft, although the total sail area cannot be larger than 33 m2 and the mast and boom
must be made of aluminium. Both parts, the sails and the rig, are design with professional help
from the companies Seldén and North Sail. As a basis to start from, the 49er© distributions
concerning both sections are used and customised. The adjustments made are stated in the
following sections.
There are several different factors that effect the performance of the sails. The most important
of these are described by section 4.4.4. Several of these interfere with each other in a complex
way and the design process of the sail setup, therefore, consists of systematic variations where
5 Design process
one parameter is altered at a time in order to find a value for this parameter that results in
the best performance. The performance for a change in parameter value is evaluated with the
To design a high performance sail setup it is important to consider in which weather condition
it will operate. The wind statistics in Table 3.1 are therefore crucial for the design of the rig.
It will be designed to perform optimally at the most likely average wind speed. The expected
wind speed differs slightly between Windguru (3.86 m/s) and ISPRA (3.36 m/s). The design
wind speed will therefore be chosen to 3.5 m/s as an intermediate value.
There are also several types of sail setups that can be considered. In this project, four different
concepts have been considered and evaluated. To choose the main particulars of the sail setup,
as well as the best sail concept, the performance of different setups are evaluated with the VPP.
Furthermore, the sail shape is adapted from the 49er©, see Figure 3.4. It provides more sail
area in the upper part, gaining more lift (wind is stronger) and managing the twist of the sail is
easier. These advantages apply on a rectangular sail shape but on a triangular. Another point
of having the 49ers© shape of the main sail is the fitting of the area into the rig dimensions.
A triangular sail needs a higher mast to fit in the same main sail area while keeping the same
boom length.
5 Design process
The larger the sail area, the higher the lift force resulting in a high driving force which is
connected to a high VMG. Furthermore, the greater the aspect ratio (see Section of
the sail, the higher the lift force, which ends in an increase of the driving force as well. These
connections lead to the investigation of the Two sails Concept with different mast heights. An
upwind sail area of 33 m2 (23 m2 main sail area, 10 m2 jib) is analysed.
The results, described in Table 5.23, in design wind speed show that the produced lift force is
too high to be handled by the righting moment of two sailors. Twist and flattening of the sails
occur. Also, changing the main sail shape to a triangular by lowering the luff height of the main
sail for 25 % in the input file to reduce the CE or adjusting the mast height for the same reason
does not result in a competitive VMG without twist or flattening. Reshaping the main sail also
involves an extension of the boom length to still ensure the fitting of the main sail into the rig.
Digging deeper into using the total sail area upwind, investigation of so called ’stay sails’ are
performed. Stay sails are additional small sails between the jib and the main sail. They can
enhance the performance of a skiff significantly. The driving force is increased by up to 12, 5 %
depending on the AWA (D.J. Le Pelly, 2008). The idea is to use this advantage downwind and
take down the stay sail when going up wind, still keeping a comparably large upwind sail area
to handle. For the first VPP analysis of this concept a reasonable small mast height of 8 m
is connected to a 14 m2 main sail, 13 m2 jib and 6 m2 stay sail. The calculations of the stay
sail and the jib use the ORC jib aerodynamic lift and drag coefficient, see Section The
result, described in the Table 5.23, in design wind speed show a small mean VMG of 2.27 m/s
as well as the occurrence of twist and flattening. Besides these facts, taking down the stay sail
for the upwind course turns out to be difficult regarding forestay handling, rig tensions, taking
down system and storage of the sail.
The results, see Table 5.23, show that for the design wind speed the Classic Sail Concept is the
best suitable. In almost all investigated setups neither twist nor flattening occur. The maximum
VMG of the Classic Sail Concept is 2.38 m/s at a mast height of 10 m. This value is considered
as competitive compared to the two other concepts. Regarding the twist and flattening of the
sail the values are not acceptable. Lowering the mast height to reduce the heeling moment,
though results in a non competitive VMG. Analysing the results of the Three Sails Concept
neither the VMG nor the flattening and twist turn out to be competitive values, even with a
low mast height of 8 m. Therefore, the Classic Concept is investigated further.
To narrow the sail setup selection down, the mast height of 8 m is crossed out because of the
high difference in the VMG values. Furthermore, two factors are taken into account: Firstly,
the weight of the mast section, and secondly, the highest possible draft of the appendages. The
adjustment of the centreboard draft is done by choosing a higher AR.
AR = = 7.69.
5 Design process
Upwind sail area [m2 ] Mast height [m] mean VMG [m/s] at 3.5 m/s TWS TWIST / FLAT
The centreboard area of 0.255 m2 is calculated by using the 49er© centreboard area to upwind
sail area ratio, see Equation 3.1, with an upwind area of 18 m2 . The centreboard draft 1.4 m
results from reasonable hand calculations. Elaborating a smaller mast height variation step of
0.5 m within the investigation process leads to a preferable selection of the sail setup. The
results of the Classic Concept with the higher AR is shown in the Table 5.24.
The highest mean VMG is achieved with 22 m2 upwind sail area and a mast height of 10 m while
35.6% (0.089) twist occur. Taking into account the first factor, Per Wretlind from Seldén Mast
states that the cross section has to be change though the weight per meter of mast increases
by 0.05 kg/m when using a higher mast then 9.5 m. This increase has to be compensated by a
higher mean VMG. The difference between the highest mean VMG in total and the maximum
mean VMG regarding a mast height of 9.5 m is 0.02 m/s. Additionally, the occurring twist is
lowered by the half to 16.4% (0.041). The higher weight as well as the higher twist results in
huge disadvantage regarding the mean VMG compared to the increase of it by 0.02 m/s. The
final sail set up is set to a 9.5 m mast height combined to a 22 m2 upwind sail area. This is split
into a 16 m2 main sail and a 6 m2 jib. For finalising the setups performance result, the rudder
area is adapted as derived in Section The following polar plot show the performance of
the chosen setup in different wind speeds.
The last concept refers to the usage of the remaining sail area of the final sail setup. The classic
downwind sail is called gennaker which is usually a light huge sail, which is hoisted sailing
downwind. A new invention is called Code 0, which is a huge reaching sail designed for offshore
racing. The third alternative is a way of combination of both sails. Called Jib 0, it is a sail
which can be hoisted and taken down like the gennaker, but has the advantage of being able to
be used upwind as well. The following polar plot shows the performance of the Jib 0.
5 Design process
Upwind sail area [m2 ] Mast height [m] mean VMG at 3.5 m/s TWS TWIST / FLAT
Classic Concept
18 9 2.29 0/0
18 9.5 2.31 0/0
18 10 2.33 0/0
20 9 2.30 0/0
20 9.5 2.36 0/0
20 10 2.38 0/0
22 9 2.36 0/0
22 9.5 2.39 0.041 / 0
22 10 2.41 0.089 / 0
24 9 2.36 0.077 / 0.978
24 9.5 2.38 0.103 / 0.956
24 10 2.39 0/0
5 Design process
TWA (deg)
20 TWS / Sailset
30 2.5
6 3
5 5
50 SS1
BS (m/s)
3 2.6665
2.2843 70
0 90
-2.1104 110
27-Oct-2017 13:26:39
5 Design process
Formula Sailing VPP V17 22 m2 cb adapted 9,50m AR 7,69 Jib0 Polar Plot
TWA (deg)
20 TWS / Sailset
30 2.5
6 3
40 4
5 5
50 SS1
BS (m/s)
2.867 2.8725
3 2.7003
2.1485 70
2 1.7734
0 90
-2.1086 110
03-Dec-2017 16:10:47
Figure 5.24: Final sail area and mast height dimensions using the Jib 0
5 Design process
The polar plot shows, that the Jib 0 can not be used in wind speeds higher than 4.0 m/s without
loosing mean VMG. However, up to 4.0 m/s wind speed the mean VMG increases compared
to the mean VMG in Figure 5.23. Until a wind speed of 3 m/s the increase of mean VMG is
0.2 m/s. The detailed wind statistics (3.2) show an increase of the mean wind speed over the
racing hours (11h to 17h), starting at ∼ 3.7 m/s, ending at ∼ 4.0 m/s.
After the investigation of different sail setup concepts combined different mast heights and its
possibility of implementation, the final decision is a 22 m2 upwind sail area connected to a 9.5 m
high mast, see Figure 5.25.
5 Design process
The sail area is divided into a 16 m2 main sail, a 6 m2 jib and a 11 m2 Jib 0. Regarding the
sheeting, the main sail is sheeted on a rail in the aft of the hull, the jib is sheeted on a rail
shortly in front of the mast and the Jib 0 is sheeted out on the racks extension. The sail shape
is determined by the rig dimensions disregarding the main sail. It is shaped in a rectangular
way having as much sail area as possible in the upper part. Furthermore, this shape makes it
easier to twist the main sail.
5.2.2 Rig
The rig of a sailing dinghy is a complex part to design and optimise. This is the reason the R3
class rules allow outsourcing the rig design to an external company (A. 1001VELAcup, 2017).
For the rig concept of this skiff, the expertise comes from Per Wretlind at Seldén Mast who
takes care of the design.
There are two rig solutions that could be an option for this skiff. One is the traditional rig,
similar to the 49er© rig, and the second one is a diamond rig, used mainly on catamarans.
These two concepts are based on different ways to handle the loads that the rig will be exposed
to. The traditional rig is well used and a lot of the already existing skiffs, which are underlying
these class rules, have something similar. This also shows that this type of rig works in reality.
The diamond rig is not been used for mono hulls as first chose of design. By implementing this,
some new ideas are brought into the design of the skiffs for 1001VELAcup.
One feature of the mast, which will be unique, is the mast height. A mast height of 9.5 m is
chosen based on the calculations from the VPP, see more information about this decision in
Section Since the mast is relatively high and needs to be built in aluminium, there is a
risk of a heavy rig construction, as well as a high centre of gravity.
The rig has to take care of the loads that are created from the sails, where mainly the side
forces are important. For this, shrouds and stays are attached between the mast and the hull
to make sure that the rig do not break or fall down. Because of this, the shrouds have a force
pulling upwards. This force has its origin in the attachment point of the shrouds, the chain
plates. Since the force is pulling upwards and the rig downwards, compression loads will occur.
5 Design process
In this design there is a need to have a kicker that holds the sail down and maintain the correct
shape of the sail. With this solution, the mainsheet just needs to change the attacking angle
for the sail. To be able to hold down the boom, a kick is needed. This kicker is placed on top
of the boom, why it is called gnav (vang, American word for kick, spelled backwards). When
having this gnav, it needs an extra pair of shrouds that will be placed closed to the height of
the boom, attached to the mast. This is because the gnav will contribute with bending moment
at the mast and there will be a risk of buckling at this point.
The possibility for movement in front of the mast will be limited by having the regular top
shrouds to the deck together with the lower shroud. This makes it harder for the sailors to
move in front of the mast, which can be needed in low wind speeds to change the CoG.
This kind of rig is a proven and common solution, being used for the majority of small sailing
dinghies. Therefore this is an alternative that is investigated.
5 Design process
slender than the traditional 49er© rig. The weight will approximately be around 15 kg for this
concept. One problem that can occur by having this less robust mast is that there are risks for
large deflections in the top of the mast, mainly from the Jib 0 but also from the main sail in
upwind sailing. This will then affect the sail shape both for the downwind sail as well as for the
main sail.
This design is mainly used on multihulls where it is beneficial to have a free standing rig as this
type. The reason for this is that the hull take less compression loads, therefore this solution
is good for a multihull since then the hulls will not be pushed upwards due to the vertical
component from the compression force. By applying this mast design on the skiff there will be
less forces into the hull, why this is an alternative. Bowsprit
For the design of the bowsprit, the main factors that have to be considered are those that
influence its dimensions. Mainly, it should be long enough so that there is at least 1 m distance
between the jib and the jib 0. This condition is depicted below, in Figure 5.26:
Figure 5.26: Highlighted are the Jib 0 (red) and Jib (green)
As seen in Figure 5.26, the design of the bowsprit is not independent, being directly connected
with racks. Its length is fixed to a total of 1.6 m in total, and 1.1 m outside from the bow.
Worth noting is that the bowsprit is also highly dependent on the sail plan and position of the
mast, thus meaning that the design has also to be adapted to both of these elements.
The attachment of the bowsprit to the hull is done by a tube through which it passes, which is
then tapered with fibers to the hull, as illustrated in Figure 5.27.
5 Design process
In order to obtain a preliminary design of the bowsprit, several assumptions have to be made
regarding both it’s shape and structure, as well as theoretical assumptions in order to simplify
hand calculations. Firstly, regarding its shape, it should be a conical section. This is motivated
by the fact that this solution ensures that the bowsprit doesn’t progress forward of a certain
point (in this case set to be when 1.1 m of the bowsprit structure is hanging forward of the
forward-most point of the bow). This assumption is illustrated in Figure 5.28 below:
Figure 5.28: Different levels of extension of the bowsprit, with the fixed conical section high-
lighted in red
As observable, by increasing the diameter of the bowsprit aftwards and making the opening
through which it passes (highlighted by the red lines) having the same dimensions than those
of the thicker part of it, it cannot physically pass.
In order to obtain a first estimate of the bowsprit’s diameters at both ends, as well as it’s
thickness, basic beam theory calculations are performed. The assumptions needed to compute
• The material properties considered are those of carbon-fiber
• Even though it is not, the material is considered isotropic for the sake of simplicity on the
• The diameter variation is linear between both ends of the bowsprit
• A stayed option is considered, where the bowsprit is stayed with a dyneema rope at half
its length
• Elementary case to be considered to represent the situation is a beam fixed at one end
with a point load applied at the other (free) end
• The load to which the bowsprit is subjected to is represented by a local load (of magnitude
P) at its tip and inclined of an angle α = 73.58◦ on the x-direction. This represents the
force that the jib 0 exerts locally
The values used for the computations are summarized in Tables 5.25 and 5.26,
where LBS is the length of the bowsprit sticking out of the forward-most point of the bow,
5 Design process
PBS is the point load a the tip of the bowsprit, ρ is the density of the material composing the
bowsprit and σu is the ultimate stress of the material. The safety factor is represented by s.f..
Regarding the variables, rBS represents the radius of the bowsprit, tBS represents the thickness
and IxBS the moment of inertia of the cross section.
These factors are then inserted in Equation (5.4) in order to compute the resulting compressing
stress at all points of the bowsprit, in an iterative process.
σBS = · s.f. (5.4)
2rBS · IxBS
Finally, these values are compared with the ultimate stress considered in Table 5.25. The failure
criterion chosen is a very simplistic one, it being that there’s failure if the computed stress is
larger than the ultimate stress for the material (criterion formulated by Equation 5.5).
The results from computations applying this procedure for both the non-stayed and stayed (at
0.5 · LBS ) cases is summarized in Table 5.27, for a bowsprit with a diameter going from 60 mm
at the base to 40 mm at the tip, and with a thickness of 2 mm.
σBS [M P a] σu [M P a] Failure
non-stayed 191 570 No
stayed 96 570 No
So as easily verified by reading Table 5.27, the stress values on the component are well below
the tolerated ultimate values, therefore meaning that the bowsprit could be in principle thinner.
Yet, a thinner bowsprit isn’t considered for three reasons. First, these values for its diameter
are already among the smallest manufactured by some companies. Second, it should have
enough inner space for the attachments to slide through. Third, as this is a coarse approach,
since in reality a composite is not isotropic, being constituted by several plies of fibers oriented
in different directions, the results are not completely trustworthy, requiring further detailed
analysis. This future analysis is further discussed in chapter 8.
Another concept considered for the bowsprit was the rotating bowsprit. This concept consists
on a pivoted bowsprit, that enables the Jib 0 to be at the desired shape for different angles of
attack, by rotating the desired amount. The concept is depicted in Figures 5.29a and 5.29b.
The bowsprit is pivoted around an axis, and the hull has to have a cut at the bow in order
to allow the rotation. Through it, the attachments of the Jib 0 pass just like in the regular
bowsprit. It can be seen that the staying of such a bowsprit can’t just be a dyneema rope due to
the fact that it rotates. Also, two levers can be seen, whose function is to serve as attachments
points for the ropes that would pull them. Due to the distance they would have had to be
pulled, two horns would have to stick out of the deck, on top of which two wheels would be
mounted in order to direct the rope. Such horns were never modelled given the fact that this
concept was abandoned at a fairly early stage.
This concept ended up being discarded. The main reason driving this decision is the fact that
the sail plan consists on three sails. Therefore with the rotating bowsprit the distance between
the Jib 0 and the jib would become small enough for it to be rendered inefficient.
5 Design process
(a) Rotating bowsprit-hull interaction (b) Pivot detail on top of the stiffeners
Rig data no. M2211: FORMULA SAILING 2018 9.5M II
As mentioned earlier there are no limitations on the appendages designs according to the rules.
As stated in Section 4.4.3, the induced drag of a wing, like a centreboard or rudder, decreases
with increased aspect ratio, which means that a high aspect ratio is desirable for the design of
both centreboard and rudder.
The design process of the centreboard and the rudder started by deciding the draft of the
centreboard in the VPP. The choice centreboard draft has to be well balanced together with
the mast height and sail area providing enough side force and keeping high aspect ratio without
the need of depower the sails. Planform
When the draft is decided, the planform of the appendages is designed. Two different planforms
are designed, where both of the designs are based on theory for keelboat designs (Larsson et
al., 2014) together with expertise from experienced skiff designers.
One of the planforms is designed with a straight chord line at 25 % of the total chord length
from the front, keeping the same ratio at all points of the chord. With a straight chord line,
the leading edge and the trailing edge need to have elliptical shapes in order to have a elliptical
5 Design process
side force distribution over the centreboard and rudder. An elliptical side force distribution is
desirable since the CD will in other case be higher and CL will be lower (Larsson et al., 2014).
The other design is a trapezoidal form, based on the taper ratio, that is decided dependent on
the sweeping angle that is being used. With a sweeping of 0◦ the taper ratio is recommended
to be 0.4 (Larsson et al., 2014). The taper ratio is the ratio between the upper and the lower
chord length of the wing.
Taper ratio ≡ T R = (5.6)
The approximate design of the two planforms is showed in Figure 5.31a and 5.31b.
The same planform design is used for the rudder as the centreboard. As stated earlier the
rudder planform area is scaled to 50 % of the centreboard planform area.
5 Design process
drag bucket is wide enough but has more drag than the NACA 65012 profile, which also has a
wide enough drag bucket. Compared to other 12% thickness profiles, see Figure 4.14, the four
digit series profile has lower drag at small angles but not at angles close to 3◦ . The NACA
63012 and NACA 65012 have similar properties but the NACA 65012 seems to have slightly
better properties than the NACA 65012 series profile. According to Larsson et al. (2014) the
NACA 6 series is a good option in general for centreboards and rudders, since the NACA 65012
series seems to have the best properties in this case, it is selected for usage for the centreboard.
Larsson et al. (2014)
The leeway angle can not be used as the angle of attack for the rudder, the influence of the
centreboard redirects the flow and the angle of attack will be smaller than for the centreboard.
However, the rudder are not fixed to the hull but are used to steer the skiff. This means that
the angle of attack for the rudder will vary more than for the centreboard, to account for this,
the NACA 63012 profile is used rather than the NACA 65012 due to the wider drag bucket.
5.3.2 Racks
The design of the racks is based on the reference hulls in Section 3.2.4. Since most of the skiff
is based on the 49er©, but slightly modified the racks will be so too. This is justified because
it is shown that the 49er’s© design works, and that the crew will possibly be 49er© sailors so
they will be familiar with the design.
One feature brought from the 49er© is the height over the still water surface, since it works well
according to 49er© sailors. One aspect to take into account is that the forward part should be
high enough to not hit the water in case of either trim or heel. Since the racks are wider on
the 49er© than allowed for the skiff, the height of the racks will be at the same height as the
49er’s© at the same corresponding width. One feature of the 49er© that is not brought to these
racks is the solidness of the racks. This because it gives unnecessary increase in weight to the
From the rig design, see Section, the attachment points for the shrouds are designed on
the racks. This configuration adds an extra force component to the racks. This force is pulling
both forward and upward, reason why the racks need to be designed such loading condition.
For the planform of the racks, inspiration is taken from the 14 Footer and existing skiffs com-
peting in 1001VELAcup. This means that they are be built with tubes, so that it is possible to
place them as far out as possible. The maximum distance from the centreline is be 1050 mm
since this is half of the allowed beam(A. 1001VELAcup, 2017). For the length, the racks needs
to be inside the LOA. A request from the 49er© sailors was to place the racks as far back as
possible, why the end of the racks are at the same distance as the transom of the hull. The
length of the racks is decided based on both sail performance and structural performance.
5 Design process
The position of where to attach the racks to the hull needs to be decided to design the concept.
For this there are several options, on the deck, through the deck or freeboard and, at the side
of a bulkhead e.g. If they in some way will go through the hull there will be a hole that has to
be water tightened. Another problem is that the racks will be fitted there permanent. By this
it will be hard to replace them. Therefor the supports is attached on the deck where there is a
bulkhead underneath. This to be sure that the forces acting on the racks will be taken cared of
and transferred to the hull.
For the dimensioning of the racks all the forces will be calculated with values according to Table
5.29. Where the sailors estimated gravity force is set to S ≈ 2000 N . The shroud force,PY , is
set according to values in Section
Force Value [N ]
S 2000
PY 2600
The material that is used is aluminium EN-AW 6082 T6, with material data according to Table
Table 5.30: Material data for Aluminium EN-AW 6082 T6 taken from Alutrade (2017b) ans
Alutrade (2017a)
Young’s modulus, E 70 GP a
Yield stress, σu 290 M P a
Density, ρ 2.71 g/cm3
5 Design process
the load applied, in this case the sailor standing out at the end. This case is not totally perfect
since it just is the support that is analysed and not the whole structure, as well as that the
reaction force at the centre line should be a fixed. This case was not found in elementary cases
why the most similar was used to get some initial guess.
Figure 5.32: Analysed load case for the aft support of the rack
The reaction forces R1 and R2 according to Equations (5.7) and (5.8). These are decided to
get the moment, Equation 5.9), in the support so the stress could be analysed. From this the
diameter and thickness could be set.
R1 = (5.7)
R2 = (l + a) (5.8)
Mmax = P a(at R2 ) (5.9)
Mmax r
σmax = (5.10)
Ix = πr3 t (5.11)
This is done by iterating over a different diameters,D, and thicknesses,t, by making sure that
they will pass the yield stress of the material, see Table 5.30. By using the maximum moment
occurred in the rack, Mmax , the maximum stress could be calculated by help of the moment of
inertia, Equation (5.10) respectively Equation (5.11).
With forces according to Table 5.29 and a safety factor, SF = 1.5, the dimensions for the rack
will be according to Table 5.31. These dimensions is corrected from calculations so there will
be a manufacturer that can provide the profile.
D 55
t 2
L 1100
For the attachment to the hull there will be need of reinforcement due to the reaction forces.
For this support the reaction forces will be R1 = 1.33 kN and R2 = 3.33 kN
5 Design process
D 65
t 2
L 1250
For this support the reaction forces that the reinforcement need to handle will be R1 = 2.15 kN
and R2 = 4.14 kN .
5 Design process
First analysed case is the sailors between the supports. The forces that is taken into account
is the sailors weight downward and the shroud pulling upward. This gives reaction forces is
calculated by Equation (5.12) and (5.13).
P1 (l − a) + P2 b
R1 = (5.12)
P1 a + P2 (l − b)
R2 = (5.13)
R1 a if R1 < P1
Mmax = (5.14)
Rb if R2 < P2
The reaction forces is calculated to get the maximum moment, Equation (5.14), and get the
stress, Equation (5.10). By varying the diameter, D, and thickness, t, a design could be set that
both passes the yield stress as well as having lowest weight as possible. This gives dimensions
between the supports according to Table 5.33
Table 5.33: Dimensions for the beam rack between the support.
D 55
t 2
L 1110
To see which case that is the dimensioning the other load case is evaluated. For this the sailor
will be placed att to most forward point which from a start point will be 1700 mm in front of
the bow support. This to achieve the best possible sheeting angle for the Jib 0.
The load case analysed in this case can be seen in Figure 5.33b. Where l = 1700 mm and
a = 0 mm. This since the sailors will be places at the tip. The equations that is solved for the
dimensioning are presented as Equations (5.15) and (5.16).
R=P (5.15)
Mmax = P b (at f ixed end) (5.16)
From the maximum moment, Mmax , the maximum occurring stress σu , is calculated for different
diameters, D, as well for the thickness, t. This gives dimensions that is not possible to have
since they are so much bigger than the part between the supports needs. This is calculated
with a safety factor of SF = 1.5
5 Design process
Therefor the beam dimensions between the supports is used for this section as well. Therefor
it had to be decided at wich position both of the sailors could be placed on. For this load case
according to Figure 5.32 is used. In this the reaction forces is comes from the supports, why
this not is conservative. By moving the sailors forward the will be allowed to move 500 mm
in front of the forward support. But since the racks needs the extra part for achieving good
sheeting angle they will in total be 1200 mm.
L 1100
Aft support D 55
t 2
L 1250
Bow support D 65
t 2
L 2300
Rack Beam D 55
t 2
Figure 5.34: Analysed load case for the aft support of the rack
6 Balancing of Final Design
After designing the single parts related to the hull, Section 5.1, sail and rig, Section 5.2 and
the appendages, Section 5.3, a few details have to be considered while setting up a general
arrangement, see Appendix 8.2.5, of the skiff. Figure 6.1 shows the final GA which is used as a
basis for the building preparation.
6 Balancing of Final Design
The stiffeners skeleton, as displayed in Section, is the result of the balancing of the
different elements dimensioned during the project. The second transverse bulkhead from the
bow is in fact placed right below the mast foot at a distance of 1.70 m aft from the bow. Such
distance is scaled, for the current skiff, from considerations made on the mast positioning on a
49er©. Therefore, knowing the stability and good handling properties of the 49er©, the current
skiff is expected to present similar properties. Right in front of the mast is placed the rail for
the self-tacking jib. Hence, this second bulkhead is directly asked to provide support to the
forces transferred from the rail to the hull.
Moving toward the stern, bulkheads are strategically distributed and designed to not only struc-
turally support the hull itself, but also provide additional support to the racks, the appendages
and the sheeting points. In order to provide the best support to the forces transmitted to the
hull by the racks, bulkheads are therefore positioned right below their attachment portions.
Hence, the diagonal bulkheads spread from the mast foot and follow exactly the direction of the
front attachment of the racks. One innovative feature of this skiff is that the front part of the
racks is used to place the shroud attachment. With this solution, the shrouds are placed further
out and will decrease the compression load of the rig and stabilise it, since the side forces will
be greater. To provide additional stability in longitudinal direction, upper dyneema shrouds,
starting at the top area of the mast and reaching the lower shroud attachment on the racks, are
The most aft bulkhead provides instead support to the back attachment of the racks. This
bulkhead is also given the task of supporting the main sheet, which is positioned in order to
provide the crew with as much clear space as possible. Right beyond the last bulkhead the
rudder is positioned. Opposed to more common solutions, the rudder is located under the hull.
The reason for such solution is given by the consequent elimination of interference with the
water surface. This provides a better inflow on the rudder blade resulting in more lift and less
Once the mast and the rudder are set into position, considerations can be made on the place-
ment of the centreboard. Such is critical in order to not compromise the capability of steering
manoeuvres, as the higher the distance between rudder and centreboard the higher the lever.
Hence, higher lever produces a higher steering moment. Furthermore, the lever is constrained
by the lead, which describes the distance between the centreboard and the CoE of the sail area.
Analysing reference skiffs and dinghies the lead is set to 8 %, see Table 3.5.
Finally, local additional reinforcements are placed in correspondence of all the high load attach-
ment points.
7 Building process
In this chapter the building process is explained in detail. The parts that are covered are the
designing and assembling of the templates, followed by the planking of hull and deck, as well
as their lamination and of the stiffening structure.
7.1 Templates
The first step in the building process is to design the templates from the final hull shape. One
set of templates is designed for the bottom and freeboard while another is designed for the
deck. The templates are designed in Rhino 3D using the final hull design as a reference. Each
of the bulkhead templates is placed within a distance of 230 mm from the the neighbouring
template(s). The smaller the distance between them, the more accurate will the shape of the
hull be, therefore if a bigger distance would have been used, the precision when it comes to
shape of the hull would be lost when planking. To obtain the desired shape of the aft part of
the hull, one more template is placed in the aft, making the template model 230 mm longer
than the actual hull.
When designing the templates, all joints have a gap of 0.15 mm as a tolerance in order to make
the assembly easier. Furthermore, all the inner corners have to be made with so called ’dog
bones’, which have a diameter of 6.2 mm. This is due to the cutting process, where sharp inner
corners can not be made due to the milling bit being circular, see Figure 7.1.
When the design of the templates is done, they are ordered in Medium Density Fibre boards
(MDF) that are 16 mm thick. The MDF boards are later assembled into the full scale template
plug using epoxy to glue them together. A model of the final design of the templates and a
picture of the assembly can be seen in Figures 7.2a, 7.2b, 7.3a and 7.3b.
Furthermore, templates for the bulkheads and stringers need to be ordered. These components
are to be mounted and cut over these templates. This process is described in the following
section dealing with planking.
7 Building process
(a) Templates for the hull (b) Templates for the deck
7.2 Planking
The entire hull structure of the skiff will be built in a composite sandwich. The core will be
built using balsa wood. The following sections will describe the process of building the balsa
core for the different parts of the hull.
The planking process starts once the templates are assembled. Balsa-planks with 8.8 mm
thickness to leave a margin for sanding, 45 mm width and 2.5 m in length are used. The
planks are placed on top of the templates and bent along their curvature in order to achieve
the desired shape. At the joints and sides of the planks, fish glue is used to glue the planks
together. During the curing process of the fish glue, the planks are held in place by screwing
them to the templates. To prevent the screws from damaging the planks and also to distribute
an even pressure around the screw, small blocks of divinycell are placed between the planks and
the screws. This can be seen in Figure 7.4.
7 Building process
When the planking is done and the fish glue is cured all the screws and divinycell blocks are
removed and the hull is faired using sandpaper and a planer. This process is important in order
to get the surface as smooth as possible when starting the laminating process. The faired hull
core can be seen in Figure 7.5.
In order to build the bulkheads and stringers different pieces of the balsa core are cut and
arranged so they cover the entire bulkhead template. See Figure 7.6 for an example where the
largest stringer template is covered with balsa pieces that will constitute its core.
Figure 7.6: Bulkhead template completely covered with balsa for the core
7 Building process
The pieces of balsa that are then glued together and fixed with blocks of divinycell like the
hull. Once the glue sets and the divinycell blocks can be removed, the balsa is aligned with the
template underneath and clamped together being ready for trimming. The contour is then cut
into the balsa by making use of a router machine. An example of half a bulkhead core after
cutting is presented in Figure 7.7, where the shape was followed and the edges were filleted by
the router.
The need for filleting the edges arises from the concern of having a smooth fibre transition
through those edges when laminating later. The lamination process is covered in the following
7.3 Lamination
The general process of laminating the components of the skiff is hand layup of the fibre and
epoxy, followed by vacuum bagging of the laminate during curing. Specific details in the process
are described in the following sections.
The lamination of the hull uses the finished planked and faired core as the starting point. The
two skins of the hull will be laminated in two turns, starting with the outer skin. When the
outside of the hull is sanded and faired, it is detached and removed from the templates. A sheet
of plastic is then spread out over the templates, and the hull core is put back into place again.
This sheet of plastic will create an air-tight seal on the inside of the hull, which allows for the
usage of the vacuum bagging method. This method uses vacuum to create a well saturated fibre
layup with evenly spread out epoxy resin. It also allows for some extraction of excess resin.
With the inside of the hull sealed by plastic, it is ready for the outer skin to be laid up. The
likely method laying up will be to prepare all plies and saturating them with epoxy resin on
a flat surface in advance. The wetted layup is placed between two sheets of plastic to make
handling easier. The layup is then carried and placed on top of the hull, making sure it lies in
contact with the hull in all places. Naturally, the two sheets of plastic used during the layup
are removed after this step.
A new sheet of plastic is then used to cover the hull. An air tight seal is created between the
two sheets that now surrounds the hull, only leaving a hole where a vacuum pump is connected.
When the pump is turned on it will force the two sheets to press down on the wet laminate,
spreading the epoxy resin evenly across the hull and through the thickness of the fibres. This
7 Building process
setup is then left to cure in a heated atmosphere. The heat is needed for the epoxy to reach
its maximum strength properties. After the epoxy has set, the vacuum bag is removed and the
inside of the hull is ready to be sanded, faired and laminated in the same fashion. The deck
is laminated on a fabricated female mould using the same method as the internal structure, of
which the method is described in Section 7.3.2.
The components of the internal stiffening structure, the stiffeners, are laminated in a slightly
less cumbersome way than the larger hull and deck. The stiffeners are also laminated using
the vacuum bagging method, but their size allows for the whole component to be laminated
in one step. A set of templates that have the same contours as the stiffeners are milled in an
MDF-based board which has very smooth surfaces in another material to help in releasing the
hardened epoxy. These templates are placed on a table. The epoxy resin is then applied on
the template and covered with the correct layup of fibres. The balsa core, that has been cut
to correct dimensions prior to the lamination, is placed on top of the fibres on the template.
The other skin is then placed on top of the core. All edges of the core are covered with fibres
which are shaped as a flange, mentioned in Section, around the edge of the template
underneath. The component and laminate is then covered with a sheet of plastic, taped air tight
to the table, and then connected to a vacuum pump. The setup is finally left under vacuum
until the epoxy cures. The concept is visualised in Figure 7.8.
At the time of writing, several construction details are left to build. The building process
of these parts differ from the techniques described in previous sections. These new building
processes will be described briefly in the following sections.
The rudder and centreboard will be manufactured using a different kind of building technique
compared to the hull structure. This is because of the higher demands on the appendage
surfaces due to the desired properties of the water flow during operation. One of the best
methods to obtain a smooth surface is to manufacture the appendages in halves, using CNC-
milled aluminium female moulds. The halves are then joined around a honeycomb or foam core
to make the finished part. The material used for the appendages will most likely be carbon
fibre due to its high strength to weight ratio. As mentioned before, the updated R3 class rules
7 Building process
allow this choice of material since there are no restrictions regarding material content for the
7.4.2 Racks
Since the racks can be built in aluminium as long as they comply with the rule of 70 % of natural
material they are designed to be build in aluminium tubes(A. 1001VELAcup, 2017). Since the
racks contain three parts of different shape they have to be fitted together. The method of
joining the aluminium parts is still to be determined. The most likely solution will be a mix
of welding and blind riveting. The finished racks will be attached to the hull using epoxy and
flax fibres and possibly rope where applicable. To get the shape of the aft support, see Section, the tube will be bent.
7.4.3 Bowsprit
The bowsprit is allowed to be made out of carbon fibre, and since it assumes a conical shape,
as mentioned in Section, the method for building shall be roll wrapping. It consists
on wrapping sheet of pre-impregnated fibres (pre-preg) onto a mandrel, according to desired
layers and angles. Then it is pressurised and heat cured to solidify. After solidifying the shape
is extracted from the mandrel. This process is generally used for small to medium diameter
tubes, that is from around 6 mm to 30 mm diameter, up to 2.5 m length, (west composites,
8 Future Work
Due to the limited time available for the project, some work and investigations will inevitably
have to take place further on in time. The following chapter will cover both work that needs
to be done within the current project, as well as investigations that lie outside of the project
scope but may be interesting to look at in future projects.
Although the main part of the project is finished, there is still some design work left to be
done in order to be able to produce a complete skiff. This work has to be done parallel to the
remaining building work, mentioned in Section 7.4. The remaining design work is covered in
the following sections.
8.1.1 Sails
The plan form of the sail is set from the VPP program, see Section Since the design for
the sails are not done yet, some concept for handling of them is not decided. Therefore, some
of the future work is presented at this section.
Structural calculations that remain are those regarding local reinforcements of the hull where
the basic construction may not be sufficient. One such point on the hull is the mast step where
the mast rests on the deck. This is one of the highest loaded parts of the hull and needs to be
reinforced accordingly. As mentioned in Section the internal structure of the hull will
most likely be able to support this load. However, the balsa core of the deck in this point will
most likely be compressed beyond acceptable levels, which is why it will have to be replaced by
8 Future Work
a stiffer material. The current options are to either use a stiffer wood core, or simply making a
small area just underneath the mast step out of solid laminate. The decision is still to be made.
Another high load point of the hull is the one where the rudder is attached to the hull. This point
is positioned slightly aft of the transom, which means that some sort of supporting structure
has to be designed in that position.
There are still some uncertainties concerning the attachment of the standing rigging as well as
the attachment of the racks to the hull. These attachment points are also yet to be designed
and dimensioned. The design process of these attachment points will take inspiration from
existing solutions on high-end sail racing boats and adapting these to the material options that
are available, as well as the geometry of the hull.
The centreboard and rudder need to be dimensioned and analysed using the FE-software Abaqus
CAE just like the rest of the structures. A big difference is the separate rules regarding the
material content. A late change in the R3 class rules now allows appendages to be fully made
from carbon fibre composites, in addition to the bowsprit which already allowed the usage of
carbon fibre. This change in the rules will allow for these parts to be designed at a lower
weight than what would have been possible otherwise. Naturally, this will affect the structural
calculations that have been carried out up to this point, as well as coming calculations.
Regarding the racks, some further structural work needs to be done. This work concerns the
attachment of the racks to the hull, as well as FE-analysing the racks themselves. For the FE-
analysis the whole rack structure should be investigated since the preliminary design looks at
each member separately, and only using basic beam theory in hand calculations. The analysed
load cases should be the following.
1. Sailors not on the racks
• Pulling force from the down wind sail and,
• Shroud force pulling upwards and inwards
2. Sailors as far forward as allowed, in trapeze
• Sailors at a point 500 mm in front of the forward support,
• Pulling force from the down wind sail and,
• Shroud force pulling upwards and inwards
3. Sailors as far backward as allowed, in trapeze
• Sailors at a point 250 mm back of the aft support,
• Pulling force from the down wind sail and,
• Shroud force pulling upwards and inwards
4. Sailor at the mid of the racks,
• Sailors placed at 600 mm aft of the forward support,
• Pulling force from the down wind sail and,
• Shroud force pulling upwards and inwards
8 Future Work
Given that the bowsprit’s structural characteristics do not affect any of the other different
components of the skiff, only its main dimensions are needed during the design process. For
this reason, a FEM analysis needs to be conducted as future work, in order to access the desired
characteristics, such as the fibres orientation, number of plies and their respective thicknesses.
Designing and building a skiff implements the point to make it run as well. After designing,
building and joining all the individual parts an operating system on the deck is installed. The
main sail is sheeted with a block on a rail at the stem connected to a block on the end of the
boom. This sheeting replaces the kicker and can be adjusted via the main sheet. A rope which
goes out to both sides of the racks is used to move the block on the rail veering the main sail.
The trapezes are fixed with stretching ropes on the racks. Next to the mast and still reachable
from the racks, the sheet of the selftacking jib is mounted and spread to both sides. The jib is
sheeted over a block sliding on a rail, which is installed closely in front of the mast. Next to
jib sheet, the system to hoist and take down the Jib 0 is installed. This system is connected to
the retractable bowsprit and the Jib 0 storage making sure that the bowsprit is retracted when
the Jib 0 is stored in the hose and extended when the Jib 0 is set. The Jib 0 is sheeted on the
top part of the racks extension to enable the best wind attacking angle possible. Furthermore,
the Jib 0 sheet is connected to a floating sheeting point between racks and hull for being able
to use the Jib 0 upwind with a perfect sheeting angle as well.
To make sure that all these system is working together, all the system has to be implemented in
the GA. This to make sure that the ropes do not cross each other as well as the do not interfere
with each other in a bad way. Therefore it has to be more investigated in the future.
Many concepts have been mentioned during the project, but not all have been investigated.
There are several reasons for this. Some concepts did not seem plausible, and many would
take too much time from designing a proper hull. The fact that these concepts have not been
investigated does not mean they are not interesting in the project context, which is why they
are mentioned in this section for future reference.
During the process, a proper CFD analysis has not been carried out as far as it regards the
shaping of deck, freeboard height, and transom. Bethwaite (2008) has been used as a reference
when alteration of the transom have been computed. Moreover, given the satisfying results
obtained with the first sloped transom, no further analyses has been implemented. The alter-
ations that saw a lowered freeboard have been on the same track. Finalised the optimisation
of the hull in terms of submerged portion, the freeboard has been cut lower. The interaction
between the lowered freeboard and the sloped transom determined a further improvement in
the performances of the skiff, however no systematic variation of these two geometries and their
interaction has been carried out. It might therefore be worthwhile investigate such combination
of solutions in order to achieve an optimal ratio between the two components.
The introduction of the cambered shape for the deck has been considered in terms of ergonomics
advantages for the sailors, in order to avoid in total the presence of water on board and to
8 Future Work
improve structural properties of the complete geometry. The contribution to total dynamic
resistance has however not been computed, therefore such shape is probably not optimal and a
further step in terms of CFD computations has definitely to investigate such solution.
Furthermore a study on boat-tailing the skiff should also be conducted, as it might prove
beneficial from a resistance point of view.
Moreover a global resistance prediction, considering the hull complete with appendages, should
be carried out. Time limitations and set up complexity have however prevent the implementa-
tion of such computations and therefore hydrodynamic optimisation under such point of view.
Different CoG, therefore different trim angles, have been assigned to specific speeds. It has not
been evaluated however a variation of the trimming conditions within a fixed speed. Future
investigations can focus on such aspect and optimise the configuration of the skiff while sailing.
The usage of wing sails on the skiff instead of a traditional rig and sails is allowed in the R3
class rules. A wing sail can be made as a hard wing consisting of two or more hinged vertical
elements, or as a soft wing where the wing surfaces are made from regular sail cloth. The
common trait for the two alternatives is the lack of standing rigging, and the variable camber of
the wing. A wing sail is more efficient than a traditional rig and sail and is affected by induced
drag to a much lower extent due to the more efficient square or elliptical planform, as opposed
to the triangular planform of an ordinary sail (Nielsen, 2014).
The main obstacle when using a wing sail in the design however, is that the R3 class rules
state that this kind of sail must be designed and built by the project group. Aside from the
high difficulty of building an advantage bringing wind sail, a considerable amount of workload
is added. Furthermore, a certain amount of water hours are needed to perfect the handling of
this sail. This may not be a problem if an existing hull is retrofitted with a wing sail.
8.2.3 Foiling
It has been proven and shown in practice that making a boat sail with its hull completely
emerged (to foil), only resting on a set of hydrofoils attached to the lower end of the ap-
pendages, is entirely possible. Recently, even an optimist dinghy could be made to foil with
some modification (Andersson et al., 2017). This opens up the future possibility of designing a
foiling skiff, since the design of the appendages is completely unregulated in the R3 class rules.
If such a design could be made successful, it would give a great advantage to the team.
The idea of designing a foiling skiff in this project was dropped very soon in the initial stages
since it would add a considerable amount of work to an already work intensive project. It
was decided instead to design a more traditional skiff in order to focus fully on the hull de-
sign. Adding foils would most likely need the hull to be altered in order to provide optimal
hydrodynamic performance.
The possibility to use foils could however be interesting in future projects where more time
can be spent on evaluating new alternatives to the design. There is already a bachelor thesis
available at Chalmers University of Technology where the option of adding foils to the current
skiff will be evaluated (Larsson, 2017).
As mentioned in Section one opportunity is to implement a rotating system if the racks.
This is crossed out due to the fact that it was not possible at that stage in the project to have
8 Future Work
rotating forward support as well. Cause in the case it was just the aft section that was rotated
it gave a to wide beam. If it is possible to get the forward support rotating this should be one
thing to investigate, cause then it is possible to earn some lever arm for the sailors. This will
help to create a higher righting moment which gives the possibility to have more sail area.
At the same time the system can be built in to rotate the mast to the windward as well. This
will give even better sail performance since then the projected sail area will be larger than it
would have been in the case if the rig has some heeling angle.
Furthermore, the rotating bowsprit concept mentioned in Section is of great interest,
as having the sails at their desired shape increases their efficiency. Therefore a study on the
combination of such a bowsprit with a two sails plan is of potential interest to be carried out
in the future.
8 Future Work
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Appendix A - Drawings
1. CFS 2017/2018 - 0 - General Arrangement
2. CFS 2017/2018 - 001 - Hull Drawing
3. CFS 2017/2018 - 102 - Deck Drawing
4. Seldén Mast - Rig Drawing
Rig data no. M2211: FORMULA SAILING 2018 9.5M II
Latest revision: 17-11-30
Not approved
For quotation only.
Specifications may be changed in actual production 8720
General rig description D3
Double diamonds with lower shrouds FS
Conventional Untapered ø3
Rig dimensions 1/4"
Forestay height FH: 8 550 mm
Main sail luff length P: 8 700 mm ø3
Boom height above deck BH: 800 mm CAP
Main sail foot length E: 2 340 mm ø3
Main boom sheet pos S: 2 595 mm 1/4"
Chainplates dist. from cl mast
Lateral Long
Cap shrouds: 1050 1000 mm (43,6°)
Lower shrouds: 1050 1000 mm (43,6°)
Forestay: 1700 mm
800 P35 Linked
Deck above chainplates: 0 mm
Deck above waterline: 246 mm
Craft data and righting moment
Length: 4 600 mm
Beam: 2 100 mm RD2
C-C Hulls: 2 100 mm
Displacement: 310 Kg LWR
Equipped boat ø3
Dimensioning RM: 3,2 kNm 10,0°
Spar sections
Mast: C069
Boom: B087 No kicker
Square mainsail roach
2:1 purchase for main halyard 800
Masthead gennaker and code zero OK
2:1 purchase system for code zero halyard
Forestay: X
Notes (17 lines)
Rotating mast, main boom to be fixed to the mast in Diamond angle: 17°
rotating direction.
Appendix B - Plots
B.1 Max beam position vs Resistance
(a) Max beam position vs Resistance at 12 kn (b) Max beam position vs Resistance at 15 kn
Figure B.1: Max beam position vs resistance. Red stars mark measured data; Blue line is the
fitted resistance curve
(a) Max draft position vs Resistance at 12 kn (b) Max draft position vs Resistance at 15 kn
Figure B.2: Max draft position vs resistance. Red stars mark measured data; Blue line is the
fitted resistance curve
B.2 Max draft position vs Resistance
Appendix C - Rules
Special Rules Class R3
!!! This is a translation of the original text : If there is a conflict between languages the Italian text will take
precedence. !!!
This Rules aims to promote a regatta’s program for sailboats designed and manifactured inside universities,
under a common teaching program and in accordance with a Class Rule R3 which sets out the features.
Con il presente regolamento si intende promuovere un programma di regate tra barche a vela progettate e realizzate all’interno
di strutture universitarie, nel quadro di un programma didattico comune e nel rispetto di un Regolamento di classe R3 che ne
stabilisce le caratteristiche.
Aims of the universities participating in the initiative is to organize within their internal structures (in thesis
courses, workshops, laboratory activities, extracurricular activityes, etc.) annual teaching activity aimed at
the design and implementation of sailboats 15 feet long in accordance with the specifications and
requirements of the Class Rule R3.
Obiettivo degli Atenei che aderiscono all’iniziativa è quello di organizzare all’interno delle loro strutture (nell’ambito di corsi o
tesi di laurea, workshop, attività di laboratorio, extracurriculari ecc.) un’attività didattica annuale finalizzata alla progettazione
e realizzazione di una deriva da 15’ che risponda alle caratteristiche e ai requisiti previsti dal Regolamento di classe R3.
The purpose of the initiative is to promote an annual or bi-annual, meeting between the universityes that
agree the 1001VELAcup aims.
The calendar and the program of events will be defined by the Technical Committee provided for in
Regulation R3 class, after hearing the proposals of the University who won the previous edition and the
other participating universities.
Scopo dell’iniziativa è quello di promuovere, con cadenza annuale o biennale, un incontro tra le Università che aderiscono
all’iniziativa “Mille e una vela cup”.
Il calendario e il programma delle manifestazioni verranno definiti dalla Commissione Tecnica prevista dal Regolamento di
classe R3, sentite le proposte dell’Ateneo che si è aggiudicato la precedente edizione e degli altri Atenei partecipanti.
The boats partecipating to the program 1001VELAcup must comply with these "Special Rules, be designed
and constructed, in accordance with the Rules of Class R3, and be governed by teams composed of
Universities students.
Le imbarcazioni che partecipano al programma “Mille e una vela cup” devono rispettare le presenti “Norme speciali di Classe
R3”, essere progettate e realizzate, secondo quanto stabilito dal Regolamento di Classe R3, ed essere governate da equipaggi
formati da studenti iscritti presso qualsiasi Ateneo.
e) Are allowed in the " Mille e una vela Cup " program, only boats that have been designed and built by
students enrolled in degree courses of participant university.
f) The boats will be identified by a sail number issued by 1001VelaCup.
g) hulls and keel must to be built by students in a university's laboratory, also under teachers guide. If a
university will use an external structure, the boatyard must release a declaration that attests that the
personnel has not directly been involved in the construction or has furnished consultations.
h) equipment, rigging and sails, except for wing sails structures, can came from external supplies of the
e) Sono ammesse al programma “Mille e una vela Cup” unicamente imbarcazioni che siano state progettate e costruite dagli
studenti iscritti a corsi di laurea di un ateneo partecipante.
f) Le barche saranno identificate da un numero velico rilasciato da 1001VelaCup.
g) Lo scafo e le appendici devono essere realizzati, presso un laboratorio di ateneo,dagli studenti, sotto la guida di docenti scelti
dall’Ateneo. Qualora l'ateneo decidesse di utilizzare una struttura esterna, il titolare del cantiere dovrà rilasciare una
dichiarazione che attesti che il personale non sia stato direttamente coinvolto nella costruzione o abbia fornito consulenze.
h) L’attrezzatura, l’armo e le vele, ad esclusione delle strutture delle wing sails, possono provenire da forniture esterne
all’Ateneo partecipante.
i) Each university participating in the race can bring up to 3 boats.
l) For each boat must be associated univocally a crew, each crew member can be associated only to a single
m) If more universities will participate as consortium, there must be designate the representing university
i) Ogni ateneo partecipante può portare in gara un massimo di 3 imbarcazioni.
l) Ad ogni imbarcazione deve essere associato univocamente un equipaggio, ogni membro di equipaggio può essere associato ad
una sola imbarcazione.
m) Nel caso più atenei decidano di partecipare in consorzio, deve essere nominato l'ateneo rappresentante.
2) Regatta rules
The regattas will be run in real time under the following rules:
a) The World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing 2017 – 2020 using the “Low Point System”;
b) The notice of Race and the Regatta's Instructions released for the Event ;
c) The Special Rules R3 Class;
d) the regattas will be run inside the following wind speed limits: min. 3 m/sec – Max 10 m/sec. The regatta
Committee is free to evaluate the conditions of security even in that range.
2) Regole di regata
Le regate si correranno in tempo reale applicando:
a) Il “Regolamento di Regata World Sailing” in vigore con le norme integrative emanate dalla F.I.V. Sarà applicato il
“punteggio minimo”;
b) Il Bando emanato per la manifestazione e le Istruzioni di Regata conseguenti;
c) Le “Norme speciali di Classe R3”
d) Le regate saranno disputate all’interno dei seguenti limiti di vento: min 3 m/sec - Max 10 m/sec. A discrezione del comitato di
regata resta in ogni caso la valutazione delle condizioni di sicurezza della manifestazione anche nel range di vento definito.
R3 class rules
These class rules was compiled with the intent of making the universities designing and building sailing boats limited
in dimensions and materials, with easy technologies and limited costs as well as be easily transportable on land and
manoeuvrable at sea, putting universities on the same level even with different available skills and equipment.
The following rules aims to make regattas with boats, realized inside the Athenaeum, having similar characteristics
and letting a great range of design possibilities
Regolamento di classe R3
Il presente regolamento è stato redatto con l’intento di far realizzare delle imbarcazioni a vela di limitate dimensioni, con
tecnologie accessibili e costi contenuti, facilmente trasportabili via terra e manovrabili in acqua, mettendo sullo stesso piano
laboratori didattici universitari con capacità e attrezzature differenti, anche attraverso l’introduzione di limitazioni sulla scelta
dei materiali.
Il presente regolamento si propone di far regatare insieme barche con le stesse caratteristiche, realizzate all’interno degli Atenei,
lasciando ampio margine per la loro progettazione.
1- Dimensions
a) Maximum length overall: 4.60 meters.
b) Maximum beam overall: 2.10 meters.
c) For the measurements of the dimensions given at point a) and b) a maximum tolerance admitted is 15mm.
d) The ruder and its mounting system are excluded in the overall length measurements.
e) Bowsprits are allowed, only if used for flying sails off, and are excluded from the overall length
1- Dimensioni
a) Lunghezza massima fuori tutto: 4,60 m.;
b) Larghezza massima fuori tutto: 2,10 m;
c) Per la misurazione delle dimensioni definite ai punti a) e b) è prevista una tolleranza max di 15 mm.
d) Il timone e il suo sistema di aggancio all’imbarcazione sono esclusi dalla misura della lunghezza massima fuori tutto.
e) E’ ammesso l’uso di un bompresso o di un tangone, escluso dalle dimensioni massime, solo se necessario alla manovra delle
2- Materiali e costruzione
a) Per gli scopi didattico formativi che si pone il presente regolamento, l’insieme scafo-coperta-terrazze dovrà prevedere un
contenuto in legno o materiali di origine vegetale e/o animale (in seguito detti anche “naturali”), espresso in peso, non inferiore
al 70%. Il collante può rientrare nel calcolo dei materiali naturali solo se necessario all' incollaggio tra questi e non sia
utilizzato come materiale strutturale.
b ) E’ ammesso l’uso di terrazze nel rispetto dei limiti dimensionali e costruttivi definiti.
c ) Ad eccezione di quanto specificatamente consentito, nella realizzazione di scafo, coperta, terrazze appendici, albero e boma
non sono ammessi i seguenti materiali: fibre aramidiche, fibre di carbonio, titanio.
d) E' ammesso l'utilizzo di fibre ad alto modulo per la realizzazione del solo bompresso e delle appendici.
e) E' ammesso l'uso di polietilene per il sartiame.
f) Le vele non possono essere realizzate in fibre aramidiche, carbonio o altre fibre ad alto modulo e dovranno essere
accompagnate da una dichiarazione del velaio riportante le misure di stazza come descritte negli allegati C e C1.
g) L’albero e il boma devono essere realizzati con estruso in alluminio o, ad esclusione della matrice, in fibre di origine vegetale
e/o animale.
3- Appendices
a) The number of daggerboards and foils is free, the shapes are not restricted in design.
b) It is allowed the use of Kevlar, spectra, carbon or other high modulus fibres for daggerboards and foils.
3- Appendici
a) Il numero delle appendici è libero, le sagome e superfici sono libere.
b) Per le appendici sono ammessi i seguenti materiali : fibre aramidiche, fibre di carbonio, titanio o altra fibra ad alto modulo.
4- Rig
a) The height of the mast is not restricted.
b) Trapezes are allowed.
4- Armo
a) L’altezza dell’albero è libera.
b) Sono ammessi trapezi.
5- Sail plan
a) The sail plan will have a maximum total surface area of thirty-three square meters.The calculation of the
areas will be carried out in accordance with Annex C for laminate sails and according to what is indicated in
annex C1 for wing sail type; by wingsail is meant any sail which, when used, has a distance between
windward surface and leeward surface is bigger that the thickness of the sheet.
b) No kites are allowed.
c) In a regatta with more manches, only one set of sails are allowed.
d) Each university can present a measured sail set signed by an official measurer of the sail federation from
the university's country, the measures will be taken as description in annex C and C1
5- Piano velico
a) Il piano velico avrà una superficie massima complessiva pari a trentatre mq. Il calcolo delle superfici sarà effettuato secondo
quanto riportato nell’allegato C per le vele in laminato ed in base a quanto riportato nell’allegato C1 per le vele di tipo alare
(wing sail); si intende per wing sail o vela alare qualunque vela che, in esercizio, presenti una distanza tra superficie al vento e
superficie sottovento superiore allo spessore proprio della lamina.
b) Non sono ammessi armi tipo kite o aquilone
c) In una manifestazione a più prove consecutive è ammesso un solo gioco di vele
d) Qualunque ateneo può presentare le vele già stazzate da uno stazzatore, autorizzato della federazione velica dello satato di
appartenenza, seguendo le indicazioni dgli allegati C e C1.
6- Hull
a) The hull must not have concavities in cross sections below the waterline.
b) It must be a monohull; multihulls are not allowed.
c) The hull must not have asymmetrical cross-sections.
d) The hull must be able to provide sufficient buoyancy to the safety of the vessel and its crew, of at least 80
litres; in the form of foam, expanded material, air bags and/or inspectable watertight compartments. The
caps of the inspection holes will be minimum 2 an have a diameter of 12 cm min. They must be located in
the anterior and posterior part of the boat to provide a complete inspection.
e) The dagger-board and rudder must be securely fixed to the hull; the use of a quick release shackle with
elastic is allowed for each appendix.
6- Scafo
a) Lo scafo non deve presentare concavità nelle sezioni trasversali al di sotto della linea di galleggiamento.
b) Lo scafo deve essere unico; non sono ammessi multiscafi.
c) Lo scafo non deve presentare sezioni trasversali asimmetriche.
d) Lo scafo deve poter garantire una riserva di galleggiamento sufficiente alla sicurezza dell’imbarcazione e del suo equipaggio,
pari ad almeno 80 lt., sotto forma di schiuma, espanso, sacchi d’aria, compartimenti stagni ispezionabili. I tappi di ispezione
dovranno essere minimo 2, avere diametro minimo di 12 cm ed essere posizionati uno nella zona posteriore e uno nella zona
anteriore della coperta e comunque secondo logica in modo da permettere una adeguata ispezione.
e) E’ obbligatorio assicurare la deriva e il timone allo scafo; l’uso di un grillo a sgancio rapido con elastici è permesso per ogni
7- Conformità al regolamento
a) Le barche dovranno essere in possesso di una autocertificazione dell’Ateneo rappresentato attestante la conformità al
presente regolamento secondo i modelli allegati A e B.
b) Le imbarcazioni potranno essere sottoposte a verifiche di conformità.
c) Qualora una barca venga danneggiata è ammessa la riparazione o la sostituzione delle parti a seguito della quale si
verificherà nuovamente il rispetto delle regole di stazza.
d) Qualora non sia possibile correggere eventuali difformità, queste saranno sanate con l’istallazione a bordo di pesi correttori
da Kg 5, in numero stabilito dalla C.T., posti a distanza inferiore a 50 cm dallo specchio di poppa.
e) Le proteste di stazza saranno ammesse entro le 2 ore dall'inizio delle regate o serie di regate, salvo infrazioni commesse nel
corso dell'evento.
f) Entro 15 giorni dall'inizio delle regate dovranno essere presentati i seguenti documenti:
f 1) Scheda di adesione all’evento “1001VELAcup”
f 2) Allegato A “Dichiarazione di conformità” con allegata dichiarazione del velaio;
f 3) Allegato B “Calcolo dell’esponente del peso”;
f 4) Disegni delle linee d’acqua e del piano di costruzione;
f 5) Descrizione dettagliata della tecnica di costruzione adottata;
f 6) Schede tecniche dei materiali usati;
f 7) Foto e/o filmati di tutte le fasi della costruzione sufficienti a supportare quanto riportato nelle voci 2, 3, 4 ed 5
f 8) Allegato D “Scheda equipaggi” che comprende : categoria di appartenenza degli atleti (sono esclusi gli atleti facenti parte
del gruppo A – World Sailing), certificato di iscrizione all’ateneo per l’anno in corso (allegato alla scheda), tessera della
federazione velica del paese di appartenenza valida per l’anno in corso.
8- Technical committee
a) The technical committee is composed by four members named by 1001VelaCup and by the
representatives appointed, time to time, from the first three universities classified in the regatta for the
“Trofeo 1001VELAcup”.
8- Commissione Tecnica
a) La Commissione Tecnica è costituita da quattro membri nominati da 1001VelaCup e dai rappresentanti nominati di volta in
volta dai primi tre Atenei classificatisi nella Regata per l’assegnazione del “Trofeo 1001VELAcup”.
a) This Regulation will be valid until October 2016.
b) This regulation could be supplemented and / or modified by the Technical Committee as a result of any
proposals by the universities concerned.
c) Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Technical Committee within 7 days of being awarded the
"Trofeo 1001VELAcup."
d) The Technical Committee will review the proposed amendments within 30 days from the date of award
of the "Trophy 1001VELAcup."
a) Il presente regolamento è valido fino a November 2020.
b) Il presente regolamento potrà essere integrato e/o modificato, dalla Commissione Tecnica a seguito di eventuali proposte da
parte degli Atenei interessati.
c) Le proposte di emendamento dovranno essere sottoposte alla Commissione Tecnica entro 7 giorni dall’assegnazione del
“Trofeo 1001VELAcup”.
d) La Commissione Tecnica provvederà a esaminare le proposte di emendamento entro 30 giorni dal termine della assegnazione
del “Trofeo 1001VELAcup”.
If a university requires clarification on the interpretation of some of these rules only the interpretation
expressed by the Technical Committee will apply.
The official language of these class rules is Italian, all interpretations will refer to the Italian language
Qualora un Ateneo richiedesse chiarimenti sull’interpretazione di alcune delle presenti regole sarà valida solo l’interpretazione
espressa dalla Commissione Tecnica.
Boat's name : ……………………………………………………………………………...
Sail Number: (3 letters for the nationality) ….......... - (sail number)……………………..
Construction year : ……………………….
HULL: Rule. R3
Norme Speciali
Wing Sail 1d) □NO □YES.
I declare to have read the Special Rules of R3 Class, I certificate the exactness of the information released in
this declaration. I accept to make the boat available for verifications.
Date : ………………… stamp of the athenaeum and signature of the person responsible :
.................................................. ..................................................
Brief technical description about the construction …………………………………………………………………….
Note: for “Natural Material” is intended Wood or vegetal/animal materials
Hull is considered being the the ensemble of surfaces for planking, topside, underside, stern surface.
Structures are the ensemble of parts such as frames, keelson, stingers, and reinforcements. The
reinforcements for rigging settings must be calculated in the “Rigging” section.
Natural Materials Specific Weight (kg/m3) Quantity (m2 o m3) Weight (kg)
Others Materials Specific Weight (kg/m2 o kg/m3) Quantity (m2 o m3) Weight (kg)
SOVRASTRUCTURES (only in natural fibres builded)
For sovrastructures is intended l' ensamble of the planking surfaces. Structural elements must be
cocalculated in the “Structure” section.
Natural Materials Specific Weight (kg/m3) Surface (m2) Weight (kg)
Others Materials Specific Weight (kg/m o kg/m )
2 3
Quantity (m o m )
2 3
Weight (kg)
Total Weight
Natural Materials Weight
Other Materials Weight
Percentage of Natural Material
Date : …………………
The fabric must be dry, the tension applied for measurements must be sufficient to eliminate all the folds of the fabric.
Measurements must be effectuated spreading the sails to the ground.
Il tessuto deve essere asciutto e la tensione esercitata su di esso durante le misurazioni deve essere tale da eliminare tutte le
pieghe. La misurazione va effettuata con le vele stese a terra.
3) Measure the distance (E4) between these points and mark the trace of this line nearby the luff. Misurare la distanza
(E4) tra questi due punti e segnare la traccia della fettuccia in prossimità dell’inferitura.
4) Unfold the sail and pull the luff, trace the line between tack and head. The line will intercepts the taken trace of the
measure E4 in the point O1. Stendere nuovamente la vela, tesare l’inferitura e congiungere con la fettuccia anch’essa
ben tesata il punto di drizza al punto di mura. La fettuccia intersecherà la traccia della misura di E4 precedentemente
5) Overlap the head point on the O1 point and pull the luff . Sovrapporre il punto di drizza al punto O1 e tendere bene
6) The crease identifies two points, the first on the luff and one on the leech. Mark these points .La piega ottenuta
identifica due punti uno sulla balumina e uno sull’inferitura. Segnare questi due punti.
7) Measure the distance (E3) between these points and mark the trace of this line nearby the luff. Misurare la distanza
(E3) tra questi due punti e segnare la traccia della fettuccia in prossimità dell’inferitura.
8) Unfold the sail and pull the luff, trace the line between tack and head. The line will intercepts the taken trace of the
measure E3 in the point O2, mark this point. Stendere nuovamente la vela, tesare l’inferitura e congiungere con la
fettuccia anch’essa ben tesata il punto di drizza al punto di mura. La fettuccia intersecherà la traccia della misura di E3
precedentemente presa in un punto O2.
9) Overlap the head point on the O2 point and pull the luff . Sovrapporre il punto di drizza al punto O2 e tendere bene
10) The crease identifies two points, the first on the luff and one on the leech. Mark these points. La piega ottenuta
identifica due punti uno sulla balumina e uno sull’inferitura. Segnare questi due punti.
11) Measure the distance (E2) between these points. Misurare la distanza (E2) tra questi due punti.
12) Overlap the tack point on the O1 and mark the position of the E4 leech point on the overlapped fabric. Sovrapporre
infine il punto di mura sul punto O1 e riportare la posizione dell’estremo di E4 dalla balumina al lembo sovrapposto.
13) Spread the sail, the extention, on the leech, of the line between the last point ant the tack point gives the position of the
point where to measure the E5 distance. Ristesa la vela, congiungendo il punto identificato con il punto di mura e
proseguendo fino alla balumina si ottiene la posizione del punto per la misura di E5.
F = 0.125 ×JL×(2×LP+3×JGM+2×JGU)
S = (SLU+SLE)/2×((SF+(4×SHW))/5)×0.83
a) SLU : il the leinght of the luff. Pull the luff and measure
the distance between head and tack. coincide con la
lunghezza dell’inferitura. Tendere l’inferitura e misurare
la distanza tra il punto di drizza e il punto di mura.
b) SLE : is the leinght of the leech. Pull the luff and measure
the distance between head and clew. coincide con la
lunghezza della balumina. Tendere la balumina e
misurare la distanza tra il punto di drizza e il punto di
c) SF : pull the the lower edge of the gennaker and
tmeasure the distance between tack and clew. SF :
tendere il bordo inferiore del gennaker e misurare la
distanza tra il punto di scotta e il punto di mura.
d) SHW : overlap the head on the tack and measure, on the
luff, the point in correspondence of the crease that
identify the half of the luff. Overlap the head point on the
clew point and measure as above the midpoint of the
leech. Unfold the sail and measure the minimum distance,
on the sail, between the midpoint of the luff and the
midpoint on the leech. portare il punto di drizza sul punto
di mura e rilevare, sull’inferitura, il punto in
corrispondenza della piega che coincide con la metà
dell’inferitura stessa. Sovrapporre il punto di drizza al
punto di scotta e rilevare, in maniera analoga alla
precedente, la metà della balumina in corrispondenza
della piega. Stendere la vela in corrispondenza di questi due punti e misurare la minima distanza che intercorre tra il
punto di mezzo della balumina e il punto di mezzo dell’inferitura.
For “Wing Sails” is intended sails where the distance between the upper-wind surface and the lower-wind
surface is higher than the own thickness of the fabric or lamination even for a limitate portion of the chord
The measurement of the wing sail will consider the larger of the surfaces of the wing eventually adding the
half of the lateral surface of the wing-mast but if this is inserted inside the wing sail
Per vele alari si intendono vele la cui distanza tra la faccia sopravvento e quella sottovento sia superiore,
in esercizio, anche se limitatamente, ad una porzione della corda, allo spessore proprio della lamina che le
Per la misura della superficie di vele alari si considererà la maggiore delle due facce della vela, compresa
la semisuperficie laterale dell’albero, ad esclusione dei casi in cui l'albero sia inserito all'interno della
The Wing Sails will be measured in working configuration with the devices, such as flaps or slats, if
present, in extended position.
Le vele di tipo alare verranno stazzate nella configurazione di esercizio, con eventuali ipersostentatori di
bordo di attacco (slat), ipersostentatori di bordo d’uscita (flap) e alettoni in posizione di massima apertura.
individuation of the side to be measured for simple and multi sectioned profile
In case it's present at last one curved edge on the leading edge and/or the trailing edge, will be adopted the
Cavalieri-Simpson method on min. 5 partitions
Nel caso sia presente anche un solo bordo curvo si adotterà la formula di Cavalieri-Simpson su un minimo
di 5 partizioni
Group (World Federation's
Nome / Name Cognome / Surname Ruolo / Role Sail) inscription N°
________________ ________________________
Annexed, at this sheet, the registration of the students for the current Academic Year
Certificate of conformity
Sailmaker :
Address :
Certification of conformity for the sail set in accordance of the R3 class rules
I declare that the material used for the realisation of the sail set for the boat:
…......................... sail number: …............. DO NOT includes Kevlar, spectra, carbon or
other high modulus fibres.
I declare that the sail set has been measured in accordance with the “Annex C and C1” of the
R3 Class Rules
Sheet sails
Wing sails
H1 X1
H2 X2
H3 X3
H4 X4
H5 X5
(stamp and signature)