Strong Local Homogeneity Does Not Imply Countable Dense Homogeneity - Jan Van Mill
Strong Local Homogeneity Does Not Imply Countable Dense Homogeneity - Jan Van Mill
Strong Local Homogeneity Does Not Imply Countable Dense Homogeneity - Jan Van Mill
The following classical result, due to Lavrentieff [7], will be important in our
2.1. Lemma. Let X and Y be topologically complete. If A G X and B c Y and if h:
A —»B is a homeomorphism, then there are Gs-subsets A' G X and B' c Y such that
A G A' and B c B' while moreover h can be extended to a homeomorphism h':
The domain and range of a function / will be denoted by dom(/) and range(/),
respectively. Observe that the collection ÍF = {/: dom(f) and range(/) are (^-sub-
sets of R2 and/: dom(f) —»range(/) is a homeomorphism} has cardinality c.
The autohomeomorphism group of R2 will be denoted by Auth(R2). Q denotes
the space of rationals.
3. Construction of the example. Let % = {[a, b] X [c, d]: a, b, c, d G Q, a < b
and c < d}. For all H0, Hx, H G % with H0 u Hx c int H choose a homeomor-
phism h: R2 -> R2 such that
(1) h(HQ) = Hx, and
(2) h\(R2\H) = id.
Let G C Auth(R2) be the set of homeomorphisms obtained in this way. Observe
that G is countable. Therefore, the subgroup <I>of Auth(R2) generated by G is also
For each x G R2 define
V(x) = {tp(x): <pG $}.
Observe that x G V(x), since id G <¡>,and that for all <pG <¡>we have that
rp(V(x)) = V(x). Also, since 5> is countable, V(x) is countable.
3.1. Lemma. Let A, B g R2 be such that \A\ = c and \B\ < c. Then \{x G A:
V(x) n B = 0}| = c.
Proof. Suppose that |{x G A: V(x) n B =£0}| = c. We will derive a contradic-
tion. Since c has uncountable cofinality, i.e. c is not the sum of countably many
smaller cardinals, there is a set A0 c A of cardinality c and a <pG O such that for
all x G A0 we have that <p(x) G B. Since <p is one-to-one and [Z?| < c, this is
Therefore \{x G A: V(x) n 5 # 0}| < c from which follows that |{x G A:
V(x) n B = 0}\ = c. □
Let 3Fbe as in §2. Put
This construction is a triviality. Suppose that the points x^ for ß < a have been
defined. Put A = (x G dom(^): fa(x) G V(x)). By assumption \A\ = c. In addi-
tion, let
B= U V(xß) U {ffi(xp)}.
Then \B\ < c since |a| < c and each V(xp) is countable. Therefore, by Lemma 3.1,
the set A0 = {x G A : V(x) n B = 0} has cardinality c. Since A0 c dom(/a) and/a
is one-to-one, it is also true that fa(A0) has cardinality c. Therefore we can find a
point x G A0 withfa(x) G B. Define xa = x. It is clear that xa is as required.
We claim that
x = U V(xa)
Proof. Let ~ denote the closure operator in R2 and let U' c R2 be open such
that U' n X = U. Put S = {D: D Gty). Since X is dense in R2, by Lemma
3.2(a), each member of & is nowhere dense in R2. Consequently, t/'\ U S
contains a Cantor set, say AT.This Cantor set, as any Cantor set, contains a family
of c pairwise disjoint Cantor sets. Therefore, the desired result follows from Lemma
3.2(a). □
3.4. Lemma. Ifh:X-^X is any homeomorphism, then \{x G X: h(x) G V(x))\ < c.
Proof. Suppose not. By Lemma 2.1 find Gs's S and T containing X such that h
can be extended to a homeomorphism h': S —»T. Then h' G § and therefore, by
Lemma 3.2(d), there is an x G dom(h') n X with h'(x) G X. Since dom(A') n X =
X and h! extends h, we find that for some x G X we have that h(x) G X, which is a
contradiction. □
We can now show that X is not countable dense homogeneous.
3.5. Theorem. There is a countable dense set E G X such that for each homeomor-
phism h: X -> X we have that E n h(E) =£ 0. This implies that X is not countable
dense homogeneous.
E= (J V(x).
X\\J Aw< c.
Consequently, by Lemma 3.3, there is a <pG $ such that Av is not nowhere dense.
Since Av is closed, it contains a nonempty open set, and therefore must intersect E.
Consequently, we can find a point x G D and an element uVG <ï>with \p(x) G A^.
We conclude that
A(*(*)) = ¥>(*(*)) = (<P° M*) e V(x) G E,
since 4>is a subgroup of Auth(R2). Therefore, E n h(E) =£ 0.
By Lemma 3.3 there is a countable dense set F c X which misses E. Clearly, no
autohomeomorphism of X can map E onto F. □
3.6. Remark. There only remains to prove that X is strongly locally homoge-
neous. This will be postponed until the next section. If F c X is as in the proof of
Theorem 3.5 then E has, as we will show, the property that for any countable
compact ATc X there is a homeomorphism h: X —*X with h(E \J K) = E. Theo-
rem 3.5 shows that the compactness of K is essential. This is very unusual of
4. X is strongly locally homogeneous. By Lemma 3.4, X cannot have "many"
autohomeomorphisms. However, X has some, since by construction cp(X) = X for
all <pG <I>.Therefore, if <pG <I>then <p\X is an autohomeomorphism of X. We will
use these countably many homeomorphisms to show that X is strongly locally
homogeneous and hence to produce c autohomeomorphisms of X. Our technique
of proof is inspired by van Mill [8].
First note that, by the special choice of $, for any two elements H0, Hx G %
there is an autohomeomorphism h of X with h(H0 n A') = Hx n X. This shows
1. R. D. Anderson, D. W. Curtis and J. van Mill, A fake topological Hilbert space, Trans. Amer. Math.
Soc. (to appear).
2. R. Bennett, Countable dense homogeneous spaces, Fund. Math. 74 (1972), 189-194.
3. E. K. van Douwen, A compact space with a measure that knows which sets are homeomorphic, Adv.
in Math, (to appear).