0457 Global Perspectives: MARK SCHEME For The October/November 2013 Series
0457 Global Perspectives: MARK SCHEME For The October/November 2013 Series
0457 Global Perspectives: MARK SCHEME For The October/November 2013 Series
International General Certificate of Secondary Education
MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2013 series
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.
Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2013 series for most IGCSE,
GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level components and some Ordinary Level
Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
IGCSE – October/November 2013 0457 33
Candidates may identify the following uses of water from the Sources:
Further guidance – note that acceptable answers are located in Source 1 and from the
candidate’s own experience. However candidates may use their own words.
(b) Which use of water do you think is most likely to contribute to a shortage of water?
Why? [4]
Indicative Content
Candidates are likely to give the following reasons to justify their choice:
Further guidance – candidates may discuss ‘’uses’ from the Sources as listed above in the
Mark Scheme or others; the assessment is focussed upon their reasoning/justification.
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Level 4: 4 marks Clearly reasoned, credible and structured explanation; may compare
different uses; usually at least 2 developed arguments clearly linked to the
Strong Response issue; or a range of undeveloped reasons. Holistic understanding of the
interrelationship of factors and the connection of use to shortage.
Level 3: 3 marks Some reasoned explanation of why one use is most significant; usually at
least 1 developed argument suggested with some link to the issue, but may
Reasonable be implicit at times; or several undeveloped reasons.
Level 2: 2 marks Identifies a use as significant but argument is weak or not linked to the
issue explicitly.
Basic Response
Level 1: 1 mark Simple identification of a use but no attempt to justify or the reasoning is
not related to the issue.
Limited Response
Candidates may identify the following consequences from the Sources or their own
• Drought
• Failed Crops
• Cracked Reservoirs
• Dirty Water/puddles
• Animals drink from dirty puddles
• Bush/forest fires
• Thirst
• Hunger/Starvation
• Arid land/dry riverbeds, lakes
• Civil unrest
• Disease
• Dead trees/plants
• Other reasonable response
Further guidance – note that acceptable answers are located in Source 1 and from the
candidate’s own experience. However candidates may use their own words.
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(d) Which consequence of a water shortage do you think is most important. Why? [4]
Indicative Content
The following consequences of water shortage may be identified from the source:
• Drought
• Failed Crops
• Cracked Reservoirs
• Dirty Water/puddles
• Animals drink from dirty puddles
• Bush/forest fires
• Thirst
• Hunger/Starvation
• Arid land/dry riverbeds, lakes
• Civil unrest
• Disease
• Dead trees/plants
• Other reasonable response
Candidates are likely to give the following reasons to justify their choice:
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Level 4: 4 marks Clearly reasoned, credible and structured explanation; may compare
different consequences; usually at least 2 developed arguments clearly
Strong Response linked to the issue; or a range of undeveloped reasons. Holistic
understanding of the interrelationship of factors.
Level 3: 3 marks Some reasoned explanation of why one consequence is most significant;
usually at least 1 developed argument suggested with some link to the
Reasonable issue, but may be implicit at times; or several undeveloped reasons.
Level 2: 2 marks Identifies a consequence as significant but argument is weak or not linked
to the issue explicitly.
Basic Response
Further guidance – candidates may discuss ‘uses’ from the Sources as listed above in the Mark
Scheme or others; the assessment is focussed upon their reasoning/justification.
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2 Study Source 3. You are part of a community group. You need to make a decision about
whether you should invest in the PlayPump. What additional information do you need and
how will it help you decide?
How it will help me to decide whether we should invest in the PlayPump. [6]
How it will help me to decide whether we should invest in the PlayPump. [6]
Use the same mark scheme for both parts (a) and (b)
Indicative content
Additional Information
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Mark Description
Level 2: Reasonable Identification of clearly relevant information to the issue; full description.
2 marks
Level 1: Basic Identifies some information but the relevance is implicit or tangential;
Response the description is very brief or lacks clarity.
1 mark
Mark Description
Level 4: Clear, reasoned and developed explanation of how the answer/information may
Strong be used to help make a decision about whether or not to support the proposed
Response project (often phrased as – if this information is given … then … I could decide
4 marks to … because … )
Level 3: Some explanation of how the answer/information may be used to help make a
Reasonable decision about whether or not to support the proposed project; reasons may be
Response stated simply and not developed/linked explicitly to issue.
3 marks
Level 2: Basic Attempts to explain how the answer/information may be used to make a
Response decision whether or not to support the proposed project but partial and/or
2 marks generalised and/or lacks clarity.
Level 1: Limited Simple statement of information without explanation or linkage to the whether
Response or not to support the proposed project.
1 marks
Further Guidance
Note that the questions should be focused on the issue of support for the proposal. Note also that
candidates should ask for new or further development of information, not for information or arguments
which have already been provided in the stimulus material.
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3 Study Source 4.
(a) Identify one opinion in Jakob’s blog post. Explain why you think it is an opinion. [3]
Indicative content
Level 3: 3 marks Clear explanation of why the statement is an opinion showing strong
Strong Response understanding
e.g. it’s an opinion because Jakob is making a claim about the water
shortages that is a personal point of view
OR it’s an opinion because it cannot be proved
Level 2: 2 marks Clear explanation of why the statement is an opinion or a prediction i.e.
Reasonable Response only one aspect is addressed or only one aspect is clearly understood
and explained.
e.g. it’s an opinion because Jakob is making a claim about the water
Level 1: 1 mark Identifies an opinion but the explanation is unclear and does not
Basic Response demonstrate understanding
e.g. it is an opinion because it’s what Jakob says
0 No creditworthy material.
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(b) Natalia’s dad ‘read somewhere that the average person in the developing world only
has 10 litres of water every day for drinking, washing and cooking.’
Indicative Content
L4: Strong Clearly reasoned, credible and structured evaluation; usually at least 2
Response developed arguments clearly linked to the issue or a wide range (3/4) of
undeveloped reasons.
3 marks
Evaluation is clearly focussed upon the argument/evidence, its strengths and
weaknesses, and the way it is used to support the opinion. The response is
balanced. A convincing overall assessment or conclusion is reached.
L3: Reasonable Some reasonable evaluation mainly focussed upon the argument/evidence,
Response its strengths and weaknesses, and the way it is used to support the opinion.
The response is likely to contain at least 1/2 developed evaluative points,
2 marks usually with 1/2 other undeveloped points. A range (2/3) of brief but clearly
appropriate undeveloped points may be sufficient to enter this band. An
overall assessment or conclusion is attempted.
L2: Basic Some basic evaluation which is often unsupported and asserted. The
Response response lacks clarity, is partial and generalised. The response is likely to
contain 1/2 undeveloped points only. An overall assessment or conclusion is
1 mark very weak, asserted and unconvincing, or not attempted. The response is
likely to repeat/recycle the opinion or simply assert agreement/disagreement
with the views expressed. The response may not contain any clear evaluative
points. The response is likely to be tangential to the question.
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In your answer you should support your point of view with their words and phrases
and you may consider:
Indicative Content
Candidates are expected to evaluate the reasoning in the two statements and compare their
effectiveness. They should make a supported judgement with some explanation about which
person has the most effective reasoning.
• knowledge claims
• ability to see
• sources of bias
- gender
- political
- personal values
- experience
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L5: Very Good Clear, credible and well supported judgements about which reasoning works
Response better. Coherent, structured evaluation of how well the reasoning works for
both statements with clear comparison. The response is likely to contain at
11–12 marks least 3 developed evaluative points, possibly with some undeveloped points.
The response is balanced. A clear assessment or conclusion is reached.
Explicit, balanced evaluation of both statements.
L4: Strong Clear, supported judgements about which reasoning works better. Evaluation
Response of how well the reasoning works for both statements with clear comparison.
The response is likely to contain at least 2 developed evaluative points,
8–10 marks possibly with 1/2 undeveloped points. A range (3/4+) of brief but clearly
appropriate/explained undeveloped points may be sufficient to enter this band
at the lower level. The response is balanced. An overall assessment or
conclusion is reached.
Explicit, balanced evaluation of both statements.
L3: Reasonable Reasonable judgements about which reasoning works better. Some evaluation
Response of how well the reasoning works for both statements with an attempt at
comparison. Judgements and evaluative points are likely to be partially
5–7 marks supported or asserted. The response is likely to contain at least 1 developed
evaluative points, possibly with 1/2 undeveloped points; 2/3 brief undeveloped
points may be sufficient to enter this band at the lower level. An attempt is
made to give an overall assessment or conclusion.
L2: Basic Basic examination of which reasoning works better. The response may only
Response consider one of the statements with little if any attempt at comparison.
Judgements and evaluative points are likely to be partially supported or
3–4 marks asserted, and lack clarity/relevance at times. The response is likely to contain
at least 1/2 undeveloped evaluative points.
L1: Limited Limited, if any, unsupported discussion of which reasoning works better. The
Response response is likely to consider only one of the statements very briefly or
tangentially. There is very little clarity in the argument. The response is likely to
1–2 marks repeat the arguments simply or assert agreement/disagreement with the views
expressed. The response may not contain any clear evaluative points.
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4 Do you think the water shortage problem is most likely to be resolved by global or
individual action? [18]
Indicative Content
Candidates are expected to argue using reasons and evidence to justify their opinion and
judgement about the issue i.e. to compare and assess the effectiveness of different levels of
action to help increase supply of water.
Candidates are expected to use and develop the material found in the Sources, but should go
beyond simply repeating or recycling without adaptation. Other material may be introduced but it
is not necessary to gain full marks.
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L5: Very Good Clear, well supported and logical reasoning about the issue. Coherent and
Response well-structured argument. The response is likely to contain a wide range of
clearly reasoned arguments and/or evidence to support the views expressed,
16–18 marks with at least 3/4 developed points, and some undeveloped points. The
response is balanced. A clear, balanced and credible assessment or
conclusion is reached. Explicit evaluation of both levels of action.
L4: Strong Clear, supported reasoning about the issue. Clear argument and some
Response structure. The response is likely to contain a range of reasoned arguments
and/or evidence to support the views expressed, with at least 2/3 developed
12–15 marks points, and some undeveloped points. The response is balanced. An
assessment or conclusion is reached. Explicit evaluation of both levels of
L3: Reasonable Reasonable argument about the issue. The response is likely to contain some
Response arguments and/or evidence to support the views expressed, with at least 1
developed point, and some undeveloped points. An assessment or conclusion
8–11 marks is attempted but may not be convincing.
Lower in the band some arguments may begin to lack clarity, and/or be partial
and generalised.
L2: Basic Basic argument about the issue. Arguments are unlikely to be supported and
Response mainly asserted. Arguments lack clarity at times and there is no apparent
structure. The response is likely to contain only 1/2 undeveloped points.
4–7 marks Judgements are likely to be implicit without a conclusion.
Lower in the band the arguments are likely to be generalised, partial and lack
relevance to the issue with a descriptive approach.
L1: Limited Limited and unsupported argument about the issue with very little clarity. The
Response response describes the issue very generally and tangentially. The response is
partial and lacking in relevance.
1–3 marks