Basketball Unit Plan
Basketball Unit Plan
Basketball Unit Plan
Introduction / My Philosophy of PE
As part of the grade 6 curriculum in physical-education, students will participate in a 6-
lesson basketball unit. Prerequisite skills required to participate in this unit include proper body
coordination, locomotor skills, and object control skills. The expected ability of the students will
be beginner with the expectation that they can excel to have a basic understanding of basketball
skills and specific defined locomotor movements by the end of the unit.
creating an inclusive learning environment, and creating fun experiences with a focus on
physical health, and mental health. I want my students to feel positive about physical activity
when they come to class and understand as well as feel all of the positive aspects that can arise
from a healthy balanced lifestyle. I will achieve this by giving relevant information throughout
my teaching related to these concepts and giving the students the chance to ask questions. I will
also be an active participant in my class to encourage all students to participate and have fun.
My vision is for the students to achieve their full potential through participation in the
basketball unit by working independently and collaboratively on two main skills: skill
development and social aspects. Through skill development, the aim is for students to work on
developing movement patterns and skills that can translate into other sports and areas of life. In
the social pillar, we will focus on building student confidence, self-esteem, assertion and work
The teaching styles that will be used during this unit will be Teaching Games for
Understanding (TGFU) as well as Direct Instruction. For TGFU the unit will involve different
styles of games that will explore and enforce the required skills of basketball as well as strategy
and tactics. These skills include dribbling, shooting, sending (passing), and receiving (catching).
The TGFU method ensures the students are learning how to play the game and
apply/demonstrate the skills they have learned within a game setting. With DI the focus will be
on scaffolded lessons to work up to playing the game of basketball as a class with provided
learned material.
further into the unit plan. The first general outcome is based on developing skills through
appropriate movement outcomes that include performing refined locomotor sequences and skills,
passing etc., and applying basic basketball skills within a game. The next general outcome
opportunity to partner with students on their skill level and play on a lower skill level
- If a student requires a different level of quiz they will be given more time or an alternate
version to ensure their understanding and success is the same as their peers
Learning Outcomes
General Outcomes (in full):
● General Outcome A: Students will acquire skill through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement
● General Outcome C: Students will interact positively with others
● General Outcome D: Students will assume responsibility to lead an active way of life
● A6-5 demonstrate ways to receive, retain and send an - develop basketball skills leading into
object with increasing accuracy junior high / high school
Students will:
Students will:
● C6-1
● identify and demonstrate respectful communication
skills appropriate to various physical activities and
that reflect feelings, ideas and experiences
Fair Play
Students will:
Students will:
Students will:
Classroom Management
Overall Plan
Classroom management techniques for this unit will commence with a student-led
discussion on day one of the unit to outline the expectations of the gym environment
during the basketball unit so I can reinforce what they think is expected versus what is
actually expected.
Students will be expected to stop and hold the basketballs when they hear the
whistle. They will first be issued a countdown to finish up their game or skill and then the
whistle will sound, signalling to stop what they are doing. When students have a
basketball in their hands they are required to keep the ball on their hip while the teacher
is issuing directions. If this is not met, students will place the ball on the floor beside
them. If this is still not met, the student will place their ball back in the bin after each use.
Day to Day
✤ Students will assist in bringing out basketball cart and putting it away at the end of
class *(assigned students each class)
Start of Class
✤ Upon arrival to gym, students will grab the basketball cart from equipment room
and will be allowed to use basketball equipment freely until class starts
✤ Once everyone has completed the warm-up, students will sit in a circle around the
teacher and listen to an explanation of the day’s lesson activities
End of Class
✤ With the sound of the whistle, the students will pause and wait for next instruction
(put balls away, come in and sit)
✤ Collect all basketballs and put basketball cart away
✤ Students will get changed
✤ Bring a positive attitude, respect to teacher and other students and a willingness to
participate to their best ability
Grading Outline
This unit will be weighted through percentages on each assessment to total
= 100%
Safety Implementations:
The safety concerns during the basketball unit correlate to special awareness, ball handling, and safety of oneself
and others while passing and catching the ball.
Date Lesson Title GL SLO’s Assessment Key Learning Instruc Equipment/ Motivation
Planned O’s Questions Activities tional Resources/
to Teach Strateg Technology
Day 3 Shooting and A A6-1 Observation -what are the TGFU Basketballs
Layups A6-2 checklist cues and Sharks and
C A6-5 skills needed minnows DI Whistle Healthy
Exit slip on in shooting? competition to
D6-1 Pencils
Day 6 Knowledge A A6-1 End of unit -end of unit TGFU Basketballs Excitement of
Test and A6-2 test -what have knowledge test playing the real
Playing C A6-5 you learned DI Whistle game with newly
Basketball A6-10 Observation from this -basketball games learned skills
Games D and skill unit? Basketball
testing Nets
C6-1 Pinnies for
C6-3 teams
C6-6 Knowledge
D6-2 Pencils
Assessment Plan
Students will be formatively and summarily be assessed throughout the basketball unit in
order to promote learning on their behalf and from the teacher’s perspective
Stated learning outcomes: Students will dribble the ball with both hands, shoot the ball, perform
layups, and show competency during a game.
Dribbling ● Student cannot dribble ● Student can dribble the ● Student can dribble the
the basketball with basketball while basketball with good
control while moving moving control and proper
● Dribbles with palm of ● Does not have good positioning
hand control ● Student dribbles with
● Rigid stance, knees not ● Cannot dribble with head up
bent head up ● Student dribbles with
● Sometimes dribbles finger pads, knees bent
with finger pads
Shooting ● Student cannot shoot ● Student can sometimes ● Student shoots the ball
the ball successfully shoot the ball correctly
● Student does not successfully ● Student follows through
follow through ● Student sometimes ● Student is usually
● Student uses two follows through successful in shooting
hands to shoot ● Student uses two hands
instead of one to shoot
Passing ● Student cannot pass ● Student can sometimes ● Student passes the ball
the ball successfully pass the ball correctly
● Student does not successfully ● Student follows through