Pronoun Noun

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P B I S 4 1 1 4 /M O D U L E 1 1.

U nit 1

Nouns (Nomina)

S etelah mempelajari Unit 1, Anda diharapkan dapat:

1. mengidentifikasi nouns pada sebuah kalimat;
2. membedakan penggunaan countable nouns dan uncountable nouns;
3. menggunakan irregular plural nouns dan regular plural nouns.

Activity 1
Identifikasikan kata yang diberi garis bawah berikut ini sebagai noun
atau pronoun. Diskusikanlah dengan teman sejawat Anda mengapa kata
tersebut tergolong sebagai noun atau pronoun.
1) Tina loves listening to the radio.
2) She lives in a small town in North Sulawesi.
3) He is playing football now.
4) They started building the bridge last month.
5) Jakarta is the capital and the biggest city in Indonesia.
6) We live in the South of Semarang.
7) Please send me postcards.
8) The bike is mine.
9) These books belong to us.
10) Children have to stay in the room.
11) I cannot stop it.
12) East Java produces the best rice in the country.
13) Kalimantan is a very big island.
14) He lost his notebook.
15) I will bring you the water.
16) Everybody likes her toys.
17) My son likes reading short stories.
18) They appointed her head of the village.
19) I cannot believe it.
20) Please give her a call before ten o'clock in the morning.
1.4 S t ructure 1

Bandingkanlah jawaban Anda dengan Kunci Jawaban Activity 1 yang

terdapat pada akhir modul ini. Apakah Anda dapat mengerjakan Activity 1
dengan baik tanpa ada kesalahan? Latihan ini diharapkan dapat
mengingatkan kembali apa yang telah Anda pelajari, dan lebih
membangkitkan minat Anda untuk terus mempelajari Nouns dan Pronouns
yang diberikan dalam modul ini.

Activity 2
Identifikasi kata bercetak tebal yang terdapat dalam karangan di bawah
ini sebagai noun atau pronoun. Diskusikanlah dengan teman sejawat Anda
mengapa kata tersebut tergolong sebagai noun atau pronoun.

Titin Hartini is a young girl (1) of twenty two years of age. She (2) is an
accounting student (3) in a private university (4). She is now in her (5) final
year at the university. Titin is intelligent and very pretty, with a good sense of
humour (6). She is a very nice woman (7). She has a boyfriend (8). Her
boyfriend's name (9) is Toton Supraptono. Toton is twenty four years old. He
(10) works in a construction company (11) as civil engineer (12). He (13) is
good-looking, kind and caring. Titin loves him (14) very much, and so does
he (15). They (16) are planning to get married as soon as she graduates from
the university. They want to have three children (17), and they dream of
having a family wagon (18), and a home (19) near the seaside (20).


Nomina dapat dikategorikan dalam countable nouns (nomina dapat

dihitung) dan uncountable nouns (nomina tidak dapat dihitung). Countable
nouns, sesuai dengan karakteristiknya, dapat dikelompokkan dalam bentuk
singular (tunggal) dan plural (jamak).

Berikut ini adalah contoh countable noun.

book orange boy

chair piano girl
tomato guitar son
car violin daughter
bike dog partner
P B I S 4 1 1 4 /M O D U L E 1 1.5

house cat father

glass wolf mother
pencil snake man
pen potato woman
island carrot brother
town idea sister
City interest friend
village language niece
mango law teacher
apple professor

Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh uncountable nouns.

wish tea money

love beer honey
hair chocolat paper
coffee wine
water sugar

Activity 3
Identifikasilah kata-kata yang dicetak tebal dalam kategori countable
atau uncountable.

The more we learn about dolphins (1), the more we realize that they are
better organized and their society (2) is more complex than people
(3) previously imagined. They look after other dolphins (4) when they are ill,
care for pregnant mothers (5) and protect the weakest in the community
(6), as we do.
Some scientists (7) have suggested that dolphins (8) have a language
(9) but it is much more probable that they communicate with each other
without needing "words" (10). They have an echo-location system (11) which
is similar to a bat's system (12) and much more sensitive than our hearing
(13), so the most important task (14) of a dolphin's brain (15) is to transmit
and receive sound (16).

Sumber: Fowler, 1976, hal. 107

1.6 S t ructure 1


Countable nouns dapat berbentuk tunggal atau jamak. Jikalau kita hanya
menunjukkan atau menyebutkan satu jumlah dari suatu nomina kita sebut
singular (tunggal) jika kita menunjukkan jumlah lebih dari satu kita sebut
plural (jamak). Coba simaklah singular/plural nouns berikut ini.

Singular Plural
a book two books
a desk ten desks
a chair five chairs
a house two houses
a ship three ships
a knife two knives
one man two men
one boy six boys
a city three cities
an island two islands
a box six boxes
one classroom two classrooms
child three children
one fish two fish

Activity 4
Berikanlah bentuk jamak dari countable nouns berikut ini.
1) a bottle, two ....
2) a car, two ....
3) a shop, two ....
4) a plane, two ....
5) a continent, two ....
6) an idea, two ....
7) a proposal, two ....
8) a gun, two ....
9) a son, two ....
10) a pencil, two ....
11) a village, two ....
12) a sentence, two ....
13) a fox, two ....
P B I S 4 1 1 4 /M O D U L E 1 1.7

14) an actor, two ....

15) an excuse, two ....
16) an apple, two ....
17) a joke, two ....
18) a handshake, two ....
19) a truck, two ....
20) a banana, two ....
21) a party, two ....
22) a dream, two ....
23) a tooth, two ....
24) a deer, two ....
25) a cow, two ....
26) a step, two ....
27) a map, two ....
28) a stamp, two ....
29) a cigarette, two ....
30) a match, two ....
31) a dog, two ....
32) an elephant, two ....
33) a marble, two ....
34) a desk, two ....
35) a novel, two ....
36) a story, two ....
37) a buffalo, two ....
38) a day, two ....
39) a month, two ....
40) a year, two ....

Ada beberapa cara untuk membentuk plural dari singular nouns. Tabel
berikut ini menjelaskan dan memberikan contoh cara-cara membentuk plural

Singular Plural Keterangan

(a) one car two cars Pada umumnya pembentukan plural nouns
one book two books adalah dengan menambahkan akhir-an -s
one step two steps pada nomina yang dimaksud.
one monkey two monkeys
1.8 S t ructure 1

Singular Plural Keterangan

one cat two cats
one turtle two turtles
one boy two boys
one day two days
one kite two kites
(b) one dish two dishes Plural nouns dapat juga dibentuk dengan
one match two matches menambahkan akhiran -es pada nomina
one glass two glasses yang berakhir dengan -sh, -ch, -ss, -x.
one box two boxes
(c) one lady two ladies Jika nomina berakhir dengan konsonan +y,
one city two cities maka "y" diubah menjadi "i", kemudian "-es"
(d) one knife two knives Jika nomina berakhir dengan -fe atau -f,
one shelf two shelves ubahlah menjadi -ves (kecuali beliefs, chiefs,
roofs, cuffs).
(e) one tomato two tomatoes Bentuk plural nouns yang berakhir dengan –
one zoo two zoos o kadang-kadang berubah menjadi -oes dan
one tornado two tornados kadang kadang menjadi -os.
a. oes: tomatoes, potatoes, heroes, echoes,
b. os: zoos, radios, studios, pianos,
sopranos, photos, autos.

Sumber: Azar, 1993, hal. 68

Beberapa nouns memiliki bentuk jamak yang tidak beraturan (irregular

plural forms). Bentuk jamak tidak beraturan tidak memiliki pola tertentu, dan
oleh sebab itu kita tidak dapat membuat suatu rumusan umum dari bentuk
jamak tidak beraturan. Berikut ini beberapa contoh irregular plural forms.

Singular Plural Keterangan

(a) one child two children Beberapa nouns memiliki bentuk
one foot two feet jamak tidak beraturan. Misalnya,
one goose two geese one child = two children.
one man two men
one mouse two mice
one tooth two teeth
one woman two women
one person two people

(b) one deer two deer Bentuk plural (jamak) beberapa

one fish two fish nomina sama dengan bentuk
P B I S 4 1 1 4 /M O D U L E 1 1.9

Singular Plural Keterangan

one sheep two sheep singular (tunggal).
one offspring two offspring
one species two species

(c) one bacterium two bacteria Beberapa nouns bahasa Inggris

one cactus two cacti yang dipinjam dari bahasa asing
one crisis two crises mengikuti bahasa asalnya.
one phenomenon two phenomena

Sumber: Azar, 1993

Activity 5
Tuliskanlah bentuk jamak dari nomina berikut ini.
1) an accident - many ….
2) one group - six ….
3) one fish - a lot of ….
4) one phenomenon – many ….
5) one job - many ….
6) a position - several ….
7) a belief - many ….
8) one policeman – many ….
9) a town - many ….
10) one potato - six ….
11) one dog - many ….
12) one guitar - two ….
13) a tourist - many ….
14) a piano - two ….
15) one can - several
16) a home - several
17) a river - two
18) a province - several
19) a mosquito - many
20) a sheep - a lot of
21) a bottle - two
22) one library - many
23) one effect - many
24) a mountain - a lot of
1.10 S t ructure 1

25) one tree - many

26) an animal - a lot of
27) one part - many
28) one call - two
29) one song - many
30) a singer - three ....
31) a building - a lot of ....
32) a school - several ....
33) one student - many ....
34) a teacher - a few ....
35) one classroom - several ....
36) a zoo - a few....
37) a magician - many ....
38) one person - two ....
39) a visitor - several ....
40) one worker - alot of ....

Activity 6
Tentukan nomina yang terdapat dalam teks berikut ini. Bilamana perlu,
ubahlah nomina menjadi bentuk jamak yang benar.
Dolphin have become a popular attraction at zoo in recent years.
They are more interesting than lion and tigers, because they are
livelier and perform tricks, like circus animal. But although they are
more willing to cooperate with the trainer than other mammal in
captivity, they get bored if they are asked to do the same trick
5 twice. This is one reason for believing that they are intelligent.
Dolphin are regarded as the friendliest creature in the sea and
stories of them helping drowning sailor have been common since
Roman times. We now have more reliable evidence of their
usefulness than sailor's tales. In South Africa, two dolphin have
10 been trained to help swimmers in difficulty and drive shark away
from the beach.

Sumber: Fowler, 1976, hal. 107-108.

P B I S 4 1 1 4 /M O D U L E 1 1.11


1. Nomina dapat dikategorikan dalam countable nouns (nomina dapat

dihitung) dan uncountable nouns (nomina tidak dapat dihitung).
Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh countable nouns: book, desk,
car, bike, house, pencil. Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh
uncountable nouns: hair, coffee, water, medicine, dust, sugar.
2. Countable nouns, sesuai dengan karakteristiknya, dapat
dikelompokkan dalam bentuk singular (tunggal) dan plural (jamak).
Singular countable noun menunjukkan nomina yang berjumlah satu,
sedangkan plural countable noun menunjukkan jumlah lebih dari
satu. Berikut ini adalah contoh countable noun singular: radio, bike,
computer, cup, hat, truck, fish, deer; sedangkan beberapa contoh
countable noun plural adalah radios, bikes, computers, cups, hats,
trucks, fish, deer. Perhatikanlah adanya regular dan irregular
countable plural.


1) Identifikasilah uncountable noun(s), countable singular(s) atau

countable plural(s) yang terdapat pada teks bacaan berikut ini.
Ah Kow is a pedal pedlar. He goes from house to house on a tricycle
selling small things. Some of the things he sells are brooms, brushes,
feather dusters, mats and baskets. He puts his things in front of and at the
back of his tricycle.
Ah Kow starts working at eight o'clock. He cycles hard because he
has many things on his tricyle. Sometimes he has to push it. He usually
goes to places where there are no shops. These places are far away from
town. He gets home late in the evening.
Ten years ago Ah Kow's business was good. Many housewives
bought things from him. Today there are many shops and supermarkets,
and women prefer shopping there. Soon there will be very few pedal
peddlers in Malaysia.

Sumber: Yunus & Fernandez, 1987, hal 39.

1.12 S t ructure 1

2) Identifikasilah dan tentukan uncountable noun(s), countable singular(s),

atau countable plural(s) yang tepat untuk teks bacaan berikut ini. Jikalau
perlu, ubahlah countable singular menjadi countable plural.
Whale, especially the smaller types, like the killer whale, are
probably as intelligent as dolphin and some scientist claim that they are
the most intelligent species in the world, apart from man. The great
whales have the same brain power as the smaller ones but it is not so
easy to study them because they cannot be kept in captivity for long and
they live in the deeper, less accessible parts of the ocean. Nevertheless,
the only great whale kept in a zoo for a year learned as fast as a dolphin.
Could any of these mammal be more intelligent than man? The
question cannot be answered because our aims and interest are different
from dolphins' and whales'. They are better adapted to their environment
than we are and find food more easily. As a result, they are much more
attracted by pleasure for its own sake than men and are not nearly so
interested in dominating other species. Certainly the most common
argument in favor of man's superiority over them - we can kill them
more easily than they can kill us - is the least satisfactory. On the
contrary, the more we discover about these remarkable creature, the less
we appear superior when we destroy them.
Sumber: Fowler, 1976, hal. 108.

Cocokkanlah jawaban Anda dengan Kunci Jawaban Tes Formatif 1 yang

terdapat di bagian akhir modul ini. Hitunglah jawaban yang benar.
Kemudian, gunakan rumus berikut untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan
Anda terhadap materi Kegiatan Belajar 1.

Jumlah Jawaban yang Benar

Tingkat penguasaan = × 100%
Jumlah Soal

Arti tingkat penguasaan: 90 - 100% = baik sekali

80 - 89% = baik
70 - 79% = cukup
< 70% = kurang

Apabila mencapai tingkat penguasaan 80% atau lebih, Anda dapat

meneruskan dengan Kegiatan Belajar 2. Bagus! Jika masih di bawah 80%,
Anda harus mengulangi materi Kegiatan Belajar 1, terutama bagian yang
belum dikuasai.
P B I S 4 1 1 4 /M O D U L E 1 1.13

U nit 2

Pronouns (Pronomina)

S etelah mempelajari Unit 2, Anda diharapkan dapat:

1. mengidentifikasi nouns dalam sebuah kalimat;
2. menggunakan personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, object pronouns,
atau possessive adjective dalam suatu kalimat;
3. menggunakan demonstrative pronouns atau reflexive pronouns dalam
kalimat dengan benar; dan
4. menggunakan indefinite pronouns dalam kalimat dengan benar.

Pronoun (pronomina atau kata ganti) adalah kata yang lazim

dipergunakan dalam bahasa Inggris. Kita banyak menggunakan nouns dalam
berkomunikasi dan kita tidak perlu mengulang-ulang nomina yang sama
dalam setiap kalimat yang kita kemukakan. Untuk alasan itulah pronomina
kita pergunakan.

Activity 1
Identifikasilah pronomina yang terdapat dalam teks bacaan berikut ini.

Aryanti Wijayakusuma is a friend of mine. She works as an architect in

the same company as I do. We work together in a team with Sigit Hasibuan,
sigit is a civil enginer. He is a very independent person. He likes to work on
his own and is annoyed by any interference. In fact, all of us are independent,
and we work on our own as a team. The company's policy is that its
customers are mine and I have to solve the customer's problems by myself.

Diadaptasi dari Swan & Walter, 1989, hal. 14.


Perhatikanlah uraian dan contoh yang terdapat dalam tabel berikut ini.
Perhatikanlah karakteristik, bentuk serta penggunaan masing-masing
personal pronouns dalam kalimat.
1.14 S t ructure 1

Personal Pronouns
Subject Pronouns I we you she he it they
Object Pronouns me us you her his it them

(a) Tina is pretty. She has five Pronomina mengacu pada suatu nomina.
children. Pronomina dipergunakan untuk menggantikan
Contoh lain: nomina. Pada (a), "she" adalah pronomina. "She"
Ihwan is a teacher. He is merujuk pada "Tina". "She" menggantikan nomina
single. Rini and Agus are "Tina".
doctors. They
like tomato.
(b) Tina is my friend. I know her Pada (b), "her" adalah pronomina. "Her" mengacu
well. pada kata "Tina" "She", yang terdapat pada (a)
Contoh lain: adalah subject pronoun, sedangkan "her" adalah
Benny is a writer. I just met object pronoun.
him. Pronomina dipergunakan sebagaimana noun,
sebagai subjek atau objek dari verba (verb) atau
preposisi preposition).
(c) Dewi has a red car. She liked Pronomina dapat mengacu pada suatu nomina.
it. Pada (c), "it" mengacu pada seluruh frasa nomina
Contoh lain: "a red car":
The bike is green. It is
The world is round. We love
(d) Etin and I are good friends. Kadang-kadang nomina dan pronomina
Subjek dihubungkan dengan and. Memilih pronomina
(e) Sigit met Etin and me in the setelah and dapat menyulitkan pengguna bahasa
library. Inggris. Jikalau pronomina dipergunakan sebagai
(f) Objek bagian dari subjek gunakanlah pronomina subjek,
Etin walked between Sigit and misalnya "I", seperti pada (d). Jikalau pronomina
me. adalah bagian dari objek, gunakan pronomina objek
O O (seperti "me") sebagaimana pada (e) dan (f).
Catatan: me adalah objek

Tabel berikut ini menjelaskan dan menyajikan contoh penggunaan

singular pronouns dan plural pronouns. Perhatikanlah contoh-contoh berikut
dengan saksama jika perlu diskusikan dengan teman sejawat atau Tutor
P B I S 4 1 1 4 /M O D U L E 1 1.15

Singular/Plural Pronouns
Singular Pronouns Plural I me you she, he, it her, him
Pronouns we us you they them

(a) Siti is in class. She is having a Singular = tunggal/satu. Plural

lecture. jamak/lebih dari satu. Singular
pronoun mengacu pada singular
(b) The students are in class. They noun, sedangkan plural pronouns
are having an exam. mengacu plural nouns. Pada (a),
Siti adalah tunggal maka singular
(c) Ani and Haryo are married. pronoun "she" dipergunakan.
They have six children. Pada (b) students adalah jamak,
karena itu plural pronoun "they"
dipergunakan. Demikian pula
pada (c), Ani and Haryo adalah
jamak karena itu plural pronoun
"they" dipergunakan.

Activity 2
Pilihlah pronomina yang tepat untuk teks berikut ini.

Margareta Gertruida Zelle was born in Leeuwarden, in the Netherlands,

in 1876. (She, her) married an army oficer and went with (he, his, him) to
Indonesia, where (she, her) learnt Javanese and Hindu dances. (She, Her)
went back to Europe, where (she, her) became a famous dancer, calling
herself "Mata Hari". (She, her) was accused of being a spy by the Germans
and was executed in Vincennes, in France, in 1917.

Sumber: Swan & Walter, 1989, hal. 55.

Activity 3
Pilihlah satu pronomina yang tepat untuk teks berikut ini.

Marco Polo was born in Venice in 1524. With (he, his, him) father and
(he, his, him) uncle, who were businessmen, (he, his, him) traveled to China
in 1275. (They, Their, Them) were the first Europeans to do this. Marco Polo
stayed at the court of the Chinese emperor for many years, and went on as an
ambassador for the emperor to Tonkin, Annam, India and Persia. (He, His,
1.16 S t ructure 1

Him) went back to Venice in 1295, made rich by ((he, his, him) travel. Polo
wrote a book about (he, his, him) experience, but not many people believed
(he, his, him) at first. (He, His, Him) died in 1324.

Sumber: Swan & Walter, 1989, hal. 55.

Activity 4
Pilihlah pronomina yang tepat untuk dialog berikut ini.

Judy had a bath, and then put on some of Jasper's sister's clothes. (They,
their, them) fitted (she, her) perfectly. (She, Her) looked at herself in the
mirror, smiled, frowned, and went downstairs.
''Hello'', said Jasper. ''Did I tell (you, your) how beautiful (you, your)
are? ''
''Yes, (you, your) did,' said Judy.
''Fine, ''said Jasper. ''Let (I, my, me) show (you, your) round the castle
before tea''.
''But (I, my, me) don't want to stay for tea, '' said Judy.
''This part of the castle was built in 1480,' said Jasper.
'' (I, my, me) want to go to Rio, '' said Judy.
''This is a portrait of (I, my, me) ancestor Donald MacDonald'', said
'' (I, my, me) want to see (I, my, me) boyfriend Sam'', said Judy.
'' (He, His, Him) was a friend of King James VI'', said Jasper.
'' (I, my, me) love (he, his, him) '', said Judy''. James VI'', said Jasper,
''No, (you, your) fool'', said Judy . '' (I, my, me) boyfriend Sam''.
''Oh, Sam Watson, '' said Jasper. '' (You, your) don't want to see (he, his,
him) ''.
''Yes, (I, my, me) do'',' said Judy.

Sumber: Swan & Walter, 1989, hal. 57.

P B I S 4 1 1 4 /M O D U L E 1 1.17


Bagan berikut ini memberikan contoh dan penjelasan tentang bagaimana

menggunakan possessive pronouns dan possessive adjectives. Pelajarilah
secara saksama, dan jika perlu diskusikan dengan teman sejawat Anda.

This book belongs to Kalimat (a) dan (b) memiliki makna yang sama.
me. Keduanya menunjukkan milik (possession).
(a) It's mine. "Mine" adalah possessive pronoun; sedangkan
(b) It is my book. "my" adalah possessive adjective.
Possessive Pronouns Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronoun
(c) I have mine. I have my pen. dipergunakan secara
(d) You have yours. You have your pen. berdiri sendiri, tanpa
diikuti noun.
(e) She has hers. She has her pen. Possessive Adjective
(f) He has his. He has his pen. dipergunakan dengan
(g) We have ours. We have our pens. diikuti noun.
(h) You have yours. You have your pens. Pada (j), possessive its
(i) They have theirs. They have their pens. dipergunakan dengan
diikuti noun.
I have a book. Its Perhatikan
cover is black. bahwa its tidak

Sumber: Azar, 1993, hal. 79.

Activity 5
Pilihlah possessive pronouns atau possessive adjectives yang tepat untuk
masing-masing kalimat berikut ini.
1) We have to bring (our, ours) bag to the classroom.
2) Excuse me. Is this (my, mine) bike or (your, yours)?
3) This one is (my, mine). (Your, Yours) is on your table.
4) Paulina lost (her, hers) bag. (It, Its) color is purple.
5) Widagdo left (his, him) bag in the computer room.
6) It is (his, him), not (my, mine).
7) The car broke down. It lost (it, its) power.
8) It is (their, theirs) car. It is (their, theirs). (Our, Ours) is in the garage.
1.18 S t ructure 1

9) (Our, Ours) home is painted white. (Their, Theirs) are painted black and
10) We have to save this planet. (It, Its) future depends on us. (It, Its) is for
all of us.


Nomina posesif dipergunakan untuk menunjukkan milik dari suatu

nomina. Nomina posesif ini banyak pula dipergunakan dalam bahasa Inggris.
Pelajarilah dengan saksama beberapa contoh dan uraian yang terdapat dalam
bagan berikut ini.

Singular: (a) I know the student's name. Apostrophe (') dan -s (-'s)
Plural : (b) I know the students' names. digunakan
Plura l: (b) I know the children's pada nomina untuk
names. menunjukkan milik
(possession). Perhatikan pola
berikut ini.
Singular Singular Possessive Noun:
the student the student's name nomina + apostrophe (`) + -s
my baby my baby’s name
a man a man's name

Plural Plural Possessive Noun:

the students the students' names nomina + -s + apostrophe (`)
my babies my babies' names

men men's names Irregular Plural Possessive

the children the children's names Noun:
nomina + apostrophe (') + -s

Sumber: Azar, 1993, hal: 77.

P B I S 4 1 1 4 /M O D U L E 1 1.19

Activity 6
Gunakanlah bentuk possessive noun yang tepat untuk kalimat-kalimat
berikut ini.

1) man Teguh is a .... name.

2) woman Siti is a …. name.
3) car The black one on the table is the .... key.
4) room It is locked. It must be the .... door.
5) book This colorful illustration must be for the .... front page.
6) children All children are outside the classroom. These must be
7) teacher the .... bags.
8) students It is the .... book.
9) plane The .... books were distributed last week.
The back part is called the .... tail.
10) pilot Look at the blue jacket. It must be the .... uniform.


Reflexive pronouns menegaskan diri pronomina yang bersangkutan.

Perhatikanlah kalimat-kalimat dalam bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa
Inggris berikut ini. Kata-kata bercetak tebal adalah reflexive pronouns.

Saya sendiri mencuci piring. Kami sendiri mengecat rumah


I wash the dishes myself. We paint the house ourselves.

Mereka sendiri menyetir mobil. Tini sendiri membersihkan

They drive themselves. kamarnya.
Tini cleans the room herself.

Bagan berikut ini memberikan penjelasan dan contoh lebih banyak

tentang bentuk dan penggunaan reflexive pronouns.

myself (a) I teach myself how to do it. Reflexive pronouns berakhiran

yourself (b) You teach yourself. self/ selves. Reflexive pronouns
1.20 S t ructure 1

herself (c) She teaches herself diper-gunakan bilamana subjek

himself (d) He teaches himself dan objek adalah orang yang
itself (e) The cat teaches itself sama. Tindakan verba mengacu
ourselves (f) We teach ourselves. kembali kepada subjek kalimat.
yourselves (g) You (plural) teach self adalah untuk tunggal,
yourselves. sedangkan selves adalah untuk
themselves (h) They teach themselves. jamak.

(i) Sinta lives by herself By + reflexive pronoun berarti

(j) I sat by myself on the wooden chair. sendirian. Pada (i), Sinta tinggal
sendirian, tanpa teman atau
Pada (j), saya duduk sendirian,
tanpa teman, di kursi kayu.

(k) I enjoyed myself at the shopping Kata enjoy dan beberapa verba
mall. (kata kerja) lainnya biasanya
diikuti reflexive pronoun.

Bagan berikut menunjukkan daftar verba dan frasa yang biasanya diikuti
oleh reflexive pronoun.

believe in yourself hurt yourself take care of yourself

blame yourself give yourself talk to yourself
cut yourself (something) introduce teach yourself
enjoy yourself yourself tell yourself
feel sorry for yourself kill yourself work for yourself
help yourself pinch yourself wish yourself luck
be proud of yourself

Activity 7
Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat berikut ini dengan reflexive pronoun yang
tepat, sebagaimana contoh yang diberikan.

I don't know where it is. I even forget it myself.

1) The incident took place very quickly. I forgot everything, and then I
found .... in a very dark and small dungeon.
2) He is a very diligent student. He always keeps .... busy with reading,
studying and homework.
P B I S 4 1 1 4 /M O D U L E 1 1.21

3) This is a very delicious cake. My mother made it ....

4) Be careful. You should take care of.... during the trip.
5) Please feel at home, and would you help ....
6) The dogs are playing in the garden by ....
7) We have to send this document by ....
8) I hurt .... in my leg.
9) All of you have to be more patient. You don't have to blame ....
10) She prepares the meal ....


Indefinite pronoun berarti pronomina yang menunjukkan tidak tentu.

Pada umumnya indefinite pronoun ini berbentuk tunggal. Berikut ini adalah
beberapa contoh indefinite pronoun.
someone anyone everyone noone
somebody anybody everybody nobody
something anything everything nothing

Perhatikanlah beberapa contoh penggunaan indefinite pronoun dalam

kalimat berikut

Someone` is knocking at the door.

I heard somebody talking loudly in the middle of the night.
Something happened on their way to the railway station.

Does anyone need some drink?

We need to be more careful, because anything can happen to us on this
bumpy road. Anybody who has the ticket can watch the game.

Everyone is in a safe place now.

Everybody in this room wants to see her singing.
Everything is on low price here.

Noone knows who will be the next President of this great country.
Nobody in this car likes the idea.
Everything is all right. Nothing bad happens so far.
1.22 S t ructure 1

Activity 8
Pilihlah indefinite pronoun yang tepat untuk kalimat-kalimat di bawah
1) I am very hungry. I want ... on this table two pieces each for my meal.
2) … know what was happening. It was very dark in that building.
3) The door is opened … must have opened it.
4) … was happening outside the house while we were talking in the living
5) We did not meet ... in the classroom. They must have gone to the farm.
6) Today is clean-up day. We have to take ... we don't need out of this
7) I alway hear ... singing everyday at seven in the evening. She must be
having a rehearsal.
8) You need to find ... to help you move this heavy table.
9) It was my biggest mistake in my life. I was entertaining ... in the
10) Can I please have ... to drink?
11) … is possible in this world. We don't have to worry about it.
12) We waited for almost an hour, and ... happened. So we decided to leave
13) We want ... to finish working by four o'clock in the afternoon.
14) … wants a happy, peaceful and prosperous life, and so am I.
15) I think you have ... inside this folder. By the way, please feel free to let
me know if you need ... else

1. Pronomina (pronouns) lazim dipergunakan dalam bahasa Inggris.
Ada beberapa macam bentuk pronomina yang dipergunakan dalam
konteks kalimat yang berbeda pula, seperti personal pronouns,
possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns, dan indefinite pronouns.
2. Personal pronouns dapat berfungsi sebagai subject pronouns (I, we,
you, she, he, it, they) atau object pronouns (me, us, you, her, his, it,
3. Possessive menunjukkan milik, dan dapat berupa possessive
pronoun (mine, yours, hers, his, ours, theirs) atau possessive
adjectives (my, your, her, his, our, their). Possessive adjective
P B I S 4 1 1 4 /M O D U L E 1 1.23

diikuti dengan nomina, seperti pada my book, his pen, her bike,
their home, our room. Sedangkan possessive noun dipergunakan
untuk menunjukkan milik suatu noun, seperti the student's name, the
cat's tail, the window's room.
4. Reflexive pronoun dipergunakan untuk menunjukkan subjek dan
objek mengacu pada tindakan yang sama, seperti pada kalimat I did
it myself.
Kalimat I did it myself menunjukkan bahwa I (saya) dan myself
(sendiri melakukan tindakan yang sama.
5. Indefinite pronoun menunjukkan ketidaktentuan subjek, seperti
anyone, anybody, anything, somebody, someone, something dan

Pilihlah pronomina yang tepat untuk teks bacaan berikut ini.

Whitney got a phone call from (she, her, hers) friend, inviting (she, her,
hers) to come to an opera. (She, Her, Hers) agreed to go and a few days later,
(she, her, hers) picked Whitney up. Unfortunately, on (they, their, them,
theirs) way to the opera house, (they, their, them, theirs) car ran over a cat.
Somebody, a man, saw the accident and shouted loudly at (they, their, them,
theirs). (They, Their, Them, Theirs) drove on without noticing.
When the show was over, (Whitney, Whitney's) friend found that (she,
her, hers) necklace had been stolen. Both of (they, their, them, theirs) went to
a police station to report the incident. A police officer typed the report.
Meanwhile, another police officer saw somebody acting suspiciously near
their car. (He, His, Him) blew (he, his, him) whistle and ran after the man.
Because the process of making the report was taking a long time,
Whitney decided to leave (she, her, hers) friend and go home. (She, Her,
Hers) wanted to watch a foot ball match on television. (She, Her, Hers)
walked down the street looking for a taxi, but, after 15 minutes, (she, her,
hers) still could not find one, so (she, her, hers) decided to walk home.
Unfortunately, as (she, her, hers) was walking down a dark street, (she, her,
hers) fell into a deep hole full of water which (she, her, hers) had not seen.
(She, Her, Hers) shouted for help but nobody heard (she, her, hers).

Sumber: LP3B UT, 1990, hal. 89.

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