Terra: Terraforce 2/2007

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TERRANeWS 2/2007

Te r r a f o r c e
Construction Guide 3 - Rock Face walls & steps - Page 1

03 04

01 02

Installation Instructions – 4x4 stairs and low retaining wall

Image 01: Well draining sand slopes to be retained with three terrace walls. Excavate foundation,
compact trench, place geofabric wrap around, fill and compact sand foundation.
Image 02: Foundation of sand wrapped in geofabric, compacted and then closed with fold-over
Image 03: Packing with line and level. No gaps are allowed between blocks. Depending on the
climate and soil conditions it will be necessary to install a drainage layer and sub soil
drain pipe behind the blocks.
Image 04: Terrace wall under construction while backfill is brought in for compaction. Compact
to specification in layers not exceeding block height and hand compact inside blocks.
Image 05: Placing of pre-cast concrete foundation for the stairways, alternatively insitu foundations
can be used where so specified. 05

Copyright 2006 TERRAFORCE Tel: (021) 465 1907 Fax: (021) 465 4047 Cell: 083 658 1056 w w w. t e r r a f o r c e . c o m
TERRANeWS 2/2007
Te r r a f o r c e
Construction Guide 3 - Rock Face walls & steps - Page 2

06 07 09


Image 06: First stair blocks are placed perfectly level on the foundation. Carefully check
levels and dimensions to enusure that the top row of the steps ends at the desired
point. Consider geofabric or cement stabilised backfill behind blocks where fine,
soft sand is used.

Image 07: First row of double wing-wall blocks placed on geofabric and sand foundation.

Image 08: Professional supervision and training on site. Quality checks and supervision as
always have to be rigorously enforced during the entire period of installation.

Image 09: Keying in of double wing-walls with terrace walls. This is not possible without
maintaining a firm grip on levels.

Image 10: In detail prior to filling and compacting behind and inside the blocks. Compact
inside with small hand compactors and allow no gaps between blocks.

Copyright 2006 TERRAFORCE Tel: (021) 465 1907 Fax: (021) 465 4047 Cell: 083 658 1056 w w w. t e r r a f o r c e . c o m
TERRANeWS 2/2007
Te r r a f o r c e
Construction Guide 3 - Rock Face walls and steps - Page 3

11 12 13


Image 11: Terrace walls complete in the background and stairs almost
at final level.

Image 12: Nearing completion of the staircase, keyed into terrace


Image 13: Adding the final touches. Top blocks of double wing-walls
to be filled with concrete in matching colour and brushed
for a rough finish.

Image 14: A thousand and one stairways to be completed as shown

in this picture.
Be alert: No or negligible design input -- lack of drainage above or behind the wall -- lack of
supervision on site -- substandard backfill material or inadequate compaction -- excavation close
to wall foundation -- loading not accounted for in design -- poor or saturated founding conditions
-- and finally culprit #1, cost cutting aspirations by various parties, will result in disappointment. 14

Copyright 2006 TERRAFORCE Tel: (021) 465 1907 Fax: (021) 465 4047 Cell: 083 658 1056 w w w. t e r r a f o r c e . c o m

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