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English Debate Writing Notes Class Xi

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A debate is the formal discussion or argument on a particular matter

delivered in favour of or against a subject in a disciplined manner.
Nature of the debate is argumentative.


Grammatical accuracy, appropriate words and spellings 1 MARK
Coherence and relevance of ideas and style 1 MARK

(i) Greeting/ Salutation/ Addressing the audience
(ii) Introduction of the topic–For or Against

(iii) content—
a. Facts about the topic – cause and effects of the issue
b. Data and examples/ real input
c. Contradiction to opponent's views- to oppose the
opponent's statement
d. Conclusion by giving own views
(iv) Complimentary close
How to begin a debate

Begin with greeting/ salutation and by addressing the

audience like....
Dear audience, Welcome to all in this healthy and joyous
morning, Style 1.
Respected judges, principal, teachers and friends, I ABC
of Class XI is going to present my views for / against the
........................................................................... ....................................

Style 2.
Respected chair person, members of jury, worthy opponents.
Myself, ...(Name) ............. of class XII is going to speak against/for
the motion on the topic .......................................................................


Style 3.
Honourable judges and my dear friends, today I stand before you
to express my views in favour or against the motion .......................


How to end the debate –

Therefore in the end, I would like to end my debate by strongly
supporting/ opposing the idea of ......................................................

Thank you
Introduction – define the topic
Analyse the issue/topic/subject in terms of issue and its
causes, consequences and effects etc. in a logical manner
Speak in favour or against the motion
Support your argument with strong

statements. Give some facts in support of

your view

Use powerful expression like

-I'd like to argue..............................................
-At this point I differ from my worthy opponents .....................
-I May I ask a very genuine questions from my opponent why/how
-I totally disagree with my opponent ....................................
Conclusion – suggestions, remedial measures and steps
for improvement.
Make value points and develop them into paragraphs
maintaining a logical order.
Try to make a rough draft
first. Mind the word limit.
Adopt argumentative style while writing a debate.

Clear agreement or disagreement to be expressed

Example : You are Ashish / Ashna of D.A.V. Public School, Rohtak.

You have observed that tuition centres are mushrooming at a high rate
these days. They charge very high fee and assure the students of better
marks and seats in professional colleges. Almost all the students of
Secondary / Sr. Secondary join tuition centres or coaching centres.
Write a debate in around 150-200 words either in favour of or against
the topic are "Tuition or coaching centres a necessity for students"?
Value Points
Favour - Tuition or coaching centres are a necessity for students.
I Para : Begin with honourable judges and my dear friends. I
Ashish/Ashna of class XI stand before you to express my views for /
against the motion Tuition or coaching centres are a necessity for
For / Favour
Coaching centres/Tuition centres a necessary evil.
age of tough competition
getting admission in prestigious college a status
symbol more number of students but less no of seats

parents not updated with the changing trends

don't have time mostly working parents, not expert in all
subjects all coaching centres take this benefit
employ subject expert / quality faculty
members easily approachable.
Give additional practice-examination
tips. more over result oriented teaching.
Though these centres charge high fees, keep timing of their own
choice, have large group to teachers, students bunk their school yet
these desperately required by the students for their careers. Thanks

Debate : Against the motion of topic Tuition / Coaching Centre a

necessity for students.
disagree that these centres are a necessity for students.
Though these days trends towards these centres Students find
it a status symbol to attach with prestigious coaching centres.
parents pay high fees-become over burdened-always in
pressure. Students have no time to relax, recreate themselves

run to and fro from tuition

no time to revise the course content
become sandwich between school and coaching centres
sometime get result below their expectation

become depressed commit suicide

develop inferiority complex if parents are incapable of

paying fees of these centres.
According to me ban on these centres. Schools should hold extra-classes
- provide coaching to prepare for competitive exams.
No extra fee for that as public / private schools already
charge heavy fees.
In government schools administrative department should
appoint subject experts to prepare students for competitive
tests - coaching should be given after the school is over.
Students will be happy, relaxed more time to study and prepare
for exams - bunking of school-parents less burdened.
Prepare a debate to be delivered on the topic ‘DESTINY COMES MORE FROM CHANCE
100 billion galaxies in the universe, 400 billion stars in the Milky Way and 350
discovered planets in our galaxy. Yet, Mother Earth is the sole nurturer of life. God’s
will? From a mundane existence as a bus conductor to as Asia’s biggest superstar is
Rajnikanth’s chronicle. Luck? Then, what name would you give to the rise of Mel Gibson,
Sonia Gandhi, Pamela Anderson? The word you’re looking for friends is CHANCE!
If destiny were to indeed be a slave to choice, then the world would have been an
entirely different place. If everyone were to be given the driver seat to a self-
customized future, everybody would have pounced on the opportunity and ended up
destroying the natural order. When one is given absolute control, one tends to go
overboard. Perhaps, that’s why chance gives destiny an edge over choice because this
very unpredictability lends life a new and fresh, albeit scary lease.
I think every one would love to be surrounded by a bunch of swimsuit clad models and
get to make one of them the face of his enterprise but unfortunately, that honour goes
only to

SiddharthMallaya. Why? Simply because he was born to a multi-millionaire father

whose vocation involves these types of interactions?
Titanic set afloat on its voyage with 2229 passengers but in the wake of, what now is
considered one of the world’s biggest accidents, only 713 survived. Why only them?
Did others choose to die? There’s absolutely no explanation!
Can anyone boast of having chosen, their parents, their motherland, their
personality? Time, weather, fears and weaknesses are just a few of the myriad of
aspects of this world that we can’t choose.
Attributing choice to destiny lends an amount of certainty to the event considered.
To assert this implies anything we decide to do within the realm of physical
possibilities is not only possible, not only probable, but guaranteed. But in a very
practical sense, there exist potentially numerous factors that can impede the course
of that event.
There goes a word in English that I absolutely adore- Serendipity- “A fortunate
coincidence” or basically chance. But not everyone knows that this very word has to
its credit multiple scientific discoveries-Penicillin, Teflon, Helium, Uranus, Vaccination
and X rays to name a few.
I don’t deny the role of choice shaping a person’s future. At some level or the other,
man has to work in order to achieve what he aspires for. I just feel, chance acts as a
stronger catalyst in terms of directing him to that path. And so I leave it open to you,
to engage in this miraculously mystifying maze of chance or to take the high road
only to return, for in the words of Robert Brault , “Alas, by the time Fate caught up
with my life, Chance had it all planned.”
With this I rest my case. Thank you and have a nice day!


1. "Peer Pressure Is Harmful for Teenagers". Write a debate
in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. You are
Ankit/Ankita of DAV Public School, Delhi.

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