English Debate Writing Notes Class Xi
English Debate Writing Notes Class Xi
English Debate Writing Notes Class Xi
(i) Greeting/ Salutation/ Addressing the audience
(ii) Introduction of the topic–For or Against
(iii) content—
a. Facts about the topic – cause and effects of the issue
b. Data and examples/ real input
c. Contradiction to opponent's views- to oppose the
opponent's statement
d. Conclusion by giving own views
(iv) Complimentary close
How to begin a debate
Style 2.
Respected chair person, members of jury, worthy opponents.
Myself, ...(Name) ............. of class XII is going to speak against/for
the motion on the topic .......................................................................
Style 3.
Honourable judges and my dear friends, today I stand before you
to express my views in favour or against the motion .......................
Thank you
Introduction – define the topic
Analyse the issue/topic/subject in terms of issue and its
causes, consequences and effects etc. in a logical manner
Speak in favour or against the motion
Support your argument with strong
your view
1. "Peer Pressure Is Harmful for Teenagers". Write a debate
in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. You are
Ankit/Ankita of DAV Public School, Delhi.