FCSI - Foodservice.consultant 15.march.2022

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Welcome to the 2022 FCSI
The Americas Biennial 4


Conference in Montreal, Quebec Look forward to the program of events at

the FCSI TAD 2022 Conference


s I welcome delegates to Montreal for the FCSI The Americas KEYNOTE SPEAKER
Conference, I am sure you are all as excited as I am to finally Mike Lee on the future of foodservice
get back together with our friends and colleagues. It has been
a number of years since we last held a conference in Canada and 19

the city of Montreal will be a perfect backdrop for our three-day KEYNOTE SPEAKER
event. This is a city rich in culture and history and also provides Peter Shankman on how customer
a phenomenal culinary scene. experience will shape the economy

The theme of this year’s conference, Together Again, could not 20

be more fitting – this will be our first major event in over two CONFERENCE PROGRAM
years. This is a great opportunity to catch up and reconnect with All the whens and wheres; speakers and
our industry friends and colleagues, from the opening party on events of a packed conference program
Thursday evening.

We have prepared a packed educational program for this year’s CITY FOCUS: MONTREAL
conference, starting on Friday, April 22 and will kick off with An overview of the vibrant Canadian
the opening keynote by Mike Lee, focusing on the future of city hosting the conference in 2022
foodservice. Afterwards, two sets of three breakout sessions
will follow with attendees able to choose from sessions covering 30

topics including strategic planning, ventless technologies, AWAY FROM THE SHOW
video marketing solutions, sustainability and many more. Explore Montreal. There’s something for
everyone from golf to contemporary art
This will be followed by another excellent schedule on the
Saturday, starting with a general session with representatives
from the Five Families discussing what the future
holds for our industry. Giving the closing keynote
presentation, Peter Shankman, will be addressing
the future of the economy over the next 50 years.
There is no substitute for the in-person events we
have missed over the past two years. This conference
will be a great networking opportunity and will
also provide valuable education that will help in
honing your business and consulting skills. This
will be a conference you don’t want to miss.
I look forward to seeing you all in Montreal. REGIONAL CHAIR
Produced by
Eric Norman FCSI, chair, Progressive Content
Enjoy the conference. FCSI The Americas Division progressivecontent.com

Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] 3

PREVIEW 2022 FCSI The Americas Conference


After an enforced break The Americas
Division Biennial Conference is
happening in Montreal in April. Amelia
Levin looks forward to all
the events


ogether again. Those are two timely on the evening of Thursday, April 21,
words describing the theme for the to allow plenty of time for reconnecting
2022 FCSI The Americas Division with friends and peers in a relaxed
Biennial Conference, scheduled for April setting without interruption.
21-23, in food-centric Montreal, Canada.
The agenda promises a line-up of expert Keynote and sessions
speakers and educational programming Programming for Day 1 includes a
– but also plenty of fun and networking presentation by keynote speaker Mike
that we’ve missed as a result of the Lee, who will address The Future
pandemic and cancelation of of Foodservice. In this session,
the 2021 NAFEM Show/TAD Lee will examine the consumer
Symposium last summer. behaviors and innovations that
“The event presents an are shaping the future of food
ideal opportunity to pause as well as their implications
and reflect on how valuable for foodservice businesses today
great networking and peer-to-peer and tomorrow. Lee will also explore a
learning can be and how it selection of the most salient trends that
benefits the consultant community,” are shaping how foodservice producers
says Wade Koehler, FCSI TAD executive and consumers will need to operate into
director. “There’s an adage that ‘content the next decade. 
is king,’ but right now, ‘contact is king.’ I Two other professional speakers
feel that’s what we’re all craving and will will present during the general session. The two-day event kicks
be looking forward to in Montreal. It will April Simpkins, chief human resources off with an opening party,
but offers a wealth of
be great to finally be together again.” officer for Totalhr who was named one of educational opportunities
Kicking off the two-day event, the Charlotte’s 50 Most Influential Women throughout the day
opening party will be onsite at the hotel by a North Carolina news outlet, will


present on HR challenges impacting us “Right now, ‘contact is

all during the ongoing pandemic. king.’ I feel that’s what
To liven up the atmosphere, comedian
and author Jessica Holmes will address
we’re all craving and
an important issue affecting many of us will be looking forward
during the ongoing pandemic – mental to in Montreal”
health challenges – but with a relatable
spin and a few laughs meant to encourage
and inspire us all to take care of ourselves looking to develop their long-range
and each other. business planning as well as a how-to
Also, during the general session, session on video marketing solutions.
a panel featuring members of allied To view the full agenda, visit fcsita.org/
associations (NAFEM, MAFSI, CFESA home/conference-program.
and FCSI) will talk about how they Keynote speaker Peter Shankman will
envision the future of each group and how close out the educational programming
we can all work together. with a session covering the Economy
Breakout sessions this year will touch of the Next 50 Years. During this
on everything from automation and presentation, Shankman will discuss the
robots, the “new” sustainability, KPIs, five rules of the customer economy, why
ventless technology 101, new distribution speed matters, how to stay “top-of-mind”
channels, project management mastery, in every type of customer’s mind, and how
POS/mobile ordering, joint ventures to connect with younger consumers from
Above: Comedian and for the future and designing for post- Generations Z and Alpha.
authorJessica Holmes
will address the pandemic times. Debuting this year, a Revit Room will
important issue of mental There will also be two strategic be staffed with volunteers during the
health and caring for
ourselves and each other planning workshops for attendees entire conference to address questions or

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challenges working with the technology. trends in order for members to learn “Collaboration, strategy
Attendees are encouraged to bring their from each other, but also to have fun and and alignment are going
laptops into the room to meet with these enjoy creative sparks.
Revit masters for their tips and tricks. “Never has there been a more critical
to be key in navigating
Don’t miss the annual Innovation time for the specifying, design and our current climate”
Showcase, a collection of booths manufacturing communities to learn,
showcasing the top 10 products connect and share with one another,”
nominated by a panel of consultants and says Stephanie Gilbert, executive vice
vying for the Product of the Year award. president of corporate growth
Their innovations will remain on display strategy at Food Service Holdings,
throughout the entire conference. the first-ever allied member
to chair the committee.
The team behind the scenes “Collaboration, strategy and
The Conference Planning Committee alignment are going to be
(CPC) – which is comprised of FCSI key in navigating our current
Consultant and Allied members and climate, which presents us with equal
consists of Stephanie Gilbert (Chair), parts unique challenges, coupled with
Sojo Alex, Brett Daniel FCSI, Peg Galie unparalleled opportunity. At the
FCSI, Eric Goodrich, Brent Hall FCSI, 2022 FCSI Conference, we are going
Kevin Kochman, Kathleen Held, Danielle to address all this and more, in addition
Mason, Kyle Schwartz, Tara Schroeder to having a phenomenal time. I couldn’t
FCSI, and Bernadette Ventura – worked be more excited to engage with fellow
closely with Wade Koehler’s team, to Allied and Consultant attendees this
recruit and develop educational session April in Montreal.” The time is critical for the FCSI
community to reconnect and
speakers for the event. Penny Price, FCSI’s director of member share with each other
The CPC’s aim is to stay ahead of services, says the consultant and Allied



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Koehler and his team also extend a

huge thank you to this year’s sponsors,
who were overwhelmingly generous with
their support. “We are so fortunate to
have the support we do from our Allied
membership. It never goes unnoticed
and is always much appreciated. We
also know none of it would be possible
without our amazing sponsors,” he says.

More socializing opportunities

Of course, nothing says an FCSI event like
a chance to just have some good fun. “We
love to throw a party and we understand
how important networking is for all
attendees, so we make sure to have a good
mix of education during the day and fun
evening events where attendees can catch
up and reconnect,” says Price.
The second night activity will include
a visit to a working maple syrup farm,
or sugar shack, called Sucrerie De La
Montagne, located amid a 120-acre forest
atop Mont Rigaud, west of Montréal.
There, conference attendees will get a
“We love to throw a momentary glimpse of life as it might
party and we understand have been for Québec and Canadian
pioneers as father-son owners, Pierre and
how important networking Stefan Faucher, share stories. The trip
is for all attendees” will also include a delicious and hearty
meal fit for a lumberjack.
The final night’s festivities will be
back at the hotel. At press time, details
members on the CPC did a great job were still being worked out, but Koehler
choosing topics that are most relevant to says: “We plan to throw a great ending
today’s foodservice consultant. “We rely party to celebrate being together again.”
heavily on our CPC team. As association “By the time the event rolls around,
executives, we know how to plan schedules, many of us will not have been to an
audio visual (AV) and evening events but in-person FCSI event in nearly four
the CPC members are instrumental in years,” says Price. “The Conference
helping us choose the best educational will be extra special this year because
sessions we can offer to cover current our members are so excited to see old
foodservice issues. friends, learn together and share ideas
“Being immersed in the industry, – live and in person – not on a video call
they know what topics and trends are or webinar. In my opinion networking,
important to their peers. We ensure collaborating, and learning just aren’t
The CPC have put there’s something for everyone on the the same when done virtually. We have
together a program schedule so attendees will always see a been able to create and host some great
that includes topics
relevant to today’s good mix of topics that appeal to design programs during this challenging time
foodservice consultant consultants, MAS consultants, business – the BizEssentials webinar series, the
owners and manufacturers,” she adds. On Tap video podcasts, and the virtual


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members. Plus, the opportunity to visit

a city like Montreal makes a good event
even better.”

Keeping Covid in mind

Price points out the lifelong friendships
that have developed because of FCSI
The Americas events. “One thing that
continues to impress me is that FCSI
members really enjoy spending time
with each other and catching up at our
events; I see real connections between
our members that I don’t see at other
industry events that I attend,” she says.
Eric Norman FCSI, vice president,
Midwest for Clevenger Associates, and
chair of The Americas Division, also
highlights the chance to get back together
with friends and colleagues. “So much
has happened over the last two years
with our conferences and events being
cancelled regularly and we have not had
a chance to gather with our FCSI friends
and colleagues in quite a long time,” he
says. “That opportunity to network and
“Our committee put catch up with the FCSI membership
together a really interesting may be the thing that I am most excited
about for the Montreal Conference.  Of
program and I look forward course, there will also be the top-notch
to learning more about the educational opportunities and sessions.
industry and its members” These are great assets to learn and help us
hone our skill set, which is really the most
important thing about our conferences.”  
Happy Hours were all very well received Of course, safety will be top-of-mind
and allowed us to provide members with for the FCSI planning team. “We will be
excellent opportunities to learn and in communication prior to the event
grow during a time when we couldn’t with members in regard to Covid
be together as we normally would. But protocols and travel into Canada for
there’s simply no way to replicate online those coming from the US,” says Koehler.
the in-person experiences and energy “We will also be offering Covid testing
that our members share when they attend on-site that will be free for attendees so
an FCSI Conference, Symposium, or they can test before they travel home
Chapter event,” she says. per re-entry and air travel requirements.
“I am really looking forward to We continue to work closely with
finally meeting the FCSI The Americas the Montreal tourism department to
members who I have corresponded with determine all of the necessary details
for two years,” says Amy Stark, director and precautions to take and will share
The FCSi TAD Conference of administration, FCSI The Americas. those as they become available.”
allows for fun events “Our committee put together a really Until then, gear up and get ready for
in the evening to allow
attendees to socialize interesting program and I look forward to some top-quality, highly anticipated
and network learning more about the industry and its learning and good old FCSI fun.


Innovation and
the future of food
Ahead of his opening keynote at the
conference, Liz Cooley caught up
with Mike Lee of Alpha Food Labs
to find out what inspires his passion
for innovation in foodservice and
what he’ll be sharing with delegates


How were you first introduced to the What will you be sharing with delegates
foodservice industry? as part of The Future of Food session?
I grew up in a multi-generational I will be talking a lot about the mindset
restaurant family. My grandfather of the 21st century eater and the
opened a Chinese-American restaurant fragmentation of food tribes. There are
in Detroit in the mid 1940s and ever since a lot of different points of view and needs
then my parents, aunts and uncles all ran that you never had before, such as gluten
multiple restaurants in that area. free, vegan and sustainable-conscious
My grandfather immigrated to the consumers. So, we’ll look at how that’s
US from Hong Kong and decided to settle changing and how the food industry
in Detroit as opposed to areas with more has to react to keep up with and cater
well-populated Chinatowns like San to those tribes.
Francisco or New York City. He wanted to Additionally, we’ll explore the
go where there was less competition and persistent trends and behaviors that are
more opportunity to be different. sticking around post-Covid. After about a
It worked and their restaurant thrived year where most of the world traded away
for over 40 years. His decision to go to the
less obvious place was a powerful lesson My grandfather’s decision
in my life and it has colored the way I look to go to the less obvious
at innovation throughout my career.
place was a powerful lesson
What inspired you to start Alpha Food Labs? for me and it has colored the
I’ve worked in innovation and product way I look at innovation
development nearly my whole career,
both in and outside of food. While I was out-of-home dining for in-home dining
working in tech shortly after college, I during the pandemic, that experience
loved what I was able to create during stands to change how people look at their
my day job but still had a passion to do food choices for years to come.
something in food.
I founded an underground supper Why is it important for foodservice to pay
club in New York City where I would attention to consumer trends?
produce and cook dinner events for It’s important because competition is
anywhere from eight to 300 people. heating up so much. We now have never
This was not catering, it was more of a ending choices at our fingertips – you can
creative outlet for my team and me to just pull out your phone app and have
develop a narrative and a new experience access to hundreds of different options.
in our pop-up dinners that one couldn’t It’s about being able to reach and attract
typically find at a restaurant. customers, because it’s become a lot
The creative freedom was incredible harder to win over the consumer.
and I started to combine the skills I
learned in my innovation job by day with What do you think are the biggest drivers
the experimental stuff we were doing behind the push for healthier food?
with the supper club by night. Those We’re living in the days of companies
formative years are how I got started in like Farmers Fridge, which is essentially
food and because I was able to do it in a series of vending machines that sell
such an unorthodox way, it’s influenced fresh salads in jars. It’s a signal that this
the way I think about problems. idea and assumption that you can only

get fresh food in certain places is being we’re working in. For a mass audience
proved wrong and that technological casual set up, we still look at fine dining About Mike Lee
innovation is changing what food is and try to dissect the value and find Mike Lee is the co-founder and CEO of Alpha Food Labs,
available where. Demand for that kind insight for the category we’re in. a food innovation company that helps companies create
of food is growing and it shows that That doesn’t mean you use the same strategies and products that are better for people, planet
people are beginning to expect a level of strategy, but sometimes you have to and palate. He is also the founder of The Future Market, a
high-quality food everywhere not just in realize the best ideas might come from futurist food lab that explores what our food system could
high-quality restaurants. somewhere else. We see ourselves as look like in the next 5 to 25 years.
translators, translating concepts from A frequent speaker on food innovation, he has worked with
How can foodservice consultants stay on other categories that might work well and organizations such as CNBC, Bloomberg, The New York
top of the trends expected to shape the adapting them. Otherwise you run the Times, The Culinary Institute of America and The National
future of food? risk of recycling the same old stuff and Restaurant Association. He also serves on the board of
There’s no one size fits all formula. With never doing anything new. advisors for the Partnership for a Healthier America.
all the different points of view, there
are so many different ways to slice it. How do you go about developing an
While one tribe might favor health and innovative strategy that works for think about how to disrupt themselves, so
sustainability, there is still room for more your customers? someone came along and did it for them.
indulgent offerings. It’s important to take that attitude of That’s a difficult thing to do as a company
Find a tribe you can resonate with test and learn, and to be empathetic. because the attitude can seep in that “this
and engineer your operations so you’re Listening to customers is a huge is how we’ve always done it, it works and it
able to cater for that market and scale up principle. Especially when we work makes money”.
as you get success. Changing the way that with established companies with a track But maybe the things that got you
you look at things will help you to become record in one area, but who are trying to where you are won’t be the things to take
more effective and efficient. be innovative. That’s harder because you you forward. If you can be open to that
have to take an attitude of self-disruption and ask yourselves the uncomfortable
How can operators engage with customers before someone else does it for you. questions, like “how would I put myself
to better understand their needs? Take the dairy industry, for example, out of business?”, you get breakthrough.
One of the techniques we use to try out they didn’t look hard enough at the whole It’s uncomfortable work but necessary for
new concepts and ideas is to conduct plant-based movement and they didn’t companies to survive.
pop-ups. With restaurants, pop-ups are
not always something that get headlines
but they give you the opportunity to test
out new things – finding ways to create
temporary venues can be key.
How you gain insight from that
depends on the relationship you have
with the customer. If you have a loyal
following you can have a more real-time
conversation. If it’s a more transactional
audience you might have to rely on more
transactional feedback. The value is in
opening up the conversation.

How can foodservice consultants help

prepare their clients to adapt to evolving
customer expectations?
We place a lot of emphasis on parallel
case studies from outside the category
A loyal following allows
real-time conversations


The customer economy

Peter Shankman will
be delivering the closing
keynote speech, discussing
how the customer experience
will shape the economy of
the next 50 years

What is the customer economy? time trying to sell to clients that we don’t
We’re in a space in a society where your necessarily listen to what they want. About Peter Shankman
network knows more and more about Reach out to the client when you Peter Shankman is an entrepreneur, author
what you’re doing; the companies you don’t have anything to sell and just have a and expert in social media, PR, marketing,
interact with, the stores in which you conversation with them, you’ll be amazed advertising and the customer experience.
shop. The premise is that if I have a great what they tell you. Just ask: “What are Born and raised in New York City, he has
experience with a brand, that brand will you working on and how can I help?” successfully launched and exited three
show up more in my networks and the It doesn’t have to be difficult or a long start-ups.
feeds of the people with whom I interact. process. We don’t do that enough. Shankman is the founder of The ShankMinds
We covet what we know. Breakthrough Network, an online network
However, the bar is so ridiculously of thought leaders, business experts
Reach out to the client when
low in terms of any type of customer and change makers, and host of the ADHD
interaction that I don’t need to be you don’t have anything to sell podcast Faster than Normal, which focuses
brilliant to succeed, I don’t need to be and just have a conversation on the gifts of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
over the top amazing, I just need to suck Disorder.
with them, you’ll be amazed
less than everybody else. His clients have included American Express,
What’s key is transparency. We screw what they tell you. Just ask: Sprint, The US Department of Defense,
up, we’re human beings. You’ll never see “What are you working on and Snapple Beverage Group, NASA, Sheraton
loyalty in your business if you don’t screw and Walt Disney World.
how can I help?”
up and then fix the problem. Statistics
show that customer loyalty is actually
greater when a company fixes a problem, How can the industry embrace
because the customer has had a positive this approach?
interaction with you. You don’t need to be awesome – slightly
better is more than enough. But focus on
How can foodservice consultants better it and try to improve. We tend to get into
engage with their clients? our comfort zone and stay there. Try to
The best thing you can do is listen to get out of it and work a little harder.
your customers, they will tell you exactly The concepts of transparency,
what they want. Listen instead of talking, relevance and brevity can help grow your
find out what they want, find out what business. The key is that it needs to start
they’re looking for. We spend so much at the top and work its way down.

PROGRAM The key events and sessions

7:00-10:00 pm Opening reception

FRIDAY, APRIL 22 Speakers

Hotel Bonaventure - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
7:00-9:00 am Breakfast and opening remarks
9:30-10:30 am Opening keynote: The future of foodservice Mike Lee
Mike Lee will examine the consumer behaviors and innovations that are shaping the future of food, and their implications on
foodservice businesses today and tomorrow.
10:00-10:15 am Networking break
10:45-11:45 am Breakout sessions
Let’s talk about KPIs Brad Wilson
KPIs provide targets for teams to shoot for, milestones to gauge progress, and insights that help people across the organization make
better decisions. Join Brad Wilson as he explains how KPIs can impact you and your clients.
The new voice of human resources April Simpkins, SHRM-CP, PHR
April Simpkins will help you to better understand what organizations can do to create inclusive cultures – from hiring to professional
development, retention and succession planning.
Ventless technology 101 Eric Von Kaenel; Joe Ferri; Gina
If you are new to the consultant community or a seasoned veteran, this breakout session will cover different types of ventless Brinegar FCSI; Danielle Mason
systems and equipment. We’ll also take a deep dive into the latest on permitting with tips to navigate the jurisdiction.
Strategic planning workshop (Part 1 of 2) Kathleen Held, CPSM; Sharyn Yorio
A strategic plan can help set the groundwork for a successful year by establishing goals that align with your company’s overall
strategic plan and can provide measurable results for your strategic efforts.
11:45 am-1:45 pm Lunch
1:45-2:45 pm Breakout sessions
Strategic planning workshop (Part 2 of 2) Kathleen Held, CPSM; Sharyn Yorio
How you can prepare, create, and deploy a strategic plan that will help set your company up for success.
Automation, robots, and the eye in the sky Joe Schumaker FCSI
In this session we will explore what is possible in the future and what is available today in the fields of robotics and automation.
Easy to create video marketing solutions Erik Haviland
We walk you through how easy it is to film and publish short videos using cameras and mobile devices to market your firm.
The new sustainability Richard Young; Tarah Schroeder FCSI
This session will share the latest information on all-electric building codes, how to begin the decarbonization journey in mixed fuel
kitchens, and the design solutions that will make all-electric kitchens a practical reality.
3:00-4:00 pm General session Jessica Holmes
Creating a work-life balance
2020 was a huge shift in our world especially in the mental health area. Moving it to the forefront, we will discuss what has happened
due to self isolation, negative news streams and more stress in our lives.

4:00-5:30 pm Cheers to your chapter!

7:00-9:00pm Evening event: Sucreire de la Montagne



07:30-9:00 am Breakfast and opening remarks
9:00-10:00 am General session
Our industry (looking ahead) Ken Schwartz FCSI; Tom Mitchell;
What does the future hold inside our industry? We are bringing together experts from NAFEM, MAFSI, CFESA and FCSI to discuss what Kirby Mallon
they think the next 5-10 years may look like within their own specialties.
10:00-10:15 am Networking break
10:15-11:15 am Breakout sessions
Connectivity in commercial kitchens Kerri Fitzgerald
This session will concentrate on the actual control characteristics, needs and approaches necessary for standardization and
platform development that will join the restaurant operator with building and energy management systems in meeting financial,
sustainable, energy efficient, and labor reduction goals.
Project management: Never ever missing a deadline Ken Schwartz FCSI
Present tried and true procedures associated with managing projects, schedule, staff and clients to successfully deliver work in a
timely, efficient and pristine manner.
New channels of distribution Sojo Alex; Tarah Schroeder FCSI
Are you getting all of the tax credits you deserve? Join Jon Tucker to learn about the many credits you, your company, and possibly
your clients should be taking advantage of this year.
11:15-11:30 am Networking break
11:30 am-12.30 pm Breakout sessions
POS/mobile ordering at 30,000 feet Chris Bigelow FCSI, CFSP
How have the last 18 months changed the way customers order food? Come talk about the shift in customers’ expectations when it
comes to ordering delivery, takeout and online menus. We will review the latest tech including POS Systems and online and mobile
ordering, discuss the ongoing costs, and compare solutions.
The adventures of joint ventures Karen Malody, FCSI; Laura Lentz, FCSI;
“Co-opetition”: What happens when consultant firms work together for the same client. James Camacho, FCSI, CSI
Designing for the customers’ and owners’ needs post pandemic Richard Eisenbarth, FCSI
We will take a look at the newest and best innovative products and review the best ideas on how to integrate the best practices into
the client’s operation and facility design.
12:30-2:00 pm Lunch / Innovation Showcase Product of the Year
2:00-3:00 pm Closing keynote: The economy of the next 50 years Peter Shankman
The days of begging for likes are over. The customer economy is all about doing likeable things. As the network gets smarter
and smarter, it’ll know your favorite places before you do, and share those with the world – when the world is looking. What does
this mean for your business? It means that it’s time to start focusing on the customer experience – Without that, no amount of
advertising, marketing, or SEO will save you.
7:00-10:00 pm Closing party


As one of the largest

’m trying to look

French-speaking cities in over the top of my

sandwich. But the rye
the world, outside France, bread is piled so high
with smoked meat it
Montreal is also proud obscures my view of
to uphold the French the restaurant. Yes, I’m
exaggerating, but I defy
tradition of superb food. anyone to take a bite without

Liz Campbell looks at the dislocating their jaw.

Montreal may be French
cuisine scene in the city to its core, but its Jewish
delicatessens, some of which
are approaching a century in
age, are known for their lavish
portions of the eponymous
smoked meat, as archetypal
here as poutine (Québec’s
other gift to clogged arteries
is, at its simplest, French
fries topped with gravy and
fresh cheese curds). You’ll
find Montreal smoked meat
as a pizza topping, scrambled
with eggs, on salads, even
garnishing that poutine.
Jewish immigrants
founded these delis, now as
iconic as their fare, and they
still spark heated debates
over whether Schwartz’s
(established in 1928),
Reuben’s (1976) or Ben’s
(1908) served the best smoked
meat. When, in 2006, Ben’s
closed its Art Deco doors for
the last time, the McCord
Museum created an exhibit of
its furnishings and the dozens
of signed photographs from
its walls featuring celebrities
such as Liberace, Bette Midler
and even Michael Jackson, all
of whom made the pilgrimage
to what was, in its heyday, a
legendary eatery.


It should be noted that

another Jewish treasure –
“This is a foodie
the bagel – sparks equally city; people eat out
passionate rivalry over a lot so the competition
whether Toronto, Montreal,
or the upstart New York have
is fierce. There are
the best ones. new concepts coming
In common with most out all the time. The
Canadian cities, Montreal
is a mosaic of immigrant
challenge is to keep
communities, but it is fresh and innovative
unique in being essentially within the boundaries
Francophone. One of the
largest French-speaking cities
of your concept”
in the world outside France, it
blends the history and culture
of Europe with the vitality of
modern North America.
Founded in 1642,
Montreal is probably the
only North American city
to acknowledge the role of
a woman in its creation.
Paul de Chomedey de
Maisonneuve and Jeanne
Mance are recognized as co-
founders. But Roman Catholic
missionaries also played a Verdigris domed churches
role, which explains why dominate the city
magnificent, verdigris-domed
churches dominate the city, other devotion – gastronomy.
creating historic reflections It has been said that there
in the modern glass towers are no bad restaurants here,
around them. because they simply could not
survive the demanding palates
Devoted to cuisine of the average Montrealer.
The landmark Place Ville “This is a foodie city;
Marie building in the city people eat out a lot so the
centre, an architectural gem competition is fierce. There
designed by I.M. Pei and are new concepts coming
Henry N. Cobb, is cruciform, out all the time,” says Peter
referencing that Christian Saunders, a Dublin-born chef
heritage. And if that isn’t who ran EVOO (now closed),
enough, a giant cross is a an innovative bistro in the
firm reminder of Montreal’s formerly industrial but now A smoked meat
beginnings. Brightly lit at chic Saint-Henri neighborhood. sandwich (top) is a
night, the cross sits atop Mont “The challenge is to keep fresh must-try in Montreal,
available from
Royal, an extinct volcano that and innovative within the Schwartz's (above),
rises in the center of the island boundaries of your concept.” established in 1928.
Another famous Quebec
of Montreal. But the streets Saunders has hit the dish, poutine (left)
below are filled with this city’s nail on the head; in this city,

Cold Coffee on Tap


keeping up with the latest

trends can be exhausting.
Vegetarian cuisine has
Vegetarian cuisine has also taken off. According
also taken off. According to to Tourisme Montreal,
Tourisme Montreal, today
the city has 10 times as many
today the city has 10
meat-free eateries as there times as many meat-free
were a 15 years ago, and most eateries as there were a
mainstream restaurants now
offer vegan or vegetarian
15 years ago, and most
options. Even Joe Beef, mainstream restaurants
a restaurant named for a now offer vegan or
legendary tavern owner, will
serve a vegan wild mushroom
vegetarian options
pasta for those averse to
foie gras or cured ham with
truffles. Few taverns serve
such delicacies, but this city is
all about bringing the French
touch to the art of gastronomy,
even in a tavern.
Bowhead Pub is
Montreal’s first completely
plant-based pub. It offers
pub-style comfort food and
drinks menu that is 100%
plant based. Bowhead is a
community where non-meat Montreal is one of the largest
eaters and the most hardcore French-speaking cities outside France
meat-eaters can mingle and
enjoy all that a conventional truck (see below). It now has
pub has to offer. It aims to six restaurants around the city
offer a space where people and its specialty is the Middle
can be loud, watch the game, Eastern favorite falafel.
and enjoy a night out without
consuming animal products. Gourmet street food
A contemporary take Montreal offers a huge
on Vegan food is offered advantage to the gourmand:
by Tendresse. Its striking, superb cuisine at North
colourful decor exemplifies American prices. This is
the creativity infused in especially true of food trucks.
everything they do. Signature Illegal until 2013, these have
cocktails, made with fresh multiplied rapidly since and
juice, could almost be have played an important role
described as nourishing. The during the Covid-19 pandemic
food is inventive and vegetable when restrictions were placed
centered, influenced by on indoor dining. With its strong French
links gastronomy is
several cuisines. The Association des important to the food
The vegetarian chain, La restaurateurs de rue du scene in Montreal. The
cultural life is considered
Panthère Verte/The Green Québec (ARRQ) has been just as nourishing
Panther, started life as a food mandated by the city to


take over the scheduling of

all food trucks. The ARRQ
“Montreal’s restaurant
works closely with the City of scene is a dynamic
Montreal and fans of street diversity. Customers
eats can check the Street Food
Montreal website (mtl.org).
are looking for the
During the warmer months next new thing, new
that comprise the food truck food, new cocktail… To
season the site is updated
with information on Montreal
attract the foodies, new
street food. There’s even a entrepreneurs have to
detailed map that’s updated on use imagination in their
a daily basis with information
about the whereabouts of your
design and atmosphere”
favourite food trucks at any
given moment.
As seen with La Panthère
Verte/The Green Panther,
food truck success has led to
restaurant openings. Another
example is Le Gras Dur, which
ran three trucks – one serving
schnitzel, one hamburger
and one poutine. It now has Food trucks were
permanent quarters serving forbidden in Montreal
until 2013. During the
all three in one place. pandemic they came
However, while they into their own when
there were restrictions
may, as the restaurant name Design is dear to the heart on indoor dining
implies, be heavily into fat, the of Montreal locals
care in their creation takes
these offerings up a notch. a food moment. To attract the as its hub, it is home to nearly school and LEED certified
The burger is made with fresh foodies, new entrepreneurs 80 other cultural venues, performance venue dominate
ground beef and comes in a have to use imagination in including Place des Festivals Cité des Arts du Cirque.
pretzel bun, the poutine might their design and atmosphere.” and Promenade des Artistes. But, as anyone who has seen
be topped with sauerkraut and Here too is the Musée d’art one of Cirque de Soleil’s
schnitzel, and dessert might Driven by design contemporain de Montreal, presentations can attest, these
be Guinness ice cream or It’s not surprising that design which presents exhibitions are not traditional three-ring
maple syrup pudding. is important to locals. In 2006, devoted to outstanding and circuses. Everything from
Guillaume Lussan of Montreal was designated relevant current artists who the original musical scores
equipment manufacturer a UNESCO City of Design. provide their own, particular to the unique costumes and
Doyon Després stresses Spend any time here and it is insight into society through presentations are a testament
the merit of originality in clear that style and a unique digital and sound works, to creativity.
attracting the next generation vision are part of its DNA. installations, paintings, Indeed, with ground-
of foodies. “Montreal’s Montreal has focused on sculptures, ephemeral pieces breaking design, insightful
restaurant scene is a dynamic designing approachable public and more. art, innovative entertainment
diversity. Customers are spaces throughout the city This city is, somewhat and superb cuisine – Montreal
looking for the next new that are both functional and surprisingly, also home to is one of the few cities in the
thing, new food, new cocktail,” extraordinarily appealing. A four circus-based companies world that could authentically
he explains. “Even beyond good example is the Quartier including the ground- be said to offer both bread
innovative cuisine, customers des Spectacles. With the five breaking Cirque de Soleil – from fabulous French
are looking for an experience – concert halls of Place des Arts and Cirque Éloize. A circus patisseries – and circuses.

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EDITOR'S PICK Explore Montreal with recommendations from Tina Nielsen

Make the most of your time in the

magnificent city of Montreal, the largest city Visit the Botanical Gardens
in Quebec. Whether you are interested in A collection of 75 hectares of thematic gardens
history and architecture or indulgence and and greenhouses. Bonsai trees, koi ponds and
leisure, there’s something for everyone. herb gardens all feature in this popular space.
Dubbed a National Historical Site since 2008, its
Here are five suggestions for activities impressive botanical collection is made up of
you can enjoy away from the FCSI The more than 22,000 different plant species.
Americas Conference. espacepourlavie.ca/en/botanical-garden

Take a walk
Get to know the city of Montreal
with a local guide and discover
the places off the beaten track
for regular tourists. Explore the
city with a local resident who
will share their favorite spots
along with all the must-visit
sites in Montreal.

Tee off for an afternoon

of golf
Wind down on the golf course. There are
six superb golf courses on the island
of Montreal and more within driving
distance. Head to Club de Golf de l'Île de Treat yourself in the spa
Montreal to try out two championship Rest, recover and re-energize at one of the city’s top spas.
golf courses: The Ireland links course Minutes from downtown Montreal is the Strøm Spa Nordique
has three double greens, pot bunker on Nun’s Island. Enjoy the facilities, including outdoor whirlpools,
sand traps and dunes, rising 50 feet and hot and cold baths, Finnish saunas, eucalyptus steam bath, thermal
The Island Course, recognized by Golf and Nordic waterfalls as well as indoor and outdoor relaxation
Illustrated magazine as being the second areas with fireplaces. Complete the experience with a gastronomic
most beautiful public course in Quebec. experience in Nord restaurant.
cgimgolf.com stromspa.com/ile-des-soeurs

Take in the arts

Montreal has a lot to offer in the art space and many museums to
explore, the Museum of Fine Arts being among the best. Permanent
collections include International contemporary art, The arts of one
world and the sculpture garden. Guided visits are available to those
who are interested in learning more about the pieces on display.

t o o ( C o r re c
T h a p o ime o
u r s t at the t
n k n s o f print)
you rs

April 21–23, 2022. Montréal, Canada
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Cook-Chill | Sous Vide | Packaging Solutions

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