Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2009/0137170 A1

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US 20090 137170A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2009/0137170 A1
Luoni et al. (43) Pub. Date: May 28, 2009
(54) NON-WOVEN COLOUR-CATCHER FABRIC (30) Foreign Application Priority Data
Feb. 1, 2006 (IT) ........................... VA/2006/AFOOO6
(75) Inventors: Marco Luoni, Busto Arsizio (VA)
(IT): Giuseppe Li Bassi, Gavirate Publication Classification
(Va) (IT)
(51) Int. C.
Correspondence Address: B32B5/02 (2006.01)
PAUL S MADAN D6M 5/423 (2006.01)
HOUSTON, TX 77.057-5662 (US) (52) U.S. Cl. ................................. 442/71; 8/115.6; 8/636
(73) Assignee: LAMBERTISPA, Albizzate (VA)

(21) Appl. No.: 12/162,557 Procedure for preparing a non-woven colour-catcher fabric
comprising the following steps: a) acationic dye sequestering
(22) PCT Fled: Jan. 29, 2007 agent is applied on a non-woven fabric; b) the non-woven
fabric is dried at a temperature comprised between 120 and
(86) PCT NO.: PCT/EP2007/050824 180°C.; c) a printing paste comprising an anionic polyacrylic
dispersant or a Sulfonated aromatic-formaldehyde condensa
S371 (c)(1), tion product having dispersing properties is applied on the
(2), (4) Date: Jul. 29, 2008 non-woven fabric by printing technique.
US 2009/O 1371 70 A1 May 28, 2009

NON-WOVEN COLOUR-CATCHER FABRIC agent) and perfect control of the completeness of the cross
AND METHOD FOR ITS PREPARATION linking reaction, which takes place by heating the Support.
0015. It has now been found that it is possible to prepare a
TECHNICAL FIELD non-woven colour-catcher fabric by treating a non-woven
fabric with a cationic sequestering agent, particularly a cat
0001. The present invention relates to a colour-catcher ionic polymer, and Subsequently applying on its surface, by
non-woven fabric printing technique, an anionic polymeric dispersing agent.
0002 that can be added to the washing liquor while clothes 0016. The non-woven colour-catcher fabric prepared by
are laundered in order to prevent the redeposition of released the procedure of the present invention is particularly efficient
dyes on clothes. and avoids the migration of the cationic sequestering agent
0003. The invention also relates to a method for the prepa onto the clothes during washing.
ration of the a colour-catcher non-woven fabric. 0017. It is supposed that the dispersing agent applied by
printing technique, keeps dispersed in the wash liquor the
BACKGROUND ART traces of dyes that the cationic dye sequestering agent could
not sequester and also prevents fixing on clothes of the Small
0004. The problem of undesired discoloration of garments amount of sequestering agent possibly delivered from the
and linen is well known in home and industrial laundering; non-woven fabric, that would cause their undesired discol
discoloration originates from the disassociation from clothes oration.
and migration to water of some amount of dye, and absorption
of dyes on other clothes having a lighter or different colour. DISCLOSURE OF INVENTION
0005 Prior attempts to solve this problem have been
directed toward better fixing dyes on fabrics, avoiding simul 0018. It is therefore an object of the present invention a
taneous washing of clothes of different colours, adding to the procedure for rendering a non woven fabric capable of
wash liquor, mainly through the washing powder, a dye absorbing dyes comprising the following steps: a) a cationic
sequestering agent. dye sequestering agent is applied on a non-woven fabric; b)
0006. During the last years, the use in washing machines the non-woven fabric is dried at a temperature comprised
of specifically treated textile or cellulosic articles as colour between 120 and 180° C.; c) a printing paste comprising an
Scavengers (colour-catchers) to avoid redeposition of dyes anionic polyacrylic dispersantora Sulfonated aromatic-form
onto clothes has became more and more widespread. aldehyde condensation product having dispersing properties
0007 Among the oldest patents related to colour scaveng is applied on the non-woven fabric by printing technique.
ing articles, we cite U.S. Pat. No. 4,380,453 and IE 80829: 0019. It is another object of the present invention a non
they describe textile substrates treated with quaternary woven colour-catcher fabric containing a cationic dye
ammonium salts, and in particular with glycidyl trimethyl sequestering agent characterised by the fact that its Surface is
ammonium chloride, and their use as dye sequestering agents. treated with a printing paste comprising an anionic poly
acrylic dispersant or a sulfonated aromatic-formaldehyde
0008 U.S. Pat. No. 4,380,453 describes the preparation of condensation product having dispersing properties.
the cloth by cold dipping padding; this type of preparation is 0020. The invention further relates to a printing paste com
rather cumbersome and tedious and the cloth is not particu prising an anionic polyacrylic dispersant or a Sulfonated aro
larly suited for repeated use. matic-formaldehyde condensation product having dispersing
0009. The process of IE 80829 requires a dipping treat properties.
ment of the cloth, and, also, a heating step at a temperature 0021 Best results were obtained by using a polymeric
comprised between 30 and 40° C. under specific pressure, cationic dye sequestering agent, and in particular a non
centrifugation, a further immersion of the cloth in an acidic crosslinked imidazole-epichlorohydrin copolymer having
bath, another step in which the cloth is subjected to pressure molecular weight lower than 10,000 as the polymeric cationic
and final drying. dye sequestering agent.
0010 U.S. Pat. No. 5,698,476 describes a dye scavenging 0022. More preferably, useful non-crosslinked imidazole
article comprising a dye absorber and a dye transfer inhibitor epichlorohydrin copolymers have molecular weight (M)
that is delivered up from the support matrix to the wash liquor, from 2,000 to 8,000 dalton, as determined by GPC (eluent
acting as a dye Suspending agent. 0.10 M. NaSO, column Ultrahydrogel Millipore, detector
0011. The use of cationic polymers as dye sequestering based on refractive index and differential viscosimetry)
agents is well known in the art, and their drawbacks too. 0023. When a non-crosslinked imidazole-epichlorohydrin
0012. The main disadvantage of cationic polymers is gen copolymer is used as the polymeric cationic dye sequestering
erally their solubility in water, together with their tendency to agent, the method by which it is applied to the non-woven
be absorbed on clothes, where sequestered dyes become defi fabric in step a) does not affect the efficacy of the final article:
nitely fixed. that is, in Step a) the dye sequestering agent can be applied by
0013 To obviate this problem, it has been proposed to padding or by exhaustion, provided that the non-woven fabric
chemically or physically link the polymer by means of cross has linked the maximum possible amount of dye sequestering
linking to the colour-catcher article, thus rendering it agent; it was nevertheless noticed that it is preferably to
insoluble, as described for example in U.S. Pat. No. 6,833, perform step a) by hexaustion using a beam dying machine, to
336 and U.S. Pat. No. 6,887,524. preserve the non-woven fabric from any damage and dimen
0014. Unfortunately, the procedure for the preparation of sional deformations.
the colour-catcher article of U.S. Pat. No. 6,833,336 is prob 0024. The beam dyeing machine is a discontinuous dyeing
lematic, as it is remarked in U.S. Pat. No. 6,887.524; the machine in full width, essentially made of an autoclave,
procedure of U.S. Pat. No. 6,887,524 requires two successive inside which the goods to treat is filled after rolling on a
treatments (with the polymer and with the cross-linking drilled beam.
US 2009/O 1371 70 A1 May 28, 2009

0.025 Thanks to special packing and pump the dyeing 0038. The printing paste is normally applied only on one
liquor is forced to pass through the goods. The flow could be of the two sides of the fabric.
from exterior to interior and/or the opposite. 0039. The coverage of the printed side can be full or partial
0026 Regarding the present invention it is preferred to and shall be at least 30%, assuming the colour-catcher is
workforcing the bath from exterior to interior only so that the 0.24x0.15 m wide and is used to preserve from discoloration
non-woven is always pressed to the metallic beam, avoiding 2 Kg of clothes.
in Such way excessive tension on the goods. 0040 Any traditional printing technique can be used, such
0027. The non-crosslinked imidazole-epichlorohydrin as for example silk printing or rotary printing.
copolymer is preferably applied on the non-woven fabric in 0041. The printing paste contains from 1 to 10% by weight
the form of an aqueous solution at a concentration of from 1 of anionic polyacrylic dispersant or of Sulfonated aromatic
to 8% by weight on the weight of the non-woven fabric. formaldehyde condensation product having dispersing prop
0028 Preferably, an inorganic strong base, such as 30% erties and it also contains water, a thickenerand from 8 to 20%
aqueous NaOH, is added to the aqueous solution to increase by weight of an acrylic binder.
the pH and to help fixing the copolymer to the fabric; from 0042. The acrylic binder is preferably a polyethylacrylate,
about 1 to about 10% of 30% aq. NaOH on the weight of
non-woven fabric or equivalent amount of different strong the thickenera cross-linked polyacrylate.
base can be used. 0043 Printing is normally performed by rotary printing
0029. In step a), when the beam dying machine is used, the machine (as Stork or similar).
weight ratio between the amount of aqueous solution and the 0044) The viscosity of the printing paste of step c) accord
non-woven fabric is from 10 to 30; the temperature ranges ing to the invention shall be comprised between 8,000 and
between 40 and 60° C. and the treatment is performed for 15 15,000 mPas.
to 120 minutes. 0045 Advantageously, the printing paste also comprises
0030 Preferably, after the application of the sequestering from 1 to 5% by weight of a non polymeric dispersing agent,
agent, step a) also comprises a washing and neutralising step, such as EDTA; nonetheless, it was observed that by using a
which advantageously is carried out with a diluted aqueous printing paste containing EDTA as the sole ingredient with
Solution of acetic acid. dispersing properties, it is not possible to obtain a colour
0031 Neutralisation avoids yellowing of the non-woven catcher article having the same performance of the colour
fabric during the drying of step b). catcher of the invention.
0032 Excess of water is removed from the non-woven 0046. It is supposed that the anionic polymeric dispersing
fabric by step b); preferably, drying is accomplishing in a agentis more efficient in blocking the residues of cationic dye
convection oven for 1-10 minutes. sequestering agent which are not linked to the non-woven
0033. The anionic polyacrylic dispersant useful for the
realisation of the present invention is preferably obtained by 0047. The non-woven fabric useful for the realisation of
copolymerising acrylic acid and/or methacrylic with a mono the present invention is a cellulosic fabric; preferably it is a
mer containing a strongly acidic group, such as a Sulfonic viscose or LyocellR fabric and has a weight of 20-200 g/m.
group, and has molecular weight (M) comprised between 0048. It is also possible to use the procedure of the inven
20,000 and 40,000 daltons (measured with a standard of tion for rendering a traditional, natural or regenerated, cellu
acrylic acid); Such anionic polyacrylic dispersant are com losic fabric capable of absorbing dyes, that is, it is possible to
mercially available and, for example, are sold by Lamberti use the procedure of the invention to prepare a woven colour
SpA. catcher fabric, although the use of non-wovens is preferred
0034 More preferably, the molar percentage of the mono for economical reasons.
mer containing a Sulfonic group is comprised between 3 and 0049 According to a particular embodiment of the inven
20%; best results within this range were obtained by using as tion, in step c) from 10 to 30 g/m of total dried matter
the anionic polyacrylic dispersant a copolymer of acrylic including from 1 to 6 g/m of anionic polymeric dispersing
acid, methacrylic acid and 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-pro agent are applied on the non-woven fabric.
panesulfonic acid. 0050. During step c) it is possible to print on the non
0035) Sulfonated aromatic-formaldehyde condensation woven fabric a decorative pattern which is optionally evi
product having dispersing properties are also available on the denced by laundering, by adding to the printing paste a “fugi
market, and are generally prepared by reacting a sulfonated tive dyestuff, a dye that disappears on laundering; the dyes
aromatic compound (such as naphthalene Sulfonic acids, absorbed by the non-woven fabric become fixed only where
naphthol Sulfonic acids, alkylated naphthalene and alkylated the Surface is not treated with the printing paste, thus showing
naphthol Sulfonic acids, as well as toluene Sulfonic acids, the effectiveness of the colour-catcher of the invention.
benzene Sulfonic acids, phenol Sulfonic acids, and the like) 0051. After printing, the non-woven fabric is dried at a
with formaldehyde to form a condensation product which is temperature comprised between 30 and 150°C., preferably at
neutralised or rendered alkaline by the addition of an aqueous about 130° C.
solution of sodium hydroxide. 0052. The non-woven fabric of the invention is character
0036 Among the commercially available sulfonated aro ised by the fact that it contains a cationic dye sequestering
matic-formaldehyde condensation product having dispersing agent, preferably a polymeric cationic dye sequestering
properties which are useful for the realisation of the present agent, and by the fact that its Surface is treated with a printing
invention we cite Setamol(RWS, sold by BASF. paste comprising an anionic polyacrylic dispersant or a Sul
0037. The printing paste of step c) preferably contains an fonated aromatic-formaldehyde condensation product hav
anionic polyacrylic dispersant. ing dispersing properties.
US 2009/O 1371 70 A1 May 28, 2009

0053 Preferably, the polymeric cationic dye sequestering EXAMPLE 3

agent is a non-crosslinked imidazole-epichlorohydrin Preparation of the Printing Paste P3
copolymer and the printing paste comprises an anionic poly
acrylic dispersant, as described above. 0061 The following ingredients (pp parts by weight) are
mixed in the order:
0054. It is a further object of the present invention a print
ing paste comprising from 1 to 10% by weight of an anionic
polyacrylic dispersant, preferably a copolymer of acrylic
acid, methacrylic acid and 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-pro Water
binder of Ex. 1
430 pp
428 pp
panesulfonic acid, an acrylic binder, a thickening agent and anionic polyacrylic dispersant of Ex. 1 85 pp
water and having Brookfield viscosity of from 8,000 to disodium EDTA 57 pp
15,000 mPas. acrylic thickener q.S. to obtain a viscosity
of 13,000 mPa *s
0055. The performance of a 0.05 m wide non-woven Tintex B 7 pp
colour-catcher fabric of the invention was evaluated by com
paring it with commercially available colour-catcher articles 0062. The printing paste P3 is obtained.
having same dimensions, by dying with a laboratory machin
ery, for 30 minute at 40° C., 0.05 m wide white multifiber EXAMPLE 4
fabric, in water containing 0.2 g/l of a violet or blue dye. Preparation of a Comparative Printing Paste
0056. The performance of the non-woven colour catcher 0063. The following ingredients (pp parts by weight) are
fabric of the invention was found to be similar to the perfor mixed in the order:
mance of the best colour-catcher articles.

Water 430 pp
binder of Ex. 1 428 pp
Preparation of the Printing Paste P1 disodium EDTA 57 pp
acrylic thickener q.S. to obtain a viscosity
0057 The following ingredients (pp-parts by weight) are of 13,000 mPa *s
Tintex B 7 pp
mixed in the order:

0064. The comparative printing paste P4 is obtained.

Water 600 pp EXAMPLE 5
binder 300 pp
anionic polyacrylic dispersant 60 pp Preparation of a Non-Woven Colour Catcher Fabric
disodium EDTA 40 pp According to the Invention
acrylic thickener 45 pp 0065. An aqueous solution containing 4% by weight
Tintex B 20 pp
(based on the weight of the non-woven fabric) of a 25% by
weight imidazole-epichlorohydrin copolymer and 0.5 g/l of
(the binder is an acrylic binder, and in particular a 45% by Biorol JK (cquickly biodegradable nonionic low foaming wet
weight polyethylacrylate; the anionic polyacrylic dispersant ting agent sold by Lamberti SpA) is prepared.
is a copolymer of acrylic acid, methacrylic acid and 2-acry 0066. The solution is charged into the beam dyeing
lamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid, 35% of dried mat machine, and heated at 50° C. and a non-woven Lyocell R.
ter; Tintex is a fugitive dyestuff sold by Lamberti SpA). fabric (70 g/m) is treated for 15 minutes.
0058. The printing paste P1 is obtained, having Brookfield 0067 Slowly, 4% by weight (based on the weight of the
viscosity of 8,500 mPas. non-woven fabric) of 36 Bé NaOH is added to the solution.
The temperature is maintained at 50° C. for 10 more minutes,
the bath is discharged and the non-woven fabric is washed
EXAMPLE 2 with water containing acetic acid.
0068. The non-woven fabric is dried at 180° and printed
Preparation of the Printing Paste P2 (coverage 50%) with a Stork printing rotary screen (60 mesh)
with the printing paste P3 (dried matter applied: 16 g/m,
0059. The following ingredients (pp-parts by weight) are printing paste applied 70 g/m).
mixed in the order: 0069. The non-woven fabric is dried at 130° C. and the
colour-catcher A is obtained.
Water 600 pp Preparation of a Comparative Non-Woven Colour
binder of Ex. 1 300 pp
anionic polyacrylic dispersant of Ex. 1 60 pp Catcher Fabric
disodium EDTA 40 pp 0070 The procedure of Example 5 is repeated, but using
acrylic thickener 150 pp
fugitive dyestuff 20 pp the comparative printing paste P4 instead of P3.
0060. The printing paste P2 is obtained, having Brookfield 0071. The performances of the colour-catcher A (accord
viscosity of 15,600 mPas. ing to the invention) and of the comparative colour-catcher of
US 2009/O 1371 70 A1 May 28, 2009

Example 6 are evaluated, both with a direct violet dye and has molecular weight of from about 20,000 to about 40,000
with a blue direct dye, as previously described. Daltons.
0072. It is observed that the colour-catcher A maintains 24. The method of claim 23, wherein the anionic poly
perfectly white the multifiber fabric in the washing bowls, acrylic dispersant is a copolymer of acrylic acid, methacrylic
while, when the colour-catcher of Example 6 is used, a light acid and 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid and
shade irregularly coloured multifiber fabric is recovered. the molar percentage of the monomer containing a Sulfonic
group is from about 3 to about 20%.
EXAMPLE 8 25. A non-woven color-catcher fabric containing a cationic
dye sequestering agent wherein the Surface of the non-woven
0073. Two flannel fabrics (100% cotton, 7g) are dyed with color catcher fabric is treated with a printing paste comprising
two solutions (water with hardness 30°F) containing 0.06 g/1 an anionic polyacrylic dispersant or a Sulfonated aromatic
of Direct Violet (C.I. 47); in one of the two solutions a 0.3 g formaldehyde condensation product.
colour catcher, prepared as described in Example 3, is also 26. The non-woven color-catcher fabric of claim 25
present. Dying is accomplished at 40°C. for 20 minutes. wherein the cationic dye sequestering agent is polymeric.
0074 At the end of the treatment the dyeing yield was 27. The non-woven color-catcher fabric of claim 26
compared, assuming as 100% the shade obtained on the fabric wherein the polymeric cationic dye sequestering agent is a
dyed without the colour catcher sample. non-crosslinked imidazole-epichlorohydrin copolymer.
0075. The flannel fabric dyed jointly with the colour 28. The non-woven color-catcher fabric of claim 27
catcher had 53% in yield respect to the one dyed without wherein the printing paste comprises an anionic polyacrylic
colour catcher; this means that 47% of the available dyestuff dispersant.
was adsorbed by the little colour catcher sample. 29. The non-woven color-catcher fabric of claim 28
0076. The chromatic yield measure was done by a “Data wherein the anionic polyacrylic dispersant is obtained by
color colour match at 540 nm wavelength (which is the copolymerizing acrylic acid and/or methacrylic acid with a
highest absorbance wavelength for this kind of dyestuff). monomer containing a Sulfonic group, and has molecular
1-16. (canceled) weight of from about 20,000 to about 40,000 Daltons.
17. A method for rendering a non woven fabric capable of 30. The non-woven color-catcher fabric of claim 29,
absorbing dyes comprising: wherein the anionic polyacrylic dispersant is a copolymer of
a cationic dye sequestering agent is applied on a non acrylic acid, methacrylic acid and 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-
woven fabric; propanesulfonic acid and the molar percentage of the mono
the non-woven fabric is dried at a temperature of from mercontaining a sulfonic group is from about 3 to about 20%.
about 120 to about 180° C.; and 31. A printing paste comprising:
a printing paste comprising an anionic polyacrylic dispers from about to about 10% by weight of an anionic poly
ant or a sulfonated aromatic-formaldehyde condensa acrylic dispersant, or about 1 to about 10% by weight of
tion product having dispersing properties is applied on a Sulfonated aromatic-formaldehyde condensation
the non-woven fabric by printing technique. product having dispersing properties;
18. The method of claim 17, wherein the cationic dye from about 8 to about 20% by weight of an acrylic binder;
sequestering agent is polymeric. a thickener, and
19. The method of claim 18, wherein the polymeric cat Water.
ionic dye sequestering agent is a non-crosslinked imidazole 32. The printing paste of claim 31 comprising:
epichlorohydrin copolymer. from about 1 to about 10% by weight of an anionic poly
20. The method of claim 19, wherein the copolymer is used acrylic dispersant;
in the form of an aqueous Solution. from about 8 to about 20% by weight of an acrylic binder;
21. The method of claim 20, wherein excess of water is a thickener, and
removed from the non-woven fabric by drying the non-woven Water.
fabric in a convection oven for from about 1 to about 10 33. The printing paste of claim 31 comprising:
minutes. from about 1 to about 10% by weight of a sulfonated
22. The method of claim 19, wherein the printing paste aromatic-formaldehyde condensation product having
comprises an anionic polyacrylic dispersant. dispersing properties;
23. The method of claim 22, wherein the anionic poly from about 8 to about 20% by weight of an acrylic binder;
acrylic dispersant is: a thickener, and
obtained by copolymerizing acrylic acid and/or meth Water.
acrylic acid with a monomer containing a Sulfonic
group; and

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