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Issue No.

Issue No. 31

Environmental Protection

enviro news Issue No. 31

enviro news
Environmental Protection
Issue No. 31

General Manager, Omar S. Abdulhamid

Enviro News Editorial Board

Chairman, Nassir T. Al-Harbi
Ali Qasem
Salman Al-Dossari
Hussain Aseeri
Mohammad Hajri
Ziad Hawi
Jumaan Qahtani
Rana M. Al-Ghamdi
Marcos Mancilla
For questions, comments or any other inquiries regarding Enviro News,
please contact Rana M. Al-Ghamdi at [email protected] or call
(013) 880-0491

© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2021

Horizons 05 In Depth 21
Yanbu’ Refinery Water Conservation Should We Feed Stray Cats?
Initiative: 0.5 million cubic meters per
year of wastewater Feeding feral cats will increase their
chances of survival. Obviously, this is our
YRD’s latest wastewater reuse initiative, intention, but this also means that well fed
has successfully led to the reuse of 0.5 cats will produce more kittens, a lot more
million cubic meters of wastewater per kittens. 22
year. 06
Groundwater Vulnerability to Pollution
The Story Behind Acrylamide: How (DRASTIC Method)
safe is your food?
Groundwater is a valuable nonrenewable
Acrylamide (or acrylic amide) is a chemical resource that needs to be protected,
substance, a naturally occurring by- through collecting data to establish control
product organic compound in a high measures for preserving and protecting it 28
variety of foods. 10
Water Sustainability Matters:
Products from Carbon Dioxide Successful water conservation
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is composed of initiative story
one carbon and two oxygen atoms. In the Water scarcity in the Kingdom of Saudi
atmosphere, CO2 is emitted from both Arabia is considered one of the Kingdom’s
natural and anthropogenic (man-made) main environmental challenges due to
sources. 12 the depletion of non-renewable water
resources. 34
Moving from a Linear to a Circular
Carbon Economy: Saudi Aramco Health Risks of Mobile Phone
innovation is where the rubber meets Technology
the road
This article explains why the radio
Embracing the concept of a Circular frequency energy from mobile phones
Carbon Economy and the goals set forth does not pose health risks. From the very
in Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, Saudi inception of mobile phone technology,
Aramco puts into action an innovation there have been unfounded concerns in
that transforms the waste produced by this regard and this has increased with
used tires to help build up the Kingdom’s wthe advent of 5G. 36
highways. 16
In Focus 41 EP Conducted Two Training Workshops for
45 SAGB School Inspectors 48
EP Hosts Health, Safety & Environment Revisions to Saudi Aramco Environmental
Awareness Campaign 42 Health Code 48
EP Representative Teaches the Heart Saver
Course to Technical Services Employees 42

EP Participates in Seven Cohorts of the

Saudi Aramco Talent Essentials Program 42

EP Hosts Environmental Discussion

Workshop for Managers 43

EP Delivers Environmental, Community

Health Messaging at Key Workshop
Gathering J.V. Partners 43

Save the Asir Magpie Launch Campaign 44

EP Develops an Asir Magpie Habitat Model 44

EP Participates in the WRDD 2019

Environmental Awareness Campaign at
Abha 44

EP Participation at Schlumberger
Contractor HSE Forum 45

Corporate Website Biodiversity Portal Fills a

Key Gap 46

Mangrove Rehabilitation Project in Jazan

Economic City (JEC) 46

EP Participated in Sustainability Reporting

Standard Development for Oil and Gas 47

COP25 Summit and Sidelines Presentations 48

Biodiversity Protection Area at Abha

celebrated in the Arabian Sun 48
Environmental Protection

a message from
Omar S. Abdulhamid
EP General Manager

Environmental Protection decisions, which take into account We aim to continue to build
continues to deliver world-class the many challenges faced by successful long-term relationships
quality services aiming to enhance environmental entities within the with our customers and
environmental performance, meet energy sector. This is why the EP stakeholders, as they are the key
expectations, and achieve the does not work alone, but through to knowledge sharing and to
Company goals. collaboration and communication our acceleration. They are our
with various organizations within partners, helping us to achieve
Our people are our most valued the Company, enabling the environmental compliance,
asset and we strive to support Company to succeed in achieving stewardship, and the protection
them by providing them with its vision. of our most valuable natural
the best training, committing resources.
to their safety in the workplace, We strive to have the right Key
encouraging innovation, and Performance Indicators (KPIs), the
investing in technology to enrich right tools, the right targets, and
Saudi Aramco’s business and the right people. These efforts
help solve major environmental demonstrate the Company’s
problems. commitment and high level of
accountability, which is one of
As leaders, we also need to make Saudi Aramco’s corporate values.
sure that we make well informed

Issue No. 31

Environmental Protection


Issue No. 31

Yanbu’ Refinery Water

Conservation Initiative: 0.5
million cubic meters per year of
Raad B. Mulla and Venugopalaraju B. Sampathirao , Yanbu’ Refinery Department
“Water is a priceless treasure, Corporate Water Conservation Marafiq, the Utility Company
so save it with pleasure!” is the policy, YRD accorded the highest in Yanbu’ Industrial City, and
Yanbu’ Refinery Department priority to its water conservation returns wastewater generated
(YRD) Environmental Team motto, strategy, which focuses on from refinery operations back to
which captures the Company’s optimizing water consumption Marafiq.
drive and sprit regarding this and maximizing wastewater reuse.
blissful resource. Saudi Aramco Since 2016, YRD has developed its In an effort to achieve
is committed to the conservation Water Conservation Roadmap in YRD’s ambitious targets,
of water resources to minimize collaboration with EP using high a comprehensive Water
the pressure on nonrenewable impact initiatives. These initiatives Conservation gap analysis was
groundwater and maximize its have resulted in a 40% reduction conducted in 2016, which resulted
availability for future generations. in water consumption at the in a significant opportunity to
The Company strives to minimize refinery, as illustrated below in reuse wastewater from the Sour
its use of groundwater through Figure 1. Water Stripping (SWS) unit.
the optimization of water The gap analysis revealed that
consumption, minimization This article discusses YRD’s latest approximately 17% of treated
of water loss, maximizing wastewater reuse initiative, sour water was not being
wastewater reuse, and by which has successfully led to effectively utilized in the refinery,
promoting the use of sustainable the reuse of 0.5 million cubic the excess water was being routed
alternatives to groundwater. meters of wastewater per year. through drains, and ultimately
It is worth mentioning that YRD returned back to Marafiq as
In alignment with a clearly defined receives its water supply from wastewater.

40% Reduction Future Targets


YRD Marafiq

2016 2018 2020 2022

Figure 1: YRD Water Use. Reference: Raad Mulla, Venugopalaraju Sampathirao, and Jitendra Ramani.
(January 24th, 2017). “YRD Wastewater Optimization Initiative in SWS.”

Environmental Protection

Figure 2: YRD Water Conservation Modifications (Problem). Reference: Raad Mulla, Venugopalaraju
Sampathirao, and Jitendra Ramani. (January 24th, 2017). “YRD Wastewater Optimization Initiative in SWS.”

The purpose of the SWS unit is similar to teapot heating. First, modifications were implemented
to treat the sour water generated sour water is fed to a teapot-like involving the installation of
in the refinery. The sour water drum called the Low Pressure new piping and changes to the
stripping process entails the (LP) sour water degassing drum. operation scheme were made
removal of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) The vapors that come out of the by re-routing the excess treated
and ammonia (NH3) from sour LP degassing drum are made up water to the crude unit desalter as
water streams, which are fed of light hydrocarbons containing washwater. Crude unit desalters
to the sour water stripper from H2S that are sent to the Sulfur are two-stage electric desalters
various plants at Yanbu’ Refinery. Recovery Unit (SRU). When the that remove sediment and salt
Treated water from SWS is then “teapot is ready,” the liquid from the crude oil charge. The
reused in the refinery process leftovers are skimmed off and desalter’s internals consist mainly
units, mainly in the Diesel Hydro- poured into small cup-like slops. of distributors and electrodes.
Treater (DHT), but also used in The remaining liquids inside this Water is added before the crude
the Naphtha Hydro-Treater (NHT), teapot-like drum are cooled and enters the desalters to help
Light Naphtha Hydro-Treater mainly transferred into the DHT, remove the salt from the crude oil.
(LNHT), and Isomerization (ISOM) which acts as a high-pressure A mixing valve disperses the water
units. cooker-like system. through the crude oil, which
dilutes the total salt content. The
The method through which H2S As part of the subject water electrodes generate an electric
and NH3 are removed in SWS is conservation initiative, field that causes the diluted

Issue No. 31

Figure 3: YRD Water Conservation Modifications (Solution). Reference: Raad Mulla, Venugopalaraju
Sampathirao, and Jitendra Ramani. (January 24th, 2017). “YRD Wastewater Optimization Initiative in SWS.”

saltwater droplets to combine Marafiq for treatment. organization.

into larger, heavier droplets,
which settle to the bottom of the 2. Reducing the refinery’s References
desalter. operating costs by lowering
process water purchases from 1. Kronenberger Kronenberge,
The project was commissioned Marafiq. D.L., Patterson, D.A., Pattison
successfully in 2019, enabling DA. “Troubleshooting the Refiner
Yanbu’ Refinery to reuse the 3. Participated indirectly in efforts Desalter Operation,” Performance;
excess wastewater, and therefore to reduce energy consumption (United States), 1986, 25:7.
saving an equivalent amount by 163 MW and 800 tons of
associated emissions from Marafiq 2. Yushiou Tsai, Sara Cohen,
of condensate water that was Richard M. Vogel. “The Impacts
originally used in the desalter. desalination plant.
of Water Conservation Strategies
In summary, some of benefits 4. Last but not least, this initiative on Water Use: Four Case Studies,”
captured by this initiative are: has encouraged YRD employees Journal of the American Water
to come up with additional water Resources Association, 2011 74:4,
1. Minimizing the transfer of 1370 conservation initiatives, promoting 687-701.
m3 per day of wastewater to a water conservation culture in the

Environmental Protection

) Photo Source: Shutterstock(

Issue No. 31

The Story Behind Acrylamide:

How safe is your food?
Hassan Alzain and Abdullah Al-Subaie, EP

Acrylamide (or acrylic amide) is a in sugars and an amino acid Food and Drug Administration
chemical substance, a naturally (asparagine) that are naturally and the majority of health and
occurring by-product organic found in foods. Under high regulatory bodies around the
compound discovered in a cooking temperatures, acrylamide globe have not reached definitive
large variety of foods during has been found principally in food conclusions regarding health
high-temperature cooking originating from plants that we risks associated with acrylamide
processes (above 120°C) such as eat in our day-to-day lives, such in foods. In addition, they do
grilling, baking, roasting, frying, as chips, coffee, cakes, cereals, not recommend that consumers
toasting, and similar cooking crisps, biscuits, root vegetables, alter their dietary habits in order
methods. Acrylamide in foods roasted potatoes, toast, almonds, to avoid the consumption of
was discovered in April 2002, and chocolates. Acrylamide is not acrylamide and advise consumers
by a group of Swedish scientists typically associated with seafood, not to panic and to live their lives
showcasing a scientific research meat products, raw plant-based as usual until further scientific
paper indicating the presence of foods, and foods cooked by toxicology studies of food surveys
the acrylamide compound, with steaming or boiling. Some foods, and exposure assessments are
the CH2=CHC(O)NH2 formula, such as potato chips, French fries, conducted and peer-reviewed
whenever foods are subjected to breakfast cereal, and toast contain on a global scale. Currently,
high levels of heat. Prior to the high volumes of acrylamide. innovative strategies are in-
Swedish scientific study, foods place to identify, establish, and
were not tested for acrylamide Acrylamide and Health implement methodologies to
since no one was aware of its Since the discovery of acrylamide reduce the volume of acrylamide
presence in foods under specific in foods in 2002, the potential in foods until further guidelines
circumstances. health impact and assessment are implemented by the scientific
of biological effects on humans community.
has significantly attracted
the attention of the scientific How to Reduce Acrylamide
community. Acrylamide, as a at Home
substance in general, is considered The United States Food and Drug
highly toxic in nature and is likely Administration and the Saudi Food
to be carcinogenic if consumed and Drug Authority recommend
Figure 1: shows the Acrylamide-2D- in high doses over a long period reducing the consumption of
skeletal and Acrylamide-3D-balls- of time. To date (as of 2019), acrylamide by ensuring that
modelling respectively (left to right). international epidemiological food is prepared in the following
studies suggest that acrylamide manner:
Acrylamide and Food consumption from foods in low
doses is highly unlikely to result • Follow cooking guidelines
Acrylamide has been present in any increase to people’s risk found on packaged food
in foods since humans started of developing cancer. The World labelling for foods such as
cooking, it forms from nutrients Health Organization, the U.S. potatoes, chips, and cakes in

Environmental Protection

Figure 2: shows French fries cooked until golden yellow in color and dark brown in color respectively (left to

Figure 3: shows slices of bread toasted until light brown in color and dark brown in color respectively (left to

order to cook these foods in over long periods of time or causes/acrylamide.html

healthy ways as stated by the in very high temperatures
manufacturer. Steaming and (above 120°C). Always ensure 2. European Food Safety
boiling of foods are safe food that food reaches a safe and Authority, (n.d.). Acrylamide in
cooking methodologies when desirable state within shorter Food. [Online] Available at: http://
compared to frying, grilling, cooking periods by cooking www.efsa.europa.eu/sites/default/
roasting, and baking. food in smaller quantities, files/corporate_publications/files/
rather than in larger quantities. acrylamide150604.pdf
• Do not over fry, toast, bake
or roast highly starchy foods. • Eat a healthy and well- 3. Food Standards Agency, (2018).
Cook French fries until they balanced diet that suits your Acrylamide. [Online] Available at:
turn a golden yellow color, dietary needs and always https://www.food.gov.uk/safety-
avoid dark brown color (see stay up-to date with the hygiene/acrylamide
Figure 2). Cook toast until latest awareness information 4. U.S. Food and Drug
it turns a light brown color, regarding acrylamide Administration, (2019).
avoid dark brown color (see consumption. Acrylamide Questions and
Figure 3). Very brown areas Answers. [Online] Available
should be avoided since they References
at: https://www.fda.gov/food/
contain the highest volume of 1. American Cancer Society, chemicals/acrylamide-questions-
acrylamide. (2019). Acrylamide and Cancer and-answers
• Acrylamide accumulates the Risk. [Online] Available at: https://
most when foods are cooked www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-

Issue No. 31

Products from Carbon Dioxide

Salman Aldossari,EP

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is composed Carbon dioxide, a key GHG that been by far the most important
of one carbon and two oxygen influences global climate change, driver. The 2015 Paris Agreement
atoms. In the atmosphere, CO2 is steadily increasing annually (416 provides a framework for
is emitted from both natural ppm in 2020) (1). Greenhouse stronger climate action to limit
and anthropogenic (man-made) gases trap heat and increase the increase in global average
sources. Natural sources include the global temperature. Human temperatures to well below 2°C
volcanos, decomposition, ocean activities are responsible for almost above pre-industrial levels. CO2
release and respiration. Man-made all of the increase in greenhouse use has the potential to play a
sources of carbon dioxide come gases in the atmosphere over vital role in reducing emissions as
mainly from burning of various the last 150 years. Although part of a broad portfolio of CO2
fossil fuels for power generation increased levels of carbon dioxide mitigation options. It has been
and transportation. The largest CO2 have negative health and shown to be a useful feedstock
source of greenhouse gas (GHG) environmental impacts, recently for a variety of industrial products.
emissions from human activities governments and industries have From fuel to concrete, CO2 is a
is from burning fossil fuels for shown renewed interest to utilize primary building block, a valuable
electricity, heat, and transportation CO2 for a number of reasons. commodity, which can be used
(Figure-1). Climate change mitigation has both directly and as a feedstock.

Globally, the primary sources of GHG emissions are electricity and heat (31%), transportation (15%),
agriculture (11%), forestry (6%) and manufacturing (12.4%). Energy production of all types accounts for
72% of all emissions.
Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (World Resources Institute, 2017).

Environmental Protection

Figure-2: CO2 utilization options

Hence came the concept of products are more mature than 2. Chemicals from CO2
carbon capture, utilization and others; some have greater carbon
storage (CCUS). reduction than others; some Reducing CO2 to its constituent
have larger total market potential components using catalysts and
CCU is the process of capturing than others; some have longer using chemical reactions to build
CO2 and recycling it back into sequestration vs. carbon recycling products, such as methanol, urea
different products. CCU offers (or upcycling) capabilities than (to use as fertilizer) or polymers
an opportunity to combat global others. This article will shed some (for use as durable products in
warming by reducing GHG light on some of the opportunities buildings or cars), could utilize
emissions from major industries. available to convert CO2 to a 0.3-0.6 GtCO2 a year in 2050, at
CCU aims to use the captured resource. costs of between -$80 to $300
CO2 for conversion into other
substances or products with 1. CO2- enhanced
higher economic value (e.g., hydrocarbon recovery
plastics, concrete, and biofuel)
while retaining the carbon CO2-enhanced oil recovery
neutrality of the production and enhanced oil recovery are
processes (2). The industry has been techniques in which captured
innovatively active in converting CO2 is compressed and injected
CO2 to products such as fuel, into oil and gas reservoirs to
plastics, concrete, and other forms maintain reservoir pressure and
of commodities using alternative increase production. Oil and gas
and renewable sources of energy. formations offer excellent near-
Below diagram illustrates the term potential for CO2 storage
many processes where captured because the geological conditions
CO2 can be beneficially utilized in that trap oil and gas are also Source: https://www.energy.gov/
the industry (Figure-2). conducive to long-term geologic fe/science-innovation/oil-gas-
storage of CO2. research/enhanced-oil-recovery
Some of these processes and

Issue No. 31

Source: http://llchemical.com/technology/

per ton of CO2. The industry is more interestingly, a building replace other plastics in these
advancing in this area; below block of polyester bottles and applications that are currently
are some chemicals that can be fibers. made from oil.
produced from waste CO2:
• Using novel catalysts to make • Producing polyurethane
• Using electricity and catalysts polypropylene carbonate foams. The German polymer
to make chemicals from from CO2. This plastic can be manufacturer Covestro started
carbon , e.g., glycol, a key used for coatings, adhesives, producing an innovative foam
component of anti-freeze and, foams and packaging and can component made of 20%.

Source: https://www.bioplasticsmagazine.com/en/news/meldungen/20160623-Covestro-opens-industrial-

Environmental Protection

CO2. updated to reflect a new (i) chemicals production, (ii)

requirement to seek alternative mineralization processes, and (iii)
3. Biofuel from CO2 carbon capture sequestration/ plastics and polymer production.
Use of CO2 from power plants utilization technologies that These areas are among the
or industrial applications to promote Circular Carbon Economy most promising in reducing CO2
grow algae/biomass. Algenol is (CCE) for new capital projects. emissions and offsetting capture
commercializing a technology costs.
Hawiyah Gas Plant is designed to
that produces ethanol and have the capability to capture and Reference
other fuels from algae. At the process 45 million standard cubic
company’s facilities in India and feet of CO2 at Hawiyah Gas Plant. 1. https://www.co2.earth/
Florida, their process allows algae The captured CO2 is then piped (Accessed May 27, 2020)
to convert sunlight, seawater 85 km to the ‘Uthmaniyah oil field 2. https://www.vox.
and waste CO2 into sugar much and injected into the oil reservoir, com/energy-and-
faster than through natural sequestering the gas while also environment/2019/9/4/20829431/
photosynthesis. The waste CO2 helping to maintain pressure in climate-change-carbon-capture-
is sourced from other industries. the reservoir and recover more oil. utilization-sequestration-ccu-ccs
Through fermentation, the sugar
Saudi Aramco is working closely (Accessed May 27, 2020)
is converted into ethanol and
biomass, which is further refined with industry partners through the 3. https://www.carbonbrief.org/
to green gasoline, jet fuel and Oil & Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) guest-post-10-ways-to-use-co2-
diesel. (4) to expedite the development and-how-they-compare (Accessed
of carbon capture, utilization May 27, 2020)
4. Construction Material and storage technologies and
other GHG solutions. Solidia® 4. https://goexplorer.org/algae-
As urbanization increases, CO2
technologies is one of OGCI’s based-biofuel-from-waste-co2/
can be used to “cure” cement, or
portfolio companies. Solidia has (Accessed May 27, 2020)
in the manufacture of aggregates.
developed patented systems for
Doing so stores some CO2 for 5 Yixin Shao (2014). Beneficial
producing lower emissions cement
the long term and could displace Use of Carbon Dioxide in Precast
and concrete cured with carbon
emissions-intensive conventional Concrete Production. U.S.
dioxide rather than water.
cement. Carbon utilization in Department of Energy National
the cement industry alone could In conclusion, although the Energy Technology Laboratory
consume more than 2 Mt CO2/ atmospheric concentration of CO2 Darin Damiani – FPM/COR.
year. This capture and utilization is steadily increasing annually and,
process can be extended to more in turn, showed negative health
precast products and will continue and environmental impacts, it
for years to come (5). has been shown to be a useful
feedstock for a variety of industrial
Examples of Saudi Aramco products. From fuel to concrete,
efforts in CCU CO2 is a primary building block,
Globally, approximately 230 a valuable commodity, which
million ton of CO2 is utilized can be used both directly and as
annually. Saudi Aramco has a feedstock. However, there are
embarked on several initiatives several problems and challenges
contributing to CCU: to overcome before such large-
scale utilization could be achieved.
Saudi Aramco Engineering Current advanced CO2 utilization
Procedure (SAEP-13) has been activities are in the areas of

Issue No. 31

Moving from a Linear to a Circular

Carbon Economy
Saudi Aramco innovation is where the rubber meets the
Nabil Hijazi, EP

Embracing the concept of a reducing tire stockpiles that are conveying the asphalt and rubber,
Circular Carbon Economy and the breeding grounds for a variety of as the crumb rubber was added
goals set forth in Saudi Arabia’s pests, such as mosquitoes and directly into the hot mix asphalt
Vision 2030, Saudi Aramco puts other insects. Tire stockpiles, are plant. The piloted section will
into action an innovation that a prime component of illegal be monitored throughout the
transforms the waste produced dumping and a source of air summer to ensure performance
by used tires to help build up the pollution when burned. and durability under extreme
Kingdom’s highways. weather conditions. Once
Adopting the principles of a approved, the new method will be
Each year, approximately 20 Circular Carbon Economy – included in Company standards
million waste tires are generated where carbon or its emissions are with subsequent outreach to
Kingdomwide, bringing with them reduced, reused, recycled, and the national stakeholders for
potential environmental and safety removed (4R), EP recently teamed Kingdomwide implementation.
concerns. Meanwhile, only about up with Consulting Services
5% of these tires are currently Department (CSD), Western
being reused in some form. Region Distribution Department Technology unlocks a
(WRDD), Distribution and Terminal remarkable recycled product
A new concept introduced by the Projects Department (D&TPD), and
Company is looking to transform the Transportation and Equipment AR is a special type of asphaltic
these waste tires into a resource. Services Department (T&ESD) to paving material in which more
The innovative concept is to complete a pilot. than 15% of the binder content
turn crumb rubber from the tires is crumb rubber from recycled
into a form of asphalt– asphalt A piloted section 160 meters long, waste tires. From a pavement
rubber (AR) for use in laying and 5 meters wide, and 7 centimeters engineering point of view, AR
maintaining roads. The innovation thick was used which included AR offers mechanical properties
is one of several projects under pavement with a rubber content that are superior to conventional
the Corporate Green Energy that was increased from the asphalts. As an example, AR has
Program led by EP. standard 10% of total asphalt better resistance to permanent
weight to 20%. deformation, yes, we are referring
Using recycled tires in asphalt
pavement has significant The AR mixture was produced to those annoying depressions
environmental benefits, in using an innovative “modified or grooves worn into the road by
addition to improved safety and dry mix method.” This method heavy haul trucks. AR has greater
reduced maintenance costs. AR allowed the team to eliminate resistance to oxidation, meaning
minimizes scrap tires, thereby the process of pre-blending and less cracking of roads. AR
pavements also help to reduce

Environmental Protection

This photograph shows a typical waste tires dump site. (Photo Source: Shutterstock )

Issue No. 31

Since the 1960s, asphalt mixture produced with recycled tire rubber modified bitumens have been used
in different parts of the world as solutions for different quality problems. Despite some, downsides, in the
majority of the cases they have demonstrated road pavement enhanced performance.

roadway noise produced by economic and technical aspects of using crumb rubber for road
traveling vehicles, they have a the challenge to discover the key construction at the North Jiddah
darker tone of black, and a shinier values and any possible obstacles Bulk Plant Expansion Project
appearance. for deploying a new process, provides an opportunity to employ
which is adds a high content of a sustainable construction method
Producing AR has its own crumb rubber in the binder (about in alignment with Sustainable
challenges since the high content 20%).  Development Goal (SDG) 12
of crumb rubber makes the “Responsible Consumption and
binder much more viscous than I worked to address all challenges Production.” The 17 SDGs, also
conventional bitumen. This of implementing this technology, known as the Global Goals, were
makes it difficult to handle with such as the limited local adopted by all United Nations
the equipment available in the market demand for used tires member states. in 2015 as a
Kingdom. To overcome this, and developing a new mixing universal call to action to end
Aramco engineers researched process. Personally, the effort poverty, protect the planet, and
and successfully developed an proved rewarding as I enhanced ensure that all people enjoy peace
innovative method to produce the my research skills in identifying and prosperity by 2030.
mix without major investments. problems and developing lists of
alternative solutions for technical References
An up close and personal challenges. 
look at the AR pavement Used Tires Recycling and
innovation One of the main solutions we Utilization in Saudi Arabia, King
identified was the dry process for Saud University, College of
Mohammed Rayes from the the asphalt mixing, which allowed Engineering, Project of CHE 496
Western Region Distribution us to avoid pumping issues faced & 497 Final Year Design Project
Department, a member of the with the wet process. While I was (B.S Graduation Project I & II) 2st
team that implemented AR working on the feasibility study Semester 1434 - 35 H, May, 2014
pavement at the North Jiddah of the AR technology, I noticed
Bulk Plant Expansion Project vast opportunities to encourage
shared his personal story about recycling across the Kingdom.”
the remarkable innovation:
Collaboration, teamwork, and
“Delivering a successful project communication
that is being implemented for the
first time in Saudi Aramco was a Nabil Hijazi, the EP- project leader
truly unique endeavor. I was able for the AR pavement initiative
to work with a strong technical commented that essential
team to complete the deployment ingredients for innovation; namely
of AR pavement technology using collaboration, teamwork and
a distinctive process that were communication, characterized the
deployed for the first time in Saudi initiative from day one. These are
Arabia. the hallmarks of our Company,
and truly facilitated the successful
During my assignment with execution of the pilot. Nabil
CSD, I began by researching the elaborated that the pilot project

Environmental Protection

The above photographs show the innovative concept of turning crumb rubber from tires into a form of
asphalt used in laying and maintaining roads, such as the road construction project at North Jiddah Bulk
Plant Expansion Project

Issue No. 31

Environmental Protection

In Depth

Issue No. 31

Should We Feed Stray Cats?

Chris Boland, EP

Feral cats can be cute – but is it wise to feed them? (Photo source: Wikipedia/creative commons)

I love cats. I owned a cat growing to more cats and therefore more produce more kittens. Lots more
up and formed a deep bond with suffering. And as I will explain kittens.
it. I loved its companionship. I below, this leads to other animal
admired its graceful athleticism. suffering and human suffering as Numerous scientific studies
I laughed at its downright well. have shown that feeding stray
weirdness. So I understand cats drastically increases their
completely why many people Below I discuss three reasons why reproductive rate. As a result, the
in our communities tenderly we should not feed stray cats. density of feral cat populations
leave food out for those poor skyrocket in places where
Feeding hungry stray cats people routinely feed stray cats.
stray cats that abound in our
only leads to more hungry That is, the number of cats in
stray cats the neighborhood continues
I hear the mournful calls of the to increase as long as people
First, by feeding feral cats we
hungry kittens and find myself so continue to feed the cats. Every
increase their chances of survival.
tempted to feed them so I can end year, more and more cats are born
Obviously this is the intention, but
their hunger and suffering. But my into the population, which simply
it simply means that these well fed
training in ecology has taught me results in ever increasing numbers
cats now have enough energy to
that feeding stray cats only leads of starving kittens. By feeding

Environmental Protection

Feeding hungry stray cats only leads to more hungry stray cats, thus increasing the amount of suffering
(Photo source: Wikipedia/creative commons)

hungry cats, we simply produce They are tough, cunning, and every night of the year. Most of
more hungry cats. By feeding one motivated. the birds recorded in Dhahran
kitten, we are producing around are migratory species that have
four more hungry kittens. By Feral cats spend hours each flown thousands of kilometers
feeding one kitten, we increase night stalking and catching their to be here. They are weary and
the number of kittens that are prey. If there are 5,000 cats in rest in low shrubs and many are
suffering. Dhahran and each cat kills only lost to these feral hunters. As a
one bird every week, then cats are result, most of us only ever get
Feeding stray cats kills our killing over a quarter of a million to see large doves and pigeons
wildlife birds per year, plus reptiles, plus on campus, and rarely catch a
mammals. Without a doubt this glimpse of the dozens of species
Second, cats are exceptionally is having a tremendous impact on that end up in cats’ mouths.
gifted predators. They are our native fauna.
incredibly good at stalking and Globally, cats have caused the
catching small mammals, birds, You may be thinking “But extinction of dozens of species,
and reptiles, especially wild cats. there are no wild animals in our and they are most certainly
Many people laugh when I say communities.” Well this simply contributing to the scarcity of
that cats are supreme hunters. is not true. In Dhahran alone birds in our communities. I am
They think about their own lazy, we have recorded 265 different sure that virtually everyone in
chubby pet sprawled imperiously species of native birds, along Saudi Arabia would much rather
on the couch and couldn’t with 12 reptile species, and five see a hedgehog or a kingfisher
imagine it leaving the living room types of mammals, including the than yet another stray cat.
let alone chasing down a rare incredibly cute Desert Hedgehog
bird. While this may be true for and the mouse-like Sundevall’s Feeding stray cats makes
your cat, the feral cats in our Jird. Many of these species are humans sick
communities have been selected rare and endangered and sadly
many fall victim to feral cats The most terrifying reason why
to be highly successful predators.
we should not feed stray cats is

Issue No. 31

because of the extreme risk of mouse eating a crumb, or a child leading them to ingest yet more
spreading toxoplasmosis, which playing in the garden. If the cyst toxoplasma cysts. It also means
is probably the most common ends up in the animal’s mouth, the animal is more likely to be
disease you’ve never heard of. then that animal is infected for eaten by a cat, which allows the
Sadly, I have heard of it because life. toxoplasma to infect a new cat’s
my friend’s baby boy is now intestines, thus continuing its
permanently blind because of it. Once inside the animal or child, remarkable (and rather gross) life
More on that later. the toxoplasma cysts (now called cycle.
tachyzoites) again multiply rapidly.
What is toxoplasmosis? They essentially colonize the new Toxoplasmosis in humans
host, invading the healthy cells
Toxoplasma gondii is a single- Toxoplasmosis is one of the most
and destroying tissues. Eventually
celled protozoan parasite with a common parasitic infections in
the infection localizes in the
worldwide distribution. The way humans. In fact perhaps 40% of
muscles and nerves, especially in
it maneuvers its way through the world’s population is infected
the brain. Toxoplasma loves to
its primary hosts, cats, and then with toxoplasma gondii due to
invade the brain.
manipulates the behavior of direct ingestion of the cysts from
its secondary hosts (birds and Now this is where the toxoplasma cat excrement.
mammals, including people) is parasite becomes truly
extraordinary. extraordinary. Once in the brain Many people are infected by
it causes the behavior of the eating beef, lamb, camel or goat
Toxoplasma lives in the intestines that had eaten the toxoplasma
animal or human to change. For
of domestic and feral cats. There parasite during their lives. These
instance, it causes animals to lose
it reproduces sexually, multiplying people had either eaten meat
their sense of fear. In Australia,
repeatedly to produce literally that was not thoroughly cooked
for example, kangaroos infected
millions of cysts, each containing a (remember toxoplasma gondii can
by toxoplasma lose their fear
“fertilized egg” (or more correctly, survive extreme temperatures),
of cars, and as a result they are
a zygote) of the toxoplasma or had swallowed the cysts
killed by cars far more often than
parasite. Vast quantities of after handling the uncooked
uninfected kangaroos. Amazingly
these cysts are released into the meat. However, most people
animals infected with Toxoplasma
environment through the cat’s are infected by accidentally
begin to love the smell of cat
feces, waiting to infect a new swallowing the cysts in their
urine; in fact they become sexually
host. garden from cat feces.
attracted to it. They seek it out,
Now these cysts are incredibly How likely it is that someone
resilient and will persist in the might accidentally ingest
environment for months – years toxoplasma cysts? The rate of
in fact. They can be submerged toxoplasmosis infection in humans
in fresh water, salt water, frozen varies from country to country. In
in ice, baked in the sun, and they Saudi Arabia the rate of infection
still survive. Not even the relentless is around 32%. That is, one in
Saudi summer will destroy a three people are infected with this
toxoplasma cyst. disease.
So there they remain, millions of In Saudi Aramco’s Dhahran
them, in the sand or soil or grass, community, there are around
or washed into puddles or gutters, Toxoplasmosis cysts in a mouse 5,000 cats. The vast majority of
until eventually another animal brain (Photo source: Jitinder those are likely to be infected
accidentally eats them, whether P Dubey/Wikipedia/creative with toxoplasmosis. If each cat
it is a bird pecking at a seed, a commons) defecates once per day, and if

Environmental Protection

Stray cats hunt and kill so much native wildlife – each time we feed stray cats we are reducing the number
of Hoopoes and other birds in our communities (Photo: Jem Babbington)

Issue No. 31

each cat is infected with active as this is likely to be an under- Please don’t feed stray cats
toxoplasmosis in its intestines reported statistic). Because of this,
So what can be done about
for three weeks per year, then pregnant women must especially
this alarming problem? There
there are 105,000 infected cats avoid changing litter boxes
is no vaccine to protect against
produced every year in Dhahran and must be very careful when
toxoplasmosis in animals or
alone. Each cat contains hundreds gardening or playing with other
humans. Clearly, the answer is to
of thousands of toxoplasma kids in the sand.
dramatically reduce the number of
gondii cysts, which then remain in
In most healthy people, the stray cats in the community. This
the environment for months.
immune system will neutralize starts by not feeding strays. If you
Remember that fresh water toxoplasma gondii quite quickly. want the companionship of a cat,
doesn’t kill the cysts. So if it rains, However, the disease remains in be a responsible cat owner. Keep
or if we hose down an area, we the body for the rest of their life. it inside at night, put a bell on its
simply wash the cysts into gutters collar, have it neutered by a vet,
and drains, and ultimately into There is a misconception that and love it like crazy.
our irrigation water, which brings toxoplasmosis has no effects on
humans. Unfortunately this is I hope this information convinces
the cysts back onto our lawns and
not true. An increasing number you to be strong enough to not
playing fields. The global average
of studies are finding very strong feed a begging stray cat. See it as
is over 400 cysts per square foot.
effects of toxoplasmosis infection. an opportunity to practice ethical
Since cats prefer to defecate in
For instance, infected people have decision-making by placing the
loose sand, gardens and children’s
impaired motor performance much greater long-term benefits
sand boxes, then the density of
– they move and react slower, of not feeding cats above the
cysts in our communities is likely
as a result, they are three times short-term peace felt by feeding
to be much higher.
more likely to be involved in car a kitten. Believe me, I know it
What happens if a person accidents. Infected people are is hard. As a person who has
becomes infected with statistically more likely to suffer devoted his career to protecting
toxoplasmosis? obsessive compulsive disorder, and caring for animals, it is
bipolar disorder, depression and especially hard. But if our role in
Only a single cyst needs to be suicide. What’s more, long-term life is to minimize suffering then
consumed to trigger an infection infection of toxoplasmosis is now one way we can achieve that is by
in humans. The ingested cysts well recognized as one of the not feeding stray cats.
transform into tachyzoites and most important risk factors in
begin multiplying in earnest. This 1. Further reading
can make a person quite sick with Flegr J (2007). Effects of
fever, fatigue, and headaches. Stray cats also spread rabies and Toxoplasma on human behavior.
If a small baby is infected, these the plague. Yes the same plague Schizophrenia Bulletin 33: 757–
fevers can be life threatening. that killed a third of all people in 760.
My friend’s baby boy in Australia Europe, China and the Middle
East in the early 1300s, literally 2. Marra PP & Santella C (2016).
ingested some cysts; the fever was
hundreds of millions of people. Cat wars: the devastating
so bad that he became blinded,
Even today, on average one consequences of a cuddly killer.
permanently. I think about that
person dies from cat-associated Princeton University Press.
every day.
plague every year in the US where 3. Schmidt PM, Lopez RR & Collier
The risk is greatest in pregnant the number of feral cats and the BA (2007). Survival, fecundity,
women and their unborn babies. prevalence of rabies and plague is and movements of free roaming
If infected with toxoplasmosis much lower than in Saudi Arabia. cats. The Journal of Wildlife
in the first trimester, one in ten
fetuses will be lost (probably more Management 71: 915–919.

Environmental Protection

A stray cat eating a wild bird (Photo source: Shutterstock)

Issue No. 31

Groundwater Vulnerability to
Pollution (DRASTIC Method)
Rayan Alnasser, Muhammad Alrayaan, Fahad Alghamdi, EP

Abstract Each parameter is evaluated based Establishing this baseline is

on a rating from 1 to 10 and has usually acquired from data
Groundwater is a valuable non-
a weighted multiplier (depending collected utilizing piezometers,
renewable resource that needs
on parameter importance), groundwater monitoring wells,
to be protected. Collecting data
which ranges from 1 to 5. The and literature review. It is not
to establish control measures
vulnerability index which is also economically feasible to drill
for preserving and protecting it
called (for this method) the these wells all over the Kingdom,
is required through the drilling
DRASTIC Index (DI) is calculated which is why prioritization (based
of monitoring wells (which is
after acquiring the values of each on groundwater vulnerability to
expensive) and document review.
parameter utilizing the equation pollution) is a must.
Since collecting groundwater
data from all over the Kingdom Methodology
would be time consuming D = 5D+4R+3A+2S+1T+5I+3C
and economically infeasible, Groundwater vulnerability is
prioritizing areas & aquifers Once DI is calculated, a “The tendency or likelihood for
that are at higher risk from groundwater vulnerability map contaminants to reach a specified
external pollutants is needed. is developed and is used to position in the groundwater
The DRASTIC method is one of identify potential risks arising system after introduction at some
the most popular methods used from different operations at location above the uppermost
today for assessing groundwater various locations. This will help aquifer” (National research
vulnerability for prioritization in prioritizing sites with higher Council, 1993). There are multiple
proposes. This method depends groundwater vulnerability and aid methodologies used today to
on seven (7) key parameters in developing mitigation plans evaluate the hydrogeological
to calculate a groundwater and measures to control external settings of an aquifer, measure
vulnerability index which is later risks, thus reducing drilling and the vulnerability of groundwater
used to develop a conceptual sampling expenses. to external pollutants, and
map that classifies groundwater assess areas where groundwater
vulnerability and risks to
Introduction contamination is likely to occur.
contamination. These seven (7) The DRASTIC method is one of
Groundwater is a precious
parameters are summarized as the most common ones utilized
non-renewable resource for
following: to achieve that purpose (Aller
Saudi Arabian communities
et al., 1987). The DRASTIC
• Depth to water (D) and industries. Saudi Arabia
method depends on seven (7)
• Net recharge (R) has been mindful of preserving
key parameters to calculate a
and protecting it for future
• Aquifer media (A) vulnerability index (DRASTIC
generations. A baseline
• Soil media (S) Index). These parameters are
understanding of the current
based on the physical settings of
• Topography (T) groundwater conditions at a
the aquifer of concern which are
• Vadose (unsaturated) zone (I) specific area is required before
summarized as the following:
developing an effective plan
• Hydraulic conductivity (C) to preserve/protect an aquifer.

Environmental Protection

Figure 1: DRASTIC Index Parameters

Depth to water (D): which is the measure the ability of material to development and public
vertical distance from the ground transmit fluids in fractures and utilization of the groundwater
surface to water table pore spaces due to differences in
the hydraulic gradient. • Conduct intensive studies to
Net recharge (R): is the total acquire rainfall, drainage class,
quantity of water infiltrating from There is a significant positive and slope data
ground surface to an aquifer correlation between areas where
annually groundwater contamination • Interpretation of geological
incidents have occurred and the mapping and field testing
Aquifer media (A): an to understand soil and
underground media that holds DRASTIC vulnerability index,
which is why this method is hydrogeological properties
water in permeable rocks,
fractured rocks or unconsolidated popular (Baker, 1990). A series of It is important to note that the
materials (gravel, sand, etc.) literature reviews and field studies DRASTIC method is a ranking
are required to quantify the values system that is based on weights
Soil media (S): the uppermost of each of the above mentioned and ratings. Each parameter is
portion of the unsaturated parameters. This includes but not evaluated based on a rating from
zone which is characterized by limited to: 1 to 10 (least significant to most
biological activity
• Reviewing geotechnical and significant). Weighted multipliers
Topography (T): the shape and geological reports to identify which range from 1 to 5 are then
features of land surfaces (focuses soil properties, geology, applied to each parameter to set
on land surface slope) topography, etc. their actual relative importance
(where 5 indicates high
Vadose (unsaturated) zone
• Collect samples from importance and 1 indicates low
(I): the area which is unsaturated
piezometers and groundwater importance).
between the ground surface and
monitoring wells located in the The DRASTIC Index (DI) is
the top of the water table
vicinity of the site of concern computed by summation of the
Hydraulic conductivity (C): products of rating and weights
• Quantify the agricultural of each factor. High DI values
a physical parameter used to

Issue No. 31

0–5 10
5 – 15 9
Depth to Water 15 – 30 7
30 – 50 5 5
(feet) 50 – 75 3
75 – 100 2
100 + 1
0–2 1
Net Recharge 2–4 3
4–7 6 4
(inches) 7 – 10 8
10 + 9
Massive Shale 2
Metamorphic / Igneous 3
Weathered Meamorphic / 4
Thin bedded SS, LS, Shale 6
Aquifer Media Sequences 3
Massive Sandstone 6
Massive Limestone 6
Sand and Gravel 8
Basalt 9
Karst Limestone 10
Thin or Absent 10
Gravel 10
Sand 9
Shrinking and / or Aggregated 7
Soil Media Sandy Loam 6 2
Loam 5
Silty Loam 4
Clay Loam 3
Nonshrinking and Nonaggregated 1

Environmental Protection

0-2 10
Topography 2-6 9
6-12 5 1
(%) 12-18 3
18+ 1
Silt / Clay 1
Shale 3
Limestone 6
Sandstone 6
Bedded Limestone, Sandstone, 6
Impact of Vadose Media 5
Sand, Gravel with significant Silt 6
and Clay
Metamorphic / Igneous 4
Sand and Gravel 8
Basalt 9
Karst Limestone 10
1 – 100 1
100 – 300 2
Hydraulic Conductivity 300 – 700 4
(gpd/ft2) 700 – 1000 6
1000 – 2000 8
2000+ 10
Table 1. DRASTIC rating and weighting values (Aller et al., 1985).

indicate that groundwater • Medium Vulnerability (122- in an individual layer and then
vulnerability to external pollutants 144) combining them into a single
is high. The following equation is map. The final vulnerability map
used to calculate DI (Aller et al., • High Vulnerability (144-166) will be used to assist with the
1987) • Very high Vulnerability (>166) prioritizing of areas with high
groundwater vulnerability and
D = 5D+4R+3A+2S+1T+5I+3C Applications identifying potential risks that may
arise from different operations
The final DI score is then classified The final step in this method is at various locations, which will
into vulnerability classes as to create a visualized map to ultimately help in providing an
adopted by others for the Saudi help with the risk interpretation efficient and practical method to
Region (Ahmed, Nazzal, & Zaidi, process. This is usually done by reduce data collection expenses.
2017); utilizing Geographical Information Also, the vulnerability map will
System (GIS) applications through aid in understanding the level of
• Low Vulnerability (<122) the mapping of each parameter mitigation plans and measures

Issue No. 31

Figure 2: Groundwater Vulnerability index map

required to control external risks. 1. https://www.sfu.ca/personal/ (1993). GROUND WATER

dallen/drastic_page.html VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT
2. Ahmed, I., Nazzal, Y., & Zaidi, 5. Baker, B. (1990). Groundwater
The DRASTIC method is used F. (2017). Groundwater pollution Quality Assessment Through
to evaluate sites and calculate risk mapping using a modified Cooperative Private Well Testing
numerical ratings based on the DRASTIC model in parts of Hail
hydrogeological settings of a region of Saudi Arabia. Environ. 6. Aller, L. (1987). DRASTIC:
system. Other factors that have Eng. Res., 84-91. Standardized system for
major effects on groundwater evaluating groundwater pollution
vulnerability such as groundwater 3. Gültekin, F., & Ersoy, A. (2013). potential using hydrogeologic
contamination sources and DRASTIC-based methodology settings
groundwater receptors can be for assessing groundwater
used separately or combined with vulnerability in the Gümü hacıköy
this method for more in-depth and Merzifon basin (Amasya,
evaluation. Turkey)

References 4. National Research Council.

Environmental Protection

(Photo Source: Shutterstock )

Issue No. 31

Water Sustainability Matters: A

successful water conservation
initiative story
Sultan M. Ahmari, Hawiyah NGL Recovery Plant Department (HNRPD)

Water is a challenge operations, Hawiyah NGL has wastewater streams to the

several water systems such ASU. The design package was
Water scarcity is considered as cooling towers, fire water, finalized and put on stream in
one of the main environmental drinking water and water process January 2019. For Sultan Ahmari,
challenges in the Kingdom of needs. In addition, Hawiyah NGL one of the team members at
Saudi Arabia due to the depletion operates two Amine Sweetening HNGRPD, water is “precious to
in the non-renewable water Units (ASUs), each requiring a our country and what we have
resources. To overcome the daily water make-up of 76 m3; accomplished is a reflection of the
high domestic water demand, which is sourced from local water Company’s commitment to water
the Kingdom produces about wells. conservation and sustainability.”
6.6 million m3 of desalinated
water every day, which makes Remarkable assessment Benefits
it the largest desalinated water
producer in the world. Water A multidisciplinary team from With the implementation of this
conservation has become a operation and engineering initiative, Hawiyah NGL achieved
main national interest in Saudi conducted a water conservation water savings of approximately 76
Arabia for sustainable growth, as assessment to minimize the total m3 per day.
stated in the Kingdom’s National water demand at Hawiyah NGL.
The assessment revealed a viable Conclusion
Water Strategy. In Saudi Aramco,
optimizing water demand and reuse opportunity to minimize the The Company is continuously
maximizing wastewater reuse volume of fresh water used as looking for opportunities to
are key pillars in the Company’s make-up in the ASU. Laboratory conserve water in its operations
efforts to conserve groundwater analyses of selected wastewater and communities. In this regard,
reserves; in this regard, Hawiyah streams revealed feasibility for Hawiyah NGL is currently
NGL plant is also doing its part. reuse without process risks, since exploring opportunities to
the composition of the candidate upgrade its sewage treatment
Hawiyah NGL plant is designed streams after treatment matched plant to reuse standards to further
to recover Natural Gas Liquids the required parameters and support the Kingdom’s objective
to support the Kingdom’s concentration levels for reuse in to expand its wastewater reuse
hydrocarbons demand in the the ASU. The team developed infrastructure.
petrochemical and power an engineering package to
generation sectors. For its daily reroute, filter, and convey selected

Environmental Protection

Hawiyah NGL Plant (Photo source : HNGLPD Electronic Gallery)

Hawiyah NGL Plant (Photo source: HNGLPD Electronic Gallery)

1. https://www.swcc.gov.sa/english/AboutSWCC/Pages/About.aspx
2. http://www.mewa.gov.sa/en/Ministry/Deputy%20Ministries/TheWaterAgency/Topics/Pages/Strategy.aspx

Issue No. 31

Health Risks of Mobile Phone

Adnan Masoudy and Salim Khasawinah, EP

Introduction Mobile Phones and Radio Electromagnetic Radiation

frequency Spectrum
This article explains why the radio
frequency energy from mobile Radio frequency energy is what The electromagnetic spectrum as
phones does not pose health risks. transmits and receives signals shown in Figure 1 is a graphical
From the very inception of mobile that enable users to make calls, portrayal of types of radiation
phone technology there have receive images and sign in to their waves from the least energetic to
been unfounded concerns in this favorite web site. Radio frequency the most energetic. The right side
regard and this has increased with is a type of radiation specifically of the electromagnetic radiation
the advent of 5G. Moreover, there called electromagnetic radiation. spectrum (shaded in red) has very
is a lot of misinformation about When radiation is mentioned, energetic types of radiation called
mobile phone technology being danger signs may pop up in one’s X-rays and gamma rays which can
propagated through the internet head as they may associate it ionize atoms and destroy DNA and
and social media that needs to with nuclear radiation. However, hence named “ionizing radiation.”
be addressed in an objective there is no reason to be alarmed The left side of the spectrum is
and systematic manner. Along as radiation simply refers to shaded green and labeled “non-
these lines, this article covers the waves that transmit energy. The ionizing radiation”. Non-ionizing
types of radiation emitted by majority of these radiation waves radiation.” simply does not have
mobile phones, their potential are not energetic enough to pose enough energy to ionize atoms
health effects, previous studies the health risks associated with or cause damage to DNA. Before
and statements from leading nuclear radiation as discussed discussing non-ionizing radiation
international organizations. below. in more detail, let us consider

Figure 1: The Electromagnetic Radiation Spectrum

Environmental Protection

ultraviolet radiation, which spans like ionizing radiation. Therefore, the health effects of radio
the boundary between ionizing non-ionizing radiation such as frequency radiation. There are
and non-ionizing radiation. those used in mobile phone well over 3,000 publications in
Ultraviolet radiation is sub-divided technologies do not pose a health peer reviewed journals devoted to
into three ranges based on energy risk in this regard. health effects of radio frequency
namely Ultraviolet A (UVA), energy at various levels and at
Ultraviolet B (UVB) and Ultraviolet At the same time, a high enough various frequencies. To date,
C (UVC). UVA and UVB are within power of non-ionizing radiation none of these studies have
the non-ionizing section of the can cook, burn and melt shown that mobile phones cause
spectrum, while part of UVC is materials. Common stove top adverse health effects. There
energetic enough to fall within burners (infrared frequency band), is an international commission
the ionizing radiation section of lasers (visible and ultraviolet specifically dedicated to evaluating
spectrum as depicted in Figure 1 frequency bands) and microwave health effects of non-ionizing
below. ovens (microwave frequency radiation and mobile phone
band) are good examples of this. technologies.
Non-ionizing Radiation Also, radio frequency radiation at
high enough power levels could International Commission
The non-ionizing section of the cause heating effects. Therefore, on Non-Ionizing Radiation
electromagnetic spectrum spans the main potential health risk Protection (ICNIRP)
from ultralow energy radiation associated with radio frequency
such as that associated with radiation is heating. This being The International Commission on
alternating current (AC) electricity said, it should be noted that Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
to ultraviolet on the high energy the power levels of the radio (ICNIRP) is an international
end of the non-ionizing radiation frequency waves used in mobile commission specializing in non-
spectrum. The radio frequency phone devices whether 4G or ionizing radiation protection.
radiation associated with mobile 5G are far below the power Part of the ICNIRP’s charter is to
phone technologies such as 4G levels required to cause these determine exposure limits for
and 5G is on the lower end of heating effects. To put things radio frequency radiation used by
the non-ionizing radiation energy in perspective, the power is devices such as mobile phones
spectrum. As shown in the extremely low and would have to and issue positions with regards
Figure 1, the radiation energies be orders of magnitude greater to potential health effects. ICNIRP
associated with visible light are to even be felt by the body as evaluates the risks associated
much more energetic (about eight heat let alone cause any kind of with mobile phone technology
orders of magnitude) than radio heating effects or damage to the based on scientific evidence
frequency radiation. Additionally, body. including many studies assessing
infrared radiation which is used the health effect of mobile phone
in remote control technologies Therefore, mobile phone technologies. The official ICNIRP
is significantly more energetic technologies including 4G and statement regarding mobile
than radio frequency radiation. 5G do not pose any health risks. phone technology (including 4G
Therefore, in addition to radio Moreover, this supported by and 5G) is “Acute and long-term
frequency radiation being non- the many studies assessing the effects of high frequency exposure
ionizing, it is actually on the lower potential health effects of radio below the thermal threshold have
energy end of the spectrum. frequency technologies. been studied extensively without
showing any conclusive evidence
Does Non-Ionizing Radiation Radiofrequency Radiation
of adverse health effects.”
Pose Any Health Risks? Studies
As mentioned, non-ionizing For the last 70 years, there have
radiation cannot damage the DNA been numerous studies assessing

Issue No. 31

Positions of Other Leading there is no scientific evidence Conclusion

Organizations that RF-EMF from base stations,
wireless networks and mobile Therefore, mobile phone
In addition, many international phones cause adverse health technologies do not pose health
organizations issued statements effects when used within the risks when used within the
consistent with that of the prescribed limits. regulatory guidelines and the
ICNIRP. Table 1 below includes introduction of 5G does not pose
statements from the leading Within the Kingdom, the Saudi any additional health risk in this
organizations such as the World and Information Technology regard. Moreover, The prescribed
Health Organization (WHO), the Commission established minimum standards and regulations for
US Federal Communications requirements to ensure the 4G and 5G technologies are
Commission (FCC) and the protection of the public and conservative and based on sound
Canadian National Cancer workers from any risks associated scientific evidence.
Institute (NCI) that all agree that with radiofrequencies.

Organization Statement
To date, no adverse health effects have been
World Health Organization established as being caused by mobile phone
To date, the weight of scientific evidence has not
effectively linked exposure to radio frequency
U.S. Federal Communication Commission energy from mobile devices with any known
health problems.
There is currently no consistent evidence that
Canadian National Cancer Institute non-ionizing radiation increases cancer risk in
It is possible that there may be a small increase
in overall exposure to radio waves when 5G is
added to an existing network or in a new area.
Public Health England However, The overall exposure is expected to
remain low relative to guidelines and, as such,
there should be no consequences for public

It is important to note that higher frequencies

does not mean higher or more intense exposure.
Higher frequency radio waves are already used in
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear security screening units at airports, police radar
Safety Agency guns to check speed, remote sensors and in
medicine and these uses have been thoroughly
tested and found to have no negative impacts on
human health.

Table 1: Statements from Reputable Organizations

Environmental Protection

References 5. ICNIRP- https://www.icnirp.org/ TA%20113%20E%20-%20

en/frequencies/high-frequency/ National%20Guidelines%20
1. WHO- https://www.who.int/ index.html for%20Human%20Exposure%20
news-room/fact-sheets/detail/ to%20Radiofrequency%20
electromagnetic-fields-and-public- 6.https://www.icnirp.org/cms/ Electromagnetic%20Fields.pdf
health-mobile-phones upload/consultation_upload/
ICNIRP_RF_Guidelines_ 9. Australian Radiation Protection
2. https://www.who.int/ PCD_2018_07_11.pdf and Nuclear Safety Agency-
news-room/fact-sheets/detail/ https://www.arpansa.gov.au/news/
electromagnetic-fields-and-public- 7.Public Health England- https:// misinformation-about-australias-
health-mobile-phones www.gov.uk/government/ 5g-network
3. U.S. FCC- https://www.fcc. radio-waves-and-health/5g- 10. IEEE- https://www.ieee.org/
gov/consumers/guides/wireless- technologies-radio-waves-and-
devices-and-health-concerns health 11. U.S. Food & Drug
Administration- https://www.fda.
4. National Cancer Institute- 8. Saudi and Information gov/
https://www.cancer.gov/about- Technology Commission-
cancer/causes-prevention/risk/ https://www.citc.gov. 12. U.S. Cancer Statistics- https://
radiation/cell-phones-fact- sa/en/RulesandSystems/ www.cdc.gov/cancer/uscs/index.
sheet#how-common-is-brain- RegulatoryDocuments/Electro- htm
cancer-has-the-incidence-of-brain- magneticfields/Documents/

Issue No. 31

Environmental Protection

In Focus

Issue No. 31

EP Hosts Health, Safety & Afterwards, a Loss Prevention and AED training compliance
Environment Awareness Department representative rate, a representative from the
Campaign delivered a presentation on EP Awareness Group trained
slip, trip, and fall prevention, employees in the American Heart
On December 29, 2019, EP followed by a presentation from Association’s lifesaving techniques,
hosted its second Health, Safety Johns Hopkins covering general also known as the Heart Saver
& Environmental Awareness first aid awareness focusing on Course. Employees from across
Campaign in which its employees medical emergencies, injury the Technical Services Business
reviewed tips on slip, trip, emergencies, and a presentation Line were certified in 2019 as part
and fall prevention, FIRST AID from the Industrial Hygiene Unit of this mandatory training which
AWARENESS OF BURNS, AND covering HAZARDS OF USING is held every two years. The course
HAZARDS OF USING CHEMICALS CHEMICALS in the home. After is an instructor-led course that
IN THE HOME. The second event the presentations, guests were includes videos and teaches adult
was a follow up to the event held invited to view live demonstrations CPR, child CPR, AED use, and
in July which focused on safe of proper Cardiopulmonary how to relieve choking in adults,
driving and safe living conditions Resuscitation (CPR) method and children, and infants. The course
for the elderly. These campaigns Automated External Defibrillator teaches skills using the practice-
are part of EP’s SMS Element (AED) use. The IHU displayed while-watching technique, which
10 “Community Awareness common detergents and cleaning allows instructors to observe
and Off-the-Job Safety,” which chemicals used at home, explained students, provide feedback, and
recognizes the need to support the importance of wearing guide student learning.
public safety. The December event gloves and avoiding the mixing
began with a presentation from of chemicals, especially if they EP Participates in Seven
the EP safety coordinator who contain ammonia and chlorine. Cohorts of Saudi Aramco
covered EP Safety Performance in Talent Essentials Program
2019. The EP Manager provided EP Representative Teaches
remarks during the meeting Heart Saver Course to In collaboration with the
and thanked all EP employees Technical Services Employees Academic Programs & Partnerships
for their support in adhering Department and as part of its
to safety, he then recognized In collaboration with Technical talent development efforts,
a group of employees for their Services Professional Academy, EP participated in seven Saudi
positive safety performance and in order to support Technical Aramco Talent Essentials
during the 4th quarter of 2019. Services increase in CPR/first aid Program (STEP) cohorts held
from January through December
2019. EP subject matter experts
discussed a series of topics,
an overview of EP’s functions,
its mission and vision, and its
compliance programs; including,
Environmental Health, Wastewater
Management, and Water
Conservation. The event was
attended by 180 attendees (per
cohort) and helped to enhance
environmental awareness among
new hires via various stewardship
sessions highlighting EP’s efforts in
Saudi Aramco Talent Essentials Program attendees discuss issues and environmental protection.

Environmental Protection

Managers discuss issues and concerns at the 2019 Environmental Discussion Workshop.

EP Hosts Environmental protection programs, such as delivered presentations on topics

Discussion Workshop for EMS, GEMP, Waste Management, of interest to Saudi Aramco
Managers and the Facility Environmental management.
Performance (FEP) System. The
On October 23, 2019, EP held its workshop prompted healthy EP Delivers Environmental,
third Environmental Discussion discussion regarding the many Community Health
Workshop for Managers in challenges our operations Messaging at Key Workshop
Dhahran. Some 42 participants and service organizations are Gathering J.V. Partners
attended. The workshop built experiencing today. The EP
on the successes of previous Manager’s opening remarks EP participated in the second
workshops conducted in 2017 reiterated EP’s commitment to day of a two-day organizational
and 2018. The workshop’s supporting proponents in meeting workshop focused on Company
objective was to share with and/or exceeding corporate Health, Safety, and Environmental
management selected topics on expectations. In addition, six EP (HSE) and Operational Excellence
Board Risk & HSE KPIs, key E&H subject matter experts (SMEs) activities on July 4, 2019. The
event was hosted by the Chemicals
Admin Area and was attended
by representatives from various
Saudi Aramco Joint Ventures and
Subsidiaries; including ARLANXEO,
PetroRabigh, and Sadara. EP
replace with “SMEs” delivered
presentations and facilitated
discussions on various topics such
as Greenhouse Gas Programs,
Company Waste Management
Systems, Food Safety Alert
Systems, Water Conservation
Assessments, the Importance of
UN Sustainable Development Goals
for Business, and an overview of
Ms. Krystle Pertsch presenting at the 2019 Environmental Discussion
Workshop EP’s functions.

Issue No. 31

Save the Asir Magpie

Launch Campaign
The EP and Corporate
Communications Department
(CCD) collaborated in creating
and launching a highly successful
social media campaign aimed
at highlighting EP’s research
and protection of the rare Asir
Magpie. The campaign “Save the
Asir Magpie” is featured on all
Company social media platforms;
including Twitter, Facebook, and
EP participates at the WRDD 2019 Environmental Awareness Campaign
Instagram. Well over one million
at Abha.
people have learned about this
EP initiative and is the first time
the Company has launched a EP Develops Asir Magpie further underscore EP’s position
Habitat Model as credible scientific experts in this
completely integrated media
campaign of this nature. The EP and Remote Services Sensing
Company’s tweet about the Group of the Engineering Support EP Participates in WRDD
campaign received 9,000 likes Department (ESD) have developed 2019 Environmental
within 48 hours of its release; a habitat model using GIS for Awareness Campaign at
that’s five times more than any the Asir Magpie, the only species Abha
other Company tweet to date. of bird that is entirely confined
This demonstrates that the to Saudi Arabia, and one of the EP participated at this event
community is eager to learn more world’s most endangered bird sponsored by the Western
about the Company’s biodiversity species. EP mined published and Region Distribution Department
protection programs and proves unpublished data on location and (WRDD) and held at Al-Rashed
that campaign materials were habitat needs of the Asir Magpie; Mall - ABHA, September 30
branded and presented in a including location data developed through October 5, 2019. The
professional manner. As a result of during EP’s collaboration with the event’s objective was to raise
the campaign’s launch, members Smithsonian Institution in 2018. environmental awareness in
of the public have uploaded their The model paints a dire picture the ABHA area as part of Saudi
photos of the Asir Magpie in its for the long term viability of the Aramco’s citizenship and social
natural habitat, which will help Asir Magpie. The model indicates responsibility efforts aimed
improve our knowledge of the that only 80.4 km2 of high quality at positively impacting the
bird’s distribution and habitat habitat remains; worse yet, it community. EP representatives
requirements. EP plans to feed is fragmented into 19 isolated manned the Company’s
these citizen data points into patches, each of which may not environmental booth and also
a recently developed habitat be large enough to support a provided awareness messaging
model that will be submitted for viable population of magpies. The including; Promoting Biodiversity
publication in an international research has been drafted into Concepts, Biodiversity Abqaiq
journal for biology conservation; a scientific manuscript and will Eco Park, Mangrove Eco Park,
further underscoring EP’s position be submitted to a peer reviewed Shaybah Wildlife Sanctuary, Asir
as credible scientific experts in this international journal to help alert Magpie, ABHA Biodiversity, and
field. the scientific community to the Water Conservation. EP’s booth
plight of the Asir Magpie and to also featured a digital platform

Environmental Protection

High attendance at the Schlumberger Contractor HSE form.

that highlighted work protection Kempinski Hotel on November and initiatives related to D&WO
biodiversity. More than 9,500 24, 2019. The forum opened with activities. Finally, success safe
visitors attended the event; a welcoming speech from Ziad stories were presented by the
including families and students Jeha, Vice President and General Director of HSE Practices at
from local schools and universities. Manager of KSA Schlumberger. Schlumberger. The forum also
His speech was followed by a included exhibition booths for
EP Participation at speech from AbdulHameed Al- Schlumberger and its contractors
Schlumberger Contractor Rushaid, Vice President of Saudi which displayed HSE initiatives
HSE Forum Aramco Drilling and Workover. and related topics. The attendance
EP representative delivered at the Schlumberger HSE Forum
EP representative attended
an overview of environmental exceeded 300 people from
and delivered a speech at the
protection in general and Saudi Aramco, 60 suppliers’
“Schlumberger Contractor HSE
focused on selected programs operation managers and HSE
Forum” held at the Al-Khobar

Mr. AbdulHameed Al-Rushaid, Vice President of Saudi Aramco Drilling and Workover during the opening of
the exhibition.

Issue No. 31

Mr. Humoud Al-Utaibi, General Supervisor of Environmental Engineering Division/ EP during his speech

representatives, and KSA Magpie Restoration, combatting a Mangrove Educational event at

Schlumberger management. desertification by planting native Jazan Economic City on December
It is worth mentioning that trees, establishing a dhub hub 4, 2019. The motivation behind
Schlumberger hosts such “HSE on Company land, creating a the event was to enhance the
Forums” for all of its contractors, wetland for wildlife at Khurais, knowledge of local students
approximately fifty (50), working establishing artificial reefs, and regarding the planting process,
in Saudi Arabia. mangrove plantations. EP and which relies on water temperature
CCD have developed a roadmap and waster salinity, both of which
Corporate Website in order to significantly add more change throughout the year.
Biodiversity Portal Fills a biodiversity protection success
Key Gap stories to the biodiversity portal The event included 145 students
in 2020; including the protection from several different local
EP has partnered with the Public schools who were invited to
of over 900 km2 of high quality
Affairs’ Corporate Communication attend this educational awareness
terrestrial habitat on Company
Department (CCD) to launch event to relay the important
land, which has the potential to
a biodiversity protection portal role mangroves play in the
place us well ahead all other IOCs
on the corporate website. EP’s local environment, including
in this regard. This biodiversity
benchmarking studies of peer but not limited to: providing a
portal fosters stewardship by
international oil companies (IOCs) protective ecosystem where a
promoting public awareness of
revealed that Saudi Aramco did variety of animals (shrimp, fish,
the Kingdom’s biodiversity assets
not have a dedicated webpage small mammals, crustaceans)
and highlights the Company’s
detailing biodiversity protection are protected until such time
invaluable initiatives to conserve
success stories. This gap has been they can enter the Red Sea as
natural resources.
filled by the biodiversity portal, adults which then supports a
which is now on a par with or Mangrove Rehabilitation thriving fishing industry and
exceeds those of other IOCs Project at Jazan Economic biodiversity for pleasure diving.
(as measured by the number City (JEC) In addition they learned that
of case studies reported). The mangroves also reduce coastal
biodiversity portal includes case To raise awareness within the local erosion, saving local areas from
studies on major biodiversity community, Saudi Aramco PMT, land loss during heavy rains, a
protection success stories, such as in collaboration with Leaf Global topic that has recently raised
Shaybah Wildlife Sanctuary, Asir Environmental Services, launched interest. Mangroves are “carbon

Environmental Protection

Participants planting mangrove seedlings.

sinks,” as such coastal forests the base camp. Coast guards organizations, and expertise,
such as mangroves help fight were awarded with shields and selected through a globally
against global warming by participants were awarded with advertised process. During June
removing carbon dioxide from participation certificates. Mr. 2019, members of the working
the atmosphere, most of which Yahya Al Saati delivered the group participated in a survey
is stored within the plant. When closing speech at the end of the to identify the most important
mangrove tree roots, branches, event. subjects to be addressed in the
and leaves die they are usually standard. During a workshop in
covered by soil, which is then EP Participated in October 2019, the 15 member
submerged under tidal water, Sustainability Reporting team deliberated on these
slowing the breakdown of Standard Development for impacts in detail and developed
materials and boosting carbon Oil and Gas an initial framework for the
storage. standard. GRI, with the help of a
EP participated in the development group of subject matter experts,
A post-presentaton competition of Sustainability Reporting developed the details of the
was organized and the students Standards for Oil and Gas led by standards document which was
were encouraged to participate Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), discussed and reviewed by the
in the competition actively and a multi-stakeholder standard project-working group through
attentively. Distinguished students setting organization based in online discussions and a web
were honored with prizes, Amsterdam. Joseph Martin, based collaborative platform. The
certificates, and shields. The Environmental Specialist from final draft of the standard will be
participants were escorted to the EP, was selected as a member presented to Global Sustainability
planting locations to help plant of 15 member Project Working Standards Board (GSSB) during the
the mangrove seedlings. Each Group to develop the standards. second quarter of 2020 and the
participant was provided with GRI’s standards development approved standards document will
an identification tag containing process is a comprehensive be published for public comment
the plantation details. Plantation stakeholder consulted process during the third quarter of 2020.
activities commenced at the site involving multiple stakeholders Once the public comments are
from 10:20 to 10:45 a.m. in the process. The project- incorporated, the standard will be
working group is the focal point finally approved by GSSB toward
A prize and shield distribution of the standards development
ceremony was conducted shortly the end of the third quarter of
process consisting of members 2020.
after the plantation activities at from various geographies,

Issue No. 31

COP25 Summit and Sidelines efforts to get additional state commitment to land protection.
Presentations and non-state entities to join
the alliance on the road towards EP Conducted Two Training
The 25th Conference of the COP26. With the U.K. climate Workshops for 45 SAGB
Parties (COP25) to the United leadership, recent adoption of the School Inspectors
Nations Framework Convention Green Deal by the EU, and the In collaboration with the Utilities
on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was UN’s Secretary General mission of & Facilities Services Department
held in Madrid, Spain December raising the bar in 2020, emphasis (UFSD), EP conducted training
2-15, 2019. EP representatives on the phasing-out of fossil fuels workshops on October 13-14 for
under the lleadership of HRH will be more evident. 45 Saudi Aramco Government
Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman
Built School (SAGBS) inspectors in
Al Saud, Minister of Energy Biodiversity Protection Area
order to enhance their knowledge
and the guidance of his Chief at Abha Celebrated in the enabling them to conduct more
Negotiator, along with SMA and Arabian Sun comprehensive inspections.
LAW, provided technical support
EP’s Biodiversity Protection Area The workshops objective was
during the COP25. Amongst
program has been highlighted to familiarize inspectors with
the many agenda items under
in a three page feature article Company requirements; including
the COP, COP 25 was meant to
in the Arabian Sun, including water safety, food safety, and pest
conclude remaining items from
a full front page spread. The control.
the “Paris Rulebook” aiming
to operationalize the Paris article celebrates EP’s initiative
Revisions to Saudi Aramco
Agreement (PA) in 2020. These to (i) conduct comprehensive
Environmental Health Code
items include PA Article 6 on biodiversity surveys at the site, and
carbon markets and common time (ii) designate 49 km2 as a Saudi EP published its eighth edition of
frames (frequency of reporting/ Aramco Biodiversity Protection the Saudi Aramco Environmental
updating Nationally Determined Area. The site now protects an Health Code for all Company
Contributions (NDCs)). However, extraordinary array of native operations, providing guidance
due to countries divergent views, biodiversity, including over 61 on measures needed to protect
these items remain unresolved birds, 37 plants, 18 mammals, and the health of the Company’s
and delayed until 2021 COP26 in 6 reptile species; including 24% employees, dependents and
Glasgow. Moreover, on December of all of Saudi Arabia’s terrestrial contractor workforce. The latest
9, 2019, the Kingdom presented mammal species, 23 species listed revision process, which focuses
the first Biennial Update Report as nationally High Conservation on four existing codes and the
(BUR1) to all parties during a Priority, 16 endemic or near creation of one new code for
special event under COP25, endemic species, 12 migratory Aviation, involved consultation
which was publically streamed species, and two internationally with key internal stakeholders
online. The BUR1 contained KSA’s threatened species. This is one within the Company and
National GHG inventories, national of the most important sites for endorsement from the Health
circumstances, institutional biodiversity in the Kingdom. Protection Standards Committee.
arrangements, and KSA efforts EP developed a site-specific The revised codes align with
to combat climate change. Chile, Biodiversity Action Plan, which government requirements, best
COP25 Presidency, launched the was endorsed by both WRDD and practices and industry norms, and
“Climate Ambition Alliance,” EP managers to further protect also introduce a number of new
which was joined by 73 parties the site’s high value biodiversity. requirements for ensuring the safe
that intended to submit enhanced This program positions the supply of drinking water and a
NDCs by 2020 and committed to Company as one of the most Person in Charge of Food Safety
achieve net-zero emissions (carbon significant custodians of terrestrial scheme for Company operated
neutrality) by 2050. Throughout biodiversity in the Kingdom and food outlets.
2020, Chile and the U.K.will join underscores the Company’s

Environmental Protection

Issue No. 31

Environmental Protection


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