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Factors affecting the level of customer’s satisfaction

of Sizzling House’s in the City of Malolos, Bulacan

Group 10:

Quitco, Jay Andrei

12 ABM – B

Sir. Billy E. Panganiban

Research teacher

Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School

October 2021
Guide Questions:
1.) What area will you focus on your proposed topic?
 In this study will focus on the satisfactory of costumer in the fast food restaurant
Amelitos in Malolos, Bulacan in addition the researchers will determine the satisfaction
of the customers

2.) What are the variables you are going to measure?

 The variables to consider in this study will consist of three variables, first is the
satisfaction of the customer of the said food business, the price range of menu and other
options in the restaurant, and finally the flavor of the food and if it is reasonably to the
price of the food.

3.) In what specific way can you measure your variables?

 We would measure it by administering a survey to the customers. We will rate their
customer satisfaction based on our prepared survey.

4.) Do you have the rrl that will serve as basis for what will you measure?
 Indeed, we do have Review of Related Literature which will serve as the foundation for
the factors we will measure.

Review of Related Studies

Young Namkung (2007). Does Food Quality Really Matter in Restaurants? Its Impact on
Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions https://doi.org/10.1177/1096348007299924

Food quality appears to be recognized as a critical component in satisfying restaurant patrons;
nonetheless, it is frequently disregarded in studies of restaurant service quality and satisfaction.
The primary goal of this study was to see how meal quality is regarded in mid- to upmarket
restaurants in terms of satisfaction and behavior intentions. This research also sought to
determine which food-related features are most important in boosting satisfaction and revisit
intention. This study used a structural equation modeling technique to show that overall meal
quality has a considerable impact on consumer satisfaction and behavioral intentions, and that
satisfaction mediates the relationship between food quality and customer behavioral intentions.
Taste and presentation were found to be the two most important factors in consumer satisfaction
and behavioral intentions in subsequent regression studies. As a result, restaurant managers
should pay close attention to the essential food quality features that elicit consumer pleasure and
increase repeat visits.

Zhang, Z., Zhang, Z. and Law, R. (2013), "Regional effects on customer satisfaction with

restaurants", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 25 No. 5, pp.
705-722. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-Aug-2012-0148

The goal of this study is to see how regional characteristics influence customer satisfaction in the
food service industry. This is accomplished by looking into the moderating impacts on the most
essential restaurant characteristics.

Factors Affecting Customers Satisfaction in Restaurants Industry in Pakistan

The goal of this research is to look into, compare, and analyze the factors that influence
consumer satisfaction in the fast food industry. Customer’s happiness is measured using
independent variables such as service quality, price, and the atmosphere.
Make use of the dependent variable. The study is quantitative in nature, and data was collected
using a random sampling technique using a questionnaire survey, with a sample size of 100
people. Correlation and multiple regressions were used to analyze the data.

Qin, H. and Prybutok, V.R. (2009), "Service quality, customer satisfaction, and behavioral

intentions in fast‐food restaurants", International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, Vol. 1
No. 1, pp. 78-95. https://doi.org/10.1108/17566690910945886

The goal of this study is to look into the various aspects of service quality and the relationship
between service quality, food quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and behavioral
intentions in fast food restaurants (FFRs).

Annie Gay Barlan-Espino (2017) Operational Efficiency and Customer

Satisfaction of Restaurants: Basis for Business Operation Enhancement P-ISSN 2350-7756 E-ISSN
2350-8442 www.apjmr.com


The major goal of a restaurant is to deliver comfort and satisfaction to customers without
jeopardizing the business's operational effectiveness. The goal of this study was to determine
restaurant operational efficiency and customer satisfaction as a foundation for improving
business operations. To determine the restaurant's operational efficiency in terms of kitchen and
dining operations, as well as the level of customer satisfaction in terms of: Product, Policies,
People, Processes, and Proactivity, as well as the problems the restaurant has encountered in
their operation and customer service. With managers and custodians, a descriptive study design
was adopted.

Ying hua Liu1 Soo Cheong (Shawn) Jang (2008) Perceptions of Chinese restaurants in the U.S.:
What affects customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions?

Using the Importance–Performance Analysis (IPA) method, this study explores American
customers' views of Chinese restaurants in the United States. This research also looks into which
characteristics of Chinese restaurants influence customer satisfaction and behavior intentions in
the United States. According to the IPA, two major areas where Chinese restaurateurs may
improve are environmental cleanliness and attentive service. Furthermore, the quality of the food
and the consistency of the service appear to be important factors in the success of Chinese
restaurants. Overall, the findings show that meal quality, service reliability, and environmental
cleanliness are three critical factors in ensuring customer satisfaction.

Kisang Ryu, Heesup Han (2009). Influence of the Quality of Food, Service, and Physical
Environment on Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention in Quick-Casual Restaurants:
Moderating Role of Perceived Price. https://doi.org/10.1177/1096348009350624

In quick-casual restaurants, this study looked at the links between three determinants of quality
(predictors: food, service, and physical environment), pricing (moderator), and satisfaction and
behavioral intention (criterion). Despite the importance of foodservice quality, academics and
managers have little understanding of how the combined effects of quality (food, service, and
physical environment) elicit consumer satisfaction, which influences behavioral intent. Customer
satisfaction was found to be influenced by meal quality, service, and the physical environment in
a hierarchical multiple regression analysis including interactions.

HON G Qin & Victor R. Prybutok (2017). Determinants of Customer-Perceived Service

Quality in Fast-Food Restaurants and Their Relationship to Customer Satisfaction and
Behavioral Intentions https://doi.org/10.1080/10686967.2008.11918065

The goal of this study is to create a methodology and metrics for measuring service quality in
fast-food businesses (FFRs). The authors updated the conventional SERVPERF instrument to
investigate the links between service quality, food quality, price/value, customer satisfaction, and
behavioral intentions as part of this process. College students at a prominent southwestern
university were given this modified SERVPERF instrument. The data was analyzed using
confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The five dimensions—tangibles,
employee behaviors, reliability, responsiveness, and empathy—all have a positive impact on the
sense of service quality, according to the study. The findings also back up the claim that service
quality and reliability go hand in hand.

Customer happiness and customer intention are two essential antecedents. This study does not
support the indirect influence of service quality on behavioral intentions because the authors
found no significant association between service quality and customer satisfaction. Food quality
is also a key impact in satisfaction, according to the data.

Cedric His Jui, WuaRong DaLiang (2009). Effect of experiential value on customer satisfaction
with service encounters in luxury-hotel restaurants. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2009.03.008

Scholars and practitioners have been interested in how the restaurant business delivers high-
quality service experiences. To improve customer happiness, some academics suggest generating
high-quality service encounters. However, there has been little current research on hotel
restaurant service, and a thorough understanding of its possible implications on customer meal
experiences and satisfaction is required. As a result of the literature research, this study of
service interactions and restaurant consumer behavior developed a comprehensive framework. A
questionnaire was issued to clients of luxury hotel restaurants to collect empirical data.
Consumer experiencing value is positively influenced by restaurant environmental characteristics
and interactions with service staff and other customers, according to the research findings.
Furthermore, only interactions with service staff have a direct and positive impact on customer
satisfaction. Consumer happiness is indirectly and positively influenced by restaurant
environment characteristics and interactions with other customers through experiential value.
Finally, the findings of this study can help improve the physical appeal of the analyzed luxury-
hotel restaurants in terms of marketing and development initiatives.

Torlak, N.G., Demir, A. and Budur, T. (2019), "Impact of operations management strategies on

customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions at café-restaurants", International Journal of
Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 69 No. 9, pp. 1903-
1924. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPPM-01-2019-0001


The goal of this paper is to look at the relationships between capacity/layout (CL), design (D),
location (L), hygiene (H), human resource management (HRM), food quality (FQ), and
ambiance (A) in operations management strategies (OMS), as well as the direct and indirect
effects of OMS on customer satisfaction (CS) and customer behavioral intentions (CBIs) that
may affect income and thus be influential in café-restaurants in Sulaimania, Iraq.

Michael Lynn, Robert J. Kwortnik, (2020). Tipping policy effects on customer satisfaction: An

informative failure to replicate, International Journal of Hospitality Management,
10.1016/j.ijhm.2019.102448, 86, (102448).

This paper contributes to the policy debate over whether tipping should be prohibited by
identifying the potential benefits and drawbacks of tipping from the perspective of the consumer
and evaluating their net effects in a field study that compares restaurant customer satisfaction
under tipping and non-tipping systems. The implications of recent changes in tipping practices at
the restaurant chain Joe's Crab Shack presented a chance to examine the consequences of those
changes on customer satisfaction. Analyses show that when reviewed restaurants used a tipping
system, internet ratings of the dining experience were consistently higher than when they used a
no-tipping, service-inclusive pricing scheme.

Michael Lynna Zachary W. Brewsterb (2017). A within-restaurant analysis of changes in

customer satisfaction following the introduction of service inclusive pricing or automatic service

Many restaurants in the United States have lately implemented or are considering adopting no-
tipping policies. This study investigates the impact of such shifts away from tipping on restaurant
customer ratings on the internet. The findings show that I restaurants receive lower online
customer ratings when tipping is eliminated, (ii) online customer ratings decline more when
tipping is replaced with service-charges than when tipping is replaced with service-inclusive-
pricing, and (iii) less expensive restaurants experience greater online customer rating declines
when tipping is replaced with either option than more expensive restaurants.

SeokiLeea, Cindy Yoon joung Heo (2009). Corporate social responsibility and customer
satisfaction among US publicly traded hotels and restaurants.

This study analyzes a mediating influence of customer satisfaction between corporate social
responsibility (CSR) activities and firm value for US hotels and restaurants using path regression
analysis. In addition, the analysis distinguishes between positive and bad CSR efforts. Customer
satisfaction does not appear to be a mediator between the two parameters in both hotels and
restaurants, according to the findings.

Raj Arora & Joe Singer (2008). Customer Satisfaction and Value as Drivers of Business Success
for Fine Dining Restaurants. https://doi.org/10.1300/J396v28n01_05

The impact of important variables on consumer intentions to visit a fine dining restaurant is
investigated in this study. Understanding the relationships between key variables such as
customer attitudes, contentment, perceived value, and intents is critical for restaurant managers
to succeed in today's competitive business environment. Despite the fact that managers
understand the relevance of value, there is little empirical study on the function of value in
influencing intentions. This study looks into the impact of customer value and satisfaction on
post-purchase attitudes, as well as the likelihood of returning and recommending a fine dining

Mensah, Ishmael & Mensah, Rebecca Dei (2018). Effects of service quality and customer
satisfaction on repurchase intention in restaurants on University of Cape Coast campus

The purpose of this study was to look at the impacts of service quality and customer satisfaction
on restaurant customers repurchase intentions on the University of Cape Coast Campus. A handy
sample of 200 consumers from ten restaurants on the University of Cape Coast Campus was used
in the survey. Customers' perceptions of service quality were measured using a modified
DINESERV scale. According to the findings, four characteristics, namely responsiveness-
assurance, empathy-equity, reliability, and tangibles, accounted for 50% of the difference in
perceived service quality. Customer satisfaction was found to be significantly influenced by
service quality. Repurchase intention was also influenced by service quality and consumer
happiness. Customer happiness, on the other hand, was unable to mitigate the impact of service
quality on repurchase intention. In a campus food service environment, this study adds to the
debate on the dimensions of service quality and presents evidence on the effects of service
quality and customer satisfaction on repurchase intention.

Lau, T., Cheung, M.L., Pires, G.D. and Chan, C. (2019), "Customer satisfaction with sommelier

services of upscale Chinese restaurants in Hong Kong", International Journal of Wine Business
Research, Vol. 31 No. 4, pp. 532-554. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJWBR-10-2018-0060

In Hong Kong, the elimination of the wine tax has resulted in increased wine consumption and
increased demand for wine-related specialists such as sommeliers. However, in the context of
upmarket Chinese restaurants, the importance of sommeliers' value-adding performance has not
been investigated. The SERVQUAL framework is used to assess the SERVQUAL gap in order
to close it.
In the setting of upmarket Chinese restaurants in Hong Kong, the influence of sommeliers'
service quality (SQ) on customer satisfaction (CS) and loyalty

Shahzadi, M., Malik, S.A., Ahmad, M. and Shabbir, A. (2018), "Perceptions of fine dining

restaurants in Pakistan: What influences customer satisfaction and behavioral
intentions?", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 35 No. 3, pp. 635-
655. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJQRM-07-2016-0113

The goal of this study is to look at the connection between restaurant core qualities, customer
happiness, and behavioral intentions. The significance of customer satisfaction in moderating the
relationship between restaurant core aspects of service quality and behavioral intentions is

Mannan, M., Chowdhury, N., Sarker, P. and Amir, R. (2019), "Modeling customer satisfaction

and revisit intention in Bangladeshi dining restaurants", Journal of Modelling in Management,
Vol. 14 No. 4, pp. 922-947. https://doi.org/10.1108/JM2-12-2017-0135

The goal of this research is to gain a holistic understanding of the critical antecedents of
customer happiness and revisit intention in the context of dining establishments, using
Bangladesh as a case study.

Lu, C., Suhartanto, D., Gunawan, A., & Chen, B. (2020). Customer Satisfaction toward Online
Purchasing Services: Evidence from Small & Medium Restaurants. International Journal of
Applied Business Research, 2(01), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.35313/ijabr.v2i01.89

The quality of e-service and cuisine, as well as perceived value, are investigated in this study on
shopper satisfaction with an online purchase model at small and medium restaurants (SMRs).
392 data points were collected from internet restaurant consumers in Bandung, Indonesia for this
study. The Structural Equation Model (PLS) is used in this study to assess shopper satisfaction
relationships, as well as their causes and implications. The findings reveal the importance of both
e-service and food quality in shopper satisfaction, as well as the partial mediation function of
perceived value in assessing the relationship between the two attributes and shopper

Cagatay Unusan & Cihan Cobanoglu (2020). Service Quality, Perceived Value and Customer
Satisfaction on Behavioral Intention in Restaurants: An Integrated Structural Model.

The goal of this research is to see how service quality, perceived value, and customer satisfaction
affect behavioral intentions. The study also proposes a new integrated structural model that
incorporates the food quality, employee service quality, punctuality, esthetics, facility comfort,
and cleanliness elements of service quality. Based on data collected from 309 customers who got
service from a specific restaurant, an explanatory and confirmatory factor analysis was used to
design and establish the six-dimensional service quality scale. In addition, path analysis was used
to investigate the links between service quality, perceived value, and customer satisfaction and
behavioral intention. The findings reveal that service quality influences customer satisfaction,
and that customer satisfaction and perceived value influence customers' behavioral intentions.
Furthermore, customer satisfaction is influenced by factors other than aesthetics, with service
quality, facility comfort, and timeliness having a favorable impact on perceived value. This
research adds to the body of knowledge on service quality and has managerial consequences.

Muhamad Saufiyudin Omara, Hashim Fadzil Ariffinb, Rozila Ahmadc (2016). Service Quality,
Customers’ Satisfaction and the Moderating Effects of Gender: A Study of Arabic Restaurants.

Customers' assessments of service quality are crucial for service organizations' survival in
today's highly competitive business environment. While there have been many research on
service quality, few have looked into the role of gender in the relationship between service
quality and customer satisfaction in Arabic restaurants. As a result, the goal of this research is to
gain a better understanding of the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction
by looking at the moderating effect of customers' gender in Arabic restaurants and determining
the extent of each service quality attribute's relationship with customer satisfaction as perceived
by Malaysian customers. The information was gathered using a poll that received 411 responses.
The data was analyzed using correlation analysis and hierarchical regressions. All five service
quality attributes – tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy – have a
positive link with customer happiness, according to the correlation analysis. Hierarchical
regressions, on the other hand, revealed a slightly different outcome. Customer satisfaction is
found to have a considerable association with the quality’s tangibles, certainty, and empathy, but
the relationship with the other two attributes – reliability and responsiveness – is minor.
Customers' contentment is strongly correlated with empathy, while responsiveness has a slight
positive link with customer satisfaction. These findings suggest that, in order to improve
customer satisfaction, restaurant operators should improve their service quality, particularly in
terms of responsiveness. In addition, the relationship between service quality and customer
happiness is influenced by gender.

Krist R. Swimberghe, Barbara Ross Wooldridge (2014 ) Drivers of Customer Relationships in

Quick-Service Restaurants: The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Given low levels of consumer brand loyalty and a uniform product that makes cultivating a
distinctive identity difficult, quick-service restaurants (QSRs) confront a unique difficulty in
building customer relationships. In addition to the quality of their cuisine, service, and overall
restaurant environment, quick-service restaurants try to differentiate themselves with serious,
long-term corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts. The impact of customers' perceptions of
Chick-fil-food, A's service, atmosphere, and CSR on the three dimensions of their relationship
quality with the company—satisfaction, trust, and identification—is investigated in this paper.
The analysis discovered that (1) awareness of CSR programs did not improve customer
satisfaction but did boost identification and trust, (2) service quality supported trust and
satisfaction but did not influence customers' identification with the firm, and (3) food quality
affects customer satisfaction but has no link to trust or identification with the firm. Finally,
customer pleasure and trust were linked to customer loyalty, but loyalty was not linked to
identification with the organization. These findings show that the primary goal of CSR programs
in the QSR industry should not be to increase consumer happiness (or any other short-term goal).
Instead, it appears that CSR efforts should entail a true long-term endeavor to earn customers'
confidence and identification.

Ivan K. W. Lai (2014). The Roles of Value, Satisfaction, and Commitment in the Effect of
Service Quality on Customer Loyalty in Hong Kong–Style Tea Restaurants.
The goal of this study is to see how perceived value, customer happiness, and affective
commitment mediate the influence of service quality on customer loyalty at Hong Kong–style
tea cafés, which are quick-service restaurants that serve a fusion menu of Western and Asian
foods. The study discovered the following relationships based on the analysis of data collected
from 382 customers of these tea restaurants: (1) service quality positively influences perceived
value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty; (2) perceived value is a mediator of the
relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction; (3) customer satisfaction
positively influences affective commitment and customer loyalty; and (4) affective commitment
is a mediator of the relationship between customer satisfaction and affective commitment.
However, contrary to popular belief, perceived value has little born on consumer loyalty at these
establishments. This study reveals the moderating effects of culture in the connections between
Hong Kong–style tea cafés and their customers. It is also one of the few that tackles Asian
restaurants since it stresses the significance of affective commitment in the study of service

Kye-Hong Min (2014). Customer Satisfaction with Korean Restaurants in Australia and Their
Role as Ambassadors for Tourism Marketing. https://doi.org/10.1080/10548408.2013.877412

This is the first study to look into the relationship between Australian citizens' pleasure with
Korean cuisine, other aspects of the restaurant experience, and their desire to travel to Korea.
Customers of 16 Korean eateries in Queensland, Australia, were polled for information. While
four selection variables (facility, menu, service, and food) were identified, menu factors had the
greatest impact on consumer satisfaction. The study discovered a link between diners'
contentment with local Korean food and their willingness to consider visiting Korea. This study's
findings can be used to improve competitiveness and the tourist market.

Susan R. Gregory, Kenneth D. Smith (2008). Factors Contributing to Internal Customer Satisfaction
and Commitment in Quick Service Restaurants. https://doi.org/10.1300/J061v02n04_03

The fast-paced, highly competitive environment of quick service restaurants (QSRs) has prompted
industry members to come up with innovative approaches to improve customer satisfaction.
Employees as "internal customers," who are primarily responsible for external customer satisfaction,
have become more popular as a source of competitive advantage. Employees in the hospitality sector
are part of the product; they directly deliver the service component. Over 900 hourly and salaried
employees from 61 QSRs were surveyed for this project. The findings point to methods and
approaches for keeping employees satisfied and "actively" as well as "passively" devoted.
Uddin, M.B. (2019), "Customer loyalty in the fast food restaurants of Bangladesh", British Food
Journal, Vol. 121 No. 11, pp. 2791-2808. https://doi.org/10.1108/BFJ-02-2019-0140

The goal of this article is to look into the aspects that influence customer happiness and loyalty
in the fast-food restaurant industry. This paper proposes a theoretical model that includes

Jooyeon Ha1 (2009). Perceived values, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions: The role of
familiarity in Korean restaurants. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2009.03.009

This study looked at how customers in the United States perceive the value of eating experiences
in Korean restaurants. The impact of hedonic and utilitarian values on customer satisfaction and
behavioral intentions was specifically explored. The moderating influence of familiarity with
Korean eateries was also investigated in this study. Overall, the findings revealed that American
customers place a higher value on the utilitarian components of Korean restaurants than on the
hedonic aspects. Furthermore, utilitarian factors had a greater impact on consumer satisfaction
and behavior intentions than hedonic factors. When consumers' familiarity with the restaurants
was taken into account, hedonic elements were found to be more effective in inducing good
behavioral intentions in the low familiarity group, demonstrating that familiarity plays a
moderating function.

Soocheong (Shawn) Jang & Jaemun Byun (2019). Can signaling impact customer satisfaction
and behavioral intentions in times of service failure? : Evidence from open versus closed kitchen
restaurants. https://doi.org/10.1080/19368623.2019.1567432

The impact of signaling on consumers' perceptions of service quality, satisfaction, and intent to
return in the event of a service failure is investigated in this study. As a signal, the open kitchen
design is chosen. Customers' perceptions of service quality in open kitchen restaurants versus
closed kitchen restaurants are gathered through an online poll. Following that, client satisfaction
and intent to return are assessed in the event of a service failure. The findings show that open
kitchen design sends out a negative signal for noise and odor, but a good signal for food hygiene
and quality.
Boo, H. V. (2017). Service Environment of Restaurants: Findings from the youth
customers. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, 2(2), 67-77.


Many Asian countries' economies are becoming increasingly reliant on the relatively service-
driven restaurant business, and as a result, restaurant service performance must be thoroughly
understood and maintained. The fundamental factors of restaurant service quality, particularly
for crucial segments such as youth clients, must be identified. As a result, the purpose of this
article is to investigate the value of service environment (service cape and human service), food
quality, and price from the perspective of young customers. Fine dining (n1 = 145), fast food (n2
= 147), and food court (n3 = 117) restaurants were the types of restaurants studied. A total of 409
completed structured questionnaires were gathered. Human service and price were the two most
important factors in determining satisfaction and loyalty. Except for fast food businesses, the
impact of service cape on customer happiness and loyalty was relatively minor.

Choongbeom Choi & Atul Sheel  (2012). Assessing the Relationship between Waiting Services
and Customer Satisfaction in Family Restaurants.

Many restaurants throughout the world have been concerned about how to manage customers in
long lines and protect themselves from lost revenue as a result. This study looked at the
relationship between the services provided to waiting customers and customer satisfaction at
family restaurants using surveys, factor analysis, and regressions. Exploratory factor analysis of
the data revealed five major constructs that characterized significant aspects of waiting service:
human service, visual media service, menu service, seated service, and notice service. Customer
satisfaction was influenced by all five categories, according to multiple regression analysis. The
findings give owners and managers of family restaurants with relevant information on crucial
waiting management strategies for boosting customer satisfaction. As a result, the significance of
waiting service management in family restaurants has become clearer.

Aidin Namin (2016). Revisiting customers' perception of service quality in fast food restaurants.
This study builds on earlier studies in the field of fast-food restaurant marketing. The participants
in this study are actual fast food restaurant patrons. Data is examined using Confirmatory Factor
Analysis, Structural Equation Modeling, and Path Analysis in accordance with the literature. The
findings of this study indicate elements that influence customer satisfaction, as well as service
quality characteristics and rankings in the setting of fast-food restaurants. According to the
findings, there is no straightforward approach to increase behavioral intentions in fast food
restaurants by boosting service quality. Rather, customer satisfaction can be used as an
intermediary to promote behavioral intentions. Furthermore, this research offers evidence that
customer satisfaction can be increased through service quality, food quality, and price-value
ratio, which would pave the way for an indirect improvement in behavioral intentions in the
business. The findings of this study shed light on how managers should prioritize their focus and
resource allocation for customer satisfaction and different dimensions of service quality, and
they can be used by fast food restaurant managers to develop guidelines and strategies for
providing better service to their customers.

Tommy D. Andersson,Lena Mossberg (2004). The dining experience: do restaurants satisfy

customer needs? https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-5740.2004.00105.x

This is an exploratory paper in which the major goal is to construct a multidimensional analysis
of dining. Customers were asked to estimate their willingness to pay for six parts of the dining
experience: food, service, great cuisine, restaurant interior, nice company, and other customers,
in order to measure the relative value of various aspects of restaurant services. Customers were
asked to rate a perfect restaurant experience as well as their most recent restaurant visit. As a
result, the actual evaluation might be compared to an ideal value to see where restaurants can
improve their customers' dining experiences. The findings show that clients in evening
restaurants prioritize social needs, whereas customers in lunch restaurants prioritize
physiological demands.
Margaret N. Githiri (2017). Influence of Physical Environment on Customer Satisfaction and
Return Intention in Kenyan Rated Restaurants. https://doi.org/10.20849/ajsss.v2i1.82

The purpose of the study was to see how the physical environment affects consumer satisfaction
and return intent. The survey included 345 clients from Nairobi and Kenya's coastal region. The
sampling method was straightforward and random. The physical environment was measured
using DINESCAPE elements. A self-administered structural close ended questionnaire was used
to collect data. The data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)
version 18. At the 0.01 confidence level, the Pearson correlation coefficient test revealed a strong
positive link between physical environment and return intention (r =0.605). The majority of
respondents were unsatisfied with the outward appearance of the restaurant's setting and the
musical background, as indicated by a mode of 2. The results of a linear regression study
demonstrated that the physical environment has a statistically significant relationship with
customer return intention (p = 0.000). This meant that the physical environment had a significant
impact on consumers' desire to return to rated eateries. The study indicated that restaurant
managers devise measures to improve the restaurants' external appearance in order to please and
urge most customers to return. They should also provide music that is appropriate for their target

Wansoo Kim & Chihyung Ok (2010). Customer Orientation of Service Employees and
Rapport: Influences on Service-Outcome Variables in Full-Service Restaurants.


The goal of this study is to see if the notion "customer orientation in service employees" (COSE)
has any bearing on service-outcome factors. The study examines (a) COSE's direct impact on
two service-outcome variables ("customer satisfaction" and "affective commitment"); (b)
COSE's indirect impact on these two variables via the mediating construct of "rapport"; and (c)
COSE's effect on "repurchase intention" via the other variables. The article proposes hypotheses
about the relationships between the constructs (COSE, "rapport," "customer satisfaction,"
"affective commitment," and "repurchase intention") and develops a conceptual model of the
constructs involved (COSE, "rapport," "customer satisfaction," "affective commitment," and
"repurchase intention"). After that, the conceptual model and hypotheses are tested on a group of
full-service restaurant patrons. COSE improves customer satisfaction and affective commitment,
according to the study, and rapport mediates COSE's impacts on both variables. COSE also
improves repurchase intention via these characteristics, according to the study. As a result, the
study confirms the value of COSE and rapport in improving customer satisfaction and retention
in the food-service industry.

Chen-Tsang (Simon) Tsai a & Pei-Hsun Lu (2011). Authentic dining experiences in ethnic theme
restaurants. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2011.04.010
Customers at ethnic theme restaurants often want to experience true ethnic culture, according to
the literature on the subject, and consumer happiness is linked to authenticity. This study
investigates the relationship between the importance and performance of authentic dining
experiences in ethnic theme restaurants, as well as the impact of authentic dining experiences on
ethnic theme restaurant repurchase intention. This study collected 538 samples after creating the
questionnaire content and sampling. The findings demonstrate that authentic eating experiences
are a good predictor of customer repurchase intent. As a result of this research, ethnic theme
restaurants should improve their service, atmosphere, and food in order to provide consumers
with a more authentic dining experience.

Qin, H., Prybutok, V.R. and Zhao, Q. (2010), "Perceived service quality in fast‐food restaurants:

empirical evidence from China", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management,
Vol. 27 No. 4, pp. 424-437. https://doi.org/10.1108/02656711011035129


The goal of this study is to adapt the SERVPERF scale to include the extra dimension of
recoverability, as well as to empirically evaluate and develop the modified SERVPERF
instrument using data from a Chinese survey. The study's goal is to determine the possible
antecedents of consumer happiness in China's fast food business. Service quality, meal quality,
and perceived value are all antecedents. Finally, it aims to investigate the relationship between
behavioral intentions and consumer satisfaction in mainland China's fast food market.

Erdis, C., & du Toit, M. (2014). Household Life Cycle: The Case of Customer Satisfaction in
Restaurants. International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER), 13(2), 335–344.

Customers that receive poor customer service are common in the restaurant sector, leading to
many customers choosing to patronize other establishments. Although marketing scholars have
long studied the impact of family on consumer behavior and satisfaction, there has been very
little research on the impact of family structure on customer satisfaction in restaurants. The
impact of the home life cycle on customer satisfaction in chosen restaurants in the Tshwane
district of Gauteng, South Africa, is investigated in this study. An empirical study was
undertaken with the goal of determining if the stage of a restaurant patron's home life cycle has
an impact on the level of customer satisfaction experienced when visiting restaurants. A self-
administered poll was undertaken by handing out questionnaires with the restaurant bill folder to
restaurant clients.
According to the findings of the study, the stage in the household life cycle of restaurant patrons
does have an impact on how satisfied consumers are with various parts of customer service,
which in turn effects their total customer satisfaction. This is critical for restaurants that wish to
retain loyal customers and, as a result, enhance profitability.
Ribeiro Soriano, D. (2002), "Customers’ expectations factors in restaurants: The situation in
Spain", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 19 No. 8/9, pp. 1055-
1067. https://doi.org/10.1108/02656710210438122


The characteristics that impact customers' decisions to return to a restaurant for another meal are
examined in this research. The restaurant industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the
Spanish economy, and it is expected to continue to grow in the future. In Spain, the use of Total
Quality (TQ) systems in the tourism business is still a relatively new phenomenon. As a result,
the importance of the client's satisfaction, which leads to the attainment of the highest degree of
quality: cooking is culture, and it must be culturally adapted and encouraged. The quality
perceptions of clients of Spanish restaurants were acquired in the survey presented in this
research. The quality perceptions of consumers of Spanish restaurants were acquired using a
Likert scale from zero to 10 in the study presented in this paper. Male and female clients did not
score the features differently. The most essential attribute was food quality, followed by service
quality, cost/value of the meal, and the restaurant's location/ambiance.

Gil Luria & Dana Yagil (2007). Procedural justice, ethical climate and service outcomes in
restaurants. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2007.07.022

According to the research, an ethical climate can help an organization succeed by improving
employee performance. The hospitality business considers the ethical climate to be extremely
important since it improves service providers' contact with clients. By examining the
relationships between ethical atmosphere, service, and customer happiness in restaurants, this
study adds to past studies. We've also looked at the link between an organization's ethical climate
and how it treats its personnel. The survey involved 171 employees and 103 guests across 20
eateries. Employees, consumers, and "mystery shoppers" provided information. As expected,
ethical atmosphere was linked to service performance, which was found to entirely mediate the
relationship between ethical climate and customer happiness. Ethical climate was also found to
correlate positively with procedural justice. Our results indicate the benefits of the ethical
message conveyed through consistent managerial practices in service organizations.
Yan, X., Wang, J. & Chau, M. Customer revisit intention to restaurants: Evidence from online
reviews. Inf Syst Front 17, 645–657 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-013-9446-5

One of the most widely accepted marketing principles is that keeping clients is more profitable
than attracting new ones. As a result, practitioners must think about how to keep existing
consumers and boost their repeat purchases if they want to make a profit. The goal of this study
is to look into the aspects that influence a customer's desire to return to a restaurant by looking at
internet reviews. Food quality, price and value, service quality, and atmosphere are antecedents
of restaurant customers' revisit intention, and restaurant type moderates the effect of customer
satisfaction with service quality, atmosphere, and price and value on revisit intention, according
to regression analysis of quantitative scores from 10,136 restaurant reviews collected from an
online life community in China. We also employed text mining technologies to find detailed
assessment indicators in each dimension and investigate the peculiarities of customers'
evaluation behavior. Food quality, pricing, and value have four indicators, whereas service
quality and atmosphere have two.

Naeyhun (Paul) Jin & Nathaniel D. Line (2015). The Impact of Brand Prestige on Trust,
Perceived Risk, Satisfaction, and Loyalty in Upscale Restaurants.

Trust, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and perceived risk are all influenced by brand
prestige. Trust, consumer pleasure, and loyalty are all negatively impacted by perceived risk.
Data analysis also demonstrated that trust has a favorable impact on consumer happiness and
loyalty. The conclusion and discussion include theoretical and managerial implications.

Kim, Ho-Sik & Shim, Jae-Hyun (2019). The Effects of Quality Factors on Customer Satisfaction,
Trust and Behavioral Intention in Chicken Restaurants.

The purpose of this study is to classify the quality factors of chicken restaurant customers with the
service quality based on the SERVQUAL, the quality factors based on the selection attributes and
service qualities of chicken restaurants used in previous studies, and the quality factors based on the
selection attributes and service qualities of chicken restaurants used in previous studies. The study was
conducted among students at Kangwon University in Samchuk City, Kangwon Province, from
November 20 to November 30, 2017, and a total of 260 questionnaires were given, with 222 being
collected. There were a total of 193 effective questionnaires utilized in the final study, with 29 being
unable to be used. The following are the study's findings: First, the quality elements of chicken
restaurants were split into seven categories: cleanliness, service experience quality, product quality,
aesthetics, overall interior, purchasing quality, and convenience. Second, it was discovered that the
quality of the service encounter, the quality of the purchase, and the cleanliness of the environment all
had a beneficial impact on consumer satisfaction.

respectively. Finally, it was discovered that the quality of the service interaction, the quality of the
purchase, and the cleanliness of the environment all had a favorable impact on trust. Fourth, customer
satisfaction was found to have a beneficial impact on behavioral intention. Furthermore, it was
discovered that chicken restaurant customers' contentment had a favorable impact on behavioral
intention, and that higher customer satisfaction led to higher levels of reuse and recommendation
intention. Finally, it was determined that customer contentment has a good influence on trust, and trust
has a positive impact on behavioral intention, after examining the effect links of trust between
customer happiness about chicken restaurants and behavioral intention. On the other side, it was
discovered that trust plays a role in moderating the relationship between customer pleasure and
behavioral intention. However, it was discovered that product quality, aesthetics, general interior
design, purchasing quality, and convenience had little impact on customer happiness. Conclusions -
When it comes to service encounters and delivery orders, chicken restaurant customers value
friendliness and good service more than acceptable prices and discount programs. As a result, chicken
restaurant marketers must pay greater attention to elements such as service quality and cleanliness.

Moon, Sang-Jeong & Song, Jung-Sun (2012) Study on Food Quality of Korean Restaurants,
Customer Satisfaction, and Revisit Intentions in Chinese University or College Students - Focused on
different awareness of Korean food

The goal of this study was to see if there were any links between meal quality, food awareness,
customer happiness, and Korean restaurant revisit intentions among Chinese university or college
students in the Daegu and Gyeongbuk areas. A number of questions about the quality of Korean food,
Korean food awareness, customer satisfaction, and revisit intentions were incorporated in a
questionnaire based on a literature review. On the basis of 234 valid responses, the survey data was
analyzed. The SPSS application was used to perform statistical studies such as frequencies, factor
analysis, reliability analysis, and regression. The findings revealed that Chinese students' perceptions
of food quality had a substantial impact on customer satisfaction. Food quality, on the other hand, did
not have a major impact on customer happiness, according to Korean food awareness among Chinese
students. Furthermore, customer happiness had a considerable impact on revisit intentions, although
customer satisfaction as measured by Korean food awareness had no impact. Finally, the success of
the foodservice industry is largely determined by the quality of the food served.

Boo Ho Voon (2012). Role of Service Environment for Restaurants: The Youth Customers’
Perspective. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.03.361

Restaurants play an essential role in the economic development of many Asian countries. As a
result, drivers of restaurant service quality must be determined, particularly for the key
categories (i.e., youths). From the perspective of the youth, this research investigates the
importance of the service environment (servicescape and human service), food quality, and price.
Fine dining, fast food, and food court eateries were among the restaurants investigated. There
were a total of 407 surveys that might be used. Human service and price were the most important
factors in determining satisfaction and loyalty. Except for fast food businesses, the impact of
servicescape on customer happiness and loyalty was rather minor.

Liang, R. and Zhang, J. (2012), "The effect of service interaction orientation on customer

satisfaction and behavioral intention: The moderating effect of dining frequency", Asia Pacific
Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 24 No. 1, pp. 153-
170. https://doi.org/10.1108/13555851211192740

The goal of this study is to look at the connections between interaction orientation, customer
happiness, and behavioral intentions across hospitality companies.

Martina G.Gallarza-Granizoa, María-Eugenia, Ruiz-Molinaa, Christopher Schlosser (2019).

Customer value in Quick-Service Restaurants: A cross-cultural study.

Despite the relativistic nature of the Customer Value idea, there is currently a scarcity of study
on variances in Value perceptions between cultures. Gaining insight into this issue is especially
important for companies that are highly competitive and international, such as fast-food or quick-
service restaurants (QSR). The goal of this article is to discover Value dimensions in this
industry and investigate the relationships between Value, Satisfaction, and Loyalty, while also
ensuring that the conclusions gained are consistent across three nations. To achieve this goal, a
questionnaire was created and answered by 366 people from Guatemala, Spain, and Germany
after one in-depth interview with a QSR manager and two multicultural focus groups with QSR
consumers. The relationships between Value dimensions, Satisfaction, and Loyalty are depicted
in the results of a structural model calculated with PLS, with notable differences between the
three cultural groups. Limitations and future lines of research on both value creation in QSR and
the specificity of the Value-Satisfaction-Loyalty chain are discussed, as well as conclusions in
terms of theoretical and management consequences.
Bojanic, D.C. (2007), "Customer profile of the “carryout” segment for
restaurants", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 19
No. 1, pp. 21-31. https://doi.org/10.1108/09596110710724134

The goal of this study is to identify the customer profile for all types of restaurants' "carryout"

 Han, Heesup; Kim, Wansoo; Lee, Sanghyeop; Kim, Hye-Ran (2018). How Image Congruity and
Satisfaction Impact Customer Retention at Luxury Restaurants: A Moderated Mediation
Framework. https://doi.org/10.2224/sbp.6767

At luxury restaurants, we looked into the impact of consumers' image congruency and
satisfaction on customer retention. We looked at product consumption conspicuity as a
moderator in the link between image congruity and customer satisfaction. The measuring
approach has adequate levels of reliability and construct validity, according to our evaluation.
The structural model analysis revealed that both image congruity and customer satisfaction had a
considerable impact on customer retention, accounting for more than half of the variance in
retention. Furthermore, customer satisfaction was found to play an important role in predicting
retention, acting as a substantial mediator. The connection between image congruity and
consumer happiness was significantly moderated by the conspicuousness of product usage.
Overall, our findings provide significant information about client retention to researchers and
practitioners in the luxury restaurant business.

Susan (Sixue) Jia (2018). Motivation and satisfaction of Chinese and U.S. tourists in restaurants:
A cross-cultural text mining of online reviews. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2019.104071

Tourists from various cultural origins think and act in different ways. Tourism managers will be
able to achieve more client happiness and revenue by accurately recording and comprehending
cultural differences. This research investigates and contrasts the motivation and happiness of
restaurant tourist customers from China and the United States by looking at their online ratings
and reviews. From two major online review communities, customer ratings and reviews have
been retrieved, quantified, text-mined, compared, and interpreted using statistics, latent Dirichlet
allocation, and frequency analysis. Results suggest that Chinese tourists are less inclined to
assign lower ratings to restaurants, and are more strongly fascinated by the food offered, whereas
U.S. tourists are more apt to be fun-seeking, and are less uncomfortable with crowdedness.

Sandra M. Walz and Brian P. Niehoff (2017). ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP

LIMITED-MENU RESTAURANTS. https://doi.org/10.5465/ambpp.1996.4980770

According to Organ's organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) model, aggregate citizenship
behaviors boost organizational performance. The association between OCB and organizational
effectiveness measures in limited menu restaurants was studied in this study. The findings
backed up the idea that aggregate OCB is linked to a variety of organizational effectiveness
metrics. There is a discussion of the ramifications.

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