SMM 12 Hot Work Permit

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BSM Hot work permit Form: SMM 12

Ship name: ______________________ Date: ______________ Position: __________________

Location of work: __________________________________________ (See Note 1)
Has the enclosed space permit been issued? __________ Permit No: _________________ 
Is a Risk Assessment for this job prepared / reviewed? _________ RA No: _________________
Description of work: ___________________________________________________________
Work to be done by: Rank / Contractor _____________ Name(s): ________________________
Period of validity: From: Date: _____________ Time: ___________
(Not to exceed 8 hours) To: Date: _____________ Time: ___________

Office review and agreement of RA and Workplan reference no: ______________ Date / time: ________


S. No Precautions to be taken / checks done prior start of Hot Work YES NO NA

1 Has the surrounding area been checked with a combustible gas indicator for
hydrocarbon vapours?
2 Is necessary PPE available?
3 Is working area free from combustible material?
4 Are adjacent areas and spaces free from combustible material?
5 Are other permits for use in conjunction with this permit been completed?
Provide details:

6 Is working area free of thermally sensitive equipment?

7 Is working area ventilation adequate (augmented if necessary)?
8 Are fire precautions provided at work location and any other risk area? (Fire
main must be kept pressurised)
9 Are common scuppers sealed?
10 Is safe access provided?
11 Is briefing by supervisor done? 
12 Is the equipment or pipeline free of combustible liquid? Has the line been
13 Has the equipment or pipeline been blanked or isolated?
14 Are the equipment isolated electrically, if applicable? (Electrical Circuits work
permit SMM 17 issued)
15 Was a risk assessment for this hot work carried out?
16 Has a review been requested from the office? (documentary evidence to be
available) (Ref. Note 3)
17 Is a positive review and agreement received from Technical Superintendent?
(documentary evidence to be available) (Ref. Note 3)
18 Additional office requirements have been implemented (if received)?
19 Has the Master held a safety meeting to discuss planned work and safety
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BSM Hot work permit Form: SMM 12

20 Have all personnel involved in the preparation and hot work operation been
2. EQUIPMENT PREPARATION (delete as necessary)

Items YES NO
A. Electric arc
Are cables, connections and electrode holder in good condition?
Are quick disconnect coupling free and operational?
Is negative return connected direct to work piece?

B. Oxygen / acetylene
Are regulators, gauges, hoses and connections in good condition?
Are back fire preventers connected?
Is torch in good condition and fitted with correct tip? 



I have checked the above conditions and consider it safe to carry out the work stated during the period
stated above, provided that the conditions laid down are followed

Signature: _____________________________ (Suptd, Ch. Off, Safety Off, Ch. Engr., 2nd Engr.)

Name / rank / date: __________________________________

I understand the precautions to be taken and will return this permit for cancellation in accordance with
Section 9
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BSM Hot work permit Form: SMM 12

Signature: _____________________________________ (By the person carrying out the work)

Name / rank / date: __________________________________


Permission to carry out the work stated is granted subject to the conditions above

Signature of Master / Suptd: _____________________________

Name / date: ___________________________________

Office agreement for hot work (if applicable): Yes / No (Mark as applicable)


Permit validity
Gas test Until
Date Time
Tested by At By
HC% O2 % Date Time
(Name / rank / signature) (time) (Master)

The work has been completed /suspended and all persons under my supervision, materials and
equipment have been withdrawn.
Authorized person in charge: Name: _______________ Rank: _________
(Suptd, Ch. Off, Safety Off, Time: _______________ Date: ___________
Ch. Engr., 2nd Engr.)
Permit Closed: Master: ________________ Time: __________ Date:___________

Company advised of completion/suspension of work: [See Note 4]

(Ref. (Msg. No)…………………/ Date……………………)

 Starting and finishing time must not exceed the time allocated by the authorized signatories.
 Provide specific location of work.
 Description of work to include type of equipment to be used.
 Hot work should not be carried out within 30m of any non-gas free cargo tanks, ballast tanks, slop
tanks, pump rooms and forward cofferdams, noting the following:

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BSM Hot work permit Form: SMM 12

- Cargo and slop tanks to be purged and inerted to <8% O2 and not more than 2% HC.
- Ballast tanks completely filled with ballast water and ballast water confirmed without oil traces.
- Pump rooms, cofferdams, void spaces to be confirmed not more than 2% HC.
 Hot work to be carried out >500 mm from a F.O. tank deck or bulkheads.
 Hot work is prohibited during bunkering operations.
 For all Hot Work - A full a risk assessment, work plan, hot work permit and minutes of the safety
meeting must be prepared. Details of work proposal and procedure must be discussed.
 Hot work on pipelines containing oil: The necessary section to be removed from its place by cold
work and repaired in designated workshop.
 Tests for combustible gas should be carried out immediately before commencement of hot work
and at frequent intervals as long as the work is in progress.
 This permit must be displayed at the work site and must be returned to the authorized person upon
completion of the hot work.
 Any change in the conditions, which were agreed to, when issuing this hot work permit will
invalidate it.
 Hot work must stop immediately and must not be restarted until all safety precautions have been
rechecked and a new permit issued.

Note 1 For hot work in the designated engine room workshop this hot work permit is not to be used.

Note 2: Office review of planned hot work

 Applies to all hot work outside the designated workshop area in machinery space. Also applies to
hot work inside an engine room workshop which is not fully enclosed and hence exposed to the
engine room atmosphere.
 Prepare and submit a full risk assessment and work plan to the Technical Superintendent for
 Hot work can only be conducted when a positive review and agreement from the company is
 On dry cargo ships for any urgent hot work outside the engine room workshop, discuss the work on
the phone with the ship’s Technical Superintendent before it is commenced. The Technical
Superintendent must confirm that the crew has considered all risks and that the necessary
documentation (RA, brief work plan and work permits) are available and filed correctly. Risk
awareness must be adequately verified and feedback must be provided. The ship shall record the
outcome of this discussion with the office on the RA form created for the task. The complete
documentation still needs to be send to the office.

Note 3:
Informing the office about start and completion/suspension of hot work is mandatory

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