2 News 2-25
2 News 2-25
2 News 2-25
Correction: It has come to our attention that the news article “Farewell: 45 faculty, staff prepare to take their leave” (2/25/11) included two misquotes of Assistant Professor of An-
thropology Linda Angst. “I don’t see people in positions of authority who are people of color” was a reference to the city of Portland, not Lewis & Clark College. Additionally, the last
paragraph incorrectly implied a connection between Angst’s experiences regarding tenure transparency and her decision to retire under VESP. The Pioneer Log regrets this occurrence.
Natalie Eagan & Sarah Gottlieb unclear. When the intent of the artist is un- An unidentified individual or group of people spray painted walls on both South Campus (above) and the
clear, a spectrum of response and criticism is College of Arts & Sciences (below) on the night of Friday, Feb. 11, using the same stencil several times, and
Copy Editors: expected. including the text “Gatsby” and “Life is beautiful and stuff.”
Robin Cedar, Gabby Hands, Kathleen “I really applaud whoever did it,” said
Daly, Alix Roberts & Kelsi Villarreal
Nate Miller (’13). “It’s such a pleasing court-
Staff Writers: yard, I have been trying to take pictures in
Kate Barhydt, Jerred Blanchard, Hilary there for a year now and could never pull
Devaney, Rye Druzin, Dylan Disalvio, it off until this guy or gal filled it up quite
Alix Finnegan, Adrian Guerrero,
Stephanie Gonzalez, Maggie Hennessey, nice[ly].” Nate’s photos of the graffiti are on
Micah Leinbach, Drew Lenihan, Sara his flickr account, flickr.com/photos/miller-
Miller, Megan Morin, Kevin Muhitch, nate.
Hannah Palmer, Hilary Patin, Leah While some students and faculty see the
Potter & Rachel Young vandalism as self-expression, the administra-
Advisors: tion has other ideas. “If and when persons re-
Peter Christenson & Jason Feiner sponsible for vandalism are identified, Lewis
& Clark has the option to prosecute them
The Pioneer Log serves to inform the
Lewis & Clark community on issues of for violation of the state’s Criminal Mischief
concern to students. Advertisements, statute,” said director of Campus Safety, Tim
Letters to the Editor and Editorials O’Dywer.
do not necessarily reflect the opinions The graffiti has cost the school near-
of the Pioneer Log or Lewis & Clark ly $1000. Due to the age of the Corbett
house, the bricks are porous and will retain
The Pioneer Log more paint than newer bricks and buildings.
0615 SW Palatine Hill Rd. Therefore, Facilities Services had to contract
MSC 121 the clean up to a private company. Even af-
[email protected] ter cleanup, the vandalism remains slightly Remnants of the graffiti still remain on the wall next to the outdoor tennis courts, even after the College
www.piolog.com visible. contracted an outside company to have it removed.