Preparation For Arrival / Departure in Port: Action: File and Log, Each Time
Preparation For Arrival / Departure in Port: Action: File and Log, Each Time
Preparation For Arrival / Departure in Port: Action: File and Log, Each Time
b) Defects / deficiencies that cannot be rectified by ship's staff should be brought to the attention of the Company. The vessel cannot
proceed unless a Risk Assessment is carried out and Office Approval Recvied.
Port: _______________________ ARRIVAL / DEPARTURE (Strike out whichever is not applicable) Date: ______________________
PART A - Documentation & Information
1) In case of preparation for getting underway, a Passage plan has been prepared for the intended voyage, has been reviewed by the
Master and has been read and signed by all deck officers. In case of arrival, the passage plan for arrival port has been reviewed by
the Master & Deck Officers.All passage charts/Publication Kept Ready and in order.
2) Local area weather and navigation warnings have been applied on charts as applicable.
3) Adequate notices have been given to Deck & Engine Room personnel for Arrival / Departure.
4) Where required, notifications have been made to the Terminal / VTS / Pilot station.
5) Correct VHF channels are being monitored for tugs / pilots /VTS etc.
6) Required flags / light signals are displayed.
7) In case visibility is less than 1 NM and local port regulations allow the vessel to depart / arrive, a Risk Assessment shall be carried
out and office approval required before departure / arrival.
8) Dangerous goods locations and class, available on bridge.
9) Stability / stress calcs. Made, GM and other necessary cargo information available to bridge.
10) Pilot card filled ready for pilot.
11) Embarkation / Dis-embarkation of Pilot a) Time of Embarkation/Disembarkation b) Agreed side of boarding
c) Position for E/D Speed of V/L at time of E/D d) Pilot Ladder Arrangements checked and Ready for use.
12) Security level as required by Flag State/Port State implemented and Maritime Security search carried out.
13) Tides & tidal – streams calculated, written on chart, tidal stream atlas / tide tables out ready on chart table.
Name & Rank of Officer Completing Checks: _________________ Time: ____________ Signature: ________________________