Mabini Colleges College of Nursing and Midwifery NCM 103 - Examination of The Eyes Name: Jamito, Kristelle Nicole V. Date: - Score

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Daet, Camarines Norte

College of Nursing and Midwifery


Name: Jamito, Kristelle Nicole V. Date: __________ Score: ______________

Multiple Choice: Read each question carefully and encircle the letter of your answer.

1) Lacrimal glands are located on which surface of the eye:

A) medial
B) lateral
C) inferior
D) superior
E) deep

2) Which of the external eye muscles is controlled by cranial nerve VI (abducens):

A) superior rectus
B) inferior rectus
C) lateral rectus
D) medial rectus
E) inferior oblique

3) Tough, white connective tissue forms this portion of the fibrous layer of the eye:
A) choroid
B) conjunctiva
C) cornea
D) retina
E) sclera

4) The gland that produces tears in the eye is called the:

A) tarsal gland
B) ceruminous gland
C) sebaceous gland
D) lacrimal gland
E) ciliary gland

3) Tough, white connective tissue forms this portion of the fibrous layer of the eye:
A) choroid
B) conjunctiva
C) cornea
D) retina
E) sclera

4) The gland that produces tears in the eye is called the:

A) tarsal gland
B) ceruminous gland
C) sebaceous gland
D) lacrimal gland
E) ciliary gland
5) The pupil is an opening within the:
A) retina
B) iris
C) choroid
D) lens

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E) sclera

6) Inflammation of the conjunctiva involves which of the following:

A) circular band surrounding the pupil
B) delicate membrane lining the eyelids and covering the front of the eyeball
C) glands that produce tears
D) portion of the eye that contains the optic nerve
E) extrinsic eye muscles

7) Which region of the retina contains only cones and is the sharpest area of visual acuity:
A) cornea
B) choroid
C) retina
D) sclera
E) fovea centralis

8) The transparent central anterior portion of the sclera through which light enters the eye is
called the:
A) choroid
B) cornea
C) iris
D) pupil
E) retina
9) The middle coat of the eyeball that contains pigment which prevents light from scattering in
the eyeball is the:
A) choroid
B) cornea
C) retina
D) pupil
E) sclera

10) Which layer of the eye contains rods and cones:

A) sclera
B) retina
C) choroid
D) iris
E) optic nerve

11) The pigmented portion of the eye that has a rounded opening through which light passes is
A) iris
B) lens
C) cornea
D) sclera
E) retina

12) The three sets of color receptors within the retina are sensitive to wavelengths of visible light
that are:
A) red, green, and yellow
B) red, blue, and yellow
C) green, yellow, and purple
D) orange, green, and purple
E) blue, green, and red

13) Which area of the retina lacks rods and cones and therefore does not detect images:
A) optic disc
B) optic nerve
C) choroid

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D) fovea centralis
E) ciliary body
14) The aqueous humor of the eye is reabsorbed into venous blood through the:
A) inferior lacrimal canal
B) nasolacrimal duct
C) scleral venous sinus (canal of Schlemm)
D) ciliary body
E) pupil

15) Which one of the following is NOT true of color blindness:

A) it is sex-linked, inherited homeostatic imbalance
B) it results from lack of cones
C) it occurs most often in women
D) it is caused by a defect in genes on the X (female) sex chromosome
E) lack of red or green receptors is the most common type

16) The gel-like substance that reinforces the eyeball and prevents it from collapsing inward is
A) aqueous humor
B) ciliary body
C) choroid coat
D) vitreous humor
E) canal of Schlemm

17) What structure of the eye focuses light on the retina:

A) iris
B) sclera
C) lens
D) choroid
E) optic chiasma

18) The inability to see distant objects is termed "nearsighted" or:

A) emmetropia
B) hyperopia
C) myopia
D) astigmatism
E) presbyopia

19) Eyes suddenly exposed to bright light experience:

A) convergence
B) accommodation pupillary reflex
C) photopupillary reflex
D) eyestrain
E) hemianopia

20) Which one of the following correctly lists the order of the parts through which light passes as
it enters the eye:
A) cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous humor
B) aqueous humor, cornea, lens, vitreous humor
C) vitreous humor, lens, aqueous humor, cornea
D) cornea, lens, aqueous humor, vitreous humor
E) lens, aqueous humor, cornea, vitreous humor

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