Body Mechanics For The Caregiver: General Rules 2

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General Rules 2. • To feel in control, get close to the
• Never lift more than you can comfortably person you are lifting.
handle. • While lifting, keep your back in a
• Create a base of support by standing with neutral position (arched normally,
your feet 8–12” (shoulder width) apart not stiff), knees bent, weight balanced
with one foot a half-step ahead of the on both feet. Tighten your stomach
other. and back muscles to maintain a
correct support position.
• Use your arms to support the person.
• Again, let your legs do the lifting.

• DO NOT let your back do the heavy

work—USE YOUR LEGS. (The back
Body Mechanics for muscles are not your strongest muscles.)
the Caregiver • If the bed is low, put one foot on a foot-
stool. This relieves pressure on your lower
Body mechanics involves back.
standing and moving • Consider using a support belt for your 3. • Pivot (turn on one foot) instead of
back. twisting your body.
one’s body so as to • Breathe deeply.
prevent injury, avoid Helpful Caregiver Advice • Keep your shoulders relaxed.
• When a lot of assistance is needed with
fatigue, and make the for Moving a Person transfers, tie a strong belt or a transfer
These pointers are for the caregiver only.
belt around the person’s waist and hold
best use of strength. it as you complete the transfer.
When you learn how 1. • Tell the person what you are going to do.
• Before starting a move, count with the
to control and balance person, “1-2-3.”
your own body, you can
safely control and move
another person. Back
injuries to nursing home
aides are common, so Prevention of Back and
when doing any lifting be Neck Injuries
To prevent injuries to yourself, get plenty of
sure to use proper body rest and maintain:
• Good nutrition
mechanics. • Physical fitness
• Good body mechanics
• A program for managing stress
42 inMotion Volume 19, Issue 6 October 2009 Special Edition
Common Treatments for Caregiver
Back Pain
If you do experience back pain:
• Apply a cold ice pack to the injured area for 10 minutes every hour
(you can use a bag of frozen vegetables).
• Get short rest periods in a comfortable position.
• Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and hands on hips,
bend backwards. Do 3–5 repetitions several times a day.
• Take short, frequent walks on a level surface.
• Avoid sitting for long periods because sitting is one of the worst
healing positions.

As the caregiver, you should seek training from a physical

therapist to provide this type of care so as to reduce the risk
of injury to yourself or the person in your care. The thera-
pist will correct any mistakes you make and can take into
account special problems. To determine the best procedure
for you to use, the therapist will consider the physical condi-
tion of the person you care for and the furniture and room
arrangements in the home.

Moving a Person
When you have to move someone—either in bed or out of bed—
remember these tips:
• Plan the move and know what you can and cannot do.
• Let the person do as much work as he is capable of.
• Avoid letting the person put his arms around your neck or grab
• Use a transfer belt to balance and support the person.
• Place transfer surfaces (wheelchair and bed) close together.
• Check wheelchair position, brakes locked, armrests and footrests
swung out of the way.
• Let the person look to the place where he is being transferred.
• If the person is able, place his hands on the bed or chair so he can
assist in the movement. If the person has had a stroke or is afraid,
have him clasp his hands close to his chest.
• Ask the person to push rather than pull on the bed rails, the chair,
or you.
• Work at the person’s level and speed and check for pain.
• Avoid sudden jerking motions.
• Never pull on the person’s arms or shoulders.
• Correctly position the person. (This helps the body regain lost
function and helps prevent additional function loss.)
• Have the person wear shoes with good treads or sturdy slippers.

To encourage independence, let the person assist as he is able. It’s
okay for the person to stand up partly and sit back down. I

This article was excerpted from The Comfort of Home: A Complete

Guide for Caregivers; CareTrust Publications. The Comfort of Home is
available everywhere books are sold or visit

Editor’s Note: This article is intended for educational purposes

only. For specific advice, contact the appropriate healthcare
Contact the ACA at 888/267-5669 or 43

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