Easydent4 Installation Guide For Vender and IT Consultants

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Easydent4 Installation Guide for Vender and IT Consultants

1. There are two types of installation; it is important to understand those two main types

A. “Server” – From factory is located on the Capture PC (or main insulation that hosts the
“DB/Fileserver” for Easydent4.
Note: This can be installed on any system but the two main locations is the “Capture pc” for dental xray device; or the main office
server. For storage on the server; simply follow the instructions specifically for server except do the installation on the server*

Notice: It is recommended that both the DB and Fileserver be installed on the same system or server*.

B. “Workstation” – Any remote viewing station ; any station which does not host the DB/Fileserver

2. The installation files should be either located on the CD provided with the Dental Xray Device; on the
capture pc or network share (if already copied or downloaded) or it can be downloaded from Vatech
America Dealer share FTP or by contacting a Support representative to share the link for download.

3. Run the Easydent4 installation file.

4. During setup read each step carefully you will hit next a couple of times; once you arrive at the “Select
options” section you will do as follows depending on the type of installation you are performing.

A. For Server- Select all options and proceed on ‘Next’ all the way through.

B. For workstation- uncheck the two items labeled with the word ‘server’. –Click next all the way

5. For Server stations you are now finished if the system does not have a static IP please assign one and
write down for use on configuring workstations.

Note: For workstations continue one.

6. For workstations You will first need to know the IP as found on step 5.,

7. Open the following file location C:\Easydent4\

8. Open the “Net.ini” file; for some systems you might only see the name as “NET” and the description as
a “Configuration file; Open this file.
9. Using the IP address found or set during step 5; Edit the following 3 IP address lines.










DNS= Change

10. Save and Exit.

11. If you have any connection issues; verify that any Firewall or security software is allowing easydent4
through (Or you can turn off any such software) to allow the connection.

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