Both Young and Old RBC Young RBC Young RBC Old RBC: Rizal ST., Albay Dist., Legazpi City
Both Young and Old RBC Young RBC Young RBC Old RBC: Rizal ST., Albay Dist., Legazpi City
Both Young and Old RBC Young RBC Young RBC Old RBC: Rizal ST., Albay Dist., Legazpi City
College of Nursing
Rizal St., Albay Dist.,
Legazpi City
Type of RBC Both young and Young RBC Young RBC Old RBC
infected old RBC
Trypanosoma brucei Trypomastigotes spread Bite of blood sucking African sleeping sickness
from the skin to the blood insect vectors
then to the lymph nodes
and the brain
Leishmania donovani Promastigote is injected Bite of blood sucking Visceral Leishmaniasis
into the human host insect vectors
through bite of the sand
Toxoplasma gondii - Ingestion of oocyst Toxoplasmosis
- ingestion of - infection in
improperly cooked immunocompetent
Ingestion of raw meat or
meat of animals individuals
contaminated water
-congenital infection
- infection in
immunocompromised hosts
Plasmodium bites of female Anopheles Bite of blood sucking Malaria
falciparum mosquitoes. insect vectors
III. The following protozoans are transmitted by bite of a vector. Indicate the vector for
each of these parasites.