Course Pack 1 Historical Antecedents in Which Social Considerations Changed The Course of Science and Technology
Course Pack 1 Historical Antecedents in Which Social Considerations Changed The Course of Science and Technology
Course Pack 1 Historical Antecedents in Which Social Considerations Changed The Course of Science and Technology
Historical antecedents in which social considerations
changed the course of science and technology
a. In the World: Ancient, Middle and Modern Ages
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1. Steam Engine
Inventor: James Watt
Although the first version of a steam engine dates back
to 3rd century AD, it was not until the turn of the 19th
century and the advent of the Industrial Age that a
modern form of the internal combustion engine came
into existence. It took decades of designing, the
blueprints of which were made by James Watt, to
create the mechanism where combustion of a
fuel releases a high-temperature gas and as it expands it
thereby applies pressure to a piston and moves it. This
phenomenal invention played a pivotal role in invention
of other machinery such as automobiles and airplanes
that changed the face of the planet we live in.
2. Wheel
Inventor: Unknown
The idea of a symmetrical component moving in circular motion on an axis
has existed in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt and Europe separately in
different time periods. Thus, it cannot be ascertained by whom and where
the wheel emerged first, but this great invention appeared in 3500 BC and
has grown to become one of mankind’s most important inventions ever. It has been used to facilitate
farming and transportation and discover other great
inventions from clocks to vehicles.
3. Printing Press
Inventor: Johannes Gutenberg
Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1450 AD
borrowing heavily from Chinese assets and applying them to a
sophisticated machine. It wasn’t until the 19th century that
iron materials replaced wooden materials to speed up the process of
printing. The cultural and industrial revolution in Europe would not
have been possible if it wasn’t for the rapidity with which printing
press allowed documents, books and newspapers to be disseminated to a much wider audience in
Europe. These documents included the Bible and other important texts that allowed people to start
questioning and reasoning by reading for themselves. By 1500, twenty million had been printed
in Western Europe.
4. Computer
Inventor: Charles Babbage
The principal of the modern computer was first
mentioned by Alan Turing and later the
first mechanical computer was invented in early
19th century. This invention has
indeed accomplished amazing things in more areas
of life than we realize. It has helped
high performance military aircrafts to fly, put a
spaceship into orbit, control medical
equipment, create visual imagery, store vast
amounts of information and allowed the
functioning of car, phones and power plants.
5. Internet
Inventor: Vinton Cerf
The internet was first developed in 1973 by
Vinton Cerf backed by the US Department
of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(ARPA). Its initial use was to provide a network
of communication within research labs and
universities within United States and expanded
overtime. This invention (along with the World
Wide Web) has been the foremost revolutionary
invention of the 20th century. In 1996, more
than 25 million computers were connected
through the internet across 180 countries.
7. Television
Inventor: Vladimir K. Zworykin and Philo
Although the invention of the television cannot
be attributed to one person, it is largely believed
that the invention of the modern television was
the work of two people: Vladimir Kosma Zworykin
(1923) and Philo Farnsworth (1927). The
television was also one of the greatest inventions
which has been evolved from mechanical to
electronic to colour to digital to smart and now
3D versions. People typically spend around 4-8
hours watching TV per day and it has drastically impacted family and social life.
8. Light Bulb
9. Penicillin
Inventor: Alexander Fleming
Accidently discovered in a bacteria infested Petri dish by
Nobel Prize winner, Alexander Fleming in 1928,
Penicillin drug is a group of antibiotics that cures several
infections in human beings without harming them. The
Penicillin was mass produced during World War II to rid
servicemen of venereal diseases and is still used as a
standard antibiotic for infections. It was one of the most famous discoveries made in the field of
10. Telephone
Inventor: Alexander Graham Bell
In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell joined two cups with
a thread at the bottom of both ends and used it to
talk from one end and listen from the other. This laid
the foundation work for another revolutionary
invention that is today the attachment that we all
carry in our hands or pockets. The telephone which
later also developed as a mobile phone has had life-
saving impact on mankind especially in the field of
business and communication. The extension
of audible speech from within one room and across
the world is a work unrivaled till today.
This era of human history saw There were many advances in The technological advances would
widespread use of bronze and science and other technological usher in a new era of enlightenment
iron tools leading to the advances such as the invention of with new systems of government
formation of composite human gunpowder and increased trade overcoming the old systems
societies that eventually between Asia and Europe
evolved to large empires
The term “classical antiquity” In Europe, Medieval History is Contemporary history is either a
is often confused with Ancient also referred to as the “Dark Ages” subset of the late modern period, or
History when in fact it is used as many records were lost due to it is one of the three major subsets
to describe the time period in the chaos following the fall of the of modern history, alongside the
Western History when Ancient western half of the Roman Empire early modern period and the late
Mediterranean Civilisations modern period. The term
prospered contemporary history has been in
use at least since the early 19th
It is estimated that the world The world population rose from The world population rose from 460
population stood at around 72 210 million in 500 AD to 461 million in 1500 AD to 7 billion as of
million at around 1000 BC. By million in 1500 AD 2020 AD
500 AD it stood around by 209
Significant events of this era Although the Dark Ages have said The Renaissance of the 15th and
include the rise of the Greek to begin with the fall of the Roman 16th centuries heralded the
Kingdoms, rise and fall of Empire in the West in 476 AD, the beginning of the modern period as
the Indus Valley invasion of Italy by its Eastern half we know it today. This period was
Civilization and establishment (known as the Byzantine Empire) marked by a remarkable
of international trade networks. in 534 AD is said to be the true advancement in learning, medicine,
beginning of a period marked by technology and exploration.
anarchy and disorder
b. In the Philippines
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accelerator chip. Intel is now using the chips and technologies developed by Banatao. He now runs his
own semiconductor company, Mostron, and Chips & Technology, which is based in California’s Silicon