The Value of Professional Qualification

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COL 0851_3000 Series Brochure 20/2/06 18:01 Page 2

The value
of professional
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Members of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) have

helped to create our way of life. The world is a better place
thanks to the achievements of engineers such as Brunel and
Telford. Today’s members are engaged on projects that are
no less challenging and inspiring: carrying water to parched
African villages; building bridges to connect communities;
constructing high-speed railways; and bringing breathtaking
architecture to life with equally breathtaking engineering.

ICE is not a club and membership is not automatic. Membership

is a recognition of ability and has to be earned. As the world’s
oldest qualifying body for civil engineers, we know what we’re
looking for. We also know that what our members are looking
for is the support that will enable them to develop their skills and
realise their full potential.

We welcome people from student to senior level who work in,

or are involved with, civil engineering or any of the other built
environment professions. If you have commitment and ability
and would like to apply for membership of ICE, you can begin by
reading this booklet. You will learn about the grades of membership
and the stages in qualifying, and find out where to go for more
detailed information.
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Demands and
rewards of ICE
professional status
The civil engineers, technicians and What ICE qualification means
technical/ scientific specialists who are Achieving professional status shows that
awarded our qualifications are among the a person:
best in the world. Membership of ICE
demands a level of commitment and ■ is committed to health, safety and welfare
competence that goes beyond academic best practice
qualifications. Anyone considering a career ■ has a strong commitment to the
in or involved with civil engineering today public interest
should also consider becoming professionally ■ has a sound understanding of and can apply
qualified. The three-stage qualification core engineering or scientific principles
process (see ‘Qualifying for membership’ ■ understands key issues of sustainability
on page 4) gauges your drive and ability and their influence on engineering
by assessing your educational achievement, best practice
work experience and performance in a review ■ can be relied on to work to a high
by professional engineers. standard and produce solutions to
complex civil engineering or associated
Not everyone is successful, of course. For technical problems
those who are, the rewards can be substantial. ■ has the skills to make independent
You join a community that can support your judgements on engineering and related
development and benefit from the experience issues, manage multi-professional teams,
you bring to it. manage risks and often provide leadership
■ works to a rigorous code of conduct
How much you get out of membership ■ is committed to innovation and best
depends on how much you put in. Qualified practice in engineering
professionals learn from each other and from ■ has an understanding of the commercial
the expertise brought to ICE’s committees, and legal issues connected with
boards and societies. As a member of ICE, engineering projects and practice
you can lead debate and help to develop ■ is committed to staying abreast of key
new solutions to challenges. skills and issues through Continuing
Professional Development (CPD)
■ has access to ICE’s products, services and
knowledge networks

‘Clients are increasingly For businesses, a professionally qualified

person is a valued asset. When a company
requiring professionally employs a member of ICE, it is investing in
someone who will:
qualified engineers
■ maintain high standards of service
to lead their projects. to customers
■ have the requisite skills, knowledge and
The contracting competence to become a valued member
of staff
industry will need to ■ offer the potential to lead teams and
become a member of management
ensure that the right ■ have access, through ICE, to the latest
information on issues such as
people are available sustainability and innovation
■ be committed to their own continued
to meet this demand.’ professional development

The value of professional qualification
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Grades of What being

membership a member means
People of all ages and levels of experience Student Members are studying civil
apply for membership of ICE. There is a grade engineering (or similar) courses, either
of membership to suit everyone’s needs. full- or part-time, that could lead to future
membership as a Technician Member,
In 2005, we remodelled our existing grades Associate Member or Member.
to fully reflect the structure of today’s industry.
There are eight in all: Graduate Members have completed such
a course of study and are working towards
■ Student becoming professionally qualified.
■ Graduate
■ Technician Member Professionally Qualified Members
■ Associate Member
■ Member Technician Members apply proven
■ Fellow techniques to solve practical engineering
■ Affiliate and Companion problems. They ‘carry supervisory or technical
responsibility, and can exercise creative
Associate Members, Members and the aptitudes and skills within defined fields
majority of Fellows are professionally qualified. of technology’.
The criteria for the professionally qualified
membership grades also meet the new UK Qualification as a Technician Member earns
Standard for Professional Engineering ECUK Engineering Technician status and
Competence, or UKSPEC, issued by the UK’s allows registration with ECUK, via ICE, as
engineer regulating authority, Engineering EngTech. Technician Members also
Council (ECUK). In addition, qualifying offers a add the letters TMICE to their name, eg
route towards satisfying the requirements J Smith EngTech TMICE.
of an increasing number of industry
competence schemes. For more information see ICE 3002 Route to
Technician Membership (EngTech TMICE).

Associate Members work in professions

that are closely allied with the work of civil
engineers in the built environment. They act
as exponents of their respective disciplines
and manage their application in the broad
field of civil engineering. They are entitled
to add the letters AMICE to their name, eg
J Smith AMICE.

For more information see

ICE 3003 Route to Associate
Membership (AMICE).
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Members in
related fields
Members qualify at one of two levels: Chartered Environmentalist Status Affiliates and Companions are not civil
engineers, technicians or technical/scientific
1 The first level is for those who have Professionally qualified members can also specialists but work in related fields, such
satisfied all the requirements of the apply for Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) as law and finance. Many of them find
Member Professional Review (MPR). status with the Society for the Environment membership invaluable for its access to ICE’s
Their ‘educational qualifications and (SocEnv). Qualification involves satisfying an library, networking and other services, and
subsequent development enable them independent Chartered Environmentalist the opportunity to meet other ICE members.
to act as exponents of today’s technology, Professional Review. Affiliate membership is open to those who
and both apply and manage its application have an interest in, or work in, the field
in the broad fields of civil engineering’. For more information see ICE 3008 of the built and natural environment.
As a Member, they are entitled to add Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv). Companions work at the same senior level
the letters MICE to their name, eg as Fellows.
J Smith MICE. Fellows attain the highest class of
If their educational qualifications meet the membership by making ‘a significant Specialist Registers
ECUK standard, they also qualify for ECUK contribution to the civil engineering
Incorporated Engineer status and are able profession or advancing the practice of Specialist Registers are lists of specialists in a
to register with ECUK, via ICE, as engineering’. Fellows are likely to have range of engineering-related fields, equipped
Incorporated Engineers (IEng), eg around 15 years’ experience, five at a and qualified to appear as expert witnesses in
J Smith IEng MICE. senior level of responsibility related to legal disputes. ICE maintains the registers and
civil engineering. They are entitled to members must pass a rigorous assessment
2 The second level is for those who have add the letters FICE to their name, eg process before being added. Inclusion on the
satisfied all the requirements of the J Smith FICE. register is a demonstration of a member’s
Chartered Professional Review (CPR). standing and authority in a particular sector.
Their ‘educational base and subsequent For more information see ICE 3007 The registers available include:
development have provided them with Fellowship (FICE).
the ability to lead teams in developing ■ Expert Witnesses
holistic solutions to engineering problems’. ■ Arbitrators
These Members also qualify for ECUK ■ Adjudicators
Chartered Engineer status and are able ■ Conciliators
to register with ECUK, via ICE, as CEng. ■ Health, Safety and Welfare Specialists
They also adopt ICE’s own protected ■ Conservation Accredited Engineers (CARE)
title of Chartered Civil Engineer, eg ■ Reservoir Panel Engineers
J Smith CEng MICE ■ Specialists in Land Condition
Chartered Civil Engineer ■ CEEQUAL assessors
■ CEEQUAL verifiers
For more information see ICE 3001
Route to Membership. For more information see ICE 3009
Specialist Registers.

‘Becoming professionally qualified is now

an integral part of our staff training and
development process. We are readily able
to demonstrate competence to our clients
and the concept of ongoing CPD, following
the Qualification, is now equally as important
as the Qualification itself.’
The value of professional qualification
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Qualifying for Professional
membership Development
Gaining membership of ICE is a major For more information see ICE 3005 Being a member of ICE is not just about
landmark in your career. All members qualify Development Objectives. becoming professional; it is about being a
by successfully completing three stages in The recommended route for achieving your better professional and continuing to raise
their development: IPD is an ICE Training Agreement, which your own standards throughout your career.
guarantees a commitment from your employer
■ their Educational Base to your training and to provide a senior person As a member, you will be expected to make
■ their Initial Professional Development (IPD), to act as a mentor. Some members, though, a commitment to your own programme of
and achieve their IPD through a self-managed Continuing Professional Development
■ a Professional Review programme which is assessed by ICE at a (CPD) – a systematic way of broadening your
Career Appraisal. knowledge and skills and refining the personal
Professionally qualified members of other qualities you will need as your career develops.
institutions licensed by ECUK, or from You can find more information on ICE Training As part of this, all members should maintain
certain non UK institutions, may also Agreements and alternative IPD approaches at a Development Action Plan and Personal
qualify for ICE Membership, subject to an Development Record and commit sufficient
ICE Panel assessment. time to their CPD to keep their knowledge,
Assessment skills and competence up to date.
Educational requirements (Professional Review)
(Educational Base) The final stage in becoming a member is For more information see ICE 3006
As an aspiring member your starting point is the Professional Review, which judges your Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
your degree, certificate, diploma or other performance as a knowledgeable, competent
educational achievement. The Educational and professional technician, engineer or
Base benchmark differs for each membership technical/scientific specialist. If you want to be
grade and is usually linked to a formal
qualification, although you can reach the The Review varies depending on the grade the best...
standard by several routes. of membership, but usually you will have
to produce reports and other documents, ... don’t wait; apply for membership
You can find more information on achieving attend an interview with two experienced of ICE. We have been qualifying
your Educational Base in our guides to professionals, and then take a written test technicians and engineers and advising
qualifying, ICE 3001, ICE 3002, ICE 3003 and or assignment. other professionals for over 150 years.
ICE 3004, or by visiting If you have the determination and ability
The Review seeks to confirm your abilities and to succeed, there’s a place for you here.
If you lack the benchmark qualifications, we knowledge in a number of areas including: And, if there’s a place for you here,
can assess you on an individual basis. Formal there’s a place for you out there on
study, learning in the workplace or a mixture of ■ health, safety, welfare and the environment so many projects that could make the
the two can make up any academic shortfall. ■ engineering or technical/scientific world a better place.
knowledge and its application
For more information see ICE 3004 ■ professional commitment
Individual Routes. ■ communication and teamworking
■ the use of independent judgement to solve
Professional training engineering and related technical challenges
(Initial Professional Development) ■ economic and financial matters
For most potential members, Initial ■ technology and innovation
Professional Development (IPD) is a period ■ contract procedures and administration.
of work experience – after gaining a degree
or other Educational Base requirement – For more details on the Professional Review
when they are developing the knowledge, for each grade see our guides to qualifying,
skills and competence to practice as a ICE 3001, ICE 3002, ICE 3003 and ICE 3004,
professional. For each grade of membership, or visit
the standards for IPD are expressed as a set
of development objectives.
The value of professional qualification
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ICE publishes a series of guides that each
give all the information you will need on
every aspect of membership. These are
available to download at

ICE 3001 Route to Membership as

■ Member (MICE or IEng MICE)
■ Chartered Civil Engineer and CEng

ICE 3002 Route to Technician

Membership (EngTech TMICE)

ICE 3003 Route to Associate

Membership (AMICE)

ICE 3004 Individual Routes to membership

■ Concept
■ Exemption Routes
■ Educational Base
■ Technical Report Route (TRR)

ICE 3005 Development Objectives

ICE 3006 Continuing Professional

Development (CPD)

ICE 3007 Fellowship (FICE)

ICE 3008 Chartered

Environmentalist (CEnv)

ICE 3009 Specialist Registers

ICE operates a number of specialist
registers including:
■ Expert Witnesses
■ Arbitrators
■ Adjudicators
■ Conciliators
■ Health, Safety and Welfare Specialists
■ Conservation Accredited Engineers (CARE)
■ Reservoir Panel Engineers
■ Specialists in Land Condition
■ Civil Engineering Environmental Quality
Assessment Scheme assessors
■ Civil Engineering Environmental Quality
Assessment Scheme verifiers
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‘ is accordingly of importance that there

should be a ready means heretofore of
ascertaining persons who by proper
training and experience are qualified...’
Extract from Royal Charter

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