Enrichment Activities: Module 6: Activity 1

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Enrichment Module 6: Activity 1

Activities Direction: Complete the matrix below.

Title: Teaching Professional and the Teaching Profession Across the

ASEAN and beyond

The professional Educational What grade levels How are they

Teacher in Qualifications can they teach recruited

1. ASEAN ASEAN countries In the primary level, Teacher recruitment

have comparable teachers handle process and
academic teacher more than one qualifications are
education specialized subject. guided by the
preparations In fact, in some Ministry of Education
a. 12 years of basic countries including for the public schools
education and 2 the Philippines, all and the individual
years of teacher prep the subjects in the private schools
to earn a Diploma in grade level is taught under the guidance
Teaching by one teacher in a and policies of each
b. upper secondary self-contained country's ministry.
level- 12years + 4-5 classroom. In some
years of teacher cases, team teaching
preparation is practiced either
c. non education vertically or
degree graduates– horizontally. In the
take the post vertical team
graduate diploma in teaching, for
Education/Teaching example, elementary
d. all provides a Science will be
teaching practicum, taught by one
student teaching or science teacher from
field experience Grade I to Grade 6,
courses. This will while for the
provide them the horizontal team
opportunity to apply teaching, science will
the theories and be taught by one
concepts in the teacher in one level
content and with different
pedagogy courses in sections or groups.
real class situation. On the other hand,
in the secondary
level, the teacher
teaches the specific
subject area or major
area in the same
level or in different
grade levels, too.

2. China Teachers in China are Across programs, There is no

educated in one of including for primary standardized system
three types of schools, subject of teacher
schools: specialized knowledge is recruitment in China.
vocational upper emphasized more As is common in
secondary schools, than pedagogical many jurisdictions,
which qualify knowledge, as nearly teachers compete
teachers for all teachers teach a for positions in cities
preschool and single subject. In while rural areas
primary positions addition to subject suffer from a
with the equivalent knowledge, the shortage of
of a high school curriculum includes candidates. As a
diploma; normal general education, result, rural schools
colleges, which pedagogy, and often rely on “supply
typically train lower teaching practice. teachers,” or
secondary teachers teachers who are
for two years primarily substitutes.
following upper
secondary school;
and normal
universities, again
specifically for
teachers, which train
upper secondary
teachers in a four-
year bachelor’s
degree program.

3. Japan A bachelor's degree Japan is unique in Recruitment and

is essential for any how it assigns development of
formal teaching job teachers to schools. school leaders is left
in Japan. Some Teachers are hired at to the prefectures,
public schools and the prefectural level, although MEXT has
private recruiters not at the school developed training
prefer candidates level. Teachers’ materials for
with a CELTA/TEFL school assignments prefectures to use as
qualification and/or change every three they choose.
previous teaching years or so when
experience. Japanese they first start
language proficiency teaching, with fewer
is not required but changes later in their
can help secure a careers. This allows
better-paid job. the prefecture to
assign the strongest
teachers to the
schools and students
that need them the
most. This rotation
not only ensures that
the most
students have access
to the most capable
teachers, but helps
build capacity within
the profession.
Young teachers are
exposed to
teachers in a number
of different
environments with
the expectation that
they will learn from
and interact with
their peers.

4. USA Attended a college or The United States After following the

a university for four teacher education successful
years, major or system is tiered. completion of an
minor in education Generally, a high application process,
and earn a teaching school diploma is a superintendent
certificate. The needed to teach approves the
minimum academic young children (ages applicant and then
requirement is a 2-5); a bachelor's forwards a
Bachelor's degree in degree is required to recommendation to
special education or teach children from hire to the local
a related field (such kindergarten to 12th school board. Once
as developmental grade, and a signed, 1 teacher
psychology), most doctorate has hasa legally binding
teachers possess a become mandatory contract to work,
Master's degree and for teaching at the unless guilty of a
many earn a higher college or university crime, fails to show
qualification called level. teaching
an Education competency, or
Specialist degree. demonstrates
conduct. He /She is
expected to
complete teaching
during the term of
his/her contract,
with exception for
pregnancy, medical
leaves and

Activity 6.2

Direction: Make a Reflection on the given issue. Your answer will be rated using the rubric below.

The Global learning village has changed and will keep on changing. As you prepare to become
the Teacher of the 21stCentury, how will you prepare for this rapid change?

As can be seen, traditional classrooms no longer meet the educational needs of the
21st century. As a result, we must make significant changes in order to build a
classroom that inspires students to learn. Today's teachers employ a variety of
pedagogical approaches and various instructional methods.

The 21st-century classroom should be a productive setting where students may

develop the skills they will need in the future, based on the reality that our
educational system is changing with the help of technology. Students should be
encouraged to enhance their higher-order thinking skills in modern 21st-century
classrooms. The new classroom should be outfitted with cutting-edge technology
that will assist students in achieving new objectives. The focus of the classroom in
the 21st century should be on the students. Instead of simply imparting knowledge,
we teachers are required to facilitate the learning process.

We should give special attention to classrooms for young students since they
should be a place where they feel cared for and secure. It should be a wonderful
location to be, with a gorgeous setting and a creative atmosphere. Different
teaching approaches must be used. We should take an active role in their
education and professional development.

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