Computation of Additional Losses Due To Rotoreccentricity in Electrical Machines
Computation of Additional Losses Due To Rotoreccentricity in Electrical Machines
Computation of Additional Losses Due To Rotoreccentricity in Electrical Machines
ISSN 1751-8660
Abstract: This study investigates the effect of eccentric rotor on the power losses in electrical machines. The
investigations are carried out for an induction machine with PWM-voltage supply and in the cases of dynamic
and static eccentricity. The time-stepping two-dimensional finite element method, with coupled field and
circuit equations, is used for the simulations. The iron losses are computed through a dynamic loss model. It
is shown that the operation of the machine under eccentricity fault results in an increase of both resistive
and iron losses. Further the eccentricity causes additional torque modulation and unbalance magnetic pull
that result in additional bearing friction losses and wearing.
IET Electr. Power Appl., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 259– 266 259
doi: 10.1049/iet-epa.2009.0139 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010
In this paper, we investigate the effect of static and dynamic the total current through it i, and its dc-resistance R
eccentricity on the losses in an induction motor fed from ð
sinusoidal and PWM voltage sources. The investigation @A
u ¼ Ri þ R s dS (3)
method is described and the results from extensive S @t
simulations are presented. The core losses are computed
with a novel method [19] that allows for time tracking of The windings and rotor cage circuit equations are formed by
these losses. This is very important if we want to access the applying Kirchhoff’s laws and (3). The field in the end
phenomena behind the increasing losses in the iron core of windings is modelled by constant impedances in the circuit
the machine. The losses are separated into core and resistive equations. The circuit equations are simultaneously solved
losses in both the stator and rotor of the machine. Different with the field equations. A simplifying assumption is made
levels of eccentricity are simulated. Furthermore, the total on the current density in the stator winding that is assumed
forces acting on the eccentric rotor are presented for the to be uniform on each coil side. This is justified by the use of
reader to obtain an estimate of the increased friction losses. parallel and series connected thin wires to manufacture such a
winding. If the stator winding is form-wound, the method
Although a better estimate of the iron losses can be proposed in [21] is preferable. This method has not been
achieved with a dynamic hysteresis model of the magnetic applied here for the above-mentioned reasons. A complete
material incorporated into finite element (FE) routines description of the FE model used in this work is given in [22].
[20], this option has not been used in this paper for two
reasons. It requires a huge computation time and it is not The above equations are discretised in space and time.
possible to apply it in other commercial software. This last The obtained non-linear system of equations is then solved
option is an essential condition for the methods presented iteratively using Newton – Raphson iteration method.
here to be applied by other designers using commercial FE
software and not developing their own as is the case in
most manufacturing industry.
2.2 Motion and eccentricity
The field and winding circuit equations are written for the stator
and rotor separately and each in its own reference frame. The
2 Computational model field equations are then forced to match in the air gap through
additional air gap equations that are solved simultaneously
2.1 Time stepping FE with the other cross-sectional equations. The motion of the
In this study, the magnetic field in the cross-section of the rotor is modelled by re-creating the mesh in the air gap after
electrical machine is calculated using the two-dimensional rotating the rotor with an angle proportional to the time step
(2D) FEM with the time-stepping scheme. The FEM is and speed. This procedure makes it possible to keep the same
based on the A F formulation of the magnetic field (A is mesh in both the stator and rotor, whereas only the air gap
the magnetic vector potential and F the reduced scalar mesh is changed from step to step. The algorithm for
potential) and the Crank– Nicholson method is used for meshing the air gap after each time step is rather simple
time integration. The electrical machine is treated as a because of the regular geometry of the machine and the fact
quasi-static magnetic system. The equation to be solved in that the nodes on the boundary of the air gap (stator and rotor
the cross-section geometry of the machine is sides) are prescribed. The eccentricity of the rotor (Fig. 1) is
simulated by either moving the rotor or the stator mesh with
@A a fixed displacement from its original position to obtain,
r (nr A) ¼ s srF (1) respectively, dynamic and static eccentricity. Thus the only
affected part of the models mesh is still the air gap.
In the simulations of an electrical machine, the stator and
rotor cores are made of laminations and their conductivities 2.3 Forces and torque
are set to zero so that the right-hand term of (1) is null.
The reluctivity of iron, n is a non-linear function of the The total force acting on the eccentric rotor at each time step
magnetic vector potential, it is given in the program as a is computed in x- and y-component form. The computation
cubic spline of the square of the amplitude of the magnetic is based on the method of local Jacobian derivative [23],
flux density vector. In conductors such as the rotor bars where a given component of the force is
and stator windings, the reluctivity is that of vacuum and X ð T 1 @G ð kH k
T 1 @jGj
the gradient of the scalar potential can be defined as Fu ¼ B G Hþ B dH jGj dV
airgap Ve @u 0 @u
rF ¼ ez (2) (4)
with G is the Jacobian matrix for the transformation from the
where u is the voltage over the conductor and l the conductor reference element to the actual one, jGj its determinant, and u
length. Integrating the current density over the cross-section stands for either x or y. H and B are, respectively, the magnetic
of the conductors leads to a relation between the voltage u, field strength and the magnetic flux density vectors. Detailed
260 IET Electr. Power Appl., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 259– 266
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010 doi: 10.1049/iet-epa.2009.0139
In (7) – (9), kBk ¼ Bx2 þ By2 is the amplitude of the flux
density vector and u ¼ arctg(By =Bx ) is its angular position.
Bs is the saturation flux density. @ stands for an
infinitesimal variation of the quantities and kc , ke , kh , kr
and b are constants of the material that describe different
loss phenomena.
@kBk 1=2
@we ¼ ke j@kBkj (8) Figure 2 Comparison between the computed total losses
@t and measured ones at different voltage sources,
loads and frequencies (NL ¼ no-load, FL ¼ full-load,
1 (kBk=Bs )
@wh ¼ kh kBkj@kBkj þ kr kBkj@uj (9) sin ¼ sinusoidal voltage supply and fc ¼ frequency
1þ b(1 (kBk=Bs ))2 converter voltage supply)
IET Electr. Power Appl., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 259– 266 261
doi: 10.1049/iet-epa.2009.0139 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010
262 IET Electr. Power Appl., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 259– 266
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010 doi: 10.1049/iet-epa.2009.0139
Figure 7 Correlation of the eddy-current losses in the stator Figure 8 Force components acting on the rotor of the
core with the amplitude of the space vector of the supply machine under 10% static and dynamic eccentricity
voltage operation at FL
The machine was fed by PWM at full load in the presence of In the case of static eccentricity the force keeps in the same
no eccentricity. Low-voltage level results in decreased losses, direction but in the case of dynamic eccentricity the direction of
whereas high-voltage levels result in saturation and increased the force depends on the rotor position (this is better seen in
losses Fig. 9)
IET Electr. Power Appl., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 259– 266 263
doi: 10.1049/iet-epa.2009.0139 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010
Figure 9 Loci of the force acting on the rotor (left) and trajectory of the rotor centre (right) for different eccentricities
The simulations were started with the rotor at its centre position then gradually displaced to its final position or orbit. Although the rotor
was displaced along the x-axis, the static eccentricity produced forces on the y-axis too because of the slip
264 IET Electr. Power Appl., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 259– 266
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2010 doi: 10.1049/iet-epa.2009.0139
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