Leadership and Team Effectiveness Lecture - 33

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Motivation and Leadership
• Motivation
• Types and Importance of Motivation
• Motivational Approaches
• Leadership qualities to motivate and inspire your team
• Why Motivation Matters in Leadership
• Case Study
• Research Paper
• Book Recommendation
• References

• Motivation comes from the Latin word “movere”
which means, “to move”.
• The processes that account for an individual’s
intensity, direction, and persistence of effort
toward attaining a goal.
• Motivation is the process that initiates, guides,
and maintains goal-oriented behaviors.
• Motivation is an important factor which
encourages persons to give their best
performance and help in reaching enterprise

Image source; https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Components-of-motivation_fig44_323695129

Definitions of Motivation
Authors Definition
Berelson and A motive is an inner state that energizes, activates, or moves and
Steiner directs or channels behavior goals.
Jozef Cohen Motivation is the inner thrust behind behavior.
The Motivation refers to degree of readiness of an organism to pursue
Encyclopedia of some designated goal and implies the determination of the
Management nature and locus of the forces, including the degree of readiness.
Dubin Motivation is the complex of forces
starting and keeping a person at work in
an organization

Types of Motivation
• Intrinsic motivation
Intrinsic motivation can arise from self-generated factors that influence people’s
behavior. It is not created by external incentives.
• Extrinsic motivation
Extrinsic motivation occurs when things are done to or for people to motivate


Importance of Motivation
Broadly, the importance of motivation is as follow:

1. High level of performance

• Organization must ensure that the employees have a high degree of
motivation. A highly motivated employee put extra effort into work and
have a sense of belonging for the organization.
2. Low employee turn over and absenteeism
• Low level of motivation is a root cause of low turnover
and absenteeism. High level of absenteeism causes a low
level of production, poor quality, wastages and disruption
in production schedules.

Importance of Motivation
3. Acceptance of organization change
• Social change and technology evolution happens in the external environment
have greater impact on the motivation of the employee. Management must
ensure that the changes are introduced in the organization and its benefits
explained to the employees so that there is no resistance to change and
organizational growth is achieved.
4. Organizational image
• Employees are the mirrors of any organization. Regular
training & development programme should be organized
to keep employee updated with latest skills. It will have a
positive impact on the employees and the image of the
organization will be improved.

Five Motivational Approaches
Theory or Approach Major Themes of Characteristics
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Satisfy needs to change behavior
Achievement orientation Possess certain personality traits
Goal setting Set goals to change behavior
Operant approach Change rewards and punishments to change
Empowerment Give people autonomy
and latitude to increase
their motivation for work.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: How Does Context affect
Motivation? According to Maslow, people are
motivated by five basic types of needs.
These include the need to survive
physiologically, the need for security, the
need for affiliation with other people
(that is, belongingness), the need for
self-esteem, and the need for self-

Image source: https://saylordotorg.github.io/text_organizational-behavior-v1.1/s09-theories-of-motivation.html

1. Physiological needs - These are biological requirements for human survival, e.g.
air, food, drink, shelter, clothing, warmth, sleep.
2. Safety needs - After the first level the needs for security and safety become
salient. Financial security, health and wellness, safety against accidents and injury.
3. Love and belongingness needs- The third level of human needs is social and
involves feelings of belongingness. e.g.-Friendships, Family, Social groups,
Community groups.
4. Esteem needs- when the needs at the bottom three levels
have been satisfied, the esteem needs begin to play a more
prominent role in motivating behaviour. e.g.- status,
5. Self-actualization needs-Highest order need, refer to the
realization of a person's potential, self-fulfilment, seeking
personal growth and peak experiences. Source: https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html

Achievement Orientation: How Does Personality
Affect Motivation?
• Atkinson has proposed that an individual’s tendency to exert effort toward task
accomplishment depends partly on the strength of his or her motivation to achieve
success, or as Atkinson called it, achievement orientation.
• McClelland further developed Atkinson’s ideas and said that individuals with a
strong achievement orientation strive to accomplish socially acceptable endeavors
and activities.
• It looks at three need.
• Need for achievement (nAch) is the drive to excel, to
achieve in relationship to a set of standards.
• Need for power (nPow) is the need to make others
behave in a way they would not have otherwise.
Achievement Orientation: How Does Personality
Affect Motivation?(Cont.)
• Need for affiliation (nAff) is the desire for friendly and close interpersonal
• People with higher levels of achievement orientation are likely to do better in
school, pursue postgraduate degrees, get promoted more quickly, and get paid
higher salaries and bonuses than their lower-scoring counterparts.
• It is hardly surprising that achievement orientation is
often a key success factor for people who advance to the
highest levels of the organization.

Goal Setting: How Do Clear Performance Targets
Affect Motivation?
• One of the most familiar and easiest formal
systems of motivation
• According to Locke and Latham, goals are the
most powerful determinants of task behaviors.
• A theory that says that specific and difficult
goals, with feedback, lead to higher
• Goals should be "SMART“. which stands for
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and
Image Source; https://getlucidity.com/strategy-resources/guide-to-locke-s-goal-setting-theory/

Goal Setting: How Do Clear Performance Targets
Affect Motivation?
• Leaders wanting to improve individual or team performance should set high but
achievable goals and express confidence and support that the followers can get
the job done.
• The Pygmalion effect occurs when leaders articulate high expectations for
followers; in many cases these expectations alone will lead to higher-performing
followers and teams.
• The Golem effect occurs when the leaders have little
faith in their followers’ ability to accomplish a goal, they
are rarely disappointed by the non-achievement by their

The Operant Approach: How Do Rewards
and Punishment Affect Motivation?
• One popular way to change the direction, intensity, or persistence of behavior is
through rewards and punishments.
• When properly implemented, there is ample evidence to show that the operant
approach can be an effective way to improve follower motivation and

Image Source: https://thepeakperformancecenter.com/educational-learning/learning/theories/types-behavioral-learning/operant-conditioning/

• Using operant principles properly for improving followers’ motivation and
performance requires several steps:
1. Clearly specify what behaviors are important.
2. Determine if those behaviors are currently being punished, rewarded, or
3. Find out what followers find rewarding and punishing.
4. Be careful while creating perceptions of inequity when administering
individually tailored rewards.
5. Leaders should not limit themselves to administering
organizationally sanctioned rewards and punishments.
6. Leadership practitioners should administer rewards and
punishments in a contingent manner whenever possible.
Empowerment: How Does Decision-Making Latitude
Affect Motivation?
• Empowerment is the final approach to motivation.
• Some people believe empowerment is about
delegation and accountability; it is a top-down
process in which senior leaders articulate a vision
and specific goals and hold followers responsible for
achieving them.
• Others believe empowerment is more of a bottom
up approach that focuses on intelligent risk taking,
growth, change, trust, and ownership; followers act
as entrepreneurs and owners who question rules
and make intelligent decisions.

Empowerment: How Does Decision-Making Latitude
Affect Motivation?
• The psychological components of empowerment can be examined at both
macro and micro levels.
• Three macro psychological components underlie empowerment are:
motivation, learning, and stress.
• There are also four micro components of empowerment.
• These components can be used to determine whether
employees are empowered or unempowered, and
include self-determination, meaning, competence,
and influence.

The Empowerment Continuum
Empowered Employees Unempowered Employees

• Self-determined • other-determined

• Sense of meaning • Not sure if what they do is important

• Low competence
• High competence
• Low influence
• High influence

Leadership qualities to motivate and inspire your team
1. Provide a vision and purpose
2. Set clear goals
3. Lead by example
4. Encourage teamwork
5. Be optimistic and positive
6. Give praise and rewards
7. Communicate with the team
8. Empower team members


Why Motivation Matters in Leadership
There are nine reasons why motivation matters in Leadership:

1. Motivated Members Make for a Stronger Team

2. Better Communication Equates to More Success
3. Projecting a Positive Attitude Is Paramount
4. Focus on Intrinsic Over Extrinsic Motivation
5. Make Individual Connections That Communicate the “Why”
6. Praise Team Members and Build Motivation
7. Hold People Accountable and Provide Feedback
8. Ask Questions Often and Work Towards Solutions
9. Promote a Healthy Working Lifestyle

Case Study: Attaching the Carrot to the Stick
• It seems like common sense that people work harder when there are incentives at
stake, but many scholars questions this premise. Alfie Kohn has long suggested that
workers are punished by rewards and urges that organizations avoid tying rewards
to performance because of the negative consequence that can result. As an
alternative to rewards, some experts recommend that managers foster a positive,
upbeat work environment in hopes that enthusiasm will translate into motivation.
• Although rewards can be motivating, they can reduce
employees' intrinsic interest in the tasks they are doing.
Although these lines, Mark Pepper of Stanford University
found that children who were not rewarded for using the
pens were eager to use them. And neuroimaging
researcher at Cal Tech found that when incentives reached
a certain threshold, the brain's reward center began to shut
down and people become distracted.
• According to Vikran Chib, the lead researcher on the project, people begin to worry
about losing the carrot when the stakes get too high, which leads to failure.
• Rewards can also lead to misbehavior by workers. Psychologist Edward Deci notes,"
Once you start making people' reward dependent on outcomes rather than
behaviors, the evidence is people will take the shortest route to those outcome."
Consider factory workers paid purely based on the number of units produce.
Because only quantity is rewarded, workers may neglect quality. Executives
rewarded strictly on the basis of the quarterly stock price will tend to ignore the
long term profitability and survival of the firm; they might even engage in illegal or
unethical behavior to increase their compensation.
• Some rewards may also have legal implications. An
increasing number of companies are providing financial
rewards to employees who meet health goals or participate
in wellness programs, but such efforts raise concerns about
discrimination against this unable to reach the goals.

• Incentives might not motivate employees to take a More active role in managing their
health in any case. As David Anderson, vice president And chief health office at
StayWell Health Management says, "An incentive itself doesn't necessarily buy
engagement. It buys compliance."
• However, the majority of research cited in this And the previous chapter shows that
individual given rewards for behavior will be more likely to engage in the rewarded
behaviors. It is also unlikely that individuals engaged in very boring, repetitive tasks
will lose their intrinsic motivation to begin with. The real issue for managers is finding
another appropriate way to reward behaviors so desired behavior is increased while
less-desired behavior is reduced.

1. Do you think that, as a manager, you should use incentives regularly? Why
or Why not?
2. Can you think of a time in your own life when the possibility of receiving an
incentive reduced your motivation?
3. What employee behaviors do you think might be best encouraged by
offering incentive rewards?

Research Paper

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between
educational leadership and teacher's motivation. The research
described here was anchored in the convergence of two
fundamental theories of leadership and motivation: the full range
model of leadership and self‐determination theory. The central
hypotheses were that transformational leadership would predict
autonomous motivation among teachers, whereas transactional
leadership would predict controlled motivation.
Research Paper
The authors further predicted that autonomous motivation would mediate the relations
between transformational leadership and teachers' burnout and that controlled motivation
would mediate the relations between transactional leadership and burnout.

Questionnaires assessing the variables of interest were completed by 122 Israeli teachers.

Results, based on structure equation modeling, supported the
hypotheses, suggesting that leadership styles among school
principals play a significant role in teachers' motivation and

Research Paper
Research limitations/implications
The school's environment in Western society is characterized by many impositions and
pressures that affect teachers' well‐being, as reflected in their quality and intensity of
motivation, affect, and burnout. Thus, the present research findings suggest that if the
power in educational systems is delegated to school principals, and if the latter are
encouraged and trained to be autonomy supportive toward their educational staff, then
these steps may potentially facilitate teachers' autonomous motivation, satisfaction,
and well‐being
Few studies have examined the relationship between various
styles of leadership and different types of motivation among
followers. The present novel study has the potential to fill this
gap by empirically studying the relationship between
educational leadership and teachers' motivation.

Book Recommendations
Understanding motivation and
Authors: Johnmarshall Reeve
Language: English
Paperback: 560 Pages
ISBN-10 : 1119441285
ISBN-13 : 978-1119441281

Image Source: https://www.wiley.com/en-au/Understanding+Motivation+and+Emotion%2C+7th+Edition-p-9781119367604

Book Recommendations
The past ten years have seen an explosion of useful research
surrounding human motivation and emotion; new insights allow
researchers to answer the perennial questions, including "What do
people want?" and "Why do they want what they want?" By
delving into the roots of motivation, the emotional processes at
work, and the impacts on learning, performance, and well-being,
this book provides a toolbox of practical interventions and
approaches for use in a wide variety of settings. Useful in schools,
the workplace, clinical settings, health care, sports, industry,
business, and even interpersonal relationships, these concepts are
profoundly powerful; incorporated into the state-of-the-art
intervention programs detailed here, they can enhance people's
motivation, emotion, and outlook while answering the core
questions of any human interaction. Image Source: https://www.wiley.com/en-au/Understanding+Motivation+and+Emotion%2C+7th+Edition-p-9781119367604
• Eyal, O. and Roth, G. (2011), "Principals' leadership and teachers' motivation:
Self‐determination theory analysis", Journal of Educational Administration,
Vol. 49 No. 3, pp. 256-275. https://doi.org/10.1108/09578231111129055
• Hughes, R. L., Ginnette, R. C., & Curphy, G. J. (2012). LEADERSHIP: enhancing
the lessons of experience. In LEADERSHIP: enhancing the lessons of
• Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. (2007). Organizational behavior. Upper Saddle
River, N.J: Pearson/Prentice Hall.


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